Oilseed, oilmeal, and fats and oils supply and use statistics. Includes oilseed acreage, yield, and production estimates and farm and wholesale price series. Prior years are available at the Mann Library.
Note: Beginning February 29, 2024, comma-separated values (.csv) files will be provided along with the spreadsheet file for each of the Oil Crop Yearbook Tables to improve accessibility and usability—particularly for ease of analysis using various software packages. The .csv files contain all data points in the Oil Crop Yearbook Tables, with one data point per row. To download the .csv version, click on the far right icon on each Oil Crop Yearbook Table.
Note: On August 23, 2024 the OilCropsAllTables.csv file on the web page was republished to correct for missing rows. No other data files were republished and all the data were available in the All tables--Oil Crops Yearbook (complete data set in compressed .zip file).