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Daughters of Absence
Daughters of Absence
Daughters of Absence
Ebook212 pages3 hours

Daughters of Absence

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"If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example." --Anne Frank

Daughters of Absence is a collection of twelve essays written by daughters of Holocaust survivors. Each chapter is a contribution from a female author, poet, artist, musician, filmmaker, comedienne, playwright, and more. The authors not only tell about their own personal experiences as daughters of Holocaust survivors, but many essays also include accounts from their parents of horrific experiences during the Holocaust.

Despite the unique pressures of being the daughters of "survivors," the contributors have thrived and made the most of their lives, but not in stereotypical ways. Instead, they chose ways that combine compassion with courage, and success with celebration. The result is an uplifting and very inspiring book from a group of very inspiring women.

The contributors include editor Mindy Weisel, an artist whose works are on display at museums around the world; Helen Epstein, author of Children of the Holocaust; Aviva Kempner, producer of the films The Partisans of Vilna and The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg; Lily Brett, the only writer who has won Australia's highest awards for fiction and poetry; photographer Vera Loeffler; poet Miram Morsel Nathan; and Hadassah Lieberman, wife of Senator Joe Lieberman. The introduction is by Eva Fogelman, author of Conscience & Courage: Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust.

This book has been used in the classroom and at seminars and conferences. It was previously available only in a hard cover edition, but it is now available in trade paperback and e-book editions. Highly recommended because of its unique perspective on the Holocaust and because each chapter demonstrates the strength of the human spirit. Please help spread the word about this wonderful book.

Praise for "Daughters of Absence"

"These twelve essays were written by daughters of Holocaust survivors. The women--artists, writers, poets, filmmakers, a photographer, a musician, and an actress--have found a strong voice through their work, and their work has been both a life force and a lifesaver." Booklist

"An impressive and revealing collection of writings of the children of Holocaust survivors. It is also an homage to Holocaust survivors, intended as a gift from the children of those survivors to their parents, and as a tribute to the millions who died. With moving, uplifting prose that recounts how the daughters of survivors transform a legacy of shadow into the artistic light of movies, art, photographs, poems, novels, and lives, Daughters of Absence is a powerful, life-affirming read and a strongly recommended addition to Holocaust studies reading lists and reference collections." - Midwest Book Review

"Mindy Weisel and the other daughters of Holocaust survivors have provided us with extraordinary insights. The solemn beauty of their sagas and the triumph over the past is a gift to their parents, who survived and rebuilt their lives, and to those millions who did not." - Susan Tumarkin Goodman of the Jewish Museum New York

"Each in her own genre, these 'daughters of absence' trace--with great skill, great courage, and great candor--their journey from a ghost-ridden past to a fulfilling present." -- Peter Novick, author of The Holocaust in America, professor of history at The University of Chicago

"Explores the pain of daughters of the Holocaust." --

"[Mindy Weisel's] feelings spilled out in watercolor on her paintings. She came to know other survivors' daughters who had overcome the particular emotional stuntedness by creating art. Weisel asked 12 of them to write essays, which she has collected in a new book, 'Daughters of Absense: Transforming the Legacy of Loss.'" -- Washington Post

Release dateOct 17, 2013
Daughters of Absence

Mindy Weisel

Mindy Weisel is a noted artist who is included in the American Archives of American Artists. Her art hangs in museums and institutions around the world, including the Smithsonian Institution, Hirshhorn Museum, National Museum of American Art,Israel Museum, Baltimore Museum of Art, and the U.S. Capitol. Her work has been featured in thirty one-person shows and numerous group exhibitions. Ms. Weisel has been nominated for awards in the visual arts and is a partici­pant in the U.S. State Department's Art in Embassies Program. An interview with her about her art and life aired in 1997 on CNN's "Impact." Her work has been reviewed by the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, Art News, and more. She is the author of "Touching Quiet: Reflections in Solitude" and editor of "Daughters of Absence," an anthology of essays, poetry, photos and more from daughters of Holocaust survivors. Mindy Weisel resides in Jerusalem, Israel, and Washington, D.C.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Before reaching the end of this novel, it had already moved into the position of being one of my favorite books of all time. It is engaging from the first page until the final sentence. I could not put it down. This is the type of book that makes you want to read everything else the author has written, because if any of her other books even come close to this they will be amazing. For anyone looking to read this I would definitely recommend reading it.I was given this book by GoodReads.

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Daughters of Absence - Mindy Weisel

Grandmother Bella Deutsch

To my grandmothers,

Bella Weiszman Deutsch and Mindle Basch Deutsch

(died in Auschwitz 1944)

To the memory of my mother,

Lili Deutsch (1922 - 1994)

To the future of my daughters,

Carolyn, Jessica, and Ariane

In memory of Sauci Churchill and Bernice Fishman, and with deepest thanks and love to Lois Adelson, Roz Barak, Dita Deutsch, Beverly Deutsch, Tobee Weisel, Phyllis Greenberger, Jill Indyk, Ginger Pinchot, and Nancy Sheffner.

Do we ever get used to the feelings of loss? Time supposedly heals all wounds. Does it really? Or do we take that time and take that loss and turn it into something else, something that takes the shape and the form of our loss? Is this perhaps the source of the deepest art? Is it the art that actually gives our lives meaning? There are clearly feelings that are beyond comprehension. It is these feelings that are put into the music, poetry, painting, photography, prose, and theater that enrich our lives, and that are addressed in this book. The women in Daughters of Absence all have one thing in common: as daughters of Holocaust survivors they have found a strong voice through their work. For these creative women, their work has been both life force and life saver.

I am one of the daughters. My parents were both survivors of Auschwitz. My parents were first cousins—their fathers were brothers. My father found my mother near death, in a hospital near the camps, nursed her back to health, and married her. I was one of the first children born in Bergen-Belsen, Germany—once a concentration camp turned into a displaced persons camp after the war. My life was about trying to be everything to my parents. Like the others in this book, I thought the only meaning my life could possibly have was to fill my parents’ lives with beauty, love, hope, joy, nachas. I, like the others, tried desperately to erase the sadness we inherited. It couldn’t be erased. I, like the others, absorbed it. I, like the others, took on the sadness as my own.

Beauty, the loss of it, is what my mother grieved for her entire life. Beauty also was the one thing that could give her momentary pleasure. Beauty in a fresh flower, a crisp winter day, a fresh cotton sheet, a bowl of cherries....

My mother, Lili Deutsch, was one of eleven children. She was raised in an elegant Hungarian home near Budapest. Her parents owned the local bakery. I was raised hearing stories about my grandmother, whom my mother magnificently, through her stories, kept very much alive for me. My grandmother, my beautiful, generous grandmother, who would feed the poor at the back door of the bakery, early in the morning, before the others got up. My beautiful grandmother who kept a beautiful home. A home that my mother tried to recreate for us in America, with her love of crystal, china, fine linens, needlepoint, and fresh flowers.

All things beautiful. I can’t, to this day, pass a rosebush without stopping to inhale its fragrance—to pay tribute to my mother’s love of roses.

My mother was the only one of her sisters who survived the war. She watched her sisters and her parents die in the gas chambers. I only learned, after my mother died in 1994, how she survived Auschwitz. I was always too afraid to ask, as I was too afraid of the answer. She survived, I learned, because of her rare blood type, which the Nazis experimented with, thus allowing her an extra measure of soup. This experiment and the soup were a daily occurrence for one year of her life. Her twenty-first year.

Like most survivors’ daughters, while I was growing up, and even well into my twenties, I didn’t know how I really felt about anything. I didn’t have my own feelings. I knew how my parents felt. I was not allowed the normal range of emotions. If I was sad or anxious, it made them sad and anxious. And, after all, what was there for me to be sad about anyway? I had not been in Auschwitz. I did not know what it was to be cold, hungry, or devastated. All my feelings not related to Auschwitz were naarish (foolish). How could any feeling measure up to those one lived with after surviving the camps? So, like so many others with my background, I buried my feelings. Till I could no longer. That is when my work took on a life of its own.

The question that haunts me to this day is, how is one capable of happiness after such devastation and tragedy as my parents endured? And yet, they did know happiness. They knew the pleasure of children, of work, and a full life. But it was difficult for me to understand how one could live and be happy. How could I be happy, knowing what my parents had endured? After what they lost and lived through?

My parents, however, insisted not only on my well-being but on my happiness. To be a good daughter was to be a happy one. Always being understanding, never complaining, and always being there for them. There is nothing I wanted more than to be that good and happy daughter.

In the beginning of my life as a painter, I was, I suppose, what psychologist Dina Wardi, calls a memorial candle. She claims in her book, Memorial Candles: Children of the Holocaust, that in a survivor’s home, there is a child in the family who becomes the link among past, present, and future. That child grows up feeling responsible for inter-generational continuity, the one who bears the burden for translating the emotional world of the parents into some kind of coherence.

Only in my studio, while painting, was my authentic voice disclosed to me. Alone in my studio, I was free to feel whatever I needed to feel. I could play music and dance to it while I worked, or weep deeply at life’s injustices—not worrying that my tears would upset anyone. They were my tears and my joy. The desire was to put these feelings into my work. Ultimately, alone in my studio, painting became a form of prayer, a form of dance, of song, of life itself. A life that had a desire to hold onto the moment as well as to memory, to experience both past and present, and to emotions longing to be released.

Originally, the paintings were reactions to my personal history. In 1979, I completed a series of abstract, dark paintings in which I wrote my father’s concentration camp number A3l46 (which is tattooed on his arm), all over my work. It was the first layer of the painting. These dark paintings, with layers and layers of writing and color, were ultimately painted black, with only bits of light and color coming through.

After some years of working with this dark history and palette, and producing a large body of dark work, passionate and intense colors pushed through the black as if to have their own say. These new paintings became the Black Gifts series, followed by a series called Lili in Blue. There was no black in the Lili series. Instead, the work exploded with the cobalt blues my mother, Lili, loved so much. I wrote her name, Lili, all over every painting I did that year. The years followed, with series of works that both responded to the world outside myself and continued to pay homage to my past. As the years have passed, the work has become more and more colorful and full of joy. In fact, after my mother, Lili, the survivor, died in 1994, the work was the most colorful yet. I took strips of fabric from my mother’s beautiful dresses and did a series of paintings called Lili Let’s Dance. These handmade paper pulp paintings were my way of celebrating my mother’s life. The work, in the weight of the handmade paper and the bold colors, depicted my mother’s strength and love of beauty. Each piece became a thank you for life itself, and for her belief in me, her daughter the painter.

The word, talent, is Greek and means responsibility. Each woman in this book has accepted the responsibility of making work that, in its authenticity, honesty, and originality, can be both felt and believed in. The women in this book have taken their personal stories and turned them into works we can all relate to. The desire to live fully, to make peace with the past, to separate from one’s parents’ pain but still respect it, the desire to celebrate life, to celebrate survival and life’s beauty—all these became the fuel for the works in this book. Whether in Patinka Kopec’s music, Aviva Kempner’s films, Miriam Mörsel Nathan’s poems, Lily Brett’s prose, Vera Loeffler’s photography, Helen Epstein’s essay, Deb Filler’s comedy, Kim Masters’ writing, Nava Semel’s fiction, Hadassah Lieberman’s heartfelt record of her trip to Auschwitz, Sylvia Goldberg’s writing, Rosie Weisel’s diary, or Dr. Eva Fogelman’s analysis—we feel the miracle of life itself. Life lived fully, deeply, meaningfully, and with the belief that there is some comfort to be found. I celebrate these women. I admire their courage and their craft and their talent. I admire the honesty of their feelings, feelings hard-earned. I admire their celebration of life in the face of our shared sad and tragic legacy. They have transformed this legacy for all time. In each of their works they have found meaning in absurdity and have dealt with feelings that were theirs only through birth.

MINDY WEISEL is included in the American Archives of American Artists, and her art hangs in museums and institutions around the world, including the Smithsonian Institution, Hirshhorn Museum, National Museum of American Art, Israel Museum, Baltimore Museum of Art, and the U.S. Capitol. Her work has been featured in thirty one-person shows and numerous group exhibitions. Ms. Weisel has been nominated for awards in the visual arts and is a participant in the U.S. State Department’s Art in Embassies Program. An interview with her about her art and life aired in 1997 on CNN’s Impact. Her work has been reviewed by the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, Art News, and more. She is the author of Touching Quiet: Reflections in Solitude (Capital Books 2000). Mindy Weisel resides in Jerusalem, Israel, and Washington, D.C.

Introduction: Transforming a Legacy of Loss by Eva Fogelman, Ph.D.

Dr. Eva Fogelman, Adam Chanes, and Prof. Jerome Chanes

For Adam Emanuel Fogelman Chanes,

my creative inspiration

Public representations of a private memory of growing up in the shadow of the Holocaust are the essence of Mindy Weisel’s vision for Daughters of Absence: Transforming a Legacy of Loss. Despite the diverse creative journey of each of the women who speaks to us in these pages, an emotional link—mourning a past they never personally experienced—is present in her writing, art, film, performance, photographs, music, and creative Jewish lifestyle.

Many thinking and feeling people in the post-Holocaust generation have thought about whether they would have been able to survive the barbaric atrocities perpetrated upon the Jews in the Final Solution. But the descendants of Holocaust survivors relate to the persecution somewhat more personally. They often question whether they would have had the stamina to survive as did their own parents, older brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins. Daughters of survivors compare their capacity for survival to their mothers’ and grandmothers’ survival. Would they instead have been counted among the murdered relatives?

This interminable grappling with a family history punctuated by outrageous losses can be emotionally debilitating or it can lead to an outpouring of creativity. Psychoanalyst George Pollock emphasized this concept by explaining that from mourning comes creativity. And, indeed, Daughters of Absence: Transforming a Legacy of Loss attests to the capacity of second-generation women to embrace life rather than to dwell on the anguish and torment their parents and other close relatives endured.

We in the post-Holocaust generation can derive no meaning from the Germans’ senseless racist murder during the Third Reich of millions of Jewish men, women, and children, of gypsies, of Jehovah’s Witnesses, of Seventh-Day Adventists, of homosexuals, of political resisters and dissidents, and of non-Jewish rescuers. And yet, if we attempt to mourn our dead family members, the ghosts we have lived with, in many cases never even having seen a picture or known a name, we ultimately face a desire to transform our feelings—grief, anger, rage, helplessness, guilt, and anguish—into a search for meaning.

It is the creative process that gives us license to speak about the dead and for the dead. Rosie Weisel writes about what she feels her murdered Jewish family would want from her: the continuity of the Jewish people and its tradition. Indeed, the spirit of her grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts, uncles, and cousins is reincarnated as she celebrates the Sabbath each week, and holidays throughout the year, with her husband and six children in Israel.

Also from Israel is award-winning writer, playwright, and art critic Nava Semel. The collection of her short stories, A Hat of Glass, which first appeared in 1985,

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