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Gun Digest Book of Suppressors
Gun Digest Book of Suppressors
Gun Digest Book of Suppressors
Ebook482 pages6 hours

Gun Digest Book of Suppressors

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Skip the Hype – Get the Facts!

Suppressors are the hottest new gear on many gun ranges. Why? And how can you safely, lawfully and knowledgeably join your gun club cohorts in owning and enjoying this new shooting accessory? The next time you go to the gun club, if there isn't a suppressor present, there will be talk of them. Get the facts from an industry expert, with Gun Digest Book of Suppressors.

In this first and only reference guide to suppressors, author Patrick Sweeney reports results after field-testing of dozens of suppressors and offers:

  • Extensive coverage of available options and prices
  • Expert advice to select, mount, use and maintain suppressors on handguns, rifles and shotguns
With more than 300 images and illustrations, Gun Digest Book of Suppressors covers:
  • The basics – the history, function and use of suppressors
  • Testing and descriptions of dozens of models – from small to large, plain to exotic
And finally, for the hard-core enthusiast, Sweeney gets technical and wraps up with the legalities and a few mistakes to avoid.

So skip the hype and get the facts, in Gun Digest Book of Suppressors.

Release dateDec 21, 2015
Gun Digest Book of Suppressors

Patrick Sweeney

Patrick Sweeney is a certified master gunsmith and armorer instructor for police departments nationwide. He is the author of the Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Gun Digest Book of the AR-15, and the Gunsmithing the AR-15 series, among many others, and is a regular contributor to Gun Digest the Magazine.

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    Gun Digest Book of Suppressors - Patrick Sweeney


    Oh, what a brave new world. Shakespeare had that line in The Tempest from the mouth of Miranda when she first saw a man who was not her father. O brave new world, that has such people in it.

    When I started regularly going to the range, it was common to see all manner of deer rifles. Handguns were mostly revolvers, with some hard-core combat shooters using pistols, and the random sighting of a bullseye competitor now and then. Almost no one had a CPL (called a CCW back then), and if they did they mostly kept the news to themselves. ARs were rare, viewed with disdain, and considered inaccurate and unreliable. Machine guns? SBRs? Silencers? You must be kidding, nobody has one of those.

    One of the wonders of the old Second Chance match was the Back Range. It was the practice range, and the location for the optional events that took up more room than the Front Range could handle. It was where everyone who had a machine gun could show up and shoot it. And if you had good ammo, or knew the owner, or bought their ammo, you could shoot machine guns. In the fifteen years I went, I had the chance to shoot a rogue’s gallery of buzzguns, but hardly any suppressed firearms at all. It is hard to imagine a time when machine guns were more common than suppressors. But that was life back in the occasionally good old days.

    Times change.

    We now live in a time where in some states the number of CPL holders is over five percent of the adult population. ARs are common as dirt. My friend Dave Fortier reports from his flat, dusty, agricultural state that the farmboys no longer have lever-action 30-30s in the windows of their pickup trucks. They have tricked-out ARs behind the seat.

    Were they not so ferociously expensive, I’m sure we’d see a lot more machine guns at ranges and gun clubs. What we do see are SBRs and silencers. They are now no longer a rarity, no longer an ultra-rare sight at ranges and gun clubs, that when I started would have been the talk of the gun club for months afterwards.

    And yet, there are a lot of shooters who still don’t know about suppressors, or don’t know much. Or what they know just isn’t true. That is about to change.

    One thing I can also add is a quip I just read (for all I know, I wrote it): Education is the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others. There is a lot here, a lot that might not fit with what everyone knows. In a lot of instances, that is most likely because what everyone knows just ain’t true. And to add a bit of frosting on that cake, read the manual. No, I mean it, despite the alleged deductions from your man-card, read the manual.

    Here you have a bunch of gun writers at work. It is fun work, and it is (sometimes) well-paid work, but it is not an encyclopedic education in all things firearms.

    Suppressor manufactures include info with your new can. It may be a simple handout sheet, it may be a close attempt at a military TM, but they send info, and you would be wise to read it.

    In full disclosure, I’m going to extend the military approach, and I’m going to tell you what I’m going to tell you, then tell you, and then tell you what I told you. Why? Because this is all new to many readers. If you’ve read a dozen books on, just to pick one, the AR-15, you can skim over the text on a new title and let your eyes/brain pick things up again when you realize you are into something you haven’t seen before. So much is familiar, you want to skip the overlap and get on with the good stuff, the new stuff. Well, this is all new.

    And as a result, I have to get deep into the weeds, explaining a lot of things that are background, because, well (stop me if you’ve heard this before), this is all new.

    So, first we’ll go through the basics, the history, function and use of suppressors. Then we’ll cover the testing and descriptions of a bunch of them, from small to large, plain to exotic. And finally, for those who want it, I’ll get really technical (or as technical as I can without putting the editor to sleep) and wrap up with the legalities and a few mistakes to avoid.

    When we’re done, you’ll know more about suppressors than anyone who hasn’t been to a technical class or engineering school, and have a broader understanding than a whole lot of end-users. Yep, that’s right, just because someone has a nickname as their radio handle and gets paid by the government, doesn’t mean they are an expert on the subject. Just an expert (we hope) user of the tool.

    And I hope this book, while informing you, will also give you a bit of humility. Once you’ve read it, you will be better informed (if I may say so, in all modesty) than anyone else at the gun club. Anyone else in matches. And pretty much any police officer you might meet, or discuss the subject with. And, in a delicious bit of irony, you will probably know more than a lot of the gun writers you will be reading, or have read. While it is fun to point out that the SpecOps people who are adored in some circles are not all gun experts, just more-or-less trigger-pulling experts, it is also humbling to be reminded now and then that even the gun experts aren’t experts in all things gun-related. And to cut them some slack, there’s a truckload (literally, in some cases) of gear that that SpecOps guy knows how to use. Just because someone can use a radio, that does not make them an electrical engineer. In many instances, being able to quickly dial up a digital gizmo and rain ordnance down on the bad guy’s head will net more dead terrorists than the best trigger-puller could manage with a rifle alone.

    Be humble, because they will be where you were, before you started on Page One. Cut them some slack while they try to catch up.

    Time to take ‘ole painless’ out the bag. I know it isn’t suppressed, but I just had to include this. Yes, the actual minigun used in the movies where you’ve seen miniguns. Don’t know the quote? Shame on you.

    Chapter One


    Why a suppressor? For a long time, the glib answer would be, Why not? In most states in the union they are legal to own and, barring local restrictions or mindless and irritating gun club rules, legal to use. (For a while, it was legal to own a suppressor in Washington State, but illegal to mount it on a firearm. Amusingly, in the first draft of this chapter, the thrice-damned auto-correct feature of this program spelled the state as Washingtoon. Maybe it is smarter than I give it credit for.) Granted, they are still objects of mystery in many places, many gun clubs, and there are still a lot of police officers who don’t know they are kosher, but so what else is new?

    The not-so-glib answer? The biggest reason is noise, or the relative lack thereof when you use one properly.

    Guns are noisy. Even .22 rimfires are too noisy for your hearing not to suffer from exposure. Oh, there are a lot of shooters who still don’t believe it. There are hunters who tell you that shots taken at game don’t count because your ears shut down under stress. Pardon my French, but those are both B.S. I’ve told this before, but it bears repeating, as it is quite illustrative. Many years ago, my Dad and brother and I were at the range up north, plinking with .22s and happy to be there. It was the new summer two-week vacation plan, instead of the trek down to Florida. We were using the prescribed safety gear: glasses and plugs, in my case my prescription eyeglasses.

    You see, my father was then, and was until he retired, an engineer for Ford. He’d gone to school on the G.I. Bill, and went to work for the Big Three. Safety procedures were drilled into him. Any prescription glasses we wore had to meet ANSI safety standards. (Yes, I was that kid in school.) We used foam plugs when shooting our rimfire rifles. Anything bigger in caliber, we used more protection.

    Besides being a whole lot of fun, suppressors/silencers can save your hearing. Who wants to be the gun club’s cranky old shooter, always going Huh?

    A club member arrived to sight in his deer rifle. Dad saw that he didn’t have any hearing protection, so we walked over to offer him some. (Dad made us stop firing when the other member arrived, so he’d have a chance to set up without our rapid-fire shooting.) At the offer, the other member declined. That’s all right, you get used to it.

    As we walked off, I heard Dad mutter, Yes, you get used to it by going deaf.

    My Dad knew whereof he spoke. He was a combat vet in Europe, and I can’t guess how many rounds he fired, all without protection. And he and his unit weren’t slackers. (Not that many were, there and then.) His unit went into the fight in September of 1944, and pretty much stayed there to the end. He rarely talked about it, but when he did we were told casually of such details as when you are blowing mouse-holes through building walls, offset the locations. Otherwise the German in the last room you blew a hole into can poke his MG42 through the hole you just blew and run bullets the length of the block. You can figure out how he knew that.

    Not everyone who needs protecting from gunfire noise walks on two legs. Our canine friends and workmates have sensitive ears, and they need protection, too.

    After the war and a bit of hell-raising racing dirt bikes on flat dirt tracks, he went to work for the auto companies, first GM, then Ford, where he stayed for 35 years. He knew about noise. He taught us well, and that was a good thing.

    In the course of practice, competition, gunsmithing and teaching shooting, I have personally fired well over a million rounds. I’ve been on the line at law enforcement classes, where pretty much everyone is shooting AR-15s, when there were another million rounds fired. And, I worked as an RO at my gun club for twenty years, plus was on the range with other competitors when they fired their stages, for at a bare minimum of another million. So, by the most conservative estimate possible, I’ve been shooting, or in close proximity to, three million rounds. Probably closer to four million. Of those rounds, I have subjected my ears (not always by my choice) to less than a dozen shots, unprotected.

    My hearing? Just fine, thank you. And thanks, Dad.

    But even with protection, there has been some cost. What a suppressor does is take enough of the edge off of the sound that the cost becomes pretty much nothing. But it isn’t completely nothing. To understand why, let’s take a look at what noise is, and how your hearing works.


    The old philosophical question, If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s no-one there, does it make a noise? is a trap for the unwary philosophy student. What the professor wants the student to think about is the meaning of meaning. If we don’t experience it, since we are the be-all and end-all of existence, then clearly we can’t be sure it happened. After all, without us there to define it, it hasn’t been defined. Philosophers have debated this for centuries, nay, millennia, and there’s no telling how many Master’s and PhDs have been issued, arguing over the details. All of it, utter nonsense, at least from an engineering viewpoint.

    Let’s instead shift from philosophy to physics and engineering. Falling things make noise. They disrupt the air through which they pass. They impact the surface on which they come to rest. Exploding things make noise. Noise is a compression wave of the air involved. Noise travels at the speed of sound, which is self-defined as the speed that sound travels through air. (Students of logic will recognize that as circular reasoning. Good, you’re paying attention.) The wave travels through air by means of each molecule being pushed by the energy in the wave, and transferring that energy to the next molecule, and so on. How tightly bound the molecules happen to be determines both the maximum energy the system can transfer and the speed at which that transfer occurs.

    In air, at standard conditions, sound travels at 1,126 feet per second.

    The speed of sound in water, for example, depends on what kind of water: fresh or salt? In fresh water, the speed of sound is 4,910 fps. In sea water, it is 5,116, depending on density, salinity, sediments, etc. When Krakatoa exploded in 1883, the noise generated was so loud it was heard 3,000 miles away, on the island of Rodrigues, Mauritius. Through the air, the sound took almost four hours for the sound to travel that far through the air, but only 52 minutes for it to arrive by seawater.

    Part of that is the mode of transmission. Through air, the energy of sound can only be transferred by means of the compression wave. However, some liquids and all solids (metal, rock, etc) offer an additional means of energy transmission, transverse waves. Here, the molecules do not vibrate in a linear fashion, that is, they do not vibrate away from and toward the source. In transverse vibration, they move at a right angle to the direction of energy travel. They travel at different speeds. Those of you who live in earthquake-prone areas now know why you feel the quick up-down of the compression wave (arriving sooner) then the arrival of the side-to-side wave, the transverse wave.

    A marvel of bio-engineering, the ear is amazingly sensitive, and amazingly rugged. But once abused, it can’t be overhauled and made like new. So, save your hearing, use a suppressor.

    Sound travels faster in water, rock and metal due to density.

    Since we are not going to be doing much shooting, if any, underwater, and earthquakes have nothing to do with suppressors, we’ll simply refer to the speed of sound as its value in air from now on.

    Measuring sound

    We need a means of recording the compression of the air, to determine the intensity of a sound. The bel, named in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, is a unit of energy. The bel scale is defined as starting at the threshold of human hearing, or 0.0002 dynes per square centimeter. We use as our measuring system, one-tenth of a bel: the decibel. One awkward part of measuring sound is the scale. The pressures don’t seem that different, but the energy in the compression wave varies by orders of magnitude. For those who have used it incorrectly, in slang, an order of magnitude is ten times, or a tenth of, the previous measured value.

    To properly measure and record sound in a way we can grasp, the decibel scale is logarithmic, and each ten decibels represents an order of magnitude of the energy difference. So, if you go from 60 dB to 70 dB for example, you have ten times more energy at the higher sound level. Going from 70 to 80, you now have a hundred times more energy in the compression wave, than you had at 60 dB.

    The ear

    Ears do a couple of things, besides provide me a parking place for glasses and irresistible targets to jewelers who specialize in piercings. The shape of the ear channels noise down into the ear canal. The time differential between your ears (one ear will be closer to the sound than another) also provides directional information.

    The part that matters is inside. Down at the end of your ear canal is the eardrum. That thin sheet of tissue vibrates to the sounds that come into your ears. Your external ears are there to add sensitivity, and to aid in directional orientation, but why? Sharp hearing, in the jungle when everything wants to eat you, is good; but even better is knowing from which direction the danger comes. So we have very directional hearing, Your brain can analyze the time differential between your ears and figure out where the sound came from. With practice, you can even get a sense of absolute distance.

    Your ear is more than just a hearing tool, the circular canals also work to keep you on balance. The bones (incus, malleus, stapes) are the transmitters of sound to the cochlea.

    The movement of the eardrum is read by three tiny bones in your inner ear: the malleus, incus and stapes. The three bones form an intricate linkage, and leverage, and the result is that they transmit the pressure they feel to the three-part tube inside your ear, the cochlea, the actual inner ear.

    The inner ear provides both balance and hearing. Separate from your hearing are the three semi-circular canals. As the fluid in them sloshes around, your brain reads the fluid movements via small hairs inside the canals, called cilia, and the feedback tells you if you are upright, lying down, or falling.

    The three bones transmit the vibrations of sound to the inner ear, and the waves in the fluid moves also to the cochlea, where you hear. Here’s the clever part, but also the weak link; the cochleal hairs are different lengths, corresponding to different frequencies of sound. So, when a sound of a particular frequency hits your tympanic membrane, your eardrum, the vibration gets transmitted to the cochlea, and the hair or hairs that correspond to it (and not the other hairs) are moved by the fluid wave.

    Of course, if the hairs for that particular frequency are dead, missing, damaged or otherwise incapable of response, you don’t hear that frequency.

    Good hearing is also a matter of good brain-wiring. You can teach yourself to identify particular noises. In music, there are people who have perfect pitch, they can hear a note and tell you what it is. Note sounds, That’s A flat. Then you have people who have trained to reproduce that note. The Oboist (the most difficult instrument to tune) hits a note, and the rest of the orchestra tunes to it.

    The first is genetic, the second is training. Then there are the rest of us: Oh, that sounds nice.

    Now, good hearing and training or practice will provide other information. For instance, having stood on the line while a crew of police officers loaded their ARs, I can tell when someone has an empty chamber. The sound of a chambered round and that of a bolt crashing down on an empty chamber are different. You, third from the end, Lakeview is it? Your chamber is empty. When he checks, finds it empty, and I wasn’t even looking at him, he thinks I’m some sort of magician. Nope, just practiced, and not even unique in this acquired skill. Just protective of my hearing when I was younger.

    Ok, so far, so good.

    Now, if you over-work your cilia, they do not get stronger. They aren’t muscles. If you overwork them, they get brittle, break or die. When that happens you can no longer hear that frequency (the one that particular cilia heard) and your overall hearing suffers. You can over-work them with a single impulse, sound. Something that is massively too loud will over-work them, and they die in one or two exposures. Less than the impulse that kills them outright, but too much for too long, and they will also die.

    So, when you were a teenager, you stood right in front of the bass speakers of your favorite band? Good for you. That explains why I have to shout.

    This is also a good time to point out the differences between hardware and software, at least in the human body. The hardware is the ears, the various parts, all the way through the cilia, until your ear sends the nerve signal to the brain. Then software takes over. Your brain hears the various signals coming in, identifies them, assigns priority, and then constructs the sound for your conscious mind to use.

    Your hearing is an interesting situation of use it and lose it because you will lose some as you get older. Part of that is simply getting old, but part of that is that anything that is used gets used up, even if it gets regenerated along the way.

    Those of you with good hearing, ever wonder how you can follow a conversation in a crowded room? Your brain assigns those particular noises priority, and not the rest of it. So there you are, in a crowd, and someone calls your name. You hear it, almost as an electric jolt. Your brain did that, not your ears. Oh, and clever detectives and investigators also use it. If someone is trying to pretend they don’t understand English, or is using an assumed name, they will react to their name, or particular words in English, despite wanting not to. And those of you who can’t hear well, wonder why you can’t follow a conversation in a crowded room? Because the gaps in your hearing frequencies, the now-dead cilia, mean your ears deliver insufficient information to your brain to patch together the words that got muffled, overwhelmed or muddied by outside noises. Which leads us to hunters.

    There is a steadfast belief, incorrect, that the stress of hunting causes your ears to shut down and not hear the shot. Therefore, your ears aren’t as damaged by hunting shots as much as they are at the practice range.

    The reason you don’t hear the shot, or don’t perceive it as being as loud as it is, is because your brain has discounted the value of that information. Just like it filters out, via the equivalent of software, the background noise in a party so you can follow the conversation, your brain decides the sound of the shot isn’t as important as the rest of what you are focusing on.

    But that doesn’t mean your ears don’t take the hit. They still do. Just like the tree still makes noise when it hits the ground.

    I did a survey of fellow gunwriters at one of our magazine title’s gatherings. The most common response was, I wish I’d taken more care of my hearing, back when I was younger. Even then, they quite often did not fully grasp how much hearing they had lost. I mean, when a gunwriter who has written his answer on the survey question estimated remaining hearing at 80%, and later that night you have to practically shout across the dinner table so he can hear you, he hasn’t grasped the actual loss.

    Sometimes it has been in a single, awful experience. Fellow gunwriter Craig Boddington shared how he lost a lot of hearing in one incident. He was hunting, in the field with a guide and a fellow hunter. The other guy had a muzzle brake on his rifle and, swinging at game, he swung close to Craig. Before Craig could move or cover his ears, the other guy shot. Only a few feet away and to the side of the muzzle, Craig’s ear caught the directed muzzle blast of a big-bore hunting rifle, with muzzle brake attached. It was days before the ringing went away.

    That ringing noise? That is the death throes of the cilia that had been damaged, signaling the brain in true operatic fashion (long, repeated, and usually in the tenor and soprano regions): We’re outta here.

    Typically, the damage happens in the higher frequencies. For some reason they are the weaker cilia, or we just get exposed to more high frequency noise than low frequency noise. So exposure to gunshots accelerates the ageing loss, in the top of our hearing frequencies. In a cruel quirk, women’s voices have more register in the higher frequencies than men’s do, and as a result, yes, shooting does make you less able to hear your wife’s voice.

    How good is our hearing? Consider the following example. A couple of decades ago, the neighbors around our gun club decided that the township would be better without a gun club. Long story short, after a couple of years of wrangling, legal expenses and court appearances, the township lost. Lost big, and even precipitated a change in state law that made noise no longer actionable when it came to gun ranges.

    At one point, early on in the process but after the first injunction, we were standing on our club property, with the judge and attorneys, discussing gunshot noise. The neighbors had been complaining that bullets were leaving the property, and that the noise was too great. We had built a test stand, an overhead structure that would keep bullets from leaving our property, and the judge and attorneys were there to see how it worked.

    We heard gunshots. Immediately the judge asked, Who is that? and, said more than a bit testily, "I said no shooting here until I’ve had a chance

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