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I make the claim that I invented a real, non-perpetual over-unity device on November 10 th , 2013. In this article I address some of the practical paradoxes which might be raised if the functionality of the universe were in flux.
We all know that perpetual motion of the 1st or 2nd kind is impossible, but this has not deterred inventors from coming up with new ways to attain this dream. The US Patent Office, for instance, has granted several perpetual motion patents in recent history, against its long-standing policy. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that inventors are getting more sophisticated. Unbalanced wheels and magnets are giving way to holograms, forcing scientists to make connections between fields that would not have been made otherwise. Perpetual motion of the Third Kind, which seeks to produce infinite exergy rather than infinite energy, has made its appearance, and it seems that new laws of Thermodynamics would need to be added in order to forbid it. This paper studies not only the "science" behind perpetual motion, but also the psychological and philosophical underpinnings of a pursuit that would not go away.
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 2004
The discussed experiment demonstrates the preservation of integrity in a prefabricated construction in the absence of visible fastening forces. It is shown that the experiment can be explained by the fact that a flow of electromagnetic energy appears within the construction. We are considering the conditions in which such flow of electromagnetic energy is maintained for an indefinite length of time.
In the vast history of human thought, there are few who dare to push beyond the boundaries of accepted knowledge and challenge the fundamental principles that govern our reality. Thor Fabian Pettersen's work stands as a shining beacon of this courage. He dares to reimagine the very fabric of existence, proposing a universe where timelessness is not an abstract idea but a tangible, energyresetting force capable of altering our understanding of free energy. Pettersen's exploration of the cuboctahedron as the key to timelessness presents a fresh perspective on how the universe itself may operate in ways that transcend our current grasp of physics.
A perpetual motion machine is (as the name implies) a machine that moves perpetually; it never stops. Ever.
viXra, 2012
It is well known that physics explains natural phenomena using mathematics, But what happens if we derive from a good physical experiment a wrong mathematical equation, use it for more than 100 years without knowing it is wrong. In this paper I develop again the equation of energy conversion in a general electrical machine and prove that the equations we use are wrong. One of Professor Einstein statements was that the laws of physics are the same for every observer so I made the electrical equation of the machine to look like the mechanical equation. What I found was astonishing and is valid for all other area in physics. It is found that in general any constant in physic can be represented by a superposition of time and phase dependent sinusoidal function. So may be what we think about speed of light and other physical constant is entirely wrong. In the last part of this issue, I use the consequences of that article to create a virtual universe.
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
An Enlightening Way to Navigate through Mind-Boggling Physics Concepts Physics Curiosities, Oddities, and Novelties highlights unusual aspects of physics and gives a new twist to some fundamental concepts. The book covers both classical and modern physics in an engaging, straightforward style. The author presents perplexing questions that often lack satisfying answers. He also delves into the stories of famous and eccentric past scientists. Many examples reveal interesting ideas, including how: -Newton had trouble determining the mass of the moon. -An electric motor is an electric generator run in reverse. -Time travel that violates causality is not possible. -Schrödinger’s cat may be both dead and alive, and there may be two of each one of us to observe the two possibilities. -Particle physics and the basic laws of thermodynamics can appear simple yet are very complicated. Accessible to nonspecialists and beginning students, this book provides insight into physics using minimal mathematics and jargon. It summarizes many fascinating aspects of physics employing only essential formulas. Some familiar formulas are written in standard form while other equations are written in words for greater clarity.
edited for the presentation at the Congress TSC 2017 San Diego - CA June 2017 From the silence of a monastery where he voluntarily enclosed himself for many years, the enlightened mind of Ettore Majorana produced a new mathematics and a new physics which foster a historic leap in human knowledge. Here we quote his theory and some salient aspects of the construction of a machine, realized by Rolando Pelizza, which have demonstrated how exact and real the hypotheses of Ettore were. The world now has magnificent new possibilities: it can annihilate matter, produce infinite energy at practically no cost, transmute matter and transfer it to other dimensions. But this knowledge, which we call Third Millennium Physics, will not immediately be available to humanity ... first it is necessary to go through a process of gradually acquiring consciousness and change in human attitudes.
In this book I present some physical problems whose solution began with formulation and solution of some paradoxes, such as paradox of focusing of the spherical electromagnetic wave, chaos in the continuous systems which are described by the Korteweg – de Vries (- Burgers) equation, paradox of quantum physics which is known as “reducing of wave function” and so on.
The African Review of Physics, 2012
Temperature is an outsider in the laws of motion given by Newton and Einstein and this oversight is the source of the predictions of time-reversal-invariance made by these two great systems of motion. By taking into consideration Planck's law of blackbody radiation and the Doppler effect, in thinking about Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation, I have shown that photons, in the environment through which any charged particle moves, act as a source of temperature-dependent friction on everything from elementary particles to galaxies. Because the optomechanical friction is universal and inevitable, no real systems are conservative, and temperature can no longer be an outsider in a fundamental and irreducible law of motion. I have defined the change of entropy (\Delta S) in irreversible systems at constant temperature in terms of the optomechanical friction. The Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that \Delta S > 0 for spontaneous processes, is explained by electromagnetic interactions between charged particles and the Doppler-shifted photons through which they move as opposed to chance and statistics. \Delta S, as defined here, is not subject to Poincaré's recurrence theorem. Consequently, the Second Law of Thermodynamics is shown to be a fundamental law rather than a statistical law. This result, which supports the idea that every instant of time is unique, is consistent with intuition and the routine experience of botanists.
Applied Physics Letters, 2020
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 2024
Ecology and Society, 2023
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011
Effective Executive, 2024
Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía, 2018
Proceedings 35th Annual Simulation Symposium. SS 2002
Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2012
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 2000
دور النساء في تمويل الاقتصاد الأخضر لضمان العدالة الاجتماعية, 2025