21 Universal Universes as Substantial Waveforms


Notable paper. Mostly data based on highly developed coherent philosophy.

Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 21 UNIVERSAL UNIVERSES AS SUBSTANTIAL WAVEFORMS BASED ON THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING 2021/09/27 “21 UNIVERSAL UNIVERSES AS SUBSTANTIAL WAVEFORMS”, PUBLISHED ON ACADEMIA.EDU AND RESEARCHGATE.NET BY NATHAN LARKIN COPPEDGE WORK BASED ON: REPRODUCIBLE IF MY NAME STAYS WITH THE WORK FOR EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PURPOSES THIS PARTICULAR DOCUMENT INTENTIONALLY MADE AVAILABLE ON USB TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN A PUBLIC AREA PERMISSION IS GRANTED TO KEEP ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS ON RECORD FOR ANY APPLICATION. PROPRIETARY OWNERSHIP IS NOT GRANTED. THESE MATERIALS MUST REMAIN FREE UNDER MY NAME DERIVATIVE WORKS MAY BE PROPRIETARY IF APPLICABLE LAW PERMITS UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS NATHAN COPPEDGE IN NO WAY GRANTS OTHERS TO USE HIS CONTENT AS AN EXCLUSIVE BRAND FURTHER MARKETING IS PERMITTED BUT CONDITIONS MUST GRANT SUFFICIENT DIGNITY TO THE AUTHOR Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 21 UNIVERSAL UNIVERSES AS SUBSTANTIAL WAVEFORMS BY NATHAN LARKIN COPPEDGE POSSIBILITY WAVES Universe 1: Coherent Wave [-4 -Dimensional] Universe 2: Growth Wave [-3 -Dimensional] Universe 3: Empty Wave [-2 -Dimensional] Universe 4: Disintegral Wave [-1 -Dimensional] Universe 5: Rarity Wave [0-Dimensional] Universe 6: Function Wave [1-Dimensional] Universe 7: Idea Wave [2-Dimensional] Universe 8: Luck Wave [3-Dimensional] Universe 9: Clear Wave [4-Dimensional] Universe 10: Communication Wave [5-Dimensional] Universe 11: Insanity Wave [6-Dimensional] Universe 12: Fringe Wave [7-Dimensional] Universe 13: Category Wave [8-Dimensional] Universe 14: Luxury Wave [9-Dimensional] Universe 15: Opportunity Wave [10-Dimensional] … Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 IMPOSSIBILITY WAVES Universe 0: Emotion Wave [-5 -Dimensional, also called Psychic Wave] Universe 16: Perfection Wave [11-Dimensional, also called Soul Wave] Universe 17: Standardization Wave [12-Dimensional, also called Exception Wave] Universe 18: Aesthetic Wave [13-Dimensional, also called Beauty Wave] Universe 19: Reality Wave [14-Dimensional, also called Time Wave] Universe 20: Creativity Wave [or Working Wave, 15-Dimensional, also called Snap Wave] These are represented by the Impossibility Waves in Dimensions -5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. There are also Possibility Waves in Dimensions -4, -3, -2, -1, and 0 through 10. [Added September 27, 2021. See: Universe Profile] Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 UNIVERSE 0: Emotions. Impossibility Wave: Emotional Wave, Psychic Wave Transcendent Symbols 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions -5 ASSUME MINUS 5 System # -0.3 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system -0.3 SUBTLE KNOWLEDGE Max system 0.7 EFFICIENCY Normal system 0.2 SUBTLETY TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION KNOWLEDGE 1X Antiforce min Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 -2 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max -1.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm -1.75 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 1: Sufficiency with Difference = Great pattern (rationality, magic). Focused on implications. Possibility Wave: Coherent Wave Sufficiency 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions -4 ASSUME -4 System # -0.2 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system -0.2 ABSTRACTION Max system Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 0.8 2 TOKENS Normal system 0.3 1 TOKEN TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION KNOWLEDGE 1X Antiforce min -1.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max -1 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm -1.25 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 2: Greatness with Difference = Great strength. (soul, transformation) Focused on strength and weakness. Possibility Wave: Growth Wave Greatness 3 ASSUME THREE Southern CT State University # Dimensions -3 ASSUME -3 System # -0.1 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system -0.1 0.5 CONSERV Max system 0.9 1 CHEAT Normal system 0.4 0.5 CHEAT TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION KNOWLEDGE 1X Antiforce min -1 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max -0.5 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm -0.75 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 3: Enigma with Difference = Great impression. (consciousness, drama) Focused on clarity. Possibility Wave: Empty Wave Enigma 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions -2 ASSUME -2 System # 0 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 0 PERSPECTIVE FOR THE ENIGMA Max system 1 PERSPECTIVE FOR THE ENIGMA Normal system 0.5 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 PERSPECTIVE FOR THE ENIGMA TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION MAGIC 1X Antiforce min -0.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 0 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm -0.25 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 4: Exponents with Difference= Great results. (integrals, derivatives) Focused on math. Possibility Wave: Disintegral Wave Exponent 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions -1 ASSUME -1 System # Southern CT State University 0.1 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 0.1 PROJECT Max system 1.1 TELEMOTION Normal system 0.6 PROJECTION TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION MAGIC 1X Antiforce min 0 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 0.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 0.25 DEPENDENT Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 … UNIVERSE 5: Evolution with Difference = Great adaptation (successes, variations) Focused on examples. Possibility Wave: Rarity Wave Evolution 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 0 ASSUME ZERO System # 0.2 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 0.2 FACE Max system 1.2 DEVIL Normal system 0.7 LIMBS TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 MAGIC 1X Antiforce min 0.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 1 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 0.75 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 6 OUR UNIVERSE: Efficiency with Difference = Great efficiency (knowledge, perpetual motion) Focused on energy. Possibility Wave: Function Wave Efficiency 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 1 ASSUME 1 System # 0.3 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 0.3 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 OBJECT Max system 1.3 PERPETUAL MOTION Normal system 0.8 BALANCE TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION MAGIC 1X Antiforce min 1 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 1.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 1.25 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 7: Innovation with Difference = Great invention (ideas, permutations) Focused on extrapolation. Possibility Wave: Idea Wave Innovation Southern CT State University 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 2 ASSUME 2 System # 0.4 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 0.4 BASIC BEHAVIOR Max system 1.4 GREAT INVENTION Normal system 0.9 INSPIRATION TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION MAGIC 1X Antiforce min 1.5 DEPENDENT Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 1X Antiforce max 2 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 1.75 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 8: Guarantee with Difference = Great possibility (windfalls, paradigms) Focused on good fortune and bad luck. Possibility Wave: Luck Wave Guarantee 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 3 ASSUME 3 System # 0.5 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 0.5 OBJECTIVISM Max system 1.5 EXPONENTIAL EFFICIENCY Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Normal system 1 BALANCING TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION MAGIC 1X Antiforce min 2 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 2.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 2.25 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 9: Purity with Difference = Great idea (extremes, substitutes) Focused on clear alternatives. Possibility Wave: Clear Wave Purity 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 4 Southern CT State University ASSUME 4 System # 0.6 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 0.6 SPECIAL TOYS 1 Max system 1.6 SPECIAL TOYS 3 Normal system 1.1 SPECIAL TOYS 2 TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 2.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 3 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 2.75 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 10: Feeling with Difference = Great understanding (inspirations, sensations) Focused on the relationship between inspiration and sensation. Possibility Wave: Communication Wave Feeling 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 5 ASSUME 5 System # 0.7 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 0.7 FANTASY Max system 1.7 FANTASTIC Normal system 1.2 FABULOUS TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 3 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 3.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 3.25 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 11: Everything with Difference = Great transformation (similars, differents) Focused on major archetypal differences. Possibility Wave: Insanity Wave Everything 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 6 ASSUME 6 System # 0.8 [=(d+2) / 10] Southern CT State University Min system 0.8 SMALL SIGN Max system 1.8 PERFORMANCE Normal system 1.3 INDICATION TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 3.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 4 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 3.75 DEPENDENT … Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 UNIVERSE 12: Eternity with Difference = Great movement (subtleties, absolutes) Not focused on zero. Possibility Wave: Stigma Wave, Scrim Wave, Crime Wave Eternity 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 7 ASSUME 7 System # 0.9 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 0.9 ENERGETIC MATTER Max system 1.9 EXTRA MOVEMENT Normal system 1.4 EXTRA ENERGY TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 1X Antiforce min 4 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 4.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 4.25 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 13: Practical with Difference = Great option (lesser inventions, greater inventions) Not focused on the useless. Possibility Wave: Category Wave Practice 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 8 ASSUME 8 System # 1 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 1 BALANCE Southern CT State University kept same Max system 2 FLYING MACHINE kept same Normal system 1.5 PERPETUAL MOTION kept same TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 4.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 4.75 DEPENDENT … Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 UNIVERSE 14: Ideal with Difference = Great imagination (exaggerations / destructions, fabled ages / allegorical examples — perhaps lesser destruction greater creativity) Not focused on the untried and incomplete. Possibility Wave: Luxury Wave Imagination 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 9 ASSUME 9 System # 1.1 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 1.1 SPECIAL TREATMENT Max system 2.1 GREAT TREATMENT Normal system 1.6 GREAT TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 1X Antiforce min 5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 5.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 5.25 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 15: Justice with Difference = Great truth (petty justice, higher good) Does not deny some principle or other. Possibility Wave: Opportunity Wave Truth 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 10 ASSUME 10 System # 1.2 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 1.2 OCCULT REASONING 1 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Max system 2.2 OCCULT REASONING 2 Normal system 1.7 OCCULT REASONING 2 TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 5.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 6 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 5.75 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 16: Perfection with Difference = Great perfection (superficial, consistent) Is paradoxical, which is to say, problematic. Impossibility Wave: Perfection Wave, Soul Wave Perfection 3 Southern CT State University ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 11 ASSUME 11 System # 1.3 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 1.3 OVER-UNITY Max system 2.3 BUOYANT OVER-UNITY Normal system 1.8 BUOYANT OVER-UNITY TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 6 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 6.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 6.25 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 17: Standard with Difference = Great standard (preferences, manifestations) The focus is not on what lacks autonomy. Impossibility Wave: Standardization Wave, Exception Wave Standard 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 12 ASSUME 12 System # 1.4 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 1.4 CHEATING 2 Max system 2.4 CHEATING 3 Normal system Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 1.9 CHEATING 3 TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 6.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 7 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 6.75 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 18: Essential with Difference = Great beauty (cursed, blessed) The focus is on ‘what matters most’. Impossibility Wave: Aesthetic Wave, Beauty Wave Essence 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 13 ASSUME 13 Southern CT State University System # 1.5 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 1.5 MINOR BLESSING Max system 2.5 BLESSING Normal system 2 BLESSING TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 7 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 7.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 7.25 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 19: Real with Difference = Great reality (incorrectness, devotivity) The focus is not on incorrectness. Impossibility Wave: Reality Wave, Time Wave Reality 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 14 ASSUME 14 System # 1.6 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system 1.6 WONDERS 2 Max system 2.6 WONDERS 3 Normal system 2.1 WONDERS 2 TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 7.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 8 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 7.75 DEPENDENT … UNIVERSE 20: Wonders with Difference = Great works (wreckage, quickness) The focus is not on the amount of work. Impossibility Wave: Creativity Wave, Working Wave, Snap Wave Wonders 3 ASSUME THREE # Dimensions 15 ASSUME 15 System # 1.7 [=(d+2) / 10] Min system Southern CT State University 1.7 CHANCE ENCOUNTERS Max system 2.7 IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBILITY Normal system 2.2 CHANCE ENCOUNTERS TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS: THE BORRA SYSTEM ASPIRATION SOULS 1X Antiforce min 8 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce max 8.5 DEPENDENT 1X Antiforce norm 8.25 DEPENDENT … Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University CURRENT UNIVERSE: “6” SUPPOSEDLY UNIVERSE 0 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 0 What is obvious? IMMORTAL LANGUAGE Opposite of obvious IMMORTALITY What is trivial in this time? Feeling What is the better 2-step of Feeling WISE ANSWER: Transcendent Symbols What is most required for Feeling ? You will find it is: Transcendent Symbols PRIMARY INVENTION Transcendent Symbols That wishes for Feeling Philosopher is remembered as studying IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 1 IMMORTALITY Applications of Transcendent Symbols MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Feeling MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Feeling ...IS... IMMORTAL LANGUAGE MAJOR WORK 4 Feeling IS ALSO Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 5 IMMORTAL LANGUAGE IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Feeling MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Feeling MAJOR WORK 8 IMMORTALITY is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not IMMORTAL LANGUAGE with Transcendent Symbols MAJOR WORK 10 Transcendent Symbols is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Feeling is not IMMORTAL LANGUAGE MAJOR WORK 12 What is not IMMORTAL LANGUAGE IS Transcendent Symbols MAJOR WORK 13 Feeling is missing... a theory missing Feeling Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Feeling is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Feeling beyond Feeling beyond Feeling MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Feeling IS IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 18 Feeling IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical IMMORTAL LANGUAGE MAJOR WORK 20 Transcendent Symbols transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMMORTALITY with Feeling … UNIVERSE 1 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 1 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University What is obvious? IMMORTAL LANGUAGE Opposite of obvious IMMORTALITY What is trivial in this time? Everything What is the better 2-step of Everything WISE ANSWER: Sufficiency What is most required for Everything ? You will find it is: Sufficiency PRIMARY INVENTION Sufficiency That wishes for Everything Philosopher is remembered as studying IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 1 IMMORTALITY Applications of Sufficiency MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Everything MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Everything ...IS... IMMORTAL LANGUAGE MAJOR WORK 4 Everything IS ALSO IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 5 IMMORTAL LANGUAGE IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMMORTALITY Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Everything MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Everything MAJOR WORK 8 IMMORTALITY is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not IMMORTAL LANGUAGE with Sufficiency MAJOR WORK 10 Sufficiency is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Everything is not IMMORTAL LANGUAGE MAJOR WORK 12 What is not IMMORTAL LANGUAGE IS Sufficiency MAJOR WORK 13 Everything is missing... a theory missing Everything MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Everything is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Everything beyond Everything beyond Everything MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Everything IS IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 18 Everything IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical IMMORTAL LANGUAGE MAJOR WORK 20 Sufficiency transcends reality IMMORTALITY with Everything … UNIVERSE 2 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 2 What is obvious? KNOWLEDGE Opposite of obvious PERPETUAL MOTION What is trivial in this time? Eternity What is the better 2-step of Eternity WISE ANSWER: Greatness Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University What is most required for Eternity You will find it is: Greatness PRIMARY INVENTION Greatness That wishes for Eternity Philosopher is remembered as studying PERPETUAL MOTION MAJOR WORK 1 PERPETUAL MOTION Applications of Greatness MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Eternity MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Eternity ...IS... KNOWLEDGE MAJOR WORK 4 Eternity IS ALSO PERPETUAL MOTION MAJOR WORK 5 KNOWLEDGE IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO PERPETUAL MOTION MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Eternity MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Eternity MAJOR WORK 8 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University PERPETUAL MOTION is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not KNOWLEDGE with Greatness MAJOR WORK 10 Greatness is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Eternity is not KNOWLEDGE MAJOR WORK 12 What is not KNOWLEDGE IS Greatness MAJOR WORK 13 Eternity is missing... a theory missing Eternity MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Eternity is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Eternity beyond Eternity beyond Eternity MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Eternity Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University IS PERPETUAL MOTION MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical PERPETUAL MOTION MAJOR WORK 18 Eternity IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical KNOWLEDGE MAJOR WORK 20 Greatness transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM PERPETUAL MOTION with Eternity … UNIVERSE 3 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 3 What is obvious? NORMAL Opposite of obvious COHERENCE What is trivial in this time? Practice What is the better 2-step of Practice WISE ANSWER: Enigma What is most required for Practice You will find it is: Enigma PRIMARY INVENTION Enigma That wishes for Practice Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Philosopher is remembered as studying COHERENCE MAJOR WORK 1 COHERENCE Applications of Enigma MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Practice MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Practice ...IS... NORMAL MAJOR WORK 4 Practice IS ALSO COHERENCE MAJOR WORK 5 NORMAL IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO COHERENCE MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Practice MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Practice MAJOR WORK 8 COHERENCE is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not NORMAL with Enigma Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 10 Enigma is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Practice is not NORMAL MAJOR WORK 12 What is not NORMAL IS Enigma MAJOR WORK 13 Practice is missing... a theory missing Practice MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Practice is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Practice beyond Practice beyond Practice MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Practice IS COHERENCE MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical COHERENCE MAJOR WORK 18 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Practice IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical NORMAL MAJOR WORK 20 Enigma transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM COHERENCE with Practice … UNIVERSE 4 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 4 What is obvious? PERPETUAL MOTION Opposite of obvious KNOWLEDGE What is trivial in this time? Imagination What is the better 2-step of Imagination WISE ANSWER: Exponent What is most required for Imagination You will find it is: Exponent PRIMARY INVENTION Exponent That wishes for Imagination Philosopher is remembered as studying KNOWLEDGE MAJOR WORK 1 KNOWLEDGE Applications of Exponent Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Imagination MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Imagination ...IS... PERPETUAL MOTION MAJOR WORK 4 Imagination IS ALSO KNOWLEDGE MAJOR WORK 5 PERPETUAL MOTION IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO KNOWLEDGE MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Imagination MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Imagination MAJOR WORK 8 KNOWLEDGE is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not PERPETUAL MOTION with Exponent MAJOR WORK 10 Exponent is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Imagination Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University is not PERPETUAL MOTION MAJOR WORK 12 What is not PERPETUAL MOTION IS Exponent MAJOR WORK 13 Imagination is missing... a theory missing Imagination MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Imagination is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Imagination beyond Imagination beyond Imagination MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Imagination IS KNOWLEDGE MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical KNOWLEDGE MAJOR WORK 18 Imagination IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical PERPETUAL MOTION Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 20 Exponent transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM KNOWLEDGE with Imagination … UNIVERSE 5 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 5 What is obvious? FLYING MACHINES Opposite of obvious LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Truth What is the better 2-step of Truth WISE ANSWER: Evolution What is most required for Truth You will find it is: Evolution PRIMARY INVENTION Evolution That wishes for Truth Philosopher is remembered as studying LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 LANGUAGES Applications of Evolution MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Truth MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Truth Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University ...IS... FLYING MACHINES MAJOR WORK 4 Truth IS ALSO LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 FLYING MACHINES IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Truth MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Truth MAJOR WORK 8 LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not FLYING MACHINES with Evolution MAJOR WORK 10 Evolution is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Truth is not FLYING MACHINES MAJOR WORK 12 What is not FLYING MACHINES IS Evolution Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 13 Truth is missing... a theory missing Truth MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Truth is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Truth beyond Truth beyond Truth MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Truth IS LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Truth IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical FLYING MACHINES MAJOR WORK 20 Evolution transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM LANGUAGES with Truth Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University … UNIVERSE 6 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 6 What is obvious? IMMORTALITY Opposite of obvious IMMORTAL LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Perfection What is the better 2-step of Perfection WISE ANSWER: Efficiency What is most required for Perfection You will find it is: Efficiency PRIMARY INVENTION Efficiency That wishes for Perfection Philosopher is remembered as studying IMMORTAL LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMMORTAL LANGUAGES Applications of Efficiency MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Perfection MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Perfection ...IS... IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 4 Perfection IS ALSO IMMORTAL LANGUAGES Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 5 IMMORTALITY IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMMORTAL LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Perfection MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Perfection MAJOR WORK 8 IMMORTAL LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not IMMORTALITY with Efficiency MAJOR WORK 10 Efficiency is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Perfection is not IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 12 What is not IMMORTALITY IS Efficiency MAJOR WORK 13 Perfection is missing... a theory missing Perfection MAJOR WORK 14 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University A theory of Perfection is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Perfection beyond Perfection beyond Perfection MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Perfection IS IMMORTAL LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMMORTAL LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Perfection IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical IMMORTALITY MAJOR WORK 20 Efficiency transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMMORTAL LANGUAGES with Perfection … UNIVERSE 7 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 7 What is obvious? ANTIFORCE Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Opposite of obvious DRACONIANS What is trivial in this time? Standard What is the better 2-step of Standard WISE ANSWER: Innovation What is most required for Standard You will find it is: Innovation PRIMARY INVENTION Innovation That wishes for Standard Philosopher is remembered as studying DRACONIANS MAJOR WORK 1 DRACONIANS Applications of Innovation MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Standard MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Standard ...IS... ANTIFORCE MAJOR WORK 4 Standard IS ALSO DRACONIANS MAJOR WORK 5 ANTIFORCE IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO DRACONIANS MAJOR WORK 6 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Variations on concepts of Standard MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Standard MAJOR WORK 8 DRACONIANS is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not ANTIFORCE with Innovation MAJOR WORK 10 Innovation is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Standard is not ANTIFORCE MAJOR WORK 12 What is not ANTIFORCE IS Innovation MAJOR WORK 13 Standard is missing... a theory missing Standard MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Standard is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Standard beyond Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Standard beyond Standard MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Standard IS DRACONIANS MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical DRACONIANS MAJOR WORK 18 Standard IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical ANTIFORCE MAJOR WORK 20 Innovation transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM DRACONIANS with Standard … UNIVERSE 8 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 8 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious ARCANE NETWORKS What is trivial in this time? Essence What is the better 2-step of Essence WISE ANSWER: Guarantee Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University What is most required for Essence You will find it is: Guarantee PRIMARY INVENTION Guarantee That wishes for Essence Philosopher is remembered as studying ARCANE NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 1 ARCANE NETWORKS Applications of Guarantee MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Essence MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Essence ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Essence IS ALSO ARCANE NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO ARCANE NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Essence MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Essence MAJOR WORK 8 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University ARCANE NETWORKS is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Guarantee MAJOR WORK 10 Guarantee is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Essence is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Guarantee MAJOR WORK 13 Essence is missing... a theory missing Essence MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Essence is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Essence beyond Essence beyond Essence MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Essence Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University IS ARCANE NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical ARCANE NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 18 Essence IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Guarantee transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM ARCANE NETWORKS with Essence … UNIVERSE 9 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 9 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPERSONAL NETWORKS What is trivial in this time? Reality What is the better 2-step of Reality WISE ANSWER: Purity What is most required for Reality You will find it is: Purity PRIMARY INVENTION Purity That wishes for Reality Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPERSONAL NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 1 IMPERSONAL NETWORKS Applications of Purity MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Reality MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Reality ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Reality IS ALSO IMPERSONAL NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPERSONAL NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Reality MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Reality MAJOR WORK 8 IMPERSONAL NETWORKS is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Purity Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 10 Purity is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Reality is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Purity MAJOR WORK 13 Reality is missing... a theory missing Reality MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Reality is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Reality beyond Reality beyond Reality MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Reality IS IMPERSONAL NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPERSONAL NETWORKS MAJOR WORK 18 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Reality IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Purity transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPERSONAL NETWORKS with Reality … UNIVERSE 10 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 10 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Wonders What is the better 2-step of Wonders WISE ANSWER: Feeling What is most required for Wonders You will find it is: Feeling PRIMARY INVENTION Feeling That wishes for Wonders Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Feeling Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Wonders MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Wonders ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Wonders IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Wonders MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Wonders MAJOR WORK 8 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Feeling MAJOR WORK 10 Feeling is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Wonders Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Feeling MAJOR WORK 13 Wonders is missing... a theory missing Wonders MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Wonders is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Wonders beyond Wonders beyond Wonders MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Wonders IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Wonders IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 MAJOR WORK 20 Feeling transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Wonders … UNIVERSE 11 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 11 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Sufficiency What is the better 2-step of Sufficiency WISE ANSWER: Everything What is most required for Sufficiency You will find it is: Everything PRIMARY INVENTION Everything That wishes for Sufficiency Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Everything MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Sufficiency MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Sufficiency Southern CT State University ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Sufficiency IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Sufficiency MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Sufficiency MAJOR WORK 8 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Everything MAJOR WORK 10 Everything is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Sufficiency is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Everything Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 13 Sufficiency is missing... a theory missing Sufficiency MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Sufficiency is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Sufficiency beyond Sufficiency beyond Sufficiency MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Sufficiency IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Sufficiency IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Everything transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Sufficiency Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 … UNIVERSE 12 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 12 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Greatness What is the better 2-step of Greatness WISE ANSWER: Eternity What is most required for Greatness You will find it is: Eternity PRIMARY INVENTION Eternity That wishes for Greatness Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Eternity MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Greatness MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Greatness ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Greatness IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Greatness MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Greatness MAJOR WORK 8 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Eternity MAJOR WORK 10 Eternity is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Greatness is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Eternity MAJOR WORK 13 Greatness is missing... a theory missing Greatness MAJOR WORK 14 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University A theory of Greatness is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Greatness beyond Greatness beyond Greatness MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Greatness IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Greatness IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Eternity transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Greatness … UNIVERSE 13 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 13 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Enigma What is the better 2-step of Enigma WISE ANSWER: Practice What is most required for Enigma You will find it is: Practice PRIMARY INVENTION Practice That wishes for Enigma Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Practice MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Enigma MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Enigma ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Enigma IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Southern CT State University Variations on concepts of Enigma MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Enigma MAJOR WORK 8 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Practice MAJOR WORK 10 Practice is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Enigma is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Practice MAJOR WORK 13 Enigma is missing... a theory missing Enigma MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Enigma is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Enigma beyond Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Enigma beyond Enigma MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Enigma IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Enigma IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Practice transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Enigma … UNIVERSE 14 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 14 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Exponent What is the better 2-step of Exponent WISE ANSWER: Imagination Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 What is most required for Exponent You will find it is: Imagination PRIMARY INVENTION Imagination That wishes for Exponent Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Imagination MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Exponent MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Exponent ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Exponent IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Exponent MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Exponent MAJOR WORK 8 Southern CT State University IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Imagination MAJOR WORK 10 Imagination is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Exponent is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Imagination MAJOR WORK 13 Exponent is missing... a theory missing Exponent MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Exponent is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Exponent beyond Exponent beyond Exponent MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Exponent Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Exponent IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Imagination transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Exponent … UNIVERSE 15 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 15 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Evolution What is the better 2-step of Evolution WISE ANSWER: Truth What is most required for Evolution You will find it is: Truth PRIMARY INVENTION Truth That wishes for Evolution Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Truth MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Evolution MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Evolution ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Evolution IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Evolution MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Evolution MAJOR WORK 8 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Truth Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 10 Truth is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Evolution is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Truth MAJOR WORK 13 Evolution is missing... a theory missing Evolution MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Evolution is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Evolution beyond Evolution beyond Evolution MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Evolution IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Evolution IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Truth transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Evolution … UNIVERSE 16 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 16 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Efficiency What is the better 2-step of Efficiency WISE ANSWER: Perfection What is most required for Efficiency You will find it is: Perfection PRIMARY INVENTION Perfection That wishes for Efficiency Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Perfection Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Efficiency MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Efficiency ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Efficiency IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Efficiency MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Efficiency MAJOR WORK 8 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Perfection MAJOR WORK 10 Perfection is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Efficiency Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Perfection MAJOR WORK 13 Efficiency is missing... a theory missing Efficiency MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Efficiency is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Efficiency beyond Efficiency beyond Efficiency MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Efficiency IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Efficiency IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 MAJOR WORK 20 Perfection transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Efficiency … UNIVERSE 17 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 17 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Innovation What is the better 2-step of Innovation WISE ANSWER: Standard What is most required for Innovation You will find it is: Standard PRIMARY INVENTION Standard That wishes for Innovation Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Standard MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Innovation MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Innovation Southern CT State University ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Innovation IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Innovation MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Innovation MAJOR WORK 8 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Standard MAJOR WORK 10 Standard is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Innovation is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Standard Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 13 Innovation is missing... a theory missing Innovation MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Innovation is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Innovation beyond Innovation beyond Innovation MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Innovation IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Innovation IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Standard transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Innovation Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 … UNIVERSE 18 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 18 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Guarantee What is the better 2-step of Guarantee WISE ANSWER: Essence What is most required for Guarantee You will find it is: Essence PRIMARY INVENTION Essence That wishes for Guarantee Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Essence MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Guarantee MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Guarantee ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Guarantee IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Southern CT State University MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Guarantee MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Guarantee MAJOR WORK 8 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Essence MAJOR WORK 10 Essence is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Guarantee is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Essence MAJOR WORK 13 Guarantee is missing... a theory missing Guarantee MAJOR WORK 14 Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University A theory of Guarantee is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Guarantee beyond Guarantee beyond Guarantee MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Guarantee IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Guarantee IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Essence transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Guarantee … UNIVERSE 19 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 19 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Purity What is the better 2-step of Purity WISE ANSWER: Reality What is most required for Purity You will find it is: Reality PRIMARY INVENTION Reality That wishes for Purity Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Reality MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Purity MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Purity ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Purity IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Southern CT State University Variations on concepts of Purity MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Purity MAJOR WORK 8 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Reality MAJOR WORK 10 Reality is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Purity is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Reality MAJOR WORK 13 Purity is missing... a theory missing Purity MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Purity is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Purity beyond Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Purity beyond Purity MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Purity IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Purity IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Reality transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Purity … UNIVERSE 20 PERSONALTIY OF THE UNIVERSE 20 What is obvious? REACTIVE MECHANISMS Opposite of obvious IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES What is trivial in this time? Feeling What is the better 2-step of Feeling WISE ANSWER: Wonders Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 What is most required for Feeling You will find it is: Wonders PRIMARY INVENTION Wonders That wishes for Feeling Philosopher is remembered as studying IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 1 IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES Applications of Wonders MAJOR WORK 2 Theory Missing Feeling MAJOR WORK 3 In more than one way... Feeling ...IS... REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 4 Feeling IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 5 REACTIVE MECHANISMS IT IS... BUT IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 6 Variations on concepts of Feeling MAJOR WORK 7 Theories about theory missing Feeling MAJOR WORK 8 Southern CT State University IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES is missing something! MAJOR WORK 9 Not REACTIVE MECHANISMS with Wonders MAJOR WORK 10 Wonders is great MAJOR WORK 11 Wishing for Feeling is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 12 What is not REACTIVE MECHANISMS IS Wonders MAJOR WORK 13 Feeling is missing... a theory missing Feeling MAJOR WORK 14 A theory of Feeling is not a theory MAJOR WORK 15 Feeling beyond Feeling beyond Feeling MAJOR WORK 16 Beyond Feeling Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27 Southern CT State University IS IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 17 Paradoxical IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES MAJOR WORK 18 Feeling IS paradoxical MAJOR WORK 19 Paradoxical REACTIVE MECHANISMS MAJOR WORK 20 Wonders transcends reality HIGHER ART FORM IMPOSSIBLE LANGUAGES with Feeling Coppedge, Nathan 2021-09-27
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