quarter bar
- a strut for bracing the central post of a windmill.
Example Sentences
Also for sale is the Golden Lantern, a French Quarter bar known as “the home of Southern Decadence,” an annual festival put on by the gay and lesbian community.
As a member of the New Orleans Resilience Corps pilot program, former French Quarter bar manager Dazmine “Daz” Allen spends his days handing out COVID-safety flyers and personal protective equipment to residents and Hurricane Laura evacuees sheltering in the city.
They included a gathering at a French Quarter bar where Mijalis lumbered to the piano and sang “I Did It My Way.”
Anyone who’s been to New Orleans knows the Hurricane cocktail, but in-the-know imbibers seek out the city’s must-drink cult classic, the Frozen Coffee made in a soft-serve machine at French Quarter bar Erin Rose.
The Penn Quarter bar is revamping its menu for the day in honor of the two teams: Carolina fans can order Southern-style deviled eggs and chicken bog croquettes, while Broncos fans get Fat Tire beer cheese soup and rocky mountain oysters with "cowboy caviar."