ALSPAC datasets held by external sources
A number of ALSPAC datasets can be accessed externally for specific research or training purposes, without the need for project proposals or exec permission. These are listed below with summary information and details on how to access:
International Children’s Accelerometry Database (ICAD)
- Twenty partner consortium with accelerometer data collected from children
- Proposals to access data can be made via the website above; they are reviewed by the ICAD steering committee
- ALSPAC data will only be provided with at least two other studies from the consortium
Social science sampler datasets at the UK Data Service.
- Data collected between 1990 and 2003 including household, neighbourhood, housing, social, economic and occupational information
- Users need to register with UKDS to access this data through a Standard End User Licence
CLOSER BMI Harmonised datasets at the UK Data Service.
- Five birth cohorts in CLOSER (
- Harmonised data on height, weight and BMI (ages 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 17)
- Users need to register with UKDS and then access through a Special Licence
CLOSER Mental health (aged 10/11 years) Harmonised datasets at the UK Data Service.
- Four birth cohorts in CLOSER (
- Harmonised data on emotional, peer, behavioural and attention/hyperactivity problems
- Users need to register with UKDS and then access through a Special Licence
- Genome wide sequencing of 1927 ALSPAC participants, together with basic phenotypic data
- Data can be accessed through a managed process
Training datasets for direct download
In addition, we have a number of datasets available that can be freely used for training purposes. These are explained briefly below:
MR dataset (R)
A simulated dataset in R, maintaining the statistical properties of the original dataset. This was developed by Nic Timpson and Gib Hemani to provide an introduction to Mendelian Randomisation. The dataset and all teaching materials are available here:
Virtual Reality (R)
A series of datasets were created by Rebecca Wilson and Demetris Avraam to be used in a virtual reality project, enabling visualisation of data. A paper describing the data is available ( and the data can be downloaded here:
Stata Training dataset
A dataset has been created that forms the basis of the training in the Bristol Masters in Epidemiology course. This dataset is available for download for training purposes here: