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2001, The Birds of North America Online
2 pages
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The Fish Crow is known by its nasal, falsetto call, different from the harsh cawing of the American Crow. It is slightly smaller than the American Crow, with a smaller bill and more slender, pointed wings. Its plumage is glossier with more iridescence on the upper parts. Its flight is like the American Crow but quicker, and it sails more.
The population of Indian House Crow Corvus splendens non-breeding seasons counted on Kharg Island in10September,
Ibis, 2004
New Caledonian Crows Corvus moneduloides are known to be extraordinary tool makers and users, but little is known of other aspects of their biology. Here, we report recent field observations of their behaviour and ecology, along with measurements of 19 morphological traits and two flight performance parameters taken from 22 captured Crows. These measurements showed that the Crows were sexually dimorphic in size (the males were larger) but not in shape. We also found that the crows lived in mixed-sex groups, and we observed juveniletype begging behaviour and feeding by regurgitation, which supports the hypothesis that these may be family groups.
Ornithological Observations, 2015
If it is confirmed that Pied Crows are having substantial negative impacts on prey and/or competitor species, as seems to be inevitable where the abundance of crows has increased massively, remedial action to prevent or minimise damage should be taken.
The Auk, 1986
We studied predation by Fish Crows (Corvus ossifragus) on eggs of the White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) during the 1983 and 1984 nesting seasons at Battery Island, southeastern North Carolina. Crow predation accounted for the loss of 32% (n = 223) of ibis eggs in 1983 and 44% (n = 538) in 1984. Crows usually took all eggs in a clutch. An estimated 6 pairs of Fish Crows nested on the island each year. We believe these individuals were responsible for most egg loss. The predation rate of ibis clutches was highest in plots nearest crow nests and lowest in two plots that contained observation blinds. Results of experiments using simulated ibis nests suggested that crows were wary of the blinds. Predation declined with nest age, apparently due to increased nest attentiveness by adult ibises during the last week of incubation. The overall predation rate in 1984 was significantly higher than in 1983. Greater nest densities and less synchronous breeding by ibises in 1984 may have contributed to ...
There are 61 species in 14 families of fish-eating birds in Iran. The fish-eating birds of the north of Iran belong to 41 species in 10 families which include 67.2 percent of total fish eating bird species and 71% of fish-eating bird’s family of Iran. Resident birds constitute 13% of the fisheating birds of the Caspian Sea coasts and the rest are migratory in autumn and winter. There exist 3 globally threatened species of fish-eating birds of the world at the north of Iran, which are Oxyura leucocephala , Phalacrocorax pygmeus , and Pelecanus crispus wintering in the south coast wetlands of the region. Seventeen percent of the fish-eating birds of the north of Iran are aquatic, 5% terrestrial and 78 % wadding. The Phalacrocorax carbo and Phalacrocorax pygmeus are wintering and breeding migratory in the wetlands of the region, which feed in the fish ponds and wetlands. The main habitats of fish-eating birds are Miankaleh and Amirkelayeh wildlife refuge, Anzaly marsh and Gomishan Rams...
Fig. 1. American crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos (also called the common crow or eastern crow) Damage Prevention and Control Methods Exclusion Netting to exclude crows from highvalue crops or small areas. Protect ripening corn in gardens by covering each ear with a paper cup or sack after the silk has turned brown. Widely-spaced lines or wires placed around sites needing protection may have some efficacy in repelling crows, but further study is needed. Cultural Methods Alternate or decoy foods; example: scatter whole corn, preferably softened by water, through a field to protect newly planted corn seedlings. Frightening Use with roosts, crops, and some other situations. Frightening devices include recorded distress or alarm calls, pyrotechnics, various soundproducing devices, chemical frightening agents (Avitrol®), lights, bright objects, high-pressure water spray, and, where appropriate, shotguns. Repellents None are registered. Toxicants None are registered Trapping Check laws before trapping. Australian crow decoy traps may be useful near a high-value crop or other areas where a resident population is causing damage. Proper care of traps and decoy birds is necessary. Capture single crows uninjured in size No. 0 or No. 1 steel traps that have the jaws wrapped with cloth or rubber. Shooting and Hunting Helpful as a dispersal or frightening technique but generally not effective in reducing overall crow numbers. Crows may be hunted during open seasons. Check with your state wildlife agency for local restrictions.
This is a systematic hands on writing process that begins by defining and outling writing skills required for California Content standards. Writing standards are outlined and compared by grade level for a systematic approach to teaching writing for grade levels K-5. Sample projects are summarized and the writing standard for each project is analyzed and supported through each project. Projects were created and executed by Riverside Preparatory School, Oro Grande, CA. This paper is researched based and concluds with a literary review of the history of writing, emergent language, and classroom application.
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