Tasmasor Kurtarma Kazıları

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The paper discusses the Tasmasor salvage excavations conducted between July and November 2003, which aimed to rescue archaeological data near Erzurum due to the construction of the BTC Crude Oil Pipeline. The excavations uncovered significant information from Late Iron Age to Post-Medieval periods, highlighting the area's historical and cultural context, particularly influences from Medes and Achaemenid/Persian cultures. The findings are expected to contribute to a better understanding of the archaeological landscape of northeastern Anatolia.

TASMASOR Editör/Edited by S. Yücel Şenyurt ISBN: 978-605-62041-3-5 © 2011 Bilgin Yayınları Selanik 2 Caddesi No. 68/4 06640 Kızılay/ANKARA Tel.0.312. 419 85 67 Kapak Dizaynı/Cover Design Tasmasor’dan Buluntular/Tasmasor Finds (Atakan Akçay) Sayfa Tasarım ve Baskıya Hazırlık/ Cover Design and page layout Mustafa Üçgül Baskı/ Print Başak Matbaacılık ve Tan. Hiz. Ltd. Şti. Anadolu Bulvarı Meka Plaza No: 5/15 Gimat/ANKARA Tel. 0312 397 16 17 Fax: 0312 397 03 07 © Tüm yazıların yayım hakkı saklıdır. Yazarların ve yayımcının izni olmaksızın çoğaltılamaz. All rights reserved. No Part of this book may be reproduced without permission from the publisher İÇİNDEKİLER SUNUŞ..................................................................................................................................... vii-viii GİRİŞ ............................................................................................................................................1-4 BÖLÜM I TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI S. Yücel Şenyurt .....................................................................................................................7-36 BÖLÜM II TASMASOR GEÇ DEMİR ÇAĞI MİMARİSİ S. Yücel Şenyurt ...................................................................................................................39-64 BÖLÜM III TASMASOR GEÇ DEMİR ÇAĞI MEZARLARI Atakan Akçay .......................................................................................................................67-90 BÖLÜM IV TASMASOR GEÇ DEMİR ÇAĞI KÜÇÜK BULUNTULARI Yalçın Kamış.......................................................................................................................93-114 BÖLÜM V TASMASOR GEÇ DEMİR ÇAĞI ÇANAK ÇÖMLEK BULUNTULARI S. Yücel Şenyurt, Yalçın Kamış, Atakan Akçay ..................................................................117-258 BÖLÜM VI TASMASOR ORTAÇAĞ YERLEŞMESİ VE BULUNTULARI V. Macit Tekinalp, Yunus Ekim .........................................................................................261-326 BÖLÜM VII TASMASOR YAKINÇAĞ NEKROPOLÜ VE İSKELETLERİNİN ANTROPOLOJİK AÇIDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ Y. Selim Erdal ...................................................................................................................329-458 BÖLÜM VIII TASMASOR GEÇ DEMİR ÇAĞI İSKELETLERİNİN ANTROPOLOJİK AÇIDAN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ Y. Selim Erdal ...................................................................................................................461-494 EK TASMASOR KAZISINDA ELE GEÇEN SERAMİK ÖRNEKLERİNİN X-IŞINI FLORESANS (XRF) TEKNİĞİ İLE İNCELENMESİ Pervin Arıkan, Burcu Ender, S. Yücel Şenyurt, Reşat Kasap .............................................. 497-504 CONTENTS PREFACE ................................................................................................................................ vii-viii INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................1-4 PART I TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS S. Yücel Şenyurt .....................................................................................................................7-36 PART II TASMASOR LATE IRON AGE ARCHITECTURE S. Yücel Şenyurt ...................................................................................................................39-64 PART III TASMASOR LATE IRON AGE BURIALS Atakan Akçay .......................................................................................................................67-90 PART IV TASMASOR LATE IRON AGE SMALL FINDS Yalçın Kamış.......................................................................................................................93-114 PART V TASMASOR LATE IRON AGE POTTERY S. Yücel Şenyurt, Yalçın Kamış, Atakan Akçay ..................................................................117-258 PART VI TASMASOR MEDIEVAL SETTLEMENT AND ITS FINDING V. Macit Tekinalp, Yunus Ekim .........................................................................................261-326 PART VII ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF HUMAN SKELETAL REMAINS FROM POST-MEDIEVAL CEMETERY OF TASMASOR Y. Selim Erdal ...................................................................................................................329-458 PART VIII ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF LATE IRON AGE SKELETONS FROM TASMASOR Y. Selim Erdal ...................................................................................................................461-494 APPENDIX ANALYSIS OF CERAMIC SAMPLES FROM TASMASOR WITH X-RAY FLUORESCENCE (XRF) TECHNIQUE Pervin Arıkan, Burcu Ender, S. Yücel Şenyurt, Reşat Kasap ................................................497-504 BÖLÜM I TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI PART I TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Bölüm I: 7DVPDVRU.XUWDUPD.D]×ODU× Part I: Tasmasor Salvage Excavations 6<FHOûHQ\XUW* S. Yücel Şenyurt* (U]XUXP·XQ  NP NX]H\GRùXVXQGD \HU DODQ7DVPDVRU%DN7LÁLV&H\KDQ+DP3HW URO %RUX +DWW× 3URMHVL %7& +3%+3  'HWD\ 0KHQGLVOLN$üDPDV×oDO×üPDODU×oHUoHYHVLQ GHLONRODUDN\×O×QGD2UWD'RùX7HNQLN hQLYHUVLWHVL7DULKVHOdHYUH'HùHUOHULQL$UDü W×UPD YH 8\JXODPD 0HUNH]L 2'7h7$d '$0  WDUDI×QGDQ \UWOHQ \]H\ DUDüW×U PDV×QGD WHVSLW HGLOPLüWLU  \×O×QGD *D]L hQLYHUVLWHVL $UNHRORMLN 0LUDV <|QHWLP YH <UWPHhQLWHVL7DVPDVRU·GDD\U×QW×O×\]H\ DUDüW×UPDODU× \DSP×üW×U <]H\ DUDüW×UPDODU× QDEDùO×RODUDN7DVPDVRU·GDERUXKDWW×J]HU JDK×Q×QGHùLüWLULOPHVL|QHULOPLüDQFDNWHNQLN ]RUXQOXOXNODUQHGHQL\OHKDWW×QGHùLüWLULOHPH \HFHùLQLQ DQODü×OPDV×QGDQ VRQUD .OWU YH 7XUL]P%DNDQO×ù×.OWU9DUO×NODU×YH0]H OHU *HQHO 0GUOù HVNL .OWU %DNDQO×ù× $Q×WODU YH 0]HOHU *HQHO 0GUOù ·QQ L]LQOHUL LOH 7DVPDVRU·GD NXUWDUPD ND]×V× \D S×OPDV×QD NDUDU YHULOPLüWLU %7& +3%+3 'LUHNW|UOù·QQÀQDQVPDQGHVWHùLLOH*D]L hQLYHUVLWHVL$UNHRORMLNdHYUH'HùHUOHUL$UDü W×UPD0HUNH]L *h$5d(' ·QLQROXüWXUGXùX ND]×HNLEL7HPPX]².DV×PWDULKOHUL DUDV×QGDERUXKDWW×Q×QJHoLULOHFHùLPNRUL GRUXLoHULVLQGH\UWWùDUD]LoDO×üPDODU×Q× JHUHNOL KHU WUO WHNQLN GRNPDQWDV\RQ YH UHVWRUDV\RQ oDO×üPDODU×\OD ELUOLNWH \DNODü×N JQGHWDPDPODP×üW×U  (U]XUXP 0]HVL 0GU 0XVWDID (UNPHQ·LQ EDüNDQO×ù×QGD *h$5d(' WDUD I×QGDQ\UWOHQNXUWDUPDND]×V×+DFHWWHSH hQLYHUVLWHVL )HQ(GHEL\DW )DNOWHVL |ùUHWLP \HVL <DUG 'Ro 'U %RUD 8\VDO·×Q ELOLPVHO VRUXPOXOXùX DOW×QGD EDüODW×OP×ü *D]L hQL YHUVLWHVL )HQ(GHEL\DW )DNOWHVL |ùUHWLP \HVL 'Ro 'U 6 <FHO ûHQ\XUW·XQ ELOLPVHO VRUXPOXOXùX DOW×QGD GHYDP HWWLULOHUHN WD PDPODQP×üW×U +DFHWWHSH hQLYHUVLWHVL )HQ (GHEL\DW )DNOWHVL |ùUHWLP \HVL 3URI 'U <×OPD] 6HOLP (UGDO ND]×GDQ o×NDU×ODQ LQVDQ LVNHOHWOHUL\OH LOJLOL DQWURSRORMLN oDO×üPDODU× \UWPüWU<DNODü×NEHüD\VUHQDUD]LoD Tasmasor, seven kilometres northeast of Erzurum, was first discovered in 2001 during field surveys conducted by METU-TAÇDAM, the Centre for Research and Assessment of Historic Environment, under the framework of the BTC Crude Oil Pipeline Project Detailed Engineering Phase.1 In 2002, the Gazi University – Archaeological Heritage Management and Administration Unit carried out an intensive survey in Tasmasor. Re-routing of the pipeline was suggested for the Tasmasor area as a result of the surveys. However some technical difficulties prevented the re-routing of the pipeline and thus the need for rescue excavation through agreement with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums (previous General Directorate of Monuments and Museums). With the financial support of the BTC Crude Oil Pipeline Project Directorate, the rescue excavation in the 28metre corridor was conducted 3 July 2003 – 20 November 2003 by the excavation team from the Gazi University-Research Centre for Archaeology (GU-ARÇED), and completed in about 140 days with all necessary technical documentation and restoration works. he rescue excavation, led by Mustafa Erkmen, director of the Erzurum Museum, was started under the scientific guidance of Asst. Prof. Bora Uysal from the Hacettepe University – Faculty of Arts and Science, but finished under the scientific guidance of Assoc. Prof. S. Yücel Şenyurt from the Gazi University – Faculty of Arts and Science. Prof. Y. Selim Erdal from Hacettepe University conducted the work on human skeletons. During the five months of field work, the archaeologists, Şeref Yumruk, Diyarbakır Museum, Seval Tan, Erzurum Museum, Halil Coşar, Trabzon Museum and * 1 &QÁ &T 5 ;×EGN Ĩ'0;746 )C\K ¯PKXGTUKVGUK #TMGQNQLK $ÑN×O×#PMCTC $W DKNIK $6% *CO 2GVTQN $QTW *CVVÆ 2TQLG &KTGMVÑTN×þ×ŏPG 1&6¯6#š&#/ VCTCHÆPFCP UWPWNCP TCRQTFCP GNFG GFKNOKĩVKT * 1 TASM ASOR #UUQE2TQH5;×EGNĨ'0;746&GRCTVOGPVQH#TEJCGQNQI[ )C\K7PKXGTUKV[#PMCTC 6JKU KPHQTOCVKQP YCU QDVCKPGF HTQO VJG TGRQTV UWDOKVVGF D[ /'676#š&#/ VQ VJG $6% %TWFG 1KN 2KRGNKPG 2TQLGEV &KTGEVQTCVG 7 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS O×üPDODU×QGD.OWUYH7XUL]P%DNDQO×ù×WHP VLOFLOLùLQL V×UDV×\OD 'L\DUEDN×U 0]HVL·QGHQ ûHUHI <XPUXN (U]XUXP 0]HVL·QGHQ 6HYDO 7DQ 7UDE]RQ 0]HVL·QGHQ +DOLO &RüDU YH .RQ\D0]HVL·QGHQ7ROJDdHOLNVWOHQPLüWLU .D]×GD DUNHRORJODU $UDü *|U $WDNDQ $N oD\+DP]D(NPHQ<XQXV(NLP5HVXOúELü %HOJLQ6DYDü*|NQLO$UGD=)LOL]%LOLU(P VDO .RoHUGLQ ú (UQXU g]WHNLQ 6LEHO $NFDQ %HGUL\H .RoDN *OVP ûDQDO×U (OLI <FH 0JH .oN 1XUDQ gNVH 'X\JX 7XQFD\ 8ùXU$ED]D6×UDo.DUDGDù7XEDúELüg]OHP %DONR]DN g]JU *LUD\ +DOLP .HV 0XVWDID .×UG×0DKPXW3RODW2+DP]D.D\F×+Q NDU .HVHU )DUDKQD] $QVDUL 0HüKXU '|QG 7RSoX DQWURSRORJODU 8 *QH\ $U×NDQ 6HU SLO (URùOX %DU×ü g]HQHU UHVWRUDW|U (PUDK .DUDNXUXPMHRGH]LX]PDQ×gùU*|U*OüDK %H\D]RùOX YH MHRÀ]LN X]PDQ× $UDü *|U 0 g]J$U×VR\J|UHYDOP×üW×U A. &RùUDÀ.RQXPYHg]HOOLNOHUL 7DVPDVRU(U]XUXP·XQNPNX]H\GRùX VXQGD 0HUNH] úOoH·\H EDùO× dD\×UWHSH 0 GUJH .|\·QQ\DNODü×NNPGRùXVXQGD \HUDOPDNWDG×U7DVPDVRUDG×\]\×OEDü ODU×QGDWHUNHGLOPLüHVNL7DVPDVRU.|\·QGHQ JHOPHNWHGLU *QP]GH 7DVPDVRU 0HYNLL RODUDN ELOLQHQ DODQGD V|] NRQXVX N|\H DLW D\DNWDNDOP×üKHUKDQJLELU\DS×NDO×QW×V×PHY FXW GHùLOGLU %XQD NDUü×Q ERUX KDWW× J]HU JDK×Q×Q \DNODü×N  P NX]H\LQGH J|]H oDUSDQ \×ù×QW×ODU×Q HVNL 7DVPDVRU .|\·QQ NDO×QW×ODU×ROGXùXKDYDIRWRùUDI×QGDQ(Resim 7) NROD\FD IDUN HGLOHELOPHNWHGLU 7DVPDVRU PHYNLL JQP]GH dD\×UWHSH 0GUJH  .|\·QQ (Resim 5-6) WDU×P YH PHUD DODQ× RODUDNNXOODQ×OPDNWDG×U %\N $V\D N×WDV×Q×Q HQ EDW× XFXQGD $YUXSDGHQL]OHULQHVRNXOPXü$QDGROX\DU× PDGDV×Q×QNX]H\YHJQH\LQGHNDEDFDGRùX EDW×\|QQGHX]DQDQV×UDGDùODU×Q×QV×NODüW×ù× YH\NVHOGLùLN×V×PGDQLWLEDUHQEDüOD\DQFRù UDI\D'RùX$QDGROXE|OJHVLRODUDNLVLPOHQGL ULOLU$QDGROX·QXQHQGDùO×NYHVDUSE|OJHVL RODQ EX E|OJHGH V×UD GDùODU×Q PH\GDQD JHO  ©\XGTKNKXGVKVK\ÁCNÆĩOCNCTÆPFCPFQNC[ÆV×OMC\ÆGMKDKPGKÁ VGPVGĩGMM×TNGTKOKUWPCTÆO  *GYUGP  JCTKVC   6CUOCUQTŏW T’asmatsor (Tasmosur) ĩGMNKPFG XGTOGMVGFKT  #[PÆ MÑ[ #DDQVŏWP  [ÆNÆPFC[CRVÆþÆUG[CJCVPCOGFG  Tasmaczor QNC TCM\KMTGFKNOGMVGFKT  6CTMCP 8 Tolga Çelik, Anatolian Civilizations Museum were the representatives from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Archaeologists Res. Asst. Atakan Akçay, Hamza Ekmen, Yunus Ekim, Resul İbiş, Belgin Savaş, Göknil Arda, Z. Filiz Bilir, Emsal Koçerdin, İ. Ernur Öztekin, Sibel Akcan, Bedriye Koçak, Gülsüm Şanalır, Elif Yüce, Müge Küçük, Nuran Ökse, Duygu Tuncay, Uğur Abaza, Sıraç Karadağ, Tuba İbiş, Özlem Balkozak, Özgür Giray, Halim Kes, Mustafa Kırdı, Mahmut Polat, O. Hamza Kaycı, Hünkar Keser, Farahnaz Ansari Meşhur and Döndü Topçu, anthropologists U. Güney Arıkan, Serpil Eroğlu and Barış Özener, restorator Emrah Karakurum, Geodesy expert instructor Gülşah Beyazoğlu and geophysical expert Res. Asst. M. Özgü Arısoy all participated in the excavation work.2 A. Geographical Characteristics Tasmasor is located seven kilometres northeast of Erzurum, 1.5 kilometres east of the village of Çayırtepe (Müdürge). he Tasmasor archaeological area gets its name from old Tasmasor3 village that was abandoned at the beginning of the twentieth century. here are no remaining architectural features from that village in the excavation area. But the remains of old Tasmasor village under the mounds of earth about 100-150 metres north of the pipeline could be traced easily through aerial photography (Figure 7). Today, the area of Tasmasor is used for agriculture and pasture fields of Çayırtepe (Müdürge) (Figure 5-6). In the most western edge of the Asian continent, the geography, starting from the area where mountains running east-west rise up and form a dense mass in the northern and southern parts of the Anatolian peninsula, is known as the eastern Anatolian region.4 In this region, which is the most mountainous part of Anatolia, the collision of the Arabian-Syria plate with the Eurasian plate played an important role  +VJCPMCNNVJGVGCOOGODGTUHQTVJGKTUGNƀGUUYQTMFWTKPIVJG + VJCPM CNN VJG VGCO OGODGTU HQT VJGKT UGNƀGUU YQTM FWTKPI VJG GZECXCVKQP  *GYUGP *GYUGP  OCR OCR  UVCVGUVJG6CUOCUQTCUT’asmatsor UVCVGU VJG 6CUOCUQT CU (Tasmosur) +P VJG VTCXGN DQQM #DDQV KP  VJG UCOG XKNNCIG  KUOGPVKQPGFCUTasmaczor.  6CTMCP 6CTMCP   TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS PHVLQGHYHEXJQNV×N×ü×NGXUXPXDOPDOD U×QGDELUL$UDELVWDQ6XUL\Ho×N×QW×V×GLùHULLVH 5XV3ODWIRUPXGHQLOHQLNLPDVLÀQDGHWDPHQ JHQH YD]LIHVL J|UGù EHOLUWLOPHNWHGLU %X MHRPRUIRORMLN\DS×V×LOH'RùX$QDGROXDGHWD GRùDOELUNDOHJ|UQPQGHGLU 'RùX $QDGROX·QXQ À]LNL V×Q×UODU×Q× GR ùXGDúUDQSODWRODU×EDW×GD(U]LQFDQLOH6LYDV DUDV×QGD\HUDODQdLPHQ'Dù×.×]×O'Dù%H\ 'Dù×<×ODQO×'Dù*UQ'Dù×+H]DQO×'Dù× YH 'HUEHQW  'DùODU×·Q×Q \NVHN  GRUXNODU×Q GDQoHNLOHQKDWNX]H\GH.×]×OGDù·GDQEDüOD \DUDNdRUXK.HONLWV×UDGDùODU×dLPHQ'Dù ODU× 3XOXU 'DùODU× *PüKDQH 'DùODU×·Q×Q JQH\\DPDoODU×9DYXN'DùODU×dRUXK'Dù ODU× <DOQ×]oDP 'DùODU× LOH &LQ 'Dù×·Q×Q WHü NLOHWWLùL.X]H\$QDGROXGDùNDYVLQLQGRùX SDUoDV×Q×QGRUXùXQGDQJHoHQKDWJQH\GH 0DODW\D·Q×Q JQH\LQGH ûDNüDN 'DùODU× LOH EDüOD\DQ YH GRùX\D GRùUX +D]DUEDED 'Dù× $N'DùODU+DoUDü'DùODU×6DVXQYH+HUHNRO 'Dù×LOHGHYDPHGHUHN&XGL'Dù×LOH,UDNGHY OHWV×Q×U×Q×EHOLUOH\HQKDWROXüWXUPDNWDG×U6 7DVPDVRU .X]H\GRùX $QDGROX·QXQ HQ E\N RYDV× RODQ (U]XUXP 2YDV×·Q×Q GRùX NHVLPLQLROXüWXUDQ'XPOX2YDV×·Q×QHQGRùX XFXQGD EXOXQPDNWDG×U $üNDOH 2YDV× ,O×FD 2YDV× YH 'XPOX 2YDV×·Q×Q ROXüWXUGXùX EX E\N RYD NX]H\GH *DYXU 'DùODU× VLOVLOHVL in the formation of these mountain ranges.5 In this geomorphologic structure, eastern Anatolia resembles a fortress. he physical boundaries of eastern Anatolia are defined in the east by the Iranian plateau; in the west by a line through the high peaks of the Çimen, Kızıl, Bey, Yılanlı, Gürün, Hezanlı and Derbent Mountains between Erzincan and Sivas; in the north by a line starting from the Kızıldağ through the height of the northern Anatolian mountain mass consisting of the Çoruh-Kelkit mountain ranges, Çimen and Pulur mountains, the southern slopes of the Gümüşhane mountains, Vavuk, Çoruh, Yalnızçam and Cin Mountains; in the south by a line starting from the Şakşak mountains south of Malatya and extending to the east where Hazarbaba, Ak, Haçraş, Sasun and Herekol, and Cudi mountains define the Turkish border with Iraq.6 Tasmasor is located on the most eastern edge of the Dumlu Plain that encompasses the eastern part of Erzurum Plain, the largest plain in north eastern Anatolia. his large plain, including the Aşkale, Ilıca and Dumlu Plains, is surrounded by the Dumlu Hill (2,963 metres) within the Gavur Mountain Mass to the Resim 1: 6CUOCUQTŏWPMW\G[KPFGMK$×[×M/×F×TIG$CVCMNÆþÆ Figure 1: $×[×M/×F×TIG5YCORVQVJGPQTVJQH6CUOCUQT  5×T  6CTMCP  5×T 5×T    6CTMCP 6CTMCP   TASM ASOR 9 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS LoLQGHNL'XPOX7HSH P JQH\GH(ùHUOL 'Dù P EDW×GD7XUQDJ|O'Dù× P  GRùXGD.DUJDSD]DU×'DùODU× P YH3D ODQG|NHQ'Dù× P LOHoHYUHOHQPHNWHGLU7 )×UDW·×QLNLE\NNROXQGDQELULRODQ.DUDVX EXE\NRYDQ×QNX]H\GRùXVXQGDNL.DUJD SD]DU× 'DùODU× LoLQGHNL .DUDoDù×O 'Dù×·QGDQ GRùPDNWDYH7DVPDVRU·XQNX]H\NHVLPLQGHQ EDW×\DGRùUXDNPDNWDG×U <DNODü×N  NP ¶OLN ELU DODQ× NDSOD\DQ (U]XUXP2YDV×·Q×QWDEDQVHYL\HVLQLQoRNG üNROPDV×QHGHQL\OH.DUDVXQHKULRYDGD\HU \HUEDWDNO×NYHVD]O×NODU×QROXüPDV×QDQHGHQ ROPXüWXU 2YDQ×Q HQ GRùXVXQGDNL EDWDNO×ù× LVH 7DVPDVRU·XQ \DNODü×N  NP NX]H\LQGHNL %\N0GUJH%DWDNO×ù× (Resim 1) ROXüWXU PDNWDG×U 6|] NRQXVX EDWDNO×ù×Q JQH\LQGH 7DVPDVRU·XQ\DNODü×NNPNX]H\GRùXVXQGD 7DVPDVRU dHUPLùL RODUDN ELOLQHQ ELU VRùXN oHUPLN PHYFXWWXU 3DODQG|NHQ 'Dù×·Q×Q NX ]H\GRùX YH .DUJDSD]DU× 'DùODU×·Q×Q JQH\ NHVLPLQL ROXüWXUDQ 'HYHER\QX V×UWODU×QGDQ north, Eğerli Mountain (2,740 m) to the south, Turnagöl Mountain (2,400 metres) to the west and the Kargapazarı Mountains (3,288 metres) and Palandöken Mountain (3,124 metres) to the east.7 he Karasu, one of the two largest branches of the Euphrates River starts from the Karaçağıl Mountain within the Kargapazarı Mountains northeast of this plain and runs toward the west though the northern part of Tasmasor. he 520 kilometres2 Erzurum Plain has a low floor level and therefore, the Karasu River causes some swamps and reed beds to form in the plain. he swamp at the most eastern edge of the plain forms the Big Müdürge Swamp8 (Figure 1), which is two kilometres north of Tasmasor. here is a cold spring, known as the Tasmasor Çermik south of this swamp, about one kilometre northeast of Tasmasor. he Çayırtepe creek running from the Deveboynu ridges that makes up the southern part of Kargapazarı Mountain Resim 2: 6CUOCUQTXGÁGXTGUKJCXCHQVQþTCHÆ Figure 2: #GTKCNRJQVQQH6CUOCUQTCPFPGKIJDQWTKPICTGC  5Ñ\GT  5Ñ\GT 10  5Ñ\GT 5Ñ\GT    5Ñ\GT 5Ñ\GT   TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Figure 3: 6CUOCUQTHTQOVJGUQWVJ Resim 3: 6CUOCUQTŏWPI×PG[FGPIÑT×P×O× GRùDQdD\×UWHSH'HUHVLRYD\DLQHQDOoDNWH UDV]HULQGHLNLNRODD\U×OPDNWDG×UdD\×UWHSH 'HUH·VLQLQEXNHVLPGHNLGRùXNROX7DVPDVRU 'HUHVL(Resim 2) RODUDNDQ×OPDNWDG×U .X]H\L YH NX]H\EDW×V× 2OWX 2YDV×·QD Do×ODQ 7DVPDVRU \DN×Q oHYUHVL DOY\RQODUOD NDSO×ROPDNODEHUDEHUGRùXYHJQH\LQGHNL DQGH]LW YH ED]DOW |UWOHUL LOH 1HRMHQ YROND QLN WHSHOHULQ \DPDoODU×QD ROGXNoD \DN×Q ELU NRQXPD VDKLSWLU .DUJDSD]DU× 'DùODU×·Q×Q RYD\D EDNDQ \DPDoODU×QGD RUWDODPD  NP JHQLüOLùLQGH ELU üHULW KDOLQGH GDù×Q HWHùLQL oHYUHOH\HQYRONDQLNDUDWDEDNDO×hVW0LRVHQ WRUWXO WDüODU× EXOXQPDNWDG×U 0DUQ YH NLOOHU GHQPH\GDQDJHOPLüRODQEH\D]UHQNOLELUJ| UQüHVDKLSEXWRUWXOWDüODU×QDUDODU×QGD\HU \HU WÁHUH UDVWODQPDNWDG×U 7DVPDVRU 0HU NH].D]×$ODQ×Q×ROXüWXUDQWHSHGHHVDVHQV|] NRQXVXYRONDQLNWIYHDJORPHUDQ×Q YROND QLN EUHü  KHQ] DOY\RQOD NDSDQPDP×ü ELU o×N×QW×V×QGDQROXüPXüWXU 7DVPDVRU·XQKHPHQGRùXVXQGDNL'HYH ER\QXYRONDQLNHüLùLQLQ P GHLoLQGH\HU DOG×ù×.DUJDSD]DU×'DùODU×·Q×QJQH\HWHNOHUL (U]XUXP2YDV×LOH3DVLQOHU2YDV×·Q×ELUELULQ GHQD\×UPDNWDG×U6|]NRQXVXLNLE\NRYD EDüODQJ×oWD WHN QHKLU VLVWHPLQH GDKLO YH ELU ELULQLQGHYDP×LNHQGDKDVRQUD4XDWHUQHU·GH PH\GDQD JHOHQ HSLURMHQLN KDUHNHWOHU VRQX FXQGD ROXüDQ 'HYHER\QX YRONDQLN HüLùL LOH ELUELULQGHQ D\U×OP×üW×U  %XJQN NDUD\ROX and the north eastern part of the Palandöken Mountain is divided into two branches on the low terrace in the plain and its eastern branch is known as the Tasmasor creek (Figure 2). he north and north western parts of Tasmasor open onto the Oltu Plain and although its surrounding areas are covered with alluvium, andesite and basalt lava units at the east and south are very close to Neogene volcanic hillsides. On the hillsides of the Kargapazarı plain-facing mountains, volcanic-interlayer upper Miocene sedimentary rocks surround the mountain slope in a three to four kilometre-wide belt. hese sedimentary rocks consist of marl and clays and are white coloured with some tuff layers among them.9 he hill in the Tasmasor Central Excavation Area is mostly made of outcrops where volcanic tuff and agglomerates10 (volcanic breccia) have not yet been covered with alluvium. Just east of Tasmasor, the slopes of Kargapazarı Mountains, which also include the Deveboynu volcanic barrier (1,950 metres), separate the Erzurum and Pasinler Plains. hese two large plains were initially included in a single river system as continuations of each other but later, they were separated by the Deveboynu volcanic barrier which was formed as a result of epirogenic activities in the quaternary period.11  5×T  5Ñ\GT 11 5×T  5×T 5×T    5Ñ\GT 5Ñ\GT   11 5×T 5×T    TASM ASOR 11 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 4: 6CUOCUQTXGÁGXTGUKW[FWHQVQþTCHÆ Figure 4: 5CVGNNKVGRJQVQQH 6CUOCUQTCPFPGKIJDQWTKPICTGC YH GHPLU\ROXQXQ JHoWLùL EX HüLùLQ HQ JQH \LQGHNL+DPDP'HUHVLYH<×N×OJDQ'HUHVL·QLQ ROXüWXUGXùXP\NVHNOLùLQGHNLVHNLOHU 'HYHER\QX *HoLGL  KHU LNL RYD\× ELUELULQH EDùODPDNWDG×U 1LWHNLP 'HYHER\QX·QXQ KHPHQGRùXVXQGD7LONLGHOLNOHUL6×UW×·Q×Q\D PDF×QGD \HU DODQ 7HWLNRP +|\N (Resim 4) EXMHRVWUDWHMLNSR]LV\RQXNRQWUROHGHQELU QRNWDGD KHPHQ NDUD\ROXQXQ NHQDU×QGD \HU DOPDNWDG×U  (U]XUXP 2YDV× 'RùX $QDGROX·QXQ HQ VRùXNNHVLPLQGHEXOXQPDNWDG×U<×O×Q\DU× V×QGDQGDKDX]XQVUHQN×üPHYVLPLEXE|O JHGHJHQHOOLNOHQLVDQRUWDODU×QDNDGDUGHYDP HGHUdRNN×VDVUHQ\D]PHYVLPLQLQROGXNoD V×FDNJHoPHVLLVH(U]XUXP2YDV×·Q×Q´üLGGHWOL NDUDVDOµELULNOLP|]HOOLùLQHVDKLSROGXùXQX J|VWHUPHNWHGLU%|OJHGH(\OO0DUWD\ODU×Q GD×V×JHQHOOLNOHLOHGHUHFHDUDV×QGDVH\ Modern railway and roads along the 15-20 metres-high scarps of the Hamam and Yıkılgan creeks connect both plains via the Deveboynu Pass. Likewise, Tetikom Höyük12 (Figure 4) just east of Deveboynu and under the Tilkidelikleri ridge is located just next to the road so it controls this strategic position. he Erzurum Plain is located in the coldest part of eastern Anatolia.13 he winter in the region, lasting more than half the year continues into mid-April. he short hot summers are indicative of the plain’s “severe continental”14 climate. In the region, temperature in the September-March period is higher in the winter season and changes from – 5 to -35ºC. Within certain periods, it is known that warmer or colder 12 $6%*2$*2ÁGTÁGXGUKPFG6GVKMQOŏFCFCMWTVCTOCMC\Æ NCTÆIGTÁGMNGĩVKTKNOKĩVKT5Ñ\MQPWUWMC\ÆPÆPUQPWÁNCTÆVCTC HÆOÆ\FCP[C[ÆPCJC\ÆTNCPOCMVCFÆT 13 5Ñ\GT  6CTMCP 12 12  7PFGT 7PFGT VJG VJG HTCOGYQTM HTCOGYQTM QH QH VJG VJG $6% $6% %TWFG %TWFG 1KN 1KN 2KRGNKPG 2KRGNKPG 2TQLGEV TGUEWG GZECXCVKQP YQTM YCU RGTHQTOGF KP 6G VKMQO4GUWNVUQHVJCVGZECXCVKQPCTGDGKPIRTGRCTGFHQT RWDNKECVKQPD[5;×EGNĨGP[WTV 13 5Ñ\GT 5Ñ\GT    6CTMCP 6CTMCP   TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS UHWPHNWHGLU %HOOL SHUL\RWODU LoHULVLQGH ELUD] GDKD ×O×PDQ YH\D ELUD] GDKD VRùXN \×OODU×Q KDNLP ROGXùX VUHoOHULQ GH \DüDQG×ù× ELOLQ PHNWHGLU(U]XUXPYHoHYUHVLQLQ\DN×QG| QHPHDLW\×OO×N\Dù×üRUWDODPDV×LONEDKDUD\ ODU×QGDGDKDID]ODROPDN]HUHRUWDODPD PP RODUDN YHULOPHNWH YH EX PLNWDU×Q 'RùX $QDGROX·QXQGLùHUNHVLPOHULQGH,ùG×U  PP  9DQ  PP  (U]LQFDQ  PP  YH 0DODW\D  PP  JLEL GDKD DOoDN GHS UHV\RQODUGDQID]ODROGXùXDQODü×OPDNWDG×U *HUHNFRùUDI\DJHUHNVHLNOLPüDUWODU×(U ]XUXP2YDV×YHoHYUHVLQLQELWNL|UWVQQüH NLOOHQPHVLQGHNLHQE\NHWNHQLROXüWXUPDN WDG×U7RSRJUDÀNYHRURMHQLN|]HOOLNOHUHEDùO× RODUDNRYDQ×QIDUNO×NHVLPOHULQGHNLDOY\RQ OX WRSUDNODUGD IDUNO× ELWNL WUOHULQLQ \HWLüWLùL (Resim 5) YHEXWRSUDNODU×QWDU×PDUD]LVLROD UDNNXOODQ×OPD\DoRNHOYHULüOLROGXùXELOLQ PHNWHGLU %|OJHQLQ DOY\RQOX WRSUDNODU× G× ü×QGDNLDODQODU\DU×NXUDNLNOLP]RQXQD|]J X]XQYHN×VDoD\×URWODU×Q×QPH\GDQDJHWLUGLùL NHVWDQHUHQNOLVWHSWRSUDNODU×LOHNDSO×G×U%|O JH RUPDQ DOW V×Q×U×Q×Q KHPHQ DOW×QGD NDOG×ù× LoLQRYDYH\DN×QoHYUHVLQGHJQP]GHRU PDQO×N DODQODU PHYFXW GHùLOGLU 3DODQG|NHQ VLOVLOHVLQLQ GRùX NHVLPOHULQGH HVNLGHQ RU PDQO×N DODQODU×Q ROGXùX ELOLQPHNOH EHUDEHU EXQODU×Q ]DPDQ  LoLQGHNL RUPDQ WDKULSOHUL VRQXFXRUWDGDQNDONW×ù×WDKPLQHGLOPHNWHGLU seasons were also seen in the past.15 Annual average precipitation of the region around Erzurum in the near past is 476 millimetres, higher in the spring months and higher than the lower level areas in other parts of eastern Anatolia such as Iğdır (272.6 millimetres), Van (380.7 millimetres), Erzincan (374.7 millimetres) and Malatya (363.4 millimetres).16 Both geographic and climatic conditions are very important in the formation of vegetation in the Erzurum Plain. It is known that, on the basis of topographic and orogenic features, different plant types (Figure 5) are grown in the alluvial soils in various parts of the plain and these soils are very suitable for agriculture.17 Apart from the alluvial areas in the region, the remainder is covered with light brown steppe soils with short grasses characteristic of semi-arid climates. Since the region is below the forest line, there are no forests in the vicinity of the plain. Although the presence of forests in the eastern parts of the Palandöken range was known in the past, it is thought that they have become extinct due to the destruction of the forests over time. Meanwhile, it is suggested that climatic conditions in the region are not suitable for forest development. Resim 5: 6CUOCUQTÁGXTGUKPKPDKVMKÑTV×U× Figure 5: 2NCPVEQXGTKP6CUOCUQTCPFPGKIJDQWTKPICTGC 15 5Ñ\GT    DW RGTK[QVNCTÆP XCTNÆþÆPÆ )WODGN OGVQFWPCIÑTGUCRVCPFÆþÆPÆDGNKTVOGMVGFKT  5Ñ\GT  5Ñ\GT 15 5Ñ\GT 5Ñ\GT    UVCVGUVJCVVJGRTGUGPEGQHVJGUGRGTKQFU UVCVGU VJCV VJG RTGUGPEG QH VJGUG RGTKQFU YCUFGVGTOKPGFWUKPIVJG)WODGNOGVJQF  5Ñ\GT 5Ñ\GT    5Ñ\GT 5Ñ\GT   TASM ASOR 13 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS 'LùHUWDUDIWDQE|OJHGHNLLNOLPüDUWODU×Q×QGD RUPDQODU×Q JHOLüPHVLQH SHN HOYHULüOL ROPD G×ù× LOHUL VUOPHNWHGLU *QP]GH NDYDN V|ùW \DEDQL LùGH +LSSRSKDH UKDPQRLGHV  YHDO×o FUDWDHJXV JLELDùDoODUYHoDO×O×NODUD] RODUDNJ|UOPHNWHGLU$OY\RQOXRYDWRSUD ù×Q×QWDU×PELWNLOHULDUDV×QGDEXùGD\DUSDYH oDYGDU    |QHPOLGLU (U]XUXP 2YDV× YH \DN×Q oHYUHVLQLQ HVDV JHoLP ND\QDù×Q× WDU×P ROXüWXUPDNWDKD\YDQF×O×N(Resim 6)LVHLNLQFL V×UDGDJHOPHNWHGLU 7DVPDVRU·XQLoLQGHEXOXQGXùXGDKDGDU FRùUDI\D\DELWNL|UWVDo×V×QGDQEDN×OG×ù×Q GD 0GUJH %DWDNO×ù×·Q×Q (Resim 1) WX]OX DONDOLWRSUDN\DS×V×Q×Q|QSODQGDROGXùXJ| UOU%XEDWDNO×NoHYUHVLQGH\HWLüHQVD]ODU YH NDP×üODU×Q ELU WDUDIWDQ |UGHN ND] YE DY KD\YDQODU×Q× EDU×QG×U×UNHQ GLùHU WDUDIWDQ N× ü×Q \DNDFDN RODUDN NXOODQ×OG×ù× EXQD NDUü×Q \D] D\ODU×QGD ERO VLYULVLQHùL LOH V×WPD KDVWD O×ù×QDQHGHQRODQELURUWDP\DUDWW×ù×ELOGLULO PHNWHGLU 6|] NRQXVX \DS× ELWNLOHULQ \HWLü PHVLQGHHOYHULüVL]ELUHWNL\HVDKLSWLU$QFDN 7DVPDVRU·XQ \DN×Q oHYUHVLQGH EDWDNO×ù×Q HW NLVLQGHQ X]DN \NVHN VHYL\HOHUGH V×Q×UO× GD ROVD NXUX WDU×P \DS×ODELOHQ WDUODODUD (Resim 2, 6) UDVWODQPDNWDG×U Today poplar, willow, wild oleaster (Hippophae rhamnoides) and medlar (crataegus) trees and brushwood are uncommon.18 Among the agricultural plants of alluvial soil, wheat, barley and rye (92%) are important. he main source of income on the Erzurum Plain and neighbouring areas is agriculture and livestock raising (Figure 6) ranks second.19 In considering the vegetation of immediate geography around Tasmasor, the salty-alkali soils of Müdürge swamp (Figure 1) shuld be noted.20 Reeds and canes growing around this swamp host hunting animals such as ducks and geese and are also used as fuel in the winter but may contribute to the spread of malaria due to the abundant mosquito population during the summer.21 Such a system is not suitable for agriculture. However, in the vicinity of Tasmasor, dry-farming are also seen (Figure 2, 6) at relatively high areas. Resim 6: 6CUOCUQTÁGXTGUKPFGVCTÆOXGJC[XCPEÆNÆMHCCNK[GVNGTK Figure 6: #ITKEWNVWTCNCPFJGTFKPICEVKXKVKGUCTQWPF6CUOCUQT  5Ñ\GT  5CTCÁQþNW  5Ñ\GT$WÁGXTGĩCTVNCTÆPÆP)GÁ&GOKTšCþÆXG 1TVCÁCþŏC CKV KPUCP KUMGNGVNGTK ×\GTKPFG IÑ\NGONGPGDKNGP QNWOUW\GVMKNGTKKÁKPDM\$ÑN×O 21 5CTCÁQþNW 14  5Ñ\GT 5Ñ\GT    5CTCÁQþNW 5CTCÁQþNW    5Ñ\GT 5Ñ\GT5GG2CTVHQTVJGPGICVKXGGPXKTQPOGPVCN   5GG 2CTV  HQT VJG PGICVKXG GPXKTQPOGPVCN GHHGEVUHQWPFQPVJG.CVG+TQP#IGCPF/GFKGXCNJWOCP UMGNGVQPU 21 5CTCÁQþNW 5CTCÁQþNW   TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI B. 7DULKVHOdHUoHYH TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS <XNDU×GDGHùLQLOHQWRSRJUDÀNYHMHRPRU IRORMLN |]HOOLNOHULQGHQ GH DQODü×ODFDù× JLEL 7DVPDVRU·XQ EXOXQGXùX E|OJH MHRVWUDWHMLN Do×GDQROGXNoD|QHPOLGLU(U]XUXP2YDV×·Q× 3DVLQOHU 2YDV×·QD EDùOD\DQ GRùDO JHoLW KH PHQ 7DVPDVRU·XQ JQH\LQGHQ JHoPHNWHGLU 3DVLQOHU 2YDV×·QGDQ +DPDP 'HUHVL \ROX\OD GDKDD]PH\LOOLRODUDN\NVHOHQEXGRùDOJH oLW(Resim 4) 1HQHKDWXQV×UWODU×QGDQLWLEDUHQ EDW×\D GRùUX (U]XUXP·D NX]H\H GRùUX LVH 7DVPDVRU YH EXUDGDQ 2OWX·\D XODüDQ J]HU JDKDLQPHNWHGLU 'HYHER\QX YRONDQLN HüLùL |]HOOLNOH *Ho 'HPLUdDù×·QGDIDUNO×LGDULEWQONOHULELU ELULQGHQ D\×UDQ GRùDO ELU V×Q×U YD]LIHVL J|U PüWU %X HüLN DQWLN ND\QDNODUGDNL $ERV 'Dù×LOHELUWXWXOPDNLVWHQPHNWHGLU'DULXV 0g G|QHPLQGH M edia YH A rmenia) VDWUDSO×NODU×Q.VHUNVHV 0g   YH $UWDNVDUNVHV 0g   G|QHP OHULQGHLVH %DW×$UPHQLD YH 'RùX$Umenia)  VDWUDSO×NODU×Q V×Q×UODU×Q×Q 'HYHER\QX (üLùL WDUDI×QGDQ D\U×OG×ù× NDEXO HGLOPHNWH GLU6|]NRQXVXHüLNEX\|Q\OH.X]H\GRùX $QDGROX·QXQ LNL E\N YH |QHPOL RYDV× LOH EXQODU×QKLQWHUODQWODU×Q×QROXüWXUGXùXFRùUD ÀEWQONOHULELUELULQGHQD\×UDQGRùDOELUVHW YD]LIHVL J|UPüWU 'HYHER\QX V×UW×Q×Q KH PHQ NX]H\LQGHNL .DUJDSD]DU× 'DùODU×·QGDQ GRùXSGRùX\DDNDQ$UDV1HKULLOHEDW×\DDNDQ .DUDVX1HKLU·OHULEXFRùUDÀEWQONOHULEHV OHPLüYHPXKWHPHOHQNHQGLQH|]JNOWUYH LGDUL \DS×ODU×Q |Q SODQD o×NPDV×Q× VDùODP×ü ROPDO×G×U 'HYHER\QX·QGDQ GRùX\D GRùUX 3DVLQOHU 2YDV× YH $UDV \ROX LOH E|OJH GDKD oRN.X]H\EDW×úUDQYH7UDQVNDINDV\DHWNLOHUL QHDo×NKDOHJHOPLüWLU1LWHNLP'DULXVG|QH PLQLQVDWUDSO×ù×Q×Q0HGVDWUDSO×ù×ROPDV× EXÀNULGHVWHNOHPHNWHGLU(U]XUXP2YDV×YH .DUDVXLOHEDW×\DX]DQDQFRùUDÀEWQONKHU QHNDGDU2UWD$QDGROXYH.DUDGHQL]N×\×ODU× QDXODü×P×VDùOD\DQ\ROODU]HULQGHROVDELOH E|OJHHVDVHQ\LQH$UDV9DGLVL\ROX\OD.X]H\ B. Historical Setting As the topographic and geomorphologic characteristics outlined above show, the region of Tasmasor is geostrategically very important. he natural pass that connects the Erzurum Plain to the Pasinler Plain is just south of Tasmasor. his natural pass (Figure 4) that rises with the lower slope from the Pasinler Plain to the Hamam creek extends towards Erzurum west of the Nenehatun ridges and towards Tasmasor and then Oltu to the north. he Deveboynu volcanic barrier acted as a natural border, particularly in the late Iron Age, by separating different administrative integrities. his barrier resembles the Abos Mountain in ancient sources.22 It is believed that borders of the 10th (Media) and 13th (Armenia) satrapies during the period of Darius (522-485 BC) and the borders of the 19th (western Armenia) and 18th (eastern Armenia) satrapies during the reigns of Xerxes (485-465 BC) and Artaxerxes (464-425 BC) were separated by the Deveboynu barrier.23 In this respect, Deveboynu barrier separate two important plains of North eastern Anatolia and their hinterlands forming two diffrent geographical integrities. he eastward-running Araxes and westward-running Karasu rivers that come from the Kargapazarı Mountains just north of the Deveboynu ridge should have fed these geographic entities and probably enabled them to have their own cultural and administrative structures. East of Deveboynu, the region was open to effects from Northwestern Iran and the Trans-Caucasus via the Pasinler Plain and Aras River. Likewise, the fact that the 10th satrapy of Darius period became the Median satrapy may support this idea. Although the geographic entity extending to the west via the Erzurum plain and the Karasu River is on the roads that provide access to central Anatolia and the Black Sea, the region shows stronger relations with Northwestern Iran and the Trans-Caucasus via the Araxes valley. his is attributed to the fact 22 5CIQPC% 23 5CIQPC% 22 5CIQPC% 5CIQPC %   23 5CIQPC% 5CIQPC %   TASM ASOR 15 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS EDW× úUDQ YH 7UDQVNDINDV\D LOH JoO LOLüNLOHU VHUJLOHPHNWHGLU'HYHER\QX(üLùL·QLQD\U×ELU FRùUDI\DROXüWXUDFDNELoLPGHDü×OPD]ELUHQ JHOROPD\×SDNVLQHNROD\Dü×ODELOHQELUJHoLü VDùODPDV×EXDo×GDQROGXNoD|QHPOLGLU 'HYHER\QX*HoLGLYHKHULNLWDUDI×QGDNL \DN×Q FRùUDÀ oHYUH $UDV YH .DUDVX QHKLUOH ULLOHVDùODQDQGRùXEDW×EDùODQW×ODU×Q×Q\DQ× V×UDNX]H\YHJQH\HJLGHQGRùDOJHoLWYHJ ]HUJDKODUD \DN×Q NRQXPX\OD MHRVWUDWHMLN Do× GDQ |QHPOL ELU QRNWDG×U 3DVLQOHU 2YDV×·Q×Q JQH\EDW×V×QGDNL $NYHUHQ *HoLGL YH RQXQ GDKD GRùXVXQGDNL 7DKLU *HoLGL E|OJH\L J QH\H EDùOD\DQ |QHPOL J]HUJDKODUG×U (U]X UXP 2YDV×·QGD .DUJDSD]DU× 'DùODU×·Q×Q ED W×V×QGDNLYDGLOHUYH7RUWXPdD\×\ROXLOHNX ]H\H.ROKLVE|OJHVLQH$üNDOH]HULQGHQ.RS *HoLGL\ROX\OD%D\EXUWYH7UDE]RQ·Do×NDQLNL |QHPLGRùDOJ]HUJDKEXOXQPDNWDG×U 7UDQVNDINDVODU LOH $QDGROX NOWU FRù UDI\DV×QGD|QHPOLELUJHoLüQRNWDV×ROXüWXUDQ (U]XUXP E|OJHVLQGH *Ho .DONROLWLN dDù·GDQ LWLEDUHQ VUHNOL \HUOHüLPH VDKQH ROPXü ELU oRNDUNHRORMLNPHUNH]LQYDUO×ù×ELOLQPHNWHGLU 3DVLQOHU 2YDV×·QGD 6RV +|\N YH %XODPDo +|\N·WH (U]XUXP 2YDV×·QGD LVH .DUD] 3XOXUYH*]HORYD·GDJHUoHNOHüWLULOHQND ]×ODU(U]XUXPYHoHYUHVLQLQ.DONROLWLNdDù·D NDGDULQHQWDULKVUHFLQHDLW|QHPOLDUNHRORMLN NDQ×WODUVXQPXüWXU (U]XUXP YH oHYUHVLQH DLW HQ HVNL \D]×O× ND\×WODUD +LWLW ND\QDNODU×QGD UDVWODQPDNWD G×U+LWLWNUDO×0XUåLOL·QLQ\×OO×NODU×QGDJHoHQ $]]L+D\DåD ONHOHUL NHVLQ V×Q×UODU× EHOOL RO PDPDNODELUOLNWHoRùXQOXNOD(U]XUXPYHoHY UHVLQHORNDOL]HHGLOPHNWHGLU$]]LYH+D\DåD RODUDNYHULOHQLNLLVPLQWHNELUNUDOWDUDI×QGDQ \|QHWLOHQ LNL D\U× SROLWLN JF P \RNVD LNL IDUNO×FRùUDÀE|OJH\H\D\×OP×üNDELOHOHUNRQ IHGHUDV\RQX üHNOLQGHNL WHN ELU SROLWLN JF that the Deveboynu barrier is not an impassable obstacle, but instead it provides a pass that is easily traversed. he Deveboynu Pass and the geographic areas on both sides of it are geostrategically very important for east-west connections via the Karasu River and its closeness to the natural passes and routes running to the north and south. he Akveren Pass, southwest of the Pasinler Plain and the Tahir pass to the east are important for connecting the region to the south. On the Erzurum Plain, there are two important natural routes; the one in the east runs through the valleys west of the Kargapazarı Mountains and the Tortum creek provides access to the Colchis region at to north and the second to the west comprising the Kop Pass through Aşkale provides access to Bayburt and Trabzon. In the Erzurum region, which has been an important transit point in Trans-Caucasus and Anatolian cultural geography, there are several archaeological sites that have witnessed continuous settlement since the late Chalcolithic. he excavations conducted at Sos Höyük24 and Bulamaç Höyük25 on the Pasinler Plain and Karaz,26 Pulur,27 and Güzelova28 on the Erzurum Plain yielded important archaeological data on a history that goes back to the Chalcolithic Period in the area around Erzurum. he oldest written record of the Erzurum region is found in the Hittite sources. Although the exact borders of the Azzi-Hayaša countries as mentioned in the annals of the Hittite king Muršili II are not clearly known but are generally placed in the vicinity of Erzurum.29 It is still controversial whether the two names of Azzi and Hayaša represent two different political powers governed by a single king or did they represent a political power in the form of a  )×PGTK5CIQPCGVCN 25 )×PGTKGVCN  -QĩC[CPF6WTHCP  -QĩC[CPF8CT[  -QĩC[CPF8CT[  )CTUVCPICPF)WTPG[*GT\HGNF /CESWGGP;CMCT;CMCT 5CIQPC%  )×PGTK )×PGTK5CIQPCGVCN  5CIQPC GV CN   25 )×PGTKGVCN )×PGTK GV CN    -QĩC[ -QĩC[CPF6WTHCP CPF 6WTHCP   -QĩC[ -QĩC[CPF8CT[ CPF 8CT[   -QĩC[ -QĩC[CPF8CT[ CPF 8CT[   )CTUVCPI )CTUVCPICPF)WTPG[*GT\HGNF CPF )WTPG[   *GT\HGNF   /CESWGGP;CMCT;CMCT 5CIQPC% 16 TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS PLIDGHHWWLùLKDOHQWDUW×ü×ODQELUNRQXGXU +LWLW ND\QDNODU×\OD ELUOLNWH .X]H\GRùX $QDGROX·QXQ WDULKL FRùUDI\DV×QD ×ü×N WXWDQ HUNHQ ND\QDNODU LoLQGH $VXU NUDO \×OO×NODU× |QHPOL ELU \HUH VDKLSWLU , 7LJODW3LOHVHU·LQ 0g   WDKWD o×N×ü×Q×Q LNLQFL \×O×QD DLWNX]H\VHIHULQGHE|OJH+XUULLOHELUWXWX ODQ+DULDhONHVLRODUDNLVLPOHQGLULOPLüWLU $\Q×NUDO×QoQF\×O×QGD1DLULhONHOHUL·QH \DSW×ù× VHIHUGH DG× JHoHQ 'DLDHQL .UDOO×ù× 8UDUWX ND\QDNODU×QGD JHoHQ 'LDXHKL LOH LOLü NLOHQGLULOHUHN (U]XUXP YH oHYUHVLQH ORNDOL]H HGLOPHN LVWHQPHNWHGLU ,,, 6DOPDQDVHU·LQ 0g   oQF YH RQEHüLQFL \×OODU× QD DLW VHIHUOHULQGH GH 'DLDHQL hONHVL JHo PHNWHGLU $QFDN 'DLHQL YH 'LDXHKL LOLüNLVL NHVLQ ROPDG×ù× LoLQ EX ORNDOL]DV\RQ |QHULVL KHQ]WDUW×üPDNRQXVXGXU%XQDNDUü×Q+LWLW YH$VXUND\QDNODU×QGD'DLDHQL·QLQ\DQ×V×UD DGODU×JHoHQELUoRNNoNNUDOO×NYH\DONH 0gELQ\×OVRQODU×QGD'RùX$QDGROXE|O JHVLQLQ V×Q×UODU× VWDELO ROPD\DQ oRN VD\×GD NoN VL\DVL RUJDQL]DV\RQODUD E|OQPü RO GXùXQXJ|VWHUPHNWHGLU +LWLW YH $VXU ND\QDNODU×QD J|UH 8UDU WXODUD DLW \D]×O× ND\QDNODU 'RùX $QDGROX KDNN×QGDGDKDDQODü×O×UELOJLOHUVXQPDNWDG×U .X]H\GRùX $QDGROX·\D \|QHOLN LON 8UDUWX VHIHUOHUL ,åSXLQL 0g   G|QHPLQGH EDüODPDNWDG×U 8UDUWX NUDO× 0HQXD·\D 0g   DLW 3DVLQOHU·LQ GRùXVXQGD EXOX QDQ<D]×O×WDü.LWDEHVLEXG|QHPGHQLWLEDUHQ 8UDUWXODU×Q E|OJHGH HWNLQ ELU KDNLPL\HWLQL J|VWHUPHVL Do×V×QGDQ |QHPOLGLU 6|] NRQXVX NLWDEHGH DG× JHoHQ 'LDXHKL ONHVL (U]XUXP YH oHYUHVLQH ORNDOL]H HGLOPHNWHGLU $QFDN 'LDXHKL ONHVLQLQ V×Q×UODU× NHVLQ RODUDN RUWD \DNRQDPDP×üW×U.LPLDUDüW×UPDF×ODU3DVLQ OHU2YDV×YH$UDV9DGLVL·QL'LDXHKLONHVLQLQ tribal confederation that settled on two different geographic regions.30 Beside the Hittite sources, annals of Assyrian kings have significant place among the earlier written sources enlightening the historical geography of Northeastern Anatolia. he region mentioned in the records of northern expedition held in the second year of Tiglath-Pileser (11141076 BC) as Haria31 and it is possibly equal with the Hurrian land.32 Daieaeni Kingdom, mentioned in the context of a military expedition held against the lands of Nairi in the third year of the same king, related with the Diauehi of Urartian sources and localized around Erzurum Province.33 Daieaeni land34 was also mentioned in the annals of Shalmaneser III (858-824 BC). But the relation between Daieani and Diauehi is not clarified35 and this localization is open to question. However, in addition to Daieaeni several other small kingdoms and lands mentioned in Hittite and Assyrian sources indicate that eastern Anatolia was divided into many small political organizations with flexible borders at the 2nd millennium BC. he written sources of the Urartians reveal more understandable information. he first Urartian military expeditions into north eastern Anatolia started during the reign of Išpuini (830-810 BC). he Yazılıtaş inscription of the Urartian king Menua (810-781 BC) found in the eastern part of the Pasinler Plain is very important in confirming the domination of the Urartians in the region. he Diauehi country mentioned in this inscription has been localised to Erzurum and its vicinity.36 However, the borders of the Diauehi country have not been clearly defined. Some researchers37 want to claim the Pasinler Plain and Aras valley as the centre  *GT\HGNF   ;CMCT    $W MQPWFC FCJCFGVC[NÆDKNIKKÁKPDM\ĨGP[WTV 31 5CIQPC% 32 .WEMGPDKN 33 5CIQPC%  .WEMGPDKN 35 4WUUGN$WTPG[CPF.CPI  šKNKPIKTQþNW4WUUGN+ĩÆMNÆ 5CIQPC%-ÑTQþNW  5CIQPC%  *GT\HGNF *GT\HGNF     ;CMCT ;CMCT     5GG 5GG HQT HQT FG VCKNGFKPHQTOCVKQPĨGP[WTV 31 .WEMGPDKN .WEMGPDKN   5CIQPC% 33 5CIQPC% 5CIQPC %    .WEMGPDKN .WEMGPDKN    35 .WEMGPDKN .WEMGPDKN    šKNKPIKTQþNW šKNKPIKTQþNW   4WUUGN+ĩÆMNÆ 5CIQPC%-ÑTQþNW  5CIQPC 5CIQPC% %   TASM ASOR 17 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS PHUNH]L RODUDN J|UPHN LVWHUNHQ GLùHUOHUL (U]XUXP2YDV×YH7HUFDQ·DNDGDURODQE|OJH \LEXONHQLQPHUNH]LE|OJHVLRODUDNJ|UPHN WHGLU %D]× DUDüW×UPDF×ODU (U]XUXP·GDQ NX ]H\H dRUXK 9DGLVL·QH NDGDU X]DQDQ E|OJH\L 'LDXHKLRODUDNNDEXOHGHUNHQED]×DUDüW×UPD F×ODU 0XUDWVX 9DGLVL·QGHQ 0DOD]JLUW0Xü %LQJ|O FLYDU×QD NDGDU X]DQDQ E|OJH\L ED]× DUDüW×UPDF×ODU GD +RURVDQ·×Q GRùXVXQGDQ EDüODPDN ]HUH 6DU×NDP×ü YH .DUV E|OJHVLQL |QSODQGDWXWPDNWDG×U (U]XUXP YH oHYUHVL 8UDUWX NUDOO×ù×Q×Q o|NüQGHQVRQUDV×UDV×\OD0HG$NDPHQLG 3HUV YH 5RPD KDNLPL\HWLQH JLUPLüWLU .LP PHUYHúVNLWOHULQJQH\EDW×\D\D\×O×üODU×QGDQ ND\QDNODQDQ ELU NDUPDüD G|QHPL\OH ELUOLNWH 8UDUWXGHYOHWLRUWDGDQNDONP×üVRQUDV×QGD ED]× ELOLP DGDPODU× WDUDI×QGDQ ´8UDUWX·QXQ o|NüQWDNLSHGHQNDUDQO×NoDùµRODUDNQL WHOHQGLULOHQ\D]×O×ND\QDNODU×QYHDUNHRORMLN YHULOHULQ \HWHULQFH D\G×QODWDPDG×ù× ELU DUD HYUH \DüDQPD\D EDüODP×üW×U .X]H\ NDYLP OHULQLQLVWLODV×Q×Q\DQ×V×UD.X]H\EDW×úUDQ·GD .\DNVHUHV·LQ 0g WDKWDJHoPHVL\OH K×]OD JHQLüOHPH\H EDüOD\DQ 0HGOHU·LQ 0g ·WHQ LWLEDUHQ 'RùX $QDGROX·\X WHKGLW HW PH\HEDüODG×ù×ELOLQPHNWHGLU1LWHNLP0g  \×OODU×QGD 0HGOHU 9DQ·× HOH JHoLULS .×]× O×UPDN NDYVLQH NDGDU XODüP×üODUG×U 'RùX $QDGROX·GD0HGYDUO×ù×LOHLOJLOLELOJLOHULPL] V×Q×UO×G×U 0g  \]\×OODUD DLW $VXU ND\QDNODU×QGD JHoHQ YH 'RùX $QDGROX·GD ROGXùX GüQOHQ 0DGDQL $PDGDQ 1DP GDQX YH 0DWLDWL \HU DGODU× 0HGOHU LOH LOLüNLOL J|UOPHNWHGLU,$VXUQDVLUSDO·LQ 0g   'LFOH·QLQ NX]H\LQH \DSW×ù× VHIHUGH DG× JHoHQ 0DWLHQL DG×Q×Q GD NOWUHO Do×GDQ 0HGOHUOH LOLüNLOL ELU 'RùX $QDGROX NRQIHGH UDV\RQXROGXùX|QHVUOPHNWHGLU'DKDGD ID]ODV×0DWLHQL·QLQGDKD|QFH$VXUND\QDNOD of Diauehi country while others38 claim that the region extended as far as the Erzurum Plain and Tercan was the centre of this country. Some scholars39 state that the region from Erzurum to the Çoruh valley to the north is the Diauehi country while some40 think the region from the Muratsu valley to Malazgirt-Muş-Bingöl and yet others41 accept the region starting from east of Horosan to the Sarıkamış and Kars areas. Following the collapse of the Urartian kingdom, Erzurum and its vicinity were ruled over by the Medes, Achaemenid-Persians and the Roman Empire in ancient times. During a period of upheaval, resulting from south western spread of the Cimmerians and the Scythians, the Urartian state was removed42 and later, an intermediate phase occurred, which some scientists labelled the “dark age following the collapse of Urartians”43 and could not be sufficiently clarified by the written sources and archaeological data. In addition to the invasion of northern tribes, it is also known that the Medes, who rapidly strengthened under the reign of Cyaxares (633-584 BC) in northwest Iran, threatened eastern Anatolia by 625 BC. Likewise, about 590 BC, the Medes invaded Van and reached as far as the Kızılırmak River. here is little information on the presence of the Medes in eastern Anatolia.44 he place names Madani, Amadan, Namdanu and Mataiati mentioned in the Assyrian sources dated between 13th and 9th centuries BC seems related with Medians and possibly located in Eastern Anatolia. It has been suggested that the name of Matieni45 which is mentioned in the account of the expedition of Asurnasirpal I (1047-1029 BC) to the north of Dicle, is an eastern Anatolia confederation, culturally connected to the Medes.46 Moreover, on the basis of the similarity  $WTPG[CPF.CPIšKNKPIKTQþNW+ĩÆMNÆ XGFKRPQV  &KCMQPQHCPF-CUJMCK  $CTPGVV4WUUGN  $GNNKCPF%G[NCP  $WTPG[CPF.CPI5CIQPC%  $WTPG[CPF.CPI  5CIQPC%  .WEMGPDKN  5CIQPC%  $WTPG[ $WTPG[CPF.CPIšKNKPIKTQþNW+ĩÆMNÆ CPF .CPI   šKNKPIKTQþNW   +ĩÆMNÆ CPFHQQVPQVG  &KCMQPQH &KCMQPQHCPF-CUJMCK CPF -CUJMCK    $CTPGVV $CTPGVV4WUUGN   4WUUGN    $GNNK $GNNKCPF%G[NCP CPF %G[NCP    $WTPG[ $WTPG[CPF.CPI5CIQPC% CPF .CPI   5CIQPC %    $WTPG[ $WTPG[CPF.CPI CPF .CPI    5CIQPC 5CIQPC% %    .WEMGPDKN .WEMGPDKN    5CIQPC 5CIQPC% %   18 TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS U×QGDJHoHQYH$UDV9DGLVL·QHYHULOHQ0DGD QLLOHEHQ]HUOLùLQHGD\DQ×ODUDND\Q×E|OJH\OH LOLüNLOHQGLULOGLùLJ|UOPHNWHGLU'LùHUWDUDI WDQ +HURGRW·XQ .ROKLV YH dRUXK 9DGLVL·QH \DN×Q E|OJHOHU LoLQ KHP 0DWLHQH YH KHP GH 0HGLD  LVLPOHULQL NXOODQPDV× EX |QHUL\L GHVWHNOH\HQELUNDQ×WRODUDNJ|UOPHNWHGLU %XQDEDùO×RODUDN0DWLHQH·QLQ0HGONHVLQLQ EDW×V×QGD EXOXQDQ |QHPOL ELU E|OJH ROGXùX DQODü×OPDNWDG×U 0HG 'HYOHWL·QLQ $NDPHQLG +DQHGDQ O×ù× WDUDI×QGDQ RUWDGDQ NDOG×U×OPDV×QGDQ VRQUD 'RùX $QDGROX %|OJHVL $NDPHQLG 3HUV HJHPHQOLùLQH JHoPLüWLU .X]H\GRùX $QDGROX·QXQEXG|QHPLQHDLW|QHPOLDUNHR ORMLNYHULOHU(U]LQFDQ$OW×QWHSH·GHDo×ùDo×ND U×OP×üW×U%|OJHQLQWDULKLFRùUDI\DV×GDKDoRN +HURGRWYH;HQRIRQ·GDQHOGHHGLOHQELOJLOHUH GD\DQPDNWDG×U(U]XUXPYH3DVLQOHUDUDV×Q GDNL 'HYHER\QX (üLùL·QLQ DQWLN $ERV 'Dù× LOHELUWXWXOPDV×QDGD\DQ×ODUDN'DULXV 0g  G|QHPLQGH M edia YH A rmenia) VDWUDSO×NODU×Q .VHUNVHV 0g   YH$UWDNVDUNVHV 0g G|QHPOHULQGH LVH  %DW× $UPHQLD  YH  'RùX $UPHQLD  VDWUDSO×NODU×Q V×Q×UODU×Q×Q 'HYHER\QX (üLùL WDUDI×QGDQD\U×OG×ù×NDEXOHGLOPHNWHGLU%X QXQ\DQ×V×UD.VHUNVHV 0g YH$U WDNVDUNVHV 0g G|QHPOHULQGHNL VDWUDSO×ù×QPHUNH]LQLQ$OW×QWHSHROGXùXLOHUL VUOPHNWHGLU 7DVPDVRU·GD \UWOHQ DUNHRORMLN ND]× ODUGD HOGH HGLOHQ YHULOHU |QFHOLNOH .X]H\GR ùX $QDGROX·QXQ EX NHVLPLQGHNL *Ho 'HPLU dDù×·QD DLW \HUHO NOWUQ GDKD oRN DQODü×O PDV×QD \DUG×PF× ROPXüWXU 'LùHU WDUDIWDQ oDQDNo|POHNEXOXQWXODU×NoNEXOXQWXODU |O J|PPH DGHWOHUL YH PLPDUL NDO×QW×ODUGD VDSWDQDQ NLPL |]HOOLNOHU LVH 0HG YH $NDPH QLG3HUVNOWUOHULQLQEXE|OJHGHNLHWNLOHULQL Do×NoDJ|VWHUPHNWHGLU of Matieni to Madani that was previously mentioned in Assyrian sources pertaining to the Araxes Valley, it is also connected with the same region.47 Meanwhile, the fact that Herodotus used the names of Matiene48 and Media49 for the regions close to the Çoruh Valley and Colchis may support this suggestion.50 In this respect, it is understood that Matiene was an important region in the west of Media. After the destruction of the Median state by the Achaemenid dynasty, the eastern Anatolian region was ruled over by the Achaemenid-Persian. he Erzincan-Altıntepe region yields important archaeological data on north eastern Anatolia in this period. Historical geography of the region is mainly based on information from Herodotus and Xenophon. On the basis of the fact that the Deveboynu barrier between the Erzurum and Pasinler plains is thought to be the equivalent of the ancient Abos Mountain, it is believed that borders of the 10th (Media) and 13th (Armenia) satrapies51 in the period of Darius (522-485 BC) and the 19th (western Armenia) and 18th (eastern Armenia) satrapies52 in the periods of Xerxes (485-465 BC) and Artaxerxes (464-425 BC) were separated by the Deveboynu barrier53. Meanwhile, Altıntepe has been suggested as the centre of the 19th satrapy.54 he scientific results from the Tasmasor excavations improve the understanding of the local Late Iron Age cultures in this part of north eastern Anatolia. On the other hand, some results from the studies of ceramics, small finds, burial customs and architecture reveal the impact of Medes and Achaemenid/Persian cultures on this region.55  5CIQPC%  *GTQFQVQU+++  *GTQFQVQU+  5CIQPC% 51 *GTQFQVQU+++ 52 *GTQFQVQU+++ 53 5CIQPC%  5WOOGTU 55 6CUOCUQTŏFCCÁÆþCÁÆMCTÆNCPDWFÑPGOGCKVCTMGQNQLKMXG TKNGTNGKNIKNKFCJCFGVC[NÆDKNIKNGTKÁKPDM\$ÑN×O++8  5CIQPC 5CIQPC% %    *GTQFQVWU *GTQFQVWU+++ +++   *GTQFQVWU *GTQFQVWU+ +   5CIQPC 5CIQPC% %   51 *GTQFQVWU+++ *GTQFQVWU +++  52 *GTQFQVWU+++ *GTQFQVWU +++  53 5CIQPC% 5CIQPC %    5WOOGTU 5WOOGTU   55 5GG2CTV+++8HQTOQTGKPHQTOCVKQPQPVJGCTEJCGQNQIKECN 5GG 2CTV +++8 HQT OQTG KPHQTOCVKQP QP VJG CTEJCGQNQIKECN FCVCQHVJKURGTKQFHTQOVJG6CUOCUQTGZECXCVKQPU TASM ASOR 19 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS $UDVYH.DUDVXYDGLOHUL\ROX\ODGRùXGDQ EDW×\D GRùUX X]DQDQ J]HUJDK×Q DQWLN ND\ QDNODUGDJHoHQ0HG<ROXYH.UDO<ROXROGX ùX|QHVUOPHNWHGLU%X|QHUL\×O×QGD 3DVLQOHU \]H\ DUDüW×UPDV×QGD WHVSLW HGLOHQ WDü G|üHOL DQWLN \ROD GD\DQG×U×OPDNWDG×U %XQD EDùO× RODUDN ;HQRIRQ·XQ G|Qü \ROX LoLQ GH JQH\GHQ JHOHQ RUGXQXQ $NYHUHQ *HoLGLYDV×WDV×\OD3DVLQOHU2YDV×·QDLQGLùLYH 'HYHER\QX*HoLGL·QGHQJHoHUHNEDW×\DGRù UXGHYDPHWWLùL|QHULOPLüWLU 3HUV KDNLPL\HWLQGHQ VRQUD (U]XUXP YH oHYUHVL %\N úVNHQGHU·LQ GRùX VHIHULQLQ VL \DVL VRQXoODU×QGDQ HWNLOHQPLü ROPDNOD EHUD EHU+HOHQLVWLNNOWUQEDVN×QROGXùXE|OJH OHUGHQELULKDOLQHJHOPHPLüWLU$NVLQHE|OJH GH8UDUWX0HGYH$NDPHQLG3HUVJLELORNDO NOWUOHULQ X]DQW×ODU× YDUO×ù×Q× VUGUPü WU 5RPD G|QHPLQGH .HONLW \DN×QODU×QGDNL 6DWDOD·Q×QELUXoJDUQL]RQROGXùXELOLQPHNWH GLU*Ho5RPDG|QHPLQGHLVH(U]XUXP 7KH RGRVLRSROLV  |Q SODQD o×NP×ü YH NHQW 5RPD úPSDUDWRUOXùX·QXQ GRùX V×Q×U×Q× 6DVDQLOHUH NDUü× NRUX\DQ ELU V×Q×U üHKUL KDOLQH JHOPLü WLU %L]DQV G|QHPLQGH (U]XUXP·XQ (UPHQL SLVNRSRVOXNODU×QGDQ ELUL ROGXùX J|UOPHN WHGLU 0DOD]JLUW 6DYDü×·QGDQ   VRQUD 6HOoXNOXODU·×Q 'RùX $QDGROX·GD \D\×OPD\D EDüODPDODU×LOHELUOLNWH(U]XUXPYHFLYDU×6DO WXNOXODU×QKDNLPL\HWLQHJHoPLüWLU <XNDU×GD JHQHO oHUoHYHVL oL]LOPH\H oD O×ü×ODQ (U]XUXP YH oHYUHVL WDULKL FRùUDI\DV× LoHULVLQGH7DVPDVRU3RVW8UDUWX0HG$ND PHQLG3HUV YH 2UWDoDù·D DLW DUNHRORMLN YHUL OHUL\OH |Q SODQD o×NPDNWDG×U 7DVPDVRU·GD JHUoHNOHüWLULOHQNXUWDUPDND]×ODU×.X]H\GRùX $QDGROX·GDD]ELOLQHQ*Ho'HPLUdDù×·QDYH 2UWDoDùN×UVDO\HUOHüPHOHULQHDLWELOJLOHULPL]H |QHPOLNDWN×ODUVDùODP×üW×U It has been suggested that the route extending from east to west via the Araxes and Karasu Valleys is the Median Road and Kings Road mentioned in ancient sources.56 his suggestion is based on the stone-paved ancient road57 that was found in 1999 during field surveys in Pasinler. In this respect, for the return route of Xenophon, the army coming from the south reached the Pasinler Plain via the Akveren Pass and continued to the west through the Deveboynu Pass.58 Following the retreat of the Persians, although Erzurum and its vicinity were somewhat affected by the political activities of Alexander the Great’s eastern expedition, it was not one of the regions dominated by Hellenistic culture. Instead, local cultures such as Urartian, Median and Achaemenid/Persian preserved their cultures in the region. During the Roman period, Satala near Kelkit was one of the frontier garrisons of the empire. In the Late Roman period, Erzurum (heodosiopolis) was a focus of attention and it was a pioneering city for defending the eastern border of the Roman Emperor against the Sassanids. In the Byzantine period, Erzurum was one of the Armenian bishoprics.59 Following the Battle of Manzikert (AD 1071) and the spread of the Seljuks into eastern Anatolia, Erzurum and its vicinity were occupied by the Saltukids.60 Within the framework of the historical geography of Erzurum and its vicinity outlined above, Tasmasor is the focus of attention with archaeological data on post-Urartian, Medes, Achaemenid/Persian and Medieval period and particularly with archaeological data on the Late Iron Age and the medieval rural settlements which are less well-known in north eastern Anatolia.  $WMQPW[NCKNIKNKFGVC[NÆDKNIKKÁKPDM\5CIQPC%   5CIQPC%(KI5CIQPC%  5CIQPC%  5CIQPC%  5KPENCKT#[TÆEC6CUOCUQTŏFCMKDWFÑPGOGCKV FCJCFGVC[NÆDKNIKXGCTMGQNQLKMXGTKNGTKÁKPDM\$ÑN×O8+  (QTFGVCKNGFKPHQTOCVKQPUGG5CIQPC%   5CIQPC 5CIQPC%(KI5CIQPC% %  (KI  5CIQPC %    5CIQPC 5CIQPC% %    5CIQPC 5CIQPC% %    5KPENCKT 5KPENCKT5GGCNUQ2CTV8+HQTOQTGKPHQTOCVKQP   5GG CNUQ 2CTV 8+ HQT OQTG KPHQTOCVKQP CPFCTEJCGQNQIKECNFCVCQHVJKURGTKQFHTQO6CUOCUQT 20 TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI C. .D]×dDO×üPDODU× TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS %7& +DP 3HWURO %RUX +DWW× LQüDDW oD O×üPDODU×QGDQ HWNLOHQHFHN WP J]HUJDK  P JHQLüOLùLQGH ELU NRULGRU RODUDN G]HQOHQ PLüWLU%XQHGHQOH\DNODü×N[PER \XWODU×QGD ROGXNoD JHQLü ELU DODQD \D\×OG×ù× DQODü×ODQ 7DVPDVRU·GDNL (Resim 7) oDO×üPD ODU VDGHFH EX NRULGRUOD V×Q×UO× WXWXOPXüWXU 7DVPDVRU·GDNL JHQLü DUNHRORMLN VDKD $ YH % DODQODU×ROPDN]HUHLNLD\U×EWQONVHUJL OHPHNWHGLU *QH\GRùX NHVLPGH (U]XUXP 2YDV×VHYL\HVLQGHQ\DNODü×NP\NVHN OLùHVDKLSNLUHoWDü×DOoDNWHUDVׁ]HULQGHNL [[P|OoOHUHVDKLSNoNWHSHYHoHY UHVL7DVPDVRU$$ODQ×·Q×ROXüWXUPDNWDG×U% $ODQ×LVH\DNODü×NPNX]H\EDW×GDNLHVNL 7DVPDVRU .|\ KDUDEHOHUL YH oHYUHVLQL LoLQH DOPDNWDG×U%XDODQERUXKDWW×LQüDDWIDDOL\HW OHULQLQ\DUDWDFDù×ROXPVX]HWNLOHUGHQWP\ OHX]DNROGXùXLoLQEXUDGDKHUKDQJLELUND]× oDO×üPDV×\DS×OPDP×üW×U -HRGH]L oDO×üPDODU× VRQXQGD HOGH HGLOHQ WRSRJUDÀN KDULWD ]HULQGH V|] NRQXVX NRUL GRUXLoLQHDODQELUJULG (Resim 7-8) KD]×UODQ P×üW×U%XQDJ|UHPNRULGRUXNX]H\JQH\ \|QQGH $ % & KDUÁHUL\OH GRùXEDW× \| QQGHLVHUDNDPODU×LOHWHPVLOHGLOHQ [P·OLNNDUHOHUHD\U×OP×üW×U$QFDN&V×UD V×QGDNLNDUHOHULQVDGHFH[P·OLNN×VP×QGD DUNHRORMLN ND]× oDO×üPDODU× \UWOHELOPLüWLU %XQDJ|UH7DVPDVRU·GDWRSODPDGHW[ P·OLNDoPDGDDGHW[P·OLNDoPDGD ND]×oDO×üPDODU×JHUoHNOHüWLULOPLüWLU .D]×oDO×üPDODU×|QFHVLQGH|]HOOLNOHoDQDN o|POHN SDUoDODU×QD UDVWODQPD\DQ DODQODUGD DOY\RQDOW×QGDNDOP×üROPDV×PXKWHPHOKHU KDQJLELUPLPDULNDO×QW×Q×QYDUO×ù×Q×DQODPD \D\|QHOLNRODUDN3URWRQ*UDGLRPHWUHLOHMHR À]LNoDO×üPDODU×\DS×OP×üW×U%XQXQODELUOLNWH JHUHNOL J|UOHQ DODQODUGD oHüLWOL ER\XWODUGD [[[YH[P WRSODPD\U× VRQGDMoDO×üPDV×\DS×OP×üW×U+HUKDQJLELUDU NHRORMLN EXOXQWX\D UDVWODQPD\DQ VRQGDMODU oRùX\HUGHDQDND\D\DXODü×QFD\DNDGDUDQD ND\DQ×QGDKDGHULQGHROGXùXGXUXPODUGDLVH PGHULQOLùHNDGDULQPHNWHGLU -HRÀ]LN ND]× YH VRQGDM oDO×üPDODU× LOHU OHGLNoH GRùXGDQ EDW×\D GRùUX X]DQDQ  P NRULGRUXLoHULVLQGHNLDUNHRORMLNDODQ×Q'RùX .D]× $ODQ× 0HUNH] .D]× $ODQ× YH %DW× .D]× $ODQ×ROPDN]HUHoD\U×EWQONLoHULVLQGH GHùHUOHQGLULOHELOHFHùLDQODü×OP×üW×U C. Excavations he area under the negative affect by the construction work of the BTC Crude Oil Pipeline was limited to in a 28-metre corridor. herefore, the works in the large Tasmasor archaeological site (Figure 7), extending to about 500 x 300 metres, was restricted only to that corridor. he larger archaeological area in Tasmasor has two main areas, known as areas A and B. Tasmasor Area A in the south eastern section is made up of 100 x 80 x 2 metre-dimensioned small hills and surrounding parts on a limestone lower terrace that is 10-12 metres higher than the Erzurum Plain level. Area B contains ruins from the old Tasmasor village and its vicinity about 200 metres to the northwest. Since this area would not be affected by the pipeline construction, no excavation work was carried out there. A grid system that included this corridor was overlaid on the topographic map that was created from the geodesy studies in Tasmasor (Figure 7-8). he 28-metre corridor was divided into squares of 10 x 10 metres which were labelled as A, B, C north to south and 1-50 east to west. Archaeological work in line C was conducted in 10 x 8 metre squares. Excavations in Tasmasor were performed in a total of 30 trenches of 10 x 10 metres and 11 trenches of 10 x 8 metres. Before starting the excavations, geophysical surveys using the proton gradiometer were performed to confirm that no architectural remains were under the alluvium in the 28metre corridor and particularly in areas where no ceramic sherds were seen on the surface. In some areas a total of fifteen different soundings of varying dimensions (1 x 1, 3 x 2, 5 x 2 and 9 x 5 metres) were opened. Soundings which yielded no archaeological finds were then extended to the bedrock and if the bedrock was deeply seated, soundings were generally deepened 2-2.5 metres. As the geophysical surveys, excavations and soundings progressed, the archaeological area in the east to west extending 28-metre corridor was determined to best be evaluated in three different sections termed the Eastern Excavation Area, Central Excavation Area and Western Excavation Area. TASM ASOR 21 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 7: 6CUOCUQTJCXCHQVQþTCHÆVQRQITCſMJCTKVCUÆXGMCTGNCLÆ Figure 7: #GTKCNRJQVQVQRQITCRJKEOCRCPFITKFU[UVGOQH6CUOCUQT Resim 8: 6QRQITCſMJCTKVCXGMCTGNCL Figure 8: 6QRQITCRJKEOCRCPFITKFU[UVGO 22 TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS 'RùX.D]×$ODQ× 7DVPDVRU·GDNL \DNODü×N  P \NVHNOLùH VDKLSWHSHQLQGRùXNHVLPLQGH\DS×ODQND]×YH VRQGDMoDO×üPDODU×'RùX.D]×$ODQ×EWQOù LoHULVLQGHGHùHUOHQGLULOPLüWLUPNRULGRUX QXQoRND]oDQDNo|POHNSDUoDV×QDUDVWODQDQ HQGRùXN×VP×QGDNL%DoPDV×Q×QVWVHYL \HOHULQGH YH DoPD LoHULVLQGH JHUoHNOHüWLULOHQ [[P·OLNVRQGDMGD 6RQGDM KHUKDQJL ELUDUNHRORMLNEXOJXHOHJHoPHPLüWLU $$ DoPDODU× LOH %% DoPD ODU×QGDG]HQOLELUPLPDULSODQYHUHQWDüWH PHOOHUL YH N×VPHQ WDü G|üHPHOHUL NRUXQPXü 2UWDoDù·D DLW ELU \DS× NRPSOHNVL (Resim 9) Do×ùDo×NDU×OP×üW×U%XNRPSOHNVGLNG|UWJHQ SODQO× X]XQ ELU \DS× LOH GRùX NHVLPLQGH \D S×\ODEDùODQW×O×RODQNDUHJ|UQPOELUPH NDQGDQ LEDUHWWLU <DS×Q×Q JQH\ NHVLPLQGH %YH%DoPDODU×LoHULVLQGH\DS×ODQVRQ GDMoDO×üPDODU×QGD 6RQGDMYH6RQGDM P GHULQOLùHNDGDULQLOPHVLQHUDùPHQDUNHRORMLN EXOJX\DUDVWODQPDP×üW×U  2UWDoDù·DDLWEX\DS×NRPSOHNVLQLQDO W×QGDELUL$DoPDV×QGDEDVLWWRSUDNPH]DU 0 GLùHUL$DoPDV×QGDo|POHNPH]DU 0 ROPDN]HUH*Ho'HPLUdDù×·QDDLWLNL PH]DUDo×ùDo×NDU×OP×üW×U6|]NRQXVXPH]DU ODU7DVPDVRU0HUNH].D]×$ODQ×·Q×QGRùXNH VLPLQGH GDKD oRN UDVWODQDQ *Ho 'HPLU dDù× PH]DUODU×Q×Q ROXüWXUGXùX JUXED DLW ROPDO× G×U Eastern Excavation Area Excavation and soundings conducted in the eastern part of the two-metre ridge in Tasmasor were termed the Eastern Excavation Area. In Trench B-49 in the most eastern part of the corridor where fewer number of sherds were found, a sounding (Sounding 1) of 9 x 5 x 2 metres confirmed that there were no archaeological remains. In trenches A-39 – A-43 and B-39 – B-41, a medieval complex (Figure 9) was found that yielded a regular architectural plan with partially preserved stone foundations and stone flooring.61 his complex is consisted of a long rectangular structure and a square unit interconnected structure to the east. In the southern part of the building there were no archaeological finds in the soundings (Soundings 2 and 3) which were opened in trenches B-41 and B-43 to a depth of 2 metres. Beneath the medieval complex, two Late Iron Age burials were found; one is a simple inhumation (M-66) in Trench A-40 and the other is a pithos burial (M-80) in Trench A-39. hese burials probably belong to the Late Iron Age burials that were found mostly in the eastern section of the Tasmasor Central Excavation Area.62 Resim 9: &QþW-C\Æ#NCPÆ1TVCÁCþ[CRÆUÆ Figure 9: /GFKGXCNDWKNFKPIKPVJG 'CUVGTP'ZECXCVKQP#TGC  $W [CRÆ MQORNGMUK XG DWNWPVWNCTÆ KNG KNIKNK FCJC  FGVC[NÆ CTMGQNQLKMFGþGTNGPFKTOGNGTKÁKPDM\$ÑN×O8+  5Ñ\MQPWUWOG\CTNCTNCKNIKNKFCJCFGVC[NÆDKNIKNGTKÁKPDM\ $ÑN×O+++  5GG 5GG2CTV8+HQTVJGCTEJCGQNQIKECNTGUWNVUQPVJKUDWKNFKPI 2CTV 8+ HQT VJG CTEJCGQNQIKECN TGUWNVU QP VJKU DWKNFKPI EQORNGZCPFKVUſPFU  5GG 5GG2CTV+++HQTOQTGKPHQTOCVKQPQPVJGDWTKCNU 2CTV +++ HQT OQTG KPHQTOCVKQP QP VJG DWTKCNU TASM ASOR 23 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS 0HUNH].D]×$ODQ× <]H\ DUDüW×UPDODU×QGD $ $ODQ× RODUDN DQ×ODQJQH\GRùXNHVLPGHNL[[P ER\XWODU×QGDNLKDÀIWHSHOLNDODQ0HUNH].D]× $ODQ×Q× ROXüWXUPDNWDG×U 6|] NRQXVX WHSH GRùXVXQGDNL YH JQH\LQGHNL \DPDoODUGDQ DNP×üNXDWHUQHUNROY\DOWRSUDNVHYL\HVLQLQ \DNODü×N  P ]HULQGH NDOP×ü VW N×VP× \HU \HUVHUWOHüPLüSOLRVHQWÁHUGHQROXüPDNWDG×U Central Excavation Area he 100 x 80 x 2 metre slightly hilly area which” is the southeast part of the Area A of the field surveys defined as Central Excavation Area. his hill is 2-3 metres above the Quarternary colluviums that flowed from slopes to the east and south and its upper section is composed of partly compacted Pliocene tuffs.63 Resim 10: /GTMG\-C\Æ#NCPÆ Figure 10: 6JG %GPVTCN'ZECXCVKQP#TGC %XDODQGD$²$%²%YH& ²&DoPDODU×ROPDN]HUHWRSODPDo PDGDND]×oDO×üPDODU×VUGUOPüWU7HSH ]HULQGHEDW×NHVLPGHVDGHFHFPGRùX NHVLPGHLVHDQFDNFP·\HXODüDQELUNO WU GROJXVXQXQ YDUO×ù× WHVSLW HGLOPLüWLU gQ FHOHUL ROGXNoD NoN YH \D\YDQ ELU K|\N ROGXùXVDQ×ODQEXWHSHFLùLQHVDVHQYRONDQLN ELUWI]HULQHNXUXOPXüELU*Ho'HPLUdDù× \HUOHüLPLLOHJHoG|QHPHDLWELUPH]DUO×ù×ED U×QG×UG×ù×DQODü×OP×üW×U 0HUNH] .D]× $ODQ×·Q× ROXüWXUDQ WHSHOLN DODQ×QKHPHQKHPHQWP\DN×QG|QHPHDLW ELU PH]DUO×NOD (Resim 11-13) NDSO×G×U $o×ùD o×NDU×ODQ  DGHW PH]DU |]HOOLNOH \DW×U×O×ü \|QOHULYHHOOHULQEHO]HULQGHNDYXüWXUXOPDV× In this area, excavations were conducted in a total of twenty-three trenches labelled A-32 – A37, B-30 – B-38 and C-31 – C-38. A culture fill was found on the hill with a thickness of 25-30 centimetres on the west and 60-70 centimetres on the eastern side. hus this hill, which was previously believed to be a small and flat mound, actually contains a Post-Medieval cemetery and a Late Iron Age settlement established on volcanic tuff deposit. Most of the hilly area comprising the Central Excavation Area is covered by the Post-Medieval cemetery (Figure 11-13). If their orientation of the graves and folded hands of bodies on waists considered all of the explored 215 graves reflect  2CUKPNGT1XCUÆKNGKNIKNKLGQOQTHQNQLKMDKTÁCNÆĩOCFC %QN NKPU GV CN   'T\WTWO ÁGXTGUK LGQOQTHQNQLKUK FGVC[NÆ DKTĩGMKNFGGNGCNÆPOÆĩVÆT  +PCIGQOQTRJQNQIKEYQTMQPVJG2CUKPNGT2NCKP %QNNKPU GVCN IGQOQTRJQNQI[CTQWPF'T\WTWOYCUUVWFKGF KPFGVCKN 24 TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 11: /G\CTVCĩNCTÆ Figure 11: *GCFUVQPGU LWLEDUL\OH+×ULVWL\DQ|OJ|PPHJHOHQHNOHULQL \DQV×WPDNWDG×U0H]DUODU×QELUN×VP×QGDWHV SLWHGLOHQoUPüDKüDSNDO×QW×ODUEXPH]DU O×ù×QROGXNoDJHoELUG|QHPHDLWRODELOHFHùLQL DNODJHWLUPHNWHGLU%XDODQGD%YH$ DoPDODU×QGD NDEDFD LüOHQPLü NLUHoWDü×QGDQ LNL DGHW PH]DU WDü× (Resim 11) HOH JHoPLüWLU 0H]DU WDüODU× ]HULQGH ND]×PD KDo PRWLÁHUL PHYFXWWXU 7HSHQLQ|]HOOLNOHGRùXNHVLPLQGH\DN×Q Christian burial customs. Partially preserved wooden remains found in some of the graves may indicate that this cemetery was quite recent.64 Two roughly-worked headstones (Figure 11) were unearthed from trenches B-35 and A-33 in this area. hey have engraved cross motifs. In particular, on the eastern side of the hill, some architectural fragments (Figure 13-14) were found that were heavily damaged by the Resim 12: /GTMG\-C\Æ#NCPÆŏPFCPDKT)GÁ&GOKTšCþÆOG\CTÆ /  Figure 12: #.CVG+TQP#IGDWTKCN / HTQOVJG%GPVTCN'ZECXCVKQP#TGC  5Ñ\MQPWUW OG\CTNCT XGCÁÆþC ÁÆMCTÆNCP KUMGNGVNGTNG KNIKNK FCJCFGVC[NÆDKNIKKÁKPDM\$ÑN×O8++  5GG 5GG2CTV8++HQTOQTGFGVCKNGFKPHQTOCVKQPQPVJGUGITCXGU 2CTV 8++ HQT OQTG FGVCKNGF KPHQTOCVKQP QP VJGUG ITCXGU CPFVJGUMGNGVQPUWPGCTVJGF TASM ASOR 25 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 13: ##ÁOCUÆ)GÁ&GOKTšCþÆ[CRÆNCTÆXGIGÁFÑPGOOG\CTNCTÆ Figure 13: 6TGPEJ#.CVG+TQP#IGUVTWEVWTGUCPF2QUV/GFKGXCN 2QUV/GFKGXCNITCXGU ITCXGU Resim 14: /GTMG\-C\Æ#NCPÆŏPÆPFQþWMGUKOKPFGPIGPGNDKTIÑT×P×O Figure 14: #IGPGTCNXKGYHTQOVJGGCUVGTPRCTVQHVJG%GPVTCN'ZECXCVKQP#TGC 26 TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 15: $CÁOCUÆPFCMKMW[W Figure 15: 6JGYGNNKP6TGPEJ$ G|QHPPH]DUO×ù×WDUDI×QGDQDü×U×|OoGHWDK ULSHGLOPLü\HU\HUVDGHFHWDüWHPHOOHULYHWDü G|üHPH NDO×QW×ODU× NRUXQDELOPLü PLPDUL ND O×QW×ODU (Resim 13-14) Do×ùDo×NDU×OP×üW×U.R UXQDQ N×V×PODU×QGDQ DQODü×ODELOGLùL NDGDU×\ ODEXNHVLPGH*Ho'HPLUdDù×·QDDLWoD\U× \DS× NRPSOHNVLQLQ YDUO×ù× V|] NRQXVXGXU %XQODUGDQLONL$YH$DoPDODU×QGDWDü WHPHOOHULQLVSHWHQGDKDID]ODNRUXQPXüRODQ $<DS×V×LNLQFLVL%²%YH&DoPDOD U×QGDWDüWHPHOOHULGDKDD]NRUXQPXüRODQ% <DS×VׁoQFVLVH%²%YH&²& DoPDODU×QGDWDüWHPHOOHULYHWDüG|üHPHVL ROGXNoDD]NRUXQPXü&<DS×V×G×U *Ho'HPLUdDù×·QDDLW\DS×NDO×QW×ODU×Q×Q G×ü N×V×PODU×QGD YRONDQLN WI LoHULVLQH R\XO PXüoRNVD\×GDLULOLXIDNO×GHSRoXNXUODU×(Resim 14-15) Do×ùD o×NDU×OP×üW×U dDSODU×  FP LOHPDUDV×QGDGHùLüHQEXoXNXUODU\DN ODü×NFPLOHPGHULQOLNWHGLU %DoPDV×QGDDo×ùDo×NDU×ODQYHEDüODQ J×oWD o|S oXNXUX ROGXùX GüQOHQ YH  FP GHULQOLùH NDGDU LQHQ oXNXUXQ VX NX\XVX ROGXùXDQODü×OP×üW×U Post-Medieval cemetery so that only the stone foundations and stone floorings are partially preserved. hese revealed that there are three different complexes from the Late Iron Age in this area.65 he first is Building A in trenches A-35 and A-36 with relatively well-preserved stone foundations, the second is Building B in trenches B-36, B-37 and C-37 with less wellpreserved stone foundations and the third is Building C in trenches B-34 – B-35 and C-34 – C-35 with significantly less well-preserved stone foundations and stone floors. Outside the Late Iron Age building remains, several storage (Figure 14-15) of varying sizes were found carved into the volcanic tuff. hese pits have diameters ranging from 40 centimetres to 1.20 metres and depths ranging from 40 centimetres to 1.50 metres. he pit found in trench B-36 that was previously thought to have been a garbage pit with a depth of 3.80 metres was later determined to have been a well.  )GÁ&GOKTšCþÆŏPCCKV[CRÆMCNÆPVÆNCTÆPCCKVFCJCFGVC[NÆ DKNIKKÁKPDM\$ÑN×O++  5GG 5GG2CTV++HQTOQTGKPHQTOCVKQPQPVJG.CVG+TQP#IGCT 2CTV ++ HQT OQTG KPHQTOCVKQP QP VJG .CVG +TQP #IG CT EJKVGEVWTCNTGOCKPU TASM ASOR 27 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 16: 6GOGNMCNÆPVÆUÆCNVÆPFCMCNOÆĩ)GÁ&GOKTšCþÆŏPÆPGTMGPGXTGUKPGCKVKUMGNGV / Figure 16: 'CTNKGT.CVG+TQP#IGDWTKCN / WPFGTVJGHQWPFCVKQPYCNN 0HUNH].D]×$ODQ×·QGDVUGUOHQoDO×ü PDODUGD*Ho'HPLUdDù×·QDDLWWRSODPDGHW PH]DUD UDVWODQP×üW×U %DVLW WRSUDN PH]DU YH NSPH]DUROPDN]HUHLNLD\U×J|PWUQ \DQV×WDQEXPH]DUODUGDQED]×ODU×*Ho'HPLU dDù×\DS×ODU×Q×QWDüWHPHOOHULDOW×QGD (Resim 16) \HU DOPDNWDG×U 0LPDUL LOH PH]DUODU DUD V×QGDNLEXGXUXPV|]NRQXVXPH]DUODU×Q*Ho 'HPLUdDù×·Q×QGDKDHUNHQHYUHVLQHDLWRODEL OHFHùLQLJ|VWHUPHNWHGLU%DoPDV×QGDNLWDü G|üHPHQLQ KHPHQ DOW×QD JHOHQ ELU VHYL\HGH LQVDQYHKD\YDQLVNHOHWOHULQLQELUDUD\DGHSR ODQG×ù×ELUoXNXU(Resim 17) Do×ùDo×NDU×OP×ü W×U%XGXUXPV|]NRQXVXDODQ×QGDKDJHoELU G|QHPGH\HQLGHQNXOODQ×OPDN]HUHG]HQ OHQGLùLQLNDQ×WODPDNWDG×U 28 In the work conducted in the Central Excavation Area, fourteen Late Iron Age burials were found. Some of these burials that revealed two different burial styles: inhumation and pithos were found under the stone foundations of the overlying Late Iron Age structures (Figure 16). hese relative positions of the architecture and burials may indicate that the burials belong to an earlier period of the Late Iron Age. In a level just below the stone floor in trench B-37, a pit was found in which human and animal skeletons (Figure 17) were accumulated together. his proves that the area under consideration had been arranged for later reuse. TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 17: $KTCTC[C[ÆþÆNOÆĩJC[XCPXGKPUCPMGOKMNGTK Figure 17: 2KNGFCPKOCNCPFJWOCPDQPGU %DW×.D]×$ODQ× 0HUNH].D]×$ODQ×·Q×QEDW×NHVLPLQGHNL $%%%%&&& &YH&DoPDODU×%DW×.D]×$ODQ×·Q×ROXü WXUPDNWDG×U %DW×\D GRùUX X]DQDQ  P NR ULGRUXLoHULVLQGHDUNHRORMLNKDVVDVL\HWHVDKLS DODQODU×Q EHOLUOHQPHVL LoLQ MHRÀ]LN YH VRQGDM oDO×üPDODU×\DS×OP×üW×U%XoDO×üPDODUDù×UO×NO× RODUDN ERUX KDWW× LQüDDW IDDOL\HWOHULQLQ GRù UXGDQWHKGLGLDOW×QGDRODQPJHQLüOLùLQGH NL GDU NRULGRU LoHULVLQGH JHUoHNOHüWLULOPLüWLU %XQDJ|UH%YH%LOH&YH&% YH % LOH & YH & % YH & % YH % LOH & YH & DoPDODU×QGD Do×ODQ VRQGDMODUGDPLPDULNDO×QW×ODU×QDo×ùDo×NDU×O PDV× ]HULQH ND]× oDO×üPDODU× LOJLOL DoPDODU× NDSVD\DFDN üHNLOGH JHQLüOHWLOPLüWLU %XQODU×Q G×ü×QGD GRùXGDQ EDW×\D GRùUX % YH % LOH&YH&%YH%LOH&YH& DoPDODU×Q×QNHVLüWLùLDODQGD[[P ER\XWODU×QGD%%%%YH%DoPD ODU×QGD LVH  [  [  P ER\XWODU×QGD Do×ODQ VRQGDMODUGD KHUKDQJL ELU DUNHRORMLN EXOJX\D UDVWODQPDP×üW×U Western Excavation Area Trenches A-26, B-14, B-16, B-21, B-27, C13, C-14, C-16, C-21 and C-27 in the western section of the Tasmasor Central Excavation Area comprise the Western Excavation Area. In order to determine archaeologically-sensitive areas within the westerly extending 28-metre corridor, geophysical surveys and sounding works were carried out. he soundings were conducted in a 4-metre narrow corridor that was directly threatened by the pipeline construction. As a result, since architectural remains were found in soundings opened in trenches B-27 and B28 with C-27 and C-28, B-21 and B-22 with C-21 and C-22, B-16 and C-16, B-14 and B-15 with C-14 and C-15, the excavation plan was widened to include these trenches. In addition to them, there were no architectural finds in the soundings of 2 x 4 x 2.5 metres in the area where, from east to west, Trenches B-24 and B25 with C-24 and C-25, B-10 and B-11 with C10 and C-11 intersected and 3 x 2 x 1.5 metres in Trenches B-9, B-7, B-5, B-3 and B-1. TASM ASOR 29 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 18: $CVÆ-C\Æ#NCPÆŏPFC;CMÆPÁCþŏCCKVUWĩGDGMGUK Figure 18: /GFKGXCNYCVGTPGVYQTMKPVJG9GUVGTP'ZECXCVKQP#TGC %DW×.D]×$ODQ×·Q×QGRùXNHVLPLQGH7DV PDVRU WHSHVLQLQ \DNODü×N  P EDW×V×QGD $ %YH&DoPDODU×QGDELUVXüHEHNHVL ne (Resim 18-19)DLWSWNQNOHUGHQROXüDQVX ERUXODU×YHELULED]DOWWDüWDQGLùHULSWo|P OHNWHQ\DS×OP×üLNLDGHWVXGDù×W×PQLWHVLDo× ùDo×NDU×OP×üW×U 7DVPDVRU·XQ JQH\LQGHNL \DPDoODUGDQ JHOHQ VX EX üHEHNH \ROX\OD NX]H\EDW×GDNL <DN×QoDù\HUOHüLPLQHWDü×QPDNWDG×U'DKDLUL SWNQNOHUGHQROXüDQDQDVXKDWW×%DoPD V×QGDED]DOWELUVXGDù×W×PQLWHVLLOHLNL\HD\ U×OPDNWDG×U%LULGDKDNX]H\EDW×\DGLùHULLVH NX]H\HGRùUX\|QHOHQGDKDNoNSWNQN OHU7DVPDVRU·XQNX]H\NHVLPLQGHNL %$ODQ×  2UWDoDùD DLW E\N ELU \HUOHüLPLQ (Resim 7) YDUO×ù×Q×NDQ×WODPDNWDG×U1LWHNLPNQNOHULQ ELUE|OPHVNL7DVPDVRU.|\\×N×QW×ODU×Q×Q \DN×Q×QGDNLoHüPH\H\|QHOPHNWHGLU(VNLN| \QoHYUHVLQGH\DS×ODQ\]H\DUDüW×UPDODU×Q GDoRNVD\×GDSWNQNYHWDü\DODNODU(Resim 20)WHVSLWHGLOPLüWLU % DoPDV×QGD NX]H\EDW×GD  PHWUH OLN N×VP× NRUXQPXü  FP oDS×QGDNL NQNOHU  [  [  FP |OoOHULQGH ED]DOW WDQ\DS×OP×üWHNJLULüYHLNLo×N×üO×ELUGDù×W×P QLWHVLQH EDùODQPDNWDG×U .QN KDWW× EXUD 30 In Trenches A-26, B-27 and C-27 in the eastern part of the Western Excavation Area, about 30 metres west of Tasmasor Hill, a terracotta water network (Figure 18-19) and two network distribution units, one made of discarded pot and another made of basalt, were found. he water pipe transported the water from the southern hills of Tasmasor to the medieval settlement in the northwest. he main water line of larger terracotta pipes is divided into two parts via a basalt water distribution unit in trench B-27. One ran to the northwest and the other to the north with smaller terracotta pipes as evidence for the presence of a large medieval settlement (Figure 7) north of Tasmasor. In fact, some of the pipes lead to the fountain near to the remains of old Tasmasor village. During the surveys around the old village, fragments of terracotta pipes and stone basins (Figure 20) were found. he pipes, 10.09 - 16 centimetres in diameter, run northwest along seven metres in Trench B-27 to a basalt water-allocation unit, 65 x 55 x 50 centimetres in dimension. his unit splits the drainpipe, and both sections run TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 19: 5WFCþÆVÆOUKUVGOK Figure 19: 2KRGFTCKPCPFYCVGTCNNQECVKQPWPKV GDLNLNRODD\U×ODUDND\Q×\|QHGRùUXDN×ü×Q× VUGUPHNWHGLU .X]H\EDW×GD \HU DODQ NQN KDWW×QGDNL ERUXODU×Q oDS×   FP·GLU $ DoPDV×QGD GD NHVLQWLVL] GHYDP HGHQ EXNQNKDWW×Q×QWRSODPPHWUHOLNN×VP× Do×ùDo×NDU×OP×üW×U.QNoDS×NoOWOPHGHQ D\QHQGHYDPHGHQKDWLVHPGDKDGHYDP HGHUHN $ DoPDV×QGD ELU NSQ DOW N×VP× Q×Q NXOODQ×OG×ù× LNLQFL ELU  GDù×W×P QLWHVLQH XODüPDNWDG×U %X QLWHGHQ EDW× \|QQH X]D QDQNQNOHUFPoDS×QGDG×U$V×ONQNKDWW× ]HULQGHLVHKHUKDQJLELUGHùLüLPROPDP×üW×U .X]H\EDW×\DX]DQDQERUXODU]HULQGH\HU\HU WDüODUODWDPLUDW\DS×OG×ù×J|]OHQPHNWHGLU in the same direction. he north western drain has pipes 9.06 - 13.02 centimetres in diameter. 13.10 meters of the drainpipe, continues beyond Trench A-26. he pipeline with the same size of pipes as the main drain pipe continues 6.10 metres and in Trench A-27, reaches a second water allocation unit consisted of the bottom part of a large pot. Pipes seven centimetres in diameter run westward from this unit. here was no evidence of any renovation on the main drainpipe, but on the pipeline running to the northwest, some repairs had been made with stone. TASM ASOR 31 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 20: ;CMÆPÁCþŏCCKVVCĩ[CNCMNCT Figure 20: 5VQPGDCUKPUHTQOOQFGTPVKOGU 7DVPDVRU·GD J|UOHQ NQNOHU ER\XW ROD UDNoWLSWLU%LULQFLWLSFPX]XQOXùXQ GDGLüLXFXFPHUNHNXFXFPoDS×Q GDG×U*HQHORODUDN]HUOHULQGHND]×PDWHNQL ùL\OH\DS×OP×üGDOJDEH]HPH\HUDOPDNWDG×U úNLQFLWLSFPX]XQOXùXQGDGLüLXFX FPHUNHNXFXFPoDS×QGDG×UhoQFWLS LVHFPX]XQOXùXQGDGLüLXFXFPHUNHN XFXFPoDS×QGDG×U %DW× .D]× $ODQ×·QGDNL ELU GLùHU PLPDUL NRPSOHNV%YH%LOH&YH&DoPD ODU×Q×QNHVLüWLùLQRNWDGDDo×ODQ[[PER \XWODU×QGDNLVRQGDMoDO×üPDV×V×UDV×QGDWHVSLW HGLOPLüWLU6|]NRQXVXVRQGDMGDUDVWODQDQWDü WHPHONDO×QW×ODU×Q×QDLWROGXùX\DS×\× (Resim 21) RUWD\D o×NDUPDN LoLQ % YH % DoPD ODU×QGD oDO×üPDODU VUGUOPüWU *QH\ NHVLPL Dü×U× WDKULEDWD XùUDP×ü ROPDNOD EH UDEHU NX]H\ NHVLPLQGHNL N×VPHQ NRUXQPXü GXYDUODU×Q×QNDO×QO×ù×P·\HXODüDQELU\DS× '<DS×V× Do×ùDo×NDU×OP×üW×U(OHJHoHQoDQDN 32 he drainpipes found in Tasmasor are of three types according to size. he first type has a length of 42.02 centimetres, and the female and male ends are 16 centimetres and 10.09 centimetres in diameter, respectively. hey generally were decorated with a wave pattern using the scraping technique. he second type has a length of 34 centimetres, and the female and male ends are 13.02 centimetres and 9.06 centimetres in diameter, respectively. he third type has a length of 30 centimetres, and the female and male ends are seven centimetres and four centimetres in diameter, respectively. More architectural evidence in the Western Excavation Area was found during the sounding of 5 x 2 x 1 metres in the area where Trenches B-21 and B-22 with C-21 and C-22 intersect. To facilitate the exploration of the building with stone foundations (Figure 21) found in that sounding, works were continued into Trenches B-20 and B-21. In these trenches, a building TASM ASOR TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS o|POHNEXOXQWXODU×Q×Q\DQ×V×UD\DS×PLPDUL VLQL ER]DQ *Ho 'HPLU dDù×·QD DLW ELU PH]DU 0 EX\DS×Q×Q2UWD'HPLUdDù×VRQXYH *Ho'HPLUdDù×·Q×QEDüODU×QDDLWRODELOHFHùLQL J|VWHUPHNWHGLU66 (Building D) was found, whose southern section is intensely damaged but the wall of two metres in the northern section was partially preserved. Ceramic finds and a Late Iron Age burial indicate that this structure dates to the end of Resim 21: $XG$CÁOCNCTÆPFCMK&;CRÆUÆ Figure 21: $WKNFKPI&KP6TGPEJGU$CPF$ %YH&DoPDODU×QGD\DS×ODQ[[ P·OLNVRQGDMoDO×üPDV×QGDGDù×Q×NKDOGHELU WDN×PWDüODU×QEXOXQPDVׁ]HULQHV|]NRQXVX DoPDODUGD GDKD JHQLü ELU DODQGD oDO×üPDODU \DS×OP×üW×U$QFDNEXoDO×üPDODUGDDo×ùDo× NDU×ODQWDüODU×QKHUKDQJLELU\DS×\DDLWROPD G×ù×DQODü×OP×üW×U %DW×.D]×$ODQ×oDO×üPDODU×QGDNLHQ|QHP OL PLPDUL NRPSOHNV % YH % LOH & YH &DoPDODU×Q×QNHVLüWLùLQRNWDGDDo×ODQ[ [P·OLNVRQGDMoDO×üPDODU×V×UDV×QGDDo×ùD o×NDU×OP×üW×Uú\LNRUXQPXüWDüWHPHOOHULYHWDü G|üHPHVLQLQELUN×VP×Do×ùDo×NDU×ODELOHQ\DS× NRPSOHNVLQLQ(Resim 22) E\NN×VP×HVDVHQ &DoPDV×QGDROPDNODEHUDEHU\DS×Q×QED W×\D&DoPDV×QDGRùUXJHOLüWLùLWHVSLWHGLO  6CTKJNGOG[G[CTFÆOEÆQNCPÁCPCMÁÑONGMDWNWPVWNCTÆKÁKP DM\$ÑN×O85GTCOKM-CVCNQþW/OG\CTÆKÁKPDM\ $ÑN×O+++ the Middle Iron Age and the beginning of the Late Iron Age.66 After finding scattered stones in the 5 x 2 x 1 metre sounding in Trenches B-16 and C16, more detailed work was conducted in these trenches. However, it was determined that these stones did not belong to any structure. he most important architectural complex found in the Western Excavation Area works was in the 5 x 2 x 1 m sounding that was opened in the area where Trenches B-14 and B-15 join with C-14 and C-15. Most of the complex (Figure 22), with well-preserved stone foundations and stone-paved floors which were partially explored, is in Trench C-14 and with the discovery of its western extent, excavation  5GG 5GG 2CTV 2CTV 8 8 2QVVGT[ 2QVVGT[ %CVCNQIWG %CVCNQIWG HQT HQT VJG VJG FCVGF FCVGF EGTCOKE EGTCOKE UJGTFUUGG2CTV+++HQT$WTKCN/ TASM ASOR 33 TASMASOR KURTARMA KAZILARI TASMASOR SALVAGE EXCAVATIONS Resim 22:$%XG%CÁOCNCTÆPFCMK';CRÆUÆ Figure 22:$WKNFKPI'KP6TGPEJGU$%CPF% PLüWLUdDQDNo|POHNEXOJXODU×GRùUXOWXVXQ GD*Ho'HPLUdDù×·QDDLWROGXùXDQODü×ODQEX \DS×(<DS×V×67RODUDNLVLPOHQGLULOPLüWLU 7DVPDVRU DUNHRORMLN DODQ×Q×Q  P NRUL GRUXLoHULVLQGHNLHQEDW×XFXQXWHVSLWHWPHN DPDF×\ODMHRÀ]LNYHVRQGDMoDO×üPDODU×\DS×O P×üW×U %XQD J|UH ( <DS×V×·Q×Q EDW×V×QGD  P·OLNDUDO×NODUOD[[PER\XWODU×QGDDOW× D\U×WHVWVRQGDM×Do×OP×üW×U<DS×ODQWHVWoDO×ü PDODU×QGD(<DS×V×·Q×QEDW×V×QGDKHUKDQJLELU DUNHRORMLNEXOJX\DUDVWODQPDP×üW×U 7DVPDVRU·GDNL NXUWDUPD ND]×ODU×QD DLW \XNDU×GD DQD KDWODU×\OD VXQXODQ YHULOHU %7& +DP 3HWURO %RUX +DWW×·Q×Q  P JHQLüOLùLQ GHNLNRULGRUXQGD\DS×ODQoDO×üPDODUGDQHOGH HGLOPLüWLU 2OGXNoD JHQLü ELU DODQ× NDSVD\DQ 7DVPDVRU·GD \DS×ODQ ND]×ODUGD Do×ùD o×NDU×O P×ü*Ho'HPLUdDù×2UWDoDùYH\DN×QG|QH PHDLWDUNHRORMLNYHULOHU.X]H\GRùX$QDGROX DUNHRORMLVLQH|QHPOLNDWN×ODUVDùODPDNWDG×U was widened to include Trench C-13. On the basis of the ceramic finds in these three trenches, this structure was believed to have belonged to the Late Iron Age and was labelled Building E.67 To determine the western boundary of the Tasmasor archaeological area in the pipeline corridor, geophysical surveys and soundings were conducted. In this respect, six different test soundings of 3 x 2 x 2 metres were opened in every 20-metres from western end of Building E. Test soundings indicated no archaeological finds to the west of that structure. he above mentioned results of the Tasmasor excavations were obtained from the field work in the 28 metre width of the BTC Crude Oil Pipeline corridor. he archaeological data from the Late Iron Age, Medieval and PostMedieval contexts of the larger Tasmasor area will contribute to the archaeology of the north eastern Anatolia.  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