ASK any decent, non-traitorous Brit what their favourite day of the year that isn’t St George’s Day is, and the response will always be the same: Bonfire Night.
Every November 5th is a patriotic carnival of high-flying pyrotechnics, glittering sparklers, scrumptious baked potatoes and cheeky human effigies roasting on green and pleasant bonfires. What’s not to love?
Sadly, EVERYTHING, according to the joyless, left-leaning celebs who are hell bent on taking over our country.
Year in, year out, members of the showbiz Wokerati descend moblike from their ivory towers to launch pearl-clutching attacks on every aspect of our Great British Bonfire Night traditions. Whether it’s ‘elfn-safety’ pen-pushers insisting we wear protective goggles to launch our rockets, PC red-tape merchants whining about the fireworks frightening hamsters, or nanny-state namby-pambies complaining about the toffee apples being ‘too sugary’, you literally couldn’t make it up! Although, to be fair, we may have done, as we haven’t checked if anyone has ever actually complained about those things.
Regardless, it’s crystal clear that the Loony Left killjoys are intent on sucking all the fun out of Guy Fawkes Night. But it begs the question…
Just how closely do these sanctimonious snowflakes obey their OWN ultra-woke Fireworks Codes come November 5th?
We sent top investigative reporter MAHATMA MACAROON out and about this Bonfire Night, going deep undercover at the fireworks parties of the liberal elite.