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Including a thesis possibly by Jesus, and an unknown.
Bulletin for Biblical Research, 2020
and Mao Dun come into view, in some cases for quite substantial treatment. Readers already conversant with all of these individuals probably have little to learn from this volume. A delicious irony is the warning against "parontocentrism," defined as "the fallacy of taking the present as a normative point of departure in studying the past" (col. 662). Is this not at the core of Troeltsch's triad of Kritik-Anologie-Korrelation, the backbone of historical-critical method, and still prevalent in social-scientific readings, which depend by definition on models validated by current convictions often characterized by transience? Little wonder, then, when Bible interpreters find "no clear answers" regarding apartheid or homosexuality (col. 250) in Scripture, discover "masculinity" in the Bible to be a matter of contingencies still being determined by current preferences and behaviors (col. 669), and "Masculinity Studies" (cols. 1248-56) to point to the finding that "the Bible itself.. . seeks to undercut any hegemonic version of masculinity (see, e.g., Gal 3:28)" (col. 1255). So much depends on definitions. Whether discerning hermeneutical complexities like the above or historical challenges like the identity of the 13 different figures in the Bible called Malchijah, the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception in its eventual 30-volume fullness is an invaluable resource for tracing the vast expanses and effects of scriptural investigation and interpretation across centuries and cultures.
The Independent Scholar, 2023
This journal article offers a close reading of Jefferson's Bible and elucidates the ethical philosophy of the historical Jesus. Link to journal's page (The Independent Scholar) below:
A bibliography of works broadly relevant to Christian apologetics. This document will be periodically updated. Lists about 2400 works as at 28 Feb 2024
Journal of Gospels and Acts Research, 2023
Journal of Moral Theology, 2013
Conclusion: Learning to Live in the Wisdom of Christ 173 Questions for Study and Reflection 191 Select Resources on Christ and Wisdom 197 Index of Scripture and Extrabiblical References 201 Index of Subjects and Names 213 ix Series Introduction BELIEVERS TODAy need high-quality literature that attracts them to good theology and builds them up in their faith. Currently, readers may find several sets of lengthy-and rather technicalbooks on Reformed theology, as well as some that are helpful and semipopular. Explorations in Biblical Theology takes a more midrange approach, seeking to offer readers the substantial content of the more lengthy books, while striving for the readability of the semipopular books. This series includes two types of books: (1) some treating biblical themes and (2) others treating the theology of specific biblical books. The volumes dealing with biblical themes seek to cover the whole range of Christian theology, from the doctrine of God to last things. Representative early offerings in the series focus on the empowering by the Holy Spirit, justification, the presence of God, preservation and apostasy, and substitutionary atonement. Examples of works dealing with the theology of specific biblical books are volumes on the theology of 1 and 2 Samuel, Psalms, and Isaiah in the Old Testament, and books on the theology of Mark, Romans, and James in the New Testament. Explorations in Biblical Theology is written for college seniors, seminarians, pastors, and thoughtful lay readers. These volumes are intended to be accessible and not obscured by excessive references to Hebrew, Greek, or theological jargon. Each book seeks to be solidly Reformed in orientation, because the writers love the Reformed faith. The various theological themes and biblical books are treated from the perspective of biblical theology. Writers either trace doctrines through And last but not least, to my editor, Robert Peterson, who for many years has been a teacher, a writing mentor, a friend, and most of all a faithful Christian brother.
The American Mathematical Monthly, 1951
SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance, 2021
Историческая память и российская идентичность / под. ред. В.А. Тиш¬кова, Е.А. Пивневой. М., 2018. С. 467-486, 2018
JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan)
Der Nervenarzt, 2015
Corrosion Science, 2010
Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture , 2024
International Journal of General Medicine, 2012
As-Sidanah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Panoramic and Immersive Media Studies Yearbook, 2024
Base de datos No. 1 , 2025
Estudios De Economia, 1996
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2008
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2015
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2017
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
Environmental Communication-a Journal of Nature and Culture, 2010