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The Migration of Birds: Seasons on the Wing
The Migration of Birds: Seasons on the Wing
The Migration of Birds: Seasons on the Wing
Ebook243 pages5 hours

The Migration of Birds: Seasons on the Wing

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Why do birds migrate -- and just how do they do it?

The Migration of Birds is a comprehensive illustrated presentation of the mysteries of bird migration.

Ornithologist Janice M. Hughes describes the findings of the most recent research and surveys as-yet-unanswered questions. She unravels the exciting contributions of cutting-edge technological innovations and scientific developments.

Over 70 stunning full-color photographs show some of the world's most dauntless voyagers. Maps show migration routes, and illustrations depict the mechanics of flying. The text is engaging and straightforward as well as authoritative and comprehensive, covering:

  • Bird migration through human history, with profiles of Chinese cranes and phalaropes
  • The five Ws of avian migration, with profiles of shrikes and Arctic terns
  • The phenomenon of flight, with profiles of wheatears and dippers
  • How birds find their way, with profiles of redwings, fieldfares and Bohemian waxwings
  • Migratory birds in peril.

This book will fascinate birders, naturalists and conservationists as well as general readers.

PublisherFirefly Books
Release dateDec 23, 2011
The Migration of Birds: Seasons on the Wing

Janice M. Hughes

by Janice M. Hughes

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    The Migration of Birds - Janice M. Hughes

    To my husband Ron and my daughter Eliana, who lighten my journey from the first word to the last.



    1 Bird Migration through Human History

    2 The Five Ws of Avian Migration

    3 The Phenomenon of Flight

    4 Fueling the Journey

    5 Finding the Way

    6 Migratory Birds in Peril


    Photo Section


    Bird migration is the world’s only true unifying natural phenomenon, stitching the continents together in a way that even the great weather systems fail to do.

    scott weidensaul

    Animals move from place to place. In fact, old school text books herald mobility as a singular defining feature of animals, one that consistently sets them apart from our other earthly colleagues, the plants. Although branches may sway in the breeze and twigs may turn toward the sun or stretch out tiny tendrils to grasp a support, we do not consider plants to be mobile. Plants colonize the reaches of our planet only through dispersal, by sending the next generation farther afield than the previous one. Animals, on the other hand, move regularly to find food or mates, to escape from predators or to find a sanctuary for rest or shelter. Sometimes animals move for apparently no reason at all.

    Certainly not all animal movement is migration. So where do we set the boundaries of our definition? We will find that they encompass both direction and purpose. And for the animals that do migrate, that purpose is so deeply entrenched in their being that it has allowed evolution to mold every aspect of their anatomy, physiology, ecology and behavior.

    Animal migration entails a two-way journey between places that differ significantly in the resources they offer. There must be a distinct advantage to the voyage, because costs are undoubtedly incurred in getting there. Moreover, migration usually occurs in a fixed direction and is associated with a predictable cycle. We are most familiar with seasonal migration, a widespread phenomenon marked by an exodus of animals in autumn. What comes to mind most readily in this regard is latitudinal migration. As the seasons change, many Northern Hemisphere animals travel south; likewise, those in the Southern Hemisphere may journey north. But migration can also occur longitudinally or vertically, particularly among creatures in the world’s oceans, and altitudinally, as animals move up and down mountainsides to take advantage of diverse resources at different elevations. Patchy resources may have causes other than climate, and animals migrate for those reasons as well.


    Many thousands of animal species migrate. Among them are insects, fishes, frogs, reptiles, birds and mammals—representatives of every class of vertebrate, and many invertebrates as well. But birds stand out among them as the very essence of migration. Why? Because among all these creatures, only birds exhibit such a striking union of two characteristics: flight and endothermy, or warm-bloodedness.

    Studies of animals that migrate on foot, by swimming or on the wing clearly demonstrate that these modes of travel differ considerably in speed and energy consumption. Flight may be energetically expensive, but it can yield the fastest speed over land. In addition, flight allows passage over barriers that may restrict the movements of other animals. Walking, on the other hand, may consume less energy than flight but it sacrifices speed, and thus distance.

    Among terrestrial mammals, woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus), which migrate seasonally about 800 miles (1,300 km) between their forested winter home and spring calving areas on the tundra, travel the farthest. Endothermic animals like caribou are able to sustain a moderate pace because they can maintain the high rate of metabolism needed to fuel their activities. Terrestrial ectothermic, or cold-blooded, animals such as frogs and snakes, on the other hand, barely migrate at all. Ectotherms use their environment to raise their body temperature enough to pursue their daily routines; their greatest sacrifice is endurance. This primary limitation-by-design restricts the lowly striped whipsnake (Masticophis taeniatus) to migratory journeys of no more than about 2.5 miles (4 km). The European pool frog (Rana lessonae) fares slightly better by hopping; its migratory voyage between overwintering sites and breeding ponds measures an extremely dangerous 9 miles (15 km). This is in no way intended to malign ectothermy, nor to imply that endothermy is an inherently better strategy. After all, ectotherms have certain advantages: some hibernating toads can exist quite comfortably without food for three years or more.

    Endothermy is the preferred metabolic mode for migration on land, but it may not be so critical under water. Indeed, gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus)—which are endothermic mammals, of course—travel about 5,100 miles (8,200 km) between their rich northern feeding waters and their calving grounds off the coast of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula. However, female loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), which are ectothermic reptiles, migrate farther—some 7,150 miles (11,500 km)—as they return to their traditional sandy beaches every two to four years to lay their eggs. Even a few fish species, such as the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), are capable of migrations of many thousands of miles over an extended period of time. Unlike terrestrial animals, of course, aquatic animals are suspended in a buoyant medium, which makes swimming quite cost-effective. But speed is still a major consideration for most species.

    Time is of the essence in migration. The journey itself serves only to move the animal from one place to another, where it will linger until a change in the environment stimulates a return trip. A voyage that takes too much of a species’ annual cycle is not practical unless the travel is no more hazardous than the destination, and this is rarely the case. Consequently, swimming and walking are usually too slow for most species to feasibly make round trips of 6,000 miles (10,000 km) or more. And most of those longer trips, including the reproductive migrations of sea turtles, are not accomplished every calendar year. Speed of travel is key, and this, of course, brings up the issue of flight.

    Under favorable conditions, flight can be very swift—perhaps 10 to 20 times or more faster than swimming or walking. For example, a 600-mile (1,000 km) journey that would take a large flying bird only a single day would require about 40 days for a swimming penguin to complete. A small terrestrial mammal would need most of the winter to make such a long voyage. Considering the distances birds cover over ground, flight is truly the most effective mode. The ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), a small shorebird, can fly about 125 miles (200 km) on a single gram of fat. Emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri), which walk across the ice on the first leg of their journey from breeding grounds to feeding grounds, use about 1,500 times as much energy to cover the same distance. That is why long-distance migration is most pervasive among the volant, or flying, animals—birds, bats and insects.

    Among these species, birds triumph in their migratory feats. They are indeed the experts of long-distance travel. Perhaps this is because avian flight is not merely a strategy pasted onto the anatomy of a terrestrial creature. Birds are the very epitome of flight. Over the past 150 million years, every system in their bodies has been honed to increase lift and reduce drag, to maximize power and minimize weight. Their flapping wings drive them headlong through the slipstream, fueled by turbocharged respiratory and cardiovascular systems designed to deliver oxygen to their muscles at amazingly high rates. Even waste products are so swiftly removed from their bodies that birds do not suffer the muscle pain that haunts human athletes. Many species can beat their wings continuously for days without rest; for these travelers, the length of their journey is limited only by the size of our planet.

    Birds also possess innate knowledge of where they are and where they are going—the ability to chart a course and navigate the route to its end. They have an undeniable sense of home and an unrelenting desire to return there. Passed down through evolutionary time from ancestral lineages, these tools have allowed birds to expand their distribution, reclaim lost populations and exploit a bounty of resources in faraway places. Almost 10,000 species strong, birds are second only to fishes in species numbers, and their innovations have ensured their success among the vertebrate classes.

    Purportedly about 4,000 species of birds migrate, with songbirds, waterfowl, waders and shorebirds in the majority. The true number is difficult to tabulate, however, given the dynamic process of evolution. For sure, there are many long-distance migrants within the class Aves. There are also additional species whose transitory seasonal movements are hinting at the origins of migration; and there are others in the process of losing the behavior. Within some species, migrant and sedentary individuals coexist in a variegated tapestry of cost and benefit. These arrays of behaviors are only superficially confusing; indeed, such intermediate conditions are often the most enlightening as to how avian migration evolved in the first place.

    Thomas Alerstam, a noted ornithologist, said that migration is the central ecological factor, the heart, in the life of birds. Perhaps this is so, for there are many reasons why birds migrate, and many explanations for their astonishing abilities and feats of endurance. Some of the mysteries will be revealed among the pages of this book, but for now, perhaps it is enough to say that that birds travel because they must, they go because they wish to, and they journey because they can.

    Chapter 1 »


    through HUMAN HISTORY

    And there went forth a wind from the Lord, and brought quails from the sea, and let them fall about the camp.

    numbers 11:31

    Since the dawn of human understanding, we must have noted the seasonal passage of birds. It would be foolish to suggest that the earliest humans did not notice the great congregations of flocks at dawn or the silence of the forest in late autumn. And as our dependency on birds for their meat and feathers grew through the ages, we undoubtedly marked the places and times where their generous resources could be harvested. The first recorded acknowledgment of our interest in migratory birds appeared a mere five millennia ago, in the paintings and bas-relief carvings of the ancient Egyptians. These magnificent works clearly depicted flocks of ducks and geese, featuring a few migratory species such as greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons) and red-breasted geese (Branta ruficollis). The seasonal abundance of these species marked a time of plenty, and their images—which commonly adorned the tombs of nobles—were thought to guarantee a bountiful supply of food in the afterlife. (More...)

    The Scriptures likewise overflow with references to migratory birds: Doth the hawk fly by Thy wisdom and stretch her wings toward the south? (Job 39:26); The stork in the heavens knoweth her appointed time; and the turtledove, and the crane, and the swallow, observe the time of their coming (Jeremiah 8:7). The immense flights of quails described in Numbers 11:31–32 and Exodus 16:13, which twice saved the Israelites from starvation in the wilderness, were undoubtedly flocks of Coturnix coturnix traveling between their nesting grounds in eastern Europe and western Asia and their winter homes in Africa. The Israelites made little effort to explain these miracles they had witnessed, save to be thankful for their bounty.


    The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–22 BCE), a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great, may have been the first person to give the seasonal movements of birds due consideration. Among Aristotle’s greatest works is his 10-volume History of Animals, in which he arranges and classifies more than 500 species of animals—including humans—in a hierarchical scala naturae (ladder of life) based on their innate complexity and other aspects of their development and functional morphology, or form. Venerable avian biologist Erwin Stresemann later proclaimed, Aristotle raised ornithology to the rank of a science. Indeed, the History of Animals contains references to about 140 species of birds, and the author’s deep interest in their behavior and physiology ensured that migration is duly discussed.

    Aristotle likens avian migration to human behavior. He notes that wealthier people often change their place of residence seasonally to pursue comfort in more equitable climes, and so do cranes, pelicans, swans, geese, doves and quails. He even knew where some of these species went: his descriptions of cranes migrating from the steppes of Scythia (near the Black Sea) to marshes at the headwaters of the Nile River undoubtedly refer to the seasonal movements of Eurasian cranes (Grus grus). He also recounts cases of altitudinal migration, in which species migrate downslope in winter to warmer elevations near sea level, and then retreat to higher in the mountains with the coming of spring.

    Aristotle was also the first to write that birds appear to be fatter before they migrate south in autumn, and in better trim when they arrive back on the breeding grounds the following spring. Though expressed in simpler terms, this statement reflects a fact of avian flight metabolism: migratory birds typically weigh less at the end of their journey because they have burned their body fat as fuel. How unfortunate that this particular observation was disregarded by naturalists for two millennia.

    Despite these insights, Aristotle was also responsible for two more-or-less outrageous explanations for the seasonal movements of birds from his Greek homeland. Regrettably, these scientific errors persisted through the centuries, repeated by numerous other authors perhaps because of the respect he had garnered from his many other contributions to classical knowledge. For example, Aristotle was a devoted proponent of the theory of transmutation: the belief that one species was capable of changing into another. He noted that groups of similarly sized birds seemed to disappear and then reappear almost at once. It was obvious to him that redstarts (Phoenicurus phoenicurus, which are ubiquitous breeding birds in Greece, became robins (Erithacus rubecula) in winter (robins are well-known winter visitors in that country). Likewise, summer garden warblers (Sylvia borin) changed into winter blackcaps (S. atricapilla).

    Aristotle’s beliefs in this regard were only strengthened when he observed these birds in mid-transformation—when their plumage coloration displayed the attributes of both species. He was likely seeing the summering birds in the midst of prebasic molt: when many species trade their bright nuptial plumage for more somber winter colors. Aristotle’s transmuting species could also have been misidentified because of similarities in their actions or songs. It was perhaps only when we began to travel more widely and saw these species in their other seasonal homes that we realized transmutation was not the most likely explanation for their disappearance from the north.

    Incredible as it sounds, bird-to-bird transformation was considerably more logical than another transmutation hypothesis that persisted through the Middle Ages. Following Aristotle’s lead, some authors maintained that barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) spent the summer months as gooseneck barnacles (Pollicipes polymerus)—crustaceans that adhere to rocks, shipping piers and flotsam in intertidal waters. Barnacle geese breed on arctic islands of the North Atlantic and are seen in the United Kingdom and northern Europe only in winter. According to myth, these birds did not build nests or lay eggs in summer. On the contrary, they were spawned by trees overhanging the water’s edge, where they dangled from the branches by the tips of their bills. Once sufficiently grown, they would fall from the trees; those that flew free or landed safely on flotsam survived, while the rest were ripe for the taking by hungry observers.

    In his 1186 publication Topographia Hibernicae, the Welsh monk Giraldus Cambrensis vividly described his observations as he witnessed the autumn transformation of barnacle to goose while he was traveling in Ireland.

    . . . they hang down by their beaks as if they were seaweed attached to the timber, and are surrounded by shells in order to grow more freely. Having thus in the process of time been clothed with a strong coat of feathers, they either fall into the water or fly freely away into the air . . . I have frequently seen, with my own eyes, more than a thousand of these small birds, hanging down on the sea-shore from one piece of timber, enclosed in their shells and already formed.

    The origin of this myth may have two explanations. First, these geese—being winter visitors—were never seen in summer, so it was reasonable to assume that they spent the off-season as something else. People with vivid imaginations would have no difficulty envisioning the black-and-white stalked barnacles as tiny, similarly colored geese. Second, the notion that barnacle geese were born of the sea—and perhaps spent some time in barnacle form later in life—allowed them to be classified as fish, not fowl. Thus it was acceptable to eat them during the fasting season of Lent, when consumption of animal flesh was otherwise prohibited. (Beavers were likewise categorized as fish in medieval Germany because of their aquatic tendencies and the shape of their tail.) Surely to the dismay of many Roman Catholics, the controversy was settled in 1215 when Pope Innocent III declared that barnacle geese are birds, regardless of their origins, and forbade his people to eat them

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