Today, female sexuality is a streamlined and streamable commodity: and the consensus is that men are enjoying our pleasure more than we do.
According to a National Institutes of Health survey from last year, 86% of men orgasm when having sex with women, while a mere 62% of women reported an orgasm when having sex with men. There is a double standard at play: where a man's climax is expected and natural, a woman's is considered work. If men get to finish and we put in the work, what do we get in return? Why do we still have sex? Have our desires changed?
Perhaps women have simply learned to transcend the orgasm – to outgrow the need because, like the good girls we are, we're looking for greater things beyond the big O – like safety, belonging and, God forbid, the ‘L’ word.
To understand what the modern girl gets from sex, I asked my friends in LA how they're finding new ways to derive pleasure from sex.
CRYSTAL in Los Feliz is recently retired from the streets of Los Angeles, as she had done the impossible and found love at El Prado. And, truth be told, she had never heard of the orgasm gap until she heard the word ‘commitment’.
Crystal: I never used to think it was as prominent because I was hooking up with people, and the whole goal is to make