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Java 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809
Java 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809
Java 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809
Ebook864 pages5 hours

Java 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809

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About this ebook

This is the e-book version of my online Java 8 Programmer II Study Guide.

The exam for the  Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer certification is hard. New APIs, lambdas, and streams, it covers a lot. But this book can help you.

This book has complete coverage of the Java 8 SE Programmer II (1Z0-809) exam objectives. Each chapter presents the content in a simple and conversational style to facilitate the comprehension of the topics. You'll also find key points and sample questions at the end of each chapter to reinforce key concepts and prepare you for the real exam.

Most study guides follow the topic structure of the certification exam. This book doesn't. The chapters are organized in a way I feel it's more natural to present the topics.

Release dateApr 7, 2016
Java 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809

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    Java 8 Programmer II Study Guide - Esteban Herrera


    The exam for the Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer certification is HARD.

    So I wanted to write an understandable and concise guide. One that would cover all the certification objectives. One that would cut all the fluff and that would explain in simple terms hard concepts. One that is easy to read. One that would be accessible to anyone willing to learn.

    That's why I make assumptions like that you're already familiar with the basics of the language. That you know the prerequisites of the exam, how to schedule it, and in general, how all this work.

    That's why I write short paragraphs. If you're reading the print version, you'll notice that the font is bigger and there's most space than in most programming books. If you're reading the e-book version, I tried my best to format the code and have syntax-highlighting.

    And that's why you can read this book for FREE online at:

    The book is also on Github, so you can fork it and create pull requests:

    Most study guides follow the topic structure of the certification exam. This book doesn't. The chapters are organized in a way I feel it's more natural to present the topics.

    Each chapter has lots of code examples, key points, and practice questions. Here are some suggestions:

    It's important that you try all the examples by yourself (coding them by hand, preferably) and play with them so that you can better understand the concept they are showing.

    The exam cover a lot of topics, you can get a good overview by going to the key points section at the end of each chapter.

    In total, this book has around 160 practice questions. I think that's a little number. Try to practice as much as you can, this is key to the pass the exam, there are a lot of good simulators in the market.

    If you want to take the upgrades exams (1Z0–810 from Java 7 and 1Z0–813 from Java 6 and below), this book can also help you because the topics are pretty much the same. You can find more information at:

    Good luck with your exam and thank you for buying this book. You can contact me anytime if you have any question or just to say hi.

    Esteban Herrera


    Part ONE

    Class Design

    Chapter ONE

    Encapsulation and Immutable Classes

    Exam Objectives

    Implement encapsulation.

    Create and use singleton classes and immutable classes.

    Develop code that uses static keyword on initialize blocks, variables, methods, and classes.

    Develop code that uses final keyword.


    As we know, Java is an object-oriented language, and all code must be inside a class.

    class MyClass {

        String myField = you;

    void myMethod() {

            System.out.println(Hi + myField);



    Therefore, we have to create an object to use it:

    MyClass myClass = new MyClass();

    myClass.myField = James;


    One important concept in object-oriented programming languages is encapsulation, the ability to hide or protect an object's data.

    Most of the time, when someone talks about encapsulation most people tend to think about private variables and public getters and setters and how overkilling this is, but actually, encapsulation is more than that, and it's helpful to create high-quality designs.

    Let's consider the previous example.

    First of all, it's good to hide as much as possible the internal implementation of a class. The reason, mitigate the impact of change.

    For example, what if myField changes its type from String to int?

    myClass.myField = 1;

    If we were using this attribute in fifty classes, we would have to make fifty changes in our program.

    But if we hide the attribute and use a setter method instead, we could avoid the fifty changes:

    // Hiding the attr to the outside world with the private keyword

    private int myField = 0;

    void setMyField(String val) { // Still accepting a String

        try {

            myField = Integer.parseInt(val);

        } catch(NumberFormatException e) {

            myField = 0;



    You implement this attribute hiding by using access modifiers.

    Java supports four access modifiers:




    default (when no modifier is specified)

    You can apply these modifiers to classes, attributes and methods according to the following table:

    As you can see, all the access modifiers can be applied to attributes and methods of a class, but not necessarily to their interface counterparts. Also, class and interface definitions can only have a public or default modifier. Why? Let's define first these access modifiers.

    If something is declared as public, it can be accessed from any other class in our application, regardless of the package or the module in which it is defined.

    If something is defined as private, it can only be accessed inside the class that defines it, not from other classes in the same packages and not from classes that inherit the class. private is the most restrictive access modifier.

    If something is defined as protected, it can be only accessed by the class that defines it, its subclasses and classes of the same package. It doesn't matter if the subclass is in another package, which makes this modifier less restrictive than private.

    If something doesn't have a modifier, it has a default access, also known as package access, because it can only be accessed by classes within the same package. If a subclass is defined in another package, it cannot see the default access attribute or method. That is the only difference with the protected modifier, which makes it more restrictive.

    A code example may explain this better:

    package street21;

    public class House {

        protected int number;

        private String reference;

        void printNumber() {

            System.out.println(Num: + number);


        public void printInformation() {

            System.out.println(Num: + number);

            System.out.println(Ref: + reference);



    class BlueHouse extends House {

        public String getColor() { return BLUE; }



    package city;

    import street21.*;

    class GenericHouse extends House {

        public static void main(String args[]) {

            GenericHouse h = new GenericHouse();

            h.number = 100;

            h.reference = ; // Compile-time error

            h.printNumber(); // Compile-time error


            BlueHouse bh = new BlueHouse(); // Compile-time error

            bh.getColor(); // Compile-time error



    h.number compiles because this attribute is protected and GenericHouse can access it because it extends House .

    h.reference doesn't compile because this attribute is private .

    h.printNumber() doesn't compile because this method has default (package) access.

    h.printInformation() compiles because this method is public .

    BlueHouse bh = new BlueHouse() doesn't compile because the class has default (package) access.

    bh.getColor() doesn't compile because although the method is public , the class that contains it, it's not.

    Now, can you see why some modifiers apply to certain elements, and others don't?

    Would a private or protected class make sense in an object-oriented language?

    How about a private method inside an interface where most, if not all methods, have no implementation?

    Think about it.

    Here's a summary of the rules:

    What is a Singleton?

    There will be times when you might want to have only one instance for a particular class. Such a class is a singleton class and is a design pattern.

    There are some classes of Java that are written using the singleton pattern, for example:



    In Java, broadly speaking, there are two ways to implement a singleton class:

    With a private constructor and a static factory method

    As an enum

    Let's start with the private constructor way. Although it might seem simple at first, it poses many challenges, all of them related to keeping only one instance of a singleton class through all the application life cycle.

    By having a private constructor, the singleton class makes sure that no other class creates an instance of it. A private method (or in this case, the constructor) can only be used inside the class that defines it.

    class Singleton {

        private Singleton() { }


    So the instance has to be created inside of the class itself.

    This can be done in two ways. Using a private static attribute and a method to get it:

    class Singleton {

        private static final Singleton instance = new Singleton();

        private Singleton() { }

        public static Singleton getInstance() {

            return instance;



    The attribute has to be private so no other class can use it, only through its getter.

    It has to be static so the instance can be created when the class is loaded before anyone can use it and because static members belong to the class and not to a particular instance.

    And it has to be final so a new instance cannot be created later.

    A variation of this implementation is to use a static inner class (we will review this type of class on Chapter 3):

    class Singleton {

    private Singleton() { }

        private static class Holder {

            private static final Singleton instance =

                    new Singleton();


        public static Singleton getInstance() {

            return Holder.instance;



    The advantage of this is that the instance won't be created until the inner class is referenced for the first time.

    However, there will be times when for example, creating the object is not as simple as calling new, so the other way is to create the instance inside the get method:

    class Singleton {

        private static Singleton instance;

        private Singleton() { }

        public static Singleton getInstance() {

            if(instance == null) {

                instance = new Singleton();

                // more code to create the instance...


    return instance;



    The first time this method is called, the instance will be created. But with this approach, we face another problem. In a multithreading environment, if two or more threads are executing this method in parallel, there's a significant risk of ending up with multiple instances of the class.

    One solution is to synchronize the method so only one thread at a time can access it.

    class Singleton {

        private static Singleton instance;

        private Singleton() { }

        public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {

            if(instance == null) {

                instance = new Singleton();


            return instance;



    The problem with this is that strictly speaking, is not very efficient. We only need synchronization the first time, when the instance is created, not every single time the method is called.

    An improvement is to lock only the portion of the code that creates the instance. For this to work properly, we have to double check if the instance is null, one without locking (to check if the instance is already created), and then another one inside a synchronized block (to safely create the instance).

    Here's how this would look:

    class Singleton {

        private static Singleton instance;

        private Singleton() { }

        public static Singleton getInstance() {

            if(instance == null) {

                synchronized (Singleton.class) {

                    if(instance == null) {

                        instance = new Singleton();




    return instance;



    But again, this implementation is not perfect yet. This time, the problem is at the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) level. The JVM, or sometimes the compiler, can optimize the code by reordering or caching the value of variables (and not making the updates visible).

    The solution is to use the volatile keyword, which guarantees that any read/write operation of a variable shared by many threads would be atomic and not cached.

    class Singleton {

        private static volatile Singleton instance;

        private Singleton() { }

        public static Singleton getInstance() {

            if(instance == null) {

                synchronized (Singleton.class) {

                    if(instance == null) {

                        instance = new Singleton();




            return instance;



    As you can see, it was a lot of trouble to implement a singleton correctly when you want or have to defer the instantiation of the class until you first use it (also called lazy initialization). And we are not going to cover serialization and how to keep a singleton in a cluster.

    So if you don't need it, either use the first two methods (create the instance when declaring the variable or use the holder inner class) or the easier (and recommended) way, an enumeration (enum).

    We'll review enums in Chapter 5, for now, just knowing that enums are singletons is enough.

    Immutable Objects

    There will be other times when you might not want to modify the values or state of an object when used by multiple classes. Such an object will be an immutable object.

    There are some immutable classes in the Java JDK, for example:


    Wrappers classes (like Integer)

    Immutable objects cannot change after they are created. This means that they cannot have setter methods or public variables, so the only way to set its properties is through the constructor.

    Immutability also means that if a method has to change the properties of the object, as the object or its values cannot change, it has to return a copy of the object with the new values (this is just how the String class works).

    Another point to consider is inheritance. If the immutable class can be inherited, the subclass can change the methods to modify the instances of the class, so an immutable class cannot allow this.

    In summary, an immutable object:

    Sets all of its properties through a constructor

    Does not define setter methods

    Declares all its attributes private (and sometimes final)

    Has a class declared final to prevent inheritance

    Protects access to any mutable state. For example, if it has a List member, either the reference cannot be accessible outside the object or a copy must be returned (the same applies if the object's content must change)

    The static Keyword

    Think of something static as something belonging to the class and not to a particular instance of that class.

    If we are talking about attributes, a static attribute is shared across all instances of the class (because, again, it doesn't belong to an instance).

    Compare the output of this code:

    public class Example {

        private int attr = 0;

        public void printAttr() {



        public static void main(String args[]) {

            Example e1 = new Example();

            e1.attr = 10;


            Example e2 = new Example();







    To the output of the code that uses a static variable:

    public class Example {

        private static int attr = 0;

        public void printAttr() {



    public static void main(String args[]) {

            Example e1 = new Example();

            e1.attr = 10;


            Example e2 = new Example();







    As you can see, the value is retained when another instance uses the static variable.

    When talking about static methods, the method belongs to the class, which means that we don't need an instance to call it (the same applies to attributes, by the way.

    public class Example {

    private static int attr = 0;

    public static void printAttr() {



    public static void main(String args[]) {

            Example e1 = new Example();

            e1.attr = 10;


    // Referencing the method statically







    However, if you look closely, printAttr uses a static attribute, and that's the catch with static methods, they can't use instance variables, just static ones.

    This makes perfect sense, if you can access a static method with just the class, there's no guarantee an instance exists, and even if it does, how do you link an attribute with its instance when you only have the class name?

    Using the same logic, the keywords super and this, cannot be used either.

    Static classes will be covered in Chapter 3, but there's another construct that can be marked as static, an initializer block.

    A static (initializer) block looks like this:

    public class Example {

        private static int number;

        static {

            number = 100;




    A block is executed when the class is initialized and in the order they are declared (if there's more than one).

    Just like static methods, they cannot reference instance attributes, or use the keywords super and this.

    In addition to that, static blocks cannot contain a return statement, and it's a compile-time error if the block cannot complete normally (for example, due to an uncaught exception).

    Final Keyword

    The final keyword can be applied to variables, methods, and classes.

    When final is applied to variables, you cannot change the value of the variable after its initialization. These variables can be attributes (static and non-static) or parameters. Final attributes can be initialized either when declared, inside a constructor, or inside an initializer block.

    public class Example {

    private final int number = 0;

    private final String name;

    private final int total;

    private final int id;


            name = Name;


        public Example() {

            number = 1; // Compile-time error

            total = 10;


    public void exampleMethod(final int id) {

            id = 5; // Compile-time error

   = id; // Compile-time error



    When final is applied to a method, this cannot be overridden.

    public class Human {

        final public void talk() { }

        public void eat() { }

        public void sleep() { }



    public class Woman extends Human {

        public void talk() { } // Compile-time error

        public void eat() { }

        public void sleep() { }


    In turn, when final is applied to a class, you cannot subclass it. This is used when you don't want someone to change the behavior of a class by subclassing it. Two examples in the JDK are java.lang.String and java.lang.Integer.

    public final class Human {




    public class Woman extends Human { // Compile-time error



    In summary:

    A final variable can only be initialized once and cannot change its value after that.

    A final method cannot be overridden by subclasses.

    A final class cannot be subclassed.

    Key Points

    Encapsulation is the ability to hide or protect an object’s data. Java supports four access modifiers: public, private, protected, default (when nothing is specified, also called package-level).

    If something is declared as public, it can be accessed from any other class of our application. Any class, regardless of the package or the module it is defined.

    If something is defined as private, it can only be accessed inside the class that defines it. Not from other classes in the same packages and not from classes that inherit the class. private is the most restrictive access modifier.

    If something is defined as protected, it can be only accessed by the class that defines it, its subclasses and classes of the same package. It doesn’t matter if the subclass is in another package, which makes this modifier, less restrictive than private.

    If something doesn’t have a modifier, it has default access also known as package access, because it can only be accessed by classes within the same package. If a subclass is defined in another package, it cannot see the default access attribute or method. That is  the only difference with the protected modifier, making it more restrictive.

    A singleton class guarantees that there's only one instance of the class during the lifetime of the application.

    An immutable object cannot change its values after it is created. It:

    Sets all of its properties through a constructor

    Does not define setter methods

    Declares all its attributes private (and sometimes final)

    Has a class declared final to prevent inheritance

    Protects access to any mutable state. For example, if it has a List member, either the reference cannot be accessible outside the object or a copy must be returned (the same applies if the object's content must change)

    The static keyword can be applied to attributes, methods, blocks and classes. A static member belongs to the class where it is declared, not to a particular instance.

    The final keyword can be applied to variables (so they cannot change their value after initialized), methods (so they cannot be overridden), and classes (so they cannot be subclassed).

    Self Test

    1. Given:

    public class Question_1_1 {

        private final int a; // 1

        static final int b = 1; // 2

        public Question_1_1() {

            System.out.print(a); // 3

            System.out.print(b); // 4



    What is the result?

    A. 01

    B. Compilation fails on the line marked as // 1

    C. Compilation fails on the line marked as // 2

    D. Compilation fails on the line marked as // 3

    E. Compilation fails on the line marked as // 4

    2. Which of the following state the correct order from the more restricted modifier to the more unrestricted?

    A. private, default, public, protected

    B. protected, private, default, public

    C. default, protected, private, public

    D. private, default, protected, public

    3. Given:

    public final class Question_1_3 {

        private final int n;

        public Question_1_3() { }

        public void setN(int n) { this.n = n; }


    Which of the following is true?

    A. The class is immutable

    B. The class is not immutable

    C. Compilation fails

    D. An exception occurs at runtime

    4. Given:

    public class Question_1_4 {

        private final List list = new ArrayList<>();

        public void add() {



    public static void main(String[] args) {

            Question_1_4 q = new Question_1_4();




    Which of the following is true?

    A. Attribute list contains one element after main is executed

    B. The class is immutable

    C. Compilation fails

    D. An exception occurs at runtime

    5. Given:

    public class Question_1_5 {

        private String s = Hi;

        public static void main(String[] args) {

            Question_1_5 q = new Question_1_5();

            q.s = Bye; // 1

            System.out.println(q.s); // 2



    What is the result?

    A. Hi

    B. Bye

    C. Compilation fails on the declaration marked as // 1

    D. Compilation fails on the declaration marked as // 2

    6. Given:

    public class Question_1_6 {

        private static int a;

        private int b;

        static {

            a = 1;

            b = 2;


    public static void main(String[] args) {

            Question_1_6 q1 = new Question_1_6();

            Question_1_6 q2 = new Question_1_6();

            q2.b = 1;

            System.out.println(q1.a + q2.b);



    What is the result?

    A. 0

    B. 3

    C. 2

    D. Compilation fails


    1. The correct answer is D.

    As a final attribute, a is required to have been initialized, so compilation fails on the line marked as // 3.

    2. The correct answer is D.

    Private is the most restrictive of all access modifiers. public is the least restrictive of all.

    Between default and protected, the latter is less restrictive since even if a subclass belongs to another package than the superclass, it can access protected members, in contrast to the default access (which has a same-package only level).

    3. The correct answer is C.

    As a final variable, n must be initialized either when declared, in a constructor, or a block. This, and the fact that changing its value is not allowed (in the setter method) generates a compile-time error.

    4. The correct answer is A.

    Although attribute list is final, this keyword only makes its reference immutable; it cannot be assigned another object (like a new List), but the values inside the object can change (if they are not final themselves). This (and other details) makes the class mutable.

    5. The correct answer is B.

    Attribute s is private, however, since the main method is in the same class, it can use the attribute without any problem.

    6. The correct answer is D.

    Attribute b is not static. A static block cannot reference a non-static variable. That's the reason compilation fails.

    Chapter TWO

    Inheritance and Polymorphism

    Exam Objectives

    Implement inheritance including visibility modifiers and composition.

    Override hashCode, equals, and toString methods from Object class.

    Implement polymorphism.

    Develop code that uses abstract classes and methods.


    At the core of an object-oriented language, there's the concept of inheritance.

    In simple terms, inheritance refers to an IS-A relationship where a class (called superclass) provides common attributes and methods to derived or more specialized classes (called subclass).

    In Java, a class is only allowed to inherit from a single superclass (singular inheritance). Of course, the only exception is java.lang.Object, which has no superclass. This class is the superclass of all classes.

    The keyword extends is used to specify this relationship. For example, a hammer IS-A tool, so we can model this as:

    class Tool {

        public int size;


    class Hammer extends Tool {


    As size is a public attribute, it's inherited by Hammer:

    Hammer hammer = new Hammer();

    hammer.size = 10;

    From the previous chapter, we know that only private and members with default visibility when the subclass is defined in a different package than the superclass, are not inherited.

    An attribute or method is inherited with the same visibility level as the one defined in the superclass. However, in the case of methods, you can change them to be more visible, but you cannot make them less visible:

    class Tool {

        public int size;

        public int getSize() { return size; }


    class Hammer extends Tool {

        private int size; // No problem!

        // Compile-time error

        private int getSize() { return size; }


    There's no problem for attribute because we're creating a NEW attribute in Hammer that HIDES the one inherited from Tool when the name is the same.

    Here are the things you can do in a subclass:

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