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John A Douglas's work centers on the ritualization of his daily dialysis treatment, reflecting on the intersections of the cyborg body, mortality, and life-support technology. His performance installation, 'The Seven Cycles', extends previous works, transitioning from live performance to video art. By utilizing a golden body suit and the act of dialysis, Douglas explores the preservation of the body akin to mummification, challenging traditional notions of the cyborg as a superhuman figure. Ultimately, the work questions the implications and costs of life-supporting technologies, suggesting a contemplative meditation intertwined with corporeal existence.
Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund, 2013
For patients suffering from acute kidney failure technology is the only means of survival until a kidney graft can be secured 1-a process which may take several years. In this article I focus on patients' ongoing, situated, and embodied practices of knowing and doing as part of their caring for kidney failure. In these practices the action of blood, veins, needles, and the dialysis machine are of central import. I argue that kidney failure is »done« through a variety of cultural practices, including medical technology. It is a process of material reshaping I term 'vein action'. The concept of "doing" is elaborated upon by linking it to theories of neo-materialism and particularly Karen Barad's notion of intra-activity. I investigate how flowing of blood between the patient and the dialysis machine is constituted by analyzing the material and performative qualities of these entities as part of living with kidney failure. I ask how does the materiality of the body, needle, and machine affect the doing of dialysis, and by extension the doing of kidney failure, in an everyday context? What does doing dialysis tell us about the nature of care-oriented agency?
Choice Reviews Online, 2009
Exploring the ways through which use of human bodies and tissues in art can expose us to the abject and the body of the real The body has long been a subject of art, but only reasonably recently in the history of art has the body begun to be seen as instrument and even material. Artists have, for centuries, come ever closer to capturing the fullness of the human form, a pursuit marked by traditions such as the drawing room, and even the continuation of anatomy classes in schools such as the Ruskin. Now being explored in ever more diverse manners, the role of the body, through traditions such as performance art, has pushed beyond subject, becoming a medium and tool. With this new tradition, artists are able to push the limits of representation and experience in new and innovative ways. For some artists, this can mean confronting us with our own vulnerability through use of human tissues in a fragmentation of the body that can frighten and repel us. In the writings of Jacques Lacan, the real refers to the neo-natal state, which is limitless and driven by needs. Lacan notes that sometimes, when forced to acknowledge the corporeal nature of our existence, the real erupts, resulting in traumatic feelings. Similarly, Kristeva defines the abject as "that which disturbs identity;" 1 the abject does not respect borders-it exists in liminal spaces, confusing definitions and disrupting order. The abject causes a breakdown in meaning between two states which we respond to violently and physically in feelings of disgust and often fear. Examining the work of artists such as Margolles, Quinn, and Zurr, this essay will seek to analyse the ways in which use of human tissues can face us with the abject and the body of the real, as defined by philosophers Lacan and Kristeva.
The American Journal of Bioethics, 2007
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2008
once resolutely anonymous and irrepressibly intimate. The person who was, is no more, his or her personality swiped away by death. And yet, as the physical parts are separated and studied in dissection, a personal history and life are revealed. See the healed fracture of the radius from a bicycle fall as a child, the scar where a necrotized scaphoid bone was removed from the hand. See the distended liver of the long-time drinker and the ruptured capillaries around the nose. The calloused hands speak of manual labor, the muscles of the wrist suggest carpenter. Because the cadavers were of a world whose traces were found within the body parts, the first great Lifeworks The body in the world
Once a resolute constructivist, new readings, new theories, new onto-epistemologies nudged me into an unfamiliar and frightening, yet familiar and generative, space during my first years on the tenure track. I found myself in an ambiguous and fluid space between the paradigms of interpretivist and deconstructionist posthuman and 'new' materialism theories, and turned to arts-based research to research-create and think-with new scholarship. This paper, artmaking, and video of my artmaking entangle and provide lines of flight through art-text encounters with what became three interconnected concepts that emerged in and, thus, guide this inquiry: bodies, prosthetics, and bleeding. These concepts emerged as generative entanglements of becoming different through artful doing. Inspired by the concept of rhizomatic assemblage, this work seeks to move through various openings, creating various slippages between bodies (of writing, of making, of images) to explore what artistic resea...
From Maple to Olive. Proceedings of a Colloquium to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Institute in Greece, Athens, 10–11 June 2016, 2017
Ricerche su Ostia e il suo territorio
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Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences, 2020
Management Accounting Frontiers, 2019
An International Journal Otorhinolaryngology Clinics
Via in tempore. Istoriâ. Politologiâ, 2023
International Journal of Business and Management Research, 2021
Chemosphere, 2024
Trends in ecology & evolution, 2018
German Life and Letters, 2016
The New England journal of medicine, 2016
Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Y học, 2022
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
Seeds, 2024
Religions 14:116, 2023
International Journal of Digestive Diseases, 2018