Oakville, Iowa
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Population in 2022: 195 (0% urban, 100% rural). Population change since 2000: -55.6%
Males: 110 (56.5%)Females: 85 (43.5%)
December 2024 cost of living index in Oakville: 81.9 (low, U.S. average is 100)
Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2023: 26.8%
(28.3% for White Non-Hispanic residents , 17.4% for two or more races residents )
Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses
Median household income ($)
Median household income (% change since 2000)
Household income diversity
Ratio of average income to average house value (%)
Ratio of average income to average rent
Median household income ($) - White
Median household income ($) - Black or African American
Median household income ($) - Asian
Median household income ($) - Hispanic or Latino
Median household income ($) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median household income ($) - Multirace
Median household income ($) - Other Race
Median household income for houses/condos with a mortgage ($)
Median household income for apartments without a mortgage ($)
Races - White alone (%)
Races - White alone (% change since 2000)
Races - Black alone (%)
Races - Black alone (% change since 2000)
Races - American Indian alone (%)
Races - American Indian alone (% change since 2000)
Races - Asian alone (%)
Races - Asian alone (% change since 2000)
Races - Hispanic (%)
Races - Hispanic (% change since 2000)
Races - Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone (%)
Races - Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone (% change since 2000)
Races - Two or more races (%)
Races - Two or more races (% change since 2000)
Races - Other race alone (%)
Races - Other race alone (% change since 2000)
Racial diversity
Unemployment (%)
Unemployment (% change since 2000)
Unemployment (%) - White
Unemployment (%) - Black or African American
Unemployment (%) - Asian
Unemployment (%) - Hispanic or Latino
Unemployment (%) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Unemployment (%) - Multirace
Unemployment (%) - Other Race
Population density (people per square mile)
Population - Males (%)
Population - Females (%)
Population - Males (%) - White
Population - Males (%) - Black or African American
Population - Males (%) - Asian
Population - Males (%) - Hispanic or Latino
Population - Males (%) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Population - Males (%) - Multirace
Population - Males (%) - Other Race
Population - Females (%) - White
Population - Females (%) - Black or African American
Population - Females (%) - Asian
Population - Females (%) - Hispanic or Latino
Population - Females (%) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Population - Females (%) - Multirace
Population - Females (%) - Other Race
Coronavirus confirmed cases (Mar 18, 2025)
Deaths caused by coronavirus (Mar 18, 2025)
Coronavirus confirmed cases (per 100k population) (Mar 18, 2025)
Deaths caused by coronavirus (per 100k population) (Mar 18, 2025)
Daily increase in number of cases (Mar 18, 2025)
Weekly increase in number of cases (Mar 18, 2025)
Cases doubled (in days) (Mar 18, 2025)
Hospitalized patients (Apr 18, 2022)
Negative test results (Apr 18, 2022)
Total test results (Apr 18, 2022)
COVID Vaccine doses distributed (per 100k population) (Sep 19, 2023)
COVID Vaccine doses administered (per 100k population) (Sep 19, 2023)
COVID Vaccine doses distributed (Sep 19, 2023)
COVID Vaccine doses administered (Sep 19, 2023)
Likely homosexual households (%)
Likely homosexual households (% change since 2000)
Likely homosexual households - Lesbian couples (%)
Likely homosexual households - Lesbian couples (% change since 2000)
Likely homosexual households - Gay men (%)
Likely homosexual households - Gay men (% change since 2000)
Cost of living index
Median gross rent ($)
Median contract rent ($)
Median monthly housing costs ($)
Median house or condo value ($)
Median house or condo value ($ change since 2000)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - 1, detached ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - 1, attached ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - 2 ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure by units in structure - 3 or 4 ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - 5 or more ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - Boat, RV, van, etc. ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - Mobile home ($)
Median house or condo value ($) - White
Median house or condo value ($) - Black or African American
Median house or condo value ($) - Asian
Median house or condo value ($) - Hispanic or Latino
Median house or condo value ($) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median house or condo value ($) - Multirace
Median house or condo value ($) - Other Race
Median resident age
Resident age diversity
Median resident age - Males
Median resident age - Females
Median resident age - White
Median resident age - Black or African American
Median resident age - Asian
Median resident age - Hispanic or Latino
Median resident age - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median resident age - Multirace
Median resident age - Other Race
Median resident age - Males - White
Median resident age - Males - Black or African American
Median resident age - Males - Asian
Median resident age - Males - Hispanic or Latino
Median resident age - Males - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median resident age - Males - Multirace
Median resident age - Males - Other Race
Median resident age - Females - White
Median resident age - Females - Black or African American
Median resident age - Females - Asian
Median resident age - Females - Hispanic or Latino
Median resident age - Females - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median resident age - Females - Multirace
Median resident age - Females - Other Race
Commute - mean travel time to work (minutes)
Travel time to work - Less than 5 minutes (%)
Travel time to work - Less than 5 minutes (% change since 2000)
Travel time to work - 5 to 9 minutes (%)
Travel time to work - 5 to 9 minutes (% change since 2000)
Travel time to work - 10 to 19 minutes (%)
Travel time to work - 10 to 19 minutes (% change since 2000)
Travel time to work - 20 to 29 minutes (%)
Travel time to work - 20 to 29 minutes (% change since 2000)
Travel time to work - 30 to 39 minutes (%)
Travel time to work - 30 to 39 minutes (% change since 2000)
Travel time to work - 40 to 59 minutes (%)
Travel time to work - 40 to 59 minutes (% change since 2000)
Travel time to work - 60 to 89 minutes (%)
Travel time to work - 60 to 89 minutes (% change since 2000)
Travel time to work - 90 or more minutes (%)
Travel time to work - 90 or more minutes (% change since 2000)
Marital status - Never married (%)
Marital status - Now married (%)
Marital status - Separated (%)
Marital status - Widowed (%)
Marital status - Divorced (%)
Median family income ($)
Median family income (% change since 2000)
Median non-family income ($)
Median non-family income (% change since 2000)
Median per capita income ($)
Median per capita income (% change since 2000)
Median family income ($) - White
Median family income ($) - Black or African American
Median family income ($) - Asian
Median family income ($) - Hispanic or Latino
Median family income ($) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median family income ($) - Multirace
Median family income ($) - Other Race
Median year house/condo built
Median year apartment built
Year house built - Built 2005 or later (%)
Year house built - Built 2000 to 2004 (%)
Year house built - Built 1990 to 1999 (%)
Year house built - Built 1980 to 1989 (%)
Year house built - Built 1970 to 1979 (%)
Year house built - Built 1960 to 1969 (%)
Year house built - Built 1950 to 1959 (%)
Year house built - Built 1940 to 1949 (%)
Year house built - Built 1939 or earlier (%)
Average household size
Household density (households per square mile)
Average household size - White
Average household size - Black or African American
Average household size - Asian
Average household size - Hispanic or Latino
Average household size - American Indian and Alaska Native
Average household size - Multirace
Average household size - Other Race
Occupied housing units (%)
Vacant housing units (%)
Owner occupied housing units (%)
Renter occupied housing units (%)
Vacancy status - For rent (%)
Vacancy status - For sale only (%)
Vacancy status - Rented or sold, not occupied (%)
Vacancy status - For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use (%)
Vacancy status - For migrant workers (%)
Vacancy status - Other vacant (%)
Residents with income below the poverty level (%)
Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level (%)
Children below poverty level (%)
Poor families by family type - Married-couple family (%)
Poor families by family type - Male, no wife present (%)
Poor families by family type - Female, no husband present (%)
Poverty status for native-born residents (%)
Poverty status for foreign-born residents (%)
Poverty among high school graduates not in families (%)
Poverty among people who did not graduate high school not in families (%)
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - White
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Black or African American
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Asian
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Hispanic or Latino
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Multirace
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Other Race
Air pollution - Air Quality Index (AQI)
Air pollution - CO
Air pollution - NO2
Air pollution - SO2
Air pollution - Ozone
Air pollution - PM10
Air pollution - PM25
Air pollution - Pb
Crime - Murders per 100,000 population
Crime - Rapes per 100,000 population
Crime - Robberies per 100,000 population
Crime - Assaults per 100,000 population
Crime - Burglaries per 100,000 population
Crime - Thefts per 100,000 population
Crime - Auto thefts per 100,000 population
Crime - Arson per 100,000 population
Crime - City-data.com crime index
Crime - Violent crime index
Crime - Property crime index
Crime - Murders per 100,000 population (5 year average)
Crime - Rapes per 100,000 population (5 year average)
Crime - Robberies per 100,000 population (5 year average)
Crime - Assaults per 100,000 population (5 year average)
Crime - Burglaries per 100,000 population (5 year average)
Crime - Thefts per 100,000 population (5 year average)
Crime - Auto thefts per 100,000 population (5 year average)
Crime - Arson per 100,000 population (5 year average)
Crime - City-data.com crime index (5 year average)
Crime - Violent crime index (5 year average)
Crime - Property crime index (5 year average)
1996 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Democratic Party (Clinton)
1996 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Republican Party (Dole)
1996 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Other
2000 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Democratic Party (Gore)
2000 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Republican Party (Bush)
2000 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Other
2004 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Democratic Party (Kerry)
2004 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Republican Party (Bush)
2004 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Other
2008 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Democratic Party (Obama)
2008 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Republican Party (McCain)
2008 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Other
2012 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Democratic Party (Obama)
2012 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Republican Party (Romney)
2012 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Other
2016 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Democratic Party (Clinton)
2016 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Republican Party (Trump)
2016 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Other
2020 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Democratic Party (Biden)
2020 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Republican Party (Trump)
2020 Presidential Elections Results (%) - Other
Ancestries Reported - Arab (%)
Ancestries Reported - Czech (%)
Ancestries Reported - Danish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Dutch (%)
Ancestries Reported - English (%)
Ancestries Reported - French (%)
Ancestries Reported - French Canadian (%)
Ancestries Reported - German (%)
Ancestries Reported - Greek (%)
Ancestries Reported - Hungarian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Irish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Italian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Lithuanian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Norwegian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Polish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Portuguese (%)
Ancestries Reported - Russian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Scotch-Irish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Scottish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Slovak (%)
Ancestries Reported - Subsaharan African (%)
Ancestries Reported - Swedish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Swiss (%)
Ancestries Reported - Ukrainian (%)
Ancestries Reported - United States (%)
Ancestries Reported - Welsh (%)
Ancestries Reported - West Indian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Other (%)
Educational Attainment - No schooling completed (%)
Educational Attainment - Less than high school (%)
Educational Attainment - High school or equivalent (%)
Educational Attainment - Less than 1 year of college (%)
Educational Attainment - 1 or more years of college (%)
Educational Attainment - Associate degree (%)
Educational Attainment - Bachelor's degree (%)
Educational Attainment - Master's degree (%)
Educational Attainment - Professional school degree (%)
Educational Attainment - Doctorate degree (%)
School Enrollment - Nursery, preschool (%)
School Enrollment - Kindergarten (%)
School Enrollment - Grade 1 to 4 (%)
School Enrollment - Grade 5 to 8 (%)
School Enrollment - Grade 9 to 12 (%)
School Enrollment - College undergrad (%)
School Enrollment - Graduate or professional (%)
School Enrollment - Not enrolled in school (%)
School enrollment - Public schools (%)
School enrollment - Private schools (%)
School enrollment - Not enrolled (%)
Median number of rooms in houses and condos
Median number of rooms in apartments
Housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities (%)
Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities (%)
Density of houses
Urban houses (%)
Rural houses (%)
Households with people 60 years and over (%)
Households with people 65 years and over (%)
Households with people 75 years and over (%)
Households with one or more nonrelatives (%)
Households with no nonrelatives (%)
Population in households (%)
Family households (%)
Nonfamily households (%)
Population in families (%)
Family households with own children (%)
Median number of bedrooms in owner occupied houses
Mean number of bedrooms in owner occupied houses
Median number of bedrooms in renter occupied houses
Mean number of bedrooms in renter occupied houses
Median number of vehichles in owner occupied houses
Mean number of vehichles in owner occupied houses
Median number of vehichles in renter occupied houses
Mean number of vehichles in renter occupied houses
Mortgage status - with mortgage (%)
Mortgage status - with second mortgage (%)
Mortgage status - with home equity loan (%)
Mortgage status - with both second mortgage and home equity loan (%)
Mortgage status - without a mortgage (%)
Average family size
Average family size - White
Average family size - Black or African American
Average family size - Asian
Average family size - Hispanic or Latino
Average family size - American Indian and Alaska Native
Average family size - Multirace
Average family size - Other Race
Geographical mobility - Same house 1 year ago (%)
Geographical mobility - Moved within same county (%)
Geographical mobility - Moved from different county within same state (%)
Geographical mobility - Moved from different state (%)
Geographical mobility - Moved from abroad (%)
Place of birth - Born in state of residence (%)
Place of birth - Born in other state (%)
Place of birth - Native, outside of US (%)
Place of birth - Foreign born (%)
Housing units in structures - 1, detached (%)
Housing units in structures - 1, attached (%)
Housing units in structures - 2 (%)
Housing units in structures - 3 or 4 (%)
Housing units in structures - 5 to 9 (%)
Housing units in structures - 10 to 19 (%)
Housing units in structures - 20 to 49 (%)
Housing units in structures - 50 or more (%)
Housing units in structures - Mobile home (%)
Housing units in structures - Boat, RV, van, etc. (%)
House/condo owner moved in on average (years ago)
Renter moved in on average (years ago)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1999 to March 2000 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1995 to 1998 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1990 to 1994 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1980 to 1989 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1970 to 1979 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1969 or earlier (%)
Means of transportation to work - Drove car alone (%)
Means of transportation to work - Carpooled (%)
Means of transportation to work - Public transportation (%)
Means of transportation to work - Bus or trolley bus (%)
Means of transportation to work - Streetcar or trolley car (%)
Means of transportation to work - Subway or elevated (%)
Means of transportation to work - Railroad (%)
Means of transportation to work - Ferryboat (%)
Means of transportation to work - Taxicab (%)
Means of transportation to work - Motorcycle (%)
Means of transportation to work - Bicycle (%)
Means of transportation to work - Walked (%)
Means of transportation to work - Other means (%)
Working at home (%)
Industry diversity
Most Common Industries - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining (%)
Most Common Industries - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (%)
Most Common Industries - Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (%)
Most Common Industries - Construction (%)
Most Common Industries - Manufacturing (%)
Most Common Industries - Wholesale trade (%)
Most Common Industries - Retail trade (%)
Most Common Industries - Transportation and warehousing, and utilities (%)
Most Common Industries - Transportation and warehousing (%)
Most Common Industries - Utilities (%)
Most Common Industries - Information (%)
Most Common Industries - Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing (%)
Most Common Industries - Finance and insurance (%)
Most Common Industries - Real estate and rental and leasing (%)
Most Common Industries - Professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services (%)
Most Common Industries - Professional, scientific, and technical services (%)
Most Common Industries - Management of companies and enterprises (%)
Most Common Industries - Administrative and support and waste management services (%)
Most Common Industries - Educational services, and health care and social assistance (%)
Most Common Industries - Educational services (%)
Most Common Industries - Health care and social assistance (%)
Most Common Industries - Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services (%)
Most Common Industries - Arts, entertainment, and recreation (%)
Most Common Industries - Accommodation and food services (%)
Most Common Industries - Other services, except public administration (%)
Most Common Industries - Public administration (%)
Occupation diversity
Most Common Occupations - Management, business, science, and arts occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Management, business, and financial occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Management occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Business and financial operations occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Computer, engineering, and science occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Computer and mathematical occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Architecture and engineering occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Life, physical, and social science occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Education, legal, community service, arts, and media occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Community and social service occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Legal occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Education, training, and library occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Health technologists and technicians (%)
Most Common Occupations - Service occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Healthcare support occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Protective service occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Fire fighting and prevention, and other protective service workers including supervisors (%)
Most Common Occupations - Law enforcement workers including supervisors (%)
Most Common Occupations - Food preparation and serving related occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Personal care and service occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Sales and office occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Sales and related occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Office and administrative support occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Construction and extraction occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Production, transportation, and material moving occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Production occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Transportation occupations (%)
Most Common Occupations - Material moving occupations (%)
People in Group quarters - Institutionalized population (%)
People in Group quarters - Correctional institutions (%)
People in Group quarters - Federal prisons and detention centers (%)
People in Group quarters - Halfway houses (%)
People in Group quarters - Local jails and other confinement facilities (including police lockups) (%)
People in Group quarters - Military disciplinary barracks (%)
People in Group quarters - State prisons (%)
People in Group quarters - Other types of correctional institutions (%)
People in Group quarters - Nursing homes (%)
People in Group quarters - Hospitals/wards, hospices, and schools for the handicapped (%)
People in Group quarters - Hospitals/wards and hospices for chronically ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Hospices or homes for chronically ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Military hospitals or wards for chronically ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Other hospitals or wards for chronically ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Hospitals or wards for drug/alcohol abuse (%)
People in Group quarters - Mental (Psychiatric) hospitals or wards (%)
People in Group quarters - Schools, hospitals, or wards for the mentally retarded (%)
People in Group quarters - Schools, hospitals, or wards for the physically handicapped (%)
People in Group quarters - Institutions for the deaf (%)
People in Group quarters - Institutions for the blind (%)
People in Group quarters - Orthopedic wards and institutions for the physically handicapped (%)
People in Group quarters - Wards in general hospitals for patients who have no usual home elsewhere (%)
People in Group quarters - Wards in military hospitals for patients who have no usual home elsewhere (%)
People in Group quarters - Juvenile institutions (%)
People in Group quarters - Long-term care (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes for abused, dependent, and neglected children (%)
People in Group quarters - Residential treatment centers for emotionally disturbed children (%)
People in Group quarters - Training schools for juvenile delinquents (%)
People in Group quarters - Short-term care, detention or diagnostic centers for delinquent children (%)
People in Group quarters - Type of juvenile institution unknown (%)
People in Group quarters - Noninstitutionalized population (%)
People in Group quarters - College dormitories (includes college quarters off campus) (%)
People in Group quarters - Military quarters (%)
People in Group quarters - On base (%)
People in Group quarters - Barracks, unaccompanied personnel housing (UPH), (Enlisted/Officer), ;and similar group living quarters for military personnel (%)
People in Group quarters - Transient quarters for temporary residents (%)
People in Group quarters - Military ships (%)
People in Group quarters - Group homes (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes or halfway houses for drug/alcohol abuse (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes for the mentally ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes for the mentally retarded (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes for the physically handicapped (%)
People in Group quarters - Other group homes (%)
People in Group quarters - Religious group quarters (%)
People in Group quarters - Dormitories (%)
People in Group quarters - Agriculture workers' dormitories on farms (%)
People in Group quarters - Job Corps and vocational training facilities (%)
People in Group quarters - Other workers' dormitories (%)
People in Group quarters - Crews of maritime vessels (%)
People in Group quarters - Other nonhousehold living situations (%)
People in Group quarters - Other noninstitutional group quarters (%)
Residents speaking English at home (%)
Residents speaking English at home - Born in the United States (%)
Residents speaking English at home - Native, born elsewhere (%)
Residents speaking English at home - Foreign born (%)
Residents speaking Spanish at home (%)
Residents speaking Spanish at home - Born in the United States (%)
Residents speaking Spanish at home - Native, born elsewhere (%)
Residents speaking Spanish at home - Foreign born (%)
Residents speaking other language at home (%)
Residents speaking other language at home - Born in the United States (%)
Residents speaking other language at home - Native, born elsewhere (%)
Residents speaking other language at home - Foreign born (%)
Class of Workers - Employee of private company (%)
Class of Workers - Self-employed in own incorporated business (%)
Class of Workers - Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers (%)
Class of Workers - Local government workers (%)
Class of Workers - State government workers (%)
Class of Workers - Federal government workers (%)
Class of Workers - Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business and Unpaid family workers (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Utility gas (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Bottled, tank, or LP gas (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Electricity (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Coal or coke (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Wood (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Solar energy (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Other fuel (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - No fuel used (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Utility gas (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Bottled, tank, or LP gas (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Electricity (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Coal or coke (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Wood (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Solar energy (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Other fuel (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - No fuel used (%)
Armed forces status - In Armed Forces (%)
Armed forces status - Civilian (%)
Armed forces status - Civilian - Veteran (%)
Armed forces status - Civilian - Nonveteran (%)
Read more: https://www.city-data.com/accidents/acc-Addison-Illinois.html
Fatal accidents locations in years 2005-2022
Fatal accidents locations in 2022
Fatal accidents locations in 2021
Fatal accidents locations in 2020
Fatal accidents locations in 2019
Fatal accidents locations in 2018
Fatal accidents locations in 2017
Fatal accidents locations in 2016
Fatal accidents locations in 2015
Fatal accidents locations in 2014
Fatal accidents locations in 2013
Fatal accidents locations in 2012
Fatal accidents locations in 2011
Fatal accidents locations in 2010
Fatal accidents locations in 2009
Fatal accidents locations in 2008
Fatal accidents locations in 2007
Fatal accidents locations in 2006
Fatal accidents locations in 2005
Alcohol use - People drinking some alcohol every month (%)
Alcohol use - People not drinking at all (%)
Alcohol use - Average days/month drinking alcohol
Alcohol use - Average drinks/week
Alcohol use - Average days/year people drink much
Audiometry - Average condition of hearing (%)
Audiometry - People that can hear a whisper from across a quiet room (%)
Audiometry - People that can hear normal voice from across a quiet room (%)
Audiometry - Ears ringing, roaring, buzzing (%)
Audiometry - Had a job exposure to loud noise (%)
Audiometry - Had off-work exposure to loud noise (%)
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol - Has high blood pressure (%)
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol - Checking blood pressure at home (%)
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol - Frequently checking blood cholesterol (%)
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol - Has high cholesterol level (%)
Consumer Behavior - Money monthly spent on food at supermarket/grocery store
Consumer Behavior - Money monthly spent on food at other stores
Consumer Behavior - Money monthly spent on eating out
Consumer Behavior - Money monthly spent on carryout/delivered foods
Consumer Behavior - Income spent on food at supermarket/grocery store (%)
Consumer Behavior - Income spent on food at other stores (%)
Consumer Behavior - Income spent on eating out (%)
Consumer Behavior - Income spent on carryout/delivered foods (%)
Current Health Status - General health condition (%)
Current Health Status - Blood donors (%)
Current Health Status - Has blood ever tested for HIV virus (%)
Current Health Status - Left-handed people (%)
Dermatology - People using sunscreen (%)
Diabetes - Diabetics (%)
Diabetes - Had a blood test for high blood sugar (%)
Diabetes - People taking insulin (%)
Diet Behavior & Nutrition - Diet health (%)
Diet Behavior & Nutrition - Milk product consumption (# of products/month)
Diet Behavior & Nutrition - Meals not home prepared (#/week)
Diet Behavior & Nutrition - Meals from fast food or pizza place (#/week)
Diet Behavior & Nutrition - Ready-to-eat foods (#/month)
Diet Behavior & Nutrition - Frozen meals/pizza (#/month)
Drug Use - People that ever used marijuana or hashish (%)
Drug Use - Ever used hard drugs (%)
Drug Use - Ever used any form of cocaine (%)
Drug Use - Ever used heroin (%)
Drug Use - Ever used methamphetamine (%)
Health Insurance - People covered by health insurance (%)
Kidney Conditions-Urology - Avg. # of times urinating at night
Medical Conditions - People with asthma (%)
Medical Conditions - People with anemia (%)
Medical Conditions - People with psoriasis (%)
Medical Conditions - People with overweight (%)
Medical Conditions - Elderly people having difficulties in thinking or remembering (%)
Medical Conditions - People who ever received blood transfusion (%)
Medical Conditions - People having trouble seeing even with glass/contacts (%)
Medical Conditions - People with arthritis (%)
Medical Conditions - People with gout (%)
Medical Conditions - People with congestive heart failure (%)
Medical Conditions - People with coronary heart disease (%)
Medical Conditions - People with angina pectoris (%)
Medical Conditions - People who ever had heart attack (%)
Medical Conditions - People who ever had stroke (%)
Medical Conditions - People with emphysema (%)
Medical Conditions - People with thyroid problem (%)
Medical Conditions - People with chronic bronchitis (%)
Medical Conditions - People with any liver condition (%)
Medical Conditions - People who ever had cancer or malignancy (%)
Mental Health - People who have little interest in doing things (%)
Mental Health - People feeling down, depressed, or hopeless (%)
Mental Health - People who have trouble sleeping or sleeping too much (%)
Mental Health - People feeling tired or having little energy (%)
Mental Health - People with poor appetite or overeating (%)
Mental Health - People feeling bad about themself (%)
Mental Health - People who have trouble concentrating on things (%)
Mental Health - People moving or speaking slowly or too fast (%)
Mental Health - People having thoughts they would be better off dead (%)
Oral Health - Average years since last visit a dentist
Oral Health - People embarrassed because of mouth (%)
Oral Health - People with gum disease (%)
Oral Health - General health of teeth and gums (%)
Oral Health - Average days a week using dental floss/device
Oral Health - Average days a week using mouthwash for dental problem
Oral Health - Average number of teeth
Pesticide Use - Households using pesticides to control insects (%)
Pesticide Use - Households using pesticides to kill weeds (%)
Physical Activity - People doing vigorous-intensity work activities (%)
Physical Activity - People doing moderate-intensity work activities (%)
Physical Activity - People walking or bicycling (%)
Physical Activity - People doing vigorous-intensity recreational activities (%)
Physical Activity - People doing moderate-intensity recreational activities (%)
Physical Activity - Average hours a day doing sedentary activities
Physical Activity - Average hours a day watching TV or videos
Physical Activity - Average hours a day using computer
Physical Functioning - People having limitations keeping them from working (%)
Physical Functioning - People limited in amount of work they can do (%)
Physical Functioning - People that need special equipment to walk (%)
Physical Functioning - People experiencing confusion/memory problems (%)
Physical Functioning - People requiring special healthcare equipment (%)
Prescription Medications - Average number of prescription medicines taking
Preventive Aspirin Use - Adults 40+ taking low-dose aspirin (%)
Reproductive Health - Vaginal deliveries (%)
Reproductive Health - Cesarean deliveries (%)
Reproductive Health - Deliveries resulted in a live birth (%)
Reproductive Health - Pregnancies resulted in a delivery (%)
Reproductive Health - Women breastfeeding newborns (%)
Reproductive Health - Women that had a hysterectomy (%)
Reproductive Health - Women that had both ovaries removed (%)
Reproductive Health - Women that have ever taken birth control pills (%)
Reproductive Health - Women taking birth control pills (%)
Reproductive Health - Women that have ever used Depo-Provera or injectables (%)
Reproductive Health - Women that have ever used female hormones (%)
Sexual Behavior - People 18+ that ever had sex (vaginal, anal, or oral) (%)
Sexual Behavior - Males 18+ that ever had vaginal sex with a woman (%)
Sexual Behavior - Males 18+ that ever performed oral sex on a woman (%)
Sexual Behavior - Males 18+ that ever had anal sex with a woman (%)
Sexual Behavior - Males 18+ that ever had any sex with a man (%)
Sexual Behavior - Females 18+ that ever had vaginal sex with a man (%)
Sexual Behavior - Females 18+ that ever performed oral sex on a man (%)
Sexual Behavior - Females 18+ that ever had anal sex with a man (%)
Sexual Behavior - Females 18+ that ever had any kind of sex with a woman (%)
Sexual Behavior - Average age people first had sex
Sexual Behavior - Average number of female sex partners in lifetime (males 18+)
Sexual Behavior - Average number of female vaginal sex partners in lifetime (males 18+)
Sexual Behavior - Average age people first performed oral sex on a woman (18+)
Sexual Behavior - Average number of woman performed oral sex on in lifetime (18+)
Sexual Behavior - Average number of male sex partners in lifetime (males 18+)
Sexual Behavior - Average number of male anal sex partners in lifetime (males 18+)
Sexual Behavior - Average age people first performed oral sex on a man (18+)
Sexual Behavior - Average number of male oral sex partners in lifetime (18+)
Sexual Behavior - People using protection when performing oral sex (%)
Sexual Behavior - Average number of times people have vaginal or anal sex a year
Sexual Behavior - People having sex without condom (%)
Sexual Behavior - Average number of male sex partners in lifetime (females 18+)
Sexual Behavior - Average number of male vaginal sex partners in lifetime (females 18+)
Sexual Behavior - Average number of female sex partners in lifetime (females 18+)
Sexual Behavior - Circumcised males 18+ (%)
Sleep Disorders - Average hours sleeping at night
Sleep Disorders - People that has trouble sleeping (%)
Smoking-Cigarette Use - People smoking cigarettes (%)
Taste & Smell - People 40+ having problems with smell (%)
Taste & Smell - People 40+ having problems with taste (%)
Taste & Smell - People 40+ that ever had wisdom teeth removed (%)
Taste & Smell - People 40+ that ever had tonsils teeth removed (%)
Taste & Smell - People 40+ that ever had a loss of consciousness because of a head injury (%)
Taste & Smell - People 40+ that ever had a broken nose or other serious injury to face or skull (%)
Taste & Smell - People 40+ that ever had two or more sinus infections (%)
Weight - Average height (inches)
Weight - Average weight (pounds)
Weight - Average BMI
Weight - People that are obese (%)
Weight - People that ever were obese (%)
Weight - People trying to lose weight (%)
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Latest news from Oakville, IA collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations
affecting Muscatine and Louisa Counties. Iowa River at
Oakville affecting Louisa County. Wapsipinicon River near De Witt 4S affecting Clinton and Scott Counties. * WHAT...Moderate flooding is occurring. *
affecting Louisa and Muscatine Counties. Iowa River at
Oakville affecting Louisa County. * WHAT...Moderate flooding is occurring. * WHERE...Wapsipinicon River near De Witt 4S. * WHEN...Until early Monday morning. *
affecting Muscatine and Louisa Counties. Iowa River at
Oakville affecting Louisa County. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring. * WHERE...Cedar River near Conesville. * WHEN...Until Monday morning. * IMPACTS...At 14.2 feet,
Ancestries: Norwegian (32.1%), German (19.6%), English (16.1%), American (14.3%), Irish (7.1%), French Canadian (3.6%).
Current Local Time: CST time zone
Incorporated on 10/27/1902
Land area: 0.42 square miles.
Population density: 464 people per square mile (low).
2 residents are foreign born
Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units in 2000: Oakville city:
1.4% ($543)Iowa:
1.3% ($1,077)
Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Davenport, IA (38.7 miles , pop. 98,359).
Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: Madison, WI (160.8 miles , pop. 208,054).
Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: Chicago, IL (181.8 miles , pop. 2,896,016).
Nearest cities:
Latitude: 41.10 N, Longitude: 91.04 W
Single-family new house construction building permits:
2023: 2 buildings , average cost: $112,500
2017: 2 buildings , average cost: $95,000
2016: 1 building , cost: $120,000
2015: 1 building , cost: $15,000
2005: 2 buildings , average cost: $138,100
2002: 1 building , cost: $35,000
2001: 1 building , cost: $35,000
1999: 1 building , cost: $50,000
1998: 1 building , cost: $70,000
Unemployment in November 2024:
Most common occupations in Oakville, IA (%)
Other production occupations, including supervisors (15.7%)
Metal workers and plastic workers (9.6%)
Other management occupations, except farmers and farm managers (4.6%)
Construction laborers (4.6%)
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations (4.6%)
Other sales and related occupations, including supervisors (4.1%)
Extraction workers (4.1%)
Other production occupations, including supervisors (19.0%)
Metal workers and plastic workers (14.0%)
Construction laborers (9.0%)
Other management occupations, except farmers and farm managers (6.0%)
Electrical equipment mechanics and other installation, maintenance, and repair workers, including supervisors (6.0%)
Driver/sales workers and truck drivers (6.0%)
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations (5.0%)
Other production occupations, including supervisors (12.4%)
Other sales and related occupations, including supervisors (8.2%)
Child care workers (6.2%)
Information and record clerks, except customer service representatives (5.2%)
Secretaries and administrative assistants (5.2%)
Metal workers and plastic workers (5.2%)
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations (4.1%)
Tornado activity:
Oakville-area historical tornado activity is near Iowa state average. It is 73% greater than the overall U.S. average.
On 6/1/2007, a category F3 (max. wind speeds 158-206 mph) tornado 14.1 miles away from the Oakville city center injured 7 people and caused $16 million in damages.
On 8/15/1978, a category F3 tornado 18.2 miles away from the city center caused between $50,000 and $500,000 in damages.
Earthquake activity:
Oakville-area historical earthquake activity is significantly above Iowa state average. It is 160% greater than the overall U.S. average.
On 4/18/2008 at 09:36:59, a magnitude 5.4 (5.1 MB, 4.8 MS, 5.4 MW, 5.2 MW, Class: Moderate, Intensity: VI - VII) earthquake occurred 248.3 miles away from Oakville center On 4/18/2008 at 09:36:59, a magnitude 5.2 (5.2 MW, Depth: 8.9 mi) earthquake occurred 248.3 miles away from the city center On 6/10/1987 at 23:48:54, a magnitude 5.1 (4.9 MB, 4.4 MS, 4.6 MS, 5.1 LG) earthquake occurred 229.8 miles away from Oakville center On 6/28/2004 at 06:10:52, a magnitude 4.2 (4.2 MW, Depth: 6.2 mi, Class: Light, Intensity: IV - V) earthquake occurred 114.2 miles away from the city center On 6/18/2002 at 17:37:15, a magnitude 5.0 (4.3 MB, 4.6 MW, 5.0 LG) earthquake occurred 276.7 miles away from the city center On 9/26/1990 at 13:18:51, a magnitude 5.0 (4.7 MB, 4.8 LG, 5.0 LG, Depth: 7.7 mi) earthquake occurred 283.7 miles away from the city center Magnitude types: regional Lg-wave magnitude (LG), body-wave magnitude (MB), surface-wave magnitude (MS), moment magnitude (MW)
Natural disasters: The number of natural disasters in Louisa County (20) is near the US average (19).Major Disasters (Presidential) Declared: 17Emergencies Declared: 1 Causes of natural disasters: Floods: 16, Storms: 11, Tornadoes: 4, Heavy Rain: 1, Hurricane: 1, Winter Storm: 1, Other: 2 (Note: some incidents may be assigned to more than one category).
Hospitals and medical centers near Oakville: PRAIRIE RIDGE CARE AND REHABILIT (Nursing Home, about 10 miles away; MEDIAPOLIS, IA)
LOUISA COUNTY PHNS (Home Health Center, about 10 miles away; WAPELLO, IA)
MORNING SUN CARE CENTER (Nursing Home, about 12 miles away; MORNING SUN, IA)
Amtrak station near Oakville: 20 miles: ALDERSHOT (BURLINGTON, 1199 WATERDOWN RD.) . Services: ticket office, fully wheelchair accessible, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, vending machines, free short-term parking, call for car rental service, call for taxi service, intercity bus service, public transit connection.
Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Oakville:
Southeastern Community College (about 21 miles; West Burlington, IA ; Full-time enrollment: 2,251)
Augustana College (about 38 miles; Rock Island, IL ; FT enrollment: 2,555)
Eastern Iowa Community College District (about 38 miles; Davenport, IA ; FT enrollment: 5,507)
Saint Ambrose University (about 39 miles; Davenport, IA ; FT enrollment: 3,053)
Black Hawk College (about 41 miles; Moline, IL ; FT enrollment: 5,086)
Kaplan University-Davenport Campus (about 41 miles; Davenport, IA ; FT enrollment: 60,376)
University of Iowa (about 47 miles; Iowa City, IA ; FT enrollment: 24,735)
Louisa County has a predicted average indoor radon screening level greater than 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) - Highest Potential
Average household size: This city:
2.8 peopleIowa:
2.4 people
Percentage of family households: This city:
67.7%Whole state:
Percentage of households with unmarried partners: This city:
9.7%Whole state:
No gay or lesbian households reported
For population 15 years and over in Oakville:
Never married: 21.5%Now married: 48.8%Separated: 2.7%Widowed: 6.7%Divorced: 20.2%
For population 25 years and over in Oakville:
High school or higher: 81.3%Bachelor's degree or higher: 2.4%Graduate or professional degree: 0.0%Unemployed: 5.7%Mean travel time to work (commute): 33.8 minutes
Education Gini index (Inequality in education) Here:
9.5Iowa average:
Religion statistics for Oakville, IA (based on Louisa County data)
Religion Adherents Congregations Mainline Protestant 2,513 12 Evangelical Protestant 880 10 Catholic 493 1 None 7,501 -
Source: Clifford Grammich, Kirk Hadaway, Richard Houseal, Dale E.Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley and Richard H.Taylor. 2012. 2010 U.S.Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. Jones, Dale E., et al. 2002. Congregations and Membership in the United States 2000. Nashville, TN: Glenmary Research Center. Graphs represent county-level data
Food Environment Statistics: Number of grocery stores : 5Here :
4.25 / 10,000 pop.State :
2.14 / 10,000 pop.
Number of convenience stores (no gas) : 1This county :
0.85 / 10,000 pop.State :
0.43 / 10,000 pop.
Number of convenience stores (with gas) : 8Here :
6.80 / 10,000 pop.Iowa :
5.55 / 10,000 pop.
Number of full-service restaurants : 7Louisa County :
5.95 / 10,000 pop.Iowa :
8.01 / 10,000 pop.
Adult obesity rate : Louisa County :
28.8%Iowa :
Low-income preschool obesity rate : This county :
18.7%Iowa :
Health and Nutrition: Healthy diet rate : This city:
Average overall health of teeth and gums :
People feeling badly about themselves : Oakville:
People not drinking alcohol at all :
Average hours sleeping at night :
Overweight people : This city:
General health condition :
Average condition of hearing :
More about Health and Nutrition of Oakville, IA Residents
Local government employment and payroll (March 2022)
Full-time employees
Monthly full-time payroll
Average yearly full-time wage
Part-time employees
Monthly part-time payroll
Water Supply
1 $600 $7,200 1 $55
Streets and Highways
0 $0 1 $779
Other Government Administration
0 $0 6 $130
Financial Administration
0 $0 1 $832
0 $0 2 $398
Totals for Government
1 $600 $7,200 11 $2,195
Oakville government finances - Expenditure in 2022 (per resident):
Current Operations - Regular Highways: $47,000 ($241.03)
Sewerage: $43,000 ($220.51)
Water Utilities: $43,000 ($220.51)
General - Other: $36,000 ($184.62)
Solid Waste Management: $19,000 ($97.44)
Financial Administration: $18,000 ($92.31)
Parks and Recreation: $9,000 ($46.15)
Natural Resources - Other: $5,000 ($25.64)
Police Protection: $5,000 ($25.64)
General Public Buildings: $4,000 ($20.51)
Central Staff Services: $3,000 ($15.38)
Local Fire Protection: $2,000 ($10.26)
Health - Other: $1,000 ($5.13)
General - Interest on Debt: $12,000 ($61.54)
Intergovernmental to Local - Other - General - Other: $5,000 ($25.64)
Total Salaries and Wages: $47,000 ($241.03)
Oakville government finances - Revenue in 2022 (per resident):
Charges - Sewerage: $16,000 ($82.05)
Federal Intergovernmental - Other: $13,000 ($66.67)
Miscellaneous - Interest Earnings: $5,000 ($25.64)
Rents: $3,000 ($15.38)
Revenue - Water Utilities: $122,000 ($625.64)
State Intergovernmental - Other: $20,000 ($102.56)
Tax - Property: $74,000 ($379.49)
General Sales and Gross Receipts: $20,000 ($102.56)
Other License: $1,000 ($5.13)
Oakville government finances - Debt in 2022 (per resident):
Long Term Debt - Beginning Outstanding - Unspecified Public Purpose: $309,000 ($1584.62)
Outstanding Unspecified Public Purpose: $296,000 ($1517.95)
Retired Unspecified Public Purpose: $14,000 ($71.79)
Short Term Debt Outstanding - Beginning: $309,000 ($1584.62)
End of Fiscal Year: $296,000 ($1517.95)
Strongest AM radio stations in Oakville:
WLS (890 AM; 50 kW; CHICAGO, IL; Owner: WLS, INC.)
WMVP (1000 AM; 50 kW; CHICAGO, IL; Owner: ABC, INC.)
Strongest FM radio stations in Oakville:
TV broadcast stations around Oakville:
Oakville fatal accident list:
Jul 2, 2011 07:55 PM, 6th St, Cedar St, Lat: 41.097406, Lon: -91.037550, Vehicles: 1, Persons: 1, Fatalities: 1, Drunk persons involved: 1
FCC Registered Antenna Towers: 10 (
See the full list of FCC Registered Antenna Towers in Oakville )
FCC Registered Broadcast Land Mobile Towers: 7
Lat: 41.086972 Lon: -91.045694, Call Sign: KNEW672,
Assigned Frequencies: 153.245 MHz, Grant Date: 02/01/2023, Expiration Date: 02/12/2033, Registrant: Electronic Engineering Co, 1100 Keo Way, Des Moines, IA 50309, Phone: (515) 283-1100, Fax: (515) 244-6948, Email: lahrold@eengineering.com
Russell St 600 W Jct Cty X71 & Ia 99 (Lat: 41.101694 Lon: -91.046806), Call Sign: KQL320,
Assigned Frequencies: 151.835 MHz, Grant Date: 02/11/1997, Expiration Date: 04/28/2002, Cancellation Date: 09/01/2002, Registrant: Oakville Feed & Grain Inc, Oakville, IA 52646, Phone: (319) 766-4411
2 1/2 Mi Se (Lat: 41.093083 Lon: -91.108472), Call Sign: KNAA648,
Assigned Frequencies: 158.355 MHz, Grant Date: 09/25/1995, Expiration Date: 10/24/2000, Cancellation Date: 12/24/2000, Registrant: Dale Massner, Box 107b, Oakville, IA 52646, Phone: (319) 766-4101
Rr 1 Box 22 2 Mi S 2 Mi E (Lat: 41.076417 Lon: -91.018194), Call Sign: KNBA354, Licensee ID: L00042718,
Assigned Frequencies: 158.415 MHz, Grant Date: 04/11/2012, Expiration Date: 05/21/2022, Cancellation Date: 07/23/2022, Registrant: Richard Siegle Dba Siegle Farms, 6020 260th St, Oakville, IA 52646, Phone: (319) 766-2509, Email: ksiegle@louisacomm.net
2 Mi E (Lat: 41.101694 Lon: -91.014306), Call Sign: KNCV302,
Assigned Frequencies: 158.325 MHz, Grant Date: 11/06/1996, Expiration Date: 01/17/2002, Cancellation Date: 05/05/2002, Registrant: Meeker Farms Corp, 165 C Ave, Oakville, IA 52646, Phone: (319) 766-3643
2 Mi E (Lat: 41.108361 Lon: -90.989028), Call Sign: KNET938, Licensee ID: L00631511,
Assigned Frequencies: 151.550 MHz, Grant Date: 12/22/1997, Expiration Date: 02/16/2003, Cancellation Date: 05/18/2003, Registrant: Shipman & Sons Inc, 3828 30th St, Oakville, IA 52646, Phone: (319) 766-3173
1 1/2 Mi N 2 1/2 Mi E Of Jct (Lat: 41.044194 Lon: -91.009306), Call Sign: KNGJ954, Licensee ID: L00077609,
Assigned Frequencies: 152.900 MHz, Grant Date: 08/07/2003, Expiration Date: 09/15/2013, Cancellation Date: 11/16/2013, Registrant: Dale Frank, 4297 250th St, Oakville, IA 52646, Phone: (319) 766-3661
FCC Registered Microwave Towers: 5
Oakville Tower, Lat: 41.071333 Lon: -91.056000, Type: Tower, Structure height: 91.4 m, Overall height: 94.4 m, Call Sign: WQLN540,
Assigned Frequencies: 3650.00 MHz, Grant Date: 02/26/2020, Expiration Date: 10/17/2020, Cancellation Date: 12/19/2020, Certifier: Randy D Foor, Registrant: Louisa Communications, 28 W Division St., Morning Sun, IA 52640, Phone: (319) 868-7636, Fax: (319) 868-4297, Email: rdf@mutel.com
Oakville Tower, Lat: 41.071333 Lon: -91.056000, Type: Tower, Structure height: 91.4 m, Overall height: 94.4 m, Call Sign: WQLN540,
Assigned Frequencies: 3650.00 MHz, Grant Date: 02/26/2020, Expiration Date: 10/17/2020, Cancellation Date: 12/19/2020, Certifier: Randy D Foor, Registrant: Louisa Communications, 28 W Division St., Morning Sun, IA 52640, Phone: (319) 868-7636, Fax: (319) 868-4297, Email: rdf@mutel.com
Oakville Tower, Lat: 41.071333 Lon: -91.056000, Type: Tower, Structure height: 91.4 m, Overall height: 94.4 m, Call Sign: WQLN540,
Assigned Frequencies: 3650.00 MHz, Grant Date: 02/26/2020, Expiration Date: 10/17/2020, Cancellation Date: 12/19/2020, Certifier: Randy D Foor, Registrant: Louisa Communications, 28 W Division St., Morning Sun, IA 52640, Phone: (319) 868-7636, Fax: (319) 868-4297, Email: rdf@mutel.com
DM06811A, 6561 270th Street (Lat: 41.071333 Lon: -91.056000), Type: Gtower, Structure height: 91.4 m, Overall height: 94.4 m, Call Sign: WROF326,
Assigned Frequencies: 10775.0 MHz, 10815.0 MHz, 10775.0 MHz, 10815.0 MHz, 10775.0 MHz, 10815.0 MHz, 10775.0 MHz, 10815.0 MHz, 10775.0 MHz, 10815.0 MHz... (+10 more), Grant Date: 10/05/2021, Expiration Date: 10/05/2031, Cancellation Date: 04/03/2023, Certifier: Jenny Knopf, Registrant: T-Mobile Usa, Inc., 12920 Se 38th Street, Bellevue, WA 98006, Phone: (425) 383-8401, Email: fccregulatorycompliancecontact@t-mobile.com
DM06811A, 6561 270th Street (Lat: 41.071333 Lon: -91.056000), Type: Gtower, Structure height: 91.4 m, Overall height: 94.4 m, Call Sign: WSCU861,
Assigned Frequencies: 11245.0 MHz, 11245.0 MHz, 11245.0 MHz, 11245.0 MHz, 11245.0 MHz, 11245.0 MHz, 11245.0 MHz, 11245.0 MHz, 11245.0 MHz, 11245.0 MHz... (+12 more), Grant Date: 05/07/2024, Expiration Date: 05/07/2034, Certifier: Jenny Knopf, Registrant: T-Mobile Usa, Inc., 12920 Se 38th Street, Bellevue, WA 98006, Phone: (425) 383-8401, Fax: (425) 383-4040, Email: fccregulatorycompliancecontact@t-mobile.com
FAA Registered Aircraft: 2
Aircraft: CHAMPION 7ECA (Category: Land, Seats: 2, Weight: Up to 12,499 Pounds, Speed: 90 mph), Engine: Reciprocating
N-Number: 67KJ, N67KJ, N-67KJ, Serial Number: 7ECA-550, Airworthiness Date: 12/01/1978, Certificate Issue Date: 01/28/2003
Registrant (Corporation): Sharar Flying Service Inc, 6556 235th St, Oakville, IA 52646Aircraft: PIPER J3C-65 (Category: Land, Seats: 2, Weight: Up to 12,499 Pounds, Speed: 67 mph), Engine: CONT MOTOR A&C65 SERIES (65 HP) (Reciprocating)
N-Number: 78528, N78528, N-78528, Serial Number: 22789, Year manufactured: 1947
Registrant (Individual): Richard Ditto, , Oakville, IA 52646
Deregistered: Cancel Date: 02/19/2019
Most common first names in Oakville, IA among deceased individuals
Name Count Lived (average)
Anna 6 80.5 years
Donald 5 68.6 years
John 5 70.2 years
Raymond 5 77.4 years
Albert 4 75.0 years
Charles 4 73.8 years
Ralph 4 81.5 years
Richard 4 72.3 years
William 4 71.7 years
Edward 3 76.6 years
Most common last names in Oakville, IA among deceased individuals
Last name Count Lived (average)
Gerst 6 74.5 years
Tisor 6 75.7 years
Wykert 6 86.2 years
Miller 5 82.8 years
Siegle 5 81.8 years
Swafford 5 75.6 years
Whitaker 5 90.4 years
Hardin 4 72.3 years
Mellinger 4 81.5 years
Kuntz 4 76.8 years
Oakville compared to Iowa state average:
Median house value significantly below state average.
Unemployed percentage below state average.
Black race population percentage significantly below state average.
Hispanic race population percentage significantly below state average.
Median age significantly below state average.
Foreign-born population percentage significantly below state average.
Length of stay since moving in significantly above state average.
Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher significantly below state average.
There is 1 pilot and no other airmen in this city.
Top Patent Applicants
Total of 1 patent application in 2008-2025.