Plant Protection and Quarantine Manuals
Plant Protection and Quarantine manuals are available in electronic format. There are two categories of manuals: Commodity Import and Export Programs and Domestic Program and Emergency Response Manuals.
APHIS works with Federal and State partners and authorized cooperators to carry out its mission of safeguarding U.S. agriculture and facilitating safe trade. These manuals are for APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) employees and others authorized by PPQ to carry out official plant health programs and emergency response operations.
APHIS works with Federal and State partners and authorized cooperators to carry out its mission of safeguarding U.S. agriculture and facilitating safe trade. These manuals are for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) employees, and others authorized by PPQ to carry out official commodity import and export operations.