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This essay argues that the new natural law theory (NNLT) propounds National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly -Humanae vitae.
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental
Objective: The purpose of the article was to determine the relationship between the concepts of "jus naturale" and "global bioethics", as well as to clarify their significance for rule-making activity. Theoretical framework: The introduction of the concept of "neo jus naturale" into the scientific circulation is justified, which is understood as a new stage of the evolution of jus naturale and the basis for the formation of a renewed type of legal understanding - bioethical. Neo jus naturale is considered as the foundation of modern law-making. Method: The methodology of the research is: firstly, the unification of the concept of legal-positivist and natural-law types of legal understanding in the phenomenon of "bioethics" with the dominance of the natural-legal type of legal understanding in this synthesis; secondly, a change in worldview positions from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism. From research methods, both traditional, for example,...
To argue that the concept of natural law can be regarded, with certain conditions, as a credible and useful tool in the Reformed paradigm, as Vorster did, may at first seems to be in conflict with the Reformation’s emphasis on sola scriptura and sola gratia. Vorster, however, argues very convincingly that the general revelation of God and creational gifts can be a source for bioethics within the reformed tradition. He does this by relying on Calvin and Bavinck’s appreciative theologies and in reaction to Barth and Welker’s critique to the notion of natural law. In this article I will further Vorster’s argument by identifying some critical points in his argument, analyse the critique on these points and broaden the discussion by incorporating an eschatological perspective and the anthropology of the Protestant philosopher, Paul Ricoeur. The aim is, as Vorster states in his conclusion, to provide Christian ethics with opportunities and means to formulate applicable and relevant moral codes that can be utilised in the bio- and eco-ethical debates of today.
The Heythrop Journal, 2021
Catholic Social Science Review, 2007
J. Budziszewski has been a leading advocate for natural law theory over the past twenty years. His numerous works focus on articulating a conception of natural law rooted in the obviousness of some moral principles: "What we can't not know" as he memorably titles one of his books. This essay points out how Catholic philosophers and theologians have questioned whether faith and reason can be properly balanced in modern thought. It suggests that a Catholic natural law theory must also seek to balance faith and reason, but this poses a challenge to the obviousness of the moral principles that approaches like Budziszewski's seek.
The University of Chicago Law Review, 1988
A noteworthy feature of contemporary philosophy in the English-speaking world and beyond is a reawakening of interest in practical reason. The willingness to take reasons for action seriously in descriptive and prescriptive jurisprudence, as well as in political philosophy and ethics, has been a mark of many notable philosophical achievements over the past three decades. In jurisprudence, the works of H. L. A. Hart, Joseph Raz, and Ronald Dworkin certainly come to mind. In political philosophy, one immediately thinks of the competing theories of justice developed by John Rawls and Robert Nozick. In ethics, a long list of contributions would only begin with those of Alan Donagan, Alan Gewirth, Philippa Foot, David Wiggins, and John McDowell. The revival of interest in practical reason has brought in its wake renewed philosophical attention to theories of natural law. Long relegated to merely historical interest (at least outside of Roman Catholic intellectual circles), natural law theory is once again a competitor in contemporary philosophical debates about law, politics, and morals. What this means, for one thing, is that the writings of St.
This review was first published in The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (Spring, 2010), pp. 192-195.
The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 2014
The author discusses natural law reasoning, from the 1960s in the context of Pope Paul VI's Humanae vitae, to recent cultural and intellectual currents and their influence on the tradition. The challenges that have skewed acceptance of a common human nature and the existence of natural law are addressed. The author shows how the debate on contraception initiated this challenge against natural law reasoning and led to a more evolutive concept of human nature. Attention is drawn to a need for natural law theorists trained in both modern science and Thomistic philosophy to engage the different scientific fields to clarify, adapt, rethink, and even modify the natural law language in accord with the latest discoveries compatitible with evolutionary findings.
Research Handbook on Natural Law Theory, 2019
Estudio sobre la evolución del ejército visigodo, desde los primeros momentos, antes de la entrada de este pueblo en tierras del Imperio Romano, hasta la formación del reino visigodo de Toledo, su estructura y composición
A. Sejarah ilmu mikrobiologi Awal perkembangan ilmu mikrobiologi pada pertengahan abad 19 oleh beberapa ilmuwan dan telah membuktikan bahwa mikroorganisme berasal dari mikroorganisme sebelumnya bukan dari tanaman ataupun hewan yang membusuk. Selanjutnya ilmuwan membuktikan bahwa mikroorganisme bukan berasal dari proses fermentasi tetapi merupakan penyebab proses fermentasi, misalnya buah anggur menjadi minuman yang mengandung alkohol. Ilmuwan juga menemukan bahwa mikroba tertentu menyebabkan penyakit tertentu. Pengetahuan ini merupakan awal pengenalan dan pemahaman akan pentingnya mikroorganisme bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan manusia. Awal abad 20 ahli mikrobiologi telah meneliti bahwa mikroorganisme mampu menyebabkan berbagai macam perubahan kimia baik melalui penguraian maupun sintesis senyawa organik yang baru. Hal inilah yang disebut dengan biohemial divesity atau keanekaragaman biokimia yang menjadi ciri khas mikroorganisme. Disamping itu, yang penting lainnya adalah mekanisme perubahan kimia oleh mikroorganisme sangat mirip dengan unity in biochemistry yang artinya bahwa proses biokimia pada mikroorganisme adalah sama dengan proses biokimia pada semua makhluk hidup termasuk manusia. B. Pengertian pertumbuhan dan perkembangan mikroorganisme Pertumbuhan secara umum dapat didefnisikan sebagai pertambahan secara teratur semua komponen di dalam sel hidup. Dengan demikian, pertambahan ukuran yang diakibatkan oleh bertambahnya air karena penumpukan lemak, bukan merupakan pertumbuhan. Perbanyakan sel adalah konsekuensi pertumbuhan. Pada organisme multiseluler (banyak sel), yang disebut pertumbuhan adalah peningkatan jumlah sel perorganisme, di mana ukuran sel juga menjadi lebih besar. Pada organisme uniseluler (bersel satu tunggal) pertumbuhan adalah pertambahan jumlah sel, yang juga berarti pertambahan jumlah organisme yang membentuk populasi atau suatu biakan. Pada organisme soenositik (aseluler), selama pertumbuhan ukuran sel menjadi besar, tetapi tidak terjadi pembelahan sel.
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