————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— PART II: THE CHINESE PROVINCES The provinces of China today Currently, there exist two states in China: the PRC and the ROC. The PRC consists of the provinces on the Chinese mainland and Hainan; the ROC controls Taiwan and several islets close to PRC’s Fujian Province. Though Taiwan does not belong to the PRC, the PRC regards Taiwan as a “renegade province” and part of the PRC. Thus, Taiwan’s inclusion in descriptions of China’s administrative organization reflects Beijing’s point of view, not the author’s. Today, China has 23 provinces (sheng 省)—one province (Taiwan) not part of the PRC; 5 Autonomous Regions (AR—zizhiqu 自治 ); 4 special municipalities (zhixiashi 直轄 ); and 2 Special Administrative Regions (SAR—tebie xingzhengqu 特別行 ). At the time of Mao Zedong’s death in September 1976, the PRC consisted of 21 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 3 special municipalities—Hainan was part of Guangdong Province until April 1988, Chongqing was part of Sichuan Province until March 1997, Hong Kong was a British crown colony until July 1997, and Macau was a Portuguese possession until December 1999. The 5 Autonomous Regions were established after WW II—Guangxi in March 1958, Inner Mongolia in May 1947, Ningxia in October 1958, Tibet in September 1965, and Xinjiang in October 1955. Guangxi is an AR of the Chuang/Zhuang nationality (zhuang zu 壯族), Ningxia of the Chinese Muslims/Hui (huizu 回族), and Xinjiang of the Uighurs (weiwuer zu 維吾爾族). Additionally, 5 Special Economic Zones (SEZ—jingji tequ 經 特 ) were established in 1980 that are economic units but not provinces/regions/municipalities: Shenzhen 深圳 (Guangdong Province), Shantou 汕頭 (Guangdong Province), Zhuhai 珠海 (Guangdong Province), Xiamen 門 (Fujian Province) and the whole of Hainan Province. China’s administrative organization 23 provinces (sheng 省) Province Anhui 安徽 Fujian 福建 Gansu 甘肅 Guangdong 廣東 Guizhou 貴 Hainan 海南 Hebei 河 Heilongjiang 黑龍 Henan 河南 Capital Hefei 合肥 Fuzhou 福 Lanzhou 蘭 Guangzhou 廣 Guiyang 貴陽 Haikou 海口 Shijiazhuang 石家庄 Harbin 哈爾 Zhengzhou 鄭 Km² 139,000 120,000 450,000 186,000 176,100 34,000 190,000 469,000 167,000 110 (22) (23) (7) (15) (16) (29) (12) (6) (17) Population (mil.) 61.20 (8) 35.35 (18) 25.94 (22) 91.94 (3) 37.30 (16) 8.28 (29) 68.51 (6) 38.20 (15) 93.80 (1) Pop. density 440.28 (12) 294.58 (17) 57.64 (30) 494.30 (10) 211.81 (22) 243.52 (20) 360.57 (13) 81.44 (29) 561.67 (9) ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Hubei 湖 Hunan 湖南 Jiangsu Jiangxi 西 Jilin 吉林 Liaoning 遼 Qinghai 青海 Shaanxi 西 Shandong 山東 Shanxi 山西 Sichuan 四 *Taiwan 台 Yunnan 雲南 Zhejiang Wuhan Changsha 長沙 Nanjing 南 Nanchang 南昌 Changchun 長春 Shenyang 瀋陽 Xining 西 Xi’an 西安 Ji’nan 南 Taiyuan 原 Chengdu 成 Taipei 台 Kunming 昆明 Hangzhou 杭 187,400 210,000 102,600 166,600 187,000 145,700 720,000 205,000 153,000 156,000 488,000 36,000 394,000 101,800 5 autonomous regions (AR: zizhiqu 自治 Autonomous Region Capital Guangxi 廣西 Nanning 南 Inner Mongolia 蒙古 Hohhot 呼和 特 Ningxia 夏 Yinchuan 銀 Tibet 西藏 Lhasa 拉薩 Xinjiang 疆 Urumqi 烏魯木齊 Km² 16,800 82,000 6200 11,300 (30) (26) (32) (31) 57.10 63.26 74.75 43.11 27.16 42.21 5.43 37.20 92.48 33.55 82.12 22.69 44.50 48.98 (9) (7) (5) (13) (21) (14) (32) (17) (2) (19) (4) (24) (12) (10) (9) (3) (27) (2) (1) Population (mil.) 46.60 (11) 23.86 (23) 5.96 (31) 2.77 (33) 20.10 (25) Km² 1092 23.5 (33) (34) (15) (16) (6) (19) (26) (18) (33) (24) (8) (21) (25) (7) (27) (11) Pop. density 197.20 (23) 20.16 (31) 89.75 (28) 2.27 (34) 12.56 (32) ) Population (mil.) 15.38 (27) 27.98 (20) 17.78 (26) 10.43 (28) Pop. density Neighbouring province 915.47 (5) Hebei 341.21 (14) Sichuan 2867.74 (3) Jiangsu 923.00 (4) Hebei 2 special administrative regions (SAR: tebie xingzhengqu 特別行 SAR Hong Kong 香港 Macau 澳門 304.69 301.23 728.55 258.76 145.24 289.70 7.54 181.46 604.44 215.06 168.27 630.27 112.94 481.13 ) Km² 236,300 1,183,000 66,400 1,220,000 1,600,000 4 special municipalities (zhixiashi 直轄 Special municipality Beijing Chongqing 慶 Shanghai 海 Tianjin 津 (13) (10) (24) (18) (14) (21) (4) (11) (20) (19) (5) (28) (8) (25) Population (mil.) 6.936 (30) 0.477 (34) ) Pop. density Neighbouring province 6351.64 (2) Guangdong 20,297.87 (1) Guangdong *Taiwan is a Chinese province of the ROC and not part of the PRC. The figure above in parenthesis refers to each province’s ranking among the 34 Chinese provinces in terms of population, area, and population density. Hanyu Pinyin-pronunciation of provinces or capitals that differ from their common English spelling: Harbin 哈爾 [ha’erbin], Shaanxi 西 [shanxi], Taipei 台 [taibei], Inner Mongolia 蒙古 [nei menggu], Hohhot 呼和 特 [huhehaote], Tibet 西藏 [xizang], Lhasa 拉薩 [lasa], Urumqi 烏魯木齊 [wulumuqi], Hong Kong 香港 [xianggang], and Macau 澳門 [aomen]. There are 14 coastal areas: Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hebei, Hong Kong, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Macau, Shandong, Shanghai, Taiwan, Tianjin, Zhejiang. 111 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— There are 20 landlocked areas: Anhui, Beijing, Chongqing, Gansu, Guizhou, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Jilin, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Yunnan. There are 9 border areas: Gansu, Guangxi, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning, Tibet, Xinjiang, Yunnan. Ranking of China’s cities and provinces by population, area, and population density (2005) Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 City/province Henan Shandong Guangdong Sichuan Jiangsu Hebei Hunan Anhui Hubei Zhejiang Guangxi Yunnan Jiangxi Liaoning Heilongjiang Guizhou Shaanxi Fujian Shanxi Chongqing Jilin Gansu Inner Mongolia Taiwan Xinjiang Shanghai Beijing Tianjin Hainan Hong Kong Ningxia Qinghai Tibet Macau Pop. (mil.) 93.80 92.48 91.94 82.12 74.75 68.51 63.26 61.20 57.10 48.98 46.60 44.50 43.11 42.21 38.20 37.30 37.20 35.35 33.55 27.98 27.16 25.94 23.86 22.69 20.10 17.78 15.38 10.43 8.28 6.936 5.96 5.43 2.77 0.477 City/province Xinjiang Tibet Inner Mongolia Qinghai Sichuan Heilongjiang Gansu Yunnan Guangxi Hunan Shaanxi Hebei Hubei Jilin Guangdong Guizhou Henan Jiangxi Shanxi Shandong Liaoning Anhui Fujian Jiangsu Zhejiang Chongqing Ningxia Taiwan Hainan Beijing Tianjin Shanghai Hong Kong Macau 112 Km² 1,600,000 1,220,000 1,183,000 720,000 488,000 469,000 450,000 395,000 236,300 210,000 205,000 190,000 187,400 187,000 186,000 176,100 167,000 166,600 156,000 153,000 145,700 139,000 120,000 102,600 101,800 82,000 66,400 36,000 34,000 16,800 11,300 6200 1092 23.5 City/prov. Inhabitants/km² Macau 20,297.87 Hong Kong 6351.64 Shanghai 2867.74 Tianjin 923.00 Beijing 915.47 Jiangsu 728.55 Taiwan 630.27 Shandong 604.44 Henan 561.67 Guangdong 494.30 Zhejiang 481.13 Anhui 440.28 Hebei 360.57 Chongqing 341.21 Hubei 304.69 Hunan 301.23 Fujian 294.58 Liaoning 289.70 Jiangxi 258.76 Hainan 243.52 Shanxi 215.06 Guizhou 211.81 Guangxi 197.20 Shaanxi 181.46 Sichuan 168.27 Jilin 145.24 Yunnan 112.94 Ningxia 89.75 Heilongjiang 81.44 Gansu 57.64 Inner Mongolia 20.16 Xinjiang 12.56 Qinghai 7.54 Tibet 2.27 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Administrative subdivisions in the PRC There are several administrative levels in the PRC: central, provincial, prefecture, county, township, and village. A detailed introduction of the provinces can be found in the Gazetteer, which includes a list of all units on the prefecture and county level. Since the township and village level are of lesser significance, this book will only provide a short description of them. The first regional administrative level in the PRC is the provincial level, which includes the provinces, the autonomous regions (AR), special municipalities, and special administrative regions (SAR). Under the PRC’s provinces and ARs, the second regional level is the prefecture level, which comprises prefecture-level cities (dijishi 地級 ), prefectures (called “area” [diqu 地 ] in Chinese), and autonomous prefectures (zizhizhou 自治 ); in Inner Mongolia the prefectures are called “league” (meng 盟). Currently the PRC has 335 prefecture-level subdivisions: 285 prefecture-level cities, 17 prefectures, 30 autonomous prefectures and 3 leagues. The third regional level in the PRC is the county level, which comprises city districts (shixiaqu 轄 ), county-level cities (xianjishi 縣級 ), counties (xian 縣) and autonomous counties (zizhixian 自治縣); in Inner Mongolia some counties are called “banner” (qi 旗), and autonomous counties are called “autonomous banner” (zizhiqi 自治旗). In the special municipalities and SARs there is no prefecture level but only county-level subdivisions (city districts, counties, autonomous counties). Currently the PRC has 2881 county-level subdivisions: 869 city districts, 376 county-level cities, 1466 counties, 117 autonomous counties, 49 banners and 3 autonomous banners, and there is also 1 forestry area (in Hubei). The regional fourth level in the PRC is the township level which comprises of street communities (jiedao banshichu 街 辦 處) in urban areas and of towns (zhen 鎮), townships (xiang 鄉), and ethnic townships (minzuxiang 民族鄉) in rural areas; in Inner Mongolia the townships are called “sumu” ( 木), the ethnic townships “ethnic sumu” (minzu sumu 民族 木). Another unit on the township level is the county district (xianxiaqu 縣轄 ). The fifth regional level in the PRC is the village level, which comprises of villages (cun 村) and communities (shequ 社 ), and there are also various kinds of local committees (weiyuanhui 員會) established to deal with neighbourhood issues. PRC province Anhui 安徽 Beijing Chongqing 慶 Fujian 福建 Gansu 甘肅 Guangdong 廣東 Guangxi 廣西 Guizhou 貴 Hainan 海南 Hebei 河 Heilongjiang 黑龍 Henan 河南 Prefecture level (diji xingzhengqu 地級行 ): 335 Cities Prefectures Autonomous Leagues prefectures 17 9 14 2 21 14 4 2 3 2 11 12 1 17 - 113 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Hong Kong 香港 Hubei 湖 Hunan 湖南 Inner Mongolia 蒙古 Jiangsu Jiangxi 西 Jilin 吉林 Liaoning 遼 Macau 澳門 Ningxia 夏 Qinghai 青海 Shaanxi 西 Shandong 山東 Shanghai 海 Shanxi 山西 Sichuan 四 Tianjin 津 Tibet 西藏 Xinjiang 疆 Yunnan 雲南 Zhejiang Total PRC province Anhui 安徽 Beijing Chongqing 慶 Fujian 福建 Gansu 甘肅 Guangdong 廣東 Guangxi 廣西 Guizhou 貴 Hainan 海南 Hebei 河 Heilongjiang 黑龍 Henan 河南 Hong Kong 香港 Hubei 湖 * Hunan 湖南 Inner Mongolia 蒙古 Jiangsu Jiangxi 西 Jilin 吉林 12 13 9 13 11 8 14 5 1 10 17 11 18 1 2 8 11 285 1 6 7 17 1 1 1 6 3 5 8 30 3 3 County level (xianji xingzhengqu 縣級行 ): 2881 Districts Cities Counties Autonomous Banners Autonomous counties banners 44 5 56 16 2 19 17 4 26 14 45 17 4 58 7 49 30 42 3 33 7 57 12 12 9 56 11 4 6 4 6 36 22 108 6 64 18 45 1 50 21 88 18 38 24 37 2 34 16 65 7 21 11 17 49 3 54 27 25 19 10 70 19 20 18 3 - 114 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Liaoning 遼 56 17 19 8 Macau 澳門 Ningxia 夏 8 2 11 Qinghai 青海 4 2 30 7 Shaanxi 西 24 3 80 Shandong 山東 49 31 60 Shanghai 海 18 1 Shanxi 山西 23 11 85 Sichuan 四 43 14 120 4 Tianjin 津 15 3 Tibet 西藏 1 1 71 Xinjiang 疆 11 20 62 6 Yunnan 雲南 12 9 79 29 Zhejiang 32 22 35 1 Total 869 376 1466 117 *Hubei also has one forestry area (linqu 林 ) on the county level 49 3 Abbreviations of geographical names Provinces, ARs, Special Municipalities, SARs Name ....................................... Abbreviation Anhui 安徽 ........................... Wan 皖 Chongqing 慶 .................. Yu 渝 Gansu 甘肅 .......................... Gan 甘, Long 隴 Guangxi 廣西 ....................... Gui Hainan 海南 ......................... Qiong 瓊 Heilongjiang 黑龍 ........... Hei 黑 Hong Kong 香港 ................. Gang 港 Hunan 湖南 .......................... Xiang 湘 Jiangsu ......................... Su Jilin 吉林 ............................... Ji 吉 Macau 澳門 .......................... Ao 澳 Qinghai 青海 ........................ Qing 青 Shandong 山東 .................... Lu 魯 Shanxi 山西 .......................... Jin 晉 Taiwan 台 ......................... Tai 台 Tibet 西藏 ............................. Zang 藏 Yunnan 雲南 ........................ Yun 雲, Dian Name ....................................... Abbreviation Beijing .......................... Jing Fujian 福建 ........................... Min 閩 Guangdong 廣東 ................. Yue 粵 Guizhou 貴 ...................... Gui 貴, Qian 黔 Hebei 河 ............................ Ji 冀 (Yan 燕) Henan 河南 .......................... Yu 豫 Hubei 湖 ........................... E 鄂 Inner Mongolia 蒙古...... Nei Menggu 蒙古 Jiangxi 西 .......................... Gan 贛 Liaoning 遼 ....................... Liao 遼 Ningxia 夏 ........................ Ning Shaanxi 西 ........................ Shan , Qin 秦 Shanghai 海 ...................... Hu 滬, Shen 申 Sichuan 四 ........................ Chuan , Shu 蜀 Tianjin 津 .......................... Jin 津 Xinjiang 疆 ....................... Xin Zhejiang ....................... Zhe Cities Name ....................... Abbreviation Chengdu 成 ...... Rong 蓉 Kaifeng 開封 ........ Bian 汴 Ningbo ........ Yong 甬 Name ............................ Abbreviation Guangzhou 廣 ...... Sui 穗 Nanjing 南 ............. Ning Taiyuan 原 ............. Bing 并 115 Name ................ Abbreviation Guiyang 貴陽 ....... Zhu 筑 Nanning 南 ..... Yong 邕 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Changes in China’s provincial composition since 1949 The names and borders of most of China’s provinces have changed little for centuries. However, in the last sixty years the provincial borders have changed significantly in two Chinese regions: Manchuria (dongbei 東 ) and Sichuan (四 ). Manchuria today consists of three provinces: Heilongjiang 黑龍 (Capital: Harbin 哈爾 ), Jilin 吉林 (Capital: Changchun 長春), and Liaoning 遼 (Capital: Shenyang 瀋陽). During World War II Manchuria was occupied by Japan, and the provinces in Manchuria were reorganized under Japanese rule. After the defeat of Japan in 1945, Manchuria was restored under the rule of the ROC, but the ROC government left the provincial borders the way they had been under Japanese rule. Manchuria thus consisted of 12 provinces until the establishment of the PRC: Antung 安東 (capital: Tunghua 通 [today in Jilin Province], abbrev. An 安) at the border with Korea. Distribution of its territory after establishment of PRC—part to Jilin, part to Liaoning Chahar 察哈爾 (capital: Kalgan 張垣 = Zhangjiakou 張家口 [today in Hebei Province], abbrev. Cha 察). Distribution of its territory after establishment of PRC—mostly to Inner Mongolia, parts of it to Hebei Heilungkiang 黑龍 (former capital: Peian 安, today: Harbin 哈爾 ). The province still exists today (Heilongjiang), during the re-arranging of the provinces it received Hokiang 合 , most of Nunkiang 嫩 and part of Sungkiang 松 provinces Hokiang 合 (capital: Kiamusze 佳木 [today in Heilongjiang Province], abbrev. He 合). Distribution of its territory after establishment of PRC— to Heilongjiang Hsingan 興安 (capital: Hailar 海拉爾 [today in Inner Mongolia], abbrev. Xing 興). Distribution of its territory after establishment of PRC—to Inner Mongolia Jehol 熱河 (capital: Chengteh 承德 [today in Hebei Province], abbrev. Re 熱). Distribution of its territory after establishment of PRC—parts to Inner Mongolia, Hebei and Liaoning Kirin 吉林 (former capital: Kirin 吉林, today: Changchun 長春). The province still exists today (Jilin), during the re-arranging of the provinces it received parts of Antung 安東, Liaopeh 遼 and Sungkiang 松 provinces Liaoning 遼 (capital: Mukden = Shenyang 瀋陽). The province still exists today, during the re-arranging of the provinces it received parts of Antung 安東, Jehol 熱河 and Liaopeh 遼 provinces Liaopeh 遼 (capital: Liaoyuan 遼源 [today in Jilin Province], abbrev. Yao 洮). Distribution of its territory after establishment of PRC—parts of it to Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and Jilin Nunkiang 嫩 (capital: Tsitsihar 齊齊哈爾 [today in Heilongjiang Province], abbrev. Nen 嫩). Distribution of its territory after establishment of PRC—majority to Heilongjiang, smaller part to Inner Mongolia Suiyuan 綏遠 (capital: Kweisui 綏 = Hohhot 呼和 特 [today in Inner Mongolia], abbrev. Sui 綏). Distribution of its territory after establishment of PRC—mostly to Inner Mongolia Sungkiang 松 (capital: Mutankiang 丹 [today in Heilongjiang Province], abbrev. Song 松). Distribution of its territory after establishment of PRC—part to Heilongjiang, part to Jilin In the ROC, the Sichuan region consisted of two provinces: Szechwan (Sichuan 四 ), capital: Chengtu (Chengdu 成 ), and Sikang (Xikang 西 ), capital: Kangting (Kangding ). In July 1955, Sikang Province (abbrev. Kang ) was abolished and its territory was split between Tibet and 116 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Sichuan. In March 1997, the PRC government established part of Sichuan Province as the new Special Municipality Chongqing ( 慶). Provinces of the old ROC (1912-1949) After its defeat in the Chinese civil war in 1949, the nationalist government of the ROC relocated to Taiwan, while the communists established the PRC on the Chinese mainland. In some areas of the PRC, provinces were merged and provincial borders realigned. In the ROC these changes were long ignored, and even in the 1990s China maps printed in Taiwan still showed the old provincial structure. The provinces as they were before the Chinese civil war are listed below. The “†” in this list indicates that the province does not exist any more today and its area was incorporated in one or more of today’s PRC provinces. Province ...........................................................Capital Anhui 安徽 ..................................................Hofei 合肥 [Hefei] Antung 安東 [Andong] (†)....................Tunghua 通 [Tonghua] Chahar 察哈爾 (†) ................................Kalgan 張垣 [Zhangyuan] = Zhangjiakou 張家口 Chekiang [Zhejiang] ..........................Hangchow 杭 [Hangzhou] Fukien 福建 [Fujian] .................................Foochow 福 [Fuzhou] Heilungkiang 黑龍 [Heilongjiang] ........Peian 安 [Bei’an] Hokiang 合 [Hejiang] (†) ..................Kiamusze 佳木 [Jiamusi] Honan 河南 [Henan] .................................Kaifeng 開封 Hopei 河 [Hebei] ....................................Chingyuan 清苑 [Qingyuan] Hsingan 興安 [Xing’an] (†) ..................Hailar 海拉爾 Hunan 湖南 .................................................Changsha 長沙 Hupei 湖 [Hubei] ...................................Wuchang 昌 = Wuhan Jehol 熱河 [Rehe] (†) .............................Chengteh 承德 [Chengde] Kansu 甘肅 [Gansu] ..................................Lanchow 蘭 [Lanzhou] Kiangsi 西 [Jiangxi] ...............................Nanchang 南昌 Kiangsu [Jiangsu] ..............................Chenkiang 鎮 [Zhenjiang] Kirin 吉林 [Jilin] ........................................Kirin 吉林 [Jilin] Kwangsi 廣西 [Guangxi] ...........................Kweilin 林 [Guilin] Kwangtung 廣東 [Guangdong] ..................Canton 廣 [Guangzhou] Kweichow 貴 [Guizhou] .......................Kweiyang 貴陽 [Guiyang] Liaoning 遼 .............................................Mukden [Fengtian] = Shenyang 瀋陽 Liaopeh 遼 [Liaobei] (†) ...................Liaoyuan 遼源 Mongolia 蒙古 [Menggu] (†) ................Kulun 庫倫 = Ulan Bator 烏蘭巴托 [Wulan Batuo] Ninghsia 夏 [Ningxia] ...........................Yinchuan 銀 Nunkiang 嫩 [Nenjiang] (†)..............Tsitsihar 齊齊哈爾 [Qiqihar] Shansi 山西 [Shanxi] .................................Taiyuan 原 Shantung 山東 [Shandong] ........................Tsinan 南 [Ji’nan] Shensi 西 [Shanxi] .................................Sian 西安 [Xi’an] Sikang 西 [Xikang] (†) ......................Kangting [Kangding] 117 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Sinkiang 疆 [Xinjiang] ...........................Tihua 迪 [Dihua] = Urumqi 烏魯木齊 [Wulumuqi] Suiyuan 綏遠 (†)....................................Kweisui 綏 [Guisui] = Hohhot 呼和 特 [Huhehaote] Sungkiang 松 [Songjiang] (†) ............Mutankiang 丹 [Mudanjiang] Szechwan 四 [Sichuan] ..........................Chengtu 成 [Chengdu] Taiwan 台 ................................................Nantou 南投 Tibet 西藏 [Xizang] ...................................Lhasa 拉薩 [Lasa] Tsinghai 青海 [Qinghai] ............................Hsining 西 [Xining] Yunnan 雲南 ...............................................Kunming 昆明 Special municipalities of the ROC (1912-1949); today’s neighbouring province Canton 廣 [Guangzhou] ... Guangdong Dairen 大連 [Dalian]................. Liaoning Harbin 哈爾 ..................... Heilongjiang Nanking 南 [Nanjing] ............... Jiangsu Shanghai 海 ................................ Jiangsu Tientsin 津 [Tianjin] ................... Hebei Chungking 慶 [Chongqing] .............................. Sichuan Hankow 口 [Hankou] (= Wuhan ) ......... Hubei Mukden [Fengtian] (= Shenyang 瀋陽)..Liaoning Peiping [Beiping] (= Beijing ) ...............Hebei Sian 西安 [Xi’an] ..................................................Shaanxi Tsingtao 青島 [Qingdao] .................................. Shandong Obsolete geographical names Places in today’s PRC: Amur = Heilongjiang 黑龍 ; Canton = Guangzhou 廣 , Guangdong Province; Chang’an 長安 = Xi’an 西安, Shaanxi Province; Hankow 口 [Hankou] = Wuhan , Hubei Province; Kalgan 張垣 [Zhangyuan] = Zhangjiakou 張家口, Hebei Province; Kweisui 綏 [Guisui] = Hohhot 呼 和 特 [Huhehaote], Inner Mongolia; Mukden [Fengtian] = Shenyang 瀋陽, Liaoning Province; Peiping [Beiping] = Beijing ; Port Arthur = Lüshun 旅 , Dalian city 大連, Liaoning Province; Swatow = Shantou 汕頭, Guangdong Province; Tihua 迪 [Dihua] = Urumqi 烏魯木齊 [Wulumuqi], Xinjiang Province Places outside today’s PRC: Boli 伯力 = Khabarovsk 哈巴羅 克 [Habaluofusike], Russia; Haicanwei 海參崴 = Vladivostok, Russia; Kulun 庫倫 = Ulan Bator 烏蘭巴托 [Wulan Batuo], Rep. Mongolia; Shuangchengzi 雙城子 = Ussurisk 烏 克 [Wusulisike], Russia 118 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Gazetteer—the Chinese provinces in detail (population figures of 2005) 1. Anhui 安徽 (aka Anhwei) AREA: 139,000 km²; population: 61.20 million (1949: 27.86 million, 1987: 52.99 million); population density: 440.28 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Anhui sheng 安徽省 CAPITAL: Hefei 合肥 (pop. 4.557 million, latitude 31º54’ N, longitude 117º16’ E, elevation 36 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (more than 99 percent of the population); Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), She 畬族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin, southeastern Mandarin) LOCATION: Central China (latitude 29º41’ to 34º38’ N, longitude 114º54’ to 119º37’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Henan 河南, Hubei 湖 , Jiangsu , Jiangxi 西, Shandong 山 東, Zhejiang MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Anqing 安慶 [0556], Bengbu 蚌 [0552], Hefei 合肥 [0551], Huaibei 淮 [0561], Huainan 淮南 [0554], Huangshan 黃山 [0559], Ma’anshan 馬鞍山 [0555], Tongling 銅陵 [0562], Tunxi 屯 [0559], Wuhu 湖 [0553] TOPOGRAPHY: 31.3 percent plains (Huaibei Plain 淮 原, Yanjiang Plain 原), 29.5 percent hilly land (Jianghuai Hills 淮丘陵—connect with the Northern Jiangsu plain 原), 31.2 percent mountains (Western Anhui Mountainous Region 皖西大別山 [highest peak: Baimajian 馬尖, 1774 m] including basins like Yuexi Basin 岳西盆地, Huoshan Basin 霍山盆地 and Jinzhai Basin 金 盆地, Southern Anhui Mountainous Region 皖 南山 , which includes Huangshan 黃山), 8 percent lakes and lowlands (1.2 million hectares of water) HIGHEST PEAK: Lotus Flower Peak 蓮花峰 (1867 m) at Huangshan 黃山 RIVERS AND LAKES: The Yangtze River 長 crosses through the south and center; tributaries: Wanhe 皖河, Qiupu 秋浦河, Yuxi 裕 河, Qingyi 青弋 , Shuiyang 水陽 , Qianshui 潛水, et. al. The second major river system in Anhui centers around the Huai River 淮河, tributaries: Ying 潁河, Xifei 西 河, Guo 渦河, Kuai 澮河, Pi 河, et. al.; the Huai is frozen about two weeks every year. Other rivers: Qiantang 錢 and Xin’an 安 . There are several lakes in Anhui, the Chaohu Lake 巢湖 being the largest. Lakes concentrated in the Changjiang area are Longgan Lake 龍感湖, Daguan Lake 大 湖, Yellow Lake 黃湖, Pohu Lake 湖, Wuchang Lake 昌湖, Shengjin Lake 生金湖, Caizi Lake 菜子湖 etc. Other lakes: Nanyi Lake 南 湖 in the east; Wabu Lake 瓦 湖, Chengxi Lake 城西湖 and Chengdong Lake 城東湖 in the central west CLIMATE: Warm-temperate and humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasons (north of Huaihe River 淮河 warm-temperate, semi-humid monsoon climate, south of the river subtropical humid monsoon climate). Mean annual temperature 14º to 17ºC (January –2º to –4ºC, July 27º to 29ºC). Annual precipitation averages 800 to 1700 mm. Plum rain (meiyu 119 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 梅雨) between spring and summer sometimes followed by summer drought ECONOMY: Main agricultural products are rice, wheat, soybeans, coarse grain, oil-bearing crops such as rapeseed and sesame, cotton, silk cocoons, cured tobacco, tea, etc.; other agricultural sectors are animal husbandry, freshwater fishery, and forestry. Major minerals are coal, iron and copper. Textiles and the food industry are two important pillars of Anhui’s economy. Other industries: Coal mining, metallurgy, electricity generation, manufacture of machinery and electrical appliances, chemicals, building materials. GRP 2005: 537.512 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 65.523 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 8782.87 Yuan RMB/US$ 1070.63 SIGHTS: Scenic area at Huang Shan 黃山 (“Yellow Mountains”)—main peaks: Lotus Flower Peak 蓮花峰 (1867 m), Bright Summit 光明頂 (1841 m), Heavenly Capital 峰 (1810 m); Jiuhuashan 九華山 (1431 m, one of the Four Buddhist Holy Mountains 四大名山), Qiyun Shan 齊雲山 (ca. 500 m), Maanshan 馬鞍山 and Caishiji 采石磯, Bantang Hot Springs 泮湯 , Tianzhu Mountain 柱山 in the Dabie Mountain Range 大別山 , Mount Langya 山, Tunxi 屯 , Shexian 歙縣 and Yixian 縣, Wuhu 湖, Bengbu 蚌 , Huizhou 徽 , Hong Village 宏村 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 17 subdivisions (17 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 105 subdivisions (44 districts, 5 county-level cities, 56 counties). • Anqing City 安慶 [3 districts, 1 city, 7 counties: Daguan District 大觀 , Yingjiang District 迎 , Yixiu District ; Tongcheng City 城 ; Congyang County 樅陽縣, Huaining County 縣, Qianshan County 潛山縣, Susong County 宿松縣, Taihu County 湖縣, Wangjiang County 望 縣, Yuexi County 岳西縣] • Bengbu City 蚌 [4 districts, 3 counties: Bengshan District 蚌山 , Huaishang District 淮 , Longzi Lake District 龍子湖 , Yuhui District 會 ; Guzhen County 固鎮縣, Huaiyuan County 遠縣, Wuhe County 河縣] • Bozhou City 亳 [1 district, 3 counties: Qiaocheng District 譙城 ; Lixin County 利辛縣, Mengcheng County 蒙城縣, Woyang County 渦陽縣] • Chaohu City 巢湖 [1 district, 4 counties: Juchao District 居巢 ; Hanshan County 含山縣, He County 和縣, Lujiang County 廬 縣, Wuwei County 無為縣] ; Dongzhi County 東至縣, • Chizhou City [1 district, 3 counties: Guichi District 貴 Qingyang County 青陽縣, Shitai County 石台縣] , Nanqiao District • Chuzhou City 滁 [2 districts, 2 cities, 4 counties: Langya District 南譙 ; Mingguang City 明光 , Tianchang City 長 ; Dingyuan County 遠縣, Fengyang County 陽縣, Lai’an County 來安縣, Quanjiao County 椒縣] • Fuyang City 阜陽 [3 districts, 1 city, 4 counties: Yingdong District 潁東 , Yingquan District 潁 , Yingzhou District 潁 ; Jieshou City 界首 ; Funan County 阜南縣, Linquan County 縣, Taihe County 和縣, Yingshang County 潁 縣] • Hefei City 合肥 [4 districts, 3 counties: Baohe District 包河 , Luyang District 廬陽 , Shushan District 蜀山 , Yaohai District 瑤海 ; Changfeng County 長豐縣, Feidong County 肥東 縣, Feixi County 肥西縣] • Huaibei City 淮 [3 districts, 1 county: Duji District 杜集 , Lieshan District 烈山 , Xiangshan District 相山 ; Suixi County 濉 縣] 山 , Datong District 大通 • Huainan City 淮南 [5 districts, 1 county: Bagongshan District , Panji District 潘集 , Tianjiaan District 田家庵 , Xiejiaji District 謝家集 ; Fengtai County 台縣] • Huangshan City 黃山 [3 districts, 4 counties: Huangshan District 黃山 , Huizhou District 徽 , Tunxi District 屯 ; Qimen County 祁門縣, She County 歙縣, Xiuning County 休 120 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 縣, Yi County 縣] • Liu’an City 安 [2 districts, 5 counties: Jin’an District 金安 , Yu’an District 裕安 ; Huoqiu County 霍邱縣, Huoshan County 霍山縣, Jinzhai County 金 縣, Shou County 壽縣, Shucheng County 舒城縣] • Ma’anshan City 馬鞍山 [3 districts, 1 county: Yushan District 雨山 ; Dangtu County 當 縣, Huashan District 花山 , Jinjiazhuang District 金家庄 ] • Suzhou City 宿 [1 district, 4 counties: Yongqiao District 埇橋 ; Dangshan County 碭山縣, Lingbi County 靈璧縣, Si County 縣, Xiao County 蕭縣] • Tongling City 銅陵 [3 districts, 1 county: Jiao District 郊 , Shizishan District 獅子山 , Tongguanshan District 銅 山 ; Tongling County 銅陵縣] , San• Wuhu City 湖 [4 districts, 3 counties: Jinghu District 鏡湖 , Jiujiang District 鳩 shan District 山 , Yijiang District 弋 ; Fanchang County 繁昌縣, Nanling County 南陵 縣, Wuhu County 湖縣] , Ningguo City • Xuancheng City 城 [1 district, 1 city, 5 counties: Xuanzhou District 國 , Guangde County 廣德縣, Jing County 涇縣, Jingde County 旌德縣, Jixi County 縣, Langxi County 郎 縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Shouchun 壽春 [today’s Shou County 壽縣] (Chu 楚 847-223 BC, Warring States) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Anhui refers to the two ancient prefectures Anqing 安慶 and Huizhou 徽 (today’s She County 歙縣) in that province ABBREVIATION: Wan 皖—the area around Anqing in SW-Anhui was called Wanguo 皖國 in the past 2. Beijing (aka Peking) AREA: 16,807 km²; population: 15.38 million (1949: 4.14 million, 1987: 9.88 million); population density: 915.47 persons per km²; area code [010] ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Special municipality (zhixiashi 直轄 ) and capital of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Beijing zhixiashi 直轄 NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (= Beijing dialect 話) LOCATION: North China (latitude 39º28’ to 41º5’ N, longitude 115º25’ to 117º30’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Hebei 河 , Tianjin 津 GEOGRAPHY: 62 percent mountains and hills (Western Hills 西山, Taihang Mountains 行山, Yanshan Mountains 燕山山脈, Jundu Mountains 軍 山), 38 percent flatland. Beijing is flanked by mountains on three sides and averages 43.71 m above sea level. Beijing’s highest peak is Dongling Hill 東靈山 (2303 m). Rivers and lakes: Yongding River 河 and Chaobai River 河 (tributaries of the Haihe River 海河); Beijing’s biggest lake is the Miyun Reservoir 密雲水庫, there are dozens of other reservoirs like Haizi Reservoir 海子水 庫 at the border with Tianjin CLIMATE: Warm-temperate, semi-humid continental monsoon climate with hot, rainy summers and cold, dry winters; mean annual temperature 11.5ºC (January –7º to –4ºC, July 25º to 26ºC). Annual precipitation 600 mm, 75 percent of which falls in the summer ECONOMY: Main agricultural products are wheat, corn, millet, potatoes, rice, peanuts, soybeans, sesame, cotton, silk cocoons, tobacco, pears and grapes. Mineral resources: coal, iron ore, 121 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— copper, gold, molybdenum, lead and zinc; there are also rich geothermal energy resources. Major industries: Chemicals, manufacture of machinery, metallurgy, vehicle production, steel, cement, textiles, food processing, printing, electronics and telecommunications equipment. Beijing is a major economic, communications and transportation center of the PRC and a leading center for overseas investment. Tourism is an important source of income and foreign exchange. GRP 2005: 688.631 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 83.945 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 44,774.44 Yuan RMB/US$ 5458.06 SIGHTS: Imperial Palace 故宮 (= Forbidden City 紫禁城) and the National Palace Museum 故宮 博物 , Tiananmen Square 安門廣 , Temple of Heaven 壇, Lama Temple 雍和宮, Confucius Complex 孔 , Beihai Park 海 , Fragrant Hills Park 香山 , Silk Alley Market 水街 ; Great Wall at Badaling 岭長城, Summer Palace 頤和 , Old Summer Palace 明 , Ming Tombs 明 陵, Eastern Qing Tombs 清東陵, Marco Polo Bridge 溝橋 (which crosses the Yongding river 河), Peking Man Exhibition Hall at Zhoukoudian 周口店 猿人遺址 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: Beijing municipality is divided into 18 county-level subdivisions (16 , Chaoyang District 朝陽 , districts and 2 counties). Districts: Changping District 昌 Chongwen District 文 , Daxing District 大興 , Dongcheng District 東城 , Fangshan District 山 , Fengtai District 豐台 , Haidian District 海澱 , Huairou District 柔 , Mentougou District 門頭溝 , Pinggu District 谷 , Shijingshan District 石 山 , Shunyi District 義 , Tongzhou District 通 , Xicheng District 西城 , Xuanwu District ; counties: Miyun County 密雲縣, Yanqing County 延慶縣 HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Beijing (PRC since 1949), Ji 薊 (Yan 燕 ca. 1000-226 (Ming 明 1368-1644, Qing BC, Warring States), Khanbalig (Yuan 元 1279-1368), Peking 清 1644-1911), Zhongdu 中 (Jin 金 1115-1234 [Jurchen tatars 女真]) ORIGIN OF THE CITY’S NAME: Beijing means literally “Northern Capital” and contrasts with Nanjing 南 (“Southern Capital”) in Jiangsu Province. Between 1928 and 1949, Beijing was called “Peiping” (Beiping ) ABBREVIATION: Jing —just a short form of Beijing, the abbreviation means “capital” 3. Chongqing 慶 (aka Chungking, Chungching, Tschungking) AREA: 82,300 km²; population: 31.6916 million; population density: 341.21 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Special municipality (zhixiashi 直轄 ) [since March 1997] of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Chongqing zhixiashi 慶直轄 CAPITAL: Chongqing 慶 (pop. ca. 3.4 million [2004], latitude 29º46’ N, longitude 106º34’ E, elevation 351 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Hmong/Miao 苗族, Tuchia 土家族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims) PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (southern Mandarin) LOCATION: Southwest China (latitude 28º10’ to 32º13’ N, longitude 105º17’ to 110º11’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Guizhou 貴 , Hubei 湖 , Hunan 湖南, Shaanxi 西, Sichuan 四 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Chongqing 慶 [023], Hechuan 合 [023-47], Nanchuan 南 [023], Wanxian 萬縣 [023], Yongchuan 122 [023-42], Jiangjin [023-49] 津 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— GEOGRAPHY: Mostly mountainous and of a high elevation, major mountain ranges: Daba Mountains 大巴山, Wushan 巫山, Dalou Mountains 大婁山. The two highest mountains in Chongqing are Mt. Jinfo 金 山 (2251 m) and Wuyunding 烏雲頂 (2441 m). Rivers and lakes: Yangtze River 長 , tributaries: Jialing River 嘉陵 , Wu River 烏 . There are only few lakes in the Chongqing area, the biggest of which is the Shizitan Reservoir 獅子灘水庫 (Changshou Lake 長壽湖) CLIMATE: Subtropical monsoon climate with hot summers and moderate winters. Due to being enclosured by mountains Chongqing City is considered one of the three “furnaces” (huolu 火 爐) in the Yangtze area in summer and a “foggy city” (wudu 霧 ) during the winter. Mean annual temperature 15ºC (January 5º to 12ºC, July 23º to 34ºC). Annual precipitation 1000 to 1400 mm, there is rainfall year round ECONOMY: Chongqing is an important industrial and trade center in southwest China. Major crops: grain, pork, tobacco, silkworm cocoons, citrus fruit, livestock, timber and fish; also significant are medicinal herbs. Major mineral resources: coal, natural gas, strontium, manganese, limestone, marble, and others. Major industries: manufacture of machinery, metallurgy, chemicals, and textiles. GRP 2005: 307.049 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 37.429 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 10,973.87 Yuan RMB/US$ 1337.70 SIGHTS: Two of the Three Yangtze Gorges 長 峽 (beginning at Baidi City 帝 in Fengjie County 節縣: Qutang Gorge 瞿 峽 and Wu Gorge 巫峽 at the border with Hubei Province), Dazu Stone Carvings 大足石 , Red Cliff Village 紅岩村, Northern Hot Springs Park , US-Chiang Kai-shek Criminal Acts & SACO Prisons 中美合 集中營 舊址, Shibaozhai 石寶 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: Chongqing municipality is divided into 40 county-level subdivisions (19 districts, 17 counties, and 4 autonomous counties). Districts: Ba’nan District 巴南 , Beibei District 碚 , Changshou District 長壽 , Dadukou District 大 口 , Fuling District 涪陵 , Hechuan District 合 , Jiangbei District , Jiangjin District 津 , Jiulongpo District 九龍坡 , Nan’an District 南 , Nanchuan District 南 , Qianjiang District 黔 , Shapingba District 沙坪壩 , Shuangqiao District 雙橋 , Wansheng District 萬盛 , Wanzhou District 萬 , Yubei District 渝 , Yongchuan District , Yuzhong District 渝中 ; counties: Bishan County 璧山縣, Chengkou County 城口縣, Dazu County 大足縣, Dianjiang County 墊 縣, Fengdu County 豐 縣, Fengjie County 節縣, Kai County 開縣, Liangping County 梁 縣, Qijiang County 綦 縣, Rongchang County 榮昌縣, Tongliang County 銅梁縣, Tongnan County 潼南縣, Wulong County 隆 縣, Wushan County 巫山縣, Wuxi County 巫 縣, Yunyang County 雲陽縣, Zhong County 忠縣; autonomous counties: Pengshui Hmong Tuchia Autonomous County 水苗族土家族自 治縣, Shizhu Tuchia Autonomous County 石柱土家族自治縣, Xiushan Tuchia Autonomous County 山土家族自治縣, Youyang Tuchia Hmong Autonomous County 酉陽土家 族苗族自治縣 HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Chungking 慶 (ROC 1937-1945) ORIGIN OF THE CITY’S NAME: Chongqing literally means “double celebration” and refers to Song emperor Guangzong 光 , who had previously been made prince of the city and renamed it after ascending the throne in 1190; before that the name of the city was Gongzhou 恭 ABBREVIATION: Yu 渝—the Jialing River 嘉陵 was called Yushui 渝水 in the past OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: The oldest remains of humans ever found in the China region were discovered in 1985 in Longgupo 龍骨坡 (Wushan County 巫山縣) and date back 2 to 3 million years. In terms of area and population, Chongqing today is the biggest of the PRC’s four municipalities 123 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 4. Fujian 福建 (aka Fukien, Fuchien, Hokkien) AREA: 120,000 km²; population: 35.35 million (1949: 11.88 million, 1987: 28.06 million); population density: 294.58 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Fujian sheng 福建省 CAPITAL: Fuzhou 福 (pop. 6.1483 million, latitude 26º7’ N, longitude 119º8’ E, elevation 85 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Gaoshan 高山族, Hmong/Miao 苗族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), She 畬族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: “Hokkien” dialect 福建話—two different subdialects: Northern Fujian (Minbei) dialect 閩 話 and Southern Fujian (Minnan) dialect 閩南話 LOCATION: South China (latitude 23º33’ to 28º20’ N, longitude 115º50’ to 120º30’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Guangdong 廣東, Jiangxi 西, Zhejiang ADJACENT SEAS: Taiwan Strait 台 海峽; length of coastline 3324 km MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Fuzhou 福 [0591], Quanzhou (also called Licheng 鯉城, Citongcheng 城) [0595], Xiamen 門 (= Amoy) [0592], Nanping 南 [0599], Sanming 明 [0598], Zhangzhou 漳 [0596] TOPOGRAPHY: Fujian has a very mountainous topography—only 5 percent plains, valleys and rivers (long and narrow areas along the coast—Zhangzhou Plain 漳 原, Fuzhou Plain 福 原, Quanzhou Plain 原, Xinghua Plain 興 原), 60 percent hilly land less than 500 m above sea level, 35 percent mountainous areas more than 500 m above sea level (Wuyi Mountains 夷山, Jiufeng Mountains 鷲峰山, Daiyun Mountains 戴雲山, Boping Mountains 博 嶺 , Daimao Mountains 玳 瑁 山 ). Fujian’s coastline has 1400 offshore islands—Xiamen 門, Haitan 海壇島, Dongshan 東山島, Nanri 南 群島, Taishan 台山列 島, Jinmen 金門 (= Kinmen or Quemoy, controlled by the ROC), Mazu 馬祖列島 (= Matsu, controlled by the ROC), and many others HIGHEST PEAK: Huanggangshan 黃 山 (2158 m) in the Wuyi mountains 夷山 at the border with Jiangxi RIVERS AND LAKES: Fujian has many rivers (Min River 閩 , Jiulong River 九龍 , Jin River 晉 , Ding River 汀 etc.), but few lakes (Ansha Reservoir 安砂水庫, Gutian Reservoir 古田水 庫). The rivers offer a rich potential for hydroelectric power generation CLIMATE: Warm and humid subtropical climate, mean annual temperature 17º to 22ºC (January 5º to 13ºC, lowest temperatures reach to below freezing, July 27º to 29ºC, maximum temperatures over 40ºC). Annual precipitation 900 to 2200 mm, decreasing gradually from northwest to southwest, rainy season April to June, typhoons can occur between July and September ECONOMY: Main agricultural products are paddy rice, sugarcane, wheat, sweet potatoes, tea; longan, bananas, lychees, pineapples and other fruits; forestry, fishery (freshwater and seawater) and products of the animal husbandry sector. Rich mineral resources—iron, manganese, copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, bauxite, coal, limestone, porcelain clay and many others. Mainly low-tech industries like sugar processing, paper production, canning of food, plastics, pottery and porcelain; other industries include coalmining, timber processing, electric appliances, and others. GRP 2005: 656.893 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 80.076 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 18,582.54 Yuan RMB/US$ 2265.23 SIGHTS: Xiamen 門, Gulangyu Island 鼓 , Nanputuo Temple 南 寺, Chongwu , 124 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Wuyi Shan 夷山 (530 m), Meizhou 湄 (birthplace of Sea Goddess Mazu 媽祖), Fuzhou 福 , Quanzhou , traditional Hakka roundhouses at Yongding 土樓 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 9 subdivisions (9 prefecture cities); on the county level, there are 85 subdivisions (26 districts, 14 county-level cities, 45 counties). Please note that Quanzhou’s Jinmen County 金門縣 (= Kinmen, Quemoy) and Fuzhou’s Lianjiang County 連 縣 (= Matsu 馬祖) are under the jurisdiction of the Republic of China (ROC) and not controlled by the PRC. • Fuzhou City 福 [5 districts, 2 cities, 6 counties: Cangshan District 倉山 , Gulou District 鼓 樓 , Jin’an District 晉安 , Mawei District 馬尾 , Taijiang District 台 ; Changle City 長樂 , Fuqing City 福清 ; Lianjiang County 連 縣 (controlled by the ROC), Luoyuan 縣, County 羅源縣, Minhou County 閩侯縣, Minqing County 閩清縣, Pingtan County Yongtai County 泰縣] • Longyan City 龍岩 [1 district, 1 city, 5 counties: Xinluo District 羅 ; Zhangping City 漳 ; Changting County 長汀縣, Liancheng County 連城縣, Shanghang County 杭縣, Wuping County 縣, Yongding County 縣] ; Jian’ou City 建甌 • Nanping City 南 [1 district, 4 cities, 5 counties: Yanping District 延 , Jianyang City 建陽 , Shaowu City 邵 , Wuyishan City 夷山 ; Guangze County 光 澤縣, Pucheng County 浦城縣, Shunchang County 昌縣, Songxi County 松 縣, Zhenghe County 和縣] • Ningde City 德 [1 district, 2 cities, 6 counties: Jiaocheng District 蕉城 ; Fu’an City 福安 , Fuding City 福鼎 ; Gutian County 古田縣, Pingnan County 屏南縣, Shouning County 壽 縣, Xiapu County 霞浦縣, Zherong County 柘榮縣, Zhouning County 周 縣] , • Putian City 莆田 [4 districts, 1 county: Chengxiang District 城廂 , Hanjiang District 涵 Licheng District 荔城 , Xiuyu District ; Xianyou County 仙 縣] • Quanzhou City [4 districts, 3 cities, 5 counties: Fengze District 豐澤 , Licheng District 鯉城 , Luojiang District 洛 , Quangang District 港 ; Jinjiang City 晉 , Nan’an City 南安 , Shishi City 石獅 ; Anxi County 安 縣, Dehua County 德 縣, Huian County 惠安縣, Jinmen County 金門縣 (controlled by the ROC), Yongchun County 春縣] • Sanming City 明 [2 districts, 1 city, 9 counties: Meilie District 梅列 , Sanyuan District 元 ; Yongan City 安 ; Datian County 大田縣, Jiangle County 將樂縣, Jianning County 建 縣, Mingxi County 明 縣, Ninghua County 縣, Qingliu County 清流縣, Sha County 沙 縣, Taining County 泰 縣, Youxi County 憂 縣] , Jimei District • Xiamen City 門 [6 districts: Haicang District 海滄 , Huli District 湖 集美 , Siming District 思明 , Tongan District 同安 , Xiang’an District 翔安 ] • Zhangzhou City 漳 [2 districts, 1 city, 8 counties: Longwen District 龍文 , Xiangcheng District 薌城 ; Longhai City 龍海 ; Changtai County 長泰縣, Dongshan County 東山縣, Huaan County 華安縣, Nanjing County 南靖縣, Pinghe County 和縣, Yunxiao County 雲霄 縣, Zhangpu County 漳浦縣, Zhaoan County 詔安縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Changle 長樂 [today’s Fuzhou 福 ] (Min State 閩 907-946, Ten Kingdoms) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Fujian derives from two geographical names in that province—Fuzhou 福 and Jianzhou 建 (today’s Jian’ou 建甌) ABBREVIATION: Min 閩—the Min River 閩 divides the province into two language areas, Northern Fujian (Minbei 閩 ) and Southern Fujian (Minnan 閩南) OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Throughout history, Fujian has been an important gateway for China to the world. Many of the world’s overseas Chinese (華僑) hail from Fujian, and the province has profited tremendously from their interest in the land of their ancestors. Most 125 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— residents from Taiwan have their ancestral roots in Fujian und speak the dialect prevalent in the southern part of the province. The geographic names “Amoy” (= Xiamen 門) and “Quemoy” (= Jinmen 金門) are not words in Mandarin Chinese, but in the southern Fujian dialect, and to many Westerners they are more familiar than their names in Mandarin Chinese. Two sets of island groups right off the coast of Fujian are under the control of the Republic of China (ROC)—Jinmen 金門 (Kinmen, Quemoy) and Mazu 馬祖 (Matsu). Since October 1980, Xiamen has been a Special Economic Zone (夏門經 特 ) and is home to many businesses funded by foreign investment 5. Gansu 甘肅 (aka Kansu) AREA: 450,000 km²; population: 25.94 million (1949: 9.68 million, 1987: 21.16 million); population density: 57.64 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Gansu sheng 甘肅 省 CAPITAL: Lanzhou 蘭 (pop. 3.1174 million, latitude 36º1’ N, longitude 103º45’ E, elevation 1520 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Bonan 保安族, Dongxiang 東鄉族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Kazakh 哈薩克族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Salar 撒拉族, Tibetan 藏族, Tu 土族, Yugur 裕固族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin), Mongolian, Tibetan LOCATION: North-northwest China (latitude 32º36’ to 42º47’ N, longitude 92º10’ to 108º43’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: Inner Mongolia 蒙古, Ningxia 夏, Qinghai 青海, Shaanxi 西, Sichuan 四 , Xinjiang 疆; Mongolia MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Dunhuang 敦煌 [0937], Jiayuguan 嘉峪關 [0937], Jinchang 金昌 [0935], Lanzhou 蘭 [0931], Tianshui 水 [0938], Yumen 玉門 [0476] TOPOGRAPHY: Mostly mountains and deserts. Plateaus and mountains occupy more than 70 percent of the province’s territory, which includes parts of the Loess Plateau 黃土高原, Mongolia-Xinjiang Plateau 蒙 高原 and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高原. The terrain averages 1000 to 3000 m above sea level. Major mountain ranges: Qilian Mountains 祁連山, Southern Gansu Mountain Area 南隴山 (extension of the Qinling Mountains 秦岭), Northern Mountains 山, Dieshan 迭山/Minshan Mountains 山. The Hexi Corridor 河 西走 is a stretch of lowland with a unique shape, 1200 km long and 10 to 100 km wide, west of the Wuqiao Mountains 烏鞘岭 and between the Qilian Mountains and the Northern Mountains (Mazong 馬鬃山, Heli 合黎山 and Longshou Mountains 龍首山) HIGHEST PEAK: Qilian Mountains 祁連山 (5547 m) RIVERS AND LAKES: Huanghe 黃河 (“Yellow River”) and its tributaries—Taohe 洮河, Weihe 渭 河, Zuli River 祖 河, Jinghe River 涇河; the Bailong 龍 and Xihan 西 水 are tributaries of the Jialing River 嘉陵 . Besides these “exterior” rivers there are also short interior rivers that disappear in the desert—Shiyang 石羊河, Ruoshui 弱水, Shule 疏勒河, Heihe 黑 河 CLIMATE: Due to its size, Gansu features various climates—a subtropical, humid climate in the east changes to a temperate, dry climate in the west and to a cold, humid highland climate in 126 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— the Qilian Mountains. Seasons: long, cold and dry winters, sharp rise of temperature in spring, hot and rainy summers, quick decline of temperature in autumn. Loess Plateau semi-humid and semi-arid, dry climate and strong winds in the Hexi Corridor. Average annual temperature between 0º and 15ºC (January –14º to –3ºC, July 11º to 27ºC). Most of Gansu is dry and lacking rain, annual precipitation ranges between 30 and 860 mm, more than half of which falls in the summer. Rainfall decreases sharply north of the 37º N ECONOMY: Gansu has limited agricultural production, most of it in the area of Lanzhou. Animal husbandry is conducted on extensive grasslands. Minerals: nickel, copper, lead and zinc; ferrous sulphates, cement limestone, gypsum; Gansu possesses rich coal deposits. Industry: mainly heavy industry (nonferrous metallurgy, petroleum processing, chemicals, electric power and machinery), some light industry (food processing, textiles, leather-making, medicine and paper production). Main power source is hydroelectric power. Gansu has an important communications role as it connects the eastern provinces with the western provinces. GRP 2005: 193.398 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 23.575 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 7455.58 Yuan RMB/US$ 908.82 SIGHTS: Dunhuang 敦煌 and the Mogao Caves 莫高窟, Bingling Temple 炳靈寺, Jiayuguan 嘉峪 關 (the westernmost outpost of the Great Wall 長城), Xiahe 夏河, Labrang Monastery 拉卜 楞寺 塔, Hexi Corridor 河西走 , Tianshui 水 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 14 subdivisions (12 prefecture-level cities, 2 autonomous prefectures); on the county level, there are 86 subdivisions (17 districts, 4 county-level cities, 58 counties, 7 autonomous counties). ; • Baiyin City 銀 [2 districts, 3 counties: Baiyin District 銀 , Pingchuan District Huining County 會 縣, Jingtai County 泰縣, Jingyuan County 靖遠縣] • Dingxi City 西 [1 district, 6 counties: Anding District 安 ; Lintao County 洮縣, Longxi County 隴西縣, Min County 縣, Tongwei County 通渭縣, Weiyuan County 渭源縣, Zhang County 漳縣] • Gannan (South Gansu) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 甘南藏族自治 [1 city, 7 counties: Hezuo City 合 ; Diebu County 迭部縣, Lintan County 縣, Luqu County 碌曲縣, Maqu County 瑪曲縣, Xiahe County 夏河縣, Zhouqu County 曲縣, Zhuoni County 卓尼縣] • Jiayuguan City 嘉峪關 • Jinchang City 金昌 [1 district, 1 county: Jinchuan District 金 ; Yongchang County 昌縣] ; • Jiuquan City 酒 [1 district, 2 cities, 2 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Suzhou District 肅 Dunhuang City 敦煌 , Yumen City 玉門 ; Guazhou County 瓜 縣, Jinta County 金塔縣; Aksay Kazakh Autonomous County 克塞哈薩克族自治縣 , Subei Mongol Autonomous County 肅 蒙古族自治縣] , Chengguan District 城關 , • Lanzhou City 蘭 [5 districts, 3 counties: Anning District 安 Honggu District 紅古 , Qilihe District 七 河 , Xigu District 西固 ; Gaolan County 皋蘭 縣, Yuzhong County 榆中縣] 縣, Yongdeng County • Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture 夏回族自治 [1 city, 5 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Linxia City 夏 ; Guanghe County 廣河縣, Hezheng County 和 縣, Kangle County 樂縣, Linxia County 夏縣, Yongjing County 靖縣; Dongxiang Autonomous County 東鄉族自治 縣, Jishishan Bonan Dongxiang Salar Autonomous County 積石山保安族東鄉族撒拉族自治 縣] ; Cheng County 成縣, Dang• Longnan City 隴南 [1 district, 8 counties: Wudu District chang County 宕昌縣, Hui County 徽縣, Kang County 縣, Li County 禮縣, Liangdang County 當縣, Wen County 文縣, Xihe County 西和縣] • Pingliang City 涼 [1 district, 6 counties: Kongdong District 峒 ; Chongxin County 信縣, 127 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Huating County 華 縣, Jingchuan County 涇 縣, Jingning County 靜 縣, Lingtai County 靈 台縣, Zhuanglang County 庄 縣] • Qingyang City 慶陽 [1 district, 7 counties: Xifeng District 西峰 ; Heshui County 合水縣, Huachi County 華 縣, Huan County 環縣, Ning County 縣, Qingcheng County 慶城縣, Zhengning County 正 縣, Zhenyuan County 鎮原縣] • Tianshui City 水 [2 districts, 4 counties, 1 autonomous county: Maiji District 麥積 , Qinzhou ; Gangu County 甘谷縣, Qin’an County 秦安縣, Qingshui County 清水縣, WuDistrict 秦 shan County 山縣; Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County 張家 回族自治縣] • Wuwei City 威 [1 district, 2 counties, 1 autonomous county: Liangzhou District 涼 ; Gu藏族 lang County 古 縣, Minqin County 民勤縣; Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County 自治縣] • Zhangye City 張掖 [1 district, 4 counties, 1 autonomous county: Ganzhou District 甘 ; Gaotai County 高台縣, Linze County 澤縣, Minle County 民樂縣, Shandan County 山丹縣; Sunan (South Gansu) Yugur Autonomous County 肅南裕固族自治縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Dunhuang 敦煌 (Western Liang 西涼 400-421, Sixteen Nations), Guzang 姑 [today’s Wuwei 威] (Former Liang 前涼 314-376, Later Liang 後涼 386-403, Sixteen Nations), Jiuquan 酒 (Western Liang 西涼 400-421, Sixteen Nations), Yuanchuan 苑 [today’s Yuzhong County 榆中縣] (Western Qin 西秦 385-431, Sixteen Nations), Zhangye 張掖 (Northern Liang 涼 401-439, Sixteen Nations) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Gansu is a combination of two ancient geographical names—Ganzhou 甘 (today’s Zhangye 張掖) and Suzhou 肅 (today’s Jiuquan 酒 ) ABBREVIATIONS: Gan 甘, Long 隴—Gan is just a short form of Gansu, the abbreviation means “sweet”; Long because part of the Long Mountains 隴山 (southern section of the Liupan Mountains 山 at the border with Shaanxi Province 西省) pass through Gansu’s territory OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: The “silk road” ( 綢之路), an ancient trade route, ran right through the Hexi Corridor 河西走 in Gansu. The Gansu area is an earthquake-prone zone; major earthquakes struck in 1920, 1927, and 1932. Many of the PRC’s prison camps for “labor education” (laodong gaizo 動 造/laogai ) are in Gansu province. China’s main space center is Jiuquan 酒 , originally a ballistic missile launch and research center, China’s first manned mission into space (October 2003) with Taikonaut Yang Liwei 楊立偉 was launched from Jiuquan 6. Guangdong 廣東 (aka Kwangtung, Kuang- tung) AREA: 186,000 km²; population: 91.94 million (1949: 30.04 million, 1987: 58.32 million); population density: 494.30 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Guangdong sheng 廣東省 CAPITAL: Guangzhou 廣 (pop. 7.5053 million, latitude 23º8’ N, longitude 113º17’ E, elevation 8 m, abbrev. Sui 穗, also called Canton or Yangcheng 羊城) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Chuang 壯族, Gerbao/Yao 瑤族, Hmong/Miao 苗族, She 畬族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Cantonese 廣東話, Hakka 家話, Southern Fujian (Minnan) dialect 閩南話 128 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— LOCATION: South China (latitude 20º8’ to 25º32’ N, longitude 109º40’ to 117º12’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Fujian 福建, Guangxi 廣西, Hong Kong 香港, Hunan 湖南, Jiangxi 西, Macau 澳門 ADJACENT SEAS: Gulf of Tonkin 部 , South China Sea 南海; length of coastline 4300 km MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Chaozhou [0768], Dongguan 東莞 [0769], Foshan 山 [0757], Guangzhou 廣 [020], Shantou 汕頭 (also called Swatow) [0754], Shaoguan 韶關 [0751], Shenzhen 深圳 [0755], Shunde 德 [0765], Zhanjiang 湛 [0759], Zhuhai 珠海 [0756] TOPOGRAPHY: Guangdong is high in the north and low in the south and is composed of 23 percent plains (Chaoshan Plain 汕 原, Pearl River Estuary 珠 角 ), 19 percent tablelands (Western Guangdong Mountainous Tablelands 粵西山地台地—Yunwu Mountains 雲霧山, Yunkaidashan 雲開大山), 25 percent hills and 33 percent mountains (Northern Guangdong Mountain Area 粵 山地—Dayu Mountain Range 大庾嶺, Qitian Range 騎田 嶺, Nanling Mountains 南嶺; Eastern Guangdong Mountain Area 粵東山地—Jiulian Range 九連山, Lianhua Range 蓮花山, Luofu Range 羅浮山, Qingyun Range 青雲山). Guangdong Province is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.5º north), and the province’s Leizhou Peninsula 雷 半島 is separated from Hainan Province by the Qiongzhou Straits 瓊 海峽. Along the coastline there are numerous offshore islands—Naozhou Island 硇 島, Donghai Island 東海島, Nansan Island 南 島, Nanpeng Island 南鵬島, the Chuanshan Islands 山群島, Gaolan Island 高欄島, the Wanshan Islands 萬山群島, Dan’gan Islands 擔杆列島, Nan’ao 南澳, and the Nanpeng Islands 南澎列島. The Pratas Islands 東沙群島 are under Guangdong’s jurisdiction as well HIGHEST PEAK: Shikengkong 石坑 (1902 m) in the Nanling Mountains 南嶺 RIVERS AND LAKES: Pearl River 珠 and its tributaries—West River/Xijiang 西 , Dongjiang 東 , Beijiang ; Hanjiang River 韓 ; the Pearl River Delta 珠 角 is crisscrossed by several rivers and is the most densely populated and most productive area in Guangdong. There are no major lakes in the province CLIMATE: Tropical/subtropical humid monsoon climate, long summers and warm winters, mean annual temperature above 20ºC (January ca. 10ºC, July 27º to 29ºC). Average annual precipitation between 1500 and 2000 mm, some areas of the province more than 2500 mm. Typhoon season May to November ECONOMY: Guangdong’s natural conditions are favorable to agriculture; most areas can yield 2-3 harvests a year. Main agricultural crops are rice, sugarcane, peanuts and other oil-bearing crops, tropical and subtropical fruits, silk cocoons, fishery and livestock farming. 37 percent of the province is covered with forests. There are rich mineral resources, mostly non-ferrous—tungsten, tin, antimony, molybdenum, copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, etc., as well as offshore oilfields. Thanks to the Special Economic Zones that were established since August 1980, Guangdong became an important light industry center (electrical appliances, textiles—especially silk, motorcycles, food and paper processing). Heavy industries include iron and steel, petroleum, electricity, machinery, coal, chemicals, rubber, and shipbuilding. Tourism is a major industry in Guangdong, and the province’s handicrafts are famous internationally. GRP 2005: 2236.654 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 272.653 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 24,327.32 Yuan RMB/US$ 2965.55 SIGHTS: Shamian Island 沙面島 in Guangzhou 廣 , Zhaoqing 肇慶, Dinghu Shan 鼎湖山 (491 m), Foshan 山, Zhuhai 珠海 and the Sun Yat-sen Residence 孫中山故居 in Cuiheng 亨村 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 21 subdivisions (21 prefecture-level 129 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— cities); on the county level, there are 124 subdivisions (49 districts, 30 county-level cities, 42 counties, 3 autonomous counties). Dongguan and Zhongshan have uncommon administrative features as they have no county-level subdivisions. • Chaozhou City [1 district, 2 counties: Xiangqiao District 湘橋 ; Chaoan County 安縣, Raoping County 饒 縣] • Dongguan City 東莞 (Dongguan City has no county-level subdivisions but directly administers 4 districts and 32 towns) • Foshan City 山 [5 districts: Chancheng District 禪城 , Gaoming District 高明 , Nanhai District 南海 , Sanshui District 水 , Shunde District 德 ] , • Guangzhou City 廣 [10 districts, 2 cities: Baiyun District 雲 , Fanyu District 番 , Huangpu District 黃埔 , Liwan District 荔 Haizhu District 海珠 , Huadu District 花 , Luogang District 蘿 , Nansha District 南沙 , Tianhe District 河 , Yuexiu ; Conghua City 從 , Zengcheng City 增城 ] District 越 • Heyuan City 河源 [1 district, 5 counties: Yuancheng District 源城 ; Dongyuan County 東源縣, Heping County 和 縣, Lianping County 連 縣, Longchuan County 龍 縣, Zijin County 紫 金縣] • Huizhou City 惠 [2 districts, 3 counties: Huicheng District 惠城 , Huiyang District 惠陽 ; Boluo County 博羅縣, Huidong County 惠東縣, Longmen County 龍門縣] , • Jiangmen City 門 [3 districts, 4 cities: Jianghai District 海 , Pengjiang District 蓬 , Heshan City 鶴山 , Kaiping City 開 , TaiXinhui District 會 ; Enping City 恩 shan City 台山 ] ; • Jieyang City 揭陽 [1 district, 1 city, 3 counties: Rongcheng District 榕城 ; Puning City Huilai County 惠來縣, Jiedong County 揭東縣, Jiexi County 揭西縣] • Maoming City 名 [2 districts, 3 cities, 1 county: Maogang District 港 , Maonan District 南 ; Gaozhou City 高 , Huazhou City , Xinyi City 信 ; Dianbai County 電 縣] ; Xingning City 興 • Meizhou City 梅 [1 district, 1 city, 6 counties: Meijiang District 梅 ; Dapu County 大埔縣, Fengshun County 豐 縣, Jiaoling County 蕉嶺縣, Mei County 梅縣, Pingyuan County 遠縣, Wuhua County 華縣] • Qingyuan City 清遠 [1 district, 2 cities, 3 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Qingcheng District 清 城 ; Lianzhou City 連 , Yingde City 英德 ; Fogang County 縣, Qingxin County 清 縣, Yangshan County 陽山縣; Liannan Gerbao Autonomous County 連南瑤族自治縣, Lianshan Chuang Gerbao Autonomous County 連山壯族瑤族自治縣] • Shantou City 汕頭 [6 districts, 1 county: Chaonan District 南 , Chaoyang District 陽 , , Jinping District 金 , Longhu District Chenghai District 澄海 , Haojiang District 龍湖 ; Nan’ao County 南澳縣] • Shanwei City 汕尾 [1 district, 1 city, 2 counties: Cheng District 城 ; Lufeng City 陸豐 ; Haifeng County 海豐縣, Luhe County 陸河縣] • Shaoguan City 韶關 [3 districts, 2 cities, 4 counties, 1 autonomous county: Qujiang District 曲 , Wujiang District , Zhenjiang District ; Lechang City 樂昌 , Nanxiong City 南雄 ; Renhua County 縣, Shixing County 始興縣, Wengyuan County 翁源縣, Xinfeng County 豐縣; Ruyuan Gerbao Autonomous County 乳源瑤族自治縣] • Shenzhen City 深圳 [6 districts: Baoan District 寶安 , Futian District 福田 , Longgang , Luohu District 羅湖 , Nanshan District 南山 , Yantian District 田 ] District 龍 • Yangjiang City 陽 [1 district, 1 city, 2 counties: Jiangcheng District 城 ; Yangchun City 陽 春 ; Yangdong County 陽東縣, Yangxi County 陽西縣] : • Yunfu City 雲浮 [1 district, 1 city, 3 counties: Yuncheng District 雲城 ; Luoding City 羅 130 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Xinxing County 興縣, Yu’nan County 郁南縣, Yun’an County 雲安縣] • Zhanjiang City 湛 [4 districts, 3 cities, 2 counties: Chikan District 赤坎 , Mazhang District 麻章 , Potou District 坡頭 , Xiashan District 霞山 ; Leizhou City 雷 , Lianjiang City , Wuchuan City 吳 ; Suixi County 遂 縣, Xuwen County 徐聞縣] • Zhaoqing City 肇慶 [2 districts, 2 cities, 4 counties: Dinghu District 鼎湖 , Duanzhou District 端 ; Gaoyao City 高要 , Sihui City 四會 ; Deqing County 德慶縣, Fengkai County 封 開縣, Guangning County 廣 縣, Huaiji County 集縣] • Zhongshan City 中山 (Zhongshan City has no county-level subdivisions but directly administers 5 districts, 1 development zone and 18 towns) , Xiangzhou • Zhuhai City 珠海 [3 districts: Doumen District 斗門 , Jinwan District 金 ] District 香 HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Guangzhou 廣 (Southern Han 南 907-971, Ten Kingdoms) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Guangdong was named after the Guangnan East Road 廣南 東路, a road system built in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) ABBREVIATION: Yue 粵—during the Warring States Period 戰國 (475-221 BC) the area was called Yue 粵 or Baiyue 越 OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Remains of an early homo sapiens dating back 120,000 years were discovered in Maba 馬壩 (Qujiang County 曲 縣, Shaoguan City 韶關 ) in 1958. Guangdong is the ancestral home of many of the world’s overseas Chinese 華僑, and most of Taiwan’s Hakka 家人 hail from Guangdong’s Mei County 梅縣. Since August 1980, three of the five Special Economic Zones (SEZs) 經 特 in China were established in Guangdong province—Shenzhen 深圳, Shantou 汕頭, and Zhuhai 珠海. Hainan, another SEZ, was part of Guangdong Province until it became a province in its own right in April 1988. Shantou City is better known in the West under the name “Swatow”. Guangdong was the home province of Dr. Sun Yat-sen 孫逸仙 (1866-1925). 7. Guangxi 廣 西 (aka Kwanghsi, Kuanghsi, Kuangsi) AREA: 236,300 km²; population: 46.60 million (1949: 18.42 million, 1987: 40.23 million); population density: 197.20 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Autonomous Region (zizhiqu 自治 ) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Guangxi Zhuangzu zizhiqu 廣西壯族自治 CAPITAL: Nanning 南 (pop. 6.5954 million, latitude 22º49’ N, longitude 108º21’ E, elevation 73 m, abbrev. Yong 邕) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Chuang 壯族, Dong 族, Gelo 仡佬族, Gerbao/Yao 瑤族, Gin 族, Hmong/Miao 苗族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Lolos/Yi 彝族, Maonan 毛南族, Mulam 仫佬族, Shui 水族. 38 percent of Guangxi’s population belong to an ethnic minority PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Cantonese 廣東話, Hakka 家話, Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (southern Mandarin), Hunanese (Xiang) dialect 湘方言, Thai languages LOCATION: South China (latitude 20º54’ to 26º23’ N, longitude 104º28’ to 112º4’ E, including Xieyang Island 斜陽島) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: Guangdong 廣東, Guizhou 貴 , Hunan 湖南, Yunnan 雲 南; Vietnam 131 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— ADJACENT SEAS: Gulf of Tonkin 部 ; length of coastline 1595 km MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Beihai 海 [0779], Bose 色 [0776], Guilin 林 [0773], Liuzhou [0772], Nanning 南 [0771], Pingxiang 憑祥 [0771], Wuzhou [0774] TOPOGRAPHY: 63.9 percent mountains over 500 m, 10.9 percent hilly land, 8 percent tableland, 14.4 percent plains (e. g. Yujiang Plain 郁 原). Basically, Guangxi’s complicated topography resembles a mountainous belt wrapped around the Guangxi Basin 廣西盆地. The most important of its numerous mountain ranges are [south] Shiwan Dashan 萬大山, Sifangling 四方岭, Luoyangshan 羅陽山, Liuwan Dashan 萬大山, Daqing 大青山, [west] Liuzhaoshan 詔山, Qinglong Mountains 青龍山 (highest peak: Cenwanglao Mountain 王 山 [2062 m]), Dongfengling 東風嶺, Duyangshan 陽山, Damingshan 大明山, [north] Jiuwan Dashan 九萬大山, Yuechengling 越城岭, Haiyangshan 海洋山, Dupangling 龐岭, Fenghuangshan 山, [northeast] Nanling 南岭, Dayaoshan 大瑤山, Dananshan 大南山, Tianpingshan 山, [east] Yunkai Dashan 雲開大山, Gouloushan 勾漏山, Darongshan 大 容 山 , Mengzhuling 岭 . The western end of Guangxi stretches into the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau 雲貴高原. Guangxi is also noted for its developed limestone karst topography. Guangxi Province is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.5º north). Noteworthy offshore islands: Weizhou Island 潿 島, Xieyang Island 斜陽島 HIGHEST PEAK: Mao’er Mountain 貓兒山 (2142 m) in the Yuecheng Range 越城岭 RIVERS AND LAKES: Western branches of the West River 西 —Hongshui River 紅水河, Liu River , Qian River 黔 (Dateng Gorge 大藤峽 in Dayao Mountains 大瑤山), Yong River 邕 , Yu River 郁 , Lijiang River 漓 , Gui River , Xun River , Meng River 蒙 , and others. The Lingqu Canal 靈 connects the Xiangjiang River 湘 with the Gui River. Only a few lakes dot Guangxi, most of them reservoirs—Xiaojiang Reservoir 小 水 庫, Dakai Reservoir 開水庫, Hemianshi Reservoir 合面獅水庫, Qingshitan Reservoir 青 獅 水庫, Chengbihe Reservoir 澄碧河水庫, Guishi Reservoir 龜石水庫 CLIMATE: Subtropical monsoon climate, mean annual temperature 17º to 22ºC (January 6º to 15ºC, July 23º to 28ºC), whose average tends to increase from north to south. Due to differences in altitude, the temperature differs greatly between north and south. Annual precipitation 1250 to 1750 mm, all rain, 80 percent of which falls between April and September. Guangxi’s south, north and east sees more rainfall than the center and the west ECONOMY: Main agricultural products are rice, maize, sugarcane, peanuts, tea, pineapples, bananas and other tropical fruits; there is also forestry, fishery and animal husbandry. Mineral reserves: tin (largest reserves in China), antimony, zinc, aluminium, tungsten, lead; these nonferrous metals have long been major export items. Oil deposits have been found in the Gulf of Tonkin. Major industries: mining, sugar processing, paper making, heavy industry like machine-building, metallurgy, power generation, chemicals, cement. Guilin 林 and Yangshuo 陽朔 are major tourist destinations. GRP 2005: 407.575 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 49.684 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 8746.24 Yuan RMB/US$ 1066.18 SIGHTS: Guilin 林, Yangshuo 陽朔 and the Lijiang River 漓 , Longsheng 龍 , Sanjiang , Beihai 海, Wuzhou , Guiping , Detian Waterfall 德 瀑 , Longji Rice Terraces 龍脊梯田, Chengyang Wind & Rain Bridge 程陽風雨橋 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 14 subdivisions (14 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 109 subdivisions (33 districts, 7 county-level cities, 57 counties, 12 autonomous counties). ; Pingxiang City 憑 • Chongzuo City [1 district, 1 city, 5 counties: Jiangzhou District 祥 ; Daxin County 大 縣, Fusui County 扶綏縣, Longzhou County 龍 縣, Ningming County 明縣, Tiandeng County 等縣] 132 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— ; Debao • Baise City 色 [1 district, 10 counties, 1 autonomous county: Youjiang District 右 County 德保縣, Jingxi County 靖西縣, Leye County 樂業縣, Lingyun County 凌雲縣, Napo County 坡縣, Pingguo County 縣, Tiandong County 田東縣, Tianlin County 田林縣, Tianyang County 田陽縣, Xilin County 西林縣; Longlin Multiethnic Autonomous County 隆林 各族自治縣] • Beihai City 海 [3 districts, 1 county: Haicheng District 海城 , Tieshan’gang District 鐵山港 , Yinhai District 銀海 ; Hepu County 合浦縣] • Fangchenggang City 防城港 [2 districts, 1 city, 1 county: Fangcheng District 防城 , Gangkou District 港口 ; Dongxing City 東興 ; Shangsi County 思縣] , Gangnan District 港 • Guigang City 貴港 [3 districts, 1 city, 1 county: Gangbei District 港 ; Guiping City ; Pingnan County 南縣] 南 , Tantang District 覃 • Guilin City 林 [5 districts, 10 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Diecai District 疊彩 , Qixing District 七星 , Xiangshan District 象山 , Xiufeng District 峰 , Yanshan District 雁山 ; 縣, Lipu County 荔 Guanyang County 灌陽縣, Lingchuan County 靈 縣, Lingui County 浦縣, Pingle County 樂縣, Quanzhou County 縣, Xing’an County 興安縣, Yangshuo County 陽朔縣, Yongfu County 福縣, Ziyuan County 源縣; Gongcheng Gerbao Autonomous County 恭城瑤族自治縣, Longsheng Multiethnic Autonomous County 龍 各族自治縣] • Hechi City 河 [1 district, 1 city, 4 counties, 5 autonomous counties: Jinchengjiang District 金城 ; Yizhou City ; Donglan County 東蘭縣, Fengshan County 山縣, Nandan County 南丹縣, Tian’e County 峨縣; Bama Gerbao Autonomous County 巴馬瑤族自治縣, Dahua Gerbao Autonomous County 大 瑤族自治縣, Du’an Gerbao Autonomous County 安瑤族 自治縣 , Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County 環 毛南族自治縣 , Luocheng Mulam Autonomous County 羅城仫佬族自治縣] • Hezhou City 賀 [1 district, 2 counties, 1 autonomous county: Babu District ; Zhaoping County 昭 縣, Zhongshan County 鍾山縣; Fuchuan Gerbao Autonomous County 富 瑤族自 治縣] • Laibin City 來賓 [1 district, 1 city, 3 counties, 1 autonomous county: Xingbin District 興賓 ; Heshan City 合山 ; Wuxuan County 縣, Xiangzhou County 象 縣, Xincheng County 忻 城縣; Jinxiu Gerbao Autonomous County 金 瑤族自治縣] • Liuzhou City [4 districts, 4 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Chengzhong District 城中 , Liubei District , Liunan District 南 , Yufeng District 魚峰 ; Liucheng County 城 縣, Luzhai County 鹿 縣, Rongan County 融安縣; Rongshui Hmong 縣, Liujiang County 族自治縣] Autonomous County 融水苗族自治縣, Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County • Nanning City 南 [6 districts, 6 counties: Jiangnan District 南 , Liangqing District 良慶 , , Xingning District 興 , Xixiangtang District 西鄉 , Yongning Qingxiu District 青 ; Binyang County 賓陽縣, Heng County 橫縣, Long’an County 隆安縣, Mashan District 邕 County 馬山縣, Shanglin County 林縣, Wuming County 縣] , Qinnan District 南 ; • Qinzhou City [2 districts, 2 counties: Qinbei District Lingshan County 靈山縣, Pubei County 浦 縣] , Dieshan District • Wuzhou City 悟 [3 districts, 1 city, 3 counties: Changzhou District 長 蝶山 , Wanxiu District 萬 ; Cenxi City ; Cangwu County 蒼 縣, Mengshan County 蒙山縣, Teng County 藤縣] ; Beiliu City 流 ; • Yulin City 玉林 [1 district, 1 city, 4 counties: Yuzhou District 玉 Bobai County 博 縣, Luchuan County 陸 縣, Rong County 容縣, Xingye County 興業縣] ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Guangxi was named after the Guangnan West Road 廣南西 路, a road system built in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) ABBREVIATION: Gui —in the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC) the area was governed from Guilin 133 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Prefecture 林 OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was established in March 1958, and before the establishment of the PRC the province’s capital was Guilin 林 8. Guizhou 貴 (aka Kweichow, Kuichou) AREA: 176,100 km²; population: 37.30 million (1949: 14.16 million, 1987: 30.73 million); population density: 211.81 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Guizhou sheng 貴 省 CAPITAL: Guiyang 貴陽 (pop. 3.5066 million, latitude 26º35’ N, longitude 106º4’ E, elevation 1071 m, abbrev. Zhu 筑) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Borean/Bai 族, Bouyei 依族, Chuang 壯族, Dong 族, Gelo 仡佬族, Gerbao/Yao 瑤族, Hmong/Miao 苗族 (30 percent of Guizhou’s population), Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Lolos/Yi 彝族, Shui 水族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (southern Mandarin), Hakka 家 話 LOCATION: Southwest China (latitude 24º30’ to 29º13’ N, longitude 103º36’ to 109º30’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Chongqing 慶, Guangxi 廣西, Hunan 湖南, Sichuan 四 , Yunnan 雲南 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Anshun 安 [0853], Bijie 畢節 [0857], Duyun 勻 [0854], Guiyang 貴陽 [0851], Kaili [0855], Liupanshui 水 [0858], Zunyi 遵義 [0852] TOPOGRAPHY: Province of high-lying mountains and plateaus, most areas over 1000 m. 87 percent mountains and highlands (Miaoling Range 苗岭, Dalou Mountains 大婁山, Wuling Range 陵山脈, Foding Mountains 頂山, Wumeng Mountains 烏蒙山), 10 percent hilly areas and 3 percent small basins. Guizhou lies on the eastern part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau 雲貴高原. Two-thirds of Guizhou are covered with limestone, so the area abounds with karst formations and limestone caverns, 11 percent of the territory is used for agriculture HIGHEST PEAK: Mount Jiucaiping 韭菜坪 (2900 m) east of the Wumeng Mountains 烏蒙山 RIVERS AND LAKES: Tributaries of the Yangtze River 長 —Wujiang 烏 (branches: Maotiao 貓 跳河, Liuchong 沖河), Chishui 赤水河; tributaries of the Yuanjiang River 沅 —Jinjiang 錦 , Wushui 潕水 (= Wuyang River 潕陽河), Qingshui 清水 ; tributaries of the Xijiang River system 西 —Duliu , Beipan (branch: Dabang River 打幫河), and Nanpan 南 . There are few lakes, the largest among them being the Caohai Lake 海 CLIMATE: Subtropical humid monsoon climate with few seasonal changes. Due to the altitude and topography, summers are not very hot and winters not very cold. Mean annual temperature 15º to 17ºC (January 3º to 10ºC, July 18º to 28ºC). Annual precipitation 900 to 1500 mm (half of which falls in summer). The province has frequent, long spells of wet weather, hailstorms in spring, clouds in autumn and light rain in winter; droughts and low temperatures possible as well, and as such rather unfavorable to agriculture ECONOMY: Main agricultural products are rice, maize, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rape, tobacco (Guizhou being one of China’s main production centers), cotton, sesame, sugarcane, tea, and walnuts. Agricultural industries include livestock/animal husbandry, tung oil production and 134 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— some forestry (fir trees). Mineral resources: coal, phosphorus, mercury, aluminium, manganese, antimony, zinc, bauxite, iron ore, and tungsten. Major industries: metallurgy, mining, chemical furtilizers, silk and textiles, paper making, cigarette and wine production (Maotai spirit 臺酒), and electronics. GRP 2005: 197.906 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 24.125 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 5305.79 Yuan RMB/US$ 646.78 SIGHTS: Huangguoshu Falls 黃 大瀑 , Zhijin Cave 織金洞, Caohai Hu 海湖, Zunyi Conference Site 遵義會議會址, Longgong Cave 龍宮洞, Qiandong 黔東, Tianxingqiao Waterfall 星橋瀑 , Zhenyuan 鎮遠 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 9 subdivisions (4 prefecture-level cities, 2 prefectures [areas], 3 autonomous prefectures); on the county level, there are 88 subdivisions (12 districts [including 2 special districts], 9 county-level cities, 56 counties, 11 autonomous counties). , Pingba • Anshun City 安 [1 district, 2 counties, 3 autonomous counties: Xixiu District 西 縣, Guanling Bouyei Hmong Autonomous County 關嶺 依 County 壩縣, Puding County 族苗族自治縣, Zhenning Bouyei Hmong Autonomous County 鎮 依族苗族自治縣, Ziyun Hmong Bouyei Autonomous County 紫雲苗族 依族自治縣] • Bijie Prefecture 畢節地 [1 city, 6 counties, 1 autonomous county: Bijie City 畢節 ; Dafang County 大方縣, Hezhang County 赫章縣, Jinsha County 金沙縣, Nayong County 納雍縣, Qianxi County 黔西縣, Zhijin County 織金縣; Weining Lolos Hui Hmong Autonomous County 威 彝族回族苗族自治縣] • Guiyang City 貴陽 [6 districts, 1 city, 3 counties: Baiyun District 雲 , Huaxi District 花 , Nanming District 南明 , Wudang District 烏當 , Xiaohe District 小河 , Yunyan District 雲岩 ; Qingzhen City 清鎮 ; Kaiyang County 開陽縣, Xifeng County 息烽縣, Xiuwen County 修文縣] 特 , Zhongshan • Liupanshui City 水 [2 districts, 2 counties: Liuzhi Special District District 鍾山 , Pan County 縣, Shuicheng County 水城縣] • Qiandongnan Hmong Dong Autonomous Prefecture 黔東南苗族 族自治 [1 city, 15 counties: Kaili City ; Cengong County 鞏縣, Congjiang County 從 縣, Danzhai County 丹 縣, Huangping County 黃 縣, Jianhe County 劍河縣, Jinping County 錦屏縣, Leishan County 雷山縣, Liping County 黎 縣, Majiang County 麻 縣, Rongjiang County 榕 縣, Sansui County 穗縣, Shibing County 秉縣, Taijiang County 台 縣, Tianzhu County 柱 縣, Zhenyuan County 鎮遠縣] • Qiannan Bouyei Hmong Autonomous Prefecture 黔南 依族苗族自治 [2 cities, 9 counties, 1 autonomous county: Duyun City 勻 , Fuquan City 福 , Changshun County 長 縣, Dushan County 獨山縣, Guiding County 貴 縣, Huishui County 惠水縣, Libo County 荔 縣, Longli County 龍 縣, Luodian County 羅甸縣, Pingtang County 縣, Weng’an County 甕安縣, Sandu Shui Autonomous County 水族自治縣] • Qianxinan Bouyei Hmong Autonomous Prefecture 黔西南 依族苗族自治 [1 city, 7 counties: Xingyi City 興義 ; Anlong County 安龍縣, Ceheng County 冊亨縣, Pu’an County 安縣, Qinglong County 晴隆縣, Wangmo County 望謨縣, Xingren County 興 縣, Zhenfeng County 豐縣] • Tongren Prefecture 銅 地 [1 district, 1 city, 4 counties, 4 autonomous counties: Wanshan Special District 萬山特 ; Tongren City 銅 ; Dejiang County 德 縣, Jiangkou County 口 縣, Shiqian County 石阡縣, Sinan County 思南縣; Songtao Hmong Autonomous County 松 苗 族自治縣, Yanhe Tuchia Autonomous County 河土家族自治縣, Yinjiang Tuchia Hmong Autonomous County 印 土家族苗族自治縣, Yuping Dong Autonomous County 玉屏 族自 治縣] 135 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— • Zunyi City 遵義 [2 districts, 2 cities, 8 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Honghuagang District 紅 , Huichuan District 彙 , Chishui City 赤水 , Renhuai City , Fenggang 花 County 縣, Meitan County 湄 縣, Suiyang County 綏陽縣, Tongzi County 梓縣, Xishui County 習水縣, Yuqing County 慶縣, Zheng’an County 正安縣, Zunyi County 遵義縣, Daozhen Gelo Hmong Autonomous County 真仡佬族苗族自治縣, Wuchuan Gelo Hmong Autonomous County 務 仡佬族苗族自治縣] ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Guizhou is named after Gui Mountain 貴山 (also called Guiren Peak 貴人峰), which is located within the province ABBREVIATIONS: Gui 貴, Qian 黔—Gui is just a short form of Guizhou, the abbreviation means “expensive”, “costly”, “dear” or “valuable”; during the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC) part of the province belonged to Qianzhong Prefecture 黔中 9. Hainan 海南 AREA: 33,920 km²; population: 8.28 million (1987: 6.15 million); population density: 243.52 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC [since April 1988], full name in Chinese: Hainan sheng 海南省 CAPITAL: Haikou 海口 (pop. 1.473 million, latitude 20º0’ N, longitude 110º4’ E, elevation 15 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Li 黎族, Hmong/Miao 苗族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims) PREVALENT LANGUAGES: “Hokkien” dialect 福建話/Southern Fujian (Minnan) dialect 閩南話, Cantonese 廣東話 LOCATION: South China (latitude 18º10’ to 20º10’ N, longitude 108º37’ to 111º5’ E, the disputed islands in the South China Sea 南海 not included) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: — ADJACENT SEAS: Gulf of Tonkin 部 , South China Sea 南海; length of coastline 1585 km MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Haikou 海口 [0898], Sanya 亞 [0899], Tongshe 通 (= Tongshi/Tongzha) [0899] TOPOGRAPHY: High in the middle and low all around. 25.4 percent mountainous areas (Wuzhi Mountains 指山, Limu Range 黎母岭), 13.3 percent hills (volcanic cones like Leihu Hill 雷 虎岭, Ma’an Hill 馬鞍岭, Gaoshan Hill 高山岭, Qingshan Hill 青山岭 etc.), 32.6 percent tablelands, 28.7 percent plains (Wenchang Alluvial Plain 文昌海積 原, Wangwu-Jialai Sea Alluvium Terrace Plain 王 來海積階地 原, Qionghai-Wanning Plain 瓊海萬 海 原, Lingshui-Shulin Plain 陵水輸林 海 原, Nanluo-Jiusuo Quaternary Plain 南羅九 海 原). Hainan has mangrove forests like those in Puqian Bay 鋪前 (Wenchang County 文昌縣), Fengjia Bay 馮家 and in Lin’gao County 高縣. The PRC has put disputed islands in the South China Sea 南海—the Paracel Islands 西沙群島, the Macclesfield Bank 中沙群島, the Spratly Islands 南沙群島 and the James Shoal 曾母暗沙—under Hainan’s jurisdiction HIGHEST PEAK: Wuzhi Mountain 指山 (“Five Finger Mountain”, 1867 m) RIVERS AND LAKES: Nandu River 南 , Wanquan River 萬 河, Changhua River 昌 , and others. Most lakes are reservoirs such as the Songtao Reservoir 松濤水庫, Niululing Reservoir 牛路岭水庫, Shilu Reservoir 石碌水庫, Changmao Reservoir 長 水庫, Gaopoling Reservoir 高坡岭水庫, and others CLIMATE: Tropical—warm year-round, plentiful rainfall, unmistakable humid and dry seasons, frequent typhoons. Annual temperatures average 22º to 26ºC (February 22.9ºC, August 136 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 29.5ºC); annual precipitation ca. 1600 mm ECONOMY: Main agricultural products are rubber trees, coconut palms, oil palms, betel palms, coffee, pepper, sisal hemp and other tropical crops; food crop production relatively low. Cash crops: sugracane, oil-bearing crops (peanuts, sesame), tea, tropical fruits. Fisheries are important, but production level of animal husbandry not high. Mineral deposits: limestone, marble, quartz, iron ore, phosphorus, bauxite, copper, cobalt, placer, among others. Industry composed mainly of light industry—rubber and sugar processing, salterns, foodstuffs, electronics, textiles. Sanya 亞 at the southernmost point of the PRC is being developed into a tourist resort, making tourism an increasingly important economic component. GRP 2005: 89.457 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 10.905 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 10,803.98 Yuan RMB/US$ 1317.02 SIGHTS: Sanya 亞, Yalong Bay 亞龍 /邪 , Tongshe 通 , Tomb of Hai Rui 海瑞墓 in Xijiao Binya Village 西郊 涯村 near Haikou ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 2 subdivisions (2 prefecture-level cities: Haikou 海口 and Sanya 亞); on the county level, there are 4 districts in Haikou as well as 16 subdivisions directly under the province with no intermediate prefecture level (6 county-level cities, 4 counties, 6 autonomous counties). • Haikou City 海口 [4 districts: Longhua District 龍華 , Meilan District 美蘭 , Qiongshan District 瓊山 , Xiuying District 英 ] • Sanya City 亞 • The 16 county-level subdivisions directly under the province (6 cities, 4 counties, 6 autonomous counties): Danzhou City 儋 , Dongfang City 東方 , Qionghai City 瓊 海 , Wanning City 萬 , Wenchang City 文昌 , Wuzhishan City 指山 ; Chengmai County 澄邁縣, Ding’an County 安縣, Lingao County 高縣, Tunchang County 屯昌縣; Baisha Li Autonomous County 沙黎族自治縣, Baoting Li Hmong Autonomous County 保 黎族苗族自治縣, Changjiang Li Autonomous County 昌 黎族自治縣, Ledong Li Autonomous County 樂東黎族自治縣, Lingshui Li Autonomous County 陵水黎族自治縣, Qiongzhong Li Hmong Autonomous County 瓊中黎 族苗族自治縣 ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Hainan means “south of the sea” because it is located south of the Chinese mainland in the South China Sea 南海 ABBREVIATION: Qiong 瓊—Hainan is separated from Guangdong province’s Leizhou Peninsula 雷 半島 by the Qiongzhou Straits 瓊 海峽 (20 km wide) OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Hainan Province as a whole is a Special Economic Zone 經 特 . Many of the world’s overseas Chinese (huaqiao 華僑) hail from Hainan 10. Hebei 河 (aka Hopei) AREA: 190,000 km²; population: 68.51 million (1949: 30.86 million, 1987: 57.1 million); population density: 360.57 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Hebei sheng 河 省 CAPITAL: Shijiazhuang 石家庄 (pop. 9.273 million, latitude 38º4’ N, longitude 114º28’ E, elevation 81 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, 137 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Korean 朝鮮族, Tibetan 藏族, Hmong/Miao 苗族, Uighur 維吾爾族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: North China (latitude 36º3’ to 42º4’ N, longitude 113º27’ to 119º50’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Beijing , Henan 河南, Inner Mongolia 蒙古, Liaoning 遼 , Shandong 山東, Shanxi 山西, Tianjin 津 ADJACENT SEAS: Bohai Sea 渤海; length of coastline 487 km MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Baoding 保 [0312], Cangzhou 滄 [0317], Chengde 承德 [0314], Handan 邯 [0310], Qinhuangdao 秦皇島 (including Beidaihe 戴河 and Shanhaiguan 山海關) [0335], Shijiazhuang 石家庄 [0311], Tangshan 唐山 [0315], Zhangjiakou 張家口 (former Kalgan 張垣) [0313] TOPOGRAPHY: 35 percent mountains, 12 percent highlands between 1200 and 1500 m, ca. 50 percent plains, hills and basins, 2 percent low lying land, elevation higher in NW and lower in SE. The province can be divided into four topographical zones: Zhangbei Plateau 張 高原 (also called Bashang Plateau 壩 高原, an extension of the Inner Mongolia Plateau 蒙古 高原), Northern Hebei Mountain Area 冀 山地 (transitional area from Inner Mongolia Plateau to North China Plain 華 原, greatly eroded by rivers, includes Yanshan Mountains 燕山山地 and basins like Chengde Basin 承德盆地, among others), Western Hebei Mountain Area 冀西山地 (has many small valleys and basins and includes Taihang Mountains 行山, situated at eastern end of Loess Plateau 黃土高原), Hebei Plain 河 原 (an extension of the North China Plain, with the Bohai Sea 渤海 in the east, Taihang Mountains in the west, and Yanshan Mountains in the north; average 50-100 m above sea level; soil severely salinated because of poor drainage) HIGHEST PEAK: Lesser Wutai Mountain 小 台山 (2882 m) in the the Taihang Mountain Range 行山 RIVERS AND LAKES: Hebei’s most important river systems are the Huanghe 黃河 (“Yellow River”), Haihe 海河 (and its tributaries the Yongding River 河 [called Yanghe 洋河 and Sanggan 河 in its upper reaches], Ziya River 子牙河 and Daqing River 大清河), and Luanhe 河. Major inland rivers: Anguli River 安固 河, Daqinggou River 大青溝. More than 100 lakes dot the province—Baiyangdian Lake 洋 , Wen’anwa 文安洼, Hengshui 水湖, Anguli Nur 安固 淖, Qagan Nur 察汗淖, and others CLIMATE: Temperate continental monsoon climate with dry winters and hot, rainy summers. Temperatures vary greatly between north and south—mean annual temperature in Bashang 壩 1ºC, in Handan 邯 13ºC (January –21º to –2ºC, maximum around –40ºC; July 18º to 27ºC, maximum over 40ºC). Mean annual precipitation 350 to 750 mm, falling mainly between June and August ECONOMY: Hebei is an important center for agricultural production; main products: wheat, maize, potatoes, rice, cotton, peanuts, soybeans, fruits (especially pears), animal husbandry, aquatic products, forestry. Vast mineral resources: oil, coal, iron ore, nonferrous metals like copper, lead, zinc, manganese, gold, asbestos, phosphorus, limestone, marble, and others. Main industries: coal mining, iron and steel industry, pharmaceuticals, building materials, motor vehicles, oil industry, food processing, textile, ceramics, salt production. GRP 2005: 1009.611 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 123.073 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 14,736.69 Yuan RMB/US$ 1796.42 SIGHTS: Imperial Summer Villa 避暑山莊 (= Jehol Summer Palace 熱河行宮), Puning Temple 寺, Putuozongsheng Temple 聖之 , Longxing Temple 隆興寺 in Zhengding 正 , Beidaihe 戴河 seaside resort, Shanhaiguan 山海關 (eastern end of the Great Wall 長城: Old Dragon Head 龍頭), Western Qing Tombs 清西陵, Eastern Qing Tombs 清東 陵 138 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 11 subdivisions (11 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 172 subdivisions (36 districts, 22 county-level cities, 108 counties, 6 autonomous counties). , Nanshi District 南 • Baoding City 保 [3 districts, 4 cities, 18 counties: Beishi District , Xinshi District ; Anguo City 安國 , Dingzhou City , Gaobeidian City 高 碑店 , Zhuozhou City ; Anxin County 安 縣, Boye County 博 縣, Dingxing County 興縣, Fuping County 阜 縣, Gaoyang County 高陽縣, Laishui County 淶水縣, Laiyuan County 淶源縣, Li County 蠡縣, Mancheng County 滿城縣, Qingyuan County 清苑縣, Quyang County 曲陽縣, Rongcheng County 容城縣, Shunping County 縣, Tang County 唐縣, Wangdu County 望 縣, Xiong County 雄縣, Xushui County 徐水縣, Yi County 縣] • Cangzhou City 滄 [2 districts, 4 cities, 9 counties, 1 autonomous county: Xinhua District 華 , Yunhe District 河 ; Botou City 頭 , Hejian City 河 , Huanghua City 黃驊 , Renqiu City 任丘 ; Cang County 滄縣, Dongguang County 東光縣, Haixing County 海興縣, Nanpi County 南皮縣, Qing County 青縣, Suning County 肅 縣, Wuqiao County 吳橋縣, Xian County 獻縣, Yanshan County 山縣; Mengcun Hui Autonomous County 孟村回族自治 縣] , • Chengde City 承德 [3 districts, 5 counties, 3 autonomous counties: Shuangluan District 雙 Shuangqiao District 雙橋 , Yingshou Yingzi Mining District 鷹手營子礦 ; Chengde County 承德縣, Longhua County 隆 縣, Luanping County 縣, Pingquan County 縣, Xinglong County 興隆縣; Fengning Manchu Autonomous County 豐 滿族自治縣, Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County 寬城滿族自治縣, Weichang Manchu Mongol Autonomous County 圍 滿族蒙古族自治縣] • Handan City 邯 [4 districts, 1 city, 14 counties: Congtai District 叢台 , Fengfeng Mining District 峰峰礦 , Fuxing District 復興 , Hanshan District 邯山 ; Wuan City 安 ; Cheng’an County 成安縣, Ci County 磁縣, Daming County 大名縣, Feixiang County 肥鄉縣, Guangping County 廣 縣, Guantao County 館陶縣, Handan County 邯 縣, Jize County 雞 澤縣, Linzhang County 漳縣, Qiu County 邱縣, Quzhou County 曲周縣, She County 涉縣, Wei County 魏縣, Yongnian County 縣] • Hengshui City 水 [1 district, 2 cities, 8 counties: Taocheng District 城 ; Jizhou City 冀 , Shenzhou City 深 ; Anping County 安 縣, Fucheng County 阜城縣, Gucheng County 故城縣, Jing County 縣, Raoyang County 饒陽縣, Wuqiang County 強縣, Wuyi County 邑縣, Zaoqiang County 棗強縣] • Langfang City 坊 [2 districts, 2 cities, 5 counties, 1 autonomous county: Anci District 安次 , Guangyang District 廣陽 ; Bazhou City 霸 , Sanhe City 河 ; Dacheng County 大城縣, Gu’an County 固安縣, Wenan County 文安縣, Xianghe County 香河縣, Yongqing County 清 縣; Dachang Hui Autonomous County 大 回族自治縣] • Qinhuangdao City 秦皇島 [3 districts, 3 counties, 1 autonomous county: Beidaihe District 戴 河 , Haigang District 海港 , Shanhaiguan District 山海關 ; Changli County 昌黎縣, Funing County 撫 縣, Lulong County 盧龍縣; Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County 青龍滿 族自治縣] • Shijiazhuang City 石家莊 [6 districts, 5 cities, 12 counties: Chang’an District 長安 , Jingxing Mining District 陘礦 , Qiaodong District 橋東 , Qiaoxi District 橋西 , Xinhua District 華 , Yuhua District 裕華 ; Gaocheng City 藁城 , Jinzhou City 晉 , Luquan City 鹿 , Xinji City 辛集 , Xinle City 樂 ; Gaoyi County 高邑縣, Jingxing County 陘縣, Lingshou County 靈壽縣, Luancheng County 欒城縣, Pingshan County 山縣, Shenze County 深澤縣, Wuji County 無極縣, Xingtang County 行唐縣, Yuanshi County 元氏縣, Zanhuang County 贊皇縣, Zhao County 趙縣, Zhengding County 正 縣] 139 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— • Tangshan City 唐山 [6 districts, 2 cities, 6 counties: Fengnan District 丰南 , Fengrun District 豐潤 , Guye District 古 , Kaiping District 開 , Lubei District 路 , Lunan District 路南 ; Qian’an City 遷安 , Zunhua City 遵 ; Leting County 樂 縣, Luan County 縣, Luannan County 南縣, Qianxi County 遷西縣, Tanghai County 唐海縣, Yutian County 玉田縣] • Xingtai City 台 [2 districts, 2 cities, 15 counties: Qiaodong District 橋東 , Qiaoxi District 橋 西 ; Nangong City 南宮 , Shahe City 沙河 ; Boxiang County 柏鄉縣, Guangzong County 廣 縣, Julu County 鹿縣, Lincheng County 城縣, Linxi County 西縣, Longyao County 隆 縣, Nanhe County 南和縣, Neiqiu County 丘縣, Ningjin County 晉縣, Pingxiang County 鄉縣, Qinghe County 清河縣, Ren County 任縣, Wei County 威縣, Xingtai County 台縣, Xinhe County 河縣] • Zhangjiakou City 張家口 [4 districts, 13 counties: Qiaodong District 橋東 , Qiaoxi District 橋西 , Xiahuayuan District 花 , Xuanhua District ; Chicheng County 赤城縣, Chongli County 禮縣, Guyuan County 源縣, Huaian County 安縣, Huailai County 來 縣, Kangbao County 保縣, Shangyi County 尚義縣, Wanquan County 萬 縣, Wei County 蔚縣, Xuanhua County 縣, Yangyuan County 陽原縣, Zhangbei County 張 縣, Zhuolu County 鹿縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Handan 邯 (Zhao 趙 517-228 BC, Warring States), Wuyang 陽 [today’s Yi County 縣] (Yan 燕 ca. 1000-226 BC, Warring States), Ye 鄴 [today’s Linzhang County 漳縣] (Eastern Wei 東魏 534-550 and Northern Qi 齊 550-577, Southern and Northern Dynasties; Later Zhao 後趙 319-351 and Former Yan 前燕 349-370, Sixteen Nations), Zhongshan 中山 [today’s Dingzhou /Baoding 保 ] (Later Yan 後燕 384-409, Sixteen Nations) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Hebei = north of the river, refers to the Yellow River (Huanghe 黃河). The name of the province changed several times in history—in the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) it was called Zhongshu Province 中 省, in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) Jingshi 師, in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) Zhili 直隸, name was changed to Hebei in 1928 ABBREVIATIONS: Ji 冀—in ancient times the region belonged to the Ji region 冀 , one of nine regions in China; sometimes the abbreviation Yan 燕 is used for the northern part of Hebei province OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: When the northeastern provinces were rearranged after the establishment of the PRC, Hebei received parts of the provinces Chahar 察哈爾 and Jehol 熱河, and before that Hebei’s capital was Qingyuan 清苑. In the past Zhangjiakou was called “Kalgan” (張垣). The area around the city of Sanhe 河 is an exclave between Beijing and Tianjin, separated from the rest of Hebei’s territory. Hebei belongs to an earthquake-prone region, in July 1976 a quake with a magnitude of 8.2 flattened the city of Tangshan 唐山 and killed at least 240,000 people 11. Heilongjiang 黑龍 (aka Heilungkiang) AREA: 469,000 km²; population: 38.20 million (1949: 10.14 million); population density: 81.44 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Heilongjiang sheng 黑龍 省 CAPITAL: Harbin 哈爾 (pop. 9.7484 million, latitude 45º45’ N, longitude 126º41’ E, elevation 140 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 143 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Dahur/Daur 斡爾族, Ewenki 鄂 克族, Goldi/Hezhen 赫哲族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Kirghiz 柯爾克 族, Korean 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Oroqen 鄂倫春族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: Northeast China 東 —former Manchuria (latitude 43º22’ to 53º24’ N, longitude 121º13’ to 135º5’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: Inner Mongolia 蒙古, Jilin 吉林; Russia (Primoriye Province) MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Harbin 哈爾 [0451], Hegang 鶴 [0454], Jixi 雞西 [0453], Mohe 漠河 [0457], Mudanjiang 丹 [0453], Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾 (= Tsitsihar) [0452], Shuangyashan 雙鴨山 [0454], Suifenhe 綏芬河 [0453], Yichun 伊春 [0458] TOPOGRAPHY: Half mountainous and half plains and plateaus, basin-shaped with the vast Songnen Plain 松嫩 原 in the middle (adjoined by the Sanjiang Lowlands 原濕地), surrounded by mountain ranges (Greater Hinggan Mountains 大興安岭, Lesser Hinggan Mountains 小興安岭, Yilehuli Mountains 伊勒呼 山, Wudalianchi Volcanic Mountains 大連 火山群 in the north, Zhangguangcai Mountain Range 張廣 岭, Laoye Mountain Range 爺岭, Wandashan 山 in the southeast). The northernmost point of the PRC is Ussuri 烏 in Heilongjiang, the easternmost point is an uninhabited place close to Khabarovsk 伯力 (Russia) HIGHEST PEAK: Mt. Datudingzi 大 頂子山 (1690 m) in the Zhangguangcai Mountain Range 張 廣 岭 RIVERS AND LAKES: Heilongjiang (= Amur) River system 黑龍 —sources: Shilka River 石勒喀 河, Ergun River 額爾古納河; major tributaries: Ussuri 烏 (called Wula River 烏拉河 in the upper reaches), Songari River system 松花 (tributaries: Nen River 嫩 , Hulan River 呼蘭河, Mudan River 丹 ); Suifen River 綏芬河. During winter, the Heilongjiang and the Ussuri are frozen, the thickness of the ice allows motor traffic; Heilongjiang is the third-largest river in China. Three large lakes—Lake Khanka 興 湖 at the border with Russia, Jingbo Lake 鏡 湖, and Wudalianchi 大連 CLIMATE: Continental with long, dry, severe winters and short, humid summers. With its varied topography and due to the alternating influence of high and low atmospheric pressures and monsoonal winds, Heilongjiang’s climate varies greatly in its different parts. Mean annual temperature –2º to 3ºC, although the temperature may vary over a range of 40ºC throughout the year. The lowest temperature ever measured in China was –52.3ºC in Mohe (February 1969). Annual precipitation averages 550 mm; at the Zhangguangcai Mountains in the southeast it can reach 1000 mm and at the Greater Hinggan Mountains it averages less than 500 mm (windward side respectively), 60 percent of precipitation falls between June and August, little precipitation in winter and spring ECONOMY: A quarter of the province is covered by fertile black earth (chernozem), and Heilongjiang’s farming is highly mechanized. Main agricultural products are wheat, rice, maize, soybeans, millet and sorghum; cash crops include sugar-beet, flax, tobacco and sunflower seeds. Heilongjiang is China’s most important forestry base, and it has a long history of animal husbandry (horses, oxen, sheep, deer). The province ranks first in the country’s oil reserves as well, other mineral resources include coal, natural gas, graphite, non-ferrous metals like gold, copper, lead and zinc. Major industries: cereal production, coal mining, timber, oil, engineering and machinery (tractors, etc.), energy generation. Light industry: sugar refining, papermaking, dairy product processing, brewing, textiles, and others. GRP 141 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 2005: 551.150 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 67.186 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 14,428.01 Yuan RMB/US$ 1758.79 SIGHTS: Harbin 哈爾 (Ice Lantern Festival 冰燈節, Daoli District ), Zhalong Nature Reserve 龍自然保護 , Mirror Lake 鏡 湖, 731 Exhibition Hall 七 部隊罪證陳列 館 at Pingfang (Harbin City) ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 13 subdivisions (12 prefecture-level cities, 1 prefecture [area]); on the county level, there are 128 subdivisions (64 districts, 18 county-level cities, 45 counties, 1 autonomous county). • Daqing City 大慶 [5 districts, 3 counties, 1 autonomous county: Datong District 大同 , , Longfeng District 龍 , Ranghulu District 讓胡路 , Saertu Honggang District 紅 District 薩爾圖 ; Lindian County 林甸縣, Zhaoyuan County 肇源縣, Zhaozhou County 肇 縣; Dorbod Mongol Autonomous County 杜爾伯特蒙古族自治縣] • Daxing’anling prefecture 大興安嶺地 [3 counties: Huma County 呼瑪縣, Mohe County 漠 河縣, Tahe County 塔河縣] • Harbin City 哈爾 [8 districts, 3 cities, 7 counties: Acheng District 城 , Daoli District , Daowai District 外 , Hulan District 呼蘭 , Nangang District 南 , Pingfang , Songbei District 松 , Xiangfang District 香坊 ; Shangzhi City 尚志 , District Shuangcheng City 雙城 , Wuchang City 常 ; Bayan County 巴彥縣, Bin County 賓縣, Fangzheng County 方正縣, Mulan County 木蘭縣, Tonghe County 通河縣, Yanshou County 延 壽縣, Yilan County 依蘭縣] • Hegang City 鶴 [6 districts, 2 counties: Dongshan District 東山 , Gongnong District 農 , Nanshan District 南山 , Xiangyang District 向陽 , Xing’an District 興安 , Xingshan District 興山 ; Luobei County 蘿 縣, Suibin County 綏 縣] • Heihe City 黑河 [1 district, 2 cities, 3 counties: Aihui District 愛輝 ; Beian City 安 , ; Nenjiang County 嫩 縣, Sunwu County 孫吳縣, Xunke Wudalianchi City 大連 County 遜克縣] • Jiamusi City 佳木 [4 districts, 2 cities, 4 counties: Dongfeng District 東風 , Jiao District 郊 , Qianjin District 前進 , Xiangyang District 向陽 ; Fujin City 富錦 , Tongjiang City 同 ; Fuyuan County 撫遠縣, Huachuan County 縣, Huanan County 南縣, Tangyuan County 湯原縣] • Jixi City 雞西 [6 districts, 2 cities, 1 county: Chengzihe District 城子河 , Didao District 滴 , Hengshan District 恆山 , Jiguan District 雞冠 , Lishu District , Mashan District 麻山 ; Hulin City 虎林 , Mishan City 密山 ; Jidong County 雞東縣] • Mudanjiang City 丹 [4 districts, 4 cities, 2 counties: Aimin District 愛民 , Dongan District 東安 , Xi’an District 西安 , Yangming District 陽明 ; Hailin City 海林 , Muleng , Ning’an City 安 , Suifenhe City 綏芬河 ; Dongning County 東 縣, Linkou City 穆 County 林口縣] , Fularji • Qiqihar City 齊齊哈爾 [7 districts, 1 city, 8 counties: Ang’angxi District 昂昂 District 富拉爾基 , Jianhua District 建華 , Longsha District 龍沙 , Meilisi Dahur District 梅 斡爾族 , Nianzishan District 碾子山 , Tiefeng District 鐵鋒 ; Nehe City 訥河 ; Baiquan County 縣, Fuyu County 富裕縣, Gannan County 甘南縣, Kedong County 克 東縣, Keshan County 克山縣, Longjiang County 龍 縣, Tailai County 泰來縣, Yian County 依安縣] • Qitaihe City 七台河 [3 districts, 1 county: Qiezihe District 子河 , Taoshan District 山 , Xinxing District 興 ; Boli County 勃利縣] • Shuangyashan City 雙鴨山 [4 districts, 4 counties: Baoshan District 寶山 , Jianshan District 尖山 , Lingdong District 嶺東 , Sifangtai District 四方台 ; Baoqing County 寶清縣, 142 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Jixian County 集賢縣, Raohe County 饒河縣, Youyi County 友誼縣] , • Suihua City 綏 [1 district, 3 cities, 6 counties: Beilin District 林 ; Anda City 安 Hailun City 海倫 , Zhaodong City 肇東 ; Lanxi County 蘭西縣, Mingshui County 明水縣, Qing’an County 慶安縣, Qinggang County 青 縣, Suileng County 綏 縣, Wangkui County 望 奎縣] • Yichun City 伊春 [15 districts, 1 city, 1 county: Cuiluan District 巒 , Dailing District 帶嶺 , Hongxing District 紅星 , Jinshantun District 金山屯 , Meixi District 美 , Nancha District 南岔 , Shangganling District 甘嶺 , Tangwanghe District 湯旺河 , Wumahe District 烏馬河 , Wuyiling District 烏伊嶺 , Wuying District 營 , Xilin District 西林 , Xinqing District 青 , Yichun District 伊春 , Youhao District 友好 ; Tieli City 鐵力 ; Jiayin County 嘉蔭縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Huining 會 [today’s Acheng 城] (Jin 金 1115-1234 [Jurchen tatars 女真]) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Heilongjiang 黑龍 (= black dragon river) is the Chinese name of the Amur river ABBREVIATION: Hei 黑—just a short form of Heilongjiang, the abbreviation means “black” OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: When the northeastern provinces were rearranged after the establishment of the PRC, Heilongjiang received all of Hokiang Province 合 , most of Nunkiang 嫩 , and part of Sungkiang 松 , prior to which its capital was Beian 安. The oilfield in Daqing 大慶 played a major role in CCP propagana during the Cultural Revolution. In March 1969 military battles erupted between the PRC and the USSR over the sovereignty of Damansky Island (Zhenbao dao 珍寶島) in the Ussuri River. Heilongjiang is home to the longest railway mileage in China 12. Henan 河南 (aka Honan) AREA: 167,000 km²; population: 93.80 million (1949: 41.74 million, 1987: 79.69 million); population density: 561.67 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Henan sheng 河南 省 CAPITAL: Zhengzhou 鄭 (pop. 6.797 million, latitude 34º35’ N, longitude 113º38’ E, elevation 111 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (99 percent of population); Chuang 壯族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin, southern Mandarin) LOCATION: North China (latitude 31º23’ to 36º22’ N, longitude 110º21’ to 116º39’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Anhui 安徽, Hebei 河 , Hubei 湖 , Shaanxi 西, Shandong 山 東, Shanxi 山西 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Anyang 安陽 [0372], Kaifeng 開封 (abbrev. Bian 汴) [0378], Luoyang 洛陽 [0379], Nanyang 南陽 [0377], Pingdingshan 頂山 [0375], Sanmenxia 門 峽 [0398], Xinxiang 鄉 [0373], Zhengzhou 鄭 [0371] TOPOGRAPHY: Higher in the west and lower in the east, sloping downward from northwest to southeast. 26.6 percent mountains (West Henan Mountain Area 豫西山地 an extension of the Qinling Mountains 秦岭—Funiu Mountains 伏牛山, Tongbai Mountains 柏山, Xiao- 143 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— shan Mountains 崤山, Xionger Mountains 熊耳山, Waifang Montains 外方山; South Henan Mountain Area 豫南山地—Dabie Mountains 大別山, Jigong Mountains 雞 山; North Henan Mountain Area 豫 山地—Taihang Mountains 行山, Wangwu Mountains 王屋山), 17.7 percent hills, 55.7 percent plains and basins (Huanghai Plain 黃淮 原/Yudong Plain 豫 東 原 as part of the North China Plain 華 原, Huaihe River Valley 淮河流 , Nanyang Basin 南陽盆地) HIGHEST PEAK: Laoyacha 鴉岔 (2414 m) in the Xiaoshan Mountains 崤山 RIVERS AND LAKES: Huanghe 黃河 in northern Henan and its tributaries (Yihe 伊河, Luohe 洛 河, Qinhe 河, Danhe 丹河), Huaihe 淮河 in southern Henan and its tributaries (Shiguan River 史灌河, Hongru 洪汝河, Bailu 露河, and others), Tang River 唐河 and Bai River 河 (tributaries of Hanshui River 水), Wei River 衛河 (tributary of the Haihe 海河). Due to silt deposits (fertile loess), Huanghe’s riverbed in some places exceeds the height of the surrounding surface by 3 to 10 meters, posing a serious threat of flooding. An important project for water regulation was the construction of the Sanmenxia Reservoir 門峽水庫 in 1960, other lakes include the Xiaolangdi Reservoir 小 底水庫, Danjiangkou Reservoir 丹 口水庫, Suya Lake 宿鴨湖水庫, Nanwan Reservoir 南 水庫, Baiguishan Reservoir 龜 山水庫, Yahekou Reservoir 鴨河口水庫, and many others CLIMATE: Mild with sharp transitions between the seasons—arid and inclement winters, dry and windy springs, hot and rainy summers, fine and clear autumns. Mean annual temperature 12º to 15ºC (January –2º to 2ºC, July 27º to 28ºC). The Nanyang Basin is a subtropical area. Annual precipitation 600 to 900 mm, increasing in general from north to south (north: 600 mm, south: 1300 mm), 45-60 percent of which falls in the summer ECONOMY: Main agricultural products are wheat, maize, rice, corn, soybeans, sweet potatoes, cotton, oil-bearing crops like peanuts, rapeseed and sesame; flue-cured tobacco, fruits like apples, persimmons, dates, and others. Henan is an important center for animal husbandry and livestock (pigs, sheep, poultry, donkeys, mules, horses etc.). Forested areas increasing due to afforestation. Mineral resources: large reserves of coal, aluminium and molybdenum; gold, iron, copper, bauxite, crude oil. Major industries: metallurgy (bauxite mining, aluminium refining), energy (coal production, thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations), machine building (especially tractors), light and textile industries. GRP 2005: 1058.742 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 129.063 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 11,287.22 Yuan RMB/US$ 1375.93 SIGHTS: Kaifeng 開封, Luoyang 洛陽, Shaolin Temple 少林寺 at the foot of Songshan 嵩山 (1512 m, one of the Five Taoist Sacred Mountains 岳) in the Waifang Mountains 外方山, Dragon Gate (Longmen) Grottoes 龍門石窟, Rooster Mountain 雞 山 (744 m) ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 17 subdivisions (17 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 159 subdivisions (50 districts, 21 county-level cities, 88 counties). Jiyuan 源 is not counted as prefecture-level city, it has a special status and is directly administered by the province as a county-level city. • Anyang City 安陽 [4 districts, 1 city, 4 counties: Beiguan District 關 , Longan District 龍安 , Wenfeng District 文峰 , Yindu District 殷 ; Linzhou City 林 ; Anyang County 安 陽縣, Hua County 滑縣, Neihuang County 黃縣, Tangyin County 湯陰縣] • Hebi City 鶴壁 [3 districts, 2 counties: Heshan District 鶴山 , Qibin District 淇 , Shancheng District 山城 , Jun County 縣, Qi County 淇縣] , Macun District 馬村 • Jiaozuo City 焦 [4 districts, 2 cities, 4 counties: Jiefang District 解 , Shanyang District 山陽 , Zhongzhan District 中站 ; Mengzhou City 孟 , Qinyang City 陽 ; Boai County 博愛縣, Wen County 縣, Wuzhi County 陟縣, Xiuwu County 修 縣] 144 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— • Jiyuan City 源 (directly administered by the province [sheng zhixia 省直轄]) • Kaifeng City 開封 [5 districts, 5 counties: Gulou District 鼓樓 , Jinming District 金明 , Longting District 龍 , Shunhe Hui District 河回族 , Yuwangtai District 王台 ; Kaifeng County 開封縣, Lankao County 蘭考縣, Qi County 杞縣, Tongxu County 通許縣, Weishi County 尉氏縣] • Luohe City 漯河 [3 districts, 2 counties: Yancheng District 城 , Yuanhui District 源匯 , Zhaoling District 召陵 ; Linying County 潁縣, Wuyang County 陽縣] • Luoyang City 洛陽 [6 districts, 1 city, 8 counties: Chanhe Hui District 瀍河回族 , Jianxi District 澗西 , Jili District 吉利 , Laocheng District 城 , Luolong District 洛龍 , ; Yanshi City 偃師 ; Luanchuan County 欒 縣, Luoning County 洛 Xigong District 西 縣, Mengjin County 孟津縣, Ruyang County 汝陽縣, Song County 嵩縣, Xin’an County 安縣, Yichuan County 伊 縣, Yiyang County 陽縣] • Nanyang City 南陽 [2 districts, 1 city, 10 counties: Wancheng District 城 , Wolong District 臥龍 ; Dengzhou City 鄧 ; Fangcheng County 方城縣, Nanzhao County 南召縣, Neixiang County 鄉縣, Sheqi County 社旗縣, Tanghe County 唐河縣, Tongbo County 柏縣, 縣, Xinye County 縣, Xixia County 西峽縣, Zhenping County 鎮 Xichuan County 縣] • Pingdingshan City 頂山 [4 districts, 2 cities, 4 counties: Shilong District 石龍 , Weidong , District 衛東 , Xinhua District 華 , Zhanhe District 湛河 ; Ruzhou City 汝 Wugang City 鋼 ; Baofeng County 寶豐縣, Jia County 郟縣, Lushan County 魯山縣, Ye County 葉縣] • Puyang City 濮陽 [1 district, 5 counties: Hualong District 華龍 ; Fan County 縣, Nanle County 南樂縣, Puyang County 濮陽縣, Qingfeng County 清豐縣, Taiqian County 台前縣] • Sanmenxia City 門峽 [1 district, 2 cities, 3 counties: Hubin District 湖 ; Lingbao City 靈 寶 , Yima City 義馬 ; Lushi County 盧氏縣, Shengchi County 澠 縣, Xia County 縣] , Suiyang District • Shangqiu City 商丘 [2 districts, 1 city, 6 counties: Liangyuan District 梁 睢陽 ; Yongcheng City 城 ; Minquan County 民權縣, Ningling County 陵縣, Sui County 睢縣, Xiayi County 夏邑縣, Yucheng County 虞城縣, Zhecheng County 柘城縣] • Xinxiang City 鄉 [4 districts, 2 cities, 6 counties: Hongqi District 紅旗 , Fengquan District , Muye District 牧 , Weibin District 衛 ; Huixian City 輝縣 , Weihui City 衛 輝 ; Changyuan County 長垣縣, Fengqiu County 封丘縣, Huojia County 獲嘉縣, Xinxiang County 鄉縣, Yanjin County 延津縣, Yuanyang County 原陽縣] • Xinyang City 信陽 [2 districts, 8 counties: Pingqiao District 橋 , Shihe District 溮河 ; Guangshan County 光山縣, Gushi County 固始縣, Huaibin County 淮 縣, Huangchuan County 潢 縣, Luoshan County 羅山縣, Shangcheng County 商城縣, Xi County 息縣, Xin County 縣] • Xuchang City 許昌 [1 district, 2 cities, 3 counties: Weidu District 魏 ; Changge City 長葛 , Yuzhou City ; Xiangcheng County 襄城縣, Xuchang County 許昌縣, Yanling County 鄢陵縣] • Zhengzhou City 鄭 [6 districts, 5 cities, 1 county: Erqi District 七 , Guancheng Hui , Jinshui District 金水 , Shangjie District 街 , District 管城回族 , Huiji District 惠 Zhongyuan District 中原 ; Dengfeng City 封 , Gongyi City 鞏義 , Xinmi City 密 , Xinzheng City 鄭 , Yingyang City 滎陽 ; Zhongmou County 中牟縣] • Zhoukou City 周口 [1 district, 1 city, 8 counties: Chuanhui District 匯 ; Xiangcheng City 城 ; Dancheng County 城縣, Fugou County 扶溝縣, Huaiyang County 淮陽縣, Luyi County 鹿邑縣, Shangshui County 商水縣, Shenqiu County 沈丘縣, Taikang County 縣, Xihua County 西華縣] 145 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— • Zhumadian City 駐馬店 [1 district, 9 counties: Yicheng District 驛城 ; Miyang County 泌陽 縣, Pingyu County 輿縣, Queshan County 確山縣, Ru’nan County 汝南縣, Shangcai County 蔡縣, Suiping County 遂 縣, Xincai County 蔡縣, Xiping County 西 縣, Zhengyang County 正陽縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Chen 陳 [today’s Huaiyang County 淮陽縣] (Chu 楚 847-223 BC, Warring States), Daliang 大梁 [today’s Kaifeng 開封] (Wei 魏 424-225 BC, 960-1126; Later Liang 後梁 907-923, Later Warring States), Kaifeng 開封 (Northern Song 947-950, Later Zhou 後周 951-060, Five Dynasties), Luoyang Jin 後晉 936-947, Later Han 後 洛陽 (Eastern Han 東 23-220, Western Jin 西晉 265-316, Sui 隋 581-618, Tang 唐 618-906; Wei 魏 220-265, Three Kingdoms; Later Tang 後唐 923-936, Five Dynasties), Luoyi 洛邑 [today’s [today’s Yuzhou ] (Han Luoyang 洛陽] (Eastern Zhou 東周 770-221 BC), Yangzhai 陽 韓 424-230 BC, Warring States), Yin 殷 [today’s Xiaotun 小屯, Anyang County 安陽縣] (Shang 商/Yin 殷 ca. 1500-1000 BC) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Henan (= south of the river) refers to the Yellow River (Huanghe 黃河) ABBREVIATION: Yu 豫—in ancient times the area belonged to the Yu Region 豫 , one of nine regions in China OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Henan has a long history and can be regarded as the cradle of Chinese civilization. Before the establishment of the PRC, its capital was Kaifeng 開封. The Red Flag Irrigation Canal 紅旗 in the border region with Shanxi and Hebei provinces was built between 1960 and 1969, and its construction was praised enthusiastically by CCP propaganda during the Cultural Revolution 13. Hong Kong 香港 (aka Hongkong) AREA: 1098 km²; population: 6.936 million (1945: 600,000, 1950: 2.0 million, 1988: 5.6 million); population density: 6351.64 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Special administrative region (tebie xingzhengqu 特別行 ) of the PRC [since July 1997], full name in Chinese: Xianggang tebie xingzhengqu 香港特別行 NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (98.5 percent), Asian and European foreigners PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Cantonese 廣東話, English, Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: South China (latitude 22º8’ to 22º35’ N, longitude 113º49’ to 114º31’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCE: Guangdong 廣東 ADJACENT SEAS: South China Sea 南海; length of coastline 733 km GEOGRAPHY: Hong Kong is situated at the east side of the Pearl River Estuary 珠 角 ; its terrain is mainly hilly with steep granitic and volcanic mountains. More than 20 peaks over 500 m, highest peak Tai Mo Shan 大帽山 (957 m) in the New Territories 界, other high mountains on Lantau Island 大 山. Level land is scarce, only 15 percent of Hong Kong’s territory is developed. Main urban settlements on Kowloon Peninsula 九龍半島 and on Hong Kong Island 香港島. Only one significant river: the Sham Chun River 深圳河 at the border with Guangdong Province. Hong Kong’s territory includes 235 outlying islands, the biggest of them being Lantau Island (146.38 km²), Hong Kong Island (80.4 km²), and Lamma Island 南ㄚ島 (13.55 km²) CLIMATE: Subtropical and monsoonal with mild winters and hot, humid summers. Average 146 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— temperature 22.8ºC (February 13º to 17ºC, July 26º to 31ºC), lowest in winter 0ºC, highest in summer 35ºC. Rainy season May-September, annual precipitation 2100 to 2300 mm, average humidity 78 percent. Frequent threat of typhoons in summer and early autumn ECONOMY: Heavy rainfalls wash away nutrients from the soil, making it unsuitable for intensive agriculture (less than 10 percent of the land area is suitable for farming). Hong Kong has no natural resources except a deep-water harbour and human capital, but has flourished as a trading and manufacturing center since the early 20th century, making “Made in Hong Kong” a household phrase. Following China’s economic liberalization in the 1980s and an increase in foreign investment, China became the world’s factory for cheap, mass-produced goods, replacing Hong Kong, which in turn became China’s shipping center and most important trade hub. Today, Hong Kong is the busiest container port in the world but struggles with rising unemployment due to increasing labor costs. GDP 2005: HK$ 1382.1 billion/US$ 177.7 billion, per capita GDP 2005: HK$ 199,261/US$ 25,622 SIGHTS: Victoria Peak 扯旗山/山頂 (552 m), Ocean Park 海洋 , Repulse Bay 淺水 , Hong Kong Park 香港 , Kowloon Nathan Road 九龍彌敦 , Tian Tan Buddha 壇大 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: Hong Kong SAR is subdivided into 18 districts (4 on Hong Kong Island, 5 on Kowloon, 9 in the New Territories). Each district has a district council (quyihui 議會). • Hong Kong Island 香港島 [4 districts: Central and Western District 中西 , Eastern District 東 , Southern District 南 , Wan Chai District 仔 ] • Kowloon 九龍 [5 districts: Kowloon City District 九龍城 , Kwun Tong District 觀 , Sham Shui Po District 深水埗 , Wong Tai Sin District 黃大仙 , Yau Tsim Mong District 油尖旺 ] • New Territories 界 [East—4 districts: North District , Sai Kung District 西貢 , Sha Tin District 沙田 , Tai Po District 大埔 ; west—5 districts: Islands District 離島 , Kwai Tsing District 葵青 , Tuen Mun District 屯門 , Tsuen Wan District 荃 , Yuen Long District 元朗 ] ORIGIN OF THE CITY’S NAME: Hong Kong is a word in Cantonese pronunciation, in Mandarin Chinese the city is called “Xianggang”, which in English means “fragrant harbour” ABBREVIATION: Gang 港—just a short form of Hong Kong, the abbreviation means “harbour” INTERNATIONAL DIALLING CODE: +852 OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Hong Kong became a British crown colony after the first Opium war in 1842 and was returned to China in 1997. Even after the handover Hong Kong retained its own currency, the “Hong Kong Dollar” (gangbi 港幣, 1 HK$ = 100 cents). Hong Kong’s judiciary and local laws are separate from those of the PRC, and there is no capital punishment. In July 1998 a new international airport (Chek Lap Kok 赤立角) entered into service on Lantau Island; the old airport Kai Tak 啟德 in Kowloon was closed. The Tian Tan Buddha 壇大 on Lantau Island is the tallest outdoor seated bronze Buddha in the world (34 m high). Most people in Hong Kong speak Cantonese, while Mandarin Chinese is gaining in popularity. In terms of air quality, Hong Kong is regarded as one of the world’s most polluted cities; however, life expectancy in Hong Kong is among the highest in the world—women 84.7 years, men 79.0 years 14. Hubei 湖 (aka Hupeh, Hupei) AREA: 187,400 km²; population: 57.10 million (1949: 25.36 million, 1987: 51.2 million); 147 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— population density: 304.69 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Hubei sheng 湖 省 CAPITAL: Wuhan (pop. 8.0136 million, latitude 30º51’ N, longitude 114º51’ E, elevation 23 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Borean/Bai 族, Bouyei 依族, Chuang 壯族, Dong 族, Gerbao/Yao 瑤族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Hmong/Miao 苗族, Korean 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Tibetan 藏族, Tuchia 土家族, Uighur 維吾爾族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin, southern Mandarin), Hunanese (Xiang) dialect 湘方言 LOCATION: Central China (latitude 29º25’ to 33º21’ N, longitude 108º21’ to 116º7’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Anhui 安徽, Chongqing 慶, Henan 河南, Hunan 湖南, Jiangxi 西, Shaanxi 西 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Enshi 恩 [0718], Huangshi 黃石 [0714], Jiangling 陵 [0716], Shashi 沙 [0716], Shiyan [0719], Wuhan (formed from a merger of Wuchang 昌, Hankow 口 and Hanyang 陽 in 1949) [027], Xiangfan 襄樊 [0710], Yichang 昌 [0717] TOPOGRAPHY: Generally high in the west and low in the east—55 percent mountains (Southwest Hubei Mountain Area 鄂西南山地 at the eastern edge of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau 雲 貴高原—Qingjiang River Valley 清 流 , Wushan Mountains 巫山 with two of the Three Gorges 峽), 25 percent hills (Northwest Hubei Hilly Area 鄂西 地 as extension of the Qinling Mountains 秦岭 and Daba Mountains 大巴山—Wudang Mountains 當山, Jingshan Mountains 山, includes Yunxian Basin 鄖縣盆地 and Junxian Basin 均縣盆地; Northern Hubei Mound Area 鄂 丘陵 bordered by Wudang Mountains, Dahong Mountains 大洪山 and Tongbai Mountains 柏山; Northeastern Hubei Hilly Area 鄂東 丘陵 地 —Dahong Mountains, Tongbai Mountains, Dabie Mountains 大別山; Southeast Low Mountain and Hilly Area 鄂東南丘陵 including Jiugong Mountain 九宮山 and the Mufu Mountains 幕阜山 at the border with Jiangxi), 20 percent plains (Jianghan Plain 原) HIGHEST PEAK: Dashennongjia Mountain 大 農架 (3105 m) close to the Wudang Mountains 當山 RIVERS AND LAKES: There are more than 1100 rivers in Hubei, virtually all of them tributaries of the Yangtze River 長 —Han River 水 (tributaries: Duhe 河, Danjiang 丹 , Tangbai 唐 , and others), Qingjiang 清 , and many others. Between the cities of Zhijiang and Chenglingji 城陵磯 the Yangtze River is known as the Jingjiang , which follows a meandering course. Hubei is also called “The province of one thousand lakes” (千湖之省) and possesses more freshwater lakes than any other Chinese province. These include Honghu 洪湖, Changhu 長湖, Liangzi Lake 梁子湖, Zhangdu Lake 張 湖, Diaocha Lake 汈汊湖, Paihu 排湖, and many others, as well as numerous reservoirs: Zhanghe Reservoir 漳河水庫, Danjiangkou Reservoir 丹 口水庫, Fushui Reservoir 富水水庫, Lushui Reservoir 陸水水 庫, Bailianhe Reservoir 蓮河水庫 etc. CLIMATE: Subtropical and warm-temperate monsoon climate with distinct seasons—abundant rainfall and fairly sizeable temperature changes in spring; summer humid at the beginning with a large proportion of the province’s precipitation falling, later hot, stuffy and dry; autumn sunny and cool in the east and rainy in the west; winter very cold with scant rainfall. Mean annual temperature 15º to 17ºC, increasing from north to south (January 3º to 4ºC, July 27º to 29ºC). Average annual precipitation 700 to 1700 mm, unevenly distributed across the 148 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— province, some areas experience droughts in summer and autumn ECONOMY: Hubei’s climatic conditions are favorable to agriculture. Major products include rice, wheat, maize, sugar, cotton, fruits, oil-bearing crops like sesame and peanuts, animal husbandry being another important agricultural sector, widespread freshwater fish farming. Mineral resources: rich reserves of iron ore, besides which coal, gypsum, copper, gold, quartz, barite, phosphorus, and others. Major industries: iron and steel, machine-building and car production, shipbuilding, electronics, textile industry. China’s biggest infrastructure project at present is the controversial Three Gorges Dam 峽大壩 at Gezhouba 葛 壩 which will create a huge reservoir on the Yangtze River by 2009. The hydroelectric facility is expected to generate 18,200 MW of electricity, but Hubei already had rich hydroelectric power potential before the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. GRP 2005: 652.014 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 79.482 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 11,418.80 Yuan RMB/US$ 1391.97 SIGHTS: Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓 in Wuhan , Yichang 昌, Shennongjia Forest District 農架林 , Golden Hall 金殿 at Wudangshan 當山 (1612 m), two of the Three Yangtze Gorges 長 峽: Xiling Gorge 西陵峽 and Wuxia Gorge 巫峽 (at the border with Chongqing), ending at Nanjinguan 南津關 (Yichang) ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 13 subdivisions (12 prefecture-level cities, 1 autonomous prefecture); on the county level, there are 102 subdivisions (38 districts, 24 county-level cities, 37 counties, 2 autonomous counties, 1 forestry area). Of these 102 subdivisions, 4 are directly administered county-level divisions—3 directly administered county-level cities and 1 directly administered county-level forestry area. • Enshi Tuchia Hmong Autonomous Prefecture 恩 土家族苗族自治 [2 cities, 6 counties: , Lichuan City 利 ; Badong County 巴東縣, Hefeng County 鶴峰縣, Enshi City 恩 Jianshi County 建始縣, Laifeng County 來 縣, Xianfeng County 咸豐縣, Xuanen County 恩 縣] • Ezhou City 鄂 [3 districts: Echeng District 鄂城 , Huarong District 華容 , Liangzihu District 梁子湖 ] • Huanggang City 黃 [1 district, 2 cities, 7 counties: Huangzhou District 黃 ; Macheng City 麻城 , Wuxue City 穴 ; Hongan County 紅安縣, Huangmei County 黃梅縣, Luotian County 羅田縣, Qichun County 蘄春縣, Tuanfeng County 團風縣, Xishui County 浠水縣, Yingshan County 英山縣] • Huangshi City 黃石 [4 districts, 1 city, 1 county: Huangshigang District 黃石港 , Tieshan ; District 鐵山 , Xialu District 陸 , Xisaishan District 西塞山 ; Daye City 大 Yangxin County 陽 縣] • Jingmen City 門 [2 districts, 1 city, 2 counties: Dongbao District 東寶 , Duodao District 掇 刀 , Zhongxiang City 鐘祥 , Jingshan County 山縣, Shayang County 沙洋縣] • Jingzhou City [2 districts, 3 cities, 3 counties: Jingzhou District , Shashi District 沙 ; Honghu City 洪湖 , Shishou City 石首 , Songzi City 松滋 ; Gongan County 安縣, Jiangling County 陵縣, Jianli County 利縣] • Qianjiang City 潛 (directly administered county-level city) • Shennongjia Forestry Area 農架林 (directly administered county-level forestry area) • Shiyan City [2 districts, 1 city, 5 counties: Maojian District 箭 , Zhangwan District 張 ; Danjiangkou City 丹 口 ; Fang County 縣, Yun County 鄖縣, Yunxi County 鄖西 縣, Zhushan County 竹山縣, Zhuxi County 竹 縣] • Suizhou City 隨 [1 district, 1 city: Zengdu District 曾 ; Guangshui City 廣水 ] • Tianmen City 門 (directly administered county-level city) • Wuhan City [13 districts: Caidian District 蔡甸 , Dongxihu District 東西湖 , 149 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Hannan District 南 , Hanyang District 陽 , Hongshan District 洪山 , Huangpo , Jianghan District , Jiangxia District 夏 , District 黃陂 , Jiang’an District Qiaokou District 礄口 , Qingshan District 青山 , Wuchang District 昌 , Xinzhou District ] • Xiangfan City 襄樊 [3 districts, 3 cities, 3 counties: Fancheng District 樊城 , Xiangcheng District 襄城 , Xiangyang District 襄陽 ; Laohekou City 河口 , Yicheng City 城 , Zaoyang City 棗陽 ; Baokang County 保 縣, Gucheng County 谷城縣, Nanzhang County 南 漳縣] • Xianning City 咸 [1 district, 1 city, 4 counties: Xian’an District 咸安 ; Chibi City 赤壁 ; Chongyang County 陽縣, Jiayu County 嘉魚縣, Tongcheng County 通城縣, Tongshan County 通山縣] • Xiantao City 仙 (directly administered county-level city) • Xiaogan City 感 [1 district, 3 cities, 3 counties: Xiaonan District 南 ; Anlu City 安陸 , , Yingcheng City 應城 ; Dawu County 大悟縣, Xiaochang County 昌 Hanchuan City 縣, Yunmeng County 雲夢縣] • Yichang City 昌 [5 districts, 3 cities, 3 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Dianjun District 軍 , Wujiagang District 伍家 , Xiaoting District 猇 , Xiling District 西陵 , Yiling District 夷陵 ; Dangyang City 當陽 , Yidu City , Zhijiang City ; Xingshan County 興山縣, Yuanan County 遠安縣, Zigui County 秭 縣; Wufeng Tuchia Autonomous County 峰土家族自治縣, Changyang Tuchia Autonomous County 長陽土家族自治縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Danyang 丹陽 [today’s Zigui County 秭 縣] (Chu 楚 847-223 BC, Warring States), Jingzhou [today’s Jiangling County 陵縣] (Southern Ping 南 /Jingnan 南 907-963, Ten Kingdoms), Ying [today’s Yicheng 城] (Chu 楚 847-223 BC, Warring States) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Hubei (= north of the lake) refers to the Dongting Lake 洞庭 湖 adjacent to the southern border of the province ABBREVIATION: E 鄂—in ancient times the region belonged to Ezhou 鄂 , which had been an administrative center since the Sui Dynasty (581-618) OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Hubei’s capital Wuhan was formed in 1949 by merging the three cities Wuchang 昌, Hankow 口 und Hanyang 陽. Key data for the Three Gorges Dam 峽大壩 project—dam wall height 185 m, dam wall length 2309 m, 22 sluice gates, projected water level 175 m above Yangtze River surface, reservoir length ca. 600 km; 632 km² facing inundation, with ca. 1.4 million people facing resettlement 15. Hunan 湖南 AREA: 210,000 km²; population: 63.26 million (1949: 29.87 million, 1987: 57.94 million); population density: 301.23 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Hunan sheng 湖南省 CAPITAL: Changsha 長沙 (pop. 6.2092 million, latitude 28º10’ N, longitude 113º0’ E, elevation 68 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (about 95 percent of Hunan’s population); Chuang 壯族, Dong 族, Gerbao/Yao 瑤族, Hmong/Miao 苗族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Tuchia 土家族, Uighur 維吾爾族 150 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Hunanese (Xiang) dialect 湘方言, Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (southern Mandarin), Hakka 家話, Southern Fujian (Minnan) dialect 閩南話 LOCATION: Central-south China (latitude 24º39’ to 30º28’ N, longitude 108º47’ to 114º45’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Chongqing 慶, Guangdong 廣東, Guangxi 廣西, Guizhou 貴 , Hubei 湖 , Jiangxi 西 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Changde 常德 [0736], Changsha 長沙 [0731], Dayong 大 [0744], Hengyang 陽 [0734], Lengshuijiang 水 [0738], Shaoyang 邵陽 [0739], Xiangtan 湘 [0732], Zhuzhou 株 [0733] TOPOGRAPHY: 24.6 percent mountains, generally in the east, south and west (Nanling Mountain Area 南岭山地—Bamian Mountain 面山, Yangming Mountain 陽明山, Yuechengling Mountains 越城岭, Dupangling Mountains 龐岭, Mengzhuling Mountains 岭, Qitianling Mountains 騎田岭, Zhuguang Mountain 諸廣山, Wanyang Mountain 萬洋山; Eastern Hunan Mountain Area 湘東山地—Luoxiao Mountains 羅霄山, Mufu Mountain 幕 阜山, Jiuling Mountains 九嶺山, Wugong Mountains 山; Western Hunan Mountain Area 湘西山地—Xuefeng Mountains 雪峰山, Wuling Mountain 陵山), 50 percent hills below 800 m (Central Hunan Tableland and Hilly Area 湘中丘陵), 20 percent plains (Dongting Lake Plain 洞庭湖 原, Hengyang Basin 陽盆地), 5.4 percent water. 30 percent of Hunan is forested. The Nanling Mountains are the watershed between the Yangtze River and the Pearl River systems HIGHEST PEAK: Bamian Mountain 面山 (2042 m) in the Nanling Mountain Area 南岭山地 RIVERS AND LAKES: Hunan’s more than 5000 rivers all belong to the Yangtze River 長 system—Xiangjiang 湘 , Zishui 水, Yuanjiang 沅 , Lishui 澧水, all of which flow into Dongting Lake 洞庭湖; adjacent lakes: Hengling Lake 橫岭湖, Wanzi Lake 萬子湖. Close to Dongting Lake lies Datong Lake 大 通 湖 . Other lakes in the province are mostly reservoirs—Fengtan Reservoir 灘水庫, Huangshi Reservoir 黃石水庫, Zhexi Reservoir 柘 水庫, Shuifumiao Reservoir 水府 水庫, Shuangpai Reservoir 雙牌水庫, Ouyanghai Reservoir 歐陽海水庫, Centianhe Reservoir 涔 河水庫, Jiupujiang Reservoir 酒 水庫, and more than 10,000 others CLIMATE: Warm, humid, subtropical, monsoon climate with cold waves in spring, storms during spring and summer, occasional droughts during summer and autumn and freezing winters. Mean annual temperature 16º to 18ºC (January 3º to 8ºC, July 27º to 30ºC, maximum temperature can exceed 40ºC). Annual precipitation between 1200 to 1700 mm (Xuefeng, Jiuling and Zhuguang Mountains precipitation can surpass 1800 mm), 40 percent of which falls between April and June. The Nanling Mountains are the climatic divide between Central and South China ECONOMY: Main agricultural products are rice, wheat, potatoes, corn, cash crops like ramie, flue-cured tobacco and rape, tea, tangerines, tungseed oil, sugar cane, animal husbandry (mainly pigs), forestry, freshwater fishery (black carp, grass carp, silver carp, crucian carp). Natural resources include coal and mineral ores like tungsten, bismuth, antimony, realgar, fluorite, lead, zinc, mercury, kaolin clay, manganese, molybdenum, beryllium, sulphur, phosphorus, limestone, dolomite, silicon, and others. Major industries: iron and steel, nonferrous metallurgy industry, coal, cement, papermaking, electric power (especially hydropower), chemicals, textiles (especially linen, embroidery and silk), machinery (e.g. electric locomotives and motorcycles) and electronics industry. GRP 2005: 651.134 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 79.374 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 10,292.98 Yuan RMB/US$ 1254.72 SIGHTS: Shaoshan Village 韶山 (birthplace of Mao Zedong 毛澤東), Hengshan 山 (1290 m, 151 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— also called Nanyue 南岳, one of the Five Taoist Sacred Mountains 岳), Dongting Lake 洞 庭湖, Changsha 長沙, Yueyang 岳陽, Zhangjiajie 張家界 and Wulingyuan 陵源 Scenic Area, Fenghuang in western Hunan ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 14 subdivisions (13 prefecture-level cities, 1 autonomous prefecture); on the county level, there are 122 subdivisions (34 districts, 16 county-level cities, 65 counties, 7 autonomous counties). • Changde City 常德 [4 districts, 1 city, 6 counties: Dingcheng District 鼎城 , Wuling District , Xihu Administrative District 西湖 陵 , Xi Dongting Administrative District 西洞庭管 管 ; Jinshi City 津 ; Anxiang County 安鄉縣, Hanshou County 壽縣, Li County 澧 縣, Linli County 澧縣, Shimen County 石門縣, Taoyuan County 源縣] • Changsha City 長沙 [5 districts, 1 city, 3 counties: Furong District 芙蓉 , Kaifu District 開福 , Tianxin District 心 , Yuelu District 岳 , Yuhua District 雨花 ; Liuyang City 瀏陽 ; Changsha County 長沙縣, Ningxiang County 鄉縣, Wangcheng County 望城縣] • Chenzhou City [2 districts, 1 city, 8 counties: Beihu District 湖 , Suxian District 仙 ; Zixing City 興 ; Anren County 安 縣, Guidong County 東縣, Guiyang County 陽 縣, Rucheng County 汝城縣, Yizhang County 縣, Jiahe County 嘉 縣, Linwu County 章縣, Yongxing County 興縣] • Hengyang City 陽 [5 districts, 2 cities, 5 counties: Nanyue District 南 , Shigu District 石 鼓 , Yanfeng District 雁峰 , Zhengxiang District 蒸湘 , Zhuhui District 珠暉 ; Changning , Leiyang City 耒陽 ; Hengdong County 東縣, Hengnan County 南縣, City 常 Hengshan County 山縣, Hengyang County 陽縣, Qidong County 祁東縣] • Huaihua City [2 districts, 1 city, 5 counties, 5 autonomous counties: Hecheng District 鶴城 , ; Hongjiang City 洪 ; Chenxi County 辰 縣, Hongjiang Administrative District 洪 管 Huitong County 會同縣, Xupu County 漵浦縣, Yuanling County 沅陵縣, Zhongfang County 中 方縣; Jingzhou Hmong Dong Autonomous County 靖 苗族 族自治縣, Mayang Hmong 族自治縣, Autonomous County 麻陽苗族自治縣, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County 通 族自治縣, Zhijiang Dong Autonomous County 芷 Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County 族自治縣] • Loudi City 婁底 [1 district, 2 cities, 2 counties: Louxing District 婁星 ; Lengshuijiang City , Lianyuan City 源 ; Shuangfeng County 雙峰縣, Xinhua County 縣] 水 • Shaoyang City 邵陽 [3 districts, 1 city, 7 counties, 1 autonomous county: Beita District 塔 , ; Dongkou County Daxiang District 大祥 , Shuangqing District 雙清 ; Wugang City 洞口縣, Longhui County 隆回縣, Shaodong County 邵東縣, Shaoyang County 邵陽縣, Suining County 綏 縣, Xinning County 縣, Xinshao County 邵縣; Chengbu Hmong Autonomous County 城 苗族自治縣] , Yuhu District 雨湖 • Xiangtan City 湘 [2 districts, 2 cities, 1 county: Yuetang District 岳 , Shaoshan City 韶山 , Xiangxiang City 湘鄉 ; Xiangtan County 湘 縣] • Xiangxi (Western Hunan) Tuchia Hmong Autonomous Prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治 [1 city, 7 counties: Jishou City 吉首 ; Baojing County 保靖縣, Fenghuang County 縣, Guzhang County 古 縣, Huayuan County 花垣縣, Longshan County 龍山縣, Luxi County 瀘 縣] 縣, Yongshun County • Yiyang City 益陽 [3 districts, 1 city, 3 counties: Datonghu Administrative District 大通湖管 , Heshan District 赫山 , Ziyang District 陽 ; Yuanjiang City 沅 ; Anhua County 安 縣] 縣, Nan County 南縣, Taojiang County • Yongzhou City [2 districts, 8 counties, 1 autonomous county: Lengshuitan District 水灘 , Lingling District 零陵 ; Dao County 縣, Dongan County 東安縣, Jiangyong County 縣, Lanshan County 藍山縣, Ningyuan County 遠縣, Qiyang County 祁陽縣, Shuangpai 152 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— County 雙牌縣, Xintian County 田縣; Jianghua Gerbao Autonomous County 華瑤族自治 縣] • Yueyang City 岳陽 [4 districts, 2 cities, 4 counties: Junshan District 君山 , Quyuan , Yueyanglou District 岳陽樓 , Yunxi District 雲 ; Administrative District 屈原管 縣, Linxiang City 湘 , Miluo City 汨羅 ; Huarong County 華容縣, Pingjiang County Xiangyin County 湘陰縣, Yueyang County 岳陽縣] • Zhangjiajie City 張家界 [2 districts, 2 counties: Wulingyuan District 陵源 , Yongding ; Cili County 慈利縣, Sangzhi County 植縣] District • Zhuzhou City 株 [4 districts, 1 city, 4 counties: Hetang District 荷 , Lusong District , Shifeng District 石峰 , Tianyuan District 元 ; Liling City 醴陵 ; Chaling County 茶 陵縣, Yanling County 炎陵縣, You County 縣, Zhuzhou County 株 縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Changsha 長沙 (Chu 楚 927-956, Ten Kingdoms) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Hunan (= south of the lake) refers to the Dongting Lake 洞 庭湖 at the northern border of the province ABBREVIATION: Xiang 湘—the Xiang River 湘 passes through the province from south to north OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Hunan was the home province of Mao Zedong 毛澤東 (1893-1976) and Liu Shaoqi 劉少 (1898-1969) and is the ancestral home of Ma Ying-jeou 馬英九 and James Soong 楚瑜 16. Inner Mongolia 蒙古 AREA: 1,183,000 km²; population: 23.86 million (1949: 5.15 million, 1987: 21 million); population density: 20.16 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Autonomous Region (zizhiqu 自治 ) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Neimenggu zizhiqu 蒙古自治 CAPITAL: Hohhot 呼和 特 (pop. 2.1349 million, latitude 40º49’ N, longitude 111º41’ E, elevation 1064 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (more than 80 percent of the population); Chuang, Dahur/Daur 斡爾族, Ewenki 鄂 克族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族 (less than 15 percent of the population), Oroqen 鄂倫春族, Tibetan 藏族, Tu 土族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Mongolian, Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: North-northwest China (latitude 37º24’ to 53º23’ N, longitude 97º12’ to 126º4’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: Gansu 甘肅, Hebei 河 , Heilongjiang 黑龍 , Jilin 吉林, Liaoning 遼 , Ningxia 夏, Shaanxi 西, Shanxi 山西; Mongolia, Russia MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Baotou 包頭 [0472], Chifeng 赤峰 [0476], Erenhot 連 特 [0479], Hohhot 呼和 特 (former Kweisui 綏) [0471], Jining 集 [0474], Wuda 烏 [0473], Wuhai 烏海 [0473] TOPOGRAPHY: Inner Mongolia is the “longest” province in China (stretching more than 2300 km), most of it a plateau of an elevation between 1000 and 1500 m and featuring vast grasslands and several deserts. East: Hulunboir Plateau 呼倫 爾高原, Greater Hinggan Range 大興安 岭, Songliao Plain 松遼 原, Khorcin Plain 科爾 原, Xilin Gol Plateau 錫林郭勒高原; middle: Yinshan Range 陰山 (highest peak: Daqing Mountain 大青山, 2850 m), Langshan 153 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Mountains 狼山, Helan Mountains 賀蘭山 at the border with Ningxia; Ulanqab Plateau 烏 蘭察 高原, Bayannur Plateau 巴彥淖爾高原, Ordos Plateau 鄂爾多 高原 with the Mu Us Desert 毛烏素沙漠, Hetao Plain 河套 原 (eastern part: Tumochuan Plain 土默 原); west: Longshou Mountains 龍首山, Alxa Plateau 拉善高原, Tenggar Desert 騰格 沙漠, Badain Jaram Desert 巴丹吉林沙漠 HIGHEST PEAK: Helan Mountains 賀蘭山 (main peak of 3556 m) at the border with Ningxia RIVERS AND LAKES: Yellow River 黃河—tributaries: Dahei River 大黑河, Wujia River 烏 河; Ergun River 額爾古納河 (tributary of Amur 黑龍 ), Xiliao River 西遼河, interior rivers (drainage area of which lies more than 50 percent within the province) like Xar Moron River 錫拉木倫河 and several others; lakes: Gashiun Nor 嘎 諾爾, Hulun Nur 呼倫湖, Dalai Nur 來諾爾, Chagan Nor 察 諾爾, and others CLIMATE: Temperate continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons. Long and cold winters, short but warm summers. Mean annual temperatures –1º to 8ºC (January: -30º to –10ºC, record low of –50ºC, July: 15º to 25ºC). Important climatic characteristic: wind, especially in spring; winter blizzards common. Annual precipitation 100 to 500 mm, 70 percent of which falls during the summer. Vast area of the highland has barely enough rain to sustain growth of agricultural crops ECONOMY: Main agricultural products includes livestock (sheep, cows, goats, horses, camels etc., which yield meat, wool and dairy products) nourished on the province’s lush grasslands, and forestry. Only 5 percent of Inner Mongolia is farmland, food crops include wheat, oats, corn, millet, sorghum, maize and potatoes. Cash crops include lineseed, rape and beets. Major resources—forests, pastureland, mineral deposits like coal, niobium, natural alkali (soda) reserves, gold, mica, asbestos, chromium, iron, copper, zinc, lead, salt, and others. Major industries: coal mining, power generation, iron and steel, food processing, wool and fur processing, textiles, timber, machine-building, chemicals, other light industries. GRP 2005: 389.555 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 47.487 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 16,326.69 Yuan RMB/US$ 1990.23 SIGHTS: Baotou 包頭, Wudang Monastery 當召, Dongsheng 東 , Genghis Khan Mausoleum 成吉思汗陵 in Ordos 鄂爾多 (Ejin Horo Banner 伊金霍洛旗), Manzhouli 滿 , Hulun Lake 呼倫湖, Tomb of Wang Zhaojun 王昭君墓 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 12 subdivisions (9 prefecture-level cities, 3 leagues); on the county level, there are 101 subdivisions (21 districts, 11 county-level cities, 17 counties, 49 banners, 3 autonomous banners). • Alxa League 拉善盟 [3 banners: Alxa You (Right) Banner 拉善右旗, Alxa Zuo (Left) Banner 拉善 旗, Ejin Banner 額 納旗] • Baotou City 包頭 [6 districts, 1 county, 2 banners: Baiyun Mining District 雲礦 , Donghe District 東河 , Jiuyuan District 九原 , Kundulun District 昆 , Qingshan District 青山 , Shiguai District 石拐 ; Guyang County 固陽縣; Darhan Maoming’an united Banner 爾 罕 明安 合旗, Tumote You (Right) Banner 土默特右旗] • Baynnur City 巴彥淖爾 [1 district, 2 counties, 4 banners: Linhe District 河 ; Dengkou County 磴口縣, Wuyuan County 原縣; Hangjin Hou (Rear) Banner 杭錦後旗, Wulate Hou (Rear) Banner 烏拉特後旗, Wulate Qian (Front) Banner 烏拉特前旗, Wulate Zhong (Middle) Banner 烏拉特中旗] • Chifeng City 赤峰 [3 districts, 2 counties, 7 banners: Hongshan District 紅山 , Songshan District 松山 , Yuanbaoshan District 元寶山 ; Linxi County 林西縣, Ningcheng County 城縣; Alu Kerqin Banner 魯科爾 旗, Aohan Banner 敖 旗, Bairin You (Right) Banner 巴林右旗, Bairin Zuo (Left) Banner 巴林 旗, Kalaqin Banner 喀喇 旗, Keshe Keteng 154 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Banner 克 克騰旗, Wengniute Banner 翁牛特旗] • Hohhot City 呼和 特 [4 districts, 4 counties, 1 banner: Huimin District 回民 , Saihan District 賽罕 , Xincheng District 城 , Yuquan District 玉 ; Helinger County 和林格爾 縣; 縣, Qingshuihe County 清水河縣, Tuoketuo County 托克托縣, Wuchuan County Tumote Zuo (Left) Banner 土默特 旗] • Hulunbuir City 呼倫 爾 [1 district, 5 cities, 4 banners, 3 autonomous Banners: Hailar District 海拉爾 ; Eerguna City 額爾古納 , Genhe City 根河 , Manzhouli City 滿 , Yakeshi City 牙克石 , Zhalantun City 蘭屯 ; Arong Banner 榮旗, Chenbarhu Banner 陳巴爾虎旗, Xinbarhu You (Right) Banner 巴爾虎右旗, Xinbarhu Zuo (Left) Banner 巴 爾虎 旗; Ewenki Autonomous Banner 鄂 克族自治旗, Morin Dawa Daur autonomous banner 莫力 瓦 斡爾族自治旗, Oroqen Autonomous Banner 鄂倫春自治旗] • Ordos City 鄂爾多 [1 district, 7 banners: Dongsheng District 東 ; Dalate Banner 拉 特旗, Ejin Horo Banner 伊金霍洛旗, Etuoke Banner 鄂托克旗, Etuoke Qian (Front) Banner 鄂托克前旗, Hangjin Banner 杭錦旗, Wushen Banner 烏 旗, Zhunger Banner 準格爾旗] • Tongliao City 通遼 [1 district, 1 city, 1 county, 5 banners: Kerqin District 科爾 ; Huolin Guole City 霍林郭勒 ; Kailu County 開魯縣; Kerqin Zuoyi Hou (Left Wing Back) Banner 科 翼中旗, Kulun 爾 翼後旗, Kerqin Zuoyi Zhong (Left Wing Middle) Banner 科爾 Banner 庫倫旗, Naiman Banner 曼旗, Zhalute Banner 魯特旗] ; • Ulaan Chab City 烏蘭察 [1 district, 1 city, 5 counties, 4 banners: Jining District 集 Fengzhen City 豐鎮 ; Huade County 德縣, Liangcheng County 涼城縣, Shangdu County 商 縣, Xinghe County 興和縣, Zhouzi County 卓 縣; Chahar Youyi Hou (Right Wing Back) Banner 察哈爾右翼後旗, Chahar Youyi Qian (Right Wing Front) Banner 察哈爾右翼前旗, Chahar Youyi Zhong (Right Wing Middle) Banner 察哈爾右翼中旗, Siziwang Banner 四子王 旗] , Hainan District 海南 , Wuda • Wuhai City 烏海 [3 districts: Haibowan District 海勃 ] District 烏 • Xilin Gol League 錫林郭勒盟 [2 cities, 1 county, 9 banners: Erenhot City 連 特 , Xilinhot City 錫林 特 ; Duolun County 多倫 縣 ; Abaga Banner 巴 嘎旗 , Dong (East) Wuzhumuqin Banner 東烏珠穆 旗, Sonid You (Right) Banner 尼特右旗, Sonid Zuo (Left) Banner 尼特 旗, Taipusi Banner 僕寺旗, Xi (West) Wuzhumuqin Banner 西烏珠穆 旗, Xianghuang Banner 鑲黃旗, Zhenglan Banner 正藍旗, Zhengxiangbai Banner 正鑲 旗] • Xing’an League 興安盟 [2 cities, 1 County, 3 banners: Arshan City 爾山 , Ulanhot City 烏 蘭 特 ; Tuquan County 突 縣; Kerqin Youyi Qian (Right Wing Front) Banner 科爾 右 翼前旗, Kerqin Youyi Zhong (Right Wing Middle) Banner 科爾 右翼中旗, Zhalaite Banner 賚特旗] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Huangdu 皇 [today’s Bairinzuo 巴林 旗] (Liao Dynasty 遼 916-1125), Shengle 盛樂 [today’s Helinger County 和林格爾縣] (Kingdom of Dai 國 315-376, Southern and Northern Dynasties) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Inner Mongolia indicates that the province is only part of Greater Mongolia. Besides Inner Mongolia, there is also Outer Mongolia 外蒙古. During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Outer Mongolia belonged to China but declared itself independent after the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, and the Mongolian People’s Republic was established in 1924 (name changed to Mongolian Republic in 1992) ABBREVIATION: Nei Menggu 蒙古—which is in fact no abbreviation at all OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Inner Mongolia was the first autonomous region to be established in China in May 1947 (incorporation of parts of Jehol 熱河 and Chahar 察哈爾). When the northeastern provinces were rearranged after the establishment of the PRC, Inner Mongolia 155 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— also received the entire province of Hsingan 興安, most of Suiyuan 綏遠, parts of Liaopeh 遼 , Ningxia and Gansu, and a small part of Nunkiang 嫩 between 1954 and 1956. Inner Mongolia’s capital Hohhot was called “Kweisui” ( 綏) in the past 17. Jiangsu (aka Kiangsu, Chiangsu) AREA: 102,600 km²; population: 74.75 million (1949: 35.12 million, 1987: 63.48 million); population density: 728.55 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Jiangsu sheng 省 CAPITAL: Nanjing 南 (pop. 5.958 million, latitude 32º3’ N, longitude 118º47’ E, elevation 12 m, abbrev. Ning ) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Chuang 壯族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 朝鮮族, Mongol 蒙古族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (southeastern Mandarin, northern Mandarin), Shanghainese (Wu) dialect 吳方言 LOCATION: Central China (latitude 30º45’ to 35º20’ N, longitude 116º18’ to 121º57’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Anhui 安徽, Shandong 山東, Shanghai 海, Zhejiang ADJACENT SEAS: Yellow Sea 黃海; length of coastline 1000 km MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Lianyungang 連雲港 [0518], Nanjing 南 [025], Suzhou [0512], Wuxi 無錫 [0510], Xuzhou 徐 [0516], Zhenjiang 鎮 [0511] TOPOGRAPHY: Flattest and lowest-lying province in China (mostly below 50 m in elevation). 14 percent hilly land (North Jiangsu Hilly Land 丘陵, Ningzhen Hilly land 鎮丘陵, Maoshan Hills 山), 68 percent plains (Huang-Huai Plain 黃淮 原, Lixiahe Region 裡 河 地 , Taihu Plain 湖 原, Yangtze Delta 長 角 ), 18 percent water HIGHEST PEAK: Yuntai Mountain 雲台山 (625 m) in the North Jiangsu Hilly Land 丘陵 RIVERS AND LAKES: Due to its many rivers, canals, lakes and reservoirs, Jiangsu is also called “water country” (水鄉澤國). Major rivers: Yangtze River 長 , Huaihe 淮河, Yishu River 沭河 (Yihe 河, Shuhe 沭河, Si Canal 河), Qinhuai River 秦淮河, Chuanchang River 串暢河, Guanhe River 灌河, and others. Canals: Tongyang Canal 通揚 河, Grand Canal 大 河, Zhongyun Canal 中 河, Liyun Canal 裡 河, North Jiangsu General Irrigation Canal 灌溉 , and many others. More than 700 freshwater lakes: Taihu Lake 湖, Hongze Lake 洪澤湖, Gaoyou Lake 高 湖, Luoma Lake 駱馬湖, Shijiu Lake 石舊湖, Gehu Lake 湖, Baima Lake 馬湖, Yangcheng Lake 陽澄湖, and others CLIMATE: Jiangsu lies in a climatic transition zone between warm-temperate and subtropical climates, and as a coastal province is affected by both continental and maritime climate. Frequent “plum rains” (meiyu 梅雨) in spring and summer, typhoons in late summer and early autumn. North: warm-temperate and semi-humid, cold winters and hot, rainy summers. South: subtropical and humid with plentiful rain and warmer winters. Mean annual temperature 13º to 16ºC (January: -3º to 3ºC, July: 26º to 29ºC), 200 to 240 days frost-free. Mean annual precipitation 850 to 1200 mm, decreasing gradually from southeast to northwest (more in the north than in the south, more in the coastal areas than in the inland areas). 40-60 percent of precipitation falls in the summer, only 5-15 percent in the winter ECONOMY: Main agricultural products include paddy rice, wheat and barley, maize, sweet potatoes, soybeans, cash crops like cotton, rapeseed, peanuts, mulberry, silkworm cocoons, tea, fruits, 156 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— vegetables, livestock (pigs, poultry, sheep, donkeys), fishery and aquatic products; 60 percent of land is under cultivation. Mineral resources include coal, iron, manganese, copper, lead, zinc, serpentine, gypsum, sea salt, cement limestone, pottery clay, pyrite, phosphorus. Jiangsu has a remarkably high industrial output; main industries: textile industry (cotton, wool, linen, silk, synthetics), machinery industry (communications and transportations equipment), electronics industry, chemical industry. Jiangsu also has a long history in creating arts and crafts (embroidery, silk, brocade, carvings, ceramics). GRP 2005: 1830.566 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 223.150 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 24,489.17 Yuan RMB/US$ 2985.28 SIGHTS: Nanjing 南 (Zijinshan 紫金山, Tomb of Ming emperor Hongwu 明 陵, Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum 中山陵), gardens in Suzhou , Grand Canal 大 河, Zhouzhuang 周莊, Yixing 興, Yangzhou 揚 , Mudu 木瀆 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 13 subdivisions (13 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 106 subdivisions (54 districts, 27 county-level cities, 25 counties). , Tianning District • Changzhou City 常 [5 districts, 2 cities: Qishuyan District 戚墅 , Wujin District 進 , Xinbei District , Zhonglou District 鐘樓 ; Jintan City 金壇 , Liyang City 溧陽 ] • Huai’an City 淮安 [4 districts, 4 counties: Chuzhou District 楚 , Huaiyin District 淮陰 , Qinghe District 清河 , Qingpu District 清浦 ; Hongze County 洪澤縣, Jinhu County 金湖縣, Lianshui County 水縣, Xuyi County 盱眙縣] • Lianyungang City 連雲港 [3 districts, 4 counties: Haizhou District 海 , Lianyun District 連雲 , Xinpu District 浦 ; Donghai County 東海縣, Guannan County 灌南縣, Guanyun County 灌雲縣, Zhangyu County 贛榆縣] • Nanjing City 南 [11 districts, 2 counties: Baixia District , Gulou District 鼓樓 , , Jianye District 建鄴 , Liuhe District 合 , Pukou District 浦口 Jiangning District , Qinhuai District 秦淮 , Qixia District 霞 , Xiaguan District 關 , Xuanwu District 玄 , Yuhuatai District 雨花台 ; Gaochun County 高淳縣, Lishui County 溧水縣] • Nantong City 南通 [2 districts, 4 cities, 2 counties: Chongchuan District , Gangzha District 港閘 ; Haimen City 海門 , Qidong City 啟東 , Rugao City 如皋 , Tongzhou City 通 ; Haian County 海安縣, Rudong County 如東縣] • Suqian City 宿遷 [2 districts, 3 counties: Sucheng District 宿城 , Suyu District 宿豫 ; Shuyang County 沭陽縣, Sihong County 洪縣, Siyang County 陽縣] , Huqiu District 虎丘 , Jin• Suzhou City [6 districts, 5 cities: Canlang District 滄 chang District 金閶 , Pingjiang District , Wuzhong District 吳中 , Xiangcheng District 相城 ; Changshu City 常熟 , Kunshan City 昆山 , Taicang City 倉 , Wujiang City 吳 , Zhangjiagang City 張家港 ] • Taizhou City 泰 [2 districts, 4 cities: Gaogang District 高港 , Hailing District 海陵 ; , Jingjiang City 靖 , Taixing City 泰興 , Xinghua City 興 ] Jiangyan City 姜 • Wuxi City 無錫 [6 districts, 2 cities: Beitang District , Binhu District 湖 , Chongan District 安 , Huishan District 惠山 , Nanchang District 南長 , Xishan District 錫山 ; Jiangyin City 陰 , Yixing City 興 ] • Xuzhou City 徐 [5 districts, 2 cities, 4 counties: Gulou District 鼓樓 , Jiawang District 汪 , Jiuli District 九 , Quanshan District 山 , Yunlong District 雲龍 ; Pizhou City 邳 , Xinyi City ; Feng County 豐縣, Pei County 沛縣, Suining County 睢 縣, Tongshan County 銅山縣] • Yancheng City 城 [2 districts, 2 cities, 5 counties: Tinghu District 湖 , Yandu District ; Dafeng City 大豐 , Dongtai City 東台 ; Binhai County 海縣, Funing County 阜 157 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 縣, Jianhu County 建湖縣, Sheyang County 射陽縣, Xiangshui County 響水縣] • Yangzhou City 揚 [3 districts, 3 cities, 1 county: Guangling District 廣陵 , Hanjiang District 邗 , Weiyang District 維揚 ; Gaoyou City 高 , Jiangdu City , Yizheng City 儀 征 ; Baoying County 寶應縣] • Zhenjiang City 鎮 [3 districts, 3 cities: Dantu District 丹徒 , Jingkou District 口 , Runzhou District 潤 ; Danyang City 丹陽 , Jurong City 句容 , Yangzhong City 揚中 ] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Jiangdu [today’s Yangzhou 揚 ] (Sui 隋 581-618), Jiankang [today’s Nanjing 南 ] (Eastern Jin 東晉 317-419, Six Dynasties; Liu Song 劉 420-479, Southern Qi 南齊 479-502, Southern Liang 南梁 502-557, Southern Chen 南陳 557-589, Southern and Northern Dynasties/Six Dynasties), Jianye [today’s Nanjing 南 ] (Wu 吳 222-280, Three Kingdoms/Six Dynasties), Jinling 金陵 [today’s Nanjing 南 ] (Southern Tang 南唐 937-975, Ten Kingdoms), Nanking 南 [= Nanjing] (Ming 明 1368-1644, ROC 1912-1949), Yangzhou 揚 (Wu 吳 902-937, Ten Kingdoms) ABBREVIATION: Su —just a short form for Jiangsu, the abbreviation means “to revive” and also stands for Suzhou ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Jiangsu is a combination of the abbreviations for the city of Jiangning and the city of Suzhou , hence only indirectly related to the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang 長 ) OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Construction of the Grand canal 大 河, which runs through Jiangsu from north to south, began during the Sui Dynasty around 600 AD. The name of the Yangtze River commonly used in the west derives from the last stretch of the river from the city of Yangzhou 揚 to the ocean, which is called Yangzi Jiang 揚子 , in China the river is called “Long River” (長 ). With a height of 153.79 m (13 stories), the Tianning pagoda 塔 at Buddhist Tianning Temple 寺 in Changzhou 常 is China’s tallest pagoda. Huaxi village 華西村 in Jiangyin County 陰縣 is the richest village in the PRC. Before the establishment of the PRC, Jiangsu’s capital was Zhenjiang 鎮 . Jiangsu is the home province of former PRC president Jiang Zemin 澤民 (b. 1926) 18. Jiangxi 西 (aka Kiangsi, Chianghsi) AREA: 166,600 km²; population: 43.11 million (1949: 12.68 million, 1987: 35.58 million); population density: 258.76 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Jiangxi sheng 西 省 CAPITAL: Nanchang 南昌 (pop. 4.7517 million, latitude 28º38’ N, longitude 115º56’ E, elevation 50 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (99 percent of the population); Gerbao/Yao 瑤族, Hmong/Miao 苗 族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), She 畬族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Jiangxi (Gan) dialect 贛方言, Hakka 家話, Southern Fujian (Minnan) dialect 閩南話 LOCATION: Central-south China (latitude 24º29’ to 30º4’ N, longitude 113º34’ to 118º28’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Anhui 安徽, Fujian 福建, Guangdong 廣東, Hubei 湖 , Hunan 湖 南, Zhejiang MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Ganzhou 贛 [0797], Ji’an 吉安 [0796], Jingdezhen 德鎮 158 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— [0798], Jinggangshan 山 [0796], Jiujiang 九 [0792], Nanchang 南昌 [0791], Pingxiang 鄉 [0799] TOPOGRAPHY: 36 percent mountains (many in border regions to neighbouring provinces—north: Mufu Mountains 幕阜山, Jiuling Mountains 九岭山, Huaiyu Mountains 玉山, Huangshan Mountains 黃山; east: Wuyi Mountains 夷山 at the border with Fujian; south: Jiulian Range 九連山, Dayu Mountain Range 大庾嶺; west: Wugong Mountains 山, Luoxiao Mountains 羅霄山, Zhuguang Mountain 諸廣山, Wanyang Mountain 萬洋山), 42 percent hilly land (Central Hilly Land 贛中丘陵 with numerous basins like Ganzhou Basin 贛 盆 地, Ruijin Basin 瑞金盆地, Nanfeng Basin 南豐盆地, Xingguo Basin 興國盆地, and others), 22 percent plains (Poyang Plain 陽湖 原 in the north). More than half of Jiangxi is forested HIGHEST PEAK: Huanggang Mountain 黃 山 (2158 m) in the Wuyi Mountains 夷山 at the border with Fujian RIVERS AND LAKES: Yangtze River in the north 長 ; Gan River 贛 (Zhangshui 章水, Gongshui 貢水), Fuhe 撫河, Pojiang (Changjiang 昌 , Lean River 樂安 ), Xinjiang 信 , Xiushui 修水 (Dongjinshui 東津水, Wuningshui 水), and others. All rivers in Jiangxi except the Yangtze River empty into the Poyang Lake 陽湖 (China’s largest freshwater lake), which drains into the Yangtze River. Most of the other lakes in Jiangxi are reservoirs like Zhelin Reservoir 柘林水庫, Jiangkou Reservoir 口水庫, Hongmen Reservoir 洪門水庫, Doushui Reservoir 水水庫, Baiyunshan Reservoir 雲山水庫, Shangyou Reservoir 游水庫, and others CLIMATE: Warm and humid subtropical monsoon climate with four distinct seasons (springs and autumns shorter, winters and summers longer). Mean annual temperature 16º to 19ºC (January 4º to 9ºC, July 28º to 30ºC); Nanchang 南昌 is one of the hottest areas in China. Annual precipitation 1400 to 2000 mm, rainy season April to June when 40-50 percent of Jiangxi’s total annual precipitation falls, droughts in autumn ECONOMY: Main agricultural products from Jiangxi’s fertile alluvial lowlands include basic food crops like rice, wheat, and sweet potatoes, cash crops like cotton, rapeseed, peanuts, sesame, tobacco, jute, ramie, and sugarcane, tea varieties like Wulu 婺綠, Ninghong 紅 and Yunwu 雲霧, citrus fruit, animal husbandry (pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits, poultry) and freshwater fishery (fish, shellfish, etc.). Important center for production of timber and bamboo. More than 120 kinds of mineral resources—tungsten, copper, coal, iron, tantalum, uranium, niobium, manganese, lead, zinc, molybdenum, bismuth, rock salt, porcelain clay, limestone, and others. Major industries: mining, coking, steel production, crude oil refining, machinery production, automobile production, porcelain industry in Jingdezhen 德鎮, cement, raw salt, electronics, chemical fibres, sugar, paper, consumer goods. GRP 2005: 405.676 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 49.452 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 9410.25 Yuan RMB/US$ 1147.11 SIGHTS: Jingdezhen 德鎮, Lushan 盧山 (1474 m), Tengwang Pavilion 滕王閣 in Nanchang 南 昌, Jinggangshan 山 (ca. 1000 m) ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 11 subdivisions (11 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 99 subdivisions (19 districts, 10 county-level cities, 70 counties). ; Chongren County 縣, • Fuzhou City 撫 [1 district, 10 counties: Linchuan District Dongxiang County 東鄉縣, Guangchang County 廣昌縣, Jinxi County 金 縣, Lean County 樂 安縣, Lichuan County 黎 縣, Nancheng County 南城縣, Nanfeng County 南豐縣, Yihuang 縣] County 黃縣, Zixi County • Ganzhou City 贛 [1 district, 2 cities, 15 counties: Zhanggong District 章貢 ; Nankang City 159 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— • • • • • • • • • 南 , Ruijin City 瑞金 ; Anyuan County 安遠縣, Chongyi County 義縣, Dayu County 大 縣, Dingnan County 南縣, Gan County 贛縣, Huichang County 會昌縣, Longnan County 龍南縣, Ningdu County 縣, Quannan County 南縣, Shangyou County 猶縣, Shicheng County 石城縣, Xinfeng County 信豐縣, Xingguo County 興國縣, Xunwu County 尋 烏縣, Yudu County 于 縣] Ji’an City 吉安 [2 districts, 1 city, 10 counties: Jizhou District 吉 , Qingyuan District 青原 ; Jinggangshan City 山 ; Anfu County 安福縣, Ji’an County 吉安縣, Jishui County 吉 水縣, Suichuan County 遂 縣, Taihe County 泰和縣, Wan’an County 萬安縣, Xiajiang County 峽 縣, Xin’gan County 幹縣, Yongfeng County 豐縣, Yongxin County 縣] , Zhushan Jingdezhen City 德鎮 [2 districts, 1 city, 1 county: Changjiang District 昌 ; Fuliang County 浮梁縣] District 珠山 ; Leping City 樂 Jiujiang City 九 [2 districts, 1 city, 9 counties: Lushan District 廬山 , Xunyang District 陽 ; Ruichang City 瑞昌 ; Dean County 德安縣, Duchang County 昌縣, Hukou County 湖 縣, Xingzi County 口縣, Jiujiang County 九 縣, Pengze County 澤縣, Wuning County 星子縣, Xiushui County 修水縣, Yongxiu County 修縣] Nanchang City 南昌 [5 districts, 4 counties: Donghu District 東湖 , Qingshanhu District 青山 , Xihu District 西湖 ; Anyi 湖 , Qingyunpu District 青雲譜 , Wanli District County 安義縣, Jinxian County 進賢縣, Nanchang County 南昌縣, Xinjian County 建縣] Pingxiang City 鄉 [2 districts, 3 counties: Anyuan District 安源 , Xiangdong District 湘東 ; Lianhua County 蓮花縣, Luxi County 縣, Shangli County 栗縣] Shangrao City 饒 [1 district, 1 city, 10 counties: Xinzhou District 信 ; Dexing City 德興 ; Guangfeng County 廣豐縣, Hengfeng County 橫峰縣, Poyang County 陽縣, Qianshan County 鉛山縣, Shangrao County 饒縣, Wannian County 萬 縣, Wuyuan County 婺源縣, Yiyang County 弋陽縣, Yugan County 餘幹縣, Yushan County 玉山縣] Xinyu City 餘 [1 district, 1 county: Yushui District 渝水 ; Fenyi County 分 縣] ; Fengcheng City 豐 Yichun City 春 [1 district, 3 cities, 6 counties: Yuanzhou District 袁 ; Fengxin County 縣, Jing’an County 靖 城 , Gaoan City 高安 , Zhangshu City 樟 安縣, Shanggao County 高縣, Tonggu County 銅鼓縣, Wanzai County 萬載縣, Yifeng County 豐縣] ; YuYingtan City 鷹 [1 district, 1 city, 1 county: Yuehu District 月湖 ; Guixi City 貴 jiang County 縣] ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Jiangxi (= west of the river) refers to the Yangtze River 長 ABBREVIATION: Gan 贛—the Gan river 贛 passes the province from south to north OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Porcelain from Jingdezhen 德鎮, especially egg-shell porcelain, became so famous worldwide that “porcelain” and “China” are today synonymous. Nanchang 南昌 is regarded as the birthplace of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) since a failed uprising in August 1927 occurred in this city. Jinggangshan 山 and Ruijin 瑞金 were important Communist strongholds before the Long March 長征 (1934-1935) 19. Jilin 吉林 (aka Kirin, Chilin) AREA: 187,000 km²; population: 27.16 million (1949: 10.09 million, 1987: 23.46 million); population density: 145.24 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Jilin sheng 吉林省 160 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— CAPITAL: Changchun 長春 (pop. 7.315 million, latitude 43º50’ N, longitude 125º20’ E, elevation 238 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (93 percent of the population); Dahur/Daur 斡爾族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Sibo/Xibe 錫伯族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin), Korean LOCATION: Northeast China 東 —former Manchuria (latitude 40º52’ to 46º10’ N, longitude 121º38’ to 131º19’ E), landlocked (no direct access to the Sea of Japan 海) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: Heilongjiang 黑龍 , Inner Mongolia 蒙古, Liaoning 遼 ; North Korea, Russia MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Changchun 長春 [0431], Jilin 吉林 [0432], Liaoyuan 遼源 [0437], Siping 四 [0434], Tonghua 通 [0435], Tumen 圖們 [0433], Yanji 延吉 [0433] TOPOGRAPHY: High in the southeast and low in the northwest. 38 percent mountains—Changbai Mountain Area 長 山 , Zhangguangcai Mountains 張廣 岭; 25 percent low hills and hilly land—Hada Range 哈 岭, Longgang Mountains 龍 山, Laoye Range 爺岭, and others; 37 percent plains—Songliao Plain 松遼 原, Hunchun Plain 琿春 原, and others HIGHEST PEAK: The volcano Baitou Mountain 頭山 (2744 m) in the Changbai Mountain Area 長 山 RIVERS AND LAKES: Songari River 松花 , Liaohe 遼河/Dongliao River 東遼河, Suifen River 綏 芬河, Yalu River 鴨綠 and Tumen River 圖們 , the latter two mark the border with North Korea. Lakes: Songhua Lake 松花湖, Tianchi Lake (= Heaven Pool, a volcanic crater lake and source of the Yalu River 鴨綠 ), Qagan Nur 查 , Dabusu Pao 大 , Yueliang Pao 月 and some reservoirs like Erlongshan Reservoir 龍山水庫 and others; Songhua Lake is in fact a reservoir and is sometimes called “Fengman Reservoir” (豐 滿水庫) CLIMATE: Temperate continental monsoon climate with long, cold and dry winters (last six months, earth is frozen up to over one meter below the surface), short, warm and rainy summers, windy and dusty springs. Mean annual temperature 2º to 5ºC (January: -15º to –20ºC, extreme lows under –35ºC, July: 20º to 24ºC, highest temperatures up to 38ºC). Annual precipitation 400 to 1000 mm, decreasing gradually from southeast to northwest, average 600 mm, unevenly dispersed over the year (60 percent fall between June and August) ECONOMY: Main agricultural products include grains like maize, millet, sorghum, rice, also corn, soybeans, sweet potatoes, and cash crops like sugar beets, cured tobacco and sunflower. Other agricultural sectors: forestry (timber production; 38 percent of Jilin is forested), animal husbandry (oxen, horses, pigs, and sheep), freshwater fishery. The “three treasures of northeast China” (東 寶/關東 寶) are ginseng, pilose deer antlers, and marten fur. Mineral resources include gold, nickel, molybdenum, coal, limestone, graphite, white jade, and oil shale deposits. Jilin’s industry is highly developed, major industries are the vehicle industry (cars, tractors, passenger railway carriages), chemical industry, optical instruments, synthetic fabrics, paper and cardboard production, machine building, and others. The PRC’s government is increasingly encouraging foreign investment in the province. GRP 2005: 362.027 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 44.131 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 13,329.41 Yuan RMB/US$ 1624.85 SIGHTS: Changchun 長春, the nature reserve of Changbai Shan 長 山 (2749 m), Heaven Pool on Baitou Mountain 頭山 at the border with North Korea, Songhua Hu 松花湖, ski resorts in Beidahu 大湖 and Qingshan 青山, Tonghua 通 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 9 subdivisions (8 prefecture-level cities, 1 autonomous prefecture); on the county level, there are 60 subdivisions (19 districts, 161 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 20 county-level cities, 18 counties, 3 autonomous counties). ; Daan City 大安 , • Baicheng City 城 [1 district, 2 cities, 2 counties: Taobei District 洮 Taonan City 洮南 ; Tongyu County 通榆縣, Zhenlai County 鎮賚縣] • Baishan City 山 [2 districts, 1 city, 2 counties, 1 autonomous county: Badaojiang District , Jiangyuan District 源 ; Linjiang City ; Fusong County 撫松縣, Jingyu County 靖宇縣; Changbai Korean Autonomous County 長 朝鮮族自治縣] • Changchun City 長春 [6 districts, 3 cities, 1 county: Chaoyang District 朝陽 , Erdao District , Kuancheng District 寬城 , Lüyuan District 綠 , Nanguan District 南關 , Shuangyang District 雙陽 ; Dehui City 德惠 , Jiutai City 九台 , Yushu City 榆 ; Nongan County 農安縣] • Jilin City 吉林 [4 districts, 4 cities, 1 county: Changyi District 昌邑 , Chuanying District 船營 , Fengman District 豐滿 , Longtan District 龍 ; Huadian City 甸 , Jiaohe City 蛟河 , Panshi City 磐石 , Shulan City 舒蘭 ; Yongji County 吉縣] • Liaoyuan City 遼源 [2 districts, 2 counties: Longshan District 龍山 , Xi’an District 西安 ; Dongfeng County 東豐縣, Dongliao County 東遼縣] • Siping City 四 [2 districts, 2 cities, 1 county, 1 autonomous county: Tiedong District 鐵東 , Tiexi District 鐵西 ; Gongzhuling City 主嶺 , Shuangliao City 雙遼 ; Lishu City 縣; Yitong Manchu Autonomous County 伊通滿族自治縣] ; • Songyuan City 松原 [1 district, 3 counties, 1 autonomous county: Ningjiang District Changling County 長嶺縣, Fuyu City 扶 縣, Qian’an County 乾安縣; Qian Gorlos Mongol Autonomous County 前郭爾羅 蒙古族自治縣] • Tonghua City 通 [2 districts, 2 cities, 3 counties: Dongchang District 東昌 , Erdaojiang ; Ji’an City 集安 , Meihekou City 梅河口 ; Huinan County 輝南縣, District Liuhe County 河縣, Tonghua County 通 縣] • Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治 [6 cities, 2 counties: Dunhua , Helong City 和龍 , Hunchun City 琿春 , Longjing City 龍 , Tumen City City 敦 圖們 , Yanji City 延吉 ; Antu County 安圖縣, Wangqing County 汪清縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Changchun 長春 (Japanese puppet state Manchukuo 滿 國 1932-1945) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Jilin province is named after the city of Jilin, the city’s original full name in the Manchurian language was Jilin Wula 吉林烏拉, meaning “along the river” ABBREVIATION: Ji 吉—just a short form of Jilin, the abbreviation means “lucky” or “auspicious” OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: When the northeastern provinces were rearranged after the establishment of the PRC, Jilin received parts of the provinces Antung 安東, Liaopeh 遼 and Sungkiang 松 , and before that the province’s capital was Jilin City 20. Liaoning 遼 (aka Liauning) AREA: 145,700 km²; population: 42.21 million (1949: 18.31 million, 1987: 37 million); population density: 289.70 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Liaoning sheng 遼 省 CAPITAL: Shenyang 瀋陽 (pop. 6.9857 million, latitude 41º50’ N, longitude 123º26’ E, elevation 43 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (95percent of the population); Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 162 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Sibo/Xibe 錫伯族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: Northeast China 東 —former Manchuria (latitude 38º43’ to 43º26’ N, longitude 118º53’ to 125º46’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: Hebei 河 , Inner Mongolia 蒙古, Jilin 吉林; North Korea ADJACENT SEAS: Bohai Sea 渤海, Yellow Sea 黃海; length of coastline 2178 km MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Anshan 鞍山 [0412], Benxi [0414], Dalian 大連 [0411], Dandong 丹東 [0457], Fushun 撫 [0413], Fuxin 阜 [0453], Jinzhou 錦 [0452], Huludao 葫 島 [0429], Shenyang 瀋陽 (former Mukden ) [024], Wafangdian 瓦 店 [0411], Yingkou 營口 [0453] TOPOGRAPHY: 62 percent mountains (Changbai Mountains 長 山, Qianshan Mountains 千山, Longgang Mountains 龍 山, Yiwulü Mountains 醫巫 山, Nulu Erhu Mountains 魯兒 虎山, Tieling Mountain Range 鐵岭山, Song Mountains 松嶺山脈), 30 percent plains (Liaohe River Plain 遼河流 原, Liaoxi Corridor 遼西走 ), 8 percent water. The Liaodong Peninsula 遼東半島 stretches out southwest into the sea between the mouths of the Liaohe River 遼河 and the Yalu River 鴨綠 and forms a natural barrier between the Bohai Sea 渤海 and the Yellow Sea 黃海. About 60 offshore islands: Changxing Island 長興島, Xizhong Island 西中島, Dachangshan Island 大長山島, Xiaochangshan Island 小長山島, Guanglu Island 廣鹿島, Juhua Island 菊花島, Shicheng Island 石城島, Haiyang Island 海洋 島, and others HIGHEST PEAK: Laotuding Mountain 頂山 (1325 m) in the east of the province RIVERS AND LAKES: Liaohe River 遼河 (Hunhe River 渾河, Taizi River 子河), Yalu River 鴨綠 (Hunhe River 渾河), Daling River 大凌河, Xiaoling River 小凌河. There are two rivers in Liaoning named Hunhe River 渾河, one is a tributary of the Liaohe River and one a tributary of the Yalu River. Most lakes in Liaoning are reservoirs like Dahuofan Reservoir 大伙 水庫, Huilongshan Reservoir 回龍山水庫, Hengren Reservoir 恆 水庫, Canwo Reservoir 參 水庫, and others CLIMATE: Temperate monsoon and continental climate—hot summers with abundant rainfall, cold winters, short and windy springs. Mean annual temperature 5ºC in the north and northeast, 10ºC in the south (January –10º to –16ºC in the north, south –5ºC, July 22º to 26ºC throughout the province). Annual precipitation 500 to 700 mm, at the southeast coast up to 1200 mm. 65 percent of rain falls in the summer, particularly in July and August, droughts common in spring ECONOMY: Main agricultural products include food crops like maize, rice, sorghum, and soybeans, cash crops like peanuts, sunflowers, tobacco, sugar beets, vegetables, fruit, cotton, and ginseng. Other sectors of agriculture: tussah breeding, coastal fishery, forestry, animal husbandry (sheep, oxen). Abundant mineral resources—iron ore, magnesium, boron, coal, crude oil, diamonds, sea salt. Liaoning is an important heavy industry base that produces electricity, pig iron, steel (steel complexes at Anshan, Benxi, Dalian, and Fushun), soda ash, coke, plate glass, mine equipment, metal-cutting machine tools, building materials, locomotives, production of nonferrous metals, coal, oil, and natural gas. Light industries include textiles, paper making, chemical fiber production, tussah silk, washing machines, beer brewing. GRP 2005: 800.901 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 97.631 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 18,974.20 Yuan RMB/US$ 2312.98 SIGHTS: Shenyang 瀋陽, North Tomb 陵, Dalian 大連 and Port Arthur 旅 , Dandong 丹東 at the border with North Korea (opposite Sinuiju 義 on the Yalu River 鴨綠 ), Jin- 163 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— zhou 錦 , Anshan City Qianshan Scenic Area 鞍山 千山風 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 14 subdivisions (14 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 100 subdivisions (56 districts, 17 county-level cities, 19 counties, 8 autonomous counties). • Anshan City 鞍山 [4 districts, 1 city, 1 county, 1 autonomous county: Lishan District 立山 , Qianshan District 千山 , Tiedong District 鐵東 , Tiexi District 鐵西 ; Haicheng City 海城 ; Taian County 台安縣; Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County 岫岩滿族自治縣] • Benxi City [4 districts, 2 autonomous counties: Mingshan District 明山 , Nanfen District 南芬 , Pingshan District 山 , Xihu District 湖 ; Benxi Manchu Autonomous County 滿族自治縣, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County 桓 滿族自治縣] • Chaoyang City 朝陽 [2 districts, 2 cities, 2 counties, 1 autonomous county: Longcheng District 龍 城 , Shuangta District 雙塔 ; Beipiao City 票 , Lingyuan City 凌源 ; Chaoyang County 朝陽縣, Jianping County 建 縣; Harqin Zuoyi (Left Wing) Mongol Autonomous County 喀喇 翼蒙古族自治縣] • Dalian City 大連 [6 districts, 3 cities, 1 county: Ganjingzi District 甘 子 , Jinzhou District 金 , Lüshunkou District 旅 口 , Shahekou District 沙河口 , Xigang District 西 , Zhongshan District 中山 ; Pulandian City 蘭店 , Wafangdian City 瓦 店 , Zhuanghe City 庄河 ; Changhai County 長海縣] • Dandong City 丹東 [3 districts, 2 cities, 1 autonomous county: Yuanbao District 元寶 , Zhen’an District 振安 , Zhenxing District 振興 ; Donggang City 東港 , Fengcheng City 城 ; Kuandian Manchu Autonomous County 寬甸滿族自治縣] , • Fushun City 撫 [4 districts, 1 county, 2 autonomous counties: Dongzhou District 東 Shuncheng District 城 , Wanghua District 望花 , Xinfu District 撫 ; Fushun County 撫 縣 ; Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County 清 原 滿 族 自 治 縣 , Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County 賓滿族自治縣] , Qinghe• Fuxin City 阜 [5 districts, 1 county, 1 autonomous county: Haizhou District 海 , Xihe District 細河 , Xinqiu District 邱 ; men District 清河門 , Taiping District Zhangwu County 彰 縣; Fuxin Mongol Autonomous County 阜 蒙古族自治縣] • Huludao City 葫 島 [3 districts, 1 city, 2 counties: Lianshan District 連山 , Longgang District 龍港 , Nanpiao District 南票 ; Xingcheng City 興城 ; Jianchang County 建昌縣, Suizhong County 綏中縣] • Jinzhou City 錦 [3 districts, 2 cities, 2 counties: Guta District 古塔 , Linghe District 凌河 , Taihe District 和 ; Beizhen City 鎮 , Linghai City 凌海 ; Heishan County 黑山縣, Yi County 義縣] • Liaoyang City 遼陽 [5 districts, 1 city, 1 county: Baita District 塔 , Gongchangling District 弓長嶺 , Hongwei District 宏偉 , Taizihe District 子河 , Wensheng District 文聖 ; Dengta City 燈塔 ; Liaoyang County 遼陽縣] • Panjin City 錦 [2 districts, 2 counties: Shuangtaizi District 雙檯子 , Xinglongtai District 興 隆台 ; Dawa County 大 縣, Panshan County 山縣] • Shenyang City 瀋陽 [9 districts, 1 city, 3 counties: Dadong District 大東 , Dongling District 東 , Huanggu District 皇姑 , Shenbeixin District 沈 , Shenhe 陵 , Heping District 和 District 瀋河 , Sujiatun District 家屯 , Tiexi District 鐵西 , Yuhong District 洪 ; 縣, Liaozhong County 遼中 Xinmin City 民 ; Faku County 庫縣, Kangping County 縣] • Tieling City 鐵嶺 [2 districts, 2 cities, 3 counties: Qinghe District 清河 , Yinzhou District 銀 ; Kaiyuan City 開原 , Tiaobingshan City 調兵山 ; Changtu County 昌圖縣, Tieling County 鐵嶺縣, Xifeng County 西豐縣] 164 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— • Yingkou City 營口 Xishi District 西 ] [4 districts, 2 cities: Bayujuan District 鮁魚圈 , Laobian District 邊 , , Zhanqian District 站前 ; Dashiqiao City 大石橋 , Gaizhou City 蓋 HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Longcheng 龍城 [today’s Chaoyang 朝陽] (Former Yan 前 燕 349-370 and Northern Yan 燕 409-439, Sixteen Nations) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Liaoning is named after the Liaohe River 遼河, and when the name Liaoning was chosen in 1929 it expressed a wish that the river and the region around it would be peaceful forever (“ning” [ ] means peaceful, tranquil) ABBREVIATION: Liao 遼—just a short form of Liaoning, the abbreviation means “distant” or “faraway” OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: In 1985, fossils of a homo erectus (age: ca. 250,000 to 300,000 years) were unearthed in Jinniushan 金牛山 (Yingkou County 營口縣). In ancient times, Liaoning’s capital Shenyang was called “Fengtian” ( ), the pronunciation in the Manchurian language is Mukden, a rather familiar name to older generations in the West; the Japanese occupation of China in the first half of the 20th century began with the “Mukden Incident” in September 1931. Dalian City, sometimes spelled Dairen City, was called “Port Arthur” (旅 ) in the 19th century. Liaoning is the homeland of the Manchu nationality and has a well developed infrastructure, especially its railway. When the northeastern provinces were rearranged after the establishment of the PRC, Liaoning received parts of the provinces Antung 安東, Jehol 熱河 and Liaopeh 遼 . Liaoning is the home province of the PRC’s first taikonaut, Yang Liwei 楊利偉 21. Macau 澳門 (aka Macao) AREA: 28.6 km²; population: 477,000 (1986: 426,000); population density: 20,297.87 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Special administrative region (tebie xingzhengqu 特別行 ) of the PRC [since December 1999], full name in Chinese: Aomen tebie xingzhengqu 澳門特別行 NATIONALITIES: Han 族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Cantonese 廣東話, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: South China (latitude 22º10’ to 22º20’ N, longitude 113º33’ to 113º55’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCE: Guangdong 廣東 ADJACENT SEAS: South China Sea 南海; length of coastline 41 km GEOGRAPHY: Macau lies on the west side of the Pearl River Estuary 珠 角 at the coast of Guangdong close to the city of Zhuhai 珠海, 65 km west of Hong Kong 香港. This tiny territory consists of the Macau Peninsula 澳門半島 (9.3 km²), two islands (Coloane 路環島 with 7.6 km² and Taipa 仔島 with 6.5 km²) and the reclaimed area COTAI 路 填海 (5.2 km²). Macau has a slightly hilly terrain—the highest natural point is Coloane Alto 疊石 山 with 172 m. There are no rivers, but two small reservoirs on Coloane Island: Hac Sa Reservoir 黑沙水庫 and Ka Ho Reservoir 九澳水庫 CLIMATE: Tropical marine climate with warm summers and cool winters. Mean annual temperature 22.3ºC (January 14.5ºC, July 28.6ºC), annual precipitation varies greatly from year to year and ranges between 1000 and 3000 mm, average around 2000 mm (October to March dry season). Macau can be affected by typhoons between May and October 165 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— ECONOMY: Main industries are gambling and tourism (“Asia’s Las Vegas”). Macau has some light industry like fireworks, textile, and garment production, other sectors of the economy are trade and fishery. GDP 2005: M$ 92.59 billion/US$ 11.56 billion, per capita GDP 2005: M$ 194,458/US$ 24,274 SIGHTS: Façade of the church of St. Paul 大 巴牌坊, Macau Museum 澳門博物館, Casino Hotel Lisboa 葡 酒店, Macau Palace Floating Casino 皇宮娛樂 , Macau Tower 澳門旅 塔 (233 m), Macau Grand Prix 澳門格蘭披治大賽車; fascinating fusion of Mediterranean and Asian architecture, food and lifestyle ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: Macau was formerly divided into two municipalities (Macau 澳門 , Islands 海島 ) and seven parishes. When Macau became a SAR in 1999, the municipalities were abolished and the parishes were voided of administrative functions. In their place is a new administrative body, the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau 民 署 (in Portuguese: Instituto para os Assuntos Civicos e Municipais) under the Secretariat for Administration and Justice 行 務司 (Secretaria da Administracao e Justica) of the SAR government. The parishes are still officially recognized but only on a symbolic basis. The seven parishes—Macau peninsula: Cathedral Parish 大堂 (Freguesia da Se), Our Lady of Fatima Parish 花地瑪堂 (Freguesia de Nossa Senhora de Fatima), St. Anthony Parish 聖安多尼 堂 /花王堂 (Freguesia de Santo Antonio), St. Lawrence Parish 風 堂 /聖 愣 堂 (Freguesia de Sao Lourenco), St. Lazarus Parish 望德堂 (Freguesia de Sao Lazaro); Coloane: St. Francis Xavier’s Parish 聖方 各堂 (Freguesia de Sao Francisco Xavier); Taipa: Our Lady of Carmel Parish 嘉模堂 (Freguesia de Nossa Senhora do Carmo). ORIGIN OF THE CITY’S NAME: Macau is a word in Cantonese pronunciation, in Mandarin Chinese the city is called “Aomen”, which in English means “gate of the bay” ABBREVIATION: Ao 澳—just a short form of Macau, the abbreviation means “bay” INTERNATIONAL DIALLING CODE: +853 OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: In 1557, Macau was rented by Portugal from the Chinese as a port and trade hub, and in a treaty the Qing court recognized Portugal’s sovereignty over Macau in 1887. After it was returned to China in 1999, Macau retained its own currency, the “Pataca” (aomenbi 澳門幣, 1 M$ = 100 Avos), which is pegged to the Hong Kong Dollar at an exchange rate of M$ 103.20 to HK$ 100. Macau’s judiciary and local laws are separated from the PRC, and there is no capital punishment. Macau’s territory keeps increasing as a result of continued land reclamation, seen especially in the two formerly separated islands Coloane and Taipa, which have now been joined. Macau has its own international airport on Taipa 22. Ningxia 夏 (aka Ninghsia, Ningsia) AREA: 66,400 km²; population: 5.96 million (1949: 1.2 million, 1987: 4.35 million); population density: 89.75 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Autonomous Region (zizhiqu 自治 ) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Ningxia Huizu zizhiqu 夏回族自治 CAPITAL: Yinchuan 銀 (pop. 1.406 million, latitude 38º26’ N, longitude 106º18’ E, elevation 1111 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Chuang 壯族, Dongxiang 東鄉族, Hmong/Miao 苗族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Tibetan 藏族, Uighur 維吾爾族 166 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: North-northwest China (latitude 35º14’ to 39º23’ N, longitude 104º17’ to 107º38’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Gansu 甘肅, Inner Mongolia 蒙古, Shaanxi 西 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Qingtongxia 青銅峽 [0953], Shizuishan 石嘴山 [0952], Yinchuan 銀 [0951] TOPOGRAPHY: Ningxia averages over 1000 m in elevation and extends across the Loess Plateau 黃 土高原 and the Inner Mongolia Plateau 蒙古高原. Four topographical areas—Ningxia Plain 夏 原 (Qingtongxia Gorge 青銅峽 between the Yinchuan-Wuzhong Plain 銀吳 原 and the Zhongwei-Zhongning Plain 衛 原), Eastern Plateau 東南部高原 (part of the Loess Plateau), Helan Mountains 賀蘭山地 (at the border with Inner Mongolia), Liupan Mountains 山地 (watershed between Weihe River 渭河 and Jinghe River 涇河); the north is lower-lying than the south HIGHEST PEAK: Helan Mountains 賀蘭山地 (highest peak 3556 m) at the border with Inner Mongolia RIVERS AND LAKES: Huanghe 黃河, Qingshui River 清水 , Weihe River 渭河, Jinghe River 涇河, Kushui River 水河 (riverbed contains salt and alkali), Hulu River 葫 河. Many canals were built in the province for irrigation, e. g. Qin Canal 秦 , Han Canal , Tanglai Canal 唐徠 , Huinong Canal 惠農 and several others. Except in the area of the Huanghe there are few lakes in Ningxia, most of them small reservoirs CLIMATE: Continental climate with drastically changing temperatures, little rainfall and excessive evaporation. Long, cold winters and short, hot summers. Mean annual temperature 5º to 9ºC (January –13º to –7ºC, July 17º to 26ºC), temperatures rising from north to south. Average rainfall about 200 mm a year (can vary greatly from year to year), at the windward side of the Liupan Mountains 山地 400 to 700 mm. 60 percent of the rain falls between July and September—the rainy season in summer is short but rainfall is heavy ECONOMY: Agricultural products include wheat, rice, broom corn millet, sorghum, cash crops like oil-bearing flax, rape, hemp, and sugar beets, animal husbandry based on sheep raising, also goats and pigs, limited fishery and forestry. Mineral resources: coal and anthracite, petroleum, phosphorus, limestone, gypsum, salt, iron and tantalum. Main industries: coal mining and electric power generation, metallurgy, machine building, light industry (textiles, foodstuffs and paper production). GRP 2005: 60.610 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 7.388 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 10,169.46 Yuan RMB/US$ 1239.59 SIGHTS: Yinchuan 銀 (Northern Pagoda 塔, Zhenhai Pagoda 鎮海塔), Tombs of the Western Xia Kings 西夏王陵, Zhongwei 中衛, Xumi Shan Rock Cave 須彌山石窟, Qingtongxia 青銅峽, Tongxin 同心 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 5 subdivisions (5 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 21 subdivisions (8 districts, 2 county-level cities, 11 counties). ; Jingyuan County 涇源縣, • Guyuan City 固原 [1 district, 4 counties: Yuanzhou District 原 Longde County 隆德縣, Pengyang County 陽縣, Xiji County 西吉縣] • Shizuishan City 石嘴山 [2 districts, 1 county: Dawukou District 大 口 , Huinong District 惠農 ; Pingluo County 羅縣] • Wuzhong City 吳忠 [1 district, 1 city, 2 counties: Litong District 利通 ; Qingtongxia City 青 銅峽 ; Tongxin County 同心縣, Yanchi County 縣] , Xingqing District 興 • Yinchuan City 銀 [3 districts, 1 city, 2 counties: Jinfeng District 金 ; Helan County 賀蘭縣, Yongning County 慶 , Xixia District 西夏 ; Lingwu City 靈 167 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 縣] • Zhongwei City 中衛 [1 district, 2 counties: Shapotou District 沙坡頭 ; Haiyuan County 海原 縣, Zhongning County 中 縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Xingqing 興慶 [today’s Yinchuan 銀 ] (Western Xia 西夏 1038-1227) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Ningxia is named after the ancient state of Western Xia 西夏 (1038-1227) which had its capital in Xingqing 興慶 (today’s Yinchuan 銀 ). When the region was first named “Ningxia Area” [Ningxia lu 夏路] in the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), it expressed a wish that the region would be peaceful (“ning” [ ] means peaceful, tranquil) ABBREVIATION: Ning —just a short form of Ningxia, the abbreviation means “tranquil” and is also used as short form for Nanjing 南 (capital of Jiangsu province) OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Before the establishment of the PRC, Ningxia Province was significantly larger, but a large part of its territory was given to Inner Mongolia, and the southern part of today’s Ningxia Province was taken from Gansu. Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was established in October 1958. Islam is strong here 23. Qinghai 青海 (aka Tsinghai, Chinghai, Ch’ing- hai) AREA: 720,000 km²; population: 5.43 million (1949: 1.48 million, 1987: 4.28 million); population density: 7.54 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Qinghai sheng 青海省 CAPITAL: Xining 西 (pop. 2.099 million, latitude 36º35’ N, longitude 101º40’ E, elevation 2275 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (over 60 percent of Qinghai’s population); Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Kazakh 哈薩克族, Mongol 蒙古族, Salar 撒拉族, Tibetan 藏族, Tu 土族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Tibetan, Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: Southwest China (latitude 31º39’ to 39º19’ N, longitude 89º35’ to 103º4’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Gansu 甘肅, Sichuan 四 , Tibet 西藏, Xinjiang 疆 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Golmud 格爾木 [0979], Xining 西 [0971], Yushu 玉 [0976] TOPOGRAPHY: Steep terrain with 65 percent mountains and 35 percent plains and valleys. 80 percent of the province has an elevation of over 3000 m (lowest point—Huangshui River Valley 水河流 at 1650 m). Three topographic areas—Qilian Mountain Area 祁連山 (including Lenglong Ridge 龍嶺, Daban Mountains 阪山, Laji Mountains 拉脊山, Qinghai Lake Basin 青海湖盆地, Datong River Valley 大通河流 , Huangshui River Valley, Huanghe River Valley 黃河流 in the east, Sulenanshan 疏勒南山 and Zoulangnanshan 走 南山 in the west); Qaidam (or Tsaidam) Basin 木盆地 (a closed inland basin, surrounded by the Qilian Mountains, Altun Mountains 爾金山, Kunlun Mountains 崑崙山 [highest peak in Qinghai: Bukadaban 喀 阪峰 at 6860 m] and Qimantag Mountains 祁 塔格山); Southern Qinghai Plateau 青南高原 (part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高 原, with the Kunlun Mountains, Burhan Budai 爾汗 山, Hoh Xil 可可西 山, Dangla 唐古拉山, Bayan Har 巴顏喀拉山 and Anyemaqen Mountains 尼瑪卿山 as a framework). Almost half of the province’s area is pasture that can be used to graze animals HIGHEST PEAK: Bukadaban 喀 阪峰 (6860 m) in the Kunlun Mountains 崑崙山 168 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— RIVERS AND LAKES: The Huanghe 黃河 (“Yellow River”) has its source (Kariqu 卡 曲 in the Bayan Har Mountains 巴顏喀拉山) in the Southern Qinghai Plateau 青南高原, as does the Yangtze River 長 (sources: Tuotuo He 沱沱河 in the Dangla Mountains 唐古拉山 and Chuma’er He 楚瑪爾河). Rivers in the south and east of the province are mostly exterior rivers—besides the Huanghe (major tributary: Huangshui River 水河) and Yangtze rivers, there are the Yalong River 雅礱 , the Zaqu 曲 (called Lantsang River 瀾滄 in its lower stages), Tongtian River 通 河 and Datong River 大通河; rivers in the north and the west are mostly interior rivers like the Qaidam River 木河, Golmud River 格爾木河, Heihe 黑河, Danghe 黨河, Narin Gol River 稜郭勒, Buh River 哈河 (flows into Qinghai Lake 青海湖), and others, most of them intermittent streams; inland drainage area west of Riyue Mountains 月山. There are about 230 lakes in the province, which are of three types: freshwater, saltwater, and salt lakes. Qinghai Lake (= Koko Nor) is the largest saltwater lake in China. About 80 freshwater lakes, including Gyaring/Zhaling Lake 陵湖 (also called Chalinghai 查靈海), Ngoring/Eling Lake 鄂陵湖, Toson 托素湖, Har 哈拉湖, Alag 拉克湖, and others, are found there. Salt lakes: Qarhan Salt Lake 察爾汗 湖 (largest salt lake in China), Caka Salt Lake 茶卡 湖, and others CLIMATE: Continental highland climate characterized by a great deal of sunshine and strong solar radiation with sharp temperature differences in various areas. Long, cold winters and short, cool summers, frequent thunderstorms, hailstorms, strong winds, and sandstorms (February to April). Mean annual temperature in Southern Qinghai Plateau 青南高原 and Qilian Mountains 祁連山 between –8º and 0ºC, other areas 0º to 6ºC. Average temperature in January –8ºC (in the southwest of the province as low as -20ºC); averages in July 0º to 20ºC. Daily differences in temperature about 15º, in the basin sometimes 30º. Precipitation differs in various areas—provincial average under 300 mm, eastern section of Southern Qinghai Plateau more than 500 mm, Qaidam Basin 木盆地 less than 200 mm, western part of that basin less than 50 mm ECONOMY: Focus in Qinghai on agriculture, especially animal husbandry (cattle, sheep, pigs, yak and horses, goats). Crops include spring wheat, highland barley, potatoes, rape, apples. Mineral resources include salt, sylvites, magnesites, lithium, iodine, natural sulphur, bromine, limestone, quartzite, asbestos, oil, and natural gas. Development of industry began after 1949 and includes metallurgy, mining, machine-building, textiles, chemicals, and petroleum as well as generation of hydroelectricity; milk powder and wool products. GRP 2005: 54.332 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 6.623 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 10,005.89 Yuan RMB/US$ 1219.70 SIGHTS: Taer Temple 塔爾寺 (Kumbum Monastery), Bird Island 鳥島 on Qinghai Lake 青海湖 (Koko Nor), Tongren 同 , Heavenly Pool at Mengda Nature Reserve 孟 國家森林 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 8 subdivisions (1 prefecture-level city, 1 prefecture [area], 6 autonomous prefectures); on the county level, there are 43 subdivisions (4 districts, 2 county-level cities, 30 counties, 7 autonomous counties). • Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 洛藏族自治 [6 counties: Baima County 班瑪縣, 縣, Gadê County 甘德縣, Jigzhi County 久治縣, Madoi County 瑪多縣, Darlag County Maqên County 瑪 縣] • Gyêgu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 玉 藏族自治 [6 counties: Chindu County 稱多 縣, Gyêgu County 玉 縣, Nangqên County 囊謙縣, Qumarleb County 曲麻萊縣, Zadoi County 雜多縣, Zhidoi County 治多縣] • Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 海 藏族自治 [3 counties, 1 autonomous county: Gangca County 剛察縣 , Haiyan County 海晏縣 , Qilian County 祁連縣 ; Menyuan Hui Autonomous County 門源回族自治縣] 169 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— • Haidong Prefecture 海東地 [2 counties, 4 autonomous counties: Ledu County 樂 縣, Ping’an County 安縣; Hualong Hui Autonomous County 隆回族自治縣, Huzhu Tu Autonomous County 互 土族自治縣, Minhe Hui Tu Autonomous County 民和回族土族自治縣, Xunhua Salar Autonomous County 循 撒拉族自治縣] • Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 海南藏族自治 [5 counties: Gonghe County 共和 縣, Guide County 貴德縣, Guinan County 貴南縣, Tongde County 同德縣, Xinghai County 興 海縣] • Haixi Mongol Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治 [2 cities, 3 counties: Delingha City 德 哈 , Golmud City 格爾木 ; Dulan County 蘭縣, Tianjun County 峻 縣, Ulan County 烏蘭縣. There are also three Administrative Committees which are not standard units of local government, though they do function as such: Da Qaidam Administrative Committee 大 行 員會 , Lenghu Administrative Committee 湖行 員會 , Mangya Ad員會] ministrative Committee 茫 行 • Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 黃南藏族自治 [3 counties, 1 autonomous County: Jianca County 尖紮縣, Tongren County 同 縣, Zêkog County 澤庫縣; Henan Mongol Autonomous County 河南蒙古族自治縣] , Cheng• Xining City 西 [4 districts, 2 counties, 1 autonomous county: Chengbei District 城 dong District 城東 , Chengxi District 城西 , Chengzhong District 城中 ; Huangyuan County 源縣, Huangzhong County 中縣; Datong Hui Tu Autonomous County 大通回族土族自 治縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Ledu 樂 , Xiping 西 [today’s Xining 西 ] (both Southern Liang 南涼 397-414, Sixteen Nations) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Qinghai is named after Qinghai Lake 青海湖 in the NE of the province ABBREVIATION: Qing 青—just a short form of Qinghai, the abbreviation means “green” OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Qinghai Lake 青海湖/Koko Nor has been shrinking rapidly, over the last three decades surface area shrank 312 km² and water level dropped almost four meters, its salinity has risen markedly, and many rivers feeding it have disappeared 24. Shaanxi 西 (aka Shensi, Shenhsi) AREA: 205,000 km²; population: 37.20 million (1949: 13.17 million, 1987: 30.89 million); population density: 181.46 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Shanxi sheng 西省 CAPITAL: Xi’an 西安 (pop. 7.4173 million, latitude 34º16’ N, longitude 108º54’ E, elevation 398 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (99 percent of the population); Chuang 壯族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Tibetan 藏族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin, southern Mandarin) LOCATION: North China (latitude 31º42’ to 39º35’ N, longitude 105º29’ to 111º15’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Chongqing 慶, Gansu 甘肅, Henan 河南, Hubei 湖 , Inner Mongolia 蒙古, Ningxia 夏, Shanxi 山西, Sichuan 四 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Baoji 寶雞 [0917], Hanzhong 中 [0916], Tongchuan 銅 [0919], 170 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Xi’an 西安 (former Chang’an 長安) [029], Xianyang 咸陽 [0910], Yan’an 延安 [0911] TOPOGRAPHY: More than 80 percent of the territory is mountains and hills. The province can be divided into three sections from south to north—Southern Shaanxi Qinba Mountain Area 南秦巴山地 (consists of Qinling 秦嶺 and Daba Range 大巴山, Hanshui Valley 谷地, Hanzhong Basin 中盆地); Guanzhong Plain 關中 原 (also called Weihe Plain 渭河 原, bounded by Qinling Mountains and Beishan Mountains 山); Northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau 黃土高原 (38 percent of Shaanxi’s total area) HIGHEST PEAK: Taibai Mountain 山 (3767 m) in the Qinling Range 秦嶺 RIVERS AND LAKES: Huanghe River system 黃河 (Weihe 渭河, Jinghe 涇河 [largest silt carrier of Huanghe’s tributaries], Luohe 洛河, Yanhe 延河, Wudinghe 無 河), tributaries of the Yangtze River 長 —Jialing River 嘉陵 , Hanshui 水/Hanjiang , Danjiang 丹 (the Yangtze itself does not flow through Shaanxi). Shaanxi has few lakes, most of them reservoirs—Shiquan Reservoir 石 水 庫 , Wangyao Reservoir 王 窯水 庫 , Fengjiashan Reservoir 馮家山水庫, and others CLIMATE: Continental monsoon climate with great differences in temperature, rainfall concentrated in summer and autumn. The climate varies greatly in the three topographic zones—Northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau 黃 土 高 原 : temperate/warm temperate semi-arid climate, January –3º to –10ºC, July 22º to 24ºC, annual precipitation 350 to 600 mm (which summer monsoons do little to increase); Guanzhong Plain 關中 原: temperate semi-humid monsoon climate, January –1º to –3ºC, July above 24ºC, maximum temperatures up to 45ºC, annual precipitation 550 to 700 mm; Southern Shaanxi Mountain Area 南秦巴 山地: subtropical humid monsoon climate, January above 0ºC, July 22º to 28ºC, annual precipitation 750 to 1200 mm ECONOMY: Shaanxi is an important farming area in the PRC, major agricultural products include wheat and maize, rice, soybeans, tuber crops, cash crops like rapeseed, peanuts, cotton, and tobacco, animal husbandry (livestock: pigs, sheep, goats, cattle, donkeys). Mineral resources include metals like iron, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, aluminium, copper, cobalt, vanadium, lead, nickel, mercury, gold; non-metals like coal, phosphorus, barite, fluorite, dolomite, limestone, and others. Major industries: coal mining, oil, machine-building, and engineering, electronics, chemicals (pharmaceuticals, fertilizers), hydropower generation, textiles (cotton and wool) and other light industries. Due to its rich history Shaanxi is a major tourist destination, and the province has been greatly opened to foreign investment in recent years. GRP 2005: 367.566 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 44.807 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 9880.80 Yuan RMB/US$ 1204.48 SIGHTS: Xi’an 西安, Terracotta Army 兵馬俑 (discovered in 1974), Yan’an 延安, Huashan 華山 (2200 m, one of the Five Taoist Sacred Mountains 岳) in the Qinling Range 秦嶺, Hanzhong 中 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 10 subdivisions (10 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 107 subdivisions (24 districts, 3 county-level cities, 80 counties). ; Baihe County 河縣, • Ankang City 安 [1 district, 9 counties: Hanbin District Hanyin County 陰縣, Lan’gao County 嵐皋縣, Ningxia County 縣, Pingli County 利 縣, Shiquan County 石 縣, Xunyang County 旬陽縣, Zhenping County 鎮坪縣, Ziyang County 紫陽縣] • Baoji City 寶雞 [3 districts, 9 counties: Chencang District 陳倉 , Jintai District 金台 , Wei; Feng County 縣, Fengxiang County 翔縣, Fufeng County 扶風縣, bin District 渭 Linyou County 麟 縣, Long County 隴縣, Mei County 眉縣, Qianyang County 千陽縣, Qishan 171 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 縣] County 山縣, Taibai County • Hanzhong City 中 [1 district, 10 counties: Hantai District 台 ; Chenggu County 城固縣, Foping County 坪縣, Liuba County 留壩縣, Lueyang County 略陽縣, Mian County 勉縣, Nanzheng County 南鄭縣, Ningqiang County 強縣, Xixiang County 西鄉縣, Yang County 洋縣, Zhenba County 鎮巴縣] • Shangluo City 商洛 [1 district, 6 counties: Shangzhou District 商 ; Danfeng County 丹 縣, Luonan County 洛南縣, Shangnan County 商南縣, Shanyang County 山陽縣, Zhen’an County 鎮安縣, Zuoshui County 柞水縣] • Tongchuan City 銅 [3 districts, 1 county: Wangyi District 王益 , Yaozhou District , Yintai District 印台 ; Yijun County 君縣] • Weinan City 渭南 [1 district, 2 cities, 8 counties: Linwei District 渭 ; Hancheng City 韓城 , Huayin City 華陰 ; Baishui County 水縣, Chengcheng County 澄城縣, Dali County 大 荔縣, Fuping County 富 縣, Heyang County 合陽縣, Hua County 華縣, Pucheng County 蒲城 縣, Tongguan County 潼關縣] • Xi’an City 西安 [9 districts, 4 counties: Baqiao District 灞橋 , Beilin District 碑林 , Chang’an District 長安 , Lianhu District 蓮湖 , Lintong District 潼 , Weiyang District 央 , Xincheng District 城 , Yanliang District 閻良 , Yanta District 雁塔 ; Gaoling County 高陵縣, Hu County 戶縣, Lantian County 藍田縣, Zhouzhi County 周至縣] , Weicheng District 渭 • Xianyang City 鹹陽 [3 districts, 1 city, 10 counties: Qindu District 秦 ; Bin County 縣, Changwu County 長 城 , Yangling District 楊淩 ; Xingping City 興 縣, Chunhua County 淳 縣, Jingyang County 涇陽縣, Liquan County 禮 縣, Qian County 乾縣, Sanyuan County 原縣, Wugong County 縣, Xunyi County 旬邑縣, Yongshou County 壽縣] • Yan’an City 延安 [1 district, 12 counties: Baota District 寶塔 ; Ansai County 安塞縣, Fu County 富縣, Ganquan County 甘 縣, Huangling County 黃陵縣, Huanglong County 黃龍縣, Luochuan County 洛 縣, Wuqi County 吳起縣, Yanchang County 延長縣, Yanchuan County 延 縣, Yichuan County 縣, Zhidan County 志丹縣, Zichang County 子長縣] • Yulin City 榆林 [1 district, 11 counties: Yuyang District 榆陽 ; Dingbian County 邊縣, Fugu County 府谷縣, Hengshan County 橫山縣, Jia County 佳縣, Jingbian County 靖邊縣, Mizhi County 米脂縣, Qingjian County 清澗縣, Shenmu County 木縣, Suide County 綏德縣, Wubao County 吳堡縣, Zizhou County 子 縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Chang’an 長安 [today’s Xi’an 西安] (Western Han 西 9-23 AD, Tang 唐 618-906; Former Zhao 前趙 207 BC-8 AD, Wang Mang-Interregnum/Xin 304-329, Former Qin 前秦 351-394, Later Qin 後秦 384-417, Sixteen Nations; Western Wei 西魏 535-557, Northern Zhou 周 577-581, Southern and Northern Dynasties), Daxingcheng 大興城 [today’s Xi’an 西安] (Western [today’s Xi’an 西安] (Sui 隋 581-618), Hao 鎬/Haojing 鎬 Zhou 西周 ca. 1000-770 BC), Tongwan 萬城 [today’s Jingbian County 靖邊縣] (Xia 夏, Sixteen Nations), Xianyang 咸陽, Yong 雍 [today’s Fengxiang County 翔縣] (both Qin 秦 844-207 BC, Warring States/Qin Dynasty) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: “Shaanxi” means “west of Shan” because it is situated west of the Shan Plain 原 (in today’s Henan Province). The common way of spelling the name of Shaanxi is not in line with Hanyu Pinyin, as in Hanyu Pinyin the syllable “ ” is spelled “shan”. Since in most Western publications, Chinese syllables are written without the tone, there would be no way to distinguish a correctly spelled province Shanxi 西 (Shănxī) from its neighbouring province Shanxi 山西 (Shānxī), despite the different tone. For this reason, the proper name of this province is not spelled “Shanxi” as in Hanyu Pinyin but “Shaanxi” as in the Gwoyeu Romatzyh romanization system. 172 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— ABBREVIATIONS: Shan , Qin 秦—Shan is just a short form of Shaanxi, the abbreviation itself has no special meaning; Qin was the name of one state in the Warring States Period 戰國 (475-221 BC) that unified China and began the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC) OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: In 1964, remains of the “Lantian man” (藍田猿人, Sinanthropus lantienensis), who lived ca. 1.7 million years ago, were excavated in Gongwangling 王嶺 (Xi’an City 西安 , Lantian County 藍田縣). The most important archaeological site of the neolithic Yangshao Culture 仰韶文 (5000-3000 BC) is located at Banpo 半坡 (Baqiao District 灞橋 , Xi’an City). On January 23, 1556, the area of Huazhou 華 (today’s Weinan City 渭南 , Hua County 華縣) was hit by the deadliest earthquake in recorded history, which claimed 830,000 lives. Yan’an 延安 was an important Communist stronghold between 1936 and 1947 after the Long March (changzheng 長征) 25. Shandong 山東 (aka Shantung, Schantung) AREA: 153,000 km²; population: 92.48 million (1949: 45.49 million, 1987: 79.58 million); population density: 604.44 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Shandong sheng 山 東省 CAPITAL: Ji’nan 南 (pop. 5.9744 million, latitude 36º50’ N, longitude 117º0’ E, elevation 58 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (over 99 percent of the population); Chuang 壯族, Hmong/Miao 苗 族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 朝鮮族, Li 黎族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Tibetan 藏族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: North China (latitude 34º23’ to 38º24’ N, longitude 114º48’ to 122º42’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Anhui 安徽, Hebei 河 , Henan 河南, Jiangsu ADJACENT SEAS: Bohai Sea 渤海, Yellow Sea 黃海; length of coastline 3000 km MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Dezhou 德 [0534], Dongying 東營 [0546], Ji’nan 南 [0531], Jining [0537], Linyi [0539], Qingdao 青島 [0532], Qufu 曲阜 [0537], Tai’an 泰 安 [0538], Weifang 坊 [0536], Weihai 威海 [0631], Yantai 煙台 [0535], Zaozhuang 棗莊 [0632], Zibo 博 [0533] TOPOGRAPHY: 35 percent mountainous regions and hilly areas, 65 percent plains. The eastern part of Shandong is the Shandong Peninsula 山東半島 that protrudes between the Bohai Sea 渤海 and Yellow Sea 黃海 and faces the Liaodong Peninsula 遼東半島 (Liaoning Province 遼 ), joins the Jiaolai Plain 膠萊 原 and extends west to the North China Plain 華 原. Due to the large amount of silt carried by the Huanghe 黃河, the shoreline at the Huanghe River Delta 黃河 角 moves seaward 2-3 km per year HIGHEST PEAK: Taishan 泰山 (1524 m) RIVERS AND LAKES: High density of natural rivers in the province (0.7 km of waterways per km²). Natural rivers: Huanghe 黃河 (present course since 1855, empties into the Bohai Sea 渤海), Tuhai River 徒駭河, Majia River 馬頰河, Jiaolai River 膠萊河, Yihe River 河, and others; man-made rivers: Grand Canal 大 河 (also called Beijing-Hangzhou Canal 杭大 河), Hongwei Canal 紅衛河, Dehuixin Canal 德惠 河, and others. Lakes: Four Southern Lakes 南四湖 (Nanyang Lake 南陽湖, Dushan Lake 獨山湖, Zhaoyang Lake 昭陽湖, Weishan Lake 微山湖), Five Northern Lakes 湖 (Machang Lake 馬 湖, Shushan Lake 蜀山湖, Nanwang Lake 南旺湖, Mata Lake 馬踏湖, Dongping Lake 東 湖), reservoirs like Xiashan 173 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Reservoir 峽山水庫, Xueye Reservoir 雪 水庫, Huibaoling Reservoir 會寶岭水庫 and several others CLIMATE: Warm-temperate semi-humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasons—hot and rainy summers, cold and dry winters, dry, windy and sandy springs with fairly major weather changes, comfortable autumns. Mean annual temperature 11º to 14ºC, decreasing from south to north and west to east (January 1º to –4ºC, extreme lows reaching –11º to –20ºC, July 24º to 27ºC, extreme highs reaching 36º to 43ºC). Mean annual precipitation between 600 and 900 mm, decreasing gradually from southeast to northwest, extremely uneven seasonal distribution—60 percent to 70 percent of the precipitation falls between June and August and usually comes as huge, intense rainstorms, causing landslides and floodings. Annual variation in precipitation can also be great ECONOMY: Almost half of Shandong’s area is arable, main products: food crops like wheat, maize, rice, soybeans, sorghum, millet, potatoes, cash crops like cotton, peanuts, tobacco, hemp and other fibres, temperate-climate fruits (apples, grapes, peaches, pears, dates, watermelons), animal husbandry (cattle, horses, donkeys, mules). Shandong is one of China’s major fishing centers, significant seawater and freshwater cultivation. Mineral resources include coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron, gold, copper, aluminium, diamonds, graphite, gypsum, magnesite, barite, bentonite. Major industries: iron and steel, fuel industry, chemical fertilizer, machinery, textiles, energy production, electronics, paper, ceramics, glass, cement, food, and beverages (the brewery for the famous Qingdao Beer 青島啤酒 was founded by German colonists in 1903), cigarette production. Deepwater ports in Qingdao 青島, Yantai 煙台, Weihai 威海 and Longkou 龍口. GRP 2005: 1851.687 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 225.724 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 20,022.56 Yuan RMB/US$ 2440.78 SIGHTS: Taishan 泰山 (1524 m, one of the Five Taoist Sacred Mountains 岳), Taian 泰安, Lingyan Temple 靈岩寺, Qufu 曲阜 (home town of Confucius 孔子), Qingdao 青島, Cape Chengshan 成山頭, Yantai 煙台, Mount Laoshan 嶗山 (1133 m) ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 17 subdivisions (17 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 140 subdivisions (49 districts, 31 county-level cities, 60 counties). • Binzhou City [1 district, 6 counties: Bincheng District 城 ; Boxing County 博興縣, Huimin County 惠民縣, Wudi County 無棣縣, Yangxin County 陽信縣, Zhanhua County 縣, Zouping County 鄒 縣] • Dezhou City 德 [1 district, 2 cities, 8 counties: Decheng District 德城 ; Leling City 樂陵 , Yucheng City 城 ; Ling County 陵縣, Linyi County 邑縣, Ningjin County 津縣, Pingyuan County 原縣, Qihe County 齊河縣, Qingyun County 慶雲縣, Wucheng County 城縣, Xiajin County 夏津縣] • Dongying City 東營 [2 districts, 3 counties: Dongying District 東營 , Hekou District 河口 ; Guangrao County 廣饒縣, Kenli County 墾利縣, Lijin County 利津縣] • Heze City 菏澤 [1 district, 8 counties: Mudan District 丹 ; Cao County 縣, Chengwu County 成 縣, Dan County 單縣, Dingtao County 陶縣, Dongming County 東明縣, Juan縣, Yuncheng County 鄆城縣] cheng County 鄄城縣, Juye County • Ji’nan City 南 [6 districts, 1 city, 3 counties: Changqing District 長清 , Huaiyin District 槐 , Shizhong District 中 , Tianqiao 蔭 , Licheng District 城 , Lixia District District 橋 ; Zhangqiu City 章丘 ; Jiyang County 陽縣, Pingyin County 陰縣, Shanghe County 商河縣] • Jining City [2 districts, 3 cities, 7 counties: Rencheng District 任城 , Shizhong District , Zoucheng City 鄒城 ; Jiaxiang County 嘉祥 中 ; Qufu City 曲阜 , Yanzhou City 兗 174 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— • • • • • • • • • • • 縣, Jinxiang County 金鄉縣, Liangshan County 梁山縣, Sishui County 水縣, Weishan County 微山縣, Wenshang County 汶 縣, Yutai County 魚台縣] Laiwu City 萊 [2 districts: Gangcheng District 鋼城 , Laicheng District 萊城 ] Liaocheng City 聊城 [1 district, 1 city, 6 counties: Dongchangfu District 東昌府 ; Linqing City 清 ; Chiping County 茌 縣, Donga County 東 縣, Gaotang County 高唐縣, Guan County 冠縣, Xin County 莘縣, Yanggu County 陽谷縣] Linyi City [3 districts, 9 counties: Hedong District 河東 , Lanshan District 蘭山 , Luozhuang District 羅庄 ; Cangshan County 蒼山縣, Fei County 費縣, Junan County 莒南縣, Linshu County 沭縣, Mengyin County 蒙陰縣, Pingyi County 邑縣, Tancheng County 郯城 縣, Yi’nan County 南縣, Yishui County 水縣] Qingdao City 青島 [7 districts, 5 cities: Chengyang District 城陽 , Huangdao District 黃島 , Laoshan District 嶗山 , Licang District 滄 , Shibei District , Shinan District 南 , Sifang District 四方 ; Jiaonan City 膠南 , Jiaozhou City 膠 , Jimo City 即墨 , Laixi City 萊西 , Pingdu City 度 ] Rizhao City 照 [2 districts, 2 counties: Donggang District 東港 , Lanshan District 嵐山 ; Ju County 莒縣, Wulian County 蓮縣] , Taishan District 泰山 Tai’an City 泰安 [2 districts, 2 cities, 2 counties: Daiyue District 岱 ; Feicheng City 肥城 , Xintai City 泰 ; Dongping County 東 縣, Ningyang County 陽縣] Weifang City 坊 [4 districts, 6 cities, 2 counties: Fangzi District 坊子 , Hanting District 寒 , Kuiwen District 奎文 , Weicheng District 城 ; Anqiu City 安丘 , Changyi City 昌 , Shouguang City 壽光 , Zhucheng City 諸 邑 , Gaomi City 高密 , Qingzhou City 青 城 ; Changle County 昌樂縣, Linqu County 朐縣] Weihai City 威海 [1 district, 3 cities: Huancui District 環 ; Rongcheng City 榮成 , Rushan ] City 乳山 , Wendeng City 文 Yantai City 煙台 [4 districts, 7 cities, 1 county: Fushan District 福山 , Laishan District 萊山 , Mouping District 牟 , Zhifu District 芝罘 ; Haiyang City 海陽 , Laiyang City 萊陽 , Laizhou City 萊 , Longkou City 龍口 , Penglai City 蓬萊 , Qixia City 霞 , Zhaoyuan City 遠 ; Changdao County 長島縣] , Shizhong District 中 , Zaozhuang City 棗莊 [5 districts, 1 city: Shanting District 山 Taierzhuang District 台兒莊 , Xuecheng District 薛城 , Yicheng District 嶧城 ; Tengzhou ] City 滕 , ZhangZibo City 博 [5 districts, 3 counties: Boshan District 博山 , Linzi District dian District 張店 , Zhoucun District 周村 , Zichuan District ; Gaoqing County 高青 縣, Huantai County 桓台縣, Yiyuan County 源縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Guanggu 廣固城 [today’s Qingzhou 青 ] (Southern Yan 南燕 400-410, Sixteen Nations), Yan 奄 [today’s Qufu 曲阜] (Shang 商 ca. 1500-1000 BC), Yingqiu 營丘 [today’s Zibo 博] (Qi 齊 850-221, Warring States) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Shandong (= east of the mountains) refers to the Taihang Mountain Range 行山 in the provinces of Shanxi and Hebei (highest peak: Lesser Wutai Mountain 小 台山 in Hebei Province, 2882 m) ABBREVIATION: Lu 魯—the name of a state in the Spring and Autumn period 春秋 (770-476 BC) OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: In April 1928, a prehistoric site was discovered in Longshan 龍山 (Zhangqiu County 章丘縣), belonging to what is now known as the Longshan Culture 龍山 文 . The city of Yantai 煙台 was called Chefoo 芝罘 in the past after an island in the Yantai region 175 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 26. Shanghai 海 AREA: 6200 km²; population: 17.78 million (1949: 5.03 million, 1987: 12.5 million); population density: 2867.74 persons per km²; area code [021] ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Special municipality (zhixiashi 直轄 ) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Shanghai zhixiashi 海直 轄 NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Chuang 壯族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Tibetan 藏族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Shanghainese (Wu) dialect 吳方言, Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: Central-south China (latitude 30º41’ to 31º53’ N, longitude 120º51’ to 122º12’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Jiangsu , Zhejiang ADJACENT SEAS: East China Sea 東海; length of coastline 200 km GEOGRAPHY: Shanghai consists of the last stretch of the southern bank of the Yangtze River 長 (part of the Yangtze River Delta 長 角 ) and three islands in the mouth of the river: Chongming Island 明島 (at 1083 km² the third largest island in China), Changxing Island 長興島 and Hengsha 橫沙. Small offshore islands: Xiaojinshan 小金山 and Dajinshan 大金 山, Sheshan 山. The territory can be divided in four topographical regions: Binhai Plain 海 原, Pujiang Plain 浦 原, Dianmao Lowland 地, and Chongming Island. Elevation is generally less than 5 m, highest point: Sheshan Hill 山 at 98 m. Rivers—Yangtze River, Huangpu River 黃浦 (also called “Whampoa”, tributary: Wusong River 吳 , also called Songjiang or Suzhou River 河), lakes—Dianshan Lake 山湖 CLIMATE: Subtropical marine climate with mild and humid weather and four distinct seasons (long and dry winters, short springs, long, hot and humid summers, short autumns). Mean annual temperature 15ºC (January 3ºC, extreme lows –3º to –7ºC, August 28ºC, can rise up to 37ºC). Mean annual precipitation around 1100 mm. Rainy season June to July, typhoons possible between July and September ECONOMY: Shanghai is an important industrial base and sea harbour (largest port in China) and also the PRC’s most important commercial and financial center; its people posses a generally high degree of scientific and technological expertise. Major industries: metallurgy, chemicals, machinery, ship-building, automobiles, electronics, textiles, light industry. Since 1990, development of the Pudong New Area 浦東 has been attracting investment by the world’s leading multinational corporations. In the suburbs there is also agriculture; major products: rice, wheat, cotton, rape, vegetables, animal husbandry (pigs, dairy cattle), aquatic products. GRP 2005: 915.418 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 111.591 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 51,485.82 Yuan RMB/US$ 6276.20 SIGHTS: The Bund 外灘, Nanjing Road 南 路, Peace Hotel 和 飯店, Frenchtown 國租界, Yu Gardens Bazaar 豫 , Huxinting Tea House 湖心 茶 in the Yu Garden 豫 , Jade Buddha Temple 玉 寺, Longhua Pagoda 龍華塔, Museum of Chinese Sex Culture 中 國古 性文 展覽 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: Shanghai has no prefecture-level subdivisions, there are 19 county-level subdivisions (18 districts, 1 county). Shanghai proper/Puxi 浦西 and Pudong 浦東 (10 districts): Changning District 長 , Hongkou District 虹口 , Huangpu District 黃浦 , Jing’an District 靜安 , Luwan District 盧 , Pudong New District 浦東 (former 176 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Chuansha County 沙縣), Putuo District , Xuhui District 徐彙 , Yangpu District 楊浦 , Zhabei District 閘 ; suburbs, satellite towns, and rural areas (8 districts, 1 county): Baoshan District 寶山 , Fengxian District 賢 , Jiading District 嘉 , Jinshan District 金山 , Minhang District 行 , Nanhui District 南匯 , Qingpu District 青浦 , Songjiang District 松 ; Chongming County 明縣 ORIGIN OF THE CITY’S NAME: Shanghai means literally “above the sea”, a reference to its coastal location ABBREVIATIONS: Hu 滬, Shen 申—the section of the Wusong River 吳 situated nearest to the sea was called Hudu 滬瀆 in the past, and another name of the Huangpu River 黃浦 is the Chunshen River 春申 OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Shanghai became a city in 1074, and Shanghai County was established in 1292. The 88-story Jin Mao Tower 金 大 , rising to 421 m, is the PRC’s tallest building. Currently, Shanghai is sinking more than 5 mm per year due to overpumping of groundwater. Since 2005, a new, eco-friendly city named Dongtan Eco-City 東灘生態城 is being built on Chongming Island 明島, slated for completion in 2010 with a size three-quarters that of Manhattan and designed for 50,000 inhabitants 27. Shanxi 山西 (aka Shansi, Shanhsi) AREA: 156,000 km²; population: 33.55 million (1949: 18.81 million, 1987: 27 million); population density: 215.06 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Shanxi sheng 山西省 CAPITAL: Taiyuan 原 (pop. 3.4039 million, latitude 37º50’ N, longitude 112º30’ E, elevation 779 m, abbrev. Bing 并/並) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: North China (latitude 34º36’ to 40º44’ N, longitude 110º15’ to 114º32’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Hebei 河 , Henan 河南, Inner Mongolia 蒙古, Shaanxi 西 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Changzhi 長治 [0355], Datong 大同 [0352], Houma 侯馬 [0357], Jiexiu 介休 [0354], Linfen 汾 [0357], Taiyuan 原 [0351], Yangquan 陽 [0353], Yuci 榆次 [0354] TOPOGRAPHY: 72 percent mountains, the remainder being highlands, hills and basins, average elevation 1000 m or more. Three topographical zones—East Shanxi Mountain Area 晉東山 地/東部山地 (Hengshan Mountains 恒山, Wutai Mountains 台山, Xizhou Mountains 系 山, Taihang Mountains 行山, Taiyue Mountains 岳山, Zhongtiao Mountains 中條山, basins like Changzhi Basin 長治盆地 and others); Central Shanxi Basin 晉中盆地/中部盆 地 (including smaller basins like Datong Basin 大同盆地, Xinxian Basin 忻縣盆地, Taiyuan Basin 原盆地, Linfen Basin 汾盆地, Yuncheng Basin 城盆地, and others); Western Shanxi Tableland 晉西高原/西部高原 (main range: Lüliang Mountains 呂梁山) HIGHEST PEAK: Beitai Summit 台頂 (3058 m) of the Wutai Mountains 台山 RIVERS AND LAKES: Huanghe 黃河 and its tributaries—Fenhe River 汾河 and Qinhe River 河; the rivers in the northeast part of the province (Sanggan River 河 at the upper reaches of the Yongding River 河, Hutuo River 滹沱河 at the upper reaches of the Ziya River 子牙河, Qingzhang 清漳河 and Zhuozhang Rivers 濁漳河 at the upper reaches of the 177 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Weihe River 衛河) are tributaries of the Haihe River 海河. Among the few lakes in Shanxi, Xiechi 解 is the biggest, but there are also many reservoirs like Fenhe Reservoir 汾河水庫, Zhangze Reservoir 漳澤水庫, and others CLIMATE: Continental climate, temperatures vary greatly through the year, severe winters and cool summers. Mean annual temperature between 4ºC in the north and 14ºC in the south (January –1º to –15ºC, record low –44ºC, July 20º to 27ºC, maximum of 42ºC possible). Mean annual precipitation 400 to 600 mm, increasing gradually from northwest to southeast, at the windward slopes of Taihang Mountains 行山 it can surpass 1500 mm. More than 60 percent of precipitation falls in the summer, sometimes as rainstorms or hail, but spring is quite dry, often seeing drought occur ECONOMY: Major agricultural products include maize, millet, sorghum, soybeans, potatoes, wheat; cash crops like cotton, flaxseed, sugar beets, and tobacco; good conditions for raising livestock like oxen, pigs, and sheep; forestry. Mineral resources: coal (largest coal base in China!), aluminium, iron, bauxite, copper, refractory clay, gypsum, limestone. Major industries: the province is a center of heavy industry with coal mining (also coke and electricity production), metallurgy (iron and steel), machinery; light industry—textiles, foodstuffs, paper, daily-use chemicals. GRP 2005: 417.952 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 50.949 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 12,457.58 Yuan RMB/US$ 1518.59 SIGHTS: Datong 大同, Nine Dragon Screen 九龍壁, Buddhist Yungang (Cloud Ridge) Caves 雲 石窟, Xuankong Si (Hanging Monastery) 空寺, Hengshan 恆山 (2016 m, one of the Five Taoist Sacred Mountains 岳), Wutaishan 台山 (3058 m, one of the Four Buddhist Holy Mountains 四大名山) and Taihuai 台 , Pingyao 遙, Yellow River Hukou Waterfall 黃河壺口瀑 , Chongshan Temple 善寺 in Taiyuan 原 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 11 subdivisions (11 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 119 subdivisions (23 districts, 11 county-level cities, 85 counties). • Changzhi City 長治 [2 districts, 1 city, 10 counties: Cheng District 城 , Jiao District 郊 ; Lucheng City 潞城 ; Changzhi County 長治縣, Changzi County 長子縣, Chunliu County 屯留 縣, Qin County 縣, Huguan County 壺關縣, Licheng County 黎城縣, Pingshun County 縣, Qinyuan County 源縣, Wuxiang County 鄉縣, Xiangyuan County 襄垣縣] • Datong City 大同 [4 districts, 7 counties: Cheng District 城 , Kuang District 礦 , Nanjiao District 南郊 , Xinrong District 榮 ; Datong County 大同縣, Guangling County 廣靈縣, Hunyuan County 渾源縣, Lingqiu County 靈丘縣, Tianzhen County 鎮縣, Yanggao County 陽高縣, Zuoyun County 雲縣] ; • Jincheng City 晉城 [1 district, 1 city, 4 counties: Cheng District 城 ; Gaoping City 高 Lingchuan County 陵 縣, Qinshui County 水縣, Yangcheng County 陽城縣, Zezhou County 澤 縣] • Jinzhong City 晉中 [1 district, 1 city, 9 counties: Yuci District 榆次 ; Jiexiu City 介休 ; Heshun County 和 縣, Lingshi County 靈石縣, Pingyao County 遙縣, Qi County 祁縣, Shouyang County 壽陽縣, Taigu County 谷縣, Xiyang County 陽縣, Yushe County 榆社縣, Zuoquan County 權縣] • Linfen City 汾 [1 district, 2 cities, 14 counties: Yaodu District ; Houma City 侯馬 , ; Anze County 安澤縣, Daning County 大 縣, Fenxi County 汾西縣, Huozhou City 霍 Fushan County 浮山縣, Gu County 古縣, Hongdong County 洪洞縣, Ji County 吉縣, Pu County 蒲縣, Quwo County 曲 縣, Xi County 隰縣, Xiangfen County 襄汾縣, Xiangning County 鄉 縣, Yicheng County 翼城縣, Yonghe County 和縣] • Lüliang City 呂梁 [1 district, 2 cities, 10 counties: Lishi District 離石 ; Fenyang City 汾陽 , 178 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Xiaoyi City 義 ; Fangshan County 方山縣, Jiaocheng County 交城縣, Jiaokou County 交口 縣, Lan County 嵐縣, Lin County 縣, Liulin County 林縣, Shilou County 石樓縣, Wenshui County 文水縣, Xing County 興縣, Zhongyang County 中陽縣] • Shuozhou City 朔 [2 districts, 4 counties: Pinglu District 魯 , Shuocheng District 朔城 ; 縣, Shanyin County 山陰縣, Ying County 應縣, Youyu County 右玉縣] Huairen County • Taiyuan City 原 [6 districts, 1 city, 3 counties: Jiancaoping District 尖 坪 , Jinyuan District 晉源 , Wanbolin District 萬柏林 , Xiaodian District 小店 , Xinghualing District 花嶺 , Yingze District 迎澤 ; Gujiao City 古交 ; Loufan County 婁煩縣, Qingxu County 清徐 縣, Yangqu County 陽曲縣] • Xinzhou City 忻 [1 district, 1 city, 12 counties: Xinfu District 忻府 ; Yuanping City 原 ; Baode County 保德縣, Dai County 縣, Dingxiang County 襄縣, Fanzhi County 繁峙 縣, Hequ County 河曲縣, Jingle County 靜樂縣, Kelan County 嵐縣, Ningwu County 縣, Wutai County 台縣, Wuzhai County 縣, Pianguan County 偏關縣, Shenchi County 縣] • Yangquan City 陽 [3 districts, 2 counties: Cheng District 城 , Jiao District 郊 , Kuang 縣, Yu County 盂縣] District 礦 ; Pingding County • Yuncheng City 城 [1 district, 2 cities, 10 counties: Yanhu District 湖 ; Hejin City 河津 , Yongji City ; Jiang County 縣, Jishan County 稷山縣, Linyi County 猗縣, Pinglu County 陸縣, Ruicheng County 芮城縣, Wanrong County 萬榮縣, Wenxi County 聞 縣, Yuanqu County 垣曲縣] 縣, Xia County 夏縣, Xinjiang County HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Anyi 安邑 [today’s Xia County 夏縣] (Xia 夏 ca. 2000-1500 BC; Wei 魏 424-225 BC, Warring States), Pingcheng 城 [today’s Datong 大同] (Northern Wei 魏 386-534, Southern and Northern Dynasties), Pingyang 陽 [today’s Linfen 汾] (Han 304-329, Sixteen Nations), Puyang 陽 [today’s Taiyuan 原] (Zhao 趙 951-979, Ten Kingdoms) 517-228, Warring States), Taiyuan 原 (Northern Han ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Shanxi (= west of the mountains) refers to the Taihang Mountain Range 行山 in the provinces of Shanxi and Hebei (highest peak: Lesser Wutai Mountain 小 台山 in Hebei Province, 2882 m) ABBREVIATION: Jin 晉—during the Spring and Autumn Period 春秋 (770-476 BC), the area belonged to the Jin Kingdom 晉國 OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Shanxi is considered to be one of the cradles of ancient Chinese culture and is home to many ancient buildings. The People’s Commune in Dazhai 大 (Xiyang County 陽縣), established in 1953, was praised in CCP propaganda during the Cultural Revolution as an agricultural role model. Industrialization, especially coal mining and steel factories, have resulted in serious damage to the environment, and Linfen 汾 is not only listed as the city with the worst air quality in China but also among the ten worst polluted places in the world, according to a 2006 Blacksmith Institute survey. A satellite launching center (weixing fashe zhongxin 衛星 射中心) is located at Taiyuan 28. Sichuan 四 (aka Szechwan, Szechuan) AREA: 488,000 km²; population: 82.12 million (1953: 62.3 million, 1987: 104.54 million); population density: 168.27 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Sichuan sheng 四 省 179 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— CAPITAL: Chengdu 成 (pop. 10.8203 million, latitude 30º37’ N, longitude 104º6’ E, elevation 508 m, abbrev. Rong 蓉) NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Borean/Bai 族, Bouyei 依族, Chuang 壯族, Dai 傣族, Gerbao/Yao 瑤族, Hmong/Miao 苗族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Lisu 傈僳族, Lolos/Yi 彝族 (largest minority in the province), Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Nakhi 納 西族, Qiang 羌族, Tibetan 藏族 (living in the Garze 甘 and Ngawa 壩 areas in significant numbers), Tuchia 土家族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (southern Mandarin), Tibetan LOCATION: Southwest China (latitude 26º3’ to 34º19’ N, longitude 97º21’ to 108º30’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Chongqing 慶, Gansu 甘肅, Guizhou 貴 , Qinghai 青海, Shaanxi 西, Tibet 西藏, Yunnan 雲南 MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Chengdu 成 [028], Daxian 縣 [023], Emeishan 峨眉山 [0842], Leshan 樂山 [0833], Luzhou 瀘 [0830], Nanchong 南充 [0817], Neijiang [0832], Panzhihua 攀 花 (also called Dukou 口) [0812], Xichang 西昌 [0834], Yibin 賓 [0831], Zigong 自貢 [0813] TOPOGRAPHY: Mainly mountains and plateaus. Sichuan Basin 四 盆地, also called Red Basin 紅 色盆地 (surrounded by mountains—Qionglai Mountains 邛 山, Jinping Mountains 錦屏 山, Daxiangling 大相岭; Longmen Mountains 龍門山, Micang Mountains 米倉山, Daba Mountains 大巴山; Dalou Range 大婁山, Wushan 巫山, Qiyao Mountains 七曜山; Greater Liangshan Mountains 大涼山, Lesser Liangshan Mountains 小涼山, and others); the Western Sichuan Plateau 西高原 (Qiaoer Mountains 雀兒山, Minshan 山, Shaluli Mountains 沙 魯 山, Daxue Mountains 大雪山, Qionglai Mountains, a portion of the Hengduan Mountains 橫斷山) are part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高原. Fertile plains in the eastern Sichuan Basin, highland swamps in central north HIGHEST PEAK: Mount Gongga 貢嘎山 (7556 m) in the Daxue Mountains 大雪山 RIVERS AND LAKES: Most of the numerous rivers in Sichuan belong to the Yangtze River 長 system, part of it forming the border with Yunnan Province—Jinsha River 金沙 (section of the Yangtze before Yibin 賓) and Chuanjiang (section of the Yangtze after Yibin), Yalong River 雅礱 , Minjiang and its tributary the Dadu River 大 河, Tuojiang 沱 , Jialing River 嘉陵 (longest tributary of the Yangtze, receives water from Fujiang 涪 and Qujiang Rivers ), Anning River 安 河. The Baihe 河 and Heihe Rivers 黑河 in the north of Sichuan belong to the Huanghe River 黃河 system. There are not many lakes in Sichuan, and include Qionghai Lake 邛海 and several reservoirs like Shengzhong Reservoir 升鍾水庫, Heilongtan Reservoir 黑龍灘水庫, Gongzui Reservoir 龔嘴水庫 among others. Construction is underway on two major hydroelectric facilitys along the Jinsha River 金沙 : the Xiangjiaba Dam 向家壩水電站 near Yibin City 賓 with a planned capacity of 6000 MW and the Xiluoduo Dam 洛 水電站 at the border with Leibo County 雷 縣 (Sichuan Province) and Yongshan County 善縣 (Yunnan Province) with a planned capacity of 12,600 MW. The latter is designed to cut by a third the silt that would otherwise accumulate in the Three Gorges Dam Reservoir 峽大壩 downstream CLIMATE: Due to its size and topography, the climate in Sichuan varies greatly from place to place. Subtropical monsoon climate in the eastern basin, but cold and dry climate in the western plateau with long winters and no summers. Mean annual temperature in the basin 16º to 18ºC, in the Yangtze River Valley above 18ºC, but in the western plateau, the Jinsha, Yalong and Dadu river valleys 10º to 15ºC, in the high mountains and the northern part of the plateau below 0ºC—generally speaking, temperature is higher in the south than in the north and 180 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— higher in the eastern basin than in the western plateau (January: 3º to 8ºC in the lowlands, -3º to –9ºC on the plateau, 8º to 13ºC in the south; July: 25º to 29ºC in the lowlands, 11º to 17ºC on the plateau, 22º to 26ºC in the south). Precipitation varies as well, 600 to 1500 mm depending on the area, unevenly distributed in the different seasons: summer 50-60 percent, spring and autumn 20-25 percent each, winter about 5 percent ECONOMY: Main agricultural products include rice, wheat, potatoes, and maize; cash crops like rape, bast fiber crops, cotton, peanuts, sugarcane, tea, oranges; forestry. Animal husbandry: pigs, cattle, sheep and goats, buffaloes and oxen, horses, donkeys, mules, bees, silkworm cocoons, fish breeding. Mineral resources: natural gas, coal, phosphate rocks, symbiotic iron ore, well salt, mirabilite, asbestos, mica, marble. Major industries include energy production (coal and natural gas, hydropower), metallurgy, well salt, and light industries like electronics, engineering, chemical industry and chemical fertilizer production, cane sugar, wine and liquor, silk, and leather goods. GRP 2005: 738.511 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 90.026 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 8993.07 Yuan RMB/US$ 1096.27 SIGHTS: Chengdu 成 , Jiuzhaigou 九 溝 with Panda Lake 熊貓海, Leshan Grand Buddha 樂 山大 , Emeishan 峨眉山 (3100 m, one of the Four Buddhist Holy Mountains 四大 名山), Kangding (called “Dajianlu” 打箭爐 in the past), Wolong Nature Reserve 臥 龍自然保護 , Huanglong 黃龍, Hailuogou Valley of Gongga Mountain 貢嘎山海螺溝 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 21 subdivisions (18 prefecture-level cities, 3 autonomous prefectures); on the county level, there are 181 subdivisions (43 districts, 14 county-level cities, 120 counties, 4 autonomous counties). ; Nanjiang County 南 縣, • Bazhong City 巴中 [1 district, 3 counties: Bazhou District 巴 Pingchang County 昌縣, Tongjiang County 通 縣] • Chengdu City 成 [9 districts, 4 cities, 6 counties: Chenghua District 成華 , Jinjiang District 錦 , Jinniu District 金牛 , Longquanyi District 龍 驛 , Qingbaijiang District 青 , Qingyang District 青羊 , Wenjiang District , Wuhou District 侯 , Xindu ; Chongzhou City , Dujiangyan City , Pengzhou City , District Qionglai City 邛 ; Dayi County 大邑縣, Jintang County 金堂縣, Pi County 郫縣, Pujiang County 蒲 縣, Shuangliu County 雙流縣, Xinjin County 津縣] ; Wanyuan City 萬源 • Dazhou City [1 district, 1 city, 5 counties: Tongchuan District 通 ; Da County 縣, Dazhu County 大竹縣, Kaijiang County 開 縣, Qu County 縣, Xuan縣] han County • Deyang City 德陽 [1 district, 3 cities, 2 counties: Jingyang District 旌陽 ; Guanghan City 廣 , Mianzhu City 綿竹 , Shefang City ; Luojiang County 羅 縣, Zhongjiang County 中 縣] • Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 甘 藏族自治 [18 counties: Baiyu County 玉縣, Batang County 巴 縣, Dabba County 稻城縣, Dardo County 縣, Dawu County 孚縣, Dege County 德格縣, Derong County 得榮縣, Garze County 甘 縣, Gyaisi County 九龍縣, Jagsamka County 瀘 縣, Litang County 縣, Luhuo County 爐霍縣, Nyagla County 雅 縣, Nyagrong County 龍縣, Qagcheng County 鄉城縣, Rongxar County 丹巴縣, Sertar County 色 縣, Serxu County 石 縣] • Guang’an City 廣安 [1 district, 1 city, 3 counties: Guang’an District 廣安 ; Huaying City 華 縣, Yuechi County 岳 縣] 鎣 ; Linshui County 水縣, Wusheng County , Shizhong District 中 • Guangyuan City 廣元 [3 districts, 4 counties: Chaotian District 朝 , Yuanba District 元壩 ; Cangxi County 蒼 縣, Jian’ge County 劍閣縣, Qingchuan County 青 縣, Wangcang County 旺蒼縣] • Leshan City 樂山 [4 districts, 1 city, 4 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Jinkouhe District 金口河 181 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— , Shawan District 沙 , Shizhong District 中 , Wutongqiao District 通橋 ; Emeishan City 峨眉山 ; Jiajiang County 夾 縣, Jianwei County 犍為縣, Jingyan County 研縣, Muchuan County 沐 縣; Ebian Lolos Autonomous County 峨邊彝族自治縣, Mabian Lolos Autonomous County 馬邊彝族自治縣] • Liangshan Lolos Autonomous Prefecture 涼山彝族自治 [1 city, 15 counties, 1 autonomous County: Xichang City 西昌 ; Butuo County 拖縣, Dechang County 德昌縣, Ganluo County 甘洛縣, Huidong County 會東縣, Huili County 會 縣, Jinyang County 金陽縣, Leibo County 雷 縣, Meigu County 美姑縣, Mianning County 冕 縣, Ningnan County 南縣, Puge County 格縣, Xide County 德縣, Yanyuan County 源縣, Yuexi County 越西縣, Zhaojue County 昭覺縣; Muli Tibetan Autonomous County 木 藏族自治縣] • Luzhou City 瀘 [3 districts, 4 counties: Jiangyang District 陽 , Longmatan District 龍馬 , Naxi District 納 ; Gulin County 古藺縣, Hejiang County 合 縣, Lu County 瀘縣, 縣] Xuyong County • Meishan City 眉山 [1 district, 5 counties: Dongpo District 東坡 ; Danleng County 丹 縣, Hongya County 洪雅縣, Pengshan County 山縣, Qingshen County 青 縣, Renshou County 壽縣] • Mianyang City 綿陽 [2 districts, 1 city, 5 counties, 1 autonomous county: Fucheng District 涪城 , Youxian District 游仙 ; Jiangyou City 油 ; An County 安縣, Pingwu County 縣, San縣, Zitong County 梓潼縣; Beichuan (North Sichuan) tai County 台縣, Yanting County 羌族自治縣] Qiang Autonomous County • Nanchong City 南充 [3 districts, 1 city, 5 counties: Gaoping District 高坪 , Jialing District 嘉 陵 , Shunqing District 慶 ; Langzhong City 中 ; Nanbu County 南部縣, Peng’an County 蓬安縣, Xichong County 西充縣, Yilong County 儀隴縣, Yingshan County 營山縣] • Neijiang City [2 districts, 3 counties: Dongxing District 東興 , Shizhong District 中 ; Longchang County 隆昌縣, Weiyuan County 威遠縣, Zizhong County 中縣] • Ngawa Tibetan Qiang Autonomous Prefecture 壩藏族羌族自治 [13 counties: Barkam County 馬爾 縣, Heishui County 黑水縣, Hongyuan County 紅原縣, Jinchuan County 金 縣, Jiuzhaigou County 九 溝縣, Li County 縣, Mao County 縣, Ngawa County 壩縣, Sungqu County 松潘縣, Wenchuan County 汶 縣, Xiaojin County 小金縣, Zamtang County 壤 縣, Zoige County 爾蓋縣] • Panzhihua City 攀 花 [3 districts, 2 counties: Dong District 東 , Renhe District 和 , Xi District 西 ; Miyi County 米 縣, Yanbian County 邊縣] • Suining City 遂 [2 districts, 3 counties: Anju District 安居 , Chuanshan District 船山 ; Daying County 大英縣, Pengxi County 蓬 縣, Shehong County 射洪縣] • Ya’an City 雅安 [1 district, 7 counties: Yucheng District 雨城 ; Baoxing County 寶興縣, Hanyuan County 源縣, Lushan County 山縣, Mingshan County 名山縣, Shimian County 石棉縣, Tianquan County 縣, Yingjing County 滎經縣] • Yibin City 賓 [1 district, 9 counties: Cuiping District 屏 ; Changning County 長 縣, Gao County 高縣, Gong County 珙縣, Jiang’an County 安縣, Nanxi County 南 縣, Pingshan County 屏山縣, Xingwen County 興文縣, Yibin County 賓縣, Yunlian County 筠連縣] , • Zigong City 自貢 [4 districts, 2 counties: Daan District 大安 , Gongjing District 貢 Yantan District 灘 , Ziliujing District 自流 ; Fushun County 富 縣, Rong County 榮 縣] ; Jianyang City 簡陽 ; • Ziyang City 陽 [1 district, 1 city, 2 counties: Yanjiang District 雁 Anyue County 安岳縣, Lezhi County 樂至縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Chengdu 成 (Shu 蜀 221-263, Three Kingdoms; Cheng 304-347, Sixteen Nations; Former Shu 前蜀 907-925, Later Shu 後蜀 934-965, Ten Han 成 182 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Kingdoms) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Sichuan 四 (= four rivers) refers to the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang 長 , called “Jinsha River” 金沙 in this region) and three of its tributaries—the Yangtze flows through the southern part of Sichuan and receives several large tributaries, notably the Min River , the Tuo River 沱 , and the Jialing River 嘉陵 . Other sources claim the “four rivers” stand for the rivers Min, Tuo, Jialing, and Wu River 烏 ABBREVIATIONS: Chuan , Shu 蜀—Chuan is just a short form of Sichuan, the abbreviation means “river”; Shu was one of the Three Kingdoms 國 (221-280) and existed between 221 and 263 AD OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: A water conservancy project at the Minjiang River in Dujiangyan for irrigation began as early as 250 BC and is still functioning today. North and northwest Sichuan is the native habitat of Giant Pandas (xiongmao 熊貓) surviving in the wild. Sichuan’s territory was changed twice in the last five decades—in 1955, neighbouring province Sikang 西 in the west was abolished and part of Sikang’s territory added to Sichuan; and in 1997 the eastern part of Sichuan was established as a new special municipality, Chongqing 慶. For this reason, consistent population figures for today’s territory of Sichuan are available only for the time after 1997. Sichuan was the home province of Deng Xiaoping 鄧小 (1904-1997). One of China’s space centers, which includes a satellite launching center (weixing fashe zhongxin 衛星 射中心), is located in Xichang 西昌 29. Taiwan 台 AREA: 36,000 km²; population: 22.69 million (1946: 6 million, 1952: 9.1 million, 1987: 19.5 million); population density: 630.27 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the sovereign and independent Republic of China (ROC), full name in Chinese: Zhonghua minguo Taiwan sheng 中華民國台 省 CAPITAL: Taipei 台 (pop. 2.62 million, latitude 24º46’ N, longitude 121º43’ E, elevation 6 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (more than 95 percent of the total population, including a significant Hakka minority 家人); “Gaoshan” 高山族 (13 officially recognized groups—Ami 美 族, Atayal 泰雅族, Bunun 農族, Kavalan/Kavarawan 噶瑪蘭族, Paiwan 排 族, Puyuma 卑南族, Rukai 魯 族, Sakizaya/Sakiraya 撒 萊雅族, Saisiyat 賽夏族, Thao/Sao 邵族, Truku/Taroko 魯閣族, Tsou 鄒族, and Yami 雅美族 [= Tao 悟人]). Taiwan’s population today is generally divided into three main groups: Taiwanese 台 人/ 省人 or Holos 河洛人 (i. e. descendants of the earliest Han-Chinese immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong provinces, including 20 percent of Hakkas), so-called “mainlanders” 外省人 (who came to Taiwan around 1949), and indigenous people/aborigines 原 民 (called “Gaoshan” by mainland scholars). The aborigines account for about 2 percent of Taiwan’s total population. In recent years, the number of foreign workers and spouses (especially from Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam) has been rising and has reached the level of the aboriginal population PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Southern Fujian (Minnan) dialect 閩南話 (= “Holo” 河洛語, also called Hoklo), Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin), Hakka 家話, Austronesian languages LOCATION: Off the southeast coast of China, between the Philippines and Japan (latitude 183 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 21º53’50” to 25º18’20” N, longitude 119º18’03” to 121º59’15” E, including Penghu 澎湖) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: — ADJACENT SEAS: Pacific Ocean 洋 in the east, Taiwan Strait 台 海峽 (shortest distance Taiwan—mainland: from Houlung 後龍 in Miaoli County to Daqiu 大丘 in Fujian province ca. 140 km) in the west, Bashi Channel in the south 巴士海峽; length of coastline 1566 km [including Penghu, shoreline of Taiwan proper 1141 km] MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Changhua 彰 [04], Chiayi 嘉義 [05], Hsinchu 竹 [03], Hualien 花蓮 [03], Ilan 蘭 [03], Kaohsiung 高雄 [07], Keelung 基隆 [02], Miaoli 苗栗 [037], Nantou 南投 [049], Pingtung 屏東 [08], Taichung 台中 [04], Tainan 台南 [06], Taipei 台 [02], Taitung 台東 [089], Taoyuan [03] TOPOGRAPHY: Taiwan is the largest island in the China area with a length of 394 km from north to south, measuring 144 km at its widest point from west to east. Taiwan’s main topographical features are the central mountain range and the coastal plains in the west. 64 percent mountains (Central Range 中央山脈, Mount Snow Range 雪山山脈, Mount Jade Range 玉山山脈, Mount Ali Range 山山脈, East Coastal Range 東部海 山脈), 19.8 percent plains and basins (Lanyang Plain 蘭陽 原, Chianan Plain 嘉南 原, Pingtung Plain 屏東 原; Taipei Basin 台 盆地, Taichung Basin 台中盆地, the 158-km-long East Longitudinal Valley 台東縱谷), 3.1 percent floodland. Taiwan province is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.5º north). Islets belonging to the Taiwan area: Green Island 綠 島, 30.3 km off the southeast coast, Orchid Island/Lanyu 蘭 , 66.3 km off the southeast coast, Pescadores/Penghu 澎湖, 43.6 km off the west coast, Liuchiu 球 11.8 km off the southwest coast, and Kueishan 龜山, 8.7 km off the northeast coast. The Diaoyutai Islands 釣魚台群島 (in Japanese: “Senkaku Islands” 尖閣諸島, also called “Pinnacle Islands” in English), situated 175 km off Taiwan’s northeast coast are claimed by the PRC and Japan HIGHEST PEAK: Mount Jade = Yushan 玉山 (“Mt. Morrison”, 3952 m), highest peak in East Asia, called “Tongku Saveg” 東谷沙飛 by the Bunun native people living in that area and “Niitakayama” 高山 by the Japanese during the Japanese colonial period (1895-1945) RIVERS AND LAKES: Taiwan’s river system is marked by short rivers, and there are few natural lakes. Freshwater supply is provided by man-made reservoirs. Rivers: Chuoshui River 濁水 , Keelung River 基隆河, Tamsui River 水河, Kaoping River 高屏 ; lakes: Sun Moon Lake 月 , Shihmen Reservoir 石門水庫, Feitsui Reservoir 水庫, Tsengwen Reservoir 曾 文水庫, Wushantou Reservoir 烏山頭水庫, etc. CLIMATE: Taiwan’s climate is subtropical in the north and tropical in the south. The hot, humid summers last from May/June to October, the winters are short and mild. Snowfall in winter only on peaks above 3000 m. Mean annual temperature 22ºC (January 15ºC with 5º variation between north and south, July 27º to 28ºC). The peculiar shape of the Lanyang Plain 蘭陽 原 (rimmed by mountains in the south and west, open to the sea in the east) produces a climate with frequent rainfalls during the northeast monsoon in winter. The island receives an average precipitation of 2500 mm annually (between 1981 and 2000 the city of Suao 澳 [Ilan County 蘭縣] at the east coast had an annual average of 4600 mm; in Huoshaoliao 火 燒寮 [Taipei County 台 縣] in the northeast it can even exceed 6000 mm, making it the rainiest place in the whole Greater China area), plum rain (meiyu 梅雨) season between spring and summer, and Taiwan is hit by 3-4 typhoons every year between May and October. The mean relative humidity averages 75 to 85 percent ECONOMY: Main agricultural products are rice, sugar cane, tea, fruit, vegetables, betel nuts, flowers, livestock (pigs, poultry, and dairy cattle) and the richest aquatic resources in the China area (though overfishing has become a problem). Most of the few mineral resources 184 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— of the island (coal, natural gas, gold) were depleted decades ago, other minerals and metals: marble, limestone, dolomite, copper, asbestos. Rapid economic development since the 1960s changed Taiwan from an agricultural society into a powerful industrial economy. Key industries: electric machinery, mechanical appliances, textiles, plastics, precision instruments, chemicals, iron, steel, and others. Due to rising labor costs, manufacturing has gradually been transferred to the Chinese mainland (heaviest investments in Jiangsu, Guangdong, and Fujian provinces) and countries in SE Asia. Busy trade made the seaport Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan one of the largest container terminals in the world. A major sector of Taiwan’s economy is IT, where Taiwan has a significant share of the world market, and Taiwan has set its sights on becoming a major hub for communications, biotechnology, nanotechnology and R&D in the Asia-Pacific region. GDP 2005: NT$ 11,131.583 billion/US$ 345.862 billion, per capita GDP 2005: NT$ 504,480/US$ 15,676 SIGHTS: Taipei 台 , Chiang Kai-shek Memorial 中正紀念堂 (renamed “National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall” 國立台 民主紀念館 in 2007), Taipei 101 台 0 (at 508 m the world’s tallest office building), Lungshan Temple 龍山寺, National Palace Museum 故宮博物 , Yangmingshan 陽明山 (ca. 1200 m), Yeliu , Tamsui 水, Taroko Gorge 魯閣, Yushan 玉山 (“Mt. Morrison”, 3952 m), Alishan 山 (highest point: Da Ta Shan 大塔山 at 2663 m), Mount Hohuan 合歡山 (3146 m), Lukang 鹿港, Sun Moon Lake 月 , Kenting 墾 , Peitou Hot Springs 投 , Chihpen Hot Springs 知 , Chiaohsi Hot Springs 礁 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: As a ROC province, Taiwan has a different administration system than the PRC provinces. There are 2 special municipalities administered by the ROC central government, 5 county-level cities and 16 counties at the Taiwan provincial level. Special municipalities: Kaohsiung City 高雄 , Taipei City 台 ; county-level cities: Chiayi City 嘉義 , Hsinchu City 竹 , Keelung City 基隆 , Taichung City 台中 , Tainan City 台南 ; counties: Changhua County 彰 縣, Chiayi County 嘉義縣, Hsinchu County 竹縣, Hualien County 花蓮縣, Ilan County 蘭縣, Kaohsiung County 高雄縣, Miaoli County 苗栗縣, Nantou County 南投縣, Penghu County 澎湖縣, Pingtung County 屏東縣, Taichung County 台中縣, Tainan County 台南縣, Taipei County 台 縣, Taitung County 台東縣, Taoyuan County 縣, Yunlin County 雲林縣. HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Taipei 台 (ROC since 1949) HISTORY: Human settlement of Taiwan began probably about 8000 years ago with the influx of people from Austronesia. During the Three Kingdoms (220-280), for the first time Taiwan was mentioned in Chinese geographical records under the name Yizhou 夷 , meaning “barbarous region”. Between the Sui (589-608) and Ming (1368-1644) Dynasties, Taiwan was known in China under the names of Qiuqiu 球求, Da Qiuqiu 大球求, Xiao Qiuqiu 小球求, Xiao Liuqiu 小 球, Pisheye 毗舍耶, or Pinghu 湖, but before the end of the Ming Dynasty the Chinese never seriously tried to colonize the island. In the 16th century, Taiwan was chanced upon by Portuguese sailors who called it Ilha Formosa (“Beautiful Island”). There was no significant Chinese population at that time, but the island was used as a base by Chinese and Japanese pirates. In 1622, the Dutch settled in the Penghu islands, but in 1624 a Chinese attack compelled them to move to Taiwan where they built a fort at Anping 安 (today’s Tainan). In response, rival sea power Spain landed on the north side of the island in 1626 and built a fort at Keelung, between 1628 and 1635 they also established a base in Tamsui. In 1642 the Protestant Dutch used military force to drive the Catholic Spaniards out of Taiwan. Large-scale Chinese immigration to Taiwan began in the 17th century. After the fall of the Ming Dynasty on the mainland, Ming loyalist Cheng Ch’eng-kung 鄭成 (also 185 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— known as “Koxinga” 國 爺) defeated the Dutch in 1662. The rule of Koxinga’s clan over the island ended in 1683 when Qing troops won a final victory over the last Ming loyalists. A ban on immigration to Taiwan decreed by the Qing court was lifted in 1732. In 1784 Japan conducted a military expedition to Taiwan after Taiwanese aborigines killed crew members of a merchant ship from the Ryukyu Islands 球群島, and Keelung and Tamsui were blockaded by the French during the Sino-French War 1884/1885. Becoming a province in its own right in 1885, Taiwan was ceded to Japan after China’s defeat in a war with Japan in 1895. Japan’s colonial rule over the island lasted 5 decades and ended in 1945, when Taiwan became a part of the ROC according to the arrangements of Cairo (1943) and Yalta (1945). After the lost civil war with the Chinese Communists, the Nationalist government of the ROC and the remains of its armed forces fled to Taiwan in 1949. Between 1946 and 1952, an estimated 2 million Chinese moved to Taiwan from the mainland. Communist North Korea’s invasion of South Korea proved to be crucial in the US’ decision to protect Taiwan against the expansion of Communism in Asia, and American troops were stationed on the island until 1979. After the ROC lost its seat in the UN to the PRC in 1971, most states in the world switched their diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing, and the ROC became increasingly isolated. After the death of Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石 in 1975, his son Chiang Ching-kuo 蔣經國 became president and initiated democratic reforms. Martial law was lifted in 1987, and the “Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of Communist Rebellion” (dongyuan kanluan shiqi linshi tiaokuan 動員戡亂 期 條 ) imposed in 1948 were abolished in 1991. Taiwan’s democratization has been highlighted by free presidential elections since 1996. In 2000 the election of Chen Shui-bian 陳水 as president marked the peaceful transition of power from the KMT to the DPP MEMBERSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: APEC, ADB, BCIE, BTWC, ICC, ICFTU, IFRCS, IOC, NTBT, UNPO, WCL, WTO. In 2006 Taiwan/the ROC was the only country in the world being denied membership, including observership, by the UN and the WHO. TOTAL ARMED FORCES: 370,000 active troops (2003) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Taiwan 台 means “terrace bay” in English, but the name could also be a phonetic adaptation of a word of an aboriginal language to Chinese ABBREVIATION: Tai 台—just a short form of Taiwan, the abbreviation means “stage”, “platform” or “terrace” INTERNATIONAL DIALLING CODE: +886 OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: The Taiwan area, especially the east coast, is prone to earthquakes. Major earthquakes causing more than 1000 casualties struck in 1906, 1935, and 1999. Geographically, Taiwan is slowly moving towards the China mainland, and the two sides are expected to be united in about 1.5 million years. Politically, China and Taiwan have been separate since the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949. The PRC regards Taiwan as “renegade province” (panlide yi sheng 叛離的 省) and threatens to unite it forcibly with the mainland if the Taiwan authorities declare formal independence. Since establishment of the three mini links (xiao santong 小 通) between the ROC-controlled offshore islands Kinmen (Jinmen, Quemoy) 金門 and Matsu (Mazu) 馬祖 and the PRC-controlled ports closest to them in Fujian province in 2001, direct travel is possible but tightly restricted. Trade between the two sides goes via third countries, mostly Hong Kong. The ROC uses its own currency, the “New Taiwan Dollar” (xin taibi 台幣, NT$). Main port of entry for foreign visitors is Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 台 國際機 (formerly Chiang Kai-shek International Airport 中正機 ). Taiwan has the highest per capita-ratio of scooters and motorcycles (50 to 150 cc) in the world 186 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— 30. Tianjin 津 (aka Tientsin, Tienchin) AREA: 11,300 km²; population: 10.43 million (1949: 3.99 million, 1987: 8.31 million); population density: 923.00 persons per km²; area code [022] ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Special municipality (zhixiashi 直轄 ) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Tianjin zhixiashi 津直轄 NATIONALITIES: Han 族; Chuang 壯族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Korean 朝鮮族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: North China (latitude 38º42’ to 40º15’ N, longitude 116º42’ to 118º4’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Beijing , Hebei 河 ADJACENT SEAS: Bohai Sea 渤海; length of coastline 152 km GEOGRAPHY: Mostly alluvial plain and open, flat land, in the north hilly land. Highest point is Baxianzhuozi 仙桌子 with an elevation of 1052 m. Rivers and waterways—Haihe River 海 河 and its tributary Yongding River 河, Jiyun River 薊 河; the area is criss-crossed by several canals (Chaobai Xinhe 河, Yongding Xinhe 河, Duliu Jianhe 獨流 河, Northern Canal 河, Southern Canal 南 河); lakes—Qianqili Lake 前七 海, Yadian 鴨 , Guangang 港, Yuqiao Reservoir 于橋水庫, Beidagang Reservoir 大港水庫, and others CLIMATE: Tianjin lies in a warm-temperate zone and has a semi-humid monsoon climate with cold, dry winters and hot, rainy summers. Occasional summer flooding and frequent spring droughts. Mean annual temperature 12.2ºC (January –4ºC, July 26.4ºC). Annual precipitation 570 mm, most of that falls in July and August. During the winter, the Haihe River and the harbour beyond the Dagukou 大 口 are frozen for up to 80 days ECONOMY: Agriculture does not play a major role in Tianjin, main crops being grains, oil-bearing crops, and vegetables. Natural resources are coal and iron ore, fish and sea salt, as well as oil and natural gas in the Bohai Sea 渤海. Tianjin has traditionally been an important trading port, today it is a large commercial and industrial center with both a textile and machine-building industry. GRP 2005: 369.762 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 45.074 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 35,451.77 Yuan RMB/US$ 4321.57 SIGHTS: Antique Market 古玩 , Monastery of Deep Compassion 大悲禪 , Water Park 水 , a distinctive architecture with a blend of Chinese and Western styles despite of damage suffered in the Tangshan earthquake that occurred in July 1976, Panshan 山 in Ji County 薊縣 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: Tianjin has no prefecture-level subdivisions, there are 18 county-level subdivisions (15 districts, 3 counties). Districts: Baodi District 寶坻 , Beichen District 辰 , Dagang District 大港 , Dongli District 東麗 , Hangu District , Hebei District 河 , Hedong District 河東 , Heping District 和 , Hexi District 河西 , Hongqiao District 紅橋 , Jinnan District 津南 , Nankai District 南開 , Tanggu District , Wuqing District 清 , Xiqing District 西青 ; counties: Ji County 薊縣, Jinghai County 靜 海縣, Ninghe County 河縣. ORIGIN OF THE CITY’S NAME: At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Tianjin became the short form of Tianzi Jindu 子津 , meaning “the Son of Heaven’s ferry crossing” ABBREVIATION: Jin 津—just a short form of Tianjin, the abbreviation means “ferry crossing” 187 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Tianjin first became a Special Municipality in 1928, between 1958 and 1967 it was part of Hebei Province as a Provincial Municipality (shengxiashi 省轄 ) 31. Tibet 西藏 AREA: 1,220,000 km²; population: 2.77 million (1952: 1.15 million, 1987: 2.08 million); population density: 2.27 persons per km² (lowest in the PRC) ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Autonomous Region (zizhiqu 自治 ) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Xizang zizhiqu 西藏自治 CAPITAL: Lhasa 拉薩 (pop. 257,400, latitude 29º41’ N, longitude 91º10’ E, elevation 3540 m) NATIONALITIES: Tibetan 藏族 (more than 90 percent of the population); Han 族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Lhoba 珞巴族, Moinba 門巴族, Nakhi 納西族, Nu 怒族 PREVALENT LANGUAGE: Tibetan LOCATION: Southwest China (latitude 26º44’ to 36º53’ N, longitude 78º25’ to 99º6’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: Qinghai 青海, Sichuan 四 , Xinjiang 疆, Yunnan 雲南; Bhutan, India (Sikkim), Nepal, Pakistan (Kashmir), Myanmar MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Gar 噶爾 [0897], Gyangze/Gyantze/Gyantse [0892], Lhasa 拉薩 [0891], Nyalam 聶拉木 [08027], Nyingchi 林芝 [0894], Qamdo 昌 [0895], Shigatse 喀則 [0892] TOPOGRAPHY: Tibet covers the main part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高原 and has an average elevation of more than 4000 m. The territory basically consists of the Northern Tibet Plateau 藏 高原 (including the Southern Tibet Valleys 藏南谷地, especially the Yarlungzangbo/Yalu Tsangpo River Valley 雅魯藏 流 ), surrounded by three major mountain chains—in the north Kunlun Mountains 崑崙山, Hoh Xil Mountains 可可西 山 and Dangla Mountains 唐古拉山, in the south, Himalaya 瑪拉雅山地 (including the Gangdise Mountains 底 山 and Nyainqentanglha Mountains 念青唐古拉山, with the world’s highest mountain Mount Everest [Qomolangma 珠穆朗瑪峰, 8848 m] at the southern rim on the border with Nepal), in the east, at the border with Sichuan and Yunnan, the Eastern Tibet High Mountain and Gorge Area 藏東高山峽谷 with the Hengduan Mountains 橫斷山, Ningjing Mountains 靜山 and the Taniantaweng Range 他念他翁山 HIGHEST PEAK: Mount Everest (Qomolangma 珠穆朗瑪峰, 8848 m) at the border with Nepal RIVERS AND LAKES: Yalu Tsangpo River 雅魯藏 (name changes to Brahmaputra 拉馬 特拉河 in its lower reaches), Nujiang 怒 (called Nagqu 曲 in its upper reaches, Salween/Saluën 薩爾 in its lower reaches), Lantsang River 瀾滄 (called Zaqu 曲 in its upper reaches, Mekong 湄 河 in its lower reaches), Jinsha River 金沙 (upper reaches of the Yangtze River 長 ) at the border with Sichuan. The fertile Yalu Tsangpo River Valley is the political, economical, and cultural center of Tibet, and the Dihang Canyon 底杭峽 in the lower reaches of the river is the biggest canyon in the world (504.6 km in length and 6009 meters in depth). There are also some short interior rivers on the Northern Tibet Plateau 藏 高原, an overwhelming majority of them seasonal waterways that dry up for most of the year. The Northern Tibet Plateau is one of the regions in the PRC with the greatest number of lakes (saltwater and freshwater), including Nam-tso Lake 納木錯, Siling Co 色林錯, Yamdrok-Tso Lake 羊卓雍錯 and many others CLIMATE: Four climatic zones from southeast to northwest—subtropical mountains zone, 188 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— high-altitude temperate zone, high-altitude cold-temperate zone, and high-altitude frigid zone. Northern Tibet Plateau 藏 高原: Mean annual temperature below 0ºC (January –20º to –10ºC, coldest temperatures as low as –40ºC; July no more than 10ºC, sometimes with frost at night), precipitation 50 to 200 mm. Southern Tibet Valleys 藏南谷地: mean annual temperature 8ºC, 120 to 150 days frost-free, mean annual precipitation between 200 mm (west) and 2000 mm (southeast). Eastern Tibet: vertical zones of climate, mean annual temperature 2º to 8ºC, often cloudy and wet with an annual precipitation between 500 and 700 mm, in winter heaviest snowfall of all Tibet. Another characteristic feature: thin air and intense solar radiation ECONOMY: Tibet’s economic mainstay is a mixture of farming (principal grain crop: highland barley, also wheat, buckwheat, and rape), animal husbandry (yaks, sheep, cattle) and forestry (timber production). Good mineral reserves—coal, iron, chromium, copper, borax, salt, lead, cobalt, rock crystal, sulphur, arsenic, barite, gypsum, muscovite, graphite. Rich geothermal resources and large water power potential. Weak industrial base with chemicals, machine-building, building materials, textiles. Tourism is another source of income. GRP 2005: 25.121 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 3.062 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 9068.95 Yuan RMB/US$ 1105.41 SIGHTS: Lhasa 拉薩, Potala Palace 拉宮, Jokhang Temple 大昭寺, Barkhor Area 角街, Norbulinka 羅 林卡, Drepung Monastery 哲蚌寺, Gyantse Kumbum Chörten 居 寺, Samye Monastery 寺, Shigatse 喀則, Rongphu Monastery 絨 寺 and Everest Base Camp 珠穆朗瑪峰大 營 at 5200 m, Mapam Yumco 瑪旁雍錯 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 7 subdivisions (1 prefecture-level city, 6 prefectures [areas]); on the county level, there are 73 subdivisions (1 district, 1 county-level city, 71 counties). • Chamdo Prefecture 昌 地 [11 counties: Chamdo County 昌 縣, Dayak County 察雅縣, 縣, Lhorong County 洛隆縣, Markham County 芒 Gongjo County 貢覺縣, Gyamda County 縣, Paksho County 宿縣, Palbar County 邊壩縣, Rioche County 類烏齊縣, Tengchen County 青縣, Zogong County 貢縣] • Lhasa City 拉薩 [1 district, 7 counties: Chengguan District 城關 ; Chushur County 曲水縣, Damshung County 當雄縣, Lhundup County 林周縣, Medro Gongkar County 墨竹 卡縣, Nyemo County 尼木縣, Taktse County 縣, Tolun Dechen County 堆龍德慶縣] • Lhoka Prefecture 山南地 [12 counties: Chong-Gye County 瓊結縣, Chosum County 曲松縣, Danang County 囊縣, Gonggar County 貢嘎縣, Gyatsa County 查縣, Lhodak County 洛 縣, Lhuntse County 隆子縣, Nakartse County 卡子縣, Nedong County 乃東縣, Samye 縣, Tsome County 措美縣, Tsona County 錯 縣] County • Nakchu Prefecture 曲地 [10 counties: Amdo County 安多縣, Bachen County 巴青縣, Chali County 嘉黎縣, Dirl County 比如縣, Nakchu County 曲縣, Nima County 尼瑪縣, Nyerong County 聶榮縣, Palgon County 班戈縣, Shantsa County 申 縣, Sokshan County 索縣] • Ngari Prefecture 地 [7 counties: Gakyi County 革吉縣, Gar County 噶爾縣, Gertse 縣, Tsochen County 則縣, Purang County 蘭縣, Rutok County 土縣, Tsada County County 措勤縣] • Nyingtri Prefecture 林芝地 [7 counties: Kongpo Gyamda County 縣, Metok County 墨脫縣, Miling County 米林縣, Namshan County 朗縣, Nyingtri County 林芝縣, Pome County 密縣, Zayul County 察隅縣] • Shigatse Prefecture 喀則地 [1 city, 17 counties: Shigatse City 喀則 ; Dengpa County 仲 縣, Khangmar County 馬縣, Kyirong 巴縣, Gampa County 巴縣, Gyantse County County 吉隆縣, Lhatse County 拉 縣, Namling County 南木林縣, Ngamring County 昂 縣, 189 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Nyalam County 聶拉木縣, Panam County 朗縣, Rinpung County 縣, Saga County 薩嘎 縣, Sakya County 薩迦縣, Thongmon County 謝通門縣, Tingkye County 結縣, Tingri County 縣, Yatung County 亞東縣] ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: “Tibet” is the name commonly used in the West. In China the name of the province is “Xizang” (西藏), meaning “western storehouse” in English. Tibet is often called “the roof of the world” (shijie wuji 世界屋脊) ABBREVIATION: Zang 藏—just a short form of Tibet, the abbreviation means “storehouse” or “depository” OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Tibet enjoyed de facto independence between 1914 and 1951. In May 1951 it was occupied by Chinese Communist forces and designated as an autonomous region in September 1965. Major riots against Chinese rule erupted in 1959 and 1987. In July 2006, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway 青藏鐵路 went into service, the world’s highest railway with a route through the Tanggula Pass 唐古拉山口 at 5072 m and 960 km built at an altitude of more than 4000 m, the highest train station being Nagqu 曲 (4500 m) 32. Xinjiang 疆 (aka Sinkiang, Hsinchiang) AREA: 1,600,000 km²; population: 20.10 million (1953: 4.87 million, 1987: 14.24 million); population density: 12.56 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Autonomous Region (zizhiqu 自治 ) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Xinjiang Weiwu’er zizhiqu 疆維吾爾自治 CAPITAL: Urumqi 烏魯木齊 (pop. 1.9415 million, latitude 43º43’ N, longitude 87º38’ E, elevation 918 m) NATIONALITIES: Uighur 維吾爾族 (45 percent of the population); Han 族 (40 percent of the population); Dahur/Daur 斡爾族, Dongxiang 東鄉族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Kazakh 哈薩克族, Kirghiz 柯爾克 族, Manchu 滿族, Mongol 蒙古族, Russian 俄羅 族, Sibo/Xibe 錫伯族, Tajik 塔吉克族, Tatar 塔塔爾族, Uzbek 烏 別克族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Turkic languages, Mongolian, Tibetan, Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通話 (northern Mandarin) LOCATION: North-northwest China (latitude 34º25’ to 49º10’ N, longitude 73º40’ to 96º23’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: Gansu 甘肅, Qinghai 青海, Tibet 西藏; Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Aksu 克 [0997], Hami 哈密 [0902], Hotan 和田 [0903], Karamay 克 拉 瑪 [0990], Kashgar/Kaxgar 喀 [0998], Korla 庫 爾 勒 [0996], Turpan/Turfan 吐魯番 [0995], Shihezi 石河子 [0993], Urumqi 烏魯木齊 (former Tihua 迪 ) [0991], Yining 伊 [0999] TOPOGRAPHY: Xinjiang Autonomous Region, the largest province of the PRC, has a topography of the extremes. The depression of the Turpan Basin 吐魯番盆地 (154 m below sea level) between the Bogda Mountains 博格 山 and Qoltag Mountains 庫魯克塔格山 is the lowest point in the PRC and the second-lowest point in the world (behind the Dead Sea depression in the Jordan Valley/Israel at 412 m below sea level), but in the province there are peaks as high as 8611 m (K2/Chogori 喬戈 峰 in the Karakorum Mountain Range 喀喇昆 山 at the border with Pakistan is the second-highest mountain on earth). Other major mountain ranges in Xinjiang: Altay Mountains 爾泰山 at the border with Mongolia, Tian- 190 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— shan Mountains 山 (region north of them called Northern Xinjiang, region south of them called Southern Xinjiang), Kunlun Mountains 崑崙山, Altun Mountains 爾金山, Pamir Plateau 帕米爾高原. 22 percent basins and deserts—Turpan Basin (Yanqi Basin 焉耆盆地 in the central part, Hami Basin 哈密盆地 in the eastern part), Junggar Basin 准 爾盆地 (including the Gurbantünggüt Desert 古爾班通古特沙漠), Tarim Basin 塔 木盆地 (largest basin in the PRC, includes the Taklamakan Desert 塔克拉瑪 沙漠 [largest desert in PRC], which features moving dunes), Gumtay Desert 庫姆塔格沙漠. An uninhabited place in Xinjiang that marks the border with Kirghizstan and Tajikistan is the westernmost point of the PRC HIGHEST PEAK: K2/Chogori 喬戈 峰 (8611 m)—also called Mount Qogir—in the Karakorum Mountain Range 喀喇昆 山 at the border with Pakistan RIVERS AND LAKES: Most rivers in Xinjiang are inland rivers that flow into the Junggar or Tarim Basins, e. g. Tarim River 塔 木河 (longest inland river in PRC, its upper reaches consist of Aksu River 克 河, Yarkand River 葉爾羌河 and Hotan River 和田河), Ulungur River 烏 倫古河, Manas River 瑪納 河, Qarqan River 車爾臣河, Kaidu River 開 河 (Karaxahar). Other rivers flow out of the PRC’s territory like the Ili River 伊犁河 (upper reaches: Tekes River 特克 河, Künas River 鞏乃 河, Kax River 喀 河), Emin River 額敏河, and Ertix River 額爾齊 河 (= Irtysh—a tributary of the Ob and China’s only river that flows into the Arctic Ocean). There are many lakes in the region, Lake Bosten 博 騰湖 being the largest. Other lakes and reservoirs: Aydingkol Lake 艾 湖 at the bottom of the Turpan Basin, Lake Ulungur 烏倫古湖, Lake Manas 瑪納 湖, Lake Sayram 賽 木湖, Ebinur Lake 艾比湖, Tianchi (“Heaven Pool”) in the Bogda Mountains 博格 山, Shangyou Reservoir 游水庫, Xiaohaizi Reservoir 小海子水庫, Daxihaizi Reservoir 大西海子水庫; Lobu Lake (Lop Nor) 羅 has completely dried up CLIMATE: Continental climate with temperate and warm-temperate zones, long hot summers and long cold winters, short springs and autumns with frequent gales. Other characteristics: great differences in temperature between day and night, excessive evaporation, little rainfall; great climatic differences between northern and southern Xinjiang. Annual average temperature: northern Xinjiang 4º to 8ºC (January –15º to –20ºC, July 20º to 25ºC), southern Xinjiang 9º to 12ºC (January –8º to –10ºC, July 25º to 27ºC). Precipitation in most areas below 150 mm per year, but there are big differences from place to place. The mountains and Xinjiang’s west see more rain than the plains and the east (Altay Mountains 爾泰山 and Tianshan Mountains 山 500 mm per year or more, Southern Xinjiang Basin between 50 and 100 mm) ECONOMY: Agriculture consists mainly of crop production (grain crops: wheat, maize, rice, sorghum, corn, cash crops: cotton, sugar beet, rape, oil-bearing flax, sunflowers, fruits) and animal husbandry (goats, sheep, cattle, donkeys, horses, pigs, camels), agricultural development depends on irrigation. Varied and plentiful mineral resources—coal, oil, mica, asbestos, jadestones, rock salt, gypsum, gold. Main industries: iron, steel and nonferrous metals, coal, petroleum, electrical power (good potential for hydropower), agricultural and pastoral machinery, wool production and textiles, sugar production, handicrafts. GRP 2005: 260.419 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 31.745 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 12,956.16 Yuan RMB/US$ 1579.35 SIGHTS: Kashgar 喀 , Turpan/Turfan 吐魯番, Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves 博 克 喀 千 洞, Gaochang Ruins 高昌故城, Jiaohe Ruins 交河故城, Heaven Pool 山 , Hanas Lake 哈納 湖, Southern Silk Road 南 路, Kuqa Thousand Buddha Caves 庫車千 洞, Kizil Thousand Buddha Caves 克 爾千 洞, Yining 伊 , Urumqi 烏魯木齊, Shihezi 石河 子, Lake Sayram 賽 木湖 191 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 14 subdivisions (2 prefecture-level cities [Karamay 克拉瑪依, Ürümqi 烏魯木齊], 7 prefectures [areas], 5 autonomous prefectures); on the county level, there are 99 subdivisions (11 districts, 20 county-level cities, 62 counties, 6 autonomous counties). Four cities (Aral 拉爾, Shihezi 石河子, Tumxuk 圖木舒 克, Wujiaqu 家 ) are county-level cities which do not belong to any prefecture, and two prefectures (Altay Prefecture 勒泰地 , Tacheng Prefecture 塔城地 ) are part of Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治 . ; Awat County 瓦提縣, • Aksu Prefecture 克 地 [1 city, 8 counties: Aksu City 克 Baicheng County 城縣, Kalpin County 柯坪縣, Kuchar County 庫車縣, Shayar County 沙雅 縣, Toksu County 和縣, Uqturpan County 烏 縣, Wensu County 宿縣] • Altay Prefecture 勒泰地 is part of Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture. [1 city, 6 counties: Altay City 勒泰 ; Burqin County 爾津縣, Fuhai County 福海縣, Fuyun County 富蘊縣, Habahe County 哈巴河縣, Jeminay County 吉木乃縣, Qinggil County 青河縣] • Aral City 拉爾 (directly administered county-level city) • Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治 [1 city, 7 counties, 1 autonomous County: Korla City 庫爾勒 ; Bohu County 博湖縣, Hejing County 和靜縣, Hoxud County 和碩縣, Luntai County 輪台縣, Qiemo County 且 縣, Ruoqiang County 羌縣, Yuli County 尉犁縣; Yanqi Hui Autonomous County 焉耆回族自治縣] • Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治 [1 city, 2 counties: Bortala 縣] City 博樂 ; Jinghe County 精河縣, Wenquan County • Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture 昌吉回族自治 [3 cities, 4 counties, 1 autonomous county: Changji City 昌吉 , Fukang City 阜 , Miquan City 米 ; Hutubi County 呼圖 壁縣, Jimsar County 吉木薩爾縣, Manas County 瑪納 縣, Qitai County 台縣; Mori Kazakh Autonomous County 木壘哈薩克自治縣] • Hotan Prefecture 和田地 [1 city, 7 counties: Hotan City 和田 ; Chira County 策勒縣, Karakash County 墨玉縣, Keriye County 于田縣, Hotan County 和田縣, Lop County 洛浦縣, Minfeng County 民豐縣, Pishan County 皮山縣] • Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治 [2 cities, 7 counties, 1 autonomous ; Gongliu County 鞏留縣, Huocheng County 霍 county: Kuitun City 奎屯 , Yining City 伊 城縣, Nilka County 尼勒克縣, Tekes County 特克 縣, Xinyuan County 源縣, Yining County 伊 縣, Zhaosu County 昭 縣; Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County 察 查爾錫伯自 治縣. Altay Prefecture 勒泰地 and Tacheng Prefecture 塔城地 are also part of Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture] • Karamay City 克拉瑪依 [4 districts: Baijiantan District 灘 , Dushanzi District 獨山子 , Karamay District 克拉瑪依 , Urho District 烏爾 ] ; • Kashgar Prefecture 喀 地 [1 city, 10 counties, 1 autonomous county: Kashgar City 喀 Kargilik County 葉城縣, Makit County 麥蓋提縣, Maralbexi County 巴楚縣, Peyziwat County 伽師縣, Poskam County 澤 縣, Shufu County 疏附縣, Shule County 疏勒縣, Yarkand County 莎車縣, Yengisar County 英吉沙縣, Yopurga County 岳 湖縣; Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County 塔 庫爾 塔吉克自治縣] • Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture 克 勒 柯爾克 自治 [1 city, 3 counties: Artux City 圖 ; Akqi County 合 縣, Akto County 克陶縣, Ulugqat County 烏恰縣] • Kumul Prefecture 哈密地 [1 city, 1 county, 1 autonomous county: Kumul City 哈密 ; Yiwu County 伊吾縣; Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County 巴裡坤哈薩克自治縣] • Shihezi City 石河子 (directly administered county-level city) • Tacheng Prefecture 塔城地 is part of Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture. [2 cities, 4 ; Emin County 額敏縣, counties, 1 autonomous county: Tacheng City 塔城 , Wusu City 烏 192 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Shawan County 沙 縣, Toli County 托 縣, Yumin County 裕民縣; Hoboksar Mongol Autonomous County 和 克賽爾蒙古自治縣] • Tumxuk City 圖木舒克 (directly administered county-level city) • Turpan Prefecture 吐魯番地 [1 city, 2 counties: Turpan City 吐魯番 ; Piqan County 善 縣, Toksun County 托克遜縣] • Ürümqi City 烏魯木齊 [7 districts, 1 county: Dabancheng District 坂城 , Dongshan District 東山 , Saybagh District 沙依巴克 , Shuimogou District 水磨溝 , Tianshan District 山 , Toutunhe District 頭屯河 , Xinshi District ; Urumqi County 烏魯木齊縣] • Wujiaqu City 家 (directly administered county-level city) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Xinjiang literally means “new border” or “new frontier” in English and is sometimes referred to as “East Turkestan” or “Chinese Turkestan” ABBREVIATION: Xin —just a short form of Xinjiang, the abbreviation means “new” OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Of all the cities in the world, Urumqi is furthest from the sea, and in the past it was called “Tihua” (迪 ). Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region was established in October 1955, riots against Chinese rule erupted in 1997. In 1964, the PRC’s first atomic bomb was detonated at Lop Nor 羅 . Xinjiang is the PRC’s province most seriously affected by subterranean coal fires, which rage in several provinces and were mentioned as early as centuries ago 33. Yunnan 雲南 AREA: 394,000 km²; population: 44.50 million (1949: 15.95 million, 1987: 35.34 million); population density: 112.94 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Yunnan sheng 雲南省 CAPITAL: Kunming 昆明 (pop. 5.0847 million, latitude 25º4’ N, longitude 102º41’ E, elevation 1891 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 ; ethnic minorities account for about one third of Yunnan’s population—Achang 昌族, Blang 朗族, Borean/Bai 族, Chino 基諾族, Chuang 壯族, Dai 傣族, De’ang 德昂族 = Benglong 崩龍族, Drung 獨龍族, Gelo 仡佬族, Gerbao/Yao 瑤族, Hani 哈尼族, Hmong/Miao 苗族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Jingpo 頗族, Lahu 拉 族, Lisu 傈僳族, Lolos/Yi 彝族, Mongol 蒙古族, Nakhi 納西族, Nu 怒族, Primi 米 族, Tibetan 藏族, Va 佤族, as well as the Mosuo tribe 摩梭族 and the Kucong people 人 (not yet officially recognized as separate ethnic minorities in the PRC), thus making Yunnan the province of China inhabited by the largest number of minority nationalities PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Mandarin Chinese putonghua 通 話 (southern Mandarin), Dai language, Tibetan, Thai languages LOCATION: Southwest China (latitude 21º8’ to 29º15’ N, longitude 97º33’ to 106º11’ E), landlocked NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES/STATES: Guangxi 廣西, Guizhou 貴 , Sichuan 四 , Tibet 西藏; Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Dali 大 [0872], Dongchuan 東 [0881], Gejiu 個舊 [0873], Jinghong 洪 [0691], Kunming 昆明 [0871], Luxi 潞西 [0692], Simao 思 [0879], Xishuangbanna 西雙版納 [0691] TOPOGRAPHY: Generally high in the northwest and low in the south and southeast. 84 percent 193 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— mountains (Hengduan Mountains 橫斷山 [an extension of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏 高原] with parallel north-south-ranges like Gaoligong Mountains 高黎貢山, Nushan Mountains 怒山 [= Biluoxueshan 碧羅雪山] and Yunling Mountains 雲岭, in the south Ailao Mountains 哀 山, Wuliang Mountains 無 山, Bangma Mountains 邦馬山), 10 percent plateaus (Eastern Yunnan Plateau 東高原—part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau 雲貴高 原—with Wumeng Mountains 烏蒙山, Liangwang Mountains 梁王山, Niushou Mountains 牛首山, Liushao Mountains 韶山, numerous intermontane basins called “bazi” 壩子 like the Dianchi Basin 盆地, Erhai Basin 海盆地, Jinghong Basin 洪盆地, Baoshan Basin 保山盆地, Zhaotong Basin 昭通盆地 and Ludian Basin 魯甸盆地; karst topography with limestone formations), 6 percent basins and river valleys. Yunnan Province is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.5º north) and is one of China’s seismically active provinces HIGHEST PEAK: Meilixue Mountain 梅 雪山 (6740 m) in the Hengduan Mountains 橫斷山 at the border with Tibet RIVERS AND LAKES: Jinsha River 金沙 (= Yangtze River 長 , main tributaries: Pudu River 河, Niulan River 牛欄 and Hengjiang River 橫 , passes through the Hutiao Canyon 虎 跳峽), Lantsang River 瀾滄 (= Mekong River 湄 河), Nujiang 怒 (= Salween River 薩爾 ), Nanpan Jiang 南 (= Pearl River 珠 ), Yuanjiang 元 (= Red River 紅河), Daying River 大盈 (tributary of the N’mai Hka River 恩梅開 = Irrawaddy River 伊落 瓦底 ); Dianchi Lake , Fuxian Lake 撫仙湖, Erhai 海, Chenghai 程海, Yilong Lake 異龍湖, Yangzong Lake 陽 海, Qilu Lake 杞 湖, Datunhai 大屯海, Lugu Lake 瀘 湖. There are hundreds of hot springs in Yunnan, especially in the area of Tengchong 騰沖 CLIMATE: Special high-altitude monsoon climate, influenced by dry continental monsoons in winter and moist maritime monsoons in summer. Year-round temperate weather with no cold winters and no hot summers, spring and autumn follow each other. Mean temperature 6º to 8ºC in the coldest month and 19º to 22ºC in the hottest month, temperature decreases at higher altitudes—due to different altitudes three climatic zones exist in Yunnan: tropical, temperate, and frigid. Annual precipitation in most parts of the province more than 1000 mm (in the valleylands in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River and Lantsang River 500 to 700 mm, in other areas up to 2300 mm), 85 percent of rain falls in the wet season between May and October, spring droughts occur almost every year ECONOMY: Favorable natural conditions for agriculture, main products: grain crops like rice, maize, wheat, broad beans, tubers, corn, sorghum; cash crops like rapeseed, sugarcane, cured tobacco, tea, fruits; tropical cash crops like rubber trees, coffee, oil palms, quinine, pepper, sisal hemp, and others. Rich timber reserves, livestock breeding—cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, bees. Mineral resources: copper, tin, lead, zinc and phosphorus, rock salt, coal, antimony, mirabilite, byrite, blue asbestos, iron, manganese, tungsten, mercury, sylvite, platinum, marble, and others. Most important industry in Yunnan is mining. Other industries: metallurgy, power generation (rich hydropower potential), chemicals, machine-building, light industry (cigarettes, tea processing, sugar refining, textiles, electronics, handicrafts), tourism, and others. GRP 2005: 347.289 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 42.335 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 7804.24 Yuan RMB/US$ 951.34 SIGHTS: Kunming 昆明, Dianchi Lake , Dali 大 , Erhai Lake 海, Stone Forest 石林 at Lunan 路南, Lijiang 麗 , Tiger Leaping Gorge/Hutiao Canyon 虎跳峽, Xishuangbanna 西 雙版納, Sanchahe Nature Reserve 岔河自然保護 , Tengchong 騰沖 and its hot springs , Ruili 瑞麗, Deqin 德 , Zhongdian 中甸, Yuanyang Terraced Rice Fields 元陽梯田, Dadieshui Waterfall 大疊水 on the Nanpan River 南 /Pearl River 珠 , Diancang Mountains 蒼山 = Cangshan Mountains 蒼山, Shangri-la 香格 拉 194 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 16 subdivisions (8 prefecture-level cities, 8 autonomous prefectures); on the county level, there are 129 subdivisions (12 districts, 9 county-level cities, 79 counties, 29 autonomous counties). • Baoshan City 保山 [1 district, 4 counties: Longyang District 隆陽 ; Changning County 昌 縣, Longling County 龍陵縣, Shidian County 甸縣, Tengchong County 騰沖縣] • Chuxiong Lolos Autonomous Prefecture 楚雄彝族自治 [1 city, 9 counties: Chuxiong City 楚雄 ; Dayao County 大姚縣, Lufeng County 祿豐縣, Mouding County 牟 縣, Nanhua 縣, Yao’an County 姚安縣, County 南華縣, Shuangbai County 雙柏縣, Wuding County Yongren County 縣, Yuanmou County 元謀縣] • Dali Borean Autonomous Prefecture 大 族自治 [1 city, 8 counties, 3 autonomous ; Binchuan County 賓 縣, Eryuan County 源縣, Heqing County counties: Dali City 大 鶴慶縣, Jianchuan County 劍 縣, Midu County 彌 縣, Xiangyun County 祥雲縣, Yongping 縣, Yunlong County 雲龍縣; Nanjian Lolos Autonomous County 南澗彝族自治縣, County Weishan Lolos Hui Autonomous County 巍山彝族回族自治縣, Yangbi Lolos Autonomous County 漾 彝族自治縣] • Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture 德宏傣族 頗族自治 [2 cities, 3 counties: Luxi City 潞西 , Ruili City 瑞麗 ; Lianghe County 梁河縣, Longchuan County 隴 縣, Yingjiang County 盈 縣] • Dêqên Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 迪慶藏族自治 [2 counties, 1 autonomous county: Dêqên County 德 縣, Shangri-La County 香格 拉縣; Weixi Lisu Autonomous County 維西 傈僳族自治縣] • Honghe Hani Lolos Autonomous Prefecture 紅河哈尼族彝族自治 [2 cities, 8 counties, 3 autonomous counties: Gejiu City 個舊 , Kaiyuan City 開遠 ; Honghe County 紅河縣, Jianshui County 建水縣, Lüchun County 綠春縣, Luxi County 瀘西縣, Mengzi County 蒙自縣, Mile County 彌勒縣, Shiping County 石屏縣, Yuanyang County 元陽縣; Hekou Gerbao Autonomous County 河口瑤族自治縣, Jinping Hmong Gerbao Dai Autonomous County 金 苗族瑤族傣 族自治縣, Pingbian Hmong Autonomous County 屏邊苗族自治縣] • Kunming City 昆明 [5 districts, 1 city, 5 counties, 3 autonomous counties: Dongchuan District 東 , Guandu District , Panlong District 龍 , Wuhua District 華 , Xishan ; Chenggong County 呈貢縣, Fumin County 富民縣, District 西山 ; Anning City 安 Jinning County 晉 縣, Songming County 嵩明縣, Yiliang County 良縣; Luquan Lolos Hmong Autonomous County 祿勸彝族苗族自治縣, Shilin Lolos Autonomous County 石林彝 族自治縣, Xundian Hui Lolos Autonomous County 尋甸回族彝族自治縣] • Lijiang City 麗 [1 district, 2 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Gucheng District 古城 ; Hua縣; Ninglang Lolos Autonomous County 蒗彝族 ping County 華坪縣, Yongsheng County 自治縣, Yulong Nakhi Autonomous County 玉龍納西族自治縣] • Lincang City 滄 [1 district, 4 counties, 3 autonomous counties: Linxiang District 翔 ; Fengqing County 慶縣, Yongde County 德縣, Yun County 雲縣, Zhenkang County 鎮 縣; Cangyuan Va Autonomous County 滄源佤族自治縣, Gengma Dai Va Autonomous County 耿 馬傣族佤族自治縣, Shuangjiang Lahu Va Blang Dai Autonomous County 雙 拉 族佤族 朗族傣族自治縣] • Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture 怒 傈僳族自治 [2 counties, 2 autonomous counties: Fugong County 福貢縣, Lushui County 瀘水縣; Gongshan Drung Nu Autonomous County 貢山 獨龍族怒族自治縣, Lanping Borean Primi Autonomous County 蘭坪 族 米族自治縣] • Qujing City 曲靖 [1 district, 1 city, 7 counties: Qilin District 麟 ; Xuanwei City 威 ; Fuyuan County 富源縣, Huize County 會澤縣, Luliang County 陸良縣, Luoping County 羅 縣, Malong County 馬龍縣, Shizong County 師 縣, Zhanyi County 益縣] 195 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— • Simao City 思 [1 district, 9 autonomous counties: Cuiyun District 雲 ; Jiangcheng Hani Lolos Autonomous County 城哈尼族彝族自治縣, Jingdong Lolos Autonomous County 東 彝族自治縣, Jinggu Dai Lolos Autonomous County 谷傣族彝族自治縣, Lancang Lahu Autonomous County 瀾滄拉 族自治縣, Menglian Dai Lahu Va Autonomous County 孟連傣 族拉 族佤族自治縣, Mojiang Hani Autonomous County 墨 哈尼族自治縣, Puer Hani Lolos Autonomous County 哈尼族彝族自治縣, Ximeng Va Autonomous County 西盟佤 族自治縣, Zhenyuan Lolos Hani Lahu Autonomous County 鎮沅彝族哈尼族拉 族自治 縣] • Wenshan Zhuang Hmong Autonomous Prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治 [8 counties: Funing County 富 縣, Guangnan County 廣南縣, Maguan County 馬關縣, Malipo County 麻栗 坡縣, Qiubei County 丘 縣, Wenshan County 文山縣, Xichou County 西疇縣, Yanshan County 硯山縣] • Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture 西雙版納傣族自治 [1 city, 2 counties: Jinghong City 洪 ; Menghai County 勐海縣, Mengla County 勐臘縣] • Yuxi City 玉 [1 district, 5 counties, 3 autonomous counties: Hongta District 紅塔 ; Chengjiang 縣, Tonghai County 通海縣, County 澄 縣, Huaning County 華 縣, Jiangchuan County Yimen County 門縣; Eshan Lolos Autonomous County 峨山彝族自治縣, Xinping Lolos Dai Autonomous County 彝族傣族自治縣, Yuanjiang Hani Lolos Dai Autonomous County 元 哈尼族彝族傣族自治縣] • Zhaotong City 昭通 [1 district, 10 counties: Zhaoyang District 昭陽 ; Daguan County 大關 縣, Ludian County 魯甸縣, Qiaojia County 家縣, Shuifu County 水富縣, Suijiang County 綏 縣, Weixin County 威信縣, Yanjin County 津縣, Yiliang County 彝良縣, Yongshan County 善縣, Zhenxiong County 鎮雄縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Taihe 和城 [today’s Dali 大 ] (Nanzhao 南詔 649-902), Weishan 巍山 (Nanzhao 南詔 649-902), Yangjumie 羊苴咩 [today’s Dali 大 ] (Nanzhao 南 詔 649-902, Dali 大 937-1253) ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Literally “south of Yun”, as the province lies south of the Yun Mountains 雲岭 ABBREVIATIONS: Yun 雲, Dian —Yun is just a short form of Yunnan, the abbreviation means “cloud”; close to Kunming 昆明 lies Dianchi Lake OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: In 1965, fossils of a humanoid that lived ca. 1.7 million years ago were excavated in Shangnabang 蚌 (Yuanmou County 元謀縣). After WWII and the establishment of the PRC, part of Yunnan’s territory was ceded to Myanmar. At Shigu 石鼓 the Yunling Mountain Range 雲岭 forces the Jinsha River 金沙 (= Yangtze River 長 ) to make a sharp turn, preventing its flow further south, unlike the Lantsang River 瀾滄 or the Salween River 薩爾 . Several completed or planned dams (Manwan Dam 壩, Dachaoshan Dam 大朝山壩, Jinghong Dam 洪壩) on the Lantsang River (= Mekong 湄 河) have been strongly opposed by the countries downstream (Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam), and work on a project damming the Jinsha River at the scenic Tiger Leaping Gorge 虎跳峽 has already begun 34. Zhejiang (aka Chekiang, Tschekiang) AREA: 101,800 km²; population: 48.98 million (1949: 20.83 million, 1987: 41.17 million); population density: 481.13 persons per km² 196 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Province (sheng 省) of the PRC, full name in Chinese: Zhejiang sheng 省 CAPITAL: Hangzhou 杭 (pop. 6.6045 million, latitude 30º15’ N, longitude 120º16’ E, elevation 43 m) NATIONALITIES: Han 族 (99 percent of the population); Hmong/Miao 苗族, Hui 回族 (Chinese Muslims), Manchu 滿族, She 畬族 PREVALENT LANGUAGES: Shanghainese (Wu) dialect 吳方言, Northern Fujian (Minbei) dialect 閩 話, Southern Fujian (Minnan) dialect 閩南話 LOCATION: Central-south China (latitude 27º1’ to 31º10’ N, longitude 118º1’ to 123º8’ E) NEIGHBOURING PROVINCES: Anhui 安徽, Fujian 福建, Jiangsu , Jiangxi 西, Shanghai 海 ADJACENT SEAS: East China Sea 東海; length of coastline 2200 km (6486 km when offshore islands are included) MAJOR CITIES [AREA CODE]: Hangzhou 杭 [0571], Huzhou 湖 [0572], Jiaxing 嘉興 [0573], Jinhua 金華 [0579], Ningbo (abbrev. Yong 甬) [0574], Shaoxing 紹興 [0575], Wenzhou [0577] TOPOGRAPHY: 70.4 percent mountains and hills—west: Tianmu Mountains 目山, Yuling Range 昱岭, Baiji Mountains 際山, Qianligang Mountains 千 ; south: Xianxia Range 仙霞岭, Donggong Mountains 洞宮山, Yandang Mountains 雁 山; east: Guacang Mountains 括蒼 山, Tiantai Mountains 台山, Siming Mountains 四明山, Huiji Mountains 會稽山; 23.2 percent plains and basins—Hangjiahu Plain 杭嘉湖 原, Ningshao Plain 紹 原, Wenzhou Plain 原, and others, Jinqu Basin 金 盆地 and other basins among the mountains; 6.4 percent rivers and lakes. Zhejiang has the highest number of offshore islands of all provinces in China—Zhoushan Islands 山群島, Shengsi Islands 嵊 列島, Qiqu Islands 嶇群島, Yushan Islands 魚山列島, Jiushan Islands 韭山列島, Southern and Northern Jishan Islands 南麂山列島/ 麂山列島, Yuhuan Island 玉環島, Nantian Island 南田島, Dachen Island 大陳島 (held by ROC forces until 1955), Dongtou Island 洞頭島, and many others HIGHEST PEAK: Huangmaojian 黃 尖 (1921 m) in the Xianxia Range 仙霞岭 RIVERS AND LAKES: Qiantang River 錢 (tributaries: Jiangshan 山港, Wuxi 烏 , Jinhua 金華 , Xin’an River 安 /Huigang 徽港, Puyang 浦陽 , Fuchun River 富春 , and others), Oujiang River 甌 (tributaries: Songyin River 松陰 , Haoxi 好 , Xiaoxi 小 ), Ling River 靈 , Feiyun River 飛雲 , Taixi River 大 , Cao’e River 娥 , Yong River 甬 ; Jiangnan Canal 南 河/Grand Canal 大 河. Lakes: West Lake 西湖 at Hangzhou 杭 , South Lake 南湖 at Jiaxing 嘉興, East Lake 東湖 at Shaoxing 紹興, Xin’an River Reservoir 安 水庫 (also called Qiandao Lake 千島湖) CLIMATE: Subtropical monsoon climate, warm and humid, with distinct seasons. Mean annual temperature 15º to 18ºC (January 3ºC in the north, 4º to 6ºC in the center, over 6ºC in the south and over 7ºC along the southeast coast, July 27º to 30ºC in all areas). Annual precipitation 1200 to 1800 mm (northeastern plains 1000 mm, southwestern mountains and southeastern coastal regions over 2000 mm), spring rains in March/April, plum rains (meiyu 梅雨) between May and July, typhoons possible during the summer ECONOMY: Main agricultural products include grain crops like paddy rice, wheat, maize, sweet potatoes, cash crops like cotton, jute, hemp, kenaf, rapeseed, mulberry, sugar cane, tea, subtropical and temperate fruit (tangerines, oranges, honey peaches, etc.); also forestry (lumber, bamboo, tea-oil trees etc.), animal husbandry (pigs, sheep, goats, bee boxes), marine and freshwater fishery, aquaculture. Mineral resources include fluorite, alunite, limestone, bentonite, glass quartz sand. Light industry: textiles (silk and cotton), silkworm cocoon pro- 197 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— duction, tea processing (“Dragon Well Tea” 龍 茶 and other varieties), papermaking, rice wine, electronics, handicrafts. Heavy industry accounts only for a small portion of industrial output—hydropower generation, heavy-duty machine building, construction materials, and others. A major deep water container port expansion project is under way at Zhapu 乍浦 (Jiaxing City 嘉興). GRP 2005: 1343.785 billion Yuan RMB/US$ 163.810 billion, per capita GRP 2005: 27,435.38 Yuan RMB/US$ 3344.42 SIGHTS: Hangzhou 杭 , Lingyin Temple 靈隱寺, West Lake 西湖, Ningbo , Putuoshan 山 (291 m, one of the Four Buddhist Holy Mountains 四大名山), Mogan Mountain 莫 山 (710 m), North Yandang Mountain 雁 山, Jingning County 縣, Wuzhen 烏 鎮, Haining Tide 海 at the mouth of the Qiantang River 錢 口 in spring, Qianjiang Lake 錢 湖, Shaoxing 紹興 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: On the prefecture level, there are 11 subdivisions (11 prefecture-level cities); on the county level, there are 90 subdivisions (32 districts, 22 county-level cities, 35 counties, 1 autonomous county). , Gongshu District • Hangzhou City 杭 [8 districts, 3 cities, 2 counties: Binjiang District 拱墅 , Jianggan District , Shangcheng District 城 , Xiacheng District 城 , Xiaoshan District 蕭山 , Xihu District 西湖 , Yuhang District 餘杭 ; Fuyang City 富陽 , Jiande City 建德 , Lin’an City 安 ; Chun’an County 淳安縣, Tonglu County 廬縣] , Wuxing District 吳興 ; • Huzhou City 湖 [2 districts, 3 counties: Nanxun District 南 Anji County 安吉縣, Changxing County 長興縣, Deqing County 德清縣] • Jiaxing City 嘉興 [2 districts, 3 cities, 2 counties: Nanhu District 南湖 , Xiuzhou District ; Haining City 海 , Pinghu City 湖 , Tongxiang City 鄉 ; Haiyan County 海 縣, Jiashan County 嘉善縣] • Jinhua City 金華 [2 districts, 4 cities, 3 counties: Jindong District 金東 , Wucheng District 婺城 ; Dongyang City 東陽 , Lanxi City 蘭 , Yiwu City 義烏 , Yongkang City ; Pan’an County 磐安縣, Pujiang County 浦 縣, Wuyi County 義縣] ; • Lishui City 麗水 [1 district, 1 city, 6 counties, 1 autonomous county: Liandu District 蓮 Longquan City 龍 ; Jinyun County 縉雲縣, Qingtian County 青田縣, Qingyuan County 慶 元縣, Songyang County 松陽縣, Suichang County 遂昌縣, Yunhe County 雲和縣; Jingning She 畬族自治縣] Autonomous County • Ningbo City [6 districts, 3 cities, 2 counties: Beilun District , Haishu District 海曙 , Jiangbei District , Jiangdong District 東 , Yinzhou District 鄞 , Zhenhai , Fenghua City , Yuyao City 餘姚 ; Ninghai County District 鎮海 ; Cixi City 慈 海縣, Xiangshan County 象山縣] • Quzhou City [2 districts, 1 city, 3 counties: Kecheng District 柯城 , Qujiang District ; Jiangshan City 山 ; Changshan County 常山縣, Kaihua County 開 縣, Longyou County 龍游縣] • Shaoxing City 紹興 [1 district, 3 cities, 2 counties: Yuecheng District 越城 ; Shangyu City 虞 , Shengzhou City 嵊 , Zhuji City 諸暨 ; Shaoxing County 紹興縣, Xinchang County 昌縣] • Taizhou City 台 [3 districts, 2 cities, 4 counties: Huangyan District 黃岩 , Jiaojiang District 椒 , Luqiao District 路橋 ; Linhai City 海 , Wenling City 嶺 ; Sanmen County 門縣, Tiantai County 台縣, Xianju County 仙居縣, Yuhuan County 玉環縣] , Lucheng District • Wenzhou City [3 districts, 2 cities, 6 counties: Longwan District 龍 鹿城 , Ouhai District 甌海 ; Leqing City 樂清 , Ruian City 瑞安 ; Cangnan County 蒼 南縣, Dongtou County 洞頭縣, Pingyang County 陽縣, Taishun County 泰 縣, Wencheng County 文成縣, Yongjia County 嘉縣] 198 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— ; • Zhoushan City 山 [2 districts, 2 counties: Dinghai District 海 , Putuo District Daishan County 岱山縣, Shengsi County 嵊 縣] HISTORIC CAPITALS IN THE PROVINCE: Hangzhou 杭 (Wu-yue 吳越 907-978, Ten Kingdoms), 1126-1279) Lin’an 安 [today’s Hangzhou] (Southern Song 南 ORIGIN OF THE PROVINCE’S NAME: Zhejiang refers to the ancient Zhe River (today’s names: Qiantang River 錢 , and Xin’an River 安 ) located in the province ABBREVIATION: Zhe —just a short form of Zhejiang, the abbreviation itself has no special meaning in Chinese OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Zhejiang was the home province of Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石 (1887-1975), the city of Hangzhou (reached by the Grand Canal 大 河 in 610 AD and visited by Marco Polo in the 13th century) was the home of two famous poets—Bai Juyi 居 (772-846) and Su Shi 軾/Su Dongpo 東坡 (1036-1101), Shaoxing was the birthplace of Lu Xun 魯迅 (1881-1936), China’s most famous modern writer A few words about Singapore… Singapore is neither a part of China nor a Chinese state, but a majority of its population is ethnic Chinese. AREA: 699.4 km² in 2007 (keeps growing due to land reclamation efforts); population: 4.341 million (1957: 1.4 million, 1985: 2.5 million, 2000: 4.017 million); population density: 7024.27 persons per km² ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS: Republic, official name: Republic of Singapore CAPITAL: Singapore (2.9 million inhabitants [2004]) NATIONALITIES: Han-Chinese (77 percent of the population, mostly Buddhists and Daoists); 14 percent Malay (Muslims), 8 percent Indian (mostly Hindus), and other ethnic groups. About 10 percent of the population is Christian PREVALENT LANGUAGES: English (official language), Malay, Mandarin Chinese (northern Mandarin = putonghua 通話, southern Fujian dialect = minnan hua 閩南話), Tamil LOCATION: 136.8 km north of the equator at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula (latitude 1º5’ to 1º29’ N, longitude 103º35’ to 104º7’ E) TIME ZONE: UTC + 8 hours NEIGHBOURING STATES: Indonesia, Malaysia ADJACENT SEAS: Straits of Singapore, Pandan Strait and Johor Strait (part of the Strait of Malacca) GEOGRAPHY: The Johor Strait (Selat Johor) separates Singapore from the Malay Peninsula. Besides the largest island (Singapore island, 572.2 km²) there are 58 smaller offshore islands (Ayer Chawan, Ayer Merbau, Blakang Mati, Bukum, Buran Darat, Merlimau, Pasir Panjang, Pawai, Pesek, Sakra, Sebarok, Semakau, Senang, Sentosa, Seraja, Sudong, Tekong Besar, Ular, and others), 20 of which are inhabited. During the past decades, Singapore has experienced significant territorial growth thanks to land reclamation efforts; in the early 1970s, Singapore had an area of 582 km², in 1993 the area totaled 639.1 km². Most of Singapore Island’s terrain is flat or slightly hilly, and there are few rivers, all of them short and insignificant—Singapore River/Alexandra Canal, Kallang River, Rochor River/Rochor Canal, Geylang River. There are no natural lakes, but several reservoirs (Upper Seletar Reservoir, Lower Seletar Reservoir, Upper Peirce Reservoir, MacRitchie Reservoir, Bekok Reservoir, 199 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— Poyan Reservoir, Murai Reservoir, Tengeh Reservoir, Sarimbun Reservoir, and others). Most of the original tropical rainforest has been destroyed, forests occupy only 5 percent of the land area, 3 percent of the territory is arable HIGHEST PEAK: Bukit Timah (164 m) CLIMATE: Warm and humid marine tropical climate. Mean annual temperature 26.4ºC (January 25.6ºC, July 27.1ºC). Annual precipitation averages 2400 mm (rainy season November to January) ECONOMY: Singapore has no significant agriculture and no natural resources whatsoever, but created an economic miracle through engaging in trade, commerce, and finance. Another important industry is tourism (main port of entry: Changi Airport). Manufacturing includes electronic products, machinery, scientific instruments, textiles, and ships. Singapore has a large oil refinery—petroleum products and manufactures are major exports. GDP 2005: S$ 194.359/US$ 116.760 billion, per capita GDP 2005: S$ 44,765/US$ 26,892 SIGHTS: Chinatown, Arab Street, Little India, Kampong Glam, Singapore River, Boat Quay, Sentosa, Central Business District, Orchard Road, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Singapore Zoological Gardens, Jurong Recreational Area, Raffles Hotel, Chijmes, Fort Canning Park ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION: Singapore is divided into 55 urban planning areas, grouped into 5 regions. Central Area under the Central Region does not count as urban planning area of its own but is subdivided in 11 urban planning areas. • Central Region (22 urban planning areas)—Bishan, Bukit Merah, Bukit Timah; Central Area [Downtown Core, Marina East, Marina South, Museum, Newton, Orchard, Outram, River Valley, Rochor, Singapore River, Straits View]; Geylang, Kallang, Marine Parade, Novena, Queenstown, Southern Islands, Tanglin, Toa Payoh • East Region (6 urban planning areas)—Bedok, Changi, Changi Bay, Paya Lebar, Pasir Ris, Tampines • North Region (8 urban planning areas)—Central Water Catchment, Lim Chu Kang, Mandai, Sembawang, Simpang, Sungei Kadut, Woodlands, Yishun • North-East Region (7 urban planning areas)—Ang Mo Kio, Hougang, North-Eastern Islands, Punggol, Seletar, Sengkang, Serangoon • West Region (12 urban planning areas)—Bukit Batok, Bukit Panjang, Boon Lay, Choa Chu Kang, Clementi, Jurong East, Jurong West, Pioneer, Tengah, Tuas, Western Islands, Western Water Catchment GOVERNMENT: According to the constitution of Singapore (implemented in 1965, based on pre-independence constitutions of 1959 and 1963, last amended in 2004), Singapore is a democratic republic with a unicameral parliament (94 seats, 84 of them directly elected for a 5-year-term) and a popular elected president with a 6-year-term (since 1991, the president possesses limited veto power). The executive powers are held by a cabinet led by the prime minister. Since independence, Singapore has been ruled by the People’s Action Party (PAP) and has consistently been rated as the least-corrupt country in Asia. However, Singapore is often criticized as a authoritarian democracy, partly due to restrictions on press freedom and a harsh legal code HISTORY: Singapore Island was acquired by the British East India Company in 1824 and belonged to the Straits Settlements 1826-1946. During WWII, Singapore was occupied by Japanese forces in 1942, but British rule was restored in 1945. In 1946, Singapore received the status of a crown colony separated from the Malayan Union and was granted self-government by the UK in 1959. From 1963-1965 Singapore was part of the Federation of Malaya, but was expelled from the Federation in 1965 and has been an independent republic ever since 200 ————— T H E G R E AT E R C H I N A F AC T B O O K (2 00 7 ) ————— OTHER INTERESTING FACTS: Singapore has possibly the world’s highest execution rate (i. e. number of executions in relation to population) although it does not publish execution figures. Most death sentences are issued for drug-related offenses. According to Amnesty International, more than 400 prisoners were hanged in Singapore between 1991 and 2004 NATIONAL HOLIDAY: August 9 (the day when Singapore was seperated from the Federation of Malaya and independence was proclaimed in 1965) CURRENCY: Singapore Dollar (1 S$ = 100 Cents) VITAL STATISTICS—economy: 0 percent agriculture, 32.2 percent industry, 67.8 percent services (2003 estimates); per capita GDP: US$ 29,700 (2005); inflation: 1.7 percent (2004); unemployment rate: 2.5 percent (2005); urbanization: 100 percent; annual population growth: 3.54 percent (2000 estimate); infant mortality: 0.36 percent; literacy rate: 92.5 percent; inhabitants per physician: 693; life expectancy: 72 years (men), 77 years (women) ELECTRICITY: 230 V/50 Hz (standard three-pin plug UK/Malaysia style) INTERNATIONAL DIALLING CODE: +65 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE HOTLINE: 999 INTERNET DOMAIN: .sg Presidents of Singapore Name Yusof bin Ishak Benjamin Sheares Chengara Veetil Devan Nair Wee Kim Wee 黃金輝 [Huang Jinhui] Ong Teng Cheong 王鼎昌 [Wang Dingchang] Sellapan Ramanathan Term of office 1965-1970 1971-1981 1981-1985 1985-1993 1993-1999 1999– Born/died 1910-1970 1907-1981 1923-2005 1915-2005 1936-2002 b. 1924 Term of office 1959-1990 1990-2004 2004– Born/died b. 1923 b. 1941 b. 1952 Prime Ministers of Singapore Name Lee Kuan Yew 光 [Li Guangyao] Goh Chok Tong 吳 棟 [Wu Zuodong] Lee Hsien Loong 顯龍 [Li Xianlong] 201
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