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The Art of Organ Building, Vol. 2
The Art of Organ Building, Vol. 2
The Art of Organ Building, Vol. 2
Ebook1,630 pages23 hours

The Art of Organ Building, Vol. 2

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Volume 2 of the fullest repository on organ building and history in English language. Includes outline of organ history, external design and decoration, internal arrangement and mechanical systems, acoustics and theories of sound-production in organ pipes, tonal structure and appointment, compound stops of the organ, more. Complete with illustrations, tables, and specifications. "...the most significant republication in our field for the past twenty incomparable, invaluable book." — American Guild of Organists Quarterly.
Release dateAug 8, 2013
The Art of Organ Building, Vol. 2

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    The Art of Organ Building, Vol. 2 - George Ashdown Audsley



    N the present short Chapter we touch upon questions of some interest and importance to the student of organ-building, especially as they are intimately connected with the tonal appointment of the Organ. The questions are: Do Organs, as usually constructed and located, display any tendency to weakness in the treble portion of their compass? And if they do show a weakness; What is the best way of overcoming it in practical organ-building?

    To the former question a conclusive answer has not yet been formulated; but researches go far to show that certain organ builders—men of considerable musical taste and great skill in their art—have evidently worked under a conviction that Organs treated in the ordinary way display a decided tendency to weakness in their treble octaves, or, in other words, an undue preponderance of tone in their bass and tenor octaves. It is probable that, in many instances, the tones of well-balanced instruments may have been so modified by the acoustical properties of the buildings in which they were placed, that an inequality of tonal effect between treble and bass became evident to the ear; and that this inequality may have seemed more or less pronounced to the listener in different parts of the buildings is also highly probable. The simple fact that grave sounds travel farther and have more fulness and impressiveness than acute ones, is alone sufficient to account for an apparent weakness in the treble of an Organ, especially when the instrument is located in a very large church or cathedral, and commonly heard at a considerable distance from its situation. If a marching military band is listened to, it will be observed that the sounds of the Bass Drum will be heard before those of any of the other instruments; later, as the band approaches, the lower notes of the Bass Tuba and the other grave instruments strike the ear, then those of the tenor instruments, and, lastly, when much closer, the treble notes are heard. Such is the case, notwithstanding the fact that in the band the relative powers of the bass and treble sounds are much closer than they can ever be in Organs constructed on the present prevailing lines.

    Leaving acoustical phenomena out of the question, there are causes in the present imperfect systems of tonal structure which go far to account for the absence of balance between the bass and treble octaves of the Organ. Most potent amongst these being an undue proportion of stops of 16 ft. pitch in the manual divisions; the too liberal introduction of a certain class of stops which have, in themselves, a decided disposition to become weaker as they ascend in the scale; and the usual adoption of one pressure of wind throughout the compass of the instrument. There can be no doubt that the use of Doubles, or stops of 16 ft. pitch, in the manual divisions, has a tendency to weaken the treble, which even in well-balanced stops of the unison pitch (8 ft.) has enough to do to hold its own against its associated bass and tenor. In the case of a single, properly-balanced, O




    , 8


    ., weakness in the treble can barely be realized; while the addition of an equally well-balanced O


    , 4


    ., practically removes any evidence of weakness. The further addition of a D






    , 16


    ., will materially interfere with the balance, and a weakness in the treble will become apparent, especially if the ear is at a considerable distance from the Organ, and full chords are played. If a pedal part is also played the weakness becomes more striking. The stops which have an inherent weakness in the higher portion of the scale are the usual reed stops; and, under ordinary conditions, a liberal introduction of such stops, in any manual division of the Organ, is attended with a more or less decided loss of strength in the treble in comparison to the attendant bass: both have gained in power by the addition of the stops, but the bass has gained considerably more than the treble. The portion of the manual compass least disturbed is that embracing the two octaves lying between tenor C and c². There can be no question that the general practice of voicing and blowing stops on wind of the same pressure throughout their entire compass is conducive to comparative weakness in their treble octaves; and this effect has been observed by both old and modern builders. It is, indeed, unreasonable to look for a result different from that which universally obtains in stops so blown. When one turns to the wind instruments of the orchestra, the sounds of which are produced by the action of the lips and the wind from the lungs of the performers, one immediately recognizes the fact that as their tones rise in pitch a proportionate increase in the pressure of the wind from the lungs is demanded; and that there is a great range of different pressures employed in producing the low, medium, and high notes of such instruments as the Horn, Trombone, and Trumpet. It is due to this increase of force in blowing that the higher tones of such instruments are as strong as their lower tones, if, indeed, they are not stronger, when heard close to the orchestra.* These observed facts in connection with the production of the different sounds in the orchestral wind instruments, guide the organ builder to one effective way of overcoming weakness in the treble.

    ft. pitch. The differential tones, of 32 ft. pitch, are in this case distinctly heard. A single example in relation to the manual stops will suffice for our present purpose. If the CC pipe of the O




    , 8


    ., is sounded along with the corresponding pipe of the O


    , 4


    ., a differential tone will be produced of considerable strength, and this tone will be of the same pitch as the note yielded by the O




    , and will, accordingly, go to increase the volume and strength of that note. In like manner, every pair of pipes throughout the manual compass will create a differential tone which will increase the lower note of the same. The differential tones, however, become comparatively weaker as they ascend the scale. In the case of a single O




    , 8


    ., and its attendant O


    , 4


    ., the differential tones have very little effect on the balance of tone the stops may possess; but in full combinations, including assertive reed stops, the differential tones, while they go far to enrich the general tonal structure, have a potent effect in increasing the difference of strength and assertiveness between the lower and the upper octaves of the manual compass; or, in other words, in increasing the relative weakness of the treble.

    The old builders seem to have observed the tendency toward weakness in the treble of their Organs; but, with the exception of one very important example, there appears to be no direct evidence of any decided measures having been taken by them to overcome that weakness by systematic augmentation. The builder of the celebrated Organ in the Cathedral of St. Bavon, at Haarlem, is the earliest who is known to have adopted a positive system of augmentation. In this instrument, which was constructed by Christian Müller, of Amsterdam, in the year 1738, we find certain stops in the manual divisions have their pipes duplicated in the higher octaves. The P


    , 16


    ., (D






    ) and the O


    , 8


    ., (O




    ) in the Great Organ, have both two ranks of pipes from middle c¹ to the top note. The P




    ., (O




    ) in the Choir Organ, has two ranks from GG, to the top; and the P


    , 8


    ., in the Echo Organ, has two ranks from A. It is quite evident that these very important stops were duplicated, as above described, for the purpose of augmenting the treble: and apparently with the same view four of the M


    have their ranks increased in number as they break upward. Collectively, they have in their lower, middle, and upper divisions, XVIII., XXIII., and XXVIII. ranks.

    Another noteworthy example, which may be considered as modern, shows a decided attempt to augment the treble by the addition of auxiliary pipes. We allude to the Organ in the chief Protestant Church at Utrecht, built by Batz, of Utrecht, in the year 1826. In the Great division of this important instrument all the stops with the exception of the two M


    have two ranks of pipes from middle c¹ to the top. In all probability, many Organs built between the years 1738 and 1826, were treated in a somewhat similar manner and for the same purpose, but we have no records of them. The necessity for some system of augmentation of the treble was doubtless pressed upon the attention of the older German and Dutch builders by the effects produced by the stops of 16 ft. pitch, so liberally introduced by them in the manual divisions of their Organs; and by the large size and heavy character of the pedal departments of their instruments.

    There can be no question that the strength and brilliancy of the treble sounds of the Organ are greatly impaired and obscured by the too liberal introduction or use of the manual Doubles; and also by the insertion of such stops, in scales and intonation, out of all proportion to the unison stops. It must be borne in mind, both by the organ builder and the organist, that 16 ft. tone has no necessary connection with the tonal structure of the manual divisions of the Organ; and that it has a greater power to disturb than to improve tonal structure. The 16 ft. tone belongs to the Pedal Organ, and only appears in the manual divisions as the means of imparting variety to certain combinations, and for the production of tonal effects rarely called for. Comparatively few organists have the correct conception of the office of the manual Doubles; and not one in a hundred uses them in a thoroughly artistic manner. To draw the Doubles in all full combinations is a serious blunder, from a musical point of view, yet it is an almost universal practice among the generality of organ players.

    While the system of duplication, as illustrated by the Haarlem and Utrecht instruments, may appear to be both reasonable and desirable, it is, for certain reasons, not to be recommended, and chiefly because it has not been found to be reliable in practical organ-building. The acoustical or tonal aspect of the system may be first considered. It is quite certain if the stops so treated are to retain their proper tonal character, that their duplicated ranks of pipes must be precisely similar in tone; and such being the case, there is considerable danger of the combined tones losing strength through what is known as acoustical sympathy, and the stops being injured rather than benefited by the duplication. The uncertain nature of this peculiar acoustical phenomenon will always interfere with anything approaching regularity of intonation in such stops. Among the objections to the system, advanced on purely practical grounds, may be named the additional expense entailed, the undesirable demand for increased size in the wind-chests, the greater consumption of wind, and the call for more labor and care in tuning. With all the drawbacks named, it is not probable that this system will ever again be adopted.

    Somewhat akin to the above is the system which seeks to augment the treble by increasing the number of the ranks of the M


    in their higher breaks. An example of this system is furnished by the Haarlem Organ. It is not too much to say that any builder who attempts to augment the treble by any special treatment of the compound harmonic-corroborating stops, loses sight entirely of the true and only office of such stops in the tonal structure of the Organ. There are enough of loud, screaming, and inartistic M


    in existence, destroying good organ-tone in countless instruments; and in the name of art we protest against any increase of vulgarity in them, with the view of adding noise to any portion of the Organ. Every attempt that has been made to augment the treble by means of additional ranks or an increase of assertiveness in the higher octaves of the M


    , has made matters worse instead of better.

    There are other systems which deserve more careful consideration. These are augmentation by means of increased pressures of wind; augmentation by enlargement of the scales of the stops, upward: argumentation by the introduction of harmonic pipes; and augmentation by simple voicing and regulating.

    M. Cavaillé-Coll seems to have been the first builder to devise the system of overcoming the weakness of the treble by means of increased pressures of wind, practically applying it in the Grand Organ he erected in the Royal Church of Saint-Denis, in the year 1841. In the Report on the construction of this instrument, submitted to the Société Libre des Beaux-Arts by J. Adrien de La Fage, we find the following interesting particulars respecting the wind supply and distribution:—

    "There are eleven reservoirs, the eight larger of which contain each two thousand litres of compressed air, while the three smaller ones have a combined capacity of one thousand litres, making a total capacity of seventeen thousand litres. The eight large reservoirs are arranged in superposed pairs; each pair is fed by a piston attached to a lever worked by a man, supplying about ninety litres of air per second. The three other reservoirs, giving high pressure wind, are fed, in like manner, by a piston worked by a man, supplying forty litres of air per second; making a total supply of four hundred litres per second.

    "The power necessary for operating the entire blowing apparatus is equivalent to 50 kilogrammètres, which being divided gives 10 kilogrammètres to each of the five levers, corresponding to the working power of a man, when only laboring a short time with frequent intervals of rest.

    "A blowing apparatus of this large capacity was absolutely necessary to supply an instrument of so great a size and containing so many large stops: and the contents of the reservoirs and the supply of the feeders respond so well to the demands of the instrument, that playing upon it with all the stops drawn fails to disturb the wind or affect the tuning of the pipes…

    "Many other advantages have been secured by the bellows arrangements and combinations. First, the different pressures allow the distribution to each stop and its octaves of wind of such pressures as are best calculated to develop its desired tones. The upper octaves of the reed stops have especially benefited, having acquired a much purer and more brilliant quality of tone. The upper octaves are well balanced with the bass octaves, without requiring the help of some compound stop, like a C


    or M


    , which, combining imperfectly with the treble octaves, would produce a sharp and noisy tone. Secondly, the variety of pressures has largely aided the proper voicing of the harmonic stops… Thirdly, the variety of pressures allows of the advantageous separation of the wind between the bass and the treble of the stops, and between the labial stops and the reed stops of the instrument. Such are the happy consequences of the divisions of the reservoirs and the various pressures."

    In other Grand Organs built by Cavaillé-Coll, notably those in Saint-Sulpice and the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, at Paris, the same system of increased wind pressures has been adopted, with great advantage to their tonal balance.

    Of the augmentation of the treble by means of increased pressures of wind certain important examples exist in Great Britain. The earliest essay in this direction in England, of which we have any knowledge, was made by Hill, in the large Organ constructed by him for the London Panopticon, in the year 1853. Different pressures of wind were used throughout a certain portion of this instrument for the purpose of increasing the power of the treble pipes; but with what result we have been unable to ascertain. It may be said, however, that the builder, who was unquestionably an artist, considered the Panopticon Organ his greatest work. This Organ was removed from the Panopticon, and erected in the south transept of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. After lending its aid for some time to the special services held under the dome, it was taken down and somehow disposed of.

    ² to c⁴, inclusive. Four of the reed stops of this division are on heavier wind than the labial stops, and this wind is also increased at the notes above named, completing the augmentation of the entire treble of the Great Organ. No other division of this important instrument has this system of augmentation applied to it.

    We now come to a very important and successful example of the system under consideration, presented by the large Organ erected by Messrs. T. C. Lewis & Co., of London, in the Public Halls, Glasgow, in the year 1877. Here, as in the Organ in the Town Hall of Leeds, the system is confined to the Great division of the instrument. The accompanying diagram, Fig. LXIX., which shows the disposition of the six wind-chests of the Front and Back Great Organs, will assist in making the apportionment of the winds of different pressures clear to the reader. The three wind-chests, numbered 1, 2, 3, are planted with the following stops, which constitute the tonal appointment of the so-called Front Great Organ:



    . LXIX.

    ¹, inclusive, on wind of 3½ inches pressure: and on the lateral portions, C, C, are planted the treble pipes from d¹ to c⁴, inclusive, on wind of 4 inches pressure.

    The three wind-chests, numbered 4, 5, 6, are divided both longitudinally and transversely, as indicated by dotted lines, into ten compartments, which are planted with the nine stops of the Back Great Organ in the following manner: On the compartments D, D, E, F, F, are planted the six labial stops of this division; namely:—

    These are supplied with wind of 3, 3½, and 4 inches pressure, in precisely the same manner as are the stops of the Front Great Organ. On the compartments G, G, H, I, I, are planted the three reeds of the Back Great Organ—D




    , 16


    .; T


    , 8


    .; C


    , 4


    ¹, inclusive, planted on the compartment H, are on wind of 5 inches; and the treble pipes, from d¹ to c⁴, planted on the compartments I, I, speak on wind of 6 inches pressure. Accordingly, the complete Great Organ has five distinct pressures of wind, and five special reservoirs for its supply; the three pressures applied to the labial stops increasing by steps of half an inch, and those applied to the three reed stops by steps of one inch. The arrangement is skilful, and its tonal results are very satisfactory; so much so, that it is to be regretted that in so important an instrument the same arrangement was not extended to the Swell and Solo Organs. The chief practical difficulty which attends this system, apart from that of finding room for so many special reservoirs, is the perfect joining of the tones of the pipes where the increase of pressure occurs. This, however, is only a serious difficulty under the hands of an indifferent voicer.

    When an Organ is placed in a large building, and when it has, under general conditions, to be heard at a considerable distance, there can be no question that the system of augmentation by means of increased pressures is the most satisfactory: this is so because the carrying power of the treble sounds is greatly increased. It is weakness in this direction that, in the generality of instances, suggests the advisability, if not the necessity, of employing some method of augmentation. In the case of small Organs, or of those placed in small buildings, we do not recommend the adoption of augmentation by increased pressures.

    From the examples given from the works of three leading English builders, it will be observed that increased pressures, for the purpose of augmenting the treble, have been confined to the Great Organ. This practice cannot, however, be logically supported, or altogether approved of, except, perhaps, in the case of instruments placed in some peculiar positions in churches of moderate dimensions; and even in them it is questionable if the Great is the division which most calls for the augmentation.

    In Concert-room Organs, the divisions which call most imperatively for treble augmentation are those which contain the more important reed and the principal imitative stops. If any single division is to be selected, we are strongly of opinion that it should be the Solo Organ, which, in a properly appointed instrument, will be certain to contain imitative stops which benefit in the highest degree by treble augmentation. Of all the stops in the Organ the reeds benefit most from the augmentation of the treble by increased pressures; simply because the inherent weakness of their treble tones, in comparison to their bass and tenor ones, is self-evident and universally acknowledged; and because no other system of augmentation can be effectively applied to them.

    In the Glasgow Organ, Mr. T. C. Lewis has, by increasing the wind-pressures for the labial stops by half an inch at each step, and for the reed stops by one inch at each step, most unquestionably followed the correct method; and his example is as worthy of imitation, as it is to be properly chronicled.

    The system of augmentation by means of enlargement of the pipe scales, upward, is one that has been frequently adopted by artistic builders; and it deserves to be well considered in the stop appointment of all classes and sizes of Organs. It cannot, however, be applied equally to all stops. The O




    , for instance, in which augmentation of the treble would be most valuable, does not lend itself to anything approaching an extreme treatment; for when its treble pipes are increased in scale beyond a desirable ratio they begin to lose the beautiful diapason-tone, and become objectionably fluty in character. Stops of the flute family generally admit of enlargement of scale without any loss of tonal character. Hill and Willis sometimes used ratios which place the half diameter at the twenty-first and twenty-ninth pipe, counting the starting pipe in both cases. Examples of the former ratio are to be found in certain L


    made by Hill; and of the latter ratio in the beautiful C




    and H




    made by Willis. This exceptional ratio we are informed by an organ expert is to be found, in the above-named stops, in the Organ in the Church of Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire. Reed stops, under certain limitations, admit of enlargement of scale, and, accordingly, contribute somewhat to the augmentation of the treble. This reasonable enlargement of scale should be combined with increased wind pressures, when the latter obtain in any division of the Organ. Augmentation by enlargement of scale may properly be used for all suitable stops in the divisions of the Organ in which no other system of augmentation of the treble is introduced, where it should be rendered as effective as possible by appropriate voicing.

    The system of augmentation of the treble by means of harmonic pipes was first introduced by Cavaillé-Coll—the inventor of the harmonic stops—in his fine Organ in the Royal Church of Saint-Denis. La Fage, in his Report, says:—

    "Another improvement has been introduced in the Saint-Denis Organ, the advantages of which are much more evident [than those previously mentioned]. The stops of the old Organs, fabricated by good builders, were very satisfactory in regard to construction and quality of tone; and nothing was to be done but to imitate them; and if possible to add entirely new stops to the list. Among the stops of the Saint-Denis Organ, several have been listened to with that surprising interest which attends the audition of a new instrument. M. Cavaillé-Coll has not only introduced one stop, but, indeed, an entire family of new stops; and this new introduction is not only one of his best and most successful essays, but one of the most advantageous applications of science to musical art. …

    "Hitherto only the ground tones of open and stopped pipes have been made use of in organ-building, and certainly they are the tones most easily obtained: but the fact that open pipes yield much brighter and stronger sounds than stopped ones strengthened the hope that great results might be obtained with pipes, the column of air in which, by being divided into several vibrating portions, would produce, with the same length of tube, the octave, the twelfth, the super-octave, etc. The sound of an open pipe being, as regards its intensity, the equivalent of that of two stopped pipes of half the speaking length of the open pipe, it may be said that a harmonic sound is, in regard to its intensity, equivalent to the combined sounds of as many stopped pipes, yielding the same note, as there are vibrating portions in the over-blown open pipe. These acoustical phenomena were first practically applied in organ-building by M. Aristide Cavaillé-Coll.

    "It was only after many experiments that he succeeded in fixing in every pipe the desired harmonic so as to obtain a homogeneous series of sounds proper to form a stop. Even, as it has been said by one of the most learned acousticians of the present century, ‘when one tries to make a practical application of ideas apparently in accordance with theory, nature often denies our conjectures and opposes them with unforeseen hinderances: and after working for a long time, one is obliged to throw aside the fruits of all previous labors and make a new commencement. All these trials of patience are, however, forgotten so soon as success is achieved.’ This was M. A. Cavaillé-Coll’s experience; and the stops produced by him are superior to the ordinary stops both as regards the fullness and strength of their tones, and their perfect imitation of the sounds of the instruments they are designed to represent.

    The principle of the harmonic sounds being applicable to certain stops, it is evident that through the same the sounding part of the Organ has been greatly improved. This would have been sufficient to distinguish the Saint-Denis Organ above all other instruments. Its application has enabled the builder to considerably increase the power and fullness of the trebles, securing a perfect uniformity in the strength and tonal character of the bass and treble. The new system of bellows has considerably contributed to the success of the newly invented harmonic stops.

    Valuable as the harmonic series of stops have proved to be, in the hands of such an artist as Cavaillé-Coll, for augmenting the treble sounds of the Organ by increasing their strength and traveling power, they must be recognized as only one means toward a desirable end. The sounds produced by the harmonic pipes are special and distinctive, and admit only of a limited introduction in any single instrument; and they are by no means the most important voices in the tonal appointment of the Organ: such being the case, only a moderate amount of assistance can be obtained from them toward a general augmentation of the treble. They are, however, decidedly valuable in this direction in conjunction with other expedients. To produce the best results, the harmonic stops call for increased pressures of wind. In the H




    , 8


    ., the harmonic pipes rarely go below middle f¹, this being the note at which they commence in the F




    , 8


    ., in the Organ in Manchester Town Hall, built by the inventor of the stop. In the H




    , 4


    ., the harmonic pipes usually commence at tenor F, the pipe there being the same length as the f¹ pipe in the 8 ft. stop. In the H




    , 2


    ., it is not advisable to carry the harmonic pipes below tenor C. These stops are properly carried down to CC, on the manual claviers, by open pipes of the ordinary speaking lengths. In the F




    , 8


    ., in the Manchester Organ, the bass pipes are of open wood of standard speaking lengths; the tenor pipes, from C to E, are of open metal of standard lengths; and from F to c⁴, the pipes are of open metal double the standard speaking lengths, yielding the harmonic octave tone.

    Great care must be taken in voicing and regulating harmonic stops for Organs having only one pressure of wind, for there is a great danger of their tones being practically lost by absorption. This is notably the case with those of 4 ft. pitch, whose tones are very liable to be drawn downward and absorbed by the powerful tones of the O




    and other loud unison stops. This tendency may sometimes be counteracted by planting the harmonic stop at the greatest possible distance from the unison stop most likely to affect it. The introduction of harmonic stops will only be safe in the hands of artistic builders; and desirable only for instruments in which proper arrangements are made for their reception, and when expense is not so great a consideration as excellence of tone and construction.

    We now come to the last system; namely, the augmentation of the treble by means of skilful voicing and regulating. While it is reasonable to suppose that every voicer who has any artistic feeling or knowledge of the fitness of things realizes the importance of imparting to the trebles of his stops as great a strength and brilliancy as they will stand without impairing their true tonal character; yet we are unaware of any systematic efforts having been made to test how far voicing and regulating may be made to overcome weakness of the treble. There can be no doubt, however, that much more can be done in this direction than is commonly understood or practiced. This method of augmentation has several advantages which should recommend it to all organ builders, and especially to those who are continually called upon to exercise rigid economy in the construction of their instruments. It does not necessitate the alteration of the usually accepted scales; it does not call for the expenditure of more material or the provision of additional space on the wind-chests; and it is not more expensive than the ordinary methods of voicing and regulating.

    Of necessity, the question of voicing and regulating enters into all the systems of augmentation already touched upon. In that by increased wind pressures, the skill of the voicer is called upon to impart uniformity of tonal quality throughout the scale, and a gradual increase of strength and brilliancy, upward, to all stops. In the system of augmentation by the use of harmonic pipes, voicing and regulating are all-important; and the same may be said with regard to the system which involves the introduction of duplicate ranks of pipes.

    On a careful and unprejudiced digest of all that has been said upon the subject of augmentation of the treble, the reader, we venture to think, can only arrive at one conclusion; namely, that for a perfect result in the case of an Organ of even moderate dimensions, all the systems, save that by duplication of pipes, must be adopted and carefully combined in the different manual divisions of the instrument, under the guidance of a true artistic feeling and musical taste, which will condemn any excess, or undesirable straining after illegitimate effects.

    * On this branch of our subject, the following words from the pen of M. Aristide Cavaillé-Coll may not be uninteresting:

    "Si l’on considère, en effet, la puissance et la belle harmonie d’un orchestre composé d’une trentaine d’instruments seulement, comparativement à la faiblesse et à la maigreur des sons d’un orgue qui contient plusieurs milliers de tuyaux, on est étonné de voir que l’instrument qui réunit le plus de ressources ne déploie pas une plus grande puissance, relativement à sa grandeur. La principale cause de cette faiblesse réside pareillement dans la soufflerie, dont les dispositions connues jusqu’à ce jour ne permettaient pas de donner au son des tuyaux ni le volume ni le caractère qu’ils devraient avoir.

    "Jusqu’à présent [1875], la pression du vent employé dans les orgues n’avait été que de 5 à 10 centimètres de colonne d’eau; c’est entre ces deux limites que se trouvaient embouchées les orgues que nous avions eu occasion de vérifier avec un manomètre à eau: il est vrai que les jeux à bouche ou à flûte semblent devoir parler convenablement avec un vent de cette force; mais il est certain que les jeux à anche (dans les tons élevés notamment) nécessitaient un vent plus comprimé.

    "Cependant, dans la fabrication des orgues, on ne tient habituellement aucun compte de cette observation importante; chaque facteur choisit le degré de pression qu’il juge convenable à son orgue, en sorte que la même pression s’applique à tous les jeux indifféremment. Il en résulte que les jeux à flûte sont exposés à être alimentés par un vent trop fort, tandis qu’au contraire les jeux à anche ont généralement un vent trop faible. De là vient principalement que les jeux de trompette, clairon et autres, perdent dans l’orgue le caractère des instruments à vent dont ils empruntent le nom; car, indépendamment de l’influence que l’anche métallique peut exercer sur la qualité du son des tuyaux, au lieu de l’anche des instruments à vent formée par les lèvres de la bouche, il y en a une autre: c’est la pression du vent sous laquelle ces mêmes instruments résonnent.

    "Il est facile de se convaincre en soufflant avec la bouche dans un manomètre à eau que la force du vent qu’on peut donner avec les poumons s’élève aisément à 50 centimètres d’eau et plus. J’ai vérifié par moi-même qu’elle arrive à 100 centimètres quand on souffle avec force.

    "Maintenant, si l’on souffle dans un instrument à vent tel que le cor ou la trompette, on s’apercevra facilement, d’après l’effort avec lequel il faut souffler, que la pression du vent qui les fait sonner s’élève souvent à 50 centimètres d’eau, que les sons graves sont produits par un vent plus faible, et que les sons intermédiaires nécessitent une pression moyenne entre les deux.

    "Ces considérations suffisent pour expliquer le peu de puissance des jeux de l’orgue comparativement aux instruments d’orchestre, car nous avons vu plus haut que la pression du vent le plus fort employé dans les orgues n’a été jusqu’ici que de 10 centimètres de colonne d’eau, tandis que dans les instruments à vent cette pression est de 4 à 5 fois plus considérable.

    "ll n’est pas douteux que l’effet d’un orgue y gagnerait beaucoup, si l’on faisait parler les jeux à flûte avec la pression du vent qui leur convient. Les jeux à anche avec un vent plus fort tel qu’ils le réclament et mieux encore, que pour chaque période de son, d’octave en octave, il y eût un vent de l’intensité relative à la puissance qu’ils devraient avoir. Pour obtenir ce résultat, il fallait chercher une soufflerie qui fût susceptible de donner des pressions de vent différentes, afin que chaque jeu et les diverses octaves fussent pourvues de la force de vent nécessaire. Cette condition semble au premier abord facile à remplir, en appliquant une soufflerie différente pour chaque pression qu’on voudrait avoir; mais, si l’on considère les inconvénients qui résulteraient d’une telle disposition, la question devient plus sérieuse. D’abord, la multiplicité des soufflets de cette soufflerie exigerait un vaste emplacement qui la rendrait impraticable dans le plus grand nombre de cas.

    "Ensuite, comme la dépense du vent n’a pas lieu d’une manière uniforme, et qu’elle dépend du plus ou moins de jeux que l’organiste emploie, tantôt dans les notes graves, tantôt dans les tons élevés ou dans le médium, etc., il pourrait arriver qu’une soufflerie manquât de vent, tandis que les autres en contiendraient en abondance et que, par conséquent, le jeu de l’organiste se trouvât interrompu dans certaines notes du clavier pendant que les autres résonneraient comme avant ce contretemps.

    Pénétré de ces inconvénients, nous avons inventé un nouveau système de soufflerie qui remplit parfaitement les fonctions que nous avons indiquées plus haut. Il se compose d’une série de réservoirs superposés égale au nombre de pressions qu’on veut avoir et, quoique ces réservoirs soient alimentés par les mêmes pistons, la pression du vent qui leur est assignée ne peut être altérée en aucune manière par l’impéritie des souffleurs. La disposition de ces réservoirs est telle que, malgré l’intensité différente du vent que chacun doit fournir, ils communiquent entre eux au moyen de soupapes régulatrices et s’alimentent simultanément sans que jamais leur pression varie, ni qu’ils puissent manquer de vent tant qu’il y en a dans le 1er réservoir alimentaire. Ce système de soufflerie, comme on a pu le voir par ce qui précède, renferme en lui-même la source des améliorations importantes dont la qualité des sons du plus grand nombre des jeux de l’orgue est encore susceptible. Les jeux d’anches, principalement, se trouvant alimentés du grave à l’aigu par des pressions de vent d’autant plus fortes que les sons deviennent plus élevés, acquièrent ainsi un timbre homogène dans toute leur étendue qui met les dessus en rapport avec les basses. Les diverses pressions dont nous avons parlé sont également d’un grand secours pour emboucher convenablement les nouveaux jeux harmoniques… Un autre avantage qui résulte des principes sur lesquels repose cette soufflerie est celui d’éviter entièrement les secousses et les altérations qu’on remarque généralement dans les grandes orgues. Les nombreuses applications que nous avons déjà faites de ce nouveau système de soufflerie, notamment aux grandes orgues de St-Sulpice et de Notre-Dame de Paris, justifient surabondamment les avantages que nous venons d’énumérer.Projet d’Orgue Monumental pour la Basilique de St-Pierre de Rome. Bruxelles, 1875.



    MONG the several objectionable practices which obtain in the modern system of organ-building there is none to be more severely condemned by those who realize what a correct tonal structure and an artistic tonal appointment mean, and who desire to see the Organ scientifically developed as a musical instrument, than the destructive system of borrowing which is advocated and resorted to in certain quarters to-day, apparently with the trade aim of making a small instrument look large on paper, and produce a considerable volume of sound at a cheap rate. It seems to be held by the advocates of this system that variety of timbre and tonal balance are of secondary importance to musical noise. We should think that no organ builder after reading the pamphlet written by M. H. V. Couwenbergh, entitled L’Orgue Simplifié,* would fail to see the utter absurdity of resorting to a wholesale system of borrowing stops or portions of stops from one manual division to create or largely augment other manual divisions. If we were not forced, by the general tone of the text of this remarkable pamphlet to recognize that the Nouveau Système was seriously advocated, we certainly should feel satisfied that the whole affair was intended as a cleverly organized joke.† To give support to our own remarks on the subject under consideration, it is only necessary to quote one of the Specifications given by M. Couwenbergh.


    6 jeux formant 46 registres pour les deux premiers claviers et les pédales.

    Un troisième clavier ou Récit expressif possédera tous les jeux qui ne sont pas répétés aux autres claviers.

    Les six jeux qui forment les registres du Grand-orgue, Positif et Pédales sont:





    Système ordinaire.

    Nombre de tuyaux: 1579, dont 540 au Grand Orgue et 1039 au Récit expressif."

    From the above figures we gather that the compass of the manual divisions is CC to g³ =56 notes, and that the six stops which enter into the composition of the Grand-orgue, Positif, and Pédales are of extended and necessarily varied compass. To clearly show the ridiculous character of this travesty of tonal appointment, which may not at once strike the ordinary reader, we may enumerate the various stops which are derived from three of the fundamental stops:

    From the M


    , 32


    . (116 pipes), are derived the M


    , 32


    .; C




    , 16


    .; P


    , 16


    .; P


    , 8


    .; M


    , 8


    .; P


    , 4


    .; O


    , 4


    .; D


    , 2


    .; and P


    , 1



    From the B


    , 32


    . (104 pipes), are derived the B


    , 32


    .; S




    , 16


    .; B


    , 16


    .; B


    , 8


    .; F




    , 8


    .; F




    , 4


    .; and F




    , 2



    From the V


    , 16


    . (80 pipes), are derived the V




    , 16


    .; V




    , 16


    .; V




    , 8


    .; V


    , 8


    .; V


    , 8


    .; and V


    , 4



    When we realize that all the stops above set forth are in each class identical in tonal character and strength of voice, we may well ask What’s in a name? In this Nouveau Système, beyond the indication in some instances of pitch, the names are utterly valueless and for the most part misleading. We feel that we have wasted too much valuable space in giving this ridiculous system—if system it can be called—additional publicity; but we have been led to do so because a similar system, equally bad, although much less pronounced, has been advocated and introduced of late in certain quarters.

    There can be no doubt in the mind of any one who has studied the tonal structure of the Organ from a scientific point of view, and the tonal appointment from an artistic standpoint, that any system which involves the duplication or the borrowing, in whole or part, of stops from one manual division to create or materially enlarge another manual division is fundamentally and radically wrong. And it is beyond all question that no argument, based on trade grounds or any possible expediency, can bring such a system within the realms of scientific and artistic organ-building. When a stop, bearing a certain name, in one division is borrowed for another manual division, where it appears under quite a different name, a deliberate deception is committed. It may be claimed that this deception is of slight importance when portion of a stop of 16 ft. pitch in one manual division is made to serve as a stop of 8 ft. pitch in another division; and, perhaps, by a greater extension of its compass, to serve as a stop of 4 ft. pitch in still another division. Putting aside the matter of deception, what is to be said about tonal propriety? Suppose there is a C




    , 16


    . (73 pipes), in the Great Organ, and a G


    , 8


    ., is borrowed from it in the Choir Organ, does it not stand to reason that if the C




    is properly voiced for the Great Organ, the borrowed G


    will be altogether too loud for so delicate a division as a properly-appointed Choir Organ? How is it possible, in artistic tonal appointment, to borrow stops suitably and effectively voiced for a Swell Organ to form an Echo Organ? To perpetrate such a system of borrowing, or so-called duplication, is to repudiate all the teaching of the phenomena of musical sounds; and to set at defiance the great principles on which a perfect tonal structure and an artistic tonal appointment are based.

    Borrowing is destructive to a very serious extent of both tonal variety and strength. We maintain that no two stops in any Organ, however large, should be exactly alike in timbre or in strength of voice; and that when any two stops closely approach each other in timbre they should be widely apart in strength of voice. Until these conditions are realized and observed, artistic tonal appointment will never be reached. There are, doubtless, many organ builders, including M. Dryvers and those who favor his Nouveau Système, who will consider such conditions a needless refinement; for to them plenty of sound at any price is the great thing. It is only necessary to glance at the scheme of the Organ given in this Chapter to see how completely M. Dryvers ignores both science and art.

    Organ builders do not favor the use of the term borrowing; simply because it tells an honest and unmistakable story; preferring the term duplication, which seems to imply an amplification of some sort, attended by an undefined advantage tonally. We do not consider that the terms borrowing and duplication mean the same thing. In M. Dryvers’ remarkable scheme for his remarkable Organ of fifty-seven stops, we find borrowing carried to the extreme limit, while duplication is also much resorted to. Borrowing properly consists in forming from one stop of grave pitch and extended compass, one, two, or more stops of higher pitches and ordinary compass. The M


    , 32


    ., comprising 116 pipes, furnishes some admirable examples of borrowing. From it M. Dryvers borrows the following stops of different pitches: C




    , 16


    .; M


    , 8


    .; P


    , 4


    .; D


    , 2


    .; and P


    , 1


    . Duplication properly consists in the introduction of two stops of precisely the same pitch, timbre, and strength of tone in different divisions of an Organ; or in employing one and the same stop in two different divisions. The M


    , 32


    ., also furnishes examples of duplication. From it M. Dryvers derives the following stops of similar pitches: M


    , 8


    ., in the Grand-Orgue; P


    , 8


    ., in the Positif; and M


    , 8


    ., in the Pédales: and P


    , 4


    ., in the Grand-Orgue; P


    , 4


    ., in the Positif; and O


    , 4


    ., in the Pédales. Every one of the stops here enumerated are of the same tonality and strength of voice, so far, at least, as it is possible to obtain uniformity throughout so great a compass.

    While there can be no possible excuse for duplication, borrowing may be resorted to in the formation of an auxiliary Pedal Organ. To furnish a small pedal department with one or two stops borrowed from expressive manual divisions would be to add greatly to the artistic capabilities of an Organ. Unexpressive pedal departments are among the great shortcomings in organ-building today. Even instruments of the largest size should be furnished with auxiliary Pedal Organs, borrowed from suitable stops of 16 ft. pitch belonging to the expressive manual divisions. See Chapter on the Concert-room Organ: Vol. I., p. 298.

    The ignorance of architects respecting the requirements of the Organ, and their frequent failures to provide proper accommodation for it, have led to the construction of totally inadequate pedal departments. A notable example of this is furnished by the Organ in the Town Hall of Manchester. In planning the large concert-room, the architect did not provide suitable accommodation for an Organ of the proper size: and, accordingly, when M. Cavaillé-Coll was instructed to build an important instrument for concert purposes, he found that it was impossible to place a properly proportioned Pedal Organ in the space given him. He was, therefore, only able to find room for two special stops, comprising 42 pipes each; namely, the C




    , 16


    ., and B


    , 16


    . From these two stops are derived the F




    , 8


    ., and T


    , 8


    . The S




    , 16


    .; B




    , 8


    .; and V


    , 8


    ., are borrowed from stops in the Grand-Orgue. Why the distinguished builder did not impart some expressive powers to the pedal department by borrowing from the Récit expressif must remain a mystery to every organ expert endowed with any artistic sense. M. Cavaillé-Coll expressed to us his great regret that, through the mistake of the architect, he had been unable to provide an adequate Pedal Organ without the necessity of resorting to borrowing—a practice with which he had no sympathy.

    In conclusion, we may say that beyond the formation of an expressive auxiliary Pedal Organ, as above alluded to, we strongly condemn the practice of borrowing and duplication as unscientific, inartistic, and fatal to a perfect tonal appointment: its absurd side is eloquently set forth in the Nouveau Système of M. Léonard Dryvers.

    * L’Orgue Simplifié ou Notice sur le Nouveau Système d’Orgues, inventé par M. Léonard Dryvers, Facteur d’orgues à Kessel-Loo-Louvain, Belgique, par H. V. Couwenbergh, Organiste à l’Abbaye d’Aver-bode. 1887.

    †To assist the reader in arriving at a correct idea of the Nouveau Système we extract the following from the pamphlet alluded to.

    "Simplifier l’orgue, tel fut de tout temps le rêve des facteurs. L’illustre abbé Vogler fut un des premiers à préconiser un système de simplification. A une époque plus récente on inventa en Allemagne le système de transmission, qui obtint quelques succès en Belgique et est encore employé par plusieurs facteurs, dans le but d’utiliser quelques basses du grand-orgue au clavier de pédales. Ce système donna lieu à un autre, qu’on a appelé depuis: système à dédoublement ou à jeux transformatifs, qui, comme son nom l’indique, consiste à dédoubler ou à transformer un jeu réel en plusieurs autres jeux indépendants. C’est ce système qui, il y a quatre ans, fut appliqué par MM. P. Schyven et Cie, facteurs d’orgues à Ixelles-Bruxelles.

    "Mais l’idée du dédoublement, qui consiste, sommairement parlant, à obtenir des effets de puissance avec peu de tuyaux, ne fut plus chose nouvelle, lors de l’application qu’en firent MM. Schyven et Cie en 1884 et même à une époque antérieure (1872) MM. Delmotte, frères, facteurs d’orgues à Tournay. M. Léonard Dryvers, en effet, alors facteur d’orgues à Rotselaer, construisit en 1871 des orgues à dédoublement, chez les Dames Ursulines à Liérre et à Werchter (paroisse.) Les procédés employés par lui, furent loin de ressembler à ceux dont MM. Delmotte et Schyven avaient fait usage. Ce que ces facteurs ont obtenu par une extension de la transmission et l’emploi des mêmes procédés, M. Dryvers l’avait déjà trouvé à un degré de perfection bien plus éminent; par l’action des pièces mécaniques sur une même soupape. Ainsi il était arrivé à former avec 7 séries de tuyaux, plus de 35 jeux dédoublés, répartis sur tous les claviers à mains et les pédales indistinctement.

    "Ce premier système, bien qu’il fut encore bien défectueux, mérita cependant l’approbation des amis et connaisseurs de l’art, qui ne surent s’empêcher d’en admirer la frappante originalité. Un des grands facteurs belges me disait naguère avec l’élan de la plus entière conviction: ‘M. Dryvers est sorti d’un coup de l’ornière habituelle de la facture des orgues.’

    "M. Ch. Anneessens, facteur d’orgues à Grammont, écrivit à propos du dédoublement Schyven: ‘Quantaux claviers à mains, je n’admettrais le dédoublement que comme un pis-aller dans une nécessité absolue et pour des cas exceptionnels; encore emploierais-je pour le réaliser plutôt le procédé de M. Dryvers. Ce procédé est exempt des défauts du système par transmission; chaque tuyau a son vent séparé, toujojurs le même; le mécanisme, compliqué en apparence, à cause d’un assez grand nombre de pièces, est simple en réalité, parce que toutes ces pièces fonctionnent d’une manière identique; il est d’ailleurs facile à atteindre dans toutes ses parties et d’un réglage aisé et sûr.’

    "Cependant le procédé ne satisfit pas l’inventeur lui-même, c’est pourquoi il renonça à son brevet de 1873. Mais l’idée qui germa dans son cerveau, depuis nombre d’années, ne put tarder de se réaliser définitivement et d’une manière entièrement neuve, surpassant sous tous rapports tout ce qu’on a fait en ce genre jusqu’ aujourd’-hui. Tel est le système dont il s’agit ici.

    "Les longues et étroites gravures, les coulisses et nombreuses soupapes des sommiers ordinaires, sont remplacées par un mécanisme fort simple, composé de rouleaux et balanciers faits en cuivre et en fer et incapables d’être susceptibles des mille dérangements d’un mécanisme ordinaire.

    "Chaque tuyau a son vent séparé. Cette disposition procure à ce système une régularité inaltérable dans l’harmonie des jeux, et une grande abondance de vent, distribuée en quantité suffisante et toujours égale à chacun des tuyaux en particulier en proportion de ses dimensions et de son intonation.

    M. Dryvers a poussé l’économie des tuyaux à la dernière limite du possible: avec 4 séries de tuyaux de 16 pieds, il forme 31 jeux; avec 6 séries de tuyaux de 32, 16 et 8 pieds, il forme plus de 46 jeux parfaitement indépendants et répartis sur tous les claviers indistinctement. Nous faisons suivre deux devis d’orgues modèles construits d’après ce système et nous avons eu soin de placer en regard des jeux dédoublés, les jeux réels dont ils sont tirés.



    HE Organ has in the range of its sounds the greatest compass of all musical instruments. Its compass properly extends from the CCCC note, of 32 ft. pitch, to the c⁷ note, the highest yielded by the five-octave stop of 1 ft. pitch, embracing ten complete octaves. The stop of 1 ft. pitch is the highest one introduced in a complete or unbroken form in the Organ, and is found in certain large instruments, constructed by A. Cavaillé-Coll, in which, however, it does not extend beyond the note g³ of the manual clavier—yielding the true sound of g⁶. In only one instance has a serious attempt been made to extend the compass downward (below CCCC) in special pipes; and it is to be hoped that this single attempt will remain unique;ft. pitch it is unnecessary to speak here.

    The term Tablature is used to designate the system of signs employed to indicate the notes of different pitches yielded by the pipe-work of the Organ. Each key of both the manual and pedal claviers commands certain sounds which vary in pitch; and it is, accordingly, necessary that some system should obtain whereby the sounds or notes of the different pitches can be clearly expressed and realized.

    The pitch of an organ stop, or the series of pipes producing a connected musical scale, is determined, in organ terminology, by the length of its lowest pipe, and also by the position of that pipe on the clavier. Thus, a stop formed of open pipes, the lowest of which is of the normal speaking length of eight feet, and which extend throughout the compass of the clavier, is understood to be of 8 ft. pitch: while a covered stop of 8 ft. pitch and full compass has its lowest pipe of the length necessary to produce a note of the same pitch as the open pipe of the above-given normal speaking length. It is, therefore, usual to speak of the open stop as being of eight feet, and of the covered stop as being of eight feet tone. With respect to the change in terminology resulting from the position of the lowest pipe of a stop on the clavier, we may remark that the unison pitch of the

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