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Investment under Uncertainty
Investment under Uncertainty
Investment under Uncertainty
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Investment under Uncertainty

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How should firms decide whether and when to invest in new capital equipment, additions to their workforce, or the development of new products? Why have traditional economic models of investment failed to explain the behavior of investment spending in the United States and other countries? In this book, Avinash Dixit and Robert Pindyck provide the first detailed exposition of a new theoretical approach to the capital investment decisions of firms, stressing the irreversibility of most investment decisions, and the ongoing uncertainty of the economic environment in which these decisions are made. In so doing, they answer important questions about investment decisions and the behavior of investment spending.

This new approach to investment recognizes the option value of waiting for better (but never complete) information. It exploits an analogy with the theory of options in financial markets, which permits a much richer dynamic framework than was possible with the traditional theory of investment. The authors present the new theory in a clear and systematic way, and consolidate, synthesize, and extend the various strands of research that have come out of the theory. Their book shows the importance of the theory for understanding investment behavior of firms; develops the implications of this theory for industry dynamics and for government policy concerning investment; and shows how the theory can be applied to specific industries and to a wide variety of business problems.

Release dateJul 14, 2012
Investment under Uncertainty

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    Investment under Uncertainty - Robert K. Dixit



    THIS BOOK provides a systematic treatment of a new theoretical approach to capital investment decisions of firms, stressing the irreversibility of most investment decisions and the ongoing uncertainty of the economic environment in which those decisions are made. This new approach recognizes the option value of waiting for better (but never complete) information. It exploits an analogy with the theory of options in financial markets, which permits a much richer dynamic framework than was possible with the traditional theory of investment.

    The new view of investment opportunities as options is the product of over a decade of research by many economists, and is still an active topic in journal articles. It has led to some dramatic departures from the orthodox theory. It has shown that the traditional net present value rule, which is taught to virtually every business school student and student of economics, can give very wrong answers. The reason is that this rule ignores irreversibility and the option of delaying an investment. For the same reason, the new theory also contradicts the orthodox textbook view of production and supply going back to Marshall, according to which firms enter or expand when the price exceeds long-run average cost, and exit or contract when price falls below average variable cost. Policy prescriptions based on the traditional theory, for example, the use of interest rate cuts to stimulate investment and antitrust policies based on price-cost margins, are also called into question.

    In this book we have tried to present the new theory in a clear and systematic way, and to consolidate, synthesize, and in some places extend the various strands of this growing body of research. While there is a large and burgeoning literature of journal articles, including a survey article by each of us, a book format has distinct advantages. It offers us the space to develop the different themes in more detail and better order, and to place them in relation to one another. It also gives us the opportunity to introduce and explain the new techniques that underlie much of this work, but that are often unfamiliar to economists. We hope that the result is a better pedagogic treatment, of use to students, researchers, and practitioners. However, perhaps even more important than pedagogy is the ability of the book format to provide a broad vision of the subject, and of the mechanisms of the dynamic, uncertain economic world.

    Our main aim is to clarify and explain the theory, but we think this is often best done by applying it to the real world. Therefore we often obtain numerical solutions for our theoretical models using data that pertain to some specific industries or products. We believe that the cumulative weight of these calculations constitutes strong prima facie evidence for the validity and the quantitative significance of the new theory of investment. However, more rigorous econometric testing, and the detailed work that is needed to devise improved decisionmaking tools for managers, await further research. We believe that this is an exciting and potentially important subject, and hope that our book will stimulate and aid such research.

    Who Should Read This Book?

    This book is intended for three broad audiences. The first audience consists of economists with an interest in the theory of investment, and in its policy implications. This includes graduate students engaged in the study of micro- and macroeconomic theory as well as industrial organization, and researchers at universities and other institutions with an interest in problems relating to investment. The second broad audience is students and researchers of financial economics, with an interest in corporate finance generally, and capital budgeting in particular. This would include graduate students studying problems in capital budgeting (that is, how firms should evaluate projects and make capital investment decisions), as well as anyone doing research in finance with an interest in investment decisions and investment behavior. Finally, the third audience is finance practitioners. This includes people working in financial institutions and concerned with the evaluation of companies and their assets, as well as corporate managers who must evaluate and decide whether to go ahead with large-scale investments for their firms.

    Some parts of this book are fairly technical, but that should not deter the interested reader. The first two chapters provide a fairly brief and self-contained introduction to the theory of irreversible investment under uncertainty. These chapters convey many of the basic ideas, while avoiding technical details and any mathematical formalism. Reading these chapters is a low-risk investment that we can almost guarantee will have a high return. Even those practitioners whose knowledge of economics and finance textbooks is very rusty should be able to follow these two chapters without too much effort or difficulty.

    We anticipate that many readers will want to go into the theory in more detail and address some of the technical issues, but lack some of the necessary mathematical tools. With those readers in mind, we have included two chapters (chapters 3 and 4) that provide a self-contained introduction to the mathematical concepts and tools that underlie this work. (These tools have applicability that goes well beyond the theory of investment under uncertainty, and so we anticipate that some readers will find these chapters useful even if their applied interests lie elsewhere, for example, macroeconomics, international trade, or labor economics.)

    However, we think that techniques are best learned by using them. Therefore we do not attempt to be very rigorous or thorough in the mathematics as such. We rely on intuition as far as possible, sketch some simple formal arguments in appendices, and refer the readers who wish greater mathematical rigor or depth to more advanced treatises. For most readers, we recommend reading chapters 3 and 4 once, and proceeding to the later chapters where the techniques are used. We think they will emerge with a much better grasp of the mathematics in this way than by trying to master it first and in the abstract.

    Finally, we expect that many readers will want to see the new view of investment developed in detail, including as many of its ramifications as possible, along with examples and applications. Chapters 5 through 12 provide just that, building up slowly from a basic and fairly simple model of irreversible investment in chapter 5, to more complete models in chapters 6 and 7 that account for decisions to start or stop producing, to the models in chapters 8 and 9 that account for the interactions of firms within industries, and finally to the more advanced extensions of the theory and its applications in Chapters 10, 11, and 12.


    This book is an outgrowth of the research that each of us has been doing over the past several years on the theory of investment. That research—and hence this book—have benefitted enormously from our interactions with colleagues and friends at our home institutions and elsewhere. To try to list all of the people from whom we received insights, ideas, and encouragement would greatly lengthen the book. However, there are some individuals who have been especially helpful through the comments, criticisms, and suggestions they provided after reading our research papers and draft chapters of this book, and they deserve special mention: Giuseppe Bertola, Olivier Blanchard, Alan Blinder, Ricardo Caballero, Andrew Caplin, John Cox, Bernard Dumas, Gene Grossman, Sandy Grossman, John Leahy, Gilbert Metcalf, Marcus Miller, Julio Rotemberg, and Jiang Wang. In addition, we want to thank Lead Wey for his outstanding research assistance throughout the development of this book. Our thanks, too, to Lynn Steele for editorial help in preparing the final draft of the manuscript.

    The second printing of the book gave us the opportunity to correct several errors. We thank all the readers who brought these errors to our attention, most particularly Marco Dias of PUC, Rio de Janeiro, and David Nachman of Georgia State University. We are sure that more errors remain, but we practice the preaching of capital theory: manuscripts should not be improved to the point of perfection, but only to the point where the rate of further improvement equals the rate of interest.

    Finally, we want to thank Peter Dougherty, our editor at Princeton University Press, for his encouragement and advice as we prepared the manuscript, and his guiding hand in seeing the book through to production.

    Both of us also received financial support for which we are very grateful. Avinash Dixit acknowledges the support of the National Science Foundation and the Guggenheim Foundation. Robert Pindyck acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation and from MIT’s Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research.

    Avinash K. Dixit

    Robert S. Pindyck

    Part I


    Chapter 1

    A New View of Investment

    ECONOMICS defines investment as the act of incurring an immediate cost in the expectation of future rewards. Firms that construct plants and install equipment, merchants who lay in a stock of goods for sale, and persons who spend time on vocational education are all investors in this sense. Somewhat less obviously, a firm that shuts down a loss-making plant is also investing: the payments it must make to extract itself from contractual commitments, including severance payments to labor, are the initial expenditure, and the prospective reward is the reduction in future losses.

    Viewed from this perspective, investment decisions are ubiquitous. Your purchase of this book was an investment. The reward, we hope, will be an improved understanding of investment decisions if you are an economist, and an improved ability to make such decisions in the course of your future career if you are a business school student.

    Most investment decisions share three important characteristics in varying degrees. First, the investment is partially or completely irreversible. In other words, the initial cost of investment is at least partially sunk; you cannot recover it all should you change your mind. Second, there is uncertainty over the future rewards from the investment. The best you can do is to assess the probabilities of the alternative outcomes that can mean greater or smaller profit (or loss) for your venture. Third, you have some leeway about the timing of your investment. You can postpone action to get more information (but never, of course, complete certainty) about the future.

    These three characteristics interact to determine the optimal decisions of investors. This interaction is the focus of this book. We develop the theory of irreversible investment under uncertainty, and illustrate it with some practical applications.¹

    The orthodox theory of investment has not recognized the important qualitative and quantitative implications of the interaction between irreversibility, uncertainty, and the choice of timing. We will argue that this neglect explains some of the failures of that theory. For example, compared to the predictions of most earlier models, real world investment seems much less sensitive to interest rate changes and tax policy changes, and much more sensitive to volatility and uncertainty over the economic environment. We will show how the new view resolves these anomalies, and in the process offers some guidance for designing more effective public policies concerning investment.

    Some seemingly noneconomic personal decisions also have the characteristics of an investment. To give just one example, marriage involves an up-front cost of courtship, with uncertain future happiness or misery. It may be reversed by divorce, but only at a substantial cost. Many public policy decisions also have similar features. For instance, public opinion about the relative importance of civil rights of the accused and of social order fluctuates through time, and it is costly to make or change laws that embody a particular relative weight for the two. Of course the costs and benefits of such noneconomic decisions are difficult or even impossible to quantify, but our general theory will offer some qualitative insights for them, too.

    1 The Orthodox Theory

    How should a firm, facing uncertainty over future market conditions, decide whether to invest in a new factory? Most economics and business school students are taught a simple rule to apply to problems of this sort. First, calculate the present value of the expected stream of profits that this factory will generate. Second, calculate the present value of the stream of expenditures required to build the factory. Finally, determine whether the difference between the two—the net present value (NPV) of the investment—is greater than zero. If it is, go ahead and invest.

    Of course, there are issues that arise in calculating this net present value. Just how should the expected stream of profits from a new factory be estimated? How should inflation be treated? And what discount rate (or rates) should be used in calculating the present values? Resolving issues like these are important topics in courses in corporate finance, and especially capital budgeting, but the basic principle is fairly simple—calculate the NPV of an investment project and see whether it is positive.

    The net present value rule is also the basis for the neoclassical theory of investment as taught to undergraduate and graduate students of economics. Here we find the rule expressed using the standard incremental or marginal approach of the economist: invest until the value of an incremental unit of capital is just equal to its cost. Again, issues arise in determining the value of an incremental unit of capital, and in determining its cost. For example, what production structure should be posited? How should taxes and depreciation be treated?

    Much of the theoretical and empirical literature on the economics of investment deals with issues of this sort. We find two essentially equivalent approaches. One, following Jorgenson (1963), compares the per-period value of an incremental unit of capital (its marginal product) and an equivalent per-period rental cost or user cost that can be computed from the purchase price, the interest and depreciation rates, and applicable taxes. The firm’s desired stock of capital is found by equating the marginal product and the user cost. The actual stock is assumed to adjust to the ideal, either as an ad hoc lag process, or as the optimal response to an explicit cost of adjustment. The book by Nickell (1978) provides a particularly good exposition of developments of this approach.

    The other formulation, due to Tobin (1969), compares the capitalized value of the marginal investment to its purchase cost. The value can be observed directly if the ownership of the investment can be traded in a secondary market; otherwise it is an imputed value computed as the expected present value of the stream of profits it would yield. The ratio of this to the purchase price (replacement cost) of the unit, called Tobin’s q, governs the investment decision. Investment should be undertaken or expanded if q exceeds 1; it should not be undertaken, and existing capital should be reduced, if q < 1. The optimal rate of expansion or contraction is found by equating the marginal cost of adjustment to its benefit, which depends on the difference between q and 1. Tax rules can alter this somewhat, but the basic principle is similar. Abel (1990) offers an excellent survey of this q-theory of investment. In all of this, the underlying principle is the basic net present value rule.

    2 The Option Approach

    The net present value rule, however, is based on some implicit assumptions that are often overlooked. Most important, it assumes that either the investment is reversible, that is, it can somehow be undone and the expenditures recovered should market conditions turn out to be worse than anticipated, or, if the investment is irreversible, it is a now or never proposition, that is, if the firm does not undertake the investment now, it will not be able to in the future.

    Although some investments meet these conditions, most do not. Irreversibility and the possibility of delay are very important characteristics of most investments in reality. As a rapidly growing literature has shown, the ability to delay an irreversible investment expenditure can profoundly affect the decision to invest. It also undermines the simple net present value rule, and hence the theoretical foundation of standard neoclassical investment models. The reason is that a firm with an opportunity to invest is holding an option analogous to a financial call option—it has the right but not the obligation to buy an asset at some future time of its choosing. When a firm makes an irreversible investment expenditure, it exercises, or kills, its option to invest. It gives up the possibility of waiting for new information to arrive that might affect the desirability or timing of the expenditure; it cannot disinvest should market conditions change adversely. This lost option value is an opportunity cost that must be included as part of the cost of the investment. As a result, the NPV rule invest when the value of a unit of capital is at least as large as its purchase and installation cost must be modified. The value of the unit must exceed the purchase and installation cost, by an amount equal to the value of keeping the investment option alive.

    Recent studies have shown that this opportunity cost of investing can be large, and investment rules that ignore it can be grossly in error. Also, this opportunity cost is highly sensitive to uncertainty over the future value of the project, so that changing economic conditions that affect the perceived riskiness of future cash flows can have a large impact on investment spending, larger than, say, a change in interest rates. This may help to explain why neoclassical investment theory has so far failed to provide good empirical models of investment behavior, and has led to overly optimistic forecasts of effectiveness of interest rate and tax policies in stimulating investment.

    The option insight also helps explain why the actual investment behavior of firms differs from the received wisdom taught in business schools. Firms invest in projects that are expected to yield a return in excess of a required, or hurdle, rate. Observers of business practice find that such hurdle rates are typically three or four times the cost of capital.² In other words, firms do not invest until price rises substantially above long-run average cost. On the downside, firms stay in business for lengthy periods while absorbing operating losses, and price can fall substantially below average variable cost without inducing disinvestment or exit. This also seems to conflict with standard theory, but as we will see, it can be explained once irreversibility and option value are accounted for.

    Of course, one can always redefine NPV by subtracting from the conventional calculation the opportunity cost of exercising the option to invest, and then say that the rule invest if NPV is positive holds once this correction has been made. However, to do so is to accept our criticism. To highlight the importance of option values, in this book we prefer to keep them separate from the conventional NPV. If others prefer to continue to use positive NPV terminology, that is fine as long as they are careful to include all relevant option values in their definition of NPV. Readers who prefer that usage can readily translate our statements into that language.

    In this book we develop the basic theory of irreversible investment under uncertainty, emphasizing the option-like characteristics of investment opportunities. We show how optimal investment rules can be obtained from methods that have been developed for pricing options in financial markets. We also develop an equivalent approach based on the mathematical theory of optimal sequential decisions under uncertainty—dynamic programming. We illustrate the optimal investment decisions of firms in a variety of situations—new entry, determination of the initial scale of the firm and future costly changes of scale, choice between different forms of investment that offer different degrees of flexibility to meet future conditions, completion of successive stages of a complex multistage project, temporary shutdown and restart, permanent exit, and so forth. We also analyze how the actions of such firms are aggregated to determine the dynamic equilibrium of an industry.

    To stress the analogy with options on financial assets, the opportunities to acquire real assets are sometimes called real options. Therefore this book could be titled The Real Options Approach to Investment.

    3 Irreversibility and the Ability to Wait

    Before proceeding, it is important to clarify the notions of irreversibility, the ability to delay an investment, and the option to invest. Most important, what makes an investment expenditure a sunk cost and thus irreversible?

    Investment expenditures are sunk costs when they are firm or industry specific. For example, most investments in marketing and advertising are firm specific and cannot be recovered. Hence they are clearly sunk costs. A steel plant, on the other hand, is industry specific—it can only be used to produce steel. One might think that because in principle the plant could be sold to another steel company, the investment expenditure is recoverable and is not a sunk cost. This is incorrect. If the industry is reasonably competitive, the value of the plant will be about the same for all firms in the industry, so there would be little to gain from selling it. For example, if the price of steel falls so that a plant turns out, ex post, to have been a bad investment for the firm that built it, it will also be viewed as a bad investment by other steel companies, and the ability to sell the plant will not be worth much. As a result, an investment in a steel plant (or any other industry-specific capital) should be viewed as largely a sunk cost.

    Even investments that are not firm or industry specific are often partly irreversible because buyers in markets for used machines, unable to evaluate the quality of an item, will offer a price that corresponds to the average quality in the market. Sellers, who know the quality of the item they are selling, will be reluctant to sell an above-average item. This will lower the market average quality, and therefore the market price. This lemons problem (see Akerlof, 1970) plagues many such markets. For example, office equipment, cars, trucks, and computers are not industry specific, and although they can be sold to companies in other industries, their resale value will be well below their purchase cost, even if they are almost new.

    Irreversibility can also arise because of government regulations or institutional arrangements. For example, capital controls may make it impossible for foreign (or domestic) investors to sell assets and reallocate their funds, and investments in new workers may be partly irreversible because of high costs of hiring, training, and firing. Hence most major capital investments are in large part irreversible.

    Let us turn next to the possibilities for delaying investments. Of course, firms do not always have the opportunity to delay their investments. For example, there can be occasions in which strategic considerations make it imperative for a firm to invest quickly and thereby preempt investment by existing or potential competitors.³ However, in most cases, delay is at least feasible. There may be a cost to delay—the risk of entry by other firms, or simply foregone cash flows—but this cost must be weighed against the benefits of waiting for new information. Those benefits are often large.

    As we said earlier, an irreversible investment opportunity is much like a financial call option. A call option gives the holder the right, for some specified amount of time, to pay an exercise price and in return receive an asset (e.g., a share of stock) that has some value. Exercising the option is irreversible; although the asset can be sold to another investor, one cannot retrieve the option or the money that was paid to exercise it. A firm with an investment opportunity likewise has the option to spend money (the exercise price), now or in the future, in return for an asset (e.g., a project) of some value. Again, the asset can be sold to another firm, but the investment is irreversible. As with the financial call option, this option to invest is valuable in part because the future value of the asset obtained by investing is uncertain. If the asset rises in value, the net payoff from investing rises. If it falls in value, the firm need not invest, and will only lose what it spent to obtain the investment opportunity. The models of irreversible investment that will be developed in chapter 2 and in later chapters will help to clarify the optionlike nature of an investment opportunity.

    Finally, one might ask how firms obtain their investment opportunities, that is, options to invest, in the first place. Sometimes investment opportunities result from patents, or ownership of land or natural resources. More generally, they arise from a firm’s managerial resources, technological knowledge, reputation, market position, and possible scale, all of which may have been built up over time, and which enable the firm to productively undertake investments that individuals or other firms cannot undertake. Most important, these options to invest are valuable. Indeed, for most firms, a substantial part of their market value is attributable to their options to invest and grow in the future, as opposed to the capital they already have in place.⁴ Most of the economic and financial theory of investment has focused on how firms should (and do) exercise their options to invest. To better understand investment behavior it may be just as important to develop better models of how firms obtain investment opportunities, a point that we will return to in later chapters.

    4 An Overview of the Book

    In the rest of this chapter, we outline the plan of the book and give a flavor of some of the important ideas and results that emerge from the analysis.

    4.A A Few Introductory Examples

    The general ideas about real options expounded above are simple and intuitive, but they must be translated into more precise models before their quantitative significance can be assessed and their implications for firms, industries, and public policy can be obtained. chapter 2 starts this program in a simple and gentle way. We examine a firm with a single discrete investment opportunity that can be implemented within a window of two decision periods. Between the two periods, the price of the output undergoes a permanent shift up or down. Suppose the investment would be profitable at the average price, and therefore a fortiori at the higher price, but not at the lower price. By postponing its decision to the second period, the firm can make it having observed the actual price movement. It invests if the price has gone up, but not if it has gone down. Thus it avoids the loss it would have made if it had invested in the first period and then seen the price go down. This value of waiting must be traded off against the loss of the period-1 profit flow. The result—the decision to invest or to wait—depends on the parameters that specify the model, most importantly the extent of the uncertainty (which determines the downside risk avoided by waiting) and the discount rate (which measures the relative importance of the future versus the present).

    We carry out several numerical calculations to illustrate these effects and build intuition for real options. We also explore the analogy to financial options more closely. We introduce markets that allow individuals to shift the risk of the price going up or down, namely contingent claims that have different payoffs in the two eventualities. Then we construct a portfolio of these contingent claims that can exactly replicate the risk and return characteristics of the firm’s real option to invest. The imputed value of the real option must equal that of the replicating portfolio, because otherwise there would be an arbitrage opportunity—an investor could make a pure profit by buying the cheaper and selling the dearer of the two identical assets.

    We also examine some variants of the basic example. First, we expand the window of investment opportunity to three periods, where the price can go up or down between periods 2 and 3 just as it could between periods 1 and 2. We show how this changes the value of the option. Next, we examine uncertainty in the costs of the project and in the interest rate that is used to discount future profit flows. Finally, we consider choice between projects of different scales, a larger project having higher fixed costs but lower operating costs.

    Even with these extensions and variations, the analysis remains at the level of an illustrative and very simple example rather than that of a theory with some claim to generality. In later chapters we proceed to develop a broader theoretical framework. But the example does yield some valuable insights that survive the generalization, and we summarize them here.

    First, the example shows that the opportunity cost of the option to invest is a significant component of the firm’s investment decision. The option value increases with the sunk cost of the investment and with the degree of uncertainty over the future price, the downside component of the risk being the most important aspect. These results are confirmed in more general models in chapters 5–7.

    Second, we will see that the option value is not affected if the firm is able to hedge the risk by trading in forward or futures markets. In efficient markets such risk is fairly priced, so any decrease in risk is offset by the decrease in return. The forward transaction is a financial operation that has no effect on the firm’s real decisions. (This is another example of the Modigliani-Miller theorem at work.)

    Third, when future costs are uncertain, their effect on the investment decision depends on the particular form of the uncertainty. If the uncertainty pertains to the price the firm must pay for an input, the effect is just like that of output price risk. The freedom not to invest if the input price turns out to have gone up is valuable, so immediate investment is less readily made. However, instead suppose that the project consists of several steps, the uncertainty pertains to the total cost of investment, and information about it will be revealed only as the first few steps of the project are undertaken. Then these steps have information value over and above their contribution to the conventionally calculated NPV. Thus it may be desirable to start the project even if orthodox NPV is somewhat negative. We return to this issue in chapter 10 and model it in a more general theoretical framework.

    Fourth, we will see that investment on a smaller scale, by increasing future flexibility, may have a value that offsets to some degree the advantage that a larger investment may enjoy due to economies of scale.

    4.B Some Mathematical Tools

    In reality, investment projects can have different windows of opportunity, and various aspects of the future can be uncertain in different ways. Therefore the simple two-period examples of chapter 2 must be generalized greatly before they can be applied. chapters 3 and 4 develop the mathematical tools that are needed for such a generalization.

    chapter 3 develops more general models of uncertainty. We start by explaining the nature and properties of stochastic processes. These processes combine dynamics with uncertainty. In a dynamic model without uncertainty, the current state of a system will determine its future state. When uncertainty is added, the current state determines only the probability distribution of future states, not the actual value. The specification in chapter 2, where the current price could go either up or down by a fixed percentage with known probabilities, is but the simplest example. We describe two other processes that prove especially useful in the theory of investment—Brownian motion and Poisson processes—and examine some of their properties.

    chapter 4 concerns optimal sequential decisions under uncertainty. We begin with some basic ideas of the general mathematical technique for such optimization: dynamic programming. We introduce this by recapitulating the two-period example of chapter 2, and showing how the basic ideas extend to more general multiperiod choice problems where the uncertainty takes the form of the kinds of stochastic processes introduced in chapter 3. We establish the fundamental equation of dynamic programming, and indicate methods of solving it for the applications of special interest here. Then we turn to a market setting, where the risk generated by the stochastic process can be traded by continuous trading of contingent claims. We show how the sequential decisions can be equivalently handled by constructing a dynamic hedging strategy—a portfolio whose composition changes over time to replicate the return and risk characteristics of the real investment.

    Readers who are already familiar with these techniques can skip these chapters, except perhaps for a quick glance to get used to our notation. Others not familiar with the techniques can use the chapters as a self-contained introduction to stochastic processes and stochastic dynamic optimization—even if their interests are in applications other than those discussed in the rest of the book.

    4.C The Firm’s Investment Decision

    These techniques are put to use in the chapters that follow. Chapters 5–7 constitute the core theory of a firm’s investment decision. We begin in chapter 5 by supposing that investment is totally irreversible. Then the value of the project in place is simply the expected present value of the stream of profits (or losses) it would generate. This can be computed in terms of the underlying uncertainty. Then the investment decision is simply the decision to pay the sunk cost and in return get an asset whose value can fluctuate. This is exactly analogous to the financial theory of call options—the right but not the obligation to purchase an asset of fluctuating value for a preset exercise price. Therefore the problem can be solved directly using the techniques developed in chapter 4. The result is also familiar from financial theory. The option can be profitably exercised—is in the money—when the value of the asset rises above the exercise price. However, exercise is not optimal when the option is only just in the money, because by exercising it the firm gives up the opportunity to wait and avoid the loss it would suffer should the value fall. Only when the value of the asset rises sufficiently above the exercise price—the option is sufficiently deep in the money—does its exercise become optimal.

    An alternative formulation of this idea would help the intuition of economists who think of investment in terms of Tobin’s q, the ratio of the value of a capital asset to its replacement cost. In its usual interpretation in the investment literature, the value of a capital asset is measured as the expected present value of the profit flow it will generate. Then the conventional criterion for the firm is to invest when q equals or exceeds unity. Our option value criterion is more stringent; q must exceed unity by a sufficient margin. It must equal or exceed a critical or threshold value q*, which itself exceeds unity, before investment becomes optimal.

    We perform several numerical simulations to calculate the value of the option and the optimal exercise rule, and examine how these vary with the amount of the uncertainty, the discount rate, and other parameters. We find that for plausible ranges of these parameters, the option value effect is quantitatively very important. Waiting remains optimal even though the expected rate of return on immediate investment is substantially above the interest rate or the normal rate of return on capital. Return multiples of as much as two or three times the normal rate are typically needed before the firm will exercise its option and make the investment.

    4.D Interest Rates and Investment

    Once we understand why and how firms should be cautious when deciding whether to exercise their investment options, we can also understand why interest rates seem to have so little effect on investment. Econometric tests of the orthodox theory generally find that interest rates are only a weak or insignificant determinant of investment demand. Recent history also shows that interest rate cuts tend to have only a limited stimulative effect on investment; the experience of 1991–1992 bears the latest witness to that. The options approach offers a simple explanation. A reduction in the interest rate makes the future generally more important relative to the present, but this increases the value of investing (the expected present value of the stream of profits) and the value of waiting (the ability to reduce or avoid the prospect of future losses) alike. The net effect is weak and sometimes even ambiguous.

    The real options approach also suggests that various sources of uncertainty about future profits—fluctuations in product prices, input costs, exchange rates, tax and regulatory policies—have much more important effects on investment than does the overall level of interest rates. Uncertainty about the future path of interest rates may also affect investment more than the general level of the rates. Reduction or elimination of unnecessary uncertainty may be the best kind of public policy to stimulate investment. And the uncertainty generated by the very process of a lengthy policy debate on alternatives may be a serious deterrent to investment. Later, in chapter 9, we construct specific examples that show how policy uncertainty can have a major negative effect on investment.

    4.E Suspension and Abandonment

    chapters 6 and 7 extend the simple model. As future prices and/or costs fluctuate, the operating profit of a project in place may turn negative. In chapter 5 we assumed that the investment was totally irreversible, and the firm was compelled to go on operating the project despite losses. This may be true of some public services, but most firms have some escape routes available. chapters 6 and 7 examine some of these. In chapter 6 we suppose that a loss-making project may be temporarily suspended, and its operation resumed later if and when it becomes profitable again. Now a project in place is a sequence of operating options; its value must be found by using the methods of chapter 4 to value all these operating options, and then discount and add them. Then the investment opportunity is itself an option to acquire this compound asset.

    In chapter 7 we begin by ruling out temporary suspension, but we allow permanent abandonment. This is realistic if a live project has some tangible or intangible capital that disappears quickly if the project is not kept in operation—mines flood, machines rust, teams of skilled workers disband, and brand recognition is lost. If the firm decides to restart, it has to reinvest in all these assets. Abandonment may have a direct cost; for example, workers may have to be given severance payments. More importantly, however, it often has an opportunity cost—the loss of the option to preserve the capital so it can be used profitably should future circumstances improve. Therefore a firm with a project in place will tolerate some losses to keep this option alive, and only sufficiently extreme losses will induce it to abandon.

    In fact we have here an interlinked pair of options. When the firm exercises its option to invest, it gets a project in place and an option to abandon. If it exercises the option to abandon, it gets the option to invest again. The two options must be priced simultaneously to determine the optimal investment and abandonment policies. The linkage has important implications; for example, a higher cost of abandonment makes the firm even more cautious about investing, and vice versa. We illustrate the theory using numbers that are typical of the copper industry, and find a very wide range of fluctuation of the price of copper between the investment and abandonment thresholds.

    We also consider an intermediate situation, where both suspension and abandonment are available at different costs. A project in suspension requires some ongoing expenditure, for example, keeping a ship laid up, but restarting is cheap. Abandonment saves on the maintenance cost, and may even bring some immediate scrap value, but then the full investment cost must be incurred again if profit potential recovers. Now we must determine the optimal switches between three alternatives—an idle firm, an operating project, and a suspended project. We do this, and illustrate it for the case of crude oil tankers.

    4.F Temporary versus Permanent Employment

    While most of our attention in this book is on firms’ capital investment choices, similar considerations apply to their hiring and firing decisions. Each of these choices entails sunk costs, each decision must be made in an uncertain environment, and each allows some freedom of timing. Therefore the above ideas and results can be applied. For example, a new worker will not be hired until the value of the marginal product of labor is sufficiently above the wage rate, and the required margin or multiple above the wage will be higher the greater the sunk costs or the greater the uncertainty.

    The U.S. labor market in mid-1993 offered a vivid illustration of this theory in action. As the economy emerged from the recession of the early 1990s, firms increased production by using overtime and hiring temporary workers even for highly skilled positions. But permanent new full-time hiring was very slow to increase. The current level of profitability must have been high, since firms were willing to pay wage premiums of 50 percent for overtime work and to use agencies that supplied temporary workers and charged fees of 25 percent or more of the wage. But these same firms were not willing to make the commitment involved in hiring regular new workers.⁵ Our theory offers a natural explanation for these observations. A high level of uncertainty about future demand and costs prevailed at that time. The robustness and durability of the recovery were unclear; it was feared that inflation would return and lead the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. Future tax policy was very uncertain, as was the level of future health care costs that employers would have to bear. Therefore we should have expected firms to be very cautious, and wait for greater assurance of a continued prospect of high levels of profitability before adding to their regular full-time labor force. In the meantime, they would prefer to exploit the current profit opportunities using less irreversible (even if more costly) methods of production, namely overtime and temporary work. That is exactly what we saw.

    4.G Hysteresis

    When we consider investment and abandonment (or entry and exit) together, a firm’s optimal decision is characterized by two thresholds. A sufficiently high current level of profit, corresponding to an above-normal rate of return on the sunk cost, justifies investment or entry, while a sufficiently large level of current loss leads to abandonment or exit. Now suppose the current level of profit is somewhere between these two thresholds. Will we see an active firm? That depends on the recent history of profit fluctuations. If the profit is at its current intermediate level having most recently descended from a high level that induced entry, then there will be an active firm. However, if the intermediate level was most recently preceded by a low level that induced exit, then there will not. In other words, the current state of the underlying stochastic variable is not enough to determine the outcome in the economy; a longer history is needed. The economy is path dependent.

    The idea of path dependence has been recently explored and illustrated, most prominently by Arthur (1986) and David (1985, 1988). They allow an even more extreme possibility: even very long-run properties of their systems are altered by slight differences in initial conditions. Here we have a more moderate kind of path dependence. The long-run distribution of the possible states of the economy is unaltered, but the short- and medium-run evolution can still be dramatically affected by initial conditions.

    The path dependence can lead to the following kind of sequence of events. When the firm first arrives on the scene and contemplates investment, the current profit is in the intermediate range between the two thresholds. Therefore the firm decides to wait. Then profit rises past the upper threshold, so the firm invests. Finally, profit falls back to its old intermediate level, but that does not take it down to the lower threshold where abandonment would occur. Thus the underlying cause (current profitability) has been restored to its old level, but its effect (investment) has not.

    Similar effects have long been known in physics and other sciences. The most familiar example comes from electromagnetism. Take an iron bar and loop an insulated wire around it. Pass an electric current through the wire: the iron will become magnetized. Now switch the current off. The magnetism is not completely lost; some residual effect remains. The cause (the current) was temporary, but it leaves a longer-lasting effect (the magnetized bar).

    This phenomenon is called hysteresis, and by analogy the failure of investment decisions to reverse themselves when the underlying causes are fully reversed can be called economic hysteresis. A striking example occurred during the 1980s. From 1980 to 1984, the dollar rose sharply against other currencies. The cost advantage of foreign firms in US markets became very substantial, and ultimately led to a large rise in US imports. Then the dollar fell sharply, and by 1987 was back to its 1980 level. However, the import penetration was not fully reversed; in fact it hardly decreased at all. It took a larger fall in the dollar to achieve any significant reduction in imports.

    4.H Industry Equilibrium

    In chapters 8 and 9 the focus turns from a firm’s investment decisions to the equilibrium of a whole industry composed of many such firms. One’s first reaction might be that the competition among firms will destroy any one firm’s option to wait, eliminating the effects of irreversibility and uncertainty that we found in chapters 5–7. Competition does destroy each firm’s option to wait, but this does not restore the present value approach and results of the orthodox theory. On the contrary, caution when making an irreversible decision remains important, but for somewhat different reasons.

    Consider one firm contemplating its investment, knowing that the future path of industry demand and its own costs are uncertain, and knowing that there are many other firms facing similar decisions with similar uncertainty. The firm is ultimately concerned with the consequences of its decision for its own profits, but it must recognize how the similar decisions of other firms will affect it. In this respect, two types of uncertainty must be distinguished because they can have different implications for investment: aggregate uncertainty that affects all firms in the industry, and firm-specific or idiosyncratic uncertainty facing each firm.

    To see this, first suppose that investment is totally irreversible, and consider an industry-wide increase in demand. Any one firm expects this to lead to a higher price, and so improve its own profit prospects, making investment more attractive. However, it also knows that several other firms are making a similar calculation. Their supply response will dampen the effect of the demand shift on the industry price. Therefore the upward shift of its own profit potential will not be quite as high as in the case

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