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TopicReplies  Views  Poster  Date  Time
goto Post Steam / Epic / etc.: Angebote und Aktionen 339  1.178.034  Juttar  17. Mar 13:20
goto Post Frontends: MaLa v1.820 beta 1  4.055  john_1980  16. Mar 17:20
goto Post Switch: Ryujinx v1.2.86 3  278  pYRo  16. Mar 08:22
goto Post Erwähnenswerte Neuerungen bei Dolphin & ... 98  219.731  Juttar  14. Mar 18:36
goto Post MAME Software Lists startet die falschen Spie... 4  254  Q-Marine  11. Mar 16:36
goto Post Arcade: MAME v0.275 6  433  Juttar  08. Mar 10:56
goto Post Schriftgröße 5  1.497  retroK  05. Mar 09:35
goto Post CPC: CpcAlive v1.19b 3  464  Juttar  24. Feb 16:19
goto Post Arcade: Supermodel v0.3a Build 250218 2  516  retroK  20. Feb 17:37
goto Post Arcade: Supermodel-Sinden 0.3a-d43fd3f-dbx 3  868  Juttar  13. Feb 21:06

RomM v3.8.2-alpha.2
geschrieben von retroK am Montag, 17. März 2025, 08:21 Uhr (45 Aufrufe)
Topics RomRenamer / Tools
RomRenamer / Tools

RomM LogoRomM ist ein online ROM-Manager / Player,  gedacht um es selbst zu Hosten (Open-Source in Python / Vue),

  • Fixed translation to Japanese by @noel-forester in #1735
  • Fix saving state with emulatorjs when filename and game name don't match
[ RomRenamer / Tools ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
YANE v1.1.2
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 20:01 Uhr (56 Aufrufe)
Topics NES

YANE LogoY.A.N.E. - Yet Another N.E.S. Emulator ist ein neuer NES Emulator, der in Rust programmiert wird (Open-Source von Josef Waller).

  • Add prebuilt binaries
  • Add clarification on slinking SDL on windows in readme
[ NES Emulatoren ] [ NES Infos ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
Spectral v1.04 wip
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 14:58 Uhr (59 Aufrufe)
Topics Spectrum

Spectral LogoEine neue Version des ZX-Spectrum Emulators für Windows, Linux und macOS: Spectral wurde veröffentlicht (Open Source / C von r-lyeh).

  • v1.04 wip
    • fix: do not shorten tape silences when TurboROM is enabled (see: Alkatraz/TopoSoft games)
    • chg: removed Screenshot action from PRINT_SCREEN key mapping
    • chg: replaced native (i)nfo dialog
    • chg: do not translate games before loading (AfterTheWar)
    • chg: highlighted current selected option whenever possible
    • fix: fixed issue2 from being selected within new UI menu
    • new: support light/dark OS theme (Windows)
    • chg: do not record UI layer in videos
[ Spectrum Emulatoren ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
Citron v0.6.1
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 14:46 Uhr (75 Aufrufe)
Topics Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch

Citron LogoCitron ist ein quelloffener Nintendo Switch-Emulator und ist eine direkte Weiterentwicklung des eingestellten Yuzu.


Citron Canary Refresh Version 0.6.1 delivers key stability improvements and critical fixes to enhance the emulation experience. This update focuses on resolving Android platform issues, improving multiplayer functionality, and addressing specific compatibility concerns reported since the 0.6 release.


[ Switch Emulatoren ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
SwanGBA 0.7.0
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 13:50 Uhr (52 Aufrufe)
Topics Bandai Wonderswan
Bandai Wonderswan

SwanGBA LogoSwanGBA ist ein WonderSwan Emulator für den Nintendo Game Boy Advance (Open Source in C / Assembler von Fredrik Ahlström / FluBBaOfWard).

  • Fixed sound output control (0x91) register.
  • Fixed latched icons (0x1A) register.
  • Fixed LCD sleep (0x14) register.
  • Fixed power off (0x62/0xAC) registers.
  • Fixed mov to stack segment register.
  • Fixed Trap flag handling in EI.
  • Fixed AM/PM behaviour of RTC.
  • Optimized sound rendering.
[ Wonderswan Emulatoren ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
NitroSwan 0.7.0
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 13:35 Uhr (49 Aufrufe)
Topics Bandai Wonderswan
Bandai Wonderswan

NitroSwanNitroSwan ist ein WonderSwan Emulator für den Nintendo DS/DSi (Open Source in C / Assembler von Fredrik Ahlström / FluBBaOfWard).

  • Added support for uploading any file to WonderWitch.
  • Added new menu graphics.
  • Fixed sound output control (0x91) register.
  • Fixed latched icons (0x1A) register.
  • Fixed LCD sleep (0x14) register.
  • Fixed power off (0x62/0xAC) registers.
  • Fixed mov to stack segment register.
  • Fixed Trap flag handling in EI.
  • Fixed AM/PM behaviour of RTC.
  • Optimized sound rendering.
[ Wonderswan Emulatoren ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
OpenMW v0.49.0 RC6
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 12:54 Uhr (61 Aufrufe)
Topics Remakes und VMs
Remakes und VMs

OpenMW LogoOpenMW ist eine Open-Source Engine für das Spiel The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.


[ Weitere Remakes und VMs ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
Amiberry-Lite v5.8.7
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 11:26 Uhr (53 Aufrufe)
Topics Commodore Amiga
Commodore Amiga

Amiberry LogoAmiberry-Lite ist ein Amiga Emulator für Linux bzw für Raspberry Pi bis 4 (Port von WinUAE 4.4.0).

  • New Features
    • Expand uaelib and uaenative with more functions
    • implemented custom board order option in HWInfo panel
    • added a default Dark GUI theme
    • added a default sound frequency option in amiberry.conf
    • expose Z3 mapping mode option in GUI->RAM
  • Bugfixes
    • whdboot prefix would be incorrect under macOS
    • if audio was disabled, audio_pull_buffer could fail
  • Improvements
    • fixes for mouse positioning
    • Updated gamecontrollerdb to latest version
    • added A600GS controller entry in gamecontrollerdb_user
    • updated whdload_db.xml to latest version
  • Performance Improvements
    • optimize read_processor_time
[ Amiga Emulatoren ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
ACE-DL 2025.03.14
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 11:10 Uhr (55 Aufrufe)
Topics Amstrad CPC
Amstrad CPC

ACE-DL LogoACE-DL ist ein Emulator der Amstrad CPC/Plus Rechner-Familie für Windows, Linux und macOS (ACE-DL ist eine Portierung von ACE / MorphOS).

  • New window to remap gamepad buttons (press R after USB selection)

[ Amstrad CPC Emulatoren ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
YANE v1.0.3
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 10:28 Uhr (60 Aufrufe)
Topics NES

YANE LogoY.A.N.E. - Yet Another N.E.S. Emulator ist ein neuer NES Emulator, der in Rust programmiert wird (Open-Source von Josef Waller).

[ NES Emulatoren ] [ NES Infos ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
zig64 v0.0.1-alpha
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 10:13 Uhr (51 Aufrufe)
Topics Commodore 64/16/Plus4
Commodore 64/16/Plus4

zig64 ist ein neuer C64 Emulator von Mario und Rene Schallner (Open-Source in Zig).


  • Features

    • Fully Functional 6510 CPU Emulator – Implements all legal MOS 6502/6510 instructions and addressing modes.
    • Video Synchronization – Execute CPU cycles in sync with PAL or NTSC, full rasterbeam emulation, exactly handling bad lines.
    • SID Register Modification Detection – Detects when SID registers are written to, perfect for tracking SID interaction.
    • Program Loading Support – Load .prg files and execute C64 programs.
    • CPU Debugging – Functions for inspecting CPU registers, flags, memory, VIC state, and SID registers.
  • Changelog:
    • working
    • cpu tests pass
    • new rasterbeam implementation
[ C64 Emulatoren ] [ C16/Plus4 Emulatoren ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
Azahar 2120 Release Candidate 1
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 10:08 Uhr (64 Aufrufe)
Topics Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS

Azahar LogoAzahar ist eine Weiterführung des eingestellten Nintendo 3DS Emulators Citra von PabloMK7 und Lime3DS. Eine erste Vorabversion ist jetzt veröffentlicht worden.


Ein Tool für das initale Setup gibt es hier: ArticSetupTool


This changelog treats the merge of PabloMK7's fork and Lime3DS as a base upon which all of the changes listed here are applied. The changes added in Lime3DS and PabloMK7's fork during 2024, alongside the changes introduced in Azahar, will be discussed in more detail as part of our first progress report. Additionally, this changelog will not refer to any branding changes.

It is also worth keeping in mind that this first release doesn't primarily focus on adding new features, instead working to create a strong base we can build upon in subsequent releases.

Complete Changelog

[ Nintendo DS Emulatoren ] [ Nintendo DS Infos ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
Igir v3.2.0
geschrieben von retroK am Sonntag, 16. März 2025, 10:05 Uhr (54 Aufrufe)
Topics RomRenamer / Tools
RomRenamer / Tools

Igir LogoIgir ist ein ROM-Sammlungsmanager ohne Installation, der "Sammlungen jeder Größe auf jedem Betriebssystem sortiert, filtert, extrahiert oder archiviert, patcht und darüber Berichte erstellt". Igir ist Open-Source in TypeScript, entwickelt von Christian Emmer.

  • The theme of this release is: more standard, less surprising behavior.
  • Semi-breaking fix: standard 1G1R handling
    • 1G1R preferences are now applied against DATs, no matter what input files you have.
    • Previously, Igir took more of a "best available" approach that didn't match the behavior of other ROM managers. As an example, let's say a game has USA, Europe, and Japan clones. Previously, if you preferred USA but only had the Japan clone in your input, the Japan clone would be selected because it was the best available. No other ROM manager behaved like this, all of them would have ignored the Japan clone because the USA clone is what is preferred.
    • Thank you @IDmedia and @ozboss for the discussion on this!
  • Semi-breaking fix: don't manipulate DAT names
    • Igir was stripping some common prefixes and suffixes from DAT names to make for cleaner folder names with --dat-name, but no other ROM manager behaves this way. This processing has been removed, which may change your output directory paths. Thank you @kriswilk for the report!
  • Feature: support for No-Intro "standard" DATs
  • No-Intro's "standard" DATs use, ironically, non-standard XML attributes for parent/clone information. These are now handled correctly. Thank you @R1nlz3r for the report!
  • Feature/fix: filter updates
    • --filter-category-regex <pattern> option added for DATs that supply category info. Thank you @steven-sheehy for the suggestion!
    • Languages in game names are now preferred over the release region's language. Thank you, @ozboss for the report!
    • SNES enhancement chip ROMs are now considered "non-retail". Thank you @baglio for the suggestion!
    • MAME bootlegs and hacks are now considered "non-retail".
    • Redump revision tags without numbers are handled better.
[ RomRenamer / Tools ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
emuze 0.54.0
geschrieben von retroK am Samstag, 15. März 2025, 20:00 Uhr (61 Aufrufe)
Topics Frontends

emuze Logoemuze ist ein Frontend für verschiedene Emulatoren (für Windows, Linux und Steam Deck).


As long as I have been working on emuze, there was one topic that I was never really satisfied with: The first import when setting up emuze took far too long. The reason is quite simple: To retrieve meta data a request has to be sent to the igdb api. Like every service, igdb has a rate limit and authentication that I have to comply with. In order to take care of this and not get into financial trouble, a serverless server has been my solution for fetching meta data to this day. However, this led to the fact that the first import at cold start of the server could take a good 40 seconds for a large game collection.

To tackle the problem, I now bundle the meta data from igdb with emuze. This allows me to optimize the meta data for fast and efficient access. The first import on my Steam Deck with a game collection of over 800 games now takes less than 2 seconds instead of the previous 40 seconds 

Because of the bundling i was finally able to loosen the import, so that roman numerals and numbers are interchangeable. Therefore it does not matter anymore if you name your rom Final Fantasy V or Final Fantasy 5, emuze will find meta data regardless.

Besides import optimization i decided to use ares as the default emulator for the 3 Game Boy Systems. This results in a more accurate emulation and pre configuring of these systems. With this 23 of the 33 supported systems are pre configured and 18 of them are bundled now

[ Frontend Downloads ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
StikNES v2.0.2
geschrieben von retroK am Samstag, 15. März 2025, 19:42 Uhr (54 Aufrufe)
Topics NES

StikNESStikNES ist ein NES Emulator für iOS (Open-Source in Swift).



Fixed some crashes and removed the network requirement.

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x50ng v1.9.99999
geschrieben von retroK am Samstag, 15. März 2025, 19:38 Uhr (54 Aufrufe)
Topics Diverse Systeme
Diverse Systeme

x50ng ist ein HP 49g+ / 50g Taschenrechner-Emulator, Open-Source in C und ein Fork von x49gp.


  • -n --name is back thanks to popular request ( #5 )
  • GtkCenterBox were causing the window to start too wide, that's been fixed too ( #4 )
  • plus some small tweakings here'n'there in styling
[ Diverse / Misc Emulatoren ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
Abuse 1.0.2
geschrieben von retroK am Samstag, 15. März 2025, 17:28 Uhr (63 Aufrufe)
Topics Remakes und VMs
Remakes und VMs

Abuse LogoAbuse/SDL ist ein Open Source Port von dem Spiel Abuse (Weitergeführt von Metin Celik).

  • Improved performance of light calculation
  • Fixed VRAM leak by rewriting the renderer
  • Fixed weapon switching using the mouse wheel
[ Weitere Remakes und VMs ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
RomM v3.8.2-alpha.1
geschrieben von retroK am Samstag, 15. März 2025, 16:09 Uhr (57 Aufrufe)
Topics RomRenamer / Tools
RomRenamer / Tools

RomM LogoRomM ist ein online ROM-Manager / Player,  gedacht um es selbst zu Hosten (Open-Source in Python / Vue),

  • Correctly handle updating metadata when re-scanning games
  • Fix saving state files to server when playing with emulatorjs
[ RomRenamer / Tools ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
Spectral v1.03
geschrieben von retroK am Samstag, 15. März 2025, 16:08 Uhr (62 Aufrufe)
Topics Spectrum

Spectral LogoEine neue Version des ZX-Spectrum Emulators für Windows, Linux und macOS: Spectral wurde veröffentlicht (Open Source / C von r-lyeh).

  • Kudos & thanks to korb/lincoln welch for the extensive issue tracking he's doing on Discord!
  • new: ui dialogs
  • new: mp4 recording
  • new: mpeg1 recording
  • new: joystick autofires
  • new: redefineable FN keyboard mappings
  • new: **added turbosound (turbo-ay) on pentagon128 model
  • new: revamped main options interface (use shift+click for old behavior)
  • new: revamped ZXDB cheats interface (smoother experience now)
  • new: tweakable z80 speed: 50%, 100%, 150%, 200% (7MHz), 400% (14MHz)
  • new: option to use a few different zx palettes
  • new: ui expert mode (UI buttons+RMB)
  • new: update zxdb to latest 1.0.208
  • new: restored NMI button
  • chg: added pentagon128 to the main list of models
  • chg: add icons next to keyboard mappings
  • chg: added discord badge to readme
  • chg: ask user for confirmation before binding command that was already assigned beforehand
  • chg: be explicit about the licensing terms in the LICENSE file
  • chg: disallow cursor joystick unless while in BASIC
  • chg: faster init
  • chg: highlight current loaded game in zxdb/list view
  • chg: if available, prefer clang-cl over cl (make.bat)
  • chg: integrate browser v1 into v2 tab
  • chg: pure black borders in fullscreen mode
  • chg: replaced ResourceHacker with a much nicer RC-Edit tool (MAKE, Windows)
  • chg: search should provide more results now
  • chg: simplified zxdb gallery controls
  • chg: tweaked Spectral palette, darker black and less pure white now
  • chg: ui layout, right sidebar
  • chg: updated bescii font to latest
  • chg: zxdb gallery added a secondary worker thread (hopefully faster decoding in most cases)
  • chg: zxdb gallery speed up by not doing recolor on 1:4,1:8 thumbnails (since they were already recoloured during 1:2 thumbnails decoding)
  • chg: zxdb updated stb_image_resize2 to latest 2.13
  • fix: app titlebar when loading localized files from disk, like Russian ones (Windows)
  • fix: bottom, overscan lines in pentagon mode
  • fix: fixed bug that prevented using search toolbar twice in a row
  • fix: fixed bug that prevented using thumbnail icon after search toolbar
  • fix: oops! zxdb 48k-only games were wrongly loaded in 128 mode (minder,cerius,nuclear bowls,punch & judy,rebelstar raiders,rubicon,etc.)
  • fix: partial clipped links could be hovered when fullscreen was in use
  • fix: replaced discord invite link
  • fix: search game when no input was provided
  • fix: x86 build (internal)
  • lab: grid shader
[ Spectrum Emulatoren ] Kommentar schreiben... druckerfreundliche Ansicht
Xenia-Manager 2.5.0
geschrieben von retroK am Samstag, 15. März 2025, 16:07 Uhr (55 Aufrufe)
Topics Microsoft X-Box
Microsoft X-Box

Xenia-Manager LogoXenia-Manager ist ein Frontend für den Xbox 360 Emulator Xenia.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fix Missing Content Directory (#258)

      • Fixes a problem where the content directory 0000000000000000 doesn't exist.

      • Also fixes an issue with installing content for Xenia Netplay.

    • Nightly Netplay Updater (#262)

      • Updated the URL to the latest Nightly build of Xenia Netplay.

    • Fix Mousehook Executable Name (#263)

      • Added a check when launching the app that automatically updates the Xenia Mousehook executable name to the new one.

      • Fixed a bug that prevented Xenia Settings from being opened when no game is installed while having Xenia installed (Couldn't change Default settings). (#261)

  • Improvements

    • Added keyboard_mode setting (#261)

    • Added keyboard_user_index setting (#264)

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