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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Ebook1,844 pages33 hours

Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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One of the most influential books of the past fifty years, Team of Rivals is Pulitzer Prize–winning author and esteemed presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin’s modern classic about the political genius of Abraham Lincoln, his unlikely presidency, and his cabinet of former political foes.

Winner of the prestigious Lincoln Prize and the inspiration for the Oscar Award winning–film Lincoln, starring Daniel Day-Lewis, directed by Steven Spielberg, and written by Tony Kushner.

On May 18, 1860, William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase, Edward Bates, and Abraham Lincoln waited in their hometowns for the results from the Republican National Convention in Chicago. When Lincoln emerged as the victor, his rivals were dismayed and angry.

Throughout the turbulent 1850s, each had energetically sought the presidency as the conflict over slavery was leading inexorably to secession and civil war. That Lincoln succeeded, Goodwin demonstrates, was the result of a character that had been forged by experiences that raised him above his more privileged and accomplished rivals. He won because he possessed an extraordinary ability to put himself in the place of other men, to experience what they were feeling, to understand their motives and desires.

It was this capacity that enabled Lincoln as president to bring his disgruntled opponents together, create the most unusual cabinet in history, and marshal their talents to the task of preserving the Union and winning the war.

We view the long, horrifying struggle from the vantage of the White House as Lincoln copes with incompetent generals, hostile congressmen, and his raucous cabinet. He overcomes these obstacles by winning the respect of his former competitors, and in the case of Seward, finds a loyal and crucial friend to see him through.

This brilliant multiple biography is centered on Lincoln's mastery of men and how it shaped the most significant presidency in the nation's history.
Release dateDec 8, 2006

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Doris Kearns Goodwin’s work for President Johnson inspired her career as a presidential historian. Her first book was Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream. She followed up with the Pulitzer Prize–winning No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Homefront in World War II. She earned the Lincoln Prize for Team of Rivals, in part the basis for Steven Spielberg’s film Lincoln, and the Carnegie Medal for The Bully Pulpit, about the friendship between Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. Her bestselling Leadership: In Turbulent Times was the inspiration for the History Channel docuseries on Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Franklin Roosevelt, which she executive produced. Her most recent book, An Unfinished Love Story: A Personal History of the 1960s, provides a front-row seat to the pivotal people—JFK, LBJ, RFK, and MLK—and events of this momentous decade.

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Reviews for Team of Rivals

Rating: 4.5702127659574465 out of 5 stars

235 ratings144 reviews

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Readers find this title to be an amazing and captivating book about President Lincoln. The content is so engaging that readers finish it quickly and even want to reread it. Doris Kearns Goodwin's attention to detail brings the times and Lincoln to life, making readers wish they could have known him personally. Overall, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in history and politics.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A great book to learn about Politics and Politicians during the Civil War.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It took me a long time to finish this book (over a year) which is very unusual for me. I read it in spurts while reading many other books in-between. With this type of historic book that was most likely a mistake. I ended up enjoying it a great deal ... but there were times I was just overwhelmed with all the facts and quotes and details. It was obvious Goodwin did her homework but I doubt anyone except an American history buff or bonafide Lincoln fan would truly enjoy it. But those that do should come away with an even deeper appreciation for Lincoln and the pivotal role he played during one of the bleakest periods in our nation's history.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A monstrous, minutiae-filled, multi-headed biography of Lincoln and his Civil War Cabinet. Like Jesus Christ Superstar, it's primarily concerned with the political careers of the players up to Lincoln's assassination, and once he's out of the picture, there's not much else to say. Even though Lincoln is the only name in the title, and he is the protagonist, Goodwin gives equal time to the other members of his team, most of which were assembled from Lincoln's political adversaries.Future leaders should take note and pick their teams with balance in mind; Lincoln purposely created a Cabinet of loudmouths and hotheads because he wanted his staff to question his actions and provide him with honest counsel, because a decision that comes fom committee that is always in agreement may as well have come from a singular figurehead.Warning: at 700 pages, this book will kick your ass.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a fascinating tale! Some of the sidebar personalities are just as interesting as Lincoln, in some regards.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The very substantial (over 900 pages in print or 42 hours in audio) examination of the political career of Abraham Lincoln. It begins with Lincoln's nomination as the Republican party's canditate for president in 1860, but then flashes back to examine the political paths that led Lincoln, and his 3 rivals for the nomination, to that point. It ends after Lincoln's death, but an epilogue briefly describes the life and accomplishments of those who had been closest to Lincoln until their own deaths. The key point - at least in my mind - was that Lincoln was a natural politician. He had the innate ability to get people to do what he wanted them to do by making them believe that they also wanted the same thing. He was reasonable, always willing to listen to opposing viewpoints, but always making his own decision. He was a master at diffusing tense situations and potential scandals. He was humble, but not weak. He was generous whenever he could be. He was willing to give nearly anyone the benefit of the doubt in a given situation. He had the rare ability to see the strengths of men he disliked or disagreed with and was willing to give them appointments to high and powerful positions in the government if he believed they were the best men to serve the interests of the country. I'm sure the book is not flawless and that a more learned historian would be able to point out inaccuracies. But I give the book 5 stars for its ability to make the political atmosphere of the day, the problems facing the nation and its people and its leaders, clear and easy to grasp by ordinary but interested readers. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    While I can't say that I've read as much on history as I may like, this is an extraordinary volume on the Lincoln administration. Goodwin does a marvelous job of describing the relationships amongst the cabinet members and the President. Lincoln's marvelous character and selflessness shines through. Goodwin's contrasting Lincoln with his political rivals adds dimension and substance to the general known facts on Lincoln. It also allows the reader an insight into Lincoln's cabinet members that prompts an interest in their own biographies. I would recommend this book to anyone remotely interesting in American History. This text should be required reading.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Lots of information in this book but tough to read for me. Several, what I would call biographies, of the key players in the book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent book on Lincoln and his cabinet. Kearns writing is excellent as usual. One of the best female historians around.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Abraham Lincoln, in most people’s minds, has passed out of history and into myth or legend. His deeds and his dying are known the world over. His words are still common currency in the USA. What is always missing for me is the man; what was he like, how did he manage his country, how did he cope what kind of jokes did he like?Doris Kearns Goodwin has written a masterly volume that reveals the man and makes him more glorious by doing so. Having beaten more famous and more accomplished politicians to the Republican nomination and then the Presidency itself, Lincoln proceeded to recruit all these opponents into his government. Talent and commitment were the driving traits that caused Lincoln to appoint a man to office.The shenanigans that Goodwin reveals! In any age and under any circumstances the political skills and, it has to be said, the nannying that Lincoln had to exercise would have made him a great politician. To have done so while enduring and leading a great nation through those troubled times is astonishing.Goodwin revels in the apposite quote and marshals a huge volume of source data to reveal the day-to-day exercise of power and management of people who, frankly, see them selves above being managed. This is a highly readable and absorbing history that eschews the event- and fact-based historical chronologies in favour of the every day lives and personal battles of great men.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is obvious why it won the Pulitzer Prize. This is a compulsively readable book, with an interesting thesis and an obvious mastery of the details of Lincoln's life and the times in which he lived. I highly recommend it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The good: if you don’t know much about the background to the US Civil War, you will by the end of this book. Goodwin describes events in great detail and I now feel equipped to read Battle Cry of Freedom, which I bought years ago and had a go at but got bogged down, and Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War by David Donald. There is lots of great material in this book - American politics in the 1850s and 1860s, changing attitudes to slavery, and the legal issues around secession and the slide into civil war. The book definitely gets better and the last 300 pages verged on gripping in places.The bad: By choosing to write not just a straight biography of Lincoln, but instead to focus on some of his cabinet, we get to read the early lives of Chase (Treasury secretary), Bates (um... I forget), and Seward (secretary of state), as well as their every waking thought. These three guys were also in line to run for President in 1861. I could have done without much of this, or at least some heavy editing. Then Stanton (secretary of war) and Welles (secretary of the navy) get chucked into the mix later in the book. Others aren’t in it at all – I kept wondering what the VP, Hamlin, spent his time doing. Although I felt like Goodwin did a great job at making the characters distinct, there was so much repetition. Yes, I got it that Chase was desperate to be President until he ended up as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Yes, I got it that Seward and Lincoln started off as rivals for the Presidency – with Seward the favourite by a mile – and ended up working really well together and becoming very close. And Goodwin treats Kate Chase (Salmon’s daughter) like tabloids today treat Kate Middleton. I didn’t need to know all about her wedding and how long Lincoln stayed at the reception.Lincoln was obviously an amazing guy but I found myself wanting Goodwin to write something – anything – negative. His ability to lead from the side comes through, as does his integrity most of the time. I’m not sure I’d describe him as a genius based on her book. I like a bit more criticism in my non-fiction. There just isn’t that much analysis in the book and the writing style had me falling asleep. And I’m not afraid of chunky non-fiction. And there wasn’t really that much about the horrific civil war either. Maybe Goodwin felt she wasn’t writing a history of the civil war and too much background would have made it even longer.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of the most enjoyable history books I have read in years. At first I thought, "who needs another Lincoln biography?" but Goodwin takes a very interesting tack with Lincoln, looking at his interaction with his cabinet to get a handle on who Lincoln was. Excellent.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved this book. It was able to bring across the life of one of the most fascinating, inspiring and greatest of men, in a narrative that wasn't heavy reading or mind numbing. A great read from start to finish. More historical biographies should be like this. A must read for people of all nationalities.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    At 732 pages (not including acknowledgements and notes), and very small print, this book appears daunting. However, Goodwin has the remarkable ability to turn dry history into a fascinating read. When Lincoln was elected President, he appointed his rivals (both in his law practice and in political campaigns) to his Cabinet. This meant his Cabinet was comprised of both conservatives and radicals with vastly differing opinions on how to run the country. Lincoln proved to be a genius both in his ability to work out compromises within his Cabinet as well as in reading the public mind and know when when and how to introduce controversial issues to the country. I very highly recommend reading this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Just – wow! Admit I approached this enormous volume with some trepidation – could even a subject as vast and fascinating as the life and death of Abraham Lincoln hold my interest for so long? The answer is a resounding yes! This riveting and superbly-told tale of Lincoln’s life and political career not only held my interest: it kept me up nights, pinned me at home on beautiful weekend afternoons, and had me turning down invitations for lunch so that I could bolt down my food while reading. Obviously, Doris Kearns Goodwin is a wonderful storyteller. But it helps that her protagonist is such an extraordinary individual. Over and over again I was amazed by Lincoln’s wisdom, his decency, his patience, and his extraordinary political acumen. Goodwin’s intent here, it’s pretty clear, is to focus on the latter of these attributes. While most Americans know of Lincoln’s moral courage, his social legacy, and (of course) his exemplary oratorical skills, few (I’m betting) fully appreciate his political genius. Over and over again he pulls political miracles out of his hat – extracting victory from defeat, forging unforgeable compromises – armed with little more than an unwavering moral compass, an encompassing empathy, humility, patience, and a seemingly endless stock of jokes, puns, and folksy anecdotes. Few anecdotes illustrate his politicla genius as clearly as the fact that he staffed the major posts of his new cabinet with political rivals …. or that, in time, those same rivals became his most adamant supporters. I thought I had a fairly good background knowledge of Lincoln’s life and his administration, but by the end of the second chapter I jettisoned this misconception. Goodwin’s scholarship is as exceptional as her storytelling skills. Scarcely a page passed without exposing me to some startling new bit of information, constantly enhancing and challenging my preconceived notions. There are so many lessons here that I wish modern politicians would embrace: do the right thing for the right reasons, no matter how unpopular; always allow your political opponents to save face; invite – don’t avoid (or worse, squash)- dissenting opinions; compromise always trumps conflict; and, above all, always put the good of the nation above your own personal ambitions. Alas, since our politicians seem to be too busy doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons, humiliating each other, squashing dissenting opinions, seeking out conflict, and placing their own interests above those of the country, perhaps it’s up to us U.S. citizens to absorb the lessons from this book on their behalf and then let them know the standards against which we intend to hold them accountable!I don’t give out many 5 star ratings, but if I could give this 6 stars, I would. This is one of those rare volumes that has permanently changed the way that I view our country, our political system, our destiny, and – above all – the potential of ordinary Americans to accomplish extraordinary things.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An amazing book about an amazing man. I had no idea just how incredible Abraham Lincoln really was. I knew of his major deeds and so on, but I really didn't know him at all. This was an enlightening read. I highly recommend it to students of history, of politics, and of leadership.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Amazing book, deserving of all plaudits directed toward it.Ms. Goodwin portrays Abraham Lincoln as an absolute master at managing people, even though who disdained him. His cabinet consisted of political opponents and old enemies and yet he was able to forge them into a cohesive group that greatly facilitated the war effort and was one of the major advantages the North had over the South (a unified, cohesive administration).Ms. Goodwin's research is impeccable, her writing strong and vivid.Fans of American history will tell you: this one's a winner.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Let me just start by saying that I highly recommend this book.Just as I was beginning it, a friend forwarded me a rather snarky analysis of Kearns Goodwin's thesis or, I should say, thesis as he imagined it. I'm still not clear on whether he actually read the book or was just reacting to the press about it but, thankfully, I stopped reading about two lines in when his condescension became clear. Suffice it say that he believes that there was nothing remarkable about Lincoln's cabinet since all presidents up to that time culled their governments from their rivals.Thankfully, Kearns Goodwin analysis of Lincoln is far more nuanced. While she clearly has a love affair going on with our 16th president, she persuasively shares Lincoln's qualities with her readers. As painted by Kearns Goodwin, Lincoln was a remarkable, ambitious but not egotistical, pragmatist. His ability to look past his rivals' personal slights and to see the strengths that they could bring to bear coupled with his innate diplomacy allowed him to cobble together a government during this country's most trying times.Would that Lincoln's abilities had been equally as successful in his choices of generals. The most frustrating part of reading this book was the repetitiousness of the struggles Lincoln experienced with his parade of incompetent generals. More than once I found myself exclaiming out loud in frustration as Kearns Goodwin related yet another ridiculous episode with this general or that one.Kearns Goodwin is obviously enamored of her subject and successfully persuades the reader that this admiration is well placed.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Simply a masterpiece. Beats many novels I've read. This is the story of a prairie lawyer who came to the 1860 Republican Convention to vie for the presidential nomination against three other highly-credentialed, well-connected politicians and then went on, not only to win the nomination, but the presidency itself. With the nation on the brink of civil war, many feared that this "gorilla" (as some of this enemies characterized him) would lead everyone to doom.

    All Americans are raised upon the mythology of Abraham Lincoln, and as I've been disillusioned by the politicians of my own lifetime as to be wary of any hagiography, I come away from this book truly awed by what an extraordinary individual Lincoln was. He literally came out of nowhere--born in poverty, self-educated, formed by the culture of the frontier--to prove himself to such a degree that only a couple of decades after his death, Leo Tolstoy would report he'd meet peasants on the Russian steppe who held Lincoln in the same regard as the greatest heroes in world history.

    But besides being a biography of Lincoln, a distinguishing mark of this book is that it is also provides lessons in leadership. Lincoln succeeded because of his magnanimous (and ultimately shrewd) way of turning rivals into partners. His three competitors at the 1860 convention were invited to be part of Lincoln's cabinet--and though the rivals often continued to go head-to-head with each other, Lincoln earned their respect by taking a personal interest in all of them.

    I admit taking a long time to read this book, but I think I benefited from that extended spell, because what I was reading percolated within me, and I can see how it has influenced my own leadership style. It is one of those rare reads that was not only enjoyable and informative but has changed me through the course of it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    For many years I have enjoyed history, politics and studying leadership. "Team of Rivals The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln," by Doris Kearns Goodwin allowed me to enjoy all of these in one book.Team of Rivals goes far beyond just a biography of events, but delves deep into the character of Lincoln. When Lincoln began to form his Cabinet team he did not take the normal route of patronage. He had two political goals in mind. First to unite the moderate and radical factions of the Republican Party and second to select the person who had the best skills to fulfill the specific Cabinet role. With the ability to meet these two goals he was able to accomplish his two Presidential goals, reunite the nation and end slavery. The people he found were his rivals for the Republican nomination. He built a team who often disliked each other, and still had their own agendas. But Lincoln found away to bring them together as a team and successfully accomplish all four goals.Lincoln was a very skillful and shrewd politician, but he stayed true to his beliefs and passion for our great country.Here are a few of the leadership principals that were evident in the life of Abraham Lincoln: Willingness to take responsibility. Even when one of his Cabinet members made an error, or even went against Lincoln's wishes, he would step up and take full responsibility without calling out the person in error. He was not concerned with who received credit. Lincoln could see beyond the current actions of his Cabinet members and his Union Generals and see their potential. Lincoln was long suffering. Because he could see the true potential of others, he gave them multiple chances to rise to the occasion. Only after many failed attempts would he remove someone who was not performing well. Lincoln stayed true to his values and principles to reunite the country and slavery. When the bloody war was finally over he worked to welcome the South back into the Union without holding a grudge, or seeking revenge or punishment.Goodwin also includes a lot of personal information that shows Lincoln as a master story teller, devoted husband and father. He would often use his stories to diffuse deep political tension, and drive home his point.To me the book was a bit long (over 700 pages). Almost the 1st half of the book is a mini-biography of Lincoln and each of his primary Cabinet members. It is not until page 329 that you get to Lincoln's inauguration. I feel that Goodwin sums up the book when she states,"By calling these men to his side, Lincoln had afforded an opportunity to exercise their talents to the fullest and to share in the labor and glory of the struggle that would reunite and transform their country and secure their own places in prosperity." p. 747This a great book for any fan of Lincoln, history or politics. It is also a great guide on leadership based on values and principles held by Abraham Lincoln who lived it out during the greatest crisis of our nation.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Like every other American, I learned about Lincoln in school. In reality, none of really learned about Lincoln in school. We learned basic bullet points: He was born in a log cabin; he freed the slaves; he was assassinated. And were maybe made to memorize the Gettysburg Address.As an adult, this baffles me. This Kentucky born, self-educated, rail splitter turned poetic President was not a simple man. I won't get into that, or else I'd be here all day.My true fascination ...more Like every other American, I learned about Lincoln in school. In reality, none of really learned about Lincoln in school. We learned basic bullet points: He was born in a log cabin; he freed the slaves; he was assassinated. And were maybe made to memorize the Gettysburg Address.As an adult, this baffles me. This Kentucky born, self-educated, rail splitter turned poetic President was not a simple man. I won't get into that, or else I'd be here all day.My true fascination with Lincoln's life really came about in the past few years. I don't know, maybe it was the many, many documentaries I watched. But it felt like while researching every kind of political figure, world leader, or any other person who made a mark, I always came back to Lincoln. Maybe because he wasn't some great genius and that he really was just a man.Lincoln only wanted to remembered for one great thing before he left this earth. I think the way we've remembered him and held him up on a pedestal - as almost a mythological figure - is surely humbling him, wherever he is.This book is the perfect starting point to anyone wanting to learn about the real Lincoln. Not the Lincoln we learned about in elementary school or about the mythological saint-like figure America has made him out to be, but the man.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    And I thought I knew enough about Abraham Lincoln. Doris Kearns Goodwin brings to life Lincoln, the major political figures of his day, and the major issues. She also recaps the history of attempts to deal with slavery through the first half of the nineteenth century. I understand American history much more thoroughly after reading this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is an excellent history of Abraham Lincoln and in particular his time as President. I don't think I've ever read a better historical biography. It is interesting, detailed without getting lost in details, and brings in enough information about his cabinet members and friends that you get a very good idea of what Lincoln and politics of his day were like. Not a lot of detail is gone into concerning life in the mid-19th century, but that isn't necessary to the story, as this is about Lincoln and his accomplishments and the people that helped him get it done. It isn't a Civil War book, as only the barest detail of battles is given, mostly in the context of how it affected politics. It is also not the screenplay for the movie, the movie covers only a fraction of this book and clearly draws on other sources. This should be required reading for anyone who participates in our government. If our current leaders had his skill and integrity, we'd be much better off.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow! Talk about a fantastic book. I decided I'd had enough mindless reading and picked up a juicy non-fiction. I definitely made the right choice with this one. Goodwin does a remarkable job introducing us to the men who served in Lincoln's cabinet and describing the American political climate in which these men had to function. I also loved that she didn't take sides (North good, South evil) and make biased assumptions. She presented both sides of the civil war very well and gave just enough detail about the action on the field of battle to remind readers just what Lincoln and his team were trying to work with. I definitely recommend this book to anyone, not just history buffs. It's so well-written, so easy to read, and so interesting that you'll find you have a hard time putting it down.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    President Obama said that Team of Rivals would be one book he'd like to have with him if he was stranded on a deserted island. It was also an inspiration for him when composing his cabinet in his first term. For me, I couldn't heap more praise on this one. This book is one of the best Biographies I have ever read. The prose is lucid, clear and engaging. Lincoln besides, this book is actually a multi-biography in one (Bates, Seward, Chase, Stanton and Welles). I found it very interesting to learn more about Lincolns early political career, his time as a lawyer, and his improbable nomination to the nascent Republican Party. The other cabinet members are fleshed out in a similar fashion from their early political years to their time with Lincoln. All of this is fascinating, but the real interesting stuff involves Lincolns deliberations over selecting his cabinet, the dynamic between members as policy is shaped during the war, allegiances being struck and lasting bonds formed. I also enjoyed learning more about the close intimate relationship between Seward and Lincoln, the always conniving Chase, and the stern but loyal and hardworking Stanton. I didnt want it to end. Highly Recommended.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am intrigued by this part of the history of the US, and have read a few books about the Civil War and the times before and afterwards. This book adds the aspect of Lincoln's relationships with the men he chose to be his closest advisers on his Cabinet. I found it wonderfully enriching and it really held my interest. It appears to be well-researched and concerned with presenting an honest picture of Lincoln and others. Caveat: I didn't realize until the end that I was listening to an abridged version.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a great biography of not only Abraham Lincoln but also of the men that made up his cabinet. Goodwin shows readers not only of the great accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln but also the men and events that helped shape his decisions. I really enjoyed reading this book; it was very informative without being too dry. I would definitely recommend this book to those interested in Abraham Lincoln and the civil war. If you are willing to read a long but very fascinating book then this is the book for you.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Doris Kearns Goodwin has written a history of Abraham Lincoln that is unique in its approach to the subject. With a focus on Lincoln's "political genius" in her book Team of Rivals she tells the story not only of his ascendancy to the Presidency and various trials of office, but also the story of his rivals for the Presidency and the strategy he used for dealing with them once he was elected President. After his surprising nomination as a "dark horse" candidate and somewhat less surprising election he shocked the political establishment by naming his former rivals to his cabinet. It is this story and the background stories of each of these politicians that make Team of Rivals an essential addition to the massive library of books about Abraham Lincoln.I found the narratives about the lives of William Seward, Salmon P. Chase, and Edward Bates fascinating and a rewarding read. While the story of Lincoln held my interest more due to the beautiful prose style of the author Goodwin than to any revelations about his well-documented life (for anyone who has not read a biography of Lincoln I would recommend that written by David Herbert Donald). With additional information about Edwin M. Stanton the quartet of major politicos was complete. Both the quotidian details of political life and the intrigue, including the nuance of the various shades of abolitionist behavior, were fascinating. The story of how they complemented each other, often helped along by Lincoln's astute decisions, combined with the background of secession and civil war turmoil makes this a great work of history.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is another one of my favorite history books. This book takes a look at Abraham Lincoln and his working and personal relationships with Edward Bates, William Seward, Salmon Chase, and Edwin Stanton. It follows each of their stories from childhood through the conclusion of the Civil War and assassination of the President. This book is extremely well written and flows as if it is a novel. We can never learn enough about these giants of history and the lessons we take from Lincoln's decisions are applicable to each of our lives.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Perhaps the best history I've read in a long, long time. Certainly the finest history of the Civil War I've read.

Book preview

Team of Rivals - Doris Kearns Goodwin


Praise for Team of Rivals

Winner of the Lincoln Prize

Winner of The New-York Historical Society Book Prize

Winner of the Barondess/Lincoln Award

Winner of the Bostonian Society’s 2006 Bostonian History Award

Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for biography

Finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize in biography

An elegant, incisive study of Lincoln and leading members of his cabinet that will appeal to experts as well as to those whose knowledge of Lincoln is an amalgam of high school history and popular mythology. . . . Goodwin has brilliantly described how Lincoln forged a team that preserved a nation and freed America from the curse of slavery.

—James M. McPherson, The New York Times Book Review

A brilliantly conceived and well-written tour de force of a historical narrative. . . . Goodwin’s contribution is refreshingly unique. . . . Goodwin’s emotive prose elevates this tome from mere popular history to literary achievement.

—Douglas Brinkley, The Boston Globe

A sweeping, riveting account. . . . Put simply, Goodwin’s story of Lincoln’s great, troubled, triumphant life is a star-spangled, high-stepping, hat-waving, bugle-blowing winner.

Daily News (New York)

Goodwin finds her Lincoln hiding in plain view. He is Lincoln the politician, but one whose political shrewdness ends up being indistinguishable from wisdom. She has written a wonderful book. There is a man in it.

—Garry Wills, American Scholar

Probe[s] the 16th president’s personal and public lives with insight, engaging narrative and careful research. . . . When it comes to political complexity and intrigue, Goodwin excels. . . . Riveting political history.

Chicago Tribune

"Team of Rivals is one of the most compulsively readable books of history for a general audience to come along in a long time. An engagingly intimate look at Lincoln’s private life and public actions, the book convincingly brings to life this man who may have been the most extraordinary individual in American history."

The Sunday Oregonian

This immense, finely honed book is no dull administrative or bureaucratic history; rather, it is a story of personalities—a messianic drama. . . . Portraits are drawn in spacious detail and with great skill. . . . Goodwin’s narrative powers are great.

The Washington Post Book World

Captivating. . . . Immensely readable. . . . Goodwin . . . is a master storyteller.

The Christian Science Monitor

Magnificent. . . . Vastly readable. . . . Brilliantly told.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

This is a serious biography that ranges across an immense territory. . . . Goodwin has probed a vast trove of contemporary sources. . . . Her account of the 1860 Republican convention is spellbinding.

The New York Observer

"Team of Rivals is well-executed popular history from one of the masters of the genre."

The New York Sun

"Goodwin’s gripping narrative propels the reader. . . . Offers fresh perspectives, astute analysis, and sensitive portrayals of her four main characters and a host of lesser ones. Team of Rivals is a masterful work of history."

The Providence Journal

"Fascinating. . . . Team of Rivals makes us long for men of such integrity, goodness and insight."

The Commercial Appeal (Memphis)

"Splendid . . . Team of Rivals tells of a day when men were true leaders."

U.S. News & World Report

"If you think you know all there is to know about Abraham Lincoln, spend some time in the mid-1800s with Doris Kearns Goodwin in her new book, Team of Rivals. This masterful and extremely entertaining work shines light on the 16th president’s astounding grasp of the subtleties of politics and his mastery of the presidency during the Civil War, adding even more luster to the Lincoln image."

The Courier-Journal (Louisville, Kentucky)

Goodwin’s fine book makes an important contribution to our national understanding of this crucial era.

National Review

Restores Lincoln to his proper time and place. . . . Goodwin reveals something about Lincoln that’s too often neglected: his remarkable capacity for empathy, affection and manipulation. These qualities informed his most critical political decisions.

Austin American-Statesman

A sweeping survey of Lincoln and his Cabinet that contributes a great deal to our understanding of Lincoln’s character and political dexterity. . . . A master storyteller, Goodwin uses the intertwined lives of Lincoln and his key cabinet members . . . to weave a compelling narrative of wartime Washington.

American Heritage

Meticulous. . . . Goodwin vividly evokes Lincoln’s struggles to avoid war, his resolve to fight hard once war became inevitable, and his unflagging effort to hold fast the fragile union.

St. Petersburg Times

A window into the political life and times of the late 19th century. . . . The book [has] an immediacy and freshness much like the intimacy of Ken Burns’ documentary on the Civil War.

Chicago Sun-Times

"Excellent. . . . Lincoln is brought to life beautifully in Team of Rivals. . . . Clarifies and preserves Lincoln’s legacy with rare skill."

The Seattle Times

A wonderful book. . . . Goodwin has written a history that is also a good yarn. . . . This book ennobles politics, at least as practiced by Abraham Lincoln. Our democracy could use some ennobling these days.

The Sunday Star-Ledger (Newark, N.J.)

There is something for just about every reader in this book: the story of Union politics during the Civil War; an insight into how people lived in the 19th century; and riveting prose that will keep you reading.

The Roanoke Times

Doris Kearns Goodwin has written an enormous book possessed of a friendly grandeur and, against all odds, a considerable freshness.

The Atlantic Monthly

An intriguing contribution. . . . One of the few books on the Civil War period that presents a rounded portrait of Mary Todd Lincoln.

Richmond Times Dispatch

"Original in conception and brilliant in execution. . . . This is history at full flood, an absorbing narrative. . . . In Team of Rivals, the political genius of Abraham Lincoln meets the historical genius of Doris Kearns Goodwin."

The Globe and Mail (Toronto)

Goodwin illuminates all aspects of the life of Lincoln with a dignity that befits one of the greatest Americans.

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

A wonderful book that shows Lincoln clearly by broadening the focus to include his Cabinet. Perhaps just in time to make us envious, Goodwin gives us a portrait of effective democratic government in bad times, led by a political genius. . . . She has written a history that is also a good yarn. . . . This book ennobles politics, at least as practiced by Abraham Lincoln.

—Newhouse News Service

"Team of Rivals is fascinating, artfully constructed, beautifully written. It is as fresh as if this were the first book on Abraham Lincoln ever published."

—David Herbert Donald, author of Lincoln

In this majestic work, Lincoln emerges both as a master politician and transcendent moral figure. Goodwin shows Lincoln’s White House as it really was: a place of moral courage and triumph, but also intrigue and tragedy. The story of the president and his brilliant, fractious cabinet has never been so beautifully told.

—Michael Bishop, Executive Director, Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission

What an achievement! It is brilliant in its execution, compassionate in its presentation, and informative in every sense.

—Frank J. Williams, Chairman, The Lincoln Forum

The book is splendid—I felt like I was at every cabinet meeting, every crisis conference, every hand-wringing visit to the telegraph office, watching Seward relax, Chase puff up, and Lincoln grow into the genius Goodwin asserts in the title. It’s a triumph.

—Harold Holzer, author of Lincoln at Cooper Union and The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Nowhere is there a better understanding or more lyrical portrayal of those who served as Lincoln’s top advisors. . . . Goodwin provides us with a comparative perspective producing new and compelling insights into Lincoln’s personal and public life. Goodwin beautifully captures the infighting, the gossip and the high-stakes politics of the Lincoln presidency. . . . Any reader of this book will enthusiastically agree that Lincoln’s political genius laid the foundation for Union victory, emancipation and ultimately the Thirteenth Amendment.

—Thomas F. Schwartz, Illinois State Historian


Maps and Diagrams



1     Four Men Waiting

2     The Longing to Rise

3     The Lure of Politics

4     Plunder & Conquest

5     The Turbulent Fifties

6     The Gathering Storm

7     Countdown to the Nomination

8     Showdown in Chicago

9     A Man Knows His Own Name

10     An Intensified Crossword Puzzle

11     I Am Now Public Property


12     Mystic Chords of Memory: Spring 1861

13     The Ball Has Opened: Summer 1861

14     I Do Not Intend to Be Sacrificed: Fall 1861

15     My Boy Is Gone: Winter 1862

16     He Was Simply Out-Generaled: Spring 1862

17     We Are in the Depths: Summer 1862

18     My Word Is Out: Fall 1862

19     Fire in the Rear: Winter–Spring 1863

20     The Tycoon Is in Fine Whack: Summer 1863

21     I Feel Trouble in the Air: Summer–Fall 1863

22     Still in Wild Water: Fall 1863

23     There’s a Man in It!: Winter–Spring 1864

24     Atlanta Is Ours: Summer–Fall 1864

25     A Sacred Effort: Winter 1864–1865

26     The Final Weeks: Spring 1865




About Doris Kearns Goodwin


Illustration Credits


For Richard N. Goodwin,

my husband of thirty years

The conduct of the republican party in this nomination is a remarkable indication of small intellect, growing smaller. They pass over . . . statesmen and able men, and they take up a fourth rate lecturer, who cannot speak good grammar.

—The New York Herald (May 19, 1860), commenting on Abraham Lincoln’s nomination for president at the Republican National Convention

Why, if the old Greeks had had this man, what trilogies of plays—what epics—would have been made out of him! How the rhapsodes would have recited him! How quickly that quaint tall form would have enter’d into the region where men vitalize gods, and gods divinify men! But Lincoln, his times, his death—great as any, any age—belong altogether to our own.

—Walt Whitman, Death of Abraham Lincoln, 1879

The greatness of Napoleon, Caesar or Washington is only moonlight by the sun of Lincoln. His example is universal and will last thousands of years. . . . He was bigger than his country—bigger than all the Presidents together . . . and as a great character he will live as long as the world lives.

—Leo Tolstoy, The World, New York, 1909


Washington, D.C., During the Civil War

Political Map of the United States, circa 1856

Second Floor of the Lincoln White House

The Peninsula Campaign

Battlefields of the Civil War


IN 1876, the celebrated orator Frederick Douglass dedicated a monument in Washington, D.C., erected by black Americans to honor Abraham Lincoln. The former slave told his audience that there is little necessity on this occasion to speak at length and critically of this great and good man, and of his high mission in the world. That ground has been fully occupied. . . . The whole field of fact and fancy has been gleaned and garnered. Any man can say things that are true of Abraham Lincoln, but no man can say anything that is new of Abraham Lincoln.

Speaking only eleven years after Lincoln’s death, Douglass was too close to assess the fascination that this plain and complex, shrewd and transparent, tender and iron-willed leader would hold for generations of Americans. In the nearly two hundred years since his birth, countless historians and writers have uncovered new documents, provided fresh insights, and developed an ever-deepening understanding of our sixteenth president.

In my own effort to illuminate the character and career of Abraham Lincoln, I have coupled the account of his life with the stories of the remarkable men who were his rivals for the 1860 Republican presidential nomination—New York senator William H. Seward, Ohio governor Salmon P. Chase, and Missouri’s distinguished elder statesman Edward Bates.

Taken together, the lives of these four men give us a picture of the path taken by ambitious young men in the North who came of age in the early decades of the nineteenth century. All four studied law, became distinguished orators, entered politics, and opposed the spread of slavery. Their upward climb was one followed by many thousands who left the small towns of their birth to seek opportunity and adventure in the rapidly growing cities of a dynamic, expanding America.

Just as a hologram is created through the interference of light from separate sources, so the lives and impressions of those who companioned Lincoln give us a clearer and more dimensional picture of the president himself. Lincoln’s barren childhood, his lack of schooling, his relationships with male friends, his complicated marriage, the nature of his ambition, and his ruminations about death can be analyzed more clearly when he is placed side by side with his three contemporaries.

When Lincoln won the nomination, each of his celebrated rivals believed the wrong man had been chosen. Ralph Waldo Emerson recalled his first reception of the news that the comparatively unknown name of Lincoln had been selected: we heard the result coldly and sadly. It seemed too rash, on a purely local reputation, to build so grave a trust in such anxious times.

Lincoln seemed to have come from nowhere—a backwoods lawyer who had served one undistinguished term in the House of Representatives and had lost two consecutive contests for the U. S. Senate. Contemporaries and historians alike have attributed his surprising nomination to chance—the fact that he came from the battleground state of Illinois and stood in the center of his party. The comparative perspective suggests a different interpretation. When viewed against the failed efforts of his rivals, it is clear that Lincoln won the nomination because he was shrewdest and canniest of them all. More accustomed to relying upon himself to shape events, he took the greatest control of the process leading up to the nomination, displaying a fierce ambition, an exceptional political acumen, and a wide range of emotional strengths, forged in the crucible of personal hardship, that took his unsuspecting rivals by surprise.

That Lincoln, after winning the presidency, made the unprecedented decision to incorporate his eminent rivals into his political family, the cabinet, was evidence of a profound self-confidence and a first indication of what would prove to others a most unexpected greatness. Seward became secretary of state, Chase secretary of the treasury, and Bates attorney general. The remaining top posts Lincoln offered to three former Democrats whose stories also inhabit these pages—Gideon Welles, Lincoln’s Neptune, was made secretary of the navy, Montgomery Blair became postmaster general, and Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln’s Mars, eventually became secretary of war. Every member of this administration was better known, better educated, and more experienced in public life than Lincoln. Their presence in the cabinet might have threatened to eclipse the obscure prairie lawyer from Springfield.

It soon became clear, however, that Abraham Lincoln would emerge the undisputed captain of this most unusual cabinet, truly a team of rivals. The powerful competitors who had originally disdained Lincoln became colleagues who helped him steer the country through its darkest days. Seward was the first to appreciate Lincoln’s remarkable talents, quickly realizing the futility of his plan to relegate the president to a figurehead role. In the months that followed, Seward would become Lincoln’s closest friend and advisor in the administration. Though Bates initially viewed Lincoln as a well-meaning but incompetent administrator, he eventually concluded that the president was an unmatched leader, very near being a perfect man. Edwin Stanton, who had treated Lincoln with contempt at their initial acquaintance, developed a great respect for the commander in chief and was unable to control his tears for weeks after the president’s death. Even Chase, whose restless ambition for the presidency was never realized, at last acknowledged that Lincoln had outmaneuvered him.

This, then, is a story of Lincoln’s political genius revealed through his extraordinary array of personal qualities that enabled him to form friendships with men who had previously opposed him; to repair injured feelings that, left untended, might have escalated into permanent hostility; to assume responsibility for the failures of subordinates; to share credit with ease; and to learn from mistakes. He possessed an acute understanding of the sources of power inherent in the presidency, an unparalleled ability to keep his governing coalition intact, a tough-minded appreciation of the need to protect his presidential prerogatives, and a masterful sense of timing. His success in dealing with the strong egos of the men in his cabinet suggests that in the hands of a truly great politician the qualities we generally associate with decency and morality—kindness, sensitivity, compassion, honesty, and empathy—can also be impressive political resources.

Before I began this book, aware of the sorrowful aspect of his features and the sadness attributed to him by his contemporaries, I had assumed that Lincoln suffered from chronic depression. Yet, with the exception of two despondent episodes in his early life that are described in this story, there is no evidence that he was immobilized by depression. On the contrary, even during the worst days of the war, he retained his ability to function at a very high level.

To be sure, he had a melancholy temperament, most likely imprinted on him from birth. But melancholy differs from depression. It is not an illness; it does not proceed from a specific cause; it is an aspect of one’s nature. It has been recognized by artists and writers for centuries as a potential source of creativity and achievement.

Moreover, Lincoln possessed an uncanny understanding of his shifting moods, a profound self-awareness that enabled him to find constructive ways to alleviate sadness and stress. Indeed, when he is compared with his colleagues, it is clear that he possessed the most even-tempered disposition of them all. Time and again, he was the one who dispelled his colleagues’ anxiety and sustained their spirits with his gift for storytelling and his life-affirming sense of humor. When resentment and contention threatened to destroy his administration, he refused to be provoked by petty grievances, to submit to jealousy, or to brood over perceived slights. Through the appalling pressures he faced day after day, he retained an unflagging faith in his country’s cause.

The comparative approach has also yielded an interesting cast of female characters to provide perspective on the Lincolns’ marriage. The fiercely idealistic Frances Seward served as her husband’s social conscience. The beautiful Kate Chase made her father’s quest for the presidency the ruling passion of her life, while the devoted Julia Bates created a blissful home that gradually enticed her husband away from public ambitions. Like Frances Seward, Mary Lincoln displayed a striking intelligence; like Kate Chase, she possessed what was then considered an unladylike interest in politics. Mary’s detractors have suggested that if she had created a more tranquil domestic life for her family, Lincoln might have been satisfied to remain in Springfield. Yet the idea that he could have been a contented homebody, like Edward Bates, contradicts everything we know of the powerful ambition that drove him from his earliest days.

By widening the lens to include Lincoln’s colleagues and their families, my story benefited from a treasure trove of primary sources that have not generally been used in Lincoln biographies. The correspondence of the Seward family contains nearly five thousand letters, including an eight-hundred-page diary that Seward’s daughter Fanny kept from her fifteenth year until two weeks before her death at the age of twenty-one. In addition to the voluminous journals in which Salmon Chase recorded the events of four decades, he wrote thousands of personal letters. A revealing section of his daughter Kate’s diary also survives, along with dozens of letters from her husband, William Sprague. The unpublished section of the diary that Bates began in 1846 provides a more intimate glimpse of the man than the published diary that starts in 1859. Letters to his wife, Julia, during his years in Congress expose the warmth beneath his stolid exterior. Stanton’s emotional letters to his family and his sister’s unpublished memoir reveal the devotion and idealism that connected the passionate, hard-driving war secretary to his president. The correspondence of Montgomery Blair’s sister, Elizabeth Blair Lee, and her husband, Captain Samuel Phillips Lee, leaves a memorable picture of daily life in wartime Washington. The diary of Gideon Welles, of course, has long been recognized for its penetrating insights into the workings of the Lincoln administration.

Through these fresh sources, we see Lincoln liberated from his familiar frock coat and stovepipe hat. We see him late at night relaxing at Seward’s house, his long legs stretched before a blazing fire, talking of many things besides the war. We hear his curious and infectious humor in the punch lines of his favorite stories and sit in on clamorous cabinet discussions regarding emancipation and Reconstruction. We feel the enervating tension in the telegraph office as Lincoln clasps Stanton’s hand, awaiting bulletins from the battlefield. We follow him to the front on a dozen occasions and observe the invigorating impact of his sympathetic, kindly presence on the morale of the troops. In all these varied encounters, Lincoln’s vibrant personality shines through. In the mirrors of his colleagues, he comes to life.

As a young man, Lincoln worried that the field of glory had been harvested by the founding fathers, that nothing had been left for his generation but modest ambitions. In the 1850s, however, the wheel of history turned. The rising intensity of the slavery issue and the threatening dissolution of the nation itself provided Lincoln and his colleagues with an opportunity to save and improve the democracy established by Washington, Jefferson, and Adams, creating what Lincoln later called a new birth of freedom. Without the march of events that led to the Civil War, Lincoln still would have been a good man, but most likely would never have been publicly recognized as a great man. It was history that gave him the opportunity to manifest his greatness, providing the stage that allowed him to shape and transform our national life.

For better than thirty years, as a working historian, I have written on leaders I knew, such as Lyndon Johnson, and interviewed intimates of the Kennedy family and many who knew Franklin Roosevelt, a leader perhaps as indispensable in his way as was Lincoln to the social and political direction of the country. After living with the subject of Abraham Lincoln for a decade, however, reading what he himself wrote and what hundreds of others have written about him, following the arc of his ambition, and assessing the inevitable mixture of human foibles and strengths that made up his temperament, after watching him deal with the terrible deprivations of his childhood, the deaths of his children, and the horror that engulfed the entire nation, I find that after nearly two centuries, the uniquely American story of Abraham Lincoln has unequalled power to captivate the imagination and to inspire emotion.





ON MAY 18, 1860, the day when the Republican Party would nominate its candidate for president, Abraham Lincoln was up early. As he climbed the stairs to his plainly furnished law office on the south side of the public square in Springfield, Illinois, breakfast was being served at the 130-room Chenery House on Fourth Street. Fresh butter, flour, lard, and eggs were being put out for sale at the City Grocery Store on North Sixth Street. And in the morning newspaper, the proprietors at Smith, Wickersham & Company had announced the arrival of a large spring stock of silks, calicos, ginghams, and linens, along with a new supply of the latest styles of hosiery and gloves.

The Republicans had chosen to meet in Chicago. A new convention hall called the Wigwam had been constructed for the occasion. The first ballot was not due to be called until 10 a.m. and Lincoln, although patient by nature, was visibly nervous, fidgety, and intensely excited. With an outside chance to secure the Republican nomination for the highest office of the land, he was unable to focus on his work. Even under ordinary circumstances many would have found concentration difficult in the untidy office Lincoln shared with his younger partner, William Herndon. Two worktables, piled high with papers and correspondence, formed a T in the center of the room. Additional documents and letters spilled out from the drawers and pigeonholes of an outmoded secretary in the corner. When he needed a particular piece of correspondence, Lincoln had to rifle through disorderly stacks of paper, rummaging, as a last resort, in the lining of his old plug hat, where he often put stray letters or notes.

Restlessly descending to the street, he passed the state capitol building, set back from the road, and the open lot where he played handball with his friends, and climbed a short set of stairs to the office of the Illinois State Journal, the local Republican newspaper. The editorial room on the second floor, with a central large wood-burning stove, was a gathering place for the exchange of news and gossip.

He wandered over to the telegraph office on the north side of the square to see if any new dispatches had come in. There were few outward signs that this was a day of special moment and expectation in the history of Springfield, scant record of any celebration or festivity planned should Lincoln, long their fellow townsman, actually secure the nomination. That he had garnered the support of the Illinois delegation at the state convention at Decatur earlier that month was widely understood to be a complimentary gesture. Yet if there were no firm plans to celebrate his dark horse bid, Lincoln knew well the ardor of his staunch circle of friends already at work on his behalf on the floor of the Wigwam.

The hands of the town clock on the steeple of the Baptist church on Adams Street must have seemed not to move. When Lincoln learned that his longtime friend James Conkling had returned unexpectedly from the convention the previous evening, he walked over to Conkling’s office above Chatterton’s jewelry store. Told that his friend was expected within the hour, he returned to his own quarters, intending to come back as soon as Conkling arrived.

Lincoln’s shock of black hair, brown furrowed face, and deep-set eyes made him look older than his fifty-one years. He was a familiar figure to almost everyone in Springfield, as was his singular way of walking, which gave the impression that his long, gaunt frame needed oiling. He plodded forward in an awkward manner, hands hanging at his sides or folded behind his back. His step had no spring, his partner William Herndon recalled. He lifted his whole foot at once rather than lifting from the toes and then thrust the whole foot down on the ground rather than landing on his heel. His legs, another observer noted, seemed to drag from the knees down, like those of a laborer going home after a hard day’s work.

His features, even supporters conceded, were not such as belong to a handsome man. In repose, his face was so overspread with sadness, the reporter Horace White noted, that it seemed as if Shakespeare’s melancholy Jacques had been translated from the forest of Arden to the capital of Illinois. Yet, when Lincoln began to speak, White observed, this expression of sorrow dropped from him instantly. His face lighted up with a winning smile, and where I had a moment before seen only leaden sorrow I now beheld keen intelligence, genuine kindness of heart, and the promise of true friendship. If his appearance seemed somewhat odd, what captivated admirers, another contemporary observed, was his winning manner, his ready good humor, and his unaffected kindness and gentleness. Five minutes in his presence, and you cease to think that he is either homely or awkward.

Springfield had been Lincoln’s home for nearly a quarter of a century. He had arrived in the young city to practice law at twenty-eight years old, riding into town, his great friend Joshua Speed recalled, on a borrowed horse, with no earthly property save a pair of saddle-bags containing a few clothes. The city had grown rapidly, particularly after 1839, when it became the capital of Illinois. By 1860, Springfield boasted nearly ten thousand residents, though its business district, designed to accommodate the expanding population that arrived in town when the legislature was in session, housed thousands more. Ten hotels radiated from the public square where the capitol building stood. In addition, there were multiple saloons and restaurants, seven newspapers, three billiard halls, dozens of retail stores, three military armories, and two railroad depots.

Here in Springfield, in the Edwards mansion on the hill, Lincoln had courted and married the belle of the town, young Mary Todd, who had come to live with her married sister, Elizabeth, wife of Ninian Edwards, the well-to-do son of the former governor of Illinois. Raised in a prominent Lexington, Kentucky, family, Mary had received an education far superior to most girls her age. For four years she had studied languages and literature in an exclusive boarding school and then spent two additional years in what was considered graduate study. The story is told of Lincoln’s first meeting with Mary at a festive party. Captivated by her lively manner, intelligent face, clear blue eyes, and dimpled smile, Lincoln reportedly said, I want to dance with you in the worst way. And, Mary laughingly told her cousin later that night, he certainly did. In Springfield, all their children were born, and one was buried. In that spring of 1860, Mary was forty-two, Robert sixteen, William nine, and Thomas seven. Edward, the second son, had died at the age of three.

Their home, described at the time as a modest two-story frame house, having a wide hall running through the centre, with parlors on both sides, stood close to the street and boasted few trees and no garden. The adornments were few, but chastely appropriate, one contemporary observer noted. In the center hall stood the customary little table with a white marble top, on which were arranged flowers, a silver-plated ice-water pitcher, and family photographs. Along the walls were positioned some chairs and a sofa. Everything, a journalist observed, tended to represent the home of a man who has battled hard with the fortunes of life, and whose hard experience had taught him to enjoy whatever of success belongs to him, rather in solid substance than in showy display.

During his years in Springfield, Lincoln had forged an unusually loyal circle of friends. They had worked with him in the state legislature, helped him in his campaigns for Congress and the Senate, and now, at this very moment, were guiding his efforts at the Chicago convention, moving heaven & Earth, they assured him, in an attempt to secure him the nomination. These steadfast companions included David Davis, the Circuit Court judge for the Eighth District, whose three-hundred-pound body was matched by a big brain and a big heart; Norman Judd, an attorney for the railroads and chairman of the Illinois Republican state central committee; Leonard Swett, a lawyer from Bloomington who believed he knew Lincoln as intimately as I have ever known any man in my life; and Stephen Logan, Lincoln’s law partner for three years in the early forties.

Many of these friendships had been forged during the shared experience of the circuit, the eight weeks each spring and fall when Lincoln and his fellow lawyers journeyed together throughout the state. They shared rooms and sometimes beds in dusty village inns and taverns, spending long evenings gathered together around a blazing fire. The economics of the legal profession in sparsely populated Illinois were such that lawyers had to move about the state in the company of the circuit judge, trying thousands of small cases in order to make a living. The arrival of the traveling bar brought life and vitality to the county seats, fellow rider Henry Whitney recalled. Villagers congregated on the courthouse steps. When the court sessions were complete, everyone would gather in the local tavern from dusk to dawn, sharing drinks, stories, and good cheer.

In these convivial settings, Lincoln was invariably the center of attention. No one could equal his never-ending stream of stories nor his ability to reproduce them with such contagious mirth. As his winding tales became more famous, crowds of villagers awaited his arrival at every stop for the chance to hear a master storyteller. Everywhere he went, he won devoted followers, friendships that later emboldened his quest for office. Political life in these years, the historian Robert Wiebe has observed, broke down into clusters of men who were bound together by mutual trust. And no political circle was more loyally bound than the band of compatriots working for Lincoln in Chicago.

The prospects for his candidacy had taken wing in 1858 after his brilliant campaign against the formidable Democratic leader, Stephen Douglas, in a dramatic senate race in Illinois that had attracted national attention. Though Douglas had won a narrow victory, Lincoln managed to unite the disparate elements of his state’s fledgling Republican Party—that curious amalgamation of former Whigs, antislavery Democrats, nativists, foreigners, radicals, and conservatives. In the mid-1850s, the Republican Party had come together in state after state in the North with the common goal of preventing the spread of slavery to the territories. "Of strange, discordant, and even, hostile elements, Lincoln proudly claimed, we gathered from the four winds, and formed and fought the battle through." The story of Lincoln’s rise to power was inextricably linked to the increasing intensity of the antislavery cause. Public feeling on the slavery issue had become so flammable that Lincoln’s seven debates with Douglas were carried in newspapers across the land, proving the prairie lawyer from Springfield more than a match for the most likely Democratic nominee for the presidency.

Furthermore, in an age when speech-making prowess was central to political success, when the spoken word filled the air from sun-up til sundown, Lincoln’s stirring oratory had earned the admiration of a far-flung audience who had either heard him speak or read his speeches in the paper. As his reputation grew, the invitations to speak multiplied. In the year before the convention, he had appeared before tens of thousands of people in Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Kentucky, New York, and New England. The pinnacle of his success was reached at Cooper Union in New York, where, on the evening of February 27, 1860, before a zealous crowd of more than fifteen hundred people, Lincoln delivered what the New York Tribune called one of the happiest and most convincing political arguments ever made in this City in defense of Republican principles and the need to confine slavery to the places where it already existed. The vast assemblage frequently rang with cheers and shouts of applause, which were prolonged and intensified at the close. No man ever before made such an impression on his first appeal to a New-York audience.

Lincoln’s success in the East bolstered his supporters at home. On May 10, the fired-up Republican state convention at Decatur nominated him for president, labeling him the Rail Candidate for President after two fence rails he had supposedly split in his youth were ceremoniously carried into the hall. The following week, the powerful Chicago Press and Tribune formally endorsed Lincoln, arguing that his moderate politics represented the thinking of most people, that he would come into the contest with no clogs, no embarrassment, an honest man who represented all the fundamentals of Republicanism, with due respect for the rights of the South.

Still, Lincoln clearly understood that he was new in the field, that outside of Illinois he was not the first choice of a very great many. His only political experience on the national level consisted of two failed Senate races and a single term in Congress that had come to an end nearly a dozen years earlier. By contrast, the three other contenders for the nomination were household names in Republican circles. William Henry Seward had been a celebrated senator from New York for more than a decade and governor of his state for two terms before he went to Washington. Ohio’s Salmon P. Chase, too, had been both senator and governor, and had played a central role in the formation of the national Republican Party. Edward Bates was a widely respected elder statesman, a delegate to the convention that had framed the Missouri Constitution, and a former congressman whose opinions on national matters were still widely sought.

Recognizing that Seward held a commanding lead at the start, followed by Chase and Bates, Lincoln’s strategy was to give offense to no one. He wanted to leave the delegates in a mood to come to us, if they shall be compelled to give up their first love. This was clearly understood by Lincoln’s team in Chicago and by all the delegates whom Judge Davis had commandeered to join the fight. We are laboring to make you the second choice of all the Delegations we can, where we can’t make you first choice, Scott County delegate Nathan Knapp told Lincoln when he first arrived in Chicago. Keep a good nerve, Knapp advised, be not surprised at any result—but I tell you that your chances are not the worst . . . brace your nerves for any result. Knapp’s message was followed by one from Davis himself on the second day of the convention. Am very hopeful, he warned Lincoln, but dont be Excited.

The warnings were unnecessary—Lincoln was, above all, a realist who fully understood that he faced an uphill climb against his better-known rivals. Anxious to get a clearer picture of the situation, he headed back to Conkling’s office, hoping that his old friend had returned. This time he was not disappointed. As Conkling later told the story, Lincoln stretched himself upon an old settee that stood by the front window, his head on a cushion and his feet over the end, while Conkling related all he had seen and heard in the previous two days before leaving the Wigwam. Conkling told Lincoln that Seward was in trouble, that he had enemies not only in other states but at home in New York. If Seward was not nominated on the first ballot, Conkling predicted, Lincoln would be the nominee.

Lincoln replied that he hardly thought this could be possible and that in case Mr. Seward was not nominated on the first ballot, it was his judgment that Mr. Chase of Ohio or Mr. Bates of Missouri would be the nominee. Conkling disagreed, citing reasons why each of those two candidates would have difficulty securing the nomination. Assessing the situation with his characteristic clearheadedness, Lincoln could not fail to perceive some truth in what his friend was saying; yet having tasted so many disappointments, he saw no benefit in letting his hopes run wild. Well, Conkling, he said slowly, pulling his long frame up from the settee, I believe I will go back to my office and practice law.

•  •  •

WHILE LINCOLN STRUGGLED to sustain his hopes against the likelihood of failure, William Henry Seward was in the best of spirits. He had left Washington three days earlier to repair to his hometown of Auburn, New York, situated in the Finger Lakes Region of the most populous state of the Union, to share the anticipated Republican nomination in the company of family and friends.

Nearly sixty years old, with the vitality and appearance of a man half his age, Seward typically rose at 6 a.m. when first light slanted into the bedroom window of his twenty-room country home. Rising early allowed him time to complete his morning constitutional through his beloved garden before the breakfast bell was rung. Situated on better than five acres of land, the Seward mansion was surrounded by manicured lawns, elaborate gardens, and walking paths that wound beneath elms, mountain ash, evergreens, and fruit trees. Decades earlier, Seward had supervised the planting of every one of these trees, which now numbered in the hundreds. He had spent thousands of hours fertilizing and cultivating his flowering shrubs. With what he called a lover’s interest, he inspected them daily. His horticultural passion was in sharp contrast to Lincoln’s lack of interest in planting trees or growing flowers at his Springfield home. Having spent his childhood laboring long hours on his father’s struggling farm, Lincoln found little that was romantic or recreational about tilling the soil.

When Seward came in to the table, his son Frederick recalled, he would announce that the hyacinths were in bloom, or that the bluebirds had come, or whatever other change the morning had brought. After breakfast, he typically retired to his book-lined study to enjoy the precious hours of uninterrupted work before his doors opened to the outer world. The chair on which he sat was the same one he had used in the Governor’s Mansion in Albany, designed specially for him so that everything he needed could be right at hand. It was, he joked, his complete office, equipped not only with a writing arm that swiveled back and forth but also with a candleholder and secret drawers to keep his inkwells, pens, treasured snuff box, and the ashes of the half-dozen or more cigars he smoked every day. He usually lighted a cigar when he sat down to write, Fred recalled, slowly consuming it as his pen ran rapidly over the page, and lighted a fresh one when that was exhausted.

Midmorning of the day of the nomination, a large cannon was hauled from the Auburn Armory into the park. The cannoneers were stationed at their posts, the local paper reported, the fire lighted, the ammunition ready, and all waiting for the signal, to make the city and county echo to the joyful news that was expected to unleash the most spectacular public celebration the city had ever known. People began gathering in front of Seward’s house. As the hours passed, the crowds grew denser, spilling over into all the main streets of Auburn. The revelers were drawn from their homes in anticipation of the grand occasion and by the lovely spring weather, welcome after the severe, snowy winters Auburn endured that often isolated the small towns and cities of the region for days at a time. Visitors had come by horse and carriage from the surrounding villages, from Seneca Falls and Waterloo to the west, from Skaneateles to the east, from Weedsport to the north. Local restaurants had stocked up with food. Banners were being prepared, flags were set to be raised, and in the basement of the chief hotel, hundreds of bottles of champagne stood ready to be uncorked.

A festive air pervaded Auburn, for the vigorous senator was admired by almost everyone in the region, not only for his political courage, unquestioned integrity, and impressive intellect but even more for his good nature and his genial disposition. A natural politician, Seward was genuinely interested in people, curious about their families and the smallest details of their lives, anxious to help with their problems. As a public man he possessed unusual resilience, enabling him to accept criticism with good-humored serenity.

Even the Democratic paper, the New York Herald, conceded that probably fewer than a hundred of Auburn’s ten thousand residents would vote against Seward if he received the nomination. He is beloved by all classes of people, irrespective of partisan predilections, the Herald observed. No philanthropic or benevolent movement is suggested without receiving his liberal and thoughtful assistance. . . . As a landlord he is kind and lenient; as an advisor he is frank and reliable; as a citizen he is enterprising and patriotic; as a champion of what he considers to be right he is dauntless and intrepid.

Seward customarily greeted personal friends at the door and was fond of walking them through his tree-lined garden to his white summerhouse. Though he stood only five feet six inches tall, with a slender frame that young Henry Adams likened to that of a scarecrow, he was nonetheless, Adams marveled, a commanding figure, an outsize personality, a most glorious original against whom larger men seemed smaller. People were drawn to this vital figure with the large, hawklike nose, bushy eyebrows, enormous ears; his hair, once bright red, had faded now to the color of straw. His step, in contrast to Lincoln’s slow and laborious manner of walking, had a school-boy elasticity as he moved from his garden to his house and back again with what one reporter described as a slashing swagger.

Every room of his palatial home contained associations from earlier days, mementos of previous triumphs. The slim Sheraton desk in the hallway had belonged to a member of the First Constitutional Congress in 1789. The fireplace in the parlor had been crafted by the young carpenter Brigham Young, later prophet of the Mormon Church. The large Thomas Cole painting in the drawing room depicting Portage Falls had been presented to Seward in commemoration of his early efforts to extend the canal system in New York State. Every inch of wall space was filled with curios and family portraits executed by the most famous artists of the day—Thomas Sully, Chester Harding, Henry Inman. Even the ivy that grew along the pathways and up the garden trellises had an anecdotal legacy, having been cultivated at Sir Walter Scott’s home in Scotland and presented to Seward by Washington Irving.

As he perused the stack of telegrams and newspaper articles arriving from Chicago for the past week, Seward had every reason to be confident. Both Republican and Democratic papers agreed that the honor in question was [to be] awarded by common expectation to the distinguished Senator from the State of New York, who, more than any other, was held to be the representative man of his party, and who, by his commanding talents and eminent public services, has so largely contributed to the development of its principles. The local Democratic paper, the Albany Atlas and Argus, was forced to concede: No press has opposed more consistently and more unreservedly than ours the political principles of Mr. Seward. . . . But we have recognised the genius and the leadership of the man.

So certain was Seward of receiving the nomination that the weekend before the convention opened he had already composed a first draft of the valedictory speech he expected to make to the Senate, assuming that he would resign his position as soon as the decision in Chicago was made. Taking leave of his Senate colleagues, with whom he had labored through the tumultuous fifties, he had returned to Auburn, the place, he once said, he loved and admired more than any other—more than Albany, where he had served four years in the state senate and two terms as governor as a member of the Whig Party; more than the U.S. Senate chamber, where he had represented the leading state of the Union for nearly twelve years; more than any city in any of the four continents in which he had traveled extensively.

Auburn was the only place, he claimed, where he was left free to act in an individual and not in a representative and public character, the only place where he felt content to live, and content, when life’s fitful fever shall be over, to die. Auburn was a prosperous community in the 1860s, with six schoolhouses, thirteen churches, seven banks, eleven newspapers, a woolen mill, a candle factory, a state prison, a fine hotel, and more than two hundred stores. Living on the northern shore of Owasco Lake, seventy-eight miles east of Rochester, the citizens took pride in the orderly layout of its streets, adorned by handsome rows of maples, elms, poplars, and sycamores.

Seward had arrived in Auburn as a graduate of Union College in Schenectady, New York. Having completed his degree with highest honors and finished his training for the bar, he had come to practice law with Judge Elijah Miller, the leading citizen of Cayuga County. It was in Judge Miller’s country house that Seward had courted and married Frances Miller, the judge’s intelligent, well-educated daughter. Frances was a tall, slender, comely woman, with large black eyes, an elegant neck, and a passionate commitment to women’s rights and the antislavery cause. She was Seward’s intellectual equal, a devoted wife and mother, a calming presence in his stormy life. In this same house, where he and Frances had lived since their marriage, five children were born—Augustus, a graduate of West Point who was now serving in the military; Frederick, who had embarked on a career in journalism and served as his father’s private secretary in Washington; Will Junior, who was just starting out in business; and Fanny, a serious-minded girl on the threshold of womanhood, who loved poetry, read widely, kept a daily journal, and hoped someday to be a writer. A second daughter, Cornelia, had died in 1837 at four months.

Seward had been slow to take up the Republican banner, finding it difficult to abandon his beloved Whig Party. His national prominence ensured that he became the new party’s chief spokesman the moment he joined its ranks. Seward, Henry Adams wrote, would inspire a cow with statesmanship if she understood our language. The young Republican leader Carl Schurz later recalled that he and his friends idealized Seward and considered him the leader of the political anti-slavery movement. From him we received the battle-cry in the turmoil of the contest, for he was one of those spirits who sometimes will go ahead of public opinion instead of tamely following its footprints.

In a time when words, communicated directly and then repeated in newspapers, were the primary means of communication between a political leader and the public, Seward’s ability to compress into a single sentence, a single word, the whole issue of a controversy would irrevocably, and often dangerously, create a political identity. Over the years, his ringing phrases, calling upon a higher law than the Constitution that commanded men to freedom, or the assertion that the collision between the North and South was an irrepressible conflict, became, as the young Schurz noted, the inscriptions on our banners, the pass-words of our combatants. But those same phrases had also alarmed Republican moderates, especially in the West. It was rhetoric, more than substance, that had stamped Seward as a radical—for his actual positions in 1860 were not far from the center of the Republican Party.

Whenever Seward delivered a major speech in the Senate, the galleries were full, for audiences were invariably transfixed not only by the power of his arguments but by his exuberant personality and, not least, the striking peculiarity of his appearance. Forgoing the simpler style of men’s clothing that prevailed in the 1850s, Seward preferred pantaloons and a long-tailed frock coat, the tip of a handkerchief poking out its back pocket. This jaunty touch figured in his oratorical style, which included dramatic pauses for him to dip into his snuff box and blow his enormous nose into the outsize yellow silk handkerchief that matched his yellow pantaloons. Such flamboyance and celebrity almost lent an aura of inevitability to his nomination.

If Seward remained serene as the hours passed to afternoon, secure in the belief that he was about to realize the goal toward which he had bent his formidable powers for so many years, the chief reason for his tranquillity lay in the knowledge that his campaign at the convention was in the hands of the most powerful political boss in the country: Thurlow Weed. Dictator of New York State for nearly half a century, the handsome, white-haired Weed was Seward’s closest friend and ally. Men might love and respect [him], might hate and despise him, Weed’s biographer Glyndon Van Deusen wrote, but no one who took any interest in the politics and government of the country could ignore him. Over the years, it was Weed who managed every one of Seward’s successful campaigns—for the state senate, the governorship, and the senatorship of New York—guarding his career at every step along the way as a hen does its chicks.

They made an exceptional team. Seward was more visionary, more idealistic, better equipped to arouse the emotions of a crowd; Weed was more practical, more realistic, more skilled in winning elections and getting things done. While Seward conceived party platforms and articulated broad principles, Weed built the party organization, dispensed patronage, rewarded loyalists, punished defectors, developed poll lists, and carried voters to the polls, spreading the influence of the boss over the entire state. So closely did people identify the two men that they spoke of Seward-Weed as a single political person: Seward is Weed and Weed is Seward.

Thurlow Weed certainly understood that Seward would face a host of problems at the convention. There were many delegates who considered the New Yorker too radical; others disdained him as an opportunist, shifting ground to strengthen his own ambition. Furthermore, complaints of corruption had surfaced in the Weed-controlled legislature. And the very fact that Seward had been the most conspicuous Northern politician for nearly a decade inevitably created jealousy among many of his colleagues. Despite these problems, Seward nonetheless appeared to be the overwhelming choice of Republican voters and politicians.

Moreover, since Weed believed the opposition lacked the power to consolidate its strength, he was convinced that Seward would eventually emerge the victor. Members of the vital New York State delegation confirmed Weed’s assessment. On May 16, the day the convention opened, the former Whig editor, now a Republican, James Watson Webb assured Seward that there was "no cause for doubting. It is only a question of time. . . . And I tell you, and stake my judgment upon it entirely, that nothing has, or can occur . . . to shake my convictions in regard to the result. The next day, Congressman Eldridge Spaulding telegraphed Seward: Your friends are firm and confident that you will be nominated after a few ballots. And on the morning of the 18th, just before the balloting was set to begin, William Evarts, chairman of the New York delegation, sent an optimistic message: All right. Everything indicates your nomination today sure." The dream that had powered Seward and Weed for three decades seemed within reach at last.

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WHILE FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS gathered about Seward on the morning of the 18th, Ohio’s governor, Salmon Chase, awaited the balloting results in characteristic solitude. History records no visitors that day to the majestic Gothic mansion bristling with towers, turrets, and chimneys at the corner of State and Sixth Streets in Columbus, Ohio, where the handsome fifty-two-year-old widower lived with his two daughters, nineteen-year-old Kate and her half sister, eleven-year-old Nettie.

There are no reports of crowds gathering spontaneously in the streets as the hours passed, though preparations had been made for a great celebration that evening should Ohio’s favorite son receive the nomination he passionately believed he had a right to expect. Brass bands stood at the ready. Fireworks had been purchased, and a dray procured to drag an enormous cannon to the statehouse, where its thunder might roll over the city once the hoped-for results were revealed. Until that announcement, the citizens of Columbus apparently went about their business, in keeping with the reserved, even austere, demeanor of their governor.

Chase stood over six feet in height. His wide shoulders, massive chest, and dignified bearing all contributed to Carl Schurz’s assessment that Chase looked as you would wish a statesman to look. One reporter observed that he is one of the finest specimens of a perfect man that we have ever seen; a large, well formed head, set upon a frame of herculean proportions, with an eye of unrivaled splendor and brilliancy. Yet where Lincoln’s features became more warm and compelling as one drew near him, the closer one studied Chase’s good-looking face, the more one noticed the unattractive droop of the lid of his right eye, creating an arresting duality, as if two men, rather than one, looked out upon the world.

Fully aware of the positive first impression he created, Chase dressed with meticulous care. In contrast to Seward or Lincoln, who were known to greet visitors clad in slippers with their shirttails hanging out, the dignified Chase was rarely seen without a waistcoat. Nor was he willing to wear his glasses in public, though he was so nearsighted that he would often pass friends on the street without displaying the slightest recognition.

An intensely religious man of unbending routine, Chase likely began that day, as he began every day, gathering his two daughters and all the members of his household staff around him for a solemn reading of Scripture. The morning meal done, he and his elder daughter, Kate, would repair to the library to read and discuss the morning papers, searching together for signs that people across the country regarded Chase as highly as he regarded himself—signs that would bolster their hope for the Republican nomination.

During his years as governor, he kept to a rigid schedule, setting out at the same time each morning for the three-block walk to the statehouse, which was usually his only exercise of the day. Never late for appointments, he had no patience with the sin of tardiness, which robbed precious minutes of life from the person who was kept waiting. On those evenings when he had no public functions to attend, he would sequester himself in his library at home to answer letters, consult the statute books, memorize lines of poetry, study a foreign language, or practice the jokes that, however hard he tried, he could never gracefully deliver.

On the rare nights when he indulged in a game of backgammon or chess with Kate, he would invariably return to work at his fastidiously arranged drop-leaf desk, where everything was always in its proper place with not a single pen or piece of paper out of order. There he would sit for hours, long after every window on his street was dark, recording his thoughts in the introspective diary he had kept since he was twenty years old. Then, as the candle began to sink, he would turn to his Bible to close the day as it had begun, with prayer.

Unlike Seward’s Auburn estate, which he and Frances had furnished over the decades with objects that marked different stages of their lives, Chase had filled his palatial house with exquisite carpets, carved parlor chairs, elegant mirrors, and rich draperies that important people of his time ought to display to prove their eminence to the world at large. He had moved frequently during his life, and this Columbus dwelling was the first home he had really tried to make his own. Yet everything was chosen for effect: even the dogs, it was said, seemed designed and posed.

Columbus was a bustling capital city in 1860, with a population of just under twenty thousand and a reputation for gracious living and hospitable entertainment. The city’s early settlers had hailed largely from New England, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, but in recent decades German and Irish immigrants had moved in, along with a thousand free blacks who lived primarily in the Long Street district near the Irish settlement. It was a time of steady growth and prosperity. Spacious blocks with wide shade trees were laid out in the heart of the city, where, the writer William Dean Howells recalled, beautiful young women, dressed in

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