the letterbox
Hi, Everybuggy!
Your magazine is awesome! My older sister started getting these magazines in 2012, and whenever she got them I thought they were the most boring things in the world. It wasn’t until around 2017 when I tried a couple and found out I loved them! I store them in a large box in my room and go through them and read the awesome stories. I got my own subscription for Christmas and I’m entering the “Behind the Lens” photography contest (March 2021).
I’m a serious Harry Potter fan. I couldn’t help notice that Ladybug reminds me of Hermione Granger, only worse (no offense or anything). Ladybug, maybe you should see an anger-management counselor.
Muffin, I love horses, too (especially palominos and buckskins). My favorite movies are Back to the Future, Midway, and Napoleon Dynamite. They’re amazing.
Keep up the good work, everybuggy!
John, age 14
Hi, Cricket!
I just read in the paper the obituary of your founder, Marianne Carus. She sounded like a pretty awesome lady, and I’m so glad she succeeded in her idea. I love and I think it’s an amazing magazine. Don’t change!
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