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Fresh Brewed Life: A Stirring Invitation to Wake Up Your Soul
Fresh Brewed Life: A Stirring Invitation to Wake Up Your Soul
Fresh Brewed Life: A Stirring Invitation to Wake Up Your Soul
Ebook217 pages3 hours

Fresh Brewed Life: A Stirring Invitation to Wake Up Your Soul

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About this ebook

With wit and wisdom, Nicole Johnson leads readers in a journey of awakenings—first, to God as they respond to His tender, passionate love for them; second to readers as they embrace their identities as women, their gifts, and their dreams; and finally to others as  readers learn to love and communicate in ways that bring joy and closeness.

PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateJan 7, 2001

Nicole Johnson

Nicole Johnson, author of Fresh Brewed Life, has a uniquely creative voice. As an accomplished writer, speaker, and actor, Nicole has performed in thousands of churches and venues over the last twenty-five years, including more than a decade of touring with the national conference Women of Faith. Nicole lives in Santa Monica, CA with her husband and two children. Nicole writes regularly at

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A book written to help Christians find a deeper relationship with God.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A book that you could read over & over....Plenty of inspiration in all areas, along with some humor thrown in the mix...It is a "Keeper"!

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Fresh Brewed Life - Nicole Johnson

I’m always thinking about how to make this world a better place, more joyful, a place where there’s real fulfillment and excitement about life. When we have people like Nicole mentoring women, I am more optimistic about the future. She is a model of enthusiasm; she has the great ability of taking any ‘ashes’ from her past and turning them into beauty. She can write, speak, act, and bring the ordinary experiences of life into focus, giving hope with humor and wit. Bottom line, her advice will take you to new heights of encouragement.

—Dr. Gary Smalley

Best-selling author and speaker

I really love coffee! So the minute you say ‘fresh brewed I’m ready to fill my cup. In Fresh-Brewed Life, with gentle determination Nicole Johnson helps us to really examine our hearts, our minds, our relationships—yes, even our souls. This is an invitation to a life filled with meaning and purpose. So, open these pages with expectancy, and pour yourself a rich, deep, satisfying cup of fresh-brewed life."

—Terry Meeuwsen

Cohost, The 700 Club

"There are days when a smooth French vanilla latte hits the spot: one sip and I’m ready to take on the world. And, then there are those mornings when it takes old Juan Valdez himself— and his pack mule—to drag me from my house. At last, Nicole Johnson gives us a fresh cup of brew—with all the benefits of a strong cup of coffee—only without the caffeine!"

—Chonda Pierce

Comedian and Recording Artist

Myrrh Records

I have shared many cups of coffee, longings, celebrations, and life’s lessons with this powerful writer and speaker. You will be challenged by her honesty, her humor, and her questions. Find a silent place, get comfy, and get ready to savor the aroma of truth that is released in every page.

—Esther Burroughs

Author and Speaker

Title Page with Thomas Nelson logo

©1999 by Nicole Johnson

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Thomas Nelson, Inc. titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please

Scripture quotations are from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. ©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Publishing House. All rights reserved.

An exhaustive search was done to determine whether previously published material included in this book required permission to reprint. If there has been an error, a correction will be made on subsequent editions.

Excerpts from Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban. ©1997 by Sarah Ban. By permission of Warner Books, Inc.

Excerpt from The Face of Love by Ellen Lambert. ©1995 by Ellen Lambert. Reprinted by permission of Beacon Press, Boston.

Excerpts from Why Beauty Matters, Karen Lee- and Cynthia Hicks, ©1997. Used by permission of/Piñon Press. All rights reserved.

That’s What the Lonely Is For by Dave Wilcox. ©1993 Irving Music, Inc. (BMI) & Midnight Ocean Bonfire Music (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. Warner Bros. Publications U.S. Inc., Miami, FL 33014.

Recipes are excerpted from The Coffee Book by Christie and Tom, published by Bristol Publishing ©1992. Used by permission of Bristol Publishing Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.

A Story to Live By by Ann Wells in the Los Angeles Times © 1997. Reprinted by permission.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Johnson, Nicole, 1966–

   Fresh-brewed life : a stirring invitation to wake up your soul / Nicole Johnson.

     p. cm.

ISBN 978-0-7852-6704-1 (PB)

ISBN 978-0-7852-6951-9 (HC)

   1. Christian women—Religious life. 2. Christian women—Conduct of life. I. Title.

  BV4527.J637 1999




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Special Thanks

Fresh-Brewed Life would be an unopened, vacuum-sealed bag of beans on a shelf somewhere if it were not for the amazing urging and contributions of the following people.

To Robert, literary agent and friend, for the encouragement to use my voice.

To Mike Hyatt and Thomas Nelson with gratitude for believing in that voice.

To my celebrating friends: Audrey, Angela, and Denise and other special people in my life who took time to pray, read, and reflect this book back to me. John, Betty, Ken, and Esther, thank you for drinking cups of Fresh-Brewed Life this year.

To our Advisory Board for continued wisdom and counsel, but most of all, for the bellows of encouragement to keep the fire of passion glowing.

To my trusted associate and friend, Mary Bowman, who handles more details of my life than I do. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

To my mother, for loving deeply enough to encourage me to write our story and for living freely enough to allow me to share it.



Awake, my soul! (Psalm 57:8)

I have come that they may have life, and have it

to the full. (John 10:10)

Wyou like coffee this morning?" I love those words. When I am on the road traveling or staying in someone’s home or just out for breakfast, those six words bring life to my day. When I am at home, usually the first thing I do when I wake up is put on the coffee. Hearing the sound of coffee brewing, I dance when I smell the aroma filling my kitchen.

The dark liquid in the cup transcends simply being water poured over ground-up beans. Coffee is far more than a beverage. It is an invitation to life, disguised as a cup of warm liquid. It’s a trumpet wake-up call or a gentle rousing hand on your shoulder. Coffee is lingering scent, better than any potpourri. Coffee is an experience, an offer, a rite of passage, a good excuse to get together. When someone invites you to get coffee, it’t because they’re thirsty. It might be because they’re cold, but more likely it is because they want to spend time with you. Coffee makes a promise.

Ten signs you know you need a wake-up call to a fresh-brewed life:

1. You yelled at your minister last Sunday, or ever.

2. You fell asleep at your own party.

3. You lobby for chocolate to be one of the four food groups.

4. Your husband’t want sex, and you’re happy about that.

5. You called your best friend and started chatting, and she said, Who is this?

6. The people you work with are asking when your next vacation is.

7. Your kids look forward to going to school.

8. Your idea of a good time is a coma.

9. You can’t remember your last vacation.

10. You agreed to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity.

Here’s the promise of a fresh-brewed life: the Almighty wants to spend time with you, stirring your soul and waking you up. He is inviting you to embrace a fresh-brewed existence. Fresh-brewed makes a guarantee: this life will not be stale. This is not the freeze-dried stuff your grandmother drank. This is not. This is the real McCoy—authentic, energizing, stimulating.

I need truth in strong doses like a great cup of coffee in the morning. I need to hear from God and be changed, every day. It’s not caffeine that does that. I drink mostly decaf, but coffee still wakes me up in the morning. It’s the experience. It’s the Lord God Himself bringing the opportunity for refreshing and stillness. You can’t drink coffee quickly. You hold it, you sit with it, and you savor it.

Coffee also calls us out of hiding. When someone puts on a pot of coffee, people come from everywhere. It draws us out of our usual hangouts into the center of activity. I need to be drawn out of my own little world, and so do you. I see women all the time who seem joyless and lonely—I can see it in their expressionless eyes. They stare straight ahead or look down, walking forward but not going anywhere, They are terrified that life is going to find them.

I heard the story of a mother was telling her little girl what her own childhood was like. We used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire; it hung from a tree in our front yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods. The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this in. At last she said, I sure wish I’d gotten to know you sooner!

May you live all the days of your l i f e .

—Jonathan Swift

Where have we gone as we’ grown up? Let’s get reacquainted with ourselves. We’ been dulled by life and all our responsibilities. We are reacting to our circumstances instead of purposefully engaging them. You may not even know you’ been asleep, until the stirring begins.

SARK wrote in Succulent Wild Woman,

It is tempting to sleepwalk through life. To tell half-truths, listen half-way, be half-asleep, drive with half attention . . . Wake up! We need you as an alive and awake woman, listening and contributing. Wake up your creative genius and let it out into the world. Wake up to your power and use it wisely. Wake up to your pain and investigate it. Wake up the dull old parts that are hiding from the light. Wake up to love and let it flood through you.

Now that you’ awakened . . . immediately take a nap!

This is a fresh-brewed life. Waking up, and then napping. Napping is not sleeping. It’s giving yourself a gift. Being kind to your soul. Taking off your impossible-to-please hat and putting on a feather boa. Joining your life that is already in progress. Agreeing to be an active participator instead of a silent spectator. Saying yes to making a difference in this world.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

—Helen Keller

Fresh-Brewed Life is a journey of awakenings:

• To our God, by responding to His passionate love for us

• To ourselves, by embracing our identity in Christ and letting it spill over into our every corner

• To others, by relating in new ways that bring joy and release the aroma of life!

People who don’t even like coffee usually love the smell and the experience. I have friends who don’t drink coffee, but they never pass up the opportunity to go to get some. It’s the place, the people, and the passion. They will have hot chocolate or a smoothie or some beverage, just to embrace the invitation to get together. Even if you don’t drink coffee, this book still holds the same promise: wake up to a better life.

Coffee is a universal welcome. It is available to all of us, rich or poor. It’t matter what country you live in, what language you speak—you can get a cup of coffee without much trouble. I have had coffee in almost all fifty states and in eleven different countries. I have friends who have sipped cups in England and others who have been served coffee sitting in a grass hut in the desert of Oman. The message is always the same: friendship and warmth. You are welcome here.

We only live once, and if we do it well, once is enough. This book holds nine cups of fresh-brewed life to wake us up. Remember, you have to sit with coffee a while, so take one cup at a time, over the next nine days, nine weeks, or nine months. Get a journal, go on the fresh-brewed adventures in each chapter, use the percolations, and enjoy the recipes. And I humbly promise you, if you give this book nine months, God will birth something incredible in your life. You will discover a richer, fuller, more flavorful and meaningful existence.

I have measured out my life in coffee spoons."

—T.S. Eliot



Yreach for the brass door handle and pull. The seal of the door is broken, and the vacuum-packed freshness envelops your senses. You step inside and the warmth wraps around your soul like a wool scarf. Your whole body is enveloped by the aroma. Hearing the familiar hissing of steam works on your stress level like a pressure valve. You’ entered a coffee shop, and you’re helpless. You give yourself to it. Surrender.

You’re staying in the home of a good friend. You have no responsibilities this morning, so you just wake up on your own. You blink and focus your eyes. Your clothes are lying across the chair. The sunlight is streaming in through the window, and it plays on the corner of the bedspread. Then, from downstairs, the invitation finds you. Your nose has discovered the promise of a wonderful day, the smell of fresh-brewed coffee. It draws you out from under the covers, and you pull on clothes as you make your way toward the promise. Surrender.

She’s sitting in the chair she always sits in. She’s been awake for hours. From the time you were little, you can remember her being up before everyone else. She has her Bible open and her coffee cup in her hands. Peaceful and calm. The warmth of her spirit is matched only by the warmth of your love for her. Her heavenly Father and a cup of coffee. She knows Him, and He knows her. Surrender.

The fresh-brewed life is a spiritual journey from beginning to end. It is a call to wake up that begins in a relationship with the One in whom we began. He alone is the One who can tell us what we most want to know. He alone is the Rock strong enough to anchor our lives in the midst of storms. He, and only He, is enough to rouse our sleepy souls.

I cannot rouse my sleepy soul. I tried getting up at four-thirty in the morning to have a quiet time with the Lord. Trust me, it was quiet. I have fallen asleep on God on more occasions than I can count. I have tried to memorize chapters of Scripture and found that I’ killed so many brain cells with-Sweet trying to be thin and holy that I’m no longer able. I thought that Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you more to do than anyone else! But Jesus didn????t say that. He promised me rest. But I couldn???t find it. My constant struggle to be godly" left me tired, empty, lonely on the inside, and ready to give up.

I was either going to take pretending to a whole new level or quit pretending altogether, and I’t sure which. I deeply identified with the story of The Emperor’s New Clothes. I felt like the king who was pretending that he saw the invisible clothes when there were no clothes. I was so afraid to let go of my pretense and be honest that I was tired and empty. In the story, everyone thought the emperor was naked, but they, too, held on to pretending. It took a little boy at the parade to wake them all up. The higher our level of pretending, the farther we have to fall. I did not want to be exposed. No one does.

Joan spent all of the first day of her vacation sunbathing on the roof of her hotel. She wore a bathing suit that first day, but on the second, she decided that no one could see her way up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan.

She’d hardly begun when she heard someone running up the stairs. She was lying on her stomach, so she just pulled a towel over her backside.

Excuse me, Miss, said the flustered assistant manager of the hotel, out of breath from running up the stairs. The Hilton’t mind your sunbathing on the roof, but we’d appreciate your wearing a bathing suit as you did yesterday.

What difference does it make? Joan asked calmly. No one can see me up here, and besides, I’m covered with a towel.

Not exactly, said the embarrassed gentleman. You’re lying on the dining room skylight.

Talk about exposed! It’s terrifying until you realize one thing: when you’re naked, you’ got nothing to hide anymore. When you’re empty, you have nothing else to be taken away. When you tell the truth, it sets you free. So, I made my decision to stop pretending.

I gave up. I surrendered. My whole-bean self. I let go. I stopped being in charge of my spiritual goodness, because I’t have any spiritual goodness. I had worked for God and yet withheld my heart from Him.

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