The Multi-location Trilemma
Damiano Costa and Claudio Calosi
This is the final draft of an article forthcoming in Erkenntnis.
To the memory of Josh Parsons
1 Introduction
Can a single entity have more than one exact location? In other words, is multilocation possible? On the one hand, several metaphysical theories require it to
be possible for a single entity to be exactly located at several regions.
Realists about so-called immanent universals,1 for example, usually require them
to be located whenever and wherever they are exemplified, so that a single
universal turns out to be exactly located at several regions of space and time
(Armstrong, 1978; Bigelow, 1988; Paul, 2002, 2006, 2012; Gilmore, 2006 and
pace Effingham, 2015). Three-dimensionalists about persistence tend to spell out
their view2 as a view according to which objects persist by being wholly
present/exactly located at several regions of time or spacetime (Gilmore 2006;
Sattig, 2006; Donnelly, 2010).
As a matter of fact, these are the two prominent examples that both friends and
foes of multi-location invoke as a reason to take multi-location seriously.
At least some of them. See §4.
At least some of them. See footnote 12.
On the other hand, multi-location is undeniably problematic. Problems of multilocation are diverse: is it paradoxical (Barker and Dowe, 2003)? Does it conflict
with basic mereological principles (Hawley, 2009)? And so on. And diverse are
the solutions to those problems. In this paper we focus on one such problem
which we find particularly pressing (§2). We shall review one proposal to solve
the problem due to Antony Eagle (§3) and assess it (§4, §5). We might as well
foreshadow our conclusion. The problem still stands. We then address the
prospects for multi-location theorists (§6).
2 The Trilemma
The one outstanding problem we just mentioned is represented by what we shall
call the Multilocation Trilemma, which originates in (Parsons, 2007). To appreciate
it we need to introduce, at least roughly, two locative notions. One such notion
is the notion of exact location we already mentioned. The following is a classic
informal gloss on exact location:
“[A]n entity x is exactly located at a region R if and only if x has (or has-at-R)
exactly the same shape and size as R and stands (or stands-at R) in all the same
spatial or spatiotemporal relations to other entities as does R” (Gilmore, 2018,
§2 -notation changed).3
Exact location is thus understood by many philosophers. Notable examples are e.g. Casati and
Varzi (1999), Hudson (2001), Sattig (2006), Hawthorne (2008), and Donnelly (2010).
In other words: objects and their exact locations share all their relevant
geometrical and spatio-temporal properties and relations. The other notion is
that of weak location. Weak location is “location in the weakest possible sense”
(Parsons, 2007: 203). An entity x is weakly located at region R iff R is not entirely
free of x. As an illustration: we are weakly located at our shared office, in UK,
where our hands are, and so on. As one of us sticks his arm outside the office in
the corridor, he is weakly located in the corridor as well. On the other hand, the
red chair in front of us is exactly located at the chair-shaped region of space
where it fits exactly.
A friend of multi-location faces the following trilemma: (i) she can take exact
location as a primitive, or (ii) she can define it by means of weak location,4 or
(iii) she can take both exact and weak location as undefined primitives. If exact
location is taken as a primitive, a principle called Exactness follows, according to
which anything that has a weak location has an exact location too. This is
problematic in that the principle rules out scenarios that should not be ruled
out.5 If exact location is defined in terms of weak location using Parsons’s
definition in Parsons (2007), a principle called Functionality follows, according to
which nothing can have more than one exact location. Clearly Functionality
amounts to the denial of multi-location. If both exact and weak location are
taken as undefined primitives, the resulting theory has the metaphysically
expensive consequence that it makes some plausible principles brute necessities.
A possibility that Parsons does not consider -nor do we- is that exact location can be defined
using other locative notions as primitives, such as e.g. entire or pervasive location.
See Parsons (2007: §3). See also Gilmore (2018).
For example, the principle that anything that has an exact location has also a
weak location -the converse of Exactness- is a principle that is a conceptual truth
in the Parsons’s own system, for it follows from the definitions of either exact
or weak location, while no such explanation is possible if both exact and weak
location are taken as primitives (Leonard, 2014).6
Friends of multi-location can pursue different strategies to get out of the
trilemma. They might want to take exact location as a primitive and learn to live
with Exactness. This is problematic: counterexamples to Exactness are
convincing.7 They might develop a theory of location with two primitives and
Kleinshmidt (2016) argues that, in any event, no theory of location that uses only one primitive
can account for all the metaphysically possible scenarios.
Let us review putative counterexamples to Exactness. We do this in a long footnote so as not
to disrupt the flow of the main argument. Failures of Exactness might arise as a result of the
mismatch between the mereological structure of objects and space. Suppose you have atomic
point-particles but space is gunky, i.e. every region of space admits of further proper parts. A
case in point would be Whiteheadean space (Gruszczynski and Pietuszczak, 2009; Leonard,
Forthcoming). These point-like particles would not have any exact location. Yet they would
certainly be somewhere in space, that is, they would be weakly located somewhere. Thus, they
would violate Exactness.
As for another example, say that an object is omnipresent iff it is weakly located at every region.
And say that space is junky iff every region is a proper part of yet another region. Then,
omnipresent objects in junky space would violate Exactness. The argument goes roughly as
follows. Suppose an omnipresent object, call it oo, has an exact location, r. Then r is the maximal
region, i.e. the fusion of all regions of space. To see this, suppose r is not the maximal region.
Then there is a region s that is disjoint from r, such that oo is not weakly located at s. But this
goes against our assumption that oo is omnipresent. So, if oo has an exact location r, then r is the
try to mitigate its costs. We are not aware of any developed attempt in this
Finally, multilocation theorists can try to find definitions of exact location in
terms of weak location that do not imply Functionality. In a series of publications,
Antony Eagle (2010, 2016a, 2016b) has presented and defended one such
definition. Eagle’s attempt is important and should be thoroughly discussed, in
that it is the only available proposal on the market of theories of location which
promises to escape the trilemma effectively, and thus to make sense of the
spatiotemporal profile of universals and three-dimensional persisting objects.
And yet, it has not been. The aim of this paper is to provide such a discussion, thus
filling the gap in the literature. In the end, we conclude that there are reasons to
think that Eagle’s definition is unsatisfactory.8
maximal region. On the other hand, junky space rules out the existence of such a maximal region.
So oo does not have any exact location in junky space. Yet it has a weak location. As a matter of
fact, it is weakly located everywhere. This constitutes another counterexample to Exactness.
Finally, and to our mind most convincingly, counter-examples to Exactness come from quantum
mechanics. Consider the following passage by Bokulich: “In other words, while it makes sense
to talk about the particle having the property of position (that is to say the particles are in the
room), that property cannot be ascribed a definite (precise) value” (Bokulich, 2014: 467). The
passage above suggests that quantum particles can have a weak location without thereby having
an exact location, thus violating Exactness.
Perhaps there are two ways of looking at what’s at stake here. On the one hand, one can
maintain that Parsons and Eagle are giving two different characterizations of the same notion. On the
other hand, one can see Eagle as trying to define a different locative notion that is absent from
Parsons’ system. This is an overall interesting suggestion, but developing it goes beyond the
scope of this paper. It is important to note that the main point of the paper would still go through
The importance of this discussion goes beyond the fate of Eagle’s own attempt:
in (i) providing a diagnosis of why this attempt fails, it (ii) undermines recent
proposals that crucially depend on such an attempt, such as e.g. the conditional
defense of three-dimensionalism in Daniels (2014), and also (iii) provides us with
a privileged standpoint from which to re-evaluate the problematic nature of
multi-location and the progress we made to keep problems of multi-location at
bay. Finally, Eagle (2019) explores different consequences of taking weak
location as a primitive notion. The arguments in this paper go in the same
direction. They explore some metaphysical consequences of taking weak
location as a primitive and adopting Eagle’s definition of exact location in its
3 Eagle’s Way Out of the Trilemma
Let us begin by presenting Eagle’s definition of exact location. Eagle starts with
the notion of occupation. He stipulates that an entity occupies a region iff the entity
can, in whole or in part, be found at that region. On the one hand, if an entity
can be found in a region, that region is not completely free of that entity. On the
other hand, if a region is not completely free of an entity, the entity can – in
whole or in part – be found at that region. Hence, we take Eagle’s occupation
to correspond to Parsons’s weak location.
in any case. The locative notion that Eagle defines, being it the same notion that Parsons had in
mind or a different one, the one that we will label Exact Location 2, is the notion that allegedly
supports the possibility of multilocation. And the main argument in the paper is that this is in
fact not the case.
For example, the round entity in Fig.1, call it Circle, occupies regions R1, R2, R3
and R4, but not R5. Then Eagle defines the notion of containment and filling:
Containment. O is contained in R iff each part of O occupies a
subregion of R.
Filling. O fills R iff each subregion of R is occupied by O.
In the previous figure, Circle is contained in R3 and R4, but not in R1, R2 or R5,
for some of its parts are outside such regions. Moreover, Circle fills R1 and R4,
but not R2, R3 or R5, for some of their subregions are free of Circle. With these
two notions in hand, one may be tempted to define exact location along the
following lines (Eagle 2010, 56; Eagle 2016a: 511-512):9
The terminology in Eagle (2016a) is slightly different.
Exact location 1. An exact location of O is any region R that both
contains O and is filled by O.
This definition would do for Circle in Fig.1. Indeed, its only intended exact
location, R4, is the only region that both contains and is filled by Circle. However,
this definition would create problems in some cases of multi-location. Consider
the case10 of a three-dimensional object that persists throughout an interval T =
(t1-tn).11 It is three-dimensional, and therefore not temporally extended. It fills
This is just a warm-up case. We will provide a more careful characterization of three-
dimensional objects in §5.
We are making a few simplifying assumptions in the rest of the paper, and it is better to make
them explicit right from the start. We will be mostly using a separatist framework -the terminology
is borrowed from Gilmore, Costa and Calosi (2016) -according to which there are two disjoint
and independent manifolds, namely a three-dimensional spatial manifold and a one-dimensional
temporal manifold. Separatism contrasts with unitism, according to which there is just one
fundamental four-dimensional manifold, space-time, and spatial regions and instants of time -if
there are any- are just overlapping spacetime regions of different sorts. This is analogous to what
Skow (2015) calls a “3+1”-view and a “4D”-view. This is mostly for the simplicity of exposition.
The arguments just need a little tweak to go through in a fully unitist, four-dimensional
spatiotemporal setting. As a matter of fact, we will advert the reader when a fully blown untist
picture is required for the arguments to go through. Also, we work with a characterization of
endurantism according to which the relation between persisting objects and time is (some form
of) location. While this is widely agreed upon, it is by no means uncontroversial. Fine (2006) and
Costa (2017) argue at length to that objects are not strictly speaking located in time. Here we
should simply note that while this last claim sounds promising in a separatist-setting, it is unclear
whether it can still hold up in a unitist, spatio-temporal one. One could then simply re-phrase
the arguments in the main text against a fully-fledged unitist four-dimensional framework.
the interval T by being multi-located at each instant of T. Now, according to the
previous definition, the persisting object is also exactly located at T, for it fills
and is contained in it. This result is unfortunate. It either requires the object to
be temporally extended – and thus contradictory – (Barker and Dowe 2003,
2005) or to sever the connection between the extension of the object and that
of its location (Eagle 2010, 56). If one were to believe that extension is one
property that an object and its exact location -along a given dimension- share,
this would give us all the more reason to reject the idea that the threedimensional object is exactly located at T.
This is the main reason why friends of multi-location do not want their multilocated objects to be forcibly also located at the union of their exact locations
(Gilmore 2007). As a matter of fact, Calosi and Costa (2015) argue at length that
multi-location theorists should respond to Barker and Dowe’s (2003) challenge
by denying exactly that possibility. Or, as they put it, multi-location theorists
should deny Additivity of Location.12
Eagle then settles for another definition of exact location that does not face this
problem (Eagle, 2010: 55):
Calosi and Costa (2015) is particularly interesting in the present context. For their argument
crucially depends on a principle they call Region Dissection, that is roughly the following: if x is
exactly located at R1, y is exactly located at R2, and R2 is a proper subregion of R1, then, if x and
y are mereologically related, y is a proper part of x. This makes what we shall label “nested multilocation” impossible. This is important insofar as Eagle’s definition of exact location makes
nested multi-location impossible as well. We shall return to this in due course.
Exact location 2. An exact location of O is any region R that both
contains O and is filled by O, as long as no proper subregion of R
contains and is filled by O.
The interval is not an exact location of the persisting object anymore, for some
subregions of the interval, namely the instants, are exact locations of that object,
insofar as the object fills and is contained in each instant.
Unlike Parsons’s definition of exact location, Eagle’s definition does not imply
Functionality, and therefore allows for multi-location. Nothing prevents
something from being contained and also fill more than one region of a
dimension. For example, in Fig. 2, Circle is exactly located at both R1 and R2.
Indeed, it is contained in both, for each part of Circle occupies a subregion of
both R1 and R2, and it also fills both R1 and R2, for each subregion of both is
occupied by Circle. Moreover, no proper subregion of R1 and R2 is a region which
contains Circle. Hence, Circle is exactly located at both R1 and R2.
Fig. 2
This is a good result. And yet, we contend, Eagle’s definition allows for multilocation only in the letter.
In what follows we shall explain how Eagle’s definition does not allow entities
to be multi-located in the way in which universals and persisting threedimensional objects are. Since these cases are the main motivations to look at
multi-location with interest -as we pointed out in §1- Eagle’s definition, while
allowing for multi-location in the letter, can be thought to betray it in the spirit.
And things get worse. We will argue that Eagle’s definition is unsatisfactory
when it comes to the location of both mereologically complex objects, and mereologically
simple but extended objects. As a matter of fact, it renders the latter impossible.
Or so we contend. All this seems to seal the fate of Eagle’s definition.
4 The Case of Immanent Universals
Let us begin with immanent universals. Under an immanent conception of
universals, universals are exactly located13 whenever and wherever they are
Location is not the only relation that can be used to characterize the relation between
immanent universals and things that instantiate them. Two other non-locative relations that can
do the job are dependence and grounding. We need not to take side here. Perhaps immanent
universals are indeed best characterized using dependence rather than location. As we will point
out in due course, we don’t want to rely too much on the case from universals. We are discussing
this case mostly because it was one of the motivating examples in the literature on multi-location.
Alternatively, we might want to make sense of the spatiotemporal profile of universals along the
following lines. Immanent universals are somewhere and somewhen not in the sense that they
exemplified.14 Whatever the final theory of location for immanent universals
might be, the following principle seems to be an integral part of it:
Location of universals. If something that exemplifies universal U is
exactly located at region R, then U is exactly located at R.
Now consider a chair which is red all over. Suppose that the chair is exactly
located at region R. Redness is therefore exactly located at R too. The chair has
parts, i.e. its legs and its seat, which are also red. These red parts are exactly
located at proper subregions of R. Therefore, redness is also exactly located at
such proper subregions of R. Redness will therefore be multi-located at nested
regions of space. Call this “nested multi-location”.
Exact Location 2 makes nested multi-location impossible. For example,
universal redness could not be exactly located at the region of the red chair
above,15 because there is a proper subregion of that region that contains and is
are located at some regions of spacetime, but only in the sense that they are exemplified by
something which, in turn, is located at regions of spacetime (Costa 2017).
Here is a relevant quote: “Suppose we begin by helping ourselves to a respectable posit of
speculative metaphysics – immanent universals. Immanent universals, by contrast with Platonic
universals, are as fully present in space and time as their bearers. Moreover, they are capable of
being fully present in many places at the same time; if two spheres are red, then the single immanent
universal redness is in each of the spheres (O'Leary Hawthorne and Cover, 1998: 205, italics
Clearly, with the locution “the region of x”, we simply mean the exact location of x.
filled by that universal, e.g. the region of one of the chair’s legs. For a friend of
immanent universals, such cases of nested multi-location are ubiquitous. This
threatens to undercut one of the two very motivations for looking with interest
at the possibility of multi-location.
There are several replies to be made on behalf of Eagle and the multilocation
First,16 one can contend that nested multi-location seems to count the redness
of the parts twice over: once as it contributes to the redness of the part, and then
again as it contributes to the redness of the whole. In the light of this, the
multilocation theorist could (and perhaps should) endorse one of the following,
in the case at hand: (i) the chair is red, and the parts are only derivatively red, or,
conversely, (ii) the parts of the chair are red, and the chair is only derivatively red.
This strategy crucially depends on how “derivatively” works. As far as we can
see, there are two options here. According to the first option “derivatively”
works in such a way that the following principle (iii) is true, namely, (iii): If x is
derivatively red, then it is red. Now, according to a very minimal reading of realism
about universals, if something is red, it instantiates redness. It will follow from
(iii) that both the chair and its parts instantiate redness, and our argument still
applies. According to the second option, “derivatively” works in such a way that
(iii) is not true, in its full generality. Yet, this is still not enough to get out of the
argument. For one case will be enough. Hence, what we should endorse is (iv),
namely: (iv): If x is only derivatively red, then x is not red. And, in fact, in
We owe this suggestion to an anonymous referee for this journal. The following discussion is
indebted to his or her remarks.
endorsing (iv), one should conclude that the chair is not colored at all, insofar as
the exemplification of a determinable implies the exemplification of at least one
determinate under that determinable. The same line of reasoning would also
apply to other features that the chair has only derivatively, such as its weight,
shape, or size. While we concede that (iv) would solve the problem and might
be regarded as a fruitful choice for those who wish to avoid counting redness
twice, we expect many to prefer to stick to the idea that (if not transparent!)
chairs are colored and possess a weight, a shape, and a size.
Second, Eagle might argue that a universal U is not exactly located at the
spacetime region R where the entity O that exemplifies U is located. Rather, he
might insist, U is exactly located at O.17 As a matter of fact, he might even go
further and claim that the locative relation between O and R on the one hand,
and U and O on the other are not the same locative relation! This reply sounds
promising to us. Yet, it should be admitted that it is now unclear whether
immanent universals provide any reason to be interested in multi-location in the
first place.18 Let us be a little more precise. According to the suggestion we are
say EXL1 and EXL2. EXL1 takes as relata a material object and a spatial region
-in this order- whereas EXL2 takes as relata a universal and a material object -in
this order. There is multi-location1, and there is multi-location2. Multilocation1 is basically what we have been calling multi-location. Multi-location2 is
Note that this reply is different from the ones we sketched in footnote 12. The thought here
is that universals still enter into some sort of locative relation, albeit with no region.
Thanks to Antony Eagle here.
just a universal being exactly located at more than one object. The point we are
making is that the location of universals is hardly any motivation to explore
multi-location1, which was our original interest. Note that Eagle might
consistently claim that nested mutli-location1 is impossible, whereas nested
multi-location2 is not only possible but ubiquitous. Go back to our example of
a chair that is red all over. Redness is exactly located at the chair, and at one of
its legs. This is a case of nested multi-location2.
More generally, Eagle might want to restrict his theory of location to material
objects, so as to undermine our argument from the location of immanent
universals. This is fair enough. As a matter of fact, we don’t want to put too
much weight on our argument from universals. As we pointed out in footnote
12, it might turn out that location is not the right sort of relation to characterize
the metaphysics of immanent universals. That being said, it seems important to
us to discuss it, at least insofar as universals have been usually invoked as
paradigmatic examples of multi-located entities.
5 The Case of Material Objects
In the previous section we saw that Eagle’s definition renders nested multilocation impossible. Nested multi-location is ubiquitous when it comes to
immanent universals. One might note that cases of nested multi-location for
objects have been discussed as well, most notably in Kleinschmidt (2011) and
Effingham (Forthcoming). As a matter of fact, Eagle (2016b) acknowledges this,
and argues that rejecting cases of nested multi-location for objects is attractive
for multi-location theorists. Calosi and Costa (2015) argue for the same
conclusion on different grounds. So, it is at least controversial to invoke the
possibility of nested multi-location as an argument against a definition of exact
location that permits multi-location.19 We don’t want to press the point here.
This is because we are about to argue that even in the case of objects, Exact
Location 2 faces serious problems that are independent from the possibility of
nested multi-location.
Let us start from three-dimensionalism. We start from there because, in the case
of objects, three-dimensionalism is usually recognized as the main motivation to
take multi-location seriously, insofar as three-dimensionalism entails multilocation. Roughly, according to the three-dimensional view, persisting objects
are three-dimensional entities, that are extended in space but not through time.
In order to persist through time without being temporally extended, such objects
need to be exactly located at all and only the unextended instants of time, or
instantaneous regions of spacetime, that make up the interval of their
persistence. Hence, persisting three-dimensional objects are temporally multilocated entities (Donnelly, 2010, 2011; Eagle, 2010; Gilmore 2006, 2007;
Hawthorne, 2008; Sattig 2006; pace Fine, 2006; Parsons, 2007, and Costa 2017).
On that respect too, Eagle’s proposal is problematic. For persisting objects
typically change their parts through time. And Eagle’s proposal makes such
changes impossible. Indeed, Eagle’s definition of exact location requires a multilocated entity to have all its parts contained within each of its exact locations.
So, a persisting object should have all its parts contained within each of the
instants of its persistence. If at t, Tibbles the cat does not have its fur anymore,
See footnote 11.
Tibbles is not contained in, and therefore is not exactly located at t. More
generally, under Eagle’s definition, any mereological change would result in the
persisting object not being contained, and thus not exactly located at some
instants of its existence. Let us focus on two particular cases, for dramatic
Tibbles 1. Suppose Tibbles comes into existence at instant t1 with all the parts
it will ever have. Suppose that at every instant Tibbles loses one of those parts.21
At instant tn Tibbles goes out of existence. The only instant in which Tibbles is
contained, and thus at which it is exactly located, is instant t1. This is intuitively
wrong. Not only this is intuitively wrong. A stronger argument can be built on
this case. We need just to briefly introduce a few more notions in Gilmore
(2006). For the sake of simplicity, we stick to the temporal case, rather than the
It is worth noting that Eagle is upfront in Eagle (2016a) that he is really interested in the
persistence of simples. He writes: “the present conception of endurance is perhaps best suited
to capture the persistence of simple objects that cannot gain or lose parts, like fundamental
particles, rather than complex objects” (Eagle, 2016a: 513). In a footnote to that passage Eagle
mentions Fine's idea that complexes might be variably embodied by collections of simples-attimes rather than time-relativised mereological fusions. We note two things: first, this amounts
to abandoning the idea that apparent change of parts is to be understood in standard
mereological terms. And this is a fairly radical revision to orthodox endurantism. Second, we are
about to argue that Eagle’s theory of location cannot accommodate extended simples. Putting all
this together---as we note later on---this amounts to the claim that Eagle’s theory of location only
applies to point-sized simple material objects. Thanks to an anonymous referee here.
We are well aware that this is physically unrealistic. Also, it will entail that Tibbles has
uncountable many parts. Bear with us.
spatio-temporal one.22 Let the path of an object be the union of its exact
locations. Something persists iff its path is not instantaneous. This is supposed
to capture the requirement in Lewis (1986) to the point that persisting means to
exist at more than one instant. A three-dimensional object is a persisting object
that is exactly located at each instant of its path, whereas a four-dimensional
object is a persisting object that is uniquely exactly located at its path. Now, we
already argued that, in the case at hand, Tibbles is exactly located just at t1. Thus,
Tibbles’ path is t1. But this means that Tibbles is not a persisting object after all.
That is surely bad news for the three-dimensionalist.
Tibbles 2. Suppose that Tibbles comes into existence at t1. At every instant tj+1,
Tibbles loses one of the parts it had at tj, but it acquires a new one. At tn Tibbles
goes out of existence. According to Exact Location 2, Tibbles is only contained
in the entire interval T = (t1-tn). Note that the interval T is also Tibbles’s path. It
follows that Tibbles is a persisting object that is uniquely exactly located at its
path. Hence, Tibbles is a four-dimensional object.
Thus, Exact Location 2, in attempting to make room for multi-location and
three-dimensionalism, makes three-dimensional mereologically changing objects
As we pointed out already in footnote 10 the argument would need a little tweak in a unitist,
spatio-temporal setting, but it would still go through. The reader can check for herself.
As we have said, the two cases only illustrate in the most dramatic manner the
shortcomings of Eagle’s definition of exact location. The resulting location
theory cannot handle cases of mereological change. Arguably, a threedimensionalist would not like to commit her view to the impossibility of
mereological change and would thereby reject Eagle’s definition.
Even in this case, there is a possible reply to be given on behalf of Eagle. The
problematic cases we explored are cases of mereological change. One can insist
that, when mereological change is involved, a three-dimensionalist should relativize at
least the mereological notions. That is, she should take parthood to be a three-place
relation. We should notice that Eagle himself uses a two-place notion of
parthood, perhaps because he brackets questions of mereological change in
Eagle (2010). Be that as it may, the suggestion is surely interesting and deserves
to be explored. So, let’s take parthood to be three-place. The question becomes:
what goes in the third slot? The most natural candidate would be an instant of
time: the leg is part of the chair at time t, the fur is part of Tibbles at time t.
Now, nothing in the definition of Exact Location 2 prevents objects to be
multi-located at the same instant. In those cases, our arguments will go through.
And, as a matter of fact, these are cases a three-dimensionalist might want to
consider. For they simply follow from the possibility of time-travel. If time travel
is possible, and thus a three-dimensional object can be multi-located at different
regions of space at the same instant, Eagle’s definition would still be in trouble
if we allow the object to change its mereological structure at those different
regions. This might suggest that the third slot should not be filled by an instant
of time, but rather by a region of space, or spacetime: the leg is part of the chair
at region r, the fur is part of Tibbles at region r. But which region? The most
natural candidate is the exact location of the object in question. But the problem
with this suggestion is that we seem to be moving in a circle: Exact location is
defined in terms of containment, and containment is defined in terms of
parthood. Parthood, in turn, has to be relativized to exact locations. Hence, it
seems that we need exact location in order to properly characterize containment,
but we need containment in order to define exact location.
One might want to resort to one last attempt to save Exact Location 2. First,
one should claim that time-travel is the only relevant scenario in which there is
multi-location at an instant. This is already quite a substantive claim. But never
mind. Then, one might continue, we should also consider another candidate to
go in the third slot of our mereological claims, namely personal time. This response
builds upon the classic distinction in Lewis (1976) between personal and external
time in time-travel cases. Fair enough. We don’t think this reply would go too far.
Without entering into much detail, it would simply not work for mereologically
complex objects in relativistic spacetimes.23 In a nutshell the problem is that
personal time is reasonably taken to be proper-time in relativistic spacetimes. And, as
Gibson and Pooley (2016: 172) note: “[F]or realistic persisting objects, no sense
can be made of such an object's proper time”. We are aware that these considerations
are likely not to settle the dispute once and for all. But what we want to claim is
This is where a fully-fledged unitist framework enters crucially into the picture. It is widely
agreed that relativistic physics favors unitism. For an introductory review of different arguments
see Gilmore, Costa and Calosi (2016).
that it is at best unclear how to amend the definition of Exact Location 2 in
order to account for the cases we have just discussed. Fortunately for us, we
don’t need to settle things once and for all when it comes to cases of mereological
change involved in time-travel scenarios. This is because we think there are
serious problems that are independent of mereological change -and independent
of time-travel for what matters. If we are right, none of the considerations above
would salvage Eagle’s proposals from such problems.
The discussion so far seems to suggest that the only problem -if any- for Exact
Location 2 is mereological change, when applied to material objects. Thus, one
might be tempted to conclude that, if we restrict the definition to mereologically
constant objects, the definition would work just fine. This is not quite right. We
now turn to set forth an argument -Circle 1 below - to the point that this is not
the case. Mereological complexity is enough to spell trouble for the definition in
question, even if no mereological change is involved.24
Circle 1. Let us consider Circle again. Circle is a circular self-connected entity, multilocated at regions R1 and R2 -as depicted in Fig.3 below.
Thanks to Antony Eagle here.
At both R1 and R2 Circle is composed by two parts, Lefty and Righty. Lefty itself is
multi-located, namely at R1-Left and R2-Left. The same goes for Righty. Now
consider region R3, which is the union of R1-Left and R2-Right. Circle is contained
in R3, fills R3 and there are no proper subregions of R3 that contain and are filled
by Circle. Hence Circle is exactly located at R3. This is, once again, intuitively
The problem is, in general, an overgeneration of exact locations. Consider what we
would normally describe as Circle’s being multi-located at n regions. Suppose
each of the n-regions Ri is the union of Ri-Left and Ri-Right. It would follow that
any region that is the union of Ri-Left and Rj-Right, for any i and j, would count
as an exact location of Circle. (In some cases, this would be particularly
problematic. Suppose you get to be multi-located---perhaps as a result of timetravel---say, in London and Paris. Now take the union of the left region in
London and the right region in Paris. You get to be exactly located there too.)
Note that no mereological change is involved in the Circle 1 argument. Circle
has the same mereological structure at R1 and R2.25
One might insist that three-dimensionalism is indeed the main motivation to
endorse multi-location in the case of objects. And then go on to claim that threedimensionalists should endorse a three-place notion of parthood even in the
absence of mereological change. Yet, we framed the Circle 1 argument in terms
of a two-place notion of parthood. However, our previous replies apply in the
present context as well. If one has a three-place notion of parthood in which the
third slot is occupied by an instant of time, the Circle 1 argument would still go
through. If one has a three-place notion of parthood in which the third slot is
occupied by a region a threat of circularity is still lurking. Thus, we conclude the
Circle 1 argument stands.
The Circle 1 argument seems to suggest that the problem of Exact Location 2
is mereological complexity more in general. Thus, the only way to resist the
arguments seems to restrict Exact Location 2 to mereological simples and insist that
mereological simples cannot change mereological structure, i.e. they cannot
become mereologically complex -to take care of Tibbles 1 and Tibbles 2.
Once again, this would not be quite right. To conclude we set forth a final
argument -Circle 2 below- to the point that Exact Location 2 cannot handle
particular cases of mereologically simple objects, that is extended simples. As a
We should also note that there no Additivity principle for location is needed to run the
matter of fact, we think the argument is particularly illuminating. It starts out by
claiming that Exact Location 2 delivers the wrong results about the exact
location of extended simples. And it ends by denying their very possibility! But
we are getting ahead of ourselves. In what follows we follow the widespread
agreement in the metaphysics literature,26 and we take an extended simple to be
We want to point out that, as duly noted by a reviewer of this journal, we are not using the
term “extended simple” in the way in which McDaniel used it in his (2007) or Eagle uses it in
his (2019), but rather in the sense defined in the main text, which is also the sense to be found,
for example, in Scala (2002), Simons (2014), Pickup (2016) and Gilmore (2018). This sense is
closer to what McDaniel (2007) calls a “spanner”. Eagle (2019) distinguishes between f-extended
simples and l-extended simples. The former notion is defined in terms of containment alone, whereas
the latter notion is defined in terms of what we called entire location in footnote 4. Eagle (2019:
170) claims that l-extended simples can be used to approximate---Eagle’s own words---spanners. It
is worth exploring whether the argument could be strengthened, to the point that any theory of
location that defines exact location in terms of weak location cannot handle spanners. In general,
we think this is not the case. Parsons defines exact location in terms of weak location in his
(2007). Yet, it can be shown that every persisting entity counts as a spanner in his system.
Parsons’s system, as we pointed out already, entails Functionality. So, the question becomes
whether any theory of location that defines exact location in terms of weak location and allows
for multi-location makes spanners impossible. The reviewer suggests that this might be the case
for, arguably, any theory of location that allows for multilocation and defines exact location in
terms of weak location will entail the following principle P: if x is exactly located at R, then x is
not contained in any proper subregion of R---the reader can check that, in effect, P does not follow
from Parsons’s definition of exact location. Once again, we think that this is not the case. A
counterexample is Exact Location 1 in the text. This is because according to Exact Location
1, nothing prevents an object x to be exactly multi-located at two distinct regions R1 and R2, and
at their union. Thus, an object could be exactly located at a region and be contained in one of
its proper subregions. To be fair, Exact Location 1 makes spanners impossible for the very
a mereologically simple entity that is not point-like. If the standard real topology
of space is assumed, this definition boils down to the following one: an extended
simple is a mereological atom whose exact location is mereologically complex. 27
Now to the argument.
Circle 2. Consider Circle again. This time though, Circle is an extended simple.
Call R-Circle the relevant spatial region that shares the same geometrical
properties with Circle.28 R-Circle should be the exact location of Circle.
Unfortunately, Exact Location 2 does not deliver that result. To appreciate
why, consider an arbitrary proper subregion of R-Circle, e.g. R1 in Fig 4 below.
same reason Exact Location 2 does---the argument being exactly the one in the main text. So,
the conjecture, independently of the fate of P, still stands: any theory of location that defines
exact location in terms of weak location and allows for multi-location makes spanners impossible.
Eagle (2019: 170) contains an interesting argument in this respect. Yet, the argument falls short
of securing the aforementioned conjecture, for it crucially relies on the definition of spanners in
terms of entire location. As a matter of fact, Eagle claims that if spanners are defined in terms
of our notion of exact location---Eagle’s perfect location---the argument does not go through.
Thanks to an anonymous referee here.
As a matter of fact, we think that this is but one (overtly simplistic) characterization of
extended simples. There are other characterizations that are not extensionally equivalent. See
(Goodsell et al. forthcoming). That being said, even those different characterizations will spell
out trouble for Exact Location 2. Thus, we will just stick to the orthodox definition here. We
should also note that this definition works only within the orthodox understanding of space,
according to which space is “constructed out” of simple, unextended spatial points endowed
with the so-called real topology.
Clearly, “having a particular mereological structure” is not among the geometrical properties
that Circle and R-Circle share.
Fig. 4
Recall that according to Exact Location 2 something is exactly located at a
region if it is contained and fills that region, provided there are no proper subregions of
that region that it fills and is contained in. Is Circle contained in R-Circle? Yes, it is.
Does Circle fill R-Circle? Yes, it does. Are there any proper subregions of R-Circle
that Circle fills and is contained in? Unfortunately, yes. There are many of those
-as a matter of fact we will argue in a minute there are uncountably many.
Consider R1. Every part of Circle occupies R1 -for Circle has only one part, itself,
and that part clearly occupies R1. Thus, Circle is contained in R1. Also, Circle
clearly fills R1. This is enough to show that Circle, according to Exact Location
2 is not exactly located at R-Circle. Is it exactly located at R1? Not really. For the
previous argument still applies. Consider any proper subregion of R1, e.g. R2 in
Fig 4. Circle both fills and is contained in R2. Thus, it cannot be exactly located
at R1 either. The attentive reader already guessed where this is going. The
argument above applies to all proper subregions of R-Circle that have propersubregions. It follows that Circle cannot be exactly located at any mereologically
complex subregion of R-Circle.
The only candidate exact locations of Circle are subregions of R-Circle that do not
have proper subregions, i.e. spatial points. Each point in R-Circle would count,
as a matter of fact. Thus, it seems that Circle has uncountably many exact
locations that are point-like. Naturally what goes for Circle goes for any extended
simple whatsoever. This is surely wrong.
There is more. The right conclusion to draw is not that extended simples have
uncountably many point-like exact locations -even when they seem to have just
one exact location we might add. The right conclusion to draw is that extended
simples are not possible given Exact Location 2. To see why, recall that extended
simples are defined as mereological atoms that have a mereologically complex
exact location. That is, they are mereological atoms whose exact location is not a
point. But our Circle 2 argument shows that points are the only candidate exact
locations for extended simples. Extended simples turn out to be contradictory
entities,29 i.e spatial entities that both have and do not have point-like exact
locations. Under the assumption that contradictory entities are not possible,
Exact Location 2 yields that extended simples are not possible.30
This conclusion should be intended as restricted to the notion of extended simple as it is
defined in the paper. McDaniel (2007) distinguishes two notions of extended simples, namely
multilocaters and spanners. Multilocaters are extended simples insofar as they are simple entities that
fill an extended region R of space by being multilocated throughout R. Given Eagle’s theory of
location, multilocaters are clearly not impossible. Only spanners are. As we pointed out in footnote
25 it is an interesting conjecture whether any theory of location that defines exact location in
terms of weak location and allows for multilocation renders spanners impossible. Thanks to an
anonymous referee here.
It should be clear that taking parthood as three-place would be of no help to undermine the
Circle 2 argument.
This, we take, is an enormous cost. As a matter of fact, it might very well be that
the fundamental constituents of our world turn out to be extended simples.31
6 Conclusion
This concludes our assessment of Eagle’s proposal. To sum up: Eagle’s
proposed definition of exact location does indeed allow for multi-location. This
is an important result. However, it faces important drawbacks. Where does that
leave multi-location theorists? Listing all the options, they can:
(i) Accept two primitive notions of location, be committed to problematic
metaphysical brute facts, or explain why these facts are not problematic after all;
See e.g. Simons (2004) and Braddon Mitchell and Miller (2006). At this point, one might try
to resist the argument simply by claiming that Eagle does not accept the definition of extended
simples given above. This reply, we contend, is less than satisfactory. First of all, the notion is
clearly definable in Eagle’s terms. The question is whether any such thing is possible. Eagle is
committed to the impossibility of such things. And yet, one has reasons to take extended simples
(as we defined them) seriously. Electrons might be taken to be good examples. They are
extended, and the best physical theory that describes their behavior, quantum mechanics, is
usually taken to entail that, at least in some cases, they have exact locations. Does this undermine
our previous argument against Exactness, given that we cited Quantum Mechanics as providing
counterexamples to it? Not really. Orthodox Quantum Mechanics predicts that sometimes
quantum systems do not have exact locations. That does not mean that they never have one. For
example, after a measurement of position is made, quantum systems do have an exact location.
If the quantum system in question is an electron, it will qualify as an extended simple given the
definition we used in the paper (Gilmore 2018). This seems enough to lay claim that extended
simples as we defined them are indeed possible, contra Eagle’s theory of location.
(ii) Accept exact location as a primitive, define weak location in terms of it, and
dismiss counterexamples to Exactness;32
(iii) Accept weak location as a primitive, use Exact Location 2 as a definition
of exact location, and restrict it to mereologically constant, simple, and unextended
material objects---that is, just to point-like material objects.
(iv) Accept weak location as a primitive and put forward new, better definitions
of exact location.
We are not claiming this is an impossible task. But, in the light of the above, it
seems safe to say that the road out of the multilocation trilemma is still a long
and winding road.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Antony Eagle, Matt Leonard,
Jonathan Payton and audiences in Geneva and at the 2019 annual meeting of
the Society for the Metaphysics of Science in Toronto for insightful comments
on previous drafts of this paper. We would also like to thank two anonymous
referees for their suggestions. Claudio Calosi acknowledges the generous
support of the SNF foundation, project number PCEFP1_181088.
Or even, they can try to define weak location in terms of exact location in such a way that
Exactness does not follow. We are not aware of any such attempt in the literature.
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