1. Introduction 2.
Climate and global change issues
a. Surface
b. Tropospheric/stratospheric
1) Troposphere
2) Lower stratosphere
c. Trace gases
1) Ozone
i) Continental United States
ii) Southern Hemisphere
2) Carbon dioxide
3) Methane
4) Global chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
d. Northern Hemisphere
snow cover
3. The strong 1997-98 El Niņo and transition to a La Niņa episode
a. Overview
b. The 1997-98 El
c. The jet
streams across the N. Pacific and North America during January-March 1998
d. Evolution of the
1998 La Niņa
4. Regional climate highlights
a. North America
1) The 1998 North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific
hurricane season
i) Overview
ii) June-July
iii) August-November
2) APR-JUN 1998 U.S. drought in the South; flooding in
the Midwest and Northeast
i) Temperature and rainfall
ii) Atmospheric circulation
3) The 1997/98 Mexican Drought
b. Asia
1) Indian summer monsoon
2) Yangtze river flooding: July-August 1998
c. Africa
1) June-September 1998: Western Africa Rainy Season
2) October 1997-April 1998: Southern Africa Rainy Season
d. South
e. Australia
5. Seasonal summaries
Appendix: Contributors