Three ‘impact objectives’ have guided you in your career. Please describe them.
I crafted these objectives over the years as I thought about the impact I wanted to have in my career and the principles that meant the most to me. The first objective is to support the development of leaders, particularly racialized leaders. I myself have been the beneficiary of lots of people supporting my growth and development and identifying me for interesting opportunities. There have been people in my life who have helped remove barriers for me and, importantly, have helped give me the tools to remove barriers for others. This commitment has come to me through all of those experiences.
The second impact objective is around re-imagining the conception of who and what a leader is. At one point, I worked for an organization that did a really great job of working across sectors to provide advancement opportunities in the Greater Toronto Area. Early in its existence, their definition of ‘leader’ was very much tied to institutional positions. If you were a CEO or an Executive Director, you were viewed as a leader.
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