Clarke, Clitheroe in its Railway Days

A local history from the north west (1900). Difficult to find today.

C LITHERO E IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. BY STEPHEN CLARKE (Author of “ Clitheroe in the Old Coaching Days. J WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Being a Record of Interesting and Extraordinary Events -within and around the Ancient Borough extending from the Opening of the Railway in 1850, to its Jubilee, 1900 ; together with Humorous Sketches of Quaint Characters, Folk-Lore, &c., &c. CLITHEROE 1 Printed & Published by J. Robinson, Advertiser Office, 27, Castle St. 1900. INTRODUCTION. Early in the year of the Diamond Jubilee, the Writer published a brochure entitled, “ C l it h e r o e in t h e O l d C o a c h in g D a y s ,” which had such a kindly reception as to result in, a second, with an early prospect of a third edition. The following pages are written as a sequel to “ Coaching Days,” and are the result of some years of pleasant activity during spare moments, in gleaning, chiefly from the lips of old Clitheronians, what could be learned of those lively doings in “Ye Righte Antient Borough of Cliderowe.” The Author does not affect to have a personal knowledge of the earlier railway days. Suffice it to say that whilst he has been eye witness to many of the stirring events here recorded, he has, as already intimated, had to supplement his sparse knowledge with the recollections of others, to do which involved hundreds of visits to people in varying conditions and ranks, as well as entailing numerous corres­ pondence with those who had “ Gone to lands far distant And with strangers made their homes.* INTRODUCTION. Early in the year of the Diamond Jubilee, the Writer published a brochure entitled, “ C l it h e r o e in t h e O l d C o a c h in g D a y s ,” which had such a kindly reception as to result in a second, with an early prospect of a third edition. The following pages are written as a sequel to “ Coaching Days,” and are the result of some years of pleasant activity during spare moments, in gleaning, chiefly from the lips of old Clitheronians, what could be learned of those lively doings in “Ye Righte Antient Borough of Cliderowe.” The Author does not affect to have a personal knowledge of the earlier railway days. Suffice it to say that whilst he has been eye witness to many of the stirring events here recorded, he has, as already intimated, had to supplement his sparse knowledge with the recollections of others, to do which involved hundreds of visits to people in varying conditions and ranks, as well as entailing numerous corres­ pondence with those who had “ Gone to lands far distant And with strangers made their homes.* iv. INTRODUCTION. When in some few instances the memory of himself or others failed, recourse to .records has been made, but when such a step has been taken it was inevitable, and as his object has been to depict only those scenes which were well within the memory of living man, he determined upon a span of 50 years, t.«., from the opening of the Railway in 1850, to its Jubilee in 1900, and he humbly trusts that it may prove an acceptable souvenir of the attainment of the half century of the Blackbum and Clitheroe Railway. Whilst the task has involved much labour and some anxiety, it has had its attendant advantages and pleasures, some very delect­ able moments having been experienced by the ingle nook whilst listening to our aged and venerable sires who, glowing with rapture at the remembrance of so many pleasing incidents of early days, have seemed to suddenly become twenty years younger. The old Borough has certainly had many and strange vicissi­ tudes since the advent of the railway, notably the stoppage of Primrose Printworks in 1854, when thirteen tradesmen failed asa consequence, and in 1860, through depression in trade. In 1878 the Cotton Operatives’ strike and riots forced the reading of the Riot Act; whilst in 1896, an alarming number of incendiary fires occurred, attended with serious damage, and in the year following, a second Operatives’ Strike arose which resulted in many quitting the place, so that some might readily believe the ancient town was ill fated, but with the re-starting of Salford Mills and other pleasing prospects to brighten the outlook, surely a better day is dawning, and howe er it be — “ Let fate do her worst, there are moments of joy, Bright dreams of the past, which she cannot destroy, Which come in the night-time of sorrow and care, And bring back the features that joy used to wear.” INTRODUCTION. V- Many aged Clitheronians have attended the public delivery from time to time of a series of papers forming the substance of what is now published, and this fact leads one to hope and believe, that as they obtained throughout, with one or two exceptions, the seal of their approval as a correct record, it is a fair reason for trusting that the inaccuracies in point of date or detail will be few, and due rather to the whims and freaks of an all but talking Linotype machine. Anyhow, the utmost care has been used to secure correctness, and fallibility being an inevitable out­ come of human action there need be but small wonder if one be found tripping a time or two, seeing that the names and dates given from first to last are almost legion. In his sketches of local celebrities, the writer has had .o contend with divers difficulties, notably where the persons named had “ aliases * by which alone they could be recognized. For example. At one time there lived in the town or district three men, each named “Jonathan Cook.” No wonder that con ­ fusion followed when the true name alone was given, hence arose a nickname for each, namely, “ Flodkin,” “ Sparrow,” and “ Tallaladady.” Or again : how useless it would be to speak <o old Clitheronians of William Robinson, Richard Ashton, and Thomas Whalley, but if one said “ Toffy Bill/ “ Dick Unlicked/ and “ Tommy Budget,” then it would certainly be understood to whom one referred. Hence, though bynames are not alwavs pleasant, there is a utility at times in their use and all uncertainty vanishes. It is not unlikely that some readers will, after perusing these records, exclaim, “there is no reference to such an event!’’ The fact is that if everything which has come within the knowledge of the writer, were to be related, it would require volumes to contain them; so that considerations as to space have compelled the n. INTRODUCTION. omission of many things which, though interesting, were of minor importance. Actuated by a desire to foster, if possible, a warmer glow of patriotism within the breasts of the inhabitants of his native town, as well as to intensify the interest of all who, within and without its bounds, have at heart the weal of the ancient borough, in breathing these wishes he is reminded that “ Freemasonry teaches the grand principles of universal Fatherhood of God and the common brotherhood of man, and leads us to respect the opinions of those from whom we differ. It tones down our prejudices and softens our passions.” Though not a Freemason, he respects such principles, and in commending them to his courteous readers sends forth this humble volume with no pretention to literary merit, and ventures to hope that it may have as kindly a welcome as did his former publication. The Author has for, the most part, written in a chatty style, and when the subject permitted, has given a fair sprinkling of humour in the belief that a reasonable amount of sugar is no detriment to a cake. Surely it is as true as ever, that “A little nonsense now and then, Is relished by the wisest men.” The writer here feels a keen sense of indebtedness to so many individuals within and away from the old Borough — some holding high and official positions and others in humble spheres of life, that to name them all would be equal to asking the reader to go through a list of names much like, in length, a Burgess Roll. Prudence here dictates and tacitly obeying her, the many kind friends who have so freely and courteously given information are collectively but namelessly tendered the author’s most cordial and sincere thanks. ERRATA. On Page 95 the quotation : " The rude forefathers of the hamlet slept,” should be ’'sleep.” On Page 108, line 27, the sentence : " Mr. Jas. Heaton, of Poitical fame,” should be "Political fame.” On Page 109, line 26, the sentence : " The Old Reservoir is 32 feet above sea level,” should read "432 feet above sea level.” Nev) Reservoir is S2Sfeet). (The A CORNER OF OLD CASTLE STREET. By kind permission of IP. Peterkin, Esq. (See page j j ) CHAPTER CLITHEROE: I. ITS ANTIQUITY, ENVIRONMENTS, AND MEN OF NOTE, ETC. THE ancient name of our town was “ Cliderhow,” which word is a mixed derivation. It is from the British “ Cleddur ” which signifies the hill or rock by the waters, and from the Saxon “ how ° which signifies hill. The town for the most part is built upon rock, and rears its head so well as to be conspicuously seen from all points of the compass in the Ribblesdale Valley. It has often teen remarked that the Castle and the old Parish Church being at a greater elevation than the rest of the town, lend a charm to the whole. A Pen-dipper, referring to the spire of St. Mary’s, wrote : — “ Long ere the ancient town we reach Thy graceful spire is seen ; An d many a lesson thou dost teach If mortals would but glean. The soothing music of thy bells, Borne, on soft breeze or gale, O ’er distant copse, or lowly d<*lls. Charm like Elysian tale.** I have in my possession many poems by various authors, several of whom were emigrants, all evincing an intense love for the ancient spot. A 2 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. The situation of the old town is well favoured, being sur­ rounded by scenery highly varied and beautiful. There is a charming undulation in the surrounding hills, bold Pendie ’s graceful slopes being very conspicuous features— its striking contour having earned for it the appellation of “ The sleep­ ing Lion.” The district furnishes all that the artist, poet, or naturalist could desire to revel in, possessing as it does its bonny valleys with rich pastures, shady lanes, rivers, knolls, woodlands, fells, and noble hills. A local poet aptly describes it in the lines : — “ Thy walks are ever pleasant, every scene Is rich in beauty, lively, and serene.” Mr. Carmichael, Superintendent of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Liverpool, when visiting the old Borough on a recent occasion said it was one of the prettiest places on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. Mr. Hy. Chapmen, formerly foreman at the Isis Cement Works, some few years ago was walking along the Chatburn Old Road, and when near the Kempstone Gate beheld the Ribble and the charming valley. He said as a soldier he had seen many lands, but that no scene he had ever gazed upon impressed him more than the lovely view before him. Mr. J. R. Nall, Manager of the Goods Department, as a young man, had the offer of two situations, Clitheroe being one of them. Ere he made his decision he determined :o see Clitheroe first, and with pride he used to relate that “ as the train emerged from the tunnel near Langho, I sighted the lovely vallev with Clitheroe in the distance, and I ex ­ claimed, ‘ This is the place for me 1 Verily, I am Joshua viewing the Promised Land.’ How many emigrants in all parts of the globe whilst flourishing in the land of their adoption have not forgotten the land of their nativity, and have again and again crossed the foaming billows to behold once more the lovely valley and quaint old town where “ the rude forefathers of he hamlet sleep.” The following lines were written by Mr. John Geldard, a native of Low Moor, prior to his emigration to Amercia, about the year 1841. Those verses relating to the bells are CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 3 much treasured by the ringers of St. Mary’s, who have them written, up on the walls of their belfry : Flow, gently flow, thou murmuring Kibble, Beside my dear relations’ bower ; Soothe thou tbeir minds in time of trouble, When in the dark and midnight hour. Ring, sweetly ring, ye Waddington bells. Melodious in my comrades ’ ears. Re-echo through these lowly delis, And drive from them all gloomy fears. Respond, ye Clitheroe bells with might. And Whalley bells with great delight, Ye Mitton bells, come join the song, Along with Powell’s* tong, tong, tong. Stand firm, thou shattered Castle, stand — Support my natives round thy walls; Thy spire shall echo with their band In spite of all old Cromwell’s balls. May all the world by sea or land Under one law, and colour stand ; All nations join in one to sing. Hosanna to their Heavenly King. * St. James’s. Mrs. Rose Starkie, (sister to Mr. Councillor Robinson, Eshton Terrace), writing from Brisbane, Queensland, last Autumn, referring to the beautiful walks of the district, says: Every nook and corner is dear to me. I am familar with every foot of land ; each bend of the path has some sweet association ; and the river scene is engraved on my heart. I may never set foot there again, yet none the less do I grieve over the threatened closure of those lovely paths through which I roamed in childhood ’s happy days. Many of your readers who were children when I was a child will have much in common with me. Their memories will carry them back to the time when we used to say — “ Let’s have a run round Dicky Pay Shay.” When I was about fifteen my father took me and several other young people for a long stroll through the fields and along the river bank. I remember it as if it were but yesterday. At one point the path skirted a wheat field (I think that it is a meadow now) and we stopped to admire the yellow corn, and sang snatches of 4 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. W att’s hymn — “ Praise ye the Lord.” One verse seemed particularly appropriate :— He makes the grass the hills adorn, And clothes the smiling fields with corn. Later on, as I grew to womanhood other companionship still further endeared those paths to me. The memory of my dear departed husband is very much mixed up with those romantic spots where we spent so many happy hours together.” Mr. Joseph. Cliff, writing from Hughenden, Queensland, Australia, about two years ago, alluding to a newspaper account of the opening of our Railway, says : “ It revives the memory of bygone days. Clitheroe is dear to me, insomuch that it is my birth place. When the Moor Lane School was opened I was one of the first at the opening. I have been able to look back and brought to mind many things that gave much pleasure at the time and to ramble in my mind over many of its green pastures and meadows, and among the cowslips, primroses and daisies, none of which I see in Queensland. Shortly before I came here my father and I visited Clitheroe (from Accrington) and had a walk on the banks of the Ribble. It was about the time the salmon were going to spawn, and we saw some large ones leaping over the fall just below the bridge. I would like to have a copy of any lectures or other items relative to the town. lam on Marathone Sheep Station (40 miles from Hughenden) preparing the machinery for scouring the wool during shearing time.” Mr. Cliff is a grandson of “ Old Ben Cliff,” referred to in a later chapter. Letters in a similar strain to the above have been received by the writer from Newfoundland, Arkansas U.S., North. Wales, etc., but we will not at present further pursue this topic, pleasing though it is, to the many emigrants who have left our bonny valley. If the quaint town cannot boast of noble looking streets graced with statues, it has an antiquity which ranks it the next oldest Borough in England. Wigan is the oldest. Our Corporation dates from the year 1147. The fame of >ur Borough cannot by any means be small, for many events have tended to give it prominence, and perhaps no author has done so much to induce English people to visit the CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 5 district more than Harrison Ainsworth, the author of “ The Lancashire Witches,” and other books. Quite a propos of this, I may relate a curious incident which befel the Rev. E. Boden, the late Head Master of our Royal Grammar School, who, when ascending one of the mountains in the Pyrenees, entered a chateau and after resting awhile asked if they could allow him a book to read, when, to his amazement, the only English book in the place was entitled “ Mervyn Clitheroe, of Clitheroe, Lancashire,” by Harrison Ainsworth. Surely the reverend gentleman must have felt convinced that Clitheroe had a world-wide renown. The old town has had many vicissitudes, and if it escaped devastation by Cromwell’s army it has been the scene of many a battle, for in former times the Parliamentary elections of Clitheroe were little else than civil wars It is somewhat remarkable that the final “ e ” in the name of our town is rarely found in print prior to the forties. I have examined numerous correspondence and printed matter extending backward some 80 or 90 years which confirms this fact. In treating of the old Borough it would be an unpardonable omission if our Borough Recorder were not allowed honour­ able mention. For upwards of 40 years the late Theophilus Hastings Ingham, Esq., (formerly of Marton House, Skipten, but latterly of Lillington Lodge, Birkdale, Southport), has discharged with becoming dignity the office of Recorder, receiving his appointment in the year 1859, during the Mayoralty of Mr. A. W. Dewhurst. Wharton ’s Law Lexicon defines a recorder as “ a person whom the Mayor and other Magistrates of any city or town corporate, having jurisdiction in a Court of Record within their precints by the Royal Grant, associate unto them for their better direction in matters of justice and proceedings according to law. He is usually a barrister of some stand­ ing.” Mr. Ingham was for many years a County Court Judge in Number 3 Circuit, which extended from portions of the West Riding of Yorkshire into the Counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland. Our Recorder was proud of relating that he first drank the 6 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. old toast of “ Prosperation to the Corporation in 1825, and with delight did he relate that he could recollect the day when Manchester had neither Mayor nor Member of Parlia­ ment, and whilst Manchester had no Member, the ancient Borough of Clitheroe returned two and had done so since the days of Queen Elizabeth, and singular enough, he said our present Member, Sir Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth, is descended from Richard Shuttleworth who represented Cli­ theroe in 1610. Our Recorder was educated at the Clitheroe Royal Gram ­ mar School. When resident at Marton House, near Skipton, he manifested a kindly interest in the welfare of the people m several ways, and on many occasions delivered lectures and readings on a variety of subjects to the community in the surrounding villages, which were delivered with such oratorical ability and pleasantry as to greatly endear him in the affections of the public. He died at Lillington Lodge, Birkdalc, in January, 1900, at the advanced age of 91. Many great personages have been associated with the town and immediate district which have contributed to its fame. Waterton, the great Naturalist, the world-famed Sir Roger Tichborne, and Rev. Father Perrin, the astronomer, and many other notorieties were educated at Stonyhurst College, only miles away. Frederick Thos. Greenhalgh, son of Wm. Greenhalgh, an engraver at Clitheroe, had the honour of being elected Governor of Massachusetts. His parents formerly kept a pot shop in the Market Place, where Mr. John Windle’s shop now is. Just over the hill from Clitheroe, Cobden, who with John Bright and others, brought about the repeal of the Com Laws, was in business at the printworks at Sabden. Tohn Bright was tutored in his youth at a Quaker ’s School at Newton. The poet, Campbell, was a personal friend of Mr. James Thompson, of Primrose, Clitheroe, and whilst on a visit to Primrose House, it is said, inscribed his name on a window pane. The before named Mr. Thompson was the Prince of Printers in his day. Mr. Thompson had also great renown as a chemist, and in other respects was a wonderful man. He is reputed to have said, “ There are only seven CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 7 wonders in the world, and my son Tom is the eighth.” The late Sir Lyon Playfair was principle chemist in the Laboratory at Primrose Printworks. The Primate of all England as Dr. Temple, then of Rugby School, in September, 1868, address­ ed a Clitheroe audience in view of a local Parliamentary election. Sir John Holker, the Attorney General, resided at Colthurst, some three miles away, whilst Thomas Whittaker, thrice Mayor of Scarboro, and a great temperance reformer, was bom at Grindleton, three miles away, and lived for a time in Clitheroe, and thus one could enlarge, with the assur­ ance there was still “ power to add to their number.” Descending to men who were amongst the ranks of the toilers, we may state that Samuel Pulman, the inventor of the Pulman Car was a son of John Pulman, who some fifty years ago was associated with the “ Craven Heifer.’’ Samuel, the inventor, went out as a blacksmith and mechanic fo Chicago, about 45 years ago, and is still alive, and has two nephews yet living in our town. It was a designer at Primrose, a bred and bom Clitheronian, Mr. Thos. Ingham, who, whilst at a school in London, designed the lace which adorned the bridal dress of our beloved Queen, and was after­ wards worn by Princess Beatrice. His daughter, (Mrs. Cullen), informs me the design of the Honiton lace was of such elaborate beauty as to employ two hundred ladies six mcnths in its execution, and made quite a sensation among the lace-workers of the period. A scheme for developing the residential resources of our grand old town was formulated in the Spring of 1899, when the following gentlemen composed a Company : Aiderman Roberts, Dr. A. Musson (Chairman), Messrs. G. J. Holme, T. D. Benson, J. Sagar, J. Hitchon, and S. Green. The plans for the first batch of residences which were to be built near the site of the lawn tennis ground behind Mayfield, were passed on Thursday, the 16th March, 1899, by our Town Council. The building site is to be laid out in beautiful avenues, and the villas which have been designed by Messrs. Briggs and Wolstenholme, of Blackbum, will be most elegant and artistic in appearance. The promoters have also secured some hundreds of acres oi land at Knunck Knolls, which has a charming 8 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. aspect on both, sides, at the foot of which flows the pure stream of old Ribble whose banks are so beautifully wooded. In reference to the woods which adom the Ribble tanks, it will be remembered that a very dense and beautiful plantation of firs some forty years ago stretched from the foot of Pighill to Dangerous Comer, but in the Spring of 1866 was utterly cleared by the woodman’s axe. No wonder that the pleasure grounds of Tucker’s at Brungerley, close by should be so much visited by the tens of thousands of people from neighbouring Lancashire towns, with such a delightful river in such a wholesome condition, for how difficult it is to find a river of such purity on the very skirts of a town. Clitheroe’s sanitary record is such as to justify the scheme. Il is an exceedingly healthy district with one of the lowest death, rates in the County and a comparative immunity from infectious disease. The limestone strata on which Clitheroe stands is one of the secrets of its life-sustainin<r power. For consumptives Clitheroe is declared by many medical author­ ities in other towns to possess the most beneficial atmos­ phere in the County, and for forty years at least consumptive patients have been sent here from Lytham, Blackpool, and other places, whose means would not allow them to go to more favourable or foreign climes. One gentleman, now a prominent resident in the town, after touring Europe in search of health, declares Clitheroe to be fully equal to Davos in Switzerland for its life-sustaining properties. With such testimonies as these it does not seem difficult to believe that there are great and good things in store for old Clitheroe. Our Town Council has been careful to provide seats at suitable stages on Salt Hill, and one or two about Brungerley, and will, we trust, increase the number before long. Coe Hill, Knunck Knolls, and Peggy Banks are desirable places for seats. Miss Susan Garnett, of Craigevar, has generously placed three seats between Bawdlandsand Low Moor Church. Our Corporation, in the Summer of 1898, erected a bathing shed on the banks of the Ribble, about midway between the Bridge and Dangerous Comer, which is appreciated by the ycung men of our town. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER 9 II. PROSPECTS OF A RAILWAY. THE OLD STAGE COACH IN JEOPARDY. WHAT SOME OLD CLITHERONIANS SAID AGAINST THE RAILWAY SCHEME. T can readily be conceived that when the legal and other difficulties— which axe the essential preliminaries to a railway, had been overcome, and the announcement went forth, that the Black­ bum Railway would be extended to Clitheroe and Chatburn, the inhabitants of Clitheroe and district would be much affected thereby and greatly exercised in mind, body, and estate, for such a project affected all classes and was therefore the chief topic of con ­ versation and conjecture years before the scheme became a reality. The Act of Parliament for the Clitheroe Railway was obtained on the 27th July, 1846, and was therein styled “ The Blackburn, Clitheroe, and North-Western Junction Railway,” and by a later Act, (24th July, 1851), was changed to “ The Bolton, Blackbum, Clitheroe, and West Yorkshire Railway Co? Ultimately it became know ’ll as “ The Black­ bum Railway Co.” The estimated cost of the railway was ^600,000, and this amount formed the capital of the Company. The following gentlemen, twelve in number, constituted the directorate: Hy. Ashworth, (Bolton), John Brandwood, 10 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS- (Darwen), Thos. Eccles, (Lower Darwen), Peter Ellingthorpe, (Blackburn), Christopher James Geldard, (Settle), James Hardcastle, (Bolton), William Henry Hornby, (Black­ burn), James Kay, the younger, Charles Potter, (Darwen.), William Robinson, (Settle), Eccles Shorrock, (Darwen), and Leonard Wilkinson, (Blackburn). There being a railway at Blackbum, only ten miles dis­ tant, many people had heard descriptions of it, whilst some few had seen and travelled by it, and thus reliable ideas could he gained of the importance and utility of railways, yet withal it was only the few who could be convinced that railways were really for the public good. England from end to end had been agitated on the subject. W ealthy individ ­ uals. deluded with chimerical ideas as to the ultimate effects upon their own “ vested interests,’ were endeavouring persuade the public that railways would be ruinous to the country, and acting upon the principle that actions speak louder than words they were backing their opinions by freely spending their hundreds and thousands of pounds for the strenuous resistance of this ‘ Utopian scheme.’ The great Dr. Arnold was not an opponent, for when he saw the first mail railway train in motion, he exclaimed, “ Farewell to Feudalism.” An old stage-coachman beholding the same sight cried, “ God help old England, they are going to make her into a huge gridiron and fill her all over with hissing tea-kettles.” Stephenson, the father of railways, was asked in the House of Commons, “ What if a cow should get on the line?” He replied, “ It would be a bad job for the coo.” The arguments adduced against the railways were as non­ sensical as they were numerous, the following being the most popular ones, viz.: the speed at which they proposed to travel would be exceedingly dangerous to life and limb ; that people would be seized with apoplexy ; there would be great liability of boilers bursting; cattle grazing in the adjoining fields would, terror streken, scamper off and could not be kept within the fences, whilst cows would not let down their milk ; horse-flesh would tremendously decrease in value as there would be little or nothing for them to do; it would deal such a blow to manual labour as to throw tens cf CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 11 thousands out of employment; house property in close prox ­ imity to railway stations would be untenanted as no one would care to reside near such a place of bustle with shriek­ ing engines rushing and puffing day and night. In Clitheroe and district, the loudest to condemn the “ Iron horse ” were those interested in the coaching and carrying business. Upon one occasion in particular in the new Black Bull, there was a solemn assembly of those interested in the coach ­ ing and carrying business, and they were discussing the pros­ pects of the railway. Said one of them, “ Reckon up the number o* passengers as cums fra Blegbun bi th ’ cooaches. Two cooaches ud bring o th ’ job lot. If th ’ railway gets 'em o, how can it pay wi them tooathryr” “ But,” said another, “ it’s safer bi th ’ railway, accordin to th* statistics.” Rudd, the landlord, was one of the party, and on hearing this, he burst in with— “ It yo ’re thrown over wi th ’ cooach, thear yo are; but if it’s wi th ’ railway — wheear the d ----are yo then,” Old Robert Hopwood, a carrier, better known as “ Bob Hopit,” said railways were “ kill devils.” He did not use many arguments against the railway system, but used to anethematize it in language quite unsuitable for quotation. He vowed he would never travel by it, and he never did, and although he was an important witness in a case to be heard at York, he could not be induced by Mr. Hartley Baldwin, solicitor, to go by rail, and so was compelled to start off by road a day or two before the other witnesses. Wm. Embley, a carrier, who resided in Back Lane, was no lover of railways, indeed anything propelled by steam was to him a hateful thing. Old Peter Nowell, who for many years was servant-man at Mr. John Hargreaves, the Boar’s Head, vowed he would never go by railway, and never did. When nigh 70 years of age, he was bid to the funeral of a relative at Barrowford, and although his family begged and implored him to go by rail, he trudged the whole distance on foot. Old Edward Fielding, (“ Neddy,”) a hatter in Wellgate, was another stem opponent, and never travelled by rail. 12 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. There is a maiden lady residing at Pendleton, near Clithe ­ roe, Miss Ellen Haworth, who, although employed in H.M. Service, as Postmistress, has never travelled by train. In the month of May last, I had an interesting interview with this remarkable woman who is at least 65 years of age, and is as vivacious and fresh looking as most women at 30. Her father was formerly the village Schoolmaster, and was a fair sample of the primitive pedagogue. His daughter retains the same rustic form of speech and is a genial, kindly spirit. She consented, after much persuasion, to sit, or rather stand, for her portrait, and fortunately I was accompanied by Mr. T. S. Hargreaves, photographer, King Street, who secured a good likeness, which is here produced. On this occasion, the following dialogue took place : “ You have never travelled by train, I suppose? ” “ No, I never was no rider?’ “ Did you not like riding? ” “ Yes, I like it when I get agate, but th ’ coming back parts th ’ best ” “ Did vou ever ride by the old coaches?* ’ “ No, but I’ve ridden in Colonel Starkie ’s coach to vote at County Council Election at Sabden.” “ Then you never rode by train ? ’ “ No! My father was very strict on me; he didn ’t like me to go from home.” “ Did vou never wish to go by rail,” “ I did once want to go, but mv father didn't want me.” “ What age would you be then? ’ “ About twenty.” “ Well, but you see, you were just at a marrying age then, and he ’d be frightened of losing you 1* (At this remark she laughed very freely and seemed to keenly relish the joke.) Miss Haworth looks forward, like other Post Office officials, to “ Bank Holidays,” when business cares can be set aside at least for a day. On these occasions she has a trip, which means that she trudges off to a neighbouring farm some seventy or eighty yards up the road, where she stays for tea and a pleasant evening. This she seems to enjoy quite as much as those who are jaunting off, whether by road or rail. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER 13 III. MAKING THE RAILWAY. CUTTING THE FIRST SOD.---- BUILDING OF WHALLEY ARCHES. FATAL ACCIDENTS. HE first sod was cut on the 30th December, 1846, by the Rt. Hon. Lord Ribblesdale, (father of the present Noble Lord) who was then a youth. The event was quite a red letter day. A pro ­ cession was formed in the town, consisting of railway directors, the Mayor and Corporation, local gentry, land owners, etc., which was headed by the Clitheroe Old Temperance Band. In the procession was a well-known man, Matthew Munroe, who wheeled a mahogany wheelbarrow containing a silver spade which was presented to Lord Ribblesdale during the ceremony of sod cutting. The barrow and spade were supplied by Mr. W. B. Dewhurst. The party afterwards dined very freely at the Swan Hotel, the dinner being given by the Contractors, under the presidency of Mr. W. H. Hornby, the Chairman of the Company. Amongst those who were present were several well-known inhabitants of Clitheroe, and the only survivors, so far as I can ascertain, are Mr. Wm. Wheeler, Mr. H. Baldwin, and Mr. W. B. Dewhurst. The contractors for the line were Messrs. Nowell, Hattersley and Shaw, and the agent was Mr. Isaac Briggs, who is still alive, aged 82, and residing at Sandhill Cliff, near Wakefield. Mr. Terence Flanagan, an Irish gentleman, was the chief 14 CLITHEROE Hi ITS RAILWAY DAYS. engineer; Mr. John Withers (father of Mr. J. N. Withers, solicitor, Blackburn), was the resident engineer; Mr. Dixon Robinson, (Clitheroe Castle), being the solicitor. Mr. Robert White, who married a Miss Hornby, of Clitho roe, had the management of the brick-setting and masonwork. Mr. Rendwick, a Scotchman, was the Inspector cf the work. The brick-work was let to Mr. Thos. Hilton, of Blackburn, whose sons are still living and carrying on busi­ ness as bricklayers in Blackbum and other places. Mr. George Clark was manager of the brick-work. He now resides at Norden View, Rishton, and is 80 years of age. The sub-contractor for the stone-work was a Mr. Lawrence Hacking, of Padiham. Mr. Wm. Yates, who was the founder of the present business of Messrs. Yates and Thom, was the contractor for the iron girders, bridges, cattle-creeps, etc. Messis. Hornby and Son, of Clitheroe, contracted for the timber work in connection with Primrose Arches. During the progress of the railway, many interesting in ­ cidents occurred which had the effect of increasing public interest and curiosity in the railway. When the railway cutting had proceeded as far as Standen Hey, it became quite a popular walk on Sundays, and Clitheronians used to go down in large numbers to discover weekly the progress of operations. Mr. Ex-Councillor Eastwood’s father was at work in this cutting, and had his dinner brought from Grindleton by his son. I should fancy it was not always smoking hot when it arrived, but it d id arrive. Thos. Jackson, a south country man, better known as “ Tip Tom,” was one of the drivers of the tip waggons, and was engaged tipping at the railway embankment near Cop ­ low. A stray pig came along the fields from Ridding Hey, which was then farmed by old John Green. The pig was on rambling bent, and whilst Tip Tom was tipping, he accid­ entally killed the pig. Old Green, learning of the affair, came up to Tom and said, “ Thou ’ll hev to pay for that pig or Til send thee law.” Tom replied, “ Well, old gentleman, you can send as much law as you intend paying for, for when law comes, they ’ll have to seek Tip Tom where last year’s partridges are.’ CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 15 The railway was three and a half years in making. The operations began in January, 1847, and the line was ready for light traffic in June, 1850. It is somewhat remarkable that whilst the railway was in progress, Betsy Hodgson, a much respected young woman, residing in Flatts Row, (now known as Victoria Terrace,) and who was dying in consumption, remarked during her illness, “ I should not like to see the railway opened, as it will bring such bad characters into the town.1’ Singular to say she died and was buried on the very day the line was opened. The railway was inspected by Capt. Wynne, of the Board of Trade, on the 14th June, 1850, and having reported satis­ factorily, the line was opened in the week following. The greatest engineering feat in the Blackbum and Cli­ theroe length was the construction of the noble arches at Whalley, 49 in number, of which an illustration is given herewith. The laying of the foundation for that portion of the arch which rests in the bed of the river Calder was found a very difficult task. Whalley became quite a centre, as several of the heads of departments resided there. Mr. White resided in King Street, in the house now occupi­ ed by Mr. Frodsham. Mr. Joseph Kemp, foreman of the joiners, lived in the old Parsonage. Mr. Briggs lived at Ivy House (sometimes called Pig Cottage). Mr. Wm. Battv, the secretary, occupied the house at the old weighing machine, and Mr. George Clarke resided in the house opposite ihe Corpse Gate. Having heard that Mr. George Clarke, of Rishton, (already named) had played an important part in the build­ ing of the arches. I paid him a visit and took down verbatim, his statement, which ran as follows: “ Prior to my engagement on the Clitheroe length, I was manager at the Blackbum end of the Blackbum and Farring ­ ton Line, and was inspector under Mr. Nowell, the contractor. I accepted an offer from the firm of Messrs. Nowell, Hattersley and Shaw to manage the brickworks, etc., on the Clithe ­ roe Railway. My duties were to see that the bricks were of proper quality and delivered at the various points as required. 16 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. I was then about 30 years of age. I had a horse at my com ­ mand and rode or walked not less than 16 miles per day along the length. “ There were thirteen brick makers under me employed in connection with the Whalley arches. The clay for the brick was got from the railway embankment, and the bricks were made on both sides of the railway, on the rising ground towards Clitheroe, and near the present brickworks. The bricks were taken down in waggons by the side of the line and drawn up in wheelbarrows by horses, with a pulley. A man at the top pulled the barrows on as they arrived. The barrow was let down by hooking the wheel. The foundations of the pillars of the arches were very carefully laid. We used a float or raft to get about :he foundation of the pillar in the bed of the Calder. There were, however, no bales of cotton placed beneath the found­ ations as has been so erroneously stated. Under the big pillar on the Billington side there are three large baulks which extend at both sides a long way and are ■well packed up with concrete, as there is quicksand underneath, and it had such a poor foundation. During the erection of the arches on the Whalley side cf the river, the Calder was very much swollen, and while the pillar was being built in the river I went up to the top of the gantry to fetch some blocks and pullevs to make safe, as I thought a little boiler and engine which I feared the flood would wash away. While I was up there, the water rose considerably and I could not get back. I called for a rope to put round me, and having fastened it around my waist I threw the rope to the men and told them to pull me out. While I had hold of the blocks and pulleys they pulled me through the water. “ We put chains round the boiler and fastened it to another pillar and made it secure with the blocks so that it should not sink in the river. Unfortunately the derrick did not prove weighty enough to stay the baulks in the Calder as I hoped they would, consequently the flood carried the baulks away and the derrick was plunged into the water. Many of the baulks floated down the river and we had to recover them as best we could, some of them sailing down CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 17 as far as Ribchester. “After we had built beyond the large pillar which is on the Billington side, some of the arches fell and killed two men. I was at that time up at the Hardhill cutting, near Clitheroe. Mr. Shaw, the contractor, and Mr. Briggs, the agent, were walking with me towards Clitheroe when a man named James Ingham, of Whalley, who was one of my men, came up in a state of great excitement, and said, “ Master, the arches are fallen.” He was not able to state the number or give any particulars. We, however, returned at once. The big pillar had saved the arches on the Whalley side. “ The Inspector (a Mr. Evans of Darwen, who was a con ­ tractor) was sent to report on behalf of the Railway Company. Gazing at the wreck he remarked, “ The cement is good — the bricks are sound !” Then turning to Mr. Briggs, the agent, he asked— “Why did they fall ?” Mr. Briggs ventured no reply.* ’ Mr. Joseph Clarke, of Leyland, (brother of Mr. George Clarke), corresponding with his brother, says: “A man fell down with the half of one of the arches. He had been sent to stack the bricks on the arches and he came down with the bricks and was killed. I do not remember his name : he had been newly married to a girl at Barrow. When two arches fell, three men came down with them, and I think two were killed and one escaped. They were strangers: I do not know their names.” Mr. John Clarke, another brother of Mr. George Clarke, says: “ On rebuilding the arches, a young man who was always known as il Nimrod,” and came from Darwen, fell off the arches on to an old man who was mixing compo (cement). “ One man called Johnny O ’Connor, was killed, another was injured but got better. He was nick-named “ Salt Pie,” is still living, but is a nomad.” Mr. George Clark says: “ Soon after the opening of the line two engines with trucks for Clitheroe got off the metals just at the Billington end of the arches, and were dragged a long way over the arches, breaking the sleepers and chairs as they ploughed the ground. “ I remarked to Mr. Briggs that the arches had been putfo 18 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. the test which proved they would stand anything. “ I still think so as they have been built of good bricks and mortar.” At this point the writer asked Mr. George Clarke why the bricks of the arches had to be renewed. He replied, “ I will tell you what I think — it is the action of the sit air which chips them. Bricks which have been put in recently have had to be replaced for the same reason.” Continuing, Mr. Geo. Clarke said, “ Mr. Briggs, of Sand ­ hill Cliff, Wakefield, the agent, in a recent letter to me estimates the cost of the arches at about ^40,000. They are 40 feet high for a considerable length and took about three years in building. When trip trains began to run, pc Ken gers on taking a bird ’s eye view from Whalley arches often remarked it was the loveliest view they had ever seen, and that they would ride this way often in Summer for the sake of the views, especially towards Stonyhurst and Longridge.” It appears they thought little of the view of the old Nab and bonny Whalley at its feet, but surely look which way you will the prospect is pleasing. Just before the completion of the arches a sensational affair was caused by the falling off the arches of a man named Charles Eaton who was bowling a wheel along the parapet, that is, the ledge at the top of the arches, from the Clitheroe end towards Billington. He had fetched the wheel from the joiners’ shop at the Whalley end of the arches, and whilst bowling it along it tilted over. He made a grab at it and fell over on the Whalley side, and was killed. He was picked up and carried into Whalley, and when just opposite the “ Corpse Gate ” he breathed his last. Mr. George Clarke, continuing, said : I well remember the festivities at Whalley on the 20th June, 1850, for I was there and superintended a staff of twelve men armed with truncheons to prevent the rude spec­ tators rushing on the ground where the marquee stood. There was a monstre crowd outside. The invitations for the event issued through Mr. Briggs, the agent, who was not a little annoyed at certain gentlemen (so-called) who made quite a fuss of him in the hope of getting an invitation, but CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 19 had previously shewn a lack of courtesy to him. Their blandishments, however, were unavailing as the past had not been forgotten. Mr. Briggs said to me in the evening, yen had better see that the line is clear before the people return to-night, as there may be mischief brewing. I accordingly sent half a dozen foremen of the platelayers to see to their various lengths. My brother Joseph, on walking down towards Clitheroe, not far from the Hardhill cutting, found laid across the metals a mason’s mallet, and a lever used for raising the sleepers, which was about 9 to 12 feet long. There was also a crowbar but my brother cannot now remember whether it was also on the metals. He met a man coming from the direction of Clitheroe and near the spot, but he did not see him at mischief. It was nearly midnight and dark. When we learned of this we kept the matter a profound secret, for if the fact had oozed out it would have not only greatly spoiled the pleasure of those taking part in the festiv ­ ities but aroused much prejudice against railways and a dread of travelling by them.” 20 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER IV. OPENING OF THE RAILWAY. FESTIVITIES AT WHALLEY.---- LIST OF STATION MASTERS AND OTHER OLD SERVANTS OF THE COMPANY.---- CURIOUS REMARKS AND STRANGE BLUNDERS OF COUNTRY FOLK WHILST TRAVELLING BY TRAIN. I N the day of opening, 20th June, 1850, there was an influx of visitors to the town. Mr. John Wilcock says many of the shops closed for a time to give the opportunity of wit­ nessing the event. It was a lovely day. Alongside the railway stretching from Bawd ­ lands right on to Back Commons, spectators had seized every available spot for viewing the first tra which was to make its trial trip on this auspicious da Others, preferring a bird ’s eye view, ascended the steeple oi St Mary’s Church, the Revd. Mr. Andertons party being of that number, whilst a goodly number were on the old Castle’s keep and walls. Mr. John Wilcock informs me that nearly all the town’s apprentices went up on the Castle walls, he being amongst the number. Bye and bye those on the Castle walls waved their handkerchiefs as the signal of the train’s approach, and the announcement was excitedly made— “ It’s coming I it’s coming !” On near­ ing Bawdlands bridge, an old man bawled out, “ Its getten a billycock on!” The puffing of the engine so impressed an old lady that she exclaimed, “ Poor thing, how it pants !” Mr. Alston, of the District Club, informs me that, as a boy, he saw the first arrival. The train consisted of S CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 21 engine, a coach painted red, in which were the Directors, and a ballast wagon behind with several platelayers in it, amongst them being William Gibson, and in the rear of the train was a red flag fluttering. On the arrival of the first train at Chatburn, the engine was detached and ran down the siding to allow of a free inspection by the public. Mr. John Varley, manager of the Bold Venture Lime Works, anxious that the school children should have a chance of seeing “ Puffing Billy,” sent word to Chatbum Schoolmaster, who instantly dismissed them, and they gazed like real rustics with amazement at the panting iron horse. M The first engine driver was Joseph Martland, “ Old Joe he was always known as. He continued in the Railway Company’s service a great number of years, and prior to his death was superintendent of the Locomotive Department at Blackbum. Nearly all of the first engines had an immense brass or copper dome centrally placed between the funnel and the fire box, but these have been abandoned owing to the great amount of labour required in keeping them clean. The first engine which came up to Clitheroe had a brass dome. An old man named Eastwood, better known as “ Lucky,” was a servant man at Lambroe, and when spreading manure in the fields could see the trains pass along. He used *o tell people how often he saw them pass, and said, “ there’s alius a fellow wi’ a girt beaver hat on.” What he took for the beaver hat in the distance was the brass dome on the engine. The carriages, or “ coaches,” as they were then termed, were illuminated by paraffin oil lamps which gave off such an amount of smoke and smut that if a long railway journey were taken, say to London, the passengers’ faces were of a somewhat sable complexion, and a wash was certainly the first essential on arrival. The luggage was placed on the top of the coaches. The first station master at Clitheroe was a Mr. Wiggin Blackband. He was succeeded by a Mr. Foster, who was a little man and a rigid vegetarian. Mr. Rycroft was 22 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. station master in 1852, and only stayed about a year. He removed to Shrewsbury, and was until recently living ?t Ross, in Herefordshire. He paid a visit to the old town along with his daughter in the month of November, 1898, and when passing down Moor Lane to see his old friend, Mr. Jos. Carr, remarked the great alterations and was much impressed with them. Mr. Hogarth was his successor. He was a ven ’ smart official and given to bursts of humour; in this mood he would bawl out on the arrival of the train, “ Third class lower up!” Mr. Hitchen followed Mr. Hog ­ arth; next came Mr. Beaumont, and in the year 1881 our present efficient and popular Mr. J. H. Heaton. The first railway out-porter was Matthew Munroe, father of the notorious Moses Munroe, a dogger. Matthew had invested /;800 in the railway, but owing to his inability to meet the further “ calls,” lost the whole of it. The money had been lent to the United Methodist Free Church, Moor Lane, but Matthew withdrew it to make, as he thought, a better investment. As a sort of consolation he was appoint­ ed railway porter. Matthew had the honour, as already mentioned, of wheeling the wheelbarrow in the procession at the sod cutting ceremony. He died under extraordinary circumstances whilst at his work in the early part of the day. He stated to Thomas Eastham, a platelayer, and others, that he should die that day, and even went so far as to say, “ I should like “ Lurry John,” Thos. Eastham, and Billy Gibson to carry me to my grave.” In the afternoon he was wheeling some luggage up Parson Brow, and soon afterwards expired when leaning against the steps in front of John Taylor’s shop. The first railway porter was Neddy Bowker, who had been a Primrose hand. James Skit, who hailed from Wigan, followed him, who was succeeded by James Davies, who afterwards became coachman to Mr. William Wilkinson, at Studdy House, Church Street. James Bennett succeed ­ ed Davies and remained in the service of the Company about twenty-one years. He died, ’Xmas, 1892. An old railway servant says that the first porters at the railway station did not receive big wages, but the amount received in “ tips,” or “ perks,” helped up the wages con ­ CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 23 siderably. The porters belonged to a society known as " Calathumpians,” the members of which always prefer a shilling to sixpence. Many members have been enrolled since then. For a time a small hut, no bigger than a hencote, served as the railway station for Clitheroe, and was made weather­ proof by a large waggon sheet being thrown over it but many had to stand out in the rain until a more commodious place was built. The first booking clerk was William Catlow, who after­ wards, for a time, was station master at Langho. Ultimate­ ly he became a gauger. William is still living. The first station master at Whalley was a Mr. Fish. On the day of the opening of the railway, a dinner and ball were held at Whalley in honour of the event, under a marquee in a field near where the present Goods Yard >s. Col. Robinson and Mr. Eastham, (our Town Clerk,) and probably some few others who were present are still living. The invitations issued were 250, and 240 persons accepted them. This dinner and ball were given, not by the Directors, but by the Contractors, Messrs. Nowell, Hattersley and Shaw. A special train of 15 new first-class carriages, with a saloon (then called a “ gondola,”) containing a Band of music, left Blackbum at 2 o ’clock, to carry the invited guests, and ran through to Chatbum where the guests alighted and rambled about admiring the scenery, after which the train returned to Whalley, which was' reached about 4 o ’clock. The chair at the banquet was taken by Mr. William Shaw, one of the con ­ tractors, the principal speakers being Mr. Terence Flanagan, chief engineer; Mr. John Withers, resident engineer; also Messrs. Eccles Shorrock, John Evans, Dixon Robinson, W. H. Perfect, Captain Le Gendre N. Starkie, Isaac Briggs (contractor’s agent), and the Rev. John Master Whalley, and Rev. George Preston. Mr. John Wilcock, Pimlico Road, (nephew of the late Mr. Cockshott, ironfounder, Clitheroe), is the proud pos­ sessor of an invitation card for the event, which he has carried about with him in his pocket book for upwards of 24 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. forty years. It is about the size of a funeral card, in excel­ lent state of preservation, and the lithographed lines run as follows: “ Whalley, June 13th, 1850. Messrs. Nowell, Hattersley and Shaw request the honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cockshott’s company on Thursday, June 20th, at 4 o ’clock, to celebrate the completion of the line to Clitheroe. Dancing at 6 o ’clock. An answer is requested. A train will leave Clitheroe at 1 o ’clock, returning at 9 and 11 o ’clock, for which this card is a pass.” The Contractors also gave a treat to the whole of their workpeople in the same marquee on the following Saturday, there being almost 300 present, when Mr. Withers presided. The Blackbum and Clitheroe Company had running powers given them by their Act of Parliament over the East Lancashire Line from Darwen Street through the Blackburn Station and Tunnel to Daisyfield, on payment of a certain toll. They had tried tc arrange with the East Lancashire Company for the running of their trains but without effect, and although the Directors had offered to pay whatever toll was demanded, they found that the junction was barricaded at Daisy field by great baulks of timber, with several engines and stone waggons. The blockade continued all Saturday and Sunday, one train only being allowed to pass on the Saturday, but on the Monday morning, Capt. Lawes, the Managing Director Of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, which was then a separate Company, sent word that if the East Lancashire Company did not withdraw their obstruction they might expect the same game to be played at Salford where they had only similar running powers. When our railway was fairly established, some eight or ten trains per day passed to and fro. The following time table may be of interest to some of our townspeople which shews that ten passenger trains per day only, (i.e. five each way) passed along the line after the railway had been estab ­ lished five years. Not more than four goods trains per day CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 25 could be added to this number. RAILWAY FOR TASLE AUGUST, 1855. Trains marked thus • run to Blackburn only, and Trains marked thusf run to Darwen only. FROM CHATBURN To Clitheroe.— Morning: 8 15, cheap; 10 30, do. Afternoon : 1 15, 1 and 2 class ; 4 45 do ; 7 5 s cheap. S u n d a y s .— Morning : 8 7 cheap. Afternon : 115, 5-20, & 8 45f cheap. FROM CLITHEROE To Blackburn, Bolton and Manchester— Morning : 8 20, cheap ; 10 36, 1 and 2 class. Afternoon : 1 21, 1 and 2 class; 4 50 do; 7 10* cheap. S u n d a y s — Morning: 8-13, cheap. Afternoon : 1-21, do; 5 26, do ; 8 51f do." In contrast to the above I may state tnat our erteented station master, Mr. Heaton, informs me that on Monday, the 14th August last, during twenty-four hours 124 trains ran through. These, of course, include goods as well as passenger trains. When we contrast the speed at which we now travel, per express train, with that of the old coaching days it is an overwhelming thought. On a sun dial in “ Dial Row,” Sabden, chiselled upon stone are the words : “ What is swifter tlian time ?” On gazing at it some time ago I pondered over the question, and soliloquising said : Time gives us sixty seconds per minute, but the revolutions of the wheel of an express train must be at least 346 per minute. Mr. H. A. Hoy, <A the L. and Y. Locomotive Dept, Horwich, says: “ Our latest engine can travel comfortably 60 to 70 miles per hour with a far heavier train than was the case some years ago. The number of revolutions per minute for a passenger engine with wheels 5 feet 8 inches diameter, running at . 0 miles per hour, is 346. The greatest difference between our present day express engine and that of fifty years ago is more 26 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. in the hauling power than quicker running.” Surely the swiftness in our mode of travel is more impressive than rhe speed of time. Time is nevertheless wonderfully persistent, ever at it, never lagging, never dragging, and “ Like an ever rolling stream Bears all its sons away.” The railway terminus was at Chatbum, but only a small wooden building served as a booking office which was after­ wards enlarged and served as a station until the extension of the line to Hellifield. The Rev. E. Boden in one of his pieces written for recitar tion on the Commemoration Day at the Clitheroe Grammar School, in alluding to the inadequacy of the railway accom­ modation prior to the extension northward, says of the town : “ It is semi-detached to the world by the rail, And graced by a much needed station ; Its attachment complete seems a probable tale, To be told by the next generation.” Operations for the extension to Hellifield commenced in 1874, and the railway was opened to Gisbum for passengers ©n Whit-Monday, 1879, and was opened through to Hellifield the following year. John Ackrigg was the first station master at the old station at Chatbum and lodged with a Mrs. White­ bead nearly opposite the Black Bull. The present station master, Mr. Cockshutt, has been in his present situation about 25 years. The first porter at Chatbum Station was James Sagar, who had served full time in the Royal Artillery, and prior to 1 is engagement by the Railway Company was stationed at Gib ­ raltar. His house was just above the Brown Cow. He ultimately began a grocery business where Taylor’s watch ­ maker’s shop now is, next the bridge, and died there. He married young Frank Holgate’s sister. By the way, young Frank Holgate was a well-known man and resided at one time at Bellman and for many years practiced as an auction ­ eer. He was a smart auctioneer, and could rattle through his work like a Scotch express. At a sale he would recite with great rapidity the conditions of sale— the last one vas CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 27 a brief one : ‘All kinds of money received except matrimony.’’ The name of the first engine was “ Windsor.” The fire­ box was at that time beneath the funnel and the engine driver occupied a position away from the stoker. The reversing lever was as now on the left hand and the setting-on lever at his right. In the earlier days of the railway, two of the guardsmen, Musgrove and Needham, discovered a means of making a little extra money. This was done by getting men who loiter­ ed about the railway station, especially at Chatbum, where they often had a good deal of waiting, to get them bundles of such herbs as yarrow, betony, and agrimony. They paid the men about twopence for a big arm full and would take ’he herbs on to Manchester and sell them at a splendid profit. 'Ihe first goods train from Blackbum to Clitheroe was ladened with 60 tons of pig iron consigned to Mr. Robert Ciark, of the Wellfold Foundry. Richard Ashton, better known as “ Dick Unlicked,” was the carter at the foundry -nd he used to relate with great pride that he carted the first load into the town. His horses were gaily bedecked with ribbons for the event. Mr. Clark resided at Well Croft, the house adjoining the foundry. A quantity of cotton for Messrs. Garnetts’, of Low Moor, followed the iron, so says John Dewhurst— (“ Lurry Jack.’’) The first piano to arrive by railway was consigned to Mr. Hy. Hall, solicitor, and in those days a piano was a very great rarity, except in the homes of the better class people. What changes have come about since then, for pianos, organs, harmoniums, musical boxes, etc., are to be found in the homes of almost any cf the working classes. Before the erection of a turntable at Chatbum, the engine was disconnected and ran down a siding and the train reached the terminus by what was known as a “ flying shunt.” One day, however, a strange guardsman was on duty and not being accustomed to the method failed to apply the brake, the result being that the train rushed forward against the stop blocks and rebounded with such force as to cause the carriage windows to be broken and several people were cut with glass and otherwise injured. Afterwards they resorted to a check chain which was attached to the engine on its 28 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. breaking away down the siding and thus the liability to accident was minimised. Mr. Thos. Metcalfe, Manager of the Bold Venture Lime Works, was residing in Chatbum at the time of the opening of the railway. He says that for some time goods and pas­ sengers came together as one train, and that “ hand points ” v.ere in use at first, but lock points ultimately superseded them. Mr. Metcalfe, along with others, used to attempt to promote excursions from Chatbum to distant places, out as 300 had to be guaranteed, he found it necessary to visit outlying villages such as Bolton-by-Bowland, Sawley, Grindleton, Twiston, and Downham, but he had to contend with a fearful amount of prejudice as the people had such a fear ol being killed and used to say, “ We’s never get back — it isn’t safe.” The first goods station master at Clitheroe was a Mr. Jas. Parker, and afterwards Mr. Nicholls, a Scotchman, who was followed by a Mr. Ed. Wilkinson, from St. Helens. Next came Mr. Peter Ormerod, from Bury, and after him Mr. Hy. Lonsdale, Manchester. The late Mr. J. R. Nall succeeded Mr. Lonsdale in 1863, and remained in the service of the Company up to the time of his death in 1896, being 32 years in all. “ Lurry Jack,’’ (John Dewhurst), was not the first lurryman, as was believed by some, although when he came in 1851 the Company had only one horse. The first lurryman was Jas. Dyer, of Blackburn; Jas. Smith, (brother to John Smith the carrier), came next; and following him was a man who w as only known as “ Pimblo Bob.” The longest in the ervice of the Company was John Dewhurst who commenced on April 1st, 1851, and resigned in June, 1893, a period of 42 years. He died 16th March, 1899, aeed 77 years. In naming old servants of the Company we should i ot omit reference to William Gibson, (Waterloo), who was a platelayer on the Clitheroe length from the opening of the line down to the year 1888, a period of 38 years, and was a well-known character, as was also Thomas Eastham, of Bawdlands, who came from Preston in 1857 and continued for 31 years a platelayer in the Company ’s service. He died in March, 1888. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 29 A rather singular accident happened through flying shunt ” at the Goods Yard, Clitheroe, when some four <;r five waggons ladened with pig iron were rushed beyond me terminus and actually driven into and beyond the road leading to the old station. Some of these broke through the fence and were among the gooseberry bushes belonging to Thos. Squires. Those waggons which stood in the road interfered with the traffic and passengers going to the radway station had to do the best they could. “ Lurry Jack ” told me some years ago that he saw ladies creep under and gentlemen climb over, the late Mr. Hall, solicitor, being amongst them. The waggons remained there until the engine returned from Chatbum and they were drawn into the siding without any further damage. For a considerable time people had a great dread nf accidents and were very fearful as to the safety of Whalley Arches. Mr. Frodsham, of Whalley, told me that for a time many Whalley people would not ride over the arches to Blackbum and so booked at Langho. This fear possibly arose from the fact that during the construction of the arches a portion fell in and some men were killed. Mr. Jas. Wilson, shoeing smith at Read ’s, tells me that when he was serving his time at Stocks Hill, Whalley, he heard a great deal of talk about the unsafety of the arches, and he remem ­ bered a Mr. Geo. Longton, fanner, of White House, Whal­ ley, had a great dread of the arches and always drove •• Langho station when about to travel by train and was let by his trap on his return. He used to say he had seen pieces of brick falling from the arches and begged people not to risk their lives over it. A well-known character at Worston, now dead, had such strange sensations given him whilst travelling that he found it difficult to describe his feelings, for he said, “ Th ’ train geet up at that speed that th ’ hedges kept bobbing and jumping, and haystacks and barns seemed to chase one another.” Thomas, (this was his Christian name,) was not affected with that vanity so com ­ mon amongst the gentler sex— the love of beholding their face in a glass. On sighting his visage one day in the mirror, he was so utterly digusted that he turned the glass to the wall and declared he would never look again, for, 1 e 30 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. said, he had never seen an uglier ------ than himself in is life. This vow he kept, and although he had shaved himseii by the glass formerly, he endeavoured to do without h , but, as a relative of his informed me, he always managed to leave a tuft or patch somewhere or else cut himself. It was an amusing spectacle to see the country bumpkins stand and with wide open mouths gaze at the giant horse, or, as they termed it, “ Puffing Billy.” What surprised and pleased them so much was that Billy could whistle. A Clitheroe man was not aware of this, and when on the rail­ way platform at Manchester, the engine gave such a sudden shrill whistle that the man leaped (so he said) a yard high. The curious blunders made by passengers were such that to name all I have at hand they would be discredited. For example, such was the shyness and awkwardness of country people when about to book or travel by train that townsmen could do no less than laugh outright. Take the following as a specimen. There was a certain station known as “ Mary Hill.” A young woman on booking said, “ Mary Hill, single.” Behind her stood a countryman who felt quite bewildered with the novel mode of travelling. Oh 1 said he to himself, it appears they have to state whether they are married or single 1 So he blurted out, “ John Sinclair, married 1” One old woman got on the train at Chatburn for Clitheroe, but was so bewildered as to fail to get out at Clitheroe and was taken forward to Whalley. Still she kept her seat and when the train reached Langho she supposed that by this time she must have got to Clitheroe, so she poked her head out of the window and asked “ Is this Cli­ theroe? ” Wm. Catlow, of Clitheroe, who was station master at that time, replied to the old dame and told her she was at Langho. “ Langho ! Langho !” said she, “ well it nobbat seems a minute or two sin I geet into th ’ train! Well I never! I thowt this wor Clitheroe, for I’ve to go to Dr. Garstang ’s to hev a tooth pulled out.” As it was several hours before the next train was due, Mr. Catlow sent he old lady by Jas. Hoyle’s lime carts which were passing down Langho for Clitheroe at the time. Another story was that of two old men who got into the train at Blackbum for Lamb Roe, between Clitheroe and CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 31 Whalley. On reaching Langho station the porter was call­ ing out “ Langho 1 Langho !” One of the old men said “ Hear ye! Lambroe! Lambroe!” and out they jumped, learning to their disgust when the train had gone that Lamb Roe was four miles away and that they had then to trudge on foot. No little difficulty presented itself to the booking clerk of those days, as now, in cases where boys presented themselves to book and claimed a half-ticket, stating they were under twelve. One of our leading tradesmen, when a lad under twelve, was so big and tall fot his age that he was disbelieved when he stated his age, and had many troubles in connection with booking, but on his father being appealed to the con­ tention was set at rest. Mr. Jas. Bennett, one of the first porters at Clitheroe station, thought he would give his two little girls an outing to Blackbum so that they might be able to say they had travelled by train. The day was windy and the little girls would keep poking their heads out of the window. Mr. I.uke Walker, my informant, told the children to mind or their hats would blow off. He had no sooner given the warning when off flew one of the girl’s hats. The father indignant, blurted out a rebuke, then poked his head out it the window when off went his hat also. The result was that instead of going to Blackbum they had to get out nt Whalley, and Bennett went a considerable distance down the line in search of the lost head-gear. Another old woman who was evidently having her first ride got in at Chatbum for Clitheroe. On the train stopping at Clitheroe, the old creature exclaimed, “ Bless us, are we at Clitheroe already? Why I haven ’t had time to take a pinch of snuff.’’ It is said that a man paid 2d. for his fare, (I think it was to Chat­ bum), and on getting out a porter accused him of travelling 2nd class with a 3rd class ticket. The innocent man replied “ I paid twopence and I got into a carriage with a 2 on it and I thought it was right.’’ Again, two men were looking at a time table and noticed the letters, “ a.m.” and “ p.m? “ What does that mean?’’ asked the bumpkin. “ Whv,” replied the other, “ it means you can ride a ha ’penny a mile or a penny a mile.’’ “ Oh, is that it? Well then, I’ll ride 32 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. at a ha ’penny a mile.’’ At a later period a Clitheroe young man took his aged step-father on a trip to Liverpool. On reaching the edge of the Mersey he offered to treat his good old step-daddv io a sail either to Birkenhead or New Brighton, but all the promises and appeals to daddy were in vain for the old man seemed to have a sort of feline dread of the liquid element. Finally he was assured of the perfect safety of the passage across the water, but it mattered not, the old man said :t I weeant go — I’m flayed o ’ gettin ’ witcherd I” In the earlier days of the railway, third-class carriages were only attached to the early morning and night trains, and these trains were aways known as the “ Parliamentary trains.’’ The carriages were open from end to end; the seats or benches were parallel, and the noise of the numerous passengers in conversation was anything but pleasantThe poorer classes could only avail themselves of the first train which started at six o ’clock in the morning. These third class carriages were a striking contrast to those of to-day. They were “ upholstered ’’ in wood, that is, they were cold, hard, and bare— as comfortless as a prison van. 1 heard two or three men sometime ago discussing the matter of railway fares. Said one of them, “ It’s a queer thing they could take folk to Liverpool soon after the line opened for 2s. Od. apiece, and now its 5s. 9d.’’ “ Yes,” said the other, but look at the difference in the comfort and convenience, as well as the speed.’’ Mr. Robert Wilkinson, Peel Street, informs me that a trip was run for Is. 6d. to Liverpool on a Good Friday soon after the opening, but the amount of time lost on the way was so great as to leave them scarcely any time to go sight seeing, and that Richard Anderson, better known as “ Crag,’’ and several other quarrymen went by it, and when they got out of the train they were so frightened of being lost that they scarcely ventured beyond the front of the railway station. They were, however, gratified by a sight of some shoeblacks who, with their usual cry of “ Shine, sir?’’ arrested their attention. One of the Clitheronians had before starting given his shoes a good coating of “ train oil,-’ and so for a lark, gave the shoeblack the task of making a “ shine.’’ After brushing briskly for some time the poor ’ad CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 33 had to give it up as a lost game, whilst his brushes were so thoroughly greased as to make it almost impossible to get up a “ shine ” for any “ sir.’’ The delf men had a good laugh over it which pleased quite as much as a good shine. A curious circumstance connected with these early trainswas related to me by Mrs. Jones, daughter of the late Mr. Geo. Whittaker,, who was the first relieving officer under the new Poor Law. It was one of the duties of the officer to convey lunatics from the Holden and Hacking Workhouses to Lancaster Asylum, and as they had always to go by the early morning train, they were brought on the night before by the governor and placed in Mr. Whittaker’s cus­ tody, who did the best he could under the circumstances and placed them in a back bedroom, carefully tied a stout cord to the door handle and next fastened it round the bedpost of the bed on which he slept, so that if the insane visitor became unruly in the night there was a line of com ­ munication established which served quite as well as either telegraph or telephone wires. Christopher Lancaster, better known as “ Kitty,’’ was at that time the parish constable, and when occasion required he gave the relieving officer help with the lunatics. “ Kitty,” on one occasion, had a prisoner in his custody and for convenience took him into his own house, (which stood where Mr. C. Whiteside ’s shop now is in Castle Street). He fastened the prisoner to the oven door and ultimately left him in the care of his wife. The prisoner remarked to Mrs. Lancaster, “ he thinks he has me safe, but I can easily lift th ’ oven door off th ’ hinges .aid dart, but I don ’t want to do.” “ Kitty *’ remained parish constable long after the institution of the regular con ­ stabulary or “ Peelers,” as they were then termed after Sir Robert Peel who was instrumental in establishing the force. “ Kitty ” died March 13th, 1858, aged 79 years. The first cheap trip was to Liverpool on the first Saturday in July, 1852, and was promoted by the United Methodist Free Church. It was known as “ The Wesleyan Association Trip,” the fare for adults being 2s. Od., scholars Is. 6d. The late mock “ Mayor of Worston,” (Mr. Aiderman John Finch), as a lad, went by this trip, and it appears the old borough at this period, was being agitated in prospect of a 34 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Parliamentary Election : Mr. J. T. W. Aspinall was Tory can ­ didate and Mr. Matthew-Wilson the Whig. Jno. Finch, fired with enthusiasm in the interests of the Whigs, was bedecked with political ribbons and when in the streets of Liverpool he bawled out, “ Wilson for ever!’’ Cheap trips soon began to be popular and it is noteworthy that in the year 1855, cheap trips were run to Belle Vue, Manchester, the fare being 2s. 6d., which included admission to the gardens. About this time a cheap trip to Fleetwood was got up :»t St. James’s. The teachers and scholars assembled at 'he school at 5 o ’clock on the Saturday morning, and as the event no doubt seemed a perilous undertaking, before leaving tae school the Rev. Mr. Whitworth, the Rector, engaged in prayer. On reaching the station there was such an extra­ ordinary demand for tickets that cattle trucks had to be an­ nexed to take the excess passengers. The railway system not being so good then as now, considerable delays occurred, and on the return journey it was getting on for midnight when the party reached Blackburn. Mr. Whitworth was very anxious that they should get home before Sunday morning, and so they did for they were in Clitheroe before the clock struck the solemn hour of 12-0. Perhaps the most sensational kind of trips were those which were attempted for the Preston Guild in 1862. The trains were so excessively ladened that in order to cope with the extraordinary exodus from Clitheroe, cattle wagons were used, and the amusing incidents which occurred at the time were so very numerous that the reader must excuse any further reference as an ample number have already Deen given which cover a wide range of events. Although the opening of the railway greatly facilitated travelling, rural districts were not visited with that frequency or regularity as now. In proof of this I may relate an inci­ dent which occurred many years after the opening of i nr local railway. Several Low Moor young men started out on a Good Friday morning for a ramble and having scaled the heights of Browsholme Spire descended to the nearest farm house beyond. Here they asked to be supplied with dinner and were told they could have some boiled ham, CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 35 broth, etc., and such as cared for beer could have it The young men hungry as hunters ate heartily of the meal and then came the time of reckoning. On asking what the “ damages ” were the farmer said they were quite welcome to what they had had as they had brought the New Year in, being the first visitors to enter the house that year, although it was then the 13th April. Some idea of the small a m ount of traffic along our railway may be gained from the following incident. It appears some platelayers were engaged renewing certain rails, and when about Coplow they hesitated whether they should fill up the gap made that night or wait till morning. “ Oh, there’ll be no train till morning,” said one of them, and they left the broken line. Some time during the night, or early morning, a goods train came up and ran off the line through the missing rail, but no serious damage occurred. Several Clitheroe young men found good situations n the railway as clerks, notably Messrs. Tom and Harry Edge, Mr. Wm. Broadley, Mr. Wm. Catlow, Mr. Sam Spencer, and some others. After the opening of the railway the Manchester coach which ran from the Red Lion was bought Dy the Railway Company, and a purchase was made of 16 horses. This coach next ran between Clitheroe and Rawtenstall Station, which was then a railway terminus. Later the railway was extended to Accrington, and by and bye brought on to Backbum. Ultimately on the completion of the line, the East Lancashire and Lancashire and Yorkshire amal­ gamated, and the glory of Clitheroe’s coaching days was o ’er. The sight of the coaches as they ran for the last time must have caused some emotion in the breasts of those who loved those scenes of yore. The writer read some years ago an account of a railway opening in a remote country district which put an end to the old stage coach, and some of the old folks as they beheld the coach running for the last time, were so affected that tears bedewed their cheeks. 36 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER V. EFFECTS OF THE RAILWAY. THE OLD TOWN BEGINS TO AWAKE.--A NEWSPAPER IS STARTED.---- DR. MARK AND HIS LITTLE MEN.---- INTERESTING LETTER FROM AN OLD CLITHERONIAN IN NORTH WALES. the railway was completed there was no roa^j 35 now > leading from Railway View to the old or new station. The houses at Railway View were not then built and persons wending their way to the Railway Station from Waddington Road and the northerly end of the town would have to pass up Back Lane (now King Street,) through Castle Street and down Parson Brow. The present King Street Railway Station was open ­ ed January, 1871. The double line from Daisy field to Chatbum was, Mr. Samuel King tells me, first used for general traffic on the 16th February, 1874. It was hoped that it would be ready for use in the previous August, but owing to some defect in Langho Bridge the Government Inspector insisted on its being remedied before sanctioning the use of the double line. I must not forget to name a worthy servant of the Company who, as pointsman at he Bawdlands Crossing has, for upwards of 35 years, been a very vigilant and efficient servant. It is with Dride that he (Mr. Sam. King) relates that during this period, in the work ­ ing of the crossing he has not had a single accident, notwith ­ standing the great anxiety which parents have for their chil­ dren ’s safety in passing daily to school. Sam was formerly a Goods Guard at Manchester and Preston, and in that cap ­ acity met with an accident to his leg, which necessitated a change of occupation- His leg had to be amputated, but this took place after his arrival at Clitheroe. He came in CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 37 October, 1864, and with, his wife and child (“Nelson ’’) took up his abode at the house he still resides in. When he came (1864) there were no houses between Foulsykes Mill and Bawdlands save his, and only about a dozen houses in West View. From Victoria Street to Eshton Terrace there was but one house, the Rectory. When the Clitheroe railway had fairly got established it did not so favourably affect, as was anticipated, the local fairs. Clitheroe cattle fairs were always well attended and the advantages offered by the rail­ way company did not materially alter them for some time. The October fair was the most famous one and was always known as the “ Great Saturday Fair.” A most familiar figure at these fairs was an old man who hailed from Colne. He attended Clitheroe fairs tor at least 60 years. Whoever missed, this old' Pedlar was always there selling his shoe wangs and leather garters which he tied round his “ chimney pot hat,” or had them hanging from his arms in abundance. He paced to and fro from Bailey ’s corner to Castle Foot, and above all the din and bustle of the fair his plaintive cry could be heard — “ Shoe wangs a ha ’penny a pair; leather garters a penny a pair!” A giant show attended a Clitheroe Fair in the pre-railway days and was on view in West Yard. Three men named Richard Read, a shoeing smith, John Bell, a painter, and Thomas Fletcher, all cousins, paid their money to see she Goliath and behold when examined, the giant was less than any of the three men who were all over six feet. Indignant at the imposition the three men pulled up the tent pegs --nd overturned the show, and the “ giant ” went stalking off to find a more gullible people. One of the greatest musical treats to the public of Clith ­ eroe was afforded by a very famous gentleman and his troupe, known as “ Dr. Mark and his Little Men.” He paid several visits to Clitheroe, and was very popular. His little men consisted of 40 boys whose ages ranged from 6 ro 15. They were taught gratituously by Dr. Marks, and as he explained to his auditory, were trained in order to illus­ trate an entirely new and successful method of musical education. 2,000 of such boys, he stated, had received a free education at his hands. I remember a visit Dr. Marks paid 38 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. in 1859, when I was but a little lad living with my parents at the White Lion Hotel, and well recollect his telling me under the sign of the “ Lion ’’ that I must be one of his little men, which much delighted me, though it never came io pass. The introduction of the railway seemed to impart new life to the inhabitants and set in motion projects of various kinds for the general good. Mr. Wm. Whewell, printer, Castle Street, in January, 1855, ventured to issue a newspaper which was styled “ Whewell’s Family Paper and Clitheroe Monthly Adver­ tiser.” The paper, however, only lived about two years. The circulation was 800 monthly. It was sold at one penny and was partly illustrated. For nearly 30 years, (i.e.,) from 1857 to 1886 our town could not indulge in the pride of having its own organ < r newspaper, and during this long spell local news was puolished principally in the Preston Guardian, Preston Herald, Burnley Express, and one or two minor newspapers. In the year 1886, the late Mr. John Cowgill issued every Saturday gratuitously, an advertising sheet, interspersed with bits of local matter, which ultimately developed into a news­ paper. The Clitheroe Advertiser is held in high esteem, and has a very large circulation extending over the 35 Lanca­ shire & Yorkshire townships comprising the Clitheroe Union. In 1888, the Clitheroe Times was established as a Id. paper, but subsequently dropped the price to a halfpenny. In December, 1855, the public of Clitheroe had a griev ­ ance which we in these days know nothing of. Clitheroe followed the example of other towns in getting up a move­ ment to induce parties to cease wholly or in part the con­ sumption of sugar. Placards were issued drawing attention to the enormous amount netted by speculators, and calling on people to suspend' the use of sugar for three months. Common brown sugar about that time was 6|d. per lb., such as can be bought to-day for l|d. per lb. In the September number, 1857, of Whewell’s Family Paper, a paragraph states that in connection with the Low Moor Wesleyan Association Chapel, a tea party was held, and that the con­ gregation sat down to “ sweet cups of tea,’’ which seemed to CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 39 indicate either that the price had come down or the love of sugar had gone up. During the progress of the railway cutting in the year 1848, the Literati of Clitheroe were not a little surprised, at the publication, in solid book form, of gems of poetry entit­ led “ Poems from behind the Counter.” The author was a Downhamite, named John Tate, who, during his apprenticeship handled alternately the yard stick and the pen of the poet, and the Doems numbering 98, extended over 137 pages, and were of a very superior order. They were printed by Mr. Whewell, Castle Street. John was schooled at Chatbum, his tutor being Mr. Robert Dewhurst, who afterwards commenced business in Clitheroe and became a leading citizen, a strong Conservat­ ive, and on several occasions was Mayor of the Borough. The school at Chatburn was at that time at the top end of the village on the left hand side. The following interesting letter from Mr. Jas. Mcllquham who is a native of Clitheroe, and now a prosperous business man in North Wales, will be read with pleasure. It was written in reply to certain queries made by me : — “ Aberystwyth, Feb., 1898. Dear Mr. Clarke, I was only 8 or 9 years old when ‘ Puffin ’ Billy ’ first came up the line, still I retain a most vivid recollection of it. We lads kept quite a respectable distance from the line, as strange and sinister reports were in circulation, and somehow we were afraid. Many thought it would blow up, others predicted the iron rails would break, then a smash. So we didn ’t venture too near. Passengers were packed much the same as cattle are now, certainly not so comfortably cared for as horses are to-day. I remember we were wont to climb about the arches of the wooden bridge, spanning the brook below Primrose. Oftentimes our clothes would stick and fasten in the niches or timber cracks, when the pressure was on, only to be released after the train passed ; how we enjoyed it— laughing and shouting. A journey to ‘ Blegbun ' was a big thing then ; much leave taking and seeing off took place. Clitheroe folks were far above the average Lancastrian, intelligent, well read, and great politicians. Primrose waS 40 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. a seat of learning and stood high, many of its artisans were strangers, who had seen the world, and brought with them well stored minds. Hot political discussions I can well remember, when taking father's dinner and bagging, took place in the block shop during meal hours, oftentimes culminating in scenes when the speakers lost control venting their spleen on the poor, unfortunate tearers, who very often had to beat a hasty retreat. Old Jim Robinson was the watchman, after him little Ben Shrew. Many and many a time the latter chased us boys. We were not so much afraid of him as his terrier dogs, which were indeed a terror to us all. Boys then took great delight in bird nesting and in that particular line very few excelled me. I knew of more robin, peggy, tom-tit, linnet, throstle, lark, black-ousel, stock ­ dove, &c. nests, than most lads. You mention crinolines, the writer has good cause to remember them too. One Saturday morning, a pal joined me, and during our rounds we came to a stile. On the other side stood a big, stout woman and her daughter, I suppose on their way to Clitheroe. We waited, full ot mischief. She said, 11 Nae then, come ower." But not a move. She then got to the top, shouting out, " What are yo staring at, yo impident jack-a-napes ? ” Whether it was temper or what I can ’t say, but somehow, down she came a cropper, with the hoop right over her head. We never moved and stood laughing, but, oh dear me, when she got right, she both seized and gave us one of the best thrashings I ever had. “ I ’ll larn yo to laugh tother way about, yo young scamps ” — and she did, until we roared with pain. How fresh Great Saturday Fair with all its glories, comes to my mind. For weeks we saved up our pence, which rarely totalled more than sixpence— ” Shoe laces a hapenny a pair” — “ Leather garters a penny a pair” — and West Yard with the shows and ‘ wood bosses.’ We were most careful how we spent our money. It did not go quite as quick as the Scotchman's when in London — ‘ bang went sixpence in half-an-hour. ’ No, no, our sixpences had to last much longer. A lump and three glasses used to be the first purchase, the wine being coloured water manufactured under the stall in a dirty old can. Next a hapenny stick of liquorice root which took a lot of chewing ere it gave out. After that, pushing round the wooden horses for which we generally got a slashing with the owner's whip, and a free ride every half-hour. We would then re-count our money — eatables we mostly went in for. We had to be satisfied with the outside of the shows— the pipes, drum performing pony, a peep at the dwarf’s head in the box, and all that CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. to be seen free — unless peradventure some uncle or kindly neighbour stumbled against us and Stood treat. One night a wicked pal of mine pointing his finger at a moving wax figure outside of the shows, which, when wound up kept turning its head from one side to the other, (I think it was Rush, the murderer) remarked — “ Jim, I ’ll stop that chap.” I said, “ If tha does, there ’ll be bother.” ■“ Never thee mind, I ’ll do it.” So he picked up a rotten apple, went behind the ' hobby-hoss,’ took aim, and fired, striking him right in the face, knocking it in, exposing a number of little brass wheels like clockwork. He stopped him ‘gradely ’ I can tell you. ‘ Grand Tableaux I ’ The pro ­ prietor, dwarf, fat woman, skeleton man, performing pony and pig, in fact the whole establishment rushed on the stage amidst tremendous excitement. -£50 reward was at once offered for the offender, but without avail. Time fails me to tell in detail of how this bosom friend took me to a " Lost Orchard ” full of apples, owned by nobody, but which afterwards proved to belong to some ­ body, and to our bitter sorrow soon found out. Or of a scheme of his to provide us with a good supply of what we Clitheroe lads never had enough, viz :— Nuts -and apples, which scheme consisted in helping Mark Baldwin, who lived in Wellgate, (he was a son of old Nathaniel) to wheel on a truck down home, all his nuts, apples, &c., &c. from the stall he had in Castle Street at the fair. It was between 11 and 12, and I waited a little below, opposite Billy Warner’s shop, until my friend, accidently of course, upset a hamper of fine big apples which came rolling down the hill. Shortly afterwards a bag of nuts came to grief— when on the ground they were of course anybody ’s property and full justice was done to them. Or how on returning very tired from a ‘ Pace-egging ’ tour one Good Friday — after scouring the country round Mytton way — our “ tosspot” in climbing over an awkward stile, by Henthorne, with a big basketful of eggs on his arm, tumbled, smashing the lot. All our hard day ’s earn ­ ings gone at one fell swoop 1 The whole company, fell upon him and it well nigh ended in a real tragedy. We gave him such a pummelling he never forgot. Of old Ben Latham, gamekeeper at Standen Hall, ducking us in Pendleton Brook followed by a sound thrash ­ ing for trout groping in forbidden waters, I could say much; or of being revenged on Dan Smith, British School Master for excessive use of the cane. He charged us with attempt­ ing to split his cane with putting hair, &c. X on our hands. He gossiped with some dressmakers who kept a business next door to Chas. Wamsley, Clogger (these shops had just been a v as 41 42 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. built). The shutters were generally put up about 7-0 on winter nights, leaving one outside for egress. We waited until Dan got inside, then quietly raised the remaining shutter, so they were imprisoned. After a while they came down ­ stairs to go out, but of course couldn't. They knocked and knocked but no help came, then pushed until at last down it came, the top part crashing through the window. We watched the performance from the old Coal Yard opposite, before the Congregational Church was built. But I must stop, although I could fill a volume. " Ah yes 1 ” the past with all its joys and tears is very dear to us ; its sweetness our memories still cherish — mellowed by years its fragrance like withered rose leaves, lingers, will not, cannot leave us. It is deeply graven on memory's tablet, never to be effaced whilst reason holds her seat, until the shadows fall and we are at rest ; then we hope to meet all those dear ones beyond the river— to meet to part no more. “ And in the morn those Angel faces smile. Which we have loved long since and lost awile.” Yours very truly, J a s . Me I l q uh a m. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER 43 VI. OUR POSTAL TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE SERVICE. DEVELOPMENTS DURING THE LAST FIFTY YEARS. ERHAPS there is no institution in our town which is more prominently before the public mind, or which has had more remarkable development during the last fifty years than our P.O. The postal service fifty years ago was a far different system to what it now is, as will be remembered by many of our elders. In the old coaching days, the Post Office was formerly at the comer of Messrs. Baileys’ premises in York Street, subsequently it was removed to the top of Wellgate, afterwards to Castle Street, the office then being where Mr. Cunningham ’s cycle shop now is, and which is now known as Old P.O. Place. From here it was removed to Castle Gate, to the shop now occupied by Mr. Parker, and ultimately when larger prem ­ ises were required, it was removed to the present buildings in King Street. Prior to the railway days, Clitheroe’s postal service was carried on as a Sub-P.O., under Blackburn. The night mail from Blackbum to Clitheroe and Clitheroe to Blackbum was conveyed by horse post. Ehiring the old coaching days the only other mails were from Clitheroe to Skipton and vice versa on the return joumev. The opening of the railway to Clitheroe in the year 1850 found the whole of the 44 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. rural districts undelivered. Then commenced a new era in the postal service of the town and district. A mounted rural post was established between Clitheroe, Waddington, Grindleton, to Bolton-by-Bowland, and a branch foot post from Waddington to Slaidbum, another foot post from Cli­ theroe, Cha‘burn, Downham, to Twiston, etc., together with other small deliveries. Many persons still living well remember that the rural mail to Slaidbum was conveyed by a donkey in the days of John Jackson, of Waddington, who was a little man and had only one arm. He and Neddy had a long day ’s journey over the Moors via Moorcock, calling en route at Newton, to Slaidbum, and back to Clitheroe. His donkey proved a great trouble, for on certain days it refused to climb the Fell, and became so refractory that two or three men were called in to aid in forcing it, by pushing and otherwise urging it along. John died some 25 years ago at Ivy Cottage, Back York Street, Clitheroe. Time rolled on, when it was found necessary to expedite the postal service by the establishing of mail carts, and increasing established postmen to all the principal rural dis­ tricts.. The year 1897 (the Queen ’s Jubilee Year), inaugur­ ated the extension of delivery to all houses formerly undeliv­ ered ; also the free delivery of telegrams up to three miles, and the charge for porterage for distances beyond three miles to be threepence a mile, reckoned from the office of delivery. The total correspondence for a week, prior to the opening of the railway, was, letters, etc., 1,350 weekly, and a delivery effected in town by one postman named John Wilson. At his death an additional auxiliary postman was granted, and the town divided into two districts, or deliveries, when John Furness was selected for the principal postman. His wages at that time being ver)’ limited, the public kindly sup ­ plemented it with an annual gift of scarlet uniform, including top hat trimmed with gold braid, a very costly uniform in those days. Down to 1861, the Savings Bank work had been left to trustee banks, but in that year the Post Office added the Savings Bank department to their great national enter­ prise. On July 31st, 1868, the Telegraph Act was passed, and under it the Postmaster General acquired the Electric Tele­ CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 15 graph business of the country, and it was agreed that he should send messages of twenty words each for a shilling, but in consequence of pressure from without, the department in 1885 introduced sixpenny telegrams., Wtih all these additions, yet another public want was needed, and that was a more convenient and cheap transit of parcels. An Act was passed in August, 1882, and came into operation on the 1st of August, 1883, the charges ranging from 3d. per lb. to Is. Od. per 7 lbs. The following will show the growth of the telegraph ser­ vice, for in the year ending January, 1871, 4,438 telegrams were dealt with, and in the year ending June, 1899, 32,906 messages passed through the Clitheroe office. The total correspondence of letters, book packets, newspapers, cards, and parcels, during the financial year ending March 31st, 1899, was 39,580 per week. Attached to the Clitheroe PostOffice there are now fourteen postmen — six town, eight rural, three messengers (with auxiliaries in Summer), and five clerks. There are five sub-offices in town and fourteen rural. The late postmaster, Mr. S. N. Whalley, was ap ­ pointed in June, 1865, and retired from the service on July 31st, 1899, the office having previously been held by his father (Mr. H. Whalley), also by his mother (Mrs. Elizabeth Whalley), a period extending over eighty years. The pres­ ent postmaster is Mr R. J. Hill, who came from Swindon, Wiltshire, and was appointed in October, 1899. T h e In t r o d u c t io n o f T e l e g r a ph y .— That important factor in human affairs, the telegraph, must necessarily have a place in the history of our renowned Borough- It occurr­ ed to me that Mr. John Me Illwreith, an old Clitheronian, and a personal friend would just be the one to appeal to on this subject, he being in the telegraph office here in the early part of the sixties, and accordingly having stated my desire he wrote the following highly interest­ ing letter: “ Oakhurst, 13. Cedar Street, Southport, 25/3/'99. D e a r St e p h e n , “ My own personal movements, and its ups and downs, would not be of general importance ; therefore, kindly 46 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. accept a rambling account, just as my recollections come up as 1 scribble. It was whilst attending a night school in the rooms over the old Free Library, called the Mechanics ’ Institute in Moor Lane, that the idea about becoming a telegraphist first entered my mind. Most of the lads who attended the classes at that time have done well, and many are in business now as master joiners, drapers, printers, grocers, city clerks, &c. It was the session of 1863-4 the late Mr. Roberts, National Schoolmaster ; a Mr. Hunt, then Mr. Birkett, Wesleyan Schoolmaster, were our teachers. Joseph Booth, now Congregational Minister (a neigh ­ bour) a lad then, knew the Telegraph Clerk (whose name 1 never knew) at Clitheroe, and on getting a hint that I could write rapidly and would make a telegraphist, I applied to the Superintendent of the British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Company, Manchester. On the 20th June, 1864, I received a favourable reply, and every night after leaving the mill and getting hurried teas, made to the Clitheroe Station, and there under Barney Williams I began to learn the telegraph, though 1 had never seen an instrument or inside an office before then. After 8 p.m., when Barney went off duty Mr. Wm. Broadley, clerk in Goods Department under Mr. Nall, Mr. George Riley another Goods Clerk and a Mr. Gill, we used to practice sending and receiving words on the needle instrument. One day Williams got leave for short holidays, and a Mr. Barrett (who was sent from Manchester to relieve him, saw I could work the instrument) asked how long I had been learning, and had I been reported to the Superintendent at Manchester? Of course, I did not know, so Mr. Barrett reported progress, and one Saturday morning early in February, 1865, I was requested to attend at Ducie Buildings, Manchester, the head office of the B. & I. T. Co., secondclass passes to and from Manchester had been sent me. I arrived at Ducie Buildings soon after noon, just before Mr. Walsh left the office, and seeing me with a plaid (“ Black Watch clan ” ) on my arm, he smiled. I guess my country looks and simplicity of manner amused him. However, he was very kind, called a clerk to take me to the Instruction Room, and there amidst the din of a hundred wires working and instruments clicking away, I was examined how many words a minute I could read. Afterwards Mr. Walsh ’s clerk examined me in writing, dictation, &c. I was then allowed to go back or look round Manchester. Well, I had a letter of introduction to Barney William ’s parents who lived in Strangeways, I believe it was, so there J went, got dinner and afterwards saw something of Manchester. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. On the 17th February, 1865, I was instructed to take a situation under the B. & I. T. Co. at Blackburn. I enjoyed the change from the mill, and having been taught early rising I used to get round Peel Park, Blackburn, in a morning, before our clerks got out of bed. I read William Cobbett and several other books, and got acquainted with a few young fellows learning shorthand, so I took it up too, and as I had free rides by train I came home at week-ends, and on Sundays tried my hand at shorthand when Mr. Fielden was preaching at St. James ’s, Clitheroe. Well, in 1867, I think it was, I was ordered to Clitheroe in company with Mr. Walsh's clerk, who had been ordered to suspend the clerk there. So after getting dinner I came down to the office and balanced the telegraph accounts, and all being right, the youth was informed that his services were no longer required. I believe his name was Hegarty, an Irish lad. It appears he had increased his own wages without authority. Jim Coffey was getting about 5/- a week more than Hegarty, whom the latter succeeded, and so it appears he irregularly put himself down for 2/6 a week more than what was allowed him. So you will have as uccession of clerks, if I remember rightly, thus :— The friend of Joseph Booth (perhaps John Booth, late task master Clitheroe Workhouse,( could give you name), then Barney Williams (his father was Treasurer L. & Y. Railway Company), then James Coffey, afterwards Hegarty, then your humble servant. Well, we had to go to the Post Office before the date fixed for the transfer, like many other of the smaller offices to be in readi­ ness. Mr. Whalley may remember when it was we first began to upset his furniture, and his rooms at the top of Parson Brow, opposite Castle Gates. I think it was in December, 1869. On the 5th February, 1870, the whole of the Electric, British and Irish Magnetic, and United Kingdom Companies were transferred and worked by the Government, the Secretary being Frank Ives Scudamore, Esquire. The expenditure was estimated at about £6,000,000. It cost, I believe, about ^£10,000,000. About May, 1870, I began to pick up postal work and read the Postmaster’s Rule Book, and in trying to act up to it soon had a lawyer making complaint. A youth (I think his name was Noblett) came with a fat parcel tied and partly sealed, and it was to go by book-post, contained conveyance manuscripts not in the nature of letters ; at least letters were not to be in such. I asked the youth if there was any ­ thing in of the nature of a letter, if he would assure me there was not then I would not open it, however, he could not say, so I looked, and the next day Mr. Whalley and the lawyer 4:7 48 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. had to speak strongly on the subject. However, the matter was sent to London, and friend lawyer was informed there was one document distinctly a letter, and another very suspicious. So I came off all-right. Next case was a well known lawyer, who sent his man with the bag for the letters, and there happened to be a registered letter amongst them. The man said he dare not sign a paper for the registered letter, so he went without it, but was soon back again and his master wanted the letter and he would sign for it himself. “ No, tell your master I cannot let it go out of the office without it is signed for here.” The poor groom or gardener, servant of the lawyer, came again : and this time he was allowed to sign. In the afternoon (Whit-Tuesday) Mr. Hall, solicitor, came and asked “ Where is that young man who would not send my registered letter this morning? ” “ Here, sir.” " Why would you not let him have it until he signed for it ? ” 11 Well, you see, sir, if he had lost it or made off with it, you would have blamed me, and the Department would have discharged me, perhaps.” “ You ’re quite right! Here is a ticket for the Conservative Soiree.” And now just a few primitive ideas about my experience of Telegraphy in those days :— When at Blackburn, a young fellow called at our office and handed me an envelope containing a pretty ribbon for his sweetheart, which he desired to send by telegraph. I did not ridicule or laugh at his simplicity, but took him to the Parcel Office — our office was upstairs next that of the Clerk of the Permanent Way at that time— and suggested the best way would be to let it go by letter parcel, if he did not pre­ fer to post it. He will probably know more about telegraph now, I hope. When at Clitheroe Station a farmer came off the Black ­ burn train, and hurried into the office and enquired “ If the Station Master at Blackburn had telegraphed a hoe.” I said " No.” " Well, 1 lost one, and he said he'd telegraph it up.” Of course, he misunderstood the Station Master who probably promised to let him know if he found it, and what train he would send it by, but the innocent farmer knew nothing about the purpose of the telegraph. On another occasion the Station Master asked the telegraph boy at Chatburn what time the train had left Whalley. The boy called up Whalley and asked, and on the boy telling the time it left, an old fellow looking on, said “ Thou'rt lying, tha young beggar tha ; I ’ve been watching it all the time, and he never said a word.” Many believe when they hear the humming noise on the wires that it is caused through messages passing along dur ­ ing the time. Also that birds which alight on the wires drop CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 49 dead when messages are being signalled. Some have these ideas to-day. If the telegram is put under the case of the keysand the keys worked they imagine the telegram is literally going on the wire. An old lady came to send a telegram one day, and handed in a piece of paper rolled very lightly. She said “ I ’ve rolled it up as tight as I can, happen you can roll it a bit tighter to go through the wire." The old lady must have thought the wire was hollow and that the telegrams were •forced through by blowing like “ Puff and Dart." Now-a-days as the sender’s name is often joined to the last word in the telegrams, some amusing sentences are formed. Say a Mr. Love wires to a lecturer to come to a certain station and gives his name Love, thus : “ I will meet you by the 6-30 p.m. train, Love." A young lady called with a telegram the other day and asked for the telegram back, so that she could put a little scent on it, and thanked the Clerk for permitting her to do it. The two kinds of instruments in use at Clitheroe were the Bright’s Bell and Single Needle, now they have the A. B. C. and Telephones added. The single needle is extensively -used on the Railways, now both in signal boxes and for train signalling and railway telegrams. Well, on the 14th March, 1872, I was transferred to Bradford, where I spent a quarter of a century. There Wheatstone Instruments are working at 300 to 400 words a minute— duplex, quadruplex, and at Leeds, multiplex instru ­ ments are used, so that instead of one instrument to one wire, there are 2, 4 and 6 instruments working on one wire ■without any great difficulty, at one and the same time. And now I am situated at Southport, having left Brad ­ ford, and a very agreeable change from smoky city life it is. I know you will pardon the rough disjointed way I have written, but I have been determined to post to-day as the coming week is the busiest week in the year with us in Tele ­ graph Department, so I will close with good night to you and yours. I remain, yours respectfully, Jo h n M c Il w r e it h . T h e T e l e ph o n e .— The establishment of the telephone in our town was in much more modem days. So recently as January, 1889, the Lancashire and Cheshire Telephone Co. opened a branch office at Castle Foot, but in the follow ­ ing year it was absorbed by the National Telephone Co. The first operators were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, who were D 50 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. transferred from Burnley but were only here about eighteen months and were succeeded by Mr. and Mrs. Wade. Mr. Wade died in 1899, and the business is now conducted by Mrs. Wade with the assistance of her daughter, Miss Minnie Wade. The total number of subscribers, including the most recent additions, is 58. The Clitheroe Telephone Exchange has direct wires to the Blackbum Post Office and is thereby in direct touch with trunk wires to all parts of the Kingdom. The service is on the metallic circuit system and is continurous, day and night. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 53 exactly 50 years in Castle Street, the first shop being next to the Swan, now occupied by Mrs. John Dawson. Mrs. Catlow, with her husband, Mr. Thos. Catlow, commenced business in the year 1846, and in 1896 she retired in favour of her son, Mr. Hy. Catlow. Our copy of photograph of a corner of Castle Street, re ­ presents in the foreground the shops of the late Mr. George Lofthouse, tailor, and Mr. George Briggs, dogger. The familiar figure of Mr. Lofthouse is conspicuous on the first set of steps. To the left of him is the late Mr. Jas. Rawsthome, and peeping through the window is Mr. Tom Coyne, who was an apprentice to the tailoring business. The gen ­ tleman in the tall hat is the late Mr. Wm. Hitchten, York St. At the opening of the railway, the following gentlemen representing the legal profession were in practice : Mr. Dixon Robinson, whose office was at the Castle. (Mr. A. I. Robinson was not admitted until 1854). Mr. Robert Trappes, Lowergate. (In the year 1852 Mr. Trappes.took into partnership Mr. John Eastham). Messrs. Hy. Hall and Hartley Baldwin, (Hall and Baldwin, Duck Street). Mr. Wm. Wheeler, Church Street. Mr. Frank Bailey, Castle Street. Dr. Wilson, describing Clitheroe in the last century, said there was in the Borough — a A nest of attorneys without any law.” The following gentlemen constitute the “ nest of attorneys’ practicing in the old town to-day. The year, as given in brackets, indicates when they were admitted: Baldwin, Hartley (1844), Commissioner of oaths; Solic ­ itor to Licensed Victuallers’ Association. Baldwin, Hartley, Junr., (1890), Commissioner of oaths. Eastham, John (1852), Town Clerk; Clerk to Bowland and Clitheroe Rural District Councils; Registrar of County Court; Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages; and Clerk to Borough Magistrates. . Eastham, William (1869), Commissioner of oaths; Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes. Eastham, Thomas (1897), Clerk to Guardians, and Super­ intendent Registrar Clitheroe Union. Holme, Geo. J. (1881). .(Mr. Holme was admitted to the §2 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Jas. Alston, Calf’s Head; Hy. Cardus, tin plate worker; Jas. Parker, draper; John Hargreaves, Boar’s Head; Wm. Edge, butcher and grocer; Lawrence Kay, White Lion; Edmund Howard, druggist; George Hargreaves, draper; Hy. Baldwin, draper; Wm. Bailey, grocer; Robert Bax ­ ter, Dun Horse; Rd. Wilson, butcher; Jas. Sollitt, shoe­ maker; Jos. Petty, tailor; Hy. Bulcock, druggist; Walter Cockshott, ironfounder; John Howarth, grocer; Jude Har­ greaves, draper; Wm. Hothersall, Brownlow Arms. C a s t l e S t r e e t : Wm. Hargreaves, corn dealer; John Rawsthome, watchmaker; Hy. Taylor, grocer; Jas. Rigby, tailor; Hugh Goodier, Black Bull; Giles Hoyle, butcher; or probably William Ayrton, butcher; Robert Towler, Swan Inn; Thomas Catlow, watchmaker; Henry Whalley, stationer., etc., Post Office; Henry Whalley, (private house); Mrs. Burnett, confec­ tioner; Geo. Bolton, brushmaker; James Dean, draper; Rd. Smith, furniture dealer; Elijah Cook, saddler; Chas. Walmsley, dogger; Wm. Whewell, printer; Mrs. filler, dwelling-house; Jas. Holland, greengrocer; Robt. Wilkin ­ son, Red Lion. (These old premises were being pulled down at this period.) C a s t l e F o o t : George Cowgill, joiner; John Brown, plasterer; Rd. Wolstenholme, painter; Jno. Wilson (“ Tottering Temple,”) shoemaker; Jas. Riding, ledge keeper; J. Lofthouse, dwelling-house. S h a w B r id g e S t r e e t : Richard Fielding, brewer. S h a w B r id g e : Ralph Whittaker, Thomas Gill, fell mongers and leather dressers. (Mr. Gill came from Skipton in 1843; died November, 1885). D u c k S t r e e t : Luke Walker, grocer; Jane Hop ­ wood, carrier. L o w e r g a t e : Mrs. Read, farrier; R. Dean, butcher. C a s t l e F o o t o r B a w d l a n d s : Arthur Clapham, coal dealer. . The oldest tradesman in Castle Street is undoubtedly Mr. Elijah Cook, saddler, who has been in business in his pres­ ent shop 54 years. There are others who have been as long in business, or nearly so, in Castle Street, but have not been stationary. Mr. John Harrison ranks next to Mr. Cook. Mr. Wm. B. Dewhurst has been in business upwards of 51 years in Castle Street, but has resided some 32 -ears at Brungerley. Mrs. Catlow, jeweller and tobacconist, was CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 53 exactly 50 years in Castle Street, the first shop being next to the Swan, now occupied by Mrs. John Dawson. Mrs. Catlow, with her husband, Mr. Thos. Catlow, commenced business in the year 1846, and in 1896 she retired in favour of her son, Mr. Hy. Catlow. Our copy of photograph of a comer of Castle Street, re ­ presents in the foreground the shops of the late Mr. George Lofthouse, tailor, and Mr. George Briggs, dogger. The familiar figure of Mr. Lofthouse is conspicuous on the first set of steps. To the left of him is the late Mr. Jas. Rawsthome, and peeping through the window is Mr. Tom Coyne, who was an apprentice to the tailoring business. The gen ­ tleman in the tall hat is the late Mr. Wm. Hitchten, York St. At the opening of the railway, the following gentlemen representing the legal profession were in practice : Mr. Dixon Robinson, whose office was at the Castle. (Mr. A. I. Robinson was not admitted until 1854). Mr. Robert Trappes, Lowergate. (In the year 1852 Mr. Trappes.took into partnership Mr. John Eastham). Messrs. Hy. Hall and Hartley Baldwin, (Hall and Baldwin, Duck Street). Mr. Wm. Wheeler, Church Street. Mr. Frank Bailey, Castle Street. Dr. Wilson, describing Clitheroe in the last century, said there was in the Borough— u A nest of attorneys without any law.” The following gentlemen constitute the “ nest of attorneys practicing in the old town to-day. The year, as given in brackets, indicates when they were admitted : Baldwin, Hartley (1844), Commissioner of oaths; Solic­ itor to Licensed Victuallers’ Association. Baldwin, Hartley, Junr., (1890), Commissioner of oaths. Eastham, John (1852), Town Clerk; Clerk to Bowland and Clitheroe Rural District Councils; Registrar of County Court; Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages; and Clerk to Borough Magistrates. Eastham, William (1869), Commissioner of oaths; Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes. Eastham, Thomas (1897), Clerk to Guardians, and Super­ intendent Registrar Clitheroe Union. Holme, Geo. J. (1881). .(Mr. Holme was admitted to the 54 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. partnership of J. and W. Easthams in 1893, but retired 31st December, 1899). Lancaster, Richmond (1881) Commissioner of oaths. Robinson, A.- I. (1854), Commissioner of oaths; Clerk to County Magistrates; Steward of Honor of Clitheroe; Coroner of Liberty of Bowland. Robinson, H. J., County Coroner. Robinson, F. D. (1883), Deputy County Coroner. Weeks, W. S.» Commissioner of oaths; Conservative Registration Agent. (Mr. Weeks was admitted to the part­ nership of Messrs. Hall and Baldwin in 1884). Wheeler, Wm., Commissioner of oaths; Clerk to Justices of BoIton-by-Bowland Division of West Riding of Yorkshire. The following gentlemen, although residing in Clitheroe, or the immediate district, are not in practice in the town . Baldwin, H. H. (1893); Baldwin, A. B., B.A. (1894); Briggs, J. J. (1896); Dewhurst, Peel (1889); Wilkinson, Wm King, senr., M.A. (1856); Wilkinson, Wm. King, Junr. (1884); Wilkinson, Leonard King (1885). The medical gentlemen in practice at the time of the ■opening of the railway (1850) in the old town were Mr. James Garstang, Wellgate, Mr. Walter Scott, Church Street, and Mr. James Dean, York Street. Mr. Dean was also in practice at Padiham. Mr. W. E. Musson did not come to Clitheroe until the year 1856, in which year he entered into partnership with Mr. Garstang, their surgery being at Wells House, Wellgate, where the late Mr. Garstang lived. The late Mr. Wm. Hartley, York Street, Mr. Peter Thos. Dean, London, and Mr. Joseph Baxter, Liverpool, were appren ­ tices with Mr. Garstang prior to the partnership. Mr.^ J. J. Smithies entered into apprenticeship with Messrs. Gar­ stang and Musson in 1857, and obtained his diploma in 1866. The following young gentlemen were fellow apprentices with him: Dr. Burton, Liverpool, Mr. Charles Edward Walker, Mr. John Redmayne, and Mr. Jas. Hargreaves. The following gentlemen represent the medical profession in our town at the present day. Their names and descrip ­ tions are given as in “ The Medical Directory, 1899. The words occurring within brackets are supplemented. Barker, Wm. Edward, 1, Castle View, Clitheroe, Lancs. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 55 (Smithies and Barker), M.B., Ch. B. Viet. 1893 L.S.A. 1893, (Owen ’s College. (Mr. Barker came to Clitheroe from Colne in 1897). . tarro Fraser, John James, Lowfield, L.R.C.P. Edin. 1873; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1867, (March and King ’s College); Mem. Manchester Med. Soc.; Medical Officer of Health, Clithe­ roe U.D.C.; late House Surgeon Blackburn and East Lancashire Infirmary, and formerly Medical Officer Clithe ­ roe Workhouse. Henriques, Ernest St. Clair, M.B.C.M. Aberdeen 1898; (late Member of the Universities Mission to Central Africa, four years service. Mr. Henriques came as assistant to Dr. Fraser in April, 1899). . Lancaster, Lewis Turner, Rockdale, Clitheroe, and Gnndleton, M.B.C.M. Edin. 1890 (Univ. Edin.); Med. Ref. Colon. Mut. Assur. Co. Lazenby, Fred. Hamilton, Mansard House, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Edin,; L.F.P.S., Glasgow, 1890. (Newcastle-on^Musson, Wm. Edward, Mayfield, M.R.C.S. Eng., and L.S.A. 1852, (St. Thomas’s); Consulting Medical Officer L. and Y. Railway Co.; Medical Officer Post Office; Certif. Fact. Surg.; Surgeon Borough Police; late House Surgeon Lincoln Co. Hosp.; formerly Rerident Medical Officer Lunatic Asylum, Bedford. Musson, Alfred Wm., 15, King Street, B.A. Camb. (Nat. Sc. Tripos) 1886; M.B.B.C. 1889 (Univ. Camb, and St. Thos.); Medical Officer Clitheroe Workhouse. Ross, James, Clitheroe, M.D. R.U.I. 1874; M.Ch. and L.M. 1876 (Qu. Coll. Belfast); Med. Ref. Prudential and other Assurance Cos. (Mr. Ross came from Burnley in 1890, and has surgeries in Clitheroe and Chatbum). Smithies, Joseph Jackson (Smithies and Barker), L.F.P.S. Glasgow, 1866; L.R.C.P. Edin, and L.M. 1866 (Ander­ son ’s Univ., Glasgow); Medical Officer Clitheroe and Gisbum Districts, Clitheroe Union; Medical Officer Health Yorks. Div. Bowland Rural District; Med. Ref. Star and other Assurance Cos. The oldest medical practitioners m the town are Mr. w. E. Musson, Mr. J, J. Smithies, and Mr. J. J. Fraser. 56 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. The Clitheroe Fairs are five in number and are held on March 24th, the third Thursday in May, August 1st, the third Thursday after Saturday following Michaelmas Day, and “ Th ’ Old Christmas Fair,” (December 7th). The May fair is of recent origin, having only been created about the year 1883. It was several years before it became thoroughly established, and was first chronicled in Old Moore’s Almanac in 1886. This fair serves a very good purpose to the farmer who usually buys an extra horse for hay time, which is often disposed of at the following October fair. The Borough is indebted to Mr. R. T. Bailey, Market Place, for the origin of the May Fair. He having heard farmers speak of the de ­ sirability of an extra fair for the purpose already stated, pro ­ cured, with the assistance of the late Mr. George Lofthouse, of the Swan Hotel,a numerously signed petition, subscribed to by farmers and tradesmen, which was presented to the Corporation with the result that the fair was immediately established, and the Corporation voted a sum of money for the effectual advertising of the additional fair. The March and December fairs are very ancient institu­ tions. Prior to 1409, two fairs were held annually — not in Clitheroe, but in Whalley Church yard, but by a grant of Henry IV., dated 4th December, 1409, two fairs were com ­ manded to be held at Clitheroe. The following is an extract of Harland ’s translation of the grant: “ Henry, etc., greeting.— Know ye that we, for cer“ tain considerations specially moving us and our Council “ of our Duchy of Lancaster thereto, have commanded “ two fairs to be had and held at our town of Cliderhowe, “ in our County Palatine of Lancaster, in a fit and very “ convenient place for the same; one, viz. on the eve, “ day and morrow of the Conception, and the other on “ the eve, day and morrow of the Annunciation of the “ Blessed Virgin Mary.” Two days later a •writ or urecept was issued to the Sheriff of Lancashire, prohibiting the holding of fairs thenceforth in the precints of the Abbey or Monastery of Whalley. It is endorsed, “ For Clyderhowe Feyre,’’ and “ King Hen. grant of 2 ffaires. A prohibition to Whaley.— 6 Dec. 110. H. 40.” The March, May, and October fairs are the most brisk. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 57 The March one is really the sheep fair, the other two being chiefly for horses, whilst each of these three may be desig- The lime gals which so regularly came into the town from Sabden, Padiham, Burnley, and district were a pleasing spectacle as they drowsily bore their dusty burdens along the highways ladened with coal, coke, or slates, and taking back lime. I can remember seeing a string of them creep ­ ing up Moor Lane past the National School, about the year 1865. Evidently they had come by way of Whalley. Dr. Laycock, of Sabden, states that they formerly came and went by Wellsprings, and that a little lower down than the Inn they deviated from the main road in an easterly direction, and on reaching a hollow opposite Wellsprings, the gallo­ ways were released of their burdens, as the hollow facilitated the packs being replaced upon the backs of the beasts. This hollow is known as the “ Saddle hole,” and was at one time a notorious place where gamblers on Sundays pursued their nefarious work. Our illustration represents the lime gals returning via Wellsprings. Dr. Laycock says that pack horses or galloways were kept at the Wellsprings oubhchouse, and at the “ Top Row,” Sabden, as far back as the year 1728. Robert Sutcliffe, better known as “ Robin o ’ Isaacs,” and also Frank Duerden were owners of lime gals at Sabden. I am indebted to Mr. John Allen, secretary of the Burnley Literary and Philosophical Society, for the following list of persons who kept lime gals in and around Burnley, and the number they kept: 58 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Old Duerden, Thomdean, 14; Edmund Crowther, Hurst­ wood, 18; Harry Marshall, Hurstwood, 14; — Heap, Ridehalgh, Briercliffe, 14; Thomas Whittaker, (“ Owd Tummus”) Entwistle, 12; Henry Heap, (“ Harry o ’ th ’ Huntsman ’s,”) 12; Tom O ’ Saunders, 14; James Crowther, Worsthom, 18; Robert Swain (“ Bob o ’ Neds ” ) 14; John Swain, (“ Owd Shack,”) 12 ; John Roberts (“ Owd Skinners”) 12; John Ormerod, 12. The best remembered drivers of lime gals were known only by nicknames, which were “ Owd Taypot,” and “ Bob o ’ Robins.” Old Crowther, of Sabden, had a number « f gals and used to “ fest" (agist) them at Swanshead Hall Farm, down in Wyresdale, (just beyond the Trough of Bcwland.) BOGGARTS. “ Touching this vision here. It is an honest ghost !— that let me tell you.” Ha m l et CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 59 The ancient Town has from time immemorial possessed boggarts. If a little dissimilar to those of other towns in their character they have in one particular been like all others — nocturnal in their habits. Had they been more prone to wander forth at mid-day, the mysteriousness which had so enshrouded them would have vanished as quickly as a snow ­ flake on the river, but there’s the rub : true to their instincts they would only venture forth at the solemn and bewitching hour of midnight. Old John Read, father to the late sexton, once encountered a ghost when returning from digging a grave in the old churchyard. A Grammar School lad had mantled him ­ self in a white sheet, and in a ghastly tone addressed himself to the grave digger who had in one hand his lantern, and in the other a pick and spade. Old John replied, “ If thou ’rt nowt tha can ’t harm me ; but if thou ’rt owt, I’ll warm thee.” The ghost seemed to realize the force of the logic and made a timely flight. It is also related that the Grammar School lads would hide themselves in the Belfry, and with faces shining with phosphorous, did their best to scare old John, but all in vain. These evanescent creatures always evinced a love for cer­ tain buildings or localities. If the old folks are to be believ ­ ed, and doubtless they are, these troublesome characters had a strong attachment to two places, the Old Hall and Well Hall, and for that reason these mythical beings were respec­ tively known as “ Th ’ Owd Ho ’ Bogeart ” and “ Th ’ Well Ho ’ Boggart.” The Well Hall Boggart’s visits were said to be on All Hallow E ’en. The ghoulish creature that startled the district of Lowergate and the vicinity, had always clanking chains, and, accord ­ ing to some authorities, partook of the combined natures of a human and canine creature, and they could relate certain tricky ways which seemed highly suggestive of ts being of the genus homo — a man. Of the Well Hall boggart it used to be averred that these inconvenient visits were those of Peg o ’ Nell, from Waddow Hall. The Old Hall visitor died some years ago, the precise date I am unable to give, but by reference to certain records lying in the office just opposite the Post Office in King Street, the very day and 60 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. hour of the death of the Well Hall spectre can be given with precision — but I will explain. As far back as Dr. Powell’s time the peace and pleasure of the Hall was disturbed by the unwelcome visits of Peg o ’ Nell, and old Benjamin Clark, formerly of Low\irgate, who was a gardener at the Hall, had such a shock given him as to cause him to almost get outside his skin, but it is preferable to void details. Suffice it to say that in com ­ paratively modem times occupants of the hall were thrown into a state of consternation by discovering day after day during the absence of the master and mistress that cupboard doors were thrown open, bed clothes left tidily were dis­ arranged, and a clothes basket in the kitchen was turned upside down and had knives and forks so stuck into it as to remind one of “ the quills of the fretful porcupine.’’ Deter­ mined that these pranks should be put an end to, information was given to the police, and an officer having secreted himself in a bedroom, after patiently waiting a while, caught the boggart red-handed. The mystery was solved ! The bog ­ gart was unable to take its flight, and was told in plain language that her services would be no longer required after a week ’s time. The servant at first denied that she had done the deeds, but ere a week had passed confessed, and so, as already stated, the precise date of the death of the mysterious being at the Well Hall can be found on record at the office already named. The Rev. E. Boden wrote a poem bearing upon our old Borough, one verse of which ran : “ Long ago, ’twas the home of a whimsical band, Whose strange stories will ne’er be forgotten : Witches, bogies, and elves who have o ’erflowed the land, Smoked out by the inroads of cotton.” CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER 61 VIII. OUR PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS THE Parliamentary Elections of Cli­ theroe have from time immemorial been contested in a militant spirit of such a character as to have been little else than Civil Wars, and have earned a renown for the old town extending the length of the land of Angles. The fights have not been con ­ fined to the days of Elections, but were witnessed on other occasions, in the Registration Courts, the Law Courts, and in particular in the assemblies which gathered at the various public-houses. The belligerents were not necessarily voters, nor were they always able to expound their views or indeed give any reason for their preference for a particular party. If ask ­ ed for a reason, they would probably reply by saying, “ My feyther wer ollus a liberal (or tory) and soa am I.’’ A notor­ iously ignorant landlord, who was a Yorkshireman and a G2 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Tory, whenever- asked why he voted blue, always replied, “ I’se for th ’ Church and Staate,’ but when asked why, was utterly unable to give a single reason for his principles, but if the zealous politicians of those early days had not the in ­ telligence or ability to make themselves understood in fine arguments or learned speech, they could at least make plenty of noise and bluster, and had studied the art of fighting, and by the aid of clogs, “ Knuckle dusters,’’ “ blud ­ geons,’’ picking-sticks, and other weapons of warfare, they could emphasise what they did say in a manner which made itself felt and was very telling in its way. It was a most usual thing for fighting men to be sent for at Elections, to Padiham, Burnley, and other places, as rein ­ forcements to the native strength, and in the Election cf 1852, an application was made for 300, which were to be poachers and such like, well used to rough work. They were to have eight shillings a day and victuals, consisting of bread and cheese, and something to swill it down with. One of the greatest political heroes of this order undoubtedlv was Mr. “Dick Unlicked,” who was a most attached member of that particular school of thought, and at one of the Elections found himself in serious disagreement with a Radical stonemason. Dick was a Tory pure and simple, and words being utterly futile to impress his opponent, blows were both promised and given. The first blow was struck at half past nine in the morning, when the fight started n real earnest. Fight after fight took place, but at a quarter to twelve, Dick, who had now fought the hewer of stone 12 times, gained courage. The Stonemason had tried his real best to hew and to “ polish ’’ Dick, but in the thirteenth round Dick bested him and triumphantly exclaimed “ I’m Dick Unlicked From thenceforth and for evermore the name of Richard Ashton was changed to “ Dick Unlicked, ’ and if Richard had taken legal steps to alter his name by going through all the necessary formalities, or gazetted the fact in all the newspapers in Lancashire, he could not more effectually have accomplished his purpose. The foregoing account of the origin of Dick ’s cognomen may be relied upon, for the writer obtained the information from no less CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 63 an authority than a member of the household of the polit­ ical hero. As already intimated, there were other ways of appeal­ ing to a man ’s sense than by learned arguments, mural literature, or Newspaper Correspondence, and these ways and means were always resorted to, especially in the days prior to the introduction of the Ballot box. Bribery and corruption was carried on in an unblushing fashion, and in the case of monetary bribes, these were given in a most stealthy and adroit manner. The Voter who desired an inducement in the form of a bribe, usually avoided contact with the Canvassers as much as possible, giving them endless trouble to find him, and when found would either assume a perfect indifference about voting, or would make some excuse that he had business which would take him from home on or before the Election day. Bids for his vote would now be made> and ultimately the price agreed upon. One such voter was told to go to a certain comer of a garden in Salford, where he would find a sum of gold wrapped up in a rag beneath a big stone. In other instances the voter would be told to go to a certain house and some unknown and un-named person would put the money into the Voters’ hand through a hole in the ceil­ ing. This invisible man was known as “ the Man in the Moon.” A considerable fillip to these old time Elections was the practice of issuing political “ Squibs.’’ I find the definition of the word squib, as given in a very old lexion, is “A small pipe of paper filled with wildfire,’’ and a very apt definition it is when applied to the inflammatory placards, squibs, cartoons, etc., usually circulated for electioneering purposes in Clitheroe. I have no hesitation in saying, that in Mr. James Heaton, was a writer of such a temperament and ability, that he could with the greatest ease produce “ paper filled with wildfire.’’ I knew him personally and well, and saw much of his handiwork. The banter, drollery, and biting sarcasm of his effusions ranked them as masterpieces. He had a long and varied experience, for in the bud of his political 61 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. career he was a Chartist, he then, almost unaccountably, sprouted into a Tory and finally blossomed into a Radical. He was a Newspaper Reporter and this vocation gave him seme facilities for this special work. Mr. James Heaton died at Blackbum on the 4th April, 1881, aged 58. In those days there was a vast deal more spirit displayed in Elections than now, with a preponderance of the evil— both fermented and otherwise, there were also more ill-natured invectives employed, not only in Public utterances, but in the Squibs and farcical inventions of the Demagogues By inventions, I allude to those sensational handbills ■'r c playbills’ which freely circulated 40 or 50 years ago, where a purely imaginary procession would be announced as about to take place, and in describing the characters that would appear therein, fictitious names would be given In such a way as to clearly point to the individual meant, and most odious personal insinuations would be made. Of course both sides less or more resorted to this practice. Another popular form would be a so-called Playbill, in which prom ­ inent gentlemen of the town were to play a role so farcical or nefarious as to highly gratify the general reader, but ter­ ribly annoy the gentlemen caricatured. Another caricature was a billiard handicap in which well-known local political leaders figured grotesquely. Songs innumerable have been specially composed for our local elections, many of which are well remembered to this day. In reference to cartoons, these have been but rarely employed. A gentleman whose memory goes far back, informs me that the only one be remembers was supposed to have been executed by a local Block Printer, some 50 years ago, and had reference to a gentleman near Whalley. 'J'he introduction of the Ballot in 1872, had a wonderful effect in keeping down that rowdyism, as well as oppression of masters against their servants by putting on the screw, etc., In the days c-f open voting,every one knew, almost, how the other voted, but when the blessed Ballot box came, men could and did vote fearlessly, and if asked how they were voting were pretty ready to reply “ by ballot.’’ When Mr. John Rawcliffe, the Landlord of the Brownlow, was CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 65- asked who he was voting for, he always replied “ I ’m voting for th ’ wife.’’ Ribbons or Rosettes were always worn at these elections as party colours. At the Election of Fort and Irvin, the Libei al badge was orange and blue, the Con ­ servative dark blue and red. At the passing of the Reform Bill, long ribbons striped with yellow and blue were worn round the hat, and some had them as belts. The words* “ Fort and Reform ” were in bold letters on the ribbon. At the Election of 1868, the Liberal colours were pink and. gieen, the Conservative being red, white and blue. Whilst speeches were being delivered from the hustings, pigeonscarrying party colours would be flung in the faces of the speakers, and even dogs would be made to indicate their master’s politics by ribbons round their tails. The first Parliamentary election after the opening of the railway occurred on Wednesday, 7th July, 1852. The nom ­ ination in those days was by word of mouth, and took place a day or two before the election. The nomination was on the hustings in the Market Place. Mr. John Thos. Walshman Aspinall, was the Tory Candidate, and Mr. Matthew Wilson, (the late Sir Matthew) was the Whig. It is said to have been the next roughest Election to that of Fort and Irvin, when the military were called out. About 200 ruffians came from Padiham, to help to make matters Ihely, and on their return smashed the windows at the Buck Inn. Mr. Thos. Garnett was the Mayor, and was fetched to the scene of destruction. His presence seemed to quell the disturbance, and he accompanied the rioters as far as Four Lane Ends. Mr. Aspinall was defeated at this Election by a majority of 33. Mr. Wilson was afterwards unseated by a petition for bribery and corruption. The evidence given in Feb ­ ruary, 1853, before the Select Committee in the .House of Commons, on the Petition for the unseating of Mr. Wilson, already referred to, revealed some strange doings. Forty three witnesses, in addition to the three Petitioners gave their statements. The Petitioners were the Rev. John Master Whalley, Clerk Hill, Whalley, John Taylor. Esq.. 66 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Moreton Hall, Whalley, and Mr. John Anderson, of Clitherce, retired cotton manufacturer. The evidence adduced, was to the effect that bribes had been offered, and in some instances taken, to induce them to vote. For example, one man who was leaving his farm, had the offer of another farm. A certain voter had the pro ­ mise of a raise of one shilling a week, and in another instance the prospect of a situation. A Chatburnian had ^100 offered, whilst a man named John Taylor, a grocer in Castle Street, actually received ^30, and ^10 had been paid to a Burnley brass band for their services. John Barleycorn was always active at these times, one witness declaring that on the day of the election, 2,000 persons were drinking in the Craven Heifer, and in the back yard and premises adjoining. “ Bottling ’’ Electors was regarded in those days as a very effective way of winning votes, or preventing those who had promised from being tampered with by the other party. In the Election of 1853, about a dozen men were bottled and got away by stealth to Hareden, a large house just at the entrance to the Trough of Bowland, which at that time was a shooting box for a Mr. Margerison. Amongst the number who had been decoyed by the bottle, were a well known Primrose hand known as “ little Ben Shrew,” three bell-ring ­ ers, a Salford butcher, a Castle Street draper, and a foreman at Low Moor Factory. The tones learning of their where­ abouts, sent a numerous party out to the rescue, but in vain alike were their threats or entreaties, for the fascinations of the bottle were too great. The doors of the house were bolted against the pursuers, who, bent on learning as much as possible of their antics and revelry, got ladders and obtained “ peeps behind the scenes,’’ but at last were com ­ pelled to return like disconsolate sportsmen who had made no bags. On the morning of the election, the Bachanalian crew were brought in conveyances by a circuitous route, passing through the village of Waddington, they entered the town by Church Brow, and were speedily got to the Polling booth before they could be meddled with. The next Parliamentary election was on Saturday, 28th CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 67 May, 1853, the candidates being Mr.J.T.W.Aspinall, Tory, and Mr. Richard Fort, (father of the present Mr. Richard Fort) Whig. The Nomination was on the Friday, the Poll­ ing was on the Saturday. Mr. Aspinall was returned by a majority of 7, the numbers being Aspinall ............... 215 Fort ....................... 208 To celebrate the triumph of Mr. Aspinall, on the follow ­ ing Monday, the Salford Mill stopped at noon, and a huge procession having formed in the Market Place, it proceeded via Church Street round by Church Brow, back by York Street and on to Whalley. Mr. Aspinall being carried or “ chaired,’’ some distance through! the town, the scene being enlivened by the strains of a brass band. Christopher Holgate, of Kemp Stone, who had been a witness in London for the unseating of Mr. Wilson, was killed when returning on this evening, by falling from a Coach in Salford. He had been at Whalley, and had got very excited. On the day of the procession, Holgate stood on one side at Waterloo comer to watch the procession go by and he ex ­ claimed “ there has never been such stirrings at an Election before.” Mi1. Aspinall was, however, unseated on petition. The evidence tendered on this occasion was not as voluminous nor as interesting as on the hearing of the former petition. One witness stated that there were 500 fighting men engaged on both sides. A man named Joseph Cross, a Shoemaker, admitted that he had been employed to keep the Liberals from “ spiriting away ’’ the Tory Voters, and that flags were flying from the various Public House Windows. William Cbamley, a Sheriffs Officer at Blackburn, admitted employ ­ ing 300 men to protect the voters of Mr. Aspinall. They were paid 8s. each and Railway fare, and that “ two profess­ ional men ” (boxers) from Manchester, were paid ^2 2s. ^rh He further stated that when he got to Manchester he caused some provisions to be sent on for the 300 men, but when he got to Clitheroe all the provisions were gone, they had got eaten up by the wrong persons. (Roars of 68 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DATS. laughter in court.) He said he sent to a baker in Blackburn who baked about 300 more loaves and sent them to Clithe ­ roe. The men slept in the ball room at the Swan Hotel, and in the hay loft or any place they could get. The fighting men got bread and cheese and ale in the yard, the boxing men from Manchester dined in the kitchen.. On Tuesday, the 23rd August, 1853, another election occurred, consequent upon the unseating of Mr. Aspinall, the Candidates being Mr. Le G. N. Starkie, of Huntroyde, (Tory) and Mr. Johnathan Peel, of Knowlmere, (Whig). Mr. Starkie was returned by a majority of 11. The result of the Election was as follows:— Mr. Starkie ............... 216 Mr. Peel ................... 205 Of the 466 Voters on the List there are very few Survivors I have carefully and repeatedly gone through it along with several aged Clitheronians, with the object of ascertaining the number of persons still living, and find that of the 466 persons, 7 only are still alive and residing in the neighbour­ hood. Their names and descriptions as given in the List, are: Voted for Mr. Starkie: Baldwin Hartley, Castle Street. Barton Francis, Chatbum. Hayes William, Worston. Vee vers William, junior, Chatbum. Voted for Mr. Peel: Dewhurst W. B., Castle Street. Wheeler Wm., Eshton Terrace. Did not Vote : Cook Elijah, Castle Street Mr., afterwards Col. Starkie, was in 1868 appointed High Sheriff of Lancashire. He d :ed on the 13th April, 1899. Mr. Peel was a Barrister at law, and died 7th November, 1876, aged 64. In 1857, there was some talk of an Election, but owing to the stoppage of Primrose in 1854, so many Liberal Elect­ ors had left the town that the prospect of returning a Liberal Member seemed so discouraging, no attempt was really CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 69 made to trot one out The Conservatives, however, found a willing Candidate in Mr. John Turner Hopwood, of Rock Cliffe House, Blackbum, and of Bracewell Hall, near Gisbum, a Barrister at law, who was returned unopposed, on the 30th April, 1857, and again on Lie 23rd April, 1859. At tnis election the usual i.listings were erected, the oill for which I have seen, the amount charged being ^15. Messrs. Hornby and Sons did the work. Mr. Hopwood represented the Borough from 1857 till 1865. A life­ sized portrait of Mr. Hopwood, massively framed, was presented by him to the Conservative Club, where it has hung for many years. He died in London, in January 1900, aged 71. On the 15th August, 1865, Rd. Fort, Esq., of Read Hall, a Liberal, was returned without a contest. The Conserv ­ atives had determined he should not go unopposed and introduced to the Constituency, Lord Kerr, (Son-in-law of the fifth Duke of Buccleuch, and now present Marquis of Lothian) but the outlook seeming somewhat unpropitious, Lord Kerr retired- Mr. Fort died three years later, namely, on the 2nd July, 1868, aged 46. On the 13 th July, 1868, Ralph Assheton, Esq., of Downham Hall, Conservative, was elected unopposed, and sat until the House dissolved in the Autumn of that year. On the 10th December, 1868, Mr. Assheton was again a Candidate, but was this time opposed by Chas. Saville Roundell, Esq., of Gledstone Hall, Skipton, Liberal, barr­ ister at law, and a very spirited contest it proved. There are many living today who have a vivid recollection of the rowdyism and speeches from the Hustings. Picking-sticks, knuckle dusters and bludgeons, were freely used at this election, and it is Avell remembered that amongst the invin­ cible leaders who fought at “ Waterloo ’’ and other places within the Borough, were Stout Scott and Jack Lawson, whilst in other parts of the town, great deeds of daring were performed by such men as “ Smut ” Varley, Tidd Pratt, Young Twid, “ Wiity,’’ Will Ayrton^ Arch Taylor, Jolly Tar. “ Cisser,’’ Captains Talbot and Conway, Bill Dixon, Abe Hargreaves, (“ Old Rai,’’) Will Frankland, and some others including nearly all the moulders at the foundry. It s 70 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS- said that at the Wellfold Foundry not less than 100 knuckle­ dusters were made for this election. At the “ Stop and Rest ’’ Beerhouse on the nomination day, when a party of Sabden men were returning, a number of men came out of Tidd Pratt’s, led by Smutt Varley and others. A free fight ensued, and the Clitheroe men having picking-sticks, severely thrashed the Sabdenites. The Sabden party sent a demand to the Brownlow Arms for help, whereupon Captain Talbot and his band as a rein ­ forcement, severely routed the “ Smutites,’’ by the free swing of picking-sticks, and having done this, they entered the beershop and turned the taps of the beer barrels on, and great was the waste thereof, enough to make the worship­ pers of Bacchus weep, whilst the sons of Rechab would heartily rejoice. In revenge for this, the “ Smutites and Prattites ’’ smashed the windows of the Bridge Inn, then kept by Mr. Hy. Robinson. On the eve of the election, a Liberal voter was in the Swan and was likely for falling a victim to the bottle, when a well known Liberal gentleman along with some others went to demand him. Whilst this deputation was parleying inside, the impatient mob outside made the glass in the windows fly. The result of all this was that they were allowed to see the Liberal, but they found him in such a condition of mind and body that they gladly left him behind. On several occasions before the election, some of the mil­ itant Liberals had had two or three “ wakening powders’’ administered, at the end of picking-sticks, as well as with knuckle dusters, etc., and on this being learned, a large num ­ ber of picking-sticks were got hold of at Holmes Mill, and on the Sunday night preceding the e ’ection, a fearful on­ slaught took place in Moor Lane, opposite the Coop. Shop, and on the following morning traces of blood were to be found not only in the road and on the parapet, but even against shutters and windows. Some of these picking ­ sticks had bolts through them, and whoever got to “ taste of one with a bolt at the end would be rather likely to “ bQlt-" There were many impromptu processions prior to and CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 71 during the election, the processionists parading through the streets, and singing in snatches such songs as “ Vote for Assheton, Holt and Starkie,’’ and “ Hurrah for Shuttleworth and Fenton.” Another song ran : — “ Hurrah, my boys! hurrah! Our man is sure to win! Majority has settled on That Roundell shall go in.” The Liberals on the election day had a fairly well organ ­ ised procession, to the fore of which were Captains Conway and Talbot, whilst a man carried a tall pole surmounted by a loaf of bread. When this procession reached Whalley Road, the big loaf which had been so loftily and proudly borne along came to grief, as a strong posse of Tories had determined that the attack of Sunday night in Moor Lane, and the drink spilling at “ Stop and Rest * should be reck ­ oned for. Down came the loaf in sections, and was soon scattered and trodden upon, whilst picking-sticks were whirling about in a menacing manner. Ultimately the processionists fled, and some of the leaders pursued by that “ Bluesides ”— Bob Hargreaves, and some others, were rudely handled as they reached Russell Row. Mr. John Eatough, Wellgate, informs me that when this procession came up Castle Street, on nearing the Swan Hotel, the late Mr. John Wainman, of Whalley, and Mr. Thos. Eatough, of Shay House, were standing in front of the “ Swan.” Mr. Wainman exclaimed, “ I’ll stop these, see if I don ’t.” He hastened down the Swan Yard and brought back two hay forks. Mr. Wainman and Mr. Thos. Eatough then stood in the middle of the road opposite the Swan, and with forks in hand, as if about to make a bayonet; charge brought theprocession to a standstill. Mr. John Eatough fearing some harm, begged of them to desist, but as the processionists approached, Capt Talbot gave out the word of command “ Left wheel,” and his army quietly wheeled round and returned by way of King Lane. Many scenes of bloodshed have been related to me which 72 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. discretion forbids detailing, but the leaders of both parties were convinced that the use of picking-sticks was proving disastrous, and accordingly, Mr. Wm. Wilkinson, (Middlewood), demanded from the Swan win ­ dow, of the Tories, their surrender, which was done, and Mr. Hodgson, out of the Brownlow window, appealed to the Liberals to do likewise, which they did. Some few weeks prior to this election, the Liberals got down to Clitheroe the notorious Democrat, Emest Jones, who addressed a large gathering in a field behind Messrs. Bailey Bros-’ stables at Chatburn Road end. On this occa­ sion, I, a mere lad, saw and heard him. Emest Jones was the son of Col. Jones, an equerry in waiting to Emest, King of Hanover. He was the heir at law to Col. Austin who left his property — upwards of ^40,000, to strangers “because he could not extract a promise from Mr. Jones that he would renounce his democratic views. The Conser­ vatives secured as their champion the Rev. Brewin Grant, whose speeches were mainly in defence of the Church. The election cry at this time was “ The Disestablishment of the Irish Church,” and it will be remembered with what enthusiasm the leading members of Low Moor Church laboured and also paraded through the town on the election day. It is said that Low Moor decided this election, and it has also been said that from the passing of the Reform Bill (1832) down to 1868, all Low Moor electors voted Liberal. This outburst of enthusiasm on the part of the Low Moorites aroused considerable feeling in the district. The surging mass in front of the hustings were kept apart by a strong cordon of police. Through the courtesy of our worthy County Councillor, Mr. R. C. Assheton, I am enabled to produce the accom ­ panying illustration of the hustings, which has been repro ­ duced from Mr. Assheton ’s photograph. By the aid of Mr. Henry Dixon (sub-postmaster), and Mr. J. Harrison, (saddler), I have been enabled to give the •names of many of the gentlemen who are conspicuous on the lower side of the hustings, and in order to assist the reader to recognise them, we will commence with the first CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 73 figure just between the two little intruders heads— the lads who have so daringly planted themselves in the foreground. The first gentleman is a reporter, a representative of the “ Preston Guardian,” (name forgotten). The next gentle ­ man is Col. O. B. Feilden, (brother to the late Major General Feilden), who is still living. Somewhat behind is Mr. Hartley Baldwin, Conservative agent Next comes Mr. Ralph Assheton, then- the Rev. J. B. Waddington who had only been in the district about two years. Mr. Henry Dixon, with arm resting on board; Mr. John Harrison (white hat); Rev. R. N. Whittaker (late Vicar of Whalley). Behind Mr. Whittaker are two figures unrecognisable. Next comes Mr. James Dewhurst, (better known as <f¥oung Jim,’’) who is attired in white waistcoat and white hat. This gentleman now resides at Southport. Behind him is Mr. W. B. Dewhurst. Then appears another face undeter­ minable, and a little to the fore, with, hand resting upon the board is Mr. E. N. Banks, (Waterloo). Behind him is the late Mr. Tom Forrest, (Back York Street), whilst the gentle ­ man in the back comer is (presumably) Mr. Joseph Nor­ cross. Just beyond the second pillar the cockade of the Town Sergeant (the late Mr. Robert Heath) is visible, and in all probability there would be close besides him the then Mayor (Mr. Jas. Bleakley), the Town Clerk, and other officials. One of the two little lads already alluded to, and which figure on a very uncertain platform, I have discover­ ed, is Mr. John William Hayhurst, organist at Moor Lane Chapel. The other boy is not remembered. Mr. Assheton says our illustration represents the scene of July, 1868, when Mr. Roundell withdrew before the nomination from the hustings took place, so no prominent Liberals were present, and Mr. Assheton was returned with­ out a contest. The election was remarkable from the fact that Mr. Assheton was the last member returned by any constituency to the Parliament dissolved in the Autumn of 1868, and the last Member returned to that or any other Parliament under the ;£10 Household Franchise. The last hustings in Clitheroe was that put up in November, 1868, when at the General Election Mr. Assheton and Mr. 74 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Roundell fought the battle out under household suffrage. Party spirit ran high, and there were two mobs armed with picking-sticks, which were only prevented from breaking the peace by above a hundred policemen. The Ballot Act abolished hustings. The result of the election was as follows: Assheton (C) ........... 760 Roundell (L) ........... 693 Mr. Roundell, the defeated candidate, was, in 1880, returned for Grantham. In 1874, Mr. Assheton again contested the seat with Edward Ebenezer Kay, Q.C., brother to Sir James KayShuttleworth, a relative of the late Richard Fort, Esq., of Read Hall. This election was not so eventful as the pre­ ceding one. It will be remembered that a song was com ­ posed, sung, and circulated by the Conservatives, entitled “ Kay, Q.C.,’’ the moral (?) of which was : “ I’ll bet you 6s. 8d. that Kay, Q.C. will not be K. M.P.’’ Mr. Kay addressed one or two meetings, the out-door one in the rear of the Brownlow Arms being apparently a suc­ cessful one, and attended by about 1,500 persons. Mr. John Mitchell, Ex-Mayor, presided, and was supported by Mr. Aiderman Bleakley and Mr. Richard Johnson. The poll was thus: Assheton (C) ........... 896 Kay (L) ....................804 Mr. Kay was appointed Justice of the High Court, Chancery Division, March, 1881; Knighted 2nd May, 1881. On the 31st March, 1880, a contest occurred, the can ­ didates being the old Member, Mr. Assheton, and Mr. Rd. Fort, (son of the former Member). Mr. Fort was returned, the poll being as follows : Fort (L) ................1,078 Assheton (C) .......... 882 Mr. Fort, when elected, was scarcely 24 years of age, and was the youngest Member in the House. A day or two following the election, an immense number of Liberal elec­ tors and friends visited Read Hall at the invitation of the CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 75 family and were handsomely entertained, whilst congratu­ latory speeches and lively jubilations were indulged in. Mr. Fort was the last Member to represent the Borough in its entirety, inasmuch as the Redistribution of Seats Bill (1885) deprived the Borough of its power to return its own Member, and although our Town Council did its utmost with the Boundary Commissioners to have its claim to separate representation regarded, the effort proved futile. The Redistribution of Seats Bill placed our Borough at the head of the Clitheroe Division, which comprises Clitheroe, Chatburn, Downham, Twiston, Whalley, Wiswell, Sabden, Padiham, Read, Cliviger, Burnley (without the Borough), Briercliffe, Colne, Nelstxn, Brierfield, Barrowford, Newchurch-in-Pendle, Trawden, Foulridge. In 1885 occurred the contest between Sir Ughtred KayShuttleworth, of Gawthorpe Hall, and J. O. S. Thursby, Esq., Bank Hall, Burnley, (Conservative). The election did not prove so spirited or eventful as former ones, which seemed due to the altered representation, i.e., that the returned Member represented the Clitheroe Division, not the Borough solely. The result of the poll was: Shuttleworth (L) 6,821 Thursby (C) ...........4,462 Majority for Sir Ughtred ...2,359 In 1886, Mr. Gladstone’s introduction of the Home Rule Bill brought about secessions. At this juncture, Sir Ughtred was promoted to the office of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and his re-election on his appointment was unopposed. In 1892, Sir Ughtred again contested the Division, his opponent being W. E. Briggs, Esq., formerly M.P. for Blackbum, a Liberal Unionist, and a Lancashire man. In his address to the electors he stated that— “ By means of a Committee elected by all Ratepayers, I would place the Veto of granting of Liquor Licenses in the hands of the people.’’ He was in favour of an Eight Hours’ Bill for Miners and as regarded textile and other trades he would be guided bv the feeling of the workers themselves. The election cry 76 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. was “ Home Rule.’’ The result was as follows: Shuttleworth. (L) ....7,657 Briggs (LU) ........... 5,506 Majority for Sir Ughtred ...2,151 In 1895, Sir Ughtred was returned unopposed. The following extract from “ Dod ’s Parliamentary Com ­ panion ’’ (1896) gives some particulars of the career, political and otherwise, of “ Sir Ughtred ” : “ Eldest son of the late Sir James Phillips Kay-Shuttle­ worth, Bart., D.C.L., by Janet, daughter of Robert Shuttle­ worth, Esq., of Gawthorpe Hall. Born in Westminster, 1844. Married in 1871 Blanche Marion, youngest daughter of Sir Woodbine Parish, K.C.H. Educated at Harrow and the University of London. Is author of “ The First Prin ­ ciples of Modern Chemistry.” He represented Hastings from 1869 to 1880; unsuccessfully contested N.E. Lanca­ shire in 1868, Hastings in 1880, and Coventry in 1881 ; 'n the House of Commons, in 1874, he moved a resolution on the Improvement of the Dwellings of the Working Classes, and in 1878, a resolution on the Reform of London Govern ­ ment. Sat on the London School Board from 1880 to 1882, and in the latter year was appointed a Member of the Royal Commission on Reformatory and Industrial Schools. In 1886 he became Parliamentary Under-Secretary for India, and then Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; and from 1892 to 1895, he was Secretary to the Admiralty. A Justice of the Peace for Westmorland and Lancashire, and D.L. for the former county. A Liberal and an educational reformer; is in favour of Home Rule in Ireland ; free trade in land ; local control of the liquor traffic; shorter Parliaments; registration reform ; an eight hous’ bill for miners, etc. Sat for Hastings from 1869 to 1880, and for the Clitheroe Div­ ision since 1885.— 28, Prince’s Gardens, S.W.; Athenenaeum and Reform Clubs; Gawthorpe Hall, Padiham, Lancashire; Barbon Manor, Kirby Lonsdale.” In closing the chapter on our Parliamentary Elections, one cannot refrain from a comparison of the past modes of con ­ duct’ng elections with those of the present. Can we not CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 77 with confidence, say that there is at least some improvement? One can hardly believe that such lawlessness among the low ­ er orders, and severing of old friendships of the higher classes through difference of political opinion, could exist in these enlightened days. Is it not so, that we are learning more sense, are we not becoming more tolerant, more intell­ igent, and realising that we are to be more rational and less rash? “ Our Judgments are as our watches: None go just alike, yet each believes his own.” Tully Holt was verily a philosopher, (that is if he prac­ tised what he preached). He delighted in a repition of his motto which was : — “ Nather sweear, swagger, nor brawl, Good government is all.” Such words are worthy of a place upon a ribbon beneath our Borough Arms. 78 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER IX. THE COTTON OPERATIVES ’ STRIKE OF 1878.---THE RIOT ACT READ.---- THE MOB DISPERSED BY THE MILITARY. terrible havoc which the infuriated mob had made at Blackbum and elsewhere during the •jSjgSfcR month of May, 1878, by the smashing of windows at several mills, levying blackmail, pillaging and burning down Col. Jackson ’s house at Wilpshire, struck terror into the hearts of the harmless populace. The malicious spirit displayed by the Blackburn ruffians, like an infection, seem ­ ed to be spreading into country districts. In the deadly hour of the night a ruffianly band arrived from Blackbum, and were uttering horrid threats, and with curses “ not loud but deep ” proceeded to a lonely house Dy the Ribble, and there levied blackmail. On its becom ­ ing known next morning, what had been done, much con­ sternation prevailed, and the situation was regarded with such gravity as to render it necessary to demand Military, and increased police protection. Accordingly 53 special Constables were sworn in — the whole of the Fire Brigade forming a part, all of whom were controlled by Mr. Super­ intendent Barrett, and these proved very serviceable. Mr. Inspector Walling was at the head of the local police. It may be interesting to state that the Truncheons made for the Special Constables are preserved to this day, in CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 79 readiness for any other occasion that may arise, but the wish of all will surely be that the time is far distant when they will be again needed. They were required on this occasion, and if report be true they were used freely enough,— indeed, a little too much, for some of the Special Constables in their intemperate zeal, hit right and left, and even struck blows at the Special Constables, mistaking them for rioters. For several days the operatives in Clitheroe had shewn a restless and menacing attitude, and during the Friday evening had smashed all the windows of Salford Bridge Mills which fronted to the street. They likewise visited Mr. Robert Dewhurst’s residence, Little Moor House, and did considerable damage there, and on returning, when pass­ ing Spring Gardens, where Edward Cowperthwaite (Mr. Dewhurst’s game-keeper) was then living, someone jerked out— “ Let’s do a bit for Neddy!” and instantly the house was well ventilated by the many holes in the windows. They retraced their steps, and were said to be making for Eshton Terrace, but stopped at the Craven Heifer and demanded beer, as they had previously dbne at other publics, and threatened to smash the windows if not sup ­ plied. In a short time afterwards a staff of policemen and special constables accompanied by the Ex-Mayor (J. Mit­ chell, Esq.,) (Mr. Carlisle at this time being indisposed), the Town Clerk, Aidermen Hodgson and Trappes, and Councillors Thos. Whittaker and Richard Briggs proceeded in the direction of Little Moor House, but they discovered that the invaders had retreated, They were hooted as they passed through Salford and returned to the Town Hall where Mr. Aiderman Hodgson and the Deputy Mayor (Mr. J. Mitchell) appealed to the mighty throng to desist from such lawless acts. The following is the substance of Mr. Hodgson’s remarks: He had lived in Clitheroe 40 or 50 years, and it had always been his pleasure to find that the inhabitants were amongst the most peaceful and respectable — and he was sorry indeed that anything had taken place approaching the conduct of other towns. He urged upon all who desired 80 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. peace and order to do their very best to keep down anything like tumult. This great question could never be settled by riot, but it could be settled by reason. They had had an interview during the evening with a deputation from the Weavers, who had stated their case with great distinctness. Mr. Hartley asked, “ If we go to work at 10 per cent, reduc­ tion, will you promise that the money shall not go to assist the Blackburn Masters? ” to which he (Mr Hodgson) re­ plied “ They would, if they would promise that no money from their earnings should go to support the Blackbum Operatives.’’ Nothing had been decided, but they had agreed to meet them again on Saturday morning. He could assure them that the employers in Clitheroe had a disposition to come to some amicable settlement. This dispute had not arisen in a moment: - the position taken by the masters was the result of much consideration, k had become a question of bankruptcy on the one hand, and lessening the expense on the other. Mr. Birtwistle, who understood the question in all its bearings, and for whom he had the greatest respect, had conducted the case for the Weavers, etc., with great skill;— and as far as argument was concerned, he had shown more ability than the employ­ ers. He had every confidence in Mr. Birtwistle, and when any dispute arose at his own mill with regard to wages or material, he invariably referred the matter to him for solution and he had always found him to treat the matter with the greatest intelligence. He would again ask them to be peaceable and not dis­ grace themselves as their neighbours had done With re­ gard to the riots at Blackburn, he was sure all sensible men would deplore them,— and those who had taken part in such disgraceful acts would have to share in paying for the dam ­ age they had done. He had nothing more to say to them,, but would wish them good night. John Mitchell, Esq. earnestly entreated upon the per­ sons present to do all that lay in their power to preserve the peace and order of the town. He had been an employer of labour for about 40 years, and he assured them that tne present dispute in the Cotton Trade was one of the greatest CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 81 troubles of his life. He was sure the Masters were not wish ­ ful to cause any unpleasantness, and that a settlement of the difficulty could never be arrived at by rioting or vioisnce, but by wisdom and common sense He had no doubt that disturbances of this kind often arose with a few youths who made it a sort of pastime, and did not think of the effects that would follow; he hoped those who were older would talk with them and dissuade them from persisting in such conduct. He could assure them that the steps they had taken to preserve the peace of the Borough had not been done to menace, but for the interest and welfare of the town. He would again ask his fellow-townsmen, for their own int­ erest,. and the interest of all concerned, to do everything their power to maintain peace. Some persons in the crowd referred to the men who had been sworn in, being supplied with beer. Mr. Joseph Barrett assured them that no drink whatever had been supplied to them officially and what had been given was attributable to persons not responsible for their actionsThe 17th Lancers were despatched on Saturday 18th May 1878, from Leeds to Clitheroe, under the command of Cap ­ tain Jukes and Lieutenant Jenkins. Beyond the Magis­ trates and Corporate officials, and a few others, the fact of the military being requisitioned, remained a comparative secret, until the day had well advanced. A well known Clitheroe ex-Publican, whose house formerly stood on the Pimlico Road, had been on business on the Saturday afternoon, to Padiham, and on returning by Read, about 3 o ’clock in the afternoon, saw, pulled up in front of the Stork Hotel there, the detachment of soldiers already named. The publican, learning that their destination was Clitheroe, applied the lash to his steed and drove home­ ward in a fashion which would even have astounded John Gilpin himself. Arrived at Clitheroe, the publican announced, right and left in a jerky style as he rode along <:the Soldiers are coming!” The news spread with elect­ rical speed, and the town more or less was roused to a state of nervous expectation. A large number of people met the trains, supposing they would arrive by rail, whilst F 82 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. others with eager gaze, kept a strict outlook along Whalley Road The Cavalry, however, entered the town quite differ­ ently to what was anticipated. Turning quietly down by Prim ­ rose Lodge, they proceeded through Primrose along Woone Lane, and arrived in Castle Street, about a quarter to nine. Halting in front of the Swan Hotel, they were “ told off ’ to their various quarters, for rest and refreshment. Just before the arrival of the soldiers, a greengrocer in Moor Lane, who had wearied his eyes with looking towards Whalley, exclaimed “ theres no soldiers coming,” but he had scarcely finished the sentence, when they appeared. He flew* into his shop, and hastily put up his shutters, and afterwards joined the throng Soon after 6 p.m., immense crowds of people began to assemble in the streets, and the excitement became intense. The Magistrates in their dis­ cretion and power, ordered all the Public Houses to be closed at 8 p.m. The people swarming in the public houses having been ejected, swelled the multitude, and not a few, inspired by John Barleycorn, began to make disagree­ able and dangerous manifestations, and it appeared obvious at a later hour, that as the soldiers had arrived, they were determined to find them something to do. The Volunteers, who were enjoying their Annual Dinner at the Swan Hotel, had to put down their knives and forks, wipe their mouths and walk out, and “ by order,’’ discard at once their uniform, some few being sworn in as Special constables. The surging crowd in Castle Street, became more and more dense, and it became very clear that the Swan Hotel was the centre of attraction. In stentorian voice someone yelled out “ there’s a lot of Cotton Lords i’th Swan, why should us poor chaps be tomed out o ’th pubs and them allowed in.” This spirited utterance acted like a talisman, and the prerogative which the so-called Cotton Lords were claiming, was regarded by the mob as a casus belli, and in a few seconds crash went the windows, but through the timely intervention of the police, the mob was more or less repulsed before further destruction could be effected. This was regarded by the authorities as very ominous. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 83 Mr. John Carlisle, (Primrose House) was the Mayor at this ■period, but being still quite out of health, Mr. John Mit­ chell, York House, officiated as his deputy, and according ­ ly, he, with the Town Clerk, and other officials arrived in Castle Street, and from the steps of the Swan Hotel, the READING THE RIOT ACT. Riot Act was solemnly read by Mr. Eastham, the Town Clerk, during which, a stone resembling a brick was thrown, but fortunately no one was injured by it. In the meantime the soldiers were fully equipped, and ready for the word of command, and no sooner had the concluding sentence of the Act been read, than the Lancers charged the horde. The people fled with a dash and a flutter not unlike par­ tridge before gunshot, or as an old Clitheronian described the scene, “ It mud ha ’ bin th ’ fine brigade wP their hose in full play on em.’’ Being Saturday night, numerous stalls (butchers, pedlars, etc.,) were standing in the street, the present Market being then only in course of erection These stalls to some extent impeded the flight of the 84 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. people, who madly rushed and jostled against them, some being turned topsy turvy by the sway of the crowd. The stall-holders fled panic stricken, in some instances leaving the cash bare upon the board, and one poor old woman in her hasty flight, dropped a leg of mutton, and fearing to turn back, lost it I have interviewed a great number of people, and obtain ­ ed some very amusing descriptions of what occurred, and whilst believing the versions to be correct, still it would be well to receive some of them cum grano salis. Near the Starkies’ Arms, a Lancer observing a large group, and as if to strike terror into them, plunged the Lance into the wood-work of a butcher’s stall, this had the desired effect, and terrified, they fled in all directions. Several rushed down Mr. Jordan’s yard, and with them a frac­ tional part of a man, commonly called a Tailor, who, In attempting to plant his foot on a swill tub, which proved rotten, caused the poor knight of the needle to drop deep down into the stinking swill. A Bawdlands man had just bought a quantity of fluke, which he carried in his hands, suddenly he was terror stricken and off he flew, and so did the-fluke which he nevex saw again. Most amusing was it to see the horrified ex­ pressions in the countenances of. the people a> they fled forward, or dashed down entries and side-passages, like so many rabbits to their burrows. A number of persons were huddled together in a shop doorway opposite the Swan. A mounted Lancer dashed at them, and unconscious of the strong wood-work wliich supported the sunshade, his head came in such violent contact with it, as to knock him of his seat Several persons were secreting themselves in shutter boxes and recesses, and the soldiers were endeavouring to clear the streets of these. On looking round they espied two or three men crouching behind the iron rails in front of the Starkies’ Arms. On making for these, the men seemed so terrified as to be powerless to climb the rails, and one craven hearted fellow croaked out “ Mother! mother!” but escaped unhurt. Proceeding along Castle Street, a Lancer observed a man standing in his doorway. The soldier CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 85 bade him get in- Standing on his dignity, the delinquent declared he was a Magistrate- The Lancer replied “ 1 don ’t care what the d---- you are, ------- get in,” and with menacing attitude he terrified the bogus Magistrate, who hastily retreated. The night was now well advanced, and darkness had set in. A certain greengrocer, presuming like the bogus beak that he was allowed by law to stand in his own doorway, was ordered by the mounted soldier to go in. He refused, the Lancer then made a dash for the burly grocer, who whirled round in such a fashion as to tumble headlong over a sack of vegetables which lay be ­ hind him. SOLDIERS CLEARING THE STREETS (1878). A r'oor old fellow with a wooden leg, who had seen a little service, having had some experience of Waterloo,— for he lived there — was so pressed upon by the crowd, as *o feel altogether independent of his legs, for he was complete ly carried off them, and had the misfortune to lose in the crowd his wooden leg, the want of which he much felt when the support afforded by the pressure of the crowd was with ­ drawn. He therefore was left in the sad predicament of 8G CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS# having but one leg, and hobbled about in search of the other, which by-and-by he found. A most ludricous spec­ tacle he presented as he carried off the trophy, hobbling along as best he could. Casting about to see what next he could do, a cavalier made for a tobacconist’s shop in Castle Street, where he thought he had seen an extraordin­ ary number of people entering. He rode right up, and putting his head in at the door found some 40 people all huddled together. The lady of the house called out, “ They all live here !*’ and the soldier humorously remarked “ You are a happy large family,’’ and rode off leaving them unmolested. To prevent the intrusion of the soldiery, a number of persons who had taken refuge in a yard adjoin ­ ing the Brownlow Arms Stables, tied a rope across the passage, but this proved but a slight protection and was soon struck down, and the supposed rioters were routed. A few yards below, standing at the entrance to the Brown­ low yard, was a man, who on seeing the horse soldier approach twitched his hand out of his pocket, and in so doing lost a two shilling piece, but ran off, not daring to stop to search for it. A well known young butcher residing in Parson Lane, made several attempts to reach Mr. Whittaker’s barber's shop, so that he could be made decent for Sunday, but each time he attempted to go round the comer, was driv ­ en back by a mounted Lancer, so poor John had to go back after all, unshaven. A leading butcher in Castle Street, emboldened b" the absence of the soldiers, and the pacific appearance of the street, left his shop, and bade his wife “ lock the door and open it for no man.*’ But a few minutes had elapsed, when, with more haste than grace he fled homeward— a lance and Lancer being in dangerous proximity to him. Rushing to his door, the obedient wife refused his admission, and he just barely escaped the lance, by darting into a Tailor’s shop hard by. A number of men who had beaten a retreat down a narrow passage opposite Starkies’ Arms, were followed by a mounted soldier. The passage is lofty as you enter, but CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 87 half way down, the roof suddenly lowers, and the poor Lancers head came in rude contact with it, which soon caused him to leave off pursuing the rebels. Four mount­ ed soldiers came galloping down Church Street, and sight­ ing two men in the doorway of a druggist shop, they ad ­ vanced towards them. The two men (one a “ snip ”) flew down the White Lion entry, followed by the Lancers. One topped a wall and alighted in a pig stye, and all being in darkness was lost sight of. The corpulent “ snip ’’ liter­ ally flew down the lane, but had to encounter an iron gate which was closed. Here he fumbled, and so desperately struggled to get through or over the gate, that in the scramble he had an accident— not serious, his nether gar­ ments faring the worst. Again a dashing steed bore its rider along the parapet past the Craven Bank, and passing under a stall the Lancer was literally torn off his saddle by some projecting object he had failed to see. A certain butcher, who had deserted his stall in the main street, was urged, whilst in an adjoining public-house, ’•o rescue his property, but replied in accents which betrayed his Teutonic origin— “ Not while yon debbils are theear.” The Calf’s Head, (now the Victoria Hotel) was in course of alteration, only one storey of the King Street side being erected. A number of men had fled for safety thither^ and whilst some thought they were safe on the rafters, some two or three had scrambled up the chimney place. Several horsemen advanced with pointed Lances, and were part­ ially repulsed with a shower of bricks, one horse being badly hurt on the head by a missile. A Lancer pluckier than the rest dashed into the crude building, and, determined to route those in hiding in the chimney, thrust his lance up it, and singular to relate he never hurt anyone, although there were at least two men lodged there, one of them being that well known farmer, Little Tom, who lives in Waddington Town­ ship. A man was concealed somewhere in the building, and by and by took a sudden fancy for “ home sweet home.” He darted out, and hotly pursued by several horsemen, as he fled down Wellgate, got up speed to such an extent that he 88 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. could not pull up at his own door, and found refuge behind the Town ’s Well. A well known fishmonger and his daughter, “ Nancy,’’ were standing by their stall near Starkies’ Arms when a mounted Lancer came along and his horse ’s hoof trod upon Nancy ’s dress as she stood in the gutter, and left a hoof mark upon it It was now dark and the fishmongers lamp was the only one burning, and as it afforded light to the soldiers they suffer­ ed the fishmonger to remain in the street until they had thor­ oughly cleared it Eventually towards midnight the streets were utterly deserted, and practically the duties of the sol­ diers were at an end. Sitll they were quartered in the town, the ren ­ dezvous being the Swan Hotel. It was delightful >o hear in the calmness of a Spring morning, the sweet tunes of the bugle, which at six summoned them from bed, and at nine called them for inspection and exercise. Ere a week had passed, the soldiers had found many friends, and in real­ ity they had fallen in clover, as after the day of arrival they had no duties beyond grooming their horses and furbishing their accoutrements. Almost daily they made little excurs­ ions into the country, riding one day round by Whalley and Mytton, another by Chatbum, Worston and Barrow, and co on. On passing through West Bradford one morning, the Lancers observed a beautiful lilac tree in full bloom. Unin ­ vited, each plucked a sprig to adorn their breasts, and n entering the old Borough, they caused many to smile and comment on their appearance, for they seemed to be very well lilaced. On a later occasion, when attempting to cross the ford at Bradford, the Ribble was so swollen that the horses of the bugler and a private were carried off their feet, and by the force of the current were driven right down to the old wooden bridge, but ultimately they reached the embank­ ment on the other side in safety. The nine weeks strike was now at an end, and the military who had now been six weeks in town, received orders to return to Aidershot. Their depart­ ure from Clitheroe caused no little emotion, although their arrival in the Borough had been regarded by many with dis­ CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 89 favour, but as time wore on they seemed to have found friends on every hand, especially so in the circles where the gentler sex presided, and as the Lancers with, true military dignity, passed along the streets to distant quarters, many were the bosoms that heaved with, emotion, and not a few of the eyes of the weaker sex showered tears, whilst doubtless many a soldier laddie hummed over in his mind the tune “ The girl I left behind me.” An incident worthy of note must bring our sketch to a close. Two of the soldiers who were billeted at the Causeway House, were it appears of a very dissimilar turn of mind. One was a masculine, right jovial, happy-go-lucky sort of fellow — a. model soldier— whilst the other was rather effeminate, and thoughts of home sweet home appeared to crowd out all other ideas, and occas­ ionally his eyes were moistened with tears. At the sight of these the sterner soldier would sometimes chaff him, and then break forth into hilarious song. The 17th Lancers, however, had soon to enter upon scenes more realistic, they were despatched to Zululand, and whilst out there, many voices familiar to our townsmen, were hushed for ever on the battlefield, and amongst the number, the two just referred to. I must now draw the curtain over the scenes enacted in the drama of 1878, and hope that the grievances between emp.oyers and employed, will be few, and in any event settled before reaching so serious a climax as the reading of the Riot Act, and dispersing the people by sword, lance or bayonet. 90 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER OUR PORTRAIT X. GALLERY. QUAINT CHARACTERS ---- “ REAL OLD TIMERS.* “ Should auld acquaintance be forgot, An ’ never brought to mind? ” HERE are certain characters which are so distinctly indigenous to the old Borough, that to omit them, would be an injustice to their memory as well as disappoint the exreader. As trees rise far above the hedge-rows, so, for a variety of reasons the following persons stood, or were conspic ­ uous above their fellows: — The family of Life ’s are pre-eminently of this class. There was a William Life referred to in “ The Old Coaching Days,’’ as taking such an active interest in Towlei's Coach, which ran from the Swan Hotel, that he would always see it off each morning, simply because he was a “ Tory, and so was the Coach. Mary, his wife, lived in an old fashioned house that for centuries was a Burgage Tenement, and the green ivy gradually penetrated its crumbling walls, and by and bye its glossy leaves were luxuriantly spreading within as well as without the Cottage. Mary was a very well educ­ ated woman. She was fully two yards in height, and wrote letters for those who were unable to steer the pen, with a hand as bold as that of any man, and couched in the quaint CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 91 tut forcible language of the period. But it is of Alice, their daughter, we particularly wish to speak. She was a very well known and highly respected woman, and resided, the gieater part of her life, in an ivy clad Cottage, next to Redmayne’s Vaults, but which is now covered by a portion of St. Mary's Sunday School. In such a state of dilapidation was the old cottage, that birds could readily find their way through the open roof, and at one part the face of the old Church Clock could easily be seen from the front bed-room through the gaping roof, and should the inmates be disposed to study astronomy, this they could do in the silent watches of the night whilst laid in bed, for the stars in their courses could be seen through the open roof.. The Life ’s were a very ancient family, and they claimed, and not without reason, to be descended from Mr. Thos. Hayes, a London Merchant, who left ^200,000, which de ­ volved to the Crown through, want of real heirs at law. Country folk for many miles around, as well as old Clitheronians, delighted to chat with the kindly quaint milliner from whom they obtained those old style substantial bonnets, Bonnets indeed they were, for if you wished to behold the face of the wearer you must look as through a tunnel. They were not of those flimsy oystershell type, which required to be stayed with a lot of great pins like skewers lugging at the wearer’s hair, for their own weight was sufficient to hold them on. But then they afforded good shelter in Winter, and as for Summer, if they were a bit uncomfortable, then they were almost universally regarded as the correct style. In 1896 when delivering the subject of “ the Old Coach ­ ing Days,*’ through the kindness of several lady friends I was enabled to exhibit a numerous and varied collection of old time bonnets and hoods. One bonnet was reputed to be at least a century old. Alice, or “ Elsie ’ as she was often termed, died on the 2nd July 1874. Alice her niece who served her apprenticeship to the business, resided with her aunt from childhood up to her aunt’s death, and succeeded to the business, and is equally as well known and respected as was her aunt, and most wonderfully does she retain that 92 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. sprightliness and vivacity, although upwards of 60 years of age. Miss Life informs me that about 50 years ago, bonnets only were worn, and that she only remembered seeing at that period, two hats, and they were worn by sisters, who created quite a sensation on their appearance in public. The Bonnets were not of the Coal-scuttle type, but were small and close fitting. Correctness of fit was a point of such importance that a tape measure was used to ensure satis­ faction. Wm. Read, the late Sexton of our Parish Church, was a character worthy of a place in this chapter. He died 6th March, 1898, at the ripe age of 75. He was bom at Low Moor in 1852. His grandfather, John Read, was for 33 years, Parish Clerk, and his father who was also called John, held the dual post of Clerk and Sexton for 50 years. Will­ iam was a Sexton only, and held that position for 37 years. He had a wonderful memory, which he retained to the last, and was often sought for his knowledge of local events. He enjoyed the privilege of education at the Royal Grammar School, being a “ free scholar,’’along with four others, and could remember the old Grammar School standing in the Church Yard, when Sammy Twatchman, a Low Moor apprentice, taught in the school, and remembered its being pulled down in 1834, and conveyed to its present site in York Street, for as a boy of 12 he amused himself by filling a wheelbarrow with stones, and wheeling them. His recol­ lections of old time customs were exceedingly good, and he could relate strange things which he witnessed in connection with weddings. Those were the days in which it was cus­ tomary for the bridal party to be adorned with ribbons indic­ ative of the festive occasion, and to use William ’s own phrase “ They looked like payseggers.’’ As soon as the marriage was over they raced to the bride’s house if it were not far away, or else to a public house, and the winner was given a Silk handkerchief or neckerchief which was called “ the brides garter.’’ The lawless hordes who surrounded the Church gates became an intolerable nuisance, sometimes these seekers after drink money tied the gates until the money was forthcoming, and on the wedding party refusing CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 93 this, they were sodded or otherwise abused. In. reference to that absurd custom of “ scammering,” or throwing money into the street to be picked up by the lazy fellows who were always in readiness to demand the “ hen silver,’’ (handsel). William well remembered the Rev. J. H. Anderton, the late Vicar, protesting against this custom. On one occasion, a man named Martin, of Low Moor, was being married, and through the advice of Mr. Anderton, he refrained from the custom 1, and this caused loud and indignant cries of “ dry wedding!” “Up wee it!* and so on, and poor Martin and his bride, who had been followed by the crew down Church Street, took refuge in the Swan Hotel. Martin afterwards declared that had he known what annoyances he would have been subjected to, he would have scammered in spite of the advice. For many months previous to William ’s death, his fellow ringers had noticed with, feelings of regret, his apparent weakness, and though he removed from his customary bell to a higher one in order to keep his place in the team, still it became too much for him, and for a short period, his attendance at the belfry was the only part he performed. His early ringing was upon the old set of bells, which were taken out previous to 1844. One of these is the present Low Moor Church Bell, another going to Standen Hall, whilst the other four were re-melted. He had in his time taken part in ringing contests, and was looked upon as one of the best ringers in the district. He was one of the ring ­ ers who heralded, on the bells, the coronation of Her Maj­ esty the Queen, and later, on her marriage to Prince Con ­ sort, whilst in 1887 and 1897, he was still -t his post, and took part in the ringing for the Jubilees. Other notable occasions that he rung at, were the Prince of Wales’ marr­ iage, and also on Prince George’s union with Princess May, also for many years on the choosing of Bailiffs for the town, and since, on the substitution of Mayors, at their election, and was on all occasions included in the ringing team that did duty on Mayor’s Day. It has been computed by a ringer that he must have tolled the passing bell, many thousands of times, as well as ringing for at least 5,000 Church services. 9i CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Oh the subject of tolling or ringing, Durrandus, writing on Symbolism, says, “ The bells ought to be rung when anyone is. dying, that the people hearing this may pray for him. For a woman indeed they ring twice, because she first caused the bitterness of death, for she first alienated mankind from God, wherefore the second day had no benediction. But for a man they ring three times, because the Trinity was first shown in man. For Adam was first formed from the earth, then the woman from Adam, afterwards was man created from both, and so there is therein a trinity.William ’s burly figure encased in white linen jacket, with flowing hair resting upon it, gave him a somewhat antique, if not unique appearance. He was a man of few words, but if drawn into conversation could engage the attention f those who loved to hear of the doings of old Clitheronians in the far gone days. During his career he had seen the following Incumbents and Vicars of the Parish come, and all but the lost one de­ part:— Revs. Robert Heath, John Taylor Allen, Joseph Heywood Anderton (who bought the living), Edward Hughes Thomas, and Herbert Lafone Bellhouse. Mr. Read during his long career as a ringer, saw many teams come and go, and rang with all the following except Mr. Matthew Pinder, Mr. Hy. Lofthouse, and Mr. Jas. Altham, these three having taken hold since his death. Unfortunately, as no records have been kept in connection with the bell-ringing, in obtaining the following names, I have had to rely upon the memories of some half dozen of the oldest living ringers, and there is a danger that some names may have escaped their memory. Anyhow, I shall be sorry if any have been forgotten, as the trouble taken to gather these has been great, and the utmost care used to secure as complete a list as possible: — Messrs. John Holt, Richard Varley, senior, William Holt, Edward Whitehead, and George Whitehead, (Low Moor,) John Howcroft (Causeway House), Martin, (Whalley) occas­ ionally, Joseph Scott, (Waterloo), John Bailey, (St Mary’s Street), Henry Turner, John Martin (occasionally) (Low Moor), Richard Walker, (Church Brow), Robert Whittaker CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. C5 (the father), and Robert Whittaker and John Whittaker, (the sons), Thomas Hartley, Tom Pearson, James Bullock, Wm. Penny, Edward Isherwood, Christopher Thomber (blind), Birch (“ Chatter ”), Henry Battersby, Robert Wilkinson, James Wilkinson (now in America), Christopher Myers, sen ­ ior, Richard Hartley (gardener), Thomas Hartley (Wellgate) John Altham, Andrew Fox, William Lofthouse, Jas. Duerden George Holden, Jas. Holden, and John Holden (Mytton), (occasionally), William Parkinson, William Loft­ house, William Crook, John Lofthouse (Wilson Street), Ben Blackbum, John Eatough, Roger Blackbum, William Hardacre, Charles Carr, John Parker (Newton), (occasionally), John Bleazard (Railway View), Wm Boothman (Waddington) (occasionally), Richard Rawsthome, William Pinder (Water­ loo), Charles and Robert Parker, Waddington (occasionally) Joseph Brown, Robert Baldwin, George Myers, John Wil­ son (now of Padiham), William Bell (now of Accrington), James Norcross (Darwen), Charles Norcross (Blackbum), Isaac Riley, John Riley (Revd)., (London), E. Buck, and Matthew Pinder. The ringers of the Parish are to be congratulated on pos­ sessing an enlarged life-like portrait of the deceased, which along with other objects adorn the walls of the belfry. Gone is the old familiar figure, who along with his forefath­ ers, were so long associated with the muffled bell, the bier, and the yawning grave. He and they “ Each in his narrow cell for ever laid, The rude forefathers of the hamlet slept.0 The present bellringers of the Parish Church are Mr. Wm. Hothersall. Mr. James Eastham Mr. Frank Knight. Mr. Isaac Rushton. Mr. Walter Wilkinson. Mr. William Pinder. Mr. Joseph Robinson. Mr. Arthur Hartley. Mr. Harry Lofthouse. Mr. Thomas Robinson. Mr. James Altham. There are of course only eight bells, but the additional ■three ringers come in as relief men. " 96 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Mr. Richard Nowell, Church Street, was a well known man for many reasons beyond his genial and social disposit­ ion. He was for many years a halberd bearer to the Cor­ poration. He was for about 30 years, caretaker of the Grammar School, and was a noted fisherman. Richard’s regular occupation was a shoemaker, and perchance a pair of shoes brought for repairs, might have lain a few days untouched. When the customer called and asked “ are my shoes done,’’ Richard’s reply was, “ There just ready fo« starting on.” The late Mr. Joseph Carr, of Moor Lane and Lowergate, was a man exceedingly well known and highly respected. Of a jocular disposition, he was able to entertain his friends in a wonderful way with his old time memories. He, as a youth, attended the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of St. Mary’s, on 1st May, 1828, having journeyed from Bolton-by-Bowland, his native place, for the purpose, along with the Rector, the Rev. Amborse Dawson, and two boys. He related to the writer several matters which have found their way within the cover of this book, and he could boast that he survived every person who was living or trading in Moor Lane, when he first started business in 1835. He died 12th December, 1898. His first ride by the railway was from Manchester to Liverpool, the day after Her Majesty ’s Coronation. He left Clitheroe by coach, having seen the ox roasted here. Mr. Robert Ramsbottom, fishing tackle manufacturer, was a genial soul, and highly esteemed, not merely by the fraternity of Waltonites, but in many other circles. Mr. Ramsbottorc was the first to import Salmon spawn into Aus­ tralia, the ova, on arrival, being hatched at Hobart Town, Tasmania, under the superintendence of Mr. Wm. Ramsbot­ tom, his eldest son, who had resided out there some years. The spawn was obtained, in the first instance, by Mr. Rams­ bottom and his son, Mr. Westall Ramsbottom, from the Rivers Ribble and Hodder. Mr. William Ramsbottom was commissioned by the Australian Government to attempt the importation of salmon spawn, and for that purpose came CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 97 over to England about the year 1860. Numerous experi­ ments with the spawn in varying temperatures having been first made, his first attempt at exportation proved unsuccess­ ful, as the ship was becalmed, and the ova suffered thereby. A second attempt was made and resulted satisfactorily. Mi. Westall Ramsbottom arrived with the spawn in London,, and was met by Mr. Youle, of the Acclimatization Society, England, who was interested in the propagation of the salmon species, and was so pleased with the manner in which the spawn had been successfully conveyed, that he presented Mr. Westall Ramsbottom with a handsome watch. Mr. Robert Ramsbottom, the father, was on several occasions engaged to superintend the salmon during spawn­ ing season at Stormontfield, on the Tay. The Ramsbottoms are justly proud of the fact that the successful importation of salmon into Australia was brought about through their family. Mr. Ramsbottom senr., is the author of a work on “ Fish Culture,’’ which has a place on the shelves of our Free Library. The author, and also his son William, are both dead, but Mr. Westall Ramsbottom is still living and :n business in Liverpool. The late Felix Wilson, is well entitled to rank under this head.- Should anyone ask “ who is he ’? it is pretty good proof that the enquirer is not a real Clitheronian, or else has a desperately bad memory ’. With Pedlar’s baskets on either arm Felix was ever alive to business. After pressing his Mint Rock and Garabaldi sticks, Oranges, etc., and fail­ ing with these, the merits of Old Moore ’s Almanac, or his Dream Books,would then be descanted upon and pressed home. The familiar figure of Felix, was to be seen at near­ ly all local fairs, Agricultural Shows, Rushbearings, Whit­ suntide Galas and Field Days, and if a couple of lovers passed by, they would not escape his notice. How he would beg of the young man to buy something, and if the ordinary appeals failed, he would be certain to wind up with, “ Nay, what are ta nooan bown to buy that lass of thine nowt? Shoos a grand en ! ” This would usually have the desired effect. Felix used to stand with his stall near Cockshutt’s, in the Market Place, on Fair days, and in the days of Mr. G 98 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS, Walter Cockshutt, a tame raven was kept at the Foundry, which could often be seen flying across the street, or pacing about in the road. Mr. John Wilcock informs me that the raven used to steal biscuits off Felixs’ stall and fly off into the Foundry yard with them. There are many living to-day who can remember this raven, which answered to the name of “ Rauf ’’ (Ralph.) Mr. Wilcock says that on one occasion it flew on to a box or barrel where some pitch was, and got entangled in it. The raven exclaimed, “ Rauf’s fast ! Rauf’s fast,” 1 and not until liberated by a Foundry man was it free. Photographers and artists seem to have regarded Felix as a typical Clitheronian> and have depicted him' on several occasions where he figures in certain street scenes. Mr. B. Satterthwaite has secured some good likenesses of him at various times. Mr. Aiderman Roberts has a large and splen ­ did picture by Cawthome, in which he appears. The Castle forms the background,- and Wilkin Bridge is in the fore. Felix with his pedlar ’s basket has just crossed the bridge, and is handing some oranges over to a damsel, which have evi­ dently been purchased by her. Felix received farthings from his customers, and one day some one told him that farthings were not current coin of the realm, but determined to test the question he took ten shillings worth of them to the King Street Post Office which were accepted and cash given for them. He was quite a favourite ■with the Grammar School boys, who often patron ­ ised his stores. He used to speak of them as “ the boys of England.’’ When a young man, he was Butler at Huntroyde, and it was his boast that he had carried “ Young Nick ’’ on his back many a time. Ultimately he settled :n •Clitheroe, where he was known as a “ Town’s Butler,’’ serving at the tables of gentry, and on public occasions. Eventually he got married and resided for about 40 years just behind St. Mary’s Well, Church Brow, afterwards removing to Pim ­ lico Road, where he died at the ripe age of 81. Felix was born at Crow Trees, Chatbum, and took part in the making of the Chatbum New Road in 1826. There were other well-known pedlars who, though not CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 99 natives were constant visitors to the town, viz : — the late oid William Watson, (“ Nutmug ’’) and old Thomas Leeming (“ Tommy Totton ”) from Gisbum Coates. Tommy was a Bachelor, and if asked what age he was (although over 70) he would reply “ I ’m to wed yet.’’ Another equally well known Pedlar, was Nancy Driver, Chatbum. Another fairly well-known character, though not a pedlar, was John O ’ Dudlands or Calverley, who frequently visited Cli­ theroe from Grindleton. He used to come on sundry errands, but chiefly fetching parcels from the various shops. His parcels were placed in a sack which he slung over his should­ er, and as he stalked along he presented a very primitive appearance. He was a very harmless fellow, and was well known and respected, especially on the Yorkshire side of the River. A somewhat remarkable character was Robert Elliot, who in addition to his earnings of a cutler, gained somewhat by extracting teeth, which were drawn by the bare cold steel— no Cocaine in those days. He lived in Church Brow, in the farthest cottage of the row beyond the Crown Inn. Robert kept a cockatoo, which picked up not only odd words spoken by the patients, but odd screams as well. When a patient arrived, Polly would exclaim. “ There’e an ­ other on ’em, Robert,’ and then, to tne discomfort of the patient, would set up such a scream of Oh! Oh!! Oh!!! in imitation of the one undergoing the dreadful operation, which consisted of the patient’s head being placed between the knees of the dentist, and was, pro tern, quite as bad as being in chancery. One is here reminded that a certain Dentist, who prac­ tised in Castle Street, but who long ago removed to a distant town, assured a Farmer who was raging with the toothache, that he would take it out “ without pain to the operator. ’ The farmer felt soothed, and when the cold steel had fairly gripped and wrenched his offending tooth, he jerked out— 4<I thought you said you’d take it out bowt pain?’ ‘ Yes/ replied theDentist, “ without pain to the operator.’’ John Tell, an amateur herbalist, who resided in Bawd ­ lands with his Aunt, Mrs. Cowking, was not unworthy of a 100 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. place in the Gallery of Celebrities. He was a peace loving; kindly sort of man with, a love for the muse. He died a Bachelor, but the fates had nearly ordered it otherwise, for he fell in love with a certain Lady who- had some accom ­ plishments. Perhaps we may be pardoned if we give some detail anent this, as it will serve to show what a genius he was. John had long had a tender regard for the fair one, but how and when to disclose it was a momentous matter to him. Eventually he determined to- post to her some poetic effusions anonymously, and caused the recipient, I understand, much curiosity as to the source from whence they came. By and bye, the amorous author was embold ­ ened enough to insinuate his name, and this he rather ingeniously did by sending another epistle-, and referring the Lady to the last Chapter of Revelations and. the eighth verse. The verse read as follows : "And I, John, saw these things, and heard them, and when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things." The Lady soon discovered the mysterious author’s name, but did not, however, reciprocate the glowing affection, so John remained a Celibate. He was out one occasion invited to appear before the Board of Guardians, to show cause why he should not contribute towards the maintenance of. a poor relative, as he was supposed to have means.. He courteously and candidly answered the numerous queries, and when asked had he some property, true to hiy poetic instincts* John replied “ No foot of land do I possess, Or Cottage in this Wilderness.” A truly funny man was William Holgate, always known as “ Billy Howgit,’’ whose means of subsistence was somewhat precarious, still he managed to live to a fair age. He would run errands, get coals in, and do anything for a penny or a “ pint’ Poor Billy was once cruelly victimised. There was a grand affair taking place at the Rose and Crown, some­ thing like a Soiree, admission being by ticket. Poor Billy was very illiterate, and some one gave him a? Brewer’s Trav­ eller’s Card, telling him that if he went to the Rose and- CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 101 Crown he could get in by it. Billy accordingly presented it but it was ruthlessly dishonoured, and Billy was prompted by anger to dishonour the man at the door, and I believe assaulted him, which resulted in his having to appear before the “ beaks,’’ when he was fined 5s. and costs or 14 days, and he not having the wherewith to pay, his friends started a subscription list to save him from the shame or brand of prison, and ultimately the amount was raised and put into his hands. On hearing the jingle of the silver coins Billy was so overcome with feelings of joy and gratitude that he exclaimed, “ I think I’ll go to th ’ hoil, and then when I come back I ‘se hev these to look at,’’— so he went to “ th ’ hoil.’’ John Warner, (son of William, the Greengrocer, in Castle Street) was a well known character. In his earlier days, he assisted his father, who was a carrier to Blackbum and Pres­ ton, but latterly John was a Coal Carter. His kindly humor­ ous disposition made him a general favourite, and his love for impromptu verse, which he would jerk out on almost any occasion, earned' for him the sobriquet of “ Poet John.* His poetry was not exactly of the Tennysonian order. His bursts of humour and grotesque rhyme were difficult to forget Reaching the Bawdlands Railway Crossing one day and finding them locked, he bawled out to the Pointsman: — “ Throw oppen these gates wide unto the sky And let John Warner and his boss goa by.’’ For many years he carted coal to Whitewell, and these pleasant joumies gave rise to the following lines, which he could truthfully boast were his own composing: — “ Isn ’t John Warner a nice young swell When he goes a carting coal up into Whitewell.’’ Robert Clark, son of old Benjamin Clark, Lowergate, was a well known Clitheronian. He was a remarkable man in many respects. His knowledge of Scripture was far above the ordinary. Robert’s father had a very large garden, the fruit in which was often carried off by the birds. Poor Robert was greatly annoyed by their depredations, and his dislike of Sparrows was so great that he could not endure 102 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. them, and would “ shoo ’’ and stone them whenever and. wherever he saw them. His kind inoffensive manner and love of chat, made Robert a welcome visitor at the fireside of many people who delighted to hear him recount the many incidents of his somewhat chequered life. Mrs. Varey, wife of David Varey, Potter, in Waterloo, was a remarkable character, and was much respected for her hon ­ est dealing, and kind and canny ways. She had quite a musical voice, and in crying her wares from door to door, she would jerk out, “ Do you want any Cheeney (China) to-day?’’ She used to stand on Fridays, at Low Moor Mill gates, with her basket of wares, and would exclaim when, the factory was losing “ now come on this way my lucky lass­ es, I want to sell up.’’ She would, when starting out in a morning, say, “ Now come this way and gi’ me a hansel and then I’se hev luck and sell up — if its nobbut a penny, you must buy summat on me.’’ Mrs. Howard, Waterloo, tells me that it was quite custom ­ ary for the old hawkers to go first thing in the morning to some lucky person before starting their work, and that her mother, Mrs. Briggs, of Salt Hill, was frequently called upon at early mom, and that she was often asked to put sixpence into the band of the hawker and she would receive a shilling for it, and this she often did, especially from old William Watson, of Chatbum. A very familiar figure in the old town was Dr. John Bair­ stow or “ Bastow ” as he was usually called. Although not holding a diploma, he was regarded as a very clever man, but his appearance was hardly that of a professional gentleman. He was a little swarthy man, and had a peg leg. It is said that John was one time consulted by an indolent fellow who was badly out of sorts. The doctor said there was a certain herb growing over Pendlef Hill, which would cure him, and he must come very early next morning and they would go in search of it. The sluggish patient came next morning, and with the Doctor climbed up by Well Springs, and ultimately they descended towards Sabden. The pat­ ient noticed that the Doctor did not attempt to look for the herb, and asked him which direction was it in. At last CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 103 when near Sabden the Doctor said, “You ’ve had a taste o ’th herb : it’s exercise that you want.’’ There were few men better known to old Clitherbnians than the three brothers Whalley, who resided in Salford. Their father in his later years was occupied in turning an old-fashioned mangle kept by Mrs. Ramsbottom. Christopher Whalley, (who was better known as “ Ness”) used to fetch to and deliver the clothes from the mangle, and ran errands. Unfortunately none of the brothers were so bright, and poor Ness was less so than the other twoHis brother James, or “ Jimmy ’’ as he was always termed, worked at Salford Mill. It is said that the hands subscribed for a present to Jimmy, which took the form of a watch. No present could have better suited him. How he used to swagger and boast about this watch. He had not had it long, before he made what appeared to him a valuable dis­ covery, for Jimmy would relate with gushing glee what a little good un his watch was, for, said he, “ it can lick th ’ Church Clock, and give it an hour.’’ An old Clitheronian tells me that Jim took his watch to the Castle, that they might see his grand present and after exhibiting it, he asked if they had a watch guard they could spare. Thomas, the third brother, was best known as “TommyBudget.’’ He was at one time almost the only person who hawked newspapers from door to door, and on account of the extraordinary merits of the paper “ The Budget,’’ Tommy was rarely if ever known by any other name than “ Tommy Budget.’’ Tommy hawked Newspapers up to the last, and was about 65 years of age when he died. Nothing seemed to give Tommy greater delight than to relate some romanc­ ing story about some one having met with a strange accident. He would eagerly wait for the question, “ how did it happen Tommy? ” and in answer would give the most ridiculous and fictitious reply, which would send off the interrogator in a fit of laughter. Nanny Bashaw. There were few people indeed “ within the sound of the Church Bells,* who did not know or had not heard of the doings of Nanny. This famous lady resided 104 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. in Duck Street, and for quaintness of manner arid strength of belief in things supernatural, Nanny was rarely excelled, and would have been a worthy descendant of Mother Dem ­ dike, of Pendle Forest fame. She was credited among the folk with the gift of foretelling destinies, aided by the flick ­ ering flame, and the floating tea grounds, as seen in “ the cup which cheers but not inebriates,” or by means of dreams she would by the ingle nook descant on the coming fortunes or misfortunes of the family. Her supposed gifts in these matters, earned for her a wonderful reputation, and many a good old housewife with a love for the curious, would invite Nanny to tea, in order that the veil of the future might be torn aside and wonderful things revealed. Of course, it paid old Nanny, for she got many a cheap “ bite and sup ” in this way. Of quaint characters one could write al lib, and doubtless I shall be asked by some of our old Burgesses, what about Tommy Wigglesworth, farrier, James Clifton, Tom Squires Whistling Jimmy, Tully Holt, “ Tally Ho!’’ Jimmy Huddle­ stone, Jack Pilling, Billy Nutter, etc., etc., There are many familiar faces removed from our midst, besides those already mentioned, for example, those connect­ ed with the Hotels and Posting Houses in the Borough. James Smith, who was a long time at the Swan, both in Towler’s and Dugdale’s days, was well known. He was considered a smart horse clipper Poor James had a sorry experience about 35 years ago. He was fetching some swillings from a large tub that rested on some boards which covered a very deep well at the back of Mr. J._H. Clark’s house in Castle Street, (now occupied by Mr. R Hargreaves, draper) The boards it appears were so utterly rotten, that when James’ weight was added, the boards gave way and the swill tub, James, bucket and boards all plunged into the well, and great was the splash and screams for help, and fortunately, help was soon at hand, and James was rescued from a ----- well not exactly watery grave, for it was some­ what mixed. John Hanson, alias John Query, was a wonderfully well known man, and along with James Smith, was at the Swan CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 10& during both in Towler’s and Dugdale’s times. John was a Yorkshireman, and hailed from Leeds. He was at one time in service with a gentleman. At this place there were several servants named John, and when Mr Hanson arrived the cook on hearing his name was John, exclaimed “ blsss us, thats another John 1 and pray what is your other name/ and he replied, ‘ its a queer un,’ ‘Well then ’ she exclaimed, “ We’ll call you John Query,’ and it stuck like glue, for up ro his dying day he was always known as “ John Query.’’ John in his earlier career, was a driver for Mr. Wm. Hothersall, at the Brownlow, and for a short time drove the Mail gig. Ralph Pye, was for a considerable number of years at the Brownlow in Mr. Hothersall’s time. Ralph was formerly coachman to the Misses Baldwin, Castle Street, and was a well known man. John Wise, (better known as Jacky Wise,) who hailed from Settle, was a long time at the Swan, and was a well known character. Of the many ostlers, the following were particularly well known : — Matthew Whittaker, who for about 40 years, as far back as Mr. West’s time, was associated with the Brownlow Arms Matthew at one time drove Hothersall’s Coach to Blackbum. He was especially well known. Matthew was a native of Pendleton, near Clitheroe. His widow, “ Julia ” equally well known, is still living in Clitheroe, and in fairly good health. Wm Whittaker, their son, was also an ostler at the Brownlow for about a dozen years in all, but for about seven years was groom at Huntroyde, and also for a short time at the Standen Hall and the Castle. Peter Nowell was a quaint character, and for near 30 years was a servant at the Boar’s Head. With his slouched hat, knee breeches, and that ancient contrivance known as “ a yoke ’’ slung across his Shoulders, as his gaunt figure wended its way from the Boar’s Head to the piggeries in back York Street, he was a striking object When the fairs were held in the street, the Pig Market used to be almost opposite the Boar’s Head, and Peter took a lively interest in this de­ partment It will be quite easy for old Clitheronians to 106 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. imagine Peter in those days, gazing with eagerness at the litter of young Pigs in the huge tubs which served as pens, and pointing out their respective merits, and winding up with— “ there’s a good dog pig theear.* Peter up to his death, resided with his daughter (Mrs. Kendall) in Peel Street. He died 9th February, 1888, aged 91. Peter was a native of Keasden, which lies between Dale Head and Bentham. Michael Deasey, an Irishman, was a very popular driver and was for many years at the Swan, in Mr. Lofthouse’s day George Loud was a familiar figure, many years with Mr. John Rawcliffe at the Brownlow. He afterwards went with Mr. Rawcliffe, on his leaving for the De Tab ley Arms, Ribchester Bridge. Robert Carr, who hailed from Skipton, was for many years at the Swan and Brownlow. Fred Bowin was for some time at the Swan, and died there He was a very capable horseman, but was not there more than about three years. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS- CHAPTER OUR 107 XI. INSTITUTIONS. CAS AND WATERWORKS.---- BANKS.---- CLUBS.---- PUBLIC HALL.---CATTLE MARKET.--- AUCTION MART.---- FIRE BRIGADE.---- RIFL? CORPS.----TECHNICAL SCHOOL.---- FREE LIBRARY.---- AMBULANCE CORPS.---- NURSING DIVISION.---- NURSING ASSOCIATION.---- ETC. HE Clitheroe Gas Light Company was formed on the 16th September, 1836. It has been said that Thompson ’s Works at Primrose, were the first to be lighted with gas, which they made for themselves. The Wesleyans were probably amongst the first to introduce it into a place of worship, for they had it as early as 1838. The Congregationalists in October 1855, had a Tea Party “ to celebrate the introduction of Gas into the School.’’ The gas mains for Low Moor, were not lai«.l until 1855. The Clitheroe Gas Light Company was incor­ porated in 1877. The Chairman of the Company for many years past has been Mr. W. B. Dewhurst. Mr. Thomas Bourn for a great number of years was the Secretary. His office was then, where the White Horse Vaults now are. The Gas Managers during the last 50 years have not been numerous, the first one being Mr. Chas. Ratcliffe, who resid­ ed in Wellgate. Mr. Jno. Seed succeeded him and held the office 39 years. He was followed by Mr. W. Crook, (Bolton), fora few years. He retired in 1866, and in that year Mr. Wm. Miles, who came from Tyldesley, near Manchester, was 108 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS- appointed. Mr. Miles died on 4th December, 1895. Mr. R. Barrett succeeded him, and is the present manager. Three old and well-known servants of the Company, were the late Mr. Jonathan Cook, Mr. Thomas Speak, and Mr. George M iddlebrough. Mr. John Mitchell, who is still living, has been at the Gas Works about twenty years. CLITHEROE WATERWORKS. The formation of the Clitheroe Waterworks Company, took place in the year 1854, the first Directors being Messrs. Edward Hodgson, Felix Leachj Jude Hargreaves, William Garnett, William Redmayne, Jeremiah Garnett, Robert Hargreaves and James Hornby. The ceremony of cutting the first sod for the Reservoir, was performed by Mr. John Eastham, in the Spring of 1855. The Borough, including the village of Low Moor, was supplied with the Company’s Water, in 1855. The Company was incorporated on 25th March, 1877. Mr. Wheeler was its law clerk. Prior to the organisation of the Company, the town was in a state of agitation upon the subject, insomuch that pub ­ lic meetings were held in various parts of the Borough, and ths opinions pro and con were voiced upon numerous plat­ forms. Mr. Thomas Garnett, Mr. Edward Hodgson and Mr. Edmund Thompson, were conspicuous amongst the promoters of the Company, whilst Mr. Henry Hall, Mr. Thomas Bulcock, Mr. Ambrose Bulcock, Mr. Frank Duerden, and some others, loudly condemned the project, whilst Mr. James Heaton, of political fame, who was a newspaper correspondent, and kept a pawnshop in Mootf Lane, dipped his pen frequently to condemn with biting sarcasm, the scheme. Mr. Heaton used his pen a little too keenly it appears, for he hit the Borough Surveyor (Mr. Robinson), where it hurt, and he commenced legal proceedings for libel, which cost Mr. Heat­ on over ^300 and he was ultimately sold up. Bob Whittam, a Card Room hand, went the length of composing and singing songs to expose the infatuation (?) of this scheme for supplying the town with water. SomJe of the arguments against the concern were that CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 109 the water of the town’s Wells was ample in quantity and qual­ ity for the public needs, and that the Wells were not kept as clean as they ought to be. Others bitterly opposed the scheme on the ground that it should! belong to the Corporation, and not be a private enterprise. So embittered had the state of aflairs becomes, that at a ratepayers’ meeting in the Old School at Low Moor, two Clitheroe gentlemen, after abusing each other with their tongues, commenced with their hands to emphasise their views. As a rebuke to the Town authorities for the negligent con ­ dition of the Town’s well, the then Mayor and Mr. Thomas Bulcock, and Mr. Richard Smith, went to it with besoms, and cleaned out the well at mid-night. A Mr. Joseph Bar­ ret, a mechanic, a native of Low Moor, but residing in Hay ­ hurst Street, was passing the well at that hour, and saw them hard at work.. On the other hand it was contended that an analysis of the water showed that the supply to Low Moor was most un ­ wholesome, and various kinds of sickness had resulted therefjom, that the comparative degrees of hardness of the waters were as follows: — Town’s Well .. .... 45 degrees Ducky Leach Spring ........... 3 degrees Well Springs ....................... 4 degrees and consequestly there was a justification in the scheme for a fresh supply. The old Reservoir is 32 feet above sea level, is ten feet deep, and has a capacity of 500,000 gallons. The caretaker of both Reservoirs, is Mr. Henry Tomlinson, of Marylebone Farm, West Bradford, whose house is close by. The first sod of the new, or larger Reservoir, was cut by Aiderman James Garnett, on the 23rd April, 1887. It has a capacity of 12| million gallons, its depth being 15 f et 6| inches, and was first used in January 1889. THE CRAVEN BANK The date of the establishment of the Clitheroe branch of this bank runs back into the old coaching days. The parent bank was established in 1791. The first premises were in York Street, where Messrs. Bailey Bros, reside. Ultimately the business was transferred to the house 110 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. known as the Almonds, now occupied by Mr. Clement T. Mitchell, and in the years 1870 — 71, the commodious prem ­ ise* in Castle Street and King Street were built, where the business has been successfully conducted ever since. The old Shops upon the site of the present Bank were pulled down in February 1869, and in the following month, a portion of the March Fair was held on the site, a “ Penny Show ” booth, and other things being upon it There is of course, a residence attached to the Bank with extensive gardens and grounds in the rear. The first Bank Manager was a Mr. Robert Stewart, who married a Miss Oddie, of the Allies, Church Brow. He was followed by a Mr. Robert Wildman. Ultimately Mr. Robert Ross Somervell succeeded him. The present highly respected Manager, Mr. William Peterkin, has held the post 45 years, having been appointed in 1855, and was at the time in Bumley. Mr. Peterkin has also held the honoured position of Borough Treasurer for over 40 years. There are many of the old folks who have a remembrance of Mr. Fred Oglesby as a clerk in the Bank, ana still more who have pleasing recollections of that neat little gentleman clerk, Mr. John Sam Lister, who died in America many years ago. A Mr. Ormerod succeeded him, and was fairly well known. Mr. Ormerod is, I believe, still alive and residing in Liverpool. Mr. R. H. Kidd, who has been at Clitheroe since 1876, is surely as well known as his predecessors, his father being for 46 years the esteemed Rector of the Parish Church, Skipton. The Clitheroe branch of the Manchester and County Bank was opened in Wellgate on the 12th May, 1878, »he premises being those now occupied by Mr. Fairweather. Mr. Smith was the first Manager, having previously been nearly 30 years managing Clerk for Messrs. Robinson and Sons. Solicitors, whose offices were, and- still are, at the Castle. After six years service he retired. Mr. James Booth, of Bumley, was for some years clerk along with Mr. Smith, but is now Chief Cashier at the Burnley branch. Mr.. James Hoyle Foden, who came from Bumley succeeded Mr. Smith, in 1879. He died in. Wellgate, in March, 1893. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Ill Mr. S. Thomason, who for several years acted as cashier, was promoted to an Inspectorship, and resides in Manchester Mr. Foden was succeeded in the Managership by Mr. Arthur Henry Denham, of Preston, who was appointed on the 1st May, 1893. The handsome structure now serving as the Bank, was built on the site of the old Dun Horse Inn, and was first used on the 13th May, 1896. The Senior Clerk of the present staff is Mr. E. V. White, who has been there 14 years. The London City and Midland Bank opened a branch :n Moor Lane, on the 15th January, 1900, the Manager being Mr. F. N. Arnold, who came from Preston. ATHLETIC CLUB. About the year 1865 an Athletic Club was formed in the town, the instructor being a Mr. Lillywhite, who was, I un ­ derstand, formerly a professional gymnast at Stonyhurst, and the “ pro ’’ for the Clitheroe Cricket Club, and won a good name here. He lodged with Mr. George Golland, at Shaw Bridge. The late Mr. Geo. W. Whewell was the Secretary, and Mr. L . G. Mitchell, treasurer. The club was held at the White Horse, and subsequently at the Rose and Crown. The club was in possession of a good movable horizontal bar, parallel bars, a double trapeze, with rings and bars; dumb-bells, fencing-sticks, boxing gloves, etc. The club, however, did not survive many seasons, and fin­ ished with an assault at arms. The total number of mem ­ bers I am unable to give, but the following gentlemen a*-e remembered as prominently connected with the Club: — Messrs. James Dewhurst (Little Moor), Clement Mitchell, Louis Mitchell, George Slinger, G. W. Whewell, William Whittaker, James Boum Hargreaves, William Henry Bear­ man. THE DISTRICT CLUB. The District Club, which was established in February 1887, for the convenience of the gentry of the town and dis­ trict, is situate at Castle Foot and is highly adapted for the purpose. Its present membership is about 80. The follow ­ ing gentlemen have acted with credit as secretaries to the 112 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. institution:— Mr. S. Thomason, Mr. F. W. Stocks, Mr. F, G. Mitchell and Mr. R. H. Kidd. The present Secretary is Mr. Albert Sykes, Church St. The present club-keeper is Mr. William H. Alston. THE CONSERVATIVE CLUB. Many months prior to the Parliamentary election of 1868, 4 number of Conservative working men, through the kind ­ ness of Mr. Robert Dewhurst, were allowed the use of a room in the Albion Mill, as a news-room, which also served for discussion, lectures, etc., and resulted in the establishment of a Club, and in 1869 the premises then designated “ the Mechanics’ Institute ” in Moor Lane, (now occupied by Mr. Bennett), were taken over by Mr. George Dewhurst, an 1 ar­ dent Conservative, and a most suitable man he proved as Club-keeper. In the year 1873, more central and commodious prem ­ ises were secured in Castle Street, and over these Mr. George Dewhurst continued his duties as Caretaker, down to the time of his death (1887) an event which not only proved a great loss to the Club, and his family, but to a large circle of friends to whom Mr. Dewhurst had endear­ ed himself by his integrity, courtesy, and staunch support of the Conservative principles so dear to his heart. The following gentlemen succeeded Mr. Dewhurst as Club keeper:— Mr. Arthur Briggs (1887 to 1891), Mr. William Boum (1891-2). In the year 1892 Mr. John Dewhurst, the present Caretaker was appointed to the post, and it will not be very wide of the mark to say that he has proved himself most competent for the office. The first President and Chairman of the Club was Mr. Robert Dewhurst. Colonel Starkie succeeded Mr. Dew ­ hurst in the presidency, and on the death of Colonel Starkie, Colonel Aspinall was elected his successor. The following gentlemen have ably discharged the duties of Chairman:— Messrs. Robert Dewhurst, E. F. Bleakley, William Redmayne, Tom Garnett (1887), John Southworth, C. H. Rowlandson, Benjamin Jordan, the present Chairman being Mr. W. S. Weeks. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS* 113 The present Secretary of the Club is Mr. Tl.omas Bennett The principal Conservative Registration Agent for the Clith ­ eroe Division for many years was Major Hamson, of Bumley, who was assisted by Mr. C. Wormwell, at the Ormerod Street Offices there. On the death of Major Harrison, Mr. W. S. Weeks was appointed his successor. The local sub ­ agent is Mr. E. T. Welch, York Street. LIBERAL CLUB. This club was formed in the year 1872. Whilst a polit­ ical meeting was being held in the large room of the New Inn, in 1870, or 1871, Mr. John Green suggested the utility of a Club. The late Mr. Edward Hodgson, acting upon the suggestion, became an enthusiastic promoter, which resulted in the formation of a limited company, the present premisesin Wellgate being secured. Mr. Joseph Hobson was the first secretary of the limited company, and was succeeded by Mr. Jas. Robinson, (Brooklands), who held the post from 1886 to 1889. Mr. Robinson was also hon. secretary of the Liberal Council for the Clitheroe Division from 1885 to 1889. Mr. John Green was appointed Secretary and Club-keeper, which posts he held for six years. He retired ini October, 1878. Mr. Robert Hanson was his successor, and after some years residence there retired, and died in Mitchell Street, in the Winter of 1899. He was followed by a Mr. Waterhouse, from Church, near Accring­ ton, for a short time. Then came Mr. James Scott for a few years, who was succeeded by the present Caretaker, Mr. Richard Wi nek ley. The present Secretary is Mr. Thomas Robinsun, Treasurer, Mr. Alfred Ingham. In January, 1886, a scheme of new management was laid before the members, it haring been felt for a long time that the Club had been worked on wrong principles, the manage­ ment having been entirely in the hands of the Limited Com ­ pany, who owned the buildings. A committee of 21 were appointed to work the Club on behalf of the members, and in that year Mr. James Robinson, (Shaw Cottage), was appointed secretary. The following gentlemen have been influential members ii 114 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. and supporters of the Club, viz : — the late Edward Hodg ­ son, John Carlisle, Aiderman John Mitchell, Joseph Grime, Jas. Bleakley, J. Sefton, Wm. Garnett, C. J. 6. Trappes, Jno. Eastham, Aiderman Ormerod, C. T. Mitchell, James Robin­ son, (Brooklands), James Robinson, (Eshton Terrace), John Brown, J. A. Parker, Thomas Cowgill, William Lang, W. H. Sowerbutts, Newton Aspden. There are other gentlemen who are not to be regarded as prominent members of the club. Formerly the principal Liberal Registration Agent of the Clitheroe Division was Mr. Samuel J. Harrison, (now of Darwen), who was succeeded by Mr. J. Lonsdale, of Bumley. His successor was Mr. Thos. Catterall, of Nelson, who is still in office. The local sub-agent is Mr. Thos. Robinson (Wesleyan Row). THE PUBLIC HALL. The Public Hall was built in the years 1873-74, and was the result of a number of enterprising gentlemen forming a Limited Company, which was incorporated on the 31st of October, 1872, the Solicitor for the Company being Mr. John Eastham. The capital consisted of ^3000 divided into 3,000 shares at ,£1 each. The following gentlemen were the original Shareholders:— R. I. Hargreaves, John East­ ham, Ralph Assheton, W. E. Musson, James Bleakley, John Carlisle, C. J. B. Trappes, Robert Dewhurst, senior, Jas. Garnett, John Mitchell, Edward Hodgson, William Peterkin, Thomas Hothersall, Dixon Robinson, William Garnett. The following gentlemen have successively acted as secre­ taries :— Mr. Joseph Barrett, Sergeant Linder, Mr. F. W. Stocks, Mr. Samuel Worthington. The present Secretary is Mr. Thomas Robinson. The successive Hall-keepers were Mr. Henry Pye, Mr. Thomas Blackbum, Mr. R. G. Atkin­ son, dentist (dead), Thomas Holden (dead), Mr. Thomas Smithies (now residing at Read), Mr. John Bailey, who held the post nearly 19 years, and is still alive and brisk, though over 70 years old. The present hall keeper is Mr. Ralph Whittaker, who holds another public office, that of halberd bearer. The first occasion on which the Public Hall was used for public purposes was a Concert at which Madame Patey, and other popular musicians sang, half a guinea a CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 115 couple being charged for tickets. OPENING OF THE CATTLE MARKET. Prior to the opening of the present market, cattle, etc., •were of course, exposed for sale in the main Streets, princi­ pally Castle Street, Market Place, Church Street, York Street, and King Street. The site of the present Market was formerly a field in which the agricultural show has been held and is on the South-westerly side of King Street (formerly Back Lane), and is approached by Parson Lane, Railway Road and King Street. The Market cost ^2,000 exclusive of expense in purchase of site. Mr. John Hargreaves, Borough Surveyor, acted in the double capacity of Engineer and Clerk of Works, having the whole inspection under control. The Market was form ­ ally opened by Aiderman C. J. B. Trappes, the Chairman of the Cattle Market Committee, on Monday the 5th of May, 1879. A procession of the members of the Council was formed in front of the Town Hall about half-past seven in the morning, headed by the Mayor (John Carlisle), and! Aid ­ erman Trappes. There were also in attendance Aidermen Garnett, Mitchell, and Bleakley, Councillors Ormerod, Clarke, Southworth, Mitchell and Briggs, the Town Clerk, Mr. John Eastham, and the Borough Surveyor, Mr. J. Har­ greaves. A good muster of people assembled. Mr. Trappes formally opened, with a most historic and interesting speech, after which, the first transaction was the purchase of a pet lamb, the property of Mr. Thomas Seed, Bashall Town, by Mr. John Kendal, butcher, Castle Street The stock shortly afterwards rapidly arrived. At nine o ’clock, the Mayor, the members of the Cattle Market Committee, Corporation officials, and the Contract­ ors, partook of breakfast at the Starkies’ Arms, then kept by Mr. Jordan. There were present, the Mayor (President), Aiderman Trappes (Vice-President), Aidermen Garnett and Mitchell, Councillors Grime, Southworth, Rowe, Ormerod and Briggs, Mr. Eastham (Town Clerk), Mr. Hargreaves (Borough Surveyor), Dr. Fraser (Medical Officer), Mr. Coun ­ sel 1, Mr. Bleazard and Mr. J. Carr (Contractors). Appropriate 116 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. speeches were made by Aidermen Jolin- Mitchell and C. J. B. Trappes. It may be of interest to give particulars of the tolls and exhibits on the opening day, which, through the kindness of Mr. J. W. Carlisle, I am enabled to give, as his father (the then Mayor), took the pains to enter in his pocket book the following details: “Tolls received, Os. lOd.; Exhibits, 199 sheep and lambs, 179 cattle, 86 pigs, 3 horses, 3 carts, 2 stalls.’’ Our Market ground, in addition to affording convenience for those who make merchandise in a diversity of ways, s also a place where our Volunteers may be seen at times undergoing drill, and during the last twelve months our Corporation has sanctioned the use of the space at the upper end as a playground for boys not exceeding 12 years oi age. This privilege was the outcome of an agitation on the question of playgrounds. Mr. Ex-Councillor Aspden, an enthusiast in the matter of playgrounds, aroused so much interest in the question that an open-air meeting was held upon the Market ground in the Summer of 1896, which proved to be of an extraordinary character. The report '*f such meeting found its way not only into the columns of Lancashire papers, but also in one or two American papers. An old Clitheronian, Mr. Rd. Allen Lonsdale, then in Chicago, having seen the account, cut it out and enclosed it with a letter to a Clitheroe lady who kindly handed it to me. The following is a copy of the report as given in the American paper. Its name my informant (Miss Ann Varley) could not remember. “ SOME CLEVER CHILDREN. The children of the Town of Clitheroe, in England, are not afraid to ask for what they want. According to an item in the ‘ Lancashire Daily Post,’ a meeting of the children of Clitheroe was recently held in the market place to petition the Town Council to provide them with playgrounds. There was a fair number present. A boy named John Yates presided. It was decided to send the Mayor and Corporation the following memorial: ‘ We, the children of Clitheroe, in public meeting assembled, CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 117 beg to lay before you our needs in the matter of play ­ grounds. We have none; if we play at all we are forced to play in — the streets. Then, by your instructions, ve are liable to be pounced upon by the police and prosecut­ ed. Such a state of things, we venture to suggest, is very unfair to us, and seeing that you are elected to your posi­ tions by our fathers and mothers, and as we are sure they would not object to pay a little extra in taxes for our benefit— we are perfectly aware that to prpvide play ­ grounds would incur expense — we beg of you to take this matter into your serious consideration, and do honour to yourselves by recognising our needs and providing us with playgrounds.' . . It would seem as if it ought to prove very difficult to the authorities to refuse to yield to so reasonable and respectfully framed a request as this. Cer­ tainly the future of the Town of Clitheroe should be an interesting one, seeing what style of citizens it is likely to have when these brave little boys and girls grow up and ‘ run things ’ to suit themselves. THE AUCTION MART bad its first sale at the October Fair in 1886, being first formally opened by the Mayor, Mr. Aiderman James Gar­ nett. For two years it was carried on by Messrs. Ackroyd and Green. On Mr. Ackroyd ’s retirement it was conducted by M t . Samuel Green alone up to the year 1897, when it became a limited company with Mr. Edward Chester as secretary. The company, or directorate, consists of Mr. Green as managing director; chairman, Mr. Jas. Kay, (Longridge; vice-chairman, Mr. Councillor Cowgill; along with Mr. Enoch Whitehead (Blackbum), Mr. Thos. Grim ­ shaw (Blackbum), Mr. John Addison (Cheetal), and Mr. Thos. Sellers (Blackbum). After the formation of the company, the auction was formally opened by the Mayor, Mr. Aiderman Roberts, in the December following. A system of awarding prizes was started and the business in ­ creased so rapidly as to necessitate a hurried enlargement of the premises. The sealing accommodation for cattle is equal to 160; pens for 1,000 sheep; with stalls for 0 118 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. horses. The new building on the westerly side was erected in September, 1898. When the business of the Mart is in full swing it presents a most interesting spectacle. The sheds are kept remarkably clean, and the cattle seem, to be as peaceful and content as in their usual places, and the auction is conducted in a very expeditious and satisfactory manner. THE FIRE BRIGADE. Prior to the formation of the fire brigade and the construc­ tion of the waterworks, there was nothing to rely upon in case of fire but the old manual engine which carried a big tub for water, which was of little use, and had to be filled from the brooks. Fortunately, in those days, fires were few, but the old manual used to be taken out for practice, perhaps once in a year or two. At that time, rude appli­ ances were kept in the old engine house at Castle Gate, which was afterwards turned into a stable by the Corpora­ tion. The first meeting was convened by Mr. Pritchard, then Borough surveyor, with a view to organising a volunteer fire brigade, and was held at the Brownlow Arms on the 27th April, 1865, when the following names were given in as persons willing to be enrolled : Messrs. Robt. Satterthwaite, John Harrison, Robt. Hornby, Archibald Dewhurst, Wm. H. Bearman, Wm. Whittaker, Henry Parkinson, Rd. Homby, and Arthur Briggs. On the 26th May, 1865, the following were enrolled members: Messrs. Wm. Pollard, Wm. Hodgkinson, Geo. Golland, Joseph Barrett, and Henry Parkinson ; Messrs. A. Briggs, John Hargreaves, and A. Dewhurst having in the meantime resigned. The election of officers took place on the 15th June, 1865, when Robt. Homby was elected secretary; Robt. Satterthwaite, senior sergeant; John Harrison, junior sergeant; Geo. Golland, senior corporal; Jos. Barrett, junior corporal; and Edward Pritchard, superintendent. Up to this time the members drilled in their own clothes, some of the swells turning up for drill in white waistcoats, but as it proved a hand-soiling business the mashers of the day resigned, finding it rather hard work and much against the waistcoats. Up to this time CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 119 there was nothing but the lumbering old manual wheh re­ quired 24 men to work the pumps, and in ten minutes time it took the wind out of the best of them. The manual engine was, in 1866, repainted, and on both, sides bore the name of “ Volunteer.” New uniform was got by the aid of public subscriptions, and proud of their equipment the brigade sallied forth to Downham where the first practice tcck place. On their return— a Saturday night, whilst go ­ ing down Moor Lane, a part of the drill was to dismount whilst the engine was in motion. Our Mr. Aiderman Par­ kinson in dismounting, unfortunately had the buckles of his overalls caught on the pump rods, and both wheels of the engine ran over his right wrist, and he was six weeks’ disabled. The old manual engine, which was the cause of Mr. Aiderman Parkinson ’s accident, was, singular to say, bought by him at a public auction and afterwards sold To Mr. Wm. Bailey, cotton manufacturer, Twiston Mill, when finally it was “ roasted alive ’’ in the disastrous fire at Twis­ ton Mill. A reel-cart was afterwards got in which to carry the hose, etc. The first steam fire engine was procured in the month of June, 1876. The opening day for the new engine was made eventful through the generosity of Mr. CJ. B. Trappes (who was then Mayor), the brigade and friends being regaled with a sumptuous dinner at the Town Hall. The homes of the firemen are now connected with the Fire Station by electric bells. The present engine was got in September, 1896. Mr. Geo. Slinger still remains the use­ ful and energetic secretary. Superintendent, Mr. Michael Duckett. THE RIFLE CORPS. The Clitheroe Volunteer Corps was established in the year 1860, and was then an independent corps, and was designated the 62nd L.R.V., and vulgarly styled the “ Black Belts.’’ Ultimately it was attached to the 8th Administra ­ tive Battalion, subsequently to the 2nd Administrative Bat­ talion, and at the present time to the 1st East Lancashire K. Company. The first uniform was Tight grey with black facings; the band had white tunics with red epaulets. A tunic of that period is in the possession of Mr. Sergeant 120 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Bradshaw and was shewn to me during our conversation anent the origin of the Volunteer movement. The first captain was Mr. Wm. Garnett, of Low Moor, who was succeeded by Mr. Felix Leach, Brungerley. Mr. Felix Wm. Grimshaw, of Waddington, was ensign, and Mr. Wm. Archi­ bald Dewhurst, colour-sergeant. Mr. Dewhurst continued in the service, and on his retirement in 1882 was lieuten­ ant-colonel. Mr. Wm. H. Bearman was for many years colour-sergeant, prior to his leaving Clitheroe for Grimsby, where he still resides. Mr. C. T. Mitchell was also for many years lieutenant. Owing to the wanton destruction 6f the official books of the corps by a sergt-instructor whc, some years ago, was here about a month, I have had some difficulty in obtain ­ ing certain particulars, but the first drill-room was in St. Mary’s Old School. Afterwards they found other premises at the “ Puff and Dart,’’ Shaw Bridge, which are now used as workshops by Messrs. Veevers and Sons. It was in this room that the Volunteers practiced the “Dead March,’’ on the occasion of the death of Prince Consort. Mr. Sergt. Bradshaw says that “ as each foot came down with a dull thud upon the old wooden floor the timbers quivered as if ready to drop them below.’’ Having some remembrance, as a little boy, of being pres­ ent at a gala in connection with the Volunteers, I asked Dr. Smithies if he could give me any particulars of it. The Doctor replied : “ I cannot from memory give you the exact year, but I think it would be either 1860 or 1861 — I know I was an apprentice then. It was in the Holme above Brungerley Bridge. Mr. Wm. Garnett was the cap ­ tain, Mr. Fred Leach the lieutenant, and Mr. Felix William Grimshaw was ensign. The gala was more particularly for Volunteers. The short-range targets were here. After the shooting competition the sports began to which the public were admitted.’’ On asking the Doctor if I had not seen him throwing a cricket ball an immense height, he said " Yes. I threw the ball 96 yards high, and at that time 104 yards was the greatest distance a ball was ever known to be thrown.’’ CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 121 In the Summer of 1862, the Volunteers had a Church parade to Mytton. Mr. John Allen states that as they went via Edisford they saw a number of poor footsore men returning from Lancaster. They had walked from Colne and district through Clitheroe and Trough of Bowland to Lancaster in the hope of seeing a man hanged, named Walker Moore, a shoemaker, who had murdered his wife. The culprit, however, on the morning of the intended execu ­ tion had managed, when in the w.c., to climb up to a cistern and drowned himself, so that the thousands of eager, wouldbe spectators received the startling but disappointing an ­ nouncement that the execution would not take place, as the murderer had drowned himself. It is said that a former landlord of the Craven Heifer was amongst the disappointed spectators and bawled out, “ Bring him out and hang him yet.’’ The men from Colne and district, above alluded to, Mr. Allen says, were so tired and footsore that some of them had taken off their clogs and were carrying them under their arms for ease. The Volunteers as they beheld them were much amused at the scene. It is a well-known fact that a London pictorial contained a picture of Moore on the scaffold, with a full description of the execution. The proprietor of the paper, presuming that the execution would proceed as usual gave a minute account of the brave manner in which the murderer submitted to the pinioning and the imaginary execution. Sergt. Archibald Taylor, before becoming an honorary member, had been 33 years in the corps. He says he was the first recognised bugler and had four brothers each of which held the office in tum. The destroying of the books was a deplorable deed inasmuch that when the long service medals were about to be distributed in 1895, the records not being available some doubts arose as to the length of service of some of the Volunteers and only three men re­ ceived medals presented by Colonel Griffiths, namely : Sergt. Bradshaw 35 years’ service, Col.Sergt. Smith 33 years’, and Sergt. A. Taylor 33 years’. In 1897, Col.-Sergt. Foulds was decorated with a long service medal. Since the formation of the corps there have been eleven 122 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. instructors. The first one was a pensioner from Whalley, who was only remembered as “ Old Pat.” Then came Mr. James Simpson, who stayed many years. He was followed by Sergt. Copperthwaite. Next came Mr. Rafter, and after him was Sergt. Haworth, who was followed by Sergt. G. W. Linder, who had been sergt.-major and had done foreign service. Following him was a Mr. Stewart for a short time. Mr. Wm. Chalkley, who knew something of India, came next, then Mr. Courtenay, and afterwards Mr. Adams. The present instructor is Mr. Buckley, who has only been here a few months. The constitution of the Company at present is as under : Captain, Rowland I. Robinson; Lieutenant, Thomas C. Robinson; Sergeant-Instructor, T. Buckley. There are one colour-sergeant, four sergeants, one lance-sergeant, four corporals, two lance-corporals, two buglers, one drum ­ mer, two cyclists, ninety-eight privates— making a total of 118. TECHNICAL SCHOOL. This important institution sprang into existence during the year 1891, when Mr. James Robinson, of Brooklands, who was then an active member of the Corporation, seeing that Clitheroe was behind many other towns in providing technical education for the young, brought the subject before the Town Council and induced it to adopt the Technical Instruction Act. A strong committee was form ­ ed, with Mr. Robinson as chairman, and classes, which were largely attended, commenced in October, several of them being held at St. Mary’s School, whilst others were held at the Town Hall and in the large room of the Liberal Club. This arrangement of holding classes in different buildings proved unsatisfactory, and during the year 1893, a portion of Holmes Mill, which had formerly been used for spinning, was rented and fitted up as a school, where great success has since attended the efforts of the Committee. The first secretary was Mr. R. Parkinson, of the “Times’’ office, who was succeeded by Mr. J. E. Hargreaves, Bawd ­ lands, and who recently, owing to ill health, has relinquished the position in favour of Mr. G. J. Holme, solicitor. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 123 In connection with the school, the annual distribution of prizes has become a local event of no mean importance, is some notable personage is generally secured to distribute the books and certificates, and deliver an address. Among those who have thus honoured the occasion with their presence are Lord Ribblesdale, H. W. Worsley-Taylor, Q.C., Mr. Charles S. Roundell, Ex-M.P., Sir Ughtred KayShuttleworth, M.P., Mr. Walter Morrison, M.P., and Lady O ’Hagan. The following gentlemen represent the present Commit­ tee ; Mr. James Robinson (Brooklands) chairman, R. C. Assheton, Esq. C.C., J. A. Bennion, Esq., M.A., County Offices, Preston, Aiderman Parkinson, Councillors Garnett, Jas. Robinson, John Sagar, W. Hardacre, W. S. Weeks, and Messrs. A. H. Denham, John W. Southworth, J.P., James Eastwood, G. C. Hargreaves, J. E. Hargreaves, and G. J. Holme, secretary. OUR FREE LIBRARY. The origin of a public circulating library in our town is somewhat remote, and is attributed to the late Mr. James Thompson. There were in the year 1838 books kept and circulating from the Town Hall, the first librarian being Mr. John Keble. The books ultimately suffered neglect, and for a time ceased to circulate, and Mr. J. H. Bailey took charge of them, removing them to premises in York St. A Mechanics’ Institute was founded about this year which ultimately, by arrangement, took over the books, but after a lapse of some years years the interest waned and the books were removed to the Commercial Mill. Subsequent­ ly the volumes (2,000) were handed over to the Corporation but they lay idle until the year 1878. In April, 1879, our present free library was established, and received an impetus by subscriptions from local gentry amounting to about ^140. The late Mr. John Carlisle bequeathed in addition to his previous pecuniary help, the sum of ^50. The public ceremony of opening the library was performed by Mr. J. W\ Carlisle, son of the then Mayor, who acted as his deputy, Mr. Carlisle senior being away 124 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS* from home seeking restoration of health. Mr. Aiderman Thos. Ormerod, as the senior Corporate official, intimated that the time had arrived when the library should be formally opened, and read a letter from Mr. Carl.sle appropos the ceremony. Mr. J. W. Carlisle read a telegram just received from his father as follows : “ Success to the Clitheroe Free Library opened this day. I congratulate the Committee and Librar­ ian on the successful completion of their arduous duties. ’ Mr. J. W. Carlisle made a very appropriate speech nearing upon the literary advantages of the day and the necessity for such an institution, and declared the library opened. Mr. Councillor Clement Mitchell briefly addressed the assembly, and drew attention to the privilege of members to suggest new books. The Library contains 7,000 volumes, and the Committee in 1898 adopted the indicator system. The first librarian was Mr. W. H. Bearman, who held the post for about five years. Mr. Jas. Robinson, of the “ Advertiser0 Office, his successor, had some sixteen years service, whilst the present librarian, Mr. J. W. Hayhurst, who was formerly an assistant, has, in all, been in office eighteen years. His assistant is Mr. Isaac T. Rushton. The present committee consists of Mr. Thos. Ormerod (chairman), Councillors Gamect and Weeks, Messrs. J. Robinson (Brooklands), R. T. Bailey, J. H. Clarke, G. J. Holme, C. T. Mitchell, H. Oxburgh, John Watson, and J. T. Whipp. The meetings of the committee are held monthly. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE CORPS. Although only formed in the year 1890, they have per­ formed excellent public service, and have proved them ­ selves to be of greater utility than merely adorning the CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 125 civic procession on Mayor’s day. The formation of our local corps was largely due to the instrumentality of Mr. John Riley, (now the Rev. John Riley). Although Mr. G. J. Holme had some time ago named the matter to our local police, still the idea of our having a corps did not catch on. A class was formed and met in St. Mary’s Sunday School, where instruction was given by Dr. Fraser. Another class was started at the Wesleyan School, the instructor being Dr. Smithies. Ultimately the two classes merged and thus our local corps was established. The corps has a very great friend and admirer in the person of Mr. Wm. King-Wilkinson senr., (Middlewood), who, in addition to the pecuniary assistance given them, has entertained them handsomely at Middlewood, and expressed the pride he felt in our possess­ ing such excellent officers and men, and also that his son is one of the corps. The first officers were— Superintendent, John Riley; first officer, Robt. Barrett;.second officer, W. D. Cunliffe; third officer, A. Harrison; secretary, H. Rawsthome. Mr. .Frederick Stark for four years held the office of superin ­ tendent, namely, from April, 1895, to April, 1899, and during that period did much to aid the efficiency of the men. On his retirement (due to his inability to put ini the requis­ ite number of attendances), the Deputy Com ­ missioner, Chas. J. Trimble, Esq., paid a high tribute of praise to him and stated that the Clitheroe Division had much to thank him for. Mr. Stark is superintendent on the reserve list, and has by no means lost his interest in ambul­ ance work. The present officers are— Superintendent, Mr. M. H. Dawson; first officer, Mr. W. Rushton; first class super­ numerary officer and secretary, Jas. Hargreaves; secondclass supernumerary officer and inspector of stores, William Wilson ; treasurer, T. A. Davies. During Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations (1897), the following members of the corps volunteered to answer an official call to London, and rendered sendee in the Metropolis during that unique event and treated not less than 160 cases. These volunteers were as follows: 126 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. First officer, M. H. Dawson; supernumerary officer, Wm. Rushton; John Mitchell. Wm. Wilson, Tom Dugdale, Wm. Alder, Rd. Wilkinson, Walter Wilkinson, Thos. Kendal, Wm. Parkinson, and T. A. Davies. Their headquarters in London were in Clerkenwell Road. The premises— a huge warehouse had been transformed into a temporyy home for them, and along with scores of other Lancashire lads they were quite comfortable. To attempt to relate one-half the interesting incidents of their visit would be a large order indeed, but suffice it to say that the Rev. John Riley, who was then a student at St. John ’s Hall, Highbury, rendered friendly and valuable aid in escorting some of the members of our corps to various places of interest in the Metropolis, which, together with the many interesting scenes witnessed whilst on duty, made their visit a very pleasant and eventful one. On New Year’s Eve (Sunday) of the present year, Messrs. John Mitchell and John T. Riding having elected to go out to render service to the wounded during the Transvaal War, were sent off with a tremendous display of public feeling. Proceeding from the Town Hall, at 8 o ’clock, led by the Borough Band which was surrounded by flaming torches and coloured lights, thousands of people lined the streets, and at the final moment of departure the Band played with real pathos “Auld Lang Syne,’’ and amid the “ thunges ’’ of fog signals and lusty cheers the train steamed out of the station. On Monday night, 29th January, 1900, Messrs. Thos. Hartley and James Grogan, two other members, were des­ patched from Moor Lane School with an equal amount of enthusiasm as the former, whilst on Monday, the 6th March following, a further despatch of six members of our corps was made, viz., Messrs. Walter Wilkinson, Samuel Parker, John Hobson, Richard Taylor, Thos. Windle, and Thos. Driver. As on the former occasions, the Borough Band, with outriders, headed a splendid torchlight procession, but the assemblage on this occasion was greater, whilst the enthusiasm reached a higher point. On Thursday night, the 22nd March, Mr. Wm. George CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 127 Alder, another member, was sent off, but owing to the severity of the weather, the public attendance was not quite so great, but a fair number of friends and supporters met at the Town Hall, and headed by the Borough Band, accom ­ panied him to the Railway Station. On the following Thursday night, March 29th, 1900, Messrs. Tom Dugdale, Jas. Walker, and Benjamin King were honoured with a hearty send-off. The total number despatched was 14. Each man was presented with a complete outfit, a sum of money, and a Bible, besides numerous gifts presented privately by friends and admirers. All the men were volunteers, accepted and ordered out to South Africa for field service. An additional means of promoting the fraternal feeling and success of the corps has been their encampment, dur­ ing the Summer months, at Slaidbum, where many health ­ ful and happy hours have been spent, and some amusing stories are related anent it. Though the corps be well up in ambulance work it has proved itself a little in need of lessons in cookery, especially whilst out at Slaidburn. One of the members who had to boil the onions was engaged pealing them when some lady visitors appeared on the scene. Anxious to obtain a little timely information on the subject of onion boiling, he asked one of the ladies how long they should be allowed to boil. The lady promptly replied, “ Until they are enough!” The corps possess two street ambulance boxes, a litter, and five stretchers, and are also fully equipped with the necessary bandages and splints. The manner in which the public has responded during street and mill collections, and at the open-air concerts annually, prove the confidence and appreciation in which their sendees are held. The corps, in addition to attending church on Mayor’s day, hold a church paiade on the first Sunday in May. NURSING DIVISION — ST. JOHN ’S AMBULANCE. The first ladies’ class was formed in October, 1893, and was due to the influence of Mrs. Fraser, Lowfield, in con ­ nection with the St. Mary’s branch of the Girls! Friendly 128 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Scciety. Mrs. Fraser was the first secretary. Mrs. T. A. Davies succeeded in 1895, and has recently resigned, the present secretary being Miss Kate Aspden, Eshton Terrace. The first lady superintendent was Miss Varley, Wilkin House. She was succeeded by the following ladies: Miss King-Wilkinson, Miss Kate King, Railway Crossing, and Mrs. Jas. Hargreaves, Salford. The present superintend ­ ent is Miss Parker, Lowergate. Dr. Fraser has all along been the instructor, his services being gratuitous, and he has reason to feel proud of the achievements of the Clitheroe Nursing Division, as out of 89 candidates presented for examination, there has been only one failure. Dr. Henriques has occassionally substitut­ ed for Dr. Fraser and proved himself an able teacher. These examinations are severe, the first year’s subject being First Aid, the second Nursing, and the third both subjects combined. Although their sendees are rendered less con ­ spicuously than those of the men, they are of a most appre­ ciable character. Their attendance annually at reviews tends to bring to perfection their labours. In August, 1898, in response to a request from the Deputy Commissioner, two nurses, Miss Parker and Miss Goddard, were despatched to the Royal Show, then held at Blackbum, and also seven men, viz., Supt. F. Stark, First Class Supt. J. Hargreaves, Privates T. Hartley, F. Ames, W. Wilson, W. Pinder, and J. Gamer. Numerous cases of injury arose, which were promptly treated by the corps, such as fractured collar bone, cut thumb, bleeding from the mouth, etc. In the centre of the show ground was a tent erected for the convenience of the nurses, containing all requisites, and in which patients were treated. The usual red cross, indicative of the order, was placed overhead, .-nd an amusing incident occurred arising from this fact. A farmer and his wife gazed at the tent with evident bewilder­ ment, and on beholding the red cross the farmer asked, " what’s this place for?” The wife, seeing the red cross overhead, complacently remarked, “ Oh, it’s th ’ hot cross bun shop!’’ CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 129 NURSING ASSOCIATION. This most estimable institution was established in the year 1891. the promoters being Miss Bailey and Mrs. Fraser, Miss Bailey being really the originator. The inaug ­ ural meeting was held in the Town Hall on the 3rd Decem­ ber, 1891, when the following ladies were placed upon the Committee : President, Mrs. King-Wilkinson, Miss Brown, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Tom Garnett, Mrs. Newstead Garnett, Mrs. Ince, Miss Maud King-Wilkinson, Mrs. Marsden, Mrs. J. J. Smithies, Miss Sefton, Miss Tennant, Mrs. S. N. ■Whalley, Mis. John Whipp, Mrs. Mercer Whipp. Mrs. Rob ­ inson, (the Castle). Miss Bailey was the first secretary and continued in office until her death which took place in June, 1894. Mrs. Musson was the first and still is treasurer. Mrs. Mercer "Whipp is the present secretary, in immediate succession to Miss Bailey. The following have been the district nurses since the formation of the Association: Nurse Wade, Nurse Wright, Nurse Von Dergoltz (“ Sister Dora’), and Nurse Murray, the present one being Nurse Mattocks, who has now been several years in the .town, her address being Castle View, Clitheroe. 1 Th e Ma y o r a n d Ma y o Cl i t h e r o e , r e ss of (Mr. and M n. Tiilotscn.) By kind permission of the Pro ­ prietors of the " Blackburn Weekly Telegraph." CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 131 CHAPTER XII. PUBLIC OFFICERS, E t c . LIST OF MAYORS.---- MEMBERS OF CORPORATION.---- BOROUGH AND COUNTY MAGISTRATES. ----TOWN CLERK.---- TOWN SER ­ GEANT.---- HALBERD BEARERS.---- POLICE.---- BOROUGH TREAS ­ URER.----BOROUGH ACCOUNTANT. ---- SURVEYORS. ---- ASSISTANT OVERSEER, ETC.---- COUNTY COURT REGISTRARS.---BAILIFFS, ETC n ETC. HROUGH the courtesy of Mr. Eastham, our Town Clerk, I am. enabled to give a complete list of gentlemen who have been elevated .o the Civic chair during the last fifty years, with the respective years of their office: 1859-60 A. W. Dewhurst 1850 Robert Stewart* 1850 (Oct. 7.) Jeremiah Garnett, 1860-1 1861-2 Thos. Bulcock Senior 1862-3 1850-1 Thomas Garnett 1863-4 James Garnett 1851-2 1852-3 Edmund Thompson 1864-5 1865-6 Robert Dewhurst 1853-4 Edward Hodgson t 1854 (March 20) John Mercer, 1866-7 Senior 1867-8 1868-9 Jas. Bleakley 1854-5 John Mercer, Senior 1869-70 1855-6 Henry Hall 1870-1 John Mitchell 1856-7 „ „ 1871-2 1857-8 „ . „ 1872-3 Jas. Garnett 1858-9 * Mr. Stewart retired for reasons of a private character. + Mr. Hodgson retired in consequence of his non-success to carry" a sanitary scheme. On March 20th, 1854, Mr. John Mercer, Senr., took office during the remainder of Mr. Hodgson ’s term and also for the following year. 132 1873-74 1874-5 1875-6 1876-7 1877-8 1S78-9 1879-80 1880-1 1881-2 1882-3 1883-4 1884-5 1885-6 1886-7 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Wm. Garnett C. J. B. Trappes John Mitchell John Carlisle Richard Briggs Joseph Grime Jas. Garnett » » » » » » 1887-8 Wm. Garnett 1888-9 1889-90 John Southworth 1890-1 (Dr.) Joseph Jackson Smithies 1891-2 James Sefton 1892-3 „ „ 1893-4 Tom Garnett 1894-5 1895-6 „ „ 1896-7 1897-8 Abraham Roberts 1898-9 „ „ 1899-1900 Hargreaves Tillotson In dealing with the subject of our Mayors, it was quite! oui intention to reproduce the portraits of the Mayors in office during two interesting periods, namely, the one at *h^ opening of the Railway in 1850, and the other in the year 1900 — the Railway Jubilee. Unfortunately, however, we cannot discover any portrait of the late Mr. Stewart, who has been dead some years. This being so, we have there­ fore determined to give the portraits of our present Mayor and Mayoress, Mr. and Mrs. Tillotson. OUR TOWN COUNCIL. Whilst giving the present members of our Corporation, it is to be regretted that considerations as to space compel us to omit the past members. A complete list of members extending over fifty years would be an undertaking of such magnitude that we abandon the idea. Our Town Council, as at present constituted, is as fol­ lows : (The years given represent the term of office yet unexpired):— The Worshipful the Mayor, Aiderman Tillotson. Aidermen : A. Roberts (2 years), Jas. Sefton (2), H. Parkinson (5), H. Tillotson (5); Councillors: Tom Garnett (2), Wm. Hardacre (2), W. Braithwaite (2), E. Crabtree (2), T. Cowgill (1), J. Sagar (1), J. Cowman (1), Tempest Seedall (1), J. Robinson (3), W. S. Weeks (3), J. Norcross (3), R. Blackbum (3). We give below an inventory of effects belonging to the Corporation: Traction engine, snow plough, horses and carts, water carts, sundries, steam fire engine and hand fire CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 133 engine with hose and appliances, ladders, fire escape, etc., etc., truncheons for special constables, standard weights, measures, and balances, an ancient gilt silver mace, large silver punch bowl, two loving cups, six staves of office, the Mayor’s robes, the Mayor’s chain, two halberds, an old oak chest in the Council Chamber, deed boxes with contents at Town Clerk ’s office, a number of odd volumes of statutes at large and other legal works, ancient charters. OUR BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. The Borough Bench was created in 1873, and comprised all Ex-Mayors, willing to act, and all County Magistrates resident in the Borough. The only Ex-Mayor who declined to act was the late Mr. Thos. Garnett, of Low Moor, whose objection was on account of his impaired 1 hearing. The Ex-Mayors included the late Mr. John Mitchell, Mr. James Bleakley, and Mr. Thos. Bulcock. The County Magistrates within the Borough were the late Major Trappes, Mr. C. JB. Trappes, Mr. Wm. Garnett, and Mr. Jas. Garnett. Ultimately Mr. Rd. Briggs, (Bankfield House), was appoint­ ed, also the late Mr. George Foster, (The Whins, Sabden), who was at that period the only Magistrate residing outside the Borough. Mr. Foster, however, never sat. In the year 1874, a further batch of magistrates were appointed, viz., Mr. W. B. Dewhurst, the late Mr. ThosW hittaker, and the late Mr. Robert Brown. In 1880 the Bench was strengthened by the addition of Mr. John Carlisle, and Mr. Hy. Robinson (Shaw Cottage). In 1887, the following gentlemen were added: Messrs. J. H. Clarke, John Southworth (dead) Jas. Crabtree (dead), J. J. Smithies, E. F Bleakley, Hy. Parkinson. In 1892, the undermentioned gentlemen were elevated to the Bench : Messrs. Abraham Roberts, Edmund Crabtree, John William Southworth, Thomas Horsfall (dead), J. H. Foden, (dead), and Samuel Speak. Shortly afterwards Mr. J. Sefton (Ex-Mayor), and Mr. Benjamin Jordan were added. In 1893, a further batch was created, viz.— Messrs. J. A. Parker, Thomas Ormerod, the late Richard Harrison, (Whalley), Robert Hindle, (Sabden;, John Brown, and Jas. Rawsthome, (dead). 134 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. In 1898, Mr. Tom Garnett received his appointment oy virtue of a memorial emanating from the Watch Committee and signed by each member. The Borough Magistrates’ Clerk is Mr. John Eastham. COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE DISTRICT. William Peel, Knowlmere Manor, Ralph Assheton, Downham Hall, Captain Edmund Le G. N. Starkie, Huntroyde, C. J. B. Trappes, Stanley House, Clitheroe; William Gar­ nett, Low Moor, Colonel R. J- Aspinall, Standen Hall, Jas. Garnett, Waddow Hall, Richard Thompson, Bramley Mead, Whalley; W. A. Winstanley, Chaigeley; R. C. Assheton, Hall Foot, Worston; H. W. Worsley-Taylor, Q.C., More ­ ton Hall; R. Trappes-Lomax, Clayton-le* Moors ; Colonel Turner, Chadswell, near Clitheroe; T. Longworth, Oak Hill, Whalley. The Clerk to the County Magistrates is A. I. Robinson, Esq., the Castle. Our worthy Town Clerk, (Mr. John Eastham) has held the office since 1862. He succeeded Mr. Robert Trappes, (father of Mr. C. J. B. Trappes), with whom Mr. Eastham served his Articles, and whose office was in Lowergate. Mr. Robert Heath, our late Town Sergeant, has held the post since 1861. His predecessor was Mr. Thomas Hothersall, late of the Wheat Sheaf Inn. Mr. Heath re­ mained in office up to the time of his death, which occurred on Saturday, the 17th February, 1900. We are enabled to give a life-like portrait of our Town Sergeant through the courtesy of the Proprietors of the “ Clitheroe Times.’’ It may not be inopportune to refer at this point to the Mayor’s Dinner which is an Annual event, and seems to increase in popularity year by year. It can truly lay claim to being a time honoured institution, for amid all the vicis­ situdes of the ancient Borough, it is quite beyond the mem ­ ory of man to say that its continuity was ever broken, al­ though in the year 1890 it well nigh missed, but the desire to keep alive its time honored reputation prompted a number of gentlemen to privately arrange for a Dinner, which was designated “ the Mayor’s day Dinner,” and which proved a thorough success. The Dinner is usually attend­ CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 135 ed by the leading lights of the borough, and the speeches delivered on the occasion are generally of an edifying char­ acter, the toasts being enlivened at intervals with musical items. In former times the band of the Volunteers, or a mixed one rendered selections, but latterly vocal music seems to have become the order of the day, when Mr. W. R. Dugdale, as leader of a “ scratched ” choir, has rendered his popular song “ 190.1.’’ It was at the dinner of 1889 in honour of Mr. John South­ worth ’s election, that Mr. Dugdale added a verse on local topics, which received such applause as to impress him that local topics were preferable, and since that year he has with -more or less success rendered the now highly popular song or “ 1901.” Seeing that we are within such a measurable distance of the extraordinary year of 1901, how many will be conjecturing what Mr. Dugdale will sing if spared to attend that year’s dinner, but pray what will he say or do at the dinner of 1902 ? Returning to the subject of our Corporation, the follow ­ ing persons have discharged the ancient and honourable functions of Halberd Bearers:— Giles Hoyle, Thomas For­ rest, John Isherwood, Richard Nowell, Robert Briggs, Christopher Myers, Robert Whittaker, William Sagar. The present Halberdiers are Edward Cowperthwaite, and Ralph Whittaker. The late Mr. Robert Heath could remember when there were 12 Javelin men, each dressed in the ancient short blue surtout coat with wide sleeves and open cuffs, together with a blue cloth Cap with a broad and puffed * neb.’’ Whilst the selection of these Corporate Officials has been marked by good judgment, I may be allowed to remark that since their first installation, on the presentation to the town in 1857, of the Halberds, the Halberdiers have conspic­ uously lacked uniform, and when we remember the grand antiquity of the Corporation, surely none but pessimists will begrudge the small cost involved in suitable livery, as a repetition of the outlay would not occur for many years hence. Occasionally in years gone by, an eyesore has occurred by the burly figures attending in hard billycocks or soft felts ill becoming the dignity of the body Corporate, 136 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. but this difficulty would be obviated by the provision, of uniform. A plain uniform, would not be despised, but a diess after the pattern of the “ Beef Eaters ’ at the Tower of London, or the Javelin men attendant upon the High Sheriff and Judges at Assize, may commend itself to the powers that be, but we must, however, leave this subject and deal with other Corporate officials. The Borough Treasurer is Mr. William Peterkin, who has held the office upwards of 40 years. The Borough Accountant, Mr. W. J. Mitchell, was ap ­ pointed in January, 1882. He came from Salford, Man­ chester, and was the first gentleman to hold the office. The following gentlemen have filled the post of Borough Surveyor, in succession as under:- Mr. Varley, from Blackbum, Mr. E. T. Welch, (senior), Mr. Edward Pritch ­ ard, (Mr. Pritchard was the first Superintendent of the Fire Brigade), Mr. John Hargreaves, (Mr. Hargreaves held the post many years), Mr. Whitlow, Mr. Joseph Barrett, Mr. J. E. Sharpe. The present Surveyor is Mr. Arthur R. Bleazard, who was appointed in April, 1899. OUR COUNTY COUNCILLOR. Our County Councillor is Mr. Ralph C. Assheton, Hall Foot, Worston, eldest son of our former M.P., Mr. Ralph Assheton, Downham Hall. He was first elected in the Spring of 1892. Amongst the many offices Mr. Assheton holds, and the institutions with, which he is associated, are the following: J.P. for Lancashire, J.P. for the West Riding of Yorkshire, Chairman of the Clitheroe Rural District Council, ViceChairman of the Cattle Plague Committee of County Council, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Mem ­ ber of the Main Roads Committee, Member of Technical Instruction Committee, Representative on the County Council for the Clitheroe Borough, Trustee of the Wad ­ dington H ’o spital, Governor of the Clitheroe Grammar School, Governor of the Giggleswick Grammar School, Member of the Visiting Committee Preston Gaol, Member of the Committee for the Discharged Prisoners ’ Aid Society,. Vice-Chairman of the Clitheroe Conservative Registration CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 137 MR. R. C. ASSHETON. Association Member of the Council Harris Institute, Pres­ ton, a Governor of the Cross Deaf and Dumb School, Pres­ ton, and Member of the governing body of the Manchester Diocesan Association of Church Schools. In 1899, Mr. Assheton was appointed a member of the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Mr. Assheton was married on Tuesday, the 27th Septem ­ ber, 1898, to Miss Mildred Estelle Sybella, second daughter of J. H. Master, Esq., of Montrose House, Petersham. The bride and bridegroom were the recipients of some hun­ dreds of handsome presents, amongst them being a pearl, 138 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. diamond, and sapphire butterfly, the gift of H.R.H. the Duchess of York. It may be stated that Mrs. Assheton takes a large inter­ est in our charitable and other public institutions. OUR POLICE FORCE. The development of the Police Force, or rather the changes which have arisen in the various systems affecting the Constabulary throughout the country is a subject of intense interest, but to effectually demonstrate the point :t is necessary to think of the old time city Police or Night Watchmen in comparison with our up-to-date Police. The City Police of last century were commonly called “Charlies/ who, in their night beats, carried a lamp and a staff, and indicated the time as well as the weather, and thus became a walking thermometer and chronometer. In bis patrols he would call aloud : “-Twelve o ’clock : windy and wet!’’ or “ Half-past three, and a fine, frosty morning!” and whilst pacing his weary night beat, the heavy tread of his big boots and repeated calls gave the burglar and other miscreants every opportunity of clearing out, and their evil work would oftentimes only be discovered too late in the day. If the methods of these old time constables were clumsy or inefficient, those of the parish constable were not far along the way of improvement. Mr. Jas. Hargreaves, late chapel keeper at the U.M.F.C., says he can remember some of the early police who called aloud at midnight or morning side, indicating the hour and the weather, and Mr. Joseph Eccles states that the late P.C. Myers used to keep up this old custom. At the opening of the Railway, our Borough Police Force was not a very considerable one, there being only three “ all told,’’ viz., Christopher Lancaster, the parish constable, who has been alluded to in a previous chapter, Inspec­ tor Clegg, and P.C. James Neill. “ Kitty ’’ Lancaster, as he was always called, continued in his time-honoured office of parish constable notwithstanding that the County Con ­ stabulary had been established as far back as December, 1839. An old Clitheronian tells me that “ Kitty’s ” trun ­ cheon was a terror to evil-doers, and if any row was about CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS- 139 to strike up, “ Kitty ’’ appeared on the scene and flourished his magic wand, ahd if there were a hundred people gather­ ed they would quickly take their flight, lest they should be landed at the Moot Hall. In “ Kitty ’s ’’ day, when he re ­ quired extra strength, and there being no other constable, he would get Jonathan Farrow, a Poor Law officer, JasWalker, the Bailiff, or Sam Bowker to assist in the apprehension of any ruffians. At elections and other special occasions, special constables were sworn in. We are assured by the words of a rriodem song that “ a policeman’s life is not a happy one,’’ but it is certain that these old time constables’ lives were far from blissful, and. a better illustration of this could hardly be given than the career of P.C. Myers who, on several occasions, was all but killed, and had many narrow escapes of being foully injured. Mr. Supt. Myers, of the County Police, Blackbum, the worthy /on of the. late Police Constable, informs me that his father had his head split with a man in Church Brow whilst attempting an arrest, and but for the timely aid of James Lofthouse, a porter at Brennand and Redmayne’s vaults, he would probably have been killed. In company with Inspector Clegg he went to arrest three men for steal­ ing goods from Joseph Dugdale’s cart. One of the men had a knife and attempted to stab the constable just above the hip, but Inspector Clegg seized the villain’s arm and so prevented the knife penetrating, and it slid down his leg. Whilst stationed at Whalley, in attempting to stop a pitch ­ ed dog fight at Mytton, he was so severely kicked about the head by some Blackbum ruffiians that he was thought to be dying, and his wife was afterwards told he was dead and expected the arrival of his corpse. In the year 1852 he was badly kicked by a man at a Sabden rush-bearing feast. His encounters with poachers were not attended with such serious consequences, but he was a very plucky officer, and along with P.C. Southwell in December, 1859, arrested Wm. Sanderson, better knoww as “ Sawney,’’ who was sentenced to penal servitude for 10 years for man ­ slaughter. “ Sawney ’’ having been poaching on the Clerk Hill Estate, Whalley, was pounced upon by a gang “ watchers,’’ when James Eatough, keeper to the Rev. John 140 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Master, Whalley, was mortally wounded. P.C. Myers entered the Force in 1844, at Cli­ theroe, and in 1849 was stationed at Whalley, where he remained until pensioned, which was in 1864, having been 20 years in the service, and surely he merited his pension after enduring such hardships. In those days, an arrest in Clitheroe was always spoken of by the public as being “ ten up.” The prison was in ­ variably called “ th ’ lock-ups,” and the Court house “ th ’ Moot Ho!” Just before the opening of the Railway, some alterations were made at the Police Station, then in Church Street, and certain offices were converted into dwelling-houses. Mr. Clegg, the first Inspector, resided in the cottage next St. Mary’s Church Gates, prior to his removal to the house attached to the Police Station. It may be of interest to note that the late Mr. James Crabtree’s wife was a niece of Mr. Clegg. . The next constable under the County, in Clitheroe, so far as we can glean, after P.C. Myers, was Mr. O ’Neill, who resided in Whalley Road, the next being P.C. Southwell, who resided in Russell Street. Another well remembered constable was P.C. Joseph Eccles, who is still living in Cli­ theroe, who joined the Force in 1860, and remained in the Borough 31 years. He states that he and Inspector Holden were the only two policemen in the town when he came, but in about six weeks time P.C. Smith was added to the “ force.” Mr. Eccles then removed to Burnley, and after­ wards to Briercliffe with Extwistle, and about the year 1872' returned to Whalley, when in 1874 he retired, and on his doing so was presented by the inhabitants with a purse con ­ taining ^10. There are several constables who had a pretty lengthy service in the old town, but it must suffice to name a few only, notably P.C. Hairsnape, Joseph Burgess, Joseph Moseley, and John Benson. It will be of interest to give the names of the successive Police Inspectors or Chief Constables since 1850. Their na mes and the order of succession are as follows: Inspec­ tor James Clegg, who came from Worsthome, and was after CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 141 many years’ residence here promoted to Superintendent and stationed at Skerton, near Lancaster. Inspector Thos. Leary came next, and after three years was removed to Kirkham, and became a Superintendent Inspector Geo. Holden followed, and after several years’ service here was removed to Ulverston, became a Superintendent, and died at Lancaster. Inspector Wm. Sutton, who came from Accrington, on the 25th March, 1862, after 15 years’ service here was pensioned in April, 1877, and died in Clitheroe, 18th March, 1892, in his 72nd year. On Mr. Sutton’s retire ­ ment, he was presented with a gold watch and albert, and a purse of gold. He was succeeded by Inspector Jonathan Walling, who came from Burnley in November, 1874, and on the occasion of his leaving the Force there, was present­ ed with a gold watch and chain, subscribed to by the Mayor, gentry, and members of the Force, in recognition of his much appreciated services, for Mr. Walling was not only an efficient officer but he had an extraordinary memory for past events, and was regarded in Burnley as being quite as reliable as a book of reference. He had in his early career assisted many offenders to the stocks, and could tell strange tales relating to them. After six years’ service in Clitheroe, he retired upon a pension in 1880, and removed to Burnley, where he died in 1895. Next came Inspector Campbell, who was here several years. He was transferred to Church, near Accrington, and in 1899 retired, and is now residing in Morecambe. The next officer was the first under the Borough Constabulary, viz., Chief Constable Edwards who, after several years’ service, removed to America. Our pres­ ent Chief Constable, Mr. Walter Clayton, who was form ­ erly a sergeant in the County Police Force, Rochdale, came to Clitheroe in 1887, and was promoted from the rank of sergeant on the 31st January, 1893, and we trust his term of office will be a long and happy one. The present Police Court and offices were built in 1886, and were first occupied in June, 1887. Our present Police Force consists of 11 all told, viz.: Chief, Walter Clayton, Esq.; Sergeants, Mr. Arthur Beaumont, Mr. Hy. Holmes; Constables, Albert Harrison, J. T. Turner, Enoch Gregory, Edgar Stubbs, J. J. Taylor, Elliot Shaw, Harry Kitson, and 142 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Alfred Little. The last named is an Army Reservist, and left Clitheroe for service in the Transvaal on the 29th December, 1899, and is expected to return shortly. Our County Court Judge is His Honor Millis Coventry, the Registrar and High Bailiff being Mr. John Eastham, Deputy Registrar, Mr. Wm. Eastham, Sub-Bailiff, Mr. T. Taylor. Mr. George W. Earle is the Registrar's Clerk, “ duly nominated to administer oaths. Mr. Eastham says the first high bailiff was Mr. Thomas Buck, who was succeeded by Mr. Pat. Lambert former'y sub-bailiff. The sub-bailiff was Mr. Jas. Walker; Mr. “ Kitty ” Lancaster succeeded him. Mr. Patrick Lambert filled the office of high bailiff for 33 years. Mr. Lambert was an Irishman and was bom in Ballina, County Waterford, on the 17th March, 1814, and for 20 years served in the Irish Constabulary, and an event­ ful time it proved. A large reward for the arrest of the Fenian, Smith O ’Brien, was offered by the Government, and whilst on the landing stage at Drominae, Tipperary, Mr. Lambert was so close to him that on making a dash . t the Fenian, he jerked himself out of his arms into those of another constable who, unfortunately for Mr. Lambert, obtained the reward. On another occasion an escaped convict was roaming by a bog near Annabeg. Mr. Lambert was instrumental in his arrest and was entitled to ^30 re­ ward, but the Chief Constable had the audacity to claim the merit and took the money. In 1860, Mr. Lambert, who was a pensioner, came to the Cobden Mills, Sabden, as a book-keeper, and in 1862, as already stated, obtained the appointment of under bailiff of the Clitheroe County Court. The first house he occupied at Clitheroe was at Shaw Bridge, where Mr. Norcross now resides. Shortly afterwards, he was elevated to the position of high bailiff, and during the long term of his office, in the discharge of his not always pleasant duties, he was most judicious, ever ready to show pity and mercy where it was merited. He had a fair amount of native wit, and made many friends. Mr. Amos Duerden, auctioneer, was driving to the Syke, in the Trough of Bowland, some years ago, and as Mr. Lambert was going into the district he gave him a friendly CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 143 lift. When near Browsholme Lodge, Mr. Lambert, point­ ing across the fields to a certain, farmstead, remarked, “ He ’s a dacent man is Mr.----- .” “ Oh ! replied Mr. D., “ what makes you think so?” “ Well,” replied the Bailiff, “ because I’ve never had any daleings with him.” Mr. Lambert died on the 9th May, 1896, leaving a widow, six sons, and two daughters. The Assistant Overseers during the last 50 years have been Christopher Lancaster, who was succeeded by Mr. Thos. Boum, in August, 1851. On his retirement in Nov ­ ember, 1890, his son, Mr. T. D. Boum was appointed successor. Our Borough Auditors are Mr. Thos. Robinson and Mr. T. A. Davies. The School Attendance Officer is Mr. Geo. Booth. The Inspector of Nuisances and Valuer under the Swine Fever Act is Mr. T. Davies. Rate Collector, Mr. Rd. Hartley. Town ’s Bellman and Billposter, Mr. J. M. Banks. 144 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. OLD BOROUGH SEAL. CHAPTER OCCASIONS XIII. OF PUBLIC REJOICING. CELEBRATION OF PEACE AFTER THE CRIMEAN WAR.— • MARRIAGE OF PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES. ---- HER MAJESTY ’S JUBILEE (1887). ---- MARRIAGE OF PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCESS MAY.---- DIAMOND JUBILEE (1897). SUNDAY SCHOOL CENTENARY.---- LOW MOOR MILL CENTENARY. ANY and great have been the occasions of public rejoicing since the iron horse first came puffing up our valley, the first jubila ­ tion being the celebration of the opening of the line as alluded to in a previous chapter. Often has the old Borough since then displayed its flags, banners, and bunt­ ing, illumined its streets, and feasted its sons, but I cannot undertake to particularize all such events, and whilst merely alluding to the fact that at elections on several occasions the triumphant M.P ’s. have been chaired and lionized amid the clanging of bells and music of the bands, whilst the jubilant burgesses have danced and feasted and otherwise made merry. Still, it is of those festivities of a national character that preference must here be given, and the first CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 145 of such was, doubtless, during “ the piping times of peace ”* following the Crimean War. The restoration of peace was celebrated in the ancient Borough on the 29th May, 1856, with a zest so keen as to be well remembered by old Clitheronians of to-day. Mr. Hy. Hall, solicitor, was Mayor during this year, and it isworthy of remark that in May, 1857, the first Whitsuntideholiday was established during his Mayoralty. Prior to the assemblage moving in procession, the Mayor read the proclamation of peace. The Mayor and Corpora­ tion and all the Churches and Sunday Schools, (including the Latter Day Saints), also Friendly Societies, etc., walked and a separate band of music headed almost each school. A novel feature in the procession was “ The Arch Fishermen,’r a club now defunct, but which then had its quarters at the Red Lion. Their regalia was extraordinary, and on a lurry were artificial fishes representing many species, with nets, reds, and all kind of fishing tackle. The Oddwomeris Club turned out, its members wearing white shawls; also th° Independent Order of Oddfellows, Free Gardeners, Foresters, etc. The morning was beautifully fine, but as the people moved towards the field at Waddow Park, a thunderstorm broke over the district which caused many to turn back, but little or no rain fell and in a short time glorious sunshine burst upon the glad scene. There was a display of fireworks at nine o ’clock in the evening. MARRIAGE OF THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES. This glad event occurred on the 10th March, 1863, and was celebrated in the old town with a right loyal spirit, but unfortunately two circumstances militated against the local celebrations. In the first place, the weather was most unfavourable, and the cotton trade at the time was in a depressed state. All the Sunday Schools in the town gave a treat to the teachers, scholars and friends, roast beef and plum pudding being the order of the day. In the evening, various shops and houses of the better classes were illuminated. In York Street, an accident with a Chinese J (46 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. lantern occurred which might have proved disastrous to the house of the late Mr. Aiderman John Mitchell. It appears Mr. Mitchell and other members of his family had gone to a ball given by His Worship the Mayor, Mr. Thos. Bulcock, and a number of Chinese lanterns were left burning in the window fronting York Street. It was supposed that by some means a lantern had fallen or had somehow been made to lean so that it ignited and fell to the floor. The cur­ tains were all ablaze, and but for the plucky and timely efforts of Mr. Wm. Hargreaves, Stanworth House, who forced an entrance into the house by breaking the windows, and so extinguishing the flames, the house would soon have been wrecked. The most elaborate illuminations were, however, at the Castle. The Keep was illuminated by 26 lamps arranged in pyramidical form. On the Castle Street side of the Keep, a large letter A was formed by Chinese lanterns, most of which, owing to the boisterous weather, were either wafted out or blown down, and although attempts were made to replace them, the effect was considerably marred. A platform was erected on the summit of the Keep from which fireworks were discharged, but a piece of misfortune occurred by a burning match dropping into a basketful of fireworks, and, as might be expected, the fireworks were sadly “ too ready ’’ and flew off before their turn. Three cannon were fixed on the walls, and 21 volleys fired, the fir­ ing being managed by the late Mr. Geo. Roberts, Shaw Bridge, who was an artilleryman, who in this and other work was assisted by Mr. Henry Clarke, the late coachman, and Mr. Geo. Slinger, who still lives, and has since then ren ­ dered many a gallant service on red-letter-days in connection with the flag staff, illuminations, and other objects in and around the old Castle. The scaffolding and other re­ quisites for the illuminations on this occasion were fixed by the late Mr. Ambrose Veevers, who was assisted by Mr. A. Veevers junior, and Mr. Jas. Sagar, if Chatbum. SUNDAY SCHOOL CENTENARY. On the last Sunday in July, 1880, the Nonconformists of CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 147 Clitheroe and district assembled in the afternoon to cele­ brate the centenary of the establishment of Sunday schools and were favoured with fine weather. The proceedings consisted of a united procession through the town, and a meeting for the purposes of singing and speaking. First in the procession were the Congregationalists, num ­ bering 436 scholars. The Wesleyans followed with over 700. These included the Wesleyan scholars from Wad ­ dington and Chatburn, as well as from the Clitheroe Schools. The Low Moor Methodists, both of the old and new sect, the Wesleyans and the U.M.F.C., came third in one body, numbering 272. and the United Methodists of Clitheroe, Grindleton, and West Bradford occupied a fourth place with a total of 644. These schools all paraded through Castle Street and down York Street to the place of meeting. At the top of Wellgate the Primitive Methodists joined in to the number of 240, and at another convenient junction 108 of the Waterloo Wesleyans brought up the rear. The total number in the procession was 2,324. The following gentlemen acted as superintendents or marshals of their respective schools: Congregational: Messrs. B. Demaine and A. T. Robinson. Wesleyan: Messrs. Joseph Birkett and John Bowker. Waddington Wesleyans: Messrs. Grime and J. Dugdale. Chatbum Wesleyans: Messrs. Lawson and J. Robinson. Low Moor: Wesleyans: Messrs. Joseph Seedall and Jas. Fell. Low Moor U.M.F.C.: Messrs. William H. Lambert and Henry F. Speak. U.M.F. C., Clitheroe: Messrs, John Briggs, Wm. Hargreaves, John Bilsborough, and John Cowgill; special marshal, Mr. John Watson. Primitives: Messrs. Alex. Roberts, J. L. Bailey, and John Preston. Waterloo Wesleyans: Messrs. Robert Worswick, Wm. Cook and Robt. Scott. On entering the large weaving shed of Brooks Mill, which had been kindly lent for the occasion by Messrs. Parkinson and Isherwood, a large increase was caused by the specta­ tors crowding in and thus swelling the throne to something like 3,500. On a platform at one side of the shed, Coun ­ cillor Joseph Grime occupied his position as President, and 148 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. around him were seated the Revs. S. Gibson (Wesleyan), OGreenwood (U.M.F.C.) D. Clegg (Congregational), and D. Neilson (Primitive Methodists), and the following super­ intendents and school officials, viz.: Messrs. B. Demaine, A. T. Robinson, John Cowgill, W. E.. Bibby, John Birch, Thos. Coyne, William Hodgkinson, James Whipp, J. Worswick, Wm. Hargreaves (Bawdlands), F. Woodbume, J. T. Whipp, J. Bowker, J. Fell, J. Briggs, T. Cook, J. Speak, J. Orr, and Messrs. Jones and Kelly (Manchester). The Chairman announced the first hymn, “ Sabbath Schools are England’s glory,’’ which was sung by the vast choir of children and adults with a spirit and gusto which had never before been equalled in Clitheroe since the estab ­ lishment of the Whitsuntide holidays, when the Church of England and Nonconformist Schools assembled in a joint procession. Mr. Jones, of Manchester, who had been an active worker in Sunday Schools, opened with prayer, and afterwards, at intervals between short addresses which followed, other hymns were sung by the assembly under the leadership of Mr. Wm. Lambert, (Low Moor), and accompanied on the harmonium by Mr. George Wilson. The hymns were ten in number, some being divided into parts for boys and girls. Some of the boys had been trained to sing alto, or seconds, which had a striking effect. The Chairman, (Mr. Grime), gave a short account of the life of Robert Raikes, the founder of Sunday Schools. Next came the Rev. D. Clegg (Congregational), Rev. O. Greenwood (U.M.F.C.,) Rev. S. Gibson (Wesleyan), and Rev. D. Neilson (Primitive). The last hymn having been sung, Mr. Wm. Hargreaves concluded with prayer, after which a vote of thanks was accorded to Messrs. Parkinson and Isherwood for the loan of the shed, (Brooks Mill), which, I ought to explain, was only in course of erection, consequently, no looms or any ­ thing having been put down there was ample space and shelter for at least 10,000 peoples CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 149 HER MAJESTY’S JUBILEE—1887. A large Committee representing the Town Council, the Sunday Schools, the Friendly Societies, and the town :n general was formed several weeks prior to the celebrations, to collect subscriptions, etc., and several sub-committees were appointed to carry out the various parts of the pro ­ gramme. A beacon fire was built on Pendle Hill, about 140 yards to the north of the top of the “ Brast Clough,’’ and was lighted on the night of Tuesday, June 21st It was witnessed by many hundreds of people who climbed the hill and saw upwards of twenty other beacon fires lighted on the surrounding hills, from Ingleborough to the north, to Mellor Top in the south, and from Parlick Pike 'n the. west, to Blackstone Edge in the east. In along with somefriends had the privilege of standing near to the town’s bonfire, and also that of Burnley which was at the summit of the “ Big End.’’ The Clitheroe bonfire consisted mainly of barrels contain ­ ing tar, coals, and paraffin, and was built on the top of stone supports, to allow a free passage of air beneath, and were arranged in the form of a pyramid, about 24 feet high. The great task of getting up the material, etc., occupied over a week and was carried out under the superintendence of Mr. Aiderman Parkinson, Dr. Smithies, and Mr. Joseph Barrett, Borough Surveyor. At 9-45, on receiving the signal from the Burnley beacon, the light was applied to the pile by Mr. John Parkinson, son of Mr. Aiderman Parkin­ son, who called out “ Long live .the Queen,’’ amidst the cheers of some 200 spectators. The Burnley beacon was about one and a half miles from the Clitheroe fire and could be seen very clearly. On Thursday, June 23rd, a dinner to the residents and workpeople of Low Moor and a treat to th® children were given by the Messrs. Garnett. On the same day at 7 p.m., the Mayor, Jas. Garnett, Esq., was presented in the Town Hall with a splendid silver tray. The presentation was made by John Eastham, Esq. on behalf of several ladies who had collected the cost in small amounts from the in ­ 150 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. habitants of the Borough. At 7-30, the Free Masons of Limestone Rock Ix>dge, 369, dined together at the Swan and Royal Hotel, under the presidency of the W.M., the Rev. E. H. Thomas, Vicar of St. Mary’s. On Friday, June 24th, all the Sunday Schools in the town assembled in the Market Place. The Mayor gave a short address and the National Anthem was oung by the whole assemblage under the conductorship of Mr. Samuel Green and accompanied by the Rifle Volunteer Band. The procession started soon after 10, headed by the town officials, the Mayor, Council, etc., in the following order: The Parish Church School, St. James’s Church School, Wes­ leyan Methodists, Congregational, Baptists, Primitive Meth­ odists, U.M.F.C., and the Roman Catholics, this being the order observed at the last united demonstration of Sunday schools in town at the close of the Crimean War. Four bands accompanied the procession. The route was Castle Street, Parson Lane, Bawdlands, Eshton Terrace, Factory Lane to Salford, Lowergate, Duck Street, Waterloo, York Street, to the Market Place. The whole procession was very effective. Everything went off without a hitch, and reflected great credit on the marshals, Messrs. Jos. Barrett and Wm. Hardacre. Jubilee medals were universally worn, all the children under 14 having been presented with one. Early in the afternoon, people began to assemble in the two fields which had been thrown into one on the Chatburn New Road. By five o ’clock the town was nearly deserted, and it was computed that from 7,000 to 8,000 of the inhab ­ itants were, gathered in the field. Each school had a place assigned to it for tea, which was given to all scholars under 14. After tea, all kinds of games and dancing were en ­ joyed. Such a novel, interesting, and beautiful scene — 4,000 scholars of all schools, and as many older folks gathered together— laying aside all difference of religion and social position is one too seldom witnessed amongst us, and many expressed a hope that the example might be followed at no distant date. Balloons were sent up and fireworks were let off before the assemblage broke up about 9 p.m. On Saturday, the 25th, a procession of the Friendly CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 151 Societies took place, the rendezvous being the Market Place. They assembled at 11 a.m. and proceeded to march round the town in the following order, headed by the Town Council, gentlemen of the town, etc., as on the previous day : Female Friendly Society, Independent Order of Odd­ fellows, United Free Gardeners, United Free Mechanics, Ancient Order of Foresters, Ancient Order of Rechabites, and S. Joseph ’s Catholic Guild. A whole ox was roasted in the Cattle Market during the Friday night and Saturday morning, the roasting being superintended by Mr. Thos. Latham and Mr. J. Hartley, (Corporation workmen). At 3 p.m., the ceremony of carv ­ ing the first slice took place in the presence of a large crowd. The Mayoress (the late Mrs. James Garnett), had the honour of cutting the first slice, and was followed ’n the act by the Mayor (James Garnett, Esq.), Mrs. R. J. Aspinall, Mrs. T. B. Trappes, Mrs. Tom Garnett, Colonel Aspinall, Mr. Wm. Peterkin, Councillors Tom Garnett and John Southworth, the crowds cheering vociferously on each occasion. The ox was then distributed in small portions with pieces of bread, to as many adults and children as presented themselves. The Chairman of the ox Committee was Mr. W. B. Dewhurst, secretary, Mr. Jos. Norcross, treas­ urer, Mr. John Bleazard. The ox was fed by Bryce Smith, Esq., and supplied by Mr. John Cowman. The Jubilee Committee, prior to the ox roasting, offered the ox for ballot, 2,000 tickets at sixpence each being issued, the fortunate winner being the late Mr. John Carr, Moor Lane, but he being too ill at home, his father, Mr. Joseph Carr, presented the ox again to the Committee, and received the ox ’s head dressed and cured and the horns tipped with silver, and a plate affixed with a suitable inscription. A free dinner to the aged and poor was given to about 250 in the Public Hall, at 3-30 p.m., on the Saturday. The dinner was an excellent one of roast beef and plum pudd ­ ing, and was well served by a large number of voluntary helpers. The Mayor briefly but feelingly addressed the old people, who appeared supremely happy. A torchlight procession took place on Saturday night 152 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. from 10 to 11, and for its length, novelty, and fun provoking character, quite took the palm over all previous local cele­ brations and thoroughly surprised and delighted the thous­ ands who witnessed it. We should occupy too much space to give a detailed description, but suffice it to say that the innumerable grotesque characters created an immense sen­ sation. Conspicuous amongst them were several tall wellknown gentlemen who were robed in their night dresses, with taper in hand, as if on their way to the land of nod. Amongst the vehicles ladened with all manner of persons and things, representing trades and historic characters, etc., was an old stage coach from Whitewell, the driver being the late Mr. W. Cowgill. The coach was ladened with old time characters, and occasionally blasts of the horn were given, the whole being a good representation of “ the old co chiag days.’’ A few months ago, on a market day, I met with Mr. Thos. Seed, of Bashall Town. Referring to the 1887 Jubilee, I said, “ Were you one of the occupants of the coach?” “ No,’’ he replied, “ I rode a splendid horse and figured as a British Grenadier. I had ^50 worth of cos­ tume on me, and had my face masked. When rising Castle Street from the Market Place, I rode at a gallop, and seeing here and there a friend, I tried to give them a passing nudge,”— and here, with a good natured grin, he added — “ I believe none of 'em would have made me out but for my feet.” The special committee who took the matter in hand, under the guidance of Mr. Tom Garnett and Mr. W. S. Weeks, was ably and largely supported by both young and old. Mr. E. G. Simpson proved an able and diligent secretary. On Sunday moming, June 26th, a thanksgiving service was held in the Parish Church “ to return thanks to Almighty God for the Jubilee of our gracious Queen.” A procession ■was formed at the Town Hall at 10-5, consisting (1) of the Mayor in his official robes, Corporation, gentlemen of the town, and Borough officials; (2) the Freemasons of Lime ­ stone Rock Lodge, No. 369, and 14 visiting brethren from CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 153 other lodges. These all walked in full Masonic dress, pre­ ceded by an open Bible on which, were placed the Masonic emblems, the square and compasses, the Bible resting on a cushion borne by the four following boys, sons of Masons: John Bleazard, A. C. B. Dewhurst, George Lofthouse, Albert Rawsthome. The members walked into Church under crossed swords in the order of seniority, the W.M., the Rev. E. H. Thomas, walking last in the procession and first into Church. (3) The 2nd L. R. Volunteers under the command of Major Bleakley. The service opened with the special Jubilee hymn, “ O King of Kings, Thy blessing shed on our annointed Sovereign ’s head,” the other hymns being — “ We thank Thee Lord that Fifty years her hand has held the sceptre,” and “ Lord of Heaven, and earth, and ocean.” Mr. Harold Hodgson, of Natal, played the opening volun ­ tary, the Choir being led by Mr. L. W. Whalley, who play ­ ed very appropriate music. The Vicar preached from Exodus xii., 26: “ What mean ye by this service? ” The answer to the question, he said, was the celebration of an unique and unparalleled Jubilee of a personal character in our Queen, unprecedented in all who have preceded her on the throne, of an unparalleled fifty years progress in every ­ thing that makes for the benefit of mankind, of an unprece­ dented revival in our own Church. He thought the teach­ ings of the Jubilee demanded a full recognition of God ’s ruling hand in the past, and an ever increasing development of the virtue of loyalty, loyalty to our Queen and throne, to our country, to our church and our religion, to our Saviour and our God. The town throughout Jubilee week was profusely decor­ ated, and in the evenings illuminated. The church bells rang merry peals, and nothing occurred to mar the rejoic ­ ings from beginning to end, and throughout we were fav ­ oured with the most beautiful of “ Queen ’s weather.’’ MARRIAGE OF H.R.H. THE DUKE OF YORK AND PRINCESS MAY OF TECK. This auspicious event took place on Thursday, 6th July, 18^3, and was locally celebrated with jubilations of a char­ acter becoming the event. Mr. Tom Garnett and Mr. Shaw 154 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. (Longsight), were largely instrumental in the origin and success of the scheme, but their hands were well strength ­ ened by a Committee consisting mainly of those gentlemen who were prominent at the former Jubilee. On the even ­ ing of the wedding day, the aged people were legated with an excellent tea, the Mayor, Mr. Alderman Sefton, and other gentlemen subscribing to the treat, which was served up at the several Sunday schools in the town. On Saturday afternoon, the various schools assembled in Knunck Knolls, where games were indulged, bands played, balloons ascended, and the whole proceedings carried out in a hearty and harmonious manner. In the evening there was a grand torchlight procession which started from the Cricket Field, and paraded the main streets. 'fhe chief features of the procession were Chinese lantern parade by the members of the Clitheroe Bicycle Club, the Temper­ ance Bicycle Club, and visiting cyclists, mounted police, members of Fire Brigade with fire engine, mounted knights of the cleaver, cowboys, wild Indians, horse-shoeing by blacksmiths on lurry, Royal Channel Fleet shewing colored lights, Royal stage coach from Whitewell, state chariot con ­ taining His Worship the Mayor, (Aiderman Finch), members of Corporation and Town Clerk of Worston, in Court cos­ tumes, members of St. John ’s Ambulance Corps. The pro­ cession was enlivened by the music of the Borough Prize Band, Royal Salford Dragoon Guards’ Band, Captain Trot­ ter’s Cowheel Zulu Band, Castle Street Prize Band, Clitheroe Volunteer Band, the Waddington Snowdrop Minstrels, and Bawdlands Main Sewer Prize Band. There were many other “ get ups,” quite too numerous to be here detailed, but the scene was altogether a very imposing one. The procession was under the direction of the following mar­ shals : Mr. Robert Southworth (chief marshal), Messrs. Tom Garnett, T. Brunskill, J. H. Southworth, J. W. Sutcliffe. Mr. Councillor Weeks was the Chairman of the Torchlight Committee, Mr. Robt. Southworth hon. secretary, and Mr. H. H. Baldwin treasurer. HER MAJESTY ’S DIAMOND JUBILEE (1897), was locally celebrated with every manifestation of loyalty. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 155 It was wisely decided at Whitsuntide to abandon the usual processions in order that, a fortnight later, the Jubilee cele­ brations might be more effectively earned out For that event, energetic preparations were made, a committee being organised fully three months before hand. His Worship the Mayor (Mr. Tom Garnett), and Mr. W. S. Weeks were well to the fore, and with Mr. Walter Tomlinson, of Low Moor, as secretary, a gigantic scheme was attempted which culminated in a success quite un.que in the annals of the Borough. As, however, the events were so amply reported in our local papers, it must suffice if we state that the Dia­ mond Jubilee Celebrations were carried out almost entirely on the lines of the Jubilee of 1887, and having done so, we may make mention of certain points wherein they dif­ fered, as for example that no bonfire was lit on Pendle on this occasion, but on Crow Hill, Worston, a huge fire was lit on the evening of Tuesday, June 22nd, from which magnificent rockets ascended and displayed their brilliance to thousands of spectators who were gathered on hill tops or clustered in the lanes and other convenient spots in and around the district, and here let me state that the gentlemen of Middlewood, the King-Wilkinsons, were the promoters of this splendid bonfire, and it is but right to state that the inhabitants of the old Borough hold the ladies and gentlemen of Middlewood in high esteem for their innumer­ able acts of kindness and munificence on all occasions to so many charitable objects and institutions connected with the old town. Simultaneously with these illuminations on Crow Hill, gorgeous lights of many colours were blazing from the old Castle’s Keep which presented a most fairy-like scene, whilst in the distance could be discerned the illuminations of Stonyhurst College, and blazing from the heights of Whalley Nab was a monstre bonfire, and at intervals the boom of cannon fired from Blackburn Park could be heard, and at oft recurring intervals rockets from various parts of the ancient Borough rushed skyward and scattered their lovely balls of light with an effect most splendid. But not until Friday, 25th June, did the celebrations begin in real earnest. 156 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. At 8 o ’clock in the morning, the bells of our Parish Church again rang forth a merry peal. His Worshipful the Mayor (Mr. Tom Garnett) held a reception in the Town Hall, at 10 o ’clock, when there were present the whole of MR. W. GARNETT, THE DONOR OF THE CHAIN. the Town Council, the Town Clerk, and other Corporate officials, as well as several gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood. After drinking the health of Her Gracious CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 157 Majesty in a right loyal fashion, Mr. Aiderman Wm. Garnett gave much surprise and delight by presenting to the Mayor and Corporation a magnificent gold chain, and intimated that it was to be worn by the Mayor for the time .being upon all public occasions, and that it was to be held in trust for the Corporation, the Borough Treasurer to be the custod ­ ian. The chain would be secured by a document he had signed, and he had appointed his two sons, Mr. Wm. Gar­ nett, the younger, (Bristol), and Mr. Chas. Garnett, barris­ ter-at-law, and his nephew, Mr. Tom Gamett, trustees, giving them power of appointing new trustees. The chain is composed of a series of large links harmon ­ ious with the Gothic spirit of the design, and united by smaller ones, with bold monograms— “ C.C.,” for the Cor­ poration of Clitheroe, and bears an exquisitely fine enamelled portrait of the Queen, with the Royal supporters beside it, and surmounted by the crest. The larger links bear shields surmounted by appropriate crowns or coronets, obverse and reverse, giving a connected history of the Borough. The arms of the first Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, who granted a charter to Clitheroe, are followed by those of Edward HI. confirming the same. Then come the armorial bearings of a number of Kings of England in succession up to King James I., including Henry' IV., Henry V. and Henry VIL, those of the Duchy of Lancaster, the Duke of Buccleuch, Duke of Albemarle, the late Recorder— Thos. Hastings Ingham, the Braddyll Family, James Gamett, Esq., J.P., who has served the honourable position of Mayor of the Borough at least eight times, and those of the donor, Aiderman William Garnett. Whilst these interesting proceedings were taking place, the various Sunday schools in the town were assembling in the Market Place, each child under 14 having previously received a Jubilee medal, and each school occupied the var­ ious positions allotted to them. The Mayor and Corporation, etc., having joined the great throng, they now sang a revised version of the National Anthem, under the able conductorship of Mr. S. Green. This was followed by three lusty cheers for the Queen, and 158 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. three for the Mayor and Mayoress, (Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gar­ nett). The Mayor responded by proposing three for the people, which were humorously and heartily given. The huge procession, consisting of the Borough Police, the Borough Band, two Halberd Bearers, Mace Bearer, the Mayor (Mr. Tom Garnett), Town Clerk, Town Council, County and Borough Magistrates, Gentlemen of the district and Corporation Officials, followed by the various schools at the head of which was St. Mary’s with a total of 1,260. The chief marshals were mounted on smart steeds and were: Mr. R. I. Robinson, Mr. Wm. Garnett junior, and Dr. A.W. Musson, who looked very smart in their frock coats and white “ ducks.” The route was the same as in 1887, with the exception that the procession did not go forward to Low Moor from Bawdlands, but passed over the Railway Crossing direct to Salford, etc. At 2 p.m. the schools assembled on this occasion at Knunck Knolls. In addition to four bands of music on the field, the Clitheroe Male Glee Party discoursed music at intervals, and the utmost harmony and good will prevail­ ed, whilst the youngsters found endless fun in cricket, foot­ ball, swings, skipping, racing, and other games, for which prizes were given, and at intervals balloon ascents took place, one of which alighted at Gannies Farm, near Wad ­ dington, and was picked up in sound condition and hung out from the ■window as a “ colour.” In the evening the town was most effectively illuminated, and one of the chief attractions was Mr. Bracewell’s mimic “ Castle,” with sentinel and troupe of Christy Minstrels, etc. The illuminations and decorations could hardly be too highly praised, and mention must be specially made of the splendid arches erected by the Fire Brigade in Moor Lane, and by the “ Corporation of Cheshire ” at Shaw Bridge, and that of Waterloo, near Brooks Mill. The events of the following day, briefly here recorded, were the distribution of long service medals by the Mayor, in the Town Hall, to the following members of the Fire Brigade, viz.: Supt. Duckett, a gold chain and medal in CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 159 recognition of his capacity as superintendent, and for 30 years service; Ex-Supt. John Harrison, 31 years’ service; Mr. Geo. Slinger, secretary for 29 years; Mr. Rd. Rawsthome, 22 years’ service; Engineer Ellis Banks, 21 years’ service, after which a procession formed in the Market Place, and after loyally singing the National Anthem, moved off in the following order : Four Constables, Detachment 1st V.B.E.L. Regiment under command of Lieut. T. C. Robinson, Nelson Prize Band, two Halberd Bearers, Mace Bearer, the Mayor, Town Council, County and Borough Magistrates, Gentlemen of the District, and Corporation Officials, Fire Brigade, St. John ’s Ambulance Corps., Accrington Old Band, Independent Order of Oddfellows, M.U., United Free Gardeners, Lily of the Valley Lodge, Borough Prize Band, United Free Gardeners, Myrtle Lodge, Whalley Band, United Free Gardeners, Vine Lodge, and Ancient Order of Foresters. The route of the procession was York Street, Waterloo, Duck Street, Lowergate, Salford, Factory Lane, Eshton Terrace, Corporation Street, to the bottom of High Street, Low Moor, returning via Bawdlands, and Parson Lane to the Market Place. In the afternoon at 2 o ’clock, about 360 aged people sat down in the Public Hall to an excellent dinner of roast beef and plum pudding. Beer was served out to all who cared for it, the gift of Mr. Aiderman Tillotson. A quarter pound packet of tea was given to each woman, the thought­ ful act of Mrs. Whipp, Millthorne, and tobacco and snuff to those who cared for it by Mrs. John Whipp, and a coloured portrait of the Queen was given by the Messrs. Bailey. A band played at intervals, and the Clitheroe Male Glee Party also enlivened the proceedings. The Mayor and a large staff of ladies and gentlemen were most attentive to the old people, and sent them home brimful of jubilant and grateful thoughts. An ox fed by Mr. R. McKeand, Airiequhillart, Whauphill, Wigton, Scotland, and supplied by Mr. Councillor Cowman, which had been roasted in the Cattle Market ■was distributed. The apparatus differed from that of 1887 in having a galvanized roof added, which served to 160 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. retain the heat, while the fire and the ox were a little higher from the ground. Many inhabitants of the Borough had a hand in basting the ox, and amongst them one old lady who declared she had basted the ox at the Coronation, also the Jubilees 1887 and 1897. An Ox-Roasting Committee was formed as in 1887, the Chairman being Mr. W. B. Dewhurst, secretaries, Mr. Amos Duerden and Mr. H. H. Baldwin, treasurer. Mr. John Blezard. The funds for the ox came through sixpenny tick­ ets entitling the owner to a chance of obtaining the head and horns of the ox, as well as being the donor of the feast. Mrs. Whewell’s youngest daughter drew out of the bag the number 950, which proved to belong to Miss Amy Halliwell, Salt Hill Terrace. The ox being fully roasted, at 4 o ’clock Mr. W. B. Dew ­ hurst presented a huge carving knife and fork to the Mayoress in a short speech. After thanking Mr. Dewhurst and the Committee for the gift, the Mayoress began her work and successfully cut a large thin slice and lifted it up to the public gaze amid the hurrahs of the people. The Mayor then cut a second slice with the Coronation carvers, the property of Mr. Richard Garforth. Mr. W. B. Dew ­ hurst cut the third with the 1887 Jubilee carvers, belonging to the late Mrs. Jas. Garnett, and Miss Amy Halliwell cut a slice with a pair of carvers used at the Coronation, the property of Mr. John Wardle Bulcock. Then the Town Clerk used a knife and fork which had been formerly used at the Coronation. Mrs. Mercer Whipp. Mrs. Chadwick, of Worcester, Miss Violet Gamett (daughter of the Mayor), and Mr. C. J. B. Trappes each had a cut at the ox for themselves. Mr. John Cow ­ man, the gentleman entrusted with the purchase of the ox, handled the carvers, and proved (as the Mayor termed him) a master of the art in his attempts to serve the public. The carvers in the Cattle Market were Mr. John Bleazard, Mr. S. Speak, Mr. Wm. Lees, Mr. Joseph Norcross, and Mr. J. H. Halliwell. Those in the Market Place were Mr. Jas. Bibby, Mr. Wm. Braithwaite, Mr. Young Lofthouse, Mr. J. Harrison, and Mr. M. James. In the West Yard, CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 161 for the children, the carvers were Mr. Edmund Crabtree, Mr. J. W. Southworth, Mr. Jas. Crossley, Mr. James Crab­ tree and Mr. F. Brown. Every scrap of meat and bone was called for, indeed they could have distributed another ox and not had enough. One man coming out of the crowd said he had been fighting half an hour for a place, and had a piece about the size of a threepenny bit, but he wouldn ’t go in again for a whole cow. The torchlight procession was a magnificent success. In the evening the streets were densely packed by many thous­ ands of spectators eager to see the proceedings. The crowd was not confined to the main streets but stretched all along the route. The procession was headed by seven mounted Crusaders, in full costume and armour, and were recognised as Messrs. 'lorn Garnett, Rowland I. Robinson, Tom Robinson, R. H. Kidd, Wm. Garnett junr., Dr. Valen­ tine (Slaidbum), and Dr. A. Musson. Next came a represent­ ation of her Majesty at seven years of age, in the person of Miss Marjorie Garnett, (second daughter of the Mayor, Mr. T. Garnett,) who was riding a pony, attended by a groom, and a very effective item it proved. There wasa large variety of clowns, sweeps, elderly maidens— slim, burly, wise and otherwise,— Messrs. Baileys’ mounted Chinese Tea Shop, mounted Cowboys Dr. Smithies and Dr. Walter Smithies), Ox Roasting Committee attired in white aprons, riding in a waggonette, the Queen as in 1837, riding in a pony carriage (a really pretty turnout). The name of the young lady representing Her Majesty I have been unable to ascertain. The Worston Corporation was fully represented in a waggonette. The Royal Borough of Cheshire made a splendid show with its Band of Cheshire Life Guards, Army and Navy Being well represented, Mayor and Corporation, and Gentlemen of Cheshire in “ shiners’’; Morris Dancers, Cheshire Postal Staff, Light-house, Cottage Hospital, Cheshire Farm-yards, etc., Recreation Ground, Cheshire Day School, Barbers Shop, Borough Butcher, Cheshire Cats, etc. The Borough of Waterloo determined upon a big show and were success­ ful with their Army and Navy, Morris Dancers, Mayor and 162 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Corporation, Butcher, Baker, Red Indians, Fire Brigade, Heroes of Waterloo, etc. Whalley Road contributed in no small degree its extraordinary items, such as Mayor and Corporation, with Mace Bearers, Javelin Men, etc., Vaccin ­ ation Officer, Bellman, etc. Innumerable comical char­ acters followed, notably, Mother Demdyke and her satel­ lites bent over a fire, with towering hats and quaint attire. The Bawdlands contingent made a fine show and big din with their famous Sewerage Prize Band. The Urban Dis­ trict Council of Low Moor, headed by Col. Mass, with the banner bearing the strange device, illustrating the Ancient Order of Baconeaters. Following these were Dr. Jame­ son ’s mounted troopers, Dule upo ’ Dun, etc. The enormous procession which was fully a mile long, was most brilliantly illuminated with torch-lights and numerous other coloured lights, and was most gorgeous in effect. Attending Divine service, in procession, on the following day, Sunday, were the Borough Police, Mayor, Corporation, Local Gentry, Volunteers, Fire Brigade, Ambulance Corps, Free Masons, the Oddfellows, the Ancient Order of Foresters, and Free Gardeners. Four Clergymen took part in the service, which was held in the Parish Church, viz.: The Vicar (Rev. H. L. Bellhouse), Rev. S. H. Haslam (Grammar School), Rev. W. Marsden, (St. Chrysostoms, Manchester,) and the Rev. T. B. Spencer, (Vicar of St. James’s, Preston), the latter gentleman preaching a sermon of a Masonic character. Having thus summarized the proceedings in celebration of these memorable events, the two Jubilees, it may be con­ fidently asserted that in no town in England were there more effective displays of loyalty than in the right loyal old Borough of Clitheroe, favoured by the most glorious weather, and long will those Jubilees be remembered by those who were privileged to witness or partake in them, and more especially the Diamond Jubilee in honour of sixty years illustrious reign of “ Dear old Victoria, England’s noblest Queen.’’ 163 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CENTENARY OF MOOR LOW MILLS. On the 14th April, 1899, the one hundredth year of the existence of the Low Moor Mills was celebrated in a right hearty fashion. The origin of the mill having been previ­ ously dealt with in “ Coaching Days,” we must content our­ selves with a brief reference to the programme of the re­ joicings which extended over two days. The hands having been granted two days’ holiday and two days’ pay, these combined put the people in a condition of mind highly conducive to a thorough enjoyment of the proceedings. Whilst the village was decorated in a most elaborate manner, the inside of the mills presented the appearance of a fancy fair, rather than that of work-rooms, some photos, of which were secured by Mr. T. S. Hargreaves, King Street. The several schools in the village were also taste ­ fully decorated for the occasion. HEADS MR. WM. GARNETT. OF THE FIRM. MR. JAS. GARNETT. The proceedings opened at 10-30 with a thanksgiving service in St. Paul’s Church, Low Moor, when a most appro ­ priate sermon was preached by the Rev. Rd. Garnett, of Hull, cousin to the Messrs. Wm. and Jas. Garnett. The lessons at the morning service were read by Mr. James Garnett, of Waddow Hall, from the handsome brass lectern, costing ^60, which had been deposited in the Church in memory of the late Mr. Thomas Garnett and his wife, (father and mother of Messrs. Wm. and Jas. Garnett). At noon, dinner was served to about 1,197 persons in the 164 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Day School, the U.M.F.C. School, and the “ Piece Room ’’ of the mill. Some idea of the provision made for the occasion may be gained when we state that 800 lbs. of beef and 700 lbs. of fish were ordered, to say nothing of plum pudd ­ ings. Mr. John Lofthouse, the village butcher, supplied the beef, and Mr. A. Jackson the fish, and they had no easy task in that direction. Prior to the dinner an interesting ceremony took place in the mill yard where a platform was erected, from which several members of the firm were the recipients of handsome presents from “ the hands,” viz., an illuminated address, of an elaborate character, the work of Mr. Wm. Sutcliffe, Castle View, addressed to the firm, and which, on behalf of the workpeople was undersigned by the following heads of departments: E. G. Simpson, Henry Oxburgh, Walter P. S. Tomlinson, George Wilkinson, M. Gomall, J. Parkington, R. Gomall T. Tomlin ­ son, J. F. Ormerod, C. Dickenson, G. Whalley, Jos. Seedall. Mr. Wm, Garnett, in responding, thanked them in a most cordial manner and said he was sure they would take the will for the deed when he told them it was the proudest day of his life to meet the assembly there. Mr. E. G. Simpson then called upon Mr. Joseph Seedall to present Mr. Tom Garnett with a silver cup, who, on receiving it appeared deeply moved, and said he thanked them from the bottom of his heart for the recognition of any small service which he, in his capacity, had been able to do Mr. Chas. Dickenson, as the oldest overlooker in the weav ­ ing department, presented a silver cup to Mr. Newstead Gamett who, in acknowledgment, displayed some little emotion and said that he had been there almost twenty years, and during the whole time he did not think he had had any unpleasantness, and hoped the firm would continue for a hundred or even a thousand years, and that his uncle and father would long be spared amongst them. Mr. Jas. Garnett, (Waddow Hall), thanked most cordially the people not only for the gift of the testimonial, but for the kind words which had been expressed upon it, concluding with “ May God in His infinite mercy bless you all.’’ Mr. Geo. Whalley, in presenting Mr. William Gamett CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 165 junior with a silver cup, said he had the pleasure of being there at the last Jubilee, 50 years ago. Mr. Wm. Garnett junior, in responding, said he had been here some years, and he found some of his greatest friends at Low Moor, and he heartily thanked them for the handsome present. In addition to a great number of the Garnett family pres­ ent on the occasion, were a large contingent of the Horsfall family, descendants of the co-founders of the original firm of Garnett and Horsfall. Medals were struck for the auspicious occasion, bearing on the obverse side a bust of Mr. Wm. Garnett, the senior member of the firm, and on the reverse the following in ­ scription: “ Centenary of Low Moor Mills, Clitheroe, April 14, 1799 — 1899.’’ Later in the 'day tea was served to all under 16, and to the numerous waiters, after which various entertainments •were provided, and at 8 o ’clock a dance took place in the Day School, which proved far too small to accommodate the throng. 166 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER XIV. IN AND AROUND OUR CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. IMPORTANT RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS^ ETC. my former publication, “ The Old Coaching Days,’’ a brief sketch is given of our places of worship, as they then existed. The following pages will, in a measure, supplement what has already appeared, but limited space compels our giving but a brief notice of some, especially those of more recent origin. OUR PARISH CHURCHThis venerable pile has undergone many changes exter­ nally and internally since its original foundation stone was laid some 700 years ago, but we must not attempt to men ­ tally look down the vast avenue of centuries but confine ourselves to the vista covered by the 50 years of Railway days, or thereabouts. Should the reader, however, desire to glean some interesting items anent the church in the fargone past, a perusal of Mr. Wm. Self Weeks’ “Accounts and Expenses of the Churchwardens of the Chapel of Clitheroe from A.D. 1656 to 1700,” will amply reward for the trouble taken. Before the present rails, enclosing the churchyard, were erected, which was a little over fifty years ago, a rude wall only stood in their stead, and where the church gates now stand there was a lych gate, that is, a gate having a roof CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 167 over, sometimes called the “ Corpse Gate,’’ where the corpse remained until met by the officiating minister. The present organ was erected about sixty years ago, in a recess which had evidently been left for the purpose. The organ was enlarged in the year 1872, when certain improvements affecting the lighting, heating, etc., took place. The first organist was Mr. Samuel Wood, of Manchester, who, upon his appointment, came to reside in Eshton Terrace. He was a professor of music, and like most organists since, augmented his salary by means of pupilsHe was succeeded by Mr. Joshua Frodsham, of Whalley, who was blind, as were also his two brothers, Samuel and Edward, and a sister. Mr. Frodsham was followed by an­ other blind organist whose name I have made many attempts to leam, but they have proved futile. All I can gather of him was that he hailed from Burnley, and was known ?s “ Blind Billy.’’ Mr. Thomas Hayhurst, (uncle to Mr. J. W. Hay hurst, organist of Moor Lane Chapel), succeeded him, and was also a player of the comet in the “ Teetotal Band-” Mr. L. W. Whalley followed, and after holding the position for fully thirty years, resigned, his successor being Mr. Ed. Lowe, who still retains the post. Before leaving the musical portion, the name of Margaret Alt} r should be mentioned. Margaret was blind, and pos­ sessed a rare voice. There have been many blind musicians connected with the Choir from time to time, the last of whom was Mr. Christopher Thomber, of Church Brow, who for many years was the organ blower and was highly respected. At the opening of the Railway, the Rev. Jos. H. Ander­ ton was the Vicar, he having been a Curate under the Rev. John Taylor Allen, (father of Miss Allen, of Stradbroke Cottage), who resigned in 1835. Mr. Anderton bought the living. He died 3rd January, 1878. His remains, along with that of his wife, who was a Miss Wilkinson, of Slaidbum, and his son, Mr. John E. Anderton, solicitor, lie close to the old vestry window at the westerly end of the church. Mr. Anderton witnessed, in his day, extraordinary scenes of one sort and another, and more especially at vestry 168 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. meetings, as did also his successor, Mr. Thomas. The Church Rate was the cause of many a rowdy Vestry, especially in the early days of Mr. Anderton. The church rate was a penny in the pound and levied upon all parish ­ ioners. Dissenting ministers, notably the Rev. Jos. Wads­ worth, used to attend these vestries, and harangue the angry malcontents whose bitter complaint was that the rate had to be paid “ just for th ’ smoke going up th ’ chimla!” This was, however, an error, and in all probability had its origin in the “hearth money,or “ hearth penny,” which was a tax on hearths, and in existence from the time of the Conquest, but which received Parliamentary sanction by 13th and 14th Car. II., every hearth in all houses paying the Church and Poor Rates being taxed at two shillings. It was abolished by the 1st William and Mary. Mr. Anderton used to say in reference to the Church Rate that if they (the malcontents) would get up a petition to Parlia ­ ment he would be the first to sign it. This grievance was removed, for the Church Rate was abolished in 1868. The Rev. Edward Hughes Thomas succeeded Mr. Ander­ ton as Vicar. The appointment was made by his son, Mr. John E. Anderton, solicitor, into whose hands the gift had fallen by inheritance. Mr. Thomas was Vicar for thirteen years, and died November 13th, 1891. One of the Superintendents of the Parish Church Sunday School in a written description of him, says: “ He was a broad-minded gentleman, and a most eloquent and impres­ sive preacher. As an organizer he had few equals, and the present handsome school biildings will ever be a monu ­ ment to his memory.” At Mr. John E. Anderton ’s death, the gift of the living had fallen to the late Mrs. Jackson, and on the death of Mr. Thomas, that lady presented it to the Rev. H. L. Bell­ house, M.A., and he was inducted on Saturday, March 26th, 1892, by Canon Champneys. Mr. Bellhouse read himself in on Sunday, March 27th, 1892. He is a native of Man­ chester, and prior to his acceptance of the living was Curate at Ashton-on-Ribble. Shortly before entering upon his duties at Clitheroe, he married the widow of the late Rev. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 169 E. J. McCausland, who was Rector of Drayton Beauchamp. Mr. Bellhouse is an amiable soulx full of love and zeal for the sacred cause, possessing broad views; he4s extremely charitable, and is ever anxious to be at peace with everyone, never failing in his courtesy to those who differ from him. He is well-known as an ardent temperance reformer. Mrs. Bellhouse is a most estimable and devoted helpmeet an every sense. The office of Parish Clerk has been filled during the fifty years by John Read, father of Wm. Read, the late sexton, who was also sexton. Mr. Robert Heath succeeded John and held the post for 23 years. He resigned in 1872 Mr. Heath died 17th Feb., 1900, aged 88 years. He was the son of the Rev. Robt. Heath, Vicar of the Parish and Head Master of the Grammar School. The style in which Mr. Heath, as clerk, announced the hymns was highly impres­ sive and indicated a scholarly mind. It is not likely that he would ever announce a hymn so clumsily as did an old parish clerk in a neighbouring parish, who gave out the 222nd hymn as the “ Two hundred and twoty tooth hymn.’’ Up to 1872 the pulpit was a “ three-decker," and upon the adoption of a more modem form and the consequent abolition of the clerk’s seat, Mr. Heath felt he could not longer retain his post as clerk. The office of Parish Beadle at the time of the Coronation of the Queen was held by Richard Smith, who was likewise a postman. He fulfilled the duties of the office for many years, and eked out his salary by keeping one of the oldfashioned mangles. He resided next door to old Dicky Nowell, in Church Street Richard Waddington was his successor, (father of Mr. J. T. Waddington, Moor Lane). Richard ’s vocation included things temporal as w^ell as spiritual. Six days of the seven he was employed in horsebreaking, and this practice in dealing with unruly spirits doubtless came in handy, for when he had to contend with the ill-behaved urchins, the Sunday School scholars, he handled the golden-headed “ pow ’’ with a dexterity which caused onlookers to smile, whilst the boy at the other end of the magic wand smiled not, but vigorously rubbed 170 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. “ the affected part,’’ and blurted out indignantly, " Yo ’ll not do that ageon !’’ or some such ejaculation. Mr. Frederick Clark followed Mr. Richard Waddington, and held the post for upwards of forty years. He died 18th November, 1897. He was succeeded by Mr. Joseph Whitehead who is still in office. During the past fifty years the solemn duties of sexton have been discharged by John Read, father of William, whose grandfather was likewise in the office before him. William Read held the post for thirty-seven years, and a sketch of his life is given in a previous chapter. William was succeeded by John Atkinson who, up to his death on 6th January, 1883, had held the post seven years. Over his remains there stands in the Cemetery, a tribute of respect, a stone erected to his memorv by the Vicar (Rev. E. H. Thomas) and a few members of the congregation. He was succeeded by his brother James Atkinson, who ?s still fulfilling the duty. The cemetery was consecrated by the Rev. James Prince Lee, the then Lord Bishop of Manchester, on the 31st day of October, 1861. The first funeral was that of Miss Ellen Hartley, who was interred on the 21st November, 1861. She was a relative of the late Mrs. Rd. Smith, of Major House, Church Street. Divine service was formerly held on Sundays, morning and afternoon, but in the year 1870 it was changed to momin; and evening. In 1872 the organ was enlarged, and chandeliers, etc., introduced throughout the building. The restoration of the Church was commenced in August, 1898, the old pews, flooring, etc., being removed to the West Yard and there sold by Mr. Amos Duerden, on Satur­ day, the 20th August of the same year. The Church ser­ vices, in the meantime, are being held in the upper room of the Sunday School. The Wardens are Mr. Tom Garnett (People’s Warden), and Mr. John Dewhurst (Vicar’s Warden). Vicar’s Sides­ men, Messrs. R. T. Bailey, Joseph Briggs, and James Eastham ; People ’s Sidesmen, Messrs. T. H. Satterthwaite, F. Veevers, and Walter Wilkinson. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 171 The present capacious and handsome Sunday Schools of St Mary ’s were built in 1883-4. The comer stone was laid by Colonel Aspinall, of Standen Hall, on Saturday, Feb. 24th, 1883. Miss Robinson, of Chatbum, one of the eldest scholars in the school, presented Col. Aspinall with a silver trowel, which was appropriately inscribed. Mr. Wm. Hardacre, as the oldest teacher, and as a superintendent of the Sunday School, presented to the Colonel an ebony mallet After acknowledging the gifts, Col. Aspinall spoke at some length on the value of Sunday schools, and then laid the comer stone in the following words: “ I lay the comer stone of these schools in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and for the Christian educa­ tion of the children of this place.1’ At the conclusion of the ceremony, the hymn, “ 'Onward Christian Soldiers ” was then sung, and the blessing pro ­ nounced by the then Vicar, the Rev. E. H. Thomas. In addition to the newspapers (the “ Standard,” the " Preston Herald,” and the “ Preston Guardian,”) and new coins kindly presented by Wm. Peterkin, Esq., a parchment worded as follows was placed in a bottle and deposited under the comer stone: “ The Parish Church Schools, (St Mary Magdalene), Clitheroe. The comer stone of these schools was laid by R. J. Aspinall, Esq., of Standen Hall, on the 24th day of February, (St. Matthew ’s Day), 1883, being the 46th year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, the Right Rev. Jas. Fraser, D.D., Bishop of Manchester, the Rev. Edward Hughes Thomas, M.A., Vicar of Clithe­ roe. School Committee: R. J. Aspinall, R- T. Bailey, Rd, Briggs, Robert Brown, Joseph Carr, Tom Garnett, William Hardacre, R. Loynd, Joseph Norcross, H. Parkinson, C. H. Rowlandson, John Southworth; A. I. Robinson, treasurer. Builders: Messrs. Jackson and Bleazard, masons; Jos. Carr, joiner; Evans and Co., slaters; John Watson, plum ­ ber and painter; J. Eatough, plasterer; Wm. S. Varley, F.R.I.B.A., architect, Blackbum.” The school was opened on the 6th January, 1884, the first Sunday in the new year. The proceedings commenced by singing, “ Christ is our comer stone.” The Vicar, (the 172 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Rev. E. H. Thomas), took the evening service to the end of the third Collect The Rev. T. A. Parnell read the lessons. The Vicar gave an excellent address and alluded to the fact that each of the events connected with the schools fell on one of the Saint days, viz.: Laying of the Foundation Stone, S. Matthew ’s Day, Opening of Sale of Work, S. John the Evangelist, Opening of the New Schools, Festival of the Epiphany. Several members of the School Committee, as well as the Choir, occupied seats on the platform. The cost of the site of the building was ^800, cost of the building ^4,055 13s. 6d.— Total ^4,855 13s. 6d. ST. JAMES ’S CHURCH. This Church was built in 1839. Some reference to its origin and the successive ministers down to the induction of the Rev. Geo. Fielden, who became the first Rector, having been previously given in “ Coaching Days,” we must confine our sketch to the period covered by Mr. Fielden ’s ministry and that of his successor, the Rev. Robt. Railton, the present Rector. Mr. Fielden ’s tenure was from. 1852 to the end of 1S93, an era extending over some forty-one years, being twothirds the time St. James’s had been in existence. Mr. Fielden ’s training for the ministry was at St. Bee’s Theolog­ ical College, and he was ordained a year only when he came to Clitheroe, having previously filled an engagement at Billinge, near Wigan. Before going to St Bee’s for his ministerial training he had married Miss Clementina Higham, the sister of Mr. Christopher Higham, of Blackbum. It will not be misunderstood if we say that Mr. Fielden ’s zeal in the ministry' was such as to make of him, without imply­ ing disrespect, a fighting cleric, whereas he had been pre­ ceded by a gentleman of rather a quiet, if not retiring nature. He was a staunch Protestant and had so strong a dislike to floral decorations in the Church that the annual placard announcing the harvest thanksgiving services of St. James’s always Contained some hint to the effect that there CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 173 would be no decorations, as the House of God was not the place to hold a horticultural show. Mr. Fielden made himself quite a name by his rigid adher­ ence to the black gown during preaching, and several stones are told of experiences of clergymen coming to officiate there. Upon one occasion, however, a visiting clergyman, who either did not know of the custom of the church or had omitted inadvertently to make the change of vestment, was reminded by some gentle tugging by Mrs. Fielden as he was going up the pulpit steps, and he smilingly returned to comply with the request During the incumbency of the Rev. Mr. Fielden he ob­ tained from the late Mr. John Taylor, of Moreton, a pro ­ mise of the gift of the tithes of Clitheroe for St James’s Church, and at the death of M.r. Taylor the promise had been found to be fulfilled, and the Rev. Geo. Fielden be­ came in consequence the first Rector of Clitheroe. Mr. Fielden was somewhat disappointed, however, to find that a legacy charge had been attached to the gift, and in later years he commuted this by an arrangement, using for that purpose a further legacy left to the church by the late Mr. Jos. Herdman, and augmenting it by a donation of his own. Although the Rev. Geo. Fielden, during his incumbency, was not called upon to undertake any great structural work about the church, school, or rectory, he improved the parish materially in other ways, notably, the living was much in ­ creased in value during his time. Then the schools, built at first as Sunday schools, were gradually extended in their operations, and from becoming a school for infants they became next a mixed school and then full day schools, having both masters and mistresses certificated. Mrs. Varley, of Wilkin House, was the first certificated mistress, the following ladies succeeding her: Miss Coupe, Miss Monks, Miss Waite, Miss Duncan, the present one being Miss Freshwater. The following have been masters at the school: Mr. Barrow, Mr. Pollard, Mr. Norcross, and Mr. R. Coates, the 174 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. latter gentleman having been master for about 33 years. Up to this time, when children had been through the infant classes they had to be transferred to the National School, which had been, built in 1839. In July, 1859, the Rev. G. Fielden issued in pamphlet form an address in which he endeavoured to shew that St James’s Sunday School was worthy of the support of the parishioners, and this he demonstrated in a variety of ways, and in furtherance of his object, quoted fifteen letters he had received in answer to his solicitation from the follow ­ ing persons, whom he regarded as having attained to their present creditable positions through the training they had received at St James’s, namely : Mr. Thos. Felton, a City Missioner in Great Ancoats, Manchester; Mr. T. Huddleston, also a City Missioner in Cheetham, Manches­ ter; Mr. Wm. Cunliffe, a Scripture reader, Longsight, Manchester; Mr. Abraham Wood, a Scripture reader ;n Liverpool; Mr. Robert Bulcock, a Scripture reader in Macclesfield; Mr. Wm. Felton, a Scripture reader in An­ coats, Manchester; Mr. Thos. Standen, a Scripture reader in Preston: Miss Riley, a School-mistress at Salford, Man­ chester; Miss Fanny Whittaker, a School-mistress at Chipp ­ ing; Mr. Joseph Wolstenholme, a prosperous business man in Bia ckburn ; Mr. R. Cottam, a School-master at Hutton Roof, Burton ; Mr. B. Brown and his brother, Mr. J. Brown, who passed through the Training College, Carmarthan, and became School-masters; Mr. Wm. Varley, then in a Solicitor’s office in Manchester ; and Mr. D. Calvert, a City Missioner in Manchester. Down to the year 1861, there was no marriage license attached to St. James’s, consequently all marriages which otherwise would have been solemnized at St. James’s took place at St Mary’s, the fees being paid to the Vicar of that Church, inasmuch as St. James’s had not been created a separate parish, and was, therefore, designated “ the district of St. James’s.” Mr. Fielden, realizing the advantages of a marriage license, determined to take a practical step, and in the year 1866 proceeded to have St James’s made into a separate parish, under Lord Blandford ’s Act This step CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 175 involved considerable difficulties which were, however, sur­ mounted, for preparatory to petitioning the Ecclesiastical Commissioners it was necessary to obtain a complete relin­ quishment of fees due not only to the Vicar of Whalley, and his patron (Mr. John Taylor, Moreton), in respect to that portion of the “ district,” which was within the Parish of Whalley, but also in regard to the fees due to the Rev. J. H. Anderton as Vicar of St. Mary’s. All the necessary preliminaries were eventually overcome by Mr. Fielden but not without some little friction between himself and Mr. Anderton, owing to some misunderstanding, particulars of which I prefer to pass by. During the weavers’ strike of 1862, Mr. Fielden was very active in his endeavours for a settlement, but a sermon he preached in sympathy with the employed gave annoyance to the masters, and he had to undo some of the mischief caused by it in another sermon. Ultimately, acting as mediator, he was largely the means of settling the strike. The sermon he preached was reprinted and copies of it axe still in existence. At various times during his ministry, Mr. Fielden was the recipient of presents from his congregation, including two surplices, two gowns, cassock, scarf, pocket Communion service. and illuminated address: Mrs. Fielden having presented to her a silver cream jug, etc. The first of the presentations was five years after Mr. Fieldens induction, that is, in 1857. Alluding to it in his sermon on the following Sunday evening, he said : “ It is nearly five years since it pleased God to bring us to labour in this part of His vineyard. Although we do not see as much fruit of our labours as we expected, we have the most satisfactory evidence that we have neither ‘ laboured in vain nor spent our strength for nought.’ We publicly acknow ­ ledge our fault before you this day, for we certainly did think we had failed to gain your affections, but even while we were thus wronging you and writing bitter things against ■ourselves, your highly prized gifts were most unexpectedly put into our hands as if to reprove us for our folly. We can truly say we have neither sought nor expected these 176 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. things from you. We have sought you rather than yours, and we are still willing to spend and be spent that you may be saved.’’ Mr. Fielden died 22nd December, 1893, in his 81st year. Mrs. Fielden died 22nd March, 1895, aged 75. Both were interred in St. James’s Churchyard. In February, 1894, the living was given to the present Rector, the Rev. Robert Railton, B.A., who received his training at the London College of Divinity, St John ’s Hall, Highbury, where in 1889 he obtained his degree. In that year he accepted the curacy of St. John ’s Chelsea. In 1891 he became Curate of Emmanuel Church, Hastings, and in 1893 he was appointed Curate of St. Barnabas, Black ­ burn. From thence he was appointed Rector of Clitheroe in February, 1894, instituted March 19th, inducted March 31st, and commenced duties May 1st, 1894. Theologically, he is one of the old school, and like his predecessor, he :s a strong Evangelical and ardent Protestant As a preacher he is very fluent, his discourses being marked by great earnestness. He was the means of commencing and com ­ pleting that marvellous piece of work within three years of his coming— St. James’s New Schools, the old ones having been condemned shortly after his arrival into the parish. The new schools are now free from debt. In October, 1897, he married Miss Edith Ward, a Blackbum lady, who was a member of St. Barnabas’ Church there, and whose deep interest and labours in various departments of Christian work were a fitting preparation for the responsible position she now occupies. The Curates of St. James’s have been numerous, the first one being the Rev. J. Sykes, who came in 1865, but for a considerable time there was no Curate, and occasional help was given by the Rev. Mr. Harrison, of Waddington, and the Rev. Samuel Norwood, who at one time was assistant master at the Whalley Grammar School. He assisted Mr. Fielden in the Church services for a few months, and came to and from Whalley in a pony phaeton. He was followed by the Rev. Mr. Burke. Next came the Rev. Mr. Barnacle, who resided next door to the Rev. William Walbran, at Little CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 177 Moor, for a short time, until the vicarage at Pendleton was built. The Rev. Isaac Downham!, who had formerly been a Cur­ ate at Whalley succeeded him and stayed a few years. He was preferred to the living of St. John ’s, Baxenden, where he still remains. He was succeeded by the Rev. R. B-own, who did not tarry long, and was succeeded by the Rev. John H. Grimshaw., whose stay was very brief. The Rev. S. B. Sumner followed him, and during his time a Temperance Society was established and much good work done. He was succeeded by the Rev. Edmund Ince, who was very pop ­ ular, and accomplished much in his time. The Rev. John William Martin was a zealous worker and won many friends. Mr. Martin was the last of the long, list of Curates in Mr. Fielden’s time. The present Rector, Mr. Railton, was with­ out a Curate for four years, but ini March, 1898, the Rev. P. Burnett's advent was chronicled, and this gentleman con ­ tinues to labour most acceptably, Mrs. Bumett being also a devoted worker. Formerly the pulpit and reading desk, one over the other, stood in the centre of the East end. The gallery was not in. existence at all excepting a small one, by which access was obtained to the belfry. The place for the choir was then in front of the Warden ’s pew, and the only musical instrument was a bass fiiddle, ex ­ cept at Anniversary Services, when this was augmented by reed and stringed instruments.. At this time, the most important member of the choir was Old John Walker ” who played the bass fiddle. His daily occupation was Umbrella mending, his house being almost opposite the Wheat Sheaf Inn. John was for a number of years, Sexton to the Church. Other Sextons (as far as I am able to ascertain) were John Walmsley, Salford, who singular to say, got his living by dying (clothes); Robert Read, who was employed at Primrose and lived in Bawd lands; Wm. Bennett, a billposter; Thomas Jennions (still living in Cli­ theroe) ; Septimus Mason, Wm. Jackson, George Challis, and Edward Cowperthwaite. The present sexton is Thomas Parker,who has only held the post about two years. L 178 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. The present wardens are, Rector’s, Mr. Wm. King-Wilkin­ son, junior, People s, Mr. Hy. Embley; Sidesmen, Mr. Rob ­ inson Hargreaves and Mr. Hy. Taylor. The Patrons of the Living are the Bishop of the Diocese (pro tern), the Chancellor of Chester, and the Trustees, Messrs. William Ki ng-Wilkinson senior, John Dawson, and Hy. Embley. Harking back to the days when old John Walker wielded the bow of the bass fiddle, we find that Mr. Walter Standen, remembered by hundreds of Clitheroe people yet, succeeded John Walker as instrumentalist, but when the time came for superseding it by an organ, Mr. Standen qualified himself for the more modem instrument, but in the meantime Dr. W. E. Musson stepped into the gap and acted as organist pro tern. Mr. Walter Standen is now schoolmaster at Catforth, Woodplumpton, near Preston. His successor was Mr. Rd. Robinson, who had been his deputy, Mr. Standen having an appointment at Chatbum Church. Mr. Robinson is now in Blackbum. He was followed by Mr. Angelo Forrest for about twelve months. His services were voluntary, and upon his retirement he was presented with a gold watch. Mr. Forrest died several years ago in Philadelphia, U.S.A. He was succeeded by Miss Fanny Dewhurst, of Whalley, who only presided at the instrument occasionally. She is now in Canada. Mr. Joseph W. Tomlinson now became organist, and his services likewise being voluntary he was presented on leaving with a purse of gold. He is now a schoolmaster at Houghton, near Preston. His brother, Mr. Fred Tomlin ­ son, was his successor, and this gentleman is now a teacher of carpentry and joinery at the Manchester Technical School. Mr. Wm. Robinson became organist in 1880, holding the position until February, 1895, when he took a similar position at Pendleton. He was presented by the Choir with a hand ­ some timepiece and an illuminated address. Mr. Walter Wilson is the present organist, and prior to this appointment he was the organist at Hurst Green, near Clitheroe. THE NEW SCHOOLS. The foundation of the new schools was laid by Mrs. King- CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 179 Wilkinson, on Saturday afternoon, 16th. May, 1896. A platform near the site was erected, upon which were seated the following: Mr. and Mrs. King-Wilkinson, Rev. H. L. Bellhouse, Rev. T. A Parnell, Rev. Dr. Moffat (Blackburn), Rev. P. E. Thomas (Blackbum), Rev. J. Nunn (Blackburn), Mr. W. King-Wilkinson, Misses King-Wilkinson, Dr. Jones, Miss Garnett, Mrs. Bellhouse, the Building Committee, Church Officers, Choir, Sunday School Teachers, etc. The Mayor (T. Garnett, Esq.), who was to have delivered an address, sent a telegram from London regretting his inabil­ ity to be present. Indisposition also prevented Mr. James Garnett attending. The school was erected from the designs and under the direction of the architect, Hy. ‘R. Price, F.M.S.A. Royal Exchange, Manchester. The contract was given to Mr. John Bleazard, the sub-contractors being Messrs. A. Veevers and Sons, joiner’s work; Messrs. Watson and Sons, painting, glazing, and plumbing; Mr. Jas. Robinson, slating and plas­ tering work. The ceremony of opening the new schools was performed by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of Manchester, (Dr. Moorhouse), on Saturday afternoon, 18th September, 1897. The Rector (Rev. Robt. Railton) presided, and with Dr. Moorhouse was supported by the Rev. H. L. Bellhouse (Vicar of St. Mary’s, Rev. P. E. Thomas (Blackbum), Rev. F. Gal pin (U.M.F.C.), and Rev. J. Wood (Blackbum), Dr. Musson, W. King-Wil­ kinson junr. Esq., W. S. Weeks, Esq., Mr. Henry Embley, Mr. John Dawson, Mr. Edward Coates, Mr. Henry Taylor, Mr. Robert Coates, Mr. R. Hargreaves, Mr. Price (architect), Dr. Barker, and Mr. J. Parkinson. The Bishop had an enthusiastic reception and spoke admir­ ably, and was listened to with profound attention. The handsome building serves the purposes of Day and Sunday Schools, and is well adapted for the purpose. The total cost was ^5,500. ST. PAUL ’S, LOW MOOR. The site of the original church at Low Moor, (now used as a Sunday School), has long been a picturesque spot, de ­ 180 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. lightfully embowered in foliage, and verily is a little Bethel. It was built in 1841, and was closed for 13 years, the reason for which has been previously explained inJ “ Coaching Days,” where other particulars are given, hence in this account we must omit much of its history and content ourselves with a few facts relative to the more modem building. The foundation stone of the new structure was laid by Miss Henrietta Garnett, of Roefield, on Whit-Monday, 1867. It was her intention to endow the Church with ^300 per annum, which sum she paid yearly to the Incumbent. Un ­ fortunately she died before her intention could be carried out. The church was consecrated in 1870 by the late popular Bishop Fraser. The architect was Mr. Fred Robinson, of Derby. The builder was Mr. Wm. Hargreaves (Clitheroe), the woodwork being executed by Messrs. A. Veevers & Sons. The church contains 630 sittings, all of which are free and unappropriated. The building cost ^5,000. In the same year, (1870), the Vicarage was built, and the old Church became a Sunday School. The Rev. J. B. Waddington has consequently seen the 33rd anniversary of his induction here, and it is a remarkable fact that there are only two churches which have during these 33 years retained their Pastors, who have during their ministry seen every church and chapel in the town and district within a radius of 10 miles), lose their ministers from one cause or another. I refer to Canon Wilson, of Bolton-by-Bowland, and the Vicar of St. Paul’s, Low Moor, who are to be congratulated on their survival amid the many changing circumstances m this ever mutable world. By the way, Canon Wilson was appointed Rector of Bolton-by-Bowland in 1859. Mr. Waddington, as already stated, came in 1866. Mr. Waddington’s first Curacy was at Slaidbum, Yorks., in 1863. Two years afterwards he took charge of a mission ­ ary district in the lowest part of Christ Church Parish, Burton-on-Trent. Most successful services were held in an old malt house by the river side. Numbers were converted to God, and a lasting work begun. When the present Vicar was appointed to the new district CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 181 of St. Paul’s, Low Moor, he found a small Sunday school in existence, which was afterwards converted into a dwelling­ house, and stands at the corner of St Paul’s Street, just opposite to the large gates of the present Sunday school. During the absence of any pastor for thirteen years, the scholars were marched up in processional order to St. Mary’s Church, where they attended Divine service. The spiritual condition of the church was by no means satisfactory, and the first services conducted by their new pastor will ever be remembered by reason of the many conversions which followed and the wonderful zeal of those who had found peace in believing. Mr. Waddington has been fortunate in having some devoted fellow-labourers in the vineyard, and if we take them in chronological order we must give priority to the late Mr. Benjalmin Roberts, who came from Mytton Church School <o be day schoolmaster at Low Moor. He resided for some time at Mussel Hall, and was an exemolary Christian and a most able teacher. He was of Welsh extraction, and was highly esteemed for his work ’s sake. He died in King Street, Clitheroe, some twelve years ago. He was a descen­ dant of one of our martyred Reformers. There are many still living who remember Mr. Roberts’ predecessors in the Day School, viz.: Mr. Walne, Mr. Hy. Fishwick, and especially Mr. James Appleyard whom Mr. Roberts immediately followed. The present headmaster is Mr. H. Oxburgh. The Day School, however, being a “ Brit­ ish School ” has no connection with the Church, so we must confine ourselves to St. Paul’s. Mr. James Latham, one of the earliest converts under Mr. Waddington’s ministrations, became an enthusiastic and suc­ cessful lay-worker, and in the year 1870 was appointed a layreader in connection with Christ Church, Netherfield Road, Liverpool. Here he had a fairly successful career, and his sad and sudden death in 1894 was mourned by thousands of people of all classes. Some idea of the esteem in which he was held may be gained by the fact that in the handsome mission hall, which he was largely instrumental in building, there, stands a superb mural tablet bearing the following in- 182 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. scription : “ In memory of James Latham, who, for 24 years, was the Scripture Reader of this Parish, and whose faithful labours led to the erection of this Hall. He fell asleep April 29, 1894.” “ Where I am, there shall also my servant be.” — St John xii., 26. “ Erected by Members of the Bible Class and Mission Hall Friends.” The above hall was opened by the Bishop of Liverpool, the first sermon being preached by the Rev. J. B. Wad ­ dington. Another worthy man was the late Mr. Wm. Hanson, who was a genial Christian soul, and his untimely death was a great blow to the congregation and friends of St Paul’s. An ­ other one was the late Mr. James Dixon, of Pendleton, who became a platelayer in Clitheroe, and was killed whilst em ­ ployed upon the Railway. He was a sturdy and bright Christ­ ian, and will be long remembered for his unflagging zeal for God. In the person of the late Thomas Wood Edmundson, there was centred a force of Christian character rarely to be met with. He was one of the earlier converts, his zeal being marked by an amiability of disposition and consistency ' f life, and his death which occurred in 1889, came as a rude shock, not to the parish alone, but in far reaching directions without Quite a noteworthy character was the late Mr. Henry Tomlinson, formerly of Whymond House, at the foot of Wiswell Moor, but of late years of Easterly, near Portfield Bar, Whalley. Referring to his death, the Rev. J. B. Wad ­ dington said, deceased had been a Sunday school teacher and member of his church between 20 and 30 years, and during the greater part of that time had attended twice on Sundays, always the Communicants’ weekly meeting on Saturday nights, and occasionally on a Thursday night, and all this after performing the laborious work of a stone-mason. Whymond was slightly under four miles distant from Low CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 183 Moor, so he had thus walked over a thousand miles yearly in his devotion to duty. He, the preacher, said that deceas ­ ed had by his life preached an open-air sermon every Lord ’s Day more forcible than any he could deliver. He described deceased as a man of few words which were to the point, but a man of deeds. He was remarkable in this, that although he had the farthest to walk of any teacher or member of the congregation he was one of the first to arrive, no matter how we: or stormy the weather might be, and often had he invit­ ed him on Sundays to remain for dinner and have his wet clothes dried, but on no account could he prevail upon him to do so. His removal to Easterly some years ago, which was three miles further distant prevented him continuing his extraordinary achievement. He died in 1895. Many other zealous workers might be named and described who have gone to their rest and reward, but lack of space, not respect, compels omission. The present officials, all of whom work most harmoniously with the Vicar, are: Churchwardens, Mr. Thos. Slinger, Mr. W. H. Bulcock ; Sidesmen, Mr. Walter Clayton, (Low Moor), Mr. Thomas Penny, Mr. Walter Clayton (Clitheroe), Mr. William Dixon. Lay representative, Mr. Wm. Drinkall. One of the special features of the work at Low Moor is the Passion Week services. On Good Friday the church is filled with most attentive congregations. The Lord ’s Supper *s administered at 2-30, that the blood-washed believers may meet at the Lord ’s Table at the hour when their Redeemer exclaimed, “ It is finished 1” and expired on the Cross. Mr. Waddington’s work has not been confined to his parish and neighbourhood. He has been well-known as a mission preacher. In this capacity he has laboured in London, Bristol, Nottingham, York, Hull, Leeds, Liverpool, Manches­ ter, Bolton, Wigan, Oldham, Southport, Blackpool, Preston, Blackbum, Burnley, Accrington, Belfast, Dundalk, the Ork ­ neys, the neighbourhood of Glasgow, Boston, Montreal, etc., etc. Not having a Curate, time and strength have not suf­ ficed with the increase of other calls for the continuance of this important work. He has, however, continued to use his pen to good effect, having published nearly 8,000,000 Gospel 184 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Tracts, in addition to large numbers printed in the United States, which have been, circulated far and wide, and several translated into various European languages. Mr. Waddington has had strong inducements to leave his old parish, having been offered more lucrative churches n important centres, which he has declined, his love for his parish and people being too great to allow of a severance oy a monetary consideration, One of the chief features connected with Low Moor Church is the “ Clitheroe Gospel Home Mission,” formed in 1878. The object of this mission is to leave a Gospel tract monthly at each house in Clitheroe, Low Moor, the neigh ­ bouring villages, etc. As the number of houses in the dis­ trict visited is about 4,000, a population of, say 20,000, have the Gospel brought to their doors repeatedly by this volun ­ tary agency. Between two and three millions of tracts have been thus circulated from door to door during the twenty years that this mission has been in existence. Mr. Waddington was also the founder of the “ Evangelical Protestant Union,” which holds an annual conference _n Manchester, in October. Since it was established in March, 1879, he has held the office of honorary secretary. Space forbids our noticing the important support given by the Low Moor congregation to Missionary work in foreign countries, and now continued for so many years. Mr. Waddington has been the recipient of several valuable testimonials. Perhaps the most important was one- from -he congregation presented at Christmas, 1875. consisting of an address and ^200. A more recent one consisted of a silver tea and coffee service from Messrs. W. and J. Garnett In 1890, the Sunday School, (formerly the old Church), was enlarged by the erection of a large class-room. The following inscription on a brass plate speaks for itself: “ Gospel Memorial Room, 1866 — 1890.” “ This room was erected as a thank-offering for the Gospel preached in this Parish for 24 years by the first Vicar— the Rev. J. B. Waddington; and was opened October 25, 1890. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 185 “ By the following day, when the anniversary sermons •were preached by him, the sum of ^345 was received in answer to his appeal for ^300, from those who had de­ rived benefit from his ministry.” “ For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.”— Rom. i., 16. It is an interesting fact that Mr. Jeremiah Garnett, of Bromley Cross, who opened the Gospel Memorial Room in 1890, laid the foundation stone of the old church fifty years before (in 1840), being then three years of age. Last year— (the Low Moor Centenary)— a handsome brass lectern was placed in St Paul’s Church by Messrs. William and James Garnett, in memory of their father and mother. The Choirmaster is Mr. Joseph Tomlinson, who has held the post for about forty years, and was at Xmas, 1891, pre­ sented with a purse of gold and an illuminated address in recognition of his long and faithful services. Mr. Tomlinson was choirmaster some years before Mr. Waddington's advent, when the school was held at the comer of St. Paul’s Street. The following have presided at the instrument: Miss Mary E. Garnett (eight years), Mr. Wm. Boothman (eight years), Mr. Rd.'Oddie (five years), Mr. W. P. Tomlinson (who retired Xmas, 1899). The present organist is Mr. Robert Tomlinson. It should be stated that Messrs. W. Boothman and Rd. Oddie were the recipients of illuminated addresses on their retirement. The apparitors have been Mr. Joseph Holt, Mr. Fred Tomlinson (dead), Mr. George Harvey (dead). The present one is Mr. George Hall. The right of presentation of the living is in the hands of the Bishop of the Diocese in perpetuity. SS. MICHAEL AND JOHN. Some details of the opening ceremony, (which took place the day the Railway was opened), appeared at the time in * The Lamp,” a Catholic magazine, the anonymous writer being a gentleman from Preston. He writes: 186 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. “ On Thursday last (June 20), we attended the opening of the new Catholic Church of St. Michael and St John, ?t Clitheroe, one of a number of beautiful churches which the Catholic body are erecting in this country. We started off early (from Preston) on a delightful morning in June, and journeyed by railway to Blackbum. We there formed one of a party, and drove through a picturesque and charming country, chequered with woodland and valley, green hedge­ rows, pastoral lanes, quiet farms, rill, river, and ruin. The ruins of Whalley Abbey — grey, mouldering, and ivy-mantled, once a celebrated religious establishment of the Cistercian order, now dissolved and demolished in the general wreck of monastic houses. Immediately behind it, the creation of modem times, stands a stupendous railway viaduct of nearly fifty arches, and soon the steam whistle will sound through the same valley in which whilom, the matins and lauds of the Monks were chanted. We hastened on through Whalley and soon had the ruined Castle of Clitheroe looming on our sight. As we neared the ancient edifice we contemplated the changes and vicissitudes that had passed over its head since its foundations were laid on the craggy and abrupt precipice which it occupies. The world, like the castle, has grown old the men who reared its strong walls, its massive keep and tower, have, like the stones which they piled, mouldered away — mouldered into their original dust, and the curtain < f oblivion is drawn over them.” Having given a description of the new Catholic Church, he refers to the opening ceremony at which the Rt. Rev. Bishop Brown, Vicar Apostolic of the Lancashire JDistrict, the Rev. Father Cobb, Provincial of the Society of Jesus, were present, as well as a large number of Clergy, a tribe ( f youthful Levites and Students from Stonyhurst, and a re­ spectable congregation. High Mass was celebrated coram episcopo by the Rev. F. Clough, Rector of Stonyhurst, the Rev. C. Fitzsimon officiating as deacon, and the Rev. Jas. Corry as sub-deacon. The assistant priest was the Rev. Father Cobb; Bishop ’s deacons were Revs. Joseph. Postlethwaite and Francis Chad ­ wick; attendant clergy, Revs. J. G. Morris and E. Whyte; CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 187 masters of ceremonies, Revs. C. Cooke and A. Weld ; cross bearer, Rev. V. Zanetti. A very excellent and appropriate discourse was delivered after the Gospel by Father Cobb from the following text: “And King David said to all the assembly, Solomon my son whom God alone hath chosen is as yet young and tender, and the work is great, for a house is prepared not for man but for God.” Last year the church underwent considerable repairs, such as making the windows weather proof and putting the heating apparatus in proper order. The massive pillars and arches had their artificial colouring removed, the walls and roof epainted. New stations of the cross were erected carved .n Caen stone, each station representing some stage in our Lord's Passion, stands in its own frame and is glazed, so that neither atmosphere nor dust can impair the fine work. The sanc­ tuary has been richly decorated, whilst the apse forming the sanctuary, enclosed by a railing of alabaster and marble and floor paved with bright tiles, has now its walls lined with a dado of exquisite beauty. The chief material is the beau ­ tiful Italian marble known as Pavonazzetto, and this is divided into panels by the yellow marble of Sienna. The higher part of the walls and roof of the sanctuary are painted in choice designs and enriched with gold. These surroundings appear to give wonderful effect to the statuesand the picture­ like stained glass windows representing the scenes of the birth and childhood of our Lord. Several of these windows were presented by the Trappes family who have been generous donors to the church for a good part of a century, and it is not unlikely that names of the same family will be found under more than one of the new stations- Other members of the congregation have generously paid for stations, and it is said that in this particular expense there were more donors in readiness than there were stations to erect. Whilst the Church was being overhauled, services were held in the Hall adjoining. On November 19th, 1899, the church was re-opened with Solemn High Mass in the morn ­ ing, and Solemn Benediction in the evening. The morning preacher was the Very Rev. John Gerard, of Lodon, Pro ­ 188 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. vincial of the Society of Jesus, the evening preacher being the Rev. Chas. Coupe, Professor of Philosophy at Stonyhurst College, when collections were made amounting to Z104. On Thursday, Dec. 7th, 1899, and three following days (Sunday excepted), a sale of work was held in the Hall in aid of the Restoration Fund, which realized the grand sum total of ^801 18s. 9Jd. It may be of interest to know that the old school was built about the year 1823, and served as Day and Sunday School and also as the Chapel. The extension of the old school, now designated “ The Hall,” was made in 1870. The new schools were erected in 1895. The following have been Priests during the past .50 years: Rev. Thomas Seed. .. Edward Bird. 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 » .. c, b, 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 n c, 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 lt-68 1869 1870 1871 1872 Edward Bird.* John Beaumont. Edward Bird. >> Edward Bird. Henry Brigham. Edward Bird. Henry Brigham. Edward Bird. Henry Brigham. >> Edward Bird. >» » Richard Cardwell. II » >1 » •» M {” John Grimston. Thos. Cooper. Hy. Legnani. Wm. Lea. Walter Lomax. Wm. Lea. Hubert Daly. Wm. Lea. Jas. Purbrick. Wm. Lea. Jas. Purbrick. Wm. Lea. Jas. Purbrick. Ci Wm. Lea. bi Jas. Purbrick. Ci Wm. Lea. bi Jas. Purbrick ( „ Wm. Lea. I „ Thos. Speakman. C „ Wm. Lea. < „ Thos. Speakman. Ci, John Grimston.t Ci W'm. Lea. tThos. Speakman. C> Wm. Lea. t „ Thos. Speakman. ( „ Wm. Lea. „ Thos. Speakman. ( „ John Hartell. 1 „ Thos. Speakman. at Clitheroe. 1873 £ Rev. „ 1874 )( „„ 1875 C „ j 1876 ( „ I „ (,, 1877 tn („ 1878 1879 b, k 1880 c, 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 Paul Botalla. • Died December 19th, 1857, aged 70, VDied. 27th November, 1881. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 189 Rev. John Kartell. 1SQ4. ( Rev ' J ohn Ha * eH Joseph Lightbound. >> Thos. Speakman. Francis O'Donnell. iROK f» J ohn HarteI1loJo Francis Me Shane. John Kartell. ( „ John Kartell. J Thos. Speakman. 1888 j 1896 < „ Walter Bridge. • » Chas. Williams. (. „ Wm. Hudson. John Kartell. 1889 1) »> Thos. Speakman. ir q 7 Patrick Flynn. Joseph Martin. - If Alfred Yates. <,, Joseph Martin. John Kartell. 1890 ! 1898 < „ Patrick Flynn. 1 99 Thos. Speakman.J C „ Peter Sherlock. Alfred Yates. < „ Joseph Martin. 1891 j! ’’ John Kartell. 1899 < „ Perer Sherlock. Ralph Swift. C „ Edward Parry. 1892 ! •» John Kartell. Ralph Swift. John Kartell. 1893 -. ■ ■ John Gray. < f> R. Swift. | Died 10th October, 1890. § Rev. J.Kartell, died 23rd December, 1896. The present Priest is the Rev. Joh n Gray, the Curate being Rev Francis Dobson. 1887 < Prior to the building of the Presbytery, the priests resided in the cottage opposite Mrs. Bramley ’s, Lowergate. The presbytery was built in 1850-1. The Catholic Cemetery was consecrated on Sunday, the 27th June, 1869 by the Right Rev. Wm. Turner, D.D., Bishop of Salford. The Rev. Richard Cardwell was priest at this period, and was highly gratified that his parishioners could be interred in their own town, as formerly they had io be conveyed to Hurst Green, six miles away. 'The organists of the above church have presided in the following order: Mr. Samuel Wood, who held the post for about twenty years. He died in Eshton Terrace. His bro ­ ther, Mr. Wm. Wood, for some years held the post after him, but eventually left, along with Father Seed, for Wigan. The late Mr. Chas. Duckett occasionally relieved Mr. Wiliam Wood at the instrument. Next came Mr. Jackson, from Stonyhurst College, for a few years. He was a noted violin­ ist, and holds the appointment of trumpeter to the Lord Mayor of London. He was followed by Mr. T. P. Murphy, who came from Bruges. He attempted compositions. Three 190 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. pieces are well remembered, one of which he dedicated to Father Cardwell, another to Mr. C. J. B. Trappes, and a third to Father Bollard, of the Brompton Oratory. Mr. Murphy also taught French. He afterwards became organist in the private chapel of the Earl of Gainsborough, and got along so well as to marry Lady Blanche, the daughter jf the Earl. Mr. Murphy died in a hospital in Boston, America, about two years ago. Lady Blanche predeceased him some ten years. Mr. Matthew Duckett succeeded Mr. Murphy and held the post for twenty-eight years. Mr. Edward Gud ­ geon followed and held the post about a year and a half, after which, for a short time, Miss Hyland, an Irish lady from Drogheda, played the instrument. A Mr. Turton next came on for a brief period, and was followed in 1899 b" the present organist, Mr. Robert Doyle, who hails from Black­ bum. THE WESLEYANS. This sect can doubtless lay claim to being the oldest Nonconformist body in the Borough, having been in existence since the year 1797, and in the month of April, 1897, celebrated right jubilantly its centenary, and on these occasions certain speeches were made as well as sermons preached from which some interesting facts were gathered. The preacher on Sunday, April 4th, was the Rev. J. R. Berry, of Burnley, who gave two excellent sermons. On the following Sunday, April 11th, the Rev. Richard Fletcher, of Hull, formerly of this circuit, preached morning and evening to capital congregations. A special anthem was rendered by the Choir, with an excellent solo by Mn W. H. Rothwell, and a duet by Miss Cook and Mr. Bush. On Monday afternoon, the Rev. Geo. Jackson, B.A., preached a sermon on “ The unpardonable sin.” An exceedingly well attended and enthusiastic meeting was held in the evening. Tlie chair was occupied by Mr. Hy. Grimshaw, of Manches­ ter, a former scholar in the school at Clitheroe. On the plat­ form were the Revs. R. Fletcher, John Preston, Geo. Jackson, W. Millican, and W. A. Harrison, Messrs. R. Harrison, J.P., J. A. Parker, J.P., J. Pickles, J. Bowker, W, Lang J. Tattersall, and J. Holgate. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 191 The Chairman, in reviving old memories, said he remem ­ bered the glorious men of the Sunday School— and not better men ever walked under the sun than Charles Radcliffe, Robert Wildman, Edward Dean, George Sellars, James Wil­ kinson, James Fielding, and others. The report of Mr. William Lang followed, and contained some important items, and although carrying us far back into pre-railway days, I have extracted from it a few interesting facts. The plot of land, together with two houses, on which the chapel now stands, was formerly common land belonging to the bailiffs and burgesses of Clitheroe. It extended from a well in front of the chapel called “ Stocks Well,” to Mr. Hardacre s shop in Parson Lane, and from the road to the Castle wall, and was conveyed in 1791 to John Parker In consideration of the payment of j£92 and a perpetual chief rent of 6s. Od. per annum. The names of the bailiffs signing the deed were Samuel Caleb and Henry Hayhurst. The said John Parker conveyed part of this plot to James Wood, cotton manufacturer, of Padiham, in 1797, who is said to have taken great interest in building Methodist Chapels. It was in this year the chapel was built. It was not until the 12th September, 1824, that the Chapel Trust was formed. In that year the whole of the plot of land before named was conveyed, together with the chapel and houses, from James Wood and John Wood, both of Padiham, to the following gentlemen, who were the first trustees: James Eastham, Jeremiah Horsfall, Thomas Haworth, Ormerod Stout, Henry Robinson, Jonathan Wood, James Hargreaves, Richard Ire­ land, Henry Ireland, John Boothman, and Henry Battersby. The chapel was enlarged in 1823, and about three vears after, it is said, the income was not sufficient to pay the interest on the borrowed money. In 1838, gas was first introduced into the chapel, and in 1844 the chapel was again altered and enlarged. In 1855, ^410 19s. 6d. was received from the Railway Company as compensation for damages done to the chapel by the construction of the Bawdlands Bridge. The foundation stone of the present chapel was laid ny John Dawson, Esq., of Bacup, on Whit-Monday, 1868, and 192 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. was opened by the Rev. W. J. Radcliffe, on Thursday, June 3rd, 1869. The total cost was about ^2,800. The places forming the circuit have changed occasionally. Bolton-by-Bowland and Slaidbum were added in 1816, and in the same year Stopper Lane took the place of Gazegill. Staple Oak appears in 1819, and Pye Cross in 1820; Newhurst and Dunsop Bridge a little later, Chipping in 1823, and Low Moor in 1825. Chatbum ceased to have a separate existence in 1828, Chipping in 1834, Low Moor in 1836. Chipping came back in 1848, but finally left us in 1856. Chatbum, after having a considerable period of rest, sprang into existence again in 1860, and Low Moor in 1862. The following chapels are now within the circuit: Clitheroe, Downham, Stopper Lane, Bashall Eaves, Whalley, Low Moor, Slaidbum, Waddington, Harrop, Bolton-by-Bowland, Sawley, Gisburn, Chatbum, and Paythorne, which was add ­ ed some years ago. After the reading of Mr. Lang’s report, the following gentlemen gave some interesting reminiscences, but we axe compelled to omit them, owing to the length of matter already given and yet to give, viz.: Rev. Jno. Preston (Manchester), R. Harrison, Esq. (Whalley), Rev. G. Jackson (Edinburgh), and Rev. R. Fletcher (Hull). Humorous votes of thanks were tendered to the speakers on the proposition of the Rev. W. Millican, sconded by the Rev. W. A. Harrison. Mr. J. A. Parker proposed and Mr. John Pickles seconded a vote of thanks to the Chairman. The following are the names of the Superintendent Minis­ ters who have served since 1850 in the Clitheroe Circuit: 1850-1 Rev. Dixon Naylor 1872-4 Rev. Wm. Watson „ John Hornby 1852 „ J. Cheesewright 1875-7 „ T. R. Moxon 1853 „ Benj. Frankland 1878 „ Ezekiel Burton 1856-8 ,, William Ricketts 1879-80 „ Richard Eland 1859-60 „ Samuel Haigh 1881-2 „ Richard Fletcher 1861 „ A. F. Abbott 1883-5 „ Jno. Waterhouse 1862-3 „ John Gilbert 1S86-8 1864-6 „ Wm. Winterbuml889-92 „ Hy. G. Highfield „ Thomas Baron 1867-9 „ John Imisson 1893-5 „ Wm. Millican 1870-1 „ William Sinclair 1896-7 The Rev. Stephen G. Scott came in 1898, and is still CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 193 superintending the Circuit. The following were organists at Wesley Chapel, in ^he order named : Messrs. Samuel and William Wood, who were also organists at the Parish Church, and afterwards at the Catholic Church. Mr. Robert Wildman, clerk at the Craven Bank; Miss Earnshaw, daughter of Dr. Earnshaw; Mr. and Miss Whittaker, Mr. Harry Catlow, now living at Accrington Mr. Robinson Hodgkinson, son of Mr* William Hodgkinson, now organist at Snodland, Kent); Mr. James Barrett, (now organist at Wesley Chapel, Witton, Blackburn). Ilie pres­ ent organist is Mr. H. N. Rowe, who has held the post 18 years. Some very quaint and remarkable characters were connect­ ed with the Society, most of whom have been gathered to their fathers. Ben Cliffe may be regarded as a typical Methodist. He was a fire beater and resided in Bawdlands. Ben had a most extraordinary fancy for “ Love Feasts,” which were held quarterly, and almost regardless of distance he would trudge off alone to Skipton, Colne, and other places to attend them. On one occasion when going to a Feast at Skipton, he attempted a short cut across a pathless field, when the farmer seeing him bawled out, “ Do you know whose field this is ?” Ben, pointing upwards, said, “ My Father’s !” The farmer then asked, “ Wheer are ta gooing? ” Ben replied, “ I’m going to Heaven !” “ Then go th ’ reeight rooad !” said the farmer, indignantly. John Holden, who resided in a cottage behind Brewery Mill, was a sturdy Methodist, and in many respects remark­ able. He was a class-leader, and for many years held - class at his house weekly, on Wednesday nights. John was sent on one occasion as a delegate to a meeting at Padiham. After the meeting he was asked by an official what his ex ­ penses were. He replied that he had walked over Pendle by Sabden, and had only spent a penny for a cake. The official generously allowed the penny, and John, like an honest man, was quite content with the amount paid. He was a local preacher, and was off almost every’ Sunday, having a great preference for preaching at the country’ chapels m the circuit, but especially at Stopper Lane and Gisbum. He- 194 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. would rise early on the Sunday, and his good wife would see well to it that he had his favourite meal— buttered toast. John best liked it when it was well soaked in butter, for, he used to say, “ let me have witchered buttercakes.” He often stayed for refreshment at old Mr. Lawson ’s, of Dudlands, near Stopper Lane. Mr. Lawson was a rigid teetotaller, and had a detestation of tobacco smoke, and would suffer no one to enter his house to smoke. John Holden, how ­ ever, got his pipe out and was about charging it, when Mr. Lawson bid him go out into the fields if he wanted to smoke, and this he did, but afterwards returned. Mr. James Dugdale, late coachman at Well Hall, tells me he remembers some lively revival meetings, especially when Squire Brooks, of Dewsbury, and Squire Marsden, of Doncaste^ conducted them. The noise and tumult at times would compare favourably with the storming of Quebec. Mr. Dugdale vividly remembers Squire Brooks’ account of his conversion and his description of selling his horses, dogs, and guns that he might, as he said, “ obtain freedom,” and with his hand upon the pew door, Squire Brooks swung't open in illustration of how he let loose his dogs. There were other worthy and remarkable characters who have gone to their rest, and who deserve more than a passing notice, but we must, however, do little more than simply name them. Mr. Chas. Radcliffe (Wellgate), who was for many years a Sunday school superintendent; Mr. Thomas Hayhurst (King Lane), whose office was to conduct people to their seats in the chapel; Mr. Robert Hargreaves (grocer), whose earnestness was manifested by various ejaculations during prayers and preaching, his seat being close beneath, the pulpit. Mr. George Sellers, who was the Sunday school superintendent, was a devoted man, and an ardent temperance worker. Mr. Edward Lord (bookbinder), who also practiced in a quiet sort of way as an amateur doctor, was a man of ■note. Mr James Wilkinson (Low Moor), Mr. Ralph Whitta­ ker (Shaw Bridge), Mr. Thomas Gill (Wellgate), Mr. James Bowker (York Street), Mr. Henry Whittaker (local preacher), Mr. Wm. Hodgkinson (Castle Foot), Mr. James Fielding (printer), and many others were men of zeal and distinctly CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 195 useful in their various spheres. The Circuit Stewards are Mr. A. D. Fairweather, and Mr. W. J. Harrison (Whalley); Foreign Missionary Society Secretaries, Rev. J. E. Halford and Mr. P. H. Fielding ; Treasurer, Mr. R. D. Clegg; Treasurer for Auxiliary Fund, Mr. Thomas Whalley (Whalley); Circuit Chapel Secretary, Mr. J. A. Parker, J.P.; Local Preachers’ Meeting Secretary, Mr. F. Davies (Whalley); Local Preachers’ Conveyance Fund, Treasurer, Mr. A. D. Fairweather, Secretary, Mr. R. D. Clegg; Educational, Circuit, Temperance, and 20th Cen ­ tury Fund Secretary x Rev. A. F. Robb (Chatbum); Quar­ terly Meeting Secretary, Mr. J. Bowker. UNITED METHODIST FREE CHURCH. In attempting the account of the progress during the last fifty years of this church, I cannot, perhaps, do better than touch upon its origin and so give an extract from a memor­ andum book kindly lent me, which book was in the handwriting of the late Mr. John Broadley. “ September, 26, 1866. “ December 4, 1835. Expelled from old Body. Continu­ ed in the old school until March, 1836. When we were locked out most of the teachers and scholars went with us to the Swan room. (This room, by the way, was behind the Swan, not in it). We applied to the Committee of the Bumlev Protestant Methodists for the use of the Tabernacle, Moor Lane, and our request was granted. We continued to use both places until we removed to our present school, Moor Lane, October 28, 1837.” He goes on to say in the same paper: “ Chapel opened June 3, 1838. Number of male teachers at commencement, 36, number of female teachers 26, total 62.” After giving numerous statistics he states: “ Emigrat­ ed : to America 34 males, 16 females, total 50; to Australia, total 27; removed to different parts 305 ; town missionaries 3; temperance missionaries 1; local preachers 17; travelling preachers 6; Church Parson 1,— public men 28.” They lost little time after they did secede, for in 1836 194 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. would rise early on the Sunday, and his good wife would see well to it that he had his favourite meal— buttered toast. John best liked it when it was well soaked in butter, for, he used to say, “ let me have witchered buttercakes.” He often stayed for refreshment at old Mr. Lawson’s, of Dudlands, near Stopper Lane. Mr. Lawson was a rigid teetotaller, and had a detestation of tobacco smoke, and would suffer no one to enter his house to smoke. John Holden, how ­ ever, got his pipe out and was about charging it, when Mr. Lawson bid him go out into the fields if he wanted to smoke, and this he did, but afterwards returned. Mr. James Dugdale, late coachman at Well Hall, tells me he remembers some lively revival meetings, especially when Squire Brooks, of Dewsbury, and Squire Marsden, of Doncastery conducted them. The noise and tumult at times would compare favourably with the storming of Quebec. Mr. Dugdale vividly remembers Squire Brooks’ account of his conversion and his description of selling his horses, dogs, and guns that he might, as he said, “ obtain freedom,” and with his hand upon the pew door, Squire Brooks swung ‘t open in illustration of how he let loose his dogs. There were other worthy and remarkable characters who have gone to their rest, and who deserve more than a passing notice, but we must, however, do little more than simply name them. Mr. Chas. Radcliffe (Wellgate), who was for many years a Sunday school superintendent; Mr. Thomas Hayhurst (King Lane), whose office was to conduct people to their seats in the chapel; Mr. Robert Hargreaves (grocer), whose earnestness was manifested by various ejaculations during prayers and preaching, his seat being close beneath the pulpit Mr. George Sellers, who was the Sunday school superintendent, was a devoted man, and an ardent temperance worker. Mr. Edward Lord (bookbinder), who also practiced in a quiet sort of way as an amateur doctor, was a man of ■note. Mr James Wilkinson (Low Moor), Mr. Ralph Whitta­ ker (Shaw Bridge), Mr. Thomas Gill (Wellgate), Mr. James "Bowker (York Street), Mr. Henry Whittaker (local preacher), Mr. Wm. Hodgkinson (Castle Foot), Mr. James Fielding (printer), and many others were men of zeal and distinctly CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 195 useful in their various spheres. The Circuit Stewards are Mr. A. D. Fairweather, and Mr. W. J. Harrison (Whalley); Foreign Missionary Society Secretaries, Rev. J. E. Halford and Mr. P. H. Fielding; Treasurer, Mr. R. D. Clegg; Treasurer for Auxiliary Fund, Mr. Thomas Whalley (Whalley); Circuit Chapel Secretary, Mr. J. A. Parker, J.P.; Local Preachers’ Meeting Secretary, Mr. F. Davies (Whalley); Local Preachers’ Conveyance •Fund, Treasurer, Mr. A. D. Fairweather, Secretary, Mr. R. D. Clegg; Educational, Circuit, Temperance, and 20th Cen ­ tury Fund Secretary^ Rev. A. F. Robb (Chatbum); Quar­ terly Meeting Secretary, Mr. J. Bowker. UNITED METHODIST FREE CHURCH. In attempting the account of the progress during the last fifty years of this church, I cannot, perhaps, do better than touch upon its origin and so give an extract from a memor­ andum book kindly lent me, which book was in the handwriting of the late Mr. John Broadley. “ September, 26, 1866. “ December 4, 1835. Expelled from old Body. Continu­ ed in the old school until March, 1836. When we were locked out most of the teachers and scholars went with us to the Swan room. (This room, by the way, was behind the Swan, not in it). We applied to the Committee of the Bumlev Protestant Methodists for the use of the Tabernacle, Moor Lane, and our request was granted. We continued to use both places until we removed to our present school, Moor Lane, October 28, 1837.” He goes on to say in the same paper: “ Chapel opened June 3, 1838. Number of male teachers at commencement, 36, number of female teachers 26, total 62.” After giving numerous statistics he states: “ Emigrat­ ed : to America 34 males, 16 females, total 50; to Australia, total 27; removed to different parts 305; town missionaries 3; temperance missionaries 1; local preachers 17; travelling preachers 6; Church Parson 1,— public men 28.” They lost little time after they did secede, for in. 1836 196 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. they set about to build a chapel which was opened in 1838, and from the date of their expulsion on December 4th, 1835, they apparently used both the room behind the Swan and the Tabernacle in Moor Lane, until their new premises were ready, and in October, 1837, they got into their new school, and on June 3rd, 1838, occupied their chapel for the first time. The money for the building of the chapel was principally raised upon what were called ^5 shares. These shares wer* to bear no interest, and the repayment was to come out of the rents of the sittings. In course of time the debt was extinguished, but it is to the great credit of the shareholders that the extinction was largely due to the circumstance tliat they voluntarily cancelled their shares. The interior of the first chapel was of the amphitheatre style. It was built by Mr. James Frankland, of Bolton-byBowland, (cousin of Mrs. Thos. Ormerod), and he was also the architect. The foundation stone was laid by the first minister of the chapel, the Rev. Edwin Whatmough. Mr. Whatmough resided in one of the three houses opposite Mr. Hardacre ’s, in Parson Lane. He was the first of a list of twenty-five ministers who have held the rostrum at Moor Lane Chapel, a complete list of which we give : 1861 Rev. C. R. Hopper 1836 Rev. E. Whatmough 1862 „ W. C. Stocker. 1837 „ J. Worrall 1865 „ E. Askew „ Edward Wright 1840 „ J. W. Gilchrist. 1868 „ J. W. Gilchrist 1841 „ E. Browning. 1870 1843 „ Joseph Townend 1873 „ J. Slack „ Wm. Jackson 1845 „ O. Greenwood 1876 1848 „ M. Beswick „ W. L. Roberts 1880 1850 „ S. Lambrick „ J. Taylor 1883 „ T. W. Pearson 1851 „ B. J. H. Shaw 1889 1854 „ W. Middleton „ A. Winfield 1893 „ J. Cartwright 1856 1894 „ J. Sarvent 1859 „ T. W. Townend 1897 Rev. F. Galpin. Mr. Galpin, who was born in London, is a veteran Mission­ ary, having seen nearly 30 years’ service at Ningpo, Mid ­ China, his failing health compelling him. to return tc his M CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 197 native land. In May last, Mr. Galpin, as a delegate, attend­ ed the Ecumenical Congress of Foreign Missions held in New York. Mr. Whatmough, the first minister,was followed by the Rev. J. Worrall, and he is recollected by many even yet as a most eloquent and pathetic preacher. His first sermon was from the text, “ Comest.thou peaceably? yea, Lord, peace­ ably I come to thee.” Mr. Worrall had also been the Wes­ leyan minister at Clitheroe for years, and not unlikely is :t, therefore, that this text was in some way significant of his transference to the Wesleyan Methodists Association, as he was not one of the original body who came out in the seces­ sion of 1835. He was a very emotional preacher, so much so, that it was with difficulty he got through his sermons, and in his first sermon from the text to which we have alluded, he sobbed and wept to such an extent that he completely broke down and came to a stand-still. In the pulpit, along with him, was William Brown, and he was a local preacher, and in order to give Mr. Worrall a chance of getting com ­ mand of himself, William again “lined ” out the hymn: “Lord, help me to come unto Thee, That now and hereafter I happy may be.” There was a vast amout of zeal in that old Methodism, and their declamatory mode of preaching, we rather think, would amaze the younger end of Nonconformity of the prese. ?t day. Their style was fiery in the extreme, and especially so at the revival services which were held at intervals. Here the volleys of ‘Amen ’ and ‘Hallelujah ’ were continuous, and with ejaculations of all kinds, and gestures of the Minister, mixed with a good deal more thumping of the cushion than now a days, worked the hearers to a corresponding pitch of excitement, until they too took part in the beating of the pews and forms. One of my informants says his grandmother actually broke a form by her vehement approval of the minister’s words. She also was well qualified to hold forth for herself. Billy Brown’s place was at Low Moor, where there was also a branch of the Wesleyan Methodist Association, but his presence in Clitheroe might be accounted for by the cir- 198 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. cnmstance that there would then be no evening service at Low Moor. On the other hand, of course, the reception of a new minister might possibly have been the reason for atten­ dance, even at the morning service. Camp Meetings were then events of more frequency than now. They were held on Salt Hill for the most part, and open air meetings were held in the streets. These frequent­ ly resulted in some one or more being “ brought in,’’ as the term was. It is the present day equivalent to conversionThere was cne very memorable conversion,— that of James Clitheroe. He was a printer at Primrose, and was in addition a lawless kind of character. But at one time he heard a blind man preach in front of the tabernacle in Moor Lane, and this was the end of him as an outward characterlie was a great sportsman, and kept game cocks, with which he fought; he had also a bear for baiting purposes. But he became so convinced that he was on the wrong course, that he went home and in order to put temptation out of the way, went to the runs of the birds and incapacitated them for fighting purposes, by screwing their necks round. It was Mr. Elijah Cook who gave us the story, and he perfectly well remembers seeing the bear baited over Brunegrley Holme. He was a little boy at the time he says, and he recollects seeing several little dogs attacking the bear and nimbly getting out of the grasp of its paws, but one larger dog got in the grip and was no more. Upon an endeavour to leam what became of the bear, Mr. James Hargreaves came to our rescue, and he opened up further associations, by telling us that the bear was not the property of James Clitheroe It belonged to a character at Preston, known as Touch Duckworth. Touch used to ’et out his bear on the hire system for baiting purposes, and it found its way to many places. The man Clitheroe used to preach some specially Yood sermons, and from such subjects as “ the barley cake,” ‘ Dry bones,” and such out of the way texts. But unfortunately, poor James was not to be depended upon for being at concert pitch, and it was not a certainty that even after his promise, would come fulfillment. A notable case was when he was CLITHEROE. IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 199 once fixed to preach at Downham, afternoon and evening, and in the afternoon he gave them a stirring sermon, having for his text, “ Shall such a man as I flee,” but in the evening he had put his preaching into practice, and the point of his seem n was a vanishing point. This, however, was prior to the year 1835, and James Clitheroe was a zealous member ,l o ‘ th ‘ owd body,” a very earnest preacher, and died much respected. Upon one occasion, which is another instance of the fervour of the times, he was so wrought upon by the Spirit that he had some kind of seizure, and lay unconscious for twenty minutes in the Wesley Chapel. There was more heard also of Love Feasts, which was a breaking up and distributing of bread, to which water was drunk out of pint pots. None but Church members were admitted at that time, and for this they held quarterley tick ­ ets. The Love Feasts were on Sunday afternoons, and one member after another got up and gave their experiences. Amongst the leaders, or prominent members of the Chap ­ el were, Ormerod Stout, (one of the original trustees, and held a similar position at the Wesley Chapel), Thomas Fiel­ ding, Thomas Bentley, John Broadley, Thomas Atkinson, Edward Whipp, senior, who was the treasurer, Thomas Bar­ ker, (he became a minister after leaving Clitheroe), John Hayhurst, John Briggs, William Hargreaves. Fielding and Bentley, by the way, were block printers,and ran the Bridgewater mill, in Duck Street. No triflers were these with relig­ ion,* for them was no path between the broad one that leads to destruction, and the narrow one that terminates at eternal happiness; for them was there no necessity to stimulate in ­ terest in the work of the Sunday School or Chapel, by the artificial aids of Cricket Clubs or News Rooms or Recreation Rooms, for on Christmas Day, 1858,they passed this resol­ ution, and it is entered into the memorandum book to which we made early reference, and which also acted as a minute book :— “ Resolved, that should any of our teachers become assoc­ iated with Cricket Clubs or Dancing Clubs, or are guilty of practicing draughts, dominoes, cards, or any of the foolish or degrading customs which darken the mind, and lead the 200 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. heart away from God, shall be considered no longer teachers among us." Within the last two or three years at this very school, the Superintendents and other leaders decided to open a news­ room, and have provided their young men and lads with the abhorred dominoes and draughts, with the idea of keeping them from seeking the same games and worse at other places where their supervision would become impossible. Since then, however, we hear that the dominoes have been aband ­ oned. The same book was at one time a strict account of all the School and Church membership in alphabetical form, and the date of leaving, and very amusing some of them are. One of them is tersely summed up in the phrase “ moon ­ light flit’ Another was ‘Pettish,’ ‘ Want of confidence/ was the cause of another straying, though, truth to tell, he had only given three months in which the good people might work up his confidence. One appears to have gone over to the Church, and the cause of lbs leaving is put down as “ Loaves and fishes,” and another is put down as ‘ triflers. One became a latter day saint. Amongst women the pre­ vailing cause of defection was marriage. The spiritual conidtion of the dead was entered many a time as “ Happy Death,’ ‘ Died hopeful,’ etc., and while one removed to Scot­ land in one instance, the next removed to Heaven. Their annual meetings, or, at any rate, the meetings at which new rules were formulated, or old ones altered, were held upon Christmas Day almost as a regular thing. At One time, teachers’ classes had been formed by resolution, and then follows this remark : : “ Met for a few weeks, but teachers fell off who needed it most.” Turning back again to the old document of Mr. John Broadley, let us draw attention to another matter which may otherwise escape attention. He says that up to the date cf ■writing (September 26th, 1866,) there had been uoon the books, in all, 631 teachers, 152 of those had died, and there were at the time of writing, 97 still on the books, thus 249 are accounted for iu those directions, but then, he says that the emigrations and removals claim no fewer than 382, and CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 201 this in 30 years. The problem that will interest the reader in the solving, is to determine what could have been the result upon the removals generally, if Moor Lane Chapel could lose in that way, some two thirds of its congregation. Certainly, during this time there were at least two disturbing elements, the stoppage of Primrose in 1851, the effect of which must have been disastrous indeed, and the gold fields of Australia induced numbers of others to seek their fortunes away, though, indeed, the number was doubled, by emigrat­ ions to America- Love of change does not appear to have extended itself to Moor Lane Chapel to such an extent as to make them sigh for a fresh preacher yearly for the School Sermons. The Rev. S. S. Barton filled the pulpit for them thirty four years, and discontinued only five yearse ago. Rather curiously, the Rev. Robt. Eckett, whose name we mentioned earlier, was to have preached the School Sermons, now 39 years ago, but at the last moment, from some una ­ voidable reason, was unable to come and' he sent Mr. Barton as a substitute. The congregation liked him so well, that they never took anyone else afterwards, save on one occasion when Mr. Barton through illness was unable to attend. Coming now to more modem history, we will summarise this by saying that the old Chapel was pulled down and the new one erected upon the same site. It was opened in Sep ­ tember, 1887, and its cost, inclusive of the organ was ^5,200 The organ was the work of Messrs. Laycock and Bannister, of CrosshiHs, and it cost ^oOO. j£3,000 of the debt had been cleared off as early as March in 1888, by bazaars and other means. The exterior of the Chapel especially the front, is noble in its design, and the interior is ample in convenience and comfort. Three years ago, a handsome mural tablet was placed in tK e chapel, by the Whipp family in memory of two loved ones who were worthy members of the chapel, and like the rest of the family had done much in their day for every good cause, and not least— the Good Samaritan Society, con­ nected with the place. We give the wording of the inscrip, tion on the tablet which reveals a sad event in the history. 202 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. not only of the Whipp family, but of the Moor Lane Chapel: “ In Loving Memory of Frederick Walker Whipp, aged 34 years, and Walter Walker Whipp, aged 30 years, youngest sons of James and Mary Whipp, MiPthome, Clitheroe. “ They were drowned near Ushant by the foundering of the Steamship “ Drummond Castle,” on June 16th, 1896, when returning home from South Africa, and their remains are interred at Brest.’’ “ In death they were not divided.” Another beloved brother, Mr. William Whipp, died on Xmas morning, 1899. His funeral was of a public character and largely indicated the respect in which he was held throughout the town for his public benefactions. The organists at Moor Lane Chapel have presided in the following order: Miss Grace Whittaker, Professor Tatter­ sall, Mr. Richard Robinson, Mr. Ezekiel Sutton, and Mr. J. W. Hayhurst, the present organist, who has held the appoint­ ment, since 1870, with the exception of about 18 months during which he acted as Choirmaster only, the post jf organist during that period being successively held by Messrs. Jas. Hail, Robt. Whipp, and John Hall. The Circuit officers are as under: Stewards, Mr. James S. Cook, (School Terrace), Mr. Jackson, (Eshton Terrace); Secretary to the Circuit Quarterly Meeting, Mr. C. R. Har­ greaves, (Parson Lane); Secretary to the Preachers’ Meet­ ing, Mr. Thos. Ormerod, (Moss Street). The Church Secre­ taries are as follows: Clitheroe, Mr. Moorhouse, (Brownlow Street); Low Moor, Mr. J. W. Blackbum, (West View); Bradford, Mr. John Edward Chester; Grindleton, Mr. Jas. Preston. There are within the Circuit, attached to Moor Lane Chapel, the following country chapels, viz., Low Moor, Grindleton, and West Bradford. The last-named was acquired from the Wesleyans in 1879, and was built in 1797. Owing to its remarkable age and historic interest, we give a view o ‘ this chapel. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 203 WEST BRADFORD CHAPEL. The late John Ashworth, author of “ Strange Tales,” etc., loved to visit this bethel, not only on account of th? serenity of its situation, but because his much loved wife, Miss Thornber, in her maiden days worshipped there. It is said that John Wesley, on the 16th April, 1790, passed through West Bradford, being on his way from Pres­ ton to Keighley. Sammy Hick, the famous village blacksmith, is said to have preached here in the Spring of 1827. THE PRIMITIVE METHODISTS, MOUNT ZION. The origin of their existence in this loc ’ity appears to have been about the year 1820. In or about the year 1836, the Rev. Thomas Hill, of Blackbum, a man of extra­ ordinary zeal, attempted to mission Clitheroe and the places 204 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. intervening it and Blackbum. He started out on foot, singing and preaching along the road until he reached the old Borough, and having spent his energies he set out in the evening, footsore, weary, and hungry, for Blackbum. At Barrow he met two men, Mr. Rd. Roberts (father of our ex-Mayor), and Mr. Alex. Roberts, his gandfather. Address­ ing Alex., he asked if he could lend him sixpence. He explained that he was a Primitive Methodist minister, and was benighted ; he had not broken his fast since morning, and that he had been labouring in Clitheroe and district all day, and was returning home to Blackbum. Mr. Roberts replied, “ I have no money about me. I am a poor man, but if you will return to our house I’ll find you a good supper, a bed, and a breakfast.” This offer was gratefully accepted, and the itenerant went along with them to the home of his entertainer in Barrow, and after partaking of the poor man ’s hospitality he was much renewed, and the humble cottage soon resounded with voices engaged in earn ­ est prayer, and praise, followed by preaching. Primitive Methodism, through this, got a foothold in Cli­ theroe, and ultimately a small chapel was built in Lowergate, right opposite Mr. A. Roberts’ present shop. They were not here long before they experienced a keen sorrow. They were but few in number, and poor, and they had ^100 mortgage on the premises, and the mortgagee threatened to foreclose. But rather than have their premises sold by the mortgagee, they arranged with Daniel McCormick to pay off the mortgagee and he built them a room above theirfformer one, charging them a rent of ^2 10s. per annum for its use. This “ upper room ” was the birthplace of manv a precious soul, and it is remembered with grateful affection by many even in this day. In this room a Sunday School existed, and in addition to Bible reading, writing was taught by Henry Cross, a spinner, who was always called “ the Writing Master.” Here the Primitive Methodists began to prosper and ex­ tend, and ultimately a tender branch sprang up at Low Moor, which at the hands of dear old “ Billy ” Wilson was so tended as to bud, blossom, and yield good fruit. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 205 The Rev. John Verity, a notorious preacher fro nr Black ­ burn, was at one time preaching at Low Moor. After the service, and during a prayer meeting, someone struck up the hymn — “ I’ve got a sweet hope Of glory in my souL ’ He interrupted the singing, which was being heartily joined in, and said, “ Stop I some of you are singing ‘ lies.’ Let’s sing it like this— “ I w a n t the sweet hope Of glory in my soul.” They repeated it as desired, and Verity exclaimed, “That’s it 1’ At Barrow, also, in a cottage in the old row, some eight or nine doors down on the left hand side, was a preaching room. In those days, during sermon time, such was the burning earnestness of their preachers when declaiming, that it was most uncertain when the discourse would end. “ Time,” with them was not “ the essence of the contract.” With the Psalmist they could say, “ My zeal hath consumed me.” Upon one occasion, it is said that one of these preach ­ ers, when holding forth at Barrow, was so unmindful of the flight of time that the coach, by which he had to travel, was quickly approaching, and upon hearing it, he rushed out of the pulpit, and when passing out exclaimed, “ John (Booth), give out the hymn the coach is coming!” Mr. Aiderman Roberts possesses a book which he prizes very highly, and which contains the “ General minutes of Conference of the Primitive Methodist Connexion held at Seotter, in Lincolnshire, May 14th, 1829.” We extract the following, which serves to indicate the very definite opinions promulgated on certain important matters. “ The rule respecting visiting five families a day is entirely repealed, it being made when we had many tobacco smokers, but it was of no effect It did not waken them from their indolence, and our useful preachers who have not brought on slothful habits by means of tobacco smoking, are able to visit twenty families a day and upwards. It was further urged that “ Tobacco smoking, by inducing 206 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY PAYS slothful habits, disposes the body to afflictions.” In their combined wisdom they recommend “ that if a preacher be troubled with the wind, a better remedy than tobacco was the smoking of camomile flowers, and a still better was io swallow a small spoonful of mustard seeds, and drink a little water afterwards. This is a line remedy. It expels the wind, comforts the stomach, and wholly sets aside all need of tobacco, and that every person troubled with the wind should constantly carry some mustard seed with him.’’ One of the districts recommended “ the preachers to furnish themselves with Mr. Wesley ’s Primitive Physic, and imitate the heads of families in regard of afflictions.” The Primitive Methodists had a resident minister here in 1827,the Rev. Joseph Buckle, but soon after this date he resigned, and for nearly fifty years the pulpit was filled oy “ locals ” and itinerants, and supplies from the Haslingden and Foxhill Bank Circuits. The resignation of their minis­ ter caused them to dwindle in numbers for a time, but a revival of religion ultimately set in and their congregation was more than restored to them. In the year 1829 the number “ in Society ” at Clitheroe was 103, and the amount contributed to the Contingent Fund was 8s. 7d. We thus see that at this period they were a small body, but possessing leaders of indomitable will they held their own, and although suffering at various times much persecution, they have become throughout the country a very estimable body. The real pioneers of their cause in this district were John Booth (father of Mr. Amos Booth), Alexander Roberts (grandfather of our ex-Mayor),William Wilson and Thomas Sutton, both of Low Moor. In 1876, Clitheroe became a mission station, and in 1883 formed a separate circuit. A very devoted worker was William Robinson, better known as “ Billy Hobbs.” He was a greengrocer, and residei in Moor Lane, and is one of the characters figuring in “'The Old Coaching Days.” William was a local preacher, and often when pleading with sinners from the pulpit, tears would course down his cheeks. He was a very quaint and peculiar man, and much respected. One of his favourite CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 207 hymns was:— “ Come friends and relations Let’s join heart and hand, The voice of the turtle Is heard in our land; Let’s all walk together And follow the sound, We’ll march to the place Where redemption is found.’* He had a unique style of announcement, and in voice most rare would call aloud, “ Hymn number 7 i’ th ’ smoa book ; pertickled meter!” (P.M.) Another hymn he loved to have was “ Come ye who love the Lord, And feel His quickening power; Unite with one accord His goodness to adore.” This he announced as “ Hymn number 13, large book; trumpet meter!” (T.M.) According to the testimony of several, the most remark­ able of the travelling preachers who visited these parts was a Mr. Mellalieu, who was supposed to be a Frenchman, and was a most original and eccentric character, and gave quite a dramatic effect to his discourses. His visits were ^oked forward to with eager delight He preached a very famous sermon on one occasion from the words, “ Buy the truth and sell it not.” On another visit he remarked that “ confidence in an unfaithful friend in time of trouble was like a broken tooth or a foot out of joint, and if any of you have the toothache unadulterated, you will have an idea what an unfaithful friend is.” He also observed that our " Strength is in sitting still.” In depicting, on another oc­ casion, the Prophet Jeremiah cast in the pit, after describing Ebed-Melech at the top of the pit ready to rescue him, he gave peculiar effect to the scene by his mimicry of Jeremiah who, he said, cried aloud, “ Send down rotten clouts.*’ Ebed-Melech answered, “ What do you want them for?” Jeremiah replied, “To put in my arm-pits, so that the ropes won ’t hurt me.” A sermon on another occasion was based 208 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. upon Psalm 55, verses 6 and 7, "Oh. that I had wings like a dove 1 for then, would I fly away and be at rest. Lo . then would I wander afar off, and remain in the wilderness. He exclaimed, “ Here’s a man, strangely made, and he wants wings What for? To fly into the wilderness.’ He then MOUNT ZION CHAPEL. entered into an eloquent and graphic description of the wilderness, with the object of showing what an undesirable place it was to rest in. Another visit of this famous preacher was advertised by placards on the walls- The sub ­ ject of his sermon was “Three of a family.” There was much guessing as to the three Bible characters. Some sup ­ CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 209 posed they must be Martha, Mary, and Lazarus ; indeed, various names were guessed, but the three were set forth in the 15th of St. Luke, “A certain man had two sons.”— “ And enoo, too, o ’ th ’ sort!” ejaculated the preacher, “ for one turned out a harem-scarem.” Their “ love-feasts,” too, were most eventful times. This ordinance had a semblance of the Sacrament, but instead of wine being drunk, water was poured out and served in pint pots. These love feasts were the very acme of spiritual bliss to some souls, and on no occasion would they miss them if human contrivance availed. An old woman, on one occasion, walked from Blackburn in clogs, wearing a linsey-woolsey skirt with a shawl over her head, for the mere purpose of attending the love feast The fiery zeal of the Primitives of fifty years ago was such that woe bedded the minister who proved indolent or indif­ ferent to the welfare of the flock. His negligence would not be long unnoticed. It is related that a certain Primitive Methodist minister, who was by no means an idler, was com ­ plained about at a circuit meeting. It was alleged he had not paid a visit for a considerable time at the house of a discontent- The minister, who was present, resented the somewhat ill-natured way in which the matter was broached, and said that so many and great were his duties that lie could only promise the grumbler a visit at a very late hour of the night, and that, after a heavy day ’s work. “ Well,” said the complainer, “ I would be glad of a visit, whatever the hour, as I would like to have prayer.” Ultimately, the minister gave him a call, but the time was the bewitch­ ing hour of midnight. He rapped at the door and found all in bed. The murmuring one pooped his head out of the window, and the wearied pastor begged of him to hasten down, which he did, so quickly that he but partially dressed himself. The minister then said, “ You wished for a visit: I am giving you one, at the close of the duties of the day.” They then knelt down and the minister prayed long and loud ; indeed, much too long for the pessimist who by this time was shivering and earnestly desiring to return to his warm nest But the minister was determined to cure this 210 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. case, so he administered a drastic dose which had the desired effect One of the stirring events of these early days was the visit of a boy preacher named Joel Hodgson, who was only 14 years of age. The premises of the Primitive Methodists at that time being altogether too small for such an extra­ ordinary congregation as was attracted by the novelty of a juvenile preacher, the Moor Lane Chapel was kindly set apart for them. The boy preacher was so small that in order to make him sufficiently visible above the pulpit, they placed a large box, or something like that, for him to stand upon. His text was a very extraordinary one for a youth to tackle, being the 7th chapter of Daniel, the 9th verse: “ 1 beheld till the Thrones and the Ancient of Days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool; His Throne was like the fiery flame and His wheels as burning fire.” My informant, the late Mrs. Hartley, Lowergate, who heard this boy preach, says he acquitted himself wonderfully well, and he became, and still is, a very renowned preacher. He :s or was, residing at Mexbro’, Yorkshire, and is superannu­ ated, being 70 years of age. The zeal of the Primitives was of so determined a char­ acter as not to be confined within the walls of the sanc­ tuary, and would be demonstrated in the open air, on the Fair ground, in the streets, fields, lanes, and hill-sides. Famous hill-side gatherings occurred annually on Salt Hill. These were termed “ Camp Meetings,” and I have been for­ tunate in discovering an advertisement of one of these events, which runs as follows: “ Camp Meeting, Clitheroe. The public are respectfully informed that on Sunday, August 5th, 1855, the Primitive Methodist Annual Camp Meeting will be held on Salt Hill, Clitheroe. The friends will mission throughout the town in the forenoon, and in the afternoon proceed direct to Salt Hill. N.B.— The procession will start from the Chapel, Moor Lane, at half-past nine a.m., and one o ’clock p-m.” Undoubtedly these camp meetings had much to do with CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 211 the spiritual life of the people, and tended largely to the ultimate increase of their congregations, and attracted people from such great distances as Blackbum, Haslingden, and Foxhill Bank Circuits, from whence they came in carts. On these occasions, women would harangue the multitude. One of the preachers was a Mrs. Lever, of Blackbum, who is well remembered. Travelling preachers, as well as “ locals” from distant places came to the annual camp meeting, which was nothing less than a Red-Letter Day in the annals of the old town. An extraordinary preacher was Charles Eastwood, a local from Foxhill Bank Circuit. He used to attend these camp meetings. Preaching on Salt Hill, he said, “ They call us Ranters, but I wouldn ’t care if ‘ Ranter ’ was written on my back.” After preaching on Salt Hill one Sunday, he was killed on the following Wednesday by his horse and cart. He was a greengrocer and also a bell-man at Accrington. The Primitives of to-day afford a striking contrast to those of 50 or even 30 years ago. It is well within the writer's memory how boisterous were their revival services and prayer meetings, especially when prayer after prayer, like a cordon of fire, was kept up, and volley after volley of ‘ Hal­ lelujahs,’ ‘Amens,’ ‘ Glories,’ and such ejaculations were uttered in rapid succession, these so loudly as to be heard several streets away, attracting irreverent as well as devout ones to enter the sacred place. Some “ who came to scoff, remained to pray.” Several times within recent years has the writer attended their chapel and been wonderfully impressed with the con ­ trast in their present day mode of worship to that of some thirty years ago, more particularly so when the Mayor and Corporation attended Divine service at Mount Zion in Nov ­ ember, 1897. Had I been a stranger and in ignorance of the particular sect worshipping there, I should not have sus­ pected that they belonged to that remembered Primitive body which worshipped at Shaw Bridge in days of yore. There was on this, as well as other recent occasions, an utter absence of ejaculations. The singing was of a hearty but refined character; the demeanour of the worshippers was 212 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. calm and undemonstrative. The sermon delivered by their good pastor, the Rev. H. L. Herod, was of such a character as to accentuate the points of difference alluded to. The discourse was based upon the flight of Elijah to Mount Horeb, and the visitation by the Almighty. Having for­ cibly alluded to the great and strong wind which rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks, followed by earth­ quake and fire, he reminded his hearers that the Lord was not in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but in “ the still, small voice,” and from this incident, with much logical power, he adduced the fact that the mightiest forces in the natural, physical, and spiritual world are usually unaccompanied by noise. That the earlier Primitives were sincere and wonderfully in earnest there can be little doubt. Religion with them was a great reality. Conversing some time ago with a Primitive Methodist, I asked him if he had noticed the marked contrast in the modes of worship of to-day with those of former years. He said he had, and observed that there was much more spiritual life forty years ago amongst the various Methodists than there is to-day, and that he thought there was very little spiritual life in any of the churches or chapels in the town at the present time. We give a list of the ministers of this chapel, with the length of their service, where possible. The Rev. Charles Buckle, 1829. The Rev. John Graham, a supernumerary, came in 1873, and was the first resident minister they had since 1829, a period of 44 years. He remained till 1876. The Rev. Wm. Birks was here from 1876 to 1878. He was a good preacher and contributed acceptable items to magazines. The Rev. George Stansfield (1878 — 1880), was a fine old character. He resided with his daughter in Eshton Terrace, was well liked, and was much attached to the place and the people. He was regarded as a pioneer of the Connexion. On account of his extraordinary zeal in street preaching he was imprisoned in Bedford Gaol. Whilst sitting in the CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 213 darkness of the dungeon he sang— “ In darkest shade, if Thou appear, My dawning has begun; Thou art my soul’s bright morning star, And Thou my rising sun.” The Rev. Daniel Neilson (1880 — 1882). Mr. Neilson proved a very worthy minister and excellent preacherHe was a man of letters, and ultimately became Doctor of Divinity. While he was in Clitheroe he studied for his M.A., and often expressed his gratitude for the special kind ­ ness shown him by the late Rev. E. Boden, of the Grammar School, and the late Rev. W. Walbran, of Pendleton. Mr. Neilson was also an excellent lecturer. The Rev. Charles Harrison (1882 — 1887), was a clever pieacher, and was designated “ the Spurgeon of the North.” During his stay the present handsome chapel, Mount Zion, was built at a cost of a little over ^3,000. He is now residing at Red Hill, Surrey. The Rev. Wm. Huffington (1887 — 1891). Mr. Huffington was a very genial man, a good visitor and preacher, and raised considerable sums of money. The Rev. James Jackson (1891-1894). Mr. Jackson was a faithful pastor, and well appreciated. When visiting, if anyone began to deal in scandal and gossip, he would say : “ May I tell the person what you say, or shall I allude to ’t from the pulpit? ” This would, of course, be met with an emphatic “ No! oh no!” He would then say. “ Let me have no tattling; I cannot do with it.” He removed from Cli­ theroe to Newcastle-on-Tyne, and is now at Barnard Castle, Durham. In the year 1897 he was elected President of Conference. The Rev. George Bicheno (1894 — 1896). He was a very popular preacher, of an amiable disposition, and his removal was much regretted. He went to Haworth, near Keighley, but through failing health is at present seeking restoration of health, at his home in Bristol. Rev. Henry L. Herod (1896 — 9.) He is a native of Yar­ mouth, a true Christian gentleman, an able preacher, and 214 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. good worker. He has a wonderful vocabulary and his diction is of the choicest. Mr. Herod is now doing good work in Rochdale. The Rev. Joseph Waggot who closely followed Mr. Herod, came from Bognor, Surrey. He is a good visitor, an effec­ tive preacher, and has somewhat increased the Church membership. The following persons have been prominent members and zealous workers in connection with this society : William Robinson (“ Billy Hobbs ”), Thomas Sutton (LowMoor), William Wilson; (Low Moor), James Thornber (“ Owd Jemmy ” ), James Cross, Henry Cross (“ Writing Master”), Henry Haggas, Alexander Roberts, John Booth, Alexander Roberts (draper), Joshua Vernon, Fred Metcalfe, Thomas Parkinson, William Pownall (Low Moor), Richard Hanson, Richard Hartley, William Chew (Choir Master), Richard Roberts, John Bulcock, Richard Hilton, Jane Haggas, Elizabeth Parkinson, Luke Dewhurst, Thomas Keighley, A. Landles, John Orr, Joseph Wilson, John Preston, Joseph Langford, William Luker William Cross, Charles Coleman, George Coleman, Richard Hartley, D. M. Roberts, Richard Wooler, F. Coleman, James Riding, William Scott, Alexan­ der Hartley (organist), and George Booth (present Choir master). The oldest living members of the Society still attending are Mr. Richard Hilton and Mr. Abraham Roberts. Mr. Roberts has attended fifty-one Christmas tea parties without a single break. The oldest officers and teachers in the school at present are Mr. Abraham Roberts and Mr. George Booth. The present superintendents are Mr. A. Roberts and Mr. George Coleman; secretary, Mr. Frederick Stark. The Chapel Trustees: Messrs. A. Roberts, G. Booth, D. M. Roberts, R. Coleman, R. Wooler, W. Scott, F. Stark, A. Landles, T. Keighley, T. Green (deceased), Alexander Roberts (deceas­ ed), John Preston, Wm. Cross, J. L. Bailey, J. Orr, G. Ames (deceased), and W. Luker. In the year 1890, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts made a gift to the Chapel Trustees of the handsome organ which, whilst CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 215 adomirrg the pretty chapel, proves such a wonderful aid to the muscal praises of the sanctuary. The organ bears a brass plate, with the following inscription: “ Primitive Methodist Connexion. This organ was pre­ sented by Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Roberts to the Trustees of Mount Zion Chapel, Clitheroe. April, 1890. Rev. W. Huffington, Minister.” Is is worthy of note that notwithstanding the fact that this religious sect has existed in our midst for searly 80 years it never possessed a member of its congregation who attained to the exalted position of Mayor and Chief Magis­ trate until the year of Her Majesty ’s Diamond Jubilee (1897) when Mr. Aiderman Roberts was elevated to and creditably discharged the duties of that dignified office. The Choir masters of the above place of worship have not been numerous during the last, say, 40 or 50 year-*. Mr. Wm. Chew (now of Copster Green), was a choir master and was succeeded by thd late Mr. Alex. Roberts junr. Afterwards M l John Hartley took hold, and then came the present one, Mr. George Booth. Many can remember when no harmonium was In use, the only instrument being a bass fiddle played by Mr. Wm. Chew. Then a harmonium was introduced and played by Miss Roberts (now Mrs. Horrocks), who was succeeded by M l D. M. Roberts, afterwards by Mr. W. L. Booth. During Mr. Booth’s time the present organ was acquired and he was the first organist. Mr. A. Hartley, the present organist succeeded him. Mr. George Booth has discharged the duties of Secretary to Trust since 1869. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Clitheroe Congregational Church was first formed at Shaw Bridge, in March 1817. The Rev. William Vint, of Idle officiated on the occasion, when James Holland, Robert Mcllquh&m, and James Alexander were elected the first deacons. But this was not the beginning of independency here, as it is more than probable that the Rev. Thos. Jolly, who was ejected from Altham Church in 1662, did, in his 216 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. preaching tours in this part of the country, often collect congregations here as in other towns and villages. Previous to the building of the Chapel, students training for the ministry served here under the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, Principal of the Academy, then in Blackburn. It was from this place that that church invited the Rev. Jos. Wadsworth to be its first pastor, which he accepted, and commenced his labours in April, 1817, and was ordained n the following September when Dr. Fletcher expressed a very high opinion of him as a man well qualified to discharge the various duties faithfully, which his aifter life fully proved, as he was a deep thinker and an effective speaker. His discourses were so pointed, persuasive, and delivered with such earnestness, that the church prospered rapidly, and the congregation also, and a great many, before his decease and after, could rejoice in death through his counsels being blessed. Often local preachers came to hear him, feeling assured they would learn something that would be of service in their labours. For about three years he preached three sermon every Sunday but not having a strong constitution he was persuaded, after many solicitations, to give up the after­ noon service, which he did very relucantly. Toward the end of his ministry he often went to the school to give an address with other teachers, this plan, being adopted instead of a service in the chapel, and it was a feature greatly enjoyed by the scholars, as they were allowed to go home about 1 o ’clock instead of 5 as before. This was like a holiday and suited them better than marching twice to the chapel from the top of Water Street, where the school was built on land given by Mr. Thomas Brennand, of Wellgate, for a Sunday and Day School, early in the century. The first master, James Bold, gave up teaching to take the cashiership at the Primrose Print Works, which he held until his death by cholera in 1849. Goimr twice to the chapel was more than some of the boys enjoyed, and there was often a race, when the teacher’s eye was not on the watch, or when an opening presented itself. Mr. Wadsworth was a strong advocate for temperance and often urged the young especially to join the cause. For CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 217 about two years of his last labours, through, feeble health, he devoted all his energies to church duties, which came to a close in 1850. He was interred at the front of the chapel where he had laboured for over 33 years, much respected and deeply lamented by all who knew him. The first meeting connected with a place of worship was held in the school early in Mr. Wadsworth ’s ministry. The CLITHEROE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. after meetings at these times were addressed by the pastor and teachers, urging on to devotion and duty. Aged per­ sons also gave recitations of sacred pieces, many from the writings of the pastor. Soon after the opening of the new chapel, a project to commemorate the memory of Mr. Wadworth was thought of by the Messrs. Crossley, of Liverpool, who formerly wor­ 218 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. shipped in the old chapel, and who, with other old friends, desired to show their appreciation of his labours by plac­ ing a tablet inside the chapel, which reads: “ Sacred to the memory of the late Rev. Jos. Wadsworth, who was for more than 33 years the Pastor of the Con ­ gregational Church in this town, and who departed this ’ife March 18th, 1850, in the 58th year of his age. He was a man of sterling worth in every relation, his piety was sin­ cere and exemplary, and richly evangelical and instructive. Of a natural retiring disposition, he shrank from public notice, but in the sphere in which he moved he was a burn ­ ing and shining light, and by his ministry as well as his writings he was instrumental in bringing many to the saving knowledge of Christ. When removed by death his virtues were embalmed in the fond remembrances, not only of his family and people, but also of many others in this town and neighbourhood, and this tablet is erected by his friends as a testimony of their respect foe his worth.” “ The mem ­ ory of the just is blessed.” About the year 1831, a branch school was formed at Pimlico by Lawrence Pollard, in his mother’s house, but in time the scholars increased to such an extent as to cause a removal through the lobby to the bakehouse, afterwards to a room over the stables. Other teachers in turn gave regu­ lar assistance and conducted services in the afternoons. Mr. Pollard emigrated to America in 1839. A few weeks ago, the author had a conversation with an old and well-known character who had vivid recollections of his early school days at Pimlico, and especialy when it was at “ Cob Coil Hall.” Those days were not all sunshine for they had to contend with hardships and poverty which but few in these days can understand. He related a story which, I fear, would be spoiled if given in any other wav or style than that of my aged informant. He went on to say: “ My father’s addlings were varra uncertain, sometimes more and sometimes less, but he had sometimes as much as nine shillings a week to keep a wife and several little childer, an i’ them days it wor porridge an ’ porridge to it; It wor a treat if we could hev a change. One day we’d some mashed CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 219 prates to th ’ dinner, an ’ a girt ‘ dib hoil ’ i’ th ’ middle o ’th girt dish, an ’ boiling milk were powered into th ’ middle. We’d all on us big long spoons, an ’ all on us hed to eat out o ’th same dish, an ’ some an ’ flayed we wor o ’ missin’ wer share. In a bit a knock come to th ’ door, but noan on us wod attend to it for fear o ’ gettin a spoonful behint So my father jumps up an ’ bawls out, ‘ Here! every spoon up till I’ve seen to th ’ door!” ’ At Walker Fold, in Chaigeley, a school was conducted, and services held in the present building, and those attend ­ ing this place took a cake or two in their pockets. After the morning school they sat by the stove striving to eat them and then went to the trough to quench their thirst. When they were on their visiting tour they invited to the service the people of the district. But in 1845, Mr. John Bridge, Master of the British School, saw the trustees about this matter, and as their labours were voluntary and they had means, it resulted in fourpence a week being allowed for a cup of warm tea to the cake, at a farm-house in the fields. Services were also held at Wiswell. Many who took part in this work entered the ministry, several went abroad, and others to distant towns. A sick society connected with the church and Sunday school was established on March 10th, 1839. It has paid hundreds of pounds for sickness and death, and yet increases in wealth. For many years all the work connected with it was volun ­ tary, with a deep desire for its success, and it is thought to be the oldest society of its kind in the town. The Choir for thirty years was under the leadership of Mr. Jas. Baron, who was a good musician and who was con ­ sidered by people of musical ability the “A 1 ” muiscian for many miles around. He was very strict and would allow no irregularities or late arrivals at the services. He was often in his place fifteen or twenty minutes before the time of service, looking the hymns over and selecting tunes in unison with the words, and verses containing praise were rendered as such, and those of supplication softly and with feeling. If the last verse required force it got the full weight, as if a chorus, and if otherwise, almost a whisper. 220 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. He was well supported by Standen Hodgson with “ Old Isabel,’’ who was acknowledged to be a master, and when he drew the bow over her it was said that if the old instru­ ment could have spoken she would have uttered the words sung, as his touch on the strings gave such fine expres­ sion, and in choruses or anthems he would lean his head against the instrument and wrinkle his brow as if telling her a secret or asking a favour, and thus produced the ex ­ pression required. The choir were frequently asked to ren ­ der their services in other towns on special occasions, and were conveyed to their destination by the coaches. The Pastor to succeed Mr. Wadsworth was the Rev. Horrocks Cock, a man full of energy and “ go," highly cultured, and an excellent preacher. He maintained the position of the church and congregation to the height it had by this time attained. The stoppage of the Print Works at Primrose in 1854 was the cause of the greater part of the best workers and sup ­ porters of this church removing from the town, and was, of course, a great blow, in fact, the Congregational Church suffered more by this stoppage than any other place of worship in Clitheroe, and Mr. Cock having weak action of the heart decided to give up his charge. Just about this time the “ Blackbum Times ’’ newspaper was in its infancy, and making but slow progress. Mr. Cock, having once been connected with a daily paper, took charge of the editorial department of the Blackbum paper, and the “ Times ” began to make rapid progress, and gradually gained the position it now holds. Mr. Cock then took charge of the Congrega­ tional Church at Tockholes, afterwards receiving a call to a place of worship in the South of England. He was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas Rudd, B.A., who was a very active pastor. He worked earnestly with the young, who became greatly attached to him, and in this direction he greatly increased the numbers attending the church. He was invited to take the headmastership of Lewisham Institute, which he accepted in 1859. Next came the Rev. John Atkinson, and during the pas­ tor’s ministry the present church was built. The appeals for CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 221 subscriptions were begun, but hard times set in and contined to exist, so it was decided to let the matter rest until there was a brighter prospect in view, and the money col­ lected was put in the bank. In 1862 it was wanted with much more towards the new edifice being built, there being a heavy debt left on. This was more than the pastor could bear, and he decided to finish his ministry on the last Sun ­ day in June in the year 1864:. He was succeeded by the Rev. Jas. Place, of the Lanca ­ shire Independent College, in September, 1865. He ob­ tained a Curacy in the Established Church and gave up his Clitheroe appointment in 1870. He was succeeded by the Rev. John Trist in the Spring following, and he finished his work at the Congregational Church in December, 1872, having become a Unitarian. The church was supplied with students and ministers until April 1st, 1874:, when the Rev. David Clegg commenced his labours which eventually closed for a new sphere near Manchester in July of 1885. It was about this period that special sermons were being preached at the Congregational Chapel, the services being largely attended. The preacher was most eloquent and earnest and so operated on a worthy old Wesleyan as to cause him to ejaculate such sentences and expressions <s ‘ Praise Him!’ ‘Aye Lord!’ ‘ Hallelujah! ’ etc. A young man who was seated with his mother, not far away, frowned upon the good old man, for he thought this unseemly be ­ haviour. His mother rebuked him, saying, “ Thou doesn’t understand him, for it’s th ’ way as th ’ Methodists do.’’ The young man replied, “ It doesn ’t matter! When he ’s in Rome he should do as the Romans do.” Mr. Clegg ’s successor was the Rev. Chas. Waring, from 1886 to 1893, and in March, 1894, the present pastor, the Rev. Wilson Murray, took up duty. Mr. Murray is much respected, both by his own congregation and people outside it, being a zealous worker in all that pertains to the good of mankind, both spiritually and morally. The first organist was Mr. Booth, of the Manchester and County Bank, and on his removal to Burnley, Mr. Bennett 222 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. (now of Accrington) succeeded him. He was followed by Mr. G. A. Wilson, the present organist. Before the introduction of the new organ a harmonium was used, played by Mr. John Standing, King Street. The names of the choir masters since Mr. Baron (already alluded to), are, Mr. W. Wood, Mr. Geo. Howarth, Mr. W. R. Dugdale, Mr. Robinson, and Mr. G. A. Wilson. THE BAPTIST CHAPEL. Although there was no Baptist Chapel in Clitheroe :n 1839, there was at least o n e Baptist who had eight children born to him, and the question of their baptism as they one by one arrived was a matter which exercised him and his wife somewhat. The father, Robert Lambert, a tailor, wished them to be baptized by immersion, but the mother, being a member of the Church of England, would not sanction that form, consequently they remained unbaptized until the youngest child was 17 months old. The mother, however, took the matter in hand and had the eight children all bap­ tized together on the 20th January, 1839, at St. Mary’s Church, by the Rev. J. H. Anderton. Through the courtesy of the Rev. H. L. Bellhouse, I was permitted to inspect the register of these baptisms, and find the children’s names were William, Robert, John, James, Thomas, Daniel, Mary Ann, and Joseph, the oldest child being 17, and the youngest one year and five months old. The Baptist cause in Clitheroe was commenced in 1886 under the auspices and with the financial assistance of the Lancashire and Cheshire Association of Baptist Churches, and friends in connection with the Sabden Baptist Church, notably Mr. John Taylor, Mr. Wood, Mr. Chas. Laycock, and Mr. Robt Shaw being especially interested, and rendering much valuable service. Sunday school and meetings for public worship were held in the old Primitive Methodist Chapel, now the Salvation Army Hall. A church was formed, and the Rev. W. Carey Sage, of Rawdon College settled and was publicly recognis­ ed as pastor, June 5th, 1888. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS 223 At the commencement of 1889, the old Primtiive Meth­ odist Chapel was vacated, and services were held in he Liberal Club for a few months, the site of the present school­ room being secured October, 1889. The erection and fur­ nishing of the iron building cost ^420. CLITHEROE BAPTIST CHAPEL. The Rev. W. Carey Sage removed to St. Helen ’s, August, 1891, and the Rev. R. A. Boothman, of Rawdon College, was, after a short interval, invited to the pastorate which he held until December, 1896. The debt on the school-room, together with the cost of erecting the present class-rooms, was extinguished bv the proceeds of a bazaar held during Mr. Booth man ’s pastorate, a balance in hand remaining as the nucleus of a building fund. This has been increased by various minor efforts, and it is hoped that in the near future a sufficient sum will be 224 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. secured to justify the erection of a substantial chapel. Rev.. L. J. Shackleford, the present pastor, supplied the pul­ pit from January, and settled as pastor in March, 1897. Like the first two ministers he received his theological education at Rawdon College, under the tuition of Dr. S. G. Green, Professor T. G. Rooke, B. A., and Professor William Med­ ley, M.A. Entering the ministry at the close of 1879, ne settled as pastor of the Baptist Church, Ripley, Derbyshire. Five years later, at the invitation of the New Zealand Bap ­ tist Union, Mr. Shackleford relinquished his charge at Ripley and in 1884 sailed for New Zealand to undertake the over­ sight of the newly formed Baptist Church at Wanganui, in the North Island of New Zealand. During the time spent in this colony, some five years, Mr. Shackleford was ap ­ pointed editor of “ The New Zealand Baptist”— the official organ of the New Zealand Baptist Union, and occupied a place on the College, the Home, and the Foreign Mission Committees of the Union. In 1889 he accepted an invita­ tion to become minister of the Baptist Church at Norwood, Adelaide, South Australia, but after three years returned o England in consequence of domestic bereavement and the dangerous illness of his wife. Mr. Shackleford, like his predecessors, has been most en­ ergetic in his labours here, and it may be fairly said that the Baptists have so far been fortunate in possessing pas­ tors who have not lacked that sympathy and devotion to duty so needful to a struggling church in its earliest days. The choir master is Mr. W. R. Dugdale, who has held the post since their occupation of the present premises. The following persons have acted as organists or instrumentalists : Mr. Wm. Chippendale, Mrs. Carey Sage, Mr. Nathan Calverley, Miss Forrest (now Mrs. Cunningham), and Mr. Wm. Calverley. The present organist is Mr. John Hall. Down to about seven years ago a harmonium served as the instru ­ ment, which was presented by Mr. John Taylor, of Sabden. THE SALVATION ARMY. The establishment of this Army in Clitheroe was under peculiarly unfavourable circumstances. About the year 1881 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS 225 a man calling himself Captain Knowles brought with him a young woman, best known as “ Happy Pollie.” They were not connected with General Booth’s Army, but assumed the name of “ The Gospel Army.’’ They were looked upon as a bogus concern and attracted a fair amount of attention, insomuch that a “ Skeleton army,” designed to snuff out this innovation, was got up with Jacob Simpson as “ Captain.’’ When open.air meetings were being held, the Skeleton army would appear, and by singing,mock preaching, bluster and din, they had a sore time of it for a while, but ultim ­ ately they seemed to make headway, and for a time occupied the room in King Street, now the Orderly Room for our Volunteers. It was here that they enrolled that extra­ ordinary character James Halsall, better known as “ Any •Coal.” Captain Knowles ventured upon a big scheme to build a Gospel Hall in King Street, where the Post Office mow stands, and a prospectus was issued and the founda­ tions were laid, but the scheme came to nought, and the Captain took a hasty leave of old Clitheroe. A few years later the town was visited by a detachment of ihe Salvation Army (No. 1) from Bumley, accompanied by a well-known Clitheroe man named Frank Slinger, but there was such a deep down prejudice in Clitheroe that their visit seemed to meet with nothing but disfavour. The Salvation Army proper was established in the town on the 19th January, 1889, when a crowded and lively meet­ ing was conducted in the old Primitive Methodist Chapel, Shaw Bridge Street, after parading the town headed by a brass band from Corps No. 1, Blackbum. The officers were Captains Fleming and Churchill and Lieut. Sawyer, and it is estimated that nearly 300 souls were brought to the penitent form in the first year. The Army has continued with varying success down *o the present day and does not contend with any opposition but receives friendly recognition on all hands. For some years it possessed a brass band, conducted by Mr. Robert Calverley, but through the operatives’ strike of 1897, it was broken' up. The present officers, Captain Harman arid Lieut Bancroft, are a credit to the Army, and their departure o 226 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS* will be the cause of sorrow in our town. WATERLOO WESLEYAN CHAPEK The opening of the old school in the cottage, 17, South Street, on the 9th February, 1873, was attended with many difficulties and dangers. One Sunday school teacher, now a Wesleyan minister, was stoned so furiously by a number of youths that he had to take refuge abruptly in a house hard byAn earnest worker, now in Birmingham, went out as usual in search of scholars of any age, and being well aware of the haunts of a number of Sabbath-breaking young men accordingly went to a haystack in Mr.. S. Speak ’s “ Flat Meadow,” where he found about half a dozen young men well “ bottled ’’ as usual. He pleaded with them to attend, the school, and spoke earnestly about their evil course of life, but abuse was the only response he could get for his efforts. He then left, and in about half an hour returned once more, and finding them asleep, stealthily removed their liquor bottle. When the men awoke from their heavy slumbers they were terribly concerned to find the precious (?) bottle had taken to itself wings. They immediately went and accosted the Methodist who admitted that he had let the drink flow into a safer place than their throats, and told them where the broken bottle was. Of course, they poured out their anathemas upon him, but it is gratifying to know that ultimately one of their number, who related this incident to me, was convinced of the error of his way, and became a bright and useful Christian, served two terms as superin ­ tendent in the school, and is still a Sunday school teacher. The following persons were some of the chief workers at the commencement: Thos. Smith, Robert Worswick, Thos„ Barrett, Wm. Blackbum, Robert Pickles, Hy. Carus, Robin­ son Lang, W. Swan, G. Jackson, Daniel Jackson, T. Johnson Wm. Dawson, Hy. Boothman, John Hitchen, C. Martin-, Benjamin Hopkinson, Harriet Smith, Sarah Dawson, Ann Hanson, Susanmah Blackburn, Margaret Lord, Miss A. Hornby (daughter of Rev. J. Hornby), and Miss Sagar. Mr. Blackbum used to sally forth on a Sunday morning in search of scholars, and delighted to have them, regardless. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS 227 of age, and sometimes he would make a house to house visit for the purpose. He entered a house up the “ Back Alley ” in search of a boy, the son of a quarryman who was much given to drink. After pleading with the mother to send the boy to school, he was not a little surprised to see the infuriat­ ed father appear on the scene in his shirt and brandishing a clasp knife, declaring he would plunge it into him if he did not clear out at once. His flaming eyes told he was in dreadful earnest. The Sunday school teacher addressed him in gentle and persuasive tones, but his anger was unabated. Mr. Blackburn then said, “ Will you please allow me two ^r three minutes until I can talk to my Heavenly Father? ’’ The teacher then fell upon his knees, and with, overflowing heart prayed with great fervour and natural eloquence. After pouring out his soul in prayer such a fortitude possessed him that he rose to his feet, bared his throat and said, “Now then, I’m ready !’’ but the heart of the enraged delfman had been reached — his knife dropped through his fingers to the floor, and the lion became a lamb, for he assured the teacher in kindest tones that his door would any time be open to him — he could come any time and welcome. The boy was sought for and sent to school, became soundly converted and subsequently was a teacher and died a very' happy death. Often upon his death-bed he sang his favourite hymns: “ There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign,’’ and also “ Around the throne of God in heaven Thousands of children stand." Sad to relate, the once irate father who had been so wonder­ fully subdued, was killed, along with three others, in the year 1875, at Bold Venture Quarry through a slip of rock. THE SPIRITUALISTS. The first meetings were held in the Liberal Club in the Winter of 1894-5. Mrs. Wallace, of Manchester, (now of London), trance speaker and clairvoyant, and Miss Janet Bailey, of Blackbum, phenomenal clairvoyant, conducted meetings from which nothing resulted. Ultimately Mr. Thos. 228 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Wilkinson came to the town, and invited two other families to unite in cottage meetings held at his house, 5, Church .Brow, where a “ developing circle ’’ took place. On the 14th July, 1895, two services were held in Wooler ’s Restaurant, Castle Street, over which Mr. R. C. Craven presided, when Mr. W. Edwards (Blackbum), gave two addresses followed by psychometric readings. Good audi­ ences greeted them in their first Sunday Spiritualistic ser­ vices in our town. At the evening service the room was uncomfortably packed. It was then and there announced that a meeting would be held in that room on the following Monday evening, to take into consideration the desirability cf forming a Spiritualist Society in Clitheroe. A meeting was accordingly held which resulted in the formation of the Society. Mr. T. Wilkinson was appointed secretary, Mr. R. C. Craven president, Mr. Peter Houghton, treasurer. The following constituted the Committee : Mrs. Hobson (now Mrs Houghton), Mrs. Fairbrother, Messrs. J. Barlow, John Grime, John Brown, and Robert Heaton. The meetings were held in Wooler’s Rooms until Septem ­ ber 22nd, 1895, when the Liberal Club was occupied until 18th April, 1897. The Concert Hall, Parson Lane, was the next place of meeting, which was opened on Good Friday with a tea party. These premises were, however, only occu ­ pied about eleven days as terms could not be satisfactorily arranged. Subsequently meetings were held immediately after in the Old School, Church Brow, until the 11th Tuly, 1897, when, owing to dissension and lack of funds a tem ­ porary suspension occurred, so far as public meetings were concerned, but a few members continued to meet as formerly in a cottage in Sal thill Lane, where developing circles were held, whilst the other party, which claimed to be “ the Society,’’ held meetings in a cottage opposite the Catholic School, in Lowergate. In November, 1897, “ the Society ” opened the wooden building in King Lane, formerly used as a photographic studio, when in March, 1898, a reunion took place, and on the 10th July, 1898, the old Sunday School, Church Brow, was again taken and meetings continued until the 24th May, CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 229 1899, when the Society, through lack of funds, gave up pos­ session and fell back again to cottage meetings in Salt Hill Lane, which are continued weekly THE UNITARIANS. During the year 1885-6, the Unitarians endeavoured to establish a branch in the town, and ministers and others,, on and off, addressed numerous meetings in the Liberal Club, the Public Hall, and Bennett’s Room, but finally discovered that they could gain no foothold and the meet­ ings ceased. EVANGELISTS AND MISSIONS. If, whilst dealing with the subject of “ Our Churches and Chapels,” we omit reference to the religious movement which had as its prime mover, Mr. John Mercer, late of Siddows House, (but nbw of Harbergh, Fallowfield, Manchester), we should be ignoring an important factor in religious circles. Mr. Mercer, about the year 1875, was instrumental in bring ­ ing down from “ The London Evangelical Society ’* from time to time, some truly earnest and excellent evangelists who conducted a series of religious services in the Public Hall. These sendees were largely attended by Christians of all denominations, and resulted in an awakening of the various churches and chapels of the town, and whilst infusing greater zeal amongst the numerous bodies it had the salutary effect of destroying much prejudice and bigotry which cul­ minated in a Christian unity and sympathy between churches hitherto somewhat estranged. The effects of this excellent movement are still felt, for we have recently had striking examples of Christian liberty, charity, and unity, e.g., all the Clergy and Nonconformist Ministers of the town respondde to the invitation to address in turns the children ’s ser­ vices at St. James’s, and two local clergymen at least have addressed Nonconformist audiences at their own places of worship, whilst laymen of all churches are constantly going out to other denominations and giving and receiving mutual help. The evangelists from London, above referred to, were Messrs. C. Poynter, George Tuffin, Wm. Taylor (a converted navvy), Bennett, Alfred Clark, and Rice. Some of these evangelists, having received invitations to continue their 230 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. labours in outlying churches, visited Slaidbum, Gisbum, Bolton-by-Bowland, Low Moor, etc., with good results. As an outcome of this religious enthusiasm many converts were added to the churches, and a Gospel tent was erected on the site of the present new schools of St. James’s about the year 1876. Extraordinary ’ revival services took place there, these services being conducted by Mr. Mercer, Mr. Joshua Poole (better known as ‘ Fiddler ’Joss,’ ‘ The Three Gipsy Brothers’ (the Smiths), these and others did much for the spread of true religion in the days of “ the tent.” About the year 1893, a navvy mission was inaugurated and conducted byr Mrs. Baron, (wife of the Rev. T. Baron, a Wesleyan Minister), assisted by Miss Mary E. Gamett (now Mrs. Barrett). The object of the mission was to bring within the sound of the Gospel the navvies employed on the main sewers of the Borough, and the meetings were held in the upper room of the Weavers’ Institute, Back Salford, and some happy and successful gatherings resulted therefrom which terminated about the year 1896. Christian workers in connection with all the churches in the town assisted in the work. Whilst concluding the subject, “ In and around our Churches and Chapels,’’ I cannot repress the fervent wish that even greater amity and unity might prevail over them, •'esulting in larger efforts for the spiritual and moral weal of all. Nor can I better express myself than in the words of the hymn — “ Make all thy Pastors one, O Lord, In heart, in mind, in speech : That they may set forth Thy pure Word, And live the lives they preach. Let all hold fast the truths, whereby A church must stand or fall; In doubtful things grant liberty, Shew charity to all. Thus may we to our sacred name, Our title clearly prove, While e’en our enemies exclaim — ‘ See how these Christians love!’ ” CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER 231 XV. LOCAL INVENTIONS : ---- RAILWAY SIGNALS, CYCLES, ETC., ETC. the system. He attempted its registration, and at this period 18 inventions were in the market, but Wm. Frankland’s in ­ vention was not, however, adopted, although in point of merit it ranked next to the one accepted. He was also the inventor of a patent shuttle, the object of which was to ren ­ der unnecessary the stop to the Shuttle. He discovered also an improved system of heating water for domestic purposes, and hit on the idea of a better Rat Trap. William was an original and comical kiad of fellow, and had a wonderful knack in the training of horses. I saw him many years ago, manoeuvring with his horse opposite the “ Dun Horse ’’ in Wellgate. The horse was freed from the shafts, and Will­ iam, who had doubtless been amply refreshed at the Dun Horse, now attempted his mastery over the ‘ bay ’ horse, and bid it go. The horse unattended ran down Wellgate, and when near the bottom, William, who was stood opposite 232 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. the Dun Horse, called for it to return.. The horse immed­ iately galloped back at full speed, and when approaching him, he gave the word of command to halt, and it instan ­ tly stopped beside him. It is said that William' was much troubled with a ‘ gibber ’ or ‘stower,’ which had a fault of backing when he wanted it to go forward. William deter­ mined not to be bested, and took the horse and cart near the hill side at Kempstone, and when the horse attempted to back, he was ready with a sack full of straw which he plac­ ed near its hind legs: the result was that the horse kept stumbling over the sack and received such shocks that it was finally cured of its provoking tricks. It may not be uninteresting to the reader to learn some­ thing, if not of the origin, at least of the metamorphosis of that ubiquitous vehicle— the cycle, as applied to our own district. The earliest bicycle, so far as I am able to trace, which had been seen in Clitheroe, was a wooden one which was made for one of the young Thompsons, of Primrose. Hy. Roberts, of Shaw Bridge, was the designer of it, and James Dewhurst, of Moor Lane, a joiner; constructed it. When completed it aroused considerable interest, and although it had no pedals or any contrivance to give it motive power, still it was regarded as an achievement, and the day arrived when it was to be tested. One evening, a workman pushed it through the town, and when opposite the Swan Hotel he mounted, but many of the spectators were of opinion that he would not be able to maintain his balance. The machine gravitated towards the Market Place, and to the amazement of the beholders heretained his seat for a considerable time, but eventually the old bone-shaker went wibble wobble and he was shot over. Soon after the opening of the railway, Mr. John Briggs, father of Mr. Frederick Briggs, of Chatbum, invented a tricycle which had two cranks and was worked bv a hand­ lever, the wheels being of wood. John was a shoeing smith and the circumstance which led to his inventing the machine is somewhat curious. A great number of Irish cattle, some sixty or seventy wagon load of them at times, used to be brought by train to Chatburn, which was then a terminus, CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 233 and driven on to Gisbum and Skipton markets. Some of the cattle being foot-sore, John used to shoe their fore feet to enable them to travel the better, and oftentimes he went along with the drovers, Jimmy Loynd and Billy Driver, o attend to any cattle which fell lame along the way. These journies sometimes proved very arduous to old John, and it therefore occurred to him that a horseless carriage in the form of a tricycle would be a good thing, hence his attempts at invention. John was often accompanied on these jour­ nies by Wm. Croasdale, late of the Brown Cow, who at that time was a canner to Skipton and Settle. In the year 1859, Mr. Aiderman Parkinson conceived the idea of constructing a “ velocipede ’’ or tricycle, to be worked by two cranks and levers, and made to carry two persons. He and Wm. Matthews spent much of their leisure hours, extending over twelve months, in designing and constmcting the machine. On November 5th, 1860, its trial trip took place. It had long been the talk of the town that this machine was to be publicly tested, and on this memorable night hundreds, if not thousands turned out to see this new fangled machine make its first appearance. Precisely at 6 o ’clock, Mr. Parkinson and Mr. M tthews mounted the machine at the Castle Gates, intending to pass through Chat­ burn to Sawley, and for this purpose carried lamps on each side, (not regulation ones), having candles. All went well until they reached the steep gradient of Castle Street, and oppos­ ite old Billy Wamer’s shop they lost control. Having no brake, away the machine pushed madly down the Market Place, and with battering-ramlike force collided with the old Dun Horse comer. Fortunately the machine got the worst of it, and amid cheers and merry laughter the inventors picked up their machine and had to humbly push it back to its quarters behind the new Black Bull at Castle Foot. Several months after t^y again ventured forth and success­ fully toured via Chatbum and Worston. When passing up the Middlewood road and rounding the sharp comer towards Worston a farmerly man was coming along with two milk cans in his hand, and was so overawed with the sight of a horseless carriage with flaming lights at each side that he 231 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. dropped his tins, upraised his hands, and said something peculiar. After several similar tours, the old machine was dismantled, and the wheels ultimately were utilized for a fishmonger’s hand cart. Richard Kirkpatrick, the sailor, having seen an advertise­ ment of a bicycle on sale at Market Drayton, bought it for seven guineas. It had wooden wheels and was what we should term a proper bone-shaker, weighing 56 pounds. He says that in the year 1866 he started at five one Saturday evening and reached Preston that night. The following Sunday morning he went to Lytham, and from thence back to Preston, and reached home in the evening. This was regarded as a most extraordinary accomplishment. He after­ wards sold the machine to my brother-in-law, Mr. William Harrison, druggist, who, after having had his bones shaken a few times, sold it to Mr. Robert Kitchen, spinning master, at a profit of five shillings. About the year 1860, Mr. Peterkin, of the Craven Bank, possessed a tricycle which was regarded as the most perfect modem skill and ingenuity could devise. What gigantic strides have been made in the development and utility of the wheel since those days, and as we see the gentler sex sailing by the dozen or so through our towns, or along the country lanes, how often we are led to wonder what our grandfathers and grandmothers would exclaim if, on their resurrection, they could behold, attired in bloomers, the racing lady of the present period. The inventive genius was not altogether asleep in the valley in the days of John Briggs, of Salt Hill, who was CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 235 better 'known as “Laddie,” (eldest son of old John, who often used to try his hand. John was a firm believer in the pos­ sibility of perpetual motion and had all kinds of contriv­ ances in the hope of attaining the desideratum, but alas, the goal of his ambition was never reached. He placed a windmill for boring purposes on Coplow, which remained for some years, and was afterwards sold to a man near Haslingden. Mr. John Geldard, formerly of Low Moor, who emigrated to America and is referred to in a previous chapter, was a man of an inventive and mechanical turn. He invented a novel clock with automatic figures to light a lamp or kindle a fire at any given time, but it was not until he crossed the Atlantic that his invention was brought to a practical point. Mr. James Ingham, along with Mr. Joseph Thompson (late Isherwood, Brown and Thompson, of Foulsykes Mill), invented and constructed a power loom, which was made at Messrs. Garnett and Horsfall’s Mill at Low Moor. When Mr. Ingham ’s father saw it he remarked, “ It will be of no use,— trade’s done for!’* The loom was in use for several years at Low Moor Mill. Mr. James Cunningham, of Low Moor, invented a machine for charging gas retorts, and is, by some people, regarded as the finest machine extant, and is in use at the gas works of Messrs. Garnett and Sons, at Low Moor Mills. Our ancient town has long enjoyed a reputation for its “ Lime, Law, and Latin,’’ and it is more than probable that Mr. John Briggs, (late of the firm of Messrs. R. Briggs and Sons, of Bankfield, Clitheroe,) who is the inventor of an improved form of lime kiln, has done something for the maintenance of that renown which our town bears for ts lime. The object of this invention is to diminish the quan­ tity of fuel required for burning limestone, cement, and other materials. It may be safely said that a great improve ­ ment has been effected which is worthy the attention of all who are concerned in this industry. Mr. Richard Briggs, father of Mr. John Briggs, is some­ what of a genius, and has invented a patent ventilator, adapted for public works as well as for domestic use. One 236 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. of these ventilators has recently arrived for use at the Con ­ servative Club. Mr. T. S. Hargreaves, photographer, King Street, was the inventor in March, 1896, of “ a patent for an. improved rotary burnishing machine for photographic purposes,’’ which has proved to be a thorough success. Our worthy townsman, Mr. Jas. Robinson, of Brooklands, conceived an improved system of egg packing. Up to this time all eggs had been packed in square receptacles. Mr. Robinson saw that by a hexagonal arrangement economy would be achieved. He took out a patent for home and abroad, and secured excellent press notices, and has had '.he honour of supplying her Gracious Majesty with the patent THE HONEYCOMB, OR OLD PRINCIPLE. THE GLOBE, OR NEW PRINCIPLE. egg box. At the leading Dairy and Agricultural Shows it has carried off the highest honours in medals and prizes. The trade in them is increasing, and its universal approval leads him to confidently believe that it will supersede all previous methods of packing. Specially constructed mach­ inery being necessary for the manufacture of the compart­ ments, this he secured and by his ingenuity has added minor improvements to the machinery. In April this vear, he took out a further patent which greatly reduces the cost of its manufacture, and in future it is anticipated that its cheap ­ ness will cause it to be adopted all over the world. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 237 Two years later, Mr. Robinson took out a further patent connected with the poultry industry, viz, a steam food cook ­ er, which he named “ The Lancashire.’’ It thoroughly cooks food with a small quantity of oil. Within four months of the patent being taken out, it secured a silver medal at the London Dairy Show, being the highest award obtainable. Mr. William Ingham, Coal Merchant, Castle View, is the inventor and patentee of an improved window sash, which whilst affording a good ventilation, is burglar proof. He has also patented a four pronged fork, which, for the purposes of carving joints, and rounds of beef, he claims for it a superiority over the ordinary fork. Mr. Wm. Cunningham well deserves to rank among local inventors, he having invented a spoke-drill for drilling brok ­ en spokes from Cycle wheel hubs, also a patent Wood Mud Guard. Whilst residing at Low Moor, he made the first local modem safety bicycle, and when in Moor Lane I e made and set in motion the first gas engine which was util­ ised to drive his Cycle Works. He was also the first person to introduce a Motor Cycle, and it may be remarked that there are but three in the town, one possessed by Dr. Lazenby, the other by Mr. Cunningham, and the third is a special Tricycle adapted for parcel carrying, built by Mr. Cunningham for Mr. George A. Wilson, Draper. The front wheel of it is driven by a belt by means of a petroleum spirit, ignited by electricity'. A Motor Car to carry three persons is being built at Mr. Cunningham ’s Works, which will in all probability be in use this summer, and will be the first used in our town.. It is worthy of note that there are in our town, six places of business where Cycles are sold and repaired, etc. In 1899, Mr. Wm. Thompson, Engineer at Messrs. Whipp Bros. Commercial and Victoria Mills, invented and obtained provisional protection for a centrifugal lubricator (No. 2041), for solid or hollow crank pin of steam or other engines which is in use at the Commercial Mill, and has given great satisfac­ tion by reason of its affording the means of regulating the quantity of oil supplied whilst the engine is in motion. 238 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. mr . T h o m ps o n ’s l u b r ic a t o r . The oil contained in the cup c is admitted through a screw plug p, (by which the amount of lubricant is regulated) into the pipes attached between the connecting rod and cup. The centrifugal force the oil attains through the pipes attached to the connecting rod revolving with it, drives the oil on to the pin. There is also a sliding joint on the pipes to allow for oscillation of shaft. This Lubricator can be attached to either Beam, Horizontal, or Verticle Engine without any drilling of the Crank Pin. In the year 1886, Mr. Thos. Slinger, Coach builder, Cli­ theroe, invented and patented a carriage break, which enab ­ les the driver to throw the weight upon the horses back going uphill, and off when going down hill, and to maintain a perfect balance with any number of occupants. Mr. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 239 Slinger has obtained prize medals for his invention at sev­ eral leading shows. The changes and improvements brought about by mechan ­ ical inventions during the Railway Days are truly wonderful, and to those who remember the slow and clumsy method by which things were done in our old town, some 40 or 50 years ago, it is highly diverting to them to compare the days of “ Auld lang syne’’ with the present. Take, for example, the evolution or development of the washing, wringing, and mangling machines. Well do I remember as a boy, with what intense delight I used to gaze upon the huge old fashioned box mangle kept by Miss Carus, in King Street, or Back Lane, as it used to be called). Some 40 years ago, mangles, washing machines, etc., were not to be seen in the cottages of the artisans. Hotels and better class houses here and there might possess them, but for the convenience of the working classes, who had no such thing, numerous public mangles were kept in the old Borough, notably by George Furness, (back Harris Court Dicky Smith’s daughter, Church St, Mrs Hayhurst, King Lane, John Robinson, Church Brow, Mrs. Aylse Ramsbottom, Long Row, Thos. Greenwood, Salford, Peggy Coulthurst, next “ Stop and Rest” Beerhouse,, Miss 210 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Cams, King Street, Mrs. Bulcock, (Matthew Munroe ’s daugh­ ter),. Long Row, John Robinson, Waterloo, Mrs. H. Myers, Wellgate, and Mrs. Ormerod, Rock Street. The mangle referred to consisted of two rollers placed upon a wooden platform, upon which rested a large box some eight or nine feet long, about four feet wide, and perhaps two feet deep. This box rested upon the rollers, and to give additional pressure was usually filled with stones or old iron, the box was carried backwards and forwards over the rollers by means of a wheel, turned by hand, with a driving belt. For mangling an ordinary clothes basket, or “ whisket” full, Id. was charged. The woman in charge of the mangle would wrap the clothes round the rollers, but the customer at that price must provide the power, that is, either turn the wheel or bring someone to do so. Great was my delight as a lad to have the privilege of turning the wheel, and to hear the old machine groaning and creaking — which was something terrible when it wanted oiling,— and this added greatly to the amusement. If however, the man­ gling was undertaken entirely, twopence or threepence would be charged, just according to quantity or distance to which they were to be taken. As there was a great dread of mixing the clothes, the customers had to take their “ kale’’ or turn, and so it happened that the place would be inconveniently full, but as the clumsy old mangle occupied nearly half of the house, there was precious little room left in which to move. The last mangles in use were those of Mrs. Mellin, King Lane, and Miss Carus, King Street. The mangle of Miss Carus was in use as late as 1878. In that year she received notice to quit, as the old cottages and the adjoining ones were about to be pulled down, and it will be remembered that the present shops, built on the site, were in course of erection in May, 1878. Several persons took refuge in them after the reading of the Riot Act, when the Soldiers were clearing the streets. Now-a-days, every cottage possesses its home washer, and should anyone wish to be relieved of the drudgery and up ­ set of washing, they need only send their family washing to CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 241 the Steam Laundry in Pimlico Road, where it can be done to their entire satisfaction. Sir Walter Scott wrote “ Old times are changed, old manners gone.” We write, “ “ Old times are changed, old mangles gone.’’ We know nothing of toil and hardships as compared with our forefathers. Washing days in ye goode Oide tymes, were far more laborious than now. A good friend of mine tells me that her mother’s washer woman used to walk up from Whalley to Clitheroe, do a hard day ’s work, and then walk home again. P 242 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER XVI. MUSIC. BANDS, BELL-RINGERS, ORCHESTRAS, ETC. HE Old Temperance Band had its origin in the Primrose Print Works, and was largely sup­ ported by Mr. Edmund Thompson and Mr. Jeremiah Garnett, senior. The band enjoyed a fair reputation for a time, and had engage­ ments at numerous places beyond the town limits. The band ultimately flourished to such an extent as to afford a splendid band carriage, which was specially built for it after the pattern af the band, carriage connected with Hugh ’s Circus. Prominent members of the teetotal band were Mr. Thos.. Hayhurst, Mr. Thos. Aspden, and Mr. Bridge Baron. Their headquarters were at the Temperance Hotel in Moor Lane, (now Bennett’s Dining Rooms). This hotel was built by a man named Jas. Frankland, a stone mason, who at one time was a frequenter of the old Red Lion, then kept by Robert Wilkinson. Frankland in some way offended Wilkinson, who ejected him from his house. Frankland remarked, “ the Lion is both strong and savage, but I shall not feed it again/’ and he did ’nt, for he became an ardent teetotaller. The Volunteer Corps for some time after its formation was CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 243 without a band. Subsequently a reed band, consisting of some 20 performers was established, with Mr. John Wood, (a tailor), as bandmaster. The corps having on several occasions taken part in a bat­ talion parade at Alexander Meadows, Blackburn, had there seen and heard brass bands, and became ambitious to posess one, and during the Captainship of Mr. F. S. Leach, (Brungerley), Mr. John Allen, who was at this time a cornet player in the old Temperance Band, was approached on the subject of establishing a brass band. Major Dewhurst who succeeded Mr. Leach as Captain, brought the band scheme to a successful issue, and 24 instruments were procured. THE BOROUGH BAND. This band, which is a brass one was formerly the Volun ­ teer band, but in the year 1890, severed its connection. The present bandmaster, Mr. Joseph Douglas, who succeeded Mr. John Allen, in the year 1884, has proved himself a most able conductor, by the fact that out of seven contests, the band carried off seven prizes, and also the medals at Colne, Eiland, Sale, and Clayton-le Moors. In the year 1889, the Clitheroe Brass Band Company was instituted for the purpose of supplying new electro-plated instruments, and 400 shares of ^1 each were issued, 292 being taken up by the public, and the remainder by members of the band. The band secretary at that period was Mr. Joseph H. Birtwell. The present secretary is Mr. Joseph Douglas. The band is highly popular in the town, and its members have just obtained a new uniform. The CATHOLIC BAND was formed in the year 1859, and was founded by Father Bird and C. J. B. Trappes, Esq., The first band was a fife and drum one, and gained two prizes, one at Belle Vue, Manchester, and the other at the opening of Moor Park, Preston. Ultimately it became a reed band, and subsequently a brass one. The brass band obtained three prizes, two firsts at Leyland, and one at Padiham, all in the same year. The first band room was at the old School in Lowergate, but ultimately through the kindness of Mr. Trappes, a splendid room was placed at 244 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. their disposal behind Theydon House, Church Street. Shortly after Mr. Trappes’s removal to Manchester, in the year 1887, Mr. Trappes handed over the band ’s property to the Rev. Father Kartell. On this occasion the band through the generosity of Mr. Trappes, were regaled at Gisbum with an excellent dinner, and an enjoyable evening was spent. The late Mr. Chas .Duckett was the first bandmaster and held the position for upwards of 20 years, and was the re­ cipient on the 10th of August, 1869, of a handsome silver snuff box, presented to him by Mr. Trappes, on the 10th anniversary of the band ’s existence. Mr. Michael Duckett, his son succeeded him, and was also presented in June 1879 by Mr. Trappes, with a time-piece, in recognition of 20 years services as bandmaster, he having, like his father, proved an able bandmaster. In 1895, the band dissolved, but after the lapse of about two years was reformed. The great interest and unbounded generosity of Mr. Trappes in the band since its formation, has largely contributed to its success. Mr. Chas. Duckett, the first bandmaster, died on the 16th March, 1899. The funeral cortege was headed by the band who had expressed by deputation, a desire to shew their last tribute of respect to the deceased by playing the “ Dead March ’’ in Saul en route. He was interred at the Clitheroe Catholic Cemetery, on the Saturday following. A little prior to Railway Days, two bands were in existence at the same time at Low Moor. One was called the “ tee­ total band.’’ It was of brass and numbered about 16 per­ formers, and was conducted by Mr. Thos. Rakestraw. They had their practice room at the top of what is now called St. Paul’s Street, or the first house in Queen Street. The other band was a reed band, and had about the same number of performers. It was called the Moderation Band, and the leader was Mr. Ralph Leeming, who lived and died in Woone Lane a short time ago. The above bands played when Mr. Fergus O ’Connor came to lecture. He was a Chartist. The moderation band practiced in St. Ann ’s Square, in an empty house. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 245 About the year 1850, a flute band was formed, and the first teacher of it was Mr. C. Duckett. They practiced in an empty house kindly lent by Mr. Garnett, and numbered about 20, subsequently they had a change both in the tutor and practice room, for they had to leave Nelson Street, which was their place, and go into what was then termed “ Clarence Street,’’ and got Mr. W. Jackson to teach them. This band had caps made by Mr. Henry Robinson, of Shaw Cottage, but at that time he was living in Parson Lane, and had a cap shop facing Rock Street. Mr. R. Jackson was one of the band, and they were thought quite smart. They got an engagement by the Corporation of Clitheroe, to play for them. It was, I think, at the time of the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Soon after this a band was formed at the Catholic School, Clitheroe, and four mem ­ bers of this band, (the Low Moor band) joined, as they were Catholics, so the Low Moor band did not go on very long. It may be stated that music for flute bands was not >o common about this period, so they had to write their own, and on that account they did not get very much new music. While Mr. Robert Jackson was with the Catholic band, they went to three contests, two at Belle Vue, Manchester, and one at Preston. At one contest at Belle Vue, they carried off a prize. Mr. Jackson arranged the “ Grand Dixit Dominus ’’ by Azioli, from the organ score, and Mr. Jackson was carried shoulder high round the place after the announce­ ment that this band had got the third prize. At the Preston contest they also won the third prize. This band made a change from a flute to a reed band, and in this Mr. Jackson played the first comet. The band changed again to brass, and remains so at the present time. In the year 1886, Mr. Jackson commenced to teach what was called Whiteside’s band, they practiced in a cellar under the workshop, and numbered about ten or twelve, but did not stay there long, as they came to Low Moor, to Mr. Jackson ’s house, and dia nicely. As the number of mem ­ bers increased they made arrangements to go to the Old School in Church Brow. Here they got on very well, and after a time they had one night per week as a dancing class- 246 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. This was kept up for two winters. The band entered for a contest to take place at Preston, in the pleasure gardens, three prizes were offered, one for the best solo drummer, another for the best band, and one for the best solo flute. The first named prize was won by Mr. D. Whiteside. This bi-nd was called the “ Temperance band,’’ and Mr J. Booth­ man, the well known flutist, got his first lessons during this period. In the year 1892, Mr. Jackson commenced with a flute band in Low Moor, which practiced in the British School­ room, and at the commencement numbered 29 members, but lowered the standard to 24. This band broke up after going on for a little more than two years. The next band, which was something of a burlesque was the “ Tommy talker’s band,’’ that headed the Low Moor section at the Jubilee, and caused a great surprise. Mr. Jackson has had a long musical career. He played the flute in Dr. Musson ’s band for four or five years, and prac­ ticed at his house when he resided in Church Street, and when he gave Concerts on various occasions. He has been connected with three Quadrille bands, and played the piccolo in each. The first was called “ Pollards band '* and practiced at Mr. Pollard ’s house, the New Inn. This band existed for eight or ten years. Mr. Jackson ultimately commenced with. Duckett’s String Band, and played with them for many years. His last spell has been with Mr. R. Gudgeon ’s band, for at least a dozen years. About the year 1869, there existed a band known as “ Tattersall’s band,’’ the band room being the upper room of the late Mr. C. Tattersall’s house, (now Mrs. Porter’s shop, Wellgate). Mr. J. Bell, senr., was the leader. Several Castle clerks, who had received a musical training under Dr. Musson, joined this band, viz.: Messrs. W. and J. Marsden, W. Mitchell, W. Tattersall, John Bell, junior. Several members of Mr. Tattersall’s family were musical, and it should be stated that Professor Tattersall, of Blackbum, is a distinguished son of the late Mr. C. Tattersall. About the year 1873, a Fife and Drum band received public recognition. It was formed by Mr. Tom Birch, the CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 247 bandmaster being Mr. Chas. Duckett, but ultimately, after a few years existence, dissolved The Primrose Band which sprang into existence in 1879, was a brass one, its band room being next to the office at Primrose Works. After some vicissitudes, the band dissolv­ ed in 1888. The conductor was Mr. Tom Bell. In the year 1890, a Fife and Drum band was attached to the Volunteer Corps, the band master being Mr. T. Birch, who in about two years time retired, and was succeeded by Mr. Robt. H. Whiteside. About the year 1896, the band collapsed. During these years the band accompanied rhe corps in their annual encampment, going three times to Blackpool, twice to Scarborough, and once to Lancaster. There is no band attached to our local corps. Surely our Volunteers will not lack a band whilst in a town so renowned for its musical talent. On the 26th January, 1856, a Choral Society was estab ­ lished and designated “ The Clitheroe Church Choral Society,’’ which held its committee meetings in the Old School, Church Brow. The first concert they gave was ;n the Old School, but subsequent ones were given in the Town Hall. The Committee of Management originally was elected every six months. The first committee consisted of the Vicar, (the Rev. J. H Anderton), Messrs. William Walmsley James Wilkinson, James Smith, junior, and Joseph Bartie. to which were ultimately added Mr. J. Broadley junr., Mr. J. Bell, Mr. Jesse Nelson, the secretaries in succession being Dr. Musson and Mr. Jos. Bartie. The Rev. J. H. Ander­ ton was president and treasurer, the conductors in succes­ sion being Mr- William Wood, organist of the Cath­ olic Church, and his brother, Mr. Sam Wood, and Mr. John Mercer, junior. In the following year the name of the Society was changed to “ The Clitheroe Choral Society,’’ the reason being that by Rule 2 the Committee was to consist of six persons, only three of whom were to be members of the Established Church and three repres­ entatives of the dissenting chapels in Clitheroe. The Society possessed some forty mmbers who met every Satur­ 248 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. day evening for rehearsal, and periodically gave concerts for charitable objects, as well as in aid of various Sunday schools in the town. The deaths of the brothers, Messrs. Wood, were a great blow to the society, and it well nigh collapsed, but owing to the zeal of Mr. John Mercer, junior, (late of Siddows), new life was infused into it, and the practices were held in the old Congregational School, Water Street. The Clitheroe Vocal Society embodied leading members of choirs, and some few ladies and gentlemen possessing exceptional voices, and for several years had quite a fame in the old Borough. The first conductor was Mr. L. W Whalley, ultimately, Mr. Angelo Forrest, who was for about two years residing in Clitheroe, preparatory to taking his degrees, undertook the conductorship, and during this period the choir rendered several pieces of Mr. Forrest’s composition, notably a cantata of exceptional merit. The Clitheroe Orpheus Glee Union although formed so ecrently as the year 1897, has won for itself the favour of thepublic, and on many public occasions, notably at the Mayor’s Dinners, acquitted itself in a manner which reflects great credit upon the conductor, Mr. Willard R. Dugdale The toal membersnip is about a dozen. Mr. T. A. Davies is the secretary. The Glee Union is able to go through a wonderfully varied programme, as in addition to their wide range of musical talent, they have along with them that renowned whistler and mimic, Professor Taylor, who de­ serves to rank among the celebrities of our town. TONIC-SOL-FA. The introduction into Clitheroe of the new method or, as it was Ideally termed “ Tonic,’’ was under peculiar and interesting circumstances, and came about in this way. Mr. Willard R. Dugdale, about the year 1870, was visiting relatives at Lowerhouse, near Bumley, and heard a concert given by the pupils of our respected townsman, Mr. Samuel Green, who was then residing at Rose Grove. Mr.Dugdale having learned that the music was rendered from thetonic-sol-fa and the pupils had only had six months tuition, was so impressed with the advantages of this new method CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 249 that he named it,on his return, to certain musical friends in connection with the Congregational Church, Clitheroe. Ultimately, the following persons, Messrs. John and James Knowles, John Smith, and James Hargreaves, were sent out as a deputation to attend a concert at Lowerhouse and report their impressions, when eventually it was agreed that a class should be formed and, if possible, the services of Mr. Green secured. By way of introduction, or pro bation, Mr. Green was induced to bring his pupils and givd a concert at Clitheroe. This resulted in a ourst of en ­ thusiasm in certain musical circles and a demand for a teacher was forthwith made. Unfortunately Mr. Greens engagements at this period were such that he could not respond to the invitation then given him, and a Mr. Stott, then a schoolmaster at Walker Fold, Chaigeley, was en ­ gaged. The class, however, collapsed at the end of six months, and soon after this period Mr. Green, who was now (1871) in a position of greater freedom, accepted an engagement on behalf of the Congregational School and commenced to teach the new system, which gave rise to some opposition and much criticism in the town and dis­ trict, but the large number of pupils obtained and the influential position and musical ability of several of them proved that “ Tonic ’’ had got a foothold in the town, and Dr. Musson having tested the system was so enamoured of it that he ultimately became president of the society which assumed the name of the “ Clitheroe Tonic-sol fa Union.’’ The following gentlemen were amongst the first to join the class: the late Mr. Benjamin Demaine (Low Moor), Messrs. A. T. Robinson, W. H. Bearman, Alfred Bleakley, George W. Whewell, James L. Bulcock, W. R. Dugdale, Tom Sefton, Richard Wilson, Tom Roberts, W. Birtwell, W. H. Sowerbutts, Walter Embley, Tom Pye, and some others. The repeated concerts given by Mr. Green ’s pupils so thoroughly beat down the prejudices of many that the new system found its way eventually into various circles, and when the Day and Sunday School officials began to introduce the teaching of the tonic-sol-fa into their schools the belief in its utility became all but universal. 250 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. About the year 1870, eight young men purchased some handbells, and secured the late Mr. Joseph Wilson, of Chatbum Road, as their tutor. Mr. Wilson had been a handbell ringer at Waddington, in his youth, and also occ­ asionally rang carillons at Waddington Church some 40 years ago. His brother Henry was, by the way, one of the Waddington Church team. These eignt young men met for practice in a cottage in Church Brow, their names being Edward Harris, (Ted), Joseph Wilson, junior, H. Wilson, Thomas Smith, (Brook Street), Frank Bennett, Joseph Hudson, John Smith, and Harry Smith, Causeway House. They had a full complement of bells. The ringers did not attempt much in the way of public performance, be ­ yond a few pieces at Christmas time. It appears the marriage of one of the members caused a break in the attendance, and the bells fell into disuse. Mr. James Lavender, of Peel Street, became the custodian of them, and they are still in his possession An excellent set of bell-ringers were in existence at Low Moor during the sixties, and were much in request through ­ out the town and district, but ultimately the ringers from causes which need not be' explained, became disorganised. In or about December, 1891, the present Waddington Handbell Ringers, having learned that the old bells formerly belonging the Low Moor Ringers were in the possession t1 the bell ringers of Padiham Parish Church, and were on sale, deputed Mr. J. Robinson, and Mr. W. Hanson to pur­ chase same. They ultimately secured the 45 bells for ^6. These bells were constantly practised upon with the result that the Ringers had the courage to compete in the Belle Vue Contest the following year, but, as the secretary said, “ We failed to get a prize, nevertheless, we had learned something and came home in good spirits." In January 1895, they acquired a new set of 56 bells, at a cost of ^22, and gave their first concert in the Wesleyan School, Waddington, on the 23rd February, 1895,. They have been of good service to Sunday Schools, and for char­ itable purposes in Clitheroe and district. On 4th May, 1898, the ringers commenced Glee singing CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 251 at their concerts, and the orchestra as it may be termed, now consists of the following: Leader of bells, Mr. Robert Brown, (Low Moor,); Interlocutor, Messrs. James Herd, J. Robinson, and Alfred Tomlinson ; Leader of Minstrels, Mr. Alonzo Jackson; Solo Violinist, Mr. J. Swindlehurst, Clith ­ eroe; Accompanist, Mr. Thos. Herd; Conductor of Glees, Mr. Geo. Waddington; Treasurer, Mr. J. E Barnes; Secre­ tary, Mr. John Chester. The old Borough has reason to be proud of its musicians both past and present, and it would be a serious omission to ignore the names of local composers, such as the late Mr. John Hayhurst, Mr. L. W. Whalley, Mr. Angelo Forrest, Dr. Musson, Mr.W. H. Blackbum, and some few minor ones. The late Mr. John Hay hurst, who for 40 years was choir master at Moor Lane Chapel, father of our Mr. John W. Hayhurst, is to be ranked among the worthy local musicians of to-day. He published, in 1850, two tune books, “ Devo ­ tional Psalmody,’’ and in 1866, “ Original Psalmody.” He had another M.S. ready for publication at the time of his death. His school piece, “ Oh, so bright!” has a wide cir­ culation, being published in most English and American collections. Several of his tunes are included in the “ Burnley Tune Book.’’ There was a delightful pathos in most of Mr. Hayhurst’s compositions. Old Mrs. Haworth, who formerly kept a pot shop in Moor Lane, said “ th ’ kind of music that I like best is summat to touch t'art’’ (touch the heart), and doubtless she would have preferred Mr. John Hayhurst’s. Books of Psalmody were a rarity in his younger days. Mr. Hayhurst sent., was fond of relating that, as a boy, he was sent to Burnley one Sunday morning, by his father, to obtain from a Burnley choir master a certain hymn tune, which he got and hurried home with it. The parts of the piece were written out and the hymn used at the evening service at the Moor Lane Chapel. Dr. Musson has distinguished himself in musical circles, and as a composer is deserving of notice. His most popu­ lar piece is entitled “ Mayfield,’’ and is set to the hymn, “ O God our help in ages past,” and is in use at almost all our churches and chapels, and has been rendered at 252 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. open-air and other concerts. Mr. Angelo Forrest has composed several cantatas and other pieces. His hymn tune, “ Clitheroe,” is in much favour, and was played by one or more bands in the streetsso recently as last Christmas. Mr. L. W. Whalley, who was so long organist at St. Mary’s, was a clever instrumentalist and a composer, and has contributed several pieces to the “ Bumley Tune Book.’ He is now residing at Douglas, Isle of Man. Mr. W. H. Blackbum ’s compositions are chiefly confined to the dance, and include the ‘ Phonographer’s Valse,’ the ‘ Brilliant Variety Lancers,’ ‘ Sweet Mabel Polka, and ‘ Gliding Beauty Valse.’ Mr. J. W. Hayhurst, organist of the Moor Lane Chapel, has written several hymn tunes which have become very popular, his latest production “ Ladysmith,’ was pricked and first appeared in the “ Advertiser,’’ and may be obtained in single sheets at the office of that paper. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER 253 XVII. “ ODDS AND ENDS,” OR, SUBJECTS ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY. MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETIES.--- TEETOTALLERS.---- RECH ­ ABITES.---- GRAMMAR SCHOOL.---- PENNY READINGS.---- SPELLING BEES.---- WORKHOUSE. ---- SOCIALISTS.---- CRICKET.---- PRIMROSE LEAGUE.---- CYCLISTS* MEET.---- PLAGUE OF CATERPILLARS.---HUGE BLASTS.- A RARE BIRD.----A FIERY YEAR.---- QUAINT MAXIMS, ETC. HE items constituting this chapter are of so varied and irregular a character as to make it most difficult to classify them, hence their appear­ ance under this heading. The reader, thereyfk fore, need not be shocked if he somewhat u/1 abruptly pass from scenes ranging from " gay J to grave, from lively to severe.” (■J ) YOUNG MEN ’S MUTUAL SOCIETIES. IMPROVEMENT These institution's have flourished within the ancient Borough with varying successes so far back as 1846, and if space were not so limited, I could name many persons who have risen to exalted positions, and are now prospering in various parts of this and other lands, who attribute with 254 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. gratitude, their success to the facilities afforded by the par­ ticular Society to which they were attached. On Tuesday, the 7th March, 1899, the St. Mary ’s Mutual Improvement Society, which is the leading one in our town, celebrated its 21st anniversary, by a knife and fork dinner, at which some 60 persons sat down, 40 invitations having been issued to old members and others who had lectured, or otherwise rendered service to the Society. Some very excellent speeches were made on the occasion, testifying to the excellency of such an insti ution, and many pleasing instances were given of the pleasures and advant­ ages derived therefrom, and special references were made 'o valuable services rendered to that Society by the former vicar, the Rev. E. H. Thomas, and also by the late Mr. Edward Hodgson, who died in Natal, South Africa, 12th June, 1893; also Mr. Fred Mitchell, who is now residing at Clyderhowe, Edmonton, Canada, and Mr. Thos. Altham, Bashall Eaves, the two latter gentlemen ’s services in their high capacity as Naturalists, especially in the summer rambles. Mr. Mitchell is the author of an excellent work, entitled “ Birds of Lancashire,’’ (two volumes) which are beautifully illustrated. It may be mentioned that a strong friendship existed between the two gentlemen, who, in order to pros­ ecute studies in Ornithology, many years ago, took two trips to Holland and Belgium. In proof of the high regard in which Mr. Altham is held as an authority, we may state that he was recently asked to contribute a series of essays to a certain journal, with the offer of three sovereigns for each paper written. It would be unjust to omit reference to the excellent services rendered in antiquarian and histor­ ical subjects by Councillor Weeks, also in botany by Mr. Marshall Demaine, and Mr. Tom Hargreaves, and in geolog}’ by the late Rev. Mr. Stocks, (Downham), and Mr. James Hartley (Clitheroe). The joint secretaries of the Summer Rambling Society are Messrs. S. Clarke and J. H, Walmsley, The following poem is worthy of a place in this connect­ ion. It is from the pen of Mr. W. B, Stamvorth, of Howsin Street, Burnley, and dedicated by CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 255 him to the St. Mary’s Rambling Society, in the Summer of 1899: — How pleasant when a week of toil is past, Our cares a little while aside to cast, And ramble forth to spend a few short hours Out in the fields, amongst the birds and flowers ; To see the things which Nature doth provide, That all the human wants may be supplied ; To watch the lambkins at their sportive play, Or smell the fragrance of the new mown hay, Or linger in the green and shady dell, Where limpid streams their liquid music swell ; To watch the traits of various birds and beasts, And give the eyes and ears a wholesome feast. There flowers of every shade and hue are found, And lady ferns with bright green fronds abound. There too, we find the wild, but sweet woodbine, Which round the branches of the hazel twine. Near churches — oft with ivy-mantled towers— We linger too and wile away the hours, By reading from the stone o'ergrown with moss The names of men who here bore many a cross, And fought life’s battle nobly in their day, And for our present freedom fought their way. On Abbey walls, fast crumbling to the ground. Whose vesper bells have ceased for aye to sound — We gaze and think about the monks of old Who have long since been gathered to the fold ; Beneath the trees in peaceful rest they lie, Through which the winds of summer softly sigh. O.: beauties we have all around no dearth, We view them and we know their sterling worth ; And thus in these recesses wild we seek Some thoughts to please us through the coming week. The author of the above lines is an ardent lover of nature, as may be inferred from the fact that in the course of almost any one year, he will walk from the extreme north end of Burnley at least a score of times in order ;o ascend the loftiest point of old Pendle, there to enjoy in solitude its pleasing prospects. The following information was collected by me and read at the 21st anniversary, and it may, perhaps, be reproduced with propriety, being directly relevant to the Institutions under this head: — St. James’s had a flourishing society as far back as 1859, 256 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. It had not, however, a continuous existence, as after rising and waning, it expired during the Curacy of the Rev. E. Ince, in 1890. Its books etc., have been transferred *0 the Y.M.C.A. St Paul’s, (Low Moor), established a Society in the year 1882, which collapsed in a few months time The Wesleyans founded their Society about the year 1859, during the time Mr. Kent was schoolmaster. It has once or twice fallen into decay. Its present membership is about 40. The United Methodist Free Church, Moor Lane, founded ics society in 1846, during the ministry of the Rev. W. Jackson, and continued without interruption until recently, when for a season or two it was in abeyance. The present membership is about 30. The Congregationalists commenced in April, 1846, and continued until November, 1849, when it was mutually dissolved, and its books etc., divided amongst the members in a satisfactory manner, and in the winter of 1850, was reformed, and after many years of active service is now in a state of torpor. The Primitive Methodists was established in 1881, but is at present in a dormant state. The Baptist Society, through the efforts of the Rev. W. Carey-Sage, was established about the year 1890, but last year it fell asleep and has not yet awoke. We therefore find that the U.M.F.C. has the longest record, and St. Paul’s, (Low Moor), the shortest, whilst St. Mary’s has the largest membership, which is now 67. Having attended during the last 20 years, a large number of Societies in this and other towns, I have no hesitation in saying that St. Mary’s has reason to be proud in its comparison with societies of a kindred nature. Its pros­ perity and success is clearly attributable to the right good fellowship,— the fraternal feeling which permeates its mem ­ bers. for despite the wide divergence of opinion, and the spirited manner in which its debates are carried out, its members, one and all, are loyal to its motto, which is : “ May difference of opinion never alter our friendship.” CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. THE 257 TEETOTALERS. The old Temperance party's headquarters for a long time were at the Temperance Hotel, in Moor Lane, which was kept by a man named James Dawson, a labourer at Prim ­ rose. Their meetings would be held sometimes outdoors, but their indoor meetings were at the ‘Association Chapel’ or the New Methodists, as it was then termed, but which is now the United Methodist Free Church, Moor Lane. A man best known as “ Billy Bowker ’’ was the proud con­ vener of meetings, and for this purpose went round with a bell, and sometimes after a lengthy announcement, 1 e would launch into a speech which if not eloquent was mightily earnest. Poor Billy had, in his younger days, been bitten with the old alcoholic serpent, and he knew what he was talking about. In their earlier days, the Society used to get some of the best talent that could be obtained to harangue the burgesses, such men, for example, as the great veteran, the late Joseph Livesey, of Preston, the late Mayor of Scarborough, (Mr. T. Whittaker), a Mr. James Leare, and a Mr. Edward Grubb, who was a tailor, and a man of fiery eloquence, but this latter gentleman ’s reception in Clitheroe was not encouraging, for Mr. Jas. Hargreaves (late chapelkeeper), informs me he saw him in the Market Place treated to a shower of eggs, none of which were so very fresh. I remember hearing nearly 30 years ago, a fair specimen of a Primitive teetotaler, who, from the Temperance plat­ form, applied the following advice to those young men who were anxious to become public speakers on the Temper­ ance question, and in quite a dramatic style, he said : “ Begin low', go on slow, Get a little higher,— then strike fire.’’ The present Society known as the United Temperance Council first assumed the name of the United Temperance Committee, and had its origin in the U.M.F.C., Moor Lane, This Society was instrumental in the erection of the water fountain, which, for nearly 30 years, stood in the Market Place, opposite Messrs. Bailey Bros, shop door, Mr. N.2 258 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Aspden being at that time the energetic secretary About the year 1890, it was determined by the Council that it should be removed, and the United Temperance Comm ­ ittee having been consulted on the subject, it was unani­ mously agreed that its present site would be the most desirable, as the farmers dogs and Cattle wouM be best served by it there, even if the farmers didn ’t patronise it. The Fountain was originally erected in 1864, and bears the following inscription : “ Erected by Public Subscription, through the efforts of the Temperance Societies, during the Mayoralty of Jas. Garnett, Esq., A.D. 1864 ’’ John, Chap. 4, v. 13-14.’’ INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RECHABITES. Our town possesses a branch of the Independent Order of Rechabites, (Valiant for the truth, tent No. 233). So far as the records disclose, this order has flourished in Cli­ theroe since 1840. Members of this Order are bound to be total abstainers. The objects of this ‘ tent,’ are to raise funds by periodical contributions to which is added admission fees, fines, and interest on. capital invested, which are applied in insuring a sum of money, payable on the death of a member, also insuring a sum payable for the funeral expenses of a members wife or widow, and also insuring a sum payable to a member in time of sickness, and to provide for injury by accident. This branch was registered in 1863. The last set of rules were registered in 1891. This Society has no doctor attached to it, which may be regarded as strong evidence that teetotallers are as a rule healthy, and are readily accepted by Insurance Companies. The present secretary, Mr. J. R Garner, states that in 1866, the membership was 69, whilst in 1899 it was 95. The funds continue to accumulate, so that a share will be worth, at the next valuation, about half as much its original worth, and there will be a substantial balance to divide amongst the members. There is a juvenile branch in connection with this Tent. The following were amongst the first members of the CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 259 Order, very few of whom are now living : Bridge Baron (Printer), William Bulcock, (Warperl, Thomas Hacking, John Maudsley, (Overlooker), John Hayhurst, Robert Ibbotson, Robert Hargreaves, William Robinson (Hayhurst Street), John Broadley, Thomas Gregson, (Temperance Lecturer), Henry Bnggs, J. Smith ­ ies, Robert Gamer, Lowergate; J. Turner, H. Robinson, John Fawcett, Thomas R. Whittaker, George Tomlinson, Richard Myers, Matthew Dean, Thomas Dugdale, Michael Bastow, Henry Aspden, Thomas Aspden, Mark Harrison, Hy. Sowerbutts, Stansfield Hartley, John Bilsborough, John Hall, John Taylor, William Howarth, James Hornby, and Robert Chester. The present trustees are:— John Bils­ borough, Michael Frankland, Robert Gamer, John Taylor, T. Howarth, W. Life. The following have acted as Secretaries to the Order: Rd. Wood, Wm. Gregson, J. Maudsley, Robert Gamer, Thomas Driver, J. Fawcett, J. Farrer, (15 years); S. Myers, J. Latham, and J. R. Gamer, who is the present secretary. . The treasurers have been the following:— H. Sowerbutts, James Knowles, Thomas Whittaker, J. Maudsley, J. Wood, J. Bilsborough, (16 years); Edward Hanson, and T. How­ arth. The Rechabites formerly held their lodge in a room at the top of Wilkin brow, which was at one time Provid ­ ent Chapel, eventually they removed to Mr. Bennetts Rooms, Moor Lane, afterwards to Mr. Boothman’s Con­ fectioner. They have now pitched their tent in the yard adjoining the Congregational Chapel. About the year 1876, a branch of the I. O. of Good Templars was instituted at Clitheroe, their lodge being held at the Wesleyan School. This order did not long exist, and but little information can be gleaned respecting it. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. It may be of interest to state that in the winter of 1852, a series of lectures, scientific and otherwise, were com ­ menced and successfully continued for several years., and the discontinuance of these lectures was a cause of much 260 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. disappointment, as so much valuable knowledge, scientific and otherwise was diffused by the many gentlemen who distinguished themselves, and many people to-day would rejoice to hear of their revival. It was in this year that the Rev. E. Boden became head master. He died in 1886. The Rev. G. Beaumont was for many years assistant master, but has since retired, and accepted a Curacy at Bolton-le-Sands. Mr. Beaumont eventually became private chaplain to Earl Ferrers, of Staunton Harold, Leicester­ shire, and performed divine service in a chapel built by the Earl’s ancestor, Sir Robert Shirley, a well known Royalist at the time of the great Revolution. The Rev. gentleman is now residing at Bispham House, Cleveleys. He paid a visit to Clitheroe in April last, and seemed m fairly good health. The Rev. S. H. Haslam succeeded the Rev Mr Boden in the Head Mastership, in 1886, and in January 1900 , accepted the living of St. Mary, in the Parish of Week, :n the diocese of Truro, and was the recipieirt of several presents prior to his departure. The Governors, on the 28th December, 1899, appointed C. M. Henderson, Esq., M.A. Cantab to be the Head Master in succession to Mr. Haslam. He has been for seme time a Master at the Gloucester County School, and was latterly the second Master of Lancaster Grammar School. The second Master is Mr. N. F. A. Cobbald, who has been here some two years. The Clerk to the Governors is Colonel Robinson, of Clitheroe Castle. The School has two Exhibitions of ^40 a year, each tenable for four years at either Oxford or Cambridge Prizes are given annually to the scholars on Commemorat­ ion day. We give a list of the boys who have obtained the “ honoratus’’ at the School. This list is painted on a board in the school, the names of the boys being in gold letters, upon a black ground. It may be well to state that the boys in this list were the head scholars irt the school in the years indicated, and were nott CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 261 necessarily foundation scholars. 1888 C. E. Prior. 1837 Charles Heath. 1838 William Cannan. 1839 Thomas Shaw. 1840 William Bailey. 1841 W. F. Newton. 1842 Edmund Welch. 1843 J. Wardle. 1844 F. S. Leach. i q j k (J. Wardle. 1845 ? S. Leach. 1848 H. G. Earnshaw. 1853 F. W. Isherwood. 1854) L. E. Salisbury. 1855 > 1856 W. Strickland. 1857 J. E. Anderton. 1858 P. H. Hart. 1850) R. Isherwood I860) 1861 A. Sykes. 1863 ) H. Ashe. 1864 ) 1865) C. E. Appleyard. 1866 ) 1867) S. Knight. 1869 j 1868 F. S. Mitchel). 1870 Deesf 1871 C. E. Parker. 1872 F. H. Ditchfield. 1873) E. Carlisle. 1874 ) Deest. 1876 1876 £ W. H. Wright. C. W. A. Clarke. Idem. 1877 1878 C. J. Turner. Idem. 1879 Deest. 1880 E. E. Perrin. 1881 1882 F. M. Sykes. 1883 W. E. Waddington. 1884 R. P. Dewhurst. 1885 J W. E. Waddington. R. P. Dewhurst. 1886 R. P. Dewhurst. Idem. 1887 Idem. 1888 1889 R. Hargreaves. 1890 G. Mitchell. 1891 W. L. Kissack. Idem. 1892 Idem. 1893 1894 M. W. Harrison Idem. 1895 Idem. 1896 J. W. Hedley. 1897 1898 C. R. Spackman. 1899 W. H. Ross. Rev. E. Boden ’s Prizes for Mathematics: 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 A. B. Taylor. Idem. Idem. M. W. Harrison E. Oxburgh. 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 M. W. Harrison. J. W. Hedley. Idem. A. Robinson W. H. Ross The following extracts from the ‘ scheme of the Found ­ ation,’ which obtained the Royal assent on the 22nd Feb. 1878, will doubtless be interesting to the public: — « The governing body hereinafter called the Governors, shall, when completely formed and full, consist of 13 per­ sons, of whom one shall be called ex-oflicio Governor, six ■shall be called Representative Governors, and 1 six shall be 262 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. called Co-Optative Governors. The ex-officio Governor shall be the Mayor of Clitheroe for the time being if he shall be willing to accept the office. The Representative Governors shall be competent persons, duly qualified tc discharge the duties of the office, and shall be appointed by the following electing bodies respectively, in the following proportions, that is to say, three by the Town Council of Clitheroe, one by the just­ ices of Peace for the County of Lancaster, acting in the Petty Sessional Division in which the Township of Clith ­ eroe is situated ; one by the governing body of the Slaidburn endowed school at Slaidbum, and one by the govern ­ ing body of the Grammar School at Whalley. The first Co-optative Governors shall be the following persons, that is to say: Ralph Assheton, M.A., M.P, for Clitheroe, William Robinson, Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie, M.A., Robert Nowell Whittaker Clerk, M. A„ William Wilkinson, M.A., Ralph John Aspinall, B.A., being the present Governors of the Foundation and their appoint­ ment shall take effect from the date of this scheme. The present Governors are, Chairman, Colonel Aspinall, R. C. Assheton, Esq., Edmund Arthur Le G. Starkie, Esq, Wm. King-Wilkinson, senior, Esq., W E. Musson, Esq. Co-optative Governor, Rev. C. C Pritchard, ( Thorntonle-Moors, Cheshire). Representative of County Magistrates, C. J. B. Trappes, Esq. Representative Governors elected by the Corporation, Wm. Garnett, senior, Esq., Tom Gamett, Esq. and James Robinson, Esq., (Brooklands). Ex-officio, The Mayor, (Aiderman Tillotson). Representative of the Whalley Grammar School, Rd. Thompson, Esq. Slaidbum, Rev. J. C. Garnett. PENNY READINGS. During some two or three winters, extending over the years 1864-5-6, as nearly as can be ascertained, what were then regarded as novel entertainments were held in the upper room of the National School, and were very popular CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 263 for a time. The price of admission being one penny, they were termed Penny Readings, although there were reserved seats at 6d. Being unable to discover any records I have, after much enquiry learned that the following gentlemen took a lively interest in them : Rev. Mr. Dalton, (Cuarate, St Mary’s), Messrs. Edward Hodgson, John Mitchell, Thomas Hothersall, (Solicitor), Dr. Musson, E. F. Beakley, John Mercer, junior, John Hargreaves, (Chatbum), John Samuel Lister, L. W. Whalley, William Roberts, (schoolmaster), J. Birkett, (Wesleyan schoolmaster). A few items rendered on these occasions are remembered very distinctly, viz, a scene in Shakespere, by Mr. Roberts, (Cassius), and Mr. Joseph Birkett, (Brutus), and Lord Dun­ dreary,. A reading “ The bashful man,’’ by Mr. Hother­ sall. “ Charge of the Light Brigade,’’ by a gentleman eloc­ utionist, a stranger. Mr. John Eastham, read from Pickwick ’s Papers. Dr. Musson took the musical arrangements. Mrs. Birkett and Miss Hayhurst sang on several occasions. A Mr. Lock ­ wood, a harpist from Mr. Chas. Halle ’s Orchestra, accom ­ panied Mrs. Birkett who sang “ The blind girl to her harp.’’ M t . John Mercer, junior, and Mr. John Hargreaves, (son of Mr. Robert Hargreaves, Druggist), helped in the part-songs. SPELLING BEES. About the years 1876-7, spelling bees were immensely popular for a winter or two, and were of American origin. Prizes were given to the person who correctly spelled the greatest number of words, and in case of any dispute, a certain dictionary would be referred to, which was adver­ tised as the authority, and be binding as to the mode of spelling. These spelling bees were held at Moor Lane, the Primitive Methodist, Wesleyan, and National SchoolsAt the National School there occurred a very spirited com ­ petition in spelling, when Mr. F. G. Mitchell, now in Canada, seemed likely to carry off the prize as he had hitherto failed in none. Ultimately the word 1 Idyl ’ was given. Mr. Mitchell having spelled it with two L ’s, the 264 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. dictionary was referred to, and as it gave the word but one L, Mr. Mitchell was declared unsuccessful, and no small controversy arose in the town as to the correct mode of spelling, and which dictionary ought to be accepted as the authority. Miss Simpson, daughter of the Drill Ser­ geant, carried off the prize. The following were amongst the competitors: Miss Isherwood, Miss Annie Mitchell, (York House), Miss Carlisle, Miss Birkett, several Grammar School lads, etc. UNION WORKHOUSE. Our Workhouse was built in 1873( the operation com ­ mencing in May, 1871, the total cost being ^13,000. The late Mr. Robt. Satterthwaite, joiner and builder, York St., was the Contractor for the whole of the work. The first Master and Matron of the house were Mr. and Mrs. Young Lofthouse, who came from Bishop Monkton, near Ripon. They were transferred from, the Aighton Workhouse, where they had been some four years. Mr. Lofthouse -etired shortly before his death, which, occurred on the 18th Jan ­ uary, 1898, having been in the service of the Clitheroe Union in all, 25 years. His death was universally regret­ ted, as he and his good wife had discharged their duties with such fidelity and discretion. Mrs. Lofthouse, it is to be regretted, has been invalided ever since, and also some time previous to their leaving the house. Miss Charnock, (now Mrs. Slater), was eight years assistant Matron, and won for herself a host of friends within and without the house by her kind and sympathetic treatment of those under her care. The present Master and Matron are Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ tin, who came from Lancaster, and immediately succeeded Mr. and Mrs. Lofthouse. The Guardians for the Borough are Mr. W. B. Dewhurst, Chairman, (elected from outside), Messrs. J. H. Clarke, S. Green, C. J. B. Trappes, also the following who were Socialist Candidates: Messrs. T. D. Benson, Miles Lord, Robert Jones, and William Sutcliffe. The Relieving CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Officer is Mr. William Harrison-. Parker. 265 Task Master, Mr. Wm. SOCIALISTS. The Clitheroe branch of the Social Democratic Feder­ ation was established in our town in September 1895. The present club premises in Greenacre Street, being first occu ­ pied in October, 1896. There are 140 members now en­ rolled. The first secretary was the late Frederick Alder, who died on the 24th September, 1897, and who may be fairly said to be the founder of this branch. The following have since discharged the secretarial duties:— Messrs. F. Hargreaves, W. Crook, William Yates, Wm. Alder, and John Walker. The following have acted as treasurer: — Messrs. A. Bridge (twice), A. Whittaker, Fred Braithwaite, James B. Walker, senior.. The branch on its institution had only 12 members, including four ladies, viz., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alder, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nightingale, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whittaker, Mr. and Mrs. A Yates, -and Messrs. John Langstreth, Abel Bridge, William Alder and John Chatbum. Mr. T. D. Benson, of Roby House, may be regarded as the leading Socialist in this district, and hits wielded con ­ siderable influence in the town, during his somewhat short residence in this locality. CRICKET. It would be difficult to render an accurate account of cricket as played some 50 years ago unless that veteran cricketer, Dr. Smithies, were reckoned with, realising this, I accordingly interviewed that gentleman, and intimated my particular object. The doctor, after some reflection, kindly supplied me with the following interesting and chat­ ty account: “ My remembrance of Cricket in Clitheroe, goes back quite 50 years. The interest in the game was quite as great in our district then as it is now. The chief clubs in the district were Low Moor, Clitheroe, and Great Harwood, besides minor daisy-cutting teams amongst the younger operatives and lads of the town. 2G6 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Mr. John Allen states that two cricket clubs existed about the year 1850, one whose ground was on the Bellman race course, and another, connected with the Primrose Print Works, the ground of which was called “ Moor Piece,’’ and adjoins Lead Bridge. The Low Moor team had then some very good all round men, viz, Tom Slinger, alias “ Prince,’’ who was a noted batter and bowler, Bob and Tom Postlethwaite, the latter a very good wicket-keeper, and Wm. Penny, “ Doctor,’’ who considering the state of the grounds in those days, was a remarkably good long-stop. Old Jack Burgess was a good lob bowler, who along with Tom Postlethwaite, afterwards joined the Clitheroe Club. Mr. Jeremiah Garnett, (now of Bromley Cross), frequently played with this team. I re­ member his remarkable power as a bowler, using either the right or the left arm, as occasion required, with great effect. “ Young Tom,’’ too, as he was then called, took some inter­ est in local cricket, but was never quite so keen on the game as his brother Jeremiah. Jim Whalley, John Taylor, Tom Postlethwaite, Thomas Slinger, and the two Garnetts are still living. The chief partisans of the Great Harwood Cricket were the late Mr. Birtwistle, Mr. Nathan and Mr. Smith Catterall, the latter being a grand wicket-keeper, and a very big hitter. He is now living in Manchester. Wicket­ keeping was at that time a most difficult and dangerous position to take, in consequence of the badly and irregular­ ly laid grounds, hence the necessity of a long stop. Sodd ­ ing, too, was a common practice in those days, and the winning team was generally pelted at until they were pretty well away from the town at which they were playing.’ Referring more particularly to Clitheroe, the Doctor says, “At that time the field was on Little Moor Lane, near the new church, the entrance being behind Tom Hothersall’s, the Wheat Sheaf Inn. There is no doubt that Col. Dewhurst and Mr. Stephen Myers may claim to be the fathers of the present day cricket in Clitheroe. Young Arch Dewhurst, (as we called him), who was at Whalley Grammar School,, and Stephen regularly played on this CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 267 ground. They also brought out a very good wlck^'^Py in Billy Cowperthwaite, and there were Isaac Wood (a bowler), Jim Whalley, old John Dawson (“ the tragedian, ) Bob Winckley, Ted Welsby, “ Dodge ” Grimshaw, young Luke Walker, myself, Robert Towler (Swan), Tom Kelly, and Edward Whittaker. We lads— (I, Bob Towler and others), were getting all the practice we could in the Swan meadow, down Back Commons, and were occasionally up at Tom Hothersall’s field having a game when we could get it. After some time this old Clitheroe club broke upThe Mitchells and Bleakleys, of Primrose, having come to the town (1860), an extra effort was made, and the “ Clitheroe Alhambra Club ” was formed, and the field next below the present cricket field in Chatbum Road was secured. This went on well for many years, and when “ Young Jim Dewhurst came from Uppingham School, and “ Young Bob ” from Germany, a very good team could be ra seo. Our opponents now were to be found at Settle, Clayton-leM o o t s , Great Harwood, Whalley, Skipton, Sabden, etc. About this time Fred Lillywhite was engaged as profes­ sional, and to make a good living he also instituted a gymnastic school (some particulars of which appear on a previous page). At this interesting period Whalley had now made itself famous for its cricket, laying a grand ground, and having the “ All England XL'’ down, as well as good scratch elevens almost every Saturday. Indeed, far and near :n North-East Lancashire, Whalley was considered the place to go to for a good day ’s cricket. The pro. for Whalley, soon after the club was formed, was that well-known old Yorkshire cricketer, Roger Iddison, who made many fnends, and for a year or two kept a shop in the Market Place, Clitheroe. Reverting to the Alhambra, which was formed about the year 1860 or 1861, the first members were W. A Dew ­ hurst, Jack Robinson, the late Geo. W. Whewell, Robert Towler (Swan), the late Wm. Astley (brewer Nelson), Stephen Myers, Jack Tomlinson (Waterloo), Clement .. Mitchell, Luke Walker, J. J. Smithies, the Hornbys, Rd. 268 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. and Thos. Hothersall, J. E. Anderton, Fred Mitchell, Mark Hodgkinson, and other Grammar School lads. In those days, a Mr. Withers, (father to Mr. J. N. Withers, District Registrar, Blackbum,) took a great inter­ est in cricket. He was a civil engineer, and in that capacity had played a part in the making of our railway He was a genial man, and did much to entourage cricket in the Ribblesdale Valley. Mr. Withers senior frequently ar­ ranged matches both at Gisbum and Whalley. It was at the first named place that the “ Colt ”— a Young Jim ” Dewhurst came out, making 26, after which he never looked back.. Stephen Myers, too, made his mark, going in first and running through the innings “not out,’’ hence his name— “ bam-doorer.’’ Some years after this, the name “ Alhambra ’’ was dropped and “ C.C.C.’’ substituted, and another effort was made which resulted in the securing of the present field. The ground and bowling green were laid at great expense, the bowling green tents being built by the late Mr. Robert Satterthwaite. We used to pitch the wickets as early as 11.0 in the morning for a Saturday ’s match, and if possible, two innings were played. This often occurred and added very much to the fun and interest of the game, frequently revers­ ing the chances of one or the other, as the case might be­ lt was some time after this (I suppose about 30 years back, when Lord Ribblesdale was very young), that we had to go to Gisburn and play a match. The day was very wet, but not to be outdone, the match was played, some wearing their overcoats, whilst others fielded with umbrellas up. His Lordship, however, was not quite so keen, and did not turn out. Subsequently, our chief rivals were the Settle men. Mr. Duncan, Mr. William and Mr. George Robinson were then all very fond of the game, and were the backbone of the club. Our match with Settle was the event of the year, and a grand dinner was always prepared on the day of our fight. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 269 whether the match was at Clitheroe or Settle. If at Cli­ theroe, we had luncheon in the Tower Hill Barn, (near Salt­ hill,) and high jinks were gone through, singing “speech.fy ing,” and marlocking ’’ to our hearts content, and d.nner in the evening at the Brownlow. Then, every man who could afford, had to pay his own expenses, and if he could nnt the Secretary paid for him, and it is but right to say that Mr. Wm. Arch. Dewhurst, who was the sercetary for many years, must have been a considerable sum out of pocket. Cricket, as played now-a-days,— what is called “ League cricket,’’— can never give the same individual pleasure as it did then, because there is too much rivalry, the whole thing partaking too much of the character of professionalism. It must, however, be admitted that the “ gates ” are better now, but to get the true pleasure of cricket you must have scratch teams, on the same lines as the East Lancashire Wanderers of the present day, or those of that good old father of cricket— Mr. John Stanning, of Leyland, who, year by year, takes his team to Yorkshire for a ten days holiday, playing matches, and finishing at Scarborough and district. One incident of the earlier cricket worthy of note was that Clitheroe and Great Harwood teams played two undecid ­ ed matches, when the final had to be played off on the Whalley Grammar School ground. This was, of course, con ­ siderably before the WhaJley Cricket Club was formed. Touching cricket, as played in more recent times, Mr. T. D. Boum says, “ the practice of ‘ sodding’ the trium ­ phant team took place at Bamoldswick some ten years ago. The Clitheroe lads, after beating the “ Barlickers,” had to beat a hasty retreat as sods began to fly most disagreeably. Mr. Boum further says that he remembers several occasions where the umpires had to be protected or conducted off the field owing to the extreme rage of the defeated teams. During, say, the last fifteen years, the style of playing cricket has altered considerably, notably in the bowling. Round-hand bowling has all but gone out, having been superseded by overhand. In batting, too, a marked change has come about; vigorous ‘driving ’ seems to have entirely 270 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. given way to “ cutting ” and “ placing.” There seems to have been for many years past quite a prejudice to the wearing of billycocks or “ bowlers” by cricketers, and especially when playing away, the cap being the favoured and all but unform roof wom. If a player turned up in either a billycock or shiner it was more than probable that on the return journey the unorthodox article would be battered or kicked and so made unfit to wear. On one occasion, when the Clitheroe team, victorious, was returning from Great Harwood, an enthusiastic member « f our team, so overjoyed with the result, waved his “ shiner so repeatedly that he was warned of its coming down, but, heedless of the threat, he gracefully, once again, brought nis hat round with a swing, with the result, as threatened, of a seriously damaged article. It may be stated that some years ago it was considered quite the thing to play in a silk hat. A comical incident occurred some years ago when Crossland and King came with Messrs. Whipp ’s team to play Clitheroe, in connection with the Good Samaritan Society. Crossland drove a ball which hit a well-known player severely on the jaw. The recipient exclaimed, It has broken my jaw !” when Crossland jerked out— “ How could ta talk if its broken ?*’ This evoked much laughter and is a standing joke to-day. Some years ago, there was a remarkable cricketer known as McHale, an Irishman, who was employed at Whalley dur­ ing the repairing of the railway arches there. He was a very vigorous bowler and at times was erratic, but usually in the long run came off well. He was a substitute for a " pro.” for our team, and there was a tacit understanding that he was paid sixpence for every wicket taken in a match. Sometimes McHale was in extreme need of sixpences, and when journeying to a Great Harwood match said he would have to fetch down many wickets for he was greatly needing some money. On arriving at Great Harwood he discovered that the match was placarded as “ Great Harwood versus Clitheroe with McHale.’’ On seeing his name on the placard he refused to play and could only be induced to do so by CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 271 the promise of two or three shillings extra, and the addi^'onal sixpences earned by felling the wickets put his finances :n a satisfactory state.’’ It may be fairly said that Mr. T. D. Boum has taken more wickets for the Clitheroe team than any player since “ Young Bob ’s” day. In the season 1899, the Clitheroe team won the Ribbles­ dale League Cup after the most exciting struggle since the League was formed. The event was made an occasion of great jubiliation, and a torchlight procession took place on Saturday the 10th September, 1899. The Mayor, Aider­ man Roberts, at 5 p.m., prior to the procession, presented the cup on the Cricket Field. The names of the gentlemen who have acted as honorary secretaries to the club are Messrs. W. A. Dewhurst, F. S. Mitchell, James Dewhurst, E. T. Welch, A. H. Aitken. John Briggs, J. J. Smithies. Robert Coates, Joseph Brown, R. Paget Dewhurst, and Nathan Aldersley. Mr. Aldersley, after 14 years’ service, retired in March last. The present secretary is Mr. Edgar Rawsthome. The following gentlemen have been the bowling green secretaries : Messrs. C. T. Mitchell, J. W. Carlisle, R. H. Kidd, W. H. Bearman, R. Loynd, A. Blacow and H. Ramsbottom. The following have been the professionals for the club. Their names are placed, as nearly as can be remembered, in the order in which they came: Wright, Joy, Baker, Anderton, Nicholls, Painter, Fletcher, Peacock, Kidman, Attewell, Robinson, Hind, Hindle. ST. JAMES ’S CRICKET CLUB. This club was formed in the year 1892, in connection ■with the St. James’s School, and under the presidency of the Rev. J. W. Martin, then Curate of the St James’s Church. The first captain was Mr. W. Nutter, Mr. R, Whitam, secre­ tary, and Mr. J. J. Berry, treasurer. In the first season five matches were won, and of these two were won and three lost, and if the team got 30 runs they thought they had 272 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. done excellently and had a chance of winning. The lowest score the club ever made was 7 runs and that was in the second year against Gisburn. The club has increased both in membership and subscriptions, since its formation. The Rev. R. Railton took up the presidency for two years and after his retirement members were admitted from other sources, but the club retains the name as St. James’s Cricket Club. In the years of 1897-8, W .King-Wilkinson, Esq^ junior, was president of the club, but is now one of the vice-presidents. In 1899, J. T. Whipp, Esq., of Little Moor House, was elected president, and he still holds that office. The only drawback to the club is the situation of its ground which lies just beyond Roby House and is too far out of town, and every effort is being made to get one nearer. The secretaryship has only changed once, Mr. Whitt am resigning after the first season, and Mr. Standring succeeded to the post which he still holds. The club has always had a very successful playing team, and for the four last seasons they have never lost above four games in one season. The last season, 1899, was the best the club ever had, playing 17 matches of which 11 were won, 1 lost, and 5 drawn, and the team scored 2,120 runs as against 1,064 by their opponents. PRIMROSE LEAGUE.— The Clitheroe branch of the Pendle Forest Habitation (No. 2,488), was established in the year 1895, the Ruling Councillor of the Habitation be­ ing Wm. Peart Robinson, Esq., Reedley Hall, Burnley ; the Head Warden is Mr. W. S. Weeks; Secretary. Mr. H, H. Baldwin, who is an enthusiastic worker for the cause and has considerably enhanced the position of the League. The first secretary was Mr. Jas. Astley, who was a diligent and painstaking secretary. The increase in the membership has been largely due to the zealous labours of Miss Zillah Dixon, who, on the 16th day of March, 1899, was presented with a silver star (2nd grade), in recognition of her merit­ orious services. In addition to lectures and other events during the winter months, there are, in connection with the League, pic-nics during the summer months, which are very popular. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 273 CYCLE MEET.— An annual event in our Borough which is eagerly looked forward to is the Cyclists’ Meet, the rendezvous being Whalley. Having been marshalled there, along the Station Road, the cyclists wheel on to Clitheroe where, at the Swan Hotel, they partake of a tea, after which edifying speeches are usually made, and the KingWilkinson Challenge Cup presented to the club having the largest number present. It was in the year 1880 that the project for stimulating interest in cycling was conceived, and the Lancashire cycling community are largely indebted to the three gentlemen of Middlewoood, Mr. Wm. KingWilkinson senr., Mr. Wm. King-Wllkinson junr., and Mr. Leo. King-Wilkinson, and to Mr. Cecil Wheeler ,(Chatbum), who have given valuable assistance in connection with the arrangements. Mr. Wheeler subsequently accepted a valu ­ able appointment at Coventry as manager of the well-known Sparkbrook Manufacturing Company. The Preston B.C. also gave these gentlemen great assist­ ance. Until the year 1887, the meet was run by a committee composed of two representatives from every club attending and the expenses were defrayed privately. In the year 1887 the association of North-East Lancashire Cycling Clubs was formed, and amongst other matters took over the manage­ ment of the meet. The subscription of each club to this association used to be 10s. 6d., and two representatives of each club sat on the committee, but since the formation of a Local Centre of the “ N.C.U.’* in this district, the sub ­ scription to the association has been reduced to 5s., and one representative only from each affiliated club now sits. On the formation of the association, Mr. Wm. KingWilkinson, senr., gave a challenge cup for the purpose of in some way adding interest to the meet. The association decided to give it to the affiliated club bringing the largest number of members to the meet in uniform, and riding throughout the parade— (Whalley to Clitheroe). In 1898, “ uniform,’’ as an essential in this competition, was abolished. The cup is held for twelve months. The Bumley Victoria C.C. have carried off the cup the oftenest, namely, in 1888, 1889, 1890, and 1892. In 1891, 274 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. this club, in a most sportsmanlike spirit, (being an extremely strong club), retired for one yeai from the competition in order to lend additional interest to the competition for other clubs. The cup is now with the Preston West End C.C. who have held it for the past two years. There has been a meet every year since 1880, the last meet being the “ 20th Annual Meet.’’ The following clubs have held the challenge cup : 1887 — Burnley C.C ...................... 37 members in uniform 1888 — Burnley Victoria C.C. ... 55 1889 — Burnley Victoria C.C. ... 76 1890 — Burnley Victoria C.C. ... 74 1891 — Colne C.C ........................ 48 1892 — Burnley Victoria C.C. ... 84 1893 — Clitheroe B.C ................... 24 1894 — Livesey B.C .......... -.......... 41 1895 — Blackbum Trinity C.C.... 45 1896 — Blackbum Trinity C.C.... 68 1897 — Blackbum Trinity C.C.... 28 1898 — Preston West End C.C... 89 Members 1899 — Preston West End C.C... 93 ,, The number of clubs affiliated to the association has varied from ten to fifteen. In 1895, the association voted j£10 in aid of the expenses of the then newly formed Local Centre of the “N.C.U.” A few years ago,— in 1893, the association brought out a local “Route Guide,’’ and sold it through the usual channels to the public at sixpence. The association was prepared to lose ^10, but the whole edition of 2,000 copies quickly sold out, and resulted in a profit to the association of nearly ^9. PLAGUE OF CATERPILLARS. In the month of June, 1881, quite a sensation was created in the town and district by the newspaper accounts of the extraordinary spread of caterpillars in the neighbourhood— on Pendle Hill principally, at the western part of the hill and about the Nick of Pendle. Thousands of people visited the neighbourhood to inspect them. The caterpillars had a soft cylindrical body, and varied in length from three CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 275 quarters of an inch to an inch and a half. They had three pairs of short, homy, thom-like legs in the front, and four pairs of false feet, or “ dingers,’’— little fleshy protuberances, on which they crawled. Their colour was a dark, shiny olive, relieved with two or three thin, well defined, yellow stripes along the whole length of the upper part of the body. The under portion was of a uniform lighter shade of colour. Naturalists differed in their designation of them. One was of opinionl that it was the Silver Y Moth (Plusia gamma); another contended that it was the larvae of the Antler or Grass Moth, (Charceas graminis). This extra­ ordinary swarm of catterpillars attracted a tremendous num ­ ber of crows, starlings, and other gregarious birds which, to some extent reduced their numbers. Mr. Hy. Starkie, keeper on the Standen Estate, informs me that the caterpillars were making such fearful havoc with the herbage that the farmers in Pendleton township were contemplating making a trench along the bottom of the moor to prevent them getting into the lowlands. It will be remembered by many readers that the most extraordinary thunderstorm that has ever visited this valley since the opening of the railway, burst upon the town and district in the summer of this year, (1881), which had the effect of completely exterminating these pests, but it also accomplished something more, for the rainfall was so fearful as to descend in torrents down the slopes of Pendle, and as the water sought its outlet through Sabden, two aged men, George Pilkington and Thomas Haworth, were passing down the valley, and when just opposite the present residence of Mr. Chas. Laycock, George Pilkington was carried off his feet by the force of the water and drowned, his body being found next morning in the brook in Read Wood, whilst the other man clung to a lamp post hard by, and was thereby fortunately saved although he sustained some injuries in his struggle with the watery elements. Even pigs and poultry were carried down the stream, whilst a corpse that was on the bed on the ground floor in Top Row, Sabden, floated about the room. Considerable damage was done to the beams at the Cobden Mill, which also caught fire through 276 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. lightning, though, fortunately, the fire was extinguished be ­ fore much damage was done. Reverting to the subject of the plague of caterpillars, one farmer in the vicinity of Chipping, where the insects were also swarming, stated that some of his hens gorged them ­ selves to such an extent that they died of repletion. An ­ other declared that it cost him nothing to keep his geese, and that they fattened under the process. An adventurous Clitheroe youth gathered a large number of Pendle Hill caterpillars and placed them in small boxes. He exhibited the insects in a booth on the market ground in Burnley, charging a penny for a sight of them, and for a time he created quite a sensation and did fairly well, but ultimately a gang of reck ­ less young fellows burst into the “ penny show ’’ and scat­ tered the insects far and wide, and so the curtain dropped thus ending the fortunes of the enterprising Clitheronian. The caterpillars aroused the genius of a Clitheroe poet who eased his perturbed soul and enlightened the minds of hisneighbours after the following fashion: It was an awful sight to see A host of serpents creeping, One dewy morn on Pendle Hill, Just as the day was peeping. Their speed and numbers fast increased, And, o'er the high walls leaping, Full soon they reached a lonely house; And found the inmates sleeping. But what to do they could not tell,— The sight was most alarming,— For thousands still came down the hill, And round the house were swarming. At last they cried " why stand we here ? And what's the good of weeping ? ” They took the brushes from the house, And all began a-sweeping. The hill was said to be alive, And moving, though but slowly, It would not take it very long To get as far as Whalley. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 277 The air was filled with rumours wild, And children in their dreaming Imagined scorpions in their beds And woke themselves with screaming. ’Twas said that they were thick and long And big as any turtle, Some called them blue and green and grey, Some said that they were purple. Some said that they were black as night, And some as white as millers ; I went to see the awful sight And found — SOME CATERPILLARS. It will, doubtless, be of interest to many to know that the author of this amusing poem was Mr. Wm. Hanson, a form ­ er caretaker of the Liberal Club, who, after a long and painful illness, serenely passed to his reward in December last. HUGE BLASTS.— The huge blasts which were fired at Coplow and Salt Hill aroused considerable interest in the town and district, and were witnessed by thousands of spec­ tators. The shocksl caused by them were felt not only in Clitheroe but even at Low Moor, and in consequence of this a Preston paper reported that an earthquake had been felt in the village, which proved, however, to be the result of a blast— a small one, at “ Dangerous ” Quarry. Zadkiel, of almanac fame, predicted in his almanac at this period that earthquakes would take place in England. In the following year’s almanac, with an air of triumph, he referred to the fulfilment of the prophesy as having taken place in Clitheroe. The first blast was fired in 1868. Fourteen men were imported by Messrs. J. Briggs and Sons, from Holywell, North Waes, for the purpose of boring for them, these men having had considerable experience in blasting opera­ tions. The first batch cf men arrived in March 1868, the names of some of them being still remembered, viz.: David Roberts, Elias Roberts, Wm. Jones, Fryman, Staley, Edward Williams, Wm. Williams, Samuel Ellis, John Jones, Samuel Williams, and Llewellyn. Other men than these 278 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. are associated with blasting operations, notably, John Cot­ tam, Anderson (“ Crag Chris. Durham, “ Blucher,” “ Pow ” (a Polander), “ Punch,’’ and two young Cornish men* whose names cannot be remembered. Mr. Jonh Aspden, then manager at Coplow Lime Works, (who is still living), says three were three large blasts fired at Coplow, and two at Salt Hill. The last one was the largest, and was fired by Mr. John Briggs, senior. The blast hole was about six yards long and five feet in diameter, and took the form of the letter T. The powder was de­ posited in chambers formed at the extremity. Three and a half tons of powder were placed in the last blast, equal to seventy barrels. The fuse was thirteen yards long and ex ­ tended from the mouth of the blast to the centre of the T. The fire conveyed by the fuse having reached powder con­ tained in an indiarubber tube was simultaneously transmitted to the heaps of powder in each chamber, right and left, so that there would be no waste of energy. The weight of rock displaced at the last blast was said at the time to be about 140,000 tons. Three huge pieces of rock, each weighing about 1,000 tons, were displaced by the blast, and Mr. John Aspden contracted for the breaking up of these massive pieces, and he came out satisfactorily with his contract. He was assisted in the work bv John Badger and John Hayhurst, and all three of them were photographed by Mr. Benjamin Satterthwaite whilst they stood upon '■he ponderous pieces of rock. The late John Craney and John Tattersall also assisted these men in the contract work. It is a remarkable coincidence that the five men above named had each “John ” f°r their Christian name. An ­ other singular coincidence, though not pertaining to the point at issue, might be given— the fact that there resided some 40 years ago, four neighbours whose names were sug ­ gestive of the four Evangelists. They resided on the old row over Shaw Bridge, next the Bridge Inn. and were named Matthew Riley, Mark Harrison, Luke Walker, and John Wilkinson, but we must return to our subject. Two men from Kettlewell came to assist in the boring for the last blast, which was fired in August, 1874, (the CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 279 agricultural show day), and several panes of glass were broken at the Workhouse by the force of the concussion, and the back of a signal box on the railway was somewhat damaged, but notwithstanding the enormous upheaval of stone, and fragments hurled in all directions, still the rail* way was notblocked or in any way interfered with, though traffic for a short time was suspended. The five blasts were fired b v the following persons, but the dates or order in which they fired them cannot be remembered : Miss Briggs, (now Mrs. Thoroughgood); Mr. George Briggs; Mr. Clough, (West Bradford) ; Mr. Anderson (“ Cragg ’’); and Mr. John Briggs, senr. It may be of interest to state that in Peel Park, Salford, there is a stone, a remarkable geological specimen, owing to the extraordinary number of encrinites massed upon it. The stone was obtained from Salt Hill, and has upon it a brass plate with an inscription setting forth this fact, and that it was presented to Peel Park by Messrs. John Briggs and Sons. AN EXTRAORDINARY BIRD. In the Spring of 1894, a paragraph appeared in the even ­ ing and other papers which attracted many persons from Blackbum, Clitheroe, and intervening places to visit Nethertown, near Whalley, to listen to the song of the nightingale which night by night perched in a tree by the side of the highway and warbled forth a flood of song to the intense delight of the visitors. Ornithologists likewise went to hear this extraordinary songster, and whilst some insisted _n the opinion that it was a nightingale, others concluded that the bird was a clever sedge warbler. The matter was dis­ cussed at much length in the local papers, but ultimately, the general opinion inclined to the belief that it was not a nightingale, as this bird does not find its way so far north. A FIERY YEAR. The year 1896 will long be remembered for the alarming number of fires which occurred in such quick succession and under circumstances of a character as to strongly impress the public mind that they were the work of an incendiary. 280 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. There were fifteen fires in all during this year, but the most remarkable ones only are given below. A striking coin ­ cidence in connection with them was the fact that at least eight of them occurred on the Saturday night. I am in ­ debted to o u t worthy Chief Constable for the dates of the fires and also for the information upon other matters which was most courteously supplied. Brewery Mill, 5th March; Bailey Bros., 19th April; Veevers ’ Joiners’ Shop, 20th June; Victoria Mill, (abortive attempt*) between 18th and 20th July. Tower Hill Barn, 25th July; Byrne's Stables, etc., 22nd August; Ingham ’s Hay Stack (Back Com ­ mons), same night; Eatough ’s Hen cote, 19th September; Myers’ Rope works, same night; Holden ’s Bobbin works, 16th October. (Another fire also occurred at Holdens works on 9th January, 1898). The public feeling having arisen to a high pitch of interest as well as indignation at the ruthless work of the malefac­ tors, on Saturday, the 5th September, eight men were select­ ed to keep vigil over certain property, but their sendees proved ineffectual. Ultimately their number was increased to 28. These watchmen, who had volunteered their ser­ vices, were distributed throughout Clitheroe and Low Moor, and on Saturday evening, the 17th October, the Mayor, (Mr. Tom Garnett), accompanied by the Chief Constable (Mr. Walter Clayton), was occupied rom 7.30 to 11.30 in giv ­ ing surprise visits to all the volunteers who were found faithfully at the point of duty, but no arrests, inconsequence of their vigils were made. f*The attempt to frj Victoria Mill, (Wilkin Bridge), was a clumsy but daring one. A window at the easterly side had been broken and a match box thrown through in a burning state, but fortunaely it drepped into a cop tin which was empty. Had it been any other day the tin would have contained cops, and the diabolical end would have been accomplished. It is evident that the match, box had been dropped whilst burning, as it was charred at one end, and several spent matches were found by Sergt. Beaumont on the ground outside beneath the window.] CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 281 Subsequently the Mayor conveyed his gratitude to the faithful watchmen by a specially written letter to each man, warmly acknowledging the public sense of duty which prompted them to come forward to volunteer their services for the protection of the property of their neighbours. On the Sunday following the two fires, (Eatough ’s and Myers’), the Chief Constable determined to make an extra­ ordinary effort at detection and accordingly sent a detach ­ ment of constables to make a house to house visit in the several streets in the neighbourhood of Wilkin and Taylor Fields, with the object of ascertaining the movements of each man during the previous Saturday night. This resulted in the arrest of a young man in Taylor Fields in consequence of the unsatisfactory answers given, and the fact of his trousers being conspicuously wet. Directly after the fire had been discovered at Mr. Myers’ rope works, a man was seen to jump from the roof of the works and was chased across the brook into Taylor Street. The Police inferred from this that whoever that man was his trousers would be wet, and accordingly they determined to investigate the neighbourhood. The prisoner was committed for trial at the Manchester Assizes, and on the 4th November, 1896, was tried and acquitted. It was gratifying to all law-abiding people, as well as to the Police, that after the acquital there were no more fires which could be attributed to incendiarism. QUAINT MAXIMS, ETC. How prone were our forefathers to cling to traditions, and indulge in superstituons, as well as make use of quaint maxims, homely adages, and figures of speech, all in the dialect peculiar to the district! Clitheroe being on the border line of Yorkshire, the dialect of this locality has been inevitably corrupted or intermixed, that is, half York ­ shire and half Lancashire, but anyhow, it can be said with fairness that the lingo of the common people is not so vulgar and bears a very favourable comparison with the dialects of neighbouring towns. I give here a few quaint maxims, rhymes, etc., which are a good specimen of those frequently used in common parlance some 40 or 50 years ago. 282 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. “ Never poke another man ’s fire till you ’ve known him seven years.” “ A dry March and a windy May Fills the barns with com and hay.’’ a Ere May is out, cast not a clout. “ The first cock of hay flays th ’ cuckoo away.” “ He that bathes in May will soon be laid in clay ; He that bathes in June, will sing a merry tune.’’ “ It’s seldom as th ’ kitlin ’ (kitten) brings th ’ owd cat a mouse.” “ A lean dog for a long race.’’ “ What comes over th’ devil’s back will go under his belly.” “ Help a man to salt and you help him to sorrow.’’ “As bad as old Dickey when he came down th ’ fork with the field on his back.’’ (This was generally made use of to denote that some one had blundered by “ putting the cart before the horse.’’) “ When Pendle wears its woolly cap, The farmers then may take a nap.’’ “ Pendie, Penighent, and Ingleboroughl Are the three highest hills all England thorough.” “ Hodder, and Calder, and Ribble. and rain, All meet together in Mytton domain. The Hodder, the Calder, Ribble, and rain All joined together can ’t carry a bean.” “ All sorts of weather could Robin Hood bide But a cold thaw wind off a high hill-side.” Referring to the presence of magpies, the old coupler had it: “ One for sorrow, two for mirth, Three for a wedding, and four for a birth.” It would be highly interesting to give other examples of the droll and quaint forms of expressions of speech as daily used “ in the old time before us,” but a consciousness of the pressing need of space compels us to forego them. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER 283 XVIII. OUR COTTON MANUFACTORIES. N the Borough proper there are 13 cotton mills, four of which, for many years, have been idle, viz.: Holmes Mill (Hodgson ’s), Bewery Mill, Primrose Mill and Salford Bridge. The last named is the next largest in the town, the Low Moor Mills being the largest. A portion of Holmes Mill was, in 1890, utilized as the Technical School, and in 1883, Messrs. Robert and Ambrose Veevers acquired the Brewery Mill, now known as Clare­ mont Mill, and having leased it to Messrs. Holden Bros, they ran it for seven or eight years, and in the summer of 1898, Messrs. Veevers commenced business as manufac­ turers with 413 looms. The mill had formerly been run ss a spinning mill for about a dozen years by Messrs. Bleakley Bros.; Messrs. Benjamin Bulcock and Sons were the original owners and built the factory. The Salford Bridge Mill, in the days of the Dewhursts, was a veritable gold mine, but unfortunately their career terminated in the autumn of 1883. The mill, after some years of idleness, was bought by Mr. Cosadinos, of Man ­ chester, (a Greek merchant), who ran it on his own account for some two or three years, but ultimately let it, and Messrs. Ainsworth Bros., of Preston, took the whole of the 284 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. premises on a short lease and ran about 1,000 looms. Sub ­ sequently, Messrs. Hodgkinson Bros., of Blackbum, took a lease of the old side of the mill and had about 320 looms running. The following persons, under the style or firm of Wilson and Co., had about 300 looms running, but after some two and a half years experience abandoned the business. Their names were Messrs. Robt. Wilson, W. H. Slater, Benjamin Moorhouse, Hardman Moorhouse, Abraham Tattersall, and Henry Ainsworth. Messrs. Tallent and Co. had some 400 looms going on the new side, both during the tenancy of the former and for some time afterwards. In the Spring of 1898, the mill, after being publicly offered for sale, was privately sold, but the name of the pur­ chaser was not generally known for many months afterwards, the only information which could be gathered was to the effect that it was a company concern, which assumed the name or stvle of “The Salford Bridge Mills Room and Power Co,’’ and during the Municipal election in November, 1898, the Socialists brought down a great gun from London who stated that a syndicate had purchased the mill and it would be running in the January following. This piece of news seemed to give quite a fillip to the town, was received with profound satisfaction, and many were the rumours and speculations as to the syndicate and its schemes; but all enquiries as to who the syndicate consisted of, elicited no information, and for a considerable time the wildest guesses were being made and the names of prominent townsmen vainly associated with the project. The appearance of 'he exterior of the mill, however, was so much improved by paint and plaster as to lead to the belief that the Socialists’ pre­ diction was soon to be ani accomplished fact, for some new looms did arrive, were paraded along Moor Lane and Castle Street, and stood for some time opposite the Starkies Arms, but it soon became obvious that “something had gone wrong with the works,’’ for instead of the rattle of bright looms within the walls of the mill, there were innumerable persons CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 285 daily, hourly visiting the mill whose business was not as easily determined as guessed at, and whose presence in ­ vested the affair with a mystery profound. The curiosity of the public was intensified by the fact that postmen and var­ ious officials having letters, parcels, and other communica­ tions could not find out where the “ office” was as it had most curiously been vacated, and by labelling, etc., trans­ formed into something else, and to discover the exact where­ abouts of the manager was a difficult task. It must, however, be left to Mr. Harrison Hill, the Man ­ chester humorist, to depict the scene. The following lines were delivered by Mr. Harrison Hill at the annual Good Samaritan concert, held in the Public Hall, on the 6th December 1898 : If you ’ll listen with attention for ten minutes at the most, I will briefly try to mention all about the Clitheroe ghost — Well— p'raps not all about it, but, a vacant space to fill, What was missed by Harrison Ainsworth shall be told by Harrison Hill. And allow me just to preface, e'er, perhaps it be too late, That my object is to be a sort of Ainsworth up-to-date. Now the ancient town of Clitheroe is of great respectability, Surrounded by the stately homes of very old nobility : With Sawley. Whalley, Mitton, and Stonyhurst hard by — You cannot find a prettier place, however much you try. They say there is no place like home ! well, that is true, I know, And you ’ll agree, I think with me, no place like Clitheroe. So it’s only right and proper that such a place should boast Of witches, dules, and goblins, a Castle, and — a ghost I Near Clitheroe town there rises a hill, called Pendle Hill, Where the witches held high revel, and some say, hold revel still— In company with goblins, and elves, and other sprites. All to be seen on Hallow E ’en, and certain other nights : For all of which — see Ainsworth, for the place I have to fill Is to tell you of a mystery — the mystery of the mill. At Salford Bridge, in Clitheroe, in the days now far away, They built a mill, its standing still I I passed it but to-day. For years it was deserted— silent from toil and strife, When suddedly, one day, it seemed to spring again to life, And rumour taught the mill was bought, tho ’ no one knew by whom : But loads of new machinery filled each deserted room. 286 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Some said the Mayor had bought it 1 Said others “ not the Mayor-! The mill was purchased lately by a Southport mi’ZZ-ionaire ! ” The mill was credited in turn to people of renown Who either now or formerly had lived in Clitheroe town. One knowing resident had got a certain tip 1 The mill was bought, And would, he thought, at once be driven by Whipp. Others, again, denied the tale that Whipp had got the reins ; Said they, “ Look here, its just as clear as yonder window panes 1 M A titled Board, who can afford — all Dukes and Earls most truly, ’Tis understood, from gratitude, have bought that mill for Hooley I And some there were— 'twas most unfair— and at the risk of perjury, Who swore they thought it had been bought by Musson for a surgery 1 A local paper, week by week, its readers to indulge, Said “ Next week, on good authority, the secret we’ll divulge ! ” But week by week, and month by month pass’d, and it never came, And still the mystery of the mill went on, alas, the same. And still the mystery of the mill hides from the light of sun, And no one knows the purchaser— or when its going to run. But there are some in Clitheroe town, who, in the dead of night Hear ghostly noises in the mill, and shiver with affright ! And some there go who say they know (but two or three at most). They've seen the mystic owner, and he is — the Clitheroe Ghost! They say that in the dead of night, when all the town is still, And all is dark, aye ! dark as is the mystery of the mill, Witches ride in on broomsticks and spin, so I am told, To keep them warm, because, they say that Pendle Hill is cold I And ghostly merchants sell the yarn and play their business tricks Upon a ghostly yarn Exchange hard by the River Styx I And ghostly are the wages, and ghostly are the hands— And ghostly are the profits while still each spindle stands. But they will not long be idle— surely the time will come When the mill shall turn in earnest, and to many a cottage home The listed rate of wages will find its happy way. For the cotton trade of Lancashire is good, they say, to-day So there ! you know the secret, but keep it secret still, And keep it well, and do not tell the mystery of the Mill. The mill was, in September, 1899, bought by Mr. Ryden, of Blackburn, and is now let off to firms whose names appear in the schedule following, in which, considerable particulars are set forth. The Jubilee Mill, as its name implies, was erected to cele­ brate the fiftieth year of Her Majesty’s reign, and was the venture of some dozen local gentlemen who devised a CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 287 scheme which it was hoped would prove a p-actical and per­ manent memento of the Jubilee. The following gentlemen attended a meeting in the Congregational School and formed themselves into a committee for promoting a company whose object was to build a mill to be let on the room and power system, viz.: Messrs. John Bleazard, Thomas Cow ­ man (deceased), James Crabtree (deceased), Wm. Cockshutt (Chatbum), James Robinson (plasterer), A. T. Parker, Samuel Speak and James Rawsthorne (deceased). Mr. Rawsthome -was appointed chairman but ultimately retired, when Mr. W. B. Dewhurst was elected in his stead. Messrs. Bleazard and Robinson retired in order to tender for con ­ tracts, .and subsequently Mr. A. T. Parker retired when Mr. Thomas Mitchell (contractor) was elected in his place. Finally, a company was formed and a prospectus issued. The mill was to cost ^18,000, but with extras exceeded that sum. About ^4,000 worth of shares were taken up by the directors. The secretary was Mr. Joseph Peers, accountant, King Street, who retired and is now residing at St. Anne’s, (his business being taken over by Mr. Edward Chester). The mill, contrary to expectations, did not let, and having been standing some two or three years, was publicly offered for sale and purchased for ^9,000 by the late Aiderman John Southworth in the year 1890, during his mayoralty, and on purchasing it Mr. Southworth remarked, “ it will prove a practical memento of my being elected chief magistrate of this town,’’— and this, indeed, it has proved. The mill was started in 1891, and is now paying about ^500 per week in wages. It contains 1,190 looms, wind ­ ing, warping, sizing, and all preparation machinery for same. When sold, the Jubilee Mill was not really furnished, there being only an engine, main shafting, and a portion of the cross shafting ; the warehouse was also in an unfinished state. In 1890, the firm of John Southworth and Sons was estab lished. Aiderman Southworth, however, died on 16th March, 1891. He was a genial soul and highly respected in all circles. LIST OF MILLS IN CLITHEROE. 288 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. COTTON" MANUFACTURERS’ 289 ASSOCIATION. In connection with this federation, one of our leading ‘townsmen may be said to be a figure head. We refer to Mr. Tom Garnett who has for seven years been its chairman, he having been elected in 1893. In 1894, he had in that capacity to interview Lord Kimberley, then Indian Secre­ tary, and in January, 1895, he presided at a meeting in the Memorial Hall, Manchester, protesting against proposed imposition of cotton duties. In February of the same year, Mr. Garnett presided over a large meeting of employers, operatives, and some 60 Members of Parliament, reiterating that protest In May of that year, he was also head of a deputation to Mr. Fowler— (now Sir H. Fowler),— setting out the objections to details of duties. In December of the same year, he again led a deputation to Lord George Hamil­ ton, (Sir H. Fowler’s successor), and subsequently had many interviews and much correspondence with him, one of Mr. Garnett’s letters being quoted verbatim by the Viceroy m the Indian Council, in proof of the necessity for modifying basis of duty. Mr. Garnett proposed the appointment of a committee of doctors and) scientists, consisting of Sir H. Roscoe, Sir W. Roberts, and Dr. Ransome, to enquire into steaming in weaving sheds. He was also, in 1896, appointed to inter­ view Mr. Chamberlain relative to the Compensation to Workmen Act, and watched its passage through Parliament in 1897. Mr. Garnett’s career, hitherto, has been one of public use­ fulness in connection with many of our local institutions. He married in May, 1882, Edith Fanny Garnett, eldest daughter of Thomas Garnett, Esq., of Oakwood, Bingley, and is the eldest son of Jas. Garnett, Esq., J.P., of Waddow Hall. 290 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER XIX. OUR HEROES. “ The Soldiers of the Queen, my lads.” URING the past fifty years, there have been many Clitheroe men on the field of battle who have distinguished themselves, but we cannot attempt to give all their names, and it must suffice if we give those whose conduct merit public notice. For example : — On Wednesday evening, the 24th September, 1856, the workpeople in the employ of Messrs. Garnett and Horsfall, manufacturers, assembled at the vil­ lage schoolroom, when a congratulatory address to Ensign Moyniham, of the 6th regiment, for his gallant conduct at the attack on the Redan, on the morning of the 8th of September, 1855, was adopted; and on the motion of Mr. W. Pownall, seconded by Mr. J. Lambert, a deputation* consisting of Messrs. B. Roberts, C. Geldard, and J. Wilkin ­ son, was appointed to wait upon the ensign at Dukinfield on Friday last, and present him with an address, beautifully endorsed on parchment, ornamented with a purple silk border.” Another interesting event occurred on Saturday evening, the 20th September, 1856, John Baldwin, a native of this town, and a private in the Grenadier Guards, was presented with a silver patent lever watch and - guard. The following inscription was executed upon the inner case : — “ Presented to John Baldwin, of the Grenadier Guards, by a few of his fellow townsmen, as a mark of respect for his ser­ vices in the late war with Russia.— Clitheroe. Sept. 20, 1856.” ’ CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 291 The presentation took place at Mr. Rudd ’s, Red Lion Inn, Castle foot. Henry Hall, Esq., mayor, was called upon to preside. There were also present other members of the corporation and a few subscribers. The Mayor was sure their hero would feel proud of the manifestation of feeling towards him, and that he would look upon the gift not by the mere value, but as an expression of the respect and good ­ will they all felt towards him for his valiant services. He trusted Baldwin would keep the gift as long as he lived, for he (the Mayor) had no doubt that the watch, together with the inscription upon it), would serve as a certificate for him should he at any future day get into a scrape or fall into the grasp of an enemy. During the past two years, the chairman said, Baldwin had passed through four very serious engagements, and had fought with the enemy like a brave son of Britain.— The hero, on receiving the testimonial, express­ ed his feeling of gratitude towards the gentlemen present, and to those who had contributed towards the testimonial. It was a pleasure to him to know that his conduct in the Crimea was approved of by his fellow-townsmen. He felt himself greatly rewarded for all the hardships and dangers he had passed through while at the seat of war. The hero then went on to describe at length the scenes he had wit­ nessed in the Crimea, and concluded by proposing ‘ The army and navy of old England.’ The rest of the evening was spent in a very interesting manner. The hero was always afterwards known as “ The Clitheroe Bruiser.” So recently as February 28th, 1900, the following refer­ ence to our hero appeared in the “ Pall Mall Gazette.’’ “ At Inkerman three guns of Townsend ’s battery had been pushed forward by the ‘ vehement personal impulsion ’ of an officer who did not trouble about infantry supports. They were without limbers or teams. They were swamped by a couple of Russian regiments. The gunners— (“ the Clithe ­ roe Bruiser ’’ was one of them)— finished the fight with nature’s weapons, but the Russians got the guns. Byand-by Grant turned the Russians off the plateau. Then the absence of limbers and teams proved useful, and thenine-pounders were left high and dry — ‘an interesting and 292 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. grateful surprise ’ to Townsend’s people.” A BRAVE SOLDIER. The tomb shown in our illustration is that of an old Cli­ theroe worthy who was a sergeant in the Royal Artillery, and stands in the churchyard of St. Margaret’s, Lowestoft, familiar possibly to some of our townspeople who may have spent their holidays at this resort. A short time ago, my attention was called to an article in “ The Sunday Companion,’’ which gave the following inter­ esting particulars : “ Though one does not usually look for warlike weapons in the peaceful surroundings of a churchyard, it would surely be impossible to find a more fitting memorial to this brave young soldier than that which marks his grave. A cannon taken from Sebastapol surmounts a massive tomb, at the head of which appears the following inscription: “ In memory of John Hargreaves, Sergeant in the Royal Artillery, and for five years Drill Instructor to the Lowes ­ toft Volunteers, who died May 5th, 1867, aged 37 years. ” Only thirty-seven I and yet along the side of the stone shewn in our sketch the bystander may read the following noble record of this young soldier: “ He served with great distinction throughout the Crim ­ ean War, being present at the battles of Alma, Dalaclava, and Inkerman, at the storming of Sebastopol, and at the siege and fall of Kimburn. At Inkerman he was the last man to leave his gun when his battery was stormed by the Russians.” For his gallant services he received the Crimean medal with four clasps and three for his distinguished services in the field, the Turkish medal, and was made Knight of the French Legion of Honour. The erection of such a singular memorial on the tomb itself is also explained by an inscrip­ tion at the foot of the stone which reads: “ This monument, with memorial gun captured at Sebas­ tapol, is erected by the officers and men of the 1st Suffolk Volunteer Artillery, and the many friends his exemplary character attaches to him in Lowestoft and its neighbourhood.u CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 293 Our hero was born at Siddows Farm, Henthom. His father was a com miller at Henthom, prior to the Braith ­ waites. He had no brothers. The late Mr. Thos. Har­ greaves, road surveyor, Whalley, was his cousin. Some few persons were under the impression that James Hargreaves, (“ Big Jim,’’) was also his cousin, but that was not so. The warrior, When a youth, removed to Barrow, near Whalley, and was employed at Primrose Print Works in the “ China blue room,’’ and had as his companions and fellow-workers Edward Cowperthwaite and Thomas Clarkson, who are still alive and hearty, and residing in Salford. When about eighteen, young Hargreaves caused much surprise to his friends and relatives by his sudden disappear­ ance and enlistment in the Queen ’s Horse Guards. He attained the height of two yards six inches, and having in ­ creased in weight he was too big for a cavalier and was accordingly discharged. He returned to Clitheroe a short time after his enlistment and wore the uniform of the Guards. His ruat visit was about the year 1856, his dress being that of an artillery man. He is remembered by many old Clitheronians, especially those who were acquainted with the workpeople at Primrose. Whilst dealing with the subject, “ The soldiers of the Queen,” our town was being much exercised in despatching to the seat of war— the Transvaal, our townsmen, some being “ regulars” called up, whilst others volunteered for the front. We regret that we must omit the lengthy list of those now serving with the colors at home or abroad, who have resided within the Clitheroe Union. The list, prepared by Sergeant Haworth (“ Col. Blood ”), appeared in the “ Clitheroe Advertiser” quite recently. From it we learn that Clitheroe has the honour of having contributed 140 men, and having regard to its population has sent <he highest percentage of any other town in Lancashire. In despatching its soldiers and ambulance corps it has given most enthusiastic “ send-offs,” and we feel we must speak a good word for the Borough Prize Band for the gratuitous and valuable services rendered in this connection, as they have, with but one or two exceptions, headed our men. The 294 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. exception has been when the Catholic Band accompanied to the Railway Station, Private Malone, of the East Lanca^ shire Militia^ and Private Whittle, 2nd East Yorkshire. There ought also to be named the livery stable proprie ­ tors: Mr. J. R. Garlick and Mr. Isherwood, as well as Messrs. Taylor and Sons, J. Eccles, R. Langtree, and Mrs. Chadwick, who have lent horses, carriages, men, etc., in connection with the processions, and to the public in general for the handsome response with subscriptions in aid of the war fund and for local relief. The ladies worked in a most laudable manner, and to name all would not only entail much trouble but some danger in overlooking some equally worthy ones, but we must refrain and content ourselves with a bestowal of praise for all who so ungrudgingly and cheerfully aided' the patri­ otic cause in sending out comforts, etc., to our Tommies, as well as through its relief committee which has paid from ^7 to ^10 per week. The various successes which attended our troops in the relief of Mafeking, Ladysmith, Pretoria, etc., were the occa­ sions of much rejoicing — street decorations, bell ringing, effigy burning, etc., and on Saturday, the 2nd June, a monstre beacon fire was lit on Coplow by Mr. H. H. Baldwin, which was pro ­ moted by the following members of the Committee: Chair­ man., Mr. H. H. Baldwin ; Col. Blood, Messrs. R. Langtree, A. C. B. Dewhurst, L. W- Lofthouse, E. Lofthouse, and H. Parkinson junr- Mr. Aiderman Parkinson kindly granted the use of Coplow for the fire ; Mr. R- Langtree gave a large amount of timber; Messrs. W. Strickland and Sons carted the material— (some 10 or 12 tons); and Messrs. H. Clarke, W. Strickland, and G- Burbridge rendered good help. The bonfire was a magnificent success, and with numerous rockets to keep up the interest helped much in the enjoyment of the event. On Monday, the 12th January of the present year, there occurred in our town a very extraordinary event, viz., a mi itary horse fair. I doubt if there be a Clitheronian who can remember one in bygone days. Anyhow, on the day CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 295 above stated in response to an advertisement which appear­ ed in our local papers, about 100 horses were exhibited and trotted around a field opposite Barker Terrace, and near the railway, with a view to being sold for transportation to the seat of war in the Transvaal. The horses were tested and selected by Captain H- M. Hardcastle; Mr. A. Heap, Rochdale, (Master of the Rochdale Hunt) ; Captain Gar­ nett, Bromley Cross; and Mr. W. Gamett, junr., (Secretary of the Pendle Forest Hunt). After weeding out the horses, (too heavy or aged, etc.), 38 were purchased at prices rang ­ ing from ^25 to ^42, some well-known tradesmen, as well as gentlemen, being amongst the exhibitors who were lucky to get their prices, in at least some instances. VERY OLD WOOD-CUT OF CLITHEROE CASTLE. 296 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. CHAPTER XX- A RETROSPECT. HERE will be but few readers who were not much exercised mentally whilst perusing the foregoing pages which, in some measure, indicate the many changes and developments since the iron horse first passed up our valley, changes not only socially, religiously, and commercially, but in the features of our streets and buildings, by the utter extinction of our thatched cottages and many old-time buildings. There are some few living to-day who can remember Lowergate. in the neighbourhood of Read ’s smithy, presenting a much different aspect to its present day appearance, when old Tommy Lowe had a shippon close beside the County Court. The late Mr. Christopher Tattersall told the writer some years ago, he remembered a middenstead standing midway in the road between the Buck Inn and Mrs. Cullen’s shop. There was a weighing machine close beside the Buck where carts bringing lime from Salt Hill, etc., halted and had their freights weighed and booked. Prior to the opening of the railway, Eshton Terrace was a cul de sac, there being no road over the railway where the crossing now is, to Bawdlands. Formerly there was no road from Salford to Eshton Terrace. The road extended as far as Holmes Mill for the use of the workpeople, but ultimately the Primrose hands traversed it and made a path forward into Shop Lane, (Woone Lane). During the making of the railway, there spanned the brook a :t Wilkin a small rude bridge, the approach to which was unguarded by any wall or fence, and during a time of flood a young woman named Elizabeth Bailey, of Lowergate, fell CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 297 off into the brook and was drowned, her body being found next morning in Primrose Lodge. We have, however, a good prospect of having a cart bridge over the brook, which will be a boon to that locality. Down to the year 1860 there was no cart bridge over the brook to Shaw Bridge; pedestrians had to be careful how they crossed, for during the making of the railway, two men named Robert Dawson and John Porter were drowned whilst cross ing at a time of flood, and it is wonderful that there have not been many people drowned in attempting to pass along the brookside from Mr. Tillotson’s brewery comer to Water­ loo mill. Some repairs and a widening of the parapet at certain points have been done of late, but time was when it was so unsafe that it is said the! late Tom Summersgill, who lived near Twin Brook Farm, Up Brooks, was returning home one night, and felt such a fear of falling off the para­ pet into the brook that he said, “ I think it is best to fall in for a start, so he walked up the middle of the brook for safety. Where the Primitive Methodist Chapel now stands, so re cently as 17 years ago, a barn and shippon stood upon the site, whilst six years since an old bam, used as a marine store, stood on the site of the new Catholic School. In endeavouring to trace the development of our old town we are led to infer that it has not thriven so rapidly as might be expected, having regard to its railway facilities and other advantages. For many years after the opening of the railway the building trade was very quiet. The street extensions and other improvements are quite modem, and it is worthy of note that the houses in the following districts have almost entirely been built during the last 35 years, viz., Waddington Road, Pimlico Road, Chat­ bum Road, Taylor Street, Shaw Bridge, and Woone Lane. For example : the first house built between Railway View and Brungerley was Mayfield Villa, in the year 1865, which was erected as a ladies’ seminary for the Misses Sykes. Between Causeway House and Pimlico there was not a single dwelling until the year 1869, when Mr. Felix Wilson in that year built two cottages. On the Chatbum Road there was 298 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. not a single dwelling or shop from Waterloo end to Park House, Bellman, down to the year 1870. In that year, Mr. John Grimshaw built himself a house and workshop, now FIRST MODERN BUILDING ON CHATBURN ROAD. By kind Permission of Mr. C. Cowgill. used as a joinefs shop by Mr. George Calverley who came from Slaidbum. In the Wooue Lane district there did not exist a solitary house between Victoria Street (Flatts Row) and Eshton Terrace, save the Rectory, down to the year 1870. Brown­ low Street, Turner Street, Castle View and off streets, as well as most of the houses in Little Moor Lane, and a large portion of Peel Street and the streets adjoining have been built during the last 25 years. In April, 1898, Mr. T. D. Bourn, assistant overseer, whilst on his rounds rate collecting discovered that 266 houses were empty, consequent upon the unfortunate strike of 1897. Happily, however, these figures have been marvellously changed, due to the restarting of Salford Mills and the CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 299 general improvement in trade, so that houses are now becom ­ ing such a scarcity that building operations are in progress in Fort Street, Waddington Road, and Salt Hill Lane, and the probability is that these cottages will be readily let when completed. In the matter of changes, it is not uninteresting to think of the marvellous development in art, more especially in the matter of portraiture, beginning with the period of black or shadow portraits known as silhouettes; next we get the daguerotype or glass portrait, and finally emerge into the fine art photograph of to-day. We simply refer to it as affording much interest when we compare the portraits of former generations who flourished in our town with those of to-day. As we compare the photographs of, say 60 years ago, with present day ones, the contrast is, to say the least, interesting if not amusing. Portraits were usually called “ likenesses,” and whilst some people would be satisfied with nothincr less than a “ likeness,” others were offended when a true portrait was presented them. It is said that a country woman, some thirty years ago, who was not handsomely featured, sat for hen photo at a studio in the town. When the portrait was shewn to her she ex ­ claimed, “ Why, it’s reg ’lar foul I” “ Well,” replied the wife of the photographer, “ they can ’t make nice pictures out of foul folk!” This piece of plain speaking was not appreciated, but it may at least be said that artists of to-day are able to produce a very nice picture from a very indifferent sort of face or figure. The question as to who was the first local person to publicly practice photography in our town has often been discussed, not a few inclining to the opinion that the late Mr. John Forrest was the first one, whilst others insist upon it that the late Mr. Thos. Ingham, in his youth, was the first to astound the natives with the wonderful art. Doubt­ less Mr. John Forrest was the first to make a display in his shop window in Moor Lane, the one where Mrs. Towneley 300 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. now carries on her business, but Mr. Henry Forrest (brother to the late Mr. John Forrest) says that Mr. Ingham and his brother were at one time partners and had their studio or worshop in Well Fold. In the matter of fashions what changes and extravagant styles have been witnessed during the last fifty years, more especially in ladies’ attire. Crinolines were very fashionable about forty years ago. It used to be said, “ You might as well be out of the world as out of fashion, ’’ and for a lady not to have a crinoline in those days was regarded as a serious violation of good taste. There was, however, one lady, and one only, in our town who was no slave to the whims and freaks of fashion. She was the only female who did not wear one. She was a very respectable person — the wife of a dogger whose shop stood at the comer of King Street or Back Lane. She had to endure much slight and ridicule on this account, but she bravely bore it all. There was an attempt to re-introduce the crinoline in London about the year 1893, but a number of influential ladies formed an “ Anti-Crinoline League,’’ -with Lady Henry Somerset at its head, which most effectually annihilated the hideous article. School books were very rare and expensive fifty years ago. At a small school in the town, just before the railway open ­ ed, there was but one book for the whole school, and the master held it in his hand whilst the scholars read from it. My informant, who was a scholar at this school, says in con­ sequence of the master holding the book for his own con ­ venience for reading, he learned to read from this book the letters wrong end up. I have heard the late Rector of St. James’s, the Rev. G. Fielden, state that time was when there were no slates for the scholars in the schools and that fine sand was scattered upon the desks; the scholars had sticks like skewers and 'Swrote in the sand with them. How different, too, are the present day methods of instrucJon. Almost all our present day schools are supplied with //innumerable maps, diagrams, models of various buildings, and other objects, as well as specimens of minerals and CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 301 natural objects, whilst even the processes in the manufacture of all kinds of articles are demonstrated and explained— in short, the eye, ear, and every sense are aided and appealed to. Some fifty years ago newspapers were so expensive to the working man that a number of men would arrange to meet in a certain house at a given time to hear the news read, and each contributed their quota towards the cost and postage. In the early days of the railway, linen collars were little worn, men, almost in all ranks, either had the shirt neckband smoothed, or wore what were termed “ stocks.’’ Fifty years ago the walls of the houses of the working classes were not usually papered. Occasionally you might find the space between the comice of the mantelpiece and the ceiling covered with paper whilst the rest of the walls were whitewashed or colour-washed. If anyone died, it was the regular practice to whitewash he bedroom in readiness for the funeral. It was the custom for the funeral party xo sing before the corpse left the house. The hymns sung on these occasions varied. If the deceased was young, they sang — “ The morning flowers display their sweets, And gay their silken leaves unfold, As careless of the noontide heats. As fearless of the evening cold.” If middle aged, they usually sang— “ Farewell dear friends, a long farewell, For we shall meet no more Till we are raised with Christ to dwell On Zions happy shore.” For the aged the following was preferred: — “ Thee we adore, eternal name, And humbly own to thee. How feeble is our mortal frame, What dying worms are we.” The tunes adapted to the hymns were ‘ Old Windsor,’ * French,’ and the ‘ Old Hundred.’ Choirs were frequently invited to attend the funeral to render the music, but if a choir could not be obtained, there 302 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. were certain old Clitheronians who were liable to be sent for and sometimes even at the last moment. A poor old man died in Water Street, when two or three men, wellknown singers, were abruptly met in the street and asked to go and sing, just then and there, in their rough working clothes. Having sung, they were then asked to be bearers : “ but,’’ said the men, “ we are all in our dirt and dishabille!” But the time for moving had arrived ; the men could see no way out of it, and shamed very much as they passed along in their unseemly dress. I have heard several people state that in their youthful days the only insurance agent in Clitheroe was the late Mr. Christopher Tattersall; the Company he represented (the Prudential) was always spoken of as “ Tattersall’s Club.’’ Mr. T. Slater, Hayhurst Street, informs me that at the present time there are at least ten insurance companies represented in the town, with an aggregate number of forty collectors. The hand-looms, so common in days within the memory of our aged sires, are no longer to be seen. I have made many enquiries, but cannot learn that a single hand-loom is in existence in our town or country side. I am informed that many years ago some gentlemen were over from India and took back several hand-looms from about Grindleton, so that the natives could be taught weaving. Some 35 years ago, Mrs. Amos Booth wove with one, but it was broken up about the year 1875. The late Mr. John Standen, King Street, had a hand-loom which, on his death some 20 years ago, passed out of the family but is not now in existence. It will be remembered that in the Diamond Jubilee 1897) procession a hand-loom was exhibited on a lurry. This loom ■was the property of Mr. Wm. Slater, who then resided in Chatbum Road, but now lives in Blackbum. The loom is on sale, the price being ^3. How truly “ old times are changed, old manners gone ’’ since the days of the old hand-loom. Those who had to earn their livelihood by them did not fare so well, for according to the old couplet the words set to the music of CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 303 the loom were : — “ Knacketv. knicketty, knicketty, knack, Th.n water porridge and hardly that.’’ In the year 1855, an Act erf Parliament was passed which wonderfully affected the value of certain commodities and was a welcome alteration in the law, inasmuch as the pound weight of that period (which was equal to 5,760 grains) was superseded by the pound avoirdupois which, being 7,000 grains, gave the purchaser the pull of an additional 1,240 grains in each pound for the same value. It is somewhat remarkable that the old table of weights are often to be seen, and sometimes find their way into our schools, and thus scholars commit to memory the obsolete table of weights, viz.: “ 24 grains— 1 pennyweight; 20 pennyweights— 1 ounce; 12 ounces— 1 pound.” Our forefathers were much given to superstition and could tell us of many places which were haunted, and strange things they had heard and seen. Whether we are less superstitious than our fathers is a query I am unable to answer. Mr. G. J. Holme delivered a lecture recently before the St. Mary’s Mutual Improvement Societv. on the subject of “ Ghosts,’’ when several gentlemen, at the conclusion, gave instances of strange superstitions, and related the times and places where certain phantoms, etc., were said to have appeared, one person stating that a working man, not many years ago, declared his house must be haunted, for he could not understand how it was that his fire was lit in a morning when he came down. Several of the audience who heard this, hoped that they would discover, when they came down on a cold winter’s morning that their fire was lit. This particular ghost must have been of a kind and obliging dis­ position — a sort seldom met with. The old custom of “ lining ” out each verse of the hymn in our chapels is all but dead, yet with what tenacity the old people clung to the idea that this system should not be abolished. Many years ago there was quite a contention at a certain chapel in our town on the question of whether two lines only or four lines should be given out at a time, and 304 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. the controversy became so keen as to result in an embit­ tered feeling which took years to subdue. In my youthful days, as a Sunday school scholar at St. Mary’s, there was a tea party at Xmas only. On that we could rely, but as for tea parties or entertainments at any other time, save a royal wedding or some national event, it was never even dreamt of; but nowadays, tea parties, con­ versaziones, and entertainments are as common all round as nuts at a fair. Again. As a boy I never saw and never heard of such a thing as a Sunday school teacher taking scholars on a pic­ nic. Now, every teacher, almost, gets up at considerable expense a pic-nic, and so fastidious are some scholars that if the teacher suggests either a walking affair or a ride on a lurry, the young churls will pout their lips and say if they can ’t ride in a waggonette or by train they won ’t go. I remember a case where a teacher, who had not had a class more than a few months, was much provoked by their inattention and rude behaviour. Summer arrived and, as usual, the question was put to the teacher, “ Where have we to go for a pic-nic?” The teacher was in no humour for indulging such undeserving ones, and replied, “ I think the most suitable place to take you would be the Preston House of Correction.’’ How many and great are the changes the effects of which are seen or felt in the home, in business, in the social circle, in our day and Sunday schools, in our places of worship, at our elections,— indeed, the results are almost innumerable and so far reaching that the mind can scarcely grasp the theme. One need not wonder that one of the greatest de­ lights of those well advanced in years is to recount the many events of former years and contrast them with those of to-day. In doing so what “ sweet memories ’’ they bring to us. How many old time customs have died out and' new fangled ideas sprung up; how many things are in the dead past— gone beyond recall? Gone “ for better, or for worse,’’ are the old stage coaches, pack horses, lime gals; the stocks and their victims; almost all the quaint folk and the houses they inhabited, CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 305 with their thatched roofs and diamond shaped windows; gone are the hand-looms and weavers, the old fashioned crinolines, coal scuttle bonnets, old time billycocks, “ butter tubs,’’ beavers, knee breeches and swallow tails; the old style weddings, with races for the bride’s garter; the custom of mumping (aims begging in total silence); the sand desks for writing; the annual walking of the boundaries; the renowned Bellman races; Methodist camp meetings; old public box mangles; the old fashioned funerals!; gone the old donkey-drawn water cart; the fields of golden com that waved to the breeze* ; the “ black laddie ’’ fields; the rushbearing feasts; the custom of riding the stang; peaceegging; gone are the old line-splitting tunes with senseless repetitions; the stormy elections with open voting and harangues from the hustings and chairing the triumphant candidates; gone are the long winded sermons with their in ­ evitable divisions consisting of “ firstly,’’ “ secondly,’ “ thirdly, “ lastly,” and “ finally.” Almost unconsciously we have n derailed,” having for some time got off the railway and found ourselves gazing, as it were, at pleasant objects along the “ siding,” but as we know, happily from experience, the pointsman can by care­ ful manipulation soon have the train going sweetly along the main line, so we will just reverse the “ engine,’’ get back to the main line, and so reach the terminus, and in order to do this we will return to the interesting theme of our railway and the benefits and advantages derived therefrom. [tin the country districts the old parish Clerk used to meet the funeral party on its entrance to the village, and just in advance of the corpse sang a solemn hymn all the way along to the church. This was the practice at Waddington, Bolton-byBowland, and Slaidburn. At Waddington, Betty Dugdale and Ellen Wilkinson used to accompany the old Clerk, and blend their voices in song. Walking funerals were the order of the day, some 50 or 60 years ago. When the late Mr. Geo. Whit­ taker, relieving officer, was a young man living at the “ Syke," in the Trough of Bowland, a farm servant died there and was borne shoulder high all the way to Slaidburn Church.] [•Corn growing was somewhat common in this district in the early days of the railway. The fields which were formerly arable can easily be discerned if the reader will stand on some emin ­ ence and look down the valley “ when the evening sun is low."] 306 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. Soon after the opening of our line, a wag, who was no lover of railwaysx noticed that the word “ wagon ” was painted upon one of the Company ’s wagons, and cotemptuously remarked, as he pointed out the word, that the only good the Railway Company had ever done was to spell wagon with one g. We who live in an age in which the utility of railways has been thoroughly proved and appreciated, feel no small degree of pity for those who were so biased by bigotry as to refuse to avail themselves of the advantages of travelling by rail. Thos. Cooper, a popular author and lecturer, writing upon the advantages of railways, says : “ There goes the bridled and harnessed steam giant, through woods and forests, bright valleys and dark tunnels, across bridges and besides rivers, dragging after him hundreds, thousands of tons of iron, coal, wood, and stone, tens of thousands of cattle and of human beings. Hark to his startling whistle! If any of the old monks that lie about Kirkstall, Furness, and Melrose could wake up as he passes by and see the rolling clouds of his breath and hear his shrill scream they would think ten thousand fiends were coming and try to hide their heads in the grave instead of coming up to see how the world is changed since they fell into their last sleep.” Whilst railways have delightfully facilitated travelling and in ways innumerable proved a boon to the human race, let us hope the blessings and advantages we have derived there­ from will fill our hearts with devout thankfulness to the Great Giver of all Good, and make us rejoice in the thought that it was not our fate to spend our years in those less advan ­ tageous times— “ The Old Coaching Days,” but enjoying, or at least, having the prospects of enjoying the good things to be found in and around “ Clitheroe in its Railway Days.” CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. 307 ADDENDA. '^7' H1LST the foregoing pages were passing through the press, numerous changes and events have occured quite too late for them to be recorded under their proper heads, thus rendering it needful in justice to many persons, to supplement or explain the circumstance. For example, in Chapter I, men of note associated with our town are referred to, and surely Mr. R. Paget Dewhurst well merits a place under that head, he being now Under-Secretary to the Governor of India, but as that gentlemen had not then received his appoint­ ment, the omission is obvious. Mr. Dewhurst was formerly a magistrate in charge of the city of Benares, Northern India, and was awarded 1000 rupees for high proficiency in the following languages — Persian. Urdu, and Hindi. He has also attained a high standard in Arabic for which he obtained 800 rupees. The Rev. John Gerard, formerly of Stonyhurst, (now Provincial of the Society of Jesus, Farm Street, London), who as a naturalist has considerable fame, being the author of several works, ought to have been named, as that gentleman has closely associated himself with the town and district, and has taken many rambles in our valley in quest of rare birds, etc. The reverend gentleman has recently had an adventurous time in British Guiana, and whilst there, kept an interesting diary which has been published and contains maps drawn by him indicating the ground traversed. It will be remembered that Waterton, the great naturalist, explored the Southern part of that country and followed the river Demerara. In our reference to the late Mr. Jas. Heaton, we present but one side of his character, in the role of a politician, which but imper­ fectly reveals his true nature, and in order to come to a just concep­ tion of this famous— this unique man, it is needful to add that in his private life he exhibited a sociability and pleasantry which gained for him an all round respect. In the ranks of the legal profession there have been some changes. Mr. Richmond Lancaster, solicitor, having taken up a practice at Coalville, Leicestershire, has made over his Clitheroe business to Mr. Wm. Sparrow Harrison who hails from St. Ives, Huntingdon­ shire. Mr. G. J. Holme, solicitor, is now in practice in Wellgate, and is a Commissioner of Oaths. 308 CLITHEROE IN ITS RAILWAY DAYS. In our brief reference to the Craven Bank, some allusion to the founders would have been appropriate inasmuch as they are more or less asssociated with the old town, if only by family connection. The late Mr. John Alcock, of Skipton, was great grandfather of our Mr. R. H. Kidd, whilst the Robinsons and Pearts are direct relatives of the Robinsons of Clitheroe Castle. The Birkbecks were connected with the families in Settle, of that name, who have flourished there for a century or more. In dealing with our Volunteers we overlooked an item of interest which we must now record, viz, the fact that at the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, (1897) in London, our local corps was represented by “ Col. Blood ” and Private J.T. Briggs. They were billeted at Lords Cricket Ground, along with 26 detachments of Volunteers from all parts of England, and were afterwards told off as a guard of honour at Westminster Bridge, under the personal command of General Trotter, who is in command of the Horse Division in London. Private Briggs arrived home from London on the Wednesday morning, the Colonel in the evening, and the Colonel was met at the Railway Station by about 5,000 people, along with the famous bands. Bawdlands Sewerage Brass Band and the band of the Royal Cheshire Life Guards over which the Colonel is in command, and was escorted to the Cheshire “ Town Hall,” and on ascending the " balcony ” addresssed the populace and cordially thanked them for the honour accorded him. On Monday, the 30th April last, Corporal James Harrison was the recipient of a gold medal in recognition of 21 years’ continuous service in connection with our Fire Brigade, the presentation being made in the presence of the Mayor (Mr. Aiderman Tillotson) and other gentlemen, by Mr. Thos. Cowgill, chairman of the Fire Brigade Committee. As many of the illustrations were not ready in time for incorporation into the text they have been distributed throughout the book. We must express our indebtedness to the Rev. W. Murray, Rev. L. J. Shackleford, and Mr. R. Wooler, for kind permission to use the illustrations of the places of worship with which they are connected. We regret that arrangements to obtain an illustration of the Catholic Church, were, through an oversight of a representative of that body, not completed. 309 INDEX. Campbell, Poet ............................ 6 Canterbury, Archbishop of ...... 7 Chief Engineer ........................ 13, 14 Ainsworth, Harrison ................. Clitheroe Advertiser first pub ­ Archbishop of Canterbury ...... 38 lished .................................. Attorney General (Sir J. Holker) Clitheroe Times first published 38 Act of Parliament for Railway 9 Crinolines .................................. 40 (original) ................. — • . ...... Clubs ...........................................111 ; Act of Parliament for Railway Cattle Market ..................................115 (later). 9......................................... 132 Anderton, Rev. J- H .................. . 20 Councillors, etc ............................... . . Arrival of first train ................... 20 County Councillor ........................ .136 County Court Officials ................142 Auction Mart .............................. ,117 ; Ambulance, Nursing, etc ...............124 ; Celebrations : A Retrospect ..................................296 145 Restoration of Peace ....... ! Marriage of Prince and Prin ­ 145 B. cess of Wales .................. Sunday School Centenary ... 146 Bells: Poem by J. Geldard-.... 3 Her Majesty ’s Jubilee (1887) 147 .5, 2b, OU Boden, Rev. E. -.. Her Majesty ’s Jubilee (1897) 154 - 6 .5, Borough Recorder Marriage of Duke of York... 153 Bright, John ............................... 6 Bathing Shed ................. •••” • 8 Churches and Chapels : .166 St. Mary ’s ................ Batty, Wm., Railway Secretary 15 .172 St. James ’s .............. Boggarts .................................... 58 64 .179 St. Paul’s ................. Ballot Act ................................ .185 SS. Michael and John Badges, Political ......................... 65 66 .190 Wesley ................... Ben Shrew ...... — .195 U M.F.C .......................... Burning of Col. Jacksons House 78 .203 Primitive .................... Banks ........... •.................... .215 Congregational ........... Borough Officials ............... 136, 145 .222 Baptist ........................ Bands of Music, etc ......................**** .226 Waterloo (Wesleyan) .. .224 Salvation Army .......... C. .227 Spiritualists ............ .229 Unitarians ................ 1 Clitheroe, Ancient name of .265 4 | Cricket .......... Corporation, Year of ....... .292 6 । Clitheroe Heroes Cobden ............................. A. 5 7 7 INDEX. 310 D. L ............................ Date of Cutting of first sod of Railway .............. .................. J. Date of Opening of Railway ...... Jones, Ernest ............ .VT Date of Extension of Railway Jubilees (see National Rejoicings) (Chatbum to Hellifield) ...... 20 Date of First Cheap Trip ..... 33 K. Dr. Mark and his little men ....... 3, Doctors ...................................... $ Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir Ughtred 6. 75 Dewhurst, R. Paget ................. dU ' L. Lancaster, Kitty ......................... 33 E. Lawyers ..................................... Emigrants (and what they wrote), Lime Gals ..................................... viz : John Geldard ...... - ................... $ M. Rose Starkie .............................. " Mayor of Worston (Mock) ....... 33 Joseph Cliff ............................... 4 Elections, Parliamentary .......... 61 Mechanics ’ Institute ................. 46 Election songs ............................. 71 Miyors, List of ........................... 131 Magistrates (Borough) ................133 Ernest Jones .................................. *9 Magistrates (County) .................... 13 Mace Bearer .................................. 134 F. Music and Musicians ................. 24 Z Mutual Improvement Societies... 253 Festivities at Whalley .......... 18, 23 Fairs ........................................ N. 4‘ Flodkin ” (Introduction) ......... v. Fire Brigade ............................... H® Nowell, Peter ............................... 11 Free Library .............................. 123 Nursing Association .................... 129 Inventions O. Old Stage Coaches bought ...... 35 Gerard, Rev. John ................ 307Operatives ’ Strike ........................ 77 Grindleton ................................ 14 Odds and Ends .......................... 253 Giant Show .................................. 37 Old Clitheronians ....................... 90 Gas Company ............................... 107 Grammar School ......................... 259 P. G. EL Honiton Lace ............................... 7 Hopwood, Robert ...................... H Heaton, James ..................... 63, 307 Hustings, Cost of ...................... 69 Hustings, Last ........................... 73 Halberd Bearers .......................... 135 Perrin, Rev. Father ................... 6 Playfair, Sir Lyon ........................ 7 Pulman ’s Cars ............................... 7 Pendleton Post-mistress .............. 12 Primrose Arches ......................... 14 Primrose Print Works .............. 39 Primrose Print Works, Stoppage of (Introduction) iv .............. 68 311 INDEX. “ Peace-Egging ” .......................... 41 Postal Service ................. 43 Portrait Gallery ............................ 90 Public Hall .................................... 114 Police .......................................... 158 Penny Headings ............................ 262 QQueen ’s Lace .......................... Quaint Characters ........................ 90 T. R Railway, Estimated cost of ........... 9 Railway Directors, Names of ... 9 Railway Contractors, Names of 13 Railway inspected by Captain Wynne .................................. Railway, Attempt to Upset .... Railway Porter, The first .......... Railway Opt Porter, The first... Railway Booking Clerk, The first Railway Time Table (1855) ....... Railway Engine, Name of first... Railway Passengers, Amusing ex ­ Seats provided by Miss S. Garnett 8 Station Masters, Names of ...21, 22 Station Masters (Goods) x>ames of 28 Starkie, Col..................................... 23 Sun Dial at Sabden ...................... 25 Sugar, Price of ........................... 38 Soldiers clearing Streets ............. 85 Salmon exported to Australia ... 96 Spelling Bees ......... .................... 263 Socialists 7 .................................. 265 15 19 22 22 23 25 27 Ticbborne, Sir Roger ................... 6 Thompson, James (Primrose) ...6, 7 Tucker’s Pleasure Grounds .......... 7 “ Tip Tom ” ................................. 14 Trains, Number of, passing Cli­ theroe per day ........................... 25 Taking in New Year ............ 34, 35 Tate, John .................................. 39 Telegraph Service ...................... 45 Telephone Service ........................ 49 Tradesmen in business in 1850... 51 Thursby, J. O. S ......................... 75 Tallaladady (Introduction) ........ v. Technical School ....................... '22 Town Sergeant .......................... 135 Teetotallers, etc ........................... 257 Railway : Double line first used 36 W. Rudd (landlord) .......................... 11 Ribblesdale, Lord ........................ 13 Waterton, the Naturalist .......... 6 Whittaker, Thos. (Temperance Reformer) .............................. 7 Reudwick, Mr., Inspector of work 14 Ribchester .................................. 17 Whalley Arches...15, 16, 17, 18, 29 Robinson, Col................................. 23 Whalley Arches, Cost of .............. 18 Redistribution of Seats Bill ... 75 Whalley Arches, View from ....... 18 Reading Riot Act ................ 83 Whalley, Festivities at ....... 18, 23 Racing for Bride ’s Garter .......... 92 Whalley Festivities, Invitations to ................................. 23, 24 Ringers of the Parish Church...... 94 Rifle Corps ....................................119 Whewell’s Family Paper ............ 38 Waterworks .............................. 108 Workhouse ............................... 264 S. Scheme of Building Company.... Seats provided by Corporation ... Y. 7 8 Yates and Thom .......................... 14 J. ROBINSON, PRINTSR, “ADVERTISER” OFFICE, CLITHEROE.
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