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2019, DRAFT
8 pages
1 file
For my answer I focused especially on systems behaviors. Some credit to John Miller, Brian Coppedge, Yan Yang, Michael Coppedge, Edmund Scarpa, and Jonathan Berkowitz (in addition to Nathan Coppedge) for contributing to the theory.
This paper draws upon the work of Wilfred Sellars, Jerry Fodor, and Ruth Millikan to argue against epistemological holism and semantic holism. In the first section, I contend that contrary to confirmation holism, there are individual beliefs ("basic beliefs") that receive nondoxastic/noninferential warrant. In the earliest stages of cognitive development, modular processes produce beliefs about how things are. The disadvantage of this type of basic belief is that the person may have possessed information that should have defeated it but was not taken into account by the module. For this reason, at more advanced stages of cognitive development, basic beliefs concern how things appear to be. These appearance beliefs are not formed holistically but should be checked against background beliefs before someone infers how things are. In the second section I argue against functional role semantics / inferential role semantics. Championing teleosemantics, I argue that many concepts' meanings are not determined by the meanings of other concepts. Rather, many concepts are skills of knowing how to identify of what the concept is. These skills can be developed independently of other beliefs or skills and are in an important sense theory-neutral.
Could there be ways not yet tried, approaches not considered, a scientific method not yet followed which might lead us to discover the good and meaning and purpose of nature? Could there be a method which would help us discover, not only how to stay alive on this planet earth – but how to really live? Might such knowledge also have explanatory power for nature? Could we make great discoveries of what is, with our knowledge of what ought to be? It is the scope of this paper to poke our mind into this scientifically and socially subversive question.
The thesis presented in this metaphysical essay states that we are natural systems living in a world determined by a perfect weaving of causes of various kinds, and so it is impossible for a free act to be a hole in this net. Once I will have explained the rational, philosophical, and scientific value of causal determinism, the main problem will be to imagine what free will could possible be within a nature causally determined. I will say thenjoining and extending the tradition of the doctrine of necessitythat each person is identical to his own necessity; that free will, if it means anything, is the internalization of causal determinism, the subjective assimilation and expression of necessity.
"Redeeming Mathematics is a valuable addition the growing literature on the relationship between mathematics and Christian belief. Poythress's treatment of three distinct dimensions of mathematics-as transcendent abstract truths, as part of the physical world, and as comprehensible to human beings-is a unique and helpful addition to the conversation on this relationship. The book is accessible to nonspecialists, but even those who are well-versed in these matters will find much to interest and challenge them. "
Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2013
This paper analyzes the impact of the 'Farm Modernization and Development Program' (PREDEG) on the technology uptake and productivity of Uruguayan farmers. Using a unique panel dataset, we combine propensity score matching techniques and fixed effects models to estimate the program's impact. Although the results vary according to the crops, we found consistent evidences that the program increased the rate of adoption of certified varieties and the density of plantation. However, there is only limited evidence of its effects on productivity. Interestingly, there is evidence that the program helped producers cope with an illness, indicating that these services might be effective in negative productivity contexts. This paper constitutes one of the first attempts to apply standard impact evaluation techniques to policy aimed at supporting the technological development of agricultural producers. JEL CODES: Q12, Q16, H43
Some papers written at BC 2013-4. Mainly on science. As with all the drafts, work in progress. But if anything is useful, please feel free.
Umbr(a): A Journal of the Unconscious - Special Issue on Utopia, 2008
Although it does not need any justification to explore the rich legacy of Greek philosophy, an account of its lasting insights does need lifting out the significant elements of continuity, while disregarding those stances that reflect elements of discontinuity. With a sense of critical solidarity this investigation mainly focuses on two brilliant insights present in the philosophical works of Aristotle. The first one concerns the legal-ethical principle of equity. Since the universal scope of a law cannot possibly foresee all the unique circumstances that may occur in the future, it does happen that in a particular instance applying the law will lead to an injustice, in which case the applicable law has to be set aside on behalf of equity. However, the law itself cannot be eliminated since it is a condition for a stable legal order. The second one focuses on the remarkable fact that modern set theory still conforms to the two criteria which Aristotle stipulated for continuity. Aristotle held the view that something continuous must be infinitely divisible and that each point of division must be taken twice, namely as starting-point and as end-point. What appears to be perplexing is that whereas Aristotle rejects the actual infinite, modern set theory accepts it! This apparent contradiction becomes understandable (and is eliminated) once it is realised that the two alternative approaches merely represent different aspectual perspectives: when these two conditions are observed from the angle of approach of the aspect of space, only the successive infinite is needed (surfacing in the infinite divisibility of what is continuous – Aristotle's approach), and when they are accounted for from the perspective of the numerical aspect, the actual infinite (the idea of an infinite totality) is required (Cantor-Dedekind).
Sahithya Pravarthaka Co op Society, 2014
International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, 2021
International Journal of American Linguistics, 2013
LII Convegno Internazionale della Ceramica. Ceramica ligure e ceramica siciliana a confronto. Savona - Genova 11-12 ottobre 2019
Самохин А.В. Бытовая живопись и портрет: на границе жанров // Художественная культура. 2024. № 3. С. 382-411.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2015
Ulrike Harmat (ed.), Das Erbe der Habsburgermonarchie in den Nachfolgestaaten (Brüche und Kontinuitäten), Wien, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2025, pp. 493-514
World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2023
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2012
GE Jornal Português de Gastrenterologia, 2013
International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 1991