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The rating system adopted is unconventional, and not a conventional unity / over-unity rating. It is merely designed to weigh the merits of one perpetual motion machine compared to another.
The bet between two elite intellectuals which is witnessed by more elite scientists (especially in physics) inspired the revisit of the aged topic of perpetual motion machines. The main substance in the bet, a sportive car the Blackbird, could run downwind at a sustainable faster-than-wind speed only on the wind energy induced by its own motion, which indicate the viability of the fourth kind of perpetual motion machines, a realistic one that would not need a constant energy supply from external sources while keep running without violating the thermodynamic laws. This paper elaborates the meaning, mechanism, and application potential of the fourth kind of perpetual motion machines, especially its weak type which could realistically run for a long time (years) without the need of the frequent replenishment of energy.
Substantia, 2019
By now, everyone knows that 2019 has been dedicated to the International Year of the Periodic Table of the chemical elements (IYPT) by UNESCO. At the very least, this is true for the chemical community and science teachers and popularizers at large. On many occasions during this year, historical accounts have been provided by specialists and profane alike. The year 2019 was chosen precisely because it corresponds to the 150th anniversary of the first publication of a classification of the then known elements by Dmitrii Ivanovitch Mendeleev (transcribed from the Russian as Dmítriy Ivánovich Mendeléyev), a classification he ended up calling a periodic system when publishing it.
Metall Goslar Germany, 2008
Revista I+i, Volumen 05, Número 01, 2011
While most chemists agree on what is a metal and what is a non-metal, there is a disagreement as to what is a metalloid and what is a transition metal. It is believed that this problem can be solved if two new terms are adopted: typical and less typical metals. These new terms will also help reconcile the European Periodic Table versus the North American in regards of the numbering of groups as well as the IUPAC numbering which could be as well abandoned in favour of group names as will be shown in the manuscript. Author: Fathi Habashi, Laval University
In this writing, a geometrically definitive system assembled from simple mass parts of basic mathematical forms would be presented. The definiteness of the geometrical configuration of the system as described in the writing makes it possible to mathematically determine all the dynamic parameters including the angular acceleration, either analytically or numerically. By ignoring friction, we might obtain the analytical solution of the angular acceleration of the system, from which we might find that, except for few isolated points of zero angular acceleration, this system only has one direction (clockwise) accelerations which makes those isolated points of zero acceleration to be unstable equilibrium positions, and thus once the system starts to rotate, it would keep running with ever increasing angular velocity until the system collapses due to material failure. Thus this system would substantially breach thermodynamics laws.
It is probably a surprise to most people that the periodic table they remember from high school chemistry is not the only periodic table – and never has been. Currently there are probably over a thousand different forms. The table in your chemistry textbook or on the wall chart in your chemistry classroom is not the periodic table. It is simply the most commonly used form. In fact, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the international standards-making body for chemistry, has stated that although they encourage the use of this form, they will not endorse any one form of the periodic table as the periodic table. So where did this form come from? How did it come to be the current standard form of the periodic table? Most writing on the periodic table does not address such questions. For what is widely regarded as an icon of science, little is actually known about the origin of its form. This dissertation aims to answer the questions of how the current standar...
Discussion of debates concerning the positions of various elements in the periodic system, including H, He, La, Ac, Lu and Lr. The author's maximization of atomic number triads approach is proposed in order to solve these placement issues. Hydrogen ends up in group 17, while He remains in group 18. Lu and Lr form the 3rd and 4th members of group 3.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
جستارهای باستان شناسی پیش از اسلام, 2021
Pädiatrie & Pädologie, 2023
Green Chemistry, 2022
Procedia Engineering, 2015
Professionals in Business Journal - Special 2024 Q1: Theories Edition, 2024
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2001
Journal of cardiovascular and thoracic research, 2023
2014 43rd International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2014
Derecho de la comunicación, selección de casos prácticos. Obra adaptada al Grado en Derecho , 2019
Nonlinear Analysis-theory Methods & Applications, 2002
Egyptian Journal of Mass Communication Research, 2025