Nov 27, 2020
5 minutes
—by Nico Bougas
“This pandemic has disrupted our lives, our work, our play, our sports, our travel, and our fun. It has disrupted our gatherings. It has turned what was normal and made it abnormal. In fact, it’s made it, in some sectors, very dangerous. But this is a grand opportunity to return to the God who allowed the shaking to occur. The opportunity is for us to stop putting our hope in created things and instead to trust in God as citizens of His kingdom, which cannot be disrupted or shaken.” – Dr Tony Evans
Way back in the last millennium when I was still a teenager there was a popular song made famous by Jerry Lee Lewis, “There’s been a whole lotta shakin goin’ on.”This is certainly true of today’s world. One major difference between the current global calamity and previous pandemics has been the influence of the media. We are being bombarded 24/7 with warnings, statistics, and dire predictions. Whilst some of this information has been useful and helpful, it has also been the
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