Task 1
Types of organisation and definitions explains about purpose for various businesses in the UK to stabilise growing inflation to normal level: ‘Any organisation that wishes to carry out its mission successfully must have a functioning internal structure, and must have systems that allow it to carry out its work effectively.’ Available from: http://www.akdn.org/publications/civil_society_booklet5.pdf [7 July, 2012]
The organisational structure may explain within illustrated chart or graph. The hierarchical typical framework outlined of authority and communications, what allocates rights and duties, a structure depends on organisation objectives plus strategy. a.e.: In the centralized structure a decision making power of centralized the top layer management plus control functions to manage required departments and divisions. An organization must include:
Unique name and character to designate activities from others
Objectives – direction of business inside or outside of organisation
Special rules and regulations, formal written terms and conditions
Hierarchy and decision making management power
HR functions and operation roles, financial department
An accountancy or bookkeeping functions – record keeping
Various levels with personal development power of organisational members.
Functional structure is the most common and this group individuals and specific functions are performed to basic departments: human recourses, accounting and purchasing. All of them are well organised and managed separately of the others. In other words an organisation has big boss or president. The boss manages all managers working within special department in structural order.
Product based structure offer to be organised by specific type of product. Product structure of organisation (Lush) has specific roles allocated to product lines with reporting to leadership person about any of product wasters received. That person must control all related to the product line in the same structure. i.e. catering manager starts his job from Kraft and serves included to a menu line various products within cultural structure: breakfast, lunch meals, cheese and spaghetti, ketchup and BBQ sauce. I’ll try to introduce a reader to graphical order of each structure with simple examples of my employer’s Lush Manufacturing Ltd product is based on reserve.
Geographically based structure makes sense to organise by the region, because that organizations cover a span of geographic regions. This structure altogether reports up to a central or supports logic demands and differences to customer needs - introduce to marketing mix. Contrast between geographical and functional structure are, that organisation manage employees under both described structures and make decisions to receive profit. Within ‘Lush’ cultures and structures of both contrasted management functions will appears in detail later below.
Matrix structure – allow to a large business go with two or more structuring approaches based for reporting levels in both, as horizontally and vertically. Employees can be part of a functional group of production and may serve on a team, which supports new product development. Matrix structure has members of various groups working together onto to development within new product line.
Multi-divisional structures are organisations whose split to divisions as a business unit with functions’ examples to sales, marketing or small businesses and are the project team approach.
Simple tasks’ centralisation can be network flows to main person as central, which perform task alone and receiving good performance. Decentralised networks are information flows around the network to one person with time deal, but receive pure performance. And opposite reaction has with production of complex tasks under both networks, where performances have change as reverse.
Organisational culture is its personality. Or ‘Culture is a popular explanatory concept frequently used to describe a company, a rationale for people’s behaviour, a guideline for action, a cause for condemnation or praise, or a quality that mistakes a company ‘what it is’ (Kunda, 1992).’ (Wilson F. M., 2010). Each organisation has unique culture that impact in that way organisation operates. Types of culture:
Power culture – centralisation of power is the key function and there is a central power source and influence spread out from centre. ‘Ford’ organisation was regarded to be the most representative of power culture.
Role culture – typical bureaucratic organisation, which is divided onto layers of offices and officials. This type organisation can be arranged following to functions of marketing, human relations, finance, etc.
Task culture – is job or project oriented and is placed for completing a specific task. Team culture very well determines in the task way in which the work is organised. Bringing together in a working team for a particular project gives the basis of a task culture. Today’s businesses individuals often are members of several project teams at the same time to develop quality circles.
Person culture – individuals are central for an organisation, which exist only to serve the interest of those within it. Person cultures are founded in ‘kibbutzim’ or as barristers’ chambers, cooperatives, and architects’ partnerships.
‘Clues to the culture of an organisation can be found in its norms, its values, and its rituals; the language of an organisation, the metaphors, myths, and stories that are in common use, and the ceremonies, symbols, physical artefacts, taboos, and rites are also indicators’. (Wilson F.M. 2011) ‘Lush’ has right philosophy with new factory values and beliefs in particular work place, outside markets. There are all involved and related to organisation’s behaviour, standards and understand goals and systems at work, hierarchy. I’ll proud to attend tasks, develop my skills and completeness.
Main relationships between structure and culture at the company I should to draw within my 5 months contract. I am working in a team, where culture has reason be adaptable on organisation structure. Main impact can be a good lunch from simple suppliers around with delivery various menus daily and are positive onto employee’s brain, behaviour. Culture will change people’s marketing and product values under emotional labours activated by managers working from 6 to 10 years for ‘Lush’ determined on stress parts and on routinization. Up to 150 of new recruits will change culture in relationship to organisation structure. Effective management can cause problem to an employee, who must do specific job or product development, and number of candidates will demand accordingly. Within new selection, ‘Lush’ has presented managers, whose are encouraged to look confident, in control and are optimistic. Control based skills following, that human recourses, training systems may influence good practice to manage employees within each department. Training must be indentified and chosen from: performance appraisals, individuals with own lack of knowledge and through assessments or development centres with tests and exercises.
People perception is probably the most relevant for our purposes in understanding organisational behaviour. Study business and process of perception at work I have ideas about the personality characteristics must go together. I do mean that perception together with attribution theory, Gestalt psychology may also be influent by a need to conform. Related work experiences and practices may impact of perception’s points with humans’ well-being, health and safety. Affected employees’ psychology can cause difficulties, loss of attitude or damage. Aptitude refers to learn something, achieve simple things. Ability means or describes team work, job performance to attend required tasks, which can be job role. Humans rather linked to intelligence as to factor created by company managers with new employees from abroad or from national culture: local intelligent, women machines as metaphors, politic. To control stress at work and attend managerial disputes, an idea or intelligence required for job role given. Physical differences between employees or individuals can be defined at easy way of their height, weight and hair colour. Physical aptitudes such as sight, hearing and touch certain organisation behaviour. Study 'Lush' I do believe that my significance and nature has individual difference between other employees. Managers need a high level of self –awareness to be controlling stress at work dealing with employees’ culture. At work my manager has avoided inappropriate actions arisen from misperception of couple employees. I had impact of other members of organisation in a constructive way, influence of perception to all around. Traits and types of characters developed and based on personality study need statistical analysis: people with counterproductive behaviours steal money, goods, and time at work. The trait theory identifies five main key factors, dimensions of personality: neuroticism, extraversion and introversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to experience. Managers with recognition about neuroticism able identify other type and traits and organise works without stress or at low stress level. Understanding self and others at work helps to future individual development and manages work in progress.
Task 2
Frames of leadership activities at ‘Lush’ have context about leadership of organizing in a group of people to achieve common goal. Leader there can be an authority of company and may not be that boss. Leadership with achievement motivation such as empowered, enthusiastic and engaged educational leaders empowering students and workers raising their educational achievement and building a climate of energy in the working space. Styles’ of leadership contexts from:
Achiever –effectively achieve goals through teams, suited to managerial roles, goal oriented;
Change – effective leadership, work with clients at key risk factor put into change;
Diplomat – avoids overt conflict, helps bring people together;
Expert – logic and experienced, good as individual contributor;
Magician – visionary and full of ideas, creative and lateral thinking, innovation;
Pluralistic – activist, does to benefit communities, defining through the threads;
Opportunist – wins in any way possible, self-oriented and good in sales opportunities;
Technician – production level leader, people perform the task defined by their utility;
Transformational – changing minds in persuasive, enhances the motivation, morale and performance.
Leadership in organisation-culture or leaders’ style to motivate may impact on many employees still see them-selves as working for manager, than working with manager. ‘The style with which manager communicate with their staff, therefore, has a significant effect on the employee, effort that employee is prepared to put in for the manager!’ (Leatherbarrow C., Fletcher J., Currie D., 2011). Managers and leaders with other factors influencing performance has in the list such as: training and development, employee relations and reward. Performance management through development and main purpose is to improve all employees’ performance into whole organisation.
Managers must listen to and think about what employee has to say and if desirable and feasible, act upon their ideas. Leadership and managerial principles helps to clarify corporate goals, translates into individual, improves and encourages self-management of individuals’ performance and requesting for continuous feedback. Pre-making specific job at ‘Lush’ team leader always supplies real help for employees with their pure ability to perform. Analysing previous support or training, leader refers to correct team or group where new recruit has ambition to show role, task culture or stay self motivated. Leadership styles at ‘Lush’ linked to:
Autocratic management – leader which makes decision alone and is tightly controlled;
Democratic management – leader who is persuasive or consultative with various decisions of his own initiative;
Laissez-faire or loose – leader who has no legal structure of decision making;
Leadership styles from authoritarian to democratic descriptions about problem resolving and systems used for managerial performance at work.
Change in organisation can be leaders concern in people and concern for the task or operations with old style to nature. When the research team look to implement change, this change can often be met as resistance or people might want to resist change. As a production operative, I’ not received an impact due to successful change in organisational behaviour. I have got other full time job in 2005 and left ‘Lush’. ‘Lush’ was looking for new demands and lay off about 100 people from work in spring, 2005.
Taylorism and Fordism were both examples of ways in which knowledge was, or is, managed. The number of successful change of leadership traits has appears in:
Pluralistic aims – mean about leader’s promotes a social working environment, valuing relationships and inter-working;
Transformational capability – close to previous aims, but increase the awareness of what is right and important;
Effective communication – the heart of leadership for change, change in strategy, persuading while communicating ;
Conflict management – excellent conflict management skills and change almost result in conflict situations;
The basic goal and impact of management is to make people work effective and productive, at the same time or period defining operational process and management. Development of management though expands the meaning of management theories into:
Scientific management – F.W. Taylor’s (1856-1917) development science of task undertaken and completed in a very short period at the best way. Taylor’s principles following:
Task management to clear division of task between workers and managers.
Scientific methods used for the best way of job doing;
Selections of new people to do new designed jobs ;
The training of selected workers to perform job in a required way ;
Co-operation of the workers to make sure about the work performed well and accordingly to secure economic incentives.
Similarly, Frank Gilbreth developed Taylorism as scientific management measuring work to a higher level: was able to reduce the motions of bricklayers from eighteen per brick to five. His achievement of good result was higher pay enforcement. Another classic example of Taylorism is Henry Ford. He has launched a motor company in 1903 and successful adopted Taylor’s principles into his car models assembly.
Classical administration – a method of management similar to Taylor’s approaches, but was a second management movement about delivery ideas, teaching managers into organisation structure. Classical management ideas were based within individuals’ experiences and come from Henri Fayol (1841-1925) leader’s of management in twenty century.
Bureaucracy – a form of organisation design and method of management, which defines relationship between roles and stresses. This is a term so often used in organisational behaviour and structure.
Max Weber (1864-1920) was a writer on sociology and politics, which was starting point a type of formal organisation to authority and power. Author used the term bureaucracy to describe organisations. Bureaucracy in an organisation has ideal characteristics: job specification, authority hierarchy, formal rules with regulations, impersonality, formal selection and career orientation.
The human relations approach – new school of thought in organisation and management thinking, psychology and sociology of management. Main principles of human relations approach at Lush:
humans with no interested in only financial gain;
workers are human beings, never threaten as a machines,
workers needs a high degree and job security plus satisfaction;
good communication between workers and managers
no conflict and misunderstandings
workers want freedom,
employees want to stand in decision making and affecting their interests;
The systems approach – theory focused of whole work organisation, that invariance accessible to human understanding, as resource for wise action.
System approach theory is concerned to relationship problems of organisation structure. Main interact of this system is input to processes to get output. Plan an input – go to processes – receive an output. This scheme In ‘Lush’ appears as systems and engineering approach using computers to management implies that every manager should be more specific about decision making and on information flow.
The contingency approach – based to management the idea to manage and on one best way, that to be effective planning, organising, leading and controlling.
Factors of contingency approach are stable environments and structured organisation with specialised functions, defined roles, administrative routines and hierarchical system I’ve found while I was a working for Lush manufacturing. Very fit approach I can match into three elements of a business suggested to task, environment and people. Fiedler (1967) has given an example about his theory about manager or leader is popular and trusted by the group, also task is well defined.
Task 3
Motivation theory in ‘Maslow’s hierarchy of needs tends to be treated as classical within the field of organisational behaviour.’ (Wilson F. M., 2010) The concept of motivation has very simple appearance to stimulus need, response behaviour and following outcome of satisfaction or frustration. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs examples following to: self satisfaction needs, esteem needs, social needs, safety and security, and physiological needs. Herzberg (1968) believes, those motivators factors are intrinsic to work are achievement, recognition for achievement or work itself, responsibility, growth and advancement. All of factors are to do with job content. Motivators cause positive job attitudes, because they satisfy the workers need for self-actualization. Two factors theory of Herzberg and job satisfactions are hygiene and motivators.
When hygiene factors starts from policy and administration, supervision, sufficient income, interpersonal relations and working conditions. Then motivators have concluded from achievement, recognition, satisfy work, responsibility, advancement. Herzberg theory’s example: my work place, I lost my job at Lush in 2005 of over timing with my second job. Another process of cognitive theory is theory of expectancy applied to pay and motivation. That theory admits possibility about individuals may have different goals or needs, and that individuals may perceive different connections between actions or achievements of goals. Vroom (1964) has published his expectancy theory of work motivation. Vroom’s theory is motivation to action and to results to get satisfaction. Expert on leadership M. Maccoby (1993) was writing essays and projects to improve organisations and work based on humanistic principles that stimulate development. Resuming about motivation appears to present a problem for management to solve and about two other psychologists McCrae and Costa has abstract about ‘two data sources—self reports and peer ratings—and two instruments—adjective factors and questionnaire scales—were used to assess the five-factor model of personality. As in a previous study of self-reports (McCrae & Costa, 1985)’. Available from: http://psycnet.apa.org/index.cfm?fa=buy.optionToBuy&id=1987-15614-001 [25 July, 2012]
Performance of a given or referred task is measured to present known standards of accuracy, cost, speed and completeness. Performance does not exist without motivation and would to explain about following motivation rewards made to personality and to teams. Organisations as ‘Lush’ explain motivation and performance with a list of some characteristics:
Team with low motivation - has no links to performance.
Well motivated team with defined performance
Of previously mentioned I have to say about level of motivation values in a team. Level can be assessing a performance in a number of ways:
Employees’ opinions surveys.
Measures of performance used in two sorts: used measures and the work itself related to personal factors.
Focus groups with cross selection of staff for their opinions with motivated factors.
Suggestion schemes with employees requested for opinions to suggest about how an organisation can be well organised. Used meetings for better understanding.
How should manager motivate employees? What must be manager’s goals? Why manager would to know about motivation theories? At first, I was motivated with workplace environment and had good rate of pay, bonuses pay and holiday entitlement with my job security.
Secondly, I was working night shifts and my pay rate was higher than other employees a working in a day shift. I’ve received opportunity to advance, flexible working schedule, friendly colleagues and right working conditions. At ‘Lush’, managers would to know how to get their employees to do what they want to and the right theory of motivation has much to offer. A competitive reward becomes important motivational factor. Rewards’ context due to: monetary and non-monetary. List to performance related pay schemes, payments by results, profit sharing, reinforcement, job enrichment, job enlargement, education and training availability. Non-monetary or monetary rewards to choose you need to make sure you deliver these rewards in a way that they will be valued by the recipients. Non-monetary rewards can be used for an individual or for a team.
Task 4
Groups and teams both are offer opportunities for organisations. As nature of groups, all groups have formal rules and norms. Groups are useful and important for organizations to complete specific tasks and jobs working together with groups’ leaders. Each company has own communication network context of named: wheel, chain, circle, and completely connected. It makes good impact to define about how the group do works. Group working stages:
Task – content of work group has to make.
Process – is defined and takes place between members of a group with skills, relationships and feelings of group work.
Action schedule – is concerns about how the task group is organised to complete the job, including decision making and action.
Groups are formal and informal. Formal group is created for specific purpose of jobs due. It can be a project team, usually is referred to perform tasks, and structured to clarify purposes.
Informal groups – support work objectives and has set up on shared interests through work friendship to do with work and not to do with work. An informal grouping promotes commitment in the work place including sense of security and shared goals, profit. At ‘Lush’ I was the group member to produce specific job and our team often attended extra products working within a team and team has received bonus pay. Purpose of teams – has to be working together to achieve common goal. Teams may offer empowerment, job enrichment and a vehicle for delivering better results. Common types of team are: management teams, problem solving teams, work teams and quality circles, plus virtual teams. Team concept is very simple and has members from 3 to more than 30 people. At ‘Lush’ I was working with a group split to teams from 6, 10 to 15 people. Teams had a leadership role shared by team members performing a task.
To improve performance about against you into ‘Lush’ belonged from managing and introducing teams and teamwork has been used better organizational performance and countering some of negative effects of routinization of work. Teamwork is based of support and trust, so occurs from members or objectives to required performance and team building. Main aspects of team building are: indentifying problems, analyze data, action planning, plan realization to evaluation. I can entry some of technology used to discussion’s of each stage in turn. Valid contribution to whole team’s, ranges of personality traits, ability factors are important to select team member. When people are working in the team and together performing tasks, various roles need to be carried out. Team roles of functions in general have been selected as task and maintenance roles. The proponent of team roles’ example: ‘A pattern of behavior that characterizes one person’s behavior in relationship to another in facilitating the progress of the team (Belbin, 2000:xv), a number of which can be indentified.’ (Wilson F. M., 2010). Management and team roles by Belbin are linked to plant, resource, co-ordinator, shaper, team-worker, completer, specialist and so on. At work, I am team-worker role under supervisor’s directions. Stages in team development are: forming, storming, norming and performing also known as an important to recognise groups’ team building cycle. Each of stages above has impact to organisational performance through team development and group effectiveness. Also know as pseudo team, potential team, real team and high performance team. Team identity related to harmony of team and makes one team original from other. At ‘Lush’ I was a member of team identity related to product making, but did not receive recognition. When many of elements as harmony and original team are evident, I look in a team loyalty and happy with my job. Member of that team thinking about team’s spirit and loyalty, they perform tasks as a team only. Self-managed team has commitment to share beliefs. A few types of teams as working on operational problems or departmental teams and task force with designed work on strategy or organisational issues are named as multi-disciplinary teams. Differences between groups and teams have been defined by working people and for discussions referred to tasks attended. Team dynamics rise on organisation grow with new team formed and people joined into team for a first time. Many of group norms are developed in a period of time and consist of practices. Characteristics of dysfunctional teams can be described as various misuses within a team of responsibilities and lack of objectives.
Examples used from previous situations, carried in a way of an explicit statement leading to an organisational norm. Critical event in a group's history may lead to a norm. Group norms reflect the formal culture and people between company management avoid problem rises, when norms are not clear. Effectiveness of team working is measured by the quality or decision received and the time takes to reach that decision. Also, extend of decision actually accepted by whose it affects and turns into work with it. I do relate about contexts above of decision-making behaviour. Important are lack of response, authority, minority and majority rules, consensus and unanimity - main methods of groups’ decision making.
In ‘Lush’ monitoring functions attended higher manager’s visit and research about employees working areas, for new employment spaces to compare. Main impact on employee has technology: machinery and machines, the computers in offices, telephones and so on. When looking at technical change, the key questions included who benefits, how they benefit, and whose interests the technological change best serves. Communication between members of a team increased of technology used and advantages of virtual working become: access to best skills, mobile working, employee’s satisfaction and increased motivation. New mobile phones features and fast networks with IT functions and infrastructure helped describing organisational culture by itself. As example at the newspaper ‘Lush Time’ the summer issue 2012 we have global and cultural team working for fighting animal testing which brings out the best ideas, that will help to serve the global marketplace. Available from: https://www.lush.co.uk/ [28 July, 2012].
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. Mendelis