The Glory Of Christ
By John Owen
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John Owen
John Owen (1616–1683) was vice-chancellor of Oxford University and served as adviser and chaplain to Oliver Cromwell. Among the most learned and active of the Puritans in seventeenth-century England, he was accomplished both in doctrine and practical theology.
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The Glory Of Christ - John Owen
THE DESIGN OF THIS DISCOURSE is to declare some part of that glory of our Lord Jesus Christ which is revealed in the Scripture and proposed as the principal object of our faith, love, delight, and admiration. But, alas! after our utmost and most diligent inquiries we must say, How little a portion it is of Him that we can understand! His glory is incomprehensible and His praises are unutterable. Some things an illuminated mind may conceive of it; but what we can express in comparison to what it is in itself is even less than nothing. But as for those who have forsaken the only true guide herein, endeavoring to be wise above what is written and to raise their contemplations by fancy and imagination beyond Scripture revelation (as many have done), they have darkened counsel without knowledge, uttering things which they understand not, which have no substance or spiritual food of faith in them.
Howbeit, that real view which we may have of Christ and His glory in this world by faith—however weak and obscure that knowledge which we may attain of them by divine revelation—is inexpressibly to be preferred above all other wisdom, understanding, or knowledge. So declared one who will be acknowledged a competent judge in these things: Yea, doubtless,
said he, I count all these things but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord
(Phil. 3:8). He who does not has no part in Him.
The revelation made of Christ in the blessed gospel is far more excellent, more glorious, and more filled with rays of divine wisdom and goodness than the whole creation and the just comprehension of it, if attainable, can contain or afford. Without this knowledge the mind of man, however priding itself in other inventions and discoveries, is wrapped up in darkness and confusion.
This, therefore, deserves the severest of our thoughts, the best of our meditations, and our utmost diligence in them. For if our future blessedness shall consist in being where He is and beholding His glory, what better preparation can there be for it than a constant previous contemplation of that glory as revealed in the gospel, that by a view of it we may be gradually transformed into the same glory?
I shall not, therefore, use any apology for the publishing of the ensuing meditations, intended first for the exercise of my own mind, and then for the edification of a private congregation; which is likely to be the last service I shall do them in that kind. Some may, by the consideration of them, be called to attend to the same duty with more diligence than formerly, and receive directions for the discharge of it; and some may be provoked to communicate their greater light and knowledge to the good of many. I design further in the present discourse to give a brief account of the necessity and use, in life and death, of the duty exhorted unto.
Particular motives to the diligent discharge of this duty will be pressed in the discourse itself. Here the more general things only shall be premised. For all persons not immersed in sensual pleasures, not overdrenched in the love of this world and present things, who have any generous or noble thoughts about their own nature, being, and end, are under the highest obligations to contemplate Christ and His glory. Without this, they shall never attain true rest or satisfaction in their own minds. It is He alone in whom the race of mankind may boast and glory, on whom all its felicities depend.
First, it is Christ in whom our nature, which was debased as low as hell by apostasy from God, is exalted above the whole creation. Our nature, in the original constitution of it, in the persons of our first parents, was crowned with honor and dignity. The image of God in which it was made, and the dominion over the lower world with which it was entrusted, made it the seat of excellency, of beauty, and of glory. But it was at once divested of them all and made naked by sin, and laid groveling in the dust from whence it was taken. Dust thou art, and to dust thou shalt return
(Gen. 3:19b) was its righteous doom. And all its internal faculties were invaded by deformed lusts—everything that might render the whole unlike God, whose image it had lost. Hence it became the contempt of angels, the dominion of Satan; who, being the enemy of the whole creation, never had any thing or place to reign in but the debased nature of man. Nothing was now more vile and base; its glory was utterly departed. It had both lost its peculiar nearness to God, which was its honor, and was fallen into the greatest distance from Him of all creatures, the devils only excepted; which was its ignominy and shame. And in this state, as to anything in itself, it was left to perish eternally.
In this condition—lost, poor, base, yea, cursed—the Lord Christ, the Son of God, found our nature. And in infinite condescension and compassion, sanctifying a portion of it to Himself, He took it to be His own, in a holy, ineffable subsistence, in His own person. And herein again the same nature, so depressed into the utmost misery, is exalted above the whole creation of God. For in that very nature God has set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come
(Eph. 1:20, 21). This is what is so celebrated by the Psalmist, with the highest admiration (Ps. 8:3–8). This is the greatest privilege we have among all our fellow-creatures—this we may glory in and value ourselves upon.
Those who engage this nature in the service of sensual lusts and pleasures, who think that its felicity and utmost capacities consist in their satisfaction, with the accomplishment of other earthly, temporary desires, are satisfied with it in its state of apostasy from God. But those who have received the light of faith and grace, so that they rightly understand the being and end of that nature of which they are partakers, cannot but rejoice in its deliverance from the utmost debasement into that glorious exaltation which it has received in the person of Christ. And this must needs make thoughts of Him full of refreshment to their souls. Let us take care of our persons—the glory of our nature is safe in Him.
Second, in Christ the relation of our nature to God is eternally secured. We were created in a covenant relation to God. Our nature was related to Him in a way of friendship, of likeness, and complacency. But the bond of this relation and union was quickly broken by our apostasy from Him. Our whole nature became at the utmost moral distance from God and enmity against Him, which is the depth of misery. But God, in infinite wisdom and grace, designed once more to recover it, and take it again near to Himself.
And He would do it in such a way as should render it utterly impossible that there should ever be a separation between Him and it any more. Heaven and earth may pass away, but there shall never be a dissolution of the union between God and our nature any more. He did it, therefore, by assuming it into a substantial union with Himself, in the person of the Son. Hereby the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in it bodily, or substantially, and eternally. Hereby is its relation to God eternally secured. And among all the mysterious excellencies which relate to it, there are two which continually present themselves for our consideration.
1. This nature of ours is capable of this glorious exaltation and subsistence in God. No creature could conceive how omnipotent wisdom, power, and goodness could actuate themselves to the production of this effect. The mystery of it is the object of the admiration of angels and will be so of the whole Church to all eternity. What is revealed concerning the glory, way, and manner of it in the Scripture, I have declared in my treatise concerning The Mystery of Godliness, or the Person of Christ. What mind can conceive, what tongue can express, who can sufficiently admire the wisdom, goodness, and condescension of God? And whereas He has proposed to us this glorious object of our faith and meditation, how vile and foolish are we if we spend our thoughts about other things in a neglect of it!
2. This is also an ineffable pledge of the love of God to our nature. For although He will not take it in any other instance, save that of the Man Christ Jesus, into this relation with Himself by virtue of personal union, yet therein He has given a glorious pledge of His love unto, and valuation of, that nature. For verily he took not on him the nature of angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham
(Heb. 2:16). And this kindness extends to our persons, as participant of that nature. For He designed this glory to the Man Christ Jesus, that He might be the first-born of the new creation, that we might be made conformable to Him according to our measure; and as the members of that body of which He is the head, we are participant in this glory.
Third, it is the Lord Christ in whom our nature has been carried successfully and victoriously through all the oppositions that it is liable to, and even death itself. But of this glory I shall speak in its proper place, and therefore shall here pass it by.
Fourth, it is He who in Himself has given us a pledge of the capacity of our nature to inhabit those blessed regions of light which are far above these visible heavens. Here we dwell in tabernacles of clay that are crushed before the moth
and cannot be raised to abide one foot-breadth above the earth we tread upon. The heavenly luminaries which we can behold appear too great and glorious for our cohabitation. We are as grasshoppers in our own eyes, in comparison to those gigantic beings; and they seem to dwell in places which would immediately swallow up and extinguish our natures. How, then, shall we entertain an apprehension of being carried and exalted above them all? of having an everlasting subsistence in places incomprehensibly more glorious than the orbs wherein they reside? What capacity is there in our nature for such a habitation? But the Lord Christ has given us a pledge in Himself. Our nature in Him is passed through these visible heavens and is exalted far above them. Its eternal habitation is in the blessed regions of light and glory; and He has promised that where He is, there we shall be, and that forever.
There are innumerable encouragements to stir us up to diligence in the discharge of the duty here proposed, namely, a continual contemplation of the glory of Christ in His person, office, and grace. The principal ones of which I have any acquaintance are represented in the ensuing discourse. I shall therefore add here the peculiar advantage which we may obtain in the diligent discharge of this duty; it will carry us cheerfully, comfortably, and victoriously through life and death, and all that we have to conflict with in either of them.
As to this present life, it is well known what it is to most of those who concern themselves in these things. Temptations, afflictions, changes, sorrows, dangers, fears, sickness, and pains fill up no small part of it. And on the other hand, all our earthly relishes, refreshments, and comforts are uncertain, transitory, and unsatisfactory; all things of each sort being embittered by the remainders of sin. Hence everything that concerns us has the root of trouble and sorrow in it. Some labor under wants, poverty, and straits all their days; and some have very few hours free from pains and sickness.
All these things, with others of a like nature, are heightened at present by the calamitous season wherein our lot is fallen. All things in almost all nations are filled with confusions, disorders, dangers, distresses, and troubles; wars and rumors of wars abound, with tokens of further approaching judgments: distress of nations with perplexity, men’s hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth (Luke 21:25, 26). There is in many places no peace to him that goeth out, nor to him that cometh in, but great vexations are on the inhabitants of the world: nation is destroyed of nation, and city of city; for God did vex them with all adversity
(II Chron. 15:5, 6). In the meantime, vexation with the ungodly deeds of wicked men greatly furthers the troubles of life; the sufferings of many also for the testimony of their consciences are deplorable, with the divisions and animosities that abound among all sorts of Christians.
But the brevity, the vanity, the miseries of human life have been the subject of the complaints of all sorts of thinking people, heathen as well as Christian; nor is it my present business to insist upon them. My inquiry is only for the relief which we may obtain against all these evils so that we faint not under them, that we may have the victory over them.
This in general is declared by the apostle (II Cor. 4:8, 9), We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.
But for this cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Our beholding by faith things that are not seen, things spiritual and eternal, will alleviate all our afflictions, make their burden light, and preserve our souls from fainting under them. Of these things the glory of Christ is the principal and in a due sense comprehensive of them all. For we behold the glory of God Himself in the face of Jesus Christ.
He that can at all times retreat in the contemplation of this glory will be carried above the perplexing, prevailing sense of any of these evils, of a confluence of them all. Crux nil sentit in nervo, dum animus est in coelo.*
It is a woeful kind of life when men scramble for poor perishing reliefs in their distresses. The contemplation of Christ’s glory is the universal remedy and cure, the only balsam for all our diseases. Whatever presses, urges, perplexes, if we can but retreat in our minds to a view of this glory and a due consideration of our own interest therein comfort and support will be administered to us. Wicked men in their distresses (which sometimes overtake even them also), are like a troubled sea, that cannot rest.
Others are heartless and despond, not without secret repinings at the wise disposals of Divine Providence, especially when they look on the better condition (as they suppose) of others. And the best of us all are apt to wax faint and weary when these things press upon us in an unusual manner, or under their long continuance, without a prospect of relief. This is the stronghold which such prisoners of hope are to turn themselves to. In this contemplation of the glory of Christ they will find rest to their own souls.
1. In this contemplation we will see how inconsiderable all these things are from which our troubles and distresses arise. For they all grow on this root of an over-valuation of temporal things. Unless we can arrive at a fixed judgment that all things here below are transitory and perishing, reaching only to the outward man, or the body—perhaps to the killing of it; that the best of them have nothing that is truly substantial or abiding in them; that there are other things in which we have an assured interest that are incomparably better than they and above them, it is impossible but that we must spend our lives in fears, sorrows, and distractions. One real view of the glory of Christ and of our own relation to it will give us a full relief in this matter.
For what are all the things of this life? What is the good or evil of them in comparison to an interest in this transcendent glory? When we have due apprehensions of it; when our minds are possessed with thoughts of it; when our affections reach out after its enjoyments, let pain, and sickness, and sorrows, and fears, and dangers, and death say what they will, we shall be able to combat them and overcome them; and that on this consideration, that they are all outward, transitory, and passing away, whereas our minds are fixed on those things which are eternal and filled with incomprehensible glory.
2. The minds of men are apt to be cast into disorder by their troubles and disquieted with various affections and passions. So the Psalmist found it in himself in the time of his distress; whence he calls himself to that account, Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me?
(Ps. 42:5). And, indeed, the mind on all such occasions is its own greatest troubler. It is apt to let loose its passions of fear and sorrow, which arouse innumerable perplexing thoughts, until it is carried utterly out of its own power. But in this state a due contemplation of the glory of Christ will restore and compose the mind, bring it into a sedate, quiet frame, wherein faith will be able to say to the winds and waves of distempered passions, Peace, be still
(Mark 4:39), and they shall obey it.
3. The contemplation of the glory of Christ conveys a sense of God’s love to our souls. It is in His love alone that we ultimately find rest in the midst of all the troubles of this life, as the apostle declares in Romans 5:2–5. It is the Spirit of God who alone communicates a sense of this love to our souls; it is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost.
Howbeit, there are ways and means to be used on our part whereby we may be disposed and made meet to receive these communications of divine love. Among these the contemplation of the glory of Christ is principally insisted on, and of God the Father in Him. It is the season, it is the way and means by which the Holy Ghost will give a sense of the love of God to us, causing us to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
This will lift the minds and hearts of believers above all the troubles of this life and is the sovereign antidote that will expel all the poison that is in them, which otherwise might perplex and enslave their souls.
I have but touched on these things, designing to enlarge somewhat in the following pages. This is the advantage we may have in the discharge of this duty with respect to death itself: it is the assiduous contemplation of the glory of Christ which will carry us cheerfully and comfortably into it and through it. My principal work having been now for a long season to die daily, as living in a continual expectation of my dissolution, I shall on this occasion acquaint the reader with some few of my thoughts and reliefs with reference to death itself.
There are sundry things required of us that we may be able to encounter death cheerfully, constantly, and victoriously. For want of these, or some of them, I have known gracious souls who have lived in a kind of bondage for fear of death all their days. We know not how God will manage any of our minds and souls in that season, in that trial; for He acts toward us in all such things in a way of sovereignty. But these are the things which God requires of us in a way of duty:
1. Acts of faith to commit our departing souls into His hand, to keep and preserve them, as also to dispose of them into a state of rest and blessedness.
The soul is now parting with all things here below, and that forever. None of all the things which it has seen, heard, or enjoyed, by its outward senses, can be prevailed with to stay with it one hour, or to take one step with it in the voyage wherein it is engaged. It must launch alone into eternity. It is entering an invisible world which it knows no more of than it has received by faith. None has come from the dead to inform us of the state of the other world; yea, God seems to conceal it from us on purpose so that we should have no evidence of it, at least as to the manner of things in it, but what is given to faith by divine revelation. Hence those who died and were raised again from the dead to live among men, as Lazarus, probably knew nothing of the invisible state. Their souls were preserved by the power of God in their being, but bound up as to present operations. This made a great emperor cry out, on the approach of death, O poor, trembling, wandering soul, into what places of darkness and defilement art thou going?
What will it be like after the few moments which, under the pangs of death, we have to continue in this world? Is it an annihilation that lies at the door? Is death the destruction of our whole being so that after it we shall be no more? So some would have the state of things to be. Is it a state of subsistence in a wandering condition, up and down the world, under the influence of other more powerful spirits that rule in the air, visiting tombs and solitary places and sometimes making appearances of themselves by the impressions of those more powerful spirits; as some imagine from the story concerning Samuel and the witch of Endor, and as it is commonly received in the Papacy, out of a compliance with their imagination of purgatory? Or is it a state of universal misery and woe? a state incapable of comfort or joy? Let those pretend what they please who can understand no comfort or joy in this life but what they receive by their senses—they can look for nothing else. And whatever be the state of this invisible world, the soul can undertake nothing of its own conduct after its departure from the body. It knows that it must be absolutely at the disposal of another.
Wherefore no man can comfortably venture on and into this condition but in the exercise of that faith which enables him to resign his departing soul into the hand of God, who alone is able to receive it and to dispose it into a condition of rest and blessedness. So speaks the apostle, I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day
(II Tim. 1:12).
Herein, as in all other graces, is our Lord Jesus Christ our great example. He resigned His departing spirit into the hands of His Father, to be owned and preserved by Him in its state of separation: Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit
(Luke 23:46); as did the Psalmist, His type, in a like condition (Ps. 31:5). But the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ in this, the object and exercise of it, what He believed and trusted to in this resignation of His spirit into the hand of God, is fully expressed in the Sixteenth Psalm. I have,
said He, set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.
He left his soul in the hand of God, in full assurance that it should suffer no evil in its state of separation but should be brought again with His body into a blessed resurrection and eternal glory. So Stephen resigned his soul, departing under violence, into the hands of Christ Himself. When he died he said, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
This is the last victorious act of faith, in which its conquest over its last enemy death itself consists. Herein the soul says in and unto itself, Thou art now taking leave of time unto eternity; all things about thee are departing as shades, and will immediately disappear. The things which thou art entering into are yet invisible; such as ‘eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor will they enter into the heart of man fully to conceive.’ Now, therefore, with quietness and confidence give up thyself to the sovereign power, grace, truth, and faithfulness of God, and thou shalt find assured rest and peace.
But it is Jesus Christ who immediately receives the souls of them who believe in Him. So we see in the instance of Stephen. And what can be a greater encouragement to resign them into His hands than a daily contemplation of His glory, in His person, His power, His exaltation, His office and grace? Who that believes in Him, that belongs to Him, can fear to commit his departing spirit to His love, power, and care? Even we also shall hereby in our dying moments see by faith heaven opened and Jesus standing at the right hand of God ready to receive us. This, added to the love which all believers have to the Lord Jesus, which is inflamed by contemplation of His glory and their desires to be with Him where He is, will strengthen and confirm our minds in the resignation of our departing souls into His