Seeing from Heaven
By Randy Finlay
About this ebook
Having heavens perspective while walking on the earth seems like the impossible dream to most of us. But by understanding the life of Jesus Christ and His finished work, we can learn how to see all things from heavens viewpoint. Seeing from Heaven focuses on understanding heavens perspective by seeing through the eyes of God our Father who is in heaven. We being seated with Him provides us the opportunity to see as He seesbeing in Christ and seeing through His eyes.
How does seeing from heaven affect everyday circumstances and everyday life? Though in the world, Jesus was not of this world. Our citizenship is in heaven even while we dwell on the earth. Taking a closer look at Jesus will always open a heavenly view to us. Our beliefs should only draw us closer to God, and see Him more clearly so we might freely partake of His life. Then it is with that impression of His life in us that we live and move and have our being.
Seeing from Heaven presents a detailed, biblical examination of this way of living and encourages us all to live through Gods eyes.
Randy Finlay
Randy Finlay grew up on the farm north of Carbondale, Kansas, where he learned to work hard and to do everything with his whole heart. Saved by God in the midst of reading the Bible, Finlay has pastored children for over nineteen years and senior pastored for six years. This is his first book.
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Seeing from Heaven - Randy Finlay
Seeing from
Randy Finlay
iUniverse, Inc.
Seeing from Heaven
Copyright © 2010 by Randy Finlay
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
End Notes
‘SEEING FROM HEAVEN’ is a book with a God given purpose of renewing the mind or getting a mind-set so we can have God’s perspective rather than our own earth bound or traditional view. It is not written for the purpose of destroying anyone’s true hope or beliefs, but it may very well cause us to see differently from the Highest point of view, His! So it is not an attempt to get people to believe my way or the way of Pentecost, or Baptist, or Methodist, or the faith movement, or Kingdom, or anything else. It is about seeing God and then seeing through His eyes, which will surely give us greater hope and beliefs than what we might have had before.
If it is truly, I no longer live, but Christ that lives in me[1], then it’s not about my religion, or traditional teachings, or my own beliefs. It is all about who He is, and His expression of life in and through me. At this point my life is absorbed into His and my believing comes out of that oneness.
We would naturally think that what God believes is right, and He has the right belief, but that is not true. Nowhere in the Bible does it say, God believes this, that, and another thing. God doesn’t have a set of beliefs that He follows. That in itself would limit God and place Him under His own laws of a belief system. He only believes His word that comes out of His life-giving spirit of love. There are no rules, no laws, no set of beliefs, and no need for restraint because His life is pure, holy, and good without any variation or shadow of turning. Jesus never stated that, I believe God to be such and such.
He knows his Father and is one with the Father. He was God and a partaker of that life.
Jesus expressed Himself as knowing the Father personally; therefore, He was not governed by the laws of Moses or even Jewish customs. Jesus had no need to live by such things when He had the life of God dwelling in Him. It was Jesus’ custom to go into the synagogue, but not as a Jew under the law, but as a Son having intimate relations with the Father! He was born a Jew, but He knew He was the Son. And the Son is of a higher order of life (zoe) than that of the Jew under the law. He is from above, but the Jews and Gentiles alike are from below, if they still have an unrighteous conscience. But, we are from above if we are in Christ, for our citizenship is in heaven.
Knowing this, Jesus saw the law as not a set of rules to follow in order to please His Father. He saw the law as a revelation of who the Father is and who He is. God does not steal, but He gives. God does not bear false witness, but He is the truth. God does not commit adultery, but He is the faithful marriage partner who will never leave us nor forsake us, even if while in darkness, we forsake Him. As a Son, Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophets, not as a Jew observing the law and under the law, but as a Son. So Jesus lived His life as a divine expression of the Father’s life in Him, and not by certain beliefs established by the law. So, it is not by our beliefs that we are to live by, but as Christ Jesus lived by the life of God in Him, so do we.
Our beliefs should only draw us closer to God and reassure us of His love and goodness He has toward us. Our beliefs should cause us to see Him more clearly so we might freely partake of His life. Then it is according to that impression of His life in us that we live and move and have our being. By this life-giving impression we can say as Jesus said, I only speak what I hear my Father speak, and I only do what I see my Father do.
[2] Why? As He is, so are we in this world. Jesus saw the Father and then saw Himself. How so? He knew He was sent from His Father in His likeness and image as his Son. Whose image does the word of God say you are made in? Whose son are you? Not the son of the first Adam, because he died on the cross, but you are the son of the resurrected Christ man from heaven manifest in the earth![3] You are the risen Christ![4] For you are a member of His body, and He is the head![5]
Did Jesus have certain beliefs? Yes, He believed what the Father told Him and showed Him, but not as a hard rule of law to obey or follow, but as an expression of His greater life at that time called the I AM. Really what Jesus was saying in Jn. 14 is that if you want to see the Father, I AM! Jesus ate always from the tree of life and not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam ate of that tree in Gen. 2 and that sin of separation of thought from oneness with the Spirit brought death. Jesus never lived or judged by the knowledge of knowing good and evil. He was tempted in the wilderness by such thoughts, but He never succumbed to those thoughts.
As one eating from the tree of life, we cannot be a hard-nosed, stiff-necked people who stress our differences in beliefs. There is no partaking of the tree of life when we do such things, only the eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Stating our differences must be as an expression of His indwelling life, or we are only offering to others to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. If we think or express ourselves that our beliefs are better than your beliefs, then this is an expression of the law without the Spirit. Even if they truly are better or greater beliefs, they have no power to deliver or help because they did not contain His life of love when we declare them. Declaring the truth as a revelation of who He is will cause wrong beliefs to disappear in the sight of His glory and grace. The same with sin, we should not preach against sin; but by preaching righteousness that comes through what Jesus did alone will remove even the desire to sin. The life of Christ in us is far better than the short temporal pleasures of sin. Sure, temptations will come just as they came to Jesus; but just like Jesus, our oneness with our Father is of a greater and more satisfying way of life.
We have all been at the place where we unknowingly honor and even esteem our own personal beliefs above that of the life and nature of God dwelling in us. It is our pride in our beliefs and traditions that we have that caused us to express ourselves with an attitude that declares: I have my own beliefs, so don’t try to change what I believe! This seems to be the response of most church going people today. Why is it such a mystery to us who believe in the One Lord Jesus Christ, as to the way God sees and views things? If He is the Head of the Church, let us see with His eyes. Let’s put on the head of Christ rather than the head of Adam (the unrenewed mind). Is it the body that has eyes or the head? Jesus is the Head of the body of believers. Our Head can be speaking to us in our spirit, but the head of religious Adam is saying something else. So let us honor the life of Christ in us above our beliefs. Then we will begin to truly see as He sees. Now we are open for change; and a greater awareness and revelation awaits us!
Pride in our set of beliefs seems to be more valuable to us than loving one another. We take pride in being able to defend our beliefs without expressing His life in whom we believe. (Selah) We train up others, even our own children, so that they can defend our beliefs. In doing so, there may be the absence of the presence of God and His love; and therefore, no expression of His higher life is experienced in such training. ‘Seeing From Heaven’ is all about God, and thus seeing all things from God’s heavenly perspective, so that He may indeed be all and in all.[6] It is my hope and the dream of my heart to reveal the life of Christ in us so we might see His point of view from the throne in heaven as our expression of His life.
Our beliefs are extremely important. Our beliefs form our God! If there is something we believe that is untrue about God and what He is saying in His written word, then that untruth forms an image of God in our minds. That particular belief has just made an idol or man-made image of God. That image affects us and how we see ourselves and others. That false image is powerless and speechless to help. It is powerless, because it is a deception. It is speechless, because it doesn’t speak by the Spirit, but only by our lying imaginations. It will also turn us away from the true and living God. So what we believe is of utmost importance because what we believe is what we will partake of and express in this life.
A good close look at the Chief Cornerstone is the foundational stone for seeing from heaven’s viewpoint.[7] That point of view is literally the life of Christ, which is the highest expression of life. It is impossible to lay another foundation of truth because the foundation is already laid in Christ Jesus. Christ is the unchangeable foundation. Therefore, we will only be taking a close look at that which is already laid so we might see Him. The right view of God should always point to or reflect Christ Jesus, the Chief Cornerstone of our foundation. If it does not, we should ask ourselves and God what is this view of what was spoken pointing me to? The truth, the kingdom of heaven, the scriptures, and the gospel is not of any man’s private interpretations of the word of God that might intrigue us or fit our concept of what we believe. But it is seeing God so that we may see all things from within that life revealed to us.
No one shall see God and live is a wonderful and glorious scripture that tells us when we see God, Adam or the man of the sinful flesh dies having seen Him who died as us. Seeing God also changes our Adamic thinking so our mind is renewed.[8] No flesh having sin (Adam) can stand in the presence of God. Yet, we can boldly come into the presence of God as one not born of flesh and blood only, but born of God and still having a flesh and blood body! With the death of Adam, then must come the death of the old Adamic thinking. Unless we see Him as He truly is today, how can we be married to Him today? How can we be married to a stranger? No, when we see Him, we are drawn to Him; and His appearing to us draws us into oneness with Him. It produces the death of our old Adamic thinking.
We are raised with Him as a new creation in this life having the thoughts of God![9] When we see God clearly, our lower perspective is changed by the greater light dawning in us! That’s a glorious changing! The death of Adam and our old Adamic thinking is a good thing; the temporal now is the temple of the eternal and the corruptible mind has put on the incorruptible! Unless the (old) husband dies, we are not free to marry another, who is Christ. But, the only thing powerful enough to bring about that death and change of mind is seeing God! Every time we truly see God without religion or tradition, we become partakers of His divine life, and are changed from glory to glory!
This book, though inspired of God, is not the whole book that could be and yet shall be written of Him. Neither do I attempt to cover in depth everything that could be written and yet shall be. The Lord has total rights to take away from this book or add to it as the knowledge of Him increases to you by His Spirit. So as you read and study this book, do not allow religious differences, opinions, or old teachings to sway you one way or another, but allow only the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into all truth, and we all shall be changed according to His image.
Chapter 1
How can looking at a foundation give anyone a view from heaven? Jesus Christ was from heaven, and He is the foundation of heaven by which the earth was made. That foundation came in the flesh as the Chief Cornerstone for all our lives to be built and formed on. So, looking at Him is not looking at earthly things, but heavenly things manifest in the earth. Jesus totally meant it when He said, The kingdom of heaven is near,
and The kingdom of God is within you.
[10] Heaven is as near to you as your inner man, your spirit. Heaven is the atmosphere/aurora of the kingdom of God that is within you. Now, for an earth dweller to see from Heaven, he most likely cannot physically go there to look and see. He must see from that same heaven that dwells in us all. That heaven within us does not need to be developed, for it is already complete. It is after all heaven, the dwelling place of God, the presence of God, and the kingdom of God.
All we need is to look at and understand the Chief Cornerstone. He is the Son of man from heaven and He brought heaven with Him; therefore, seeing Jesus the Christ is seeing heaven. This reality causes us to come into Christ as one in Him. Being in Him who is seated at the right hand of the Father is looking out from within heaven.[11] We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.[12] It is a spiritual place that is pure and much higher than our natural minds or what our five senses can comprehend alone. But, the Christ in us, being unveiled to us is our hope of dwelling in such a place called Heaven.
You are not a physical house trying to become spiritual. You have a physical body wherein the living Spirit of God now dwells. You are a spiritual house! You have been given a physical body in which you are able to manifest the presence of God in and through that body. It is really the presence of God that keeps the physical body, not the other way around. What is the presence of God? Is it not heaven? We do not need to die first in order to experience heaven. Heaven is in you, and if you can see from God’s perspective, heaven is all around you.
If God was to move the spiritual life out of the physical body, the physical body would become as dead. The spiritual life is eternal, but the physical house is temporal. So, it is the physical body that depends on the spiritual life for its existence. It is the owner that lives in the house that does all the maintenance on the house that keeps the house from collapsing. Most of us spend too much of our time looking at the appearance of the house, outer man, the body of flesh. We dress it up to make it look good, and exercise to make it look healthy. While all this time and effort is good for the body, we seem to forget that it is the Christ in us that holds all things together. We can dress up Adam all we want and heaven is not impressed one bit. It is when we put on the inner man, and clothe ourselves with the life and love of God, that all of heaven takes notice. The joy of the Lord empowers or strengthens our natural body.[13] It is a good idea to dress up Adam, the natural earthy man needs it; but putting on the new man is far more valuable and beneficial to all.
It is when we put on the Christ man, that people have a tendency not to notice our outward appearance as much. The Chief Cornerstone reveals the Christ in you. It is a spiritual awakening and revelation, not a physical one that can manifest the Cornerstone to us; therefore, any interpretation of the scriptures that points us to some future physical event in time falls way short of the greater view from heaven and a spiritual understanding. A true spiritual revelation reveals to us the hidden man of the heart, our hope of glory.
No more does God see us as having filthy rags since we have come into this grace of His. He now sees the glory of Himself living in us! If we could just see what He sees, then look out world! For a man of God will truly be walking the earth! And you are that man! Not the physical man, but that spiritual man that comes from heaven! If you can see from heaven, then you can come from heaven with your thoughts, presence, and life giving power.
This place called heaven is also described as a city whose maker and builder is God. It is not a physical location, but a spiritual knowing and understanding. Heaven is a spiritual place, and the foundation of that city lies within you and all who have believed! Looking at the foundation and looking from that place of the foundation gives us a view from that city that God has built. Within that city dwells all who now believe on the Lord Jesus Christ which is why there is such a wonderful manifestation of the presence of God when we meet together. It’s not because we are such great and wonderful people in and of ourselves, but because the Living Stone of the foundation makes us all lively stones. We are the expression of the life of God which comes from heaven or from His life giving Spirit.
Seeing the Chief Cornerstone, the Lord Jesus Christ, His life, His character, and His accomplishments will change our thinking and renew our minds. If you do not desire a further change of mind, stop here and read no farther. But, if you still desire more of God and to know Him more intimately, then you must also desire change, a change of mind. It’s been quoted, If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always have what you’ve always had.
Thinking the same way and doing the same thing but expecting different results just doesn’t add up. But, if you desire more of God, then seeing God will shake your heavens and your earth thus bringing change in both realms. That desire is from God; and you are a prime candidate for seeing God through the eyes of a little child and understanding the simplicity of His word. Even the most mature sons of God must remain as little children in their own eyes before they can live like manifested sons of God. When Jesus said, God is My Father
; He was also saying that He sees Himself as a little child. A little child desires and clings to love, relationships, guidance, knowledge of the truth, and is thrilled about discovering who his family is. In this manner the child discovers who they are. Children are easily encouraged and empowered. Seeing God and partaking of His life freely gives us all these things.
All that may be gleaned from ‘Seeing From Heaven’ is up to each individual or group of people who study the Cornerstone and yield to the great teacher, the Holy Spirit. It is my sincere prayer that in every person there be a hunger to know Christ in a greater light of knowledge and understanding by His Spirit. We may be looking into a mirror today and seeing ourselves from an earthly perspective, which is seeing dimly, but then face to face. When is the ‘then’ going to come so we can see Him face to face? When we come to an understanding that we are today as He is, which is according to the word of God. We are the light of the world and not just a reflection of the light, because the light of His life is in us. Our spirit is face to face with the Spirit of God, which is where the light comes from.[14] True Christianity is not an attempt to imitate Christ, or Jesus, or Paul or anyone else, but a reality of knowing and experiencing oneness with Christ. The first is an imitation, the latter is being who you were created to be.
Our being face to face with God is not like a Moses view of the backside of God with the understanding that comes from a works mentality. Nor does seeing God face to face include what we have done or are doing. Nor does it identify God by the experience of what we think He’s done in response to our failure to keep the law. But Christ, the very presence of God, is already laid in us as a living stone separate from the law by which we are already in His image and likeness. A further unveiling of Christ in us causes us to see Him as He is, as one who is face to face. Never in the Old Testament scriptures did it say, You are the light of the world.
It is Jesus Christ, the foundation laid in us that makes us lights, for He is the light of every man that comes into the world.[15] That light causes us to see Him face to face. If we are looking into the light, we are looking into His face. God is light.[16]
Have you ever asked yourself; how do I see God face to face when God is a Spirit? How do you see a spirit? By faith in His living word, and by the life of Christ that dwells in us. Seeing God face to face is knowing what God is about to do before He does something, not after He does it. Looking into the face of God creates in us corresponding action that expresses His life. Looking at the Chief Cornerstone, which is not a thing but a description of a person, the Lord Jesus Christ, is seeing the Father face to face. Looking at Him is looking into the eyes of God. It reveals the character, thoughts and intents of the heart of God, and the finished works of Jesus Christ. Too often we have in the past looked at our own flesh, which reveals only the man of the flesh, sinful flesh. God has instructed us to look at no man after the flesh, and that includes ourselves.[17] But looking at Christ reveals only the new man hidden in that body of flesh. He is the pearl of great price in the field, and you are that field.
Looking at one another after the flesh is having an earthly perspective. That is Adam’s view point or opinion which none of us are interested in.
2 Cor. 5:16 — Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer.
The word regard means to see, know, behold, look upon, consider, or understand. We even knew Christ according to the flesh. In other words, we judged Him by what He did. We used to judge one another by what they did. But now, we know or see no one according to the works of the flesh but according to the Christ that dwells in them. If you see someone do wrong, how are we who are spiritual supposed to restore them? By ripping them apart with words that condemn in hope that they learned their lesson? No! In the spirit of meekness, we remind them of who they really are. You are not the person of the flesh but of the new creation in the image and likeness of God. We have a tendency to forget who we really are; and therefore, we need reminded that we are of God little children and have overcome them that are in the world.[18] Our flesh is of this world, but our spirit is of God. It is our mind that needs a true image of who we came from and who we are and to whom we are going.
Training ourselves to look from the living Cornerstone as our perspective will cause us to look anew into a mirror and see only the Christ in us. This is how the corruptible puts on incorruption and the mortal man puts on immortality. It is then that we are seeing face to face and know that we are loved. Then we are able to love others as He has loved us. We can only love one another as we love ourselves.[19] When we are loved by our Lord Jesus Christ, we cannot help but love who He has made us to be. We actually love who we are because He loves us! We are able to love others with the same love He loves us with.
In the same way we can only minister as we have been ministered to. Jesus ministered many times after being in prayer all night long. Jesus was being ministered to by the Father. Now He was able to minister to others even as He was ministered to. To the same measure that Jesus was loved by His Father, He was able to love others.
We can only truly live as we see His life in us. The Chief Cornerstone gives us such a view from heaven, the throne of God. It causes us to see ourselves as God sees us, which has no condemnation and is without fault finding. Now the Church will have a much greater impact in this world. Instead of calling themselves Christians, others will call them Christians because they see the real Christ in them.
‘Cause and Effect’ — ‘Cause I see greater things than these earthly, natural, and limited things, I have greater effect. Just as Jesus came from heaven, so are we coming from heaven because His life is giving us His view from heaven. I’m not talking about knowing a bunch of stuff about Him that we have learned along the way. Those things might be good, but I’m talking about recognizing the Christ in you as your life source that then gives you the mind of Christ. Christ making impressions from within you upon your mind is the light of your life. If our citizenship is (now present tense) in heaven where God is light, we ought to be seeing the light of heaven now! Amen?
Php. 3:20, 21 — For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly (earthly image) body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.
From our dwelling place in heaven, we wait, look for, and expect fully the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Too often we put off into the future what we can have now. Our citizenship is now in heaven, not just after we die. If the U.S.A. sent an ambassador to China, the American is taken out of the U.S.A.; but the U.S.A. cannot be taken out of the American. He is free on the inside and expresses himself not as a Chinese citizen, but as one from the U.S.A. He may for a short time live in China, but He lives according to his raising, training, and heritage he received while in the U.S.A. This ambassador still sees from the perspective of the U.S.A. and ministers from that point of view.
We do not live according to the lower earth life, but we look for His appearing as the Christ in us from heaven. That communion with Him will transform or change our earthly lower perspective so we might live according to the higher life as a citizen from heaven. Now the lowly body has put on Christ, incorruption, and immortality. This is how we are changed from glory to glory and are conformed to His glorious body. It’s not just a futuristic hope of receiving a new body like that of Jesus Christ after He rose from the dead; it includes that. But, it is a present hope for a glorious mortal body that is now being further clothed with immortality and living according to what we see from heaven right now.
Was the appearing of Jesus on the earth in a mortal body glorious? Absolutely! Jesus did have a mortal body. But how could He walk through the crowd that was about to cast Him off a cliff? How could that mortal body walk on water? How could that mortal body be transfigured? The mortal body put on immortality by having the Father’s perspective from heaven. As long as we think we are nothing but a corrupt, weak, frail, mortal human being, that is all we will be able to live in and manifest. That is nothing more than weak humanity putting on more of the same. Whatever a man thinks in his heart, so is he.[20] But we desire to be further clothed with immortality.[21] Then put on Christ!
That’s what God sees when He looks at us. Why? He looks upon the heart or the spirit of man, not the flesh. God sees the fullness of Christ in you! How would you live if you saw yourself every minute of the day the same way God sees you and that is having the fullness of Christ dwelling in you? We are on earth now so that we might manifest heaven on earth. Without us, Christ’s body transformed and seeing from heaven, there is no manifestation of God in the earth. We need God, and God needs us to be all that He has created us to be in Christ Jesus. So, He joined us together with Himself in Christ Jesus as One. God never declared He would do anything without us but with us. We are joined to His living word.[22] Seeing as God sees is a must if we are to represent Him fully and correctly as His ambassadors.
The ambassador from the U.S.A. must see from the view point of the U.S.A. if he is to represent the U.S.A. correctly. He is not there to represent or manifest himself as though he is self-centered and self-seeking having another purpose in mind. While he is there, he is a transformed person in the image of the U.S.A. for as long as he sees correctly from that view. While in China, if he forgets who he is, then the spirit of the U.S.A will not be manifest. If he fails in representing the U.S.A. and that view, he is brought home and his view is corrected. He is further equipped by the President himself and then sent again. No condemnation, just a better understanding or view of what you are, an American! This parable is not about being an American, for every natural country has its strengths and weaknesses. But, we have a country or city whose builder and maker is God! It is a dwelling place that has no weaknesses, but is manifest in our weakness now so that we might see His appearing to us from heaven. When I am weak, then I am strong![23] Why? Seeing from heaven is seeing the grace of God working in my weakness. God’s weakness is stronger than my strength by myself.
We are Christ’s ambassadors and have been given His word of reconciliation, reconciling the world to Himself. We all have had our own view of what the Bible says, but His view, His heavenly view might just change our own present view. Our own view from any particular mind-set is our own opinion. We do not live out of a mind or mind-set, but a spiritual union as one with the Father. For if we have His view, that view is not our own, because we know where that view came from. So, how could we say; I have my own beliefs or my own view of what the Bible says?
We may be on the same Ferris-Wheel, but the view at the top is much better than that from the bottom. He is always causing you to arise, for the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.[24]
No prophecy (inspired speaking) of the scripture is of any private (own self) interpretation.[25] If you easily get offended because someone says something contrary to your view or beliefs of the Bible, you are clinging to your own opinionated doctrines and beliefs, and not to His life in you. (Remember, we live by His life and not by our beliefs. Our beliefs are to lead us to Him so we might be able to identify Him.) It doesn’t matter if those interpretations and beliefs were handed down from a hundred generations or came from the most famous preacher you know. If that belief doesn’t come from a view as seeing from the Chief Cornerstone that is laid in you from heaven, it’s not unshakable. Those beliefs will not stand the test of time. Those beliefs will die with you if you continue to see from a lower perspective. You can believe it is going to work, and believe, and believe some more, but if it is not working, then it does not work!
On the other hand, if you are seeing from heaven and someone says something contrary to that of your heavenly view, then you are still at peace and not offended. You are able to speak greater things than those if prompted to. Don’t bother trying to correct or share a heavenly view of the life of Christ with a hard hearted Scribe who knows it all. It is like casting your pearls before swine. Just keep your peace and keep on loving them. If they love the muddy existence they’re in, clean water is not what they want to drink. It just isn’t going to accomplish anything. Seed grows best in a cultivated field, not a field that is all grown up (so they think).
So, it is not my view or your view that’s anything, but the view that heaven has given us, Christ’s view. Then it’s no longer I