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The Mediums Handbook
The Mediums Handbook
The Mediums Handbook
Ebook272 pages4 hours

The Mediums Handbook

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About this ebook

Here is a book that has no competition. It is unique in that it covers the
whole spectrum of mediumship. There are many books in the market about
various pieces of what a medium needs to know, but this is the only one that
not only covers those subjects all together in one book, but also includes other
areas that do not usually get taught.
I have been involved in spiritual aspects for over fifty-five years, with over
thirty years demonstrating and teaching, including running open and closed
circles. I have also been the circle leader for physical phenomena, where there
were materialisations on a regular basis. I have demonstrated and taught in the
Netherlands, Spain, USA, Germany, Denmark, and UK.
I have spent thirty years of my life writing nonfi ction in the area of
engineering. These books covered operating and maintenance manuals on a
very wide scale. These include mechanical, electrical, electronic, pneumatic,
hydraulic, refrigeration, photographic, and optical disciplines.
This book is not only intended as a basic tutorial for novices, but also as a
reference book on spiritual information for spiritual teachers.
Author quote: I know that our loved ones communicate with us, but it often
takes a competent medium to relay the information.
Release dateAug 29, 2012
The Mediums Handbook

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    The Mediums Handbook - Rev. Gordon M. Bromley

    © 2012 by Rev. Gordon M Bromley. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/25/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2655-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2656-8 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    Chapter 1 Basic Understanding

    Chapter 2 The Philosophy

    Chapter 3 The Circle Leader

    Chapter 4 Preparation

    Chapter 5 Circles

    Chapter 6 Breathing

    Chapter 7 How To Create Energy

    Chapter 8 Meditation

    Chapter 9 Psychic Work

    Chapter 10 Spiritual Work

    Chapter 11 Platform Work And Demonstrations

    Chapter 12 Private Readings

    Chapter 13 Healing

    Chapter 14 Follow-Up Work

    Chapter 15 Physical Work

    Chapter 16 Balancing

    Chapter 17 Exorcism

    Chapter 18 Lecturing And Workshops

    Chapter 19 Churches, Centres And Beliefs

    Chapter 20 Publications

    Chapter 21 Other Religions

    Chapter 22 Transitions

    Chapter 23 Questions And Answers

    Glossary Of Terms

    About The Author


    I have known Gordon for many years now; we first met when Gordon and his wife Eve became founding members of The Haymist physical circle of which I was the medium. As time progressed in the development of the Haymist circle, Gordon assumed the role of circle leader, a role that he excelled at.

    Gordon has many years experience in the field of mediumistic and spiritual understanding and is best suited to pen a book upon this varied and diverse subject. Being a certificated medium and healer and ordained Minister he has first hand experience of most if not all of the subjects covered in this book.

    The Mediums Handbook is an easy to read book, for it contains a wealth of knowledge, which is close to hand. Any person reading this book will not fail to notice the quality of information and the painstaking research that was undertaken to make this book interesting for people looking to understand a little more about the subject matter or to further their own knowledge.

    Note: The references in this book are from the authors own personal experience and understanding, not myself.

    David Thompson (May 2012) Physical Medium


    The aim of this book is to clearly and simply explain aspects of Spiritualism to the novice, and also to be a reference book for mediums that have a degree of understanding and just require specific information. Many people, with differing intellects and cultures, from various and different psychic and spiritual development levels and walks of life, over the years, have asked questions relating to spiritualism. Hopefully the answers will be contained in this book. It needs to be stressed that I am an imperfect soul, and that I do not know everything. I am still learning, and will continue to do so even when I pass to the spirit world.

    If one considers the complete spectrum of mediumship, and then try and write it in a book, volumes could be written. This book is not only intended as a basic tutorial but also as a reference book. It also gives personal views of the author. No responsibility is taken for using the information contained herein, if problems arise. Each person should combine common sense with any given instructions.

    Much has been said and written about the development of mediums, some of it good, some mediocre and some useless. Many people set themselves up as ‘developed mediums’ and open their doors to people who want to part with their money and hopefully learn something, when in reality, they might as well have a good night out or follow some other pleasurable pursuit. At the time of writing this, circle leaders charge between one and 10 pounds sterling for a one and a half hour or two hour session. The choice of a competent medium should be taken with care, as not all who hold qualifications have the ability to teach—just as in any walk of life. The best choice is by recommendation. It should also be noted that there are many ‘mediums’ who have no qualifications at all!

    This book is also intended as a sincere approach to the teaching of mediumship with some of the steps required to get there. The writer has been involved with ‘Spiritualism’ for well over 50 years, and has run development groups, worked in churches and centres, together with his wife, in England and abroad, taught and demonstrated healing; run open, closed and physical circles; has become a certificated medium, healer, counsellor and an ordained Minister.

    For a long time I have been watching mediums that demonstrate and mediums that teach. As with any other area, the two aspects do not always go together. Much has been said, and has appeared in the press, about the quality of mediumship in the 21st century. It has not been complimentary! It really comes down to how each individual is taught and how they then develop themselves. If we are true to our calling, then we must continue to develop and learn properly. I put the generally low quality of mediumship to insufficient application to the job in hand by those who teach and those who learn, also the problem of wanting to have instantaneous ability without the proper application and dedication.

    Once, at a psychic fair, I saw someone giving a reading for money using the Tarot, and reading the interpretation straight out of a book. If one considers the fine mediums of the past, such as Gordon Higginson and Albert Best, they were not content to sit back and say ‘I know it all’. They continued to strive to improve what they had. There are mediums that are in the limelight today who need to increase the quality of what they do. All it takes is dedication to the betterment of quality, not—as a first consideration—how much money can I make? I do agree with being paid for what they do, but there is a limit.

    This book is aimed at lifting the level of awareness and competency across the spectrum of psychic/spiritual work. To that end, the majority of information is slanted towards the teaching of students in the confines of a closed circle. One aspect that does not usually come across as an underlying premise is the use of the mind. This is the most fantastic tool that has ever been given to man. The problem with most people is that it’s like playing with a very sophisticated computer, and they only know how to switch it on and off, and sometimes with a little bit of effort, try and make something work.

    The mind is used in healing where a positive, although passive, thought is used to promote healing. The instances of success are quite staggering. If one then considers the venom and strength from an argument, does this not harm the recipient? It has been proved that by continually telling a child that they are either ugly or beautiful will make them actually take on that aspect.

    I offer this book for your perusal, and hopefully your digestion. I am not in any way ‘The Oracle’ on all that can be taught about the realm of mediumship. The main reason in producing this book, is because so many people have asked me so many questions over the years that it seemed a good idea, especially in the light that, at present, there are no books covering the whole spectrum. So to those who aspire towards teaching, please be aware that you may instil in other people’s minds something that you really ought not to do, if you are not very careful. Teaching, and especially in this context, needs careful thought before putting into operation. The phrase ‘get the brain into gear before connecting the mouth’ is a good analogy.

    Chapter 1


    To state the obvious, anyone who is in any way unstable of mind, who has real emotional problems or is an unstable character, should not become involved with anything that is in this book. Other than that, anyone with an open mind can benefit from spiritual teachings.

    This is not an area to embark on if you wish to make lots of money. Indeed, there are very few ‘good’ mediums that earn an acceptable living. There should be a need to do this work that emanates from your very soul. The only way to view this is as a service to other human beings, who want, or need, a contact from the people who they knew before they left this earthly life or ‘died’. Some have likened the work to counselling, and there are parallels.

    The contents of this book is to help the true seeker to find their way through a myriad of false trails and difficult hurdles, but mainly for use as a reference book for the more advanced practitioner or teacher. You will not end up as a fantastic Tarot reader, nor will it help you to use any other divination methods because that is not what it is in this book. You will build on those aspects that you already have; common sense, awareness and the ability to use your mind. Within each of us there are many talents that we did not know we had until we tried to use them. How many of you accept that drawing and painting are inherent gifts that just need proper development? There is something more, much deeper inside of us that will not show until we try to use that facility. To put it in a more up-to-date situation, just look at driving a car. In fact that is a very good analogy. We can learn what we are taught, but when we are allowed to spread our wings (passing the test), do we carry on with those teachings or do we decide that we now know better than anyone else and career along the road without a thought for other road users, or even improving our skills?

    The mind is one of the most under-rated tools that we use. Consider the use of absent healing. We use our minds to ask our spirit friends to help make somebody better. This is the use of our mind and spirit mind for the betterment of others. Have you tried the following experiments?

    On a day when there is sunshine and a few clouds, look at the clouds and using your mind make the clouds dissipate. Or—use your mind to communicate with an animal. If you are at a zoo, ask your selected animal to do something that is different to what is currently doing. For instance, if it is standing, use your mind to cause it lay down. Or—if you are nicely relaxed in your armchair at home, use your mind to get your partner to bring you a cup of tea. It is a fun occupation, but of course there are limits to what you should do. In the last example, you may get lumbered with the washing up!

    Now consider the use of anger. We are not passive when angry, as we would be if we give healing. Additionally, when angry, and giving vent to our feelings, we use such vehemence that we must be doing a lot of harm to the person to whom we are directing it! When this aspect is considered, why should anyone be angry? The reason is either through frustration or because we think we know better than the other person. This not an aspect that is acceptable in any walk of life. I will admit, that to be at all times placid, is a great difficulty.

    Using simple logic, we are all responsible for what we say and what we do. But all of this is initiated by our thoughts. Do we allow ourselves the time to seriously consider what we are going to say before we say it, and do we understand the repercussions? Usually not. If we are to become a spiritual person—and I do not think that the vast majority will ever make sainthood—we still need to do more as humans to make this world a better place to live in. Each of us has the ability to make changes, both in our own lives and others, by what we think, what we say and what we do.

    Those of us who have entered our ‘spiritual life on earth’ realise that what we are doing is to live our religion, which is our way of life. Spiritualists do not go on an evangelical road because we have to find that spark within ourselves to want to make not only our own lives better, but to improve the lives of all on this earth. Some could say that we should be more ‘Christian’ because that used to be an ideal promoted by many in older times. The problem that I have with that is that so many wars have been fought in the name of Christianity, notably the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition and various other factions, that it is now meaningless and has oppressed so many lives. Even now those who have the same general beliefs, with a small variation, are at war with each other. What a waste!

    My own quest took a number of years to find the belief that suited me. That said—and I used the same words when I addressed a large gathering of secondary schoolchildren taken from all over Somerset—I am not here in this world asking you to believe that which I do. My belief came about through personal experiences and knowledge. If you wish to follow my pathway, then please be very aware what you are doing and the reasons why. Any belief must come from within, to satisfy you, the spiritual person, and not because somebody else said it was a good idea, or because your family said that that is what you must become. I hasten to add, that I do not want anyone to change their beliefs, unless they really and truly NEED to. Just be aware what it is that you believe in, and trust your own self to follow your best intentions for all the right reasons. At the same time, your beliefs should not to be forced upon others.

    There are so many people who have allowed their beliefs to fade into disuse, for whatever reason. That is their choice. One wonders why? Maybe it is because those beliefs have not been nurtured due to the pressures of life. Where I live, in the South East of England, everybody is so caught up with a busy life, there seems to be little time to spend on other areas, such as our own spirituality and beliefs. When I visit people to arrange funerals, it is quite a catch up time and a re-assessment of what both the beliefs of the deceased and the funeral arranger’s beliefs really are. It is a shame that a belief of whatever kind is put on the back shelf until it is nearly too late.

    Chapter 2



    There seem to be a number of different avenues leading to seeking more information on Spiritualism. Obviously, a delving into world religions is one avenue, visiting a Spiritualist Church (or Centre) is another, a third is by going for a reading with a medium, and yet another can be by reading books written by contemporary mediums.

    This seems to be a convenient point to introduce ‘the Spiritualist’, but before stating what a Spiritualist is, it seems more reasonable to state what a Spiritualist is not. He or she is not a dabbler in witchcraft, black or white magic; not someone who ‘calls up the dead’, not a fortune-teller and not a member of an illegal weird sect.

    Spiritualism is a legally formed, recognised world religion. In the United Kingdom it is as acceptable as the Church of England or any other major religion. It is more than some religions, in that it is a way of life, not confined within the trappings of orthodoxy. The difference between a Spiritualist and any other normal, rational human being is that they believe that when a body dies, the spirit lives on. Not only does the spirit live on, but also that the intelligence and personality that was in the body can and does communicate with the living (and that means you and me!).

    A Spiritualist, as with other religions, knows that words and actions are faculties that we should use with love, wisdom and moderation. I would like to ask all those who are considering getting more involved with becoming a medium, or even those who are just understanding what it is all about, to take their time and carefully dissect all the information that is obtained. A life-changing decision should only be taken with due care and consideration, and then to double check that this is the right course to take. My concern is that we should all do things for the right reasons, and a whim—or it seems a good idea at the time—is not the right reason.

    Those who have been involved in spiritual work may wish to give this chapter only a cursory glance, but there are many who are totally unaware where they may be led, and are ignorant of some of the basic rules and the meanings of words that are used. It is necessary to start somewhere, and to start at the very beginning seems the logical place. There is a Glossary at the end of this book to explain the specific words used both in this book and by the workers who are spiritualists.

    First of all, is the spirit world full of sweetness and light? The answer is a definite NO! Those of this world who do hateful things to others do not immediately become saints, just because they died. A biblical quotation explains this: In my house there are many mansions.

    Although Spiritualism is an accepted religion, it is, more importantly, a way of life. It has a similarity to most other religions—including Christianity—by the concept that we should be nice to each other! If we all carried out our basic beliefs, then there would be no more wars. Problems arise when fanatics take one aspect of one religion and say that is the whole. It is prevalent in a number of different religions. These people are usually called fundamentalists. Wider reference is given in Chapter 21.

    Spiritualism covers the following areas: hands-on healing; absent (or distant) healing; communication with those who have died and left this earthly world, this can be either directly through our own efforts or through the ability of a medium; and providing the ability for some mediums to channel someone from the spirit world for the purpose of giving philosophy and direct voice from a loved one; and also to allow, when the circumstances are ideal, for someone from the spirit world to materialise to speak directly with their loved ones and sometimes to be able to physically touch them. This provides so much more comfort than a priest or vicar saying that they have ‘gone to a better place’!

    There has been much said about Modern Spiritualism, but few talk about when the ‘Old Spiritualism’ started. It is my belief that was many years ago when Ancestor Worship was prevalent. It was at this time when it was natural for us humans to be able to discern the spirit bodies of our loved ones after their earthly death. If you read history over the years, you will understand that other beliefs negated these aspects, including the stupid accusations of witchcraft against mediums and spiritual persons. If a body of people disagree with something that they do not like, even today when we are supposed to be educated, then they will make a law to ban what they do not like.

    Your first impression will be; should I then become involved? If you then ask yourself, would you like to seriously learn more, and you feel that you would, then please read on. Many people first get involved with the spiritual side of life through a number of different pathways. Often the Tarot is a first step, although strictly speaking, this is divination and not necessarily a good or even spiritual communication. Other ways of coming into contact may be either with a demonstration by a medium in a theatre, church or centre; or by going to a medium for a private sitting or watching an ‘entertainment’ programme on the television. This ‘entertainment’ tag has upset many a good medium, because it is our belief, not entertainment or a theatrical presentation. Another way is the use of an Ouija board. This is not to be recommended, as many problems may arise through ‘playing’ with it, including great physical harm. If you allowed a small child to play with matches, you would expect them to get burnt! The principle is exactly the same with spiritual work. It is surprising that there has not been a ‘Health and Safety’ bulletin issued.

    Spiritualist churches and centres can provide an insight into Spiritualism, but the problem here, is that there are many and varied mediums. Some are brilliant, but are few and far between. Generally, average mediums can, at times, give good evidence that the spirit of a person who has ‘died’ has a continuation of life. Unfortunately, because the time usually taken to train a competent medium is very short, and their whole life is not dedicated to improvement, the quality varies enormously. Additionally, very few mediums are interested in furthering their knowledge and abilities once they start receiving money for their current skills.


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