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Optimal Filtering
Optimal Filtering
Optimal Filtering
Ebook706 pages6 hours

Optimal Filtering

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This graduate-level text augments and extends beyond undergraduate studies of signal processing, particularly in regard to communication systems and digital filtering theory. Vital for students in the fields of control and communications, its contents are also relevant to students in such diverse areas as statistics, economics, bioengineering, and operations research.
Topics include filtering, linear systems, and estimation; the discrete-time Kalman filter; time-invariant filters; properties of Kalman filters; computational aspects; and smoothing of discrete-time signals. Additional subjects encompass applications in nonlinear filtering; innovations representations, spectral factorization, and Wiener and Levinson filtering; parameter identification and adaptive estimation; and colored noise and suboptimal reduced order filters. Each chapter concludes with references, and four appendixes contain useful supplementary material.

Release dateMay 23, 2012
Optimal Filtering

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    Optimal Filtering - Brian D. O. Anderson



    This book is a graduate level text which goes beyond and augments the undergraduate exposure engineering students might have to signal processing; particularly, communication systems and digital filtering theory. The material covered in this book is vital for students in the fields of control and communications and relevant to students in such diverse areas as statistics, economics, bioengineering and operations research. The subject matter requires the student to work with linear system theory results and elementary concepts in stochastic processes which are generally assumed at graduate level. However, this book is appropriate at the senior year undergraduate level for students with background in these areas.

    Certainly the book contains more material than is usually taught in one semester, so that for a one semester or quarter length course, the first three chapters (dealing with the rudiments of Kalman filtering) can be covered first, followed by a selection from later chapters. The chapters following Chapter 3 build in the main on the ideas in Chapters 1, 2 and 3, rather than on all preceding chapters. They cover a miscellany of topics; for example, time-invariant filters, smoothing, and nonlinear filters. Although there is a significant benefit in proceeding through the chapters in sequence, this is not essential, as has been shown by the authors’ experience in teaching this course.

    The pedagogical feature of the book most likely to startle the reader is the concentration on discrete-time filtering. Recent technological developments as well as the easier path offered students and instructors are the two reasons for this course of action. Much of the material of the book has been with us in one form or another for ten to fifteen years, although again, much is relatively recent. This recent work has given new perspectives on the earlier material; for example, the notion of the innovations process provides helpful insights in deriving the Kalman filter.

    We acknowledge the research support funding of the Australian Research Grants Committee and the Australian Radio Research Board. We are indebted also for specific suggestions from colleagues, Dr. G. Goodwin and Dr. A. Cantoni; joint research activities with former Ph.D. students Peter Tam and Surapong Chirarattananon; and to the typing expertise of Dianne Piefke. We have appreciated discussions in the area of optimal filtering with many scholars including Professors K. Ästrom, T. Kailath, D. Mayne, J. Meditch and J. Melsa.


    New South Wales, Australia

    J. B. MOORE




    Filtering in one form or another has been with us for a very long time. For many centuries, man has attempted to remove the more visible of the impurities in his water by filtering, and one dictionary gives a first meaning for the noun filter as a contrivance for freeing liquids from suspended impurities, especially by passing them through strata of sand, charcoal, etc.

    Modern usage of the word filter often involves more abstract entities than fluids with suspended impurities. There is usually however the notion of something passing a barrier: one speaks of news filtering out of the war zone, or sunlight filtering through the trees. Sometimes the barrier is interposed by man for the purpose of sorting out something that is desired from something else with which it is contaminated. One example is of course provided by water purification; the use of an ultraviolet filter on a camera provides another example. When the entities involved are signals, such as electrical voltages, the barrier—in the form perhaps of an electric network—becomes a filter in the sense of signal processing.

    It is easy to think of engineering situations in which filtering of signals might be desired. Communication systems always have unwanted signals, or noise, entering into them. This is a fundamental fact of thermodynamics. The user of the system naturally tries to minimize the inaccuracies caused by the presence of this noise—by filtering. Again, in many control systems the control is derived by feedback, which involves processing measurements derived from the system. Frequently, these measurements will contain random inaccuracies or be contaminated by unwanted signals, and filtering is necessary in order to make the control close to that desired.


    Filters were originally seen as circuits or systems with frequency selective behaviour. The series or parallel tuned circuit is one of the most fundamental such circuits in electrical engineering, and as a wave trap was a crucial ingredient in early crystal sets. More sophisticated versions of this same idea are seen in the IF strip of most radio receivers; here, tuned circuits, coupled by transformers and amplifiers, are used to shape a passband of frequencies which are amplified, and a stopband where attenuation occurs.

    Something more sophisticated than collections of tuned circuits is necessary for many applications, and as a result, there has grown up an extensive body of filter design theory. Some of the landmarks are constant k and m-derived filters [1], and, later, Butterworth filters, Chebyshev filters, and elliptical filters [2]. In more recent years, there has been extensive development of numerical algorithms for filter design. Specifications on amplitude and phase response characteristics are given, and, often with the aid of sophisticated computer-aided design packages which allow interactive operation, a filter is designed to meet these specifications. Normally, there are also constraints imposed on the filter structure which have to be met; these constraints may involve impedance levels, types of components, number of components, etc.

    Nonlinear filters have also been used for many years. The simplest is the AM envelope detector [3], which is a combination of a diode and a low-pass filter. In a similar vein, an automatic gain control (AGC) circuit uses a low-pass filter and a nonlinear element [3]. The phase-locked-loop used for FM reception is another example of a nonlinear filter [4], and recently the use of Dolby® systems in tape recorders for signal-to-noise ratio enhancement has provided another living-room application of nonlinear filtering ideas.

    The notion of a filter as a device processing continuous-time signals and possessing frequency selective behaviour has been stretched by two major developments.

    The first such development is digital filtering [5];[6];[7], made possible by recent innovations in integrated circuit technology. Totally different circuit modules from those used in classical filters appear in digital filters, e.g., analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, shift registers, read-only memories, even microprocessors. Therefore, though the ultimate goals of digital and classical filtering are the same, the practical aspects of digital filter construction bear little or no resemblance to the practical aspects of, say, m-derived filter construction. In digital filtering one no longer seeks to minimize the active element count, the size of inductors, the dissipation of the reactive elements, or the termination impedance mismatch. Instead, one may seek to minimize the word length, the round-off error, the number of wiring operations in construction, and the processing delay.

    Aside from the possible cost benefits, there are other advantages of this new approach to filtering. Perhaps the most important is that the filter parameters can be set and maintained to a high order of precision, thereby achieving filter characteristics that could not normally be obtained reliably with classical filtering. Another advantage is that parameters can be easily reset or made adaptive with little extra cost. Again, some digital filters incorporating microprocessors can be time-shared to perform many simultaneous tasks effectively.

    The second major development came with the application of statistical ideas to filtering problems [8];[9];[10];[11];[12];[13];[14] and was largely spurred by developments in theory. The classical approaches to filtering postulate, at least implicitly, that the useful signals lie in one frequency band and unwanted signals, normally termed noise, lie in another, though on occasions there can be overlap. The statistical approaches to filtering, on the other hand, postulate that certain statistical properties are possessed by the useful signal and unwanted noise. Measurements are available of the sum of the signal and noise, and the task is still to eliminate by some means as much of the noise as possible through processing of the measurements by a filter. The earliest statistical ideas of Wiener and Kolmogorov [8],[9] relate to processes with statistical properties which do not change with time, i.e., to stationary processes. For these processes it proved possible to relate the statistical properties of the useful signal and unwanted noise with their frequency domain properties. There is, thus, a conceptual link with classical filtering.

    A significant aspect of the statistical approach is the definition of a measure of suitability or performance of a filter. Roughly the best filter is that which, on the average, has its output closest to the correct or useful signal. By constraining the filter to be linear and formulating the performance measure in terms of the filter impulse response and the given statistical properties of the signal and noise, it generally transpires that a unique impulse response corresponds to the best value of the measure of performance or suitability.

    As noted above, the assumption that the underlying signal and noise processes are stationary is crucial to the Wiener and Kolmogorov theory. It was not until the late 1950s and early 1960s that a theory was developed that did not require this stationarity assumption [11];[12];[13]-[14]. The theory arose because of the inadequacy of the Wiener-Kolmogorov theory for coping with certain applications in which nonstationarity of the signal and/or noise was intrinsic to the problem. The new theory soon acquired the name Kalman filter theory.

    Because the stationary theory was normally developed and thought of in frequency domain terms, while the nonstationary theory was naturally developed and thought of in time domain terms, the contact between the two theories initially seemed slight. Nevertheless, there is substantial contact, if for no other reason than that a stationary process is a particular type of nonstationary process; rapprochement of Wiener and Kalman filtering theory is now easily achieved.

    As noted above, Kalman filtering theory was developed at a time when applications called for it, and the same comment is really true of the Wiener filtering theory. It is also pertinent to note that the problems of implementing Kalman filters and the problems of implementing Wiener filters were both consistent with the technology of their time. Wiener filters were implementable with amplifiers and time-invariant network elements such as resistors and capacitors, while Kalman filters could be implemented with digital integrated circuit modules.

    The point of contact between the two recent streams of development, digital filtering and statistical filtering, comes when one is faced with the problem of implementing a discrete-time Kalman filter using digital hardware. Looking to the future, it would be clearly desirable to incorporate the practical constraints associated with digital filter realization into the mathematical statement of the statistical filtering problem. At the present time, however, this has not been done, and as a consequence, there is little contact between the two streams.


    This book seeks to make a contribution to the evolutionary trend in statistical filtering described above, by presenting a hindsight view of the trend, and focusing on recent results which show promise for the future. The basic subject of the book is the Kalman filter. More specifically, the book starts with a presentation of discrete-time Kalman filtering theory and then explores a number of extensions of the basic ideas.

    There are four important characteristics of the basic filter:

    Operation in discrete time



    Finite dimensionality

    Let us discuss each of these characteristics in turn, keeping in mind that derivatives of the Kalman filter inherit most but not all of these characteristics.

    Discrete-time operation. More and more signal processing is becoming digital. For this reason, it is just as important, if not more so, to understand discrete-time signal processing as it is to understand continuous-time signal processing. Another practical reason for preferring to concentrate on discrete-time processing is that discrete-time statistical filtering theory is much easier to learn first than continuous-time statistical filtering theory; this is because the theory of random sequences is much simpler than the theory of continuous-time random processes.

    Optimality. An optimal filter is one that is best in a certain sense, and one would be a fool to take second best if the best is available. Therefore, provided one is happy with the criterion defining what is best, the argument for optimality is almost self-evident. There are, however, many secondary aspects to optimality, some of which we now list. Certain classes of optimal filters tend to be robust in their maintenance of performance standards when the quantities assumed for design purposes are not the same as the quantities encountered in operation. Optimal filters normally are free from stability problems. There are simple operational checks on an optimal filter when it is being used that indicate whether it is operating correctly. Optimal filters are probably easier to make adaptive to parameter changes than suboptimal filters.

    There is, however, at least one potential disadvantage of an optimal filter, and that is complexity; frequently, it is possible to use a much less complex filter with but little sacrifice of performance. The question arises as to how such a filter might be found. One approach, which has proved itself in many situations, involves approximating the signal model by one that is simpler or less complex, obtaining the optimal filter for this less complex model, and using it for the original signal model, for which of course it is suboptimal. This approach may fail on several grounds: the resulting filter may still be too complex, or the amount of suboptimality may be unacceptably great. In this case, it can be very difficult to obtain a satisfactory filter of much less complexity than the optimal filter, even if one is known to exist, because theories for suboptimal design are in some ways much less developed than theories for optimal design.

    Linearity. The arguments for concentrating on linear filtering are those of applicability and sound pedagogy. A great many applications involve linear systems with associated gaussian random processes; it transpires that the optimal filter in a minimum mean-square-error sense is then linear. Of course, many applications involve nonlinear systems and/or nongaussian random processes, and for these situations, the optimal filter is nonlinear. However, the plain fact of the matter is that optimal nonlinear filter design and implementation are very hard, if not impossible, in many instances. For this reason, a suboptimal linear filter may often be used as a substitute for an optimal nonlinear filter, or some form of nonlinear filter may be derived which is in some way a modification of a linear filter or, sometimes, a collection of linear filters. These approaches are developed in this book and follow our discussion of linear filtering, since one can hardly begin to study nonlinear filtering with any effectiveness without a knowledge of linear filtering.

    Finite dimensionality. It turns out that finite-dimensional filters should be used when the processes being filtered are associated with finite-dimensional systems. Now most physical systems are not finite dimensional; however, almost all infinite-dimensional systems can be approximated by finite-dimensional systems, and this is generally what happens in the modeling process. The finite-dimensional modeling of the physical system then leads to an associated finite-dimensional filter. This filter will be suboptimal to the extent that the model of the physical system is in some measure an inaccurate reflection of physical reality. Why should one use a suboptimal filter? Though one can without too much difficulty discuss infinite-dimensional filtering problems in discrete time, and this we do in places in this book, finite-dimensional filters are very much to be preferred on two grounds: they are easier to design, and far easier to implement, than infinite-dimensional filters.


    The book falls naturally into three parts.

    The first part of the book is devoted to the formulation and solution of the basic Kalman filtering problem. By the end of the first section of Chapter 3, the reader should know the fundamental Kalman filtering result, and by the end of Chapter 3, have seen it in use.

    The second part of the book is concerned with a deeper examination of the operational and computational properties of the filter. For example, there is discussion of time-invariant filters, including special techniques for computing these filters, and filter stability; the Kalman filter is shown to have a signal-to-noise ratio enhancement property.

    In the third part of the book, there are a number of developments taking off from the basic theory. For example, the topics of smoothers, nonlinear and adaptive filters, and spectral factorization are all covered.

    There is also a collection of appendices to which the reader will probably refer on a number of occasions. These deal with probability theory and random processes, matrix theory, linear systems, and Lyapunov stability theory. By and large, we expect a reader to know some, but not all, of the material in these appendices. They are too concentrated in presentation to allow learning of the ideas from scratch. However, if they are consulted when a new idea is encountered, they will permit the reader to learn much, simply by using the ideas.

    Last, we make the point that there are many ideas developed in the problems. Many are not routine.



    SKILLING, H. H., Electrical Engineering Circuits, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1957.


    STORER, J. E., Passive Network Synthesis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1957.


    TERMAN, F. E., Electronic and Radio Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1955.


    VITERBI, A. J., Principles of Coherent Communication, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1966.


    GOLD, B., and C. M. RADER, Digital Processing of Signals, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1969.


    RABINER, L. R., and B. GOLD, Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1975.


    OPPENHEIM, A. V., and R. W. SCHAFER, Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1975.


    WIENER, N., Extrapolation, Interpolation & Smoothing of Stationary Time Series, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1949.


    KOLMOGOROV, A. N., Interpolation and Extrapolation, Bull. de l’académie des sciences de U.S.S.R., Ser. Math. 5, 1941, pp. 3–14.


    WAINSTEIN, L. A., and V. D. ZUBAKOV, Extraction of Signals from Noise, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962.


    KALMAN, R. E., and R. S. BUCY, New Results in Linear Filtering and Prediction Theory, J. of Basic Eng., Trans. ASME, Series D, Vol. 83, No. 3, 1961, pp. 95–108.


    KALMAN, R. E., A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems, J. Basic Eng., Trans. ASME, Series D, Vol. 82, No. 1, 1960, pp. 35–45.


    KALMAN, R. E., New Methods in Wiener Filtering Theory, Proc. Symp. Eng. Appl. Random Functions Theory and Probability (eds. J. L. Bogdanoff and F. Kozin), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1963.


    KAILATH, T., A View of Three Decades of Linear Filtering Theory, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. IT-20, No. 2, March 1974, pp. 146–181.




    Our aim in this section is to give the reader some feel for the concepts of filtering, smoothing, and prediction. Later in this chapter we shall consider a specific filtering problem, and in the next chapter present its solution. This will provide the basis for the definition and solution of most of the other problems discussed in this book.

    In order to have any sort of filtering problem in the first place, there must be a system, generally dynamic, of which measurements are available. Rather than develop the notion of a system with a large amount of mathematical formalism, we prefer here to appeal to intuition and common sense in pointing out what we mean. The system is some physical object, and its behaviour can normally be described by equations. It operates in real time, so that the independent variable in the equations is time. It is assumed to be causal, so that an output at some time t = t0 is in no way dependent on inputs applied subsequent to t = t0. Further, the system may operate in discrete or continuous time, with the underlying equations either difference equations or differential equations, and the output may change at discrete instants of time or on a continuous basis.

    Later, we shall pose specific mathematical models for some systems, and even formally identify the system with the model.

    In discussing filtering and related problems, it is implicit that the systems under consideration are noisy. The noise may arise in a number of ways. For example, inputs to the system may be unknown and unpredictable except for their statistical properties, or outputs from the system may be derived with the aid of a noisy sensor, i.e., one that contributes on a generally random basis some inaccuracy to the measurement of the system output. Again, outputs may only be observed via a sensor after transmission over a noisy channel.

    In virtually all the problems we shall discuss here, it will be assumed that the output measurement process is noisy. On most occasions, the inputs also will be assumed to be noisy.

    Now let us consider exactly what we mean by filtering. Suppose there is some quantity (possibly a vector quantity) associated with the system operation whose value we would like to know at each instant of time. For the sake of argument, assume the system in question is a continuous time system, and the quantity in question is denoted by s(•).a It may be that this quantity is not directly measurable, or that it can only be measured with error. In any case, we shall suppose that noisy measurements z(•) are available, with z(•) not the same as s(•).

    The term filtering is used in two senses. First, it is used as a generic term: filtering is the recovery from z(•) of s(•), or an approximation to s(•), or even some information about s(•). In other words, noisy measurements of a system are used to obtain information about some quantity that is essentially internal to the system. Second, it is used to distinguish a certain kind of information processing from two related kinds, smoothing and prediction. In this sense, filtering means the recovery at time t of some information about s(t) using measurements up till time t. The important thing to note is the triple occurrence of the time argument t. First, we are concerned with obtaining information about s(•) at time t, i.e., s(t). Second, the information is available at time t, not at some later time. Third, measurements right up to, but not after, time t are used. [If information about s(t) is to be available at time t, then causality rules out the use of measurements taken later than time t in producing this information.]

    An example of the application of filtering in everyday life is in radio reception. Here the signal of interest is the voice signal. This signal is used to modulate a high frequency carrier that is transmitted to a radio receiver. The received signal is inevitably corrupted by noise, and so, when demodulated, it is filtered to recover as well as possible the original signal.

    Smoothing differs from filtering in that the information about s(t) need not become available at time t, and measurements derived later than time t can be used in obtaining information about s(t). This means there must be a delay in producing the information about s(t), as compared with the filtering case, but the penalty of having a delay can be weighed against the ability to use more measurement data than in the filtering case in producing the information about s(t). Not only does one use measurements up to time t, but one can also use measurements after time t. For this reason, one should expect the smoothing process to be more accurate in some sense than the filtering process.

    An example of smoothing is provided by the way the human brain tackles the problem of reading hastily written handwriting. Each word is tackled sequentially, and when word is reached that is particularly difficult to interpret, several words after the difficult word, as well as those before it, may be used to attempt to deduce the word. In this case, the s(•) process corresponds to the sequence of correct words and the z(•) process to the sequence of handwritten versions of these words.

    Prediction is the forecasting side of information processing. The aim is to obtain at time t information about s(t + λ) for some λ > 0, i.e., to obtain information about what s(•) will be like subsequent to the time at which the information is produced. In obtaining the information, measurements up till time t can be used.

    Again, examples of the application of prediction abound in many areas of information processing by the human brain. When attempting to catch a ball, we have to predict the future trajectory of the ball in order to position a catching hand correctly. This task becomes more difficult the more the ball is subject to random disturbances such as wind gusts. Generally, any prediction task becomes more difficult as the environment becomes noisier.

    Outline of the Chapter

    In Sec. 2.2, we introduce the basic system for which we shall aim to design filters, smoothers, and predictors. The system is described by linear, discrete-time, finite-dimensional state-space equations, and has noisy input and output.

    In Sec. 2.3, we discuss some particular ways one might try to use noisy measurement data to infer estimates of the way internal variables in a system may be behaving. The discussion is actually divorced from that of Sec. 2.2, in that we pose the estimation problem simply as one of estimating the value of a random variable X given the value taken by a second random variable Y, with which X is jointly distributed.

    Linkage of the ideas of Sees. 2.2 and 2.3 occurs in the next chapter. The ideas of Sec. 2.3 are extended to consider the problem of estimating the successive values of a random sequence, given the successive values of a second random sequence; the random sequences in question are those arising from the model discussed in Sec. 2.2, and the estimating device is the Kalman filter.

    The material covered in this chapter can be found in many other places; see, e.g., [1] and [2].

    Problem 1.1. Consider the reading of a garbled telegram. Defining signal-to-noise ratio as simply the inverse of the probability of error for the reception of each word letter, sketch on the one graph what you think might be reasonable plots of reading performance (probability of misreading a word) versus signal-to-noise ratio for the following cases.

    Filtering—where only the past data can be used to read each word

    One-word-ahead prediction

    Two-words-ahead prediction

    Smoothing—where the reader can look ahead one word

    Smoothing—where the reader can look ahead for the remainder of the sentence

    Problem 1.2. Interpret the following statement using the ideas of this section: It is easy to be wise after the event.


    System Description

    We shall restrict attention in this book primarily to discrete-time systems, or, equivalently, systems where the underlying system equations are difference equations rather than differential equations.

    The impetus for the study of discrete-time systems arises because frequently in a practical situation system observations are made and control strategies are implemented at discrete time instants. An example of such a situation in the field of economics arises where certain statistics or economic indices may be compiled quarterly and budget controls may be applied yearly. Again, in many industrial control situations wherever a digital computer is used to monitor and perhaps also to control a system, the discrete-time framework is a very natural one in which to give a system model description—even in the case where the system is very accurately described by differential equations. This is because a digital computer is intrinsically a discrete-time system rather than a continuous-time system.

    The class of discrete-time systems we shall study in this section has as a prototype the linear, finite-dimensional system depicted in Fig. 2.2-1. The system depicted may be described by state-space equationsb



    The subscript is a time argument; for the moment we assume that the initial time at which the system commences operating is finite. Then by shift of the time origin, we can assume that (2.1) and (2.2) hold for k ≥ 0. Further, we shall denote successive time instants without loss of generality by integer k.

    Fig. 2.2-1 Finite-dimensional linear system serving as signal model.

    Equations of the type just given can arise in considering a continuous-time linear system with sampled measurements, as described in Appendix C in some detail.

    To denote the set {(xk, k) | k ≥ 0}, we shall use the symbol {xk}. As usual, xk will be a value taken by {xk} at time k. In (2.1) and (2.2), xk is, of course, the system state at time k. would be the corresponding system output, but in this case there is added to {yk} a noise process {vk}, which results in the measurement process {zk}. The input process to the system is {wk}, and like {vk}, it is a noise process. Further details of {vk} and {wk} will be given shortly, as will some motivation for introducing the whole model of Fig. 2.2-1.

    Of course, the processes {vk}, {wk}, {xk}, {yk}, and {zk} in general will be vector processes. Normally we shall not distinguish between scalar and vector quantities.

    Our prime concern in this and the next chapter will be to pose in precise terms, and solve, a filtering problem for the system depicted. In loose terms, the filtering problem is one of producing an estimate at time k of the system state xk using measurements up till time k; i.e., the aim is to use the measured quantities z0, z1, . . . , zk to intelligently guess at the value of xk. Further, at each time instant k, we want the guess to be available.

    Noise Descriptions

    As those with even the most elementary exposure to probability theory will realize, almost nothing can be done unless some sort of probabilistic structure is placed on the input noise process {wk} and output noise process {vk}. Here, we shall make the following assumptions:

    ASSUMPTION 1. {vk} and {wk} are individually white processes. Here we speak of a white processc as one where, for any k and lwith k l, vk and vl are independent random variables and wk and wl are independent random variables.

    ASSUMPTION 2. {vk} and {wk} are individually zero mean, gaussian processes with known covariances.

    ASSUMPTION 3. {vk} and {wk} are independent processes.

    for arbitrary m and ki is gaussian. In view of the whiteness of {vk} guaranteed by Assumption 1, the joint probability density is simply the product of the individual densities, and is therefore gaussian if the probability density of vk for each single k is gaussian.

    Here, we remind the reader that the probability density of a gaussian random variabled v is entirely determined by the mean m and covariance R of v, which are defined by


    When v has dimension n and R is nonsingular, the probability density is


    If R is singular, pv(v) is now no longer well defined, and probabilistic properties of v are more easily defined by its characteristic function, viz.


    Since {vk} is white, we can arrange for Assumption 2 to be fulfilled if we specify that vk has zero mean for each k and the covariance E[vkv′k] is known for all k. (For note that the process covariance is the set of values of E[vkv′i] for all k and l. However, we see that for k l

    Consequently, if we know that E[vkv′k] = Rk say, then the covariance of the {vk} process is given by


    for all k and l, where δkl is the Kronecker delta, which is 1 for k = l and 0

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