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Nathan Coppedge, author of the Dimensional Psychologist's Toolkit which is pending publication, addresses an important concern about the variables used in psychology, and the need for double-negative assessment. The method he develops is intended to produce clarity in clinical environments and therapy, knowledge that could readily be shared with the patient.
BMC psychology, 2013
Psychology has been historically plagued by the under-reporting of both replications and null findings. The avoidance of these core ingredients of scientific practice means that the psychology literature is unquestionably distorted. The bias in psychology is pervasive and systemic, afflicting researchers, reviewers, editors and journals, all of whom are wed to pursuing the novel and the curious at the expense of the reliable. Psychology therefore operates in a manner that is askew of other sciences, with the links between replicability and believability seemingly much weaker. Additional problems follow from the distorted way that psychology currently operates - including spinning findings, publication bias, and sadly, outright fraud. Such problems represent a serious challenge for psychologists to get their house-in-order - and one step is to make sure that replications and null findings find a home in psychology rather than remain our dirty little secrets that further eat away at t...
Schizophrenia Bulletin - SCHIZOPHRENIA BULL, 1986
The issue of the dimensionality of negative symptoms is addressed. In reference to data reported by Lewine, Fogg, and Meltzer (1983), it is suggested that the nonsignificant correlation between a SADS–C negative symptom scale and a NOSIE negative symptom scale, both independently developed using the Rasch model, is evidence for the multidimensionality of negative symptoms. Additional data supporting the multidimensionality of negative symptoms using confirmatory factor analysis is also discussed (Gibbons et al. 1985). A new theory for the structure of negative symptoms is needed, which specifies the number of dimensions, their classification, and their pattern of intercorrelation.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2009
Depression and Anxiety, 2006
Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 2017
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2006
This study examined the psychometric properties of the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation (BFNE) Scale in a nonclinical, nonstudent sample. Participants were administered the BFNE Scale, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the UCLA Loneliness Scale. No differences were found across age, but women scored significantly higher on the BFNE Scale than men. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a two-factor solution corresponding to positive and reverse scored items. Internal consistency was excellent for the positive scored factor (a = .94), acceptable for the reverse scored factor (a = .73), and good for the full BFNE Scale (a = .80). BFNE scores were significantly correlated in the expected directions with the BDI and the UCLA Loneliness Scale. Implications of these findings for clinical practice and future research are discussed. #
Twin Research and Human Genetics, 2016
The Twin Study of Negative Valence Emotional Constructs is a multi-site study designed to examine the relationship between a broad selection of potential measures designed to assess putative endophenotypes for negative valence systems (NVS) and early symptoms of internalizing disorders (IDs). In this article, we describe the sample characteristics, data collection protocols, and measures used. Pre-adolescent Caucasian twin pairs were recruited through the Mid-Atlantic Twin Registry; data collection began in February of 2013. Enrolled twins completed various dimensional self-report measures along with cognitive, emotional, and psychophysiological tasks designed to assess NVS function. Parents also completed surveys about their twins and themselves. In addition, a subset of the twins also participated in a neuroimaging protocols. Data collection is in the final stages, and preliminary analyses are underway. The findings will potentially expand our understanding of the mechanisms by wh...
Psychological bulletin, 1999
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2015
Background: The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) is widely used for clinical assessment of symptoms in schizophrenia. Instead of the traditional pyramidal model, recent literature supports the pentagonal model for the dimensionality of the PANSS. Aim: The present study aimed to validate the consensus five-factor model of the PANSS and evaluate its convergent validity. Methods: Participants were 146 Chinese chronic schizophrenic patients who completed diagnostic interviews and cognitive assessments. Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) was performed to investigate the dimensionality of the PANSS. Covariates (age, sex, and education level) and concurrent outcomes (perceived stress, memory, daily living functions, and motor deficits) were added in the ESEM model. Results: The results supported the consensus 5-factor underlying structure, which comprised 20 items categorized into positive, negative, excitement, depression, and cognitive factors with acceptable reliability (α = .69-.85) and strong factor loadings (λ = .41-.93). The five factors, especially the cognitive factor, showed evident convergent validity with the covariates and concurrent outcomes.
Las izquierdas latinoamericanas y sus relaciones Internacionales, 2024
Informationsverarbeitung in der Stadt des 12.-16. Jahrhunderts. Beiträge des interdisziplinären (Post-)Doc-Workshop des Trierer Zentrums für Mediävistik im November 2018, hrsg. v. Eric Burkart/Vincenz Schwab (Mittelalter. Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Rezeptionsgeschichte, Beihefte 2), 2020
Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, 2017
The California Reader, 2021
in Blais Jean-Paul, Gillio Claire et Ion Jacques, Cadre de vie, environnement et dynamiques associatives, Paris, PUCA, pp.203-219., 2001
FrancoAngeli srl eBooks, 2023
DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2011
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021
Hormone Research in Paediatrics, 2002
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '06, 2006