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Part of ongoing investigations into exceptional properties, some of them mechanical, some of them heuristic or metaphysical. The argument that perpetual motion is impossible magic in a very clever way suggests the occult may ultimately be very possible and commonplace, concomitant with increasing human intelligence. It may be noted that geniuses such as Isaac Newton and Leanardo da Vinci took some interest in subjects such as alchemy, although sometimes with a critical perspective.
Millions of people around the world today use digital tools and platforms to create and share sophisticated cultural artifacts. This book focuses on one such platform: Instagram. It places Instagram image culture within a rich cultural and historical context, including history of photography, cinema, graphic design, and social media, contemporary design trends, music video, and k-pop. At the same it uses Instagram as a window into the identities of first truly global generation connected by common social media platforms, programming languages, and visual aesthetics. The book demonstrates how humanistic close reading and computational analysis of large datasets can work together by drawing on the work in Manovich's Cultural Analytics Lab with 16 million Instagram photos shared in 17 large cities worldwide since 2012.
Esta es una copia no controlada si carece de sello en el reverso de sus hojas, en cuyo caso se advierte al lector que su contenido puede ser objeto de modificaciones posteriores a la fecha de edición sin que se le pueda informar directamente de tales cambios. En tal caso, antes de tomar decisiones basadas en el contenido del presente documento contacte con el responsable de Gestión de Calidad para verificar que su copia sigue vigente.
Comprendre les savoir-faire métallurgiques antiques et médiévaux. L'expérimentation archéologique et archéométrique sur la plate-forme expérimentale de Melle, 2012
""Résumé : Les expérimentations menées à Melle de 2007 à 2009 se sont appuyées sur des recherches préexistantes qui, si elles avaient permis de connaître un peu mieux la chaîne opératoire de fabrication de la monnaie grecque, comportaient certaines lacunes que l’archéologie expérimentale semblait à même de résoudre. En recréant un atelier monétaire dans des conditions aussi proches de l’Antiquité que possible, notre équipe a dû faire face aux problématiques liées à la fabrication des flans et à la frappe monétaire. Il ressort de ces trois sessions d’expérimentations deux éléments de réponse. Premièrement, s’il est possible d’obtenir des flans en bronze très proches des objets antiques, il n’en est pas de même pour l’argent où de nouvelles expérimentations devront être menées pour déterminer la méthode de fabrication, la coulée en moules ouverts ayant été écartée. Deuxièmement, il a été observé que la frappe des monnaies de bronze usait les coins monétaires de manière plus importante que la frappe de monnaies en argent. Abstract: Experiments on Greek minting techniques held in Melle from 2007 to 2009 lied on preexisting research which, even if they gave some new information on the operational sequence work to produce Greek coins, presents some gaps that experimental archaeology seemed able to fill. By recreating a mint workshop in conditions as close as possible from Antiquity, our team faced problems linked to the monetary blanks fabrication as well as the striking process. First of all, if it is possible to produce bronze blanks similar to those of Antiquity, it is not the case concerning silver ones where new experiments are needed to understand the whole process, the pouring into open moulds being discarded. Secondly, it was shown that striking bronze coins lead to a quicker wear than striking of silver coins.""
Nur Asliyanti, 2022
Rendahnya motivasi belajar tentunya akan berpengaruh pada pencapaian kompetensi siswa, hal ini juga dapat menyebabkan rendahnya Keterbatasan dan lemahnya kreatifitas guru dalam merencanakan pembelajaran, membuat media pembelajaran, dan mengelolah kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran yang variatif yang sesuai dengan karakter siswa di kelas, menjadi penyebab kurangnya motivasi peserta didik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Padahal, motivasi belajar siswa itu sendiri merupakan salah satu aspek yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan belajar. Sehingga perlu menerapkan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dengan pendekatan TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge). Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi siswa dalam belajar pada materi teks procedure. Dampak dengan diterapkanya model pembelajaran PBL dengan pendekatan TPACK ( youtube, canva dan powerpoint) ini terhadap siswa yaitu: Siswa sangat tertantang untuk menggali materi sendiri dalam menyusun pembelajarannya, Mereka mencari informasi dengan browsing dari internet dengan belajar sendiri maupun diskusi kelompok. Peserta didik sangat senang karena berperan aktif sebagai pelaku atau subjek dalam menggali informasi, Dengan aktif terlibat dalam mencari sumber informasi baru ini mereka menjadi mengerti dan tidak pasif seperti pada pembelajaran model ceramah, Siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, Siswa tidak bosan dalam mengikuti proses pembelajarPembelajaran menjadi lebih menyenangkan, aktif, dan bermakna untuk siswa, Motivasi belajar siswa meningkat, Siswa berani mempresentasikan hasil diskusi di depan kelas dengan baik dan benar, Pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa dapat terlaksana, Faktor keberhasilan dari dari strategi pembelajaran ini yaitu nilai siswa dipengerjakan LKPD dan instrumen penilaian lumayan bagus. sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Kualitas pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris khususnya materi Procedure text sebelum diterapakan model Probelem Based Learning dengan pendekatan TPACK masih sangat rendah dan tidak adanya motivasi belajar. Namun setelah diterapkan Problem Based Learning dengan Pendekatan TPACK mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan hasil Kerja LKPD dan Instrument evaluasi yang bagus. Selain Itu juga Peserta didik lebih semangat belajar dan pembelajaran sudah berfokus pada siswa. Pembelajaran Procedure text dengan model pembelajaran PBL dengan pendekatan TPACK layak dijadikan praktik baik pembelajaran yang berorientasi HOTS karena dapat meingkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam melakukan transfer pengetahuan, berpikir kritis, dan pemecahan masalah.
Somaesthetics has been adapted as a theoretical foundation for explaining the aesthetic experience of interaction. However, the practice of somaesthetics remains relatively unexplored in HCI, and it has potential to improve the ideation process of interactive product design by improving designers and developers' sensibility of haptic, dynamic, and invisible qualities of movements. We introduce somaesthetic reflection, a somatic introspection method in pragmatic somaesthetics, and explore its impact on the ideation through a practical workshop. This study revealed that somaesthetic reflection helps the participants experience and recognize unconscious movements and coordination of movements, which further contributes to discovery of design issues in the ideation, and more effective experience prototyping of interaction with moving products. The characteristics of the design approaches found in this study are discussed.
Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia
THE question of church music has been much before the world of late. The discussion, at first confined to specialists, is now rapidly spreading to the general public, the musical and the unmusical, the faithful and the faithless. It may be useful, therefore, to bring out as clearly as possible the fundamental principle of the art of musical prayer, in order that principle, and not caprice, may be brought to bear to the solution of the problem. It is, then, with principles that I propose to deal. Should a concrete school-of art be deduced in the course of these pages, it is not by way of limitation, but of illustration. First, then, we want an adequate test of church music, an explicit standard of artistic value. We have been too long content to make beauty. in the music as music the Alpha and Omega of such test, a method wholly inadequate in this case. For church music is an art made up of two elements, music and prayer,' and it cannot be judged by the value of one of its elements tested as a separate entity. We need a test that applies to the art as a whole, and we find it in the simple formula " Lex orandi lex cantandi. " Here the crux of the whole matter; the law of prayer must be the law of song, both that our prayer (I use the word prayer, not in the sense of a mere petition, but in its wider meaning, a lifting of mind and heart to God) may be good art and that our art may be good prayer. Prayer and music must so combine as to make one art; the music must pray, the prayer-must sing. Otherwise the prayer is forgotten in the detached beauty of the music, or the music is forgotten in the detached beauty of the prayer. Unless the prayer and song thus rise to heaven as a single " spiritual groaning, " unless they become one, merged in a true marriage of the spirit, their association is an offense both artistic
A research on copyright issues impacting artists emotional states in the framework of artificial intelligence, 2024
Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research, 2015
European Project Space on Intelligent Technologies, Software engineering, Computer Vision, Graphics, Optics and Photonics, 2016
Biodiversity and Ecology, 2012
Studies in English Language and Education, 2021
Öncül Analitik Felsefe, 2024
XXIII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2021, Chilecito, La Rioja), 2021
Frontiers in physiology, 2024
Diálogos, 2006
One health outlook, 2023
RevistAleph, 2016
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 2020