Letters to Wendy
Write to us: Letters, Amateur Gardening magazine, Pinehurst 2, Pinehurst Road, Farnborough Business Park, Farnborough, Hants GU14 7BF (please include your address). Email us: amateurgardening@futurenet.com
What’s not to like?
IT was really nice to read Val Bourne’s defence of ivy (‘The ivy league’ in AG, 21 November). The gardeners I know who prefer a manicured look are constantly warning me of the horrible fate that will befall my trees and walls once ivy gets hold of them. But like Val, I have kept it under control and I really like the way it can cover a multitude of horticultural sins and also help out wildlife. Plus, it stays green all year when everything else has lost its colour, and there are different varieties with plain
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