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Human beings are creatures of drama, of stories, of mysteries, tragedies, and comedies. We imaginatively recount the past through stories of gods and goddesses, of heroism and cowardice, of struggle, overcoming, terror, and hope. We envision the future through our stories as well, the dramas of the past always point to a future. We all live in a perpetual present moment, situated between an ever-moving past and an ever-evolving vision of the future that comes alive with meaning as we imagine our life-stories, our national stories, and our stories of humanity-our past, present, and future. By what story can we account for the present and future that our world is facing today? Climate collapse is happening all around us. The world is on the brink of World War Three. The chaos of the global pandemic is only compounded by the chaos of flooding and droughts and wildfires caused by a collapsing climate. Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Bangalore have been facing immense flooding while other parts of the world face unprecedented wildfires, droughts, and loss of croplands. This paper describes the initiatives that India needs to make as a global leader of non-aligned nations toward creating a decent world system of humanity.
Nicola Missaglia is a Research Fellow at ISPI’s Asia Centre, in charge of the India Desk and of the Institute’s Digital Publications. IN D IA ’S G L O B A L C H A L L E N G E S “India wins yet again!” Narendra Modi announced in May 2019, just after securing a second term as prime minister of the world’s largest democracy in a landslide general elections victory. When Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party were elected for a first term five years ago, they promised India would win back its place at the high table of leading world powers. Indeed, after decades of sustained growth, India today is at a tipping point both in terms of economic progress and of the human potential of its 1.35 billion citizens. As the global balance of power and economic growth shifts towards Asia, and a whole new set of forces is seeking to redefine the international order, opportunities abound for the subcontinent to carve out its place as a leading, democratic, global actor. Is India ready to do so? Which do...
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
It is not that world which had controlled by dictators; it is the world of democracy that means the will of the people. It is not the 20th century where too permeated by ideological struggles [e.g., communism vs. capitalism]. It is the world of innovative ideas to explore beyond borders and traditions. It is the first half of the 21st century where market economy overarching drivers of the world nations and where soft power played a diplomatic role across the world. Many regional nations have been influencing world politics because of their geo-political importance and emerging economic power. Such as China and India shaping the world structure differently on the international scenario. All the nations stand like a pawn on their international chessboard. Every country changing their economic and diplomatic policies step by step to survive on this power game politics. as an emerging power and global ambitions, India does not have the chance to follow its traditional policies such as ...
Usanas Foundation, "Maharana Pratap Annual Geopolitics Dialogue 2023", 2023
Conservation and Society, 2009
Advances in geographical and environmental sciences, 2020
The 1972 Stockholm declaration on the human environment led to constitution of first-generation conventions such as CITES, CMS, and WHC followed by the second-generation conventions such as CBD and UNFCCC that were adopted post 1991 as an outcome of Earth Summit and led to the development of holistic approaches to conservation reflecting the sensitivities of poverty, rural development, equal participation, sustainable use, education, and awareness. The UNFCCC makes it obligatory on all signatories to develop, publish, periodically update, and make available national inventory of GHGs, steps taken or envisaged to implement the Convention. India submitted its Initial National Communication (INC) to the UNFCCC in UNFCCC website entailing emissions inventory of 1994. Second National Communication (SNC) was submitted to the UNFCCC in 2012 wherein GHG inventory for the year 2000 was reported and a summary of GHG inventory for the year 2007 was provided as a proactive measure. Thereafter, India submitted its first and second biennial updated reports to the UNFCCC in 2015 and 2018, respectively, in accordance with the decision taken in the 16th session of the CoP to the UNFCCC. Keywords Earth summit • Soft laws • UNFCCC • India submissions • National action plan • Climate vulnerability 4.1 Multilateral Environmental Affairs Early 1970s was the period when the world was heavily polarized and the global conservation priorities were mainly focused on the issues of wildlife management, land degradation, soil conservation, and water pollution. Developing and underdeveloped countries viewed environmental concerns as western responsibility and the communist bloc relentlessly continued destruction of environment. Under these circumstances the global assembly in Stockholm in 1972 was a surprising breakthrough and the outcome was known as the 'Stockholm spirit of compromise' in which developed and developing world found ways of resolving divergent and
Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal, 1970
The hell fires of 2019-20 that engulfed Australia and incinerated large swathes of the country tell us that the impacts of climate change and global warming are clearly upon us. Small wonder then that climate change activists often describe their challenges in dystopian imagery with allusions to melting glaciers, boiling oceans, burning forests or the extinction of entire species. Navroz Dubash"s edited volume India in a Warming World, however, is pointedly against a turn to extreme alarm. The collection of essays with an informed and measured introduction, instead, attempts a balance between careful research and meaningful climate activism. At Research Assistant on project titled "Reconceptualizing Rivers in South Asia as Histories of the Biological Pulse",
Tikkun, 2011
The global economy is in desperate need of a global ethic. The world economic system is driving a significant number of all living creatures to extinction. lt is a world orderor disorderthat is increasingly undermining the biological foundations of long-term human civilization. ln the words of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon at the 2011 Davos World Economic Forum, the global economy has become a "global suicide pact." The global order of the past twenty years has prioritized unleashing market forces over other social values and created a profoundly unstable, interconnected world. lt is a world not only of increased inequality and environmental deterioration but, as the recent global financial crisis shows, one that puts at risk the viability of whole societies and nations, not to mention democracy itself. Tiklffn Print this article The systems created in Ancient India by Kautilya (above), a ruthless technocratic economist, were mitigated by Ashoka, a compassio nsle B uddhist who ruled from 269 to 232 BCE. Creative Commons. A decade ago George Soros warned that market fundamentalism was a greater threat to human society than any totalitarian ideology, noting that the supreme challenge of our time is to establish a set of values that applies to a largely transactional, global society." ln the words of Catholic theologian Hans KUng, "a global market economy requires a global ethic." Each new environmental crisis forces us to recognize that an ethic of respect for all life is also an ethic for long-term human suruival and well-being. Yet in the wake of each new crisis, rhetoric notwithstanding, national and international political systems seem to fall back into a default position of business as usual, ln the United States we desperately need a program of social and environmental legislation of New Deal propottions, a program that would incorporate a new ethic of care rooted in the recognition of global mutual interdependence. lncreasingly we hear the call for such an ethic by groups such as the Network of Spiritual Progressives. How can we imagine alternatives? Are there historical precedents for a global ethic of care, and has any government ever tried to put it into practice? Ancient lnscriptions Tell of an Astonishing King An answer to these questions might take us first to, of all places, Kandahar, southeastern Afghanistan.
In inclusive population growth, providing food and water is the toughest challenge that most of the countries are facing today. Changing climate conditions leads to challenges in agriculture production and food security all around world. Most of African countries facing savior challenges in agriculture production and climate change will be likely to reduce the length of growing season as well as force large regions of marginal agriculture out of production. Projected reductions in yield in some countries could be as much as 50% by 2020 and crop net revenues could fall by as much as 90% by 2100, with small-scale farmers being the most affected. This would adversely affect food security in the continent. About 25% of Africa's population (about 200 million) is currently experiencing high water stress and it could increase by 75-250 million and 350-600 million by 2020's and 2050's respectively. Similarly, in Asia there is 2.5 to 10% and 5 to 30% decrease in crop yield in 2020's and 2050's as compared with 1990 level without CO 2 effects. Food security and water stress in most of the continent can become the cause of geopolitical peace conflict. At the local level, policies could help to solve these global challenges. The Gandhian concept of "Gram Swaraj" advocated self-sufficient village republics, which produce their own food and cloth, remain independent of the neighbors for vital wants, and yet interdependent for other needs. Conservation practices in villages will have its own waterworks, ensuring clean water supply which provides about 10% conservation into water as well as food. This paper explains the relevant concepts from simple Gandhian principles and practices which leads to Jal Swaraj (Water Sovereignty) and Beej Swaraj (Seed Sovereignty).
Twenty years after the onset of the economic reforms of 1991, India"s global role (or rather perceived potential) is receiving unprecedented attention. But does India have the trappings of a big power and are its institutions ready to play a proactive role in the changing geo -economic, environmental and political context? What are the consequences of the rise of Indian multinational corporations? How has Indian civil society responded to the developments over the past decade? This scoping paper attempts to answer some of these questions.
Spirituality is not incompatible with rationality or real-world economic, social and environmental analysis. Ethical leaders can employ the best available scientific knowledge to execute their own spiritual-based plans and policies. India and Europe should embrace their own noble traditions and seek to cross-fertilize one another to foster a state of sustainability, peace and well-being. The key is to overcome the pre-existing dominantly materialistic value orientation of society and the ego-centeredness of individuals and thereby come closer to a state of transcendence and oneness. Gandhi and Albert Schweitzer have shown the way.
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Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2023
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Antisemitismo e parole d'odio. Percorsi nella storia e nel presente A cura di Paola Biavaschi, Alberto Castelli, Fabio Zucca, Milano, Unicopli, 2024, pp. 11-38, 2024
E. Laflı/H. Bru, Inscriptions gréco-romaines d’Anatolie IX, in: G. Labarre/H. Bru (eds.), Chronique d’orient, Chronique 2020, Dialogues d’histoire ancienne, 2020
Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur, 2012
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