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2021, Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences
5 pages
1 file
Aim: To analyze clinical manifestations, course and outcome of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in children in resource limited settings lacking salvage therapy. Study design: Observational retrospective study Place and duration of study: Department of Haematology/Oncology, The Children’s Hospital, Lahore Pakistan from 1st January 2011 to 31st December 2018. Methodology: Sixty-five patients with age range from<1 to 8 years included analysing their age, gender, clinical classification, course of therapy and outcome. The major treatment was composed of either prednisolone and vinblastine or cytarabine pulses. Results: There were 59% males and 41% females. Forty-seven (72%) patients presented with multi system-LCH with 49% Risk Organ involvement. Most of them 42 (65%) had bone lesions while 15patients (23%) presented with central nervous system involvement. Forty patients (61%) have completed treatment, 11(17%) left against medical advice and 12(18%)patients expired due to progressive ...
The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics
İnce D, Demirağ B, Özek G, Erbay A, Ortaç R, Oymak Y, Kamer S, Yaman Y, Kundak S, Vergin C. Pediatric langerhans cell histiocytosis: single center experience over a 17-year period. Turk J Pediatr 2016; 58: 349-355. This study aimed to analyze children with the diagnosis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) who were diagnosed and treated between 1998-2015. Medical records were evaluated retrospectively for clinical and laboratory features, treatment details, and outcome.
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disorder with diverse forms of clinical presentation ranging from a benign course to diffuse progressive disease, and descriptions of LCH generally have been limited to single case reports and small case series. Since the condition is uncommon, we aimed in this study to describe our own experience and discuss the findings, treatment and outcome in our patients with LCH in light of the current literature. The eight patients (5 boys, 3 girls) ranged in age from 2 months to 3 years (mean 18±10.8 months). Multiple organ involvement was noted in 3, isolated bone involvement in 3, orbital involvement in 1, and pituitary gland involvement with rash in 1 patient. Treatment modalities used varied from simple observation to chemotherapy. Outcome results of our study demonstrated resolution of lesions in 5 patients and death in 2 patients. One patient with pituitary gland involvement developed diabetes insipidus and is receiving intranasal desmopre...
Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 2021
Background: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease affects any age and any organ; its presentations and outcome vary from self-healing lesions to life-threatening disseminated disease. This study evaluated the outcome of treating children diagnosed with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) at Oncology Center, Saudi Arabia. Methodology: Through a retrospective study design, the researchers reviewed the medical records and electronic files of all children (aged from 0-≤ 14 years) who had been diagnosed and treated for LCH at Princess Norah Oncology Center (PNOC), King Abdelaziz Medical City, Saudi Arabia, in the period from January 2000 to December 2019 (n=33). Findings: Males constituted (66.7%), with remarkable dominance of Saudis (93.9%). The median age at diagnosis was 28 months (IQR=49 months); (42.4%) were diagnosed before reaching their second birthday. Fourteen patients (42.4%) had multisystem (MS-LCH) involvement, of which 13 patients with risk organ (RO) (+) an...
BMC Cancer
Background Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) affects 1–2 in 1,000,000 people. The disease is not associated with increased risk of treatment failure (especially among older children), but appropriate procedures implemented in advance can eliminate complications which might appear and significantly worsen the patients’ quality of life. Thus, we sought to evaluate the clinical features, management, and outcome of children with LCH treated in Polish pediatric hematology-oncology centers. Materials and methods One hundred eighty two patients with LCH were treated according to the Histiocytic Society Guidelines between 2010 and 2017. The participating centers were requested to provide the following data: demographic, clinical, as well as local or systemic treatment data and patients’ outcome. Overall survival (OS) and event free survival (EFS) were estimated by Kaplan-Meier methods and compared using the log-rank test. Results Sixty nine percent of children were classified as single sy...
British journal of haematology, 2016
The French national cohort of children with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) has included 1478 patients since it was established in 1983. LCH therapeutic strategies substantially changed in 1998, so we have divided the cohort into two 15-year periods. Starting in 1998, therapy duration increased from 6 to 12 months, repeated induction therapy was performed in cases showing a poor response to the first induction with vinblastine and steroids, and refractory disease in a risk organ (RO+) was treated with cladribine and cytarabine. A total of 483 (33%) patients were enrolled before 1998, and 995 (67%) after 1998. Five-year survival was 96·6% (95% confidence interval: 95·4-97·5%) overall, improving from 92% pre-1998 to 99% post-1998 (P < 0·001 adjusted to disease extent). This change was supported by an increase in 5-year survival from 60% to 92% in the RO+ group. Survival was particularly associated with cladribine and cytarabine among refractory RO+ patients. Disease reactivatio...
i hv nothing to say
International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge, 2017
Non-native students of English studying in the language in institutions of higher learning, whether in Anglophone countries or in their own countries are expected to gain access to the discourses of the academia via competence in the language. The present paper reviews the theoretical and practical bases of EAP (English for Specific Purposes) needs analysis within the context of higher education teaching-learning of ESL/EFL as a set of analytical procedures for the identification of what the learner has to learn, and how it has to be learnt and how it is to be learnt, focusing essentially on aspects of language, pedagogy, and the learner's specific interests in terms of language use. The key issues concern how as a pragmatic, practitioner-oriented approach, EAP needs analysis has to come to grips with the subjectivity inherent in the concept of " need " , as well as the multifarious educational, pedagogical, political, and ideological considerations that impact upon its analysis in higher education. Based on the relevant literature in the area, the paper then reviews the mainstream framework EAP needs classification and analysis before it proposes a theoretical model for application in the field.
The PISA studies of reading achievement of 15 year old students in OECD and partner nations show Anglophone nations to have continuing high proportions of weak readers (BLevel 2), with no improvement in this area from 2000 to 2006 (OECD, 2007). The nations which have decreased their proportions of low achievers all use highly regular (transparent) orthographies, which expedite the development of efficient reading and writing skills (Galletly & Knight, 2004). While international scrutiny is being focussed on socio-cultural differences in education as a basis of nations’ achievement differences, little consideration is currently being applied to the speed of reading accuracy and spelling development. This is surprising, given the volume of research showing that orthographic regularity significantly expedites development of reading— accuracy and spelling—with very low rates of reading difficulties in nations with highly regular orthographies (Seymour et al., 2003; Share, 2008). This paper proposes Transition-from-early-to-sophisticated-literacy (TESL) as a variable for use when considering cross-national achievement differences. It is proposed that Complex TESL nations (including Anglophone nations) will need paradigmatically different mechanisms to those used by Resolved and Facilitated TESL nations, for improved literacy and academic outcomes by lower achievers.
Guía de trabajo #1 Se puede colaborar en la resolución de estos problemas, pero cada estudiante debe entregar por escrito sus propias respuestas al inicio de la clase del martes 19 de junio. 1. El frijol se puede comprar en el mercado internacional a un precio de $80 por quintal. En la economía pequeña de Costa Dorada, la demanda para el frijol se da por Q = 9000 ! 50P , donde P se mide en dólares por quintal y Q en quintales por semana. La oferta de parte de los productores nacionales se da por Q = 100P ! 3000. El gobierno no impone ningún arancel, pero sí restringe las importaciones del frijol a ser no más de 1500 quintales por semana. ¿A qué precio se venderá el frijol en Costa Dorada? Utilizando una gráfica de la demanda y la oferta, analice el efecto de la restricción sobre el excedente social. 2. En cierto mercado la demanda para la gasolina se da por Q = 720 ! 100P y la oferta por Q = 120 + 50P , donde P se mide en dólares por galón y Q en miles de galones por mes. Para simplificar, supongamos que el mercado es perfectamente competitivo. a. Identifique el precio y cantidad vendida en el equilibrio competitivo. b. El gobierno cree que ese precio de equilibrio es demasiado alto para un producto tan necesario como la gasolina, y decide ofrecer un subsidio específico igual a $0.30 por galón. En el equilibrio con subsidio, ¿cuánto pagará el consumidor por galón? ¿Causa el subsidio una reducción de $0.30 en el precio pagado por el consumidor? 3. Se prohíbe el comercio internacional del añil. Sin embargo, en el país de Costa Brava cien productores pequeños siguen produciendo para el mercado doméstico. Cada uno de los productores enfrenta costos totales CT = 0.5q 2 + 6q. La demanda del mercado se da por P = 18 ! 0.01Q. a. En un equilibrio a corto plazo, ¿cuánto vende cada productor y a qué precio? b. Compare el precio de equilibrio con el costo promedio a nivel del productor. A corto plazo, ¿gana el productor utilidades económicas? Manteniendo el supuesto de un mercado competitivo, ¿qué pasará a largo plazo? 4. Una empresa llega a ser el único productor de añil en Costa Brava. Este monopolio enfrenta costos totales CT = 0.005Q 2 + 6Q. La demanda se mantiene en P = 18 ! 0.01Q. a. En un equilibrio a corto plazo, ¿cuánto se venderá y a qué precio? b. Compare el precio de equilibrio con el costo promedio a nivel del productor. ¿Puede ser este punto un equilibrio a largo plazo? c. Utilice una gráfica para mostrar el costo social del monopolio.
Microeconomía (del prefijo "micr (o) -" que significa "pequeño" + "economía") es una rama de la economía que estudia cómo los hogares y las empresas toman decisiones para asignar sus limitados recursos, normalmente en los mercados donde los productos o los servicios se compran y venden. La Microeconomía examina cómo estas decisiones y comportamientos afectan a la oferta y la demanda de bienes y servicios, que determina los precios, y cómo los precios, a su vez, determinan la oferta y la demanda de bienes y servicios.
Water Resources Management , 2021
International Journal of Physical Sciences
Slověne. International Journal of Slavic Studies, 2018
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Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019
Resuscitation, 2017
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2013
Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, 2017
Espaces et sociétés, 2015
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, 2013
Metabolism, 2000
Genetics in Medicine, 2016