Ecology and Evolution of Dung Beetles
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Ecology and Evolution of Dung Beetles - Leigh W. Simmons
Title Page
Contributing authors
Chapter 1: Reproductive competition and its impact on the evolution and ecology of dung beetles
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Competition for Mates and the Evolution of Morphological Diversity
1.3 Competition for Resources and the Evolution of Breeding Strategies
1.4 Ecological Consequences of Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition
1.5 Conservation
1.6 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2: The evolutionary history and diversification of dung beetles
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Scarabaeinae Diversity and Tribal Classification Issues
2.3 Scarabaeine Dung Beetle Phylogenies
2.4 The Sister Clade to the Scarabaeinae
2.5 The Origin of the Dung Beetles
2.6 The Oldest Lineages and Their Geographical Origin
2.7 Evolution of Activity Period
2.8 Evolution of Feeding Habits
2.9 Evolution of Derived Alternative Lifestyles
2.10 Evolution of Nidification: dung Manipulation Strategies
2.11 Evolution of Nidification: Nesting Behaviour and Subsocial Care
2.12 Conclusions
2.13 Future Work/Gaps in Knowledge
Chapter 3: Male contest competition and the evolution of weapons
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Dung Beetle Horns as Weapons
3.3 Functional Morphology of Horns
3.4 Horns as Predictors of Victory
3.5 Are Beetle Horns Simply Tools?
3.6 The Evolution of horns: Rollers vs. Tunnellers
3.7 The Evolution of horns: Population Density
3.8 The Evolution of Horns: Sex Ratio
3.9 Future Work
Chapter 4: Sexual selection after mating: the evolutionary consequences of sperm competition and cryptic female choice in onthophagines
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Sperm Competition Theory
4.3 Evolution of Ejaculate Expenditure in the Genus Onthophagus
4.4 Evolutionary Consequences of Variation in Ejaculate Expenditure
4.5 Theoretical Models of Female Choice
4.6 Quantitative Genetics of Ejaculate Traits
4.7 Empirical Evidence for Adaptive Cryptic Female Choice in Onthophagus Taurus
4.8 Conclusions and Future Directions
4.9 Dedication and Acknowledgement
Chapter 5: Olfactory ecology
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Orientation to Dung and Other Resources
5.3 Olfactory Cues Used in Mate Attraction and Mate Recognition
5.4 Chemical Composition of Kheper Pheromones
5.5 Kairomones
5.6 Defensive Secretions
5.7 Conclusions and Future Directions
Chapter 6: Explaining phenotypic diversity: the conditional strategy and threshold trait expression
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Environmental Threshold Model
6.3 Applying the Threshold Model
6.4 Future Directions
Chapter 7: Evolution and development: Onthophagus beetles and the evolutionary development genetics of innovation, allometry and plasticity
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Evo-Devo and Eco-Devo – a Brief Introduction
7.3 Onthophagus beetles as an emerging model system in evo-devo and eco-devo
7.4 The Origin and Diversification of Novel Traits
7.5 The Regulation and Evolution of Scaling
7.6 The Development, Evolution, and Consequences of Phenotypic Plasticity
7.7 Conclusion
Chapter 8: The evolution of parental care in the onthophagine dung beetles
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Parental Care Theory
8.3 Testing Parental Care Theory Using Onthophagine Dung Beetles
8.4 Conclusions and Future Directions
Chapter 9: The visual ecology of dung beetles
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Insect Eye Structure
9.3 Eye Limitations
9.4 Dung Beetle Vision
9.5 Visual Ecology of Flight Activity
9.6 Sexual Selection and Eyes
9.7 Ball-Rolling
9.8 Conclusions
Chapter 10: The ecological implications of physiological diversity in dung beetles
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Thermoregulation
10.3 Thermal Tolerance
10.4 Water Balance
10.5 Gas Exchange and Metabolic Rate
10.6 Conclusion and Prospectus
Chapter 11: Dung beetle populations: structure and consequences
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Study Systems
11.3 Range Size
11.4 Habitat and Resource Selection
11.5 Dung Beetle Movement
11.6 The Genetic Structure of Dung Beetle Populations
11.7 Consequences: Spatial Population Structures and Responses to Habitat Loss
11.8 Perspectives
Chapter 12: Biological control: ecosystem functions provided by dung beetles
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Functions of Dung Beetles in Ecosystems
12.3 Dung Beetles in Pasture Habitats
12.4 Seasonal Occurrence and Abundance of Native Dung Beetles in Australia
12.5 Distribution and Seasonal Occurrence of Introduced Dung Beetles in Australia
12.6 Long-Term Studies of Establishment and Abundance
12.7 Competitive Exclusion
12.8 Optimizing the Benefits of Biological Control
Chapter 13: Dung beetles as a candidate study taxon in applied biodiversity conservation research
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Satisfying Data Needs to Inform Conservation Practice
13.3 The Role of Dung Beetles in Applied Biodiversity Research in Human-Modified Landscapes
13.4 Dung Beetle Conservation
13.5 Some Ways Forward
Subject index
Taxonomic index
Title PageThis edition first published 2011, © 2011 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Ecology and evolution of dung beetles / edited by Leigh W. Simmons & T. James Ridsdill-Smith.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-4443-3315-2 (hardback)
1. Dung beetles–Ecology. 2. Dung beetles–Evolution. I. Simmons, Leigh W., 1960- II. Ridsdill-Smith, J., 1942-
QL596.S3E26 2011
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
This book is published in the following electronic formats: eBook 9781444341973;
Wiley Online Library 9781444342000; ePub 9781444341980; MobiPocket 9781444341997
Scarabaeine dung beetles feed on the dung of herbivores as adults, and bury dung masses as provisions for their offspring. The subfamily contains about 6,000 species and is found in all continents except Antarctica. Beetles of different species are attracted to the same pad of fresh dung, but they occupy many different niches, thus reducing competition. Activity of the beetles is clearly visible to the casual observer and it fascinated the early Egyptians and Greeks, who considered the rolling of dung balls as representing the sun being rolled across the sky.
In the 19th century, J.H. Fabre described cooperation between male and female beetles in the formation of brood balls, the female role in oviposition and, in some cases, brood care, while Charles Darwin used the horns of adult male beetles to illustrate his theory of sexual selection. The biology and taxonomy of many species continued to be described through the 20th century, and books have been published summarising dung beetle natural history by Halffter & Matthews (1966), reproductive biology by Halffter & Edmonds (1982), ecology by Hanski & Cambefort (1991) and, most recently, a general overview of their evolutionary biology and conservation by Scholtz, Davis & Kryger (2009).
Our thesis in this book is that the wealth of information now available on dung beetles elevates them to the status of ‘model system’. Dung beetles have proved remarkably useful for broad-scale ecological studies that address fundamental issues in community and population ecology and its extension to conservation biology. At the same time, they are providing valuable laboratory tools to explore fundamental questions in evolutionary biology; Darwin's theories of sexual selection have been validated through work on dung beetles and they are contributing to our understanding of the evolution of parental care. Moreover, their utility for studies of phenotypic plasticity is contributing to emerging research fields of evolutionary developmental biology (‘evo-devo’) and ecological developmental biology (‘eco-devo’).
The development of genomic tools for dung beetles will no doubt invigorate future research on this important taxon. Thus, our aim with this book is to provide detailed and focused reviews of the important contributions dung beetles continue to provide in evolutionary and ecological research.
Leigh W. Simmons and T. James Ridsdill-Smith
December 2010, Perth, Western Australia
We would like to thank our co-authors and the following individuals for reviewing chapters of the manuscript:
John Alcock, Andy Austin, Bruno Buzatto, Paul Cooper, Saul Cunningham, Vincent Debat, Raphael Didham, Mark Elgar, Doug Emlen, Federico Escobar, John Evans, Francisco García-Gonzáles, Mark Harvey, Richard Hobbs, Peter Holter, Geoff Parker, Alexander Shingleton, Per Smiseth, Steve Trumbo, Melissa Thomas, Craig White, Phil Whithers, and Jochem Zeal. We are indebted to Ward Cooper of Wiley-Blackwell for his enthusiasm for the project.
Contributing Authors
Barend (Ben) V Burger
Laboratory for Ecological Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa
Marcus Byrne
School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa.
Steven L. Chown
Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa.
Marie Dacke
Vision Group, Zoology, Sölvegatan 35, 223 62 Lund, Sweden.
Penny B. Edwards
PO Box 865, Maleny, Queensland 4552, Australia.
Toby A. Gardner
Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ, UK.
Wade Hazel
Department of Biology, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135, USA.
Clarissa House
Centre for Ecology and Conservation, School of Biosciences, The University of Exeter, Tremough Campus, Penryn, TR10 9EZ, Cornwall, UK.
John Hunt
Centre for Ecology and Conservation, School of Biosciences, The University of Exeter, Tremough Campus, Penryn, TR10 9EZ, Cornwall, UK.
C. Jaco Klok
School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, PO Box 874601, Tempe, AZ 85287-4601, USA.
Robert Knell
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK.
Armin Moczek
Department of Biology, Indiana University, 915 E. Third Street, Myers Hall 150, Bloomington, IN 47405-7107, USA.
Elizabeth S. Nichols
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, Invertebrate Conservation Program, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York, NY 10024-5193, USA.
T. Keith Philips
Systematics and Evolution Laboratory, Department of Biology, Western Kentucky University, 1906 College Heights Blvd., Bowling Green, KY 42101-3576, USA.
T. James Ridsdill-Smith
School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley 6009, Crawley, Western Australia.
Tomas Roslin
Department of Agricultural Sciences, PO Box 27, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland.
Leigh W. Simmons
Centre for Evolutionary Biology, School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley, 6009, Crawley, Western Australia.
Joseph L. Tomkins
Centre for Evolutionary Biology, School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley, 6009, Crawley, Western Australia.
Geoffery D. Tribe
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X5017, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa.
Heidi Viljanen
Metapopulation Research Group, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, PO Box 65, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland.
Chapter 1
Reproductive Competition and Its Impact on the Evolution and Ecology of Dung Beetles
Leigh W. Simmons¹,² and T. James Ridsdill-Smith²
¹Centre for Evolutionary Biology, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia
²School of Animal Biology, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia
1.1 Introduction
Beetles make up one quarter of all described animal species, with over 300,000 named species of Coleoptera, making them the most speciose taxon on planet earth (Hunt et al., 2007). One of the larger groups is the Scarabaeoidea, with approximately 35,000 known species including the stag beetles, the scarabs and the dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) (Hunt et al., 2007). Currently there are 6,000 known species and 257+ genera of dung beetles distributed across every continent on earth with the sole exception of Antarctica (Chapter 2). What better taxon could there be for the study of biodiversity, and the evolutionary and ecological processes that generate that biodiversity? Given their abundance and species richness, it is little wonder that dung beetles have attracted significant attention both from early naturalists and contemporary scientists. As we shall see throughout this volume, the unique biology of dung beetles makes them outstanding empirical models with which to explore general concepts in ecology and evolution.
The extreme diversity of beetles generally appears due to the early origin, during the Jurassic period (approx. 206–144 million years ago) of numerous lineages that have survived and diversified into a wide range of niches (Hunt et al., 2007). In Chapter 2 Keith Phillips reviews our current understanding of the phylogenetic history of the dung beetles, which seem to have appeared during the Mesozoic era (around 145 million years ago), in the region of Gondwana that would later become Southern Africa.
The majority of extant species of dung beetles feed predominantly on the dung of herbivorous or omnivorous mammals. There was probably a single origin of specialist dung-feeding (coprophagy) from detritus- (saprophagy) or fungus- (fungivory) feeding ancestors, and the dung beetles are likely to have then co-radiated with the diversifying mammalian fauna (Cambefort, 1991b; Davis et al., 2002b). However, throughout the dung beetle phylogeny there are numerous evolutionary transitions to alternative feeding modes, ranging from fungivory to predation (see Chapter 2), reflecting the divergence into new niches that characterizes the evolutionary radiation of beetles generally (Hunt et al., 2007).
In this volume, we highlight the extraordinary evolutionary lability of dung beetles, arguing that much of their radiation is driven by reproductive competition. In their work on dung beetle ecology, Hanski & Cambefort (1991) argued that competition for resources was a major driver of the population and community dynamics of dung beetles. However, they noted the paucity of empirical studies available at that time which had actually examined reproductive competition.
Much progress has since been made. The chapters in this volume examine how reproductive competition affects organism fitness at the individual, species, population and community levels, and thereby illustrates the consequences of reproductive competition for evolutionary divergence and speciation. In this first chapter, we provide an overview of the evolution and ecology of dung beetles and introduce the detailed treatments of our co-authors that constitute the majority of the volume. While the often unique behaviour and morphology of dung beetles make them interesting taxa in their own right, the chapters highlight how dung beetles have proved to be model organisms for testing general theory, and how they have, and will, continue to contribute to our general understanding of evolutionary and ecological processes.
1.2 Competition for Mates and the Evolution of Morphological Diversity
A striking morphological feature of the Scarabaeoidea is the presence in males of exaggerated secondary sexual traits. Among the 6,000 known species of dung beetles, the males of many species possess horns (Emlen et al., 2007). Darwin (1871) was the first to note the extraordinary evolutionary radiation in dung beetle horns and the general patterns of sexual dimorphism. If horns are present in females at all, they are generally – though not always – rudimentary structures compared with those possessed by the males of the species (Figure 1.1). Darwin (1871) argued that contest competition between males and female choice of males bearing attractive secondary sexual traits are general mechanisms by which sexual selection drives the evolutionary divergence of male secondary sexual traits. There is now considerable theoretical and empirical evidence to support his view that sexual selection can drive rapid evolutionary divergence among populations of animals (Lande, 1981; West-Eberhard, 1983; Andersson, 1994).
Figure 1.1 Darwin (1871) argued that sexual selection was responsible for the evolutionary diversification of secondary sexual traits such as dung beetle horns, and he used these species of beetles to illustrate the sexual dimorphism that might be expected from selection by female choice. We now know that sexual selection via contest competition can favour the evolution of horns in males and females of tunnelling species, while female choice has not yet been shown to be important for horn evolution.
Emlen et al.'s studies (2005a, 2005b; 2007) of the genus Onthophagus have taught us much about the evolutionary diversification of horns in what is one of the most species-rich genera of life on Earth (there are already more than 2,000 species of described onthophagines). Based on a phylogeny of just 48 species – a mere 2 per cent of this genus – Emlen et al. (2005b) identified over 25 evolutionary changes in the physical location of horns on adult male beetles (Figure 1.2a). Moreover, from the reconstructed ancestral head horn shape (a single triangular horn arising from the centre of the vortex), there have been at least seven variant forms, several of which have themselves radiated into additional forms (Figure 1.2b).
Figure 1.2 Four trajectories of beetle horn evolution. (a) Species differ in the location of horns; side-views of nine species of Onthophagus (Scarabaeinae) shown. (b) Species differ in horn shape. Head horns shown for ten Onthophagus species; arrows indicate relative frequencies of changes as reconstructed from a phylogeny (from Emlen et al., 2005b). (c) Species differ in horn allometry, the slopes, intercepts, and even the shapes of the scaling relationships between horn length and body size. Data for thoracic horns of seven Onthophagus species shown. (d) Species differ in the presence and nature of dimorphism in horn expression (males=closed circles; females=open circles). Top to bottom: sexual dimorphism (O. pentacanthus); male dimorphism and sexual dimorphism (O. nigriventris); reversed male & sexual dimorphism (O. sloanei); male dimorphism and sexual dimorphism (Enema pan (Dynastinae); unpublished data, JM Rowland). From Emlen et al. (2007); reprinted by permission of Macmillan Publishers Ltd, copyright 2007
Darwin (1871) noted that while dung beetle horns often exhibited sexual dimorphism, there was considerable within-species variation in this pattern. Indeed, in their study of 31 species of Onthophagus, Emlen et al. (2005a) identified at least 7 gains and 13 losses of sexual dimorphism. In one species, O. sagittarius, the horns of males are qualitatively different from the horns of females; males possess a pair of short horns at the sides of the frons and an enlarged thoracic ridge, while females possess a single long horn in the centre of the frons and a second single long horn in the centre of the thorax (Emlen et al., 2005a). Thus, horn morphology in dung beetles appears to exhibit extraordinary evolutionary lability in the size, shape and number of horns, and in the degree and nature of sexual dimorphism (see Figure 1.2 and Chapter 3, Figure 3.1).
Early researchers rejected Darwin's (1871) argument that sexual selection was responsible for the evolutionary radiation of beetle horns, and the idea of sexual selection generally, arguing that beetle horns were more likely to function as protective structures against predators (Wallace, 1891) or to arise as a correlated response to evolutionary increases in body size (Arrow, 1951). However, there is now considerable evidence that dung beetle horns are subject to sexual selection through their use in contest competition.
In Chapter 3, Robert Knell provides an overview of the functional significance of dung beetle horns. Among the dung beetles, there appears to be a close evolutionary association between tunnelling behaviour and the possession of horns. As we shall see, dung beetles can be broadly classified into tunnellers that nest in the soil below the dung, and rollers that construct balls of dung which they roll away from the dung pad for burial elsewhere (Section 1.3 and Chapter 2). The available phylogeny suggests that tunnelling was the ancestral behaviour pattern, and that there have been numerous evolutionary transitions to rolling behaviour (Chapter 2). Horns function primarily in blocking access to the confined spaces within tunnels, allowing males to monopolize access to breeding females (Chapter 3). In contrast, for rollers operating in an open above-ground environment, horns would be unlikely to contribute to a male's ability to monopolize access to females and/or breeding resources (Emlen & Philips, 2006).
Based on a phylogeny of 46 species from 45 genera, Emlen and Phillips (2006) showed how all of eight evolutionary origins of horns were on lineages of tunnellers, while not a single lineage of rollers included an evolutionary gain of horns (see Figure 3.4).
The monopolizability of mates and/or breeding resources is thought to be a major factor moderating the strength of sexual selection (Emlen & Oring, 1977). In Chapter 3, Knell shows how the density of breeding beetles impacts the evolution of horns even within tunnelling species. Tunnelling dung beetles that live in highly crowded environments, where their ability to control access to breeding resources is limited, are significantly less likely to have evolved horns than species from less crowded environments, where the monopolizability of mates and resources is easier (Pomfret & Knell, 2008).
Importantly, there are now several within-species studies from a number of genera which confirm that horn size is a strong predictor of the outcome of disputes between competing males (see Chapter 3). Moreover, the form of sexual selection, estimated from the slope of male reproductive success on horn length, has been shown to be directional for increasing horn length within experimental populations of O. taurus (Hunt & Simmons, 2001) (see Figure 6.1b). Interestingly, directional positive linear selection has also recently been documented for horn length in female O. sagittarius. In this species, females compete for dung with which to build brood masses, and differences in horn length predict the amount of dung females can monopolize and, therefore, the number of offspring they are able to produce (Watson & Simmons, 2010b). This study represents the first demonstration of selection acting on female secondary sexual traits for any species, and it suggests that sexual selection is likely to be important in the many evolutionary origins of female horns in dung beetles (Emlen et al., 2005a).
Darwin (1871) noted that horn morphology could be just as variable within species as it was among species. Thus, in discussing onthophagines, he noted that, ‘in almost all cases, the horns are remarkable from their excessive variability; so that a graduated series can be formed, from the most highly developed males to others so degenerate that they can barely be distinguished from the females.’ (Figure 1.3). This extreme morphological variability is now known to be associated with alternative mate-securing tactics, in which minor males remain hornless and sneak matings with females guarded by horned males. The tactic adopted depends critically on the amount of dung provided by a male's parents when they provisioned his brood mass. Thus, brood size influences adult body size, and males exceeding a threshold body size develop horns and adopt the fighting and mate-guarding tactic (see Figs. 1.2d and 7.3).
Figure 1.3 Darwin (1871) noted the extreme variability in horn development within species of dung beetles, as illustrated by these images of Proagoderus (Onthophagus) lanistra, which show both sexual dimorphism and male dimorphism. Females (left) do not develop horns. Large males (majors) develop exaggerated horns, while small males (minors) remain hornless, resembling females. These alternative phenotypes are associated with different mating tactics whereby major males fight for females and assist with brood production, while minor males sneak copulations when major males are collecting dung or fighting with other major males for the possession of females. From Emlen et al. (2007). Copyright (2007) National Academy of Sciences, USA
In Chapter 6, Joseph Tomkins and Wade Hazel provide an overview of the general theoretical issues surrounding the evolution of such phenotypic plasticity and show how dung beetles have contributed significantly to our understanding of this area of developmental biology. They demonstrate how an interaction between environmental cues and genetic variation can influence the expression of alternative male phenotypes in onthophagine dung beetles, and specifically the position of the body size threshold at which males switch between alternative phenotypes, thereby generating variation within and among populations in the proportion of males that adopt the horned fighting tactic.
In Chapter 7, Armin Moczek penetrates this subject to the genetic level, using the latest genomic techniques to identify the genes responsible for horn development and to reveal the signalling pathways responsible for switching the developmental trajectories that lead to the horned and hornless phenotypes. These studies of Onthophagus are providing us with detailed insights into the developmental mechanisms that underpin morphological diversity in dung beetles, while at the same time contributing to the emergence of the cross-disciplinary research fields of evolutionary developmental biology and ecological developmental biology (Chapter 7).
Moczek shows us that beneath the apparently extreme evolutionary lability in phenotypic diversity among onthophagine dung beetles lies a rather small and conserved set of regulatory pathways. These pathways can readily account for the multiple evolutionary gains and losses of horns within and between the sexes, and for the phenotypic plasticity and nutrient sensitive growth that collectively generate the extraordinary phenotypic diversity which characterizes the genus Onthophagus (Figure 1.2).
The adoption of sneak mating behaviour by a subset of the male population generates a sexual selection pressure that was not appreciated by Darwin – that of sperm competition (Parker, 1970; Simmons, 2001). Whenever a female mates with two or more males, the sperm from those males will compete to fertilize the few eggs that she produces during her lifetime.
Sexual selection is predicted to favour any morphology, physiology or behaviour that enhances a male's success in competitive fertilization. In Chapter 4, Leigh Simmons reviews sperm competition theory and shows how dung beetles in the genus Onthophagus have been important in its empirical evaluation. Within the onthophagines, the considerable among-species variation in the proportion of males adopting the sneaking tactic generates variation in the strength of sexual selection arising from sperm competition and provides an opportunity to test the theoretical expectation that sperm competition should influence the evolution of male investment in sperm production. Thus, across a phylogeny of 18 species of Onthophagus, evolutionary increases in the proportion of males adopting the sneaking tactic were found to be positively associated with evolutionary increases in male investment into their testes (Chapter 4). Moreover, within species, by virtue of their mating tactic, sneaks are always subject to sperm competition and tend to invest more in testes growth than do horned fighters (Simmons et al., 2007).
Interestingly, these studies have revealed important nutrient allocation trade-offs between traits involved in competition for mating opportunities (horns) and competition for fertilizations (testes). Both within and among species, males that invest more in their testes tend to invest less in horn expression (Chapter 4).
Nutrient allocation trade-offs are likely to contribute greatly to the evolutionary diversification of dung beetle horns. Morphological traits that develop in close proximity will compete for the same pool of resources, thereby constraining each other's patterns of growth (Emlen, 2001). The strength of selection acting on one trait is then expected to shape the allocation of resources to the other.
For example, thoracic horns develop in closer proximity to testes than do head horns, and Simmons & Emlen (2006) found that novel gains of thoracic horns were far less likely in lineages in which there were alternative sneak tactics (and thus intense sperm competition) than in lineages without sneak tactics. Thus, pre- and post-copulatory processes of sexual selection can interact in determining the evolutionary diversification of male morphology.
In a similar manner, during development, horns at the rear of the head compete for resources with eyes, while those at the front of the head compete for resources with antennae, and thoracic horns compete for resources with wings (Emlen, 2001). In Chapter 9, Marcus Byrne and Marie Dacke provide an extensive survey of the visual ecology of dung beetles, illustrating the considerable evolutionary diversification in dung beetle eye morphology and visual acuity. They point out how nutrient allocation trade-offs between horns and eyes may dictate the evolutionary response to sexual selection. Indeed, across a phylogeny of 48 species of Onthophagus, Emlen et al. (2005b) found losses of horns located at the rear of the head, where horn development results in reduced eye size, were concentrated on lineages that have switched from diurnal to nocturnal flight behaviour, where greater visual acuity would be required.
As noted in Chapter 5, the detection of olfactory cues is also critical for locating ephemeral resources. Gains in horns at the front of the head tend to be associated with forest-dwelling lineages, where odour plumes from dung are perhaps more likely to persist and trade-offs with antennae are therefore less costly compared to open pastures (Emlen et al., 2005b). Much more work is required in this area, but the data clearly suggest that ecology plays an important role in modulating the evolutionary responses in male weaponry to sexual selection.
Ironically, in the absence of firm evidence for competition among males, Darwin (1871) thought that sexual selection through female choice was likely to be the more powerful selective force in the evolution of beetle horns. It is becoming clear, however, that while female dung beetles do exercise mate choice, they do not appear to use male horns as cues to mate quality. Thus, studies of several species of Onthophagus suggest that females choose among males based on their overall genetic and phenotypic condition, not on the length of their horns (Kotiaho et al., 2001; Kotiaho, 2002; Watson & Simmons, 2010a; Simmons & Kotiaho, 2007a). As Simmons shows in Chapter 4, females rely on pre-copulatory (courtship) and post-copulatory (sperm competitiveness) performance as predictors of male genetic quality, and in so doing they are able to produce offspring that are more likely to reach reproductive maturity.
However, female choice in dung beetles remains poorly explored. In Chapter 5, Geoff Tribe and Ben Burger review what is available on the olfactory ecology of dung beetles, and in so doing they reveal a rich area for future research. They show how pheromone signalling is a key component of the breeding biology of ball-rolling species. While much is known of the chemical composition of the sex attraction pheromone in the genus Kheper, little is known of other species. We know nothing of within-species variability in pheromone composition or signalling effort.
Pheromone signalling has been shown to be subject to intense sexual selection in other insect groups (Wyatt, 2003; Johansson & Jones, 2007), so it is highly likely to be an important aspect of reproductive competition in dung beetles as well, at least among ball-rollers, where males often attract a female to a location somewhat removed from the dung source (Chapter 5). Almost nothing is known of semiochemicals in tunnelling species, but the occurrence of sexually dimorphic chemical-producing glands on the cuticle suggest that here, too, chemical signals are likely to play an important role in species mate recognition and mate choice.
1.3 Competition for Resources and the Evolution of Breeding Strategies
The breeding behaviour of dung beetles is perhaps the most conspicuous aspect of their biology. The early Egyptians observed dung beetles emerging from the soil in spring, which they believed represented reincarnation, and when beetles made and rolled perfect spheres of dung it represented to them their god Kheper, rolling the sun across the sky (Ridsdill-Smith & Simmons, 2009). They revered the beetles as symbolizing rebirth; scarab amulets are found on paintings and in tombs to simulate reincarnation and they were used by the living to bring good luck. Also, identifiable beetles are often found preserved in tombs.
The breeding biology of several dung beetle species was described in exquisite detail in the works of the early French naturalist, J. H. Fabre. Fabre (1918) studied representatives from most of the major genera, including Scarabaeus, Gymnopleurus, Copris, Onthophagus, Oniticellus, Onitis, Geotrupes and Sisyphus. Not only did he describe the major nest-building behaviours and the patterns of parental care, but he also made the first detailed observations on the developmental biology of many of the species he studied.
For example, in his studies of the ontology of O. taurus, Fabre discussed extensively the pupal horns and their loss prior to adulthood. He was at a loss to explain the functional significance of these structures, asking, ‘What is the meaning of those horny preparations, which are always blighted before they come to anything? With no great shame I confess that I have not the slightest idea.’ As Moczek describes in Chapter 7, we now know that pupal horns probably function in releasing the head capsule during the pupal moult; they are not always lost, being the precursors of thoracic horns in the adults of some species.
Fabre's important observations were followed by the formal classification system of Halffter and his colleagues (Halffter & Mathews, 1966; Halffter & Edmonds, 1982). The nesting behaviour of dung beetles can be broadly classified into telecoprid (the rollers), paracoprid (the tunnellers), and endocoprid (the dwellers). These can be further classified on the complexities of brood mass and/or nest construction and the extent of parental care (Chapter 2 and Figure 1.4):
Paracoprids dig tunnels in the soil beneath the dropping and carry fragments of dung to the blind ends of those tunnels, where they are packed into brood masses. A single egg is laid in an egg chamber and the brood mass sealed with dung (Halffter & Edmonds, 1982).
The males of telecoprids fashion a ball of dung before emitting a pheromone signal to attract a female, either at the dropping or after rolling the ball away from the dropping and burying it in a chamber below ground (Chapter 5 and Figure 1.4). The female enters the chamber to fashion a brood ball with the supplied dung, and in some species she will remain with the brood until the adult offspring emerge (Halffter and Edmonds, 1982).
Endocoprids fashion brood balls within the dropping (Figure 1.4).
As noted above, current evidence suggests that tunnelling is the ancestral nesting behaviour of dung beetles and that there have been several evolutionary gains of telecoprid behaviour (Chapter 2). There have also been several evolutionary gains of brood parasitism or kleptoparasitism, in which females deposit their eggs into the broods provisioned by telecoprid or paracoprid species (Hanski & Cambefort, 1991; González-Megías & Sánchez-Piñero, 2003; 2004).
Figure 1.4 Nesting behaviours of scarabaeine dung beetles can be broadly classified into three major types. In tunnelling or paracoprid species (a), beetles dig tunnels beneath the dung pad and pack fragments of dung that they bring from the surface into the blind ends of tunnels before laying a single egg into the brood chamber. A brood mass provides all the resources for the development to adulthood of a single offspring. In rolling or telecoprid species (b), beetles build a dung ball and roll it away from the pad before burying it in the soil. The dung ball can be used as food for the adults or fashioned into one or more brood balls. In dwelling or endocoprid species (c), beetles build broods within the dung pad itself. reproduced from Bornemissza, 1976
Reproductive competition for dung has undoubtedly played an important role in the evolutionary diversification of breeding behaviour. Hanski and Cambefort (1991) suggested a competitive hierarchy among dung beetle species in which rollers and fast tunnellers are competitively superior to slow tunnellers, who are competitively superior to dwellers (see Section 1.4), and it is certainly easy to imagine how telecoprid behaviour might arise in response to competition among paracoprid species that are rapidly burying dung in the soil beneath the dropping.
The African scarab Scarabaeus catenatus appears to adopt both tunnelling and rolling tactics (Sato, 1997; 1998b). When tunnelling, a pair of beetles will dig a nest within 1 m of the dropping, and will move back and forth from the dropping with small fragments of dung to provision the nest. Alternatively, the male may roll a ball of dung up to 15 metres from the dropping to establish a nest, a behaviour more typical for a telecoprid.
Sato (1998b) observed that male competition was far greater for those adopting the tunnelling tactic because of interference from other tunnellers for dung and space around the dropping. Males adopting the rolling tactic did not suffer from competition but, because they did not return to the dropping, they obtained a smaller share of dung for brood production. The average reproductive success obtained from the two tactics was equal for males, but not for females, who fared better when adopting the tunnelling tactic (Sato, 1998b). Such differences in reproductive pay-offs are predicted to generate sexual conflict between males and females over which breeding tactic to adopt (Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005).
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of dung beetle breeding biology is the often extensive level of parental care that limits their lifetime fecundity to as few as three offspring in the rolling Kheper (Edwards, 1988), and over 100 in the tunnelling Onthophagus (Hunt et al., 2002; Simmons & Emlen, 2008) (see Table 3.2 in Hanski & Camberfort, 1991). It is often the case that males and females cooperate in brood production. In both Kheper and the tunnelling Copris, males and females will cooperate in excavating a nest and supplying it with dung (Edwards & Aschenborn, 1988; Halffter et al., 1996; Sato, 1988; 1998a; Sato & Hiramatsu, 1993). Cooperation may have arisen in response to the need to sequester dung quickly in the face of intense intraspecific and interspecific competition for the limited resource.
Paternal care appears to cease after the nest is provisioned with dung. The female will use the dung provisions to build brood masses and will remain with her broods and tend them until the adult offspring emerge. Female Copris lunaris keep the brood balls upright and will repair them should they break open during the development of the larvae (Klemperer, 1982).
Olfactory communication may be important in interactions between females and their developing young. For example, in C. lunaris, females will not right or repair broods that do not contain larvae unless dichloromethane extracts from C. lunaris broods have been added (Klemperer, 1982). Moreover, female C. diversus have been shown to reallocate dung from broods within which an offspring has died to viable broods, so that the size of surviving adult offspring is increased (Tyndale-Biscoe, 1984).
Numerous experimental removal studies have shown that brood survival is dependent on maternal care. Thus, in K. nigroaeneus, maternal care increases egg-to-larva survival by 20 per cent, larva-to-pupa survival by 39 per cent and post-feeding survival by 20 per cent (Edwards and Aschenborn, 1989). Likewise, egg-to-adult survival is increased by maternal care in several species of Copris (Klemperer, 1982; Tyndale-Biscoe, 1984; Halffter et al., 1996). Female Copris spend a considerable proportion of their time tending to brood balls, compacting and smoothing their surfaces (Halffter et al., 1996). Broods that do not receive maternal care appear vulnerable to invasion by fungi Metarrhizium anisoplae and Cephalosporium sp. (Halffter et al., 1996) and also to predation by other soil invertebrates (Sato, 1997).
Maternal care is also likely to be an important guard against reproductive competition from brood parasites. Thus, the brood parasite Aphodius reduces host brood survival by as much as 68 per cent, with 12 per cent of S. puncticollis nests being parasitized (González-Megías & Sánchez-Piñero, 2003). Klemperer (1982) observed that female C. lunaris would attack and kill Aphodius larvae when they were encountered in the nest.
Dung beetles have proved to be ideal model organisms with which to test empirically the extensive theoretical models that have been developed around the evolution of parental care. In Chapter 8, John Hunt and Clarissa House review the extensive and detailed work on biparental care in Onthophagus and show how the study of this genus has contributed to our general understanding of parental care. Biparental care is common in this genus, where horned males assist females by delivering fragments of dung to the brood chamber where the female constructs the brood mass. Although females can construct broods alone, male assistance increases the number and weight of broods produced, thereby improving female and offspring reproductive fitness (Palestrini & Rolando, 2001; Hunt & Simmons, 2000; Sowig, 1996a; Lee & Peng, 1981).
Unlike Kheper and Copris, neither sex of Onthophagus provide care after oviposition is completed. Nonetheless, biparental provisioning of the brood mass has dramatic effects on offspring fitness. In Chapter 8, Hunt and House show how parental provisioning is optimized, depending on the costs and benefits of provisions to offspring and parental fitness. Behavioural interactions between male and female O. taurus during provisioning influences the relative amounts of dung that each parent provides, as well as how males adjust their investment facultatively to the risk of sperm competition from sneak males, and thus their confidence in paternity of offspring they help to provision.
Hunt and House also show how brood provisioning, rather than egg production, represents the major cost of reproduction for Onthophagus, and how male assistance can ameliorate the female's costs of reproduction. This finding is consistent with the fact that ovariole development is inhibited, and the terminal oocyte resorbed, during the period when females are provisioning and caring for their offspring (Klemperer, 1983; Sato & Imamori, 1987, Anduaga et al., 1987). In other words, females spend much more of their resources on caring for young than they do in manufacturing eggs.
The amount of maternal and paternal provisions are an important source of environmental effects that contribute to offspring fitness. Where provisioning has an underlying genetic basis, these parental effects can generate evolutionary responses to selection in traits that they affect, such as offspring body size, even when there is little or no additive genetic variance for those traits (Wolf et al., 1998). As Hunt and House point out, parental care can thereby have important, yet unappreciated, implications for the evolutionary diversification of dung beetles.
The very different environments in which dung beetles must operate will also generate different selection pressures on their morphology. Rollers are often characterized by adaptations to the hind tibia for ball construction and rolling (seen in its extreme in the hind legs of Neosisyphus), while the tunnellers have relatively short robust forelegs and specialized structures on the head for moving soil (see Figure 17.2 in Hanski & Cambefort, 1991). Moreover, as we have discussed above, both sexes of tunnellers can have horns with which to defend their tunnels, an adaptation that comes at a cost to visual acuity.
In Chapter 9, Marcus Byrne and Marie Dacke show us how the morphology of the eyes vary between tunnellers and rollers, and between diurnal and nocturnal species. Indeed, they show us how well the eyes of rollers are adapted to the need to roll balls of dung away from the source of resource competition. The dorsal rim of the eye is adapted to function as a polarizing compass that allows the beetles to follow an accurate bearing when rolling a ball away from the dropping – and, more importantly perhaps, for those flightless species, to return to their nests by the quickest straight-line path once they have secured additional pieces of dung (Chapter 9).
1.4 Ecological Consequences of Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition
Intraspecific interference competition is common in the scarabaeine dung beetles (Hanski & Cambefort, 1991). The annual peak adult activity of scarabaeine dung beetles tends to occur for short periods. For species active in summer, these periods follow rainfall events in months when temperatures are highest. As a result, large numbers of dung beetles of many species can arrive at the same fresh dung pads (Figure 1.5). Over 1,000 beetles can be caught in one dung-baited trap over 24 hours (Hanski & Cambefort, 1991; and see Tables 12.1 and 12.2 in this volume). There is not sufficient dung for all females in the pad to breed, and oviposition is affected by competition.
Figure 1.5 Dung beetles competing for dung in Mkuzi Park in Southern Africa. Main beetles are Pachylomera femoralis (large) and Allogymnopleurus thalassinus (smaller).
However, intraspecific interference competition between beetles can occur in pads long before any shortage of dung generates exploitation competition (Ridsdill-Smith, 1991). For example, a negative exponential curve described the fall in number of eggs per female per week with increasing beetle density from 2 to 100 Onthophagus binodis on one litre of cattle dung (Ridsdill-Smith et al., 1982). Dung burial, calculated from the volume of each brood mass, reached a maximum of 45 per cent with 20–30 beetles. Egg production of both Onthophagus ferox and O. binodis was greatly reduced by intraspecific competition (71 per cent and 85 per cent reduction respectively, between low and high density populations) (Ridsdill-Smith, 1993b).
In Chapter 12, James Ridsdill-Smith and Penny Edwards describe the serial introduction of exotic dung beetle species to pasture sites where there was a surplus of cattle dung. They show how in single-species populations, the large native species, O. ferox, was unable to increase its population size to utilize more than 30 per cent of the available dung, while the smaller exotic species, O. binodis, used only 50 per cent of the available dung. Over 14 years, the total number of beetles trapped increased with the number of exotic species present (Figure 12.6), and they presumably used more of the available dung. Intraspecific competition thus appears to be a more important factor limiting the growth of dung beetle populations than the supply of fresh dung.
Most of the examples of interspecific interference competition given by Hanski & Cambefort (1991) are for rollers, where it is relatively easy to