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Four major writings providing perspective on epistemology.
Formal epistemology is a young but vibrant field of research in analytic philosophy. is chapter highlights its major achievements and gives a sense of what can be accomplished by addressing problems from mainstream epistemology with the use of logic, probability theory, computer simulations, and other formal tools. e historical roots of the field are also described, and there is a discussion of new questions that have been raised by formal epistemology that should also be of interest to mainstream epistemologists. Formal epistemology is a flourishing subfield of analytic philosophy characterized both by its matter and method. Its subject matter is epistemology, the theory of knowledge. Its method for investigating this subject matter involves the use of formal, logico-mathematical devices. Formal epistemologists attempt to break new ground on traditional epistemological questions using an ever expanding and improving set of such devices. And the philosophical application of various formal devices has itself given rise to a host of new, hotly debated epistemological questions. In this entry, we begin by discussing the discipline of formal epistemology, its historical background, and foundations (Section 1). en, we summarize some recent work in formal epistemol-ogy, both as it pertains to traditional epistemological puzzles (Section 2) and puzzles born out of the development of formal epistemology (Section 3).
Philosophical Studies, 2006
Metascience, 2017
Until the publication of this collection of essays, there were two significant barriers to the growth of formal epistemology. First, instructors lacked a textbook that could be used in graduate seminars. Second, early-career researchers like me lacked a reference book that anthologized the most important contributions to the discipline. This volume fills both gaps. Other than Isaac Levi's contribution, all of the essays in the book have been published before. In fact, some contributions, e.g., Nozick's ''Knowledge and Skepticism,'' have been republished many times. Nonetheless, the editors perform a valuable service in collecting and organizing a set of essays that can provide the dedicated reader with a firm and comprehensive background in formal epistemology. In particular, this nearly thousand-page volume contains at least one paper devoted to each of the most common frameworks for modeling individual learning, including Bayesianism, belief revision theory, formal learning theory, ranking theory, and various epistemic logics. The final section of the book explores a few issues in social epistemology, i.e., the study of multiple learners interacting. The book contains five parts: (1) Bayesian epistemology, (2) belief change, (3) decision theory, (4) logics of knowledge and belief, and (5) interactive epistemology. These titles, however, are a bit misleading. Part Two is narrower than its title indicates. Rather than ''belief change,'' Part Two ought to be called ''belief revision theory'' with an asterisk noting that Spohn's article, ''A Survey of Ranking Theory,'' addresses belief change in a different way. In contrast, Part Four is broader than its title suggests. Several of its papers, including Lewis' ''Elusive Knowledge'' and Kelly's ''Learning Theory and Epistemology,'' have influenced the development of epistemology outside of epistemic logic. Holliday (2015), for example, has recently employed epistemic logic to study a host of theories of knowledge,
Quantum Mechanics, Mathematics, Cognition and Action, 2002
The Centre pour la Synthèse d'uneÉpistemologie Formalisée, henceforth briefly named CeSEF, was founded in June 1994 by a small group of scientists working in various disciplines, with the definite aim to synthesize a "formalized epistemology" founded on the methods identifiable within the foremost modern scientific disciplines. Most of the founders were already authors of well-known works displaying a particular sensitivity to epistemological questions. But the aim that united us was new. This aim along with the peculiar choice of its verbal expression are thoroughly discussed in the Introduction. In the present volume, we publish the first harvest of explorations and constructive proposals advanced in pursuit of our goal. The contributions are expressive also of the views of those who shared only our beginnings and then left us 1 ; they equally reflect input from those who participated in our workshops but did not contribute to this volume. We are indebted to the Association Naturalia et Biologica for having supported with a donation the publication of this volume. The camera-ready form of this book we owe to the patient and meticulous labor of Ms. Jackie Gratrix. The superb job she has done is herewith gratefully acknowledged.
Philosophical Quarterly, 2004
A Priori Justification. By Albert Casullo.Epistemic Justification: Internalism vs Externalism, Foundations vs Virtues. By Laurence BonJour and Ernest Sosa.New Essays on Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge. Edited by Susana Nuccetelli.Pathways to Knowledge: Private and Public. By Alvin I. Goldman.The Sceptics: Contemporary Essays. Edited by Steven Luper.Thinking about Knowing. By Jay F. Rosenberg.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Logic as a philosophical discipline originated in ancient Greece, at about the same time as mathematics was constituted as a deductive science. From ancient times two logical systems have survived – the Aristotelian syllogistic logic and the Stoic propositional logic. It took almost two thousand years, until in the works of Boole, Frege and Peano logic was turned into a formal discipline. The resulting synthesis, which was created by Whitehead and Russell, has brought a remarkable unification of the ideas of these authors. It seems that epistemology is recently undergoing formalization similar to the one occurring in logic in the 19th century.
Essays in Philosophy, 2008
All in all, this is a useful book, but perhaps more suitable to people who are not in a hurry, and should surely be supplemented by a good anthology of very recent papers.
Penultimate draft of Introduction to a special issue of Discourse Studies V. 18, no. 2 on "The epistemics of Epistemics." The published draft is available through the journal Discourse Studies.
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