The popularity of 1970s house renovations is on the rise — and it isn’t hard to see why. Houses built during this era have so much going for them that many styles of period homes haven’t — plus they tend to be easier to get hold of. Around this time, carpeted bathrooms, sludge-coloured bathroom suites, concrete roof tiles and cheap uPVC windows were all the rage, but look past these and there are some brilliant aspect to these homes.
As traditional-style homes go, a quick scout around at some of the estate houses built during the 1970s might not immediately stimulate your design senses, but now is the time to put your creative hat on — there is often much more to these than first meets the eye. Although not all houses built during this decade will be exactly the same, it is safe to say that there are many features and building techniques that were popular during this time — some more desirable than others.
In this guide, we take a look