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2023, Disenchanting the Caliphate: The Secular Discipline of Power in Abbasid Political Thought
2 pages
1 file
The political thought of Muslim societies is all too often defined in religious terms, in which the writings of clerics are seen as representative and ideas about governance are treated as an extension of commentary on sacred texts. Disenchanting the Caliphate offers a groundbreaking new account of political discourse in Islamic history by examining Abbasid imperial practice, illuminating the emergence and influence of a vibrant secular tradition. Closely reading key eighth-century texts, Hayrettin Yücesoy argues that the ulema’s discourse of religious governance and the political thought of lay intellectuals diverged during this foundational period, with enduring consequences. He traces how notions of good governance and reflections on prudent statecraft arose among cosmopolitan literati who envisioned governing as an art. Competent in nonreligious branches of knowledge and trained in administrative professions, these belletrists articulated and defended secular political practices, reimagining the caliphal realm as politically constituted rather than natural. They sought to improve administrative efficiency and bolster state control for an empire made up of diverse cultures. Their ideas about moral cultivation, temporal reasoning, and governmental rationality endured for centuries as a counterpoint to religious rulership. Drawing on this history, Yücesoy critiques the concept of “Islamic political thought,” calling for decolonizing debates about “secular” and “religious” politics. Theoretically rich and historically grounded, Disenchanting the Caliphate is an insightful and provocative reconsideration of key strands of political discourse in the intellectual history of Muslim societies.
Academia Materials Science, 2024
Adhesive bonding plays a fundamental role in various industries, including aerospace, aeronautics, and automotive sectors. Unlike traditional mechanical joints, adhesive joints offer an efficient approach with fewer components, leading to weight reduction in the final structure. Additionally, these joints facilitate the joining of dissimilar materials while distributing applied loads more uniformly, resulting in better stress distributions compared to conventional joining techniques. Within this context, the integration of adhesive bonds in joggle tubular structures presents a viable alternative to join tubes with identical diameter. The bi-adhesive technique involves using a brittle adhesive in the inner overlap region, and a ductile adhesive at the overlap edges, aiming to improve load transfer. The objective of this study is to conduct a numerical analysis using cohesive zone modelling (CZM) to investigate the tensile behavior of joggle tubular adhesive joints between composite adherends and bonded by the bi-adhesive technique. Initially, the proposed CZM approach is validated against experimental data. Subsequently, the focus is on numerically assessing the tensile strength of the joints and testing different bi-adhesive joint options, aiming to improve the maximum load (Pm), displacement at Pm (dPm), and energy absorbed at failure (Ef). Validation of the cohesive models has been successfully achieved. In conclusion, it was found that, depending on the bi-adhesive conditions, improvements are possible to obtain over single adhesive joints.
Dans cet article à croisée pluridisciplinaire, nous nous proposons d'analyser comment l'intelligence artificielle (IA) influence notre rapport au monde et plus particulièrement nos façons d'apprendre. Nos expériences conjointes dans l'enseignement supérieur nous amènent à souligner les conséquences et les limites de l'IA qui, insidieusement prend de plus en plus place dans nos vies et pratiques professionnelles. Quel est le but de l'éducation et pourquoi cet engouement pour l'IA au point qu'elle soit réellement devenue un acteur de l'éducation ? Pour aller plus loin, nous questionnerons en quoi l'IA diffère-t-elle de l'intelligence globale ? Quelle sera la place de l'intelligence, telle que nous l'avions définie pendant plus d'un siècle ? Comment pouvons-nous envisager le renversement de paradigme « homme augmenté » versus « être humain » sans risquer une rupture totale avec notre histoire millénaire ? Partant du fait que l'une de caractéristiques essentielles de l'IA est sa capacité à « raisonner » et à prendre des décisions sur la base des données qu'elle a intégrées, nous nous interrogeons sur les dérives potentielles de cette technologie qui nous est d'ores et déjà imposée et cela, en soulignant les différentes typologies
Nội dung trình bày Rủi ro và quản trị rủi ro Ứng dụng các sản phẩm phái sinh trong quản trị rủi ro Các chiến lược quản trị rủi ro trong thực tiễn Quản trị rủi ra và giá trị của doanh nghiệp
La diplomazia delle città. Europa latina, mondi musulmani e bizantini, secoli XII-XVI / La diplomatie des villes. Europe latine, mondes musulmans et byzantins, XIIe-XVIe siècle, 2024
Nel corso della seconda metà del Trecento Firenze fece un uso crescente dei legami di accomandigia (una forma pattizia particolarmente elastica stretta tra realtà asimmetriche tra di loro, come uno stato e una signoria) per vincolare a sé quei dominati su cui si scaricavano le ambizioni della repubblica e che si trovavano a ricadere all'interno dei confini (in espansione) del dominio fiorentino. Il tema è noto alla storiografia, eppure manca ancora una tematizzazione specifica - cosa che spera di fare questo contributo, che ha l'obiettivo appunto di osservare tempi, ritmi, forme e strategie delle accomandigie fiorentine nei confronti delle realtà interne allo stato.
The need for "information anywhere anytime" has been a driving force for the increasing growth in Web and Internet technology, wireless communication, and portable computing devices. The field of mobile computing is the merger of these advances in computing and communication with the aim of providing seamless computing environment for mobile users. Increasingly, we are dependent on information that is available only by accessing a network. This dependency implies that users would need access to this information even while on the move. Hence, mobility is additional parameter that needs to be considered in the design of networks, network protocols and information services. Mobility implies that networks need to cope with moving users. During a single session, users may connect from different network attachment points or use different networks or even more than one network simultaneously. Mobile computing environments are characterized by severe resources constraints and frequent changes in operating conditions. Mobile computing is gaining wide acceptance due to the rapid enhancement in wireless communication technologies. This has led to an increase in the demand for mobile information access. Wireless communication faces more obstacles than wired communication because the surrounding environment interacts with the signal, blocking signal paths and introducing noise and echoes. As a result, wireless communication is characterized by lower bandwidths, higher error rates, and more frequent spurious disconnections. These factors can in turn increase communication latency resulting from retransmissions, retransmission time-out delays, error-control protocol processing, and short disconnections. Mobility can also cause wireless connections to be lost or degraded. Users may travel beyond the coverage of network transceivers or enter areas of high interference. Unlike typical wired networks, the number of devices in a network cell varies dynamically, and large conventions and public events, may overload network capacity. As the use and functionality of mobile device increase, IT organizations face several serious challenges in developing strategies for integrating and managing them, for maximizing their effectiveness.
Multilingual Facilitation , 2022
The question of how linguistic and archaeological data can be combined to create a comprehensive account of the prehistory of present ethnicities is an intensely debated issue around the globe. In particular, identifying new language groups based on the material remnants of a particular area or discerning correlates in the material culture for the language contact periods reflected in loan word layers are complex and often probably insolvable questions. When it comes to the early history of the Finns and related peoples, Valter Lang's new monograph on the archaeology of Estonia and the "arrivals of the Finnic people" (Läänemeresoome tulemised, 2018) has been considered a paradigm-changing work in this respect. In this article, I argue that despite the undisputed progress made in this oeuvre, many of the old questions regarding time, place and method still remain.
Sociologicky Casopis-czech Sociological Review, 2013
Recenze 165 aj porovnáva, pričom zisťuje, že "s ním měl podobné ...téměř všechny vlastnosti, s výjimkou dvou, které však podle mého názoru významně utvářely jeho intelektuální projekt: pocházel z provinčně buržoazní rodiny a byl homosexuál (mohli bychom dodat ještě vlastnost třetí, ale ta je podle mne jen následkem dvou předchozích a současně je i vysvětlujícím faktorem, a to skutečnost, že byl fi losof a také si tak říkal)." Iným príkladom je redukujúci pohľad na P. Lazarsfelda, len ako na hlavného predstaviteľa nadnárodnej vedeckej spoločnosti a následne R. Boudona predstavuje už iba polvetou, ako "šéfa francouzské pobočky své nadnárodní vědecké společnosti". Celkove Bourdieu venuje väčšiu pozornosť fi lozofom, ktorí-napriek jeho osten tatívnej a refl exívnej konverzii k sociológii-v tomto autobiografi ckom pohľade boli viac jeho referenčnou skupinou. Určité preferencie a zjednodušenia jeho optiky však možno interpretovať aj jeho zámerom, aby čitatelia jeho kníh z mladších vekových kategórií-ktorým Bourdieu, ako viackrát v texte pripomenul, predovšetkým adresoval tento svoj spis-mali ľahšiu orientáciu v tom čo zostalo nevyslovené, a aj v akomsi odkaze. V takých situáciách sa zjednodušeniam a sebaštylizácii ťažko vyhnúť. Publikáciu "Sociologické hledání sebe sama" preložila do češtiny Jana Klokočková, z francúzskeho textu Esquisse pour une autoanalyse, vydaného v Éditions raison d'agir, 2004. Obsahuje Předmluvu k českému vydání od J. Kellera, Poznámku francouzského vydavatele a napokon krátky medailón Pierre Bour dieu (1930-2002). Spomenutá Poznámka... prináša pohľad na okolnosti vzniku textu knihy, kde sa možno dozvedieť, že ide o preklad z nemeckej verzie Ein Soziologischer Selbstversuch, Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 2002-že Bourdieu "tuto knihu vydal nejprve v Německu, a přestože měl v úmyslu ji přepracovat pro účely francouzského vydání, rozhodli jsme se jí publikovat ve verzi německé...". Poznámka... teda skôr zahmlí než objasní ako je to s pôvodnou Bourdieuovou francúzskou verziou tejto publikácie.
Chuyên đề QUẢN TRỊ SẢN XUẤT Biên soạn : TS. Nguyễn Đình Trung
L’Année psychologique, 2014
The"influence"of"vocabulary"breadth"(number"of"words"known)"and"vocabulary"depth"(what"is" known"about"those"words)"on"different"aspects"of"text"comprehension"was"examined"in"83"10Z"to" 11ZyearZolds."Vocabulary"was"not"an"important"predictor"of"comprehension"for"details"explicitly" stated"in"the"text."In"contrast,"vocabulary"was"related"to"inference"making"and,"in"particular," measures"of"vocabulary"that"assessed"what"was"known"about"individual"words"predicted"unique" variance"in"global"coherence"inferences."The"pattern"of"findings"supports"previous"research" reporting"that"measures"of"breadth"and"depth"of"vocabulary"knowledge"are"important"predictors" of"both"reading"comprehension"and"comprehensionZrelated"skills,"and"critically"identifies"that" some"aspects"of"vocabulary"knowledge"may"be"more"important"for"higherZlevel"comprehension" skills"than"others."" ""
Guatemala: El eterno cerco a las transformaciones democráticas, 2019
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Creative Economies of Culture in South Asia: Craftspeople and Performers , 2025
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