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I find it bizarre that I should feel the need to write about this subject—yet again. Over and over, I have pointed out the nature of the integrated global war, domination, and exploitation planetary system. I have been doing this since the 1980s—during my entire career—and still most people do not get it. It does not sink in. Yet this global system impacts everything—right down to our daily lives struggling with scarcity of resources—from healthcare to housing to education to food—that is built into our system. This article shows how the war in Ukraine fits into this system.
The systematic conquest of the world by Theological Mind Control allows no means of defense short of war. There is no International Court of Inquiry with the power and understanding necessary to investigate the stealth infiltration, corruption, and control (Theological Based Regime Change) of Nations by the aggression of ancient and disproved god-believing superstitions that should have no power in the modern world.
The article offers reflections on several issues relevant to the war in Ukraine and its consequences. It will examine the interplay of processes, both global and local, that led to the emergence of the Maidan movement and shaped its agenda. The failure of the Maidan to realize this agenda created political vacuum that was filled by Ukrainian nationalists. The ascension of Ukrainian nationalists to power and their attempts to Ukrainianize Ukraine was a development that played a critical role in the eruption of the war. The strategy pursued in the Ukrainian war by the partnership between the Ukrainian nationalist government and its Western sponsors is another important issue to be addressed. This strategy has been singularly unsuccessful. The article will try to explain the reasons for its failure. The war in Ukraine is part of the global turmoil that engulfs the world today. The outcome of this war will undoubtedly have global effects. The article will discuss some consequences that the war has already produced and that are currently shaping the emerging world order.
RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 2022
The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is one of the major events of contemporary international politics. It is going to create global tension, increase arms race, pose security threats in different parts of the world and may even end up in a nuclear conflict. Economically, it will be a disaster not only for warring nations but also for entire world. It is resulting in supply shortage of oil, natural gas, food grains, motels and other commodities all over the world as Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of all these items. Rising inflation may result in slow economic growth, increasing poverty and growing hunger in different parts of the world. In a nut shell, the war may change the world order to a great extent. Ukraine has virtually become a battle ground where major powers of the world are show casing their military and technological strength. Generally speaking, the war is being fought on the question of Ukrainian sovereignty to join or not to join NATO. But, a deeper ana...
The article focuses on the hybrid conflict on the territory of Ukraine since 2013; its aim is to depict characteristic features of the hybrid war. The background of this article is the politics of Russia towards Ukraine since 1991, when this country gained its independence. In the opinion of Russians, Ukraine is a geopolitical misunderstanding, which openly violates the concept of “Russkiy Mir” (the Russian world). This means that Russia constantly aims at maintaining its sphere of influence in terms of the economy and politics in this region, as well as control over the military potential. Russia’s concerns mainly come from Ukraine’s desire to participate in some organisations, such as the EU or NATO. A real breakthrough was the Maidan Revolution and the annexation of Crimea, which resulted in the hybrid war in Ukraine. The analysis of the current source literature lets us draw certain conclusions, namely it gives us the chance to determine that the actions of Russia on the territo...
The war in Ukraine explained, 2022
The war in Ukraine is threatening the security of the region and the world. This paper gives a quick overview of the history of the conflict, Russia's interests in the region, and some recommendation on how to end the war.
International Critical Thought, 2016
In this introduction, we provide an overall framing of the articles that follow by placing the Ukraine conflict which today embroils the West in confrontation with Russia, within an historical account of the geopolitical economy of contemporary capitalism and the dynamics of imperialism in the twenty-first century, taking particular account of the decline of US and Western power and the rise of other centres of economic and military power, which are able to resist and contest Western power. We pay particular attention to how today's geopolitical flashpoints, of which Ukraine is among the most critical, emerged to belie post-Cold War expectations of a "peace dividend" and a "unipolar" world, clearly distinguishing the US and the EU roles in these processes. Given the widespread tendency in the West to label Russia "imperialist," particularly after the integration of Crimea into the Russian Federation, we end our discussion with a consideration of this question which concludes that the term, while it continues to be an appropriate description of the pattern of Western actions, is not so for that of Russian ones.
Geopolitics of the War in Ukraine, 2022
In this 25,000-word monograph we present an analysis of the Russian invasion of Ukraine as part of Russian revisionism and its implications for regional and global international order. We examine Russian interests and strategic objectives; the geopolitical impact of the invasion and we analyze in detail the military and strategic lessons of the war in Ukraine. Finally, we provide three possible military scenarios about the continuation of the war addressing also the issue of the possible use of nuclear weapons and conclude with some policy recommendations.
UKRAINE – From the Grey Area to actual War, 2022
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how well old and new theories of war explain what is happening under our eyes in Ukraine and beyond. And further or beyond those paradigms what the impacts may be on the different layers of the international order, world, regional and subregional. Of major interest is what could be the future of European security order and that of the UN system for guarding international peace, and of its most important institution, le UN Security Council
Global Peace and Security, 2022
The current conflict in Ukraine has had tremendous repercussions both on the individuals living in the affected territory and around the world. The Ukraine crisis is the latest example of the centuries-old conflict between democracies and autocracies, and the outcome of this war will have a significant impact in determining the future of global politics. From this point of view, one should look at the Ukraine crisis as an important turning point that will determine whether democracies or autocracies will have the upper hand in determining the international order and should think if, in the long term, the effectiveness of the post-cold War global security order is a solid basis for maintaining peace and international order.
The beginning of the twenty-first century was marked by a proliferation of hybrid wars, fought between flexible and sophisticated adversaries engaged in asymmetric conflicts using various forms of warfare according to the purpose and timing. The emergence of this kind of war specifically for the new globalized economy, increasingly integrated and polarized, has questioned traditional and conventional military thinking, generated a debate on the definition of the new concept of hybrid war and appropriate measures to take, in order to adapt to the new reality imposed by it. The violent conflict between Russia and Ukraine that broke out in 2014 has become a case study for hybrid conflict thru which Russia revealed only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to reinforce its imperialistic view on foreign policy. Russia will continue to wage a massive propaganda and information warfare campaign with the ultimate goal of undermining NATO and the EU by creating a pro-Russian narrative and even political change. This part of hybrid warfare will not easily disappear: it has been part of Russian thinking for over half of a century. This article focuses on the Russian strategy of indirect warfare during the Ukrainian crisis, providing also an analytical overview of the political developments of relations between Russia and the EU following the 2014 events in Ukraine.
Revue des études slaves, 2017
Plant Molecular …, 2004
Journal of Structural Geology, 2022
Veredas do Direito, 2020
Estudios de escultura en Europa (Cañestro Donoso, A. Coord.), 2017
Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système, 2010
Studia Asiatica XI (2010), Changing Paradigms. New Trends in the Study of Iranian Religions, Proceedings of the “Iranian Religions” Section Being Studia Asiatica VIII (2007), no. 1-2 (appeared in 2010), ed. by Jean Kellens & Mihaela Timuş, 2010
Roger Williams University Law Review, 2000
Asian Journal of Biochemistry, 2008
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2004
Grupo Asesor Técnico AIEPI (GATA). Atención Integrada en el Contexto del Continuo Materno-Recién Nacido-Salud Infantil. Texas Children´s Hospital-OPS. Houston, Texas 16 y 17 de Mayo de 2006, 2006
Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2013
Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development, 2020
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2013
International Institute of Historiography, 2025