William Johnson
- Research Agricultural Economist
- william.johnson3@usda.gov
- Google Scholar Profile
Will is a Research Agricultural Economist in the International Trade and Development (ITD) Branch of the Market and Trade Economics (MTED) Division. Will works on issues related to trade policy.
Will joined the Economic Research Service (ERS) as a Research Agricultural Economist in 2021. Before joining ERS, he was employed as a postdoctoral fellow in Dartmouth College’s Department of Economics, and then in Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. His research interests are in international trade, macroeconomic development, and agricultural economics.
Will holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Boston University, a M.A. in Political Economy from Boston University, and a B.A. in Mathematics and Economics from Vanderbilt University.
Professional Affiliations
Will is a member of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA), the American Economic Association (AEA), and the Econometric Society (ES).