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The Price of Carbon
The Price of Carbon
The Price of Carbon
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The Price of Carbon

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The Price of Carbon goes beyond an assessment of the science of climate change and the impacts of excess emissions. The book details viable pathways to transition economic practices and evaluates the policies and climate action plans of the top emitting countries. If severe damage from climate change is to be avoided, advanced economies must up the level of ambition to curtail emissions while developing countries must follow low carbon pathways of economic growth.

There remains less than 1 trillion tonnes of carbon dioxide in a budget of future greenhouse gas emissions aligned with the objective of the Paris Agreement to limit surface warming. At present the global level of ambition to combat climate change is insufficient and average temperatures are projected to increase by 3-4°C over the course of this century.
The immense cost of inaction on our part will be borne by future generations as the planet warms, sea levels rise and oceans acidify, and the incidents and severity wildfires, floods, cyclones, droughts, heat waves, crop failures, famine, and climate change migration, conflict and loss of life and livelihood increase. Viable pathways to a sustainable future do exist. There is a brief window of opportunity to advance ambitions and strengthen policies. Applying a fraction of the future cost of climate change damage to progressively decarbonized global economies over the next 30 years is not only ethical but an exercise in common sense economics.

PublisherDavid D Maenz
Release dateMay 17, 2018
The Price of Carbon

David D Maenz

David Maenz received his Ph.D. from the University of Saskatchewan and held several academic positions prior co-founding MCN BioProducts in 2001. Dr. Maenz is the inventor/co-inventor of 7 patents and is the author of 33 scientific papers and 2 book chapters. Dr. Maenz is retired from business interests and lives in Saskatoon. The Price of Carbon was researched and written over a 2 year period by a scientist with a broad interest in the interrelated subjects that comprise the issue of anthropogenic (man-made) climate change. The intent of the author was to distill the findings and conclusions of expert groups such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the International Energy Agency, into a narrative for a wider audience. The book was written from a global perspective and avoids over simplification of what is perhaps the most important issue of our time.

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    The Price of Carbon - David D Maenz



    The Price of Carbon

    Copyright © 2017 by David Daniel Maenz

    Published by One Ton Press

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Tellwell Talent


    978-1-7752913-1-2 (Hardcover)

    978-1-7752913-0-5 (Paperback)

    978-1-7752913-2-9 (eBook)

    To Lynn, Bryan and Kyle.

    To my grandson Jackson,

    Whose future was an inspiration to the writing of this book.

    Table of Contents


    Part 1: How We Got Here

    Chapter 1: A Brief History of the Planet Earth

    1.1 The Violent Beginnings of the Planet Earth

    1.2 The Origins of Life and the Oxygenation of the Atmosphere

    1.3 Greenhouse and Icehouse Earths

    1.4 The Last 66 Million Years (Cenozoic Era)

    1.5 The Last 2.6 Million Years (Quaternary Period)

    1.6 The Last 12,000 Years Prior to Industrialization (Holocene Epoch)

    Chapter 2: The Anthropocene

    2.1 The Industrial Revolution

    2.2 The History of Climate Change Science

    2.3 Agriculture, the Post World War Population Explosion, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    2.4 The Golden Age of Capitalism

    2.5 International Climate Policy

    2.6 Fueling the Anthropocene

    2.7 Anthropogenic Climate Change to 2017

    Part 2: Where We are Headed

    Chapter 3: Future Climate Scenarios

    3.1 Primary Effects on Surface Temperatures, the Cryosphere and the Oceans

    3.2 Regional Vulnerabilities, Risks and Adaptations

    3.3 Summary and Conclusions

    Chapter 4: Paris 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference

    4.1 Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)

    4.2 Paris 2015 Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21)

    4.3 The Paris Agreement

    4.4 The Paris Agreement and the World Carbon Budget

    Chapter 5: How We Get There – Technical Pathways to a Sustainable Future

    5.1 Emissions Reduction Pathways in the Energy Supply Sector

    5.2 Emissions Reduction Pathways in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Sector

    5.3 Emissions Reduction Pathways in the Industry Sector

    5.4 Emissions Reduction Pathways in the Transportation Sector

    5.5 Emissions Reduction Pathways in the Buildings Sector

    5.6 Geo-Engineering and the Control of Surface Temperatures

    5.7 Summary and Integration of Technical Pathways to Mitigate Climate Change

    Chapter 6: The Price of Carbon

    6.1 Emissions Trading Systems

    6.2 Carbon Taxes

    6.3 Carbon Floor Pricing

    6.4 Carbon Leakage

    6.5 Climate Funds

    6.6 National Climate Change Action Plans

    6.7 International Cooperative Initiatives (ICIs)

    6.8 The Price of Carbon

    6.9 The Politics of Carbon (The US Example)

    6.10 Activism and the Price of Carbon

    6.11 Summary of Current Policies and Emissions Projections to 2030

    Chapter 7: How We Get There – Mitigation Pathways to a Sustainable Future

    7.1 Short-Term Climate Change Mitigation (2015–2030)

    7.2 Mid Term Global Pathways to Climate Change Mitigation (2030–2050)

    7.3 Long-term Climate Change Mitigation Pathways (2050–2100)

    7.4 The Year 2080


    List of Figures

    List of Tables

    About the Book

    Acronym List

    Suggested Readings




    On May 1, 2016, unusually hot, dry conditions existed over much of northern Alberta. The temperature high on that date for the city of Fort McMurray was 24.6°C and well above the normal range of 2–13°C for that time of year. Over the next 3 days, temperatures would soar to nearly 33°C with wind gusts of over 70 km/hr. The previous winter had been drier than normal, with little snowfall, such that the winter snowpack had completely melted by the end of April. A wildfire under this combination of conditions had the potential for explosive growth.

    The Fort McMurray fire began somewhere south of the city on May 1, and a local state of emergency was declared by 10 pm. By the evening of May 3, the situation had escalated such that the entire city was placed under a mandatory evacuation order. The images shown by the media were harrowing, with long lines of vehicles passing precariously close to raging roadside fires discharging soot and embers. Incredibly, 88,000 people were successfully evacuated with only 2 casualties as the result of a highway collision.

    The intensity of the fire created its own weather system of cloud formations, wind influx and lightning. The fire continued to rage out of control, and over the next 2 months would spread over a vast area stretching into the neighbouring province of Saskatchewan. On July 4, 2016, the fire was declared to be under control.

    The Fort McMurray fire was the costliest disaster in Canadian history. By May 9, approximately 2,400 structures in the city had been destroyed. Total recovery costs were estimated at over $4.5 billion with $3.6 billion in insured damage. Oil sands operations were halted such that 25% of Canada’s daily oil production was lost at a cost to the Alberta economy of approximately $70 million per day.

    The underlying conditions that fueled the intensity of the Fort McMurray fire cannot be assigned to any one factor. Fires in boreal forests occur naturally and are essential to forest turnover and health. An El Niño cycle led to a dry fall and winter, followed by a warm spring. Possibly, climate change could have contributed to the extreme weather conditions at the time of the fire. However, the extent of this contribution (if any) to the severity of the Fort McMurray fire cannot be ascertained.

    What is certain is that emissions of greenhouse gases from the activities of man have led to an average surface temperature increase of about 1°C relative to pre-industrial times. It is also certain that future surface warming in excess of 2°C will increase the frequency, severity and damage potential of extreme weather events such as the hot, dry windy conditions in Northern Alberta that existed in early May of 2016.

    The price that will be paid by future generations for continued excess emissions of greenhouse gases over the next 40 years will be extreme. As an alternative, viable, cost-effective pathways arriving at net zero-emissions in the second half of this century do exist. These pathways will limit future surface warming, and thereby minimize or avoid the damaging effects of climate change that would otherwise be imposed on future generations.

    Part 1:

    How We Got Here

    Chapter 1: A Brief History of the Planet Earth

    The Latin meaning of Homo sapiens is wise man or rational man. We are the only surviving species of hominids and are characterized by large well-developed brains that provide capabilities for tool use, reasoning, problem solving, advanced communication and the creation of complex social structures. Evidence of anatomically distinct Homo sapiens date back 200,000 years to the plains of Africa. For the first 199,900 years of existence, the lives of Homo sapiens, like all other animal species, had no significant effect on the atmosphere and climate of Earth. By the year 1750, the capabilities and circumstance of man lead to the onset of the Industrial Revolution whereby raw materials were extracted from the Earth in volume and combusted for energy to drive mechanical processes. By 1900, the core inventions of the Industrial Revolution and other advances in science and agriculture had placed mankind on a path toward a future of intensive fossil fuel use and other activities that would release substantial quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Over the past 117 years, the activities of man have led to an accumulation of these gases at sufficient concentrations to elevate surface temperatures. Future surface warming is dependent on the extent of continued release and atmospheric accumulation of anthropogenic (man-made) greenhouse gases.

    Over the 4.5 billion year history of Earth, the climate has fluctuated between extremes of hot house earths, where average surface temperatures were 14°C warmer than our current climate to snowball earths where the entire surface of the planet was covered in snow and ice. An assessment of the triggers and processes involved in naturally occurring climate change provides an understanding of how we have transitioned to a new geological age where human activity has become the dominant influence on climate and the environment.

    Our solar system began as a pre-solar nebula localized in a cold molecular cloud of hydrogen and helium gases sprinkled with particles of cosmic dust.¹ The mass of the nebula would have been slightly more than the mass of the sun, and the composition would be identical to that of the current solar system (73% hydrogen, 25% helium and 2% heavier elements). The nebula began to spin faster as material condensed and, eventually, a hot dense protostar formed at the center of a protoplanetary disk. Gravitational collapse of the protostar continued to the point where temperatures and pressures within the core triggered the onset of hydrogen fusion reactions. The outward force of fusion reactions reached an equilibrium with the inward force of gravity, and 4.57 billion years ago the sun began to radiate.²

    The initial burst of radiation from the newborn sun produced intense cosmic rays and solar winds. Electrons, protons, and alpha particles, along with electromagnet radiation propagated outward from the sun and fundamentally altered the dynamics of the emerging solar system. Solar winds and higher temperatures drove off gases and volatiles that comprised the early atmospheres of the inner planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars formed as rocky inner planets enriched in molten iron, nickel, silicates and other heavy elements. These planets generated internal heat from gravitational forces such that iron and other heavy metals sunk into hot liquid metallic core structures.

    1.1 The Violent Beginnings of the Planet Earth

    The term Hadean is derived from Hades and refers to the hellish, violent conditions over the first 600 million years after the formation of the Earth. During the Hadean Eon, the high density of asteroids, comets and smaller fragments (meteors and meteorites) that peppered the inner solar system resulted in a bombardment of Earth by massive dirty ice balls. An early collision with a very large (Mars sized) object resulted in the formation of the moon.

    By 10 million years, lighter silicates had separated from molten iron, and a solid crust had formed on the surface of the planet.³ The second atmosphere was devoid of oxygen and consisted of nitrogen, carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapour, ammonia, and methane.⁴ This atmosphere was produced by a combination of intense volcanic activity releasing entrapped gases from the molten core, plus degassing from the impacts of the comet and asteroid bombardment. With the cooling of the Earth, clouds formed, gaseous water condensed and heavy rains deposited liquid water over most of the surface. With time, ammonia, methane, and carbon dioxide levels would drop to trace (but impactful) levels.

    The Archean Eon is defined by the 1.5-billion year period from the end of the Last Heavy Bombardment of the Hadean Eon to the onset of The Great Oxygenation.³ During the Archean Eon, the interior of the Earth gradually cooled and heat flows from the core slowly diminished. Volcanic activity declined over time as did the rate of movement of tectonic plates. The atmosphere remained free of oxygen during the Archean Eon.

    1.2 The Origins of Life and the Oxygenation of the Atmosphere

    The mechanism for the origin of life on Earth is poorly understood. Hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the primitive oceans would have provided active conditions of high temperatures and a continuous source of inorganic chemical energy in the form of reduced elements and compounds such as ferrous iron and hydrogen sulfide. Under these conditions, a myriad of chemical reactions would have taken place, which would eventually lead to the formation of proteins from amino acids, and RNA and DNA from nucleic acids.⁵ Eventually, life began in the form of a primitive single cell organism capable of metabolism and self-replication under the thermally active conditions of ocean vents. Evidence for remains of biotic life date back 4.1 billion years and imply a rapid onset of life under the conditions of early Earth.⁶ Fossils of the oldest microbial life on the planet date to 3.7 billion years ago.⁷ The first organism or Last Universal Ancestor was a chemoautotroph that synthesized molecules from carbon dioxide and used inorganic energy sources from ocean vents.⁸ Contemporary species of chemoautotrophs can be found in what we now consider to be the hostile environment of deep ocean vents. Over time, the Last Universal Ancestor evolved such that by 3.5 billion years ago, this original organism no longer existed but had split into bacteria and archaea (prokaryotic pre-cursors to eukaryotic organisms).*,⁹

    Figure 1.

    As of three billion years ago, photosynthesizing cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) had come into existence and begun to flourish in the oceans.¹⁰ These organisms used sunlight for energy, consumed CO2 and produced oxygen. Bands of iron oxide are found in geological formations dating back 2.5–2.3 billion years ago.³ Gaseous oxygen released from the oceans would have initially oxidized exposed land minerals such as iron. The prolonged period of gradual oxygenation of the atmosphere began after the saturation of iron binding sites and other oxygen sinks on land and in the ocean.

    Figure 2. Cyanobacteria (Blue Green Algae). The most disruptive lifeform in the history of Earth. Responsible for oxygenating the atmosphere and facilitating the emergence of aerobic life, eradicating anaerobic competitors, plunging the Earth into a 300 million year ice age, and establishing the ozone layer that allows land-based life to exist.

    As oxygen levels increased during the Proterozoic Eon (2.5 to 0.54 billion years ago), the chemistry of the atmosphere was further altered by oxygen reacting with methane to produce carbon dioxide.¹¹ Methane is a much stronger greenhouse gas than CO2, and the net effect was to diminish the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. The first ice age (Huronian or Makganyene glaciation) began 2.4 billion years ago and lasted for a period of 300 million years. Initial oxygenation of the atmosphere may have produced a snowball Earth where snow and ice covered the entire surface of the planet.¹¹

    Over time, competing oxygen-intolerant anaerobic organisms were virtually killed off and proliferation of cyanobacteria in the oceans led to the Great Oxygenation Event.¹² With the accumulation of atmospheric oxygen, ultraviolet radiation caused oxygen in the upper atmosphere to recombine as ozone (O3). The ozone layer functions to absorb 97–99% of damaging ultraviolet solar radiation.¹³ Prior to formation of the ozone layer, the mutagenic effects of UV radiation did not allow life to become established on land. The ozone layer formed 600 million years ago, and this time frame corresponds with the emergence of land-based life forms.

    Our current atmosphere is characterized by high concentrations of oxygen produced by plant and bacterial life forms. By oxygenating the atmosphere, blue-green algae profoundly disrupted the climate of Earth and established conditions for the subsequent evolution of oxygen-dependent and land-based life.

    1.3 Greenhouse and Icehouse Earths

    The Earth has passed through the Huronian ice age (2.4–2.1 billion years ago), the Cryogenian ice age (850–630 million years ago), the Andean-Saharan ice age (460–430 million years ago) and the Karoo ice age (360–260 million years ago).¹⁴ At present we are in the Pliocene-Quaternary glaciation that began 2.6 million years ago as the fifth ice age of the planet.¹⁴ An ice age is defined by the existence of glaciers on the surface of the Earth. Extreme long-term radical changes in climate are roughly defined by transitions between a Greenhouse Earth and an Icehouse Earth.¹⁵ Icehouse conditions during the Cryogenian Period (second ice age) were so severe that ice and snow coated the entire surface of the planet, resulting in a snowball Earth.¹⁵

    Paleoclimatologists have developed models of long-term climate change based on an initial disruption of a climate equilibrium, leading to a transition out of a Greenhouse or an Icehouse Earth. The underlying mechanisms that could disrupt a climate equilibrium vary with the climatic era, and they remain open to debate.

    The process of continental drift over the 3.5 billion years since the formation of Earth is poorly understood. However, 1 billion years ago, the total land mass of Earth was aggregated into a supercontinent called Rodina that was centered on the equator.³ Rodina began to separate approximately 830 million years ago, with considerable movement of land masses since that time.³ Noncyclic events associated with the movement of tectonic plates and shifting land masses may well have disrupted long-term climate equilibriums. Trigger events could include changes in volcanic activity, shifts in major ocean currents, the emergence of plant life on land acting as a new CO2 sink, and changes to physical features such as the formation of mountain ranges affecting land-based CO2 sequestration.¹⁴ This hypothesis agrees with the lack of consistency in the time periods between ice ages.

    The transition from a Greenhouse Earth into an ice age requires a trigger mechanism that initiates a decline in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and a subsequent drop in surface temperatures. As temperatures fall, a series of feedback loops continue to drive surface temperature toward a new equilibrium. An initial accumulation of snow and ice at the poles leads to an increased albedo effect (percentage of solar radiation reflected back to space) and a reduction in the efficiency of surface warming by sunlight. The accumulating ice acts as a CO2 trap and, as ocean temperatures decline, more CO2 is dissolved in ocean waters. Glaciation and the cooling oceans further draw down atmospheric CO2 concentrations. These synergistic negative feedback mechanisms result in a continued drop in surface temperatures, an expansion of ice and snow cover, and eventually transition to an ice age.

    The transition out of an ice age requires a trigger event leading to a release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. A reversed set of positive feedback loops progressively sustains a continued increase in surface temperatures. The melting of the ice releases entrapped CO2, an increase in ocean temperatures releases dissolved CO2, and a decrease in ice and snow cover reduces albedo and increases the efficiency of solar radiation heating the surface. Over time, the planet transitions to a Greenhouse Earth.

    The climate history of the planet can be described as prolonged periods of sustained high temperature, greenhouse climates, with brief ice age interludes. The Phanerozoic Eon covers the last 542 million year history of Earth and during this eon, the planet has existed as a Greenhouse Earth for 80% of the time while passing through two ice ages prior to entering the current ice age.¹⁶ Direct data on atmospheric CO2 does not extend beyond 800,000 years; however, indirect modelling methods for estimating the temperature of the planet and atmospheric CO2 are consistent with a model whereby the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is the driving force for long duration climate change, over the entirety of the Phanerozoic Eon.¹⁷ The Phanerozoic Eon began with a massive diversification of life known as the Cambrian explosion. The major phyla of animals came into existence and more complex organisms such as trilobites evolved from simple single cell life forms.¹⁸ The Cambrian Period lasted from 541 to 485 million years ago and ended with the transition from a Greenhouse Earth to the Andean-Saharan ice age.¹⁸ The Earth emerged from the third ice age and transitioned back to a Greenhouse Earth climate that characterized much of the Devonian Period (419–369 million years ago).¹⁹ During the Devonian, the planet was hot and extensive vegetation including massive forests of ferns and lycopods covered much of the land mass.¹⁹ The expanding biomass of plant life led to increased oxygen production such that oxygen levels may have peaked at up to 35% of the atmosphere during the subsequent Carboniferous Period.²⁰ Gradually the vast biomass of plant life became an effective carbon sink and reduced atmospheric CO2. A substantial portion of the carbon extracted from the atmosphere during the Devonian and Carboniferous Periods became buried beneath progressive layers of decaying vegetation. With time and pressure, plant sequestered carbon from these periods became coal formations within the Earth. The eventual drop in atmospheric CO2 following the proliferation of plant biomass, triggered the transition out of a Greenhouse Earth and led to the Karoo Ice Age (fourth ice age).²¹

    The planet transitioned out of the Karoo ice age during the Carboniferous and Permian geologic periods. The largest mass extinction in the history of Earth occurred 252 million years ago and marked the end of the Permian Period.²² Ninety-six percent of all marine species and 70% of terrestrial species were eradicated during the Permian-Triassic (P-Tr) extinction event.²² An impact event, massive volcanic eruptions, methane gasification from deep ocean deposits, a severe ocean anoxic event (deoxygenation) triggered by release of entrapped carbon dioxide or a combination of causes have been proposed to explain the P-Tr extinction.²² Plant species generally survived, but total plant biomass was nearly eradicated and forests disappeared. There are no coal deposits dating to the early Triassic period following the P-Tr extinction.²²

    The Mesozoic Era (age of reptiles) began 252 million years ago after the P-Tr extinction and lasted for 186 million years, ending with another major extinction event.²³ The climate during the Mesozoic Era was that of a Greenhouse Planet and plant life thrived at high latitudes with polar forests coming into existence during the Cretaceous Period. As every 5-year-old child will attest, dinosaurs walked the Earth.

    Sixty-six million years ago, the Mesozoic Era ended when an asteroid struck the Earth causing a vast dispersion of particles and water vapour to the atmosphere.²⁴ The occlusion of sunlight impaired photosynthesis such that 75% of all species died off, including all the non-avian species of dinosaurs and 100% of all terrestrial animals over 2.2 pounds.²⁴

    1.4 The Last 66 Million Years (Cenozoic Era)

    The underlying database for the science of paleoclimatology becomes stronger the closer one gets to the present time. Oxygen exists in nature as stable isotopes with atomic weights of 16 and 18. When dissolved in water, the heavier ¹⁸O requires higher temperatures to transition to the gaseous state. The ratio of ¹⁸O/¹⁶O, then, is directly related to and is dependent upon the temperature of the water.²⁵ Cold water has a low ratio of ¹⁸O/¹⁶O and as the temperature of the water increases, the ¹⁸O/¹⁶O ratio increases.

    Forarms is the informal designation applied to Foraminifera, an abundant shell-bearing marine micro-organism in existence today and with fossils dating back to the Cambrian Period.²⁶ Layers of sediment beneath the ocean floors are enriched in shell fragments of forarms, and the oil exploration industry uses forarm fossils as an indicator of potential petroleum deposits.²⁶ Deep sea drilling has provided a wealth of fossilized core samples containing shell fragments from Foraminifera. These shells are composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and the oxygen in the shell structure originated from dissolved oxygen sequestered from the deep ocean during the life of the tiny creatures. The oxygen isotope ratio of samples of shell fragments from benthic (seafloor dwelling) forarms provides climatologists with a paleothermometer for reading deep ocean temperatures over the last 66 million years.²⁶ Deep ocean temperatures can then be used to calculate global surface air temperatures with a reasonable degree of certainty.

    At the beginning of the Cenozoic Era, global surface temperatures were roughly 10°C warmer than today.²⁷ Temperatures climbed from the beginning of the era and, 51 million years ago in the middle of the Eocene Epoch, average surface temperatures reached a peak of 28°C or 14°C above the current global average.²⁷ These conditions can be described as an extreme Greenhouse Earth with forests covering most of the land mass. In the absence of polar ice, sea levels were over 50 metres higher than today.²⁷ Fossil evidence dating back to the Eocene Epoch of the Cenozoic Era indicates that cypress and redwood trees grew on Ellesmere Island, that palm trees grew in Alaska, and that tropical rainforests existed in Europe and the Northern portions of North America.²⁸ Crocodiles and tropical snakes lived at high latitudes during the early to mid-Eocene.²⁸ There are no direct methods available for determining the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as the planet warmed during the transition from the early to mid-Eocene Epoch. However, modelling based on indirect indicators supports an atmospheric CO2 level of 2,000 ppm at the temperature maximum of the Eocene Epoch. In addition, methane production from swamplands likely added to total greenhouse gas production.²⁸

    Approximately 49 million years ago, a biological trigger led to a drawdown of atmospheric CO2 and began the transition out of the severe Greenhouse Earth climate.²⁹ At that time, the land masses of the northern hemisphere were aggregated. North America and Asia were connected and small passageways of water existed between North America and Greenland, between Greenland and Europe, and between Europe and Asia. The Arctic Ocean was isolated from the main oceans of world with little to no mixing of waters. Fresh water flowing into the Arctic layered on top of the dense still seawater, resulting in a massive bloom of Azolla, a freshwater fern. The term Azolla refers to super-plant and under ideal conditions Azolla will rapidly bloom over the entire surface of a body of water. Ideal conditions existed at the surface of the Arctic Ocean 49 million years ago. A massive bloom of Azolla spread over the vast expanse of water with enough theoretical biomass turnover to drawdown atmospheric CO2. During the Azolla event, carbon was continuously withdrawn from the atmosphere and deposited on the Arctic Ocean floor by successive waves of biomass turnover. The Arctic basin is characterized by immense, thick layers of fossilized Azolla and plankton that accumulated over a period of 800,000 years.²⁹ Modelling of biological carbon sequestration during the Azolla event is consistent with a drop in atmospheric CO2 down to 650 ppm.²⁹ The vast plant biomass in place over the warm land mass and in the greater oceans would have contributed to a biological drawdown of atmospheric CO2. By the end of the Eocene Epoch 34 million years ago, average global surface temperatures had dropped to 19°C.²⁸

    Figure 3. The Transition from an Extreme Greenhouse Earth during the Cenozoic Era. Adapted from Hensen et. al.²⁷

    The underlying causes of the current ice age are not fully understood; however, the patterns of continental drift over the past 50 million years leading to the current configuration of land masses would have altered ocean current patterns, which, in turn, may have acted as the primary triggers for glaciation beginning with the south pole and then, later, the north pole.

    Approximately 40 million years ago, Antarctica began to separate from South America.³⁰ The Drake Passage opened and the powerful Antarctic Circumpolar Current came into existence. This current isolated the new continent from the warming influences of the greater ocean waters. Large scale cooling led to the onset of glaciation about 34 million years ago.³⁰ The advancing ice mass would eventually cover the entire continent.

    Figure 4. Separation of Antarctica and Formation of the Drake Passage. Antarctic Circumpolar Current isolates the new continent and glaciation begins.

    The onset of glaciation at the North Pole is a more recent event with a more complex less certain origin. Five million years ago, North and South America were separated and tropical waters flowed between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans through the Central American Seaway.³⁰ Global surface temperatures had cooled to 16°C, but there was no evidence of glaciation in the high Arctic.²⁷ Approximately 3 million years ago, the Isthmus of Panama formed and dramatically altered ocean currents.³⁰ Closure of the ocean gateway between North and South America was the last major geological change to the planet. This event may well have set up conditions for the onset of glaciation at the North Pole to complete the transition to the ice age that defines our current climate.

    The Gulf Stream is a component of the ocean conveyor belt of currents that moves water between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The driving force for the Gulf Stream is the difference in salinity between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The Gulf Stream consists of high salt content, warm shallow waters that flow from the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and the equatorial Atlantic along the eastern seaboard of the United States and then crosses the Atlantic, moving northward. These waters give up heat and moisture in the higher latitude seas of Greenland and Norway and then sink as salty dense colder waters that travel southward in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. The moisture given up by the Gulf Stream condenses as rain or snow that accumulates in the Arctic as sea ice and snow.³⁰

    Prior to the formation of the Isthmus of Panama, ocean water from the Pacific flowed through the Central American Seaway diluting the salt content of the oceans in the Tropical Atlantic. In comparison to today, the driving force of the Gulf Stream was considerably weaker, and the stream was largely ineffective in releasing moisture to the air in the high latitudes of the Atlantic.

    Figure 5. Atlantic Segment of the Ocean Conveyor Belt. Formation of the Isthmus of Panama 3 million years ago prevented mixing of Pacific and Atlantic waters and powered the Gulf Stream to deliver moist warm air to the Arctic.

    The closure of the Central American Seaway powered the Gulf Stream and delivered moisture to the arctic. This event coincided with a gradual cooling of surface temperatures such that the Arctic was primed for ice and snow formation. Moist air delivery to the Arctic via the Gulf Stream may well have caused an initial formation of sea ice at the North Pole. The expanding snow and ice layer reduced surface heating by the sun, and negative feedback loops for transition to an ice age came into play. As of 2 million years ago, average global surface temperatures had dropped to 12°C, and the planet had completed the transition to the current ice age.²⁷

    1.5 The Last 2.6 Million Years (Quaternary Period)

    Latitude 75°S and longitude 123°E places one at Dome C, deep inland on the continent of Antarctica, atop the Antarctic Plateau at an altitude of 3,233 metres above sea level.³¹ Dome C is a flat elevation or summit of the Antarctic Ice Sheet located 1,670 kilometres from the geographic South Pole and is one of the coldest, most desolate and inhospitable places on Earth. The elevation is such that the oxygen content of the air is one-third less than that of sea level.³² Dome C is located on the world’s largest desert with low humidity and very little annual precipitation. Summer temperatures typically do not rise above -25°C and during winter, can go below -80°C.³² During winter, the sun sets for the last time in the beginning of May and does not rise until late August. No native plants or animals live this far inland on Antarctica. Other than a slow steady accumulation of ice, Dome C has not changed over millions of years and, in some ways, can be considered as the epicenter of the current ice age.

    In 2005, construction of a permanent French-Italian research station was completed at Dome C.³³ Concordia Station was built to extend the summer research activities at the site that had begun in 1992.³³ The severities of winter conditions are such that Concordia Station is completely cut off with no possibility of evacuation or supply delivery for 9 months of the year. During winters, the station is manned by a team of 13–15, composed of scientists, technical support, and medical personnel.³³ Among the more important research activities at the station is ice core sampling and analysis as part of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA).³³

    Figure 6. Concordia Research Station. Dome C Antarctica. The harshest, most desolate land-based environment on Earth. Photographed March 2009 by Stephen Hudson.

    Permanent ice sheets such as Dome C in Antarctica continually thicken with snow accumulation over years. The snow compresses to a granular intermediate or firn. Air becomes fully entrapped as the firn layer densifies under increasing pressure. At further depth, the firn layer transitions to ice with entrapped air bubbles.³⁴ By drilling, extracting and dating ice core samples at various depths, climatologists can analyze the composition of air that became entrapped in ice hundreds of thousands of years ago.

    Concordia Station is one of 37 ice core sampling sites in the world, 12 of which are located in Antarctica, 19 in Greenland, and 6 in other non-polar regions with permanent year-round ice formations.³⁴ Collection and analysis of ice core samples have provided scientists with a powerful data set of past atmospheric compositions and has been a major contributor to our current understanding of the drivers of climate change.

    Figure 7. Ice Core Sample with Entrapped Air Bubbles. Perfectly preserved samples of atmosphere dating back hundreds of thousands of years. Photographed by Chris Gilbert, British Antarctic Survey.

    Ice core samples provide an accurate tracking of atmospheric CO2 from the past 800,000 years. Atmospheric CO2 follows a regular pattern of oscillation between highs of 280 parts per million (ppm) and lows of 180 ppm that repeats every 100,000 years.³⁵ Another set of ice core data taken by the Russian Vostok Antarctic research station demonstrates the same time-dependent regular oscillation in CO2 levels over the past 420,000 years.³⁶ This pattern of regular changes in CO2 correlates directly with average global surface temperatures and the occurrence of glacial periods. Within our current ice age, at approximately 100,000 year intervals, the planet passes through periods of extreme glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere that correlate with declining surface temperatures and declining atmospheric CO2. The last glacial period ended approximately 12,000 years ago and, prior to industrialization, the planet was in a predictable interglacial period characterized by contraction of glaciers, average global surface temperatures of 14°C, and atmospheric CO2 levels of 280 ppm.

    Figure 8. Vostok Research Center Ice Core Data.³⁶ Pre-industrial surface temperature variations and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations dating back 400,000 years.

    The history of repeated 100,000-year cycles between glaciation periods within our current ice age implies a predictable cyclical driver of surface temperature fluctuations. Indeed, well understood systematic cyclical variations in the Earth’s orbit will change the heat energy from sunlight reaching the Earth at mid-latitudes.

    Milutin Milanković was a brilliant Serbian mathematician, astronomer, climatologist, civil engineer, and geophysicist best known for developing a theory of climate change based on variations in the orbital shape or eccentricity (100,000-year cycles), axial tilt (41,000-year cycles) and precession (23,000-year cycles) of the Earth’s orbit³⁷. In 1922, Milanković developed a set of mathematical models that allowed for the calculation of the amount of solar radiation contacting any given latitude on the planet at any time over the past 600,000 years.³⁷ Milanković believed that orbital forcing of sunlight at the mid-latitudes was the most important factor in defining surface temperatures. When the cyclical variations were such that orbital forcing of sunlight at the mid-latitudes was greatest, the Earth would be warmer, and when orbital forcing was weakest, the Earth would be colder. Based on Milanković’s calculations, a substantial 25% difference in maximum and minimum orbital forcing will exist.³⁸ The concept became known as Milankovitch cycles.³⁹ Although the reasons are not fully understood, evidence indicates that the 100,000-year cycle of eccentricity in the Earth’s orbit around the sun is the more critical variable in defining the effects of orbital forcing on the surface temperature of the planet.

    Milankovitch cycles, in theory, have existed since the stabilization of the Earth’s orbit around the sun. The effect would have been greater when, as is the case today, most of the land mass was located in the Northern Hemisphere. Within the current ice age as the cycle moves toward weaker orbital forcing, surface temperatures drop and glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere begin to expand. Negative feedback loops based on cooling of the oceans and increased ocean sequestration of atmospheric CO2, along with an expanding ice mass leading to further entrapment of CO2 and increased albedo effects of reflecting sunlight, furthered the drop in surface temperature and accelerated the process of glaciation. As the cycle shifts toward stronger orbital forcing at mid-latitudes, the heating effects of the sun surpass the cooling effect of the glaciation process. The ice masses begin to contract, positive feedback loops come into play as less sunlight energy is lost to reflection from ice and snow and the oceans warm and release CO2.

    The model of 100,000-year Milankovitch cycles within our current ice age fits the data on periodicity of glaciation. Changes in atmospheric CO2 follow, and will contribute to, the warming or cooling process as triggered by Milankovitch cycles. Other models based on greenhouse gas levels as the driver of glaciation cycles within our ice age would require primary predictable cyclical sources of CO2 sequestration and release.

    1.6 The Last 12,000 Years Prior to Industrialization (Holocene Epoch)

    The Holocene Epoch is defined by the end of the last glacial period, approximately 11,700 years ago, and continuing beyond the present time.⁴⁰ The primary characteristics of the Holocene are a warmer interglacial climate within the current ice age and the more recent emerging global significance of human activities on the climate and ecosystems of the planet.

    During the first 2,000 years of the Holocene, average global surface temperatures increased by 2–3°C as the climate completed the transition out of the last glacial age to the current interglacial equilibrium. Overall, the climate has been relatively stable over the past 10,000 years; however, modest fluctuations and trends in surface temperature changes occurred prior to industrialization. During this time period, the climate was influenced by a myriad of weaker non-cyclical and cyclical forces. These influences can include variations in solar flare activity, smaller variations in volcanic activity, changing ocean currents, variations in glacial discharge to the oceans, and changes in prevailing winds. In addition, orbital forcing is not as simplistic as a 100,000-year cycle in the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit around the sun. Axis tilt and precession (change in the orientation of the rotating axis) fluctuate through shorter cycles than eccentricity. Ice core data suggests these factors are weaker than eccentricity but will affect solar heat delivery to the key mid-latitudes. This complex interplay of weaker primary and secondary forces has influenced short-term modest changes in climate over the past 10,000 years prior to industrialization.

    Any attempts to precisely define global climate changes over the entirety of the past 12,000 years are complicated by regional variations. The Antarctic, Greenland and Mount Kilimanjaro ice core samples, and sediment core samples from various locations, show differing profiles for temperatures variation, and there is no scientific consensus as to how to build a precise model of average global surface temperature changes during the Holocene. However, critical to interpreting the data is the magnitude of variation in temperature differences over time and between sampling sites. Using the average temperature at the middle of the 20th century as a baseline, regardless of sampling site or time, anomalies above and below this baseline have not exceeded 1°C over the past 10,000 years, prior to industrialization.⁴¹

    Figure 9. Average Surface Temperature Anomalies over the Past 12,000 Years Prior to Industrialization. Baseline temperature is the average global surface temperature from mid-20th century readings. Adapted from a Global Warming Art Project image originally created by Robert A. Rohde from publically available data.

    The data indicates an overall stable global climate since the transition out of the last glacial period. A period of slightly warmer temperatures known as the Holocene Climatic Optimum existed from 8,000 to 5,000 years ago. In theory, the combination of axial tilt and distance from Earth maximized orbital forcing about 9,000 years ago. Albedo effects of the contracting glaciers may have countered the warming effects of the sun such that peak warming was delayed. From 5,000 years ago to the onset of industrialization, overall temperatures cooled slightly.⁴² This process, termed neoglaciation, is most likely due to a deviation away from optimal orbital forcing and thus less heating from the sun. The temperature differences between the peak warming of the Holocene Climatic Optimum to pre-industrial neoglaciation are greatest at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere. There is no evidence for cooling over the last 5,000 years in the southern Hemisphere.⁴²

    Atmospheric CO2, as measured in ice core samples, have been relatively stable over the course of the Holocene. Levels increased from 240 to 265 ppm over the first 2,000 years followed by slight drift upward to 280 ppm over the last 5,000 years prior to industrialization.⁴³ This data is consistent with older ice core samples indicating that atmospheric CO2 follows the transition out of a glacial period and plateaus at approximately 280 ppm during an interglacial period. The trends in atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the past 10,000 years until just prior to industrialization do not correlate with the modest decline in surface temperatures over this time period. Hence, the slight increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration was insufficient to overcome other drivers of average surface temperature change, over the past 5,000 years prior to industrialization.

    Figure 10. Atmospheric CO2

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