How I got pitched by Anna Delvey Many people will be familiar with Anna Sorokin, also known as Anna Delvey, who was one of the most high-profile of the wave of hipster grifters during the 2010...
23: What was 9/11? It’s hard to really take in, after all these years, that most people have no memory of the day. The majority of people in the world were either not born, or no...
It's unrecognizable I didn't think I'd keep reflecting on this day, but somehow I can't. It's been with me for most of my lifetime that I can remember, and perhaps more importantl...
There is nothing to remember. The only time someone remembered September 11, 2001 to me in the last year was when a stranger mentioned it as part of the reason he was trying to assault me...
I am the answer to The Sexual Tension Puzzle Listen, I'm not the one making this assertion. It's Vulture's daily 10x10 crossword puzzle for May 17th, entitled "The Sexual Tension Puzzle", in w...
Twenty Is Myth Every year, for twenty years now, I've written an observance of this day. Sometimes it's for myself, sometimes it's for the small cohort of folks who've checke...
Then, Now Here are some before-and-afters from a set of photos my parents took on a visit to Manhattan in 1985. I tried to replicate the angles as best I could in the mo...
Getting Comfortable with Robin Byrd It is almost impossibly difficult to explain Robin Byrd to anyone who was not an adult living in NYC toward the end of the last century, though everyone who...
Exploring Moynihan Station Over the weekend, we had the chance to explore the newly-opened Moynihan Station, the massive new expansion to Penn Station that's been in the works for decade...
Nineteen is When They Forgot The slogan, for people who weren’t in Manhattan that day, is “Never Forget”. The people who were not here, who were never here, call it “9/11”. But the people...
Eighteen is History There are kids now who are old enough to go fight in wars that were justified back when they still had their umbilical cords attached. For them, the attacks ar...
We’re (still) not being alarmist enough about climate change What if we had another 9/11, and nothing happened? Living in New York City, the one fantasy sport that everybody plays is real estate; we all like to imagine...
Seventeen is (Almost) Just Another Day For the first decade after the attacks, I basically didn’t go anywhere near that part of downtown. A business meeting would take me a few blocks away, and I’d...
Sixteen is Letting Go Again A couple of times a week, I end up walking by the World Trade Center, either the new train station at the site, or one of the new malls that’s sprung up flanki...
It's me, Bike Dad! Until the Citibike bikeshare program launched here in New York City, I’d ridden a bike perhaps once in the prior twenty years. Since it launched, I ride almost...
Fifteen is the past We’ve been saying “never forget” for so long that we don’t even know why we’re saying it. At JFK airport, panic over… nothing. On the other side of the country...
New York-Style Tech A technology community driven by values, not just profits. I’ve been part of the New York City tech scene for more than 15 years, from back when it was “Sili...
Fourteen is Remembering Last week I went and visited the memorial reflecting pools for the first time. I had been to the top of the new One World Trade Center, but had deliberately av...
Let's Support The Girls Club In short: Tomorrow’s my birthday. I’m asking you to help me support the Lower Eastside Girls Club, and I’ll match whatever you donate through this secure fo...
What We Can Do Together Toward the end of every year, as people are thinking of making donations to charities either as an act of goodwill, or to help reduce their tax burden, or both...
Thirteen is Understanding They say the best way to see if you really understand something is to try to explain it to another person. I’ll never really understand what happened to my b...
Rat On The Tracks My wife , in addition to being wise and kind, is generally made of sterner stuff than I am. This serves us both well, but the contrast does serve to elucidate...
Twelve is Trying For a dozen years, I’ve been trying to document where I am relative to where I was, but this year I’m tired. I’m finding the weaponized grievances and the comm...
NYC's Mayoral Primary: How to Choose Today is New York City’s mayoral primary, where the two major parties select which candidate will represent the party. Due to my being on the board of the N...
Let's Meet! Or, How To Pursue Serendipity One of the things I love most is meeting new people who are outside of the usual circles that I travel in, who can teach me about things that I’d never learn a...
Taking Flights I read my friend Brendan Koerner’s The Skies Belong To Us straight through; On its surface, this is a book that tells a riveting true (not inspired-by-true...
Making the Tech Industry a Force for Good in NYC In today’s Wall Street Journal there’s a detailed look at how New York City’s tech industry is looking to influence politics in the city . I’m happy to be quo...
Eleven is What We Make Yesterday, my son and I were coming back home to New York City, driving past the familiar skyline and its newest additions. Like a lot of toddlers, my boy’s ob...
Front of House The other night, we had a wonderful dinner made by chef Tien Ho, who’s best known as the founding chef of Má Pêche (I got to join Ed Levine when he had the mea...
JOMO! My brilliant friend Caterina Fake wrote about the Fear of Missing Out last year, and the FOMO meme took instant hold amongst those of us who love the digital...
Captive Atria and Living In Public The idea of “public space” used to be pretty simple; There were places that we all agreed would be maintained by, and for, the public good. But the past few de...
Startup U For a few months, those of us who care passionately about the New York City tech community have been debating the City’s Applied Sciences NYC plan, which wil...
Ten is Love and Everything After I took this photo on a cool spring day twenty years ago, on the day I fell in love for the first time that would last. I’d been to New York City a number of...
In NYC, the Web is a Public Space This morning, I was extraordinarily excited to get to witness Mayor Bloomberg and our city’s new Chief Digital Office Rachel Sterne unveil New York City’s “Roa...
NYC MTA FTW This weekend here in NYC is Transportation Camp . While I can’t make it out to what’s already sounding like it’s been an amazing event, I thought the moment m...
Malcolm Browne Dash Please meet Malcolm Browne Dash. He’s my son, born February 9th weighing in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces. The days (and yes, the nights ) over this last week...
Getting to work with the New York Tech Meetup Thank you to those of you who supported my bid for a board seat in the New York Tech Meetup election. Being considered amongst such talented and accomplished...
I'm running for the New York Tech Meetup board Update: Voting is now open . I’d appreciate your support. Update #2: There’s video of my platform speech at this month’s tech meetup, if you want to see a...
Nine is New New York This year, as every year, I pause for a personal ritual of observing where I am today compared to where I was, and where we all were, on this day in 2001. I’m...
New York City is the Future of the Web I’m here at the Web 2.0 Expo in NYC today, my first big tech industry conference in a long time, where I’m also excitedly getting ready for my keynote tomorr...
These Things Are Related Here are some interesting recent blog posts and articles, mostly by friends or acquaintances of mine, all of which add up to an interesting narrative. Spen...
Eight is Starting Over One year ago, I wrote a remembrance, as I do every year, of where I’m at compared to where I was on this day in 2001. As a New Yorker, it’s a personal ritual,...
At Ten Years, I'm Taking Requests In two weeks, I’ll be marking the 10 year anniversary of blogging on I’m celebrating by making a simple request: Tell me what you’d like to see me...
Unrobbed Yesterday and early this morning, while talking about our impending move to a new apartment a few blocks away in a much bigger building (and no longer on the g...
Supporting Our Artists Last week’s issue of The New Yorker attracted a lot of attention for its cover art, which was created on an iPhone by artist Jorge Colombo . From the...
The Web is Full of Riches I have some things to share with you. Alice Marwick ‘s extraordinary keynote speech on internet celebrity from last year’s ROFLCon. It was the highlight...
A Night at the Museum A few weeks ago, as a surprise gift for our anniversary, my wife got us a night’s stay at the Revolving Hotel Room , part of theanyspacewhatever exhibition...
Burying The Lede I think one of the biggest reasons many great writers go into journalism is for the chance to sneak little wisecracks in, with the hope their editors will indu...
I Am Telling You This As always, I am trying to be everywhere at once. Here’s where I’ve succeeded: Dan Costa at PC Magazine offers a look at the rise of micro social networks...
Seven is Angry, Sadly Each year, I try to write a memorial post on the anniversary, to remind myself, and as a record of where I am compared to where I was that day. As I read back...
I Will Cut You Last Friday was my birthday. Hooray! I have a fantastic wife, so she treated me to a pig-butchering class at The Brooklyn Kitchen . I like meat, and I like...
Post-Crime NYC The other day, I’d been reminded about some of the most striking statistics I’d seen last year, which were from the NYPD crime stats for 9th Precinct , where...
Blogs of the Year: Serious Eats Today’s Blog of the Year Pick: Serious Eats . I love food, but I could never quite put my finger on what was wrong with the food blogs I’d tried to re...
Blogs of the Year: Ill Doctrine Today’s Blog of the Year Pick: Ill Doctrine . Put simply, Jay Smooth’s Ill Doctrine is the best video blog on the web. (At least the best one that’s i...
Unsolicited Testimonial: ZipCar What It Is : ZipCar is a car sharing service, which lets you rent (or share, if you prefer) a variety of cars by the hour for a low fee that includes ev...
Unsolicited Testimonial: LimoLiner What It Is : LimoLiner is an executive-class bus service from New York to Boston (or vice versa) that gets you from the center of one city to the other...
Gawker Reinvention It looks like I wasn’t the only one having a Gawker reckoning ; A remarkable post revealed that both Emily Gould and Choire Sicha are leaving the site. (Tha...
The First Flush I like to drink tea, either from my neighborhood tea shop or from what I brew at home, a nice cup of Darjeeling. “Darjeeling Tea” means more than you might...
Gawker Reckoning I’ve had the chance to follow Gawker Media since before it launched, really, and so it’s been interesting to see a couple of items pop up recently about the di...
Six Is Letting Go It’s the first year that the anniversary didn’t hang over everything I do. I’m still aware of it, I’ll always be aware of it, but time and distance and some...
Burgers on the Beach, Kids If you’re in NYC, you should join me, and my friends from Serious Eats , A Hamburger Today , and Gothamist for the Burger Bash at Water Taxi Beach tomorr...
The food is Former New Yorker Joshua Schachter’s captured his New York Essentials , the short list of places you can’t afford to miss when visiting NYC. Every single one...
The Sign of the Times Pentagram, the designers of the website, signage, marketing materials, and stationery for the new New York Times building , have a fascinating blog post...
More on How To See NYC Didja like the series of posts on How to Visit New York City ? Then you might want to check these out: Mark Dominus has a lengthy, well-considered view...
How To Visit New York: Outside Opinions As I’ve been sharing my opinions about how to visit New York this week, I’ve been lucky enough to get some great responses from other people on the web, and to...
How to Visit New York: What You Can Skip Okay, this is the one that’s going to get me in the most trouble: A list of the famous tourist attractions that you can safely skip when you come to New York C...
How To Visit New York: The Basics I get asked by a lot of people for tips on what to do when visiting New York City, and though I’m hardly an expert on NYC tourism, I thought I’d take the time...
How to Visit New York: The Must-Sees After yesterday’s look at the basics of visting New York City , it’s time to move on to some more ambitious, and more contentious, topics. I’m going to start...
The Movie of the Map Last year, when I wrote Draw the Map, Draw the World about the New York City subway map and Massimo Vignelli, one of the signature designers in the map’s his...
Pidgins and Creoles Though I’ve been familiar with the terms for years, I wasn’t sure of the exact differences between a pidgin and a creole. So: A creole is the combination...
New New York Remember a few years ago I mentioned that I was moving to San Francisco ? Well, it’s time for an update: I’m moving back to New York City! There’s a cou...
After Five Years, Failure In 2001, I checked in with everyone on the morning of the attacks , and then again that night before I finally went to bed . In 2002, I reflected on what...
Draw the Map, Draw the World The Sunday New York Times ran a fantastic article by Alex Mindlin, Win, Lose, Draw: The Great Subway Map Wars that details a battle that has brewed, off and...
Help Keep Things Running! Today’s my birthday! And I’m hoping you’ll do me a favor on my birthday: Donate to a good cause, and with a good reason. You see, my sister in law Jennif...
Pity the poor tourist From Overheard in New York , one of my all-time favorite blogs, an anecdote from tourist season . It’s funny because it’s true !...
Letters of Complaint Nobody complains better than New Yorkers, as evidenced by this wonderful series of letters lovingly scanned and presented by the Times a few weeks ago....
I'm in the Time Shares Exhibition I’m flattered, somewhat amazed, and more than a little amused to point out that I’m part of Time Shares , a series of online exhibitions presented by R...
We Got Married. I’ve written about a lot of things on my blog that I felt were important to me over the years, so it’s something of an uncanny feeling to know that I’m writing...
Four Years I can’t see the date anywhere today without just stopping, freezing in my tracks. It surprises me it’s still that close to the surface, even after four years....
The Best Subway Stops in the World This fantastic series of photos of subway stations really makes me appreciate mass transit in a way that I haven’t in ages. Look at Stockholm! Any space wh...
London Heartbreak I don’t have any words that can offer anyone in the U.K. true consolation or any thoughts that can undo what’s happened today. But those of us who were in New...
What sort of city shall we be? Meg’s got the best quotes from a MUG essay on Pale Male, snooty uptown co-op owners, and the nature of being a New Yorker: [Y]ou truly become a New Yorke...
New York Changing New York Changing is a fascinating then-and-now series of photographs showing how Manhattan has changed over the last century. Thanks to Jason for the link...
AMEX NYC I find this IN:NYC event-targetted card from American Express fascinating. I’ve always thought there’s more to mass customization of the credit card market t...
Blogging the Marathon If you’re part of our crew watching our fellow bloggers make their way through the NYC Marathon this Sunday, take a look at the map on Flickr and sign in to...
Confirm your existing beliefs! Looking to surround yourself on election night with a circle of like-minded individuals who won’t challenge your existing political beliefs? Just check out Fun...
Kickball's kicking ass It’s good to see print journalists catching on: WaPo covers the burgeoning kickball scene , especially in the D.C. area. Some nice quotes from the WAKA guys a...
Wither Passport? Microsoft hasn’t talked much about Passport lately, but sent out an email last week saying that they were discontinuing the option to sign in usi...
A Full Belly relaunches The weblog formerly konwn as NYC Eats is now A Full Belly , and still features assorted decliciousness and its signature Review Roundups, but now for San Fran...
An unkind community Having been on the wrong side of the same kind attacks that David Hailey faced , I still keep wondering how we’ve made so many blog communities that are so un...
Best of Best Of The Village Voice’s Best of New York 2004 is up, and it seems like the best one in years. People who haven’t worked in the publishing industry (or haven’t wo...
never met a meta i didn't like I can’t believe that Lia’s the first person to ever moblog Clay Shirky’s social software class . Quick! We must coin a phrase containing the word “blog” to de...
It's good to have fans Sometimes when I see the creativity that my friends display, it makes me wish I had a hammer ....
Be Prepared Somewhere, at this moment, I suspect Elvira is gearing up for her busy season. I’m picturing crates of wigs, boxes of eyeliner, and a whole truck full of push-...
Thinking of You Dear New York, I’m sorry I couldn’t be there today. I feel guilty that I couldn’t be present to observe. I had to look up the weather there to find out it wa...
Media Discontent Two’s a trend: See Matt Haughey and Nick Denton both frustrated by media coming at them for quotes on stories that seem to have predetermined agendas. I’...
For your convenience If you like reading my weblog, you may wish to Add to Bloglines Add to MyFeedster Add to MyYahoo! Burn this feed in FeedBurner [Subscribe in Kinja](j...
On Leaving New York I’ve been putting off writing about it because it seems like too much to cover, but then that’s probably the whole point. We make obstacles of things by buildi...
TTFN, NYC If you’re in town tomorrow night, come by and help us say goodbye to NYC before we move to San Francisco. (The move is next week!) We’ll be at the Westside Ta...
Missing Sometime during the last 2 weeks, probaby at one of the Supernova events, I lost my Pocket PC. (It’s a silver HP Jornada.) It’s probably with my black jacket,...
Find Us a Home One of the biggest prerequisites for moving to San Francisco is finding an apartment. Given how well it worked last time , I’m asking you, my readers, to he...
Bundling is not enough The conventional wisdom with a lot of the software industry is that Microsoft can just bundle any reasonably decent application into the Office suite, even i...
Moving Forward I’m moving to San Francisco. That probably bears some explanation. As I’m sure all of you know, I work for Six Apart, which is based in the Bay Area, and the...
Brooklyn (pretty much) Rules [ Ed. Note: Today I’m lucky enough to have Danyel Smith as my guest blogger. Danyel’s a former editor at large for Time Inc. and the former editor-in-chief of...
understood boundaries I spent much of Saturday bumming around with Justin . We ate and walked and took lots of pictures but mostly we talked. And we talked about personal stuff,...
housekeeping notes Steven’s lament is particularly timely for me… If you’ve been waiting on an email from me at any time since Friday night, my apologies, as I’ve been having t...
A city covered in coasters Last week, my former employer decided to include an AOL promotional CD in each copy of the newspaper that was distributed in Manhattan. Now, the thing you ha...
A broken record Maybe it’s just the sentimentality that comes from knowing I’ll be away from New York City for a few weeks, but there’s still something undeniably magical abou...
a Real Alternative? One of the more interesting Windows applications to pop up in the past few months is Real Alternative, which you can check out at this rather disorganized pag...
On not blogging I guess the beginning of a new year is when you’re supposed to look back and be reflective. Looking at my weblog, the thing that’s most striking to me is that,...
The web is my Underwood typewriter [ Hint: This isn’t funny unless you read it in an Andy Rooney voice.] Did you ever notice how some people just like to complain on the Internet? I hear a lo...
Orange You Glad? I’m not much of one for the idiocy of New Year’s Eve in Times Square, but I have to admire the sense of humor of the organizers there: They’ve given all the re...
New York Invented Christmas It probably comes as little surprise to most of my readers that I’m known for being something of a Scrooge. A healthy skepticism over the sincerity of holiday...
Additional Fixations I find it fascinating that I can say "New York is my favorite city!" and half the responses will say "No! New York is a terrible city because I...
Whence the Name For those of you who live in the United States or are familiar with its culture, imagine a place that starts with a political and social system that’s identica...
whitelistster I’ve been laboring under the assumption (informed only by common sense, no inside information) that all of the social software bubblers are planning to announc...
Halalapalooza We live across the street from a very, very good roasted chicken place. It’s middle-eastern, with an audience that appears to consist primarily of the Manhatta...
Home Sweet Home So yes, as I alluded to the other day , I’ve found a new apartment. I had posted a request for any leads on housing in Manhattan about two weeks ago and wit...
Marathon Day! Today is the New York City Marathon , and of course the biggest question of the day is not wondering which Kenyan will win, but who will win the heated compet...
Motion Capture During the month of October, I spent at least two days in each of the following cities: Chicago, Toronto, Barcelona, Nice, and Munich. And in between trips I e...
Bringing It Home A chance for fabulous cash and prizes! Rich rewards! We’re looking for a new apartment, here in Manhattan between midtown and roughly Canal Street, with one...
making connections Did you know: mostly does what Paul said the Google Marketplace Manager should do?...
Two Years I’ve never been mugged. I grew up in a town where the impression of New York City was basically either "That place you go to get mugged." or "Th...
bum rap for a worm tweaker Michael Gartenberg really seems to want to throw the book at Jeffrey Lee Parson, the kid who modified the Blaster worm and let it out on the net at large. I...
Flash Mobs are 99% Bad No, seriously. Stop it. I have had enough. I was at a diner this morning having breakfast and a couple who appeared to be in their late 60s were sitting at t...
bra-optional day It seems, as in years past , an annual summer tradition has returned to Manhattan. No better way to celebrate the end of the Month of Rain than with this sar...
Temple of the Blog I know I’m not the only one who’s looked at the Google home page and started humming Temple of the Dog. Right? "I’m feeling luckaaaay…"...
Today Anil Writes About The Weather Dear Mother Nature: On most days, I strive to write about something that I think is thought-provoking or amusing, something of merit which will please the su...
Bad Predictions for CompSci needs Starting this fall, the College Board’s Advanced Placement exam for Computer Science will shift from its current focus on C++ to use Java as the programming...
take a picture, it'll last longer... Guess I should’ve seen it coming: The camera shop I mentioned a few days ago has apparently had its last day in business. Perhaps the signs decrying...
Pitch in on the Sidebar Just as an experiment today, I’ll be taking submissions for links to go up on the Daily Links sidebar. You can email them to me, but there’s a few rules. No...
Pre-GEL Drinks Those of you attending Friday’s GEL Conference here in New York City who are going to be in town Thursday night might want to join us at the aptly-titled GE...
oprah opportunities Given that Oprah is reviving her book club and featuring a host of classics that are mostly, one presumes, in the public domain, it seems like a tremendous o...
WSJ = POS DID YOU KNOW? One of the easiest ways to tell just how bad the Wall Street Journal sucks as a newspaper is because, despite its name, it reads like it was wr...
beyond power laws There’s been an awful lot of talk about power laws and weblogs recently, complete with charts and graphs, and, if I’m not mistaken, some sort of calculus i...
you talkin' to me? So tonight, while we were walking around in Chelsea, I swore that someone shouted my name at my from across the street, but I didn’t see anybody. I’m too lazy...
Grand Central at Xmas A little postcard shot of Grand Central Terminal enjoying our white Christmas here yesterday:...
technology vs. law I’d been studying Segway’s cross-country legislative efforts with interest even in advance of John Borland’s excellent CNET story, since they’ve managed to g...
NYPL as a free Netflix In NYC and too cheap for Netflix ? This tip, courtesy of the still-aborning SkyBlack : Use the New York Public Library ‘s LEO service to put a DVD on hold...
Marathon-watching for lazy slobs Yesterday was the 33rd NYC Marathon . Every year since I moved to New York, I’ve tried to get out there to support the runners, but watching the race this yea...
coming up in "magazine" Just a heads-up on next week’s magazine , I’ll be posting the promised follow-up to Why Tablet PCs Will Succeed , explaining why weblogs are the Tablet PC’s...
manhattan math There’s a unique character to kids who live in Manhattan, something that distinguishes them, beyond the obvious images of necks craned upwards at impossibly ta...
Left? Riiiight. Nick claims (archives are broken, follow the first link. Yay, Blogger!) “the earnest left urges its members to blog more to demonstrate political commitment...
it'll be you next This could happen to me , and it probably wouldn’t happen to you. They didn’t mention the appearance of the guy who was actually the source of the problem. Ye...
XML version 1.0 Sometimes I wonder if it’s the content or the presentation. I might not be the only one who wondered. Why isn’t there a way to syndicate my words without b...
sublime pleasures There are some sublime pleasures about this medium, like when it connects us to the best things from the worst days. A year ago I linked to Usman Farman’s st...
On Being An American I was born and raised outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. A few weeks ago, an editor of The Patriot-News , the local paper, asked me for my thoughts regardin...
last year My initial post about the attacks from last year, for those who are searching for the link....
we're all wrong The drums, of course, are beating. The Anniversary is coming up, and everyone is insisting not just that we remember, not just that we mourn, but that we do it...
bra-optional day I had feared that our current mayor in New York City, Mike Bloomberg, did things a little differently than Rudy Giuliani. As summer winds down, I hadn’t seen a...
debut of links I’ve added a new section to this page, simply called Links . It’s selections from the pages I visit during a day. If you find it interesting enough, let me kn...
Van Gogh and Friend Cheese People ask me why I live in New York City, and sometimes the best answer I can give is because when friends visit, I can go look at The Starry Night and then...
Little Green Monsters The attacks last September had a lot of victims, both in the obvious, literal sense and in the countless numbers of us who have suffered smaller losses. I’d co...
Documenting Orwellian Hijinks The Memory Hole tries to shine light on stories that haven’t gotten enough play....
the nl element! The burden of being me is best explained by a confession that I currently have a crush on the nl element of the XHTML 2.0 specification. This dorkitude is...
a father dances with his daughter From Overheard in NYC observes a young girl and her father waiting for the subway: Then they begin to dance: he takes her hand and puts his other arm aro...
Cringley on eBay Robert X. Cringely takes my assessment of eBay one step further and places the company at three times AOL/TW’s size, in terms of economic impact....
selling the apple My campaign to try and sell the virtues of NYC seems to be proceeding swimmingly ....
Sense of Direction So it’s not something I guess I should say right now, but I never liked those towers. Their only purpose, I said, was to help orient oneself when getting out a...
Thank You Thank you so much to all of you who have messaged, emailed and called. (Or tried to.) I am physically fine, as are all my family members and immediate friends....
From Getting It From Getting It : Now one of cell-phonedom’s most annoying novelty rings has been sampled for an anti-cell phone CD released last week by dance act Soli...
NYC Street Parking web maps On a much lighter note, anyone who’s lived in, or spent appreciable time in, New York City, is familiar with the vagaries of alternate side of the street par...
Brill's Big Media Article Just another reason to like Brill’s Content is this excellent package on the Mega-Media companies . It’s terrifying to read, but an excellent example of wh...
moving back to NYC Well, for me the moving process begins today, as I return to my most favorite city, New York, New York. I’m sure you don’t care too much, but it will affect th...
Asking Jeeves ponders the unanswerables. Since being renamed from Ask Jeeves , one of my favorite search sites,, has taken on what I feel could be an ov...
pull-down menus So the big innovation for today is the DHTML pull-down menus at the top of the page. They only work in Explorer, and while I hate browser-specific enhancem...
sidewalk garden An almost surreal New York Moment : we were at a pizzeria at the corner of York and 79th, and there was a fellow watering his garden outside the shop. Not a...
finding the chesapeake Looks like the apartment hunt is finally bearing some fruit… not just one, but two good candidates today, with the second one being the oh-so-wired Chesap...
What is a liberal? Well, if one can’t create content, one can always appropriate it. Also by way of atonement for my cheekiness on 27 July , I present to you a speech by JF...
meta-content and ghostsites From the silly to the sublime… it seems the Internet brings out people’s interest in Meta-Content whether it’s Slate or Brill’s Content in my bookmark...
cryptic apartment abbreviation So the apartment hunt continues . It’s actually kind of fun, figuring out Ad-Speak. I’m pretty good with acronyms and abbreviations, (and you’d be hard-presse...
MTA commuting Today and yesterday I have used the Metropolitan Transit Authority ‘s trains to go to work. I have been a big believer in public transportation , as long as...